#lol i am super bald and very entertained by it
jenthebug · 9 months
@fatmaninalittlesuit wants to see friends and their pets today.
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Check it out, I'm bald as fuck!
And Soba has the crazies!
I went to the salon (and straight home). I was nervous asking the stylist for 00 all around, since stylists don't typically like shaving women's heads, but she was super cool about it.
I told her, "I want it gone. I want to go as long as possible without having to do my hair."
She said, "What about this 000 guard, then? It'll buy you another week or two?"
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She also recommended some clippers for me (the exact ones I bought), and told me how to sharpen and oil them. So I'll be doing that sometime before like December when my hair comes back lol.
Time to play with Soba.
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belltrigger · 2 years
-Anon with the Ingo in a coma idea-
I'm so glad I'm not the only one thinking this! Like. I figured I wasn't but I hadn't seen this concept anywhere so far and I just needed to get it out! Reading all the stories and just absorbing Ingo/Emmet content has kinda made me want to write fanfiction again??! Which is something I haven't done since HS so. Like. 2013 or something? It's wild. I'd have to make an Ao3 account. This isn't exactly a promise or anything cuz work and college and adult life but if I do make an account and write something around this idea. Would you like to read it?
Anyways I hope you have a lovely day! Thank you for entertaining my ideas! I love reading your stories they bring me so much joy and comfort! Despite a good handful of them being kinda sad lol I hope you have a lovely day!
Hello again, Comanon! ヾ(•ω•`)o
Yes! Great minds think alike they say! I am curious as to what started this line of thinking for you! For me, it was instigated by the bald Ingo discussion, and how I can't quite reconcile some of the things they incorporated into him for PLA.
Like, if he's intended to be quite old, they are not very consistent in my mind. He slouches, using the "old man in anime" pose, right? But he quite easily stands straight for their point-and-call pose, AND he has no trouble getting into his sassy battle pose. He doesn't flinch, he doesn't look strained, and there isn't any commentary about his back hurting. You would think, if they gave him this semi-permanent slouch due to back pain or naturally occurring from being older, it wouldn't be so easy for him to just. NOT slouch. (。>︿<)
So I thought. Hm. Why else could he have such a hair-cut?
Yes, there is the idea of the samurai-cut, which I quite like, but I think it would be more obvious that was what they were going for if he had longer hair, like Dingo draws. He doesn't, though! (I think. Unless you think that weird little texture at the bottom of his hair is a bun (°ー° ))
Could his haircut not be his choice? Which then brought me to what if he is in a coma, and Hisui is either an elaborate mindscape or his spirit/soul is quite literally transported there while his body stays in the hospital. The hairstyle is his mindscape/spirit reconciling his (partially) shaved head into something that makes sense and is less traumatizing. After all, people age, and can lose their hair.
AS FOR your question regarding making an account and writing fanfiction? YES, of course I would like to read that! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ It would be super cool to see you flesh out this idea and make it into a full fic! If you do, please be sure to let me know!
Thank you! They... They are getting into the hurt/comfort side of things quite often, aren't they? Ahaha ;;; Well! You will be happy to know I am thinking about making some just... hardcore fluff. Fluffcore. Incredifluff. I want to practice Emmet's narrative voice again, like I did in Not a Problem Anymore. What better way to do that than to write some intense fluff?
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kokitanaka · 4 years
2YOU Magazine Interview
In this interview, Koki talks about his music, his background, and his fans, which gave me new respect and appreciation of what he experienced and what he is doing. I really would like more people to read this interview!!
Original interview in Japanese http://2youmagazine.com/2020/11/koki-3/
(Sorry for the bad translation as I am native in neither English or Japanese. But I just really want to share this with his fans.)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Koki Tanaka has released the single as "KOKI" and "JOKER." Koki Tanaka, since the breakup of the band, solo activity, and now completely self-produced/self-promoted. He has continued to voice. Even now with covid-19 and live activities have been limited, he uses youtube as a tool to voice. He has become the person to help us to remember that it is normal to laugh, to set us free, and to allow us to get back to normal. Koki has been putting the release aside but now finally he made a new self split EP with "2U" by KOKI and "Oh yeah~chapter3~" by JOKER. He said that this time is for him to help those who helped him. Let's see the Koki that bears his past and unleashes the new self.
2YOU: All the artists have their activities been limited because of covid-19. However, it seems like you still have a lot of activities to make fans happy. KOKI: Japan has been pretty brutal about it, isn't it? When I open SNS, there is always this tension which I hate. Of course, I also got messages like "you have to tell people to stay home!" So I started to think about what I can do at home and that's why I started things like youtube or thinking that I have to do something and wrote songs. Corona is a natural disaster so it is not like I can release my anger to a person. So it is better to think of something that will make people happy. That is the reason I continue to shoot youtube videos.
2YOU: You also had quite a few shows canceled, rights?
KOKI: About 20 of them. Actually, I didn't think it is that big of a deal around March. However, little by little as we got more information and shows have been canceled. I started to realize I might not be able to sing anymore. Although it is an abstract feeling, it is very scary.
2YOU: Singing is everything to you. It is difficult to think that would be forbidden, right? KOKI: Yeah! Actually, because of Corona, there are bands broke up or members are separated. It is very scary that the things we think are normal are disappearing. 2YOU: For those dying live house or band friends, you have been very active in helping them.
KOKI: When I was troubled, they were the one who saved me. So when they become the ones that need to be saved, of course I need to do whatever it takes to help them. If I don't do something now, I will regret it for the rest of my life. Now is the only time to give back. When thinking about giving back, it is difficult to find the right timing, right? So I believe this time is the perfect timing for me to give back.
2YOU: Because of Corona, it is difficult to laugh anymore. But watching Koki's stuff does make us burst out laughing. For example, I was laughing hard at the "Anybody can do home training" youtube video. When I saw you said, "after all, I guess no one can do it..." I was thinking "wow. I really laughed out loud at this."
KOKI: Well, I guess making people laugh is the goal or part of the goal. In a good way, I want people to think Corona is not a big deal. Of course we really need to be careful and do the right thing. However, Corona shouldn't be everything. I am also doing my things as usual and fighting as usual. If people see me, the person who starts from zero, are able to laugh at me, beef with me, and if all those turn into laughter, it would be the best thing.
2YOU: The beef between you and sports newspaper is the best!
KOKI: You mean Tokyo Sports Newspaper, right? LOL. Those kinds of gossip newspapers always like to write random stuff, don’t they? Sometimes I read and think "what? you call this news?" I also have been the target many times. Instead of being angry and challenging them "this is NOT true, you bastard!" it is my job as an entertainer to transform this into a joke.
2YOU: Oooh. Like the Hip of Hip-Hop?
KOKI: Exactly. Basically battling where everyone can see. I was thinking if I can do that with Tokyo Sport, that would be fun. You can say this is Hip-Hop or even ROCK. When I experience that kind of culture, I am like a child and get super excited. You know like the beef between ZEEBRA and KJ. That is exactly what Tokyo Sport and me....I guess? LOL.
2YOU: I guess Hip-Hop and ROCK have been a big impact on shaping who you are. What is your music root?
KOKI: Completely Hip-Hop! I totally fell for it when I first heard 人間発電所 by BUDDHA BRAND when I was in 7th grade. At the time I thought people who sing rap in a rock band are pretty frivolous, but later when I start to listen to Yamaraashi, UZMK, RIZE, DRAGON ASH, I was totally into it. Of course iconic artists/bands like Slipknot, NIRVANA and hide had a big impact on me as well.
2YOU: And you showed that in your music even at the time, didn't you?
KOKI: Yeah, I wanted to. I was very active in the pop culture world at the time. There were a lot of people who listened to my music, women, people who just happened to hear it somewhere...etc. I was thinking it must be so cool to sing the rap to them. Actually recently when I was talking to JYU from UZMK and NOBUYA from ROTTENGRAFFTY, they told me that they felt that influence in my music at the time. So I did send a clear message. My policy at that time was being an idol and doing not idol-alike things. If people like it, I succeed. 2YOU: Was that why you became bald? Haha. KOKI: That was the way I showed antithesis. I was being scolded because I shaved my head though. LOL. But my male fans also increased because I became bald. So in that way it was a very successful move. LOL
2YOU: This time you included a song as JOKER called "Oh year~chapter3~" KOKI: I was in a band then I was doing solo. Starting this year, I left the agency and am completely doing things on my own. I started to think that I really had thrown away what I have built, my idol past. I wanted to show "I am a band man" so I didn't want people to connect me with idol. Now I wanted to continue the series that I have been working on since the idol period. I want to carry it and fight the world as a band man. So I released this as JOKER. Plus the song 2U which I released as KOKI. This is a song that shows what I have been doing (powerful band music) with mainly rap. There is a lyric I wrote "mazugomi(a wordplay of masukomi. masukomi in Japanese is mass media. mazui means bad. gomi means trash. So I think KOKI wanted to show that the mass media is like trash here." Because of Corona, we can see clearly what is good and what is bad. There is information in the mass media that really saves people's lives. There is also information like trash just being played.
2YOU: So you wrote the lyrics "do not think they are partners in crime."
KOKI: Exactly. 2YOU MAGAZINE has helped me so much and I wanted to be the media to help others. I wanted to be the media helping people who are tracing the dream, people who are working hard, people who are supporting those people. That is why I decided to name this song from 2YOU(magazine) to 2U. Even we are called "media" but do not think we are the same as other media. That is why I wrote those lyrics. 
2YOU: This lyric is from hide's DOUBT, right?
KOKI: Ahahahaah. Yes, you got it! I was thinking I definitely need to put hide's lyrics when I work with 2YOU.
2YOU: Your "F.O.M.O." has ROCKET DIVE's lyric in it. This HIP-HOP kind of playfulness makes people chuckle.
KOKI: You mean the lyric "Sail away" from F.O.M.O. right? LOL. I enjoy when I applied my root and people actually discover it. It makes me happy. I would like both the music element and the entertainment element in my work.
2YOU: Your single "Oh year~chapter3~" also has a strong color. This series is always erotic. LOL
KOKI: SUPER erotic. LOL. The past songs in the series were also like that. I even had this performance that I put a bed on the stage and danced with a female dancer. However, I got complaints from the parent-child seat. LOL.
2YOU: Ahahahaaha. I wouldn't say it is good for their education. LOL.
KOKI: Yeah. There were like, "this is not something for the children." Haha. However, this is also something I have always challenged myself to do since the idol period. So I wanted to carry my past and complete this song which became "Oh year~chapter3~."
2YOU: For the fans who have been supporting from that time, it must be really nice present for them.
KOKI: There are people who became my fans when I started band. There are also people who became my fans recently. However, the ones who really support me through all the ups and downs are the fans from idol period. To be honest, there are so many chances for them to give up on me, but they decided to stick with me. So I really appreciate them. For them, this is a gift that I put all my music life in.
2YOU: It would be awesome if the fans who were sitting at the parent-child seat became adults and listen to the song now.
KOKI: THey probably already thought like an adult and understood at the time. Haha. Or they started to know when they turn into adults. They might just think it is a cool song but didn't really know what it means at the time. Haha. If you thought about it, music is so amazing! Depending on when you hear the song, you would have different feelings and memories about it. In a way, it is like music is always right beside you.
2YOU: Well, in terms of right beside you, Koki's music is everything about Koki, right?
KOKI: Well, this is all I've got. Haha. Actually, after my incident, I also thought about doing other things. However, as a result, I cannot think of anything else to express other than expressing it through lyrics and songs. This is the only way I know how to express and how to fight. When I was young, I was being bullied. Even at the time, I couldn't fight back and yelled "asshole!" However, through music, I can. This is my way of fighting.
2YOU: It is difficult to find your way of fighting.
KOKI: For most people, what we want to do and what we have to do are usually not the same. However, luckily, it happens to be the same for me. So even people look down and doubt "you are still doing it?" I wouldn't give it up for the world.
2YOU: Sorry if I offended you but it is very convincing from someone who has failed. I believe those who are troubled can really hear you.
KOKI: Yeah! It is true! I think it is very rare that people have a worry-free life. There are so many people who are worried and troubled. I think I am confident that I can convince them I am the living proof. "Look at me! Checked how many times I have failed! And look at me now!" Of course in order to convince them and convince myself, I need to continue to work hard. I am not sure what is success for me but I know I have to succeed. This is important for me and for those who look up to me.
If you are interested in the single, you can buy it here! https://koki2u.thebase.in/
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ayekanaru · 6 years
{Anonymously or not, tell me who you ship my muse with. || Because this all honestly couldn’t fit into one ask and I didn’t want to split it up into multiple ones}
I know you are aware that I ship our muses for a fanfic I’m trying to write, but I’ve kept mention of it to a minimum on my blog because (1) don’t wanna make it seem like I expect something and force you along with it cuz that’s force shipping and that’s no bueno and didn’t want that coming off as my intention for rping because it really wasn’t. A disappointing and toxic roleplay group plus a mighty need to share my Nappa portrayal with Tumblr was (2) Our muses hadn’t interacted much anyways so who knew if they’d get along well enough?
I’ve been enjoying the threads we’ve had together, they’re worth waiting for and I am pleasantly surprised by how the two muses get along as friends. Their social chemistry is better than I expected, and the banter is so entertaining to read and write for both when they get along and when they don’t see eye-to-eye.  
I know your muse already has @asktenchi as an interested Tenchi and they do an awesome job being IC with him. There are also a great number of other muses that Ayeka gets along with too. However, if you and your muse ever feel a pull towards wanting more than friendship with Nappa, I’m gonna let you know that as of right now she’s one of the few muses I’ve had Nappa interact with that has a legitimate chance of sparking his interest for a romantic relationship. It’s alright if you don’t see it ever going down that road, because that can certainly happen too and both my muse and I would be fine with that. But I figured now was a good time to bring it up since this ask meme has had me thinking about this lately.
I know it may seem like a biased thing, but I’ve been lookin’ around at the other muses who try to flirt seriously with Nappa and…it’s difficult to find muses who have mutual chemistry with the big guy. The only one who did have mutual chemistry with him wasn’t interested in shipping at all so we kept it to flirtatious banter. She left Tumblr because she wanted to focus on her family, understandably. That was so many months ago and since then Nappa’s not felt anything like that from another muse.
Other interested female muses only remark on/compliment his physical appearance – mostly his muscles too lol – as what makes them interested. Honestly it makes me and my muse feel like Odette from the beginning of The Swan Princess. “Thank you…but what else?”
Again, I wanna reiterate that I love and value the friendship between our muses and if it only stays a friendship I’d be perfectly happy with that. And I hope I don’t make you feel uncomfortable bringing it up or make you think I will be counting on things to go down a romantic road. Just wanted to say while we do ship Ayeka with happiness and self-confidence first and foremost, we also wouldn’t turn her away from forming a ship with Nappa. 
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Some things to clear up first: 1) Sydney @nappainanotherdimension​ and I have talked about this on Discord after this ask was sent [because uh, whoops thesis and grad school, I wasn't on tumblr???] so some of this may seem repetitive to her but new to you, dear followers; 2) Nyuck, nyuck, Odette. Who would be Derek then? 2) *Zsa-Zsa Gabor voice* Please. Ze followers. No drama.
Okay, now that this is already pretty long, my answer to this is under the cut. I'm not going to do point by point, bur rather a general full-fledged answer!
I've already told you this, but when I first found your personal blog, and went through your Tenchi tags, I really liked what you had reblogged and written in your personal text posts. It must have been one of the first pro-Ayeka --or at the very least, someone who appreciated Ayeka, because she might have not been your fave, I didn't know lmao-- blogs that had accumulated enough content related to Ayeka and/or Tenchi. I did notice that you, like me, were a fan of the...crossover ships ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
What I found "whadda heck" worthy was that you shipped Nappa with Ayeka! My first thought, to be honest, was "...the bald guy from the Team Four star memes?"
[ I knew of him from DBZ, but since most people my age apparently found out about him and liked him from the TFS videos, I thought maybe that's where your like of him came from? At the time, because now I know better :y ]
I'm the type of person who isn't a shipper hardcore, and for most ships that don't make sense to me initially, I go "okay, well, whatever floats her boat!" XD I did like the pieces of art there were, and I think I liked your Raditz/Mihoshi icon more because yay, somebody also appreciates Mihoshi! XD And they like the buddy cop angle of things? LMAO
But anyway, time passes, we get to chatting and then you say you want to make a blog. Cool! You want to make a blog for Nappa!
Aw, jiminy christmas.
Your worries that I'd think you were force shipping on me were the same as mine. I've seen it enough times on Tumblr that I honestly was surprised I found myself in a situation where that could've been a possibility. I enjoyed your fanfics, even the lemon ones lmao, just because they were funny but also it was me going okay, how does she believe this ship works again?
and lemme tell you, I am the absurdist around here in terms of crossover ships, both platonic and romantic. [We've talked about some others of our own too, nyuck nyuck.] I really wanted to understand because obviously, I supposed we were going to interact and I'd wanted to know how you saw them so I could back the heck away, ignore it, and try to do my thing with Ayeka properly. I didn’t really want to think of the ship when I wrote, I wanted to approach it as if Ayeka really did meet Nappa for the first time or had him enough time as a guest in your DBZ/TM verse.
Half of my worries went away when yay, you weren't going to force ship and wanted to actually interact! Whhhaaat, true build up of characters through rp on Tumblr dot com? The devil, you say!
And like you say, and I agree, the banter has been really fun? Surprisingly not really, Ayeka finally gets some respect in the manner that sometimes she doesn't get lmao. Her attempts at cooking, her own thoughts and views -- not saying everyone in the Masaki house's a jerk [they're not, and listen, Ayeka really does mean stuff too without thinking or on purpose] but you get different things with different people, and with Ayeka, it's probably getting some maturity and two-way respect in conversations befitting two super old people 8D
To be honest, sometimes I get a tinge of the cynic in me, and wonder if the writing turns out the way it does because maaaybe it's being geared towards something else? But then, like, I remember Nappa and Skuld --and Sasami!-- and how believable your headcanon about him and children is, how real it feels. Of course, the fact that you would write with anyone, and even with my Skuld who you know less about in comparison, just makes the cynic go shoo-shoo. You don’t seek out ships either -- like most people will notice if they peruse your blog, the ladies come to Nappa LMAO.
Plus, again, the threads are fun. I'm still laughing at the Xmas one where Nappa thinks Ryoko and Ayeka are the alpha females XD
In that sense, I can see why Ayeka throughout our rps would have a better chance with him. I mean I've seen your threads, it's pretty obvious who Nappa gets a conversation with, who Nappa gets a Conversation with, and who Nappa gets small talk-y with. Sometimes it's the writing, sometimes it's the character. That's the way rp works. Ayeka and Nappa have Conversations.™
I think I didn't really answer your ask as is, so I'll just say this, which applies to everyone: if the writing takes us that way, it takes us that way. I'm slowly beginning to see your crossover ship as it is, but still feel "hmm, but is it really?" It's like Ayeka and Fang: I didn't expect it, but the writing took those muses to some place along the lines of "are they...or are they???!" I would hope the end result takes us somewhere where we’re both satisfied with whatever relationship our muses have.
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Or maybe you know, either polyamory polygyny or Nappa fights Tenchi, I guess. [I vote for the Pay Per View fight during the Space Travels arc of Universe.]
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otomegamaholic · 7 years
KBTBB Jealousy Lingerie ~Ichinomiya Eisuke~
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Jealousy Lingerie ~A Thoughtless Love Affair Night For Him~ Ichinomiya Eisuke
Without being able to spend some couple time with Eisuke due to his busy schedule, the lonely you yearned to see Eisuke... or so you had thought, as you wake up on an unfamiliar bed!
“It was just for a week, and you couldn’t even stay at home... you still call yourself my woman?”
You received a present from a jealous Eisuke.♡ Moreover, the highly popular ‘His POV for Playing With Something Dangerous’ has been restored! To read or not to read... it’s all up to you.♡
This was one interesting piece of work. I can't comment much about the change in Eisuke that we see in this side story because I have only played up till Chapter 1 including His POV. What I can definitely say is that Eisuke is definitely in too deep towards the MC.
Imagine the woman whom you are to be wedded to pushes you away from your advances while clearly exuding the aura of 'I am hiding things from ya' when you finally get to see her after many days of zero communication. And now throw Eisuke into the picture. Yep, that's it.
Although Eisuke was suspicious and dying to know the truth, he didn't corner the MC and force her to spill it out. He didn't do anything that we all know he could, but he didn't. Instead, he chose to be some FBI agent and get to the truth himself after laying the trap. Right after the truth was revealed, he was so cute about how to ensure the MC doesn't make the same mistake ever again.
I would still highly recommend the Love Hotel story for Eisuke. I think that is the most memorable side story for me. And I had no regrets purchasing it. <3 But feel free to give this one a try too, for anxious Eisuke lol.
PS: For this time, I just so happened to have the feel of typing out while reading the story. I’m putting them in the same post as my short review. But... I won’t finish all the chapters. Then again, I believe Voltage will release the English version very soon lol...
Read on for spoiler review and translation of some parts.
To everyone who got excited from the title, I understand you. But I've learned to not trust what Voltage puts up in the description because it's not 100% true to the plot. Or, so I thought that some steamy scenes are going to happen after knowing the MC spent the night in another man's room just because she got too wasted while he wasn't around.
Although there weren't many scenes of them doing their usual adult exercises... we can clearly see how Eisuke gets anxious and annoyed in his own way. He was definitely livid and shocked when he got to know that the MC's weird behavior had something to do with Soryu. I especially like how the two followers of Soryu got caught by Eisuke to spill the beans. That was so cute, to be honest. They just spilled everything they know to Eisuke, up and go, like a hurricane that does damage and leave as it pleases. Of course, they apologized to Soryu profusely and left right after lol.
Now, I understand what did Voltage meant by “To read or not to read, it's up to you.” Because in His POV, Voltage made Soryu have an interest in the MC, which Soryu tried to get closer to the MC (literally, like you know, kabedon her and tried to kiss her) in order to make that weird feeling in his chest understood. He couldn't understand how Eisuke could fall in love with someone as plain as the MC. Eisuke caught Soryu and the MC in that position. Soryu backed off naturally.
Then we got to know that he actually thought it was quite out of him to think of using the women earrings that were prepared for his work as an excuse to get away from the mess (kabedon and attempt kiss) that he got himself into. The MC took the wrong earrings on the dressing table and fled after seeing Soryu in the bathroom that morning. He used this reason to excuse himself for getting close to the MC in that manner.
In the first place, this whole mess started because the MC got wasted, but also Soryu's policy.... lmao.
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Soryu: ‘There’s no way to step into Eisuke’s room in his absence... is there nowhere else to return her to?’
And he was confused as to why the MC intrigues him.
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Soryu: ‘Why is it that, this woman piques my interest this much?’
In the end... too bad for Soryu. Because this is Eisuke’s story so.... not today, bro~ ;P
Episode 1
It’s been 4 days since Eisuke went abroad for business matters. He would only be back in 3 days. Apparently, he went to a place with no reception, so there weren’t any calls made or texts exchanged. The MC was feeling lonely without Eisuke’s presence.
Baba who heard the MC sigh teased her. Also, because the back view of the MC looked really lonely to Baba. “So that’s why you have a face that says ‘I’m lacking Eisuke’ huh.” The MC being honest asked “...was it that obvious from my expression?” And Baba being himself, replied “It’s because you’re so easy to read. Don’t worry, Baba-san loves this aspect of you.”
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Baba: “The leader went to a secluded region for a preliminary inspection of the new plan right?”
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MC: “I’m not sure if it’s some secluded place, but the phone calls and mails cannot be received and sent.”
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Baba: “So that’s why you had the ‘I lack Eisuke’ expression on you.”
Baba invited the MC to have a meal with the rest of the guys, the reason being that when one is alone, he/she feels lonely the most when having a meal alone. So it’s best to eat with people when feeling lonely. And the best way to cheer yourself up is to eat good food. In the end, they had a mini party at the hotel hall on that night.
During the mini party, the usual guys gathered without her knowing, or it could just be Baba who called out to everyone.
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Ota: “It feels fresh to have a party without Eisuke-san”
Ota mentioned that it feels quite fresh to attend a party without Eisuke. Luke, however, disagreed by saying that it’s lonely without Eisuke. Soryu questioned it. Luke double confirms and threw the question to the MC. The MC could only agree. No doubt. Eventually, they decided to enjoy as much as they can and toasted.
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Hishikura: “Can you guys stop it, making such a gloomy face especially during mealtime?”
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Hishikura: “To me this is a comfortable space.”
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Baba: “Well, well, those who feel lonely and those who feel relieved in the absence of the leader, it’s all the same.”
The MC took a liking to the alcohol that she kind of drank too much despite Soryu warning her not to. Ota added, “Isn’t it fine if she over drinks once in a while? When Eisuke was around, he would order you here and there, right? So when you’re alone, why don’t you just let yourself go?” Baba agreed and said it’s also important to let yourself loose. The MC took their advice.
Soryu being the smart one, told the MC to go at her own pace and that it’s not something that outsiders can comment about. Baba then countered by saying that Soryu who’s like that should also let himself loose once in a while. Ota agreed and joked that having his hair swept to the back too much will result in being bald. Lmao Soryu was like “Just leave me alone.” Watching their interaction was entertaining for the MC and that she had lost count of the number of glasses she had that night.
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Baba: “Come to think of it Sou-chan too, isn’t it better for you to act without restraint once in a while~?”
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Ota: “I agree. You’ll get bald for having an all-back hairstyle too much.”
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Soryu: “...leave me alone”
Fast forward. The next morning, the MC woke up to find herself on a bed. She had a bad case of a hangover, all because the apricot alcohol was so tasty that she drank too much. As she presses on her temples on an attempt to soothe a headache, she sat up and realized something was amiss in the room that she just woke up in.
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MC: This... isn’t Eisuke’s penthouse!
Well, we all know whose room this belongs to. ;)
The MC started to look around the room anxiously while trying to figure out which room was it. That’s when she finally looked down to get a shock out of her life. She was clad in only her underwear. Her clothes were left on the floor by the bed. The MC hurriedly got down from the bed to put on her clothes. She heard the sound of water coming from the bathroom. She was afraid to find out who was in the bathroom, but there was no way she’s not going to find out. Hesitantly, she opened the bathroom door to find... SORYU!!!!
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Panicked, the MC’s mind short circuited and fled from the room at once at the sight of Soryu.
“It can’t be... Soryu and I? But, I had my underwear on...” There wasn’t anything off about her body, but the MC understood that just by looking at the situation there’s no ruling out that the mistake didn’t happen. The only way to understand the whole situation was to ask Soryu directly but... “Did anything happen? I just can’t ask that! I was told that it’s good to let myself loose but, this can’t be happening...” She realized that she’s totally in deep trouble and clutched her head. That’s when her phone rang. Oh no. A call from Eisuke telling her that he would be back right away.
The MC asked, “Won’t you be back the day after tomorrow...” Eisuke replied, “There are some changes to the schedule. I’ll reach in about 30 minutes. Wait for me at the penthouse.” HAHAHAHAHAHAHA omg this was so interesting I can’t.
The MC thought, ‘Up till yesterday, I would have been so elated to know this.’ Now, she’s just in too deep that she had no idea how to answer for that mistake. Eventually, what actually happened last night was still left unresolved... while Eisuke had already returned.
“W-welcome back. Did your work finish earlier?”
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Eisuke: “Just some changes to the schedule. I’ll be setting off again the day after.”
Eisuke asked the MC if she felt bored without him around as he guided her towards him by the waist when she brought his favorite coffee over to him. ‘I don’t remember taking any shower, but it would be bad if there’s any soap scent that’s different from the usual coming from me.’ Being this close to Eisuke, she flinched back slightly as she recalled what happened last night.
Eisuke noticed but chose to observe her first. Like this:
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“Eh... rather than being bored I was really lonely. We couldn’t get in contact at all this time round so...” And Eisuke in all seriousness said...
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Eisuke: “It was a right thing to return.”
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Eisuke: “Since it’s you, there’s no way you could’ve been able to withstand that long.”
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Eisuke: “I’ll satisfy you now.”
And then they kissed. Eisuke pushed her onto the sofa and just when his long slender fingers reached her clothes... the MC felt that even though she wasn’t sure if anything happened last night, it didn’t feel right to let Eisuke have her in this manner... So, the MC pushed Eisuke away with all her might.
“W-wait a minute!”
“What is it?”
“I have work today! I need to go now... I’m sorry!”
She couldn’t meet his gaze. She felt that if she looked into his eyes, she wouldn’t be able to move based on her experience and knowledge. The MC got herself up from underneath Eisuke without looking into his eyes.
“Please have a good rest Eisuke-san! We can continue this tonight...”
Just when she was about to leave without looking at him...
“Did you forget?”
The MC felt a strong grip on her wrist and before she knew it, she was being pulled back by a strong force. This time around, Eisuke pinned her down as though he wasn’t giving her any chance to escape.
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“Your answer can only be ‘Hai’ or ‘Yes’.”
The MC was frozen in fear from the silent fury that was held in his cold looking eyes.
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Just look at this I-don’t-give-a-shit face lololol.
Episode 2
(Rejoice! It’s Eisuke’s POV from hereon.)
Right after progressing with the work at the outback of South America for the sake of the new business. Due to the sudden changes in the other party’s schedule, there were only 2 days of free time being made.
“I could go to the nearby hotel to stay for the moment but...”
The business trip this time is a place where the infrastructure equipment isn’t that well-developed, so the communication can’t be done with the MC. There shouldn’t be a problem if I go back to the hotel, but just in case I’ve decided to return.
MC: “W-welcome back. Did your work finish earlier?”
“Just some changes to the schedule. I’ll be setting off again the day after.”
MC: “I see. Good work.”
When I look at her, her gaze waivers.
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Eisuke: She’s acting differently from the usual. Did something happen?
As I hug her close to me when she brings over the coffee, her hand rested on my shoulder and leaned backward. This is something that she normally will never do which confirms my thought of before that something must be up.
MC: “Eh... rather than being bored I was really lonely. We couldn’t get in contact at all this time round so...”
She replies while her gaze never meets mine, gently pushing me away and got away from underneath me. This can’t be called as an act of rejection, but it is something that definitely can’t be pardoned.
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Eisuke: ‘For her to run away from me...’
I reached out and grabbed her by the wrist. This was done with a strong force without much awareness.
“Your answer can only be ‘Hai’ or ‘Yes’.”
Her eyes widened, with shame and bewilderment swimming in her eyes.
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Eisuke: ‘Does she truly not want to be held by me?’
My grip tightened as though to suppress the rising irritation.
“Answer me.”
MC: “Like I  said, I have work...”
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Eisuke: “Do you want me to educate you again from scratch?”
In order to prevent her shifty gaze from getting away, I held her chin. Fixing my gaze on her with proximity, I could see her lips trembling as her breaths were short and quick.
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Eisuke: ‘During those times when I kept her by my side... she used to make this kind of expression.’
He dropped a line saying that enough of running away, and he doesn’t care about it anymore, just enjoy the ahem for now. So they did it. And from that, Eisuke confirmed that the MC didn’t sleep with anyone that night. Next, he went to find out the truth and...... eventually presented the MC a set of lingerie a few days after the incident when he finally came back from the work in overseas.
The MC found the lingerie to be too skimpy for her to feel decent. When she told him her thoughts, he was like “What? Are you unhappy with the gift that I've brought back for you?” Unbeknownst to her, this was actually Eisuke's ploy to prevent the incident from happening again. Reason being, if the MC wears such a skimpy lingerie, she would be more cautious of how she lands herself in the situation where someone other than him sees her in that lingerie. SO CUTE RIGHT! That smirk he had on his face when he thought of that. <3
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thekrazykeke · 7 years
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Fandom(s): Deadpool, MCU
Relationship(s): Blind Al & reader. Deadpool x reader.
Request: Oh it’s cool just some deadpool/reader. Like where the reader is blind Al’s granddaughter(or daughter up to you lol) and she meets wade for the first time and immediately falls for him cause he’s akward and cute and he falls for her cause she’s sarcastic and funny??? If u cant its fine just wanted to ask cause i havent requested anything in a while lol😂
Requester: @keya168
Series (Ass Backwards): Part I, Part II
Summary:  Superficial beauty never mattered much in the long run, especially if someone was a piece of shit on a slice of white bread.
Sitting on the newly purchased couch, feet tucked criss cross, applesauce, and in front of you, on the glass table, your laptop is open on YouTube; more specifically, Everything Black by Unlike Pluto ft. Mike Taylor, fills the living room of Grandma Al and Deadpool’s (Wade, call him Wade) shared apartment. 
(E/C) eyes are closed to half mast as your fingers slowly, methodically, took your time undoing braid after braid. Less than half your hair is down from the excursion, but you can’t be bothered to care about that, experience had taught you that if you yanked at the weave braided into your natural hair, more than likely you’d end up with a bald spot. Hair grew back eventually, but who in their right mind wanted to walk around with a bald spot?
Crash! The front door slammed open, hitting the wall and Dead--Wade’s--cheerful voice pierced the silence of the once quiet apartment. “I bought pizza and Mountain Dew, it’s okay that I took a little nibble off the pepperoni and green pepper with pineapples pizzas because I really wanted to know why you liked it so much even though it’s completely gross and my tongue tingled for like ten minutes from the peppers--” Most people would have tuned Wade out by now, nodded along with strained expressions on their faces or told the merc to shut up. You didn’t do that. Just turned your head a little, fingers still moving in practiced motions, but you didn’t say anything, although you listened. 
Sometimes you didn’t have the words to speak on certain subjects but Wade could talk and talk and what he said was sometimes nonsense, other times random and completely unrelated, but occasionally, he could be insightful and deep. 
“It’s fine that you ate some of my pizza as long as I get some of yours.” Another braid is down and you toss it into the small waste basket near your left side. For the moment, you decide to take a break as your fingers are starting to cramp. “Did you bring plastic cups, paper plates and paper towels too?”
“Really, really, you’re not mad at all, because if I were you, I’d totally stab me with a fork or something, which don’t do that since it would so fucking hurt, for a second, and I really am sorry but I was super hungry coming back here and I was like ‘Y/N won’t mind, what’s a little pizza between compadres, eh?’, ya know and then--”
As he sets the box down on the spare space next to your laptop, YouTube decides in that instance to change to another song, Distraction by Kehlani. 
Holy. Fucking. Hell. 
‘Just ignore it, Y/N, just. ignore. it.’ If you changed the song abruptly, Wade would probably get the idea that you didn’t want him to think that you liked him in that way, which, you most definitely did. ‘In that way, fucking Christ, I sound like a pubescent teenager with her first crush.’ 
It was true. After the many weeks of coming to this apartment and steadily cleaning it with Wade’s help, just like the elderly woman stated, you found that the merc was a good guy. With loose morals. Very loose morals. Not that his loose morals was a deal breaker for you. He talked lots of shit to Grandma Al and your maternal grandma easily kept up with him. Watching the two of them was kind of like watching a tennis match, only ten times more entertaining. 
However, with you... With you, he was more awkward and shy. Not the typical ‘can’t keep eye contact, look someone in the eyes’ type of shy, but more like, Wade just had word vomit. 
‘Or I could be overthinking it. Again.’ 
A hand waved itself in front of your face, bringing you back to the present. “Hm?”
“You spaced out for a second there.” Perhaps you’re imaging the hurt you hear there. “Something on your mind, share with the class, bestie!”
Internally taking a deep breath, you decided to stop thinking for once and just do it. Speak on your feelings. The worst he could do was reject you and that’d suck so terribly, but wasn’t this even more terrible, feeling this way and not ever being able to do anything about it?
“Let’s go out.” The words felt inadequate. “Like, on a date. Us. Alone.”
God, this was just not your day. He was going to say no. Who the hell asked this type of question without at least being somewhat prepared? No one. Everyone that you knew at least were dressed to impressed, with their hair done, not half finished and a hot mess --
“Okay.” Wade said cheerfully, flipping open the lid of the pizza. Classic pepperoni, yum. “Can I watch Busty Beauties?” Frowning, you squinted at him. “No.” There was a pause. “You really want to go on a date with me?”
He lifted his mask just enough to reveal the lower half of his face so that he could take a bite of his slice held up to his mouth, and you marvel at the amount of trust that takes for Wade. The merc knows that you don’t judge him and then when you blink, his cheeks are puffed out like a chipmunk’s as he chews on his food and then gives you a thumbs up as you stare at him from the corner of your eye. 
Fondness and amusement wars inside your chest. 
This guy...You like him.
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tdrcharmschool4 · 7 years
Charm School Homework #5: Mama Always Said I was Original… - Critiques
Kushboo, Luna, Marina, Nikita, and Ophelia are nowhere to be found, but we’ve found some new characters asking for critiques. Let’s see how they did!
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Hi! My name is Granny Panny and at 85 years, I’m Delhi’s oldest MILF. I think that means I am modern, incredible-looking & fabulous. I support LGBVAUD rights also. Now I want to share my beauty and happiness with the world so I’m looking for friends on The Facebook , Instant gram as well as Grinder. Please be my friend ? I will teach you how to do yoga and bake you cakes for being my friend. If you will be my friend we will be soo happy and I will never ever leave you. Il love you for ever and ever and ever don’t worry. Here are some photos of me to keep in your heart. I can send you many many more. Can I have your number ? I love you. 
Analyse: KUSH. BOO. STOP SNATCHING ME BALD LIKE THIS. THIS is a character, and there are so many directions I can see this going for the test, so I really look forward to see what you do with that! The age makeup reads well, and I think the accessories really help to play up the “old person who thinks she’s cool” kind of vibe (aka Toni). I wouldn’t be mad at the hair being even rattier, but all in all, I really like what you have here. The fact that you’ve already got the humor of the character down in writing bodes well for the acting in the test. I can’t wait to see the full look and how this character is realized for the acting challenge!
Harper: I think you’ve got a really good start here! I got a sense of who your character was from your picture and bio, but I wish you had taken it to a draggier place. While I liked your aging effects, this is still a drag assignment! Sometimes you will be tasked with impersonating someone who doesn’t wear much makeup, and it’s important to adjust the drag makeup to fit the character (neutral shades, softer blends, etc) rather than to eliminate it entirely. So instead of doing regular old lady makeup, try using neutral colors, playing around with a more droopy cut crease, and adding sagging lashes to give off an older vibe while still maintaining a drag aesthetic. I would also like to see you refine the character a bit more, because right now there’s nothing separating her from a standard grandma stereotype. What makes her unique? You have all the materials you need here to put together a great character, and I’m looking forward to seeing your submission!
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Latoya Toyota, formerly known as MariCruz Dominguez, is your every day girl from the hood. Her favorite activities include having herpes and being disowned by her mom. She’s single and is not ready to mingle because because “ese puto vato  El Cris” cheated and she doesn’t fucking play all that, cris why’d you do that Rebeca is a worthless piece of shit I’m the better sister. But, the thing that makes Latoya different, isn’t her personality, or her good heart; it’s that she’s been dead for 15 years. She died in 2002 when she finally caught on with the whole chokers trend, expect she wasn’t the smartest so she didn’t really grasp the whole “it’s not supposed to choke you” thing. But this minor detail doesn’t stop Latoya; after Hell FINALLY got service, she now is a devoted YouTuber that focuses on vlogging, lifestyle, and creamy beauty. She says “ Ey putas we didn’t have no beauty shit in the 90’s I had my Tia Cruz teaching me how to do a smoky eye so don’t fuken come for me cause love trumps hate” hell doesn’t bother either, as she’s had “a burn” since 1996 from Raul so the burn doesn’t really matter at all. Her hobbies now include, cutting a bitch for fun, looking for famous people in hell to get a pic, and living in eternal damnation. You can find a link to her patron below because fuck dude like she JUST started YouTube and it’s already ad hell like what the fuck also lol ad hell get it cause she’s in um. Anyway SUSCRIBE and SMASH that like button down below putas
Analyse: The first few sentences of your description, I was like “OH NO DON’T PLAY THAT CARD,” but then we got to the “she’s been dead the whole time” twist, and I was drawn in. I think makeup-wise, you can do more to show that part of the character and make it ooky-spooky, but right now, if I didn’t have your description, the pictures would just read very “stereotypical chola character.” I think the YouTuber character is going to be great to take into the challenge, because it immediately conjures up a very specific kind of image and personality. Really my biggest critiques going forward for the acting are to make sure that the look itself reads what you want it to and to make sure the humor doesn’t rely solely on stereotypes. Latoya might be a character, but we want to see Luna’s sense of humor shine through. Good luck on the test!
Harper: Hi Adore Delano Latoya! So first off, I liked how much detail you put into your bio. Even though your slutty chola ghost character was a bit all over the place, I still understood who this character was and where she was coming from, and I think she’ll give you a lot of options to be entertaining in the test. I will encourage you to make sure that your jokes are not getting repetitive, though… try to find ways to make her funny on multiple levels. Being a ghost leaves a lot of room for real subtle humor (can’t pick stuff up, pop culture references from 2002, etc), and I hope you will capitalize on that! I would like you to kick the look up a few notches, including brow coverage. I think you were probably barely alive during 2002, and so I really hope you’ll do some research into the fashion trends because I am an old bitch who remembers Y2K! It’s such a fun era of horrible fashion so I really hope you will take advantage of that. Nice work!
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This is Susan Johnson-Johnson. Her mother and father had the same last name, but her mother insisted on hyphenating it. She also claims that her father is related to Dwayne the Rock Johnson, which is a bald headed lie as her bloodline is whiter than cottage cheese. Susan claims a lot of outrageous things and most of these tall tales are meth and tobacco induced. Being an ex prostitute due to her failing business, she is no stranger to a good drug. However, she’s very connected to spirituality and has a dream of running a successful tarot card business, which is why she wears her headwraps. I hope you enjoy my original character!
Analyse: Hi, Marina! I see some of the makeup critiques you’ve gotten being applied here, so it’s great to see that growth. The headwrap and fan add to the look and give it a level of interest, but I think my main probably with this submission is that this story is just all over the place in no sort of cohesive way. I think part of your challenge going forward into the test for this week is to make sure that you have a fully thought out and realized character, because right now, I’m not entirely sure who she is. When you only have a few minutes of video for the challenge, you don’t have a lot of time to spend introducing the audience to your character, so we want to be able to get that right away from the look, mannerisms, and personality of the character. I think you’re headed in a good direction, but for the test, I want to see you kind of clean up those loose ends and really give us a fully thought-out character in your submission. Good luck!
Harper: Alright, so I really enjoyed your biography, but I think there was a bit of a mismatch between your character’s description and her appearance. Before I read your bio, I assume that you were a part of a royal Court or a princess or something. From your description I would almost imagine some kind of hippie druggie chic (side note: tobacco does not get you high so I don’t know if that part makes sense), an ornate fan and sequins doesn’t really read meth-head to me. I do like the headwrap, but I’d like to see you wear a wig with it rather than use it as a wig replacement. Lashes and nails always, even for homework assignments.  I think you have a good head start for a character, but really make sure that you are putting the details in place. As always, the deans are here to give you feedback as your brainstorm if you need it. 
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I may look scary but I’m really nice, I promise!!! Hi new friends, my name is Misery but everyone just calls me ‘Chip’! For the most part, I like to spend my time helping as many individuals as I possibly can and adventuring!! Believe it or not through, I wasn’t always the happy go-lucky creature you see today though :( My ancestors originally descended from a demon many eons ago. Based on this, for generations, my tribe was subject to ridicule and fear from people on the surface, just based on our appearance! Can you believe that?!?! Eventually, they took their society underground, taking to steal from and enslave denizens of the surface world. I grew up experiencing and witnessing so much pain and misery but I always thought 'things could be different than this!’ Eventually, because of the horrible atrocities they committed, I saw my friends and family BANISHED by an unforgiving god, while they gave me a second chance if you will at life by being made to live on the surface! I wandered for a years trying to fit in with society and find my purpose, until one day I encountered a group of adventurers said to have been passing from village to village, helping people wherever they went and from there, I knew that was my call-….. Whoops! Sorry, I saw a butterfly with a broken wing and I wanted to heal it!!! :D ANYWAY! From then on, I’ve just been travelling from town to town, spreading good cheer and helping people!!! Whenever, I get sad or upset, I just think of the second chance that my friends and family didn’t get… :) Byeeeeee!
Analyse: Remember when I said I was excited to see where your creativity led you in this week’s challenges??? Because THIS is why I was excited! I think you’ve got a super creative concept here with the demons-for-an-ancestor-but-I’m-not-mean-I’m-nice character, and there’s definitely some storyline and drama that can come from just that. I think part of the challenge for you will be making sure that the character doesn’t read as very one-note in the video challenge, and make sure that we’re not just getting the same joke or idea over and over. For the look, I would love to see it feminized a little more. I know your art is a lot more blurred in the expression of gender and you’re not going for female impersonation or hyperfemininity as much, but the issue I’m seeing with submissions is that they can often read more “man with face paint” than drag, and while TDR is very much a place to explore and grow in that, The Real World™ isn’t always so open, and so before you have people coming for you and saying “that’s not drag,” you want to shut their mouths with your polish, execution, and creativity. Good luck on the test, and I can’t wait to see what you do with this character!
Harper: I appreciate you for trying something ambitious, but I think you missed the mark of the assignment here. I warned you about relying too heavily on a visual character, and I think you feel into that trap this week. The look of the character is not the important part of this assignment, having a well developed character that you will be able to act with in the test is. Almost all of your biography is background information on your character’s family history rather than telling me who your character actually is. I think it’s great that you are putting thought into that stuff, but it’s all extraneous when I still don’t really get a sense of your character on a complex level. Since you decided to go down this road, I will really want you to drag it up and not rely on body paint to be your makeup. Right now the prosthetics are a bit sloppy, and if you are giong to wear them I’d really like to see them refined. You can use hot glue to change the texture, or even adding painted effects. You’ve got your work cutout for you this week, make it work!
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Rites of Passage
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It is time for the Rites of Passage. Take this time to reflect on your journey in this game as well as the people who left for you four to be where you are now. 
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Blake: Sad that we didn't get the chance to play with each other! Really wanted a tarot card reading :( .STAY PSYCHIC
Isaac: Queen! I was so shocked when you went home. I wish you well in your life and I hope you're doing well! I know you're out of the community now.
Nicole: HI LEGEND I LOVE YOU and I know you probably won’t read all of these because you’re too cool.
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Blake: SOOOO FAT that u were voted out sooooo early! SUper mad we didn’t get to play together at all :( LOVE YOU BUNCHES. STAY UGLY
Isaac: Another fallen royal. This season truly was like the red wedding in Game of Thrones. Not going to lie I was kind of relieved that you were gone so early because you're scary to play with.
John: Your vote off left everybody FUMING, that's super iconic. Wish we could have played together.
Nicole: HI I LOVE YOU thanks for casting my boyfriend with me that one time and changing my life, or whatever.
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Blake: TBH idk why you hate me sooo much ? Stay HAting ??
Isaac: I knew you were having a hard time around the start of the game. I hope everything is better.
John: ily bish. I was hoping to go far in this game with you like in crossroads cause working with you is so much fun Nicholas - Your vote off left everybody FUMING, that's super iconic. Wish we could have played together.
Nicole: I hear we share the same hatreds for the same reasons, so god bless you
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Blake: oof  STAY AWAY
Isaac: Legend.
John: -
Nicole: go get a life bye
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Blake: THE KING OF MUSIC VIDEOS! You were such a pleasure to play with! And omg i still can’t get over the music video and how well you did. STAY FABULOUS
Isaac: Crackt. You were so wild and that made you dangerous. I know you wanted to try something new but, while that strategy was entertaining, I do think it's not for you.
John: Loved talking with you and you always provided entertainment. I hope you went on that date!
Nicole: I don’t know you but you seem very nice.
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Blake: Im sad our time together in this game was cut short! But i’m glad we have the chance of playing together again <3 STAY CRACKED <3
Isaac: I know you're a top and that's so wild. I also know that you had something personal happen to you around the time you were voted out. You were considered well connected and that's why you were sent home, nothing personal.
John: Was so excited to see a bad girls fan when we first started talking! Wish you had some more time throughout your time in the season because you seemed like a really cool guy
Nicole: HELLO I don’t know why you were voted out, you are such a strong player.
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Blake:  I fucking love YOUR SPLITS they are soooo ICONIC. STAY FLEXIBLE
Isaac: My Emathian brother. I salute you.
John: Coliiinnn, love ya on a personal level but you definitely scared me that one round you left. Much respect though
Nicole: HI KING I think you’re amazing I’m sorry we didn’t interact.
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Blake:  ILY I REALLY REALLY REALLY ENJOY U AS A PERSON! That tribal was soo cracked i was going bakc and forth the entire day! I was honestly scared if you made it to merge you wud be invincible. I knew u had connections and good relations with alot of those ppl and that wud knock me down a peg in the hierarchy of like who people wanted to keep in the game. This vote was stressful and im sorry that it had to be you <3 STAY INVINCIBLE
Isaac: Okay skank. We've been friends since you entered this community after me in the winter of 2015. I wish we could've had this experience together and I love you but honestly, looking back, you going was the best thing that could've happened for my game. It made me start to fight and claw to stay and lit a fire under my ass that has stayed lit since. I have a lot to say about you but there's no room for it here. Love your hair, hope you win.
John: I love you Andrew as one of the first people I met in the community, you are one of my favorites and I hated the tribal that you left.
Nicole: hi Andrew we never speak in games but you seem very nice
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Blake: JULIA MY FUCKING QUEEN! U WERE SLAUGHTERED OMG! They got you good XD  It was such an honor to finally play a game with you! <3 You are too well known to ever win anything your clout is too mofo powerful. You intimidated everyone and that is what i believe sent you packing. (stop being so fuckking amazing) STAY POWERFUL
Isaac: You were such a funny person lmao. I knew I couldn't trust you after Andrew's elimination and I hope you didn't take anything I said personally because I do like you.
John: I will never forget the wonderful times of exchanging cute monkey and alpaca photos. You are wonderful <3
Nicole: HEY MISS RAE I wish we got to play for longer together, every time we play together you’re either voted off or quit.
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Blake: Bodhi first of all Lunch time is whenever i damn want it to be XD and i honestly wish we could of gotten close in this game! I really wanted to work with you. I remember that i made my scavenger hunt video about you, bc I thought you were most likely to win this game bc from all the amazing (amazing strategizer, has numerous connections, and social af) things i’ve heard about you (you really really intimidated me)! It was soo sad for you to go i really really really wanted to work with you. STAY INtIMIDATING  PS i hope you don’t have nightmares about ravioli <3
Isaac: One of my Two Showmances this season. It hurt to see you go, you freak but there seemed to be no other options at the time. Another royal slayed.
John: I enjoyed the short time we talked before you voted for me, wish we had been on a tribe together LOL
Nicole: hello hello ASMR king. Sorry that you left the way ya did, you are a king and I’ve always wanted to play with you and see what everyone talks about, you seem full of personality but sadly we just didn’t talk much.
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Blake: FIRST OF ALL I NEED TO THANK YOU FOR SENDING THOSE CUTE ASS PICTURES OF YOUR DOGS! You sir are a king it’s extremely upsetting that me and you were not on the same page when merge first started. (killing Julia RIP) You were someone i wanted to work with coming into this game and seeing that you were casted! I heard you were amazingly strategic and you definitely proved that. Also i voted you out bc u were on cam one day and i was like no i wanna be the only pretty boy so you had to go ! STAY HOT 
Isaac: Girl that tribal was a fucking MESS! I'm sorry that it had to be you because as a person I think you're great but you were essentially the only way we could lock down Jake as a vote and ensure I didn't go home. Sorry about the blindside but next time don't bid against me in the auction sweaty :)
John: Oh Kevin, you are just wonderful and I enjoyed all of our talks
Nicole: Hello bald Taylor Swift, we didn’t speak much this game but I think you’re rad and you did a good job.
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Blake: KORI omg it was such a pleasure to work with you during this game! Ever since the the Colin Tribal i felt really close to you and had so much fun ! You are such a genuine person and i really enjoyed the time we spent playing together! Also congrats on beating your last placement! WOOO right that unfinished business!  I have had an amazing time with you on the crazy ass roller coaster that is this game and i’m really sorry that i had to vote you out it was nothing personal at all! I also need you to teach me how to spell and use grammar XD  STAY GENUINE
Isaac: I feel bad because we always had to keep you in the dark, but no one never knew 100% where you stood and while this worked for you in the beginning of merge I feel like that's what finally did you in. I wish things could have worked out differently but ig that's judt the way the cookie crumbles.
John: I enjoyed talking to you very early on and at a point I think I'd say I liked you most in the game. I don't know where it really went wrong but I really don't think you deserved the bad things people said about you. Hope we remain friends. I also grew to love the paranoia of not being able to talk to you before a vote while you were working LOL
Nicole: You were really kind to me and I’m sorry I have a short attention span and forgot to answer so often. You were always trying to talk to me and I regret not getting to know you!
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Blake: Anna you are a mofo QUEEN! You are sooo iconic omg. I was rooting for you soooooo hard in Hogsmead the real winner was robbed! I really really enjoyed playing this game with you you were soo amazing! You were such an incredible competitor and ally! You were also a social queen. You were misting everyone with your charm and beauty! I was sooo happy to be working with you in this game it was truly a privilege and a pleasure. I hope we get the chance to play another game with each other bc your an impeccable player. STAY BEAUTIFUL
Isaac: GIRL I HAD MY EYE ON YOU SINCE THE FIRST TRIBE SWAP! Andrew told me on old new Talio that you were super sweet but that he had heard that there was a reason you lost Hogsmeade and that scared me shitless. You played hard and I genuinely liked you but when it came down to it you were the queen of the game after you came back and you had to go in order for me to prosper. Queen. You were very strategic but I've played these for about 2 years now and if there's one things I've learned, it's the nice ones you have to watch out for
John: I bonded you from the second we started talking, was emotionally drunk and shocked when you were idoled out and just as confused & happy when you came back. Thank you for standing by me.
Nicole: ANNA YOU WERE ROBBED and I loved playing with you. You were someone I always felt like I could trust to tell things and would be honest with me, I’m glad we got to work together during this game!
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Blake: OMG MY FATHER MY KING MY EVERYTHING! I was shook when you got voted out. So shook so sad! I loved our instant connection we had on the Vindicta tribe and i’m so happy once merge started we started to play together again! Also FUCK YOU FOR LIKE WINNING ALL OF THE TRIBE CHALLENGES WHEN WE WERE NOT ON THE SAME TRIBE YOU FUCKED ME OVER! Like why could you of done me a solid and thrown some to me?!??!?!? Also there is no question to anyone you played an outstanding game. You were a threat in this game you were scary and just amazing and icnoic and omg the music video holy shit was soo good you diiddd so fucking good like shit. You just were amazing and i love you sooo much and i cannot wait to talk to you! STAY ROYAL
Isaac: I know they probably don't let you around technology in your nursing home because it scares most of y'all, but I hope that you're able to find a phone or something and put on your extra thick reading glasses to read this: Thank you for everything. I wouldn't be in this point of the game if it wasn't for you.
John: You are a hilarious guy and killer at challenges, never will forget that word challenge haha. I had heard a lot about you and am honored to have played in this season with you.
Nicole: I’m sorry we didn’t get to talk more, after I came back from vacation it seemed like lines were already drawn in the sand. Thanks for helping Isaac’s phat ass get this far so I don’t have to ever write anything nice about him.
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Blake: OMG my Ake B <3 we had this weird  relationship were we like liked each other but i don’t think we fully trusted each other XD. I knew comign into this game you were a really really really really good player adn that i had to watch ou for you. Also i wanna apologize for how stupid i acted when we first met at the one world tribal whatever when all the *man** **nn shit went down ahah At that point in the game i really really wnated to work wiht you and build a bond and a relationship. BUT THE DUMB TRIBE SWAP BULLSHIT NEVER PUT US TOGETHER LIKE WTF! We wud of been soooo iconic and wud of worked sooo well together omg. You played an brilliant GAME! YOUR MIND was just sooo sharp and i was soo scared of you to like go on like an immunity run and win like every single challenge lol! You are such an intimidating player such an amazingly smart player! I wud love to play antoher game wiht you tho! Also I bit your finger off like a carrot <3 STAY THREATENING
Isaac: HEY YOU CURVY SPINED BINCH! If Anna was the Queen of this game, you were the King. I was so happy when you idoled out Ryan because I wanted him to go the next round anyways dkjbfpsfp but in all seriousness, I had a blast playing with you and while we didn't talk a lot I did enjoy you because you're funny. Blake told me he thought you looked like the Ladybug from A Bug's Life.
John: Such a good guy, I loved playing with you, unfortunately a power had to be used to take you out :/ ILY KING
Nicole: Jake, you should honestly have won this whole entire game with the strategy behind you playing. I’m sorry I joked about voting you out when you actually did in fact get voted out, and I’m sorry about that one time I helped spread that rumor you were dating someone in the community hehe love u rat
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Blake: omg timmy! I know like we didn’t talk much to each other but it really has been a pleasure to play with you! It was evident you were strong in comps. I REALLY LOVED TALKING TO YOU ABOUT 3% in my mind you would be Joanna bc ur sooo strong and independent. You did what was best for your game at the time and you weren't scared to do so and i fully respect that. I idoled you out bc you are such a strong comp threat and you have good relations with many of the jurors and you were such a wildcard for a few votes! You were really hard to read and it was amazing gameplay. Super unpredictable and i loved that about your game. STAY UNPREDICTABLE
Isaac: Okay so I don't really know what to say. We never really connected? and I think that fault lies in both of our games? idk I never really trusted you so when you turned on us for your boyfriend Jake I can't say I was all that shocked. I wish we had gotten to know you better because from what little I saw you were pretty funny lmao.
John: I was excited to see you after getting along in festive. We had a rocky relationship at times but at the end of the day I've got so much respect for you
Nicole: Timmy, king of getting idoled out. You played such a good game and we’re so much fun to talk to when we did get to talking.
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Blake:  Dani this was the hardest vote i had to ever do in all of my org games. You played an impeccable game. YOu have the perfect underdog story. You successfully played two advs and saved yourself you single handedly voted  out anna in premerge! I love you soo much i love how wild and out spoken you are i have a feeling your gonna come for my ass at FTC and i cannot wait! I Love you SOOO much you are my cracked queen! I enjoyed playing this game wiht you a second time it was soo much fun and i loved every single second of it. I miss you and i cannot wait to talk to you after this game i really really hope you will still like to be my freind after this game is over you are an amazing player, competitor and was one the best allies i have had in any game i have ever played STAY ICONIC
Isaac: Ugh my Queen. I know you're absolutely pissed at Blake and I right now, and that's understandable because we did do you dirty. There is a time in the game where you have to make very tough calls and I accepted that there's a line between game and friendship a long time ago. I just tend to forget that some people don't see it that way and that's fine. I hope we're able to be friends no matter what after this game because you're a riot and a firecracker and I love that about you. Blessed be Kitty Girl
John: probably the most badass player I've played with, your idol plays were iconic and your journey is one to be proud of. We didn't work together but despite attacking my allies I thought you played a great game.
Nicole: Honestly you made this game really fun. You were targeted a hell of a lot and got to the very end, so props to you. I don’t have any hard feelings against you even though we fought a bit, hope it’s mutual but I understand if it’s not.
0 notes