#mun natters
ase-trollplays · 1 month
I made a YouTube channel to record and document my top surgery journey for anyone who wants to see updates I don't post here.
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grammartrolls · 1 year
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constellationcrowned · 11 months
((One of the more subtle things that I hope is brought up in more detail is the efforts that Flynn and Bo go to in order to restore Kariom's memories. In no particular order we have: conversation, exposure to places and important objects, keeping multiple journals/diaries, playing recordings of his voice back to him, legitimately hypnotizing him, and so on.
A few of these things? Fine, normal even. But the escalation is stark and all it really shows is that neither Bo nor Flynn know what to do or how to help and they make it incredibly clear that the things they've tried aren't foolproof. Even Bo's reasoning for giving Kariom a camera and having him take Flynn and Bo's picture directly references it:
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((The gesture and gift itself is very sweet (and I'm sure Kariom would love to have a camera, that's very fitting for him) but the underlying reason? The adding on to the efforts/measures they can rely on to restore his memories without nary a mention of anything else on top of knowing that it's not going to work long term if at all? That just makes it.....sad. No, not just sad: it's desperate. It's a reality made worse by how unbothered Bo is and by how bothered Flynn is---Flynn even makes a sarcastic remark and then reminds Bo that the journals didn't work and so why would photos---and how more and more they're (seemingly) on opposite sides. They're fighting a losing battle and only one of them is actively pushing for it to be stopped.))
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((This is more for me than anything but the flowers associated with Milosh (and by extension Kariom) is super interesting. We're always going back to birds huh? Also the fact that Kariom states that he can hear them singing in the same way as the stars is also something that I hope comes back up in the future.))
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wanderingsongbird · 1 year
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FULL VIEW PLEASE because curse you, compression
So, several weeks ago I had this idea for a vision thanks to @the-killer-kit
Their mun and I got to nattering about Kit and his perks and lore and--
This happened.
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★★★★★ Fun as hell mun that somehow lets me get away with doodling shibari of the muse. Hella fun to natter with and plot. 5/5 will chuck my muse at again and again @wanderingsongbird
[I appreciate being called fun lmao, and by all means draw as much shibari of my characters as you want! Love your Kate and the way you portray her, and Your ART... Indescribable. 10/10 would discuss character rope stuff with again]
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murdering-time · 2 years
(// true! I do get that- shipping is nice and all, especially when you get down to the character development and relationships and stuff, but what about the ones that want to do something general?? Without it being overwhelming including so many people at one time?
Also mun, you say ramble like that's a threatening promise but I promise you I would watch the absolute shit out of a video essay on jervis tetch- just can't promise it'll be in one setting, since adhd and attention span go brr)
-- ☎️
// I'm keeping this post to write the thoughts on. //
Annotated by Dictaphone
I am going to ramble about Jervis Tetch because I need to get this essay done. I'm so glad I have typed his name in so much that my phone fucking recognizes his name, great, this makes it so much easier, let me get the post up really quickly, I have it saved somewhere in my drafts but there are a lot of thoughts about Jervis that I have have and I shall - I shall voice those -- I shall voice these opinions.
hold on ok where do I want to start...
So the ask post says "mun you say ramble like that's a threatening promise but I would watch the absolute shit out of a video essay on Jervis Tetch, can't promise it will be in one sitting since ADHD and attention span that"
Still I'm going to get my WordPress up really quickly because I've written most of this already ... I don't need to login in, do I not have my phone... I don't... is it -- excuse me
No you know what - I was going to talk - I was going to talk while I get this loaded so the thing I really like about Jervis is that there's a lot.
There's a lot. There are so many qualities to him and things that I want to touch upon; his obsessive nature; the clear mental illness coding; and just I guess if he could be saved in general... so to start with would be the hyperfixations and The Obsession
I don't know how to do like enter so I'm just going to rattle it off so when was -- this is purely the Animated Series for the record and just because that's the one I'm most familiar with -- so this will likely be a ramble that I natter on and on and on about; I can make it more coherent at some point when I read it
Judge and jury; analysing Jervis tetch
a dive into the portrayal of decline within Batman
and it really is just like - that's another thing I want to touch on Alice, the Decline, and just him in general, so I basically started to say it's like -
it is a common statement among many DC fans to say that Batman does more harm than good; whether this is to Gotham, the people of it, or those who become his nemesis. the Animated Series even goes so far as to hold a mock trial for the bat himself; however this small piece won't be diverge further than the episode mentioned as "mad as a hatter"
I will reference some of the other episode but it is - it is good to keep it to "mad as a hatter" as enough. after all if we want to see if Bats really did cause Jervis' downfall then his precipice must be identified either before or during his first interaction with batman himself, and depending on that, whether or not Tetch could have been redeemed and when so.
The first introduction to our Mad Hatter is seemingly a regular rendition of a scientist exstatic over his device and having finished the project with outstanding results, already someone to sympathise with, he's achieved a goal and something clearly he's been discouraged to do if not definitely mocked for by the debunking naysayers within his community.
As "they all laughed" when he proposed the thesis, already it is clear that the man will go out of his way to achieve his goals and to gather definite results and prove to himself that he's worth something within his field and the company.
The underlying issue is, of course, self confidence...and where the desire to succeed comes from, taking note of the fact that his goal was to control creatures to act "more civilized". But even then, he goes as far as to state he could "control anything". This need for manipulation is clearly where Mr. Tetch's downfall begins.
Within 5 minutes into the 20-minute episode roughly quarter of the way through we're shown that service has the ability to be reasonable if not a mild mannered man
yeah it is clear that he suffers from some form of social anxiety as it is Made clear in his introduction.
it is apparent when talking to to Kate's he clearly has some form of hierarchical understanding of the company aware that Cates sits above him and Bruce sits above her. it is to Tetch's understanding that he must be accepted by his peers to be respected, his work done with the rats shows a clear understanding of not on neurological prowess but also a technological strength in that he has worked on his own circuitry and that he has developed his own programming and -- and Concepts for mind control
It is that we are introduced to Alice but we are also introduced through -- through subtlety and -- and background Cues that Jervis has an obsessive personality. So the episode itself is called "mad as a hatter", we are then introduced to Jervis tetch immediately after we see he in the background has an Alice in Wonderland poster.
It is never drawn upon though it is upon meeting the character Alice that we see this is where the focus of the episode will go and knowing that he is "mad as a hatter" we can only assume that this is where his downfall begins.
Prior to his downfall, it is established that Alice and him have a close relationship because she treats him as a human being; he goes on to say that she's the only one to really understand him and it is at that point that Alice says that she was lucky to have a man like him in her life alongside her partner who has not yet been introduced --introduced in a sentence in that we are made aware of the fact that she has a relationship. we are experiencing the shock alongside Jervis
Except in our case the shock is not so much we are hurt, it is more so we were led to believe that with Alice he is very very clearly smitten and very clearly socially anxious. We were to believe that either this would be that he is Hatter and she is his Alice, or that this story would be more likely his downfall over Alice.
It is interesting to note that in the original text for Alice in Wonderland she was uninvited to the tea party and that Jervis is the uninvited party in this episode... it is unusual connection to make but it is also something worth noting almost as if the to the two texts are foils to each other or rather the two medias are foils to each other; so where as the Mad Hatter was already mad in Wonderland we get to see Jervis go mad, and as Alice was uninvited in Wonderland we see Jervis as the uninvited party.
Whether the writer's intended this or not, Jervis is very clearly coded in a certain way -- he is very clearly coded to have some form of mental illness -- most like other roagues. Whether this is because of the 90s being the 90s, or because the writer's wanted them to be mentally ill and and create a tragedy from that --
See I think Edward would be the best example referring to Riddlers reform where we see him have a breakdown. it is a tragedy in a bitter sense. You can see this brilliant wonderful man who has a mind worth bragging about go down a root of his own self-fulfilling prophecy of a complete meltdown.
That's another thing for another day
So within the analysis we can see that his obsessive nature towards this presence is derived from the fact that he's obsessed with Alice in Wonderland. I do not believe that he was obsessed with Alice because of who she is I believe he was obsessed with her because she was caring to him and because her name is Alice.
It stems from the work that he's obsessed with, because it is to with something that he cares about and she has treated him kindly in an environment where he's been ostracised and socially neglected due to his mental health, and the way he acts, and his obsessive nature, and his completely ridiculous scientific reports that he divulges in. So when she treats him kindly, and the fact that her name is Alice just completes the the prime example of whatever he's looking for; kindness, sympathy, and better yet something wonderland.
Even when it's his private studies with the mice that replicates Wonderland because you can see the dormouse having tea so all throughout everything Jervis does it's motivated by Wonderland in some sense.
You see him grow from that anxious man when first meeting Bruce and then he grows agitated at Kate's -- I believe I need to refresh myself with the episode so I usually know it fairly well -- I usually know it word for word --
So he grows agitated upon hearing that Alice has a partner because he -- he already thinks that he deserves her because he sees himself too consciously as the Hatter -- he thinks that Alice is part of his world, not part of Billy's world, not that he knows who Billy is right now.
So it's at that point already that I truly think he is beyond saving. The fact that he or rather -- you know that's where we see the downfall truly start -- I don't think batman had anything to do with it, but I do think that Jervis not getting the help he required made or not even being able to recognise that he ostracize himself and isolates himself to a point of obsessive Madness, I think the fact that wasn't brought up is definitely not great. I think at that point, this is -- we were -- we see the start of the downfall as the rest of the episode plays out but it's definitely that Turning Point where he sees himself entitled to Alice.
Through the anger of her already having a partner that he basically Dons the Hatter Namesake.
I think through his obsession and through his isolation he -- he has his downfall and it's a lot of the rogues that do this to themselves almost in the sense that they are truly helpless to the way that their minds think.
Which makes sense because a lot of them are coded to be mentally ill I think the only person so far that I've gotten up to --I've gotten up Clock King -- no that's not true I've got a past that, I've gotten up to fear of Victory -- but through -- through watching the episodes the only person I have no remorse for in the animated series is the first iteration of crane because the first iteration of Crane was merciless -- he was merciless and it was painful to watch How Little remorse he had and -- and his motivation was spite so I-- I can't empathize with the animated Crane at all nothing -- I can't -- I cannot emphasise with the "nothing to fear" crane at all -- but it's interesting to compare them all against each other.
Scientists you can compare-- each scientist against each other especially scientists with an obsessive drive.
We completely and directly compare and contrast Jervis and Kirk, both the scientist with an obsessive drive, both the scientists who go out of their way to understand their obsession, and -- and both have research fuelled by obsession. Kirk has his bats Jervis is Wonderland.
So you have on one hand Kirk langstrom who is literally sacrificing his body and himself to his work, and on the other hand you have Mad Hatter who's sacrificing the people around him and it is interesting to note that Kirk is socialised and has a wife where as Jervis is completely isolated on his own.
It almost begs to-- to say that the people around you help you become who you are or at least in rogue senses... so Kirk you know his wife helps him in the end if I remember correctly and Jervis just doesn't because Kirk has that support but Jervis does not have that support at all so he becomes Maddened
It's more of a tragedy because you see it have an effect on him and those around him. Jervis has no support system at all and it's just-- it's just that notion of -- you know -- if you are supported you will still you know -- you -- you are still susceptible to Villainy but there is a way to help because instead of going to Arkham I believe Kirk is given a cure so there's this Direct comparison between the two of them; both scientists, both to have romantic interests, both have an obsessive personality, one of them is cured the other's sent to Arkham. I don't see Jervis not going to Arkham but I do pity him I do pity him a lot
With his relationship, to how he sees himself, there is clearly a lot of -- a lot of similarities between how he sees himself and how he sees the Hatter.
For example, he talks to his mice which then they have tea as like in the book, and he -- he has found people outcast him for being eccentric so he truly believes that because he is outcast he is mad or at least is made to be mad.
Additionally with how he is physically and with the way they designed him he looks very similar to the original Hatter it makes him even more singled out, so when he is isolated and he's working on his neurotech and he's obsessed with the book etc etc it is -- it is like he is projecting and to an extreme extent as well where in the book The hatter and Alice are amicable together -- it is completely different in the animated series
This is in contrast to Cates is specifically important because we are following Tetch's narrative. We as the audience villainize Kate's alongside Jervis Tetch that we only see her as a very blunt and forward woman and the way that she treats Tetch seems unfair. That we have only known him for a couple of seconds to be positive immediately the narrative is already biased because we don't know the context of what Cates is like. because she has every right to be angered and concerned and we can only assume that this is at the end -- or this is the at the end of something that has been building and building for a while.
And so with that in mind, we have to understand that where Cates is very career-orientated, she clearly cares for Alice to some degree. You can see her comfort her when she's left by Billy, she clearly doesn't emphasise but she has a lot of sympathy. Knowing this we can somewhat established that Cates is looking out for Alice and the fact that she has a distaste of Tetch proves that this is to some extent -- if not a lot of extent -- nefarious.
We also don't know how old he is. We know that Alice looks incredibly young and already there with that like seemingly large age-gap it's even worse.
I truly believe that Alice is too nice for her and good. When Jervis takes her out to Wonderland -- which is another thing and itself you can analyse -- that in itself she says that he's a silly little man so you already get painted -- you already get painted -- you already get painted this picture of -- of like naivety almost -- but like -- kind naivety so she definitely -- I don't know -- she was susceptible to -- to -- to -- no, not manipulation necessarily -- but definitely some form of mind fuckery...
I mean it's Tetch, you know you don't get Jervis without mind fucking but like I don't know -- I think the fact that Alice is the way that she is and she's supposed to be that -- if she's clearly looking at the good and everyone...
It is is any old Alice for Jervis but this Alice because of the way that she is and that -- it just makes it even worse because she's in more danger towards Jervis which I truly believe was what Cates was on the lookout for.
BASICALLy in conclusion, no Batman didnt make Tetch, he was simply a catalyst and Jervis was already the Hatter the moment we met him. He just chose to don the namesake after growing posessive of Alice to an obsessive degree.
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dailydergduo · 7 years
Anyone up for starting a PMD AU prompt blog with me? It'll be like an adventure town blog with shopkeepers and missions and stuff, I'm looking for about 6 shopkeepers providing different services~ There may be a Discord RP server attached too~
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ase-trollplays · 1 year
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grammartrolls · 2 years
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quick judgemental natter before bed for today
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constellationcrowned · 3 months
((Concerning the 'born two times' comment re; Kariom what if he died as a fullblood mortal kid and that's why he's a half-blood now………))
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((The fact that Ep0 ends with Danny carrying Ray deeper into the building and the fact that Ao/D ends with Zack carrying her out of the building, bye. Poetic cinema.))
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(Just wondering, say we win the design. Would it be alright to make minor changes, like perhaps inverting colors and such??)
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As the creator of the design I’d like any changes to be passed by me first, but in all honesty if it isn’t a super drastic change it shouldn’t be a problem~
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redxriiot · 5 years
Kiri with a goofy crush on a mentor/teacher/pro is pretty cute to picture.
#//LETS BE CLEAR#//He’ll expect it to remain one-sided and is QUITE content with that#//If said person axtually reciprocated; he’d NOPEthe fuck away#//It’s basically when teens get silly crushes on celebrities and the like; doesn’t really mean anything nor will he really act on it#;mun has spoken#//I say 'cute' bc of Kiri himself; there's a chance he'll be in puppy mode more than usual#//It's like Deku's fanboying; only instead of gushing; he expresses solely in actions#//More atuned to their needs for sure#//They need water or some document? Kiri’s noticed and already gotten it for them#//They need someone to run an errand? Kiri’s the first one to volunteer#//He’ll fuckin’ almost low-key vibrate into the SUN if they happen to compliment him#//And get a little discouraged if his efforts go unnoticed#//If asked; he’ll reflexively say he’s just being eager to help#//Which isn’t a lie; he ALWAYS is; no natter who the person might be#hc#//Any feelings are almost exclusively bc he just craves the validation/attention from an older male (especially authority) figure#//That's the important part to note here; especially since he tends to confuse crushes and strong admiration#//And as such any compliments or even platonic gestures of affection like hair ruffling/head pats will have him OVER THE MOON#for the rest of the day; with his internal monologue being ‘holy shit; i did good. holy shit; i’m not a screw up!’#//I mean; head pats and being told he did a good job or especially was a ‘good boy’ already make him so happy#//From them in particular; he’d be ECSTATIC#//But like I said; he won't treat the crushes as anything special or definitely won't seek to have them returned#//Maybe be happy he has hem bc he has more incentive to take care of/protect them#//the most he’d be willing to date is someone who like 18; maybe 19; but the latter REALLY depends on how long he knows them/whi they are#;mobile#//Kiri aged 19/20 however is a different story
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@dcntcommitsuicide​ asked: 12. What’s the meaning behind your muse’s url?
Another RP Questions For The Mun (always accepting) 
Here it is on another post because I am extra and ramble far too much. So here’s an essay on what all the URLs for my sideblogs (and for this blog!) mean, for anybody who was curious:
the-unofficial-force - So this is going to take some explaining... Basically, all of the muses here (my OCs, anyways) are/were from a fanfic universe/series I was planning on writing back in like 2011-2012 when I was in middle school (I might still do this if people want me to and if I ever have time, but, this is fine for now. Also good gravy I just realized how long I’ve been in BBC Sherlock hell... I’m old...). The original idea was that all of the muses here know each other, are friends with each other, and sometimes get involved in their parents’ business in between dealing with their own lives and stuff. Because I wanted to justify this by hearkening back to the original books, I called these doofs “The Baker Street Irregulars”. Therefore, when it came time to pick a URL, I figured the quote where Holmes first coins the term, “it is the unofficial force... the Baker Street Irregulars”  would be a good pick.
The rest are under the cut because this got so long and you probably only wanted this URL... I am so, so sorry.
elijahseditorials - Eli’s a writer and his blog is from his perspective/a good deal more personal than some of the others because of how emotional he is. Editorials, of course, are personal thoughts on the world and the people around the writer. Hence, the blog is kind of like Elijah’s editorials. (I had a hard time with this one, so it’s not the best of reasons!)
the-domin-ator - Dom’s a funny guy but kind of innocent (despite being a little shit) and loves puns, and he’s also a rock star/musician type. When I first started out/in the fanfic verse I mentioned above, I set his age as a young teenager with somewhat misplaced/odd rock ‘n’ roll sensibilities, so, I figured he’d try to make up a really, really stupid badass stage name for himself and use it totally unironically, hence “The Dominator”.
singingsoftlytothedawn - Will’s an actor and really into musical theatre, and I felt like “Corner of the Sky” from Pippin (which is also one of his nicknames) fit him and his attitude rather nicely. The specific lyric is, “So don’t ask where I’m going/Just listen when I’m gone/And far away you’ll hear me singing/Softly to the dawn”.
stvitusdancer - Okay, so the St. Vitus’ Dance was what a lot of people called this outbreak of dancing mania/dancing plague throughout the 14th, 15th, 16th, and 17th centuries (I’m a huge medieval and history buff, so...) where people literally danced until they died. St. Vitus is the patron saint of dancers and entertainers, but there’s this huge macabre history surrounding him because of that. Penny loves any and all things morbid and dark (eventually becoming a detective like her uncle Sherlock), but remains completely well-adjusted, pleasant, and happy. She’s also a ballerina and loves to dance, so I figured St. Vitus would fit a dancer who loved dark and creepy stuff.
theotherdilestrade - This one is pretty self-explanatory. Isabel, like her dad, goes into police work at New Scotland Yard and becomes a DI. So I figure there would be a lot of confusion between having two DIs with the same name, and Isabel would have to clarify who she is and how she’s not her father (if somebody expected to have her father consult on their case but got her instead, for example). The scenario I was imagining specifically was Isa and Greg eating lunch together or something and someone calling for DI Lestrade, and both of them turning around, Greg making motions to get up, and whoever called them would have to say, “no, not you, the other DI Lestrade”. Also the URL can sort of be read as Isabel trying to step out from her dad’s shadow while still being really close to him and honoring the work he does.
neverchangeanddontyoueverstop - So Sarah is still woefully underdeveloped and I need to fix that at some point, so I had no idea what to do with her URL. Thankfully, Fleetwood Mac’s song “Sara” has the line, “Sara/You’re the poet in my heart/Never change/And don’t you ever stop” which captures her attitude fairly well (she’s an optimist and has a very plucky outlook on life) so I just used that.
quis--custodiet and forged--in--fire - Ah yes, the cryptids of my blog. Sean and Daisy are a pair of siblings who may get scrapped at this point (but I love them so much...) but are important to everybody else here as they’re part of the fanfic verse I’ve been talking about. Quis custodiet is Latin for “who guards”, and it’s a take off on the phrase, Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?, or, literally translated, “Who will guard the guards themselves?”. I feel like that’s sort of a summation of Sean’s role in the team, as he’s often times the voice of reason and is very protective of all his friends. Daisy loves to do really cool metallurgy stuff (welding, soldering, smeltering, mechanics probably too, all that jazz), and really comes into her own by finding it/something she’s good at (it’s a big character moment for her), so, she was literally forged in fire.
rose--of-the--world - My unannounced, unofficially official Rosie Watson blog! This is just a translation of one of the meanings of “Rosamund”.
lets-investigate - So this is theoretically the home for my Holmes and Watson muses, but, I’m not on here as much as I ought to be. I probably should have made this its own main blog but I got lazy... this whole account is probably going to be going through some overhauling soon (nothing bad though!). “The Other Side of Life” by The Moody Blues always has given me really strong Sherlock Holmes vibes. Like, all of it, but specifically the lines, “The atmosphere on the streets tonight/Is the driving beat of the world/The word down here on the streets tonight/Is the truest music you’ve heard” but I couldn’t think of a good URL from that because all of it is so good. So, instead, I picked the chorus to pluck a URL from: “Baby, baby, baby, let’s investigate/The other side of life tonight/The lovers and the fighters and the risks they take/Are on the other side of life tonight”.
holmesthemeddler - This comes from one of my favorite exchanges in the ACD books, from The Speckled Band, when Roylott is trying to intimidate Holmes and Holmes just gleefully takes the (in my opinion) really silly insults: “I know you, you scoundrel! I have heard of you before. You are Holmes the meddler!... Holmes the busybody!... Holmes the Scotland Yard Jack-in-office!” Also, he does meddle, a lot, and I think it’s a pretty good descriptor of his character.
goodoldwatson - Also from the ACD books, this is from His Last Bow: “Good old Watson! You are the one fixed point in a changing age. There's an east wind coming all the same, such a wind as never blew on England yet. It will be cold and bitter, Watson, and a good many of us may wither before its blast. But it's God's own wind none the less, and a cleaner, better, stronger land will lie in the sunshine when the storm has cleared.” I also thought it complimented “holmesthemeddler” nicely!
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murdering-time · 2 years
Don't worry mun! It happens! Just understand that they're doing the same as you, and if you're still too nervous, you could instead message smaller blogs (like the gothamite roleplayers) or just blogs that don't completely focus on rp! (coming from someone who rps on their main blog, has an ask blog, and a rp blog) it's very nerve wracking, but the best you can do is take a deep breath and take the plunge.
If they do react bad, screw them! This is tumblr, everyone rps on here at least once, and they shouldn't have a rp blog or an ask blog if they don't want to be messaged about it.
I rambled a bit but. Take the plunge, and if they do react bad, just block them and go on with your day. If they don't think you're worth it, they sure as hell ain't either.
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"We all RP here. I RP. You RP. You must do, or otherwise you wouldn't have come here."
I do appreciate the comfort though, honestly, helps when running a blog dedicated to a man that literally says he can "still win" and then makes Alice, oh, I don't know... A lifeless doll.
"By-the-by, what became of that Alice?"
I do love a good natter though, so don't worry about the rambling!
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