aohydrangeas · 3 years
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I really wanna see the Sdra2 cast play “spin-the-bottle”. Knowing the cast, it will definitely end up in a total disaster^_^
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You’re most certainly right, anon! That being said, I hope you enjoy this! And I may or may not have included some of my own personal ships, but for the majority, I used a wheel spin thing to decide! This is another one that I had a lot of fun doing, though I apologize for the wait
A good idea they said, nothing would go wrong, they said. Oh, how wrong they were, it started out good, but the end result was something they would all remember. 
This whole order started with Setsuka setting up a sleepover for everyone. Though no drinks such as alcoholic beverages were involved, things were still fun.  It was when Nikei suggested that they all should play spin the bottle that things started to go down hill from there. The conversation went something along the lines of this, “I have an idea!” Nikei exclaimed, with a bright smile on his face, to which Setsuka responded with a. “Oh yeah? What is it Nik?” The smile on Nikei’s face grew even more. “How about we all play spin the bottle? Turn up things a little?” From his suggestion, there were various mumbles from the other students. Until one voice piped up, “I..It’ll be fun! B..besides, we’ll all grow closer as friends a-afterward!” That voice turned out to be none other than Iroha. “Iroha’s right! Come on, a little game of spin the bottle won’t kill us, will it?” Emma chuckled, with her usual smile on her face. 
After a few more minutes, the rest of the students were on board with playing it. Grabbing a spare bottle, Setsuka placed on the middle of them all. “Who wants to go first?” She hummed, glancing around at everyone seeing how no one volunteered first. “Since no ones volunteering, I’ll pick first.” She grinned before pointing over at Kokoro. “Hey, Koko! You’re starting us off!” Kokoro was at first shocked, but she let out a soft sigh and nodded. “I’m unfamiliar with this game, to be frank. Would you care to explain for me, Setuka?” She asked looking at the blue haired female waiting on an explanation. “Of course! It’s simple, you spin the bottle, and whoever it lands on. You have to kiss them! Then you pick whose next.” She finished, to which Kokoro nodded once again as she leaned forward, placing her hand on the glass bottle and then spun it around leaning back as it continued to spin. 
The bottle spun for what seemed like forever until it landed on…… 
Emma x Kokoro
To say the least, the certainly surprised, but nothing could beat the bright smile on her face. “Ah, I didn’t expect that I would be going this early, but that’s alright with me.” She mused, as Kokoro moved over to where she was near Emma a small shade of crimson coating her otherwise paled cheeks. “T..this simply for the sake of the game, don’t think anything more of I..it.” She stated rather quickly only to receive a small giggle from Emma who nodded her head. “I’ll keep that in mind, Kokoro.” She leaned close to the female who slowly did the same until they were invading the others personal bubble. Kokoro did her best to keep calm, as she soon pressed her lips against the actresses. It was a blissful moment until she pulled away and opened her eyes with a faint smile. Emma chuckling softly as she opened her cyan eyes to hear the various whistles from the others.
Hibiki x Setsuka
“S-setsuka..?!” She stammered out with a nervous blush appearing on her cheeks. “Don’t worry, Biki, it’ll be over before you know it.” The billiards player said softly, as she moved close r to the vocalist and placed a hand onto her shoulder gently. Hibiki took a second to try and compose herself, looking up at Setsuka slightly fearfully, but she calmed herself down. Since she truly trusted her with a small nod, Setsuka leaned down and gently kissed the vocalist. Pulling away soon after with a small laugh as she smiled. “See? I told you it wasn’t so bad.” Setsuka said with a delighted expression as she gently patted her on her head. “Y-yeah.. you were right, Suka..” She mumbled soflty with a smile soon arising onto her lips.
Mikado x Teruya
Now, the merchant was hesitant, but it was just a simple game, right? Though, how was he supposed to even do it? Mikado has the other half of his mask on was it even possible? with Mikado being a magician anything was possible. The magician, on the other hand, was excited. Not only was he enjoying his time with the group, but he was participating in this game as well! “Are you ready, Mr.Otori?” He asked with a curious expression. A game, nothing serious, he told himself as he nodded. “I’m ready.” With that, MIkado leaned up and somehow managed to kiss the merchant, even if it was brief, it still counted. Needless to say, for the rest of the night, Mikado was a happy magician ^o^
Hajime x SyobaiSyobai. Hajime sat up abruptly when he saw it landed on Syobai. His glasses hid the astonishment in his red hues, but it was clear to tell that be was both surprised and shocked. Suprised that he was going to kiss the broker, and shocked that his luck made him land on him. Calming himself down, shook his head and quietly muttered to himself. Syobai, on the other hand, was trying to leave as quickly as possible but was caught by Shinji. “Come on, Hajime!” Nikei yelled in attempts to motivate the boxer. But he got a chair thrown in his direction. But Hajime quickly made his way over and pecked the male on his lips and hurried back over. He was going to deal with the taste of cigarettes, for now until this game was over at least.
Yuri x KanadeKanade. Yuri was just yelling from happiness, he didn’t have to kiss a wretched male! A girl, he was just mentally thanking whoever was above for his luck. “A beautiful girl!” The small male yelled, with a bright twinkle in his starry eyes. Kanade, on the other hand, wasn’t looking forward to it so much.  It wasn’t the fact that it was Yuri it was the fact that so many eyes were now focused on her. “I-it’s going to be quick..okay..?” She said softly, but loudly so that she could be heard by the astronaut. He didn’t care, he was just happy that he had gotten her. “That’s completely fine with me, I’m just happy.” The two leaned close, in order to gently to kiss each other, Yuri was practically on cloud nine after they had pulled away as he smiled from ear to ear. 
Iroha x Nikei Nikei.Iroha fidged with her sleeves with a  nervous expression on her face as she stammered to get her words together. Up until now, the small artist had been drawing the parings of who had gotten who the entire time. To be honest, she hadn’t been expecting to be picked, she figured if she drew that they would skip over her, but that wasn’t the case everyone is included here! “N-Nikei, I-” She started, but the journalist smiled kindly at her as he gently held her hand in his. “Don’t worry! I can do it.” He smiled while she nodded and closed her eyes as he leaned down and gently kissed her. He was a natural at this! Don’t mind the fact that he tasted a lot like sweets. When he pulled away, he gently let go of her hands and winked after she opened her eyes. Iroha was just a flustered little bab.
Sora x YokuroYokuro. Personally, Sora didn’t mind who she had gotten but seeing how she got Yokuro she was content. Meanwhile, Yokuro had turned as bright as a cheery from embarrassment. “H-hurry, Sora! L-let’s just get this over with..!” She exclaimed as he put her hands on her lap, looking away for a moment to hide her flustered expression. Sora nodded as she gently grabbed Yokuro hand and tilted her chin for her to look at her. “alright.” She smiled before leaning forward and gently kissed the hostess before pulling away from her and smiled. Yokuro turned even redder afterward as she hid her face in her fluffy boa. Sora chuckled softly as she moved back to her original spot.
Shinji x Yuki 
And last but not least, Shinji and Yuki! Yuki smiled nervously as he put a hand on the back of his neck. “I-i guess were the last ones right?” Shinji chuckled and nodded in agreement, though ht turned a bright shade of red. “Guess we are! But you’re still my bro, Yuki!” He yelled with his usual upbeat attitude. As he pulled Yuki close to him, who promptly let out a squeak. “You have to do it like a real man, Yuki!” Wait, how is he supposed to kiss him like a real man? Is it like a regular kiss? Or..meanwhile, while Yuki was lost in his thoughts, Shinji had taken that opportunity and smashed his lips against Yuki’s. Hurting both himself and Yuki in the process, but hey! The kiss still counted!
It turned out to be an interesting game, but the worse part of it all was that they had decided to play again. But this time, the pairs were wackier then they were before.
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theoathkeeper · 5 years
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kingdomsaurushearts · 5 years
Sora's butt
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sleepysundae · 5 years
"also-ran" means "a loser in a race or other contest, especially by a large margin." xemnas is basically being extra in calling axel a gigantic loser
thanks!  but wow I’ve never heard of that term before
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kidkytes · 5 years
soras-majestic-butt replied to your photo “My whole entire dashboard is virtually just filtered tags it’s so...”
i made it into the screenshot!
Nailed it!
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tabbysarchives · 3 years
Now back to enstars~ this songs so hard to play smtimes :(( still love it tho 
July 8, 2021
Majestic Magic (Expert)
Unit: Switch x Eden (Fusion Unit)
MV: Switch and Eden (wow i didnt change it?) 
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dakt37 · 6 years
soras-majestic-butt replied to your post: soras-majestic-butt replied to your post: ...
i know i was just teasin’. i don’t have a ps4 either so tbh i don’t know when i’ll get to play it myself :’D
Ahh I gotcha. But yeah like... I def still love KH down in my soul, but “the occasional doodle” is still probably going to be my MO for the foreseeable future. I just don’t want anyone to think I’ve been secretly amassing Hype(TM) and am going to go on a huge KH binge just because KH3 is slowly shambling its way closer and closer. 
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landprince · 6 years
gosh i love reading your soriku headcanons~
thank you!!!!! ( ᐛ )و 
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agentsokka · 6 years
sadly we knew they were going to. they had made their minds up from the start, no matter how many emails, texts and calls we made. :\
point taken, unfortunately. hopefully there’s a chance that the groups suing their asses will help drag corporate feet, but once the floodgates open, I’m not sure anyone would be able to pass regulations again in the future to protect net neutrality. not without a major knock down drag out throw down in the courts at least. it’s fucked up man
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chibi-tsukiko · 2 years
Hi again😅😂
If it’s okay, I have a W&D question of sort.
What do you think would be your OC’s patronus? What happy memory would they draw strength from? I’ve always thought it was cool how the patronus represented some sort of hidden, unknown aspect of one’s personality, but also how it could change too. Do you think this could or might have happened to one of your OCs?
Okay I really didn’t mean for this to turn into more than one question.😅 My brain starts thinking as I type.😂 I’m so curious what you think of this
Ok, thank you for your patience! I really wanted to think this one through and then I figured I would just answer it on Wretched & Divine Wednesdays!
Without further ado, here are my OCs & their Patronus/ happy memory:
A beagle— Beagles are some of the happiest, most friendly, and curious dogs around. They are loyal, enjoy bringing joy to others, and will do anything for their loved ones.
Hein’s happiest memory would probably be related to Takashi in some way. Probably a moment when all of the gang were sitting around laughing and telling stories and being friends.
A stag— Stags symbolize heroism, bravery, and new life. Owners of this Patronus make extraordinary, influential leaders and honestly care about the wellbeing of others.
Takashi’s happiest memory would be one of his mother. Probably a time when they baked biscuits in the kitchen together or when she would read to him under a tree.
An Occamy— This Patronous is conjured by a “pure soul.” They are thoughtful and creative, and will do anything for the people they love, including making significant sacrifices. They use logic to think through all situations and their possible outcomes.
Ishida’s happiest memory would be of his sister Sora.
Fun fact — the Occamy is my Patronus ☺️
I wanted his Patronus to be the dragon so bad (cuz his name means dragon) but it just didn’t fit.
A bat— Bats represent rebirth. They are sensitive and deeply value honesty. The casters of this Patronus understand that facing your fears is what helps you grow.
Ryuji’s happiest memory would be when Ishida and him danced one night during a party. It was the first time he let himself be free & Ishida’s smile lit up the night sky.
Little Owl— This animal is tiny, adorable, and sweet, but what they lack in size, they make up for in their bold personality. If you have this Patronous, you are likely very observant, well-spoken, and even a bit sarcastic.
Myya’s happiest memory would be the first time she correctly mixed an elixir without Ishida’s help. She finally master being an herbalist.
A Basset Hound— Although this animal is sweet, never underestimate their protective nature and determination. Those with this Patronous are unique, somewhat odd individuals.
Kai- Aris’ happiest memory would be something in regards to finding himself outside of being a Child of the Light.
A Crow— While they are crafty and cunning, crows are some of the most intelligent animals in the world. They have proven that they can use tools to their advantage.
Uma would probably tell you she doesn’t have one lol. But I think it would come from meeting Ishida and the gang.
Unicorn — might and majestic, those who produce this Patronous are said to be pure of heart.
Astraea’s happiest memory would most likely be when she becomes a member of the council.
I hope you enjoy! Thank you so much for this ask!!
Tag list : @littleturtle95 @phoenix-and-dragon @khaleesiofalicante @my-archerboy @clumsyowl-in-a-fandom @radisv @raziyekroos @magnus-the-maqnificent @spotsandclawsthings @shadowhuntingdemigod @elettralightwood
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earlgreymon · 3 years
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sunkissed love; a taiora playlist for lovers who love each other like the sun radiates the earth. (youtube / spotify)
01. wonder - shawn mendes i wonder what it's like to be loved by you 02. used to you - mxmtoon say your feelings to me so i won't overthink mine 03. you're the best thing about me - u2 i'm the kind of the trouble that you enjoy 04. beautiful to me - olly murs you're so amazing, don't you know? 05. thunder - boys like girls your voice was the soundtrack of my summer; so bring on the rain and bring on the thunder 06. she is love (full band version) - parachute i've been beaten down, i've been kicked around, but she takes it all for me 07. built to last - mêlée 'cause you are the sun in my universe 08. best friend - rex orange county i still wanna be your favorite boy 09. give me a try - the wombats we could be gigantic, this could be worth the risk bonus track: i love you - billie eilish you didn't mean to say "i love you"; i don't want to, but i love you...
part 3 of lovers in japan series track-by-track commentaries;
honestly i want to keep this on my draft a little longer (*cough* maybe i can save it for taiora week *cough*), but @dutchforstrangers gave me some encouragement to let this out a bit faster... so here it is.
remember when i said on my koukari mixtape that my playlists are gonna be messy in terms of the storyline? well, this is the messiest. i think i kind of overthink this playlist because i want it to be perfect. it's my ultimate otp after all. i really hope this turns good.
two of the songs are already included in @patamonn's mixtape post, which you should all check it because bree's works are awesome. aside lynn, i want to dedicate this playlist to my sora sister @sorasfishing! i hope you keep thriving in anything you do and don't forget to get some rest :D (although this playlist is more up to beat and not really suitable for leisure time lmao) (well, taiora's the kind of couple who's full of spirit anyway)
01. wonder - shawn mendes
i was struggling to find a way to start this playlist. most songs i had gathered somehow would sound better if i put them in the middle. this song suddenly appeared on my suggestions and i remembered the first time this was released, i... didn't really like it lmao.
but now i love it so much. the music is majestic and very... taichi-like, if i can put it that way. the last beat of the drums sounds adventurous and seems like a good prologue for a journey ahead.
and yeah, what better way to start other than our main guy wondering what it's like to be loved by the beautiful lady who owns the sky?
02. used to you - mxmtoons
i was thinking of two mxmtoons songs for the playlist: either this song, or falling for u. although falling for u sounds more fitted to the theme of "realising you have feelings for your best friend but too afraid to tell him" (you should totally listen and check the lyrics here), i settled on used to you because of two reasons. first, the music of falling for u is too cozy for this rather rock playlist.
second, for me, used to you has a more... personal touch? i mean i can put falling for u for a takari playlist and it'll still be a good fit, but used to you is more of a taiora song. in the official commentary, the song is told to be about the turbulence of a new relationship. but in my point of view, this could be about how sora became too used to taichi's presence.
the first verse is somewhat a description of sora's insecurity. as she grew up, she wanted to become a better part of society (that was why she turned to tennis, dressing more femininely...). this kind of thought is a bit overwhelming, and knowing sora, of course she would overthink them. since 02 did taiora very dirty we never knew how taichi really felt about these changes and i am pretty sure that sora actually wanted to know his opinion because he knew her the best.
move on to the chorus: "i've been spending all my time, sitting by the phone just waiting for a call. i used to wanna be alone 'til your name was in my phone, now i'm getting kinda used to you." look, i still believe that sora's an introvert. but if taichi called her, she'd be there in a heart beat. (also, think about that scene in tri where she got so stressed with taichi informing his soccer game a little too late. bet she'd been waiting for him to invite her from the very beginning.)
03. you're the best thing about me - u2
this is just a general love song, but the line "i'm the kind of trouble that you enjoy" is very cheeky i can imagine taichi saying it to sora with so much confidence.
04. beautiful to me - olly murs
if you're listening to this playlist on spotify, i will kindly suggest you to switch momentarily to youtube because for this specific song, you have to watch the music video so you can get a more taiora vibe.
the video is about two childhood friends that always there for each other but never really talks about the feeling until one of them is almost getting married. get it? (although yeah, the girl is more of a badass than sora and the boy is too aloof as taichi's counterpart.)
the song itself is just the singer trying to convince the girl that she is beautiful no matter what. i always feel like sora has a lack of confidence about herself, so this is taichi pulling her into a realisation.
05. thunder - boys like girls
this is a tribute to our war game (a.k.a. THE PEAK OF TAIORA CINEMATIC UNIVERSE), especially the dub version with that "you say you love thunderstorm." i think when you look at the chorus of this song, you'll get it why i put the song here.
06. she is love - parachute
i have to choose the full band version because the og version is too slow. the title seems to be... a description of sora? i mean she IS love, right? :p but yeah, i think this song is an illustration on how sora will still take taichi despite his recklessness.
spoiler alert: one of my digiweek submission will be taiora with this song :p
07. built to last - mêlée
i was in doubt whether i had to put this song on this playlist, but the line "you are the sun in my universe" convinced me. also, "all of our friends saw from the start, so why didn't we believe it too?"!? gee. everyone saw it, you two. you are meant to last indeed.
08. best friend - rex orange county
okay, this is the part where everything gets a bit... bittersweet.
picture this: sora gets a boyfriend. idc who the boyfriend is, but it's definitely not taichi. this is the perfect song because taichi will surely regret why he didn't confess to sora earlier. still, he wants to be her favourite boy no matter what. even the part when the singer says "but i still wanna break your heart and make you cry" is just taichi's way of joking.
09. give me a try - the wombats
this is actually my favourite song on the playlist and funnily, i found this song accidentally when i first built this mixtape. we can ignore a rather "miserable side" of this song and just take this song as taichi's way of convincing sora that they could be such a fantastic pair together.
also, on a separate note, there's a long distance relationship theme implied in this song. i never really explore this theme, but i always wonder how married!taiora will make their marriage work because taichi will surely travel a lot with his job as diplomat.
bonus tracks: i love you - billie eilish
it took a long time for me to finally decide to put this song. i want the closure to be very slow and solemn, because most of the songs in this playlist have been very upbeat. i realised that most songs are in taichi's pov, so i thought about searching a song from sora's pov.
i was thinking about gabrielle aplin's please don't say you love me. however, the tempo was still too fast somehow, and i got the impression that the girl in the song wouldn't let the relationship between her and this particular man to be more than just friends. and there's no way i let this playlist to end like that. enough with taiora not being canon.
this billie eilish song should be listen as a company to two other songs, and if you listen to all of them together, it's actually a pretty depressing storyline (maybe triggering, so i suggest not to google if you don't feel comfortable). however, if you listen to i love you as a stand-alone song, i think it can still be a good fit.
quoting from one source, this is a song about "something that happened near the beginning of a romantic relationship, but a little bit after a friendship." i think this song can be interpreted as sora's reaction when taichi finally CAME TO HIS SENSE confessed to her. her first thought would be he was joking ("maybe won't you take it back? say you were tryna make me laugh"). sora's the type who concealed her emotion, so to hear the words as blatant as "i love you" would make her very vulnerable.
yet the song ends with a realisation that she also loved him. and that is why i put an ellipsis on the lyrics above: i want to leave my playlist for an open ending!
(but if it were up to me, i'll surely put a happy ending for them ;>)
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noctisfishing · 2 years
Unused Scene from The Spark of Dawn
I'm in the sharing mood...
I wrote this out years ago but given how far into the fic I am, I don't know where I would fit it in if I end up using it. But I'll share it, anyway.
Ships: Taiora & Mimato
Some Context: Taichi leads a pirate crew (Jou, Koushiro, Mimi, Yamato). Sora is an unofficial member, whether she likes it or not. I also wrote this after watching the 2nd Fantastic Beasts movie where Newt talks about Tina having salamander eyes.
“Sora…” Taichi said. “She commands my heart and makes it feel funny. She might be stealthy and invisible, but to me, she’s grand and majestic, and there is nothing like her across the sea. She’s like… a whale.”
Yamato sat up and stared. Koushiro, who had just appeared on deck, stopped in his tracks.
“A whale, Cap?” Yamato asked.
“Yeah. I don’t know how to explain it.”
Yamato and Koushiro exchanged glances, and looked as though they were holding in their laughter.
“You shouldn’t ever tell that to a woman.”
“Why not?” Taichi asked.
“It’s just not very nice. They won’t react to it well.”
“But I don’t mean any insult. I find it hard to believe, Yamato. I know! Go tell Mimi.”
Yamato’s eyes flashed. “I wouldn’t dare.”
“Come on! I really want to see what she thinks.”
“Can it, Taichi! I am not going to call Mimi a whale!”
They heard a gasp, and Mimi appeared from the bottom. The look of horror on her face, the tears springing in her eyes told them all that she heard Yamato.
“Oh, I knew I shouldn’t have eaten all that calamari!” she cried, turning back down to the bottom.
“No, no, no, Mimi, wait…” Yamato immediately jumped to his feet to follow right after her. It was then that Taichi registered that perhaps his idea of a compliment was not very flattering after all. He looked to Koushiro with guilt as he heard the crashing of pots and pans down below, joined by Mimi’s sobbing and Yamato’s consoling yells.
“You know how I can get with the calamari, I should listen to you more when you say not to eat so much!”
“That’s because you always tell me to tell you that, Mimi! I promise, you look beautiful!”
“Yeah, right! I look beautiful - I look like a whale!”
When dinner was served, it was quiet around the dining table. The feast Mimi had normally planned was cancelled, and all the courses were reduced to one plate of salad for each member of the crew. Taichi looked around the table to see Mimi sulking over her plate, Yamato staring daggers, Jou eyeing everyone with confusion, and Koushiro giving a nervous, apologetic smile.
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minijenn · 3 years
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hiya! i'd started this fic fanart after reading That Scene in the Corona chapter, but I'm prob never gonna finish since i have other projects to work on so i'm sending it as is. hope ya like it! ;3;
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Taking a short break from my writing spree. X3. Been listening to this nostalgic and perfect OST from my fave movie,
I can just picture Sora walking up to Pride Rock and unleashing their majestic roar to restore the land back to fruition. Aaahh! The musical piece in that part gives me goosebumps all the time.
Hehe yeah TLK forever has a very warm place in my heart-
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dakt37 · 6 years
soras-majestic-butt replied to your post: When kingdom hearts 3 comes out will you draw more...
ur tearin me apart dakt!!! -flails dramatically-
I mean??? It’s not like I’m never ever going to doodle KH again ever, but I don’t expect that KH3 specifically is what’s going to make my muse rise from the grave and suddenly make me ultra productive. What does the release date mean to me, if I have no means/urgency to play it? 
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