#lotta dem
bankrollxbarbie · 4 months
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demenior · 6 months
I finally made it out of the woods (flight home is tomorrow) and the most important part of the work trip was that I started work on Fealty 3, and that I had to resort to writing it on paper by flashlight lmao
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felixkummer-fake · 8 months
Musste so lachen😭
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yumenosakiacademy · 2 years
eiden saying tht blade’s singing sucks is kinda funny now tht i kno blade’s va has literally voice acted idol charas gjshd
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eepy-dani · 23 days
Hiii!! Am Dani an dis is a blog for agere stuffsss,,, I still goes by they/them wen am littl!!
Am otays wif gendr neutral an masc tewms!!
myyy big age is in early 20s an my littl age is usully aroun 4!!
@duckciferthecg / @altlucicg is my papa an my main cargivr!!
I dunno wat else to say, its gonna hab a lotta reblogss! An usually only dems like my otherrr blogs do!
I don expet this to gets a litta interaktion so, uh i dunno what else to put...
alsooo dis exist so dis stuff on on my mainn
usully I talks on anon as 🪽!!
Um, basic DNI criteria, NSFW an pro-ship/comship!
Feel free to send asks from this anytime!
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chalkodareal · 1 year
draw homeschool winner eating an entire bag of doritos
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it is a bit unclear how many doritoes he ate as of the taking of this picture but first-hand accounts say it was "a whole fweakin lotta dem!"
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et3rnauta · 9 months
Ieri la ministra al Lavoro Marina Calderone, che ultimamente era sparita dai radar rinchiusa in un insolito silenzio, ha spiegato alla Camera che non c’è “nessuna situazione di incertezza o di abbandono dei nuclei familiari e delle persone che percepivano il reddito di Cittadinanza”. Ha promesso che gli attivabili al lavoro avranno il beneficio Sfl (350 euro al mese) dal primo settembre con cui “nessuno verrà lasciato indietro”.
Improvvisamente sono scomparsi i “furbetti” e le è toccato parlare dei poveri. Immancabile l’attacco alle opposizioni: “sapevate che il Reddito di cittadinanza sarebbe stato eliminato”, dicono dal governo. La domanda andrebbe rivolta a loro: com’è possibile togliere una misura di lotta alla povertà senza organizzarsi per tempo?
Mentre i Servizi sociali sono presi d’assalto da gente che non sa come mangiare in Parlamento si è discusso del “decoro” della Camera confrontandosi su carpe e cravatte. Sul serio. Nella stessa seduta, mentre fuori sale la rabbia, il dem Fassino ci ha tenuto a specificare che gli stipendi dei parlamentari non sono “d’oro”. Secondo lui 4317 euro netti (dimenticandosi i benefit che lo fanno arrivare arrivare a 13mila) sono uno stipendio medio, evidentemente.
Nel frattempo la presidente del Consiglio Giorgia Meloni, muta sul resto, ha trovato il tempo di querelare il cantante del gruppo musicale britannico Placebo, Brian Molko, (13 milioni di dischi venduti) per averla offesa durante un concerto. Un consiglio non richiesto ai nostri politici: tornate velocemente sulla terra.
Giulio Cavalli
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ohsalome · 5 months
As an American the left's driving me nuts right now with their "biden and the dems are evil" shtick
Like no shit, I've said it before and I'll say it again cause I mean it, if biden decides to run again I'd prefer he just keel over and die, I can't stand him
DNC sucks, hate em... but I look over at the GOP and they're fucking nuts, and honest Ukraine aid has become a single issue vote for me, if they don't support it (which now zero of the GOP do and I won't believe them if they start lying) then I don't want them
I mean hell, only reason I voted for biden last time was I wanted a president that's likely to leave office, and based on everything after that election I feel vindicated
Biden and the DNC suck, I hate em, it's just I got a vote, I don't have a whole lotta options, and I really really really really hate the other guys so I'll go with the ones that aren't totally foaming at the mouth. Like... you think the GOP is gonna be good to Palestine? Man, there's... forget their acronym, but there's an Israeli lobbying group and they give money to everyone, they're all pro Israel, but I'm gonna pick the ones that at least aren't religious fundamentalists on top of it
God damn it drives me nuts... but you know, blue no matter who pisses people off, and frankly I don't even believe in it, so I just encourage people to vote and specifically to try and get it set up for vote by mail if they can since that sucks way less
But hell, I actually voted 3rd party in 2016 cause they both looked awful to me, I'm not gonna condemn anyone but like... sorry, to me I look at lying scum like johnson, and I just don't want them in office
I look at trump and I think about my big requirement it turns out I have for public officials of that they leave office willingly at the end of their term... and I don't really want him
Vote how you want (do vote, like come on me, if you can just do it... why not? try and do it by mail if they'll let you where you are and you want it to suck less), but like... call me crazy but every single way biden is bad (which there are many ways), just trump seems worse
I got a vote, I might as well use it. I'd like to vote for someone I like, there's not too many of them around these days, so I'll at least not vote for the absolutely insane people
That's just my strat on it though... I guess I could be a lefty preper instead, start hoarding military rations instead of voting
That's tragic. But if Trump gets elected, it won't be americans who will get the worst part of the package. So... in the meantime, you can send your military rations here. We'll take it.
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herzlak · 1 year
Tatort Saarbrücken: Die Kälte der Erde
Three minutes into the episode und der Hölzer hat schon wieder die Schnauze voll
Die sehen aber auch aus wie von der Mafia heut, die beiden
"Ich glaub es hackt!" Ja ich auch!
Schneeengel gone wrong
Face porn Adam Schürk
Biiiiiizeps mit ganz viel bi :)
"Boah du Streber" *winks* *hearteyes*
The H in Hölzer is for (extremst schlecht erzogener) Hundi
Damn Esther you're so gay
Whole lotta gay, der ganze Laden ist lesbisch
Des hat er jetzt davon, der Schürk
Ufff Pia ist abgeturneddd
Wie die zicken :)
"Hast du deine Niere verkauft?" alter haha
Hat der dem Mordopfer grad Essen geklaut?
Pia darling, man kann sich aber auch in was reinsteigern, gell
ACH das Mordopfer war einer von den Schwulen? Well, that sounds like a ARD thing to do :))
Hach die hassen sich alle gegenseitig, wundervoll <3
Die sind so cute die zwei <3
I believe in Hörnchen supremacy.
"Dein Herz gehört sowieso schon mir"
Scheiß auf Adam und Leo, ich will dass Pia und Esther zusammenkommen.
Zählt das schon als bi lighting? Ja oder? Ja.
Ja komm, lasst die trust issues nochmal verdoppeln zwischen den beiden!
Ich weiß grad echt nicht, ob Leo und Adam zu Rosa und Jan werden oder andersrum... aber ich hasse es.
Ich mag Alina. Die ist ein bisschen aggressiv. Aber ich mag sie.
Ach, sind die zwei schwul? Bitte sag die zwei sind schwul.
Awww :)
"Wut ist kein guter Begleiter im Kampf" sag das mal Stefanie Reinsperger, die erzählt dir was andres (und sie hat recht)
I believe in Alina's rights, but even more in Alina's wrongs.
"Ich kann aber besser schlafen, wenn ich weiß, dass dir nichts passiert."
Und morgen haben sie ein JVA date <3
"Schlaf gut Tiger." - "Miau."
Und da kann man jetzt gaaaaanz viele Fics zu schreiben :)
Das bin eins zu eins ich, wenn ich Auto fahr
Bis auf das Rauchen
PAHAHA oh Gott ey
Ich dachte Tatort und nicht GTA?
Okay, ich glaub langsam sollt ich aufhören in Alina's wrongs zu believen
"Ist das dein Partner? Ihr passt gut zusammen." SOGAR ER WEIß ES!
Also spätestens jetzt glaub ich trotz allem queer baiting, dass Adam und Leo in ein paar Jahren zusammenkommen
Es endet sicher ganz fürchterlich, aber irgendwas wird passieren
Die sind sowas von gay die beiden, was wird noch was, das dauert nicht mehr lang.
... Bauch Beine Po?
YES! SCHWUL! Nehmt euch mal ein Beispiel, Adam und Leo
Der Schürk frisst Pia die ganzen Hörnchen weg :(
Ja, Adam, wollten wir.
Allein, dass Esther zuerst auf Herrenbesuch tippt, sagt alles
Pia hat Schiss, dass Adam gleich ihre Esther knutscht
"Lass deine schlechte Laune bitte draußen!"
I've had Stella for 10 seconds now, but if anything happened to her, I'd kill everyone in this room and then myself.
"Dann leg das Gartenwerkzeug weg, du Vogel!"
Ooooh ansonsten hilft Esther beim Kochen?
Die hamse doch nicht mehr alle...
Jetzt frisst der schon wieder wem das Essen weg
Pennt der immer noch bei ihm?
Der... der trägt nen Bademantel?!
"Ab morgen zahlst du Miete."
Note: Adam kann nicht ins Bett gehen, wenn er mit Leo zerstritten ist
Was ne Arschgeige, der Mann :D
"Gönn dir."
Ayyy fist bump :)
Ich dachte schon die setzen sich ins Auto und fahren wieder-
"Bis ans Ende der Welt..." ich glaub diese Welt hat bald ein Ende
"Deiner Welt vielleicht." :/
Die Frage ist... schläft Leo nach dem Scheiß jetzt immer noch bei Adam?
"Unterwegs verloren" as in von ner Brücke geschubst? An nen Baum gebunden? Wertstoffhof?
Die haben auch ne toxische Beziehung
Ochhh :(
Lol wo hat die Mum eigentlich die letzten Tage gepennt, während es im Wohnzimmer geschwuchtelt hat?
Und wo hat Pia eigentlich Esther gelassen?
Die putzt Zähne-
Lieb die Freundschaft von den beiden <3
Der Vollidiot hat ernsthaft das Geld im Präsidium versteckt?
Da ist nichts los in dem seinen Kopf, NICHTS!
Ach du Scheiße...
Ist das der Industrie-WESTERN, von dem alle reden?
Hauptsache er raucht schon wieder
HAHA und jetzt warten wir wieder n Jahr!
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bankrollxbarbie · 4 months
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TPS Part 3: A Boy And His Frog
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"Cousin Samsahn!"
"Cousin Travis. So good ta see ya after all this time. Happy ya wanted us ta board wit ya."
"Glad to have you and yooehr sahn live with us." 
Ah look round the forest as Pop talks ta a man wit a red beard. Ah think it’s Uncle Travis but Ah ain’t gonna interrupt Pop while he’s talkin. Uncle Travis might be mean an yell at me.
"Come on inside and set yooehr bags down."
“Awright Toby le’s go an get settled in.”
“Ok Pop.”
Ah follow Pop inside an get settled inta Uncle Travis' homestead. Ah see a pond wit froggies an toadies on mah way in, but Ah don’t wanna mess wit ‘em jus yet.
Ah see a couple a lil kids comin runnin up ta us an Ah get all scared.
"Whoa dere! You need to be careful with Toby. 'e spooks easily."
"Dang Ah shoulda tol ya more bout Toby's sitiation Cousin Travis."
"Ah don't whrry about it Samsahn. Kids 'ere are always bounceng avf de walls. You need to keep remendeng dem to slow down."
"Shrry dad. We'll be mhre careful."
Uncle Travis pats the two boys on the head. Ah'm realizin they're twins.
"Dese are my twins Seamus and Patrick. Dey're only 7."
Ah wave at 'em an Ah see a woman wit blonde come in.
"Cousin Samsahn this is my wife, Nhrah."
Pop hugs 'er an Ah think she looks nice.
"It's nice to finally meet you, Cousin Samsahn."
"Yeah yer husband sure done tol me a lot bout ya in his letters. We'll get ta talkin once we's get unpacked. Come on Toby, we gotta find get sitiated."
"Ok, Pop."
Time Skip
Bout a week passed an Ah’m startin ta like it here in Ireland. Things ain’t exactly like Florida but everythang’s been yummy so far. 
“Toby. Time ta wake up son.”
“Mornin Pop.”
Ah wake up feelin thirsty so Ah head into the kitchen fer some sweet tea. Pop’s been teachin Uncle Travis how ta make it cause he done knows we drink a lotta it in Florida. Suddenly, Ah hear laughter from out front.
“Toby! Toby!”
Ah go outside ta see Patrick down by a pond. Ah wonder wha he found so Ah get down real close.
“Oi foun’ a green frog, cousin. Didn’t yer say yer needed a pet ter go ter 'ogwarts?”
Ah ain’t been here long nough ta understand Irish people but Ah see a lil froggie poke its lil head out the water.
“Thanks, cousin! C'mere lil guy.”
Ah cup mah hands an the froggie actually jumps right inta mah hands. Patrick looks amazed Ah did it as Ah study the froggie's cute lil legs.
“Yer shud name 'imself Trevor. 'e’s part av our big family nigh.”
“Trevor. Tha’s a good name, cousin.”
A smile spreads across mah face.
“Ah’mma take this froggie ta Pop. Thanks!”
Ah bring ‘em ta see Pop. He’s lookin all ‘mazed at me.
“You’s must be usin magic son. Trevor ain’t been movin outta yer hands. It’s like ya got an understandin wit him even though he don’t know no English.”
“He’s so cool. An cute. So Ah get ta take Trevor to Hogwarts with me?”
“Course ya can son.”
Ah start wigglin wit mah froggie in mah hands.
“We’s gonna be gettin everythang fer Trevor an yer schoolin tomorrow. Go an ask Uncle Travis fer a bowl ya can put him in.”
Ah head back outside to search fer a bowl. After a short while, Ah find Uncle Travis on the front porch.
“Uncle Travis! Ah’ve got me a froggie an Ah need a bowl fer it.”
“Just go and get a bowl from de sink, boy. Patrick did a great job fendeng a pet fhr you.”
Ah go inside an find an old bowl ta put Trevor in. Ah bring him back ta the front porch an show him ta Uncle Travis.
“Here he is, Uncle Travis. This’ Trevor. He’s gonna be comin’ wit me ta Hogwarts an Ah’ll even make 'em a bowl a sweet tea so’s he’ll be a lil more at home. Pop done said Trevor don’t know no English yet but Ah think Trevor understands a little bit. Maybe ya can teach him some English."
"Dat frog's only got eyes fhr you, boy. I don't think I'll be able to get him to understand anyt'eng I say.”
“Well, maybe ya could start by croakin like a frog. That’d make Trevor feel real welcome, now.“ 
Uncle Travis laughs an does a lil imitation croakin’ noise. Trevor blinks his cute little green froggie eyes an blinks his weird froggie eyelids a couple times.
"Yer gonna be mah best friend Trevor.”
“Toby come an get yer eats!”
Ah hear mah Pop hollerin an look at mah froggie again.
“Awright Trevor, we’s goin inside now. Comin Pop!”
Tagging: @arrolyn1114, @nemos-rapture, @xanatenshi, @briefpandatimemachine, @hooked-on-elvis, @vintagepresley, @aliengoth3, @smokeymountainboy, @bigdaddyelvislover, @mercsandmonsters, @pledgingmylovee, @presleysgirl6, and @thetaoofzoe.
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Hip Hop Playlist
Because nothing can make you feel cockier than rap! And 2023 is a year for cockiness after spending years being way too humble.
DNA- Kendrick Lamar
My Hood- Jeezy
All Day-Kanye West
Piss on your grave— Travis Scott
U Mad? — Vic Mensa
I’m different—2 Chainz
Ain’t I— Yung LA
Rubberband Man— TI
Rubberband Man— A$AP Ferg
Beat It— Young Dolph
U guessed it— OG Maco
Final Warning— NLE Choppa
Not Nice—Megan Thee Stallion
Bricks— Gucci Mane
Halle Berry—Hurricane Chris
Hard in da Paint— Waka Flocka Flame
Grove St Party— Waka Flocka Flame
Snap Yo Fingers— Lil Jon
Hypnotized— Plies
U don’t know me— T.I.
We Luv Deez Hoez— OutKast
Yeah Right— Vince Staples
Smoke & Retribution— Flume
No Long Talk— Drake
John— Lil Wayne
Money in the Grave—Drake
Suge— DaBaby
Throw Some Ds— Rich Boy
You was right— lil uzi vert
Bitch—moneybagg yo
Press—Cardi B
No Frauds— Nicki Minaj
Party Up— DMX
Hold It, Now Hit It— Beastie Boys
Fuck that shit— Three 6 Mafia
Birdz— wuki
Materialism as a means to an end—$uicideboy$
Love Again— Run the Jewels
Gas Pedal—Sage the Gemini
Whole Lotta Choppas— Sade ft Nicki Minaj
Whole lotta money— Bia
Bills paid— Dj Khaled
All Ass— Migos
Fuckwitmeyouknowigotit—Jay Z
Track Star Remix— Mooski
Lookin’ Boy— Hot Stylz
Thick— Dj Chose
Laffy Taffy— D4L
The way I live— Baby Boy Da Prince
Independent— Webbie
Roll Out (My Business)— Ludacris
Holidae Inn— Chingy
HAM— Kanye West
Backseat Freestyle— Kendrick Lamar
Diana— Pop Smoke
Blasé— Ty Dolla Sign
IV. sweatpants— Childish Gambino
Hella Neck—Carnage
I Like Tuh— Carnage
Going through changes—Eminem
Yahhh!— Soulja Boy
Still Dre— Dr. Dre
Nuthin’ But A G Thang— Dr. Dre
Pressurelicious—Megan Thee Stallion
Hot N****— Bobby Shmurda
Don’t Like— Chief Keef
Panda— Desiigner
Swing— Savage
Tie Me Down— New Boyz
Mrs Right— Mindless Behavior
Shake Senora— Pit Bull
Dance (ASS)— Big Sean
Amen— Meek Mill
Started—Iggy Azalea
All Gold Everything—Trinidad James
Famous—21 Savage
Enough— Flume/Pusha T
You Be Killin ‘Em—Fabolous
Country Grammer— Nelly
Lock Jaw— French Montana
We Fly High—Jim Jones
Move (If You Wanna)—Mims
Rock Yo Hips— Crime Mob
I Know You See It— Yung Joc
Hood N****— Gorilla Zoe
Throw Some Mo—Rae Sremmurd
Flex (Ohh, Ohh, Ohh)— Rich Homie Quan
My N****— YG
Flex Like Ouu— Lil Pump
Whoopty— CJ
Shoulder Lean—Young Dro
Ridin’ Dirty— Chamillionaire
Lean Back— Terror Squad
Where the bag at—City Girls
Stupid— Ashnikko
Spoil My Night—Post Malone
Slow Motion—Juvenile
Too much sauce— Future
Lean Wit it Rock Wit It— Dem Franchize Boyz
P.I.M.P— 50 Cent
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felixkummer-fake · 1 year
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kathastrophen · 5 months
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Blind ermittelt - Haus der Lügen (2019)
Es ist ja wirklich nicht meine Lieblingsfolge, aber eine der wenigen Folgen, in der wir wirklich viel über die Charaktere lernen.
Sophie, die sich um Alex sorgt, dass er allein bleiben könnte, die von seinem Kinder- und Familienwunsch weiß. Sie kann selbst keine Kinder kriegen und steckt deswegen ihre Energie ins Hotel, woran sie aber auch zweifelt, wenn sie und Alex die letzte Haller-Generation bleiben. Die zwei können hervorragend streiten, sich aber auch wieder versöhnen und es ist Alex, der sich entschuldigt, auch dafür, dass er gewisse Dinge über Sophie nicht weiß und ihm das unangenehm ist.
Alex ist super nervös vor dem Date mit Lotta, ganz entgegen seiner sonstigen Art.
Niko erfüllt sein Versprechen Sophie gegenüber und geht zu den Anonymen Spielsüchtigen, auch wenn er sich da wie die Axt im Walde benimmt. Aber später, wenn er Sophie aus seiner Vergangenheit erzählt und wie es dazu kam, ist er da viel offener und verletzlicher, als z.B. in der Folge davor, als er Alex davon erzählt und ich finde die Entscheidung ihn da weinen zu lassen, so stark! Genauso, dass er trotzdem wieder spielen geht (und da habe ich natürlich die Shipping-Goggles auf, aber halt als Reaktion darauf, dass Alex das Date hat, ist das schon ... eindeutig das so zu schneiden, wie es geschnitten ist.)
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rainbow-playhouse · 11 months
hihi! Do u have any advice for kiddos looking to talk to other ppl in the community? I've been trying but it's kinda hard:(
Hewo!! Me sorry to say I don hav lotta advice for dah kinda stuff, M isn't relly good at talking to other peoples, sumtimes me make friends by jus sending people asks bout like how they are doings or bout their interests, or sumtimes jus remind den to and care of themselves an reminding dem dat dey are loved an sumtimes we become fwens, I'm sorry if that wasn't any help, I'm sure your an amazing kiddo an a amazing fwen, I hope chu have good day/night an good luck making fwens, an remember to take care of yourself and drink water <3 /p -🕸🕷
If anyone has advice for dis amazing person fee free to share :)
edit: it may also help to reblog tings or post tings often, dis way people know chu is active -🕸🕷
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Gedanken zu Staffel 19
Die letzte Staffel mit dem alten Introsong. Ich will den zurück, bei allen neueren Staffeln skippe ich deswegen immer das Intro.
Martha und Jannis waren noch so klein!
"Wie viele Autismus Klischees soll Mila bedienen?" "Ja!"
Ben war so ein unnötiger Charakter, seine komplette Persönlickeit war, dass er Gaming mag. Einfach Ava in langweilig.
Alle so "Yay, Friedrich geht doch nicht aufs Fußballinternat!". Und dann war er in der nächsten Staffel plötzlich weg und wurde nie wieder erwähnt. Scheiß Heuchler!
Orkan: *macht das absolute Minimum* Daphne: 😍❤️💖💗 Zum Glück hat sie eine Staffel später mit ihm Schluss gemacht, sie hat besseres verdient.
Ich wünschte Noahs Backstory wäre so gut beleuchtet worden wie die von Jannis
Die haben Mila sogar den Wäschefalter von Sheldon Cooper gegeben
Lotta walked so Leni and Cäcilia could run
Was für eine schöne letzte Folge! Die Rückblenden, das Instrumental vom Intro als Hintergrundmusik, das Gemeinschaftsgefühl und Mila, die Dominik umarmt, obwohl sie Berührungen sonst hasst.
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