#ttc baby 1
onepinkline · 2 months
✨exciting news✨
Letrozole cycle April 2024 is happening!
I have so much hope for this cycle, everything feels like it’s lining up perfectly and I cannot wait to share every detail of what’s to come 🩷
We’re following a really strict diet/exercise/supplement regime this time around and I’ve been carefully reviewing all of my products for hormone imbalancing chemicals and replacing things as needed. I plan on doing a total detox before we start progesterone.
Good vibes, I feel it!
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ttc-baby · 2 months
HSG Update
HSG is done!! First it was not painful, I was nervous as hell thinking it was going to hurt, and honestly I didn’t feel anything. The worst part was him trying to get my cervix in the right spot and keeping my feet in the stirrup cause the thing kept moving. Now I wasn’t expecting him to tell me anything but he did which I’m glad for. My right tube was great, but my left tube was blocked. So I assume I will be needing surgery to open it up but I’m not 100% on that. I have a follow up with my regular OB in a couple of weeks and she will fill me in on next steps. I am absolutely relieved that they found something and it’s fixable. I was a little emotional about it but in a good way.
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bigegglilegg · 1 year
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I got the baby it’s first thing today!!
I also talked with my stepmom last night and had her look at the baby photos of my possible donors and got her input on them. She told me to get them IQ tested cause that’s more important than looks lol.
I rescheduled with the fertility doctor too and will be seeing them May 16th! Very excited to get the ball rolling.
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thelighttrappedinside · 11 months
Hi! I’m still alive. Some extremely kind people have offered to help me navigate Medicaid/the medical system in general and now I have a doctor! I’m on meds now for hypothyroidism and I’m in physical therapy to strengthen my back so I can stand up and walk for more than a minute. I’m very hopeful now for my future, which is something I didn’t have a month ago. I’m trying to push through this difficult beginning stage of my healing and remembering that I probably won’t see results for a very long time. But I’m doing this so I can finally have my children and raise them to the absolute best that they deserve. I have a long road ahead, but it’s gonna be so fucking worth it.
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spookyttc · 11 months
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After a battle with PCOS to make this happen and despite all of the anxiety I have until my blood work next week, we’re here. A little over 4w and hoping this sprout sticks around.
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I think I got a really faint positive test today. It’s faint but it’s there and it popped up right away. It’s also super early. Only 4DPO. Retesting tomorrow 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻
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myasexualthoughts · 1 year
ASEXUAL- feeling no sexual attraction or desire to another human being.
“Sex isn’t the most important thing”
At least that’s what I was told. But is it true?
Being an asexual woman I’m often told that sex isn’t important , it’s natural and if it happens it happens. So why is it such a struggle for me?
My sexuality is not out in the open for people to know what I’m doing - but rather to know they’re not alone. Many people may say asexuality is just a way for prudes to preach virginity and waiting until marriage while it’s not entirely true.
Asexuality to me has been the biggest struggle in my life. Why? Sex is normal right? It’s not a big deal. I’m just blowing it all out of proportion! Not.
I thought it was all just my trauma. It wasn’t. During my addiction I was having sex. And I wasn’t feeling anything from it. When I got sober I thought, maybe it’s harder now because I have all these… bad memories associated?
But that wasn’t even close to the truth.
I was 16 when my fiends started having sex. I wasn’t aware girls felt the need to have sex. I thought men wanted to have sex and women just agreed. I had no idea I was legitimately the only person to think like this in my friend group. Just the thought of it made me want to throw up. I felt so weird about it for no reason. I was angry at them, I was angry at the men I thought were manipulating them.
I was 18 when I lost my virginity. I only did because I felt alone and Ugly. maybe it was all anxiety since I had never done it. I was wrong then too.
I continued to try and “cure” myself for years, being in a long term relationship I thought maybe it be better. 4 years down the line, I was still nervous and sick over the thought of anything sexual. We break up, maybe it’s time to try again….
I’m still not feeling right about this.
Maybe sex isn’t a big deal to others but for me.. it’s all I think about. I get anxious thinking about it. And I can’t sTop. I see it everywhere.
Moms with their babies. Families out together and happy. Facebook. Instagram.
If I don’t have sex will I ever find the love? Am I the only person who isn’t sure what to do next?
I’m just living in fear of something so natural yet so terrifying to me with no explanation
If sex is normal why am I the odd one out?
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ttc-our-miracle · 10 months
Well Tumblr. It’s been a hot minute.
The last time I used Tumblr, I was an angsty, angry teenager. I didn’t know who I was, or how life would turn out for me. I was selfish, and scared, and alone. I was struggling in school. I was struggling with my sexuality. I was struggling with my weight. I wish 17 year old me could see me now. I wish she could see all we’ve accomplished, and all we’ve lost along the way.
But anyway…
Hello! I’m A, and I’m 26. I’m married. I’m orphaned. I have PCOS. And I’m trying to concieve my first child. If your reading this, I can only assume you and I share some kind of background, something that made the algorithm think you’d enjoy my content. And for that, I’m sorry.
I’m sorry you’re struggling with something right now. But perhaps together, we can lighten the load.
Thank you for coming along for the ride.
I’ll talk to you soon!
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love-lightworkers · 2 years
I wish I was happy for all my friends when they announce a pregnancy.
I truly wish I was.
I wish I got that positive that most of my friends don't even try for.
I wish I had my turn to shop for baby clothes and do a gender reveal and hold my baby after giving birth.
One day and im claiming it. 🙏
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youhavewonme · 2 years
Guys, 3 out of 4 of my consultants so far have all been incredibly supportive of us starting to try for our first baby. It's taken me by surprise how brilliant they've been and are just as excited for this as we are! Just 1 more consultant to go and it's my rheumatologist, who I'm calling The Big One, at the beginning of August. We have much bigger and more serious questions to ask her, so I'm thankful Mike will be coming too.
But basically, if she's supportive too and does some of the things I'll be asking for, then we will officially start our conception journey! Ahhh!
If you're interested in following this journey along, I'll blog a bit here, but I'll mostly be documenting on my chronic illness Instagram (nauseatedsarah) because there is like 0 people on social media who have EDS and GP and have had/are having a baby, so I'm doing it myself 😁
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onepinkline · 14 days
Throughout my infertility journey, I’ve often felt like there was a “lesson” I was meant to be learning. I hated it, it made me angry, but the thought was always there.
I had a realization today that I think I was meant to heal, from many things, but specifically learning communication skills and developing my own sense of self importance that depends solely on me and what I have achieved.
The universe knows how special motherhood will be to me, how important it is to me. I don’t think it was open to letting me begin that chapter until I was ready, because it knew that I would be so disappointed if I had any regrets from my own immature, unhealed actions relating to my journey of motherhood.
I’ve worked hard to heal. Even when it doesn’t feel like it. I know that I’m ready, and maybe the universe does too… either way, I think I’m okay with waiting my turn for now.
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ttc-baby · 5 months
It’s been a minute since I’ve updated everyone. Last cycle failed. I didn’t have high hopes for it since we missed our window.
We have a follow up with our obgyn in January so we are “kinda” taking a break from the fertility treatments, till we talk to her.
I took this month into my own hands because we had a clomid prescription that was already filled. So I took it and we are going to see if my body does what it is supposed to do. I am using opks to test for ovulation. Tomorrow is CD 14 so I should be ovulating soon. My test today have progressively gotten darker but it’s not at peak yet so fingers crossed!
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bigegglilegg · 1 year
Cycle 1 Day 4; 02.01.2023
I've been doing some window shopping in terms of donors. I think I may have already found a few I quite like.. they're all red heads!! For some reason I would absolutely adore having a little red headed bean. I talked to my psychiatrist about it and how in middle school my crushes always had red hair, which she says is subconsciously my body is making me pair up with red haired donors because my body can tell that it would be most compatible and therefore a healthier baby? NOT TO MENTION SHE SAID RED HAIRED BABIES ARE EASIER TO BIRTH?? Like there's actual studies that have proven it! She also told me that she was a sperm donor baby and it makes her feel super wanted because her parents literally picked her if that makes sense. My younger sibling texted me this morning and was like "I'd be very happy to have nephew or niece who is a ginger" lololol. I've already started thinking of names, crazy crazy.
I'm just really excited if you couldn't tell (((((: March 1st can't get here soon enough. I may aim to start trying in May? That way the baby can be born around my own birthday ((((:
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vulpixkie · 2 years
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I’ve… been given a cover line?! But my OPKs are still low and it’s so early in my cycle to be ovulating. I’m confused and a bit dubious, honestly.
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FF disagrees, so I’m not entirely sure who to go with.
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catherinednickell · 2 years
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we are already oh so rich. we have a roof over our heads, beautiful nieces and a nephew to love on, the best fur babies and one hell of a love for each other.
yet we are missing something so big and important to us; a little blessing. we pray and pray each month that it’s our month. with each month that passes it hurts a little more.
i never stopped and realized how much it hurts wyatt. i still feel selfish for thinking it only hurts me. it hurts wyatt, our families and even our friends. me being me i hate to put that burden upon other people.
god’s timing is divine and i believe that whole heartedly. i know one day my brother in heaven will send us the most beautiful baby we have ever laid eyes on. i sure as hell know he’s gonna send us a little shithead with so many traits of his.
being a mom is one thing i have always dreamed of. my mama is one hell of a lady and because of her guidance i know i will be a damn good mom. however, i never thought in a million years i would struggle to have my own babies.
i keep telling myself our day will come but it just doesn’t seem like that day will come anytime soon. it fucking kills me. people keep asking “when will you guys have a baby?” “what’s taking so long? get on it” among so many other things. it’s honestly a slap in the face. they don’t see how much we struggle. they don’t see the tears or hear the screams and cries after each negative test. with more time that passes i start to lose my faith. something i have been so deep in my whole life.
i never give myself enough credit. negative thoughts always run through my head. am i not trying hard enough? am i not meant to be a mom? why am i such a failure? and so many more thoughts that i think on the daily. im trying, im meant to be a mom, im not a failure. i am me. i am strong. i am perfect the way my savior made me.
it just hurts ya know? and im definitely rambling but it feels so good to just get it out there. i can’t tell many people about our journey. they just don’t say the things that help, you get me? they always say “well don’t try so hard” “if it’s meant to happen it will.” life happens in mysterious ways and i know that. but i will never stop asking god, why?
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