#mercedes benz w 110
alfaromeole · 4 months
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What's another year? Fintail Mercedes-Benz W110 200 D (1961–1968). I can smell it already: happy New Year! Wounds will be licked tomorrow
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Mercedes-Benz 200 D, 1967. A version of the W 110 saloon that offered 7 to 8 seats. The “tail fin” model had wheelbase extended by 650 millimetres and was used primarily as a large-capacity taxi and hotel limousine.The middle seat row folded to allow access to the rear bench
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soccomcsantos · 1 year
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A história do Mercedes-Benz Classe E: uma família com tradição (parte 1)
No dia 25 de abril, a Mercedes-Benz fará a apresentação mundial do novo Mercedes-Benz Classe E. Oportunidade ideal para explorar a história de um dos mais famosos automóveis executivos do mundo, uma família de modelos que ao longo de décadas se destacaram pela permanente inovação tecnológica e pela capacidade de criarem tendências. Neste artigo dividido em duas partes, conheça a fabulosa história do Classe E.
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A herança do Classe E remonta aos primórdios da própria marca. Mesmo no começo do século XX, as empresas que precederam a Daimler AG estavam a deixar a sua marca neste segmento de automóveis: propostas que se posicionam abaixo dos topos de gama e do segmento de luxo, mas acima dos automóveis mais compactos. A Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft (DMG), por exemplo, lançou o Mercedes-Simplex 28/32 cv em 1904, enquanto a Benz & Cie. lançou o seu modelo 24/40 cv em 1906. Em 1914, antes do início da Primeira Guerra Mundial, a gama Mercedes compreendia dez modelos de automóveis de passageiros, dos quais quatro podiam ser classificados como pertencendo ao segmento de um atual Classe E.
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Após a fusão das duas empresas, em 1926, e da criação da Daimler-Benz AG, a carteira de modelos foi completamente reestruturada. Os primeiros automóveis de passageiros a surgir sob a nova marca Mercedes-Benz incluíam o modelo 8/38 cv (W 02) de 1926, conhecido a partir de 1928 como Mercedes-Benz 8/38 cv Stuttgart 200. Este, tal como o 10/50 cv Stuttgart 260 (W 11) de 1928, podem ser considerados predecessores históricos do Classe E. O mesmo se aplica aos modelos que o seguiram nos anos 30, os Tipo 200 (1933) e 230 (1936), juntamente com a variante diesel 260 D (W 138, 1936) - o primeiro automóvel de passageiros na história a ser equipado com um motor diesel.
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Quando a produção recomeçou após a Segunda Guerra Mundial, um dos primeiros automóveis a ser lançado, inicialmente tendo apenas em vista a utilização pelos serviços de salvamento e da polícia e para fins comerciais, foi o modelo 170 V, introduzido em 1936. Em 1947, o 170 V foi complementado por uma versão berlina que se assumiu como o primeiro automóvel de passageiros da Mercedes-Benz do pós-guerra. Em 1953 nasce o conhecido modelo 180 Ponton (W 120). Apresentado em Agosto desse ano, o Ponton representava uma evolução técnica notável face ao anterior 170. Com um desenho mais aerodinâmico e elegante, o W 120 tinha um habitáculo bastante espaçoso graças ao tejadilho mais elevado. Estava disponível com dois bancos corridos, mas a maioria das unidades apresentava dois bancos à frente e um banco atrás. Sob o capot, o Type 180 era oferecido com uma escolha de motores Diesel e gasolina, com uma gama de potência entre os 43 cv e os 80 cv. Este foi seguido pelo não menos icónico “Fintail” (W 110), apresentado em 1961.
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Coupé e carrinha complementam a oferta
O importante passo seguinte veio sete anos mais tarde sob a forma do "Stroke 8" (série W 115/114). Posicionados abaixo dos Classe S, os modelos W114 apresentavam motores de seis cilindros e foram comercializados com a designação numérica 230, 250 e 280. Os W115 apresentavam motores de quatro cilindros e foram comercializados como 200, 220, 230, e 240, sendo que os modelos a gasóleo recebiam a companhia de um D.
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Ao mesmo tempo, e com a chegada do primeiro modelo coupé, esta série marcou um alargamento das variantes de carroçaria disponíveis. O seu sucesso só foi, uma vez mais, suplantado apenas pelo modelo que se seguiu em 1976: o W 123. Familiar para muitos portugueses, que relembram a fama de conforto, fiabilidade e qualidade, o W 123 também foi produzido numa versão carrinha – variante que ainda hoje reúne muitos adeptos entre os colecionadores e com a qual a Mercedes-Benz estabeleceu uma nova referência para este formato de carroçaria, afirmando-o como um estilo de vida e a escolha ideal para as famílias.
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Entre 1984 a 1995 a Mercedes-Benz comercializou o primeiro modelo que, já no final da sua carreira (1993), recebeu a designação oficial de Classe E. Falamos do W124, que também esteve disponível como um elegante cabriolet de quatro lugares (código interno C 124). Os "quatro olhos" que destacam a frente e um conjunto de tecnologias inovadoras foram os traços característicos da série de modelos W 210 lançados em 1995. No início de 2002, entrou no mercado o Classe E da série W 211, seguida, em 2009, pela série 212 (berlina e carrinha) e 207 (Cabriolet e Coupé). Em 2016, a Mercedes-Benz introduz no mercado o Classe E da série 213 do modelo.
Inovação, tecnologia e estilo definem as diferentes gerações do Classe E da Mercedes-Benz. Nenhuma outra família de modelos produzidos pela marca de Estugarda ofereceu uma gama tão vasta de diferentes tipos de carroçaria e durante um período tão longo de tempo.
170 V – 170 DS (W 136/W 191), comercializado entre 1947 e 1955
Em Julho de 1947 teve início a produção do primeiro automóvel de passageiros da Mercedes-Benz no período do pós-guerra, o 170 V (W 136). O novo W 136 ainda se baseava no modelo de antes da guerra com o mesmo nome que, com vendas de cerca de 73.000 unidades, foi o modelo da Mercedes-Benz com maior sucesso até 1945.
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Nos anos que se seguiram, o 170 V voltou a ser a base da gama de automóveis de passageiros da Mercedes-Benz: o 170 D Diesel não foi a única berlina que os engenheiros adaptaram da variante a gasolina com 1,7 litros. Havia também um modelo 170 S ainda mais espaçoso e luxuoso, a qual se juntou, a partir de 1952, uma variante diesel particularmente eficiente, o 170 DS (W 191). Com os seus interiores espaçosos, excecional conforto de rolamento e a vincada impressão geral de qualidade e bom gosto, estes modelos já incorporavam os atributos que são, até hoje, considerados os pontos fortes de qualquer Classe E. A última fase de desenvolvimento da série W 136 é representada pelos modelos 170 S-V e 170 S-D, introduzidos pela Mercedes-Benz em 1953. As últimas unidades deixaram as linhas de produção em Setembro de 1955.
180 D – 190 “Ponton” (W 120/W 121), comercializado entre 1953 e 1962
A introdução do Mercedes-Benz 180 em Agosto de 1953 foi o prenúncio de uma nova era. A inovadora estrutura monobloco da carroçaria marcou um afastamento das convenções estabelecidas, que previam um chassis e uma carroçaria separados. A forma "Ponton" também foi considerada ultramoderna e serviu para reduzir tanto a resistência ao vento como o consumo de combustível. O 180 veio assim simbolizar as capacidades inovadoras da Mercedes-Benz, expressas vezes sem conta no desenvolvimento de todos os Classe E. Este foi seguido em 1954 pela variante diesel, o 180 D, com um terceiro modelo, o Mercedes-Benz 190, a juntar-se ao alinhamento em 1956. Já em 1958, surge o 190 D. No total, foram vendidos 443 000 modelos "Ponton" de quatro cilindros, um sucesso comercial notável a todos os níveis.
190 D – 230 “Fintail” (W 110), comercializado entre 1961 e 1968
A geração de modelos que foi introduzida em 1961 (W 110) é imediatamente reconhecível pelas distintas barbatanas da cauda - a fonte do apelido Fintail dado a esta série de modelos.
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Foram considerados referenciais na habitabilidade, no conforto, no desempenho, na relação custo-benefício e na eficiência económica. O compartimento de passageiros, com zonas de deformação programada à frente e atrás, foi concebido para proteger os ocupantes e estabelecer novos padrões de segurança. Os primeiros modelos disponíveis foram os 190 e 190 D, também disponíveis em 1962, e pela primeira, com transmissão automática. Em 1965 surgem os modelos 200 e 200 D, que apresentavam melhorias tanto em termos de equipamento como de engenharia. O 230, que foi lançado ao mesmo tempo representou a entrada em cena de uma refinada proposta equipada com um motor de seis cilindros. Os progressos efetuados na segurança e na dinâmica são atestados pela introdução, a partir de 1963, de um sistema de travagem de duplo circuito com maior potência e travões de disco à frente. Em meados dos anos 60, os modelos "Fintail" já ofereciam, em opção, aos seus ocupantes elementos de luxo e sofisticação tais como a transmissão automática, a direção assistida, os vidros elétricos, o teto de abrir deslizante em aço e o sistema de ar condicionado - características que, atualmente, são consideradas um dado adquirido.
Leia aqui a parte 2 deste artigo sobre a história do Mercedes-Benz Classe E.
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Polestar 2 et l'Expérience Michelin
Le 16 mars 2024
Un peu de retard cette semaine pour mon blogue sur l’automobile mais, j’ai une bonne raison! En effet, j’ai eu l’opportunité de retourner en Californie, plus précisément à la piste de Sears Point de Sonoma, afin de participer à un programme du manufacturier Michelin portant sur l’écologie et sur le nouveau segment des pneus spécialement conçus pour les véhicules électriques.
Mais, avant d’élaborer sur ce sujet, laissez-moi vous donner mes impressions de conduite de la semaine au volant de la toute nouvelle Polestar 2. En fait, vous aurez compris qu’il s’agit ici de la version à propulsion seulement (c’est nouveau, l’ancien modèle était à traction) de la berline Polestar dont il a déjà été question dans ce blogue.
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Design simple mais agréable (incluant une calandre redessinée), on sent une influence scandinave dans la Polestar. (Photo Éric Descarries)
Polestar, vous le savez, c’est un peu un dédoublement des produits Volvo avec qui la marque a déjà été jumelée à ses débuts. Plus encore, Polestar, tout comme Volvo, appartient au géant chinois Geely (qui possède également Lotus, Proton de Malaisie, les taxis londoniens London Cab et, tenez-vous bien, quelque 7% des parts de Mercedes-Benz!). Ne soyez pas surpris si, en ouvrant la portière avant gauche d’une Polestar, vous y voyez le placard indiquant le nom de l’usine où elle est assemblée avec l’inscription Made in China. Oui, je l’ai déjà dit, on a des autos chinoises au Québec. Qui plus est, les plus récentes nouvelles nous venant de Suède nous apprennent que la faction scandinave du constructeur ne veut plus participer au financement de la marque Polestar. Mais cela, c’est une autre histoire appartenant à un autre domaine.
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Même de l’arrière, la Polestar affiche un design simple mais efficace. (Photo Éric Descarries)
À part quelques retouches à la calandre et aux ornementations de la Polestar 2, l’auto dont il est question ici est presque identique à celle que j’ai déjà analysée ici sauf qu’elle ne possède qu’un seul moteur (électrique, il va de soi) et il est désormais tout à l’arrière. Celui-ci fait quelque 295 chevaux et il se fie à un ensemble de batteries de 82 kWh. Pas question de vous inquiéter, c’est amplement suffisant pour lui permettre des performances semblables à celles de sa jumelle à deux moteurs. Toutefois, ce que je voulais expérimenter, c’était son comportement sur les routes enneigées. Il a donc neigé durant ma semaine d’essai…mais, malheureusement, pas assez (dans mon coin de la province) pour confirmer sa motricité dans la neige. Quand j’étais jeune, il y avait sur notre marché de petites autos européennes comme les légendaires Volkswagen Coccinelle ou encore les Renault Dauphine ou R8 et R10 avec moteur arrière qui se débrouillaient mieux que les autos américaines qu’à propulsion avec moteur avant dans la neige ou sur la glace. Je m’attendais à un résultat semblable avec la Polestar 2 mais ce ne s’est pas produit. Il y a eu un peu de neige mais les pneus d’hiver Michelin X-ice Snow n’ont pas eu beaucoup de travail à faire pour prouver leur efficacité! Je m’imagine que ce serait semblable avec le VW ID4 …
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Vu sur les portières avant… 220 W se traduit par 295 chevaux ! (photo Éric Descarries)
Autrement, je ne peux revenir que sur l’efficacité de cette voiture et surtout sa qualité de construction qui m’a impressionné. Évidemment, malgré la douceur inhabituelle de notre climat dans la région de Montréal, les batteries des autos électriques peuvent subir une fluctuation étonnante. Dans le cas de ma Polestar 2 d’essai, j’ai réussi à « remplir » les batteries au point où la jauge au tableau de bord indiquait une autonomie de 420 km! Et ce, avec la prise de courant à 110 volts à l’extérieur de ma maison (ce genre « d’exploit » ne peut se faire qu’avec une charge lente). Malheureusement, cet « exploit » n’a pas duré! Une fois sur la route lors d’un petit matin « frisquet », l’autonomie est tombée à 350 km alors que je n’avais pas parcouru plus de 25 kilomètres! Pour les mordus de spécifications, rappelons que les Polestar sont basées sur la plateforme Compact Modular Architecture de Volvo (XC40) modifiée pour la circonstance.
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Ma voiture d’essai était munie de pneus d’hiver Michelin X-Ice Snow sur les roues optionnelles de 20 pouces. (Photo Éric Descarries)
Autrement, cet essai hebdomadaire a été des plus agréables l’auto n’émettant aucun bruit de caisse tout en me procurant des performances très agréables. Le chauffage était aussi très efficace. Encore une fois, on pourrait se plaindre du programme trop élaboré apparaissant au grand écran mais un peu d’étude et de patience peuvent en venir à bout. Incidemment, comme pour presque toutes les voitures électriques, il n’y a pas de bande de radio AM à cette voiture puisque, semble-t-il, les moteurs électriques ne font pas bon ménage avec cette bande.
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Le tableau de bord reprend le même thème modéré. Notez le grand écran avec système d’exploitation Google Android OS. (Photo Éric Descarries)
Notons que cette voiture pèse quelque 4516 livres et qu’elle doit livrer une vive concurrence aux Hyundai Ioniq 6 et BMW Xi4 de ce monde! Outre ces quelques notes, cette Polestar2 mérite sensiblement les mêmes remarques que celles que j’ai accordées à sa cousine à deux moteurs et quatre roues motrices il y a quelques mois. En ce qui a trait au prix, il débute à 54 950 $ plus taxes et autres frais. Toutefois, ce qui est le plus important, c’est que j’ai bien apprécié l’auto et je crois que c’est la voiture électrique la plus agréable que j’ai eu à conduire. Et si les autres autos à nous venir de Chine sont aussi bien construites (et cela inclut la finition intérieure), les constructeurs américains, européens et même d’autres pays d’Asie ont intérêt à bien se tenir!
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La preuve que c’est chinois…(Photo Éric Descarries)
Michelin nous présente sa nouvelle gamme de pneus pour VE
L’évènement majeur auquel j’ai participé la semaine dernière fut la présentation à la presse spécialisée de la nouvelle approche du grand fabricant français de pneus Michelin qui annonçait à l’Amérique du Nord comment il comptait servir le segment des autos électriques. Car, vous n’êtes pas sans savoir que les véhicules électriques sont mieux servis par ce nouveau type de pneu plus robuste qui est capable s’assumer les performances étonnantes des moteurs électriques tout en résistant au poids supplémentaire des batteries si lourdes. De plus, ces nouveaux pneus, identifiables par le sigle E+ ou EV sur leurs flancs, offrent moins de résistance à la friction sur la route et procurent une portée nettement plus silencieuse, un besoin créé par le fait que la « mécanique » de ce type de véhicule n’émet pas de son particulier.
Donc, l’évènement se déroulait à la superbe piste de Sears Point de Sonoma en Californie, en plein cœur de la légendaire vallée des vignobles. Cependant, le programme ne consistait pas qu’en une présentation de nouveaux pneumatiques mais, tout d’abord, en une matinée de sessions d’information technique, d’approche écologique, de choix de carburant de la part du manufacturier, d’une vision de l’avenir, voire même de solutions de transport les plus économiques et écologiques que possible.
Bien que la faction américaine de Michelin soit basée en Caroline du Sud (plus précisément Greenville…nom prédestiné à l’environnement…), plusieurs intervenants, incluant le président pour l’Amérique du Nord, Alexis Garcin, parlaient tant le français que l’anglais (nous n’étions que deux journalistes de langue française sur place). Je pourrais élaborer pendant des heures sur ce qui y a été présenté mais ce sont des éléments très techniques qui pourraient devenir lourds pour les lecteurs réguliers de ce blogue. Retenez, toutefois, que chez Michelin, on croit plus aux piles à combustion utilisant l’hydrogène qu’aux batteries électriques. Voilà ce qui devrait encourager mes amis chez Toyota!
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Quelques-unes des voitures mises à notre disposition pour un premier contact avec les nouveaux pneus Michelin adaptés pour les véhicules électriques. (Photo Éric Descarries)
Suite aux présentations techniques, nous avons eu droit à l’essai sur piste de voitures électriques chaussées de ces nouveaux pneus EV sauf pour deux Explorer conventionnels équipés de pneus expérimentaux des Primacy à venir) afin de nous prouver que Michelin ne s’occuperait pas que de voitures de luxe ou exotiques. Les voitures choisies par Michelin étaient des Porsche Taycan, des Mercedes-Benz EQS et des Genesis GX-70, toutes électriques. Il y avait aussi des Tesla 3 mais ces autos étaient réservées aux instructeurs que nous devions suivre sur le circuit.
Le premier véhicule que j’ai choisi fut l’Explorer ce qui a plu aux instructeurs car ils croyaient que c’était le véhicule le plus significatif sur place (vu que l’Explorer est aussi un succès sur le marché). Croyez-le ou non, avec un tour ou deux, je pouvais aisément suivre les voitures plus exotiques devant moi (bien entendu, les pilotes instructeurs ont vite fait de comprendre qu’ils n’allaient pas guider des spécialistes de la piste quoiqu’il y avait un ou deux « vrais » pilotes dans le groupe dont mon ami Bertrand Godin). Il faut le faire pour le croire, l’Explorer est étonnant en piste (demandez-le à Bertrand, c’est ce qu’il pilote, de plus, à la piste de l’École de la police à Nicolet !).
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Malgré la présence des voitures plus exotiques comme les Porsche Taycan et les Mercedes EQS, les Ford Explorer étaient les véhicules les plus représentatifs du marché courant. Ces VUS n’étaient pas électrifiés mais qu’importe. C’était l’expérience qui comptait. (Photo Éric Descarries)
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Un pneu Primacy expérimental! (Photo Éric Descarries)
La deuxième auto qui me fut confiée fut la Taycan…et cette fois, il n’y avait pas d’Explorer dans notre groupe. Cela a permis à l’instructeur de pousser un peu plus la machine. Pour une fois que pouvais vraiment « conduire » cette auto à sa juste valeur! Et, ne vous inquiétez pas, c’était certes l’auto la plus agile, la plus rapide et la plus précise sur place. En ce qui a trait aux pneus, des Pilot Sport 4 EV, ils se sont montrés plus qu’efficaces en piste accordant ainsi au pilote une grande confiance derrière le volant.
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La Porsche Taycan est un peu l’épitome de la voiture électrique actuellement disponible. Si son propriétaire veut l’équiper de pneus destinés spécifiquement à des véhicules électriques, ces Pilot Sport 4 EV seraient son meilleur choix. (Photo Éric Descarries)
La deuxième auto était une Mercedes-Benz EQS représentant le segment des grandes berlines de luxe électriques et elle était équipée de pneus Pilot Sport All Season 4 EV. Forcément, elle avait une suspension plus souple que celle de la Porsche ce qui me demandait un peu plus d’effort et de concentration alors qu’ils criaient dans les courbes.
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Pour représenter le segment des grandes berlines de luxe, les dirigeants de Michelin avaient choisi l’imposante Mercedes-Benz EQS dont les pneus étaient des Pilot Sport All Season 4 EV. (Photo Éric Descarries)
Parmi les autres expériences que Michelin m’a permis de vivre à Sears Point, il y avait celle de quelques tours à bord d’un Lucid haut de gamme pilotée par un employé du constructeur (celle-là, il faudrait que je vous la raconte en détail car elle fut moins concluante que prévue) et celle d’un court trajet dans un tracteur routier Freightliner entièrement électrique!
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La Lucid utilisée pour la démonstration était conduite par un représentant du constructeur californien…(Photo Éric Descarries)
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Ce Freightliner tout électrique était à notre disposition ! (Photo Éric Descarries)
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Bof! Une petite semaine comme les autres, quoi!
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ventosmotor · 2 years
Estos minicoches exóticos pueden consumir tus ruedas motrices promedio y tu billetera
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Los autos de paseo Power Wheels fueron el pináculo de lo cool para los niños de los 80, con mini atracciones que se asemejan a Big Foot o el Jeep de Barbie, lo que significa que los niños privilegiados podrían vivir sus sueños vehiculares más salvajes. Hoy en día, la empresa Harrington, con sede en el Reino Unido, vende el equivalente al uno por ciento de un Power Wheels, intercambiando neumáticos de plástico duro por caucho real en automóviles que funcionan con combustible o eléctricos con hardware legítimo y velocidades máximas que podrían generar una multa por exceso de velocidad en algunos vecindarios. Una de sus especialidades, el legendario Mercedes-Benz 300SL puede hacer una locura de 40 millas por hora. RELACIONADO: ¿Cuánto pesa un coche? (Peso medio por tipo de coche) El sitio web de la compañía está lleno de mini autos que vacían la billetera, todos los cuales están clasificados por peso para transportar a la mayoría de los adultos "estándar". Aún mejor, los autos vienen en una variedad de formas clásicas, como un Cobra 289, un Jeep Willys y un auto clásico Lotus F1. Harrington también pintará los autos en casi cualquier color que elija, ofreciendo una variedad de tonos del catálogo de pinturas automotrices de DuPont. Los mini autos vienen con trenes motrices reales que incluyen un motor de gasolina de 110 cc o un motor eléctrico BLDC de 48 voltios y 1200 W. Los minis propulsados ​​por gasolina tienen tracción trasera y pueden alcanzar casi 30 mph y tienen cajas de cambios semiautomáticas de tres velocidades que realizan cambios de marcha secuenciales sin embrague. Eso se suma a la suspensión totalmente independiente y los frenos de disco ventilados con pinzas Brembo. Los autos con tren motriz eléctrico también funcionan para casi 30 mph, aunque algunos modelos tienen una velocidad máxima más baja o más alta según el peso y otros factores. Afortunadamente para los padres preocupados, los autos tienen un limitador de velocidad que puede reducir la intensidad para los conductores más jóvenes, que según Harrington puede tener tan solo seis años para algunos de sus modelos. Las especificaciones de estos autos borran por completo los ruidosos y terriblemente lentos Power Wheels que teníamos cuando éramos niños. Algunas de las velocidades serían francamente aterradoras en un vehículo tan pequeño, así que reúna su valor y su billetera y elija uno. Nos comunicamos con la compañía para comentar sobre los precios de los autos y actualizaremos este artículo con más información a medida que esté disponible. RELACIONADO: Cómo probar el regulador de voltaje de su alternador ¿Tienes un consejo? Envíanos una nota: [email protected] Read the full article
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cars365kg · 2 years
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Mercedes benz w 210 Состояние соска,Япония полный максимальный комплектация,все родном виде торговля у копота варянт нет никаких,,, пробег оргинал 79000 +996 501 110 198 #каракол #нарын #талас #ош #бишкек #жалалаабад #баткен #машины #автомобили #кыргызстан #cars #напродажу #подержанныеавто #авторынок #автобазар #мото #риомавто #тойота #мерс #бмв #лексус #хонда #вольксваген #ауди #тесла (at Biskek , Kyrgystan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeUxjinIPmm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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soccomcsantos · 1 year
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Mercedes-Benz 230 SL “Pagode”: o ícone nasceu há 60 anos
Um dos mais belos automóveis de sempre foi oficialmente apresentado há 60 anos. O Mercedes-Benz 230 SL (W 113) foi lançado no Salão Automóvel de Genebra, em 1963, inaugurando uma nova era de design, segurança e prazer de condução. Esta é a sua história.
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Construído entre 1963 e 1971, o W 113 ficou conhecido pelos modelos 230 SL, 250 SL e 280 SL, atualmente clássicos muito cobiçados da Mercedes-Benz. Isto é demonstrado, entre outras coisas, pelo preço de exemplares bem preservados da série W 113. O estudo de mercado atual da Classic Data para 2022/2023 prevê 128.000 euros para o 230 SL em condições de topo (grau 1) e 156.000 euros para o 280 SL nas mesmas condições (dependendo dos mercados). Muitos proprietários de um SL "Pagode" ainda hoje ficam impressionados com a robustez e conforto de um descapotável que, convém relembrar, é já sexagenário.
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Pioneiro na segurança de automóveis desportivos
Em 1963, o 230 SL impressionou os visitantes do Salão de Genebra com o conceito de um bilugar cabriolet, de alto desempenho e estilo marcante. O seu design foi criado sob a direção de Friedrich Geiger. Combinava linhas elegantes com o visual clássico do SL, incluindo a grande estrela central em destaque na grelha do radiador. O hardtop opcional evocava uma associação que acabou por dar a icónica alcunha ao modelo: a superfície do tejadilho curvada para dentro fazia lembrar os templos asiáticos, o que deu ao desportivo da Mercedes-Benz a alcunha de "Pagode". Paul Bracq foi o designer responsável pelo tejadilho removível que o tornava um elegante coupé.
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O nível de segurança do W 113 foi pioneiro entre os automóveis desportivos da época. A plataforma do 230 SL teve origem nas berlinas da Mercedes-Benz da série W 111. Esta foi encurtada e reforçada em comparação com os modelos de quatro portas. Em 1959, o "Fintail" foi o primeiro automóvel de passageiros do mundo com uma carroçaria de segurança, desenvolvido pelo pioneiro da segurança da Mercedes-Benz, Béla Barényi.
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O "Pagode" foi o primeiro automóvel desportivo a beneficiar do princípio da célula de passageiros estável com zonas de deformação à frente e atrás. A isto juntou-se o elevado nível de segurança de condução do chassis adotado a partir da berlina, que foi adaptado às exigências de um roadster. A suspensão era firme, mas quase atipicamente confortável para um automóvel desportivo dos anos 60. Pela primeira vez num desportivo SL, estava disponível em opção uma transmissão automática de quatro velocidades. O 230 SL já tinha travões de disco nas rodas dianteiras. Começando com o 250 SL apresentado em 1967, os travões de disco no eixo traseiro complementaram o equipamento de segurança e desempenho.
Três motores, o mesmo prazer de condução
A Mercedes-Benz ofereceu o SL com três motores diferentes durante o seu período de fabrico que durou oito anos. Isto distinguiu-o dos modelos 300 SL e 190 SL. Os motores destes dois primeiros desportivos que deram origem à saga SL, introduzidos em 1954, permaneceram praticamente inalterados até 1963. O motor desportivo M 127 de seis cilindros do 230 SL era baseado no motor M 180 do 220 SE, tendo a cilindrada sido aumentada para os 2.306 centímetros cúbicos aquando da utilização no SL.
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A unidade de potência produzia 110 kW (150 cv), a velocidade máxima era de 200 km/h e este desportivo acelerava de 0 a 100 km/h em 11,1 segundos, uma cifra de relevo para a época em questão.
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No final de 1966, o 250 SL substituiu o 230 SL. O seu motor M 129 de seis cilindros em linha tinha uma cilindrada de 2,496 centímetros cúbicos. A sua potência era similar (110 kW/150 cv) e velocidade máxima (200 km/h) também correspondia à do 230 SL. No entanto, o maior valor de binário ajudou a reduzir em 1,1 segundos o tempo necessário para acelerar de 0 a 100 km/h. Além disso, o 250 SL estava equipado com um regulador de força de travagem, discos de travão maiores dimensões à frente e travões de disco nas rodas traseiras. Outra diferença: o 250 SL estava opcionalmente disponível com um tejadilho tipo coupé e um banco de trás. Esta versão "California" complementou a variante de carroçaria tipo roadster já conhecida do 230 SL, com capota em tecido e tejadilho amovível. A Mercedes-Benz exibiu esta versão com banco traseiro pela primeira vez em Março de 1967, no Salão Automóvel de Genebra. A versão "Califórnia" não tinha nem a capota do roadster nem um compartimento para a mesma, para dar lugar ao referido banco traseiro.
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O 280 SL, já com o motor M 130 de seis cilindros em linha de 2.778 centímetros cúbicos, apareceu em 1968. Foi a terceira e a mais bem-sucedida versão da série W 113. A potência aumentou para 125 kW (170 cv), o que permitia ao 280 SL acelerar de 0 a 100 km/h em nove segundos. A sua velocidade máxima ainda eram os mesmos 200 km/h. Em Março de 1971, a produção do W 113 terminou depois de um total de 48.912 veículos terem sido construídos. Os 230 SL representaram 19.831 unidades, os 250 SL 5.196 e os 280 SL chegaram às 23.885 unidades produzidas.
Bem-sucedido até no desporto...
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A Mercedes-Benz também utilizou com bastante sucesso o 230 SL no desporto automóvel. A vitória alcançada por Eugen Böhringer e Klaus Kaiser no Rali-Maratona de +5.000 km que fez a ligação Spa-Sofia-Liège, de 27 a 31 de Agosto de 1963, foi notável. No ano seguinte, a dupla de pilotos alcançou o terceiro lugar neste mesmo rali de longa distância, também aos comandos de um 230 SL.
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webfunk · 4 years
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Mercedes-Benz 230 "Heckflosse", W 110
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greenroverman · 6 years
Needs A Title...
The sound of chewing snapped me out of this incredible dream I was having about a redhead in a convertible, a glossy red Ferrari with camel leather interior and custom chrome wheels with the high performance, low-profile tires. I just wanted to drive it around the block four or five times and see what it could do, maybe hit the open road and really open it up. In my dream, I was just about to ask the redhead to scooch on over and then sit in the driver’s seat when I heard the loud gnashing sound. I could feel tingling and moisture on my arm, sharp teeth were tearing into my hand. Surprisingly, I couldn’t feel pain – I guess that’s the first stage of shock. I believe shock is appropriate when being chewed on by a very upset chipmunk. It serves me right for falling dead asleep in that old sagging oak tree in the middle of nowhere. The most important question I had at that time was not: what was a pissed off rodent doing snacking on my arm, but where were my pants?
     Pants are strangely important when lost in the middle of nowhere. My keys, wallet, and a fancy pistol that I took from an exotic dancer named Mercedes were also missing. I’m hoping they were together, waiting for me, maybe huddled together. After kindly removing my bloody appendage from the chipmunk’s mouth, and scolding the little rat for taking advantage of a passed out traveler, I sat up and looked around. The tree was the same, but last time I checked Earth had a blue sky, not green, and we only had one moon not five. I think this situation might bump the pants down to priority two. The air smelled like rotten garbage mixed with old motor oil. The green sky was surprisingly clear and the five moons shone bright, lighting up the vast emptiness surrounding me. I’ve got an oak tree, a chipmunk, and no pants – what was in that last cocktail? This is either an incredibly vivid trip or the most elaborate hoax I’ve ever seen. I guess a distant third choice was that I wound up on some alien planet after having the most insane night ever. I think I’m going to have a flashback here…
     Things had started normal enough: dinner at Jimmy’s Fine Italian dining with my buddy Sal, then out to Bubble’s club on the west side – where there was this amazing act involving a…chipmunk! I knew I had seen that little guy before – he does good work! From there I was just a passenger in Ms. Cheeky LaPoosh’s limo. Cheeky kept plying me with social lubricant to get me to talk about what I do for a living, but why would Cheeky be interested in a trauma monkey like me. I told her I worked the late shift at the Emergency Center on the south side, the one in the neighborhood where gunshot wounds were passed out like popsicles on a summer day at kid’s camp. My job as a surgeon was a lot like an Asian kid in a Nike sweatshop – keep on sewing and keep the stitching tight. I suppose I was getting good at it – made employee of the month in June. But that was all she was getting out of me, at least at that moment.
     The limo stopped at a place called Flush and we all stumbled out. The bouncer recognized Cheeky and hurried us to a private booth in the back. And that’s when thing got interesting: a bottle of some unrecognizable liquid and 3-4 bags filled with an assorted rainbow of pills. I wasn’t the type to participate – I usually just watched and waited for someone to pass out, knowing first aid would be needed. I’m not sure if something fell into my drink or if it was deliberate, but I think I swallowed a green and a red, and maybe a blue. I do know that the room was spinning and I was either on the floor or the ceiling. I finally woke up in the back of the limo with Cheeky and Sal and 4-5 other people I didn’t recognize. A deep conversation about some pop psychology drivel was forming, something about hand washing and moral purity. The theory presented by the pleather couch brigade was that people who wash their hands frequently were more likely to be upstanding humans. Based on the amount of pills and alcohol consumed, this brood had certainly never washed their hands in their lives. But honestly, I couldn’t hear details over the roar of the freight train running through my head. Someone handed me a bottle of something and I drained it – thankfully it was only water. I leaned my head back against the window and closed my eyes.
     I was startled awake by a gunshot and a scream, the smell of gunpowder was close so “we” must’ve done the shooting. Of course, the sound of the scream was also close, so “we” must’ve been shot! One of the girls with us, a delightful stripper stereotypically named after a luxury automobile, Mercedes had shot Sal in the leg for having inappropriate body boundaries, which is normally appropriate, but there may or may not have been a transaction or barter. Can’t say I blame her either way. But eight years as a trauma surgery in the nastiest hospital in the metro-area had prepared me for this moment. I doused the wound with a half-bottle of Vodka then used the ice cube grabber to dig into the wound to remove the bullet. My tie made a decent tourniquet and then my Armani shirt became a compress. Did you know that Armani uses a specific type of wool found only in one particular area of Italy known for its high-absorbance properties – in fact after a rain, the sheep usually can’t move because of the amount of rain they soaked up. Crisis averted, I took away the gun from Mercedes and stuffed it in my suit coat pocket – why did she need a .40 S&W pistol with custom grips, easy-pull trigger, and 16-round high-capacity magazine? I suppose there are those out there that would question why I wouldn’t need one. Although, the thought occurred to me that we do live in a rather violent time in a violent city with creepy guys like Sal around.
     Sal was a little worn out at this point, wanting to go home. We dropped Sal off at his place, it was a dump – walking in you would think that the place was tossed by thieves looking for something, but no, Sal was just a slob. I made sure he was tucked in bed with some pain killers and the roaches. I figure I would check up on him tomorrow on the way to work. I glanced at the clock on the microwave while walking out the door, it screamed 3 A.M., plenty of night left.
I decided to hitch a ride back to my car with Cheeky. I had parked in a dimly light space on the second floor of the hospital parking garage. Cheeky invited me back to her place for a night cap. I figured it would be prudent to turn it down at this point and head home – plus after witnessing the shooting of my best friend, and the strange mixture of whatever I had taken earlier, I figured that would be the safest place for me.
Unlocking the door of my midnight black Mercedes-Benz AMG coupe, I sat in the plush leather sport seat for a moment to catch my breath. I had expected a simple dinner and maybe a few drinks, instead I wound up hanging out with a stripper queen named Cheeky, a gun wielding psycho, and had one hell of a headache. Time to go home, take some Tylenol, (yes, Doctors really recommend it) and go to bed!
I backed out of my space carefully. Despite my foibles, I was a fairly cautious driver, mostly. I cruised down the spiral to the garage exit. The road was empty, so I gave it a blast with my right foot. The twin turbo V-8 engine with excessive horses roared to life and left a decent strip of tire and smoke in my wake. The ridiculous zero-to-sixty time passed smoothly and the speedometer told me I hit 100 mph in around 6 seconds.
Yellow lines blurred into a paste smeared behind me as I cruised on the highway. I decided to take the long winding road, the path I rarely travelled. I had the speedo pegged at about 110 mph when a deer bound out into the middle of the road. Hitting anything at that speed is like running full speed into a brick wall – it’s going to hurt and something will break.
Blood splattered the windshield. I went off the road straight into a tree. I heard the bang, slam, and smelled the acrid smoke pouring out of the engine compartment. Hollywood would lead us to believe that the car would burst into flames at this point and then explode into a three-story fireball. Fortunately, fireballs don’t happen most of the time. The Mercedes was a crumpled mess. I survived, thank God for air bags, and opened the door – good engineering required that the door still be able to open in a catastrophic accident. The deer was in the middle of the road, writhing in pain.
     I never shot anything before, but the poor bastard didn’t deserve to go out like this – suffering from grievous wounds. The .40 S&W was a powerful, highly accurate round – the bullet caught the deer just below the eye socket, leaving a small entry wound but the back of its skull was blown out onto the asphalt. I figure that was the most decent thing I’ve ever done in my life.
     This is the point where I get a little fuzzy. I was standing there shaking from the crash and from putting the deer down and I remember a bright light. I heard a ringing in my ears and a loud sound like a bomb exploding – and no, it wasn’t the Mercedes exploding into a Bay-esque fireball, I checked.
And that’s when I woke up to being a chipmunk snack.
The green sky and the smell of the air had a disconcerting effect on my fragile mind. I had one weird night, but this was over the top. Where were my pants? I don’t swear much, but I feel that this circumstance warrants it. So I looked at the beautiful five moon sky and let out a stream of obscenities that would make a trucker blush.
Bearings. I needed to get my bearings. I was standing in a field next to an oak tree. The chipmunk was a sleep – maybe he was dead – I could only hope! I stretched my legs, after a nasty car crash you would think that I would start to feel sore or cramp up. I surprisingly felt…alive, like I could run, jump, or wrestle an angry chipmunk.
Scanning the horizon, I saw a glimmering object about 30 feet away, hoping it was my pants, I walked towards it. It wasn’t my pants, but the gun. I worked the action and checked the magazine like I’ve seen in the movies; I knew I had at least 2 bullets. I would imagine that having a loaded weapon in a strange world would have a calming effect, but I felt scared. Where was I? What would I face? How do I get home?
I decided to keep walking in the direction I found the gun, maybe my pants were close as well. In front of me was a dense forest of blue pine trees – not blue spruce, but actual blue pines. Was I in a Dr. Suess book? The important thing to note is that they smelled like pine trees, that sweet sappy smell that I love. I closed my eyes and breathed and it was as if I was at home in my backyard. I lived on 20 acres in the woods – I might be a highly-skilled medical doctor, but I was a country boy at heart. Pine has a calming effect on my spirit.
Venturing into the woods further, I crossed a creek that ran with green water. Flowing over rocks and around sand bars, I figured it was safe to drink, even if it seemed to have a high algae content, at least that’s what I figured it was. The banks of the creek were lined with broad leafed plants that formed natural cups. I plucked off the nearest leaf and dipped it into the cool, flowing water. I had to test it, so I dipped my pinky into the water – it didn’t burn or melt my finger off. Test one, successful. I dipped my finger in again and put a drop in my mouth. It was the best tasting water I have ever had in my life. Although it was cold, I felt warmth in my stomach. I took a long pull from the leaf and immediately felt refreshed. I drank until I was satisfied – about half of a leaf full of the amazing water.
I decided to keep moving, those pants weren’t going to find themselves.  After walking for what seemed like an hour, the forest started to thin out. I stopped at the edge of a clearing and there ahead of me was the most amazing sight I had ever seen in my life. A wall. This was a special wall, it was 100 feet tall – I guess. And it looked like it was made out of solid gold! But in my mind, all that mattered was that a wall meant civilization, that meant people, and that meant…pants.
The wall was a journey in itself. It took three hours of hiking around the circumference to find an entrance. The break in the wall was a wooden door, about 20 feet tall. There were cobwebs on the door and rust on the hinges – this obviously wasn’t the main gate. I tried the knob on the door, figuring it was locked. Surprisingly it was not and it opened rather easily. The door opened into the pitch black, but better there than in the woods – I was one step closer to pants.
I figured the room I stepped into was filled with books. There was that musty smell of old paper and leather, aged with time into a crisp mildewed odor mixing with the sweet mahogany of the bookshelves. I felt along the wall of the room for a switch, and was shocked to actually find one. I flipped the switch and a single light bulb flickered and began to give off a faint hum and then warmed into a steady dim glow. Sure enough, I was in a library or archive of some sorts, but from all the dust and spider webs I figure it hadn’t seen visitors in years.
The room wasn’t particularly large, about as big as a bedroom in a suburban house – one of those planned community things – little boxes as the song says. Shelves covered every wall floor to ceiling – and dust covered that. There were a few tables in the room, covered in books as well – stacks 10-12 books high in places, others were open and laying on top of the piles. The floor was just as dusty as the rest of the room and I didn’t see any footprints or signs of life – other than mine.
I had found civilization, but it sure seemed abandoned. I decided to look at the books that were open on the table to see if I could recognize anything about them. Imagine my surprise when I was able to read the writing! I picked up the book and sat in the only place in the room, a huge high backed wooden chair covered with intricate carvings in a foreign script. The seat was padded and covered in a rich red leather – and dust. I began reading the tome and found that it was a treatise on patience and I immediately wanted to skip that book to the next, but I decided to read a few paragraphs and found myself becoming calmer. As I read it seemed as though time stopped and I forgot I was in an alien environment. I finished the book and was amazed at the clarity and reasoning, I felt a measure of new confidence and security – was that book magic?
I picked another book from the pile; it had a wooden cover with the same intricate carvings as the chair, totally unrecognizable symbols. The book was heavy, much heavier than its size would let on, and after reading the first paragraph I figured out why it had so much weight – the subject matter was very deep.
A ship from a safe port had set out to sea, unsure of its destination. It began moving through the ocean in one direction and ran into a terrible storm. The waves pounded the ship and damaged the rudder. The poor ship was throw like a baseball from one wave to another, the sails were torn, and the crew was terrified.
When the storm had passed, the crew made a few repairs to the sails and started moving again, further into the ocean rather than back to the safety of the harbor. Another storm struck the vessel and tore at the mast and ripped at the crew, many lives were lost and the ship took on much water. But then calm came again and the remaining crew set about repairing what damage they could – a tattered sail with patches was the best they could muster. They continued on towards the open waters, hoping to find a new port for repairs. Eventually they came to a port, but it was filled with pirates and thieves, the crew barely escaped in their damaged ship.
Again they sailed out into the open ocean and finally, they ran into a hurricane. The waves ran higher than they had ever seen. The fierce wind hit like a sledgehammer. The ship, already damaged, was destroyed and the crew drowned in the horrible blackness.
The end of the book had a single note:
Think of your life as the ship and the storms as the trials you face. Do you continue aimlessly or do you return to your port of safety?
I sat for a moment after reading and wept. I realize that I had always lived my life going from crisis to crisis, my crazy night was a prime example. What did I need to learn from this?
That’s when I saw something that caught my eye on the table. A tall yellowed piece of parchment with bold lettering across the top: WANTED. The image was a familiar face – button nose, cruel eyes, buck teeth, and whiskers. Apparently his name was Charmine the Chipmunk. He was wanted for horrible, horrible crimes that I won’t mention here. Dead or Alive – I immediately felt for the gun tucked into my tattered underwear. How I wish I had pants!
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mike-agw · 3 years
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