#my mom thought aziraphale was raphael
tarkeliantea · 10 months
i think it would be really funny if they went with the raphael theory for s3 if only because it would mess up the german dub so bad. Aziraphale is called Erziraphael in German. Archangel Raphael is Erzengel Raphael
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hyperfigations · 10 months
A Nightingale's Song: A Nice and Not-so-Accurate Season Three
New Chapter!!! Woohoo!! Had to rewrite this so many times but my mom said she liked so imma just post it LMAO! Hope you enjoy!
Chapter 1: Archangel Raphael
Summary: “How long are you going to brood today? Because we have about thirty minutes until I gotta close up shop,” A familiar voice pulled him from his thoughts. He hadn’t even noticed the coffee shop owner had sat down at his table. Crowley rolled his eyes from underneath dark lenses. “M’not brooding,” He mumbled, attempting to take a sip of his coffee without wincing at the bad taste it left in his mouth. Nina knew better, especially after having to put up with him for the past six months. She gave him a knowing look. “I’d say all liars go to hell but ya know,” ♡♡♡ Two months after Aziraphale had accepted the Metatron's offer, the Second Coming is finally put into motion. Aziraphale and Crowley must get over their personal issues to do what they do best: Stop Heaven and Hell from destroying Earth.
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In which Warlock is sick, and Nanny has tricks up her sleeves.
She was tired, exhausted really. The Dowling family had left on vacation not a week earlier, leaving behind a very sick little boy.
The child whimpered in his sleep. He’d called for her earlier in the night, at 7 years old he still cared deeply for his Nanny and treated her more as his mother than he did his actual mom.
In his weakened state, he’d accidently called his nanny “mummy” as he shuffled closer to the woman sitting beside him on the bed.
The child’s fever was dangerously high and nothing the doctors had done seemed to be helping him. They’d refused to allow him to be admitted to hospital and there was only so much she could do without the aid of the occult.
She promised herself if the time came, regardless of the consequence, she would perform the miracle to heal him.
It never failed, they’d been looking for her for so long. Anytime Gabriel received word that his long-lost brother had performed a healing, it wouldn’t be long he too would follow.  
The night went on, she was cuddled against the boy, whispering to him how brave he was and how smart he was. How very much she loved him, to please allow the fever to break.
She could feel it, soon he would be lost to the world if she didn’t do something.
Regretfully, she called for Aziraphale to come to his room.
“I need you to lie for me.” Was all she said.
The angel looked at the demon with a pained expression, “Can you heal him? The boy? I would try… but heaven would have my head if they knew I’d healed the son of Satan.”
“I know, Gabriel will come here tonight. I need you to tell him that Raphael asked to be left alone. That you saw him leave, but nothing more. Please angel.”
She knew there would be questions by the way Aziraphale was looking at her. She would answer them too, but now… now she needed to heal the child.
It started with a soft glow around the boy, his pale face shining in the light. she drew sigils in the air around the boy, murmuring to herself in a language long forgotten. Behind her dark lenses, the same heavenly glow seeped out.
She placed her hands on the child, and suddenly, the room was filled with golden light, warmth and love. And then, it was gone. She grasped the headboard to steady herself, it had been a while since she’d done that.
“he should sleep until the afternoon” she gasped. “I need to leave, now.”
And she did.
He stood there, mouth agape, wondering what the hell just happened.
He felt static and then, Gabriel appeared.
“Where is he?” he punctuated each word.
Aziraphale blinked, blew out a breath he didn’t know he was holding, “He’s gone. I… that was Raphael.”
“Yes Aziraphale, I know who it was. He’s been missing for, oh, 6000 years? You couldn’t stop him.”
He shook his head, “He said you’d come.”
At this Gabriel looked surprised, hurt. “He asked to be left alone. Then left.”
He growled, “If you see him again Aziraphale, you best make sure he sees me. Do you understand?”
The Principality nodded, still unsure of the night’s happenings.
Then Gabriel was gone.
The child’s color was returning. The chalky pale complexion was darkening to a healthy peach once more.
His breathing was no longer congested and wet.
Aziraphale gazed out the window, he’d often heard of Raphael’s healings. He’d just never imagined the most sought-after angel was in fact, a demon.
The demon he just happened to love.
The demon who, until an hour before, he thought didn’t remember anything about his past.
It made sense, Crowley had always been sensitive to the hurting of others. Time and time again he’d proved his loyalty and how deeply he cared for humanity.
The next morning, Nanny Ashtoreth returned to the Dowling’s home, dark circles under her eyes and an exhausted expression.
She cuddled the child close, knowing she would be willing to do whatever it took to keep the boy safe. Not because of who he was, but because of who he was to her.
Many years after the apocalypse, when Warlock was older and definitely not the antichrist, he would muse to himself how lucky he had been to have Nanny. He’d since learned that his Nanny, was Crowley and had taken to spending as much time with the demon as possible.
Aziraphale once asked why he kept it a secret, why a demon with half his grace couldn’t ascend back to heaven when he so clearly was missed.
“I chose to fall, but not all the way, Angel. I chose Humanity, I chose Earth and all her creatures. Gabriel and Michael would welcome me back with open arms, but I don’t miss them. I can perform my healings as I see fit… and well, I can be with you here.” He smiled shyly at the angel who blushed in return.
The demon once known as Raphael bent over and gently kissed the Principality on the lips. When he pulled away, a soft smile graced his lips.
“I think as you would say, it was ineffable.”
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fulokis · 5 years
Nightmares| A Good Omens Fan Fic
“Nanny!” Warlock cried out as he stood outside her door in the hall, tears streaming down his face, and holding his crude satan like doll she made for him.
Ashtoreth knew what had happened. It was the very reason she herself was siting in bed knitting away while watching what ever violent and bloody thing was on. Warlock like herself and like so many children often were capable of had sensed the shift in the universe. Typically these shifts were small and as such did nothing much in terms of affecting ones sleep, other than restlessness. This one was large and Ashtoreth was almost asleep when she felt the nightmares coming. Warlock hadn’t been so lucky.
“Come here dearie.” She said softly patting the bed next to her, “Come tell me about it.”
The seven year-old padded over to the bed and clambered up onto the bed. Warlock then climbed under the covers and lay on Ashtoreth’s chest. Ashtoreth turned the TV down and wrapped her arm around the small child.
“He ..: he.” Warlock attempted to say something but couldn’t through his sobs.
“Ssssssshhhh, dearie.” Warlock tried to stifle a giggle at his Nannies funny way of saying shhh. “Take your time.”
“He... the weird frog guy... he...” Warlock said getting distracted by the crime drama on the TV.
“What did that mean frog guy do?” Ashtoreth asked knowing full well who the kid was talking about. That unfortunately was one of the downsides of watching the antichrist, demons slipped into his nightmares far more often than other children. Hastur also had a tendency to enjoy scaring little children, much more than she herself ever did.
“He took me Mom and dad.... and he.... he made us go to the desert... and he bit his finger.....” Warlock frowned clearly still disturbed by his dream “and black stuff came out... it ran towards us... and the the maggots ate us.”
Ashtoreth frowned for a second “Well you tell that old toad Hastur that he smells like poo the next time you see him.”
“But he’s scary nanny.”
“I know dearie.” Ashtoreth smiled warmly “he used to be a poison dart frog, brightest one I had ever seen. He’s embarrassed by that, use it to your advantage next time you see him too.”
“Okay Nanny.” Warlock sighed “Can I sleep with you?”
“Yes dear.” Ashtoreth said in response. There was something about the dream the boy had described but she decided not to dwell on it. She doubted it was a prophetic dream, after all he was the Antichrist.
“Nanny.” Warlock asked looking up at her. She made a noise that indicated to the small child to go on. “Do you have nightmares?”
She smiled gently “Of course dear.”
“What are they about?”
Ashtoreth grimaced she knew that the child would ask that. “Oh nothing much. Falling Angels mostly.”
“How is that scary?”
Ashtoreth thought for a moment trying to put her dreams into less of an ineffable mess for the 7 year old. “It’s like I am them and they are me. I feel like I’m falling and my body is burning. But the feelings the emotions are the worst, they stab and burn more than the falling ever could.” She remembered her fall all too well. It was the only nightmare she got, over and over and over again. For 6 thousand years, the pain and sting of betrayal by Gabriel and the others. Part of her damnation more than anything else, the memories and reminders. Nothing less, certainty not for the being that used to be the Archangel Raphael.
“Oh is it normal for that to happen when people get older?” Warlock asked.
He sounded just like she had when she was young, “No dearie, I have a rare sleep disorder that you certainly do not have.” She said confidently tickling him underneath his arms until eliciting a giggle from the child. “Would you like me to sing to you.”
“No Nanny.” Warlock said focused more on the T.V. now.
It was true she did have a sleep disorder, one called being a demon. She had wondered since the beginning if she should tell Warlock. But after seeing how wacky his life was already decided against delivering the news of Angels demons or otherwise to the Antichrist.
Ashtoreth sat and thought about before, being off in the starts creating. Creating nebulas stars planets that could foster life. She created to please, but that wasn’t enough for her. She wanted to know everything. God well she had claimed knowledge was power. Many other angels saw Ashtoreth’s actions as part of an attempt to usurp God. In reality the thought had never crossed her mind. She wanted to understand the universe. It seemed like all the other angels understood and it hurt to feel like she knew nothing compared to everyone else.
A small snore alerted her to the fact that Warlock had fallen asleep. She knew that he felt the same way sometimes. To him everyone seemed to understand the universe, and he didn’t. He asked questions and by most adults he was shrugged off like a pesky fly. Ashtoreth and Francis were the only two who took the time to answer his questions.
Ashtoreth loved the boy like he was her child and she knew he sensed how much love she had for him. There was just something to Ashtoreth about having a small frail creature be dependent on you. One that isn’t constantly on guard and wary of another. It was warm and felt nice to not only be appreciated but needed.
Even before the fall she never had felt needed. She felt like a number in the masses. And as a demon that feeling never went away. That’s why she had volunteered to be on earth, to feel even a slight bit special. Of course most other demons didn’t want the job in the first place.
Having Warlock lying asleep on her also made it feel like time was frozen. Just the two of them in this moment nothing else existed. Not before not in the future not now. In these moments it is just the two of them with nothing to ruin the bliss and euphoria of being alive. Ashtoreth knew the feelings was ineffable, other than one descriptor she used only in her head, ‘one of the best feelings in the world’. She knew that if anyone else knew especially Francis, that she cared with her whole heart and then some, for this fragile half human they would assume that she was soft. And being soft was not a bad thing, that’s why her alter ego in that moment, Crowley had fallen in love with Francis’ alter ego Aziraphale. She hoped that her being soft was just enough to stop Armageddon from becoming reality.
Francis the next morning walked into the room hoping to prune and water the beautiful fern in the Nannies room. He expected Ashtoreth to be lacing up her boots make a snide remark and then march out to go wake up young Warlock and get him ready. He instead found the two beings still sleeping with Ashtoreth clutching both arms around the boy who was lying on her chest. Francis smiled and walked out assuming they had a rough night.
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milkyetoile · 5 years
Listen, I got sucked into the headcanon of Crowley being formerly Raphael and I couldn’t get @gabibluedragon‘s idea about what if Aziraphale was created for Raphael and idk man what if
The angel had a familiar warmth that he recognized even from afar. And he was curious by nature, even after it was his curiosity that damned him.
He slithered up the wall, up until he was beside the angel with the familiar aura. He hissed as he looked towards where the humans were walking in the desert.
"I'm sorry, what was that?" the angel asked politely.
He shifted to a human form and turned his now snake-like eyes to the angel, seeing the other clearly now and understanding the familiarity with a deep-seated ache in his chest.
"I said that went down like a lead balloon."
"I shall make you a companion...and he shall be named Aziraphale."
"Aziraphale," he repeated in awe, amazed that his Creator would create a new being just to help him with his duties. "Aziraphale...I wish to meet him."
"Not yet, my child." He felt Her brush his curls, the sensation filling him with the warmth of Her love. "I will require your help in creating him."
He was overjoyed. He has created stars, planets, nebulae, whole universes, and helped in creating the beautiful Garden of Eden--but he has never brought an angel into existence. What a great honour!
"What do you require of me, Mother?" he asked enthusiastically. "I will do as you command!"
She smiled and said, "Your love, my dear Raphael." She touched his chest, suffusing his form with Her Grace. "Your great love for Me shall bring him into being."
He did not understand at first. But then She showed him Her Plan. She let him see the future of beings She would create--humans that would be made in Her image. They would live in the Garden until the time they would first be put to the test. And they would continue to be tested, experience famine, pestilence, war, and death. They would suffer as they walked on the Earth he helped create.
He was created as the first Healer. His purpose was to create and to help allay suffering. The thought of such precious creatures being in pain hurt him, in ways that no other being had yet to be hurt.
For the first time in existence, an angel wept in despair and asked Her, "Why? Why would you create them just to make them suffer?"
Her smile became tinged with what he would later know as sadness.
"Without darkness, there will be no light. Without suffering, there will be no joy or triumph."
She wiped away his tears and pressed a kiss to his forehead.
"Someday, you will understand. Until then, someone else will hold your love for Me, my child."
He still did not understand Her words. But, in this new angel beside him, he could feel the warmth of his love for Her--the love that he remembered in his mind but could no longer feel in his heart.
It hurt even more than the pain he felt when he Fell, when his wings burned into black as he fell into a pool of boiling sulfur. His love was taken from him to create this being.
The angel, Aziraphale, was created to be his companion. He was supposed to help Raphael to heal the suffering, to show compassion and love for all of Her creation. But how was that possible when Raphael no longer felt the love he used to know more than any other part of his being?
But then--
"I gave it away!" Aziraphale responded when asked about his flaming sword, his reason being a worry for the humans who were cast out of their home, much like Raphael was.
The former Archangel did not understand Her Plan. There was no explanation for why She took his love for Her and replaced it with emptiness.
But as Aziraphale raised up a wing to shelter him, Raphael felt a new kind of warmth bloom in his chest.
Perhaps, someday, he would understand. Until then, he would stay with these humans and this angel created from his love.
A/N: idk like I know the original idea was that Aziraphale was made Guardian of the Eastern Gate bc he no longer had an Archangel to work for, but what if it was all Planned? what if God created Aziraphale from Raphael’s love, like She created Eve from Adam’s rib/side/idek?
basically idk what I just did, this is my first attempt to write and post for this fandom. how did I do, Mom?
I also don’t know if I’ll continue this. I might make it into a full fic when I have time? I have a shit ton of ideas for this fandom and not much time to write bc real life is hectic af but we’ll see
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⭐️ connor’s 2019 fic rec ⭐️
total fic count: 60
also known as part three to my fic rec series! as usual, all fics are ordered alphabetically by title and all smut is marked with **. please let me know if any links are broken/linked to the wrong page!
and most importantly, please leave a comment and kudos on the fics you’ve enjoyed :)
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4
A Fortunately Unfortunate Afternoon - 4.5k, single chapter author(s): madlysanecatlady fandom(s): Good Omens pairing(s): Aziraphale/Crowley
Crowley doesn't startle easily, and he doesn't startle often, but when he does, there's an unfortunate side effect.
**All Eyes On You - 4.3k, single chapter author(s): Lacerta26 fandom(s): Kingsman pairing(s): Harry Hart | Galahad/Gary “Eggsy” Unwin
‘What’s this supposed to be teaching me Harry?’
‘That you can enjoy being looked at, that you can enjoy it when I take you out and show you off,’ Harry whispers in his ear, hand resting entirely too high on Eggsy’s thigh for this stage in the evening.
‘No one’s looking at us, Harry.’
Harry moves his hand to Eggsy’s hip, ‘aren’t they?’
Harry shows Eggsy how good it feels to be the centre of attention.
Breathe - 1.3k, single chapter author(s): telanaris fandom(S): The Arcana pairing(s): Julian Devorak/Reader
“Love…” Julian says, voice quiet and tender, comforting as he reaches for your hand, “my darling.” He interlaces your fingers and guides your hand, palm facing down, beneath the white gauze of his shirt to his chest, just over his heart.
You cannot choke back the gasp it wrests from your throats. Whether from the exhilaration of his reanimation, or the ferocity of your kisses, Julian’s heart is pounding, madly, in his chest. The strong rhythm of it is unmistakeable. And every beat of it confirms irrefutably: he is alive, alive, alive.
Bright Young Things - 2,3k, single chapter author(s): keepyourpantsongohan fandom(s): Naruto pairing(s): Hatake Kakashi & Namikaze Minato
Sighing, Minato leads his team into the light. When the man in the clearing gets a look at their faces, his whole body goes shock still. “Sensei?” he says uncertainly.
“Er, hi,” says Minato, with a sheepish wave.
**Bros Helping Bros - series, complete author(s): Tenebrosa fandom(s): Dream Daddy pairing(s): Craig Cahn/Robert Small
Craig needs to loosen the fuck up and damn if Robert isn't the King of Relaxation. How he does it might be a little...unorthodox, but really, who's gonna judge them all the way out here?
Care and Custody - multi-chapter, complete author(s): esama fandom(s): Kingsman pairing(s): Harry Hart | Galahad/Gary “Eggsy” Unwin
Eggsy takes out the medal in slightly worse circumstances, asking for a miracle.
**Couples Therapy - series, ongoing author(s): jane_x80 pairing(s): Anthony DiNozzo/Jethro Gibbs fandom(s): NCIS
A serial killer is targeting married gay couples. Gibbs and DiNozzo pose as one such couple, attending couples therapy, in order to flush out and hopefully capture the killer.
Crazy - 3.2k, single chapter author(s): wyvernwolf fandom(s): Kingsman pairing(s): Merlin/Gary “Eggsy” Unwin
It's Merlin's sixtieth birthday and he fears Eggsy will do something sappy and romantic. Eggsy does, but not in the way Merlin expects.
**Devour You - 1.7k, single chapter author(s): branewurms fandom(s): The Arcana pairing(s): Julian Devorak/Reader
You take a moment to savor the sight of him. Julian looks the perfect picture of debauched innocence. And isn’t that a ridiculous thought—but he does, with his white shirt still around his shoulders spread wide and baring everything, and that rosy flush spreading from his cheeks all the way down to his heaving chest, staining it a pretty pink.
**Easy Like Sunday Mornin’ - 3.2k, single chapter author(s): howdoyousleep pairing(s): James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers fandom(s): Marvel Cinematic Universe
Today is a Sunday and the universally-accepted laziness of the day may be why Steve finds himself wanting it slow and sweaty and deep. Bucky didn’t ask questions.
Efficient pictorial communication of complex ideas (the kids call it a meme) - multi-chapter, complete author(s): sorrens fandom(s): Good Omens pairing(s): Aziraphale/Crowley, Gabriel/Beelzebub
The one in which Aziraphale is forced headlong into millennial humour trying to work out what Crowley means when he says "Gabriel and Beelzebub are smashing".
Essentially Social Chameleons - 2.6k, single chapter author(s): Lolapola fandom(s): Good Omens pairing(s): Aziraphale/Crowley
In short, Aziraphale and Crowley are not as good at blending in with mortals as they think they are. There are better places to discover this than Newton and Anathema's baby's christening, but, well, we're here now.
Family is Family - 5.3k, single chapter author(s): hexicity fandom(s): Shadowhunters pairing(s): Magnus Bane/Alex Lightwood, Simon Lewis/Raphael Santiago,Lydia Brandwell/Isabelle Lightwood
The ad is messily stapled against the public announcement board in the quad.
It looks like someone wrote it with their non-dominant hand in the first pen they found. Its sloppy red ink reads in giant letters: “FOUR BEDROOMS. ONE BATH. PASSABLE KITCHEN. WILLING TO DELAY PAYMENT ON RENT. PLEASE DON’T TRY TO LIVE WITH US IF YOU’RE WEIRD, WE ALREADY HAVE SIMON.”
(or, Alec lives with three strangers and starts to like them more than his actual family)
Feathers on the Bedroom Floor - 1.2k, single chapter author(s): dunk_on_em fandom(s): Good Omens pairing(s): Aziraphale/Crowley
Aziraphale looked to his right to see Crowley, struggling to keep his head aright.
His dear Crowley. The one who had sworn he would leave but ended up coming back. The one who drove a flaming car for hours, just so he could be there to help. The one who stopped the sands of time, just to give Aziraphale a chance to talk to the boy. It was no wonder he was tired. So, so much had been asked of him today. Aziraphale pushed his shoulder gently towards Crowley.
“I don’t mind,” the angel murmured, as gently as he could. “I’ll wake you when we arrive.”
Finding Home - 2.1k, single chapter author(s): roseforthethorns fandom(s): Kingsman pairing(s): Harry Hart | Galahad/Merlin/Gary “Eggsy” Unwin
Without realizing it, Eggsy started to fall in love.
What he didn't know is that Harry and Merlin were falling in love with him too.
flour in your hair, love in your heart - 4.1k, single chapter author(s): mirkandmidnight fandom(s): The Song of Achilles pairing(s): Achilles/Patroclus
Here is how it starts. Patroclus takes an opening shift one day in late September, because Briseis has gotten the stomach flu and swears that if she moves from her bed, she may vomit. So he ends up working with Odysseus and Iphigenia, who never does a damn thing but gets to keep her job because she's Fucking Agamemnon's kid, and can you spell nepotism? Patroclus can. That higher education isn't going to waste, oh no.
forever isn’t too long, when i’m right where i belong - multi-chapter, complete author(s): owilde fandom(s): Shadowhunters pairing(s): Simon Lewis/Raphael Santiago, Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood
Raphael sat on the living room chair, the cup of tea Magnus had practically forced on him balanced on his knee, while Magnus himself was slouched on the sofa, laughing. "You," he wheezed in between hysterical fits of giggles, "are going to propose? To Simon?" Raphael pursed his lips, praying for strength from anyone.
**For Here Is Rest - multi-chapter, complete author(s): Nimravidae fandom(s): Turn: Washington’s Spies pairing(s): Benjamin Tallmadge/George Washington
After a devastating personal loss, Benjamin Tallmadge retreats from the life he knew in Connecticut. Seeking solace, he finds himself in rural Virginia fixing up a small house with only the company of the surrounding woods and his reclusive widower landlord, George Washington.
"Every spirit builds itself a house; and beyond its house a world; and beyond its world, a heaven. Know then, that the world exists for you. Build, therefore, your own world."
Foxes Are Vermin - 1.6k, single chapter author(s): sweetasamuffin fandom(s): Kingsman pairing(s): Harry Hart | Galahad/Merlin/Gary “Eggsy” Unwin
Daisy wants to meet her mom. Eggsy's there to help her.
Gold on Your Fingertips (Fingertips Against My Cheek) - 1.8k, single chapter author(s): ziracrow fandom(s): Good Omens pairing(s): Aziraphale/Crowley
Post-apocalypse oneshot after they decide to spend the night at Crowley's flat together.
His Sweet Kiss - 2.1k, single chapter author(s): Frozen Hearts pairing(s): Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier fandom(s): The Witcher
Geralt comes back to camp after hunting a monster only to find Jaskier entangled with....
... himself?
Human Incarnate - multi-chapter, complete author(s): nikkiRA fandom(s): Good Omens pairing(s): Aziraphale/Crowley
“They think I’m immune to demon fire, see,” Aziraphale said, in a slightly airy voice. “So they had to… get creative.”
“Aziraphale, what. Did. They. Do?”
“Can’t you tell?” Aziraphale gave a little laugh. This must be what shock felt like. “Can’t you sense it?” He grabbed Crowley’s hand and pressed it to his chest, so the demon could feel his rapidly beating, very human heart. “I’m a human now, my dear. Very, very mortal.”
Aziraphale is punished. Crowley refuses to accept it. Shenanigans, feelings, and plots ensue.
**I Found Myself With You - multi-chapter, complete author(s): bibliomaniac pairing(s): Jesper Johanssen/Klaus fandom(s): Klaus
After everything settles down, Jesper is trying very hard to not think about how he's developed feelings for Klaus.
Unfortunately, he's not very good at not thinking about it.
More fortunately, it actually doesn't matter that he's not good at it. He never needed to hide in the first place, after all.
If We’ve Got Nothing (We’ve Got Us) - multi-chapter, complete author(s): Kedreeva fandom(s): Good Omens pairing(s): Aziraphale/Crowley
Two months after the world didn't end, Aziraphale finds the first dark feather growing in his wings.
**Intelligent Design - 5.5k, single chapter author(s): manic_intent pairing(s): Alexios/Brasidas fandom(s): Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey
“What are you doing here, sister?” Alexios scowled as he stalked through the sun-dappled olive grove. “Sparta is mine.”
“Don’t be so childish.” Kassandra was leaning in the shade of a tree, watching something in a glade beyond. She wore a golden cuirass hung with intricately patterned leather straps, gems, and purple strips. Her helmet was nowhere to be seen, her thick braid curled over one blue-cloaked shoulder. The Aegis was strapped to her back with her spear, though Medusa’s head was sealed out of the battlefield, visible only as a fine etching on shining brass.
**i see it, i like it, i want it, i got it - 2.7k, single chapter author(s): hellstrider pairing(s): Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier fandom(s): The Witcher
he's not entirely certain if it's sincere, when it starts.
I took heart from his eyes on mine - 3.3k, single chapter author(s): madeoutoflight fandom(s): The Song of Achilles pairing(s): Achilles/Patroclus
Achilles knows his destiny, has always known it—it has been written since before he was born. There is one detail the prophecies have left out, however, and it turns out to be the most important of all.
it was stolen (or exchanged) - 3.8k, single-chapter author(s): wolfiery fandom(s): Shadowhunters pairing(s): Simon Lewis/Raphael Santiago
“Oh my god,” Simon baffles, sounding horrified as soon as he recognizes the song playing that’s echoing throughout the whole lounge. “Is this Mozart? Are you listening to Requiem Introitus?”
Raphael feels the annoying start of goosebumps when the fledgling starts speaking to him, interrupting a perfectly quiet evening to enjoy reading. It seems he was wrong.
“The Death Mass,” Simon explains with disbelief. “Even for an immortal, that’s incredibly morbid of you.”
**like gold - 1.8k, single chapter author(s): fernic fandom(s): The Song of Achilles pairing(s): Achilles/Patroclus
Patroclus answers by kissing his open palm, tracing along the very lines of fate that he desperately wants to change.
Look Both Ways (Before You Cross the Street) - 5.4k, single chapter author(s): ForevermoreNevermore pairing(s): Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier fandom(s): The Witcher
The forest is greener than Jaskier thinks he's ever seen it. Until it's suddenly not.
Or, it's all fine and dandy until you get attacked by bandits.
love isn’t always magic (sometimes it’s just melting) - 3.3k, single chapter autor(s): mostlikelydefinitelymad fandom(s) Shadowhunters pairing(s): Simon Lewis/Raphael santiago
He can hear Simon's breath hitching (breathing, you must or the mundanes will notice) the closer he gets, can smell the hot blood in his veins and thinks:
Don't leave me in this heaven alone. Don't go.
A hand cups his cheek, lips against his ear. "I was an idiot, I'm sorry."
loving you’s a bloodsport - multi-chapter, ongoing author(s): tolvsmol fandom(s): One Direction pairing(s): Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
harry is a bratty prince, louis is a guard who works in his palace, and niall is the only who's got his life in control.
Magnets and Dust - 2.5k, single chapter author(s): graceling_in_a_suit fandom(s): One Direction pairing(s): Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
Harry moved closer, ignoring the red flashing of his LED display and the ever-present announcement, foreign object, foreign object.
He wanted to read it. He wanted to understand it.
To his dismay, the only letters he could make out were, l o u i s, spaced far enough apart that Harry knew they weren’t supposed to form a word.
Or: the story of Roombrry and Tinouis.
**Of Coin and Candlelight - 2.2k, single chapter author(s): coffeeandcas pairing(s): Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier fandom(s): The Witcher
After getting caught in a rainstorm, Geralt and Jaskier find creative ways to warm each other up.
On the Road to East Flubria - 3k, single-chapter author(s): ant5b pairing(s): Guy Am-I/Sam I-Am fandom(s): Green Eggs and Ham
They’re 888,888,001 zilometers away, and it’s raining.
Pray For Us, Icarus - series, complete author(s): Atalan fandom(s): Good Omens pairing(s): Aziraphale/Crowley
For three centuries, Crowley has been reincarnated over and over as a human with no memory of his past. Aziraphale has tried to find a way to restore him to his true self, but all he seems to do is hurt them both. This time, he only means to steal a brief moment when he walks into Crowley's flower shop. But Crowley can't let it go...
Revelation - 2.7k, single chapter author(s): zebraljb fandom(s): Kingsman pairing(s): Harry Hart | Galahad/Merlin/Gary “Eggsy” Unwin
Alphas Merlin and Harry adore their omega Eggsy. They come home from work to a surprise dinner and an anxious scent coming from their lad.
Ring Around and All That Jazz - multi-chapter, complete author(s): Pemberley_Press fandom(s): Kingsman pairing(s): Harry Hart | Galahad/Merlin/Gary “Eggsy” Unwin
Eggsy Unwin knows the facts about soulmates just like everyone else,but it was still what he wished for and dreamt of.
He continues to dream even though he knows that a scentless beta like him has no hope of ever having one soulmate, let alone two.
But a boy can still dream yea?
**Runaway - multi-chapter, complete author(s): grumblebee fandom(s): Turn: Washington’s Spies pairing(s): Benjamin Tallmadge/George Washington
Benjamin Tallmadge, through unfortunate circumstance, can no longer go to Yale. With home life becoming unbearably toxic, he leaves home in the dead of night in search of a better life. His new life takes him to the Appalachian Trail, miles and miles of wilderness that stretch down the East Coast. Ben forages, hunts (pitifully) and pretends he is just another hiker doing the 6 month trek. But summer is waning, and the first cold snaps are rough in the mountains. Barely making shelter, Ben hunkers down for what might be his last night. But someone else is here. And well, what would you do if you were a runaway; cold and alone, when a tall man offers you a warm bed for the night...
Runaway Land - multi-chapter, complete author(s): daggerinrose fandom(s): One Direction pairing(s): Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
Louis is sure he’s stumbled upon a secret, underground nightclub, though that is far from the truth. He’s also pretty sure he’s stumbled upon Apollo, which… isn’t very far from the truth, actually.
Modern Greek mythology AU.
**Save the Last Dance for Me - multi-chapter, ongoing author(s): Wonderdyke fandom(s): Kingsman pairing(s): Harry Hart | Galahad/Merlin/Gary “Eggsy” Unwin
Eggsy was used to being the ‘bit “o’ rough’. Used to being the pretty little omega that rich tits liked to pluck outta the gutter and promise the moon to. All “bond with me and you’ll never work again”. Since only ten percent of the population were omegas and forty alphas it was not surprising that those with money and power tried to buy them a pretty little piece like Eggsy to keep safe and pregnant… even if he were a bloke. ~ Harry turned, unbuttoning his cuffs and gently rolling them up to his elbows. Merlin's husband was a fucking menace, a temptation in a bespoke suit and he knew exactly what he was doing; what sort of intimations those slim fingers were making as they bared his forearms. Damn him for a fool but even after their many years together he was utterly besotted with the man. ~ Harry heard Merlin growl in his ear, rough and predatory but not jealous. Possessive. Harry was fairly sure the sound was meant for the boy, and not his husband. Harry would’ve happily teased the other alpha about it, except his blood was rushing in his ears and he was hard enough to hammer nails.
**Shutterbug - 2.4k, single chapter author(s): grumblebee fandom(s): Turn: Washington’s Spies pairing(s): Benjamin Tallmadge/George Washington
Ben is not excited about making a trip back to Setauket for Thanksgiving weekend. Dinners at home are tense, and awful, and he'd rather be at home in Virginia with George. In a moment of homesick fueled inspiration, Ben decides to snap a few naked pictures of George to take with him on his trip. George, in turn, asks for a little something on camera to keep for himself.
Sleepsong - 1.6k, single chapter author(s): QueenForADay pairing(s): Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier fandom(s): The Witcher
Some part of him wishes that people could see this – the man that they all fear so much, the Witcher, a hunter of the supernatural and evil, placated by his bard’s voice, melting into his arms. All he’s missing is hearing Geralt purr like a housecat. Every so often, Jaskier’s ears prick at the sound of a murmur of a hum leaving the other man, particularly when Jaskier presses a kiss to the crown of Geralt’s head, or runs his foot along the length of Geralt’s bared leg.
And at the same time, he would gladly pick up a sword and kill anyone who even thought of intruding on a moment like this.
**Slumber - 4k, single chapter author(s): howdoyousleep pairing(s): James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers fandom(s): Marvel Cinematic Universe
“Bucky, honey. Can’t get enough even when you’re sleepin’, huh?”
so cruelly you kissed me - 1.7k, single chapter author(s): litathesissy pairing(s): Geralt of Rivia/Jaskeir fandom(s): The Witcher
Jaskier is a soft thing. Delicate in all the ways Geralt is not. He supposes this is always true, always obvious.
**Sold My Soul To A Three Piece - multi-chapter, ongoing author(s): Comp_Lady fandom(s): Turn: Washington’s Spies pairing(s): Benjamin Tallmadge/George Washington
Love, as Paul told the Corinthians, is patient, and kind. It does not envy. It does not boast, it is not proud, it is not rude or self-seeking. Love is not easily angered, and it keeps no record of wrongs. It does not delight in evil, but rejoices in the truth. Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.
Ben is a sub, his first long term contract with a Dom ended abruptly. Leaving him drifting in waters he’s never really explored before. After over a year of keeping his head down and subsisting on small scenes with different Doms Ben finds himself wanting more. Wanting something that will last.
George is a Dom with a long line training contracts and episodic scenes in his younger years. Now he wants something permanent. He wants a sub who he doesn’t have to train from the ground up. A sub he can build something good with.
They meet at a club.
**Speak Love - series, ongoing author(s): zebraljb fandom(s): Kingsman pairing(s): Merlin/Gary “Eggsy” Unwin
Eggsy is a shy young man rendered almost speechless by years of abuse by his ex-stepfather. He starts his first day at Merlin Software by getting stuck in an elevator with a handsome Scottish man.
stained glass variation of the truth - 1.5k, single chapter author(s): mostlikelydefinitelymad fandom(s): Shadowhunters pairing(s): Simon Lewis/Raphael Santiago
"Why are you here?"
Raphael's carefully sewn stitches are coming undone after decades of holding himself together and he lets them.
Thunder cracks with a loud boom, Simon takes two steps forward.
"To be honest, I don't know. I started walking and every sidewalk kept leading me back here."
Take Me Home - 1.8k, single chapter author(s): Casey_Wolfe fandom(s): Kingsman pairing(s): Harry Hart | Galahad/Merlin/Gary “Eggsy” Unwin
There was a cough, and then a strained, “Harry? Eggsy?”
**Talk to Me - multi-chapter, complete author(s): zebraljb fandom(s): Kingsman pairing(s): Merlin/Gary “Eggsy” Unwin
Eggsy is a shy young man rendered almost speechless by years of abuse by his ex-stepfather. He starts his first day at Merlin Software by getting stuck in an elevator with a handsome Scottish man.
The Litmus Test - 5.5k, single chapter author(s): bokunoanime fandom(s): Kingsman pairing(s): Harry Hart | Galahad/Gary “Eggsy” Unwin
“Drop your fucking weapon now!” the man with the gun trained on the boy was shouting.
The boy spit blood and stretched his jaw as he watched Simon, frozen in place. “I don’t fink ‘e’s gonna listen, bruv,” the chav accent thick as it spilled from his bruised and swollen lips. “Leave the Princess out of this, an’ fight me like a man eh?” His sneer at his captor earned him another backhand across his cheek and Tilde screamed. Simon jumped at the action, watching as the man behind Tilde seemed to grow complacent.
Simon weighed his options.
The one where Merlin has a new final test for his new recruits. (Because shooting a dog was never a good judge of character.)
**The Man with Too Much Power - multi-chapter, complete author(s): CherryEmbly fandom(s): Junjou Romantica pairing(s): Takahashi Misaki/Usami Akihiko
Marukawa Publishing wishes to partner with the famed author Akihiko Usami for an interesting adaptation to his best selling novel, but he's left the entire decision up to his young boyfriend, much to the editor's dismay.
The Prime Minister and the Tea Boy - multi-chapter, complete author(s): LelithSugar, Paxdracona fandom(s): Kingsman pairing(s): Harry Hart | Galahad/Gary “Eggsy” Unwin
HART THROB IN NUMBER TEN proclaims The Sun’s front page the day Harry Hart takes up residence as Prime Minister. He can’t say he was really expecting to become a sex symbol at the age of fifty two and the peak of a divisive political career, but at this point, Britain was going to fancy pretty much anything.
**The Way You Kiss Me Will Work Each Time - multi-chapter, complete author(s): givemesumaurgravy pairing(s): Cal Price/Garrett Laughlin fandom(s): Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda
“Fuck, you’re cute,” Cal says, though it’s quiet and Garrett can’t really be sure he’s heard him right.
And just like that two things become really clear to Garrett: One (1) Cal Price is really fucking attractive Two (2) Garrett would really like to kiss him
the world is watching - 4k, single chapter author(s): spraycansoul pairing(s): Eric Bittle/Jack Zimmermann fandom(s): Check, Please!
Or: five times Jack Zimmermann accidentally interrupted a vlog, and one time it was deliberate
Umbrella Shotgun - multi-chapter, complete author(s): Stratisphyre fandom(s): Kingsman pairing(s): Harry Hart | Galahad/Merlin/Gary “Eggsy” Unwin
Less than forty-eight hours after the total destruction of Statesman, Agent Tequila, Ginger Ale, and a reluctant lepidopterist find themselves in a tailor shop in Savile Row.
whispers of earl grey - 2k, single chapter author(s): wildenessat221b fandom(s): Good Omens pairing(s): Aziraphale/Crowley
The apocalypse was supposed to change the universe.
It didn't.
A cup of Earl Grey tea came far, far closer.
(crowley struggles after the averted apocalypse, until he doesn't anymore.)
With Care - 2.3k, single chapter author(s): angel_ponders fandom(s): Good Omens pairing(s): Aziraphale/Crowley
After the apocalypse, Aziraphale finds a kitten outside of his shop.
you messed my life (it’s some kinda wonderful) - 2.6k, single chapter author(s): mostlikelydefinitelymad fandom(s): Shadowhunters pairing(s): Simon Lewis/Raphael Santiago, Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood
"I love you," Simon murmurs. "More than coffee," he adds with a grin.
For him it's the ultimate declaration of love because yeah, frappés. Raphael hopes he never gets used to the awkward comic relief that is Simon Lewis, hopes he wakes up every night to eyes reflecting love back at him and argues with him for an eternity.
**you taste like the fourth of july - 5k, single chapter author(s): canniballatrix fandom(s): Kingsman pairing(s): Harry Hart | Galahad/Gary “Eggsy” Unwin
It isn't as if he's ever had the time or inclination for pursuits of the romantic sort before...before Eggsy came along, all smart mouth and vulnerable eyes that he tried so hard to hide behind squared shoulders and an insouciantly tilted chin, and Harry had been helpless to deny him anything: and here Eggsy is, handing him his most tightly locked away fantasy on a fucking platter, soft and pliant and fucking perfect for him.
He's never loved anyone more in his life.
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king-of-swords-57 · 5 years
(What if your life was a dream?)
A lovely boy
Mr. Zirah Fell saw him, the poor boy trying to hide behind the bookshelves.
He looked young, maybe 16 or 17 years old, natural wild red hair hidden under the black cap, the red glasses hiding beautiful honey eyes almost golden, sharp pupils, nervously standing, clumsy hands playing with his school shirt
(as lovely as a red rose about to open)
the boy had been through the bookstore every day for a couple of months, had a little foreign accent and looked so new in the city, a pretty boy ,an inexperienced stalker.
Mr. Fell was delighted with this little stalker
He stood in the Coffe Shop across the street, drinking a glass of apple juice, a pair of red headphones on his neck, looking directly at the window next to Zirah, holding a notebook and carbon pencils
They made Zirah want to pose, knowing that the boy was drawing him
Mr. Fell did not understand, what could be interesting about him? an old bookseller who spent half his thirty without much glory
oh but this young man was so insistent, entering his shop from 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm, walking without buying anything, rather, he seemed to stagger on the shoulders of the customers, menacing, the tall boy trying to look like a bully, determined to dissuade them of buying something
so lovely, so suave, so cute
leaving dollars, tickets for book fairs, coupons for tea from the corner store in the books that Zirah kept on his desk
Discreetly approaching the cup of hot cocoa trying to steal some sips, Poor boy seemed to have cat's tongue, He made sure to keep his cocoa not very hot since then, even adding a couple of ice cubes and less sugar on hot days when his stalker spent too much time outside
he also made sure to turn on the heater on rainy days, because the darling was trembling in his leather jacket
They made the bookseller feel like a courted maiden
his little rufian could one day kidnap him
Is it still a kidnapping if he goes by his own will? or should Mr. Fell be the kidnapper?
let's leave those thoughts for later, when his darling finishes school, education is important
it was fine, to see the boy wander around him, being so obvious, make the heart of Zirah so tender
Everything was so boring, so pointless, it had always been that way, until he saw this beauty in front of his shop
All good, until it was not
Something changed ,then Mr. Fell starts to notice several things
the boy seems too thin, too tired, stressed, there are dark semi circles under the red glasses
(Zirah wants to hide this little darling from the world, wants to feed him with a lot of food and desserts, wants to wrap him in tartan blanket, wants to kiss his hair, the Fell family is so old and so rich, Zirah the only heir, could buy any whim, pay any amount for his rose, he has a large house in the countryside outside london, with a very very high fence, hard to pass, whether you try to enter or leave)
and when the dear boy arrives with a black eye, a busted lip and badly hidden nail marks under the silk scarf, Mr. Fell could no longer control himself
There was no one in the store that afternoon, on a Friday, the bookseller turned the sign from open to closed in silence, looked at the darling who was looking at an astronomy encyclopedia
(He made a mental note about looking for more books on these topics, he already knew that the boy liked fantasy novels and the guides of medicinal plants and gardening)
-Are you looking for something young man?-
-ah, mm, I ... I was just looking around and-your eyes ah are so blue, cobalt blue, ah but, but they have spots of Arctic blue, you, you look like an angel- The little stalker jumped, looking directly at Mr. Fell, his mouth spilling sugar without being able to stop, good boy, sincere boy
-What's your name boy?-
-I, You, Angel...-
-Darling please, your name-
-My name is Raphael, but, I don't like it, you can call me Crowley-
Crowley, His beautiful rose was called Crowley, perfect
-So tell me dear Crowley, tell me who hurt you, please?-
Zirah had made bad calculations, this might seem like a teenager on the outside, but he was just a helpless child
-Mom, she was angry, I've been late and she say father left because of me and-
his dear child
-oh beautiful child don't say more, everything will be fine from now-
-Angel...I , think I love you! don't leave me angel, not like dad-
-Shhhh Darling, Come, let's go upstairs, I have a very comfortable room, with a big bed, and many pillows, would you like to take a nap? -
-Yes angel please!!!-
-Call me Zirah dear-
while the beloved rested, Mr. Fell could do a quick inspection of his backpack, carefully examine his student card, disappear from the map that stupid woman, empty a house, and pretend to be Crowley's father while calling his school
Nobody knew more about a young man named Raphael Archangeel , his disappearance was never reported either
Mr. Fell moved out of London with his nephew Anthony J. Crowley
Despite criticism, Mr. and Mr. Fell marry in a foreign country
Years later, when a handsome man leans next to her husband's bed, crying for his loss
An angel opens his eyes
-oh my dear demon, no matter what form you are, you always wake up the worst of me, would you let me show you?-
And with some grace and some soul
Golden Snake Eyes Open
-Same My Angel, same-
(The Apocalypse took more of his kindness, human life brought more shadows to his sins, everything was worth it, he still didn't know why he didn't fall, but he may no longer be able to "fall" when the world is a new creation of the antichrist, completely different administration)
Aziraphale kisses his Redhead and knows that this time not even death can separate them
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catharticdaydream · 5 years
no light above and there’s no hope below
description: crowley is feeling lost, so he finds himself talking to a mother he isn’t sure exists anymore. (song fic based on the song “home” from beetlejuice the musical!)
read on ao3
in all his 6000 years, crowley never thought he’d find himself inside a church. 
well, except for one time, but that was to thwart nazis and save his angel. plus, he’d destroyed the church in the end, so the bad cancelled out the good, he thought.
but now, he found himself wanting to be in church- wanting the pain, reminding him exactly of who he was: an unforgivable demon. 
unforgivable. was he truly unforgivable? aziraphale didn’t seem to think so. 
aziraphale, his angel. crowley often found himself wondering if he’d known aziraphale before the fall. aziraphale felt like someone he’d known even before the Beginning, as if their souls were made of the same matter. 
burning feet carried him to a pew in the back, where he, for the first time in a very long time, began to pray. 
crowley didn’t remember much before his fall. he couldn’t remember what his name was, what heaven was like, what God looked like. but he remembered loving Her. he can’t remember if She ever loved him back. most days, it was easier to think that She didn’t, that She had hated him from the Beginning. some days, however, crowley needed to pretend that She was as his angel described Her, a loving mother who had a plan for all of Her children, even the fallen ones. 
today was one of those days. 
“mama, i could use some help here, tired of talking to myself here...down in hell, you don't exist, so here i am in the abyss,” crowley prayed, his eyes closed as he tried to ignore the awful burning beginning to spread up his legs. he wasn’t sure how long a demon could survive in a church. he took a deep breath, opening his eyes and looking around for a moment. he wasn’t sure was he was expecting, a flash of bright light, maybe? he tried not to be disappointed, what did he expect? he was a demon after all. 
“are you really in this place? it's like the emptiness of space. i could search for all eternity, and never see your face,” the demon lamented, realizing how true his statement truly was. no matter how hard he tried, and he truly did try, crowley could never remember what She looked like. even when aziraphale tried to describe Her, it was impossible for him to picture Her. crowley realized, in horror, that tears had begun to form in his eyes. 
swallowing his pride, crowley pleaded, “help me out, i'm lost without you.” 
crowley stood up from the pew, looking around at the dark and empty cathedral. he found himself thinking about aziraphale, as he usually did. there wasn’t a day that went by that he didn’t think about the angel, even when he had slept for centuries each and every one of his dreams was about him. ever since aremgeddon’t, crowley had felt like he was falling all over again, like aziraphale was his source of gravity and he was tumbling at light speed down to the earth. 
for thousands of years crowley had tiptoed around his feelings for aziraphale. but now, well, they were on their own side. thats what crowley had said, that night on the bench, wasn’t it? the night aziraphale grabbed his hand on the bus back to london- something which they hadn’t yet discussed. 
their own side. 
what side was crowley ever on? good, bad, was anything ever so black and white? crowley had never been able to make sense of any of his feelings, now more than ever, and to be honest- he was desperate. desperate to understand what he was feeling, why he was feeling it. maybe that was why he had decided to come to the church- desperation.
“standing, stuck on this impossible road- no idea which way to go! whichever path i choose i lose, you know! and i don’t know which way’s home!” crowley had never felt like he was truly good or truly evil. falling for asking questions- crowley didn’t believe that wanting answers meant he was made of pure evil. in fact, didn’t that make him good? wanting to know what was going to happen so he could make the best choice? 
“You always saw life as a game, but since You left, it sucks to play! i'm beaten up and bruised, confused by rules that alter every day- where to next?” walking up the aisle, his burning legs went numb, and he found that it was more bearable. was that Her? or was that just his physical body’s way of telling him he didn’t have much time left? 
crowley didn’t come to the church with the intention to spill the inner workings of his heart to a Mother who he wasn’t even sure was his anymore. still, standing in front of the empty church, he felt like the words were coming out of his mouth faster than he was able to think- as if his soul was finally ready to tell Her everything that needed to be said. 
“You left but i'm still standing! spinning on this infinite road, terrified of letting You go! no light above and there's no hope below- and i don't know which way's home!” 
home. where was crowley’s home? it certainly wasn’t heaven anymore, and he would never call hell anything remotely close to a home. his flat in mayfair...maybe? but still, it didn’t seem to fit the word- home. when he thought of that word, only aziraphale came to mind, but that was stupid, a home wasn’t a person, a home was somewhere that made you feel warm, and loved, and-
how stupid he had been. 
aziraphale was his home. always had been, always will be. what did he do, now that he had this information? crowley felt terrified, more vulnerable than he had in years- even more so than when he came face to face with the devil himself. perhaps that was because when that had happened, he had had his angel, his home, next to him, giving him strength. now, he was alone- no one but his thoughts. and, crowley hoped in the deepest part of his heart, God. 
he needed to find aziraphale and tell him everything that he had been holding in his heart for all those years- all the feelings that were pouring out of him, feelings that he didn’t even know he was capable of feeling. they were overwhelming, and crowley suddenly became aware that the pain of holding his feelings in for even a second more would be more painful than standing on the holiest, most consecrated ground. 
but how did you express feelings you didn’t even know how to feel? 
crowley was terrified. 
“Ma, i've got my heart in my hand! speak to me and i'll understand- one little word to know i'm not alone! and show me the way back home! is there a way back home?” what happened if aziraphale didn’t reciprocate his feelings? what if the feelings that, to the demon, were so overwhelming, choking him, threatening to rip him apart at the seams, were simply fun and games to the angel? what would happen if crowley gave himself away only to have the angel give him back?
surely crowley wouldn’t survive that. it would be more painful than being doused with the holiest water. 
“the nothingness ahead of me…. is this the end You meant for me? every living minute, there's no home without him in it!” 
crowley remembered falling. he remembered what it felt like, to have his grace ripped from him. he could never forget the way it felt to have his wings burn off, to have everything he ever believed in gone in a moment. 
but how he was feeling now? the torment of the back and forth? it was as if he was falling all over again. 
“i’m falling! quit stalling! Your angel is calling Your name! i've burned all my bridges, end game!” 
he didn’t feel any pain anymore, crowley realized. no pain in his legs, no burning in his feet and chest. in fact- the pain in his chest was replaced by a different feeling- a lightness he hadn’t felt since-
crowley turned around. 
“Mama?” crowley asked softly, taking a step forward, towards the bright, blinding light in front of him. “Mom?” 
“raphael- crowley. my child,” God smiled softly, extending an arm out to crowley. 
“You came?” crowley asked, decidedly not caring about the fact that his voice sounded like a lost toddler. 
“i heard you.”
“i don’t- i didn’t think You took calls from demons,” crowley said, casting his eyes to the ground. 
“oh, my child. you are so much more than a demon,” She said. 
“You left me!” crowley shot back. “cast me out! if i’m more than a demon, why did you let that happen?” he cried.
“oh, crowley, i love you so, so much. casting you out was one of the hardest thing i’ve ever done. but surely you understand now, don’t you? i had to send you home.”
crowley was taken back. home. She sent him home. 
home, to aziraphale. 
“You sent me to him. to aziraphale,” crowley whispered. in response, she smiled. 
“i have to go now, crowley. i hope that one day, you find it within yourself to forgive me,” God said softly. 
“i forgive you, Mom, i-” crowley cried out, hopelessly as Her light began to fade. “i don't wanna forget You! i promise, i'm never gonna forget You!”
crowley ran down the aisle of the church, only one goal in mind. his fear, the pain, everything was gone. all the feelings he was terrified to let himself feel felt far away now, the only thing he could think about was aziraphale. 
“i’m gonna go back home! aziraphale, it won’t be so bad! i'm messy but you’re all that i have- i'll make the best of being flesh and bone!”
turning back to look at the church, the place which he had once so detested, had become the place that he would always remember as the place that helped him find his home. 
“Mama, i'm going home! yeah, Mama, i'm going home!” 
crowley didn’t even bother with the bentley. no, instead, he found himself running straight to his home. or maybe he was flying. he would never be able to be sure. 
“Mama, i’m going home!” 
stopping in front of aziraphale’s shop, he didn’t feel any fear. instead, he felt only hope for the future he would share with aziraphale. 
with his angel.
pushing the door open, crowley let out one more prayer. this time, a prayer of thanks. a prayer of new beginnings. 
he stepped inside.
“angel, i'm coming home!”
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