#me; i need to develop vox's relationship with pentious more
Sir Pentious has... complicated feelings about his relationship with Vox. He used to idolize him– Pen tended to idolize all overlords, but Vox in particular was one of his favorites due to the tech empire he built for himself and how he seemed amenable to partnerships. Hearing he'd died was... disappointing, but this is Hell after all and maybe Vox being gone would leave an opening for him to finally begin his career as an overlord (it did not).
When he got the call from the Vees, recruiting him for a secret mission to rescue Vox from the Radio Demon himself, Pen was astounded. Vox was alive? And he'd seen him at the hotel but had either not recognized him or been too focused on Alastor to register his presence? The Vees gave him a vague idea of the state Vox was in, but he was shocked once he finally met him (literally: Vox zapped Pentious by mistake while shaking his hand). He didn't know Vox any more than any of his former customers would, but it was still jarring to see a man who'd always presented to the public as so powerful and in control act in such a high-strung, disorganized way.
Pentious managed to keep his cool around Vox and not instantly give the game away. It was weird, living at the hotel, slowly figuring out the finer details of the situation that the Vees had left out. Pen found himself surprisingly grateful that Alastor never took him even remotely seriously as a rival if this is what he does to people who do get his attention. Vox now followed Alastor around like a lost puppy and just could not stop breaking things. Pentious found himself being called upon to attempt to fix technology outside of his area of expertise more and more frequently. Vox was always frantic to fix his mistakes (when he could remember that he made them), so the two of them worked together; Vox explained how the technology functioned and Pen did the physical work of repairing the item, as well as the mental work of trying to make sense of Vox's rather disjointed explanations.
They talked while they worked. In group settings, Vox found Pen entertaining– he was dramatic and bombastic and could hold Vox's attention fairly easily as a result. Despite the circumstances of the situation, Pentious couldn't help but receive a bit of an ego boost from such a formerly powerful overlord treating him like he was someone worth paying attention to. But when they were alone– working to repair whatever new household appliance Vox had fried that day– was when Pen found himself actually getting attached to Vox. He could see glimpses of the intelligent, diligent, ambitious man trapped beneath all the noise. Vox still had actual, meaningful things to say, they just tended to go unnoticed in the rush of constant speech. Vox would occasionally become incredibly frustrated, feeling as though no one around him took him seriously or wanted to listen to his input on things. Pentious could relate to that.
Pen would listen though. He'd adjust the dial and try to tune into what Vox was actually trying to communicate. This wasn’t some stupid Egg Boi, after all; it was one of the most influential people in the whole Pride Ring, even if that part of his life was clearly, permanently over. Pentious was surprised at how patient he was capable of being and how much of a difference it made. Other than Niffty, most of the hotel residents had learned to sort of tune out most of Vox's chatter (either intentionally or unintentionally) and only tune back in when he said or did something that was obviously important or completely un-ignorable. It was so gratifying for Vox to finally have someone who was paying full attention to everything he was saying, as well as making a concerted effort to understand which parts were an attempt at a point and which parts were just absentminded rambling.
Once Vox and Pen felt as though they (mostly) understood each other, they were able to make progress. Vox started getting a better hold on his electricity and Pentious learned which strategies for keeping Vox on-task worked best. Instead of constantly fixing stuff, they started building things together. It was surprising for Pen to realize that he no longer only cared about Vox as a former overlord, but as a friend. They had fun together, both with and without the other hotel residents.
On some level, Pentious knew that if Vox weren't in the mental state that he was, he never would've given Pen a second glance. That thought made him uncomfortable; he couldn't help but feel like he was taking advantage in some way. But on the other hand, Pentious recognized that he was helping Vox (and Niffty too, eventually). Where did that leave him, morally? He mostly tried to tune those thoughts out though and just enjoy the present moment. It became very easy for him to forget why he was at the hotel in the first place, especially as he grew closer with the other residents too.
Eventually, approximately four months into his stay, Pentious was on a call with the Vees, reporting back about whatever was going on that week. Val casually mentioned how he and Velvette were going to kill everyone in the hotel once they got Vox back; they all needed to be punished for their complicity in this situation, not just Alastor. Pentious was shocked, especially when Velvette confirmed that, yes, that had been the plan all along, obviously. Pen had grown deeply attached to his life at the hotel and his new village of friends; he couldn't let them all die for something that wasn't even their fault. It was a hard choice, but as soon as he got off the call, he went straight to Charlie and came clean about how he'd been sent by the Vees to spy on the hotel and get Vox back. He didn't tell her the truth about Vox's situation though. Pen was desperate to preserve what he had at the hotel and he knew that if he revealed why the Vees wanted Vox back, everything would come crashing down (and that Alastor would probably kill him in retaliation almost instantly). Charlie forgave Pen, of course, and he was free to continue with the life and friendships he'd come to treasure at the hotel. Pentious wasn't sure if that was the right thing to do, morally. But he did it anyway.
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allastoredeer · 2 months
Would you have any bottom Alastor fanfics to suggest? Ever since I came across your blog I’ve been hyper fixated on that idea but I can’t seem to find any
I only just realized I have a total of 15 Hazbin fics bookmarked on AO3 😅 but I have a lot in my "Marked for Later" tab, and I'm sure I'll come across more bottom!Alastor fics there when I get around to going through it.
Of course, look over the tags before reading these fics, some of them are more explicit than others.
Here are the ones I've read and enjoyed:
Unhealthy Attachments by Keelywolfe (RadioApple)
Lucifer never thought to ask before what Alastor got out of having sex with him. Probably won't regret asking, right?
(Post Season Finale)
A Failure of Business Negotiation by Drowsy_Salamander (RadioStatic)
It began, as many things did for Alastor, out of curiosity. A tryst with Vox to decide whether sex was worth the hype, a neat and simple dynamic on Alastor's end. However, Vox clearly developed other ideas about what was going on and thus proceeded to utterly ruin everything between them by proposing a formal alliance.
... Alternatively: how Vox and Alastor became exes without ever dating
(NOTE: The smut is more alluded to than explicitly written, but I really enjoyed a deep dive into Alastor's brain and his thoughts surrounding sex. It was very enjoyable to read).
601 by ChildishSadism (RadioStatic)
Humans aren't aware that the dark desires in their hearts give demons a clear path to earth. A soul in hell can be tasty but a pure soul from the human world was a delicacy that many demons fought for. Vox enjoyed indulging in this pleasure once in a while, it made his teeth feel sharper and his claws deathlier.
It was such a shame that maybe, he should have kept an eye around in case someone else was ready to steal his meal.
or Vox possesses a priest to try to harvest more souls and Alastor possesses a nun to steal his catch.
Lucifer and his Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Relationship by Keelywolfe (RadioApple)
(NOTE: This one is actually a series. I haven't finished it yet, but it has a lot of yummy bottom!Alastor content)
Time to Dance by voland_xx (RadioStatic)
Building a time machine is never a good idea, especially when you’re in Hell.
Sir Pentious’s newest “invention” shocks the residents of Hazbin Hotel (+1) back into their human forms. Alastor and Vox navigate this new adjustment.
or, a demon gets voraciously, hungrily obsessed with a pretty man. What’s new.
A Poison for Lust by MatcHoMetriC (Alestial - Alastor x Zestial)
Zestial & Alastor do some 'experimentation' on how the Vee's love potion actually works
These are all the ones I have right now, but I'm sure I have a more squirreled away in my Marked for Later tab. If you're looking for more bottom!Alastor I definitely recommend looking through the bottom!Alastor tag! <- I actually just barely glanced through it and found one that looks very interesting, this is this one, if anyone is interested:
Devil's Threeway by Mixkarules18
All Alastor was trying to do was fetch Lucifer for Charlie. It was simple, nothing should have come from it.
However, the Overlord sees something that no one else was meant to and Lucifer decides to have a little fun with him.
Or alternatively:
Two Lucifer’s, one hole
(Tell me that doesn't sound like a fantastic read! I'll be sitting down to give it a looksie right after I post this LOL)
If anyone else has a bottom!Alastor fics they'd like to recommend, send them my way! I have a mighty need
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veetowervaporwave · 3 months
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Man I am so vanilla when it comes to ships in Hazbin...
Staticmoth: The epitome of toxic old men yaoi. They're just the worst. They push each other's buttons. They both have obsessions on the side but both want to be each other's center of attention. Other people's suffering gets them horny. They got married three times and divorced five times. They know exactly how horrible the other one is but it only makes them more attracted to each other. They're so toxic it's a health hazard for everyone around them. I wish nothing more than for them to die horribly while holding hands.
Chaggie: I've been shipping them since the pilot and I'll be real they were everything I wanted and even more. I always knew that their relationship would be mostly background stuff since they're an established couple, and I was excited to have something where the main character is in a stable and affectionate relationship. I didn't expect them to get a whole little storyarc with the whole angel drama... I'm just. So happy. Seeing them, knowing how much they supported each other over the years when they had no one else on their side, openly working out their issues... They're just everything that's good in the world.
Huskerdust: I feel about it a bit more differently compared to the previous two. I'm happy to see them just do whatever, but Huskerdust stands out because its development is kind of... part of the plot of the show, rather than just being an extra layer to their characters. I'm not even interested in fanfiction for them because I'm too excited to see how it progresses in the actual show.
Radiorose: QPR goals. Alastor having someone he's so comfortable with honestly elevated his character for me. I don't have a lot to say but I enjoy seeing them together immensely.
Appledust: guilty pleasure comfort ship, refer to this post for more context.
Ships I like less under the cut, I try not to be too mean but still, be careful.
Radiostatic (Or, I guess, Onewaybroadcast, rather): I like it a lot but only when it caters to my superspecific tastes. First of all it needs to be one-sided. The second Alastor reciprocates I'm like *Lucifer voice* "Who is this? Who is this man?" Second of all the "hate" part of the "hateboner" is essential (unless we're talking before their falling out). Vox both wants Alastor and wants him dead. It's been swirling inside him for years and had poisoned whatever relationship they had beforehand. There's no turning back from this.
RoyalHalo: I don't know how to explain it, but when I personally ship something "platonically", it's different from just regular shipping and different from having a brotp. Nothing much to say on the ship itself, they're cute.
Cherrisnake: I wish I could like it more but "Meh" is right. I think it has potential, unfortunately 8 episodes a season didn't allow it to develop. I wish we could have had Cherri before ep6 to establish her relationships with Angel and Pentious and I wish they had at least one genuine conversation before the end of the season.
Alastor x Charlie & Alastor x Angel: actually it's not about the ships themselves, just some bad experiences in the early fandom. Ik not all the shippers are like that, especially now when those ships are less popular and a lot of people are vocal about not liking them, but unfortunately I don't think I'll ever be able to enjoy them.
Lute x Vaggie: Nothing to say I just don't like it.
Val x Angel: I put a black line because my knee jerk reflex was to think of people like. Ignoring the abuse, but thinking about it, I do enjoy the exploration of their relationship if it's in-character. It's just not something I personally would consider "shipping". (But then what makes it different from onewaybroadcast? Guess I'm just a hypocrite or something)
"Found family" is a term that's used very differently by different people in the fandom, which is a little confusing to me, so I changed this category to "maybe".
Alastor x Husk: Much like the previous one, except I trust people with it even less after all the victimblaming Husk got after ep5.
Velvette x Vox and/or Velvette x Valentino: I don't ship those personally just for the reason that Vel genuinely seems uninterested, but I support the people who do. Especially the polyvees shipping. There's also additional element to this for me personally is that if Val and Vox were an item, there's a fear that Vel would come off as a third wheel or be pushed to the side, and if they were all together this wouldn't happen. So I have no choice but to support, even if I myself can't get into it.
Guitarspear: Lute ripping off her arm to go help Adam... The last thing Adam does before death is smile at her... God. They were also very fun hypemen for each other during songs, and just the general dynamic was really funny. I would say I like this ship when I see it, but I won't go out of my way to look for it?
Carmilla x Zestial: They're friends... The fanart is nice to look at. It's fine.
Radioapple: I'm conflicted. I guess I am kinda interested in what their relationship would be like in the show, but in fanworks I mostly enjoy the "they aren't actually attracted to each other but everyone thinks they are" dynamic. It's funny.
Pentious x Emily: Ok, one (1) crackship. My friend ships them and I kinda see the vision? Could be cute.
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hazbinhotelactorsau · 3 months
hello! you can call me smiles! here, you can find everything you need to know about my actor au! asks are open, submissions are open, anon is on! feel free to add your own ideas to the au or request any headcanons/scenes/oneshots/whatever!
fic masterpost (links to fics)
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the basics:
'hazbin hotel' is a tv show being filmed by a famous director with by the 'stage' name 'blitzø' for his production company I.M.P. the show is supposed to be a social commentary on genocide, classism, the black and white views of good vs evil, and the effects of trauma on a person, whilst also being a musical comedy
blitzø will not show up all that much in anything i write as it will be focused more on the friendships between the actors than between the crew!
the cast are all friends with one another after meeting over the years in different ways/through each other/etc. they're all relatively famous for something with the exception of husk who just got dragged into it for alastor's amusement more or less
they all have a decent amount of creative freedom when it comes down to it. blitzø may be a bit of a dick with a bit of a temper to him, but he wants his actors to enjoy their job and is happy to let them tweak things as long as it doesn't effect the plot too much. he's happy for them to design their characters however they wish.
they will be 'out of character'. they're actors, so they won't be exactly like the characters they're playing. they have the essences of their characters but they are their own people. they will be referred to with their names (names i have made up), not the names of the characters they play
i tried to keep their identities as canon as possible (angel being gay, husk being pan, alastor being aroace etc.) there are some of my own personal headcanons thrown in there though
alastor and angel are in a queerplatonic relationship. alastor is cupioaroace meaning he doesn't feel romantic or sexual attraction but he still desires a relationship (i am cupioaroace myself and would like to explore my complicated feelings towards relationships through him. he's still aroace and i'm not erasing that, just wanted to point that out!)
val and vox are in a happy open relationship. they are in love with each other but they're also both happy for their partner to see others if they wish (important info for further development!!!)
stay tuned, because soon you will find links to an in-depth dive to each actor below!
sir pentious
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pixelatedtaken · 3 months
Alastor, Vox, and their Rivalry
...or the nothing it gave us
S1 Analysis
this is based on information the show's s1 gave us. this can and will most likely change once the next seasons release.
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disclaimer: this is not a ship analysis. you can read it however you like, but it's not intended for ship purposes
Even before Vox was introduced, it was made clear that Alastor has a... distaste for modern electronics. Even so, he seems to know how to navigate them. He's familiar with TVs and their mechanics, watching and making commercials.
So let's start with:
Radio vs. TV
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By default, both represent different eras of media: the Radio and the TV.
It's a very old classical tale of old vs. new that to this day, there's debates on it. Alastor and Vox are exactly that. The debate of which is better. The old and reliable way or the new developed way. The one that doesn't appreciate the changes being made and the one who embraces it. A Radio Demon and a TV Demon.
And they are that simple old vs. new dynamic. Different but similar.
Alastor vs. Vox
Vox first gets mentioned through the title of the Vees by Sir Pentious. And even with Alastor's response, "Oh, nobody important." we're hinted at a dynamic, in this case indifference, which is mostly how Alastor tends to treat and act towards Vox. Mostly...
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On the other hand, Vox is obsessed. From knowing that Alastor was gone for 7 years, the hate drawing, the 'fuck alastor' mug, the cameras, the ripped photo, you can even go as far as saying their outfits– he's not subtle about it.
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As soon as Vox learns about Alastor's return, he has an overdramatic response with his nails digging into the table, voice changing, and his cameras instantly on Alastor. In general, Vox has cameras probably all over hell, but keeping an eye on Alastor is tricky when the man glitches every time he's being recorded etc, etc. This is also stated by the fact that in the 7 years Alastor had been gone, not even Vox knew where he was.
And Alastor is very aware of the fact that Vox is watching him. So aware that he even posed for the camera (you can argue all you want, he posed). Midly encouraging the behavior as such. Either by the pose or by saying that Vox needs to try harder in his endeavor.
This is where I say that Alastor is also obsessed. In a different way but not any less.
Here's a core attribute the two demons share: Attention.
They want attention, to be the center of it. And although Alastor barely, if at all, provides Vox with it... Vox certainly does provide to the fullest, and Alastor is more than happy to let it happen. With that being said, when Vox was broadcasting the tarnishing of his name, it was a different story. He went back to his tower as quickly as possible - grabbing a cup of coffee on his way - and more or less owned Vox's ass.
Speaking of the song, it's worth noting that Alastor perfectly responded to the part of the song that was never broadcasted, the beginning. It could have been for thematic purposes. It could have been that he somehow knew, the how alludes me.
Let's bring up a certain picture:
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Throughout episode 2, much of their relationship was hinted and kept mostly hostile, but this picture gave a whole new meaning to it all.
Alastor, the demon that distorts devices and renders them unable to capture him on film, has a photograph taken of him without any glitches. And next to him in that photograph is none other than Vox.
Alastor allowed the picture to be taken.
Alastor and Vox were close.
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They had formed a bond, and the closest thing we can call it, is a friendship. But between the then and the now, something broke that bond.
One thing could have been Alastor's dislike for modern technology vs. Vox's like for evolution, which could have played a role in their fallout. As such, a chain reaction of events begins to unfold.
If it was that dislike, resulting to disagreements, where it started or not, we don't know, but we do know that their relationship fell apart after Vox asked Alastor to join his team, and he refused. They became hostile towards each other, most likely beyond repair since, before Alastor disappeared, they had a fight.
We don't know how brutal the fight was, but we do have the line, "You still pissed he almost beat you that time?". Keyword: Almost. Alastor ALMOST beat Vox but decidedly did not. From Alastor's backstory, we know he's more than capable of defeating overlords without a second thought.
Here's a question: Why didn't he kill Vox?
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Maybe it's for stupid reasons. Maybe it's not. Who knows, but we know that he didn't kill him and that Vox was resilient enough to not be easily beaten.
One thing is for sure, the picture re-contextualizes behaviors and actions.
Although at its core, their relationship is a rivalry, adding a possible friendship changes the initial view they gave us of them.
And I'll end it by saying that Alastor calls Vox 'old pal'. If that means something or absolutely nothing, I don't know.
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BTW! Calling Alastor obsessed isn't in the same context as Vox. Alastor is obsessed with the never-ending attention while Vox is obsessed with Alastor himself. Just a clarification. Though I wonder how many people stuck this long to read, it's not like I'm saying something new here. I can't wait for all of this to be trashed and debunked somehow in the future.
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lola-hazbin · 4 months
Just a little stich
I have Hazbin Hotel brain rot. But also Alastor could just fix his jacket with a snap of his finger. He's actually just a fancy lad and enjoys the effort of a nice suit.
I have awful taste in characters and I like the idea of him developing a comfortable relationship with his tailor since he makes it a point to get his suit done.
Neutral pronouns but I'm picturing my OC here.
Alastor needed to repair his suit jacket after Sir Pentious so rudely tore it. It was unacceptable for his appearance to be less than pristine and he made his way to the local tailor. He had heard the previous operator had met his end in the most recent genocide from heaven.
"Oh dear, I do hope his replacement can do a satisfactory job, there are so few tailors in Hell as it is" He mused to himself before turning down the familiar side street. The shop had a single glowing light over the door and Alastor let himself into the space.
The smell of hot air and cleaning supplies hit his nose and he strode to the front desk, tapping the bell.
"One moment!"
He heard a crash and s string of expletives in unique combinations, before a new demon entered the space.
"Oh! Hello, sorry for the delay. Barnes had no organization skills, I'm just trying....to..." They sense his annoyance at the pointless conversation before they awkwardly clear their throat.
"How can I help you."
Alastor spread his arms "Finally! You see I've had an unfortunate event of my jacket tearing. I do hope you can help me remedy the situation? Quickly....if you please."
He shrugs off his coat handing it to the tailor. They turn the fabric in their hands before they eye the tear, pulling out a small sewing kit.
They work quickly, in silence with confident stitches. Alastor watches their nimble fingers avoid the prick of the needle and for a moment he is mesmerized, willing them to prick their finger, an ounce of suffering.
But alas their fingers remain unpricked and soon they hand the jacket back to Alastor. As he hangs it back over his shoulder he catches them staring.
"It's rude to STARE." his voice cracking with anger. Oddly, though they don't flinch, before they grab a pair of scissors crossing from behind the front desk to in front of him.
"You have a few threads I just noticed. I can't let you leave here looking less than perfect..may I?" They meet his gaze and gesture to the seam on his shoulder.
"Of course, I do have a reputation to maintain, can't look like a common peasant." This elicits a laugh from the tailor as they pull a few threads, and straighten the shoulders of his jacket. After a few more minutes they step back, satisfied with their work and smile up at Alastor, it's disgustingly earnest.
"Ah you seem to have caught what my dear Charlie has, a case of that nauseating optimism."
"She runs the delightfully wayward Hazbin Hotel. And I am the host of this ill conceived endeavor to redeem the sinners of Hell!"
The tailor observes him for a moment before shrugging "Sounds like fun." As they step back behind the desk.
Alastor hands them a few coins before turning on his heel.
"Come pay us a visit sometime! It's quite the spectacle."
"Maybe in the future, thanks for the business."
As Alastor stepped back into the alley, he caught the sound of Vox ranting aimlessly from his noisy picture box, his thoughts pulled from the odd, but through tailor.
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003: Angel Dust for the ask!
003 | Give me a character - Angel Dust - & I will tell you
How I feel about this character:
I love him but could do with fewer “vaguely” sexist/racists insults. His issues have issues. Seems to make a very good friend in both ride-or-die violence and giving hugs. Would like to blow up a block with him and then kill a moth pimp.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Sir Pentious
a certain flavor of fanon Vox
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
Is this just for platonic friendship? Like BFF. Is BFF the term OP was looking for?
I’m gonna go with BFF.
Angel Dust & Cherri Bomb
Angel Dust & Fat Nuggets
Angel Dust & Therapy 2.0
My unpopular opinion about this character:
Does not need a man to come to rescue him. Has personality outside of creating character development arcs for Alastor and Husk.
Is it canon that he doesn’t eat pork because of Fat Nuggets? Or is that fanon? Either way, I call bullshit.
I see y’all trying to add in “Louisiana info” for Alastor and then Angel Dust enters and it’s “EY-O I MAKE A THE PASTA THE LASAGNA.” Most of the time both portrayals are incorrect and vaguely offensive. Either research like it's a thesis and get some first-hand sources or disclaimer yourself and don’t add too much.
Might actually like some more non-sexual relationships, romantic or otherwise.
Ace because fuck you.
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon:
Hits Valentino over the head with a chair like and then distracts him with a bright light while running away
my het ship:
HAH! No.
He gay gay.
my fem/slash ship:
we have already done this
my OTP:
my OT3:
my cross over ship:
Fuck, crossovers? 
Does Helluva Boss count?
Stolas x Angel Dust
If it doesn’t... idk how many crossovers are just chill with giant spider people?
Angel Dust x Lussuria from KHR because they would be the ultimate power couple
That leg/worm robot(?) dude from the Undertale memes x Angel Dust
my kink:
what does this mean in this context I am so confused??
Angel Dust getting therapy from an actual good and professional psychologist
Angel Dust getting “redeemed” and then flipping Heaven off while continuing to rock on in Hell
a head cannon fact:
Not That Disturbed by cannibalism.
Man’s been Through Some Shit.
I live in fear of the concept of Hell’s p0rn industry.
Has ripped out at least one man’s throat with his teeth. 
my gender-bend:
Nonbinary ass is confused. how does gender. what does gender. gender does nada? or gender does much?
no entiendo genderbends
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ckret2 · 4 years
Do you have any thoughts on the Sir Pentious and Stolas relationship(i dont really mean as a ship but in general). From their interactions on insta Stolas seems to like Sir Pen, he even complimented his taste in hats.
It's a dynamic I'd like to like. When Stolas is at his most prim and proper, he and Sir Pent would vibe together well. I headcanon that Sir Pent was nobility in life and, as a consequence, has a well-developed skill in rubbing shoulders with the nobility in hell—not the nouveau riche like newly-dead newly-ascended overlords, but families with old titles, like Stolas's family or the Magnes. (Listen Sir Pent and Charlie should be friends Sir Pent and Charlie should be friends I accept no arguments.)
Sir Pent is desperate to climb the social ladder to positions of power. Stolas is clearly willing to reach down to the classes "beneath" him to lift them up, if we can go by the fact that he let an imp he's fond of run off with a powerful artifact so he can start his own business. If that generosity extends to sinners as well, he could be a great asset to Sir Pent—Sir Pent's already got the look and the attitude to fit in with Hell's nobility, he just needs somebody well-established to make introductions and to help integrate him into the social realm of Goetic princes and dukes.
I'd love to see a political alliance between Sir Pent and Stolas. I'd love to see Sir Pent get invited to fancy demon royalty parties, being wildly successful in this one insular social realm while he's still floundering in his efforts to scrape together power and respect elsewhere in Hell and trying to figure out how to generalize his success with the Goetic nobility to the rest of his life. I'd love to see tension between them as Sir Pent scathingly castigates the people he considers "classless whores" while Stolas stands there nervously thinking about the bondage gear up in his room and wonders what Sir Pent would think—or, other way around, Stolas blithely and freely talking about his wildest sexual escapades while Sir Pent swallows his discomfort and pretends he's definitely totally cool with this because he can't afford to offend this invaluable ally. There's a lot of good ways they can play off of each other.
Buuut I don't feel like that's anywhere near what we're getting. I feel like what we're getting is "Stolas is generically nice to Sir Pent because he's Supposed to be nice because we're Supposed to feel sympathetic toward Sir Pent."
So far, Stolas's behavior on Insta has been, like... vaguely Nice toward the Nice/Sympathetic characters and vaguely Mean toward the Mean/Unsympathetic characters. (With the exception of Blitzo who's kind of a jackass but of course Stolas is still gonna be nice to him lmao.) And because he's been nice to all of the characters we're supposed to like and cold to all the characters were supposed to dislike, with very little explanation given for how he knows these characters or how he developed those opinions about them, it comes off to me as somewhat hollow.
Like, when and why did he develop his passionate hatred for Valentino? Because it just so happened to be about the same time as "Addict" dropped, and since Stolas is inside the Hazbin universe, obviously he didn't watch this music video, so he doesn't have our reasons for hating him—so why does he hate him? You can make up a bunch of reasons to justify his feelings for every single character so far, sure, fine, but none are provided. To me it feels like an unconscious not-very-thought-out effort to make Stolas sympathetic ("he's a good guy, so OBVIOUSLY he gets along with our good guys by default") rather than a natural consequence of his character.
And that's how I feel right now about his kindness toward Sir Pent: that he only likes him by default because Sir Pent is A Sympathetic Character. Shouldn't Stolas hate and be disgusted by somebody who clearly deeply adores two of the people that Stolas hates? Instead, he's gentle with him. He criticizes Sir Pent's taste in wanna-be friends, but in a way that jabs toward Val & Vox, not in a way that jabs toward Sir Pent for being the kind of person who likes that kind of people. He gives Sir Pent's taste in hats as a reason for liking him, but like, Val & Vox have top hats, that sure wasn't a mitigating factor in Stolas's opinions on THEM.
So in canon it isn't doing much for me right now. BUT I feel like there's healthy fodder for fanfic to do much more interesting things.
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