#makes periods sorta dangerous for witches
marvelyningreen · 3 years
Aftershocks - Night 1
Night 1 | Night 2 | Night 3 | (deleted scene)
[Summary: Peter Maximoff is an unflappable sorta guy. He’d never let anything get to him before, and this recent misadventure will be no different. ...Right?
Warnings: mild language, references to injury, general trauma-related angst
Notes: Peter Maximoff x reader, of the established relationship variety. A ‘what if Fietro really was Peter?’ scenario. Same continuity/reader character from Linger and Late-bloomer. ]
On your first night back from Westview, you hesitate at Peter’s door. You’ve gotten so close to saying goodnight to each other half a dozen times, but here you still are.
“Why don’t you stay for a while?” Peter asks after an awkward few seconds of silence. “I’m not really all that tired. Are you?”
“Not really,” you lie.
Judging by the dark circles under Peter’s eyes, he’s not being entirely honest either.
It was late afternoon when you’d gotten back. Well, it was late afternoon here, at least. The passage of time in Westview was nebulous, to say the least.
Hank had been there to meet you when you all emerged from the portal – Peter, yourself, Mr. Lehnsherr and the professor, and the newcomers: Wanda Maximoff and her twin sons, Billy and Tommy. Hank summarily hurried you all off to the lab for debriefing, and also for a precautionary exam. Who knew what side-effects there could be from traveling between realities?
None, as it turns out. Wanda and the boys were just fine. Peter was a little dehydrated and underfed, but was otherwise in good health. You were ultimately the most scuffed-up from the experience.
In addition to the same issues as Peter, you’d amassed a fair amount of cuts and scrapes and bruises. Thankfully, the worst of it is just a badly sprained knee that’ll take several weeks to heal. Inconvenient, but bearable.
Peter has been pretty positive the whole time. If anything, he’s maybe a little too chipper, all things considered. But then again, he was immersed in playing cool uncle to the twins, and was probably just trying to keep their spirits up. They’d been through quite a lot, too.
“You should at least try to sleep, though,” you say, as you limp into Peter’s room.
Peter scoffs good-naturedly. “Are you trying to baby me?”
“Well, one of us has to be the responsible one.”
Peter rolls his eyes. Before you can blink, he’s changed into shorts and an old Pink Floyd t-shirt. He leans in to kiss you.
“I’ll try to sleep if you’ll at least sit down,” he says. “Deal?”
You smile. “Deal.”
As Peter climbs into bed, you settle yourself on the sofa. To say that it’d been a long few days would be understating things to a criminal degree.
You’d stepped through a mysterious portal to rescue Peter from wherever he’d been abducted to. You’d found that the culprit was a witch who’d taken him in an attempt to steal the power of another witch, and that witch is an alternate reality version of Peter’s sister… sorta? Or maybe not. You still aren’t completely clear on how any of this works.
Regardless, you’d ended up helping a woman named Captain Rambeau – who has powers like a mutant, but apparently isn’t one – to free Peter from the witch’s control. And then the young sons of Peter’s not-sister were in danger from some military creep, because said military creep had apparently made a cyborg zombie version of Wanda’s late husband.
Or something. Again, this was a lot to take in in a short period of time.
And no sooner had the business with magic and the military been cleared up than the professor and Mr. Lehnsherr appeared, intending to serve as backup. Luckily, there was no need.
Peter went to make his goodbyes and, in true Peter Maximoff fashion, wound up inviting Wanda and her sons to come back to the mansion with all of you. You weren’t the least bit surprised that the professor was fully on board with this. He’s always the first to reach out with compassion to a soul that’s lost and hurting.
What shouldn’t have surprised you as much as it did was hearing Mr. Lehnsherr do the same. Between the three of them, Wanda was convinced to come to the school and to learn about her powers in a place where she and her sons would be safe and among friends.
It was at this point that Peter was trying to be in two places at once – serving as liaison to Wanda and the boys, and also making sure that you were alright. He only succeeded in making everyone dizzy, until Mr. Lehnsherr stepped in. He instructed Peter to focus on guiding the newcomers and volunteered to look after you himself. You found yourself leaning on Mr. Lehnsherr for support as you limped through the portal and back to your own world.
“Y’know what I can’t stop thinking about?” says Peter.
He turns to grin at you. “Your strawberry rhubarb pie.”
“I know I canned some of that this summer,” you say. “Do I have any left…?”
“If you don’t, one of the students has plant manipulation powers. I’m just sayin’.”
You laugh, and the conversation goes on in much the same vein - talking about a hundred little things that don’t matter.
Westview isn’t brought up, and neither are witches and magic. Nobody mentions Wanda and her twin sons in the room down the hall.
Peter hadn’t been able to give very clear answers to Hank’s questions about his experience. He said that it was all pretty blurry, and chalked up to a side-effect of that weird mind-control necklace thing.
You aren’t sure whether this is cause for worry or not.
The conversation with Peter has been fading in and out for a while now. Typical sleepover experience, really. Silence for a few minutes, and then a bit of banter, and a scattered response here and there, and then more silence.
It’s… It’s actually been silent for a while now. And when did your eyes close, anyway?
You look at the clock to see that over an hour has passed since you last checked the time. But you’re awake now, and you find that you’re not tired anymore. Moonlight streams through the windows, falling across Peter’s bed. He’s still sleeping, thank goodness.
At first you think that the sudden sense of reassurance is just because Peter’s getting some rest. He’s had quite the experience, after all. But there’s more to it than that. You realize that you’re just glad that Peter’s home and safe.
You haven’t really thought about it before, but part of you had always seen Peter as, well, sort of invincible. He’s clever, and capable, and impossibly fast. He can outpace an explosion. He can redirect bullets as easy as breathing. Nothing outside of a godlike entity or an otherworldly power had been able to touch him.
But you can’t stop thinking about this other man – this Pietro. He was fast, too, and he was probably just as capable. That didn’t prevent him from being shot to death while saving the lives of two other people.
Odd coincidental similarities aside, Peter and Pietro aren’t the same. You know this. And yet… You’ve already almost lost Peter once.
In Westview, once you’d found yourself abruptly separated from Vision, you’d realized that you were in way over your head. There was something sinister going on, and you had no idea whether Peter’s kidnapping was a part of it, or if it was something else entirely.
You’d wandered the streets, trying your best to look like you were supposed to be there. At first glance, everything seemed normal. But the more you looked, the more things just felt… off.
It seemed to be summer, but there were no kids at the pool, or in the park, or riding their bikes up and down the block. All the cars looked just a little too shiny and new for a small town. All the yards were too perfectly manicured. Every single person wore well-coordinated outfits. It all felt staged.
Down the block, you noticed a mailbox labeled with the name “Vision,” and-
You hesitated. Maybe best not to go barging in, right? Leaning against a streetlight, you pretended to rummage for something in your bag while you kept an eye on the house. Again, the oddly regimented behavior continued. People walked past the house at intervals that seemed random at first, but weren’t quite. It was more like they were spaced out intentionally to seem random.
Aside from that bit of weirdness, nothing unusual had happened. You hadn’t seen any trace of Peter in your wanderings. This Vision guy was your only lead. Steeling yourself, you started walking down the street, intent on knocking on that door and figuring out the rest from there.
And that’s when somebody clamped a hand over your mouth and twisted your arm, pinning it behind your back. Before you had a chance to struggle or even scream, the scenery in front of you blurred and darkened.
You blinked. The world was still again. You were in a dark, oddly-shaped room. It might’ve been hexagonal, but you couldn’t move to look around. The person who’d grabbed you was still holding you immobile.
“So, they sent another one in, huh?” said an unfamiliar voice. “You’d think they would’ve learned by now, but that’s military types for you.”
The speaker stepped into view. It was a woman – middle-aged and dark-haired. She wasn’t worried like Vision had been, nor was she blithely serene like the other people you’d seen. Her presence was commanding, unconcerned. There was something about the way she sized you up that unsettled you.
“I’ve got it from here, thank you,” said the woman.
The other person released you, and you immediately felt some strange energy wind around you. It tightened around your wrists and ankles, binding them fast, and yanked you several inches into the air.
“Who are you? Let me go!” You struggled to free yourself, but you couldn’t budge the restraints even an inch. Even your powers seemed to glance off them ineffectually.
The woman raised an eyebrow.
“Now that’s interesting,” she said. “How did you manage to get into Westview with your personality intact? Even he was calling himself ‘Ralph’ at first. You’re not with S.W.O.R.D., are you? And I can tell already you’re not a witch. Let’s see…”
The woman made some complex gesture with her hands. A purple mist crept across your vision. You felt something wrapping itself around your mind – covering it like a net, humming like an electric current. You shook your head, trying to clear it away, but it clung like a spider web.
The professor. Just before you’d left, he placed some sort of psychic shielding around your mind, just in case. He wasn’t sure what sort of dangers you’d be facing. You doubt this was what he’d been anticipating, but whatever this woman was trying to do to you, the shield resisted it.
The woman’s eyes narrowed. You felt the web’s grip on your mind tighten, vice-like. At first it was just uncomfortable, but the pressure increased until it was a stranglehold on your consciousness. The edges of your field of vision started to go gray. There was a pounding in your head, a ringing in your ears. You tried to scream.
You couldn’t breathe.
You couldn’t breathe.
And then its hold released, leaving you gasping for air. If you hadn’t been suspended in midair like that, you would’ve collapsed. The woman watched you with something like fury in her eyes.
“What are you?” she demanded.
Dazed, you blurted out an answer. “I’m nothing. I’m nobody. I’m just trying to find my friend.”
You nearly ignored the movement in the corner of your eye as you tried to pull yourself together. You’d honestly forgotten that there was somebody else in the room. You looked up, and-
Your blood ran cold.
He was there. He was alright! He-
No. No, he wasn’t. Something was wrong.
Peter watched you with the blank, nonchalant gaze of a stranger.
“Sorry, babe,” he said, shrugging. “Peter’s not here right now.”
“Wha… What did you do to him?!”
You wrenched uselessly at the restraints and Peter… he actually laughed.
“What, him?” said the woman. “He’s fine. I needed a replacement Pietro, and he was the best I could do on short notice.”
She eyed him critically, reaching up to adjust his hair like some sort of demented stage mom.
“Get your hands off him!” you snarled. “And who the hell is Pietro?”
The woman laughed incredulously. “You’re really not from around here, are you? You followed him from that other reality, and- Oh. Oh… I see it now. Oh, that’s too adorable. You’re in love with him.”
Her laugh turned into something that was almost a cackle, and Peter joined in. You felt sick.
“I don’t know what you’re trying to do to this town, but Peter’s got nothing to do with it. Let him go.”
“What I’m trying to do-? Oh, pumpkin, you have no idea what you stumbled into.” The woman shook her head in feigned sympathy. “Sorry, but I’m not done with my Fietro yet. And as for you… I won’t be able to get rid of you, but I can’t have you running around getting in my way. I’ll just have to put you someplace for safekeeping, and I know just the spot.”
The woman raised her hand again, and smiled menacingly at you.
“You can try to tell them who you really are,” she said, “But I wouldn’t count on anybody believing you where you’re going. Buh-bye, hon!”
Movement in the room catches your attention, drawing you out of your reminiscing.
Peter stirs in his sleep. He reaches out for a moment, and then his hand falls back onto his chest. He exhales heavily – not quite a sigh – and is still once again.
Then, his hand moves restlessly towards his throat, fingers gripping at nothing like he’s trying to pull at the collar of his shirt, or-
“No, please,” he mumbles, “Please…”
Your knee is stiff from being motionless for so long. It just about gives way under you as you scramble to Peter’s side. You stumble, falling rather than sitting on the edge of the bed.
You catch Peter’s hand in yours and smooth his hair back from his forehead.
“Peter?” You’re surprised at how frantic your voice sounds. “Peter, wake up!”
Peter snaps awake with a gasp. He yanks his hand free of yours, scrambling to push himself back towards the headboard and staring wildly around the room.
You hold up your hands where he can see them, careful not to reach towards him at all. “It’s okay! It’s okay. It’s just me.”
“You…?” Peter stares at you for a moment, as though trying to remember where he is. “Listen, I know this is gonna sound crazy, but can you tell me something only you would know? Anything. Please.”
For a second, your mind goes blank. Something only you would know? You’d spent enough time with Peter that there has to be…
You’ve got it.
You look Peter in the eyes, giving him a little smile. “Who else would know that you’re my hummingbird?”
Peter’s laugh is brief, but genuine. You’d called him that once as a joke – saying that it’d be a fitting codename with his speed, attitude, and love of sugar – and it’d since become your teasing pet name for him. You’d never said it in front of anyone else, though. You may only use it to get a rise out of him, but you never wanted it to become an embarrassing nickname for him or anything.
Peter’s initial panic is replaced by an apologetic smile, but you’re certain that his heart is still racing.
“Thanks. And I’m sorry,” he says. “Bad dreams, y’know?”
“No kidding. You wanna talk about it?”
“I…” Peter looks away, frowning slightly. “I can’t say I actually remember what I was dreaming about, to be honest.”
If you were unsure before, you’re definitely starting to worry now. You make up your mind to talk to Hank and the professor about Peter’s memory lapses. Maybe it’s nothing, but for your own peace of mind, at least…
Still, you don’t want to let on to Peter that you’re worried about him.
“Are you gonna be okay?” you ask. “Need me to get you anything?”
Peter musters up a grin. “Oh, I’ll be fine. And there’s no way I’d send you off to get anything for me with your knee all messed up. But… would you mind staying a little longer? Or you don’t have to leave at all. I mean, it’s already late, and it’s pretty cold out there.”
“I don’t have anywhere to be,” you say, smiling gently. “You just lay back down, alright?”
Peter nods. Once he’s resettled himself under the covers, you lean down to kiss him.
“I love you,” you say.
“I love you, too.”
Peter reaches over to hold your hand. He takes a deep breath, and closes his eyes again.
That Peter falls back asleep within the hour is a testament to how wore out he must be. As for yourself, you remember seeing the horizon brightening outside the window before you finally drift off.
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animerunner · 2 years
This is may be a somewhat insensitive question and I’m sorry if it is, but I must be missing something. If some version of the-collector-possessing-Luz theory is true, why is that particularly something that needs so much care? Any kind of possession, especially of a child, is deeply disturbing for most people but you seem to be talking about something more?(losing control over your own body is a fear ingrained in human nature itself, it’s not surprising for it to be a horror genre staple) Other than potentially giving nightmares and moderate trauma to a few thousand children, I can’t think of what your alluding to.
If you’re about to say something obvious that I’ve forgot about or some condition that I’ve not considered that would be hurt by handling this badly (some mental disorder maybe? I’m reasonably confident that any portrayal of possession or loss-of-self would be so distant from real life that it wouldn’t be a reasonable parallel to make) I’m going to feel like an ass and I’m sorry again if that’s the case.
…well this accidentally made me realize finally why I’ve been having problems with the theory. And why I’ve been having the same emotional reaction to this whole thing that I did to another theory I really didn’t take well back between 1 and 2 involving Eda
Don’t worry Anon your good. I didn’t even realize what I was doing until you sent it.
There are two parts I want to address to it. And why even after this I’m still uncomfortable but hey at least I figured out why I kept having this reaction.
And turns out some of its a bit personal.
So quick rundown for anyone who and I’m going to asssume anon here as well don’t know. I know some of my followers do know since some are on Discord as well.
Since September I’ve been struggling with my physical health. I‘ve spent over a quarter of the last year sick. No one can tell me why. My ex GP who was now shown himself to be incompetent to a dangerous degree has been trying to tell me it’s all in my head. And that ‘I should learn to live with it’
Reminder I’ve now spent 15 weeks sick.
So long story short me without realizing what I’m doing have been sorta half projecting on Luz. Because that loss of physical control is hitting way too close to home right now.
That being said that’s not my entire issue with the theory. And I am going to try to explain the other half and the other implications that come up. While being SFW and trigger friendly. But keep in mind it’s probably going to become obvious what I’m implying here because there is no way to totally dance around it. Because I don’t know what age you are anon.
And I know this fandom has a wide range.
So with that in mind I’m keeping this out of the tag.
I wanted to put it under a read more. But Tumblr isn't letting me do that.
I have tried to keep this as safe as possible. But there is no way to keep it 💯 safe. Because of the material we’re discussing implications will come up. And people will probably miss it but the ones who knows.
Are going to kinda know.
And just a general plea. For everyone else don’t come asking for further clarification from me. 1. I don’t think that’s my place and 2. I already feel uncomfortable just talking this much.
Oh real quick about the mental health aspect. That isn’t what my main issue/concern here is. But that is another thing to keep in mind. Because of the route it could go down there. But my issue isn’t mainly with that. So I need to circle back to it.
It goes back to pre Revolutionary War history. AKA Philips time.
Philip is a white colonizer. And I feel like y’all are going to go yeah we all know that.
Which yes we do.
But because he is one we also need to remember that ties him back imperatively to certain actions colonizers made during his time period. And not just the witch hunting.
And I don’t know what your knowledge on pre America history is anon. But in general from what I’ve found/experienced what’s presented is toned down because again kids. Than what actually happened.
But Colonization era was a very dark place. Like I can’t touch on it because the sheer amount of TWs I would have to attach to this post and I don’t feel comfortable doing that with a post associated with a kids show fandom. Even though I’m not tagging the fandom. But certain things were done by colonizers to natives.
That inevitably when you talk about a white colonizer from that time period. Forcing something (since if posession went down that is probably going to happen) onto a BIPOC child that even if she isn’t native…your still going to draw parallels to it. Because of the situation it’s created.
And this is something I feel the crew must be aware of. And while the crew has been top notch at handling dark topics and making them kid friendly.
I’m not entirely sure how to handle the possible fall out from that kind of parallel. Because there’s dark and then there’s this.
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bunnykitty13 · 3 years
hi migs!! I wanted to make a demon of amber oc and I was curious if there's anything I needed to know before making one!!
hewwooo!! there aren’t any real ‘rules’ cuz i’d love to see what unregulated creativity can do!! so you totally can make a super overpowered lost princess of amber character with rainbow hair and sparkly angel wings and id say HELL YTEAHHHH
but i definitely can give world lore so it can give a rough idea on how a typical citizen of the Demon of Amber universe (specifically Amber Kingdom) would interact with their world and possibly turn out!
- if your character is from amber, they’re very aware that magic is not openly accepted and EXTREMELY frowned upon. even dangerous/fatal if you’re caught using it or speaking in support of it. 
- so if you’re born a magic user, you’re taught straight away by your family to hide it in public. it’s not something you’d do out in the streets cuz someone WILL snitch to authorities. this can be difficult depending on how your magic works, cuz some people feel it’s activated by heightened emotion which is not something you can always control. 
- i say magic users, but the actual term people use in Amber is witches! they are used interchangeably though
- their planet isn’t exactly our earth (though it still is called Earth!), it’s more like an alternate universe where humans don’t exist. animals just evolved to be more human-like but kept their ‘animal’ traits! so that explains why theyre all furries
- but this also means certain species didn’t evolve in the same way, like reptiles and aquatic species for example!
- canines and felines are the most common groups but theres more! like mustelids, rodents, marsupials, some avians, etc. 
- species mixing is very possible! typically they’ll turn out as one species or the other, but there is a possibility they’ll be a hybrid! example: ren is jackalope because of this! mother rabbit and deer father.
- they’re not categorized by ‘carnivore or herbivore’ either! as for diets they mainly eat fish, plants, fruits n veggies, and some DOA specific creatures that can be eaten! but there is no beef or chicken unless you’re some sorta sicko cannibal cuz cows and chickens are evolved JAKHSFSHFG
- the year is 1313 when the main plot begins! and since their Earth isnt our Earth, different technological advancements and time periods are a tad mixed! the setting can be described as a sort of midpoint between medieval and steam punk. so they have some technology but it’s not super advanced! same goes with medicine. they’re not sticking leeches to you to cure a fever but they don’t have IV drips either
- average occupations aren’t anything too world specific! teachers, blacksmiths, doctors, bakers, chefs, royal staff (less common since there’s only so many openings), guards, etc! 
- if your character lives in the woods (which im debating renaming Ash Wood), there aren’t laws there! this is where most criminals and caught witches (innocent or not) are sent, and have since built their own society over the years. there’s very little resource, and its very hard to get by in the woods (hence why its named Ash Wood, the soil is so infertile it might as well be ash.) but they find a way! for the most part there’s a sense of helping thy neighbor but there are some real criminals in there that do make it unsafe. such as the cult >w>
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phoebehalliwell · 4 years
Yo imagine Wyatt being raised by the cleaners and coming back as an adult but time moves differently in the void (idk where they live) and it’s only been a few minutes. THE DRAMA tm I mean imagine Piper’s outrage! It could encompass a whole freaking season!! And then just because I’m a sucker for Phoebe’s baby living, like they could have stolen this child too! Twice!Blessed Wyatt & Source!Touched Dency as Cleaner siblings 👀
i feel like this would be like the Quintessential like network tv drama move tho like bc like. child actors? who wants em? they’re not that good, there are a whole bunch of rules about how long they can be on set for, you gotta bend over backwards trying to film a scene of theme fighting a demon w/o actually having them be in the room with said demon bc they get scared. bc they’re a child. when instead of having a child actors,,, you could have a grown human actor. amirite lads? i feel like this is definitely like a thing i swear they did this on ouat with belle and rumplestiltskin’s baby bc like. who wants a baby as a character when you can get the abc equivalent of kylo ren i guess? like who wants a baby wyatt when you could have a full grown adult wyatt who is still trying to get a hang of being in a human world bc he’s grown up in like. a void. and i Love the idea of dency being with him too especially bc i think they would form this sibling bond without ever actually know that they’re cousins (bc i don’t think the cleaners would like tell them of their lineage) and i also think powers are like augmented in the void i think both of these kids powers would be dampened probs like to that or a normal witch (and the cleaners would know any better bc uhh quite frankly they don’t host witches very often) so once dency and wyatt go out into the real world and find out they have like powers like a god that’s also gonna be a trip. i also think it’d be like inch resting bc i think obvi dency and wyatt would be drawn to the manor in one fashion or another bc well a) the plot needs it but b) it’s like their ancestral home it’s the nexus they feel the pull and the charmed ones would like equally feel this connection to wyatt and dency bc like you know That’s Their Children but they don’t know that. bc like piper’s been wiped of the idea of wyatt but it’s still something that you know she always mulls over that feeling when you lose a tooth and you can’t help but poke and prod at the lil vacancy where it once was and i think she feels like this really strong connection to wyatt bc she’s like if i had a son i would want him to be like you and i think like the more time she and wyatt spend around each other the more she’d really get echoes of y’know having wyatt but she just thinks they’re like he mind constructing fantasies of what it would have been like to have a kid besides wyatt’s like twentysomething so clearly like they can’t be related but like They Feel Related but it’s probs just the fact that she regrets never having kids latching onto her. leo will occasionally pop in but he doesn’t like spending time around wyatt something about him like puts leo in pain and he can’t figure out why so he thinks it’s just like Instincts and he goes to do some like digging into exactly who this dude is meanwhile piper’s been having this whole crisis about the fact that she never had kids blah blah blah which is specifically dredging up memories for phoebe about her own pregnancy that only last like two months but was still like a very formative time for her (the cleaners got a hold of dency when the source/seer/whatever was vanquished and the found the essence of the sources heir left still imbued with the power of the source of all evil and a charmed one and then went zoinks shouldn’t leave that just lying around that’s way too much power and it’s definitely not be used responsible we’re gonna take this back to The Void™ just to make sure it doesn’t go haywire well much to their surprise within a couple months that essence has now taken the form of a Human Child and they’re like a child but y’know they can’t Kill It because then it’s just release the essence in a less tangible form (also it’s a baby) so they’re like word well okay what if like we raised the kids and another cleaner is like what and the first cleaner is like okay well the whole reason we brought the essence back was so that it didn’t go haywire and destroy everything and make our jobs all a lot more difficult so like what if we raised the kids and taught them the ways of the cleaners! and cleaner two is like what ew no let’s just trap it in a giant ice cube and call it a day and the eldest cleaner is like no cleaner one is onto something so blah blah blah by the time they have to vanish wyatt and entire baby they’re like hey we’ve got another one now we can give dency a sibling!) so like blah blah blah (oh also fun fact in this au dency has the same haircut as the cleaners) and phoebe’s just sorta like she feels like the has this connection to dency but she thinks it’s just cuz she’s like a young witch who like loves her powers and like has a close bond with her sibling and phoebe just thinks she sees herself in dency blah blah blah oh cole’s spirit who is like fuckin creepin around the house or whatever in a very disturbing manner Also Sees Dency and is like hey. hey what’s up with that. blah blah blah leo has done his digging and confronts wyatt like why don’t you exist and wyatt’s like what and leo’s all like aggressive & upset bc he’s trying to protect his family and wyatt’s just like really confused like i was raised in a void with my sister?? like normal people???? and blah blah blah dency gets involved which gets phoebe involved and then piper’s showing up like what’s all this then and leo’s like accusing wyatt of lying and saying like the two of them are trying to infiltrate the family and get closed to the charmed ones to like you know learn magic straight out of the book of shadows something or others and then the cleaners themselves actually show up like okay kids this was fun and all but like it’s time to pack it up like let’s go home and like dency and wyatt are both like hey no we like being like here we like being out in the real world and the cleaners are like okay but you have to think of what’s best the real world just isn’t safe for you you’re too powerful to ever fit it you’ll always be ostracized and made out to be villains it’s better with us it’s safe with us just come home and like you know now paige has also shown up and the charmed ones are like who the hell are you and leo’s like what the actual fuck is going on right now Are Those Cleaners and wyatt and dency are like standing strong with each other and they’re like we can live here we can be safe here like please just give us another chance and the cleaners are like i’m sorry we can’t it’s just too dangerous and wyatt’s like i’m not letting you take me away again! and dency’s like again? and piper’s like yeah again? and phoebe and paige are like what does that mean? and like the gears are turning in leo’s head and like for once he really leans into the emotions that sorta y’know know double double toil and trouble underneath the surface whenever he’s around wyatt bc he always ran from them, they were painful and he figured it was because wyatt was well like evil but now he’s not running and he’s leaning into it and really trying to figure out what he feels and it’s this insane loss and fear and longing but underneath that is like joy and elation and absolute happiness and unconditional love and he remember the time wyatt was born meanwhile phoebe the empath has basically been knocked off her feet with the tidal wave of raw emotion that just shot out from leo and she has the same realization and leo’s like I’m Not Letting You Take My Son Again. and wyatt’s like what and piper’s like what and phoebe like also takes a stand and she’s like dency and wyatt are our family. and you can’t take them. and wyatt and dency are looking at each other like ????? but they’re like game they don’t want to leave and the cleaners are like you know what no No absolutely not and they take dency and wyatt and they wipe the halliwells’ memories and fuck off back into the void but now the ball is rolling and dency and wyatt are like no who are we who were they that was our family and the cleaners are like you don’t have family and dency and wyatt are like that’s not true and you know it and wyatt like piper’s my mother isn’t she and the cleaners are like don’t ask stupid questions and wyatt’s like she is!! i knew it! i fucking knew it!!! and dency sorta sitting there and she’ll totally you know go to bat for wyatt and she believes the halliwells are her family but she just doesn’t feel this connection wyatt has like wyatt Knows piper’s his mother but dency doesn’t feel the same way. she doesn’t have the same connection that like wyatt has. but blah blah blah they aren’t able to argue long bc they’ve sense a shift in the void meaning someone’s out there exposing magic and they go and it’s the charmed ones fucking up things and the cleaners are like word we can get rid of you too and wyatt’s like if you do i’ll go & destroy everything and paige is like yeah love the energy not actually necessary bc you guys aren’t allowed to get rid of us bc well not to flex but we’re the charmed ones and the cleaners are like yeah big whoop and phoebe’s like how familiar are you with the cosmic balance and the cleaners are like . and phoebe’s like yeah though so and paige is like you can’t kill us without drastically tipping the scales. and the cleaners are like fine what do you want and they’re like we want dency and wyatt and the cleaners are like well shouldn’t it be their choice whether or not they want to go with you and the charmed ones are like fine ask them i’m not worried and wyatt’s like i’m going with the halliwells period end statement but then like cleaner one the initial cleaner who was like let’s care and raise dency is like talking to her like please. it’s safer with you here. wyatt feels his connection with them. what do you feel? we raised you, we care for you, we love you, we want to see you safe. we’re your family. and dency’s just like who am i. and the cleaner’s like nothing they would like. and dency’s like that doesn’t answer my question. and the cleaners are like you’re the source’s heir. and the charmed ones are like She’s The What. and dency’s like i’m what. and the cleaners are like you are the daughter of the source of all evil. you are the epitome of power and destruction. but we can keep you safe, we can keep you from hurting anyone. and phoebe’s like are you gonna tell her the rest. and dency’s like tell me what. and phoebe’s like you may be the daughter of the source of all evil. you’re also the daughter of a charmed one. you’re my daughter. and dency’s like What. The Fuck. and the cleaners are like oh don’t be so generous you carried her for all of two months she is not your daughter and dency’s like What. The Fuck. and like paige and piper and in the background and like the gears are turning in their heads like cole’s kid??? and the cleaners are like when we found you you were barely an essence all that was left over from a brutal vanquish and dency’s like WHAT. THE FUCK. and phoebe’s like you took my kid from me! and the cleaners are like you vanquished her! and phoebe’s like we vanquished the seer! we stopped the source of all evil! and it cost me my child don’t you dare say i did this to her and dency’s like you know what actually no and she flames out and piper’s like well i guess you have your decision feel free to get the fuck out of my attic now and the cleaners are like like you guys are assholes and there’s a reason we let prue die 😗✌ and dip and piper’s like if a see another cleaner ever again i’m gonna vanquish that motherfucker So Quick he won’t even have time to ruin yet another one of my family photos. blah blah blah wyatt’s like At Home he’s reunited with his family and they’re so happy to have him back and piper’s like let me cook you a really nice dinner the last time i cooked for you it was just pureed carrots i’m hoping you’re palate’s gotten a little more refined and wyatt’s like thanks mom that really means a lot but i can’t stay here i can’t turn my back on dency she was my family before i even knew i had one i have to go find her so of course the let him go blah blah blah he finds dency blah blah blah heart to heart blah blah blah they all reunite blah blah blah happy ending : )
11 notes · View notes
muthaz-rapapa · 4 years
Rewatch: Mahou Tsukai Precure Ep 3
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Hey hey hey~!
I made it to Sunday with another MahoPre post again! Praise me, won’t you?
*bows extravagantly* ( -∀-)シ
Yaaaaa, you know the animation quality really went up when not only the new transformation sequence was top notch but the episode it debuted in was as well. Really! Everything was so sparkly and purdy~
Like Mirai and Mofu-chan’s excited faces, kyaaaaa~! xD
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Ahem, so we start off with Mirai calling home and let’s just say she’s very lucky it was Grandma who picked up.
I don’t know how long Mirai’s been gone but judging by how Grandma’s first question is about Mirai’s search instead of asking where she is right now, maybe she hasn’t been gone too long to raise any alarms yet.
In any case, the beginning of the phone call was hilarious cuz though Grandma shares Mirai’s belief in witches and magic, I’m pretty sure she never expected for Mirai to be contacting her from another realm, much less hear that she’s become a witch herself.
She’s like “Huh? Wut?” xD;
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And then there’s Mirai. Oh god, Mirai.
She really is the type to spill almost every detail out in a jumbled manner and gesture frantically on the other end of the line even though there’s no way her Grandma can actually see her, lol I do the same thing when I talk over the phone
Meanwhile, Headmaster and Riko are just standing awkwardly in the background, watching this girl play charades in front of a crystal ball.
(^ ∀ ^ ;;)
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Anyways, despite all the rushed explanations, Mirai wants to attend class here and asks for permission.
Naturally, any normal parent/guardian would say “no” because first of all, what the heck is she going on about? Flying brooms? Magic World? WAT? Did you hit your head while playing or something?
I mean, even the most understanding person would just assume Mirai found a new friend at the playground who introduced her to some secret hangout or whatever and that Mirai just wants to stay out longer to have fun, that’s all.
But nuh-uh! Mirai’s really in the Magic World right now and she really wants to enroll in magic school for the rest of spring break!
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Miraculously (and again, she is so lucky it was Grandma who picked up), she does get the okay.
Grandma actually believes Mirai will be alright with these strangers in some foreign place she’s never heard of. She’s never met them, there’s no address or even a phone number she can call to check up on Mirai. For all she knows, her granddaughter could’ve been tricked and kidnapped by some shady hoodlums.
But over the phone, it doesn’t seem that Mirai is any danger...and since she sounds so eager, well then, alright. Grandma chooses to trust Mirai.
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Cue joyous, major squee-able hug! <D
(O_ O ;;)
It’s somewhat forgivable in an children’s anime where things are more idyllic and even Mirai’s situation is an exception among exceptions because of plox. 
But if your kid is asking to stay out in some vague location with people who don’t have your trust to look out for their well-being, then you get in your car or call the police or do whatever’s necessary to bring them home immediately!
...come to think of it, I wonder how Mirai’s parents reacted when Grandma told them the news. By the time Mirai got back home, they seemed pretty cool with it but Mirai should’ve at least called them every day (off-screen) to ensure she’s alright so that they didn’t have to worry a lot while she was away.
I dunno, please don’t mind me too much on this matter. I'm just very sensitive when it comes to the safety of children, that’s all. The news and living in the city scared me into being cautious.
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Honestly, I wouldn’t mind becoming an Uber driver as long it’s a magic carpet I’m flying.
But I’m not sure what the insurance policy on that is like and it doesn’t look like there are seat belts either which is a tad bit concerning. Hmm...
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Bouncy-wouncy flippy-floppy Mofurun~!
Look at this happy bear~! She’s having the time of her life!
Ugh, my heart~!!! x3333
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I believe this is the first time Mirai’s had the chance to tell Riko something about herself and it’s quite nice that Riko was the one who (sorta) initiated the interest this time around.
We all know what Riko’s like. She’s not fond of people being too chummy with her because if they get to know her, they’ll learn how bad she is at magic as well. That’s why she’s always trying to maintain a distance. Trying not to interact with others too much and not volunteer too much info about herself so she can uphold an image she doesn’t really possess and protect where she’s most vulnerable. Tsundere defense mechanism in the works.
For her to reach out to Mirai, even if it’s only out of some courteous small talk and minimal curiosity, maybe it means she’s gradually becoming more comfortable. At least in Mirai’s company, there’s no need to have her guard up that high and she can talk to someone normally for once.
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Mirai, on the other hand, is the honest type through and through and is thrilled to share anything about what she loves.
Her bright, sincere personality and close relationship with her grandma shows how well she was raised because no matter how wild or out of this world Mirai’s thoughts can get sometimes, those closest to her never ridiculed or made her think less of herself for that. That’s why she’s almost always able to face anything with open optimism. She’s free to be unapologetically herself because she has that kind of reassurance.
It’s a security that many people would die to have.
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And Riko is one of those people.
Listening to Mirai talk warmly about her grandmother brings a slightly lonely expression to her face because Riko doesn’t have anyone like that. No one whom she can talk to about anything and everything, no one whom she can show her true self to without fear of being judged by them.
No one to call a real friend.
Well, guess what, Riko? Ya got right one in front of ya, dont’cha? Hahaha~!
She just doesn’t realize it yet.
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Moving along, damn, the whole island is occupied by magic merchants and their shops!
Diagon Alley can’t even begin to compare!
Yep. If there’s any Precure universe I want to live in, it’s definitely this one! 8D
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At the center of the giant square, of course there’s a statue and of course there’s a story to go along with it and of course, there’s an old man (by the name of Mr. Hook) just waiting to tell that story to whoever’s new in town.
Nevertheless, this story is a rather interesting one in respect to the Linkle Stone Ruby that’s set to appear later.
The Merchant Alley is where people gather to sell their trades and goods. It’s a place where they can share the work they’re proud of and passionate about.
And Ruby is the Linkle Stone of what? Passion.
So the Passion Flame was pretty much the Linkle Stone Ruby all along and it returned to remind the people of the magic they still have within themselves.
This slightly debunks the idea that the Linkle Stones will only appear when Precure do but it doesn’t change the fact that Ruby’s true form didn’t manifest until Mirai and Riko came to the Alley.
Anyways, on another note, isn’t it an extremely heartwarming thought that even though Mother Rapapa has been gone for centuries, her magic hasn’t disappeared and that it still extends itself to help people when they’re in need? Even now, Mother Rapapa still loves and wants to protect the world she defended with her very life which just goes to prove that the most ancient and most powerful magic of all is indeed, love.
Love never dying means magic never dying.
Aaaaahhhh~, that’s so beautiful! *sniff* <’D
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Aww, but I wanted to hear about Pegasus Lane!
( •́ ∧ •̀ )
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Ok, ok, maybe some other time.
At least we got Riko taking Mirai’s hand to lead her away instead. Me is a happy gurl~ <3
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But then Mofurun says she smells something sweet and duh, it’s clearly Ruby sitting in the statue’s lamp but they don’t know that yet so they all assume it’s just the cotton candy from a street vendor near by.
Well, their reaction was adorbs anyway.
D’aww, omgawd, look at Mirai, trying to tug Riko in the direction of sweets and Riko having none of that. Kekekeke! xD
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Ok, before we go in, I just want to say that I adore Francois and all the fabulousness he’s packaged with!
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But more than that, I love how he’s always so kind to people who visit his shop, especially the girls. He’s always eager to give them the best fashion he can offer and since he learned his trade in the Mundane World, it’s probably safe to say he isn’t at all prejudiced against anyone from there either.
But also, also...!!
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He knows how to recognize CUTE when he sees it!
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Oh yea, Francois is my spirit animal.
Poor Mofurun, though. She looks so traumatized. xD;
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My daughter is soooooo cute! Don’t you agree?
*pokes you in the back with ten needles* (*°∀°)
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Man, if I could do magic......I would probably still go out to buy clothes instead of making them myself. It’s less about not having the talent to design and more about gathering the material that would be a pain for me. I’d rather leave that to the professionals.
That said, since it’s magic we’re talking about, I hope retail prices are a lot lower over there since production requires less manual labor. Or should it be magical labor?
Well, it takes less time if an outfit can be fitted and finished within the hour so that’s a plus at least.
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Mmhmm. *nods appreciatively*
I wasn’t lying when I said this uniform is one of my (if not the) top favorite school uniform designs across all Precure seasons.
The colors, the plaid bows, and ugh, the HAT!!
...I wanna be a witch, too. TwT
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Honestly, Francois is just one of the best recurring characters. Period.
He’s so thoughtful, going the extra mile even when he doesn’t really have to. He’s not in it for the famous name or money, he just wants to make sure his clients look good and feel good looking good.
What an artisan!
(Btw, Mofurun still uses the same pouch when Mirai grows up and I just find that so awesome because they’re continuing to treat a gift from Francois with such care~ <3)
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I mean, fixing a loose button is a small task. Hardly worth mentioning but with Riko falling so often (*discontent Riko noises*), you’d think Francois would be exasperated about her always ruining her clothes.
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He just goes and sews it back in place without charge, gently telling Riko in his own special way for her to be more careful.
Riko doesn’t miss the sentiment behind his words and really, you’d have to be blind to not see how all the people Riko knows really care about her.
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More locals to meet and this one is Todd and he sells produce!
Not much to say about him other than he’s a nice dude, offering Mirai a sample of what a Frozen Clementine really tastes like.
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lol, oh Riko, don’t take it so personally. These things happen. <D;
Also, that’s two strikes for Riko today. I wouldn’t be surprised if the whole town was aware of how clumsy she is.
At least, none of them are mean about it or deliberately poking fun at her. Riko’s just a little too sensitive is all.
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Again, the shifts through Riko’s many faces when eating clementines are fun to watch.
It’s okay, Riko! You’ll get there eventually!
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Wouldn’t put it past an eccentric, old man like him to do something like that.
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I mean, I’m positive that the Headmaster’s character is partially inspired by Albus Dumbledore who also fits these kind of descriptions so yea...
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Meanwhile, I am living for the savageness that Cathy is unrepentantly laying on the Deputy Headmistress concerning her stickler-policy/no-outsider opinions.
Nothing against the Deputy Head since she does come around eventually but hell yea, Miss Sassy Crystal Ball! xD;
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Next up is Gustav’s, where Mirai gets her own broom!
God, I love this broom so much. It’s simple but so charming!! Perfect for a young witch!
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Nooooooo, Riko-chan~
That’s not what she meant! (^ ∀ ^ ;;)
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Ooo, that’s three strikes now!
Riko really can’t catch a break, huh?
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I wonder how many times everybody in town has heard this reply, lol
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Y’know, these shopkeepers have known Riko since she was little so for them to comment on Mirai accompanying her today just further supports the idea that they’re always watching out for her however they can.
Riko’s an awkward kid who’s trying too hard to act and see through the eyes of an adult and that’s why she blunders so much.
But perhaps, if they were to point that out too directly, it’ll just make Riko feel more ashamed or make her more stubborn than she already is.
If that’s true, then I’d like to think they all agreed to just give Riko her space and let her grow into it in her own time. They’ll still support her every now and then (because she needs it) but they won’t overdo it to the point where she’ll notice and misunderstand it as an remark on her poor skills in magic.
Anyways, at least Gustav seems happy to see Riko’s finally got a friend to spend time with. As much as Riko’s unsure about calling Mirai her friend, no one’s going to deny that Riko not being alone anymore is a good thing for her, hehe~
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They got to eat cotton candy, after all! YAY~!
Gotta say, this might just be the best way to eat cotton candy cuz it just levitates a little above your hand and you don’t have to worry about holding onto a stick and then the candy melting onto the stick and your hands getting messy cuz of that and whatnot.
Also, it really makes it look like you’re munchin’ on a cloud. Cute, right? :D
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So far, Mirai is having a superb day. She got the whole magic user starter kit and it really feels like she’s become a witch now.
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But as Riko says, it takes more than just looking the part to be a genuine practitioner of magic.
I wonder if she realizes how contradictory she sounds here because if she knew that all along, then that would label her search for the Emerald as hypocritical.
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Though it’s possible she only realized this after coming back from her recent trip to the Mundane World empty-handed.
Still, there’s no doubt the Emerald’s profound and mythical qualities would be desired by many, including those who are efficient in magic. Nobody is really sure what it’s capable of but since it’s reputed to be the rarest and most powerful of the Linkle Stones, we can at least expect it to live up to its name in some way.
And when Riko overheard the Headmaster talking about it in his office, well, who can really blame her for shooting off to go find it then?
If anything, had she found it, Riko probably would’ve used the Emerald to figure out why her magic seldom worked out the way she wanted it to. Then from there, she’d do whatever she could in her own power to make herself a great witch.
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Mirai, however, is more impressed by how brave and aggressive Riko is on fulfilling her dream. 
In fact, she’s more amazed by Riko than the Emerald itself and doesn’t think her search for the Emerald sounds ridiculous at all.
To her, Riko is a hard worker and she should be acknowledged just for how much effort she puts into becoming a witch worthy of respect.
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But when she asks what Riko means by stuff like “excellent” or “splendid”, even Riko’s not sure.
Of course, even if you have a good amount of magical prowess, that doesn’t automatically mean you’re a great magic user.
Rather, it should be how you use your magic that determines whether you are great or not.
I guess that’s why Riko suddenly turned that question back on Mirai. Because as of this moment, she’s only looking for ways to cast her spells without them backfiring on her. She hasn’t given much thought on what she can do with magic once she does have it in her hands.
Riko doesn’t have an answer yet. And because she doesn’t want to appear like she doesn’t, her walls go up again in an attempt to prevent anyone else from realizing how unsure she actually is inside.
But you know what?
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Mirai’s not sure about her own dream either. 
She’s never thought of it before now and nothing really comes to mind just because she’s asked out of the blue like this. However, that doesn’t really bother her.
It’d be awesome if one day, she can find something to dedicate herself to like Riko does...but until then, there’s no need to rush or stress it. If she’s meant to find it, then she’ll find it eventually.
Having a dream should be a wonderful thing, after all. It’s not something you must have but something you want, something you choose to pursue. 
I believe that’s what makes Riko so special in Mirai’s eyes. Because despite all the doubts and hardships that come with it, Mirai can tell Riko truly cherishes her desire to become a fine witch some day. 
If she didn’t, Riko wouldn’t have needed to try so hard. But she did and is still trying because she really wants it. That is what earned her Mirai’s admiration.
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Not sure if those feelings reached Riko but at least it seems that she knows Mirai respects and understands her to extent in that regard, which then draws out a smile from her as well.
Cuz c’mon, it’s just nice to talk these things out with a friend.
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That’s right, they’re definitely friends now.
They’re laughing together and the atmosphere is very light and pleasant and happy.
Just look at Mofurun, the perfect mood indicator. If that’s not enough to show how well our girls are getting along, then I don’t know what is.
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Ugh, unfortunately if there’s a good mood going on, a mood ruiner is never too far off.
This time it’s Sparda and she introduces herself by stealing Mirai’s Diamond pendant. *GASP* BAD! >:(
Demands are made for the Emerald’s location, Mirai loudly defies the villain again and villain decide to wreck things as a response. Yada yada yada, same old, same old.
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Except with them missing one Diamond and unable to transform into Precure, they really can’t do anything to stop Sparda.
As the situation becomes grimmer, so does the anger start to build within Riko as she surveys the damage of the town.
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We even get a mini-montage of a younger Riko (OMG ISN’T SHE THE SWEETEST LIL’ WITCH-IN-TRAINING?!?!? KYAAA~!!! xDD) on her first time visiting all the shops, essentially telling us how many important memories she’s made here and how much the people who helped her mean to her.
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This finally, finally makes her blow her top.
How dare this cretin selfishly trample all over the innocent people trying to do their daily jobs peacefully! How dare this insect woman make a mess of their community, a place where everybody works so hard to support each other, without remorse!
That is absolutely unforgivable!!
...but at the same time, Riko releasing her anger is just what they needed. Her feelings are now fully synchronized with Mirai’s...
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...which causes the Ruby to awaken and reveal its true form to them.
Hmm, this is really fascinating because we can interpret it to mean that passion, the idea that the Ruby represents, is linked to many emotions and not just a strong sense of love towards something. 
Or you can say even “negative” emotions like anger or sorrow can also be proof of a very strong love.
Considering that rage and passion are often symbolized through flames and fire imagery, I’d say that the connection between those two is really appropriate for these turn of events.
But moving along...
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I’ll go into my thoughts on this design another day but ahhh, I do so love this Form Change to death. Have a hard time deciding if this is my top favorite among the MahoPre forms.
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As for the battle, well, sad to say this one wasn’t worth writing home about either. And I think the animation quality dropped a little around this part of the ep. Not sure why there’s a sudden inconsistency when there wasn’t that much “fighting” going on.
But again, I’m not here to write about the battle scenes (until maybe post-Felice debut), which are more or less the same anyway so I’d just be repeating myself if I were. I’m here for the chemistry between the girls, the character studies and so on.
Some key highlights, though, because I couldn’t ignore them:
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Mofurun catching the Diamond back like one would catch a home run ball.
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This kick.
This kick is everything.
Miracle and Magical grabbing each other’s hands to help propel their feet at the Yokubaru.
And then the ice thawing immediately upon impact, a call out to the Frozen Clementines they always eat and further demonstration of symbolism of passion through fire because heat melts ice.
Looks like this might’ve been the first time Riko was successful in using this type of magic. Too bad you can’t really eat it. But not that you’d really want to, lol
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Then Ruby Passionale and another day saved.
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And now everybody’s witnessed the legend in the flesh!
lol, Miracle being polite to the crowd while Mofurun is trying to hide her face ("No pictures, please-mofu!”) and Magical is so close to freaking out cuz they gotta get outta here before their transformations become undone and their true identities are found out and ohhh, we don’t want to stick around to find out what that’s gonna be like......
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...so they leave by leaping to the rooftops.
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Later that day, they go to pick up Mirai’s broom and aww, that’s so nice of Gustav to give her a cute ribbon as an extra service!
It comes in both her and Riko’s colors, too! How did he know?!?!?!? 8D
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And he even gave one to Riko to match with Mirai!
Ugh, Gustav is so awesome. I want to buy him a steak dinner. 
I’ll buy dinner for any character in story who helps me ship my ship, hahaha! xD
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Hehe, my lovely girls~
I love them soooo much. <3
Mmkay, I’m done for the day. I think I can manage to do one more post for next week. Then we’ll see what happens from there cuz I’ll be going back to work soon.
13 notes · View notes
markword · 4 years
Summary: You have had a crush on Jungkook since forever ago, but he’s changed and so have you. But when you get closer to him-in a different way than expected-feelings start to come out of the dark.
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What’s in this bitch: swearing, SMUT, and a lil but of spice✨✨
Side note: this is my first fanfic, so plz be nice and enjoy!! She’s a long one so get comfy and get somethin to eat and get your playlist ready ✌🏼and there will be typing errors so ignore dem por favor
The echoes of your footsteps drilled into your head at an annoying volume. It didn't help that your heart was incessantly pounding either. You sweep by the empty classrooms, books laying on the floor, sprawled out in a hurry. The paper in your hand was nearly as wrinkled as your shirt, picked straight out of your hamper due to the lack of time and lack of any better ideas. The bell rings and kids start to spill out of every classroom, almost taking you off your track. the bell left an annoying buzz in your ears that kept you charging forward. No one has ever given you a note, not in the four years of highschool. The note was battered and slightly torn from your fidgety hands toying with the edges all day. You'd only read it once, out of fear that if you read it again, it wouldn't say the same thing;
Go to the main entrance after last period.
I'll be waiting.
your heart couldn't help but flutter when you first opened the tightly folded note. you couldn't help but think of who sent it to you. He was always on your radar, but not in the romantic sense. You knew it was Jeon Jungkook because of the way the words were scribbled on the paper and obviously, how he closed the short note with his long lived nickname, ¨jk. He was always quiet and reserved in middle school, which would be his defining trait until sophomore year rolled around. rumors upon rumors built up about him, almost taking you off your feet when you first heard them. Jungkook, the quiet and sweet kid you basically grew up with through school, caught with a girl in a school bathroom? for some reason, the rumors were never proven but something about how he swayed when he walked and looked at girls for a split millisecond had them planning baby names. He had silently nudged you toward the conclusion that they were undoubtedly true. The hardest part about seeing his personality take a 180 was the fact that your secret but not so secret crush on him in middle school had quite nearly been strangled to death by the man that stood waiting for you, at the main entrance.
As your pace slowed, your ears and lungs caught up. you knew you were near the main entrance, but you couldn't see over the rushing flow of students going to and fro. you catch a glimpse of the top of his head, and miraculously, he notices you too.
You'd be lying if you said you didn't still have a little thing for him.
you couldn't help it. Maybe it was more of an instinctual hormonal pull, but he was easy on the eyes and in a rugged way, almost dreamy.
His longer dark brown hair, pulled into a small bun, perched on top of his head. his loose black v neck hanging dangerously against his strict collarbones. his baggy grey joggers molded to all the right places but still looking stylishly comfy.
you stride closer to him, and see that he was making small talk with a fragile blonde girl. He erupts into laughter, showcasing his devilish smile. which was always accompanied by his cute dimples. one of the reasons you became so hopelessly in love with him in middle school was that sweet and sour smile of his. You couldn't help but look for it every once and a while in class. You slowly approach him, giving him enough time to wrap up his previous conversation.
"Oh, hey Y/N. Sorry to leave a mysterious note like that" he smiled with his eyes, making the apology that much harder to not accept (although it was a pain in the ass)
"It's really okay. Why'd you want to meet here though? I haven't talked to you for a while"
"That's not true I talk to you everyday in class" he smiled, but it was obvious he was poking fun at you and your nervousness about being there with him. He had to admit, it was a little suspicious.
"Well, what is it then?" you were starting to get impatient, letting your temper mixed with your short attention span to get ahold of you. which of course, didn't go unnoticed by Jungkook.
"Iwas absent yesterday for that chem quiz. can you tell me what's on it? I know you’re smart and you understood the material really well."
You were definitely infuriated, knowing this could've been sent by text or even asked in the fleeting moments after class. you see him at least 5 seperate times a day, why a stupid fucking note to some clandestine meeting?
"Jeon, couldn't you have just texted me? But yeah, Iremember a few questions it wasn't that hard." You were dying for an explanation, but the way his face went blank and uninviting, was enough to gather the realization that you weren't getting one.
"Im taking the makeup test in 10 minutes. Do you think I could cram the answers in time?"
Of course he could. He was insanely and almost annoyingly smart. but just like his soft nature, that disappeared over summer break before sophomore year.
He sent you off with a quick thanks and then casually turned his heels to walk to the chem classroom. Once he left, you started to realize the strangeness of it all. He could've asked anyone in Chem 2, but he asked YOU? With a note to meet nonetheless. thinking about it gave you a headache, so once you turned on your car to go home, you started to think about what songs to play and what dinner will be instead. The car ride home was uneventfully blissful, the usual weird seat dancing and emotional signing to your favorite car songs.
You walk in the door with an exaggerated "humphf" when setting down your backpack to go look in the fridge to look for a snack you knew wasn't there. Your phone vibrates on your kitchen table and slightly annoyed you at how it proceeded to rumble loudly against the flat surface. You pick it up only to see that Jungkook had sent you a post on instagram with another message that read;
jungkook:Thanks for helping today, here's this to show my thanks
it was a distorted meme that you'd seen hundreds of times before, but its humor ran out after the second time it beamed on your screen. It surprised you that he sent a meme, but it surprised you even more to get another taste of the old Jungkook you knew. The one who would thank you for helping him out, and seem genuinely thankful. Sometimes you’d catch yourself stealing fleeting glimpses of him in class. you'd often try to pick up on his new tendencies and see some of his old, but comforting ones. He would also space out in middle school, leaving his notebooks riddled with doodles and scribbles to keep himself awake. Just two days ago, he was in a lab with you and you couldn't help but glance at his notebook for a split second; graffitied with little faces and tiny but strategic and pleasing scribbles. You're still looking blankly at the screen, sure that he noticed the "seen" under his texts a while ago.
you: Of course j.k. Ibet you aced it anyways
All of this weird and sudden contact had your head in a whirl. Too many questions and literally no answers. you thought it best to leave it alone for now. But he didn't.
You don't remember when you dozed off exactly, but you knew it was a good night's sleep when you woke up with a dry mouth and a full bladder. You groan and reach for one of the countless half filled water bottles on your nightstand. Huh? a sock?
"Whatever, Ihave to pee" you mutter to yourself. for a moment you didn't realize your deep and groggy voice.
"Wait, what" There it is again! you've never sounded this dead in the morning, even when you were hungover after your wildest night out. You finally flicker your eyes open only to be met by an unfamiliar ceiling fan and light grey walls. You rush to sit up. Something wasn't right. you look down and almost scream.
"Where are my boobs?!" your hands shoot reflexively to your chest, where they always are and are met with a dull smack as your hands hit complete flatness. You scurry out of the unfamiliar, but disgustingly messy bed and dart your eyes to find a mirror. It was weirdly easy to get up and dash to the mirror in the small bathroom to your right considering it wasn't your body you were in.
You stood panting in front of the mirror to see Jungkooks face staring back.
"What in the FUC-"
Jungkook sorta remembers when he went to bed. By sorta he means he knew it was between 8 PM and 1 AM. He's not good at remembering things, besides, he's already up now. He cracks his neck and instinctively reaches his hand down his boxer shorts.
"Where is my-" he suddenly feels his arm push against something warm on his chest while he extended his arm to find what was there just last night. He grabs the foriegn object on his chest, anxious to grab something since his usual apparently isn't there right now. Is this a boob? It was a boob. he reached up to mimic his other hand. and there's TWO? of course there he knew that. He'd seen plenty of them, but feeling them on himself? Hell no. THAT'S never happened before. He sat up, hands still clenched around the annoyingly loose bra that covered-well-HIS tits. His face went tense as he looked for a mirror. He slowly approached the mirror hanging on the door, hoping to not be met with one of his drunken hookups that could've been a witch for all he knows. He slowly opened his eyes.
"Y/N?! Damn. well, she has nice tits, I have to give her that."
You both immediately shot a text to each other, hoping it wasn't a dream, because if it was, you'd both look like idiots. But after telling eachother what happened when they woke up, (Jungkook left out the whole boob ordeal) and you decided to skip school today and sneak out of the house to meet and try to figure out what happened last night.
After throwing on something Jungkook might wear, you couldn't help but notice his figure staring back at you. He really was handsome. You flashed a beefy smile at the mirror and stayed smiling after seeing his signature but memorable smile. You finally talked his mom into letting you stay home just 30 minutes ago, with jungkook in an earbud listening and telling you the best way to make his mom cave. You were slightly annoyed when he said that all he had to do was say he felt sick and your mom was already convinced. It was still uncomfortable hearing your voice through the phone. you sounded really stupid on the phone. you decided to meet at a park close to both your house and his to figure it all out and how to undo it. You had a hard time figuring out how to drive his car but ended up to the park in one piece. well, Jungkook arrived in one piece. there was still no sign of your body yet. Your car comes screeching to a halt next to you before you see your body get out of the car in rage and slam the car door shut.
"Be careful with her she's old" you whine, referring to your beaten up and chipped car.
"Shut up and follow me. We gotta be alone." He grabs your arm and pulls you farther into the park and only loosened his grip when there were less than 5 people around.
"What the fuck happened, Y/N? This is freaking me out. How does this shit even happen? And why me and yo-"
"No, you shut up you're making me dizzy. I don't know my answer for all of those questions. oh god, what do we do at school? AT HOME? WHEN I HAVE TO PEE?" You almost choke on your breath thinking about going to the bathroom with a whole different set of tools.
"I don't know Y/N... I mean I could help you practice..." He reaches down toward your crotch-no- HIS crotch and you flick him away with wide eyes and a blazing stare back at him.
"This isn't a joke, Jungkook. What do we do?" you swallow heavily and look back at your body through his eyes.
"Ew. If I'd known that's what I look like I would just wear baggy sweats everyday..." you whisper it to yourself but since you were both so quiet and focused in thought, he heard it.
"Oh shut up you have a great body, Y/N."
"Did you LOOK? I didn't look, I thought it would be rude. wait-DID YOU LOOK YES OR NO?" you did look. He just doesn't need to know and wouldn't help your case any.
"Of course I did. nice tits by the way." he winked and cracked his neck again. you were too much in a daze thinking about how someone else had seen you naked. JUNGKOOK has seen you naked. Did he just say; nice tits? That doesn't matter, we need to figure this out before you cut off his dick for looking at you.
"We need to figure this out right now." you weren't kidding. if he touched your boobs that would be enough to commit manslaughter. it didn't matter if it was actually you that you were killing.
"We can go to my place now. Let's get something to eat. My mom wont think twice about me having a girl over anyways. She won't bat an eye and she'll leave us alone. Just tell her that we are both sick and want to study to catch up since its convenient. Its our best option." He cracked you a smirk, sending shivers down your spine. it was him alright, just in your body. You get up and start walking towards your beat up car out of habit to leave until he grabs your arm, almost jerking you so hard you would've fallen on your ass.
"Damn Y/N, your body is pretty strong. Stronger than you were in middle school. But lets take my car. I'll drive."
You couldn't help but blush at him mentioning middle school. I guess he really did pay attention to you back then. Your thoughts immediately hone in on memories of gym class when you'd be the best playing any activity and you embarrassed the boys in front of their respective crushes. you couldn't help but let out a little giggle, sounding even better when it came out as Jungkook's grisly and low voice. You settle in the car, and fidget with the seatbelts and keep your head glued on the dashboard to avoid any eye contact just in case you were still blushing. jungkook lets out an audible sigh before turning the keys in the ignition and putting the car in reverse. You couldn't help but look at him, sitting in your body, as he put an arm out behind your headrest to backout. He flickers his eyes between you and behind the car.
"Its so weird seeing my body like this, like from another perspective," you could resonate with what he said, especially since he's manhandling a car with legs wide open, but he looks like you at the same time. "I wonder what I look like during sex..." he mutters the last part under his breath and chuckles, part of him hoping that you would hear.
"Just ask one of your many lady friends, Jungkook. I'm sure they'd love to tell you all about it." You scoff. How could he change so much from the boy you were infatuated with? He was the same in small ways, but barely. It made you sad and frustrated when you realized that you secretly hoped he'd be the same around you after all these years.
"I could. But right now, I'm not exactly myself." You both reach to turn on the radio to drown out the awkward tension that seemed to have seeped in the car. You back off since it technically is his car anyways. He puts on one of his playlists and the first song starts to play. Its not rap and you're almost surprised. But you've known since middle school that he likes more indie and classic rock than anything else. You put your window down and look out with an elbow grasing the bottom of the window, and your hand finding its way to your hair. Well, Jungkook’s hair. Soft. You turn to look at the song name and realize jungkook is glaring at you. You never knew your face could look so scary.
"Don't feel pressured to act any different. Just be you and act normal, even if you want to touch my hair." He snickered and shot his eyes back on the road, making a smooth right turn at the light you'd been stopped at.
"Its a habit. Besides, you've seen me naked Jungkook, who cares if Iaccidentally touch your hair?" you had started to become more and more angry at his annoyingly hot voice. Just by hearing it in classes, you felt a tinge of wetness down under. But you're sure its just because of his voice, right?
"Am I wet right now? Is this what it feels like?" He chuckled so hard and loud you almost see your soul shoot out of the car and get run over. What the fuck do you even say to that? You had an idea as to why it happened but what do you say to jungkook?
He's still laughing a little when he shoots up straight in his seat.
"I know what it is Y/N, you think I'm SEXY."
you gulp. you decide that staying quiet is your best option, the one that will make you look less flustered and more cool about him calling you out.
"You know, Ihad a huge crush on you in middle school. It was almost embarrassing. I think I wrote you a love letter one time but I never gave it to you. You were such a player back then." He chuckles again, but softer this time. He confessed something embarrassing to get the conversation away from the obvious pool of wetness between his legs. YOUR legs.
"I did too." you mumble still looking out the window, trying to hide your excitement at his confession. you were happy but, that was a long time ago anyways. It didn't really matter now.
"Would you look at that, maybe we found out why we switched bodies." His facial expression was flat, almost bored looking. you both sat in silence until he pulled the car into the unfamiliar driveway you left this morning. You get out of the car and he reaches for the door and tells you to make yourself at home, as a joke, of course. To anyone else looking at you two, you were Jungkook, and this in fact, was your house.
"Maybe if we confess our past feelings, we will switch back. That’s the only thing I can think of anyways. You cool with that?" He was pouring himself a glass of apple juice and he set it down on the counter to get another glass for you.
"Yeah why not." you sipped slowly on the cold drink as he led you up the stairs to his room. You settle down on his bed facing each other, almost looking like two young girls at a sleepover talking about their celebrity crushes. you were both sitting with your legs folded and leaning in toward each other, a weirdly comfortable position for the both of you.
"You first." he grumbles with a cheesy smirk.
"Okay," you take a deep breath to collect your thoughts, "I liked you from 5th to 8th grade."
"That's it? I think we need a little more since we are still staring at our own bodies across from us." he was rocking side to side trying to conjure up any thoughts on how to fix your strange situation.
"Maybe we should kiss." He leans forward, which you dodge at the speed of light.
"What are you doing Jungkook?!" Your eyes wide open and stomach fluttering.
"Maybe this is how the spell thingy breaks, it makes sense."
He's right, If the reason you were stuck looking at yourself from this perspective was that you needed to confess and makeout, then so be it. You'd try anything at this point. You missed your own bed. He charges in closer to you slower this time and grabs your face. the way he was using your lips made it impossible to notice how quickly you'd shut your eyes. You opened them to see Jungkook staring at you with wide puppy dog eyes.
"Hell yes I'm back bitche-" He quickly silenced you with another kiss. I worked? You were sure you’d live out your days in another body. But you weren’t mad that his first idea worked out. But you weren’t about to keep your mind on the subject, Jungkook was millimeters away from you with his taunting lips. This kiss was more passionate and more eager. Your legs went limp, and your face set ablaze at Jungkook's fluid and sexy motions against you. He pokes his tongue at your lips, asking if he could enter. You quickly let him roam around your mouth, leaving you breathless and seeing stars. He slides his hands down from your face and traces the outer line of your figure, leaving goosebumps in their wake. you could feel the pool between your legs as your thighs began to quiver under his careful and strategic touch. He shifts you down, so that you're on your back and he is using an arm to support himself above you. you let out a needy whimper and you finally move your arms down his chest to trace his undoubtedly hot body. he flinched when you stopped at his waistband, and you were left just toying with the elastic until he forcefully pulled your shirt off your body, only leaving mere seconds between the deepening kiss. Neither of you were ready to stop. You could feel your body start to heat up against his and he slowly moved his waist into yours at a steady rhythm. you could feel his apparent erection glide across your thighs with every motion. You could feel the heat escape your core when you opened your legs farther, hoping he'd get the hint to touch you where you wanted him the most. You wanted his hands everywhere, but your arousal was too hot and strong to ignore for much longer. He slowly navigated his kiss downward, taking extra care of your neck, sure to leave a couple marks in his wake. once he reached your chest, with your bra still clinging on with the sheen of sweat you both worked up. As he moves his hands to hold you still, they rest on your hips with a tender but strong grip, willing you not to squirm under his touch. He started to kiss along the edge of your bra, frequently nibbling at the tender skin that lay beneath. He was taking his time of course, he'd been wondering what touching you and making you all worked up like this felt. He'd often steal glances at you in class, never letting go of his childish middle school crush. He'd accepted that he'd always feel something toward you, what that was he was unsure. But having you under him, and your back arching your chest towards him made him hungry. He knew he would never get you out of his head after this.
You take your arms behind your back and unclasp your bra hoping he would fasten up and make your horniness subside. He immediately grabs onto one and closes in on the other with tender kisses, licking around your nipple just to hear your sighs that turned into moans between his needy lips.
"Please Jung-" you whine trying to push yourself into him closer. you wanted to be swallowed into this moment. The tension was released, and god did it feel good. He cut you off with a strong and lasting rub against your core, just making you want to whine for more. He was rock hard, so the only thing he accomplished was making you shut up and making you kiss harder and your grip on his hips tighter. He finally slid his hands slowly up the inside of your thigh and his slender but strong fingers snaked their way under the thin cloth that was sticking to your folds. He took a deep and exaggerated swipe across your center, making you shiver with pleasure.
"Don't worry, I'll take care of that," he said, flashing a smile smile in between kisses on your neck.
"Just put it in already I'm dying here..."
With your words, he swiped off his shirt and pulled his pants down, showcasing the famous bounce as his erection springs out of his loose pants. his fingers wrapped around the fabric of your shorts, playing and twisting at them with want. He pulled them down slowly, propping your leg on the bed before throwing the soaking shorts somewhere on the floor. He pushed your thigh open with his now faster motions of his thigh, trying to get more friction against you. You whimper and reach for his erection. before you could fully palm it, he suddenly stopped and stared down at you, trying to catch his breath that had been sucked up by your deep kiss. He slid his thumb across your lower lip.
"Not yet Y/N. Let me do this first. I promise I’ll get to that in a minute." you watch him utter his words in a growl as he slowly drags his soft lips downwards between your breasts and then your stomach before his messy black hair is level with your core.
"I'll be gentle. Tell me if you want to stop at any time, Y/N."
You weren't expecting him to be gentle, or even offer an out for you. All the rumors of him being a brute and rough when it comes to sex and intimacy. You could see the old parts of Jungkook shining through. before you could think about it anything else he pressed his lips against you, lips pursed around your clit. a shake engulfed you, sending shivers up your spine and out of your mouth as a long moan. his tongue grazed over every inch of your center at least 3 times before he started to slow down and suck on your clit, leaving you able to feel every vibration of his ruffled moans against you. before you could recognize that you were almost at the peak of gushing-
"Are you still okay, baby?"
"Y-Yes. Oh GOD!" he had pushed two fingers into you, making you buck your hips into him. He grabbed your thigh with his other hand, silently telling you to stop letting your reactions distract him from the task at hand. Literally. He curls his fingers upward and moves slowly, applying just enough pressure to make your eyes roll back into your head, but gentle enough to keep you just below the line that would make it hurt. He was taking care of you, just like he said. You couldn't help but let your mind wander to his various conquests as he quite literally lapped at you like a starved man. Did he treat them like this? Was he this sweet but seductive with everyone? Are you the first to be thinking about this? His nibble at your folds broke you out of your daze. It doesn't matter now anyways, he was with you and he was good at making you feel good. Just keep going, you thought. It only took another nibble and his tongue in your heat to make you start to see a light.
"Jung- I'm-" you squealed. He just kept going, knowing that what he was doing was the ticket to your long anticipated orgasm. You quickly find yourself grabbing at his head of hair, just to help yourself ride out your climax. You feel the wet drip out of you, and Jungkook's tongue licking it up with lustful motions. Once he cleaned you up to his liking he lifted his head to look at you. Your eyes closed, chest heaving, and sweat making your face gleam. You really were beautiful, he thought to himself. But he wasn't done with you yet. He leaned over you and moved the baby hairs stuck on your face to the side. His doe eyes were searing into you, making you shift under him. You brought your hands up to rest on his chest. He really was beautiful, you thought to yourself. But you weren't done with him yet.
"Let me get a condom. Or are you on the pill? Its up to you, whatever you're comfortable with, baby." His term of endearment took you by surprise, but it didn't feel weird coming from his mouth, almost natural to him. You liked it, it even made your stomach hollow with excitement, but you'd never tell him that.
"I'm on the pill. I don't mind at all jungkook." His grin leaked into a smile, that adorable, sexy smile of his. it practically taunted you, knowing that his now stretched out lips were pressed up against you just mere minutes ago. You watched as he finally pulled down his boxers, allowing his painfully hard erection bounce out. The head, red and angry with understimulation, with beads of precum trickling down his length. He was big, just like the rumors had said, but you weren't expecting that he'd have the perfect length and girth. You knew after you felt him, it would be hard to go back. Especially since just his lips and tongue made you feel something you'd never felt before, something you'd think about at night while you played with yourself.
"Are you ready? I'll be careful with you if you're worried that it might hurt." He sat next to you on the bed, looking for any sign of regret in your eyes. Instead, he found your hungry eyes looking him up and down, completely naked in front of you.
"Don't hold back Jungkook, if we are going to do this I want to feel everything." You could barely focus on anything other than him. His abs, and the way they flexed when he let out a guttural laugh. His Adam's apple, that bobbed up and down when he would talk to you. His long, messy black hair, and how it framed his face. His rosy lips and how they pouted when he wasn't talking. Everything about the man sitting next to you was perfect. His features were just the same as they were back in middle school, but they became more mature and more sexy than cute.
"I'm excited to feel you around me Y/N. I've been thinking about what it would be like, and now you're here, and you're all mine." he uttered before leaning in for a soft kiss, making it easier to hide your face that was obviously blushing at his words.
"If you don't want me to hold back, Iwont" he whispers into your ear, making you wet all over again. His hand found your thigh amid deep kisses, and pushed it farther so he could fit himself between your thighs, allowing his erection to slowly graze over your dripping center with every motion. After Jungkook gathered enough of your arousal on himself, he decided it was enough to allow him to easily slip into you and lose himself in you. You grabbed his hip, angling him parallel to your body, begging him to ease himself into you.
"Please Jungkook..." you whine again.
before you could finish your sentence you felt his tip graze your entrance, teasing you with the heat. He was STILL teasing you? You grip your arms around his torso and force him closer, automatically pushing his length into you, but still not bottomed out yet. He was big and you wondered if you could realistically fit all of him in you. As soon as you pull him closer, Jungkook loudly grunts and shoots his head back at how well you fit around him.
"You feel so good Y/N." He breathes, starting to pump in and out of your heat. He didn't hesitate to throw your leg over his shoulder, allowing him further access into you. Within seconds he finds your g-spot, (he figured it was there since you let out ungodly moans when he hit it) and continues to hit it with each thrust. Each thrust was greeted with a slapping noise and the sounds of your arousal being moved around by Jungkook. His thrusts became more slowed, but deeper, grazing your cervix. The stretch that once felt uncomfortable started to feel pleasurable.
"Right there Jungkook, please don't-" you were too out of breath to even finish your sentence.
Jungkooks heavy breathing would've sent you over the edge right then and there, but he somehow kept you from coming to elongate the feeling of you around him, filling up his senses. His thrusts started to get sloppier, but still had a lustful drive in them. He shot his arm up to the wall, giving him support against his fastened pace. He grunts and shoots the other hand to use his thumb to circle around your clit, making you arch towards his touch.
"I'm gonna-" he spits out, clenching his jaw.
Not long after he warned you, you felt him throb against your insides, a warm pool filling you up. Just the sounds of Jungkook as he released into you was enough to make you follow suit not long after him since he rode his high within you.
"Sorry Ijust-" you put your finger up to his plumped lips to make him shut up.
"Don't say sorry Jungkook, It was perfect. Maybe too perfect..." you look to the side to avoid his taunting gaze. But he grabs your chin and demands for eye contact.
"I've had my eye on you since middle school, Y/N. And Iintend to keep it that way," He kisses your forehead before he gets up and throws you a hoodie that smelled like him.
"Get up butthead, we are getting icecream." he says through his stupid little grin.
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thebibliomancer · 6 years
Essential Avengers: Avengers #186: Nights of Wundagore!
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August, 1979
And yet this issue features exactly zero Wundagore Knights. Missed opportunity is all I’m saying.
Also, we’re back to faces of varying degrees of pissed off and indifferent on the cover.
AND. WE LOST MINI-VISION WHO WAS ALWAYS IN THE LOGO! I didn’t notice but last issue didn’t have mini-Vision! Whether standing and pouting or phasing through the A and also pouting he’s been with us since... ISSUE 93!
Also bad is Wanda’s expression on the cover. This is nitpicky but the terror gape doesn’t work for her. I accept that she’ll end up in distress quite a lot and some of that distress will be for dumb reasons like Sentinels wanting to use her womb to kill all life on Earth.
But I think an expression like ‘fuck you and your wi-fi shirt’ would be more fitting. Its certainly more fitting to how she handles it within the comic. Which we’ll get to. As soon as I stop complaining.
So last time: after a mentally dubious old man entered their lives and tried to kidnap them by stuffing their souls into puppets, Wanda and Pietro (aka Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver) decided to willingly go with this attempted kidnapper back to Europe to find out if he’s their real dad or whatever. They thought their real dad was the Whizzer but if your dad called himself the Whizzer wouldn’t you entertain possibilities?
Shortly after arriving, Wanda was convinced by Modred, the Wi-Fi Wizard (not his real title) to come with him up a spooky mountain. He offered no reason for this so she followed him anyway. Inevitably, it turned out he had sinister motives and shot her in the back.
The following morning, Quicksilver went looking for Wanda but then fell down a mountain after bonking off an energy shield. It was, perhaps unintentionally, hilarious. He was rescued by Bova, the cow-woman nursemaid who helped birth him.
On the Avengers side of this Avengers book, through a sequence of events that were partially but not entirely Hawkeye’s fault, the Avengers lost their special government privileges and times were tough for a while. They finally managed to get them back but in exchange had to suffer the SJW agenda of Agent Henry Peter Gyrich who thinks that the Avengers should have an African-American on the roster. THE FIEND. The takeaway from this is that the Avengers are under the thumb of Gyrich and also Falcon is on the team. Yay, Falcon!
And now: “The most bizarre Avengers epic ever told!”
Which. I’m just going to go right ahead and state for the record. Unless it has someone marry a tree, second-place is the best it can get. I don’t care how much baby fraud is involved.
So. Quicksilver wakes up in the cabin of Bova who makes him some milk soup to help restore his strength.
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I don’t want to know the level of making it involved. And damn you Mark Gruenwald, Steven Grant, and David Michelinie for specifically making it milk soup, thus raising the question.
Anyway. Some hot soup. He’ll need it to endure THREE PAGES OF EXPOSITION AND RETCON.
Bova is dropping some backstory truth bombs.
Starting with her own backstory. She was once a simple cow but then the High Evolutionary turned her into a cow woman because he was going to make a lot of genetically engineered animal human babies and as a busy science guy he wasn’t going to be raising these babies himself.
During a period while he was busy making anthropomorphic animals and perhaps causing Jessica Drew’s origin story, a pregnant refugee named Magda came to Wundagore.
She was fleeing a megalomaniac husband with strange powers and dreams of world conquest. Afraid that his madness would corrupt the children, she fled before he even found out she was pregnant.
Oh and lets not be vague, although the comic is.
MAGNETO MASTER OF MAGNET is Quicksilver’s new daddy.
Although since Bova herself never found that out neither does Quicksilver here.
Anyway, since Bova was in charge of all babies she made an executive decision to extend asylum to Magda. The High Evolutionary was busy doing science stuff with Jonathan Drew in the towers of Wundagore. He won’t mind.
Bova and Magda became close over the weeks so that when it came time to cow midwife for Magda “it was more privilege than duty.”
Weirdly, Wanda was a glowing baby, thus heralding the beginning of Quirks and the hero society!
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No, no.
But it was a weird portent. Baby Wanda glowed just as the mountain was doing so. That probably bodes.
Oh, and then Magda died.
Not in childbirth, as you might suspect. No, she just packed up and wandered off into the snow to die some days after giving birth.
Because if she were alive Magneto might find her and find out that he had children.
Wait a damn minute.
Two kids. Evil dad. Mom dies. ... Did George Lucas rip off this story when making Revenge of the Sith?
I don’t think we can prove he didn’t.
Anyway. I GUESS Magda just assumed that Bova would take care of her children forever?
Joke’s on her.
Bova immediately goes to the High Evolutionary like ‘I have these two extra babies, what do?’
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(Also weird bit of continuity here: the High Evolutionary is remarked as looking weary from some great conflict at this point in the story. Apparently during Magda’s stay in Wundagore, the High Evolutionary had been busy battling the demon Chthon alongside his Knights of Wundagore, eventually banishing the demon with the power of SCIENCE and ABOMINATIONS AGAINST NATURE. Of course this all happened because some jerk werewolf who killed Jessica Drew’s mom tried to use the Darkhold to cure his lycanthropy. What a jerk.)
Anyway, despite being tired from kicking demon ass, the High Evolutionary decided to help deal with all these extra babies. As long as he can do it in the laziest way possible that doesn’t involve child-endangerment.
So the High Evolutionary summoned Robert and Madeline Frank (the Whizzer and Miss America) who were visiting Transia while Madeline was pregnant.
Transia has unexpectedly high traffic for such a tiny Balkan nation.
The plan was that Bova would just sort of. Give the Franks two extra babies after Madeline gave birth. And. Hope she didn’t notice that two of these babies are several days old instead of newborns and also don’t question giving birth to triplets.
This is a good plan.
Unfortunately, radiation makes fools of us all. Remember how that was a thing that Madeline had accidentally been exposed to a ludicrous amount of radiation?
Her baby was born deformed and stillborn. And Madeline herself died shortly after birth.
Bova tried to make lemonade out of the situation by offering two healthy suspiciously not newborn babies to Robert Frank but as discussed in the previous and now fake origin for Wanda and Pietro, Robert Frank (aka the Whizzer) is really bad at dealing with grief.
He ran the fuck away, leaving behind two babies with a bemused cow-woman midwife.
So the High Evolutionary decided to get EVEN LAZIER (but still with zero child endangerment).
Forget shenanigans and baby shell games.
The High Evolutionary just went to a Roma (and no, not the word used) tribe camped nearby, went up to Django and Marya Maximoff and yelled HEY DO YOU WANT SOME FREE BABIES??
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Since the Maximoffs had recently lost their own children Ana and Mateo they responded most logically to this floating, glowing, shouting pink armor man and accepted these free babies.
And that is the completely straightforward and completely accurate backstory for Wanda and Pietro that explains why they had memories of growing up in a Roma tribe, why the Whizzer thought that they were his kids, and why their secret parentage is much more exploitable for drama.
And now that everything is straight I’m sure this story will never change again or get more complicated.
Despite how simple this explanation is, Pietro finds it all hard to remember. Bova attributes that to the trauma of loss, believing his foster parents had died. Then again, the multiple concussions he must have suffered in the course of his superheroic career constantly running headfirst into stuff may have played a part.
Quicksilver brings up that despite all this explanation he still doesn’t know who his dad is.
Bova: “Then take my word that you know enough! Please!”
More importantly, Bova tells him to get his sister and then get the hell away from Wundagore. There’s danger afoot. Ahoof? No, she has hands and apparently feet. Afoot.
But when she learns that Wanda had disappeared, Bova fears that its already too late.
AND FINALLY after all that exposition and retcons (which don’t get me wrong, I loved. I don’t think its good storytelling, I think its a spaghetti nonsense, but its entertaining nonsense and that’s what matters to me) we finally get back to what Wanda is up to.
She was on the cover for pete’s sake!
Anyway, she’s jesusing over the altar and Darkhold, just as is suggested on the cover.
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Modred, the Wi-Fi Wizard, reveals some choice deets about his own motivation and backstory.
Apparently he used to combat the Darkhold’s efforts to hold sway over the Earth but after battling Chthon in Marvel Chillers #2, Modred realized that the demon was an agent of destiny and dangit it was Modred’s destiny to help him achieve a new world order!
Modred, you suggestible fool, thinks Wanda, more or less.
Idiot or no, Modred’s magic is far stronger than Wanda’s barely trained efforts. She couldn’t even weaken his Bind Person spell with her level.
But she can cheat.
She uses her mutant probability altering powers to just sorta create a probability where the Hold Person spell just turns off.
To Modred’s irritation, she jumps off the floating Darkhold as she escapes the spell. Rude, Wanda.
Even though ‘the master’ has said she is not to be killed, nobody said anything about “the administration of discipline!” Which thankfully takes the form of magic bolts.
Wanda is able to hold him off with her own magic bolts but he’s still far stronger than her. That didn’t change just because I hit enter several times.
Even using her mutant power to create a sphere to repulse his bolts is for naught.
As her defenses fall, she begs Modred to stop.
Scarlet Witch: “A-all right! I believe you! J-just stop! Please -- stop!”
Modred: “Thou dost... yield? Verily, I be disappointed. I would have thought thou to be a more determined opponent.”
Scarlet Witch: “I am, Modred. I just realized that I can’t fight you on your level. But there are other levels. Like, for instance, what the mortals of this world call -- a roundhouse left!”
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I gotta say. I love the trope of someone winning a magic duel by decking the other person in the face.
Unfortunately (for Wanda’s own peace of mind), she’s too good at punching. And punched Modred right off the damn mountain.
She laments having killed a person, even if millions of lives were saved by foiling the plans of Modred’s master.
And then Modred shoots her in the back. AGAIN.
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He’s such a dick.
Modred rants at the unconscious witch that she was chosen at birth to be a vessel for his master’s second coming and the time of that rising is now.
Dammit Modred!
Later and also elsewhere, Quicksilver prepares to set back out.
He thanks Bova for the truth bombs and for fixing his costume. But now he must find Wanda before-
Ahem. Wanda is now an angry sky face. Or perhaps the entity now piloting Wanda.
She says she should kill him but she still has some human compassion from the previous owner.
So instead Possessed!Wanda just fires some warning eye lighting at Quicksilver telling him to gtfo or die.
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Quicksilver wants to or die but Bova convinces him to go get outside help instead. Reluctantly, Quicksilver bows down to this ‘bovine logic.’
And yes the comic actually calls it that. How does bovine logic differ from people logic? Well in this case, the cow is smarter than the Quicksilver. Less impetuous anyway.
So Quicksilver runs down the mountain which is a lot less painful than falling down it but unexpectedly runs into Django Maximoff, the possibly dementia suffering old man who is Quicksilver’s foster father and really more of a father than Magneto ever was.
Honestly, its been changed so much that I don’t actually care about the Maximoff’s parentage. I’ve enjoyed Dadneto material, like him showing up for the most awkward thanksgiving dinner ever in the Vision and Scarlet Witch miniseries (the very same one where she gets magic pregnant). Him confessing to Finesse in Avengers Academy that the murder robots he used to send to murder Quicksilver for training reasons were actually programmed to take it easy on him. There’s good Dadneto material. I do get annoyed that Django gets brushed aside.
He’s the one who actually raised the twins but he’s not considered their ‘real’ dad because he doesn’t share DNA with them except I think the most recent retcon made it that he was the biological father but my point still stands.
Dadneto is fine. But remember Django Maximoff who did the hard parenting work that Magneto didn’t.
And let’s also remember Uncle Owen, Aunt Beru, and Bail Organa. Who raised another set of important twins from a big, menacing villain.
But I digress.
Anyway, Django went looking for Quicksilver but decided to tarry in the forest. He’s always loved this forest. Its where he fled to when those villagers burned down his camp. He’s always felt safe here.
Cue the irony.
As the forest becomes animate almost, but not quite, entirely unlike Evil Dead, and captures Quicksilver and Django.
Quicksilver does the thing that speedsters do when bound. Vibrates super fast until the binding breaks.
He then runs around in a circle punching wood until Django is free, although the old man does complain that Quicksilver shouldn’t harm the wood. “It’s special! And it was so friendly before I... I don’t understand.”
Quicksilver ignores this and NYOOMS away with Django in his arms.
And then nature loses its shit. Or maybe Possessed!Wanda loses her shit on nature’s behalf.
There’s suddenly
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STORMS. With LIGHTNING and a rain of fire and rocks and is Wundagore actually a volcano how does it just rain fire and rocks??
Oh there’s also earthquakes that open chasms that try to swallow up Quicksilver but he NYOOMS through all these dangers to arrive back at the village.
The post office has the only phone in town so Quicksilver pamb pambs on the door and asks to use it to make an emergency call to--
Remember, this is an Avengers book. Guest-starring the Avengers.
Broodmeister Vision is on monitor duty so he intercepts the call.
Elsewhere in the mansion, the Avengers are eating dinner and talking about Iron Man while he’s not there.
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Demon in a Bottle is still concurrent and we’ve reached the part of the story where an armor malfunction caused Iron Man to accidentally manslaughter a foreign ambassador.
Needless to say, this caused a big stink and he’s currently under investigation until it can be proven that it was a malfunction.
While he’s gone, Captain America is acting chairman.
That’s why he gets to sit at the head of the table. Being chairman comes with perks.
Also, a sort of weird details is that if they have them, the Avengers take off their gloves to eat. I don’t know if that is weird. I don’t wear gloves constantly. But it looks weird. Without her gloves, Ms Marvel looks even more like she’s just wearing a swimsuit everywhere.
Anyway, Vision ghosts through the wall and tells them to belay that meal, there’s grave danger ahoof!
Vision: “Quicksilver just called, saying that Wanda has been possessed by some preternatural power -- causing her to wreak elemental destruction over an area of miles!”
Captain America orders everyone to doubletime to the Quinjet hanger but he gets countermanded.
By Agent Henry Peter Gyrich.
Who offers the reasons that 1) Quicksilver is not an active Avenger so they’re not obligated to give him the time of day, 2) there’s no proof that whatever is going on in Bulgaria is a threat to US security, and 3) come on guys, don’t just be flying where you like we don’t need another international incident like the one Iron Man caused. No, not killing the ambassador. ANOTHER international incident. The man is rolling in them.
Cap has had enough and stalks off to make a phone call.
And just one panel of Beast making implied threats towards Gyrich later, the agent receives a phone call.
He yells into the receiver that he’s not to be disturbed but WHOOPS just yelled at his boss.
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Agent Henry Peter Gyrich: “That was the *ahem* Commander-in-Chief. He’s requested that the Avengers leave on a, uh, ‘good-will tour’ or Bulgaria. Right away. you can wipe that smirk off your face now, captain.”
It is quite an impressive smirk.
And wow. To think that Cap could just go over Gyrich’s head like that by calling Jimmy Carter.
I can only speculate that he didn’t do it until now because Gyrich was an asshole but had a point.
Anyway, Gyrich is still an asshole.
Out of spite or assholishness or spiteful assholishness, he demands that Vision stay at the mansion.
Because he is on the duty roster for monitor duty and per regulations someone must be on monitor duty at all times.
(I refuse to believe that this regulation is ever actually obeyed. The Avengers almost never leave someone at home)
Vision takes issue with this and offers to introduce Gyrich to punches but Cap stops him.
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One punch and they could lose all those privileges that they’ve worked so hard off-panel to get back! And apparently Cap only has so many favors to call in with Jimmy Carter!
But he promises that the Avengers will find Wanda and take care of her.
Vision agrees but darkly promises that this matter will be settled.
And then he tries to take over the world. Well, not for years and under the influence of an alien supercomputer and probably not directly related to this. But I imagine that once he had taken over the government, he would have had Gyrich reassigned to Antarctica.
Meanwhile, six time zones away in Transia, Quicksilver worries that due to a bad connection the Avengers may not have understood his message.
And then he explodes.
Because Possessed!Wanda has found them.
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Chthon!Wanda: “No, you old fool! For at least, I’ve purged this vessel of its last taint of humanity, it’s last wisp of soul! There is no Ana Maximoff! There is not Wanda Frank! Now, there is only... CHTHON!”
And Wanda has a new evil and thus sexy costume. Its actually kind of stylish.
Although one must wonder why a being like Chthon would even dress his host body up in an evil, sexy outfit. Maybe even demons are bound by the tropes of the genre.
Also, dammit Chthon! Bova just sewed up Quicksilver’s outfit and here you are blowing it to tatters again!
Have you no respect for the bovine logic of the cow-woman midwife!
You truly are heinous!
Next time: The call of the mountain THING!
Damn. That’s a great title.
Follow @essential-avengers. Its the dedicated sideblog for this series. Its... eventually going to be caught up.
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Herbs and Blood Pudding
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Characters: Leonard McCoy, Phil Boyce
Rating: Everyone? Teenish? This is really mild
Length: 4154 words (yikes this got away from me a bit)
Summary: Len’s turning story, part of my vampire series (On Bartenders and Escort Cards, Fangs and Kisses (nsfw), Unexpected Changes). With his wife and daughter executed during the North Berwick witch trials of 1590, Leonard McCoy makes his way to Edinburgh in hopes that a day’s walk from his village to the city is enough to shake the reputation that follows. I continue with my weird pairings as plot devices.
Notes: I know weird little tidbits of what’s considered “proper” during this time period, but I have no clue how they spoke. Shakespeare I am not, and it’s been long enough since I last read one of his plays that I decided to just... Not bother trying because it would be terrible.
He was staring at the smoke rising from the town, but Leonard couldn’t reconcile those screams with the voices of his beloved wife and child. Even just the thought was enough to double him over, retching up the bile in his empty stomach. How had it all come down to this?
The answer was simple, really. Leonard had been an idiot. He forgot that women with knowledge were dangerous in places like theirs no matter how useful their skills. He forgot that when fear gripped a town like their, those women were the first to catch blame. He forgot that no one was above suspicion when rumors of the plague come in from abroad.
She’d begged him to take Sarah when he had the chance, but he had too much faith in their justice system. Now he was taking the advice he should have taken weeks ago. When he had his head on as straight as it would go, he grabbed the pack he’d managed to shove important things into before he escaped the house. He wasn’t entirely sure where he wanted to go yet, but he figured Edinburgh was a good place to start; perhaps the miles of road between there and North Berwick would be enough.
On foot, it was close to half a day’s walk. Leonard praised the Lord he wasn’t even sure he still believed in that he chose to leave at first light. The last thing he wanted was to encounter those on the road after dark.
Arriving in the bustling city was an event in itself. Len tried finding the local surgeon only to spend the rest of the day lost in a market. The sun was well on its way to dipping below the horizon before Len finally gave up and slumped on the front step of the nearest cottage with a sigh. He really should try to find an inn, but he knew he was short on money and his skills weren’t all that useful to the average person not staring down the bad end of losing a limb.
A soft sound of a clearing throat pulled his thoughts to the man now standing in front of him. He was easily in his 50’s- a rare sight these days with illness and plague running rampant- with a thoroughly scrubbed face and hands and a clean tunic. A look of concern was fixed firmly on his features and he seemed to be assessing Len in a way the young man wasn’t sure how to define.
“I’m sorry, but were you waiting here for me? The clinic would have been easier to find.”
Len jumped up and moved out of the way, flushing a little in embarrassment. “No! Sorry, I’ve been walking all day and got lost once I got to the city… I just sorta sat down to rest. I’ll get out of your way.”
“Would you like to come in? You can wash up and I can lead you where you need to be in the morning.”
“Aye… Aye, many thanks.” Leonard was suddenly acutely aware and concerned over the state of his person compared to the other man. He added in a mumble, “If I won’t be putting ye out.”
He stepped forward and let Len in with a smile. “Not at all, come in. I’m Philip Boyce.”
“Leonard McCoy and again thank ye…”
Phil bustled around getting the fire started up in the fireplace while Len inspected his surroundings. It was just a small cottage, no obvious family, with little odds and ends that spoke of a little travel. Then there were the various sets of surgeon’s tools displayed or in bags obviously meant to be grabbed at a moment’s notice. Len blinked and turned his gaze back to Phil; no way could he have been so lucky.
“Are…” Len chewed the inside of his lip just a bit as Phil glanced at him from his place at the hearth. “Are you the city’s surgeon?”
“I am.” Soft crackling of wood sap filled the air as the flames took, licking up the sides of two small pots of water and Phil shifted his attention toward the bread and veggies sitting in a basket on the windowsill, obviously left there by someone in the town earlier that day. “Is that important?”
“Well I was looking for the surgeon when I got lost,” Len explained. When Phil suddenly faced him to look him over again with a critical eye, he elaborated, “I have some training in medicinal herbs. I was hoping to apprentice with you.”
That seemed to relax him. Phil turned back to cutting up the carrots and potatoes as he responded, “I could always use an extra set of hands. Take the second pot of water and go give yourself a good scrubbing. There’s lye by the wash bucket do you have a change of clothes?”
Len shook his head. He’d remembered to grab night clothes, but he wasn’t sure he was comfortable with a complete stranger seeing him in them. Then again, there weren’t exactly any other rooms to the cottage, so Phil was bound to see him when he washed.
“I have nightclothes, but that’s about it…”
“The chest over there has extra clothing. Something should fit you for now,” Phil gestured off near the bed where a heavy wooden chest sat against the wall. “Put your clothes in that sack over there. One of the wives will be by to pick it up tomorrow.”
“So you’re not married, then?” Len enquired, curiosity about his new mentor gnawing at his mind.
“I was. She passed during childbirth some time ago. And you? A young man such as yourself usually has an equally young bride in tow.”
“She and our daughter died yesterday.” If his voice broke a little as he forced the words out, Phil chose not to acknowledge it.
“I’m sorry.”
They fell into companionable silence while Phil continued preparing dinner and Leonard shyly stripped down to scrub the grime from his skin. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d taken the time to wash so thoroughly, though he suspected it was on his wedding day. The water felt nice and the lye cut through the layers of dirt like it was nothing.
As Len was slipping into a set of fresh clothing, Phil finally broke the silence, “So you have experience with medicines. What sort of experience?”
“Oh I learned a little from my father growing up, but times have changed and his knowledge is out of date. My wife came from a long line of midwives and herbalists and she taught me as much as she could.”
“I see… Well, I’ll tell you my rules regarding anyone who works with me.” When he saw Len was watching him curiously, he continued, “First and foremost, cleanliness is paramount. You won’t be anywhere near my shop unless you’ve bathed properly and regular hand cleansing is important as well.”
Strange, but Len could only assume there was a reason, so he nodded and waited for whatever else Phil had to say. “Secondly, you’ll follow my instructions without question during a procedure. If you have questions afterward, I’ll answer them, but distractions while with a patient can be dangerous.”
“Anything else?”
“You may stay here until you’re able to find your own accommodations, or there’s a room attached to the shop that you may utilize so long as you agree to tend to any minor requests during the night. Anything more complex than administering a fever draught or wrapping a minor wound, you must come here for me.”
Silence reigned again as Phil stirred the stewpot and Len processed some of his new rules. After a while, he finally piped up again, “Why so much focus on washing?”
“Because illness is kept at bay by it. I know not why, but I learned it from another surgeon during my travels and I have yet to become ill being near my patients so I adhere to it strictly. Some secret in the lye, perhaps.”
“So you’re naked- or nearly so- almost daily?” He couldn’t keep the scandalized tone from his voice.
“And you will be as well so long as you work with me,” Phil countered with an easy smile. “It’ll be easier on us both if you adjust to the idea now. Dinner’s ready.”
After a mostly silently dinner, Len’s practically dead on his feet. Phil led him to the bed and gestured to it, “I have some things to see to. You sleep there.”
Leonard really didn’t even have the strength to argue. Instead, he fell onto the pallet without any fight and burrowed under the comfortable quilt. As he drifted off to sleep, he vaguely wondered if everything else was going to be so easy.
The sun coming in through the open windows and sounds coming from the kitchen area were what he woke up to. He was vaguely aware that something seemed off, but his fingers inched toward where Sarah should be sleeping in the warmth left behind by his wife. When all he felt was the edge of the smaller bed, Len bolted upright and looked around wildly. Realization and the memories of the day before came flooding back and he found himself once again nauseated thinking about it.
“Good, you’re awake,” Phil’s voice pulled him back before he could rush outside in a panic. “Are you alright?”
“I’ll be fine.”
He avoided the probing look leveled his way as he detangled himself from the blankets. There was a set of fresh clothing laid out for him over the clothing chest and he hurriedly changed as Phil laid out a plate for each of them at the table.
“After we drop the pie off to the baker, we’ll go to the shop,” Phil finally breaks the relative silence of their meal a few minutes later. “I’ll introduce you as my apprentice.”
“And I’ll learn from you?”
“Mmm… On a trial basis for now. Let’s take a fortnight to judge your skill and fit here.”
“It’ll probably take at least that long to get used to you parading around naked as the day God made you,” he grumbled, pulling an amused look from Phil.
“For someone so concerned with what God thinks, you didn’t even pause to pray over your meal.”
Len stared at him for a minute and shrugged. “We’re not speaking at the moment.”
“Oh I’m familiar with that feeling. Finish eating we need to leave.”
The next two weeks move along much the same: up before the sun, breakfast, preparing whatever dinner to be dropped off before they made their way to the shop where there would inevitably already be some local farmer in various degrees of injured. Most of what they saw were simple cuts needing cleaning and dressing and the way these people trusted Phil no matter how odd the man was intrigued Leonard to no end.
He wasn’t entirely sure why, but he still couldn’t make himself entirely comfortable with undressing with Phil nearby or being around when Phil was undressing every day for the washing. Most days, Len would offer to stay behind to clean the shop and himself, wander back to the house to share dinner with his mentor, then would spend the night in the room behind the shop to avoid that sense of unease. He took the extra time to organize Phil’s collection of herbs, drugs, and other various supplies according to frequency of use; extra care was taken to group like with like.
Then near the end of his trial, he found his own time to shine.
She was barely beyond the newborn stage, and her parents couldn’t understand why a simple feeding seemed to cause her so much distress. Phil inspected her from nearly every angle while listening to the descriptions of her symptoms. All both he and the mother missed the look of understanding that dawned on Len’s face until he started rummaging through the cabinets of dried herbs and tinctures.
“Leonard, whatever are you doing?” Phil sounded more curious than reprimanding, so he just continued until he came back with a few bottles and an empty vial.
“My daughter had the same illness and my wife would always give this to her after feedings when she fussed.”
They watched him as he crumbled the dried anise, mint, and chamomile, carefully preparing them before her stoppered the vial. He was so wrapped up in his task that he didn’t notice the appraising look Phil sent his way.
As he handed the vial over, he offered the haggard looking mother a reassuring smile. “Just steep a spoonful of this in a cup of hot water until the water is colored by the tea, let it cool while you feed her, and follow feedings with as much as she’ll let you give her if she starts fussing.”
Her eyes darted to Phil for confirmation. When he tipped his head in agreement, she offered Len a relieved smile and thanked them both before taking her leave.
Phil rested a hand on his shoulder when they were once again alone and grinned. “You did well. While we have a spare moment, I’d like to discuss your continued apprenticeship.”
Once they were settled in their chairs, Phil leveled Leonard with a critical look that put him on edge. It was almost as if he were deciding something beyond just him sticking around.
“Do you want to stay here as my apprentice?”
He didn’t even hesitate. “Yes.”
Len blinked in confusion as he tried to articulate an answer, “Well, I… Think you have a lot you can teach me. And I’m comfortable around you for the most part. I’m not comfortable around many people.”
“Unless I’m ‘parading around naked,’ you mean?” His tone was amused, and he seemed to be thoroughly enjoying the embarrassed flush crawling up Len’s neck and cheeks.
“That’s… An adjustment,” Len admitted as he fidgeted with his hands a little. “But I think I’m growing accustomed to it…”
“There’s much to grow accustomed to when living with me,” Phil chuckled. He leaned in closer, hovering just outside Len’s bubble of personal space.
Instead of shifting away, Len found himself leaning in closer and before he was fully aware it was happening their lips met in a chaste kiss. The next moment, Len was up and across the room, eyes wide with surprise and mild horror. Whether he was horrified with his own actions or the realization that came with them, he wasn’t sure.
“I apologize,” Phil cut in before Len could say anything. “I shouldn’t have done that.”
“No, it’s… I don’t know.” He tried to look anywhere but at Phil as he spoke. “This seems wrong.”
“And is that the only reason you’re upset right now? Because it feels wrong?”
“Well it is wrong, isn’t it? It’s unnatural.” Even as the words left his mouth, Leonard felt uncertain. In the last two weeks alone, he’d gone from barely adherent enough to stave off suspicion to dropping all religious pretenses and yet the ingrained teachings were hard to shake. His entire life up until that moment had been spent denying his unusual urges.
The last thing he needed was Phil making him question things further, but at the same time Len found himself desperately wanting to give in. He was wrapped up enough in his own thoughts that he almost didn’t notice Phil approach him slowly, watching Len’s face for any sign he should step back.  Len watched him warily, but made no move to put more distance between them. Once he was close enough, Phil brought a hand up to cup Len’s cheek gently.
“I don’t think you really believe that,” Phil murmured as he moved in close enough to let Len decide whether or not to take the plunge.
He did. After the briefest moment of doubt, Len leaned in that last couple inches. He pulled back just as quickly, however, when he remembered where they were and that anyone could walk in at any moment.
Len chewed a bit at his lip as he considered what to say next. Phil beat him to it, “Think about what you want to happen and we’ll talk about it during dinner.”
Since that night, the two had been inseparable. The weeks dragged into months which turned into a year of Leonard acting as Phil’s apprentice in the public eye during the day and his lover in secret, hidden away behind the walls of their little cottage at night. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary (beyond the usual out of the ordinary that was their relationship, that is) until Leonard woke in the middle of the night to find Phil gone from the house.
He frowned, brow furrowing as he got up out of bed. Had someone needed help and he just slept through it? Unlikely, but still possible. He changed out of his nightclothes and grabbed a lantern so he could make his way to the shop.
Muffled noises from could be heard behind the door and shuttered windows as Len approached the building. It could easily be the sounds of someone injured, so he walked in ready to help in whatever way he could. The last thing he was expecting to see was Phil, mouth pressed against the side of a man’s neck. There were weak struggles on the part of the man- a traveler that Len vaguely recognized as coming into town earlier that day- but they were dying just as he appeared to be.
The sucking noise that was followed by Phil yanking his head back to stare at him wide-eyed turned Len’s stomach, as did the stray drop of blood trailing down his lover’s chin.
“Leonard… What are you doing here, dove?”
“What am I… What in the hells are you doing?!” He was torn between waiting for an explanation and running as far and as fast as he could out of town. This creature couldn’t be the man he had come to love.
Phil held his hands out in an attempt to appear nonthreatening as he took a few tentative steps toward his younger lover. “Please come sit down and I’ll explain.”
“I’ll sit if you stay over there,” Len demanded, pointing toward the chair that sat near the back of the room. It would leave him an unimpeded path to the door.
The knowledge of that tugged Phil’s features into a distressed frown, but he followed Len’s instructions without question. When he was out of the way, Leonard pulled up his own stool just close enough for them to have a conversation in normal tones. The lamplight cast flickering shadows on both their faces and to Len’s eyes, Phil looked all the more demonic for it. Fear iced Len’s veins and he once again debated the merits of just leaving.
Instead, he took a few fortifying breaths and prompted, “Well? You said you could explain. How do you explain this?” He gestured to Phil face where he was finally wiping away the drying trail and then to the body on the floor. “Or how about that? What could you possibly say to me that would explain that?”
“What would you like me to say?” He seemed almost at a loss as he spoke. “I’m a vampire, my dove. I survive by draining life from others. For as long as I’ve been in the city, I’ve been able to find enough wastes of life that I haven’t needed to feed from the innocent.”
“This whole time? I’ve shared a bed with you. I... You made me fall in love with you. Was that some sort of devil’s trick on your part?” If Phil was offended by the question, Len couldn’t make himself care. “Was I next on your list, then? Be your next meal after you grow tired of me or need to move on?”
“Never,” the response was instant and fierce, the conviction with which it was said left no doubt in Leonard’s mind.
“What, then? Were you going to tell me?”
“And how do you propose I do that? ‘Pardon me, my darling, but I thought you should be aware I’m a creature that spends the occasional night stalking men of questionable morals and intent to sustain myself’? How quickly would you have me sent to a madhouse? Or worse?”
No matter how much he’d like to, Len couldn’t deny it was all true. This was a ludicrous situation. He tried to process everything, but found himself at a loss. This was still Phil. He had to allow himself to believe that. There had been every opportunity for Phil to take advantage of Leonard’s vulnerability as he slept to drain him if he wanted to, but he hadn’t. Too many thoughts, too many possible course of action, and none of them seemed sufficient.
When he finally spoke, his voice sounded so much smaller than he intended, “What do we do now?”
“Now you decide what you want to do. We can continue as we have until I need to move on to avoid suspicion and leave you as my replacement, we can part ways now, you could alert the city to my condition…”
“And if I wanted to join you instead?”
Phil leveled him with a curious look, obviously surprised by the suggestion. “Join me? As a vampire?”
“It’s an interesting suggestion, but why?”
“I have nothing else to lose. My wife and child are dead, and if I choose to walk away I lose you,” he reasoned, still parsing through the pros and cons but becoming more certain as he continued. “If I follow you, I have the potential of eternity. In just the last few decades we’ve made leaps in medicine. We could do so much good by being here to learn it all.”
That answer received a soft, fond smile. “I can’t say I’m surprised to hear this from you. If this is what you want, I must admit I wouldn’t be able to deny the appeal of keeping you. I will, however, need to give you all the information you need to make a proper decision.”
“We have the time now.”
“Yes, I supposed we do…” Phil sighed and let his eyes close for just a moment. Len assumed he was trying to decide where to start. “If I turn you, I’ll need to drink from you… And you from me. The process following that is fairly quick, but it needs to be repeated over the course of a few days. Once you’ve turned, you’ll need to feed and then feed at least once a week. You can sustain yourself with the blood of livestock, but it’s not as satisfying.”
“Does it hurt to turn?”
“It burns like fire in your veins during those first days. Your body feels as though you swallowed live embers, and you may find yourself unable to leave bed. It rages through you like a fever, but breaks just as quickly.”
They sat in silence for long minutes, the silence only broken by the sounds of the night filtering in through the cracks in the shutters. Len glanced at the body on the floor with a raised brow. “What do we do about him, then?”
“Come morning, I claim he needed treatment that I couldn’t rend and he goes on the pile of the dead. Being the doctor has its advantages in that way.”
“I see… Could we go home? I need time to think and decide.”
“Yes of course,” his entire body sagged in slight relief. “You’ll come back to the cottage with me, then?”
“I’m not staying here with the body,” he grumbled back.
Several days went by without a single mention of that night by either man. Leonard spent most of those days thinking on what he wanted. There were easily a few dozen things on either side to consider, and he frequently found himself overwhelmed by just thinking about it all. He spent each night curled against Phil’s chest as he always did, but sleep eluded him and instead he focused on the even, shallow breaths. It was still difficult to imagine that someone so warm and so seemingly alive was actually among the undead, but he had seen the proof.
After nearly a week, he finally piped up during breakfast, “I want to join you.”
Phil paused mid-bite to watch him across the small table. Why he felt the need to keep up the charade of eating normal foods was beyond Leonard. “Are you certain?”
That night began the process. It was every bit as unpleasant as Phil had described, but there was also a sense of freeing elation. Their relationship already crossed so many boundaries, so what was one more?
Leonard was already damned, so what could falling further hurt?
Tagging: @pinkamour1588 @auduna-druitt @thevalesofanduin @mccoymostly @gracieminabox @yourtropegirl @southernbellestatues @thinkwritexpress-official @goingknowherewastaken @emmkolenn @randomlittleimp
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richardxathas-blog · 7 years
Introducing my newest baby : Richard Athas, King of Athens, Witch, 33, Oldest Sibling in the Athas family. Professional ConMan.
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Yes,if you read the end of that introductory subtitle you read that last job label description right.
For yes, my baby here is in fact an imposter. He isn’t the real Richard Athas. He is merely posing and pretending to be him. And the rest of the Athas family has no clue about it!! (yes, he’s job occupation may or may not have been vry lowkey inspired by Neal Caffrey frm White Collar)
But fret not, he is and this is a very fun fact *drumroll* a true Athas child.He has Athas bloodline running thru him frm dear old dad. yup, he is the illegitimate first child of the old and previous Athas King.. Which ofc makes him a half-sibling to the rest of the Athas children in here.
What happened was that, he was the product of a one-night stand between his mother (a witch) and his royal dad, the old King Athas, a couple of yrs before the old King Athas got married to the old Queen Athas (mom of Shiloh and gang ;)) When his mom found out she was pregnant with the king’s baby she kept taht a secret from him as it was just a one-night mistake and she didn’t want to cause any big trouble, scandal or ruin his life as he was already betrothed to someone from another royal family. So she fled Greece and came to the US and shortly after gave birth to a startling bright-blue eyed & healthy baby boy which she named Sebastian and gave him her own maiden surname.
Growing up, poor Seb nvr really got much maternal love or outpouring of affection from his mother. Sure she did care about him and truly loved her son in her own way, but she just wasn’t very good at showing her affections. He was a v bright young boy so he sorta figured out that she did love him as she took care of him, protected him, ensured his welfare at all times and guided him in harnessing his magic powers and everything, but still he longed for some properly caring outer displays of lovng affection. he saw other boys being warmly hugged by their mother s and he wanted that too, (as my poor baby is lowkey quite a loving boy at heart and just wants to love & be loved outwardly). His mom however was a pretty strict woman tho she did genuinely talk in a lil bit of caring tone whenever he was upset. She just ain’t that good with PDA. Plus, she was a single working mom, so y’know, she does get stressed easily or upset sometimes.
She nvr once told him about his dad, despite him asking about his father quite persistently when he was a young boy. She instead chose to keep her mouth shut and all she ever told him abt his dad’s identity was tht some things are better left unsaid & a mystery and they were MUCH BETTER off without him at all. She refused to budge an inch on telling him his true history (selfish woman :p) so eventually by the time he entered his teens he gave up asking and instead summarized by himself that his dad probably didn’t want them and maybe his mom was right, they were indeed better off without him. (that was a hard bitter pill for my poor baby to swallow :’()
However despite whatever inner emotional turmoil he had, he did grow up to be a healthy, extremely bright and outgoing, quite warm and friendly guy. He was ALSO SUPER CHARMING AND KNEW EXACTLY THE RIGHT WORDS TO SAY (COS HE WAS QUITE OBSERVANT, PERCEPTIVE & TOOK NOTE OF ALL MOST EVERYTHING), so that made him quite popular with everyone he met, esp. with the ladies XD
Due to that realization of his glib tongue and how charming he could be, combined with his extraordinary memory skills (he’s got quite an eidetic/photographic memory), he then stumbled on what kind of job he wanted to do : be a conman. He had a love for the far more luxurious lifestyle of the upper class(he was pretty envious of them growing up tbh) & due to his low-class lifestyle of some days struggling to get by, he nvr wanted to experience that again as an adult. Due to his mom’s nagging and insistence, he did enroll into college and with his bright brains he did graduate with a business degree(heheXD) tho he lowkey nvr wanted to enter the biz world, slog hard and climb up the ladder slowly to success. his mom died vry soon after his graduation, and after an average period of mourning and grieving her death, he then left  the small city he was staying in and went on to bigger cities. He wanted wealth and a comfortable life and he wanted it fast.
Thus for the next few years, he did odd jobs at first while mingling with some petty criminals and learning the tricks of the trade. Once he was sure he had gotten the knack of things, he then started planning his schemes and con jobs. Slowly but surely he became very sucessfull at what he did, which was partly helped by the fact that he was a witch so his magic came in handy half the time.
He also had perfected the trick of disguising himself and passing off as many different people or going under diff aliases. His best magical ability of all time, was glamour magic, where he could using magical glamour spells/potions to change his outer appearance to look like someone else or look different .
It was during one of his big schemes and con-job that he fatefully bumped into the real Richard Athas, some months ago. he had planned a vry difficult plan of robbing someone who lived in an expensive hotel. he had just sucessfully taken  priceless and highly valueble artifact, when he was caught by Richard Athas. After several seconds of stunned silence and shock of them both staring at each other, COS THEY BOTH UNCANNILY LOOK A LOT ALIKE , LIKE 95% OF SIMiLIAR PHYSICAL FEATURES, Sebastian then shook his head and took off but unfortunately for him, Richard gave chase and with some help from his bodyguards Richard then sucessfully caught Sebastian.
After some through  interrogation which involved a bit of magic, Richard then was hit by a bright idea.  He was at that time, currently hding out 100% incognito as there had been an assaination attempt on his life a month prior, which was kept hush-hush from his family as he didnt want to upset them, and instead he had opted to take off to travel around, under the guise that he wanted to spare some time to take a break and restore his health. Unlike Sebastian, Richard didnt have a very healthy physical health history so all his siblings beleived his false excuse and he left Greece a couple fof weeks ago. And now upon meeting Sebastian, he this then had a plan to make a deal with him. he wouldn’t turn Sebastian over to the authorities, as he was a pretty wanted figure for his sucessful theivery(tho none of the authorities knew could put a name or actual true face to this elusive conman til now) and in return , Sebastian was going to help him uncover the culprits behind his assasination attempt. Ricard was desperate the solve the case fast. for he feared that they might come after him again or his dear family members or he even suspected that maybe some bigger scheme of things were afoot behind all this.
Reluctantly and left with no other choice at that moment, Sebastian agreed. He then left with that real King Richard (yes he was already King at that time, as dear ol dad Athas had already passed away some years ago). They both then travelled around secretly with richard’s entourage and small pack of bodyguards. For the next 2 months, they began working on Richard’s plan. He was absolutely certain that the assasins were gonna make another attempt on his life again, probs in Romania,  so he decided that Sebastian would go to Colivie in his place, disguised as him while Richard would accompany him as his personal bodyguard under a completely diff disguise. Ofc, my baby initially refused that plan at first as he didnt want to die :P, but Richard countlessly assured him that everything was going to be fine as Richard would be able to stay in a background and together with a few of his most trusted bodyguards and personal detectives, they would be able to have a better eagle view of observing everything and everyone  at every minute of fake Richard (Sebastian)’s day. So finally my baby Seb acquiesced despite his doubts.
During that 2 months, Seb spent the whole time studying Richard very thoroughly and and perfecting his whole inside and outside disguise of Richard. This was a dangerous scheme of things so everything had to absolutely perfect, down to how Richard tied his shoelaces, coughed or how he made a joke. He also had to memorize every single info and detail of all the Athas sibings and Richard’s friends who he might bump into while at Colivie. At the same time, equally perceptive Richard, was also studying Seb and had been investigating secretly on the side of Sebastian origins. When his investigators finally found out that Seb was actually his unknown-half-brother, Richard then confronted a clueless Seb about the the facts. There was a slight change in their relationship then , as initially that had slowly bonded a little due to quite  meshing personalities as they had spent a LOT of time together, but now that Richard knew that Seb was his brother, the family-loving and generous young king wanted nothing better than to quickly welcome him back to Athens, introduce him to their siblings and secure his right as an Athas prince. (he def couldn’t be king cos illegitimate yo). However, Seb blatantly refused Richard’s offer over and over again and refused all Richard’s attempts at brotherly bonding. He didn’t want a family, he didnt NEED  a family or siblings as he had grown up fine without them, or so he thought. He just wanted to do the current job, complete the deal, and leave & nvr see Richard again. (actually my baby verrrryyy lowkey deep down inside,wants to know what’s it like to feel needed, loved and have siblings and a proper family, butttt due to his late mom & he convincing himself all over the past many years growing up that he was better off alone, he would thus, NEVER EVER ADMIT THIS TINY BURIED LONGING, YET..XD)
After that full 2 months had passed, both guys thought everything was ready for their plan to commence and for Sebastian to go out in the open disguised as “Richard”.  However, one horribly disastrous night, the Richard was accidentally killed in another assassination attempt. I say “accidentally” cos he actually was about to survive unscathed again, but to the events of that night, he risked his life to save Sebastian who was about to die soon, cos good pure soul Richard loves his half-brother already, and thus, a slight mishap happened in the process of saving Sebastian, and real king Richard died. ( i have the whole story in my head of that night of how richard died but, i wont torture u guys to read this lengthy bio any longer than necessary. but if anyone wants to know u can IM me anytime ;))
Poor Sebastian  was then riddled with some grief and an immense amount of survivors guilt. he misplacedly blamed himself fully for Ricahrd dying cos he thinks that if Richard hadn;t turned back to save him, Richard would still be alive. Struggling with that horrible guilt, he then was 100% determined to still continue with Richard’s plan and this time, he wouldn’t give up till he was able to bring the guilty party to justice for Richard. And thus he has arrived at Colivie now, to act 100% as “King Richard” along with a few of Richard’s most trusted bodyguards. He is going to go along with the betrothal/ arranged marriage stuff /process but he wil do his upmost best to discreetly delay the wedding till he is able to solve the case. Once that goal is accomplished, then only he will reveal the horrible truth to the rest of the Athas siblings about everything and then instantly leave and nvr cross their paths ever again,  cos he didn’t think he deserved to be there at all or to even be an Athas.
3 weeks later after Richard’s death, Seb is finally here at Colivie. He is now portraying all of King Richard’s outer attitudes, behaviours and personality traits as best as he can. This being,  a friendly, v loving, warm, very fair minded, rational, engaging and humble and very good-hearted & very well-mannered & romantic as well as being 100% diplomatic with every single royal (Sebastian is groaning a lot at this last part tbh XD). he’s also  using the glamouring magic which he is good at to make himself look 100% fully like Richard. Like i said earlier they both share 95% of vry similar and somewhat identical physical features, but the only small differences is that Seb is taller, has a diff nose and a slightly different pitch of voice. BUt with a little magic glamouring spell. Seb is magically able to transform his out appearance to look 100% Richard so the Athas family here won’t suspect a single thing. Seb is an expert liar by now so that helps too XD
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shions-heart · 7 years
What inspired OMAM? Like the demon hunters and witches, and Kuroo being possessed by a (actually pretty chill) demon and Kenma being Kenta's reincarnation partially
it all started with THIS drabble, actually!
writing drabbles is dangerous for me, especially AU ones, because I always want to expand on them and this drabble was no exception. I kept going back to it in my mind. then I wanted to write a sort of FHQ inspired fic with IwaOi. I had this idea that fit into my “Heart of Nekoma” series, where Aoba Johsai was a kingdom overthrown by Shiratorizawa and in an effort to avenge his people, Oikawa summoned a demon to possess him in order to give him the power he needed to wield magic strong enough to do so. But then the demon would slowly start to take over his body, making him something completely different. Unfortunately, my idea stalled soon after I got it, and I placed it on the back burner.
I always wanted to write a modern magic type of story. And with the heaviness of I Will Follow You Into the Dark, I wanted to write a more lighthearted fic to kind of take the edge off. So I went through my drabbles, trying to find something that could work. I came across the one I linked to above ^^ and realized it could actually be a pretty interesting story! However, in order for it to be modern, I couldn’t have it set in the time period I wrote the drabble in. But I wanted to keep the drabble as it was. Hence, Kenta was born.
I was sorta going for a “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” and “Angel” vibe with it (which is why there’s a Hell Mouth, hehe). In OMAM (and subsequently the Being Human ‘verse) Hell exists on separate plane of existence (that can be accessed through portals (Being Human) or Hell Mouths (OMAM), with different dimensions within the plane that holds different types of demons.
The demon that possessed Kuro was actually very evil. It did horrible, horrible things while possessing Kuro. But a rule established in OMAM is that demons don’t have a soul. That’s why they’re “evil.” They have no conscience, no sense of right or wrong, and they don’t experience emotions the way humans do. But spend enough time inside a soul like Kuro’s . . . well, something’s bound to change. Kuro’s demon was influenced by Kuro’s soul, by his compassion and his innate goodness. And so began to sort of “grow” a soul of its own.
sorry this got so long! i guess the TL;DR answer to your question is many things inspired it! i honestly decided to write it just for the heck of it (i didn’t even have an outline when i started it), it was a complete whim in an effort to write something not depressing. I had no idea it would grow to be my most popular fic ever, ahaha /)u(\
sleepover saturday!
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thestalkerbunny · 7 years
so is there a big bad for ace in the hellhole? hell is there even a bad period? doesetn seem to be many actual villain character, the ones that are evil arent really active antagonist
There is a bad period at the beginning. It all sorta starts where Imena's uncle takes the throne instead of her. So a giant racist sexist and basically around not pleasent person is now managing a highly diverse multi cultural kingdom where for a very long time there's been a large number of females and women in chargeAnd he just. Fucks. EVERYTHING UP.Like over 500 years of hardwork to get people to chill and be chill with each other and he:-gives the green light to try and run the witches off the mountain and destroy their schools(which fails to get rid of them and just pisses them off)-began hunting in the black glen which is basically a reserved hunting ground for magical folk and in fairy forests began tearing it down for the lumber -basically bad mouthed nearly everyone's religion and wouldn't let them practice public;specifically witches and the cult of mal moon-had an unessary amount of kobold slaves he constantly put in Danger-barred outside magical creatures from coming into the valley.-was responsible for letting his knights not only slaughter witch villages but human villages as well so there'd be more 'space' (which is why Memery was destroyed)The list goes on and this was only the first 4 years of his reign and it goes on for 8 (most of this is likely to change to fit proper but you get the gist of it)I kinda wanna see if I can make Ace in the Hellhole a story that goes from immensy bad and negative to good and happy instead of the other way around.
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phoebehalliwell · 4 years
"he like lowkey knows that this in fact stems from his daddy issues and his inferiority complex all coming together to form the desperate need to be wanted" chris, babey?? that sounds like a less than ideal mindset to relationships, but how does that actually work for him?? especially bc like i feel that relationships ending prob don't help with the whole need to be wanted thing?? but also chris just leaning into pretty boy with daddy issues in his love life is A++++ forever, thank you
i think chris’s relationship with heartbreak/relationships ending is actually a really complex one because i think really his first exposure to heartbreak was wyatt’s first breakup with i imagine ws a very big ordeal and left him all heartbroken and he had the rest of the family all cooing over him like it’s okay you’re gonna be okay and y’know chris has also seen movies so he’s like wow haha lmao breakups must be a super soul crushing thing yikes but like when he has his first “break up” (his girlfriend left for college, he was still in high school), he didn’t really feel the same sorta pain and emptiness he though he would maybe bc he always feels pain and emptiness lmao emo bitch. bc i think the way chris actually dates is very different than how wyatt dates. because wyatt throws himself out there heart open looking for his soulmate he can’t help but envision some rose colored future for the two of them and all the wonderful things that could be whereas chris like doesn’t. i think the way he dates is just very an “in the moment” thing. i don’t think he necessarily banks on anything lasting too long because i don’t think his relationships - not only romantic - tend to last that long. where’s that one post here i wrote briefly about how i think chris forms the majority of his friendship on sort of like being separate from wyatt (which is really like a dumb way to pick friends but the boy’s got a lot of complexes). i don’t think he necessarily has close friends at magic school, more just acquaintances or allies, people who are also sorta snarky and quick witted, black sheep and all that. that being said i think he only trains with his siblings or cousins, bc the majority of the outsiders who he hangs out with are outsiders due to their sort of lack of magical prowess. chris may feel like he’s not a super strong witch, but he’s still a charmed one and compared to these kids he’s like all powerful, so he doesn’t tend to practice magic around them. i think his circle in high school was specifically like the misfit edgy stoners and he was like that sophomore that hung out with like a pack of five upperclassmen and i don’t know if that’s actually a common trope or if that just happened a lot in my high school. the point is, as life moves on these people would move on, or in magic school chris would move on to more advanced classes etc. the point is his relationships would just sort of be pulled apart. and he was okay with that because that’s just sort of how things work. so in romantic relationships (of which there have been multiple, but none of them like serious y’know), when people move on they just move on. and chris doesn’t feel much when it comes to that. as previously stated, it’s this “in the moment” thing. chris enjoys being with then in that moment. he can’t say if he’ll want to be with them beyond that; that’s not his concern. wyatt always tries to picture a future, chris doesn’t bother (in part because he always sees his brother do that and definitely thinks that’s a contributing factor as to why wyatt's relationships never last (it lowkey is) and just doesn’t emulate that. it doesn’t take that much effort.)
in regard to the being wanting in a relationship turning sour to being rejected, i’m gonna turn this essay to a little analysis on how exactly i think chris’s complexes manifest. the inferiority one is easy. he is A Lot less powerful than wyatt, and yeah, he’s self conscious about it. having your older sibling be so naturally gifted at something is always uncomfortable because your parents always seem just the wee bit flustered when you struggle at something your older sibling excelled at bc it’s clear they are not familiar with the tools to help you succeed because they haven’t needed them until you. but it’s really chris’s relationship with leo that does the most damage. because, need i remind you, chris has already died in leo’s arms. leo’s chris’s father, he can’t shake off that trauma so easily. on top of that, chris is a lot more vulnerable that wyatt, he doesn’t have nearly as many powers, and wyatt has both a much stronger defensive power and a much stronger offensive power. chris only has telekinesis (at the moment 👀) so whenever there’s some dangerous demon threat blah blah blah, i think leo gets really scared that history will repeat itself and chris will bleed out in his arms once again. so leo almost always enlists wyatt to help, once again, because wyatt’s undeniably stronger and can protect chris. in the fic i write, leo is chris’s whitelighter, and honestly probably never allows chris to go out and battle on his own (which is lowkey part of the reason chris doesn’t tell his dad shit anymore). so the way chris sees it, as he does not know at age 22 he died in his fathers arms, is that his dad doesn’t think he’s good enough. he doesn’t want him going out on his own because he’s not good enough. he would rather send wyatt because wyatt’s better, more talented, good enough. so in chris’s relationships, just the fact that they are choosing him, that, in that moment, he is good enough, that’s what makes it worth it. it doesn’t matter whether it lasts or not, because for that time period, he’s the one being chosen, he’s the one they want, and that’s really all he needs. it doesn’t need to be constant, uplifting, endless dedication. it just needs to be there.
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