#madame president icons
animeglitch · 30 days
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maddieladner1999 · 10 months
Red white and royal blue thoughts
Spoilers ahead be warned
Just to note I have not finished the book yet but I will
The cake scene was so good.
Outpolling the spice girls? Queen
“Good old fashioned damage control” I’m loving the accent
The sun shines line is the best love hearing it
Alex having to pretend to be friends with Henry is such a good plot device
“You’re wearing lifts I know that too sweetheart” lol love him
The tension is literally killing me
They should’ve had some time to prep this interview it’s awkward
White blond and British lol
Food fights to explain the cake?
Omg the closet scene I can’t
Some truths coming out that’s a good start
Nicholas face acting is impeccable
Aww they cut the Star Wars thing out
“You’re expected at my New Year’s party” yes
Rip to Alex’s sister
Is this guy flirting with him?
How is the presidents son so easily able to be a student and not be followed around by everyone?
The texting has started and love the spy kids lol
Oh yes the turkey scene
Love the way there filming the texts and calls
Alex wanting to help is cute
He didn’t wear a grey tie!
Henry’s face when the girl showed up 🥹
Henry’s reaction to get low is iconic
He’s trying so hard it’s cute.
Omg the girls kissing Alex and Henry’s reaction 🥹 he fell first
The way he says did I do something wrong tho
I don’t know how he didn’t get the prince Henry being bay thing I mean he literally said the people who interest me I can’t date
Alex worrying about Henry tho
Nora is the best
Alex being totally oblivious to his crush on henry is so funny
So he’s had a past with guys it’s not fully unaware
He’s looking for Henry awe
Prince henry has arrived yay
Alex getting help to talk to henry alone is so iconic of him
They’re kissing omg yes
Your royal hardness or Big Ben I love it
The ass grab stop
Some very bad things to you omg
Immediately walks into kissing I love them
Ok we doing this?
They kept the key!
I just can’t afford for you to fall in love with me awe henry you poor thing
Ok polo match next meeting
The one last look before leaving though
The sneaking around is perfection
“Yeah I could eat” sir you just did
That’s a long name
Alex’s hair in the coffee shop omg
Henry you making me sad
Alex just wanted to comfort him
Oh we already at making love
“I went to an English boarding school trust me you’re in good hands” henry you slut
They’re chemistry is everything.
The way they look at each other is so pure
I did not expect an actual sex scene
What in the fanfic?
Nicholas has very non manly hands
Omg they slept together too
Alex loves his life and Henry hates his
I love the idea of a women being president
“Yes madam president” I love him
She liked his memo! Yay
He’s going to Texas to get his mom re-elected!
The emails montage tho
Prince Henry has arrived in New York yasss
I have a feeling Miguel will do something stupid tho
Omg this is where zahra catches them oh yes
Her reaction to it being Henry is so on point
Straight up panic attack
Aww Henry told his sista
Is Alex gonna come out to his mom?
“He happens to be Henry” the realization
I love how accepting she is
Not a sex talk too lol
They invited Henry to the vacation house cute
I’m living for prince henry in normal clothes
He’s wearing Alex’s hats and singing karaoke I love Nicholas singing
I think Alex just realized he’s in love with Henry
They’re laying on the dock together I can’t
Oh no Henry is getting scared of Alex’s feelings
Nicholas the actor you are
Omg he jumped in to avoid the conversation
Poor Henry can’t have what he wants
Not him leaving in the middle of the night noo
Awe his sister cares so much about his feelings I hate that he can’t love Alex
Alex keeps calling obviously he’s confused
Alex flew to London to see Henry he’s in love
Henrys speech tho 👏🏻👏🏻
Y’all I’m actually crying
Alex making Henry tell him to leave yes king
Where are they going?
A museum?
There gonna dance cute
This is so precious
There gonna try to be together!
He’s giving Alex his ring and Alex is giving him the key necklace I can’t
Oh no the emails have been released
“The Waterloo letters” is that a mamma Mia reference?
Miguel for sure leaked the emails
Alex can come forward with the truth and does but will Henry?
Alex’s speech on coming out 👏🏻👏🏻
Zahra calling to get Henry on the phone for Alex tho queen
The way his face lit up when he heard Alex’s voice omg
Alex came to London for him I cannot
The piano playing is so cute
His hair is a lot less blonde but I think it’s the lighting
The king wishes to see Alex and Henry?
The silence is killing me
The king is trying to protect Henry by keeping him from happiness
Henry is standing up for himself I love it
“The nation will not accept a prince who is homosexual” yet there are loads of people outside
Henry is going outside with Alex and being himself!
Henry being there for the end of the election tho
Henry’s tie stop
She won! Ellen won!
Henry’s on stage with them!!!
I’m so happy they can be public
Visiting the old house?
That’s it? No I want more
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dweemeister · 7 months
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Movie Odyssey Retrospective
The Phantom of the Opera (1925)
By the time French journalist-turned-novelist Gaston Leroux published Le Fantôme de l'Opéra as a serial in 1909, he was best known for his detective fiction, deeply influenced by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Edgar Allan Poe. The Phantom of the Opera plays out like a Poe work – teeming with the macabre, painted with one character’s fanatic, violent lust. In serial form and, later, as a novel, Leroux’s work won praise across the West. One of the book’s many fans was Universal Pictures president Carl Laemmle who, on a 1922 trip to Paris, met with Leroux. While on the trip, he read Phantom (a copy gifted to him by Leroux) in a single night, and bought the film rights with a certain actor already in mind.
Laemmle’s first and only choice for the role of the Phantom was about to play Quasimodo in Universal’s 1923 adaptation of Victor Hugo’s The Hunchback of Notre Dame. That actor, Lon Chaney, had subsisted on bit roles and background parts since entering into a contract with Universal in 1912. Chaney, who was about to sign a contract with Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM), became an instant sensation the moment The Hunchback of Notre Dame hit theaters. Audiences and critics in the early 1920s were simultaneously horrified at the sight of his Quasimodo yet, crucially, felt a profound empathy towards the character.
In his prior films, as well as Hunchback, Chaney separated himself from his fellow bit actors with a skill that almost no other actor in Hollywood possessed: he was also a makeup artist. At this time, actors applied their own makeup – often simple cosmetics or unconvincing facial hair. None of the major Hollywood studios had makeup departments in the early 1920s, and it would not be until the 1940s that each studio had such a department. Chaney, the son of two deaf and mute adults, was also a master of physical acting, and could expertly use his hands and arms to empower a scene. Though already bound for MGM, Chaney could not possibly pass up the role of Erik, the Phantom. Despite frequent clashes with director Rupert Julian (1923’s Merry-Go-Round and 1930’s The Cat Creeps; despite being Universal’s most acclaimed director at this time, Julian was either sacked or walked away mid-production), Chaney’s performance alone earned him his place in cinematic history and, for this film, an iconic work of horror cinema and silent film.
As the film begins, we find ourselves at the Palais Garnier, home of the Paris Opera. The Opera’s management has resigned, turning over the Palais Garnier to new ownership. As the ink dries on the contract and as the previous owners depart, they warn about a Phantom of the Opera, who likes sitting in one of the box seats. Soon after, prima donna Carlotta (Virginia Pearson) receives a threatening letter from the Phantom. She must step aside and allow a chorus girl, Christine Daaé (Mary Philbin), sing the lead role in Charles Gounod’s Faust. If she refuses to comply, the Phantom promises something horrific. Aware of the letter, Christine the next day confers with her loved one, the Vicomte Raoul de Chagny (Norman Kerry), that she has been receiving musical guidance from a “Spirit of Music”, whom she has heard through the walls of her dressing room. Raoul laughs this off, but a series of murderous incidents at that evening’s production of Faust is no laughing matter. Christine eventually meets the shadowy musical genius of the Phantom, whose name is Erik (Chaney). In his subterranean lair, he professes his love to her – a love that will never die.
Rupert Julian’s The Phantom of the Opera also stars Arthur Edmund Carewe as the Inspector Ledoux (for fans of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s musical version, this is the Madame Giry character); Gibson Gowland as Simon Buquet; and John St. Polis as Raoul’s brother, the Comte Philippe de Chagny.
Before extoling this film, one has to single out Mary Philbin and Norman Kerry as the glaring underperformers in this adaptation. Philbin would become a much better actress than she displays here, if The Man Who Laughs (1928) is any indication. Yet, Philbin’s Christine is a blank slate, devoid of much personality and interest. It also does not help that Norman Kerry plays Raoul in a similar fashion. Raoul, in any adaptation of Phantom, tends to be a boring role. But goodness me, for a B-actor who was acclaimed for his tall, dark, and handsome looks and screen persona, he is a charisma vacuum here. During Kerry’s more intimate scenes with Philbin, you may notice that Kerry has a case of “roving hands” when he gets close with Philbin. Philbin, who could not visibly react to these moments on-camera, surreptitiously took Kerry’s hands and held them there to stop the touching.
Philbin is much better when sharing the screen opposite Chaney. Chaney and Philbin both could not stand director Rupert Julian – whom both actors, as well almost all of the crew, regarded as an imposing fraud who knew little about making art and more about how to cut costs (Laemmle appointed Julian for this film in part due to Julian’s reputation for delivering work under budget). There are unconfirmed accounts that after Julian’s departure or removal from Phantom, Chaney himself directed the remainder of the shoot aside from the final climactic chase scene (which was the uncredited Edward Sedgwick’s responsibility). In any case, Philbin’s terror when around Chaney was real. The sets of the Phantom’s lair reportedly spooked her – the subterranean waterways, his inner sanctum. Philbin also received no preparation before the filming of what is now one of the signature moments of the silent film era and all of horror cinema. Her reaction to Lon Chaney’s self-applied makeup – meant to appear half-skin, half-skeletal – was the first time that she saw Chaney’s Phantom in all his gruesomeness. Philbin, freed of the innocent, pedestrian dialogue of the film’s opening act, gifts to the camera one hell of a reaction, fully fitting within the bounds of silent film horror.
There are conflicting records on how Chaney achieved the Phantom’s final appearance. The descriptions forthcoming are the elements that freely-available scholarship generally accepts as true. It appears that Chaney utilized a skull cap to raise his forehead’s height, as well as marking deep pencil lines onto that cap to accentuate wrinkles and his brow. He also raised his cheekbones by stuffing cotton into his cheeks, as well as placing a set of stylized, decaying dentures. Inner-nasal wiring altered the angle of his nose, and white highlights across his face contributed to his skeletal look for the cameras. Cinematographer Charles Van Enger (1920's The Last of the Mohicans, uncredited on 1925's The Big Parade) – who, other than Chaney, was one of the most familiar onset with Chaney’s makeup – claimed that the nasal wiring sometimes led to significant bleeding. Taking inspiration from Chaney’s approach to keeping the makeup artistry hidden from Philbin and others, Universal kept the Phantom’s true appearance a secret from the public and press. The studio advised movie theaters to keep smelling salts ready, in case of audience members fainting during the unmasking scene. According to popular reporting at the time, audience members did scream and faint upon the reveal; a nine-year-old Gregory Peck’s first movie memory was being so terrified of Lon Chaney’s Phantom, that he asked to sleep with his grandmother that evening after he came home.
Lon Chaney’s tremendous performance allows The Phantom of the Opera to soar. Arguably, it is his career pinnacle. Masked or unmasked, Chaney’s Phantom dominates the frame at any moment he is onscreen aside from the film’s final chase sequence. Whether glowering over Christine, majestically gesturing in silhouette, strutting down the Opera House steps during the Bal Masqué, or tucked into the corner of the frame, Chaney’s physical presence draws the audience’s eyes to whatever he is doing. The differences in posture from before and after the unmasking scene are striking – from an elegant specter to a broken, hunched figure (appearing to draw some inspiration from his experience playing Quasimodo two years earlier) seething with pent-up carnality, rage, and sorrow. Chaney’s Phantom garners the audience’s sympathy when he gives Christine the grand tour of his chambers. Look at his posture and hands when he mentions, “That is where I sleep,” and, “If I am the Phantom, it is because man’s hatred has made me so.”  That Chaney can ease through these transitions and transformations – as well as a third transformation, as the Red Death during the Bal Masqué – so naturally, without a misstep, is a testament to his acting ability.
Underneath the tortured and twisted visage of a man who has committed horrific acts is a vulnerable and misguided human being. His dreams, dashed and discarded by all others, have turned to despicable means. The role of the Phantom plays brilliantly to Chaney’s genius: to have audiences sympathize with even the most despicable or despondent characters he played. Chaney accomplishes this despite this film characterizing the Phantom with less sympathy than Leroux’s original novel and the popular Andrew Lloyd Webber musical.
This is already on top of Charles Van Enger’s camerawork; the sharp editing from a team including Edward Curtiss (1932’s Scarface) Maurice Pivar (1923’s The Hunchback of Notre Dame), Gilmore Walker (1927’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin), and Lois Weber.
Weber, who in 1916 was Universal’s highest-paid director, underwent numerous financial difficulties over that decade. One of Hollywood’s first true auteurs and largely ignored in the history of film until recently, Weber formed her own production company with Universal’s assistance in 1917, off the success of Shoes (1916). Through World War I, Weber’s movies were popular until around the turn of the decade, when her “didactic” filmmaking (a result of her devout Christian upbringing) went out of style. Most visibly among Weber’s financial failures of the early 1920s, The Blot (1921) – a movie that scholars and Weber himself considered her best – flopped in theaters. After two hiatuses from filmmaking in the early 1920s, Weber was brought in to conduct the final bits of editing on The Phantom of the Opera before returning to directing under Universal.
Though none of the film’s production designers were yet to hit their peak, The Phantom of the Opera benefitted from having a soon-to-be all-star art department including James Basevi (1944’s The Song of Bernadette), Cedric Gibbons (almost any and all MGM movies from 1925 onward), and Robert Florey (1932’s Murders in the Rue Morgue). Inspired by designs sketched by French art director Ben Carré, the production design trio spared no expense to bring Carré’s illustrations to life and used the entirety of Universal’s Soundstage 28 to construct all necessary interior sets. The set’s five tiers of seating and vast foyer needed to support several hundred extras. So unlike the customary wooden supports commonplace during the silent era for gargantuan sets, The Phantom of the Opera’s set for the Palais Garnier became the first film set ever to use steel supports planted into concrete. Basevi, Gibbons, and Florey’s work is glorious, with no special effects to supplement the visuals. The seventeen-minute Bal Masqué scene – which was shot in gorgeous two-strip Technicolor (the earliest form of Technicolor, which emphasized greens and reds) – is the most striking of all, unfurling its gaudy magnificence to heights rarely seen in cinema.
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Universal’s Soundstage 28 was an integral part of the VIP tour at Universal Studios Hollywood for decades. Though the orchestra seats and the stage of the film’s Palais Garnier had long gone, the backside box seats of the auditorium remained. Stage 28 featured in numerous films after The Phantom of the Opera, including Dracula (1931), the Lon Chaney biopic Man of a Thousand Faces (1957), Psycho (1960), Charade (1963), Jurassic Park (1993), How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000), and The Muppets (2011). The soundstage was also supposedly haunted, with individuals claiming to see a caped figure (Lon Chaney as the Phantom?) running around the catwalks, lights flickering on and off, and doors opening and closing on their own. In 2014, after standing for almost ninety years, Universal decided to demolish Stage 28 so as to expand its theme park. However, the historic set escaped the wrecking ball, as Universal decided to disassemble the set, place it into storage, and perhaps someday reassemble it. It is a fate far kinder than almost all other production design relics from the silent era.
Unlike what was coming out of Weimar Germany in the 1920s in the form of German Expressionism, American horror films had no template to follow when The Phantom of the Opera arrived in theaters. There would be no codification of American horror cinema’s tropes and sense of timing until the next decade. But without 1925’s The Phantom of the Opera, Universal would never become the house of horror it did in the 1930s through the early ‘50s (including the Dracula, Frankenstein, Mummy, Invisible Man, Wolf Man, and Creature from the Black Lagoon series). So, unbound by any unwritten guidelines, 1925’s The Phantom of the Opera – a horror film, but arguably also a melodrama with elements of horror – consumes the viewer with its chilling atmosphere and, from Lon Chaney, one of the best cinematic performances ever, without any qualification. For silent film novices, this is one of the best films to begin with (outside the comedies of Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton, and Harold Lloyd). Regardless of one’s familiarity with silent film, The Phantom of the Opera is a cinematic milestone.
My rating: 9.5/10
^ Based on my personal imdb rating. My interpretation of that ratings system can be found in the “Ratings system” page on my blog. Half-points are always rounded down.
For more of my reviews tagged “My Movie Odyssey”, check out the tag of the same name on my blog.
This is the twenty-third Movie Odyssey Retrospective. Movie Odyssey Retrospectives are reviews on films I had seen in their entirety before this blog’s creation or films I failed to give a full-length write-up to following the blog’s creation. Previous Retrospectives include Dracula (1931 English-language version), Oliver! (1968), and Peter Pan (1953).
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pennzance · 1 year
"Madam President... are you okay?"
"I... y'know what Jenkins, I have no idea."
"Is something bothering you?"
"Well... I just found out that in the next Muppet movie, I'll be played by Miss Piggy."
"Um... what?"
"And I don't know how to feel about it. I mean, on the one hand I'm livid. Are they implying I'm some sort of pig? That I'm an overbearing diva? But on the other hand, it's Miss Piggy! She's a damn ICON, and it's probably going to be so damn funny, too. And then again, the press is going to have a field day with this once they know but it's also a chance to reach out to a younger generation and-"
"Ma'am? Can we rewind this conversation back to some semblance of reality I recognize?"
"Do you not know what the Muppets are? What kind of uncultured upbringing did you HAVE, Jenkins?"
"Not one where I considered a pig puppet to be an icon, ma'am."
"You... you just make me so sad some times."
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ac1nums · 4 months
tv shows.
degrassi, the next generation.
clare edwards, student at degrassi; drama queen, loves journalisms and vampire literature. nineteen/twenty, ella purnell, bisexual. eli goldsworthy, playwright, student at nyu and former student at degrassi, drama king, nineteen/twenty, munro chambers, bisexual. bianca desousa, former student at degrassi and college student now, nineteen/twenty, cierra ramirez, bisexual. imogen moreno, student at degrassi and drama club enthusiats, nineteen, cristine prosperi, lesbian. paige michalchuk, eighteen/twenty-five, queen bee of degrassi high, a lover, bisexual who has an older brother who plays hockey far away from home, renée rapp. manuela santos, eighteen-twenty five years, future movie star who loves hanging with band when boredrom kick in, bisexual, cassie steele. jake martin, eighteen/twenty-five man who love to build things and do love working on gardens, bisexual, nick robinson. becky baker, miss sunshine who loves musical and annoying directors, christian girl who is rebellious at times, eighteen/twenty-five, bisexual, madelyn cline. craig manning, musician who gets in trouble a lot with girls or boys, loves music as if it was his entiere life, eighteen/twenty-five, bisexual, felix mallard. maya matlin, cello and guitare enthousiast, loves to educate people with mental illness and is a lead singer in her own band, eighteen/twenty five, olivia scriven, bisexual. ashley kherwin, music lover who would do anything to being people back tonlife with her lyrics, eighteen/twenty-five, bisexual, benedetta gargan.
rachel berry, the drama queen who needs validation but know what she’s worth. eighteen, is going to be the it girl of broadway. rachel zegler. bisexual. blaine anderson, warblers prodigy, loves the glee club like a second family, eighteen - twenty-five, homosexual icon, darren criss. mercedes jones, queen latifa and the beyonce of the glee club, isn't afraid to hurt your feelings, eighteen - twenty- five, bisexual, ryan destiny.
one tree hill.
haley james scott, once a student, validatorian, singer, producer, mom and wife, twenty-five, bethany joy lenz, straight.
skins uk.
effy stonem, witch who’s a part of the frasser coven ( fear streat based ), twenty, marine vacht, lesbian.
the vampire diaries.
katherine pierce, vampire who’s living for blood and wrath, twenty in apparence but 545+, daniela nieves, bisexual. kai parker, leader of the gemini coven ( finally ), sociopath without a heart, twenty in apparence but 35+, no shippable, chris wood. bonnie bennet, town witch who is tougher than she looks, would do anything for her friends, even sacrificing herself, seventeen - twenty, kat graham, bisexual.
shadowhunters/ mortal instrument.
clary fairchild, shadowhunter who’s looking for her mother and tries not to attract the wrong people around but can’t, twenty, sophie skeleton, bisexual.
thirteen reason why ( tagged as 13rw if you wanna ban it )
jessica davis, future journalist who survived a lot in her high school years, twenty, alisha boe, bisexual.
teen wolf.
lydia martin, mathlet who loves shopping too much and skate on the ice when she has the times, is something special, can shatter your skull with her banshee cries, seventeen - twenty, kennedy walsh, bisexual.
skam norway.
chris schistad, penetrator chris when it comes to parties, love flirting with girls, and is a literature lover, twenty, herman tommeraas, bisexual. noora sætre, future madam president, would rather see her friends smile than cry and will sing justin bieber to cheer them up, twenty, bisexual, josephine frida pettersen.
wednesday addams, loves to tourment people and solve mistery. eighteen, jenna ortega, bisexual.
my life with the walter boys. ( book + tv show adapted. )
katherine walter, mother of twelve ( now thirteen ) kids , guardians, ( not all them hers but she loves them all equally. ) , late fourty, veterinarian in Silver Falls and happily married to george. sarah rafferty. jackie howard, little city girl who doesn’t like calm city living in silver falls with eleven boys and a girl who she foundly adores.eighteen, bisexual nikki rodriguez. cole walter, ex-quaterback of his high school football team, broody and mysterious, second of twelve bothers, is trying his best but sometimes, don’t succed. eighteen, bisexual, noah lalonde.
phoebe halliwell, twenty-thirty verse dependant, witch who loves to prank her sister and be gone for their lives for a thousand years and come back as if nothing bad happened when there is still obviously some bad blood with her older sister, student at law college of san fransisco, bisexual, seb quesada.
veronica mars.
wallace fennel, eighteen/twenty-five, nerd who loves to solve mystery with his best friend, loyal friend who would go down for justice and everything that comes with it, bisexual, percy daggs iii.
cobra kai.
robby keene, eighteen years old, part of the miyagi-do / eagles dojo. a little bit misunderstood, troublemaker, and have serious daddy issues. tanner buchanan, bisexual.
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stingslikeabee · 9 months
actions speak louder than words prompts . accepting
The wind had a certain bite at such an impressive height - within the slums, one barely felt it given how the plate structure messed with most of the currents and the seasons to a degree. It could get uncomfortably hot or unpleasantly cold, but it usually was nothing to do with the breeze - fresh air was not a luxury afforded to underplaters.
But now, looking at Midgar from the top of the most iconic building in all of the city, it was as if she was experiencing the metropolis for the first time. When one stood that tall and removed from the landscape composed of glowing reactors, mako particles and a million different lights from housing complexes and other office spaces, it was easy to forget all that was wrong with the city - the poverty, corruption and sickness below the plate; Corneo's cruelty staining all of Wall Market with his garish mansion and horrifying traditions.
Well - not anymore; if anything, the only reminder of the former Don of the slums was the blood that had soaked the floor of his suite and which was no longer removable from the surface without great effort. But the madame didn't care for his house at all - Melissa would have set it on fire if that didn't risk the lives of other residents.
But after Corneo fell to the blade wielded by Hikaru, there was little to no resistance to her own reign. Instead of a caged bird, Melissa felt more of a predatory animal now. A true queen with the most devoted knight at her back, with luminous eyes of ever-present danger and which contained unshakable loyalty for one without noble birth.
And that persisted as his memories start to return - even as Hikaru transitioned to Sephiroth again, former poster boy for Shinra and yet discarded as a failure and a danger the moment he was unwilling to be a pawn, it was too late to put a stop to it all. Corneo's blood was just the beginning and Melissa's cage was the first one to be smashed.
After that, it was only logical that President Shinra's would follow - dripping from the edge of the sharp sword held by digits which had never unlearned the necessary survival skills and that had brought them both freedom. As Sephiroth walked outside to meet Melissa, however, he seemed less focused on the view from the top of the tower and more so on how the brunette shivered from the harsh winds at that altitude.
He didn't speak - Sephiroth just used the free hand to remove his own jacket and placed it over Melissa's shoulders with the comforting weight of his hand. It did break the reverie that the madame had been living in - and she looked at the former SOLDIER with a soft smile on her lips, nodding as thanks and stepping closer to his taller frame. It was a simple gesture: the brunette had additional warmth thanks to his kindness and she wanted to share.
Metaphorically or otherwise - she had only made it as far as she had thanks to him.
In an interesting parallel to their first encounter, inching closer to Sephiroth to offer him some physical comfort in return dirtied her dress with blood - and once again, Melissa didn't seem to mind. Fabric was just fabric - it could be washed or replaced. But this... What they had just done, this legacy of disposed tyrants and freedom acquired after such immense pain?
That form of liberation was just priceless. Other people would call them monsters or evil, sure; but Melissa knew they were just survivors.
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Other not-so-fun Aaron Sparrow facts: If you check out the Thinking Critical podcast on youtube there's a video called How To Destroy Your Franchise, featuring Aaron. He explicitly talks about how marginalized people have invaded men's spaces and forced woke media on comics and tv and blames inclusion as the reason comics are tanking. He's gone straight down the alt-right pipeline it's absolutely bizarre.
I wasn't going to say it out in the open yet until I had a clear confirmation, but yes, I can see by his Twitter posts, likes and people he follows, that he was REALLY feeling like a... *cough* "Traditional Conservative". A term that my Trumper grandfather uses to justify why he's so stubborn about his "beliefs", which are essentially "White Republican men are the superior Americans". which is just a few extra steps away from full blown Trumpism
I miss being 10. Worst thing I had to worry about back then was remembering how to hook up my N64 to the VCR via coaxial cable so I could play Donkey Kong.
I've stumbled on Sparrow's posts that indicate anti-mask, anti-vaxx, comments that specifically come off as bigoted to me, his watchlist includes infamous well known Republicans that have openly spoken out and acted against marginalized people, pro-lifers, and even liking posts such as this absolutely disgusting joke that's poking fun at the recent attack this week on Madame Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband Paul and Mr. Pelosi is AN 80-SOMETHING YEAR OLD MAN WHO WAS ATTACKED IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT IN HIS HOME BY A CRAZED ASSAILANT WITH A HAMMER BECAUSE THE INTRUDER WANTED TO HURT HIS WIFE, WHO IS THE MOST POWERFUL DEMOCRAT IN THE COUNTRY AND SECOND IN LINE FOR THE PRESIDENCY SHOULD THE PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT BE UNABLE TO:
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That's correct, Aaron Sparrow liked a tweet making light of an elderly man being beaten in the head at two in the morning at his own home because someone wanted to attack his wife, who wasn't even in town because she was doing important things pertaining to keeping the government running smoothly, like, can you imagine how that whole ordeal went down? Sure, Paul is out of surgery now and expected to make a full recovery, but he was beaten in the skull with a hammer while police arrived on scene.
Mr. Pelosi has no ties in government, he's just the husband of my country's top democratic individual, who has been working hard on dealing with the aftermath of Trump attempting to stage a coup a couple of years ago ((finally in court for that, and by the way, Trump sent an angry mob at Mrs. Pelosi, many of whom in the crowd where chanting for her death and dragging a noose with them)), as well as other things.
An old man. Was beaten in the head. With a hammer. In his own home. In the middle of the night. While his wife was away. Because someone broke into his home. To hurt his wife. And was using him as collateral.
And Aaron Sparrow thought this tweet about making that incident into a "great last minute Halloween costume" was so amusing that he clicked that little heart icon to show the guy who said it "Wow, that's pretty cool!"
Aaron Sparrow thinks elder abuse is a riot, apparently. It's elder abuse, I know that because the suspect has already been caught and is in the process of being charged for multiple counts, and one of them listed is "elder abuse".
Sparrow thinks. That an old man. Being brutally beaten in the face. With a hammer. In what should be the safe sanctity of his own home. Is funny.
I want to throw up.
The fact that Sparrow fancies himself as an IRL QuackerJack convinces me even more that he really does not know the character as well as he thinks he does.
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ac1num · 1 month
tv shows.
degrassi, the next generation.
clare edwards, student at degrassi; drama queen, loves journalisms and vampire literature. nineteen/twenty, ella purnell, bisexual. eli goldsworthy, playwright, student at nyu and former student at degrassi, drama king, nineteen/twenty, munro chambers, bisexual. bianca desousa, former student at degrassi and college student now, nineteen/twenty, cierra ramirez, bisexual. imogen moreno, student at degrassi and drama club enthusiats, nineteen, cristine prosperi, lesbian. paige michalchuk, eighteen/twenty-five, queen bee of degrassi high, a lover, bisexual who has an older brother who plays hockey far away from home, renée rapp. manuela santos, eighteen-twenty five years, future movie star who loves hanging with band when boredrom kick in, bisexual, cassie steele. jake martin, eighteen/twenty-five man who love to build things and do love working on gardens, bisexual, nick robinson. becky baker, miss sunshine who loves musical and annoying directors, christian girl who is rebellious at times, eighteen/twenty-five, bisexual, madelyn cline. craig manning, musician who gets in trouble a lot with girls or boys, loves music as if it was his entiere life, eighteen/twenty-five, bisexual, felix mallard. maya matlin, cello and guitare enthousiast, loves to educate people with mental illness and is a lead singer in her own band, eighteen/twenty five, olivia scriven, bisexual. ashley kherwin, music lover who would do anything to being people back tonlife with her lyrics, eighteen/twenty-five, bisexual, benedetta gargan.
rachel berry, the drama queen who needs validation but know what she’s worth. eighteen, is going to be the it girl of broadway. rachel zegler. bisexual. blaine anderson, warblers prodigy, loves the glee club like a second family, eighteen - twenty-five, homosexual icon, darren criss. mercedes jones, queen latifa and the beyonce of the glee club, isn’t afraid to hurt your feelings, eighteen - twenty- five, bisexual, ryan destiny.
one tree hill.
haley james scott, once a student, validatorian, singer, producer, mom and wife, twenty-five, bethany joy lenz, straight.
skins uk.
effy stonem, witch who’s a part of the frasser coven ( fear streat based ), twenty, marine vacht, lesbian.
the vampire diaries.
katherine pierce, vampire who’s living for blood and wrath, twenty in apparence but 545+, daniela nieves, bisexual. kai parker, leader of the gemini coven ( finally ), sociopath without a heart, twenty in apparence but 35+, no shippable, chris wood. bonnie bennet, town witch who is tougher than she looks, would do anything for her friends, even sacrificing herself, seventeen - twenty, kat graham, bisexual.
shadowhunters/ mortal instrument.
clary fairchild, shadowhunter who’s looking for her mother and tries not to attract the wrong people around but can’t, twenty, sophie skeleton, bisexual.
thirteen reason why ( tagged as 13rw if you wanna ban it )
jessica davis, future journalist who survived a lot in her high school years, twenty, alisha boe, bisexual.
teen wolf.
lydia martin, mathlet who loves shopping too much and skate on the ice when she has the times, is something special, can shatter your skull with her banshee cries, seventeen - twenty, kennedy walsh, bisexual.
skam norway.
chris schistad, penetrator chris when it comes to parties, love flirting with girls, and is a literature lover, twenty, herman tommeraas, bisexual. noora sætre, future madam president, would rather see her friends smile than cry and will sing justin bieber to cheer them up, twenty, bisexual, josephine frida pettersen.
wednesday addams, loves to tourment people and solve mistery. eighteen, jenna ortega, bisexual.
my life with the walter boys. ( book + tv show adapted. )
katherine walter, mother of twelve ( now thirteen ) kids , guardians, ( not all them hers but she loves them all equally. ) , late fourty, veterinarian in Silver Falls and happily married to george. sarah rafferty. jackie howard, little city girl who doesn’t like calm city living in silver falls with eleven boys and a girl who she foundly adores.eighteen, bisexual nikki rodriguez. cole walter, ex-quaterback of his high school football team, broody and mysterious, second of twelve bothers, is trying his best but sometimes, don’t succed. eighteen, bisexual, noah lalonde.
phoebe halliwell, twenty-thirty verse dependant, witch who loves to prank her sister and be gone for their lives for a thousand years and come back as if nothing bad happened when there is still obviously some bad blood with her older sister, student at law college of san fransisco, bisexual, seb quesada.
veronica mars.
wallace fennel, eighteen/twenty-five, nerd who loves to solve mystery with his best friend, loyal friend who would go down for justice and everything that comes with it, bisexual, percy daggs iii.
cobra kai.
robby keene, eighteen years old, part of the miyagi-do / eagles dojo. a little bit misunderstood, troublemaker, and have serious daddy issues. tanner buchanan, bisexual.
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jessicaheartmom · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: ModCloth Madam Vice President Graphic Tee.
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movienation · 4 months
BOX OFFICE: "Bob Marley" buries "Madame Web"
“Bob Marley” lives! The reggae icon’s music endures, and his image and story have audiences lining up around the world for a bio pic that earned mixed reviews (I liked it). A big Valentine’s Day opening, and a big Friday have “Bob Marley: One Love”  opening over $46 million, Wed.-Monday (Presidents Day). That’s almost twice the take that Sony’s Marvel mess, “Madame Web.” It’s on track to do an…
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msmoonstone · 4 months
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Independent Cordelia Moonstone From Mark Millar's The Magic Order
CJ  -  Pronouns: They/Them or she/her  -  ADHD, bear with me, and other issues. Blog is 18+ -  Mun is 25+ (b. 1995) Cordelia is 30 Pre-established relationships welcome
Mutuals Only - My mental health sucks. This is easiest on me so I can kind of mediate who I interact with without having to be a dick.
No Godmodding or metagaming
Any questions just drop an ask, don’t be shy
Shipping chemistry only. If at all Always accepting new threads
Icons painstakingly being made by me
- I have a bad history of not responding to IM’s, be they tumblr, discord, or whatever. Something about it triggers my anxiety a bit and I just don’t respond to them well.
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riciidrei · 11 months
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Hell university is made by one of the famous wattpad authors KnightInBlack aka KIB, he is known as a talented writer with markable stories rich in plot twist, development of the characters and the plot of the stories. His famous book stories that made him more known is the Hell University, it is famously known even today because of the uniqueness of it. Many people say this story is their first love and has a special place in their heart. Hell University is a combination of horror, mystery and romance that keeps the readers to the edge of their seat and doesn't miss any part of the story. With his determination and passion to create good quality content, KnightInBlack will always continue his writing and inspire other people with the moral and hidden lessons in his stories that can apply to real life situations.
It starts from a group of teenagers(Zein and her friends) who wanted to have a haunted group outing but instead they discover a hidden school in the middle of the forest. This school allows students to kill each other after sunset, probably 7pm. There's only one rule in the school, the iconic line, “Once you enter there's no turning back”because this school is not regulated by the government. So Zein and her friends accept the fact they should survive the living hell they entered and there she meets the love of her life, the so-called “supremo”, the supreme president of the school Ace Craige. He is the most powerful student and once you belong to the top 10 students it means you are powerful and also can control someone. Supremo falls in love with Zein that pushes him to make Zein his secretary and makes her belong to the top 10. As the story goes on, everyday there's killing and the trigger between the two rival groups, the Black Bloody Gang and Devil God Warriors, Madame Violet and Francisco continue their evilness and control the school. Little did they know Supremo has a tunnel to the real world aka the prison and is waiting for the right time to free his co-students from the hell university. As Zein and Ace fall in love deeper, Supremo attempts many sacrifices to her to make her safe inside the school even though he knows that it can cause him to be removed as the president which is the best asset to him to make his plan possible. There is a rule that Supremo should not fall in love because it creates his decision biassed and unfair to others, when Madame Violet and Francisco knew the relationship between them, they removed Ace as the president. This is when Ace reveals the truth because the situation inside the school becomes worse, Zein is hurt and dying because Madame Violet and Francisco have full control. He takes the risk of danger just to save his love, Zein. In the end of the Hell University book, the whole school was finally free from that hell and the site of the school was closed. Every student went back to their previous life before in peace. Zein and her remaining friends become stronger to their friendship. Zein went back to her home and family. In the end Zein and Ace can freely love each other without any boundaries and their siblings Allison and Raze finally met each other. The tragedy and trauma are still in their hearts but little by little they move on and face the reality.
The story of Hell University tells the readers to be more open-minded to every situation. Always do the right thing even if it can result in negative or worse, for example in the character of Zein who always chooses the right way to solve the problem and death. In Hell University the lesson is like just the real school. They also have subjects and teachers but when the clock strikes at 7pm all students are allowed to kill whoever they want. There are also iconic things that symbolise something, for example the nail it symbolises the Black Blood Gang. It shows how cruel the hell university is but for some reason if you read the book it attracts you more to enter and imagine how your life will be if you are in that school. In the beginning of the story you will notice that Hell University is totally violence, killing and selfish but the circle of friends of Zein makes the story balanced. Also Supremo will do everything for love even if it can destroy his plan that he built for many years. Some students also need to kill and sacrifice life to make the situation more realistic for Madame Violet and Francisco because they are the main reason why students are trapped in that hell and they are the one who created the school. The main reason why most of the readers, especially myself, are amazed is the biggest plot twist ever. The plot twist that no one will notice because of the very hidden clues, especially in the part of the two gangs are just props to make the acting more realistic and scary. The time when readers all know and might know that Ace is the real Raze Silvenia, the owner of the cat is Raze’s own child, Samantha is the sibling of Zein and twin of Allison. Also I was amazed that Samantha is the first love of Supremo,in this part I feel sad for Zein because they look like I might think that Supremo just loves him because he reminds Samantha of her. But readers and I wonder why no one can escape to that school, because of just that wall. The one thing for sure that catches the reader's and my heart is the love story of Zein and Supremo, the plot twist and development of the character and situations.
Hell University is very popular through this past years and even now, it was read by many people at any age. It has a advanced and fantastic imaginabale characters and plot. The story was amazing from the start until the last. The very strength of the book is that, it has many moral lessons and situations that people can be open their minds to put situations in their selves like sacrificing for their love ones, doing the right thing no matter what will be the result, how to be a good leader and folllower, and the real friendships without betrayals. As you read the book you will wonder and ask question for your self, “How can I suppose to live there?”, “What kind of student I am inside the Hell University”, “Im inlove with Supremo”, “Is there a chance I can survive the Bloody Night and Bloody Week?”, the common question that readers continues the chapters. The very focus of the story is that, students can freely escape in that hell school and also the love story of the main characters (Zein and Ace) and friendship of the group of teenagers who discover the school.
The theme of the book is horror and romance, that can be only read by 18 years old above, but even children read the book. The author should have restriction in the Wattpad App and to the book stores because of the violence and impact of the story to the mind of youngs. Also the ending of the book was not totally the end, there is a sequel of the book called the “Chasing Hell”. There are also some part of the story where in it is not in the App but it was written to the book, which can the readers from the app has lack of some part of the book. You will notice that the book and app have some wrong spelling and grammatically error. It uses new words and expression that some readers can’t be understand it easily.
Hell University is a fiction story about the school where in killing is legal, your curiosity drives you at death, love is no place in there and death bodies treated as a trash. It is a combination of horror and romance. It was start and discover of the group of teenagers who wanted to have haunted group outing then they came inside the school and never came back to the outside. They experience the living hell where in killing is everywhere, everytime and everyday. They follow rules and have a formal class but little they did know the dark prison is the key to the real world. It is a tunnel that communicates the school to the real world. As time pass by, the main chracters fall deeper in each other that causes the plan in danger. But even death face them and struggles they handle it in able to survive. In the end the students are free to the school and the site was close. The sequel of the book was written into another book called “Chasing Hell” where in it stated the real ending of the characters after they escape the Hell University. There is some book related to the Hell University like the popular “Warm Bodies” about the love between the zombie and human, they handle to escape even their are different. The zombie saves the girl to his co-zombies but in the end they discover a way to bring back the zombie to human and they finally love each other as human beings. Horror romance is very popular and most viewed and read stories because of the combination of mystery and love. In the book of KnightInBlack the “Hell University” it was popular even now it reached a millions readers and reached a high rating. Love is the powerful power that a person holds just like Zein and Ace even there are in that hell they manage there love. Friendship is always our first love, Zein and her friends remains strong after what happen and they not even blame each other because it was an amazing experience yet dangerous. Destiny is the phenomenon that we can’t control even accidents and death, there’s no way to predict the future but rather we face the present and change the past.
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whileiamdying · 1 year
Golshifteh Farahani Talks Role Of Art In Iran: “In A Dictatorship Like Iran, Art Is Essential, It’s Like Oxygen” – Berlin Film Festival
By Melanie Goodfellow Senior International Film Correspondent February 16, 2023 4:35am
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Golshifteh Farahani Stephane Cardinale - Corbis/Corbis via Getty Images
Iranian actress Golshifteh Farahani, who is at the Berlin Film Festival as a member of Kristen Stewart’s jury, has talked passionately about the importance of art in her native country as an antidote to its repressive government.
“In a country, like Iran, which is a dictatorship, art is not only an intellectual or philosophical thing, it’s essential, it’s like oxygen,” she said at the festival’s opening press conference.
“Doing art and being an artist is something that goes beyond, because your existence, by being an artist, is put into danger.”
Iran’s authoritarian government has long persecuted professionals in the country’s creative community when they stepped out of line with its hardline Islamist views and policies.
The repression has ratcheted up over the last year. A brutal crackdown on freedom of expression, that preceded the recent protests, saw Berlinale Golden Bear winners Jafar Panahi and Mohammad Rasoulof jailed for more than six months.
Both men were recently released on bail but a number of less internationally renowned filmmakers and artists remain behind bars.
Farahani has been living in France since 2012.
She was declared persona non grata back home and forced to flee after she got on the wrong side of Iran’s repressive Islamic Republic regime for taking a role in Ridley Scott’s 2008 spy thriller Body Of Lies, appearing without a hijab, and then later posing nude for French magazine Madame Figaro.
Farahani now regularly works between Europe and the U.S. with more credits including Peterson, Pirates Of The Caribbean: Salazar’s Revenge, Girls Of The Sun, Arab Blues and Extraction.
The actress was last at the Berlinale in 2009 as the lead actress in Asghar Farhadi’s drama About Elly, for which he won the Silver Bear for Best Director.
She later accused Farhadi of stopping her from walking the Berlinale’s red carpet with the rest of the film team due to the controversy she was facing back home over Body Of Lies.
The director has denied the accusations saying Farahani stood separately on the red carpet out of her own volution.
“I’m very happy to be here with you,” Farahani told Thursday’s press conference.
“I came here in 2009 and it was a very different year. It’s very symbolic to be in Berlin. Berlin is the city that broke the wall, the actual wall, towards equality, freedom, and brought so many people together,” she said.
“This year with Ukraine, with Iran and the earthquake, it feels like the whole world is disintegrating,” she said. “With everything that is happening in Iran, being back in Berlin after all these years, I’m happy that we can gather together and celebrate cinema, celebrate freedom, even though the world seems to be collapsing everywhere.”
The Berlin Film Festival’s international jury, presided over by actress Stewart, also features German director Valeska Grisebach, Romanian director Radu Jude, US casting director and producer Francine Maisler, Spanish director Carla Simón, and iconic Hong Kong director and producer Johnnie To.
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lboogie1906 · 1 year
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William Allen Young (born January 24, 1954) is an actor and director who has starred in over 100 television, stage, and film projects, including two Academy Award-nominated films, A Soldier's Story and District 9. He is known for his roles in Moesha, Code Black, and CSI Miami. Other television credits include The Day After, General Hospital, Madame Secretary, JAG, Atlanta Child Murders, and The Women of Brewster Place. He is credited with helping to diversify the ranks of writers, actors, directors, and producers in Hollywood through the landmark 2000 TV Network Agreement while serving as a former co-chair of the African-American Steering Committee of the Directors Guild of America. His acting career includes starring roles in Simple Justice, Sins, Lock Up, and In the Belly of the Beast, Any Day Now. He guest-starred on Sister, Sister. He has received critical praise for his stage performances in New York City and Los Angeles, and he has performed abroad in Africa, Austria, France, Italy, London, Sri Lanka, and Russia. He starred in Good Luck Charlie. He appeared in "The Blueprint" and on The Game. He made a guest appearance in Madam Secretary. He is a USC graduate and former #1 College Speaker in the Nation for two consecutive years when he led the Trojan Debate Squad to a National Championship. He holds a MA in Sociolinguistics, and a BA in Rhetoric & Debate, and has lectured at major colleges and universities nationwide. As founder/president of the nonprofit Young Center for Academic and Cultural Enrichment, he has helped transform lives and create opportunities for underserved youth to obtain a college education. Students from over 250 schools have participated. He is the recipient of the Ford Foundation Freedom Unsung Award, NAACP Social Achievement Award, Thomas Kilgore, Jr. Humanitarian Service Award, Hero in Education Award, President's Icon Award; and National Organization of Women at Work Man of the Year Award. He was inducted into the African-American Hall of Education and deemed an Ambassador of Goodwill. He married Helen Moore (1986-). He has two children. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence #kappaalphapsi https://www.instagram.com/p/CnzZz6bLQhy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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geezliberia · 2 years
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The Face/Image of the Golden Image Award. ------------------------------------------------------- The image of the Golden Image Award (GIA) is Her Excellency Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, former President of the Republic of Liberia. Madam Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf was Africa’s first female democratically elected Head of State, she was vetted amongst 6 women around the world and won for her bold and courageous role played in ensuring that the rights of women are respected on the continent of Africa and the World at large. Undoubtedly, Former President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf is an international icon, recognized as a leading promoter of Gender Equality, Democracy and the rule of law. Madam Sirleaf is a 2011-Nobel Peace Prize laureate. #libgoldenimageaward #goldenimageaward #queenjuliendee #liberia #liberiabicentennial (at Monrovia, Liberia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfjCIuNsThj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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anmshit · 6 years
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