#moondrop humiliated me
cheapsh0tz · 9 months
I had the strangest, nastiest dream about sundrop and moon drop.
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parthia-valdi · 9 months
It is done... I hope you like it @crees-a
From the day they were born, they knew that this would be their future. A forbidden and impossible union that took place in a strange and suspicious way. In the form of a pair of babies with identical bodies and faces, but totally different and bizarre complexions for those who belonged to that world. A strange combination of the people of the day and the night with different results.
One of the little ones was all bright orange marble, with a beautiful shine. The only thing that betrayed its abominable origin was that fur on the left side of his head, darker than the rest of him. He also had fue around his head. White and in the shape of huge flower petals... Or like sunbeams. While the other was a dark shade of blue, with part of his white fur on his chest he had a long mane on his head that fell back in a cone shape, fireflies always encircling his body. But like his twin, there was something terrifying about him. Half of his face was white marble, as fine as the moon itself. And it even had its shape.
When they were found, the little ones were baptized as Sunrise and Moondrop. And separated by their peoples at that precise moment. Both were welcomed by the guardians, and thus they grew without the presence of the other. But they weren't totally oblivious to it. The incessant whispers, the gazes that dug into his skin like sharp stones, and the constant mention of his twin was something Moondrop had to live with on a daily basis. For being how he was, for being different. The only way he could escape from those noises, from that incessant murmur, was by sleeping. When he slept, nobody did anything to him, and everything was calm. Because when Moondrop slept, everyone in the night forest slept with him.
But Sunrise didn't have an easy upbringing either. The rocks could hardly be damaged. But his fur side had been the victim of many abuses. The pain was such that he spent the whole day hiding. Always behind his teacher so as not to be humiliated or attacked again. But when he was alone, the insults and taunts would not stop. Until one day... He just decided to smile. Sunrise believed that if he always smiled, the pain would go away and he would truly be happy. The big smile was etched on his stone face, his beautiful amber eyes with no visible pupils narrowed, giving his face a creepy touch. No one ever knew where they were looking, and many times the smile scared many. Sunrise began to act more cheerful, more childish, more... Irritating. Gradually the discomfort stopped. And no one but the guardian could bear to be with him.
Separated and in worlds that caused them pain, they both grew up away from everything. Until the day destined for them...
"Moon! Wake up!"
"Moondrop, I know you are awake. If not then everyone would be falling asleep right now. So stop pretending and get up! This is the day that you were expecting all your life!"
"Yeha, the day of my doom"
The faun was in a sleep position inside his favorite tree. The one furthest of everyone and everything else. Right on the edge of the woods.
"Come oooon! Don't be like that! Get up right now!"
The little bird started pecking on the faun's head, that made him sit up very fast.
"Ok! Ok! Ok! I'm up now, Chica! See?"
Moondrop sighed at his friend's insistence. His only friend. He sighed and climbed out of his tree as the small white, pink and green bird followed him, flying right next to him.
"This is amazing! The next Guardian of the Moon being late for his own ceremony! What will others think of you?!"
"Their opinion about me can't get any worse. I'm tired of even caring about it"
"But! Today you will become a guardian! His opinion of you could improve!"
"I don't mind"
The little bird could only sigh as she continued to fly next to the faun, a sad feeling gnawed at her inside.
"Not even to meet your brother?"
That's why Moondrop stopped. Chica recognized the look on his face. Curiosity, uncertainty, fear...
"... Neither I care."
"Sun! I'm awake already! I'm always awake"
The guardian of the sun was high above his temple, heading towards the meeting place to start the ceremony.
"I always wonder how you can scale the temple so quickly. As far as I know, you can't fly."
"Ho Ho Ho. As the next Guardian of the Sun, I can have my secrets, right?"
Sunrise hugged the former guardian tightly, its bright amber color gone with the passage of time, cracks appearing every time he moved. The guardian hugged the little sun back.
"I can see you're excited about this"
"Oh yeah yeah yeah! I mean, I've always wanted this! Do you think a lot of people will come? I hope so! Should I prepare a special speech? Or do an act praising the sun? I have sooo many ideas!"
"And you will do absolutely none"
His master's harsh tone silenced him immediately. Clear. He couldn't go off script.
"Of course not..."
"It's okay. You're excited. It's normal"
"Uhm... Do you think he'll be there?"
"Who? Roxxane? I already told you that love is a big distraction in your tra-"
"No! No! No no no no! No Roxxane! I... My brother. He'll be there, right?"
"Of course I do. If it's the next Guardian of the Moon together with you, it should be present."
That was the best news. He could finally meet his brother.
Seconds turned into minutes, and then into an hour. An hour since the ceremony had started. An hour of waiting for the next Guardian of the Moon to show up. The people of the night whispered among themselves, while the people of the day complained loudly. The Guardian of the Moon just sighed every so often, and the Guardian of the Sun tried to maintain his composure. But of all, the most nervous was undoubtedly Sunrise. He trembled from his place in the light, enduring the little taunts directed his way. Where was his brother? Why didn't he come? Had something happened to him? Should he go and look for him?
That's when Moondrop appeared, coming out of some bushes from the forest. They all looked at him, some with disappointment and others with anger. As the little bird next to him apologized on his behalf for being late, he simply walked over to his place at the ceremony. Even after this day, nothing was going to change for him.
"... Brother?"
A voice he did not know called out to him. And immediately he knew who it was. He did not hesitate to turn around to face the one who had been separated from his side. The shape of their bodies and faces were identical, except for many things, such as the colors and shape of their fur. The amber rock being was the only one who looked at him differently. There was wonder in his pupilless eyes, and a small smile on his face. His face, half stone and half fur. Same to him.
Skipping all protocol they both approached the shadow part. They wanted a closer look, they wanted to be together. A strange voice in their heads asked them to. Near the two at last, neither knew what to do. If Moondrop turned his head to get a better look at the other, Sunrise copied him, in perfect sync. If Sunrise raised his hand, Moondrop would do the same. Both at the same time approached their hands and joined them by their palms. Strangely. One furry and coarse, soft to the touch. The other fine and shiny, with small claws at the end, hard as stone. But they both fit perfectly, the same size, the same shape. But opposite, and equal in some way.
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sinistershepherd · 2 years
I got a silly request I hope boosts your mood a little, how would Sun and Moon deal with a prankster child, for example say they sneak in a ridiculous amount of self inflating whoopie cushions and stealthy stick them into the naptime pillows so for every kid that lays thier head down during naptime a whoopie cushion goes off causing all the kids to giggle? Maybe they bring in a few of those trick noise toys you hid that makes sounds like random cricket noise every now and then or some that meow so all the kids start searching for kittens that aren't actually there because they want to pet the kitties?
Anyways this is kinda cute and makes me do the think
Sun wouldn’t really get mad, he’d be more annoyed and disappointed. Like a parent that refuses to admit that their child is actually getting on their nerves. The smaller jokes and pranks wouldn’t really make him sit the kid down and chat, instead he’d give small warnings and try not to feel embarrassed that the other kids are oooing as instigators in the background.
As time goes on, his patience would wear thin. Each child that makes noises as he scolds the troublemaker gets sent to the timeout corner. Eventually, the troublemaker themself joins them.
Knowing children, the corner crew tm would most likely start to conspire against Sun because they’re bored and learning absolutely nothing from being sent into time out. Now it’s not just ONE troublemaker, it’s an entire group of little gremlins ready to unleash hell upon poor Sunny.
Ah, but naptime rolls around before they are allowed to leave the corner. They would decide that, fine, okay, they’ll just harass Moon instead.
0/10 plan.
Moon doesn’t take no shit. The MOMENT that the gremlin group tries to start their shenanigans, Moon is on their case. The rest of the kids know to keep their traps shut when Moon is scolding someone.
Moon decides to make this a….memorable lesson.
He sits, crisscross applesauce in the middle of the remaining children, of which are not being absolute menaces.
“Alright children,” he starts, pulling Moondrop candies from his pockets with a big, evil grin; “how does a nice story sound? Gather ‘round, take some candies and snuggle close.” His smile would soften as he speaks, handing out candies to those that have been obedient. The troublemakers don’t get rewarded for bad behavior.
Moon tells his story in a calm manner, letting the children drift off around him. Once they have all fallen into a nice slumber, he quietly drags himself out from under the children that fell asleep on him.
He goes over to the craft corner, smiling deviously as he starts crafting his revenge.
Once the troublesome kids are picked up, their parents burst out laughing at what they find.
Their children, throughly humiliated, stand shamefully with “troublemaker” stickers and “problem child” party hats sitting atop their heads.
They don’t cause any issues for quite some time after that.
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wanderpastme · 2 years
Check Up (FEM)
Yandere Moondrop x FEMReader
Word count: 1,504
I forgot what my writing style was so um... this may seem a little different, sorry.
(MASC version coming soon)
(Sun's POV will be SUBSundrop so look out for that)
Description: Every Robot needs a check-up every once in a while, unfortunately for you, you were tasked with the unsavory job of maintaining the daycare attendant. Well maybe unsavory for some, but not for you, it was actually kind of sweet~
Tags: Masochism, Sadism, Impact play, Dom, Gagging, Humiliation, Implied voyeurism, Objectification, Edging, Orgasm control, Fingering, Oral Sex, Penetrative Sex.
The room felt cold around you, the hard concrete of the maintenance room making it difficult not to freeze to death, it didn't help that corporate were a bunch of cheapskates anyway. It was just your luck, you were assigned the most difficult animatronic to deal with, you would have even chosen Monty over this stick bug of a guy, but nope, here you were, stuck fixing the one and only, Moondrop.
"Figures they'd make the new guy do it," you muttered to yourself, looking over the computer bolted to the desk for, "safety reasons".
This guy was a mess, it looked like no one had been able to touch him in months. He was most likely filled to the brim with glitter glue. Letting out a long sigh, you rolled your eyes, preparing yourself for the long night ahead.
"Let him in please." You radioed in, knowing full well the rest of your team was waiting for your signal. They were sick.
"Good luck new kid" a crackly voice responded, a maintenance door to your left swinging open revealing a lanky animatronic standing obediently at the door.
You gave him a quick once over, watching for any sign of aggression in this big guy.
"Alright, Moon... commence command 736."
The animatronic looked at you quizzically, his faceplate tilting slightly. Stepping forward he ducked beneath the door, his large hands placed on the sides of the doorframe, leaving deep gouges where his claws met the concrete.
"Naughty~ Naughty~ Talking to me like that... like a dog, when I should be the one giving commands."
You jumped back in surprise, "You're sentient?"
You watched as his full body came into view, he was much taller than you had remembered. He didn't respond to your question, standing before you, his red eyes staring daggers into your skull.
"W-well this is just a checkup... I'm just here to give you a quick cleaning and tuning..." You stuttered, trying to hide behind the computer.
"Oh is that so?" The animatronic whispered, stepping closer, quickly clearing the room in one stride.
Suddenly you were lifted up by your neck, your air supply cut off by Moon's large hands encasing your neck. You coughed, gripping onto his wrists as you were lifted into the air and slammed against the wall.
The animatronic stared at you with hooded eyes, studying your face as you gasped for breath, clawing at his fingers, tears pricking the corners of your eyes. He loosened his grip slightly, wedging his leg between your legs, using his torso to pin you to the wall instead.
You gasped, your head still dizzy from the lack of oxygen, "What the fu-"
Before you could finish your sentence his hand moved up to cover your mouth, harshly gripping your cheeks.
"Cursing isn't permitted around me, besides I don't want to hear anything coming from you unless it's my name." He growled, making your eyes widen, "You really think I didn't know you were working on me today? I pay attention, I am sentient after all." He chuckled, letting your face go.
You opted not to say anything, instead, glancing around for an escape, your failsafe command wouldn't work on him, seeing as the first time you had tried he had ignored you.
He chuckled, taking note of your obedience, "Good girl~"
You could feel your face heat up at this, internally cursing yourself at the slight voice in your head telling you how hot this was.
Moondrop leaned in, planting soft kisses along your neck making you gasp.
"Shhhh Moonbeam, I know you want this, you think I didn't notice?"
"Notice?" You squeaked, feeling his lips stretch into a smile.
"Your desperate scrolling through those... fanfictions, how much you would stare at Sun during your so-called 'innocent' check-ins... you have a thing for us, don't you?"
You shuddered in response, not answering him.
"You don't have to say a single thing, doll~ Your body betrays you~"
Slowly he started rubbing his leg over your soaking core, a soft moan escaping your lips subconsciously, making you bite your lip to stifle any more from escaping.
Moon didn't seem to like that. Gripping your face once again he bit down on your shoulder. You cried out in pain, giving Moon the opportunity to slip a finger in your mouth, resting the pad of his thumb harshly on your tongue.
"I want to hear every pretty little noise, do you understand slut~?" Moon growled, his mechanical tongue flicking over the bite wound.
All you could do was whimper in response seeing as his hand was lodged in your mouth, making it impossible to do anything else.
"Good pet~"
Leaning back, he lifted you up bridal style and placed you firmly on the examination table.
"Stay~" He growled, making you freeze to the spot.
Slowly he lowered himself down, tearing away the fabric of your pants with ease. You started to protest but were silenced by the prodding of his tongue through your panties, the sharp tip ghosting over your clit.
Letting out a low moan you gripped the edges of the table, bucking your hips forward slightly. Suddenly a gust of cold air met your clit as your panties were torn off and disregarded, making Moon chuckle.
Skilled fingers ghosted over your dripping lips, making you buck your hips forward once more.
"Eager little thing~"
His free hand snaked up your abdomen, stopping right at the bottom of your bra, running cool fingers over the fabric teasingly.
You started to protest, but was promptly silence by a sharp nip on the inside of your thigh, causing you to jump slightly.
"Moon~ Please~" you moaned. Your begging only met with another sharper nip, this time bruising the skin.
Suddenly cold metal fingers slipped underneath your bra flicking over your nippple, in the same moment you were filled with Moons mechanical tongue, prodding over your G-spot.
Gasping loudly, you arched your back as Moon abused your G-spot pushing you closer and closer to the edge.
"Moon~ I- I'm gonna-"
"Not yet my sweet~"
Pulling away Moon smirked at your trembling form as tears formed at the corners of your eyes, frustration evident in your voice as you whined. Your fingers instinctively reaching to finish the job.
Moon quickly grabbed onto your wrists, clicking his tongue at you.
"Naught~ Naughty~ Now how will I punish you~?"
"I'm sorry I-"
"Ah~ Ah~ Ah~ if you're to going apologize I want to hear you beg~"
Quickly pulling you up from the table he swung you over his knee, your ass in full view. He playfully ran his hand over your ass, giving it a squeeze.
"Beg... pet~"
You let out a soft whimper as his palm met your ass with a swift 'THWACK' urging you on.
"Please, Moon-"
You could feel moons bulge against your lower stomach as he kept on relentlessly spanking your ass until you could almost feel a bruise forming.
"C'mon pet~ I want to hear it~"
"Please Moon! Please I want you to fuck me!" You cried out.
You could hear him chuckle as he lifted you up by your arms.
"Now why didn't you say that sooner?"
Quickly slipping his pants off, you were surprised to see a throbbing almost tentical like dick, the veins pulsing in anticipation.
"Well?" He muttered impatiently.
"I want to ride you~" You murmured, cupping his cheek and pulling him in for a sloppy kiss.
Moon almost lost his composure as he lowered you down, moaning in your mouth as you took him inch by agonizing inch.
He was too big for you, but you didn't care, you were lost in the pleasure as his tip settled right into your g-spot, carressing it with each pulse.
"Please~" You moaned, pulling away slightly, "Please fuck me like the slut I am!"
That's all Moon needed as he flipped you over, growling like a wild animal. He gripped onto you, thrusting into your ferociously. You had no control but you were ok with it, allowing him to pleasure himself with your body turned you on so much.
"Ugh- Fuck!" Moon cried out, his sharp teeth grazing your shoulder. "You're so fucking wet!"
You could feel his sharp tallens dig into your skin, small pricks of blood forming in his grip. Suddenly he latched onto you, his teeth digging into your shoulder, you cried out in both pain and pleasure, almost going cross-eyed from it all.
"M-moon- I-" You exclaimed and he only growled in response, thrusting into you at a bruising pace.
Soon enough sparks filled your vision as you screamed in pleasure, Moons cum filling you at the exact same time.
Falling limp in his arms, you tried to catch your breath as the room began to spin. You soon lost consciousness, Moon taking special care to cradle you in his arms.
"You did good my pet~ Sun thought so as well~ rest now, you're going to have an eventful night ahead of you"
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jelly-belly-fish · 3 years
I wrote another story. My friends really wanted me to post this one, so here it is. Be warned, it has my own headcanons in it too.
TW: Cursing, Bullying
The First Meeting, Pt. 1
“C’mon, ‘Dreadgory’! Hurry up!” Xavier yelled at the boy.
“I-I’m coming,” Gregory sweetly stammered in response to his fellow classmate.
Giving the Glamrock Freddy plush he was holding a final squeeze, Gregory placed the bear plush back down on the gift shop shelf. He wanted to buy it so bad, but guess it’ll have to wait until later.
“I’ll come back for you,” he cooed softly, giving the plush a soft pat on the head, “I promise.”
The plush only gave silence as a response. Just the happy little expression sewn on its face. Gregory smiled softly back at the empty response.
“C’mon, sissy!” Gregory heard Jaxon call out to him next, “The meet and greets are starting soon! We don’t want to be late because of your slow ass!”
“Language...” Gregory whispered as he ran over to his group of friends. They all slouched and sat around the giant fountain near the grand entrance of the PizzaPlex. There were four of them: Xavier, Jaxon, Zachary, and Ian.
Xavier was a ginger with an undershave haircut. It was both smooth and spiky at the same time. Gregory always thought that the fashion trend of the boy was too mature for his age, but he didn’t question the leather-jacket-wearing 4th grader, less he wanted a bruised jaw again like last time.
Jaxon was the oldest fourth grader in Gregory’s class. With his almost-white-blonde hair and being the fastest one in gym class, he was a crush for every girl in their grade. Gregory couldn’t think of one girl who didn’t want to spend reading time with him or trade food with him at lunch. Anything to get his attention.
Zachary was probably the nicest to Gregory. Then again, that’s not saying much given how many times he dunk Gregory into sinks and dumped food all over the boy. The African American boy wore a white, zip up hoodie and blue shorts. Zachary stuck his tongue out at Gregory as he approached.
Last there was Ian. He always wore black and blue and had green eyes that always seemed like they were emotionally dead. He laughed at the most random things and told terrible jokes. And if Gregory didn’t laugh, he always got what was coming to him...
“Took you long enough, egghead!” Xavier hissed as the boys started to get up from their resting positions, “I swear if we miss these events, I’ll—“
“Xavier, shut your face!” Zachary sneered, “The more you complain to Gregory, the higher chance we’ll miss the shows! C’mon!”
As the boys started making their way to the escalators, Gregory felt a tight grip on his arm. He nervously turned to see Xavier squeezing his arm. Gregory gave Xavier a fearful look.
“This isn’t over, Evans...” Xavier hissed, thrashing Gregory’s arm down before going to join the others.
Gregory shook his head quietly, kneading his arm.
“They’re my friends...” Gregory reassured himself. Then he started to follow the group of boys up to the other parts of the PizzaPlex.
“Does everyone have their tickets?” Jaxon inquired the group as they approached the Green Rooms.
Ian giggled slightly.
“I don’t have any tickets! I’m gonna see Moondrop!”
“Seems like you guys would get along...all creepy and tell weird jokes...” mumbled Gregory under his breath, looking at the glossy, tiled floor.
“You got something to say, Dreadgory?!” Ian snapped as he grabbed the boy’s shirt collar, pulling him in close.
“You need to be nice to us, Evans,” Jaxon snarled, “you don’t want to be a crybaby who plays by himself at recess again, do ya!?”
Gregory’s heart pounded fast. He could feel the tension in the air as Ian tightened his grip on his shirt, still glaring at him with those dull green eyes.
“I-I’m sorry...” Gregory’s eyes started to sting. His brown eyes were now squeezed tight as he prepared for their punches.
Gregory didn’t get any punches, but the floor greeted him with a harsh slap as he fell onto it. His breathing hitched as Gregory shakily got onto his hands and knees. Head still low, Gregory looked back up at his group of friends. They all towered over him now.
“We’ll let you off this time, shorty...” Jaxon sneered, “It is your birthday after all.”
Ian broke out in hysterical laughter.
“Awww look at da little baby! Is he going to cry?!”
The rest of the boys started to snicker along. It was true, Gregory was going to cry.
Gregory could feel tears start to drip from his eyes. He tried to stay strong, but he could feel himself cracking.
“C’mon guys, let’s leave the birthday boy to his birthday tears!” Xavier cackled.
They all started to leave, talking amongst themselves about what animatronic they were going to see. Jaxon to Roxanne Wolf, Xavier to Montgomery Gator, Zachary to Glamrock Chica, and Ian to Moondrop.
The only one left was the main star himself: Glamrock Freddy.
He was for the birthday boy.
He was the only thing Gregory was looking forward to seeing on his birthday. The only thing to make his day better. Gregory looked down at the blue and white Fazbear Entertainment ticket in his tiny hands. Gregory then held a small smile on his face. Wiping away his tears, Gregory stood up and made his way to the Green Room of the one and only Freddy Fazbear.
His heart started jogging in his chest again. He was both excited and scared at the same time. He wasn’t the biggest fan of animatronics, but there was something about Glamrock Freddy that he loved so much. His kind demeanor, the way he cared about every child he met, his powerful vocal chords when he spoke and sung, he was like everyone’s dad. Everyone’s weird, robotic, bear dad.
As Gregory approached the green room for Freddy, he saw a red curtain draped in front of it. His pulse quickened. Why were the curtains closed? Picking up his pace, Gregory ran to the front of the curtain. There was a white sign in front of the sparkly, red curtain. Gregory’s heart dropped to his stomach.
Gregory’s teeth gritted together. He sucked air through his teeth as tears poured from his eyes.
This had to be fake. It couldn’t be real.
Gregory could sense the teasing and humiliation coming already if the other boys founded him like this. Founded the only dream he had for today to be crushed.
He wanted to cry. He wanted to scream.
He just wanted to hide away forever.
Without even thinking, Gregory dashed into the curtains and into the room behind.
It was a dark room. The only light was the little sliver coming from the cut between the two curtains. Not seeing anything around him, Gregory fell onto his face. A pained grunt slipped past his lips as his face squished into the firm, velvety carpet.
That was the final straw for him.
Curling up on the floor, Gregory hiccuped the smallest of sobs. He laid there for awhile, silently crying over his birthday being ruined.
“It’s not fair...” Gregory pulled himself into a tighter ball, “It’s not fair, it’s not fair!”
“What’s not fair?” A mocking tone asked behind the boy.
Gregory snapped up and scuttled backwards.
In the darkness, the only light being their phone flashlights, were Xavier, Jaxon, and Zachary.
They were all different however, and certainly not for the better. They were all wearing masks of the characters they all went to see. There were not visible eyes in the masks, making them look like empty voids in the darkness. They stared at him eerily, sending chills down Gregory’s spine.
“Did the baby boy not get what he wanted this year for his birthday?” Xavier questioned further. “Did he want to be forgotten?”
Gregory shook his head quickly. No...
“You know, Xavier,” Jaxon said, in a overly exaggerated thinking pose, “I heard there’s something special about these animatronics...especially Freddy...”
Gregory didn’t like where this was going. He slowly started to scoot back.
“Freddy has a special way to treat sad birthday kids!” Jaxon laughed. “He EATS them!”
“Wh-Wha...” Was all a shaken Gregory was able to say before getting snatched up by the bullies.
“And we gotta keep the bear happy and STUFFED, now don’t we Gregory?”
They flashed their lights onto the animatronic who was hiding, decommissioned in the shadows of the room.
Gregory kicked and screamed for them to let him go.
“You did this to yourself, runt,” Jaxon warned, speaking through his Roxanne mask’s wolffish grin, “You just HAD to be upset on your birthday!”
As Gregory continued to cry out louder now, Jaxon clamped a hand over the boy’s mouth, muffling his screams.
Zachary jumped on top of the small stage that Glamrock Freddy stood on. He felt around the animatronic’s chest and stomach like he was searching for something.
“Hey Jax!” He called out over Gregory’s muffled cries, “How do you open this?”
“Press his bowtie, stupid! Just like how my mom showed us!” Jaxon scoffed, struggling to keep a grip on Gregory’s squirming torso. Xavier did his best to control Gregory’s legs.
With a click and a hiss, the bear’s broad chest opened. With only the phone lights as his guide, Gregory stopped struggling for a bit and stared at the now opened chest. In the harsh lighting mixed with complete darkness, the chest cavity of the animatronic looked like a dark void...ready to swallow Gregory whole.
Gregory thrashed about even more now, like a fish trapped in a net. He wanted to cry and scream for them to stop, but Jaxon’s hand only made him make suppressed yelps.
They brought him closer...and closer....
Finally, with a good and quick shove, Gregory was forced into the tight darkness. Gregory quickly turned his head around to see the opening of the chest cavity snap close behind him. Gregory was now soaked in enclosed darkness.
“NO!” He cried.
Gregory pressed himself against the sealed entrance. Sweat made his hands clammy as he pounded against the plastic wall. Tears flooded his eyes as he anxiously knocked against the fake material.
“PLEASE LET ME OUT!!” He begged, choking between sobs, “PLEE-EEASE!!”
His cries only got muffled chuckles in response. Those chuckles made Gregory grasp onto reality. A silent fearful look took over Gregory’s tear stained, sweat covered face.
“Listen to him, the fuckin’ idiot...” A softened Xavier cackled.
“Oh, if only Ian was here,” Jaxon wheezed, “He would be laughing his ass off right now...”
Gregory’s good heart wanted to remind them of their language, but he forced himself to stay silent. That didn’t stop his tears from flooding though. Hitched breaths were sucked in through his teeth.
“Guys... I think he’s been in there long enough,” Zachary whispered, “I don’t want to get in trouble with my dad about this.”
“Oh shut up, Zack..” Xavier snapped, “The little bitch just needs to learn that him crying is so annoying..”
“Yeah,” Jaxon agreed, “No wonder no one is friends with him.”
Gregory’s heart froze. The dreaded reality finally sat in. The one he fought so hard to not accept. Tears continued to flow as he leaned against the plastic wall, sobs ripping from his throat.
Gregory truly was all alone in this world.
As he sat there, bawling his eyes out in the darkness, Gregory couldn’t help but feel something, or someone, watching him. Watching him...and watching the bullies outside his tomb. He felt the omnipresent stare on him. It felt angry. It felt judgmental. It felt...protective.
Gregory looked around the tight space. There was no room for anyone else to be in here. Heck, there was barely enough room for him to be in here. His knees ached with cramps. His feet were pressed against the metal wall behind him. Gregory wanted out...and he wanted out now. And he wanted the feeling of being watched to go away too. It certainly wasn’t helping.
Despite his silent pleas, Gregory continued to stay in that chest cavity, and the feeling of being watched only got worse.
“C’mon guys,” Jaxon sarcastically laughed, “Let’s leave the little birthday boy to his little gift from us. I’m sure he’ll want to be alone to enjoy it alllll to himself.”
That one sentence brought back the fear and dread Gregory had only mere moments ago.
“WAIT!!” Gregory shrieked, “YOU CAN’T JUST LEAVE ME IN HERE!!”
He continued to knock and slam his hands hands against the plastic wall. They seriously couldn’t be leaving him here...they couldn’t be...
“Oh, I think he’s loving it so far,” a much more distant Jaxon called out, “Have fun in there, Dreadgory!”
A burst of the boys’ laughter erupted again, suddenly being even more muffled by a curtain swooshing. Soon, the laughter faded away, only leaving Gregory in complete darkness. Complete, eerie darkness. The only sounds were Gregory’s cries and pleas, hopelessly trying to get their attention, to make them come and get him out of this stupid chest cavity. All he got in response was his cries and knocks echoing in the tight space...
After what seemed like forever of begging and tears, Gregory’s screams dialed down to soft whimpers. He hugged his knees and held them up to his chest. Gregory’s body was soaked in sweat. His forehead was beaded with the salty liquid. The dark air and his clothes were now dampen from the sweat and his tears. Still in utter darkness, Gregory continued to sob quietly, thinking of what just happened. Were his friends right? Did he really deserve this?
The little birthday boy sighed, wiping his tears from his eyes.
“Maybe they’re right...” he croaked, “M-Maybe I...I do deserve this..”
Gregory then buried his face into his knees, his eyes beginning to sting again.
“I’m all alone...” he shuttered, “Tr-Trapped in here... forever.”
“You’re not alone.”
Gregory’s head shot up. His heart began to pound quickly again. He looked around, trying to find the source of the voice.
“Who...” Gregory panicked, “Who’s there?!”
“Do not be afraid, little one,” the voice softly continued, “I’d never hurt you.”
The voice...it was rumbled like thunder and as gruff as rusty metal, but it was gentle and quiet as a butterfly. And most of all, it sounded familiar.
“Gl-Glamrock Fre—“ Gregory started, only to be interrupted again.
“Let’s make this more comfortable,” the voice proposed, “They’re gone now, so it’s safe to come out.”
There was a soft click outside. A click of a button? Gregory’s heart fluttered. Could this really be him? There was a hiss and more clicks. Gregory could feel cool and new air flush against his face. The chest cavity was now open.
Part 2 coming very soon!
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dakotarrabideaulove · 2 years
Five Disastrous Nights at the Pizza Plex
What happens to y/n as they’re doing their rounds for the night wt the daycare? Whatever it was is enough to leave them shivering in their boots.
During the first night at Freddy Fazbears Y/n had no idea what she was getting into. She was by far a petite female that was rather short, Some could mistake her for younger than her age for sure. Short hair in pretty little braids with bows. Out of comfort she was able to just wear a hoodie with black leggings since she was security rotation shift. Walking down the floors she had to check the daycare and honestly its always dark. But lately children have been found after dark either left by parents or were trying to stay the night in the pizza plex.
Y/n made her way to the large double doors and carefully pushed one door open, Shining the flashlight across the padded floor looking around. It was so eerie you could hear a pin drop with the silence. She made her way further inside inspecting play structures and surrounding areas. Of course nobody informed her about the infamous…..
Oh what a mistake what a mistake. The longer she took the less she noticed. By the time she finished checking the nap corner she turned around to leave but the door was… shut? Confused she made her way back over to the doors to push on them with the small hands…. locked??
She didnt lock these doors.. She called across the radio for them to open the daycare doors but… nothing but static. What the hell was going on? She rolled her eyes and sighed.
“Haha Sundrop you got me. Let me out I have a job to do. I know you get lonely at night.” Y/n called out but with no response besides an occasional jingle. It was pissing her off as she huffed. “Sundrop I dont have time for games! They’ll fire me if I dont do my-“
A loud clang interrupted her as she spun around flashing the flashlight around the room. Y/n could feel the hairs on her neck standing up as she swallowed the ball in her throat. She wouldn’t say it but she was /very/ upset. Her anxiety was growing by the minute and the night blindness wasnt fun either.
“Fine Ill turn the damn lights on!” She shouted making her way to the switch rather quickly. It wasnt long before long arms snagged her up and she screamed. “SUNNY WHAT THE FUCK-“
She looked up and her face turned… white. Red glowing eyes… a blue and white animatronic? Who the hell- Moondrop. But he was out of commission! Atleast thats what they said.
A low graveled tone in the females ear soon invaded through her whole body. The static voice box was identical to being harsh and broken.
“Naughty Naughty Little Star…. past your bedtime… Bad children must be PUNISHED.”
Moondrops arms opened over the ball pit dropping Y/n into it where she frantically tried to rush out of the pit before the second splash. He jumped in with her. Before she even got out he was already our of the pit standing infront of her. Claws out with razor sharp teeth. Y/n’s heart was racing as all she could hear was her own heart thrumming in her ears.
Moondrop swiped down at y/n and thankfully she jumped back so it only ripped the material of the sweatshirt. Scrambling to get away she threw herself forward.
She just had to reach the switch. Thats it. Scrambling to the light switch listening to the crackling of Moondrops voicebox behind her. All it took was one grab he curled his claw into the back of the hoodie and pulled.
Bless her for keeping it unzipped, With a yelp she shed the material and continued in her bolt forward. Until the large animatronic dripped down swiping at her. She leaned back but it still caught a few swipes into her cheek.
Hot blistering wet tears ran down her cheek as she shrieked in pain. A small hand cupping her face as the blood trickled down the pale skin and onto the floor in droplets. Y/n’s eyes met his and she could see malice and sadism growing through the spinning and clicking facial features
The claws dripped with blood on the floor with each approach the bells would jingle softly.
“Naughty Naughty Little Star… Up past your bed time…”
Y/n scrambled back and away tears staining her cheeks. Her heart thudding rapidly in her chest scrambling to come up with a plan B. Moondrop chased her into the naptime corner and backed her up slowly. His claws were raised as his voice box crackled.
“Naughty Naughty… Bad Children must be Punisheeeed…”
Its box hissed to life as y/n’s body was trembling and shaking. Soon she felt a warmth start to run down her leg and soon it was a flood. Looking down she had pissed down herself being so frightened by the animatronic trying to kill her.
Panic. Her head lifted as the tears soon started and didnt stop. She went into full sensory overload and shrunk down sobbing. Those small hands covering her face and choking up. She was going to die covered in her own piss and tears… How fuckin shameful.
Some clicks and whirrs happened with the animatronic.. he… stopped? The eyes were flashing from blue to red and continued until they mixed to purple. A deep purple that seemed to light up the room.
Moondrops voice-box hissed to life.
“Protocol Comfort Activated. Distressed Child.”
Child? She was no child. She wasn’t able to get a word in as the arms wrapped around her waist picking her up. Frantic she began to flail in the animatronics arms but that didn’t bother him. He brought her over to the changing and first aid area. Those cold, metal hands trailing across her skin pulling at her clothes to remove them.
“Hold still Little Star… Accidents happen its okay. Theres no need to cry…”
He cooed at her and her face was already warm from pissing herself and crying and now it was from sheet embarrassment.
“A…Ahm n…not a baby!” She protested.
The animatronic hummed pulling off the rest of her clothing which was ( by far) a struggle until she received a sharp, painful smack to the bottom. Oh how red y/n’s face was. Those clawed fingertips retracted into the soft padded ones as he wiped her up and down with baby wipes. Holding her legs in the air as the petite female covered her face with her hands.
This wasn’t happening. This absolutely couldn’t be happening to her. This was Humiliating and just freaky. But it was keeping her alive so she didn’t t protest too much. Moondrop was humming as he powered the females thighs and buttcheeks gently massaging in the powder. Soon he pulled out an adult diaper with moons on it sliding it underneath snd then wrapping the sides around to the front.
As if that wasnt bad enough she was out of clothes since her last pair was ruined. Moon went to the closet finding a few adult onesies when the plex use to have sleepovers with parents. He carefully helped her into one and zipped it up.
Moondrops pace was as gentle as ever. Even cleaning up the scratch on her face with a bandage.
It was barely 3 AM… she had 3 more hours to endure of this humiliating action. She was sitting on a bench kicking her feet internally she wanted to pitch a fit but… something about this seemed.. soothing. No! What are you thinking? You cant possibly like something so… so… infantile!
Moondrop had picked her up and brought her to the snack corner. He actually made her a small meal of juice, chicken nuggets, mac n cheese with a cookie.
She glanced up at him as he sat down criss cross legged humming…. She wasnt sure if he was still aggressive but for the time being she was going to try and do what he offered without instructions. She began to nibble on the food quietly. It wasnt long before she finished her food. She actually was sort of drowsy after the meal and she yawned.
“Oh little star… are you tired? I think its past your bedtime…”
The animatronic hummed and soon picked the female up bridal style cradling her to his chest. She sunk down in the onesie as he brought her to a secluded nap time area. He had sat down with her in his lap humming a soft lullaby. He pulled a fuzzy blanket overtop of her. It wasnt /so/ bad until he popped a pacifier in her mouth and she loudly whined.
“Shhhh little star.. Simply enjoy. Ill be here next you wake.”
He cooed softly into her ear gently rocking her to his humming. It wasnt long before her eyes became heavy and drooly and she was asleep. What she didnt know is he put a moondrop in her juice.
6 AM soon rolled around as daycare opened at 7:00. The lights flickered to life and all there was is whirring noises. Y/n rubbed her eyes mumbling the pacifier having long fallen out of her mouth. She came face to face with Sundrop.
“New friend! Did you come for a sleep over? Also… Why are you in one of the Daycares spare onesies?”
He tilted his head as the sun beams whirred and her heart stopped. Thats right… Sunny had no idea what was going on.
“Pajama day. Gotta look my best. I uh… came here for that and bandaids. Door got me.” Y/n lied through her teeth. Anything to get her out of there. Sundrop had released his hold on her to allow her to stand up. But before he could ask questions she sprinted away. She used thr backstage doors to get herself back to the security office unseen.
Charlie stopped her at the door with this dirty smirk. “Fuck off CB. I will not put up with you fucking doing that to me.” Y/n hissed venomously.
“What do you mean? Isn’t Moondrop just a joy to play with? I mean… Seems playing dress ups your new favorite past time. Little lady.” He laughed in her face.
Flustered. Y/n gathered her things and clocked out. Four more fucking days of this bullshit.
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