#my cousin is down introducing us to his gf and mum is showing off my bro is being mean
honeymaki · 9 months
I’m disgustingly yearning for a girlfriend rn but I am going to wait for so so long to introduce them to my family
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mm-society-women · 7 years
n3sh3r0x : HC!!! RFA + V reaction to Mc's fam being a bag of nutcases? Like they're 24/7 being lame and joking around and really inquisitive of MCs BF/GF
So my friend, @n3sh3r0x asked for this hc. SHE’S AMAZING GUYS!! Please follow her!!!
AND I’M SORRY but i really couldn’t imagine all of the families being a bag of nutcases. SO I DECIDED TO WRITE A “RFA+V+ SAERAN REACTING TO MC’S FAMILY”
- Sweet, sweet yoosung was pretty nervous when you told him that you wanted him to meet your family
-I mean.... who wouldn’t ??
-You father worked at this huge pharmaceutical company,  you mother was a cardiologist and to top it all off your sister was a lawyer at a big firm.
-Even you scared the living crap outta him when he first met you
-So when he first met your parents, he was shaking. Actually he was shaking for all the right reasons. Let me explain.
-Your father was immaculately dressed in his most expensive suit like show off much?, your mother wore a simple but beautiful gown and your sister??? Let’s just say that she wore a pair of sweatpants just to piss you off.
- Yoosung couldn’t stop laughing at this contrast. 
-As your father gracefully gave out his hand for a handshake, he was still laughing cause your sister was sticking her tongue out at you?? And you were being all cute, pinching her and making faces at her?
- Gosh ! Even the intellectuals weren’t any different , were they?
- “GOD DAMMIT! STOP IT GIRLS YOU ALWAYS EMBARRASS ME LIKE THIS!! I just wanted MC’s boyfriend to have a good impression on our family,” your father screamed.
- Your mum giggled, “Pay no mind to them yoosung!! We doctors must stay away from this lot at all times.”
- You mum really liked yoosung as they were both in the medical profession. She was a really chatty person. She blabbered on about how hard it was being a doctor. “I dunno how you did it yoosung,” she said, “I could barely learn how to treat the heart and you’ve learnt about how to treat the entire animal kingdom?” She sighed dramatically. 
- “HEY YOOSUNG!! Did you know that MC peed her pants in the sixth grade?” Your sister chimed in. “NO I DIDN’T,” you screamed and the two of you got into a cat fight. 
-Your dad sighed and apologized to him, “Welcome to the family, son.”
-Yoosung really did love your unique and wonderful family. And your family loved him more. 
Bonus: Your sister kept making passes at yoosung, vowing to steal him away from you when the two of you break up. She was just kidding! Or was she? Yoosung never knew about this. 
-Zen was really excited when you told him you wanted him to meet your family
- You used to tell him a lot about your family and he loved to hear about your two moms and you baby sister
- The whole day he was all like, “MC !! Should I wear this?? OR SHould I wear that??? Will you mom like this better.” 
- “JUST WEAR SOMETHING, ZEN,” you screamed.
-But it was so cute seeing him all excited.
- When you finally got to your house, he was so excited that he hugged both your mums. 
- “Nice to finally meet you,” He beamed, “I’m Zen.”
- “Wow I didn’t know my daughter was hiding such a handsome man,” Your mum giggled. “OH, MC~~” she sang. 
- You blushed so hard, it made Zen laugh.
- Your other mum laughed and kissed her on the cheek. “Oh and Zen,” she said, “We have this really BIG fan, just dying to meet you.”
- Your little sister was clinging to your mum’s leg. 
- “Come on, sweetie,” you called her out ,”Zen has a little gift for you.”
- But she still wouldn’t budge
- Zen knelt down and took her hands. “Looks like there are two very beautiful princesses in this house,” he smiled. He placed a little crown on her head. 
- She gave a tiny little smile. “Lift me !!” she ordered.
- “The shining knight Zen at your service, milady,” he laughed as he picked her up 
-He refused to put your little sister down for the whole day. Your lil sis had such radical fun,  getting a piggy back ride from Zen.
- Your parents loved Zen!! He was so sweet. He always was so well mannered and complimented them on little things.  
-At the end of the day, Zen ended up wanting to create a family like that with you. 
Bonus: Zen calls both your mums as ‘mum’ and ‘mama’, the way you call them. They love it. And they were so happy when zen first called them that
-You pure beautiful Jaehee was only second to Yoosung on the nervousness level when she first met your family 
- “But MC,” she dragged, “Is your family really ok with this? Me being a..... girl and all.”
- “Hush, my dear,” you kissed her on the nose, “I should be asking you if you’re ok with meeting my crazy family.”
- This reassured her a lot. But she was still nervous about making first impressions.
- Your family was a big one.
-I mean a reaaaaalllly big one. With cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents.
-So when you first got to the door, a flurry of kids surrounded you and Jaehee. 
- “OMG it’s MC!” 
- “IS that MC’s Girlfriend?”
-” MC AND JAEHEE, come play with us!!” 
-The kids were really noisy but Jaehee enjoyed the racket. The kids started introducing themselves and Jaehee was trying to memorize all of their names. 
-”Ok!! YOu twerps !! We’ll come back to you later!! We are going to meet the adults so LEAVE MY GIRLFRIEND ALONE,” you grabbed her hand pulled her out.
- “awwww MC you’re such a spoil sport.” You could hear all the groans and sighs. 
- Immediately after a group of adults surrounded you two. 
- “Is this the Jaehee??? “ your aunt literally screamed. 
- She pulled Jaehee closer, took a good and long look at her.
- “Tell me, Jaehee,” she said, “HOW THE HELL DO YOU PUT UP WITH A WHINY CHILD LIKE MC. We still don’t know.”
-All the others nodded in agreement. 
- “STOP embarrassing me in front of my Girlfriend,” you stomped your foot.
- All of Jaehee’s nervousness dissipated. And she laughed. “Oh no!” she said and looked at you, “It has always been the other way around.”
-You blushed so hard. What did you do to deserve her? 
- Everyone from the teenagers, to the kids , to the adults and the elders took their turns with Jaehee.
- They really loved her. And really couldn’t understand why such a sweet angel like her chose you. You really couldn’t understand that either   
-Although she was drained by the end of the day, she was really looking forward to the next trip.
-Jumin was always so curious about your family
- Whenever he asked about your family, you would brush him off saying that you would tell him when you were ready.
-He also never really got why you were working, when he was there to provide for you?
-Although he was really curious, he respected your wishes and never delved into that matter again.
- Then one day you decided it was time he met you family.
- You were actually from another town. You were from a really poor family, with your father dying when you were only 16 years old. Being the eldest, you had to help your mother raise your younger sister and brother. 
- Jumin now understood why you had to work.
- “But I can provide for your family, Mc,” he protested. 
- But you flat out refused cause you didn’t marry him for the money. 
-So you took the weekend off from work to visit your family with Jumin. 
- “Jumin, just don’t offer my mother any money,” you tell him, “We are doing very well now! And my mother would refuse cause she’s such a hard worker.”
- Jumin nodded. But you were not sure about what his stubborn ass was actually going to do.
-When you got home, you little sister and brother excitedly hugged you. 
- “MC!! YOU’RE HOME,” they shouted. 
- “Mc, look!! I got the first place in my class this year,” you little brother beamed. 
- Your sister got annoyed. “But MC! I got first place on both my tests and my relay,” you sister stuck her tongue out.
- Your brother was about to retaliate when you mother intervened, “Mc and her boyfriend traveled a long way, kids.Let them rest.”
-They went back sighing. You laughed and hugged your mum. 
- “And you must be Jumin,” your mum said breaking the hug. 
-Jumin was so fixated at your house. It was so small. But it really was so warm and wonderful. 
- “Yes mam. I’m Jumin Han,” he said as he took your mother’s hand, “Pleasure to meet you.”
- You and your mum burst into laughter. 
- “You really dont have to be so formal, Mr. Han~~,” you teased. 
- The kids tugged at Jumin’s trousers. 
-They were really curious about this royal looking stranger
-Jumin was really surprised by the kids. They were so well mannered, smart and hard working just like MC.
-He really loved them a lot. And they liked him too.
-And MC’s mother had so much dignity and integrity. He respected her deeply. And your mother loved Jumin for his honesty and manners. And she knew how much he loved and respected you. 
- And the food your mother cooked for him?? Never had he eaten anything so delicious his entire life.
- Just sitting around with your family and eating with them, made him realise that money really wasn’t everything 
-After that, he never did complain about you having to go to work. But he insisted on helping out a little.
- He always did send your family little extravagant gifts and souvenirs. And demanded a monthly visit to see you mum and the kids
-He took you guys on a lot of trips. And the kids really enjoyed their time with him.
-Given his past, Seven really wanted a to be a part of a family
- So when you wanted to introduce him to your parents, HE WAS SO EXCITED, OVERJOYED, ELATED *add any synonym of your choice*
-You were from a middle class family
-Nothing special really
-You were the only kid.
- “Ok 7,” you warn him, “No funny business at my home... My dad is really strict.”
- “You betcha,” he sticks his tongue out.
-You sigh.... This was bad......... Really bad
-So when you get home, your father growls, “And what is the name of this boy MC? What does he do?”
- “Dad, this is Se-.. I mean Saeyoung and hes a hac-.. I mean a computer programmer.”
- “Why hello~~ sir,” 7 sang and let out his hand for a handshake.
- You dad looked at him from his head to his toe and sighed. 
- “I’ll be at my room if you need me,” he frowned. 
- 7 looked a little upset. Your mum sensed this too. 
- “Oh don’t mind that grumpy old man, Saeyoung, my dear,” you mum chimed, “I really dont know how I put up with him for so many years.”
-You giggled and held 7′s hand.
- “Don;t take it to heart, hon,” you laughed, “He’s what I call a Tsundere dad.”
- “TSUNDERE DAD??” he screamed. WTH MC 
- “The more he likes a person, the ruder he is to them,” your mum explained.
- Saeyoung couldn’t stop laughing, “I’m starting to like your dad.”
-So 7 like usual, kept making his lousy jokes. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes while your mother laughed. 
-Your dad crept in. “OH, You all are making a lot of noise. KEEP IT DOWN,” he said as he sat across you guys with a newspaper.
-You all could not help but chuckle. Oh, the things your dad did just to spend time with you, without actually admitting it.
- “So saeyoung,” your dad started, “How much is it that you earn.”
- 7 sat up straight. “See Sir, it actually depends.....”
- “He earns a lot, dad,” you cut in, “Have you seen his car?” You showed him a picture of his car.
-You dad was impressed and interested but he wouldnt admit it. 
- “It’s a decent car,” he frowned
- The three of you were internally screaming. 
- All throughout the evening 7 made small talk with your dad. He followed him everywhere. Your dad actually showed him his precious stamp collection and LET HIM TOUCH IT.
- Saeyoung started called your mother as mum. AND YOUR MUM LOVED IT
- “Don;t call her that,” you father growled. 
- “But DAD~~~” 7 sang
- “DONT CALL ME THAT,” he shouted. But he was very happy, internally. Tsundere dad strikes again
-He really had taken a liking towards your dad.
- You dad called him annoying a lot but deep inside... lets face it! He loved Saeyoung a lot.
- When it was time to leave, your dad gave you a peck on you cheek as he said , “Saeyoung is good guy, mc. I like him.”
- You werent gonna tell saeyoung this but you had a feeling he already knew.  
- Saeyoung sometimes liked to visit your parents alone and spend time with them
ps...... If you;ve seen Saiki Kusuo then you’ll know about the tsundere grandpa.... that episode literally changed my life
- “V!” you proclaimed one day, “I want you to meet my family.”
- V was surprisingly very cool about this, “Ok mc” he said as he kissed you on the forehead.
-The only family you had left was your two brothers. They practically raised you. Everything they ever did was for you. You didn’t have one complaint in your life. One brother was a professional wrestler and the other worked for the government.
- The two of your brothers were dying to meet V. They planned on how they were going to freak MC’s boyfriend out cause they were both so muscular and buff. And not to mention tall. They were both wrestlers in high school and had so many medals, that you learnt how to count with them
-So anyways, they were really planning to freak your boyfriend out. 
-They wanted to make sure that your boyfriend was man enough. You were their precious baby sister after all. 
- Well, jokes on them.... V was blind. 
- There was no way V was gonna be intimidated my their looks.
- Their jaws fell to the floor when they saw V
- “Mc... is he....”
- “Yes, Im blind,” V interjected, “ But I can see a little with one eye”
- They regained their composure. But they still had to make sure that he would treat their precious little sister well
- “Well Jihyun,” you brother firmly held V’s shoulder, “If you ever do something to our sister then God help you.” 
-You were angered my your brothers’ rude behavior towards V. Before you could protest, V said calmly, “Sir, I wouldnt hurt a hair on her head. She is the love of my life.”
- Commence Jaw Drop
-You blushed hard..... as did your brothers. The line was delivered so cooly and calmly.
-”V~~” you hit his hand playfully.
- Your brothers laughed. 
- “I’ve been married for 5 years and never once have I said such a thing to my wife. We should learn a lot from you V”
- You brothers loved him. They were so boisterous and playful... so unlike V. They considered V as a part of their gang
-V loved it! He had so much fun with your brothers. All three of them got drunk in the end and you were left to take a drunken V home
- Your parents died when you were really young
-You were raised by your grandparents. 
-So when you asked Saeran if he wanted to meet your wonderful grandparents, saeran wasnt exactly excited. But he knew how much they meant to you so he decided to accompany you
-The minute you entered the house, there was the lovely smell of freshly baked goods.
-Your grandma and grandpa were so excited to see you.
-They were standing outside for nearly an hour just to see you.
-You were so happy to see them. Saeran saw immediately how your expression changed. Could you get any cuter? chandler voice
-You hugged them both and kissed them
-Your grandparents were equally excited to see saeran.
- They huddled around him.
- “MC told me that you really like ice cream, saeran,” your Grandma said, “So I made a lil cake to go along with it.”
- “Oh and dont forget about the sweater we got him dear,” your grandpa added.
- As you helped your grandma out in the kitchen, saeran and your grandpa took to talking
- You grandpa told him stories about the army. Saeran seemed very interested and excited.
-You could see them talking about random things under the sun
-He absolutely adored the food your grandma made and even wore the sweater they got for him
-He really enjoyed his time with your grandparents.
-He ended up wishing he could stay there more.
- When you went to sleep, your grandpa and saeran talked throughout the night.
-”Saeran.... in case something happens to me... the mc and her grandma...”
- “Nothing will happen to you and if it does... I’m always here for them. MC means the world to me”
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