#naut win as always
seeasunset · 11 months
29. What is your character’s weaknesses? Hubris? Pride? Controlling?
30. Are they holding on to something in the past? Can he or she forgive?
Character development!
29. What is your character’s weaknesses? Hubris? Pride? Controlling?
➤ A mixture of pride and his bitterness.
Pride because Vasco is confident as a sea captain. While that is true and nobody doubts he is an amazing sea captain with fierce loyalty, his belief of remaining as such had been shaken up when he is laid off. Here he thought he would remain sailing and being on his ship until he is forced to navigate on land. I bet he is struggling to navigate on land and hiking around. Not because he is out of shape, but because he is not used to walking around on land. So, going from sailing all the time and not moving on the waves to climbing over things and walking through dense forest is something he didn't have in mind.
It could lead to why he was forced to be on land. As part of his canon story, Vasco always envied someone like De Sardet for having a life he never had. A yearning for a different life, even if he doesn't want to trade up sailing at all. It's a conflict, yes. He is loyal to the Nauts and is pride to be one. He loves sailing. And for a while, Vasco always wanted to live a different life. To have a life he never had a chance at, given he was stripped away from his actual family and raised as a Naut. Even if it turned out that he didn't enjoy how his actual family was when he got to meet them, he admitted to feeling envied. Bitter even. I am sure he has a moment of jealousy here and there, though it's not a strong weakness to be used against him. Even the letters in the De Vesper DLC where they wanted to get information on each of the characters, the letter that surrounds Vasco mentioned winning him over with this.
Downside to that? Vasco had moved on about the whole wanting another life. I still believe bitterness can do wonders.
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30. Are they holding on to something in the past? Can he or she forgive?
➤ Not to go off what I've mentioned above or countless of times, Vasco doesn't have much he is still holding onto. Most of the things he held onto is now in his past. Either he forced himself to move on or someone else helped him. While there are some stuff he couldn't forgive, there are others he did. So, it is a mixed. Currently, he believes he has none until a situation calls for bringing something else up in the past.
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tsckcyomi · 1 year
“don’t worry, i’ve got you.” (@ Anna)
protector / protectee starters | accepting
When Anna opens her eyes, her surroundings are darker than before. It's dusky, and quiet. Where is she again? She came to the harbor with some of the other orphans when the Nauts arrived her to watch them for a while, and then… They decided to play hide-and-seek. Right. She's in the storehouse in the harbor. Did she fall asleep? Blinking slowly, the girl looks around before getting to her feet in the narrow space she's climbed down into, in between several tall crates. They now tower over her, seemingly having grown impossibly high all of a sudden.
Perhaps hiding in the storehouse wasn't such a good idea. The sun must have gone down a while ago, and Anna doesn't think she's allowed in here, either, but she wanted to win the game... Only now, she's all by herself. She exhales shakily, then begins trying to climb back up. One, two, three times. Two more. Each attempt a failure, and after another one, tears of frustration begin gathering in her eyes. Worrying at her lower lip, Anna stares up at the edge of the boxes surrounding her. Even if she'll absolutely get in trouble for this one way or another by now, she'll at least have to keep trying.
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In her distress, Anna almost overhears the sound of boots against the wooden floor coming closer. They stop for a moment, then someone is coming directly towards where she's hidden. Sniffling quietly, Anna looks up ─ directly into the captain of the Nauts' face. She has never directly interacted with him before even though she spends a lot of her time in the harbor playing and watching the sailors. Her mother used to be worried about her presence there, especially with the many rumors about the Nauts stealing children making their rounds. But Anna has always been intrigued by the men and women of the sea rather than afraid. Maybe she'll get lectured by him for hiding between what are presumably wares that he transports, but it doesn't matter to her right now.
She thinks that, right now, Vasco must be rather confused at the sight of her here, and perhaps he even asks her something, but she doesn't really hear him. Instead, she reaches up for him, and after a moment, she can feel his hands grasping hers and how he lifts her up.
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diadhachd-galair · 3 years
Character Diamond
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Intelligent The young prince does not possess a silver tongue, like his cousin the legate. Nor soldier's toughness or an astonishing command of a blade or ‘blessed’ magic of any sorts. Being young and leaning towards both kindness and honour, rather than self-gain and steep price of greater good, he is not a master of intrigue either. However, life at court taught him well. He can charm, deceive and hide contempt behind a smile, even if he is not the most marvelous player at the obscure art of intrigue. Despite loathing his mother’s ways, he obtained skills and knowledge of a poisoner during rare times she deigned to show any affection and cradle him upon her lap. However, most of the time Constantin prefers not to openly demonstrate his proficiency in anything but having fun and getting into trouble, even if he has quite a promising armory of intellect and could have become a master in many fields, only if he had chosen to apply himself with both patience and passion.
Whimsical temperament Constantin is a creature of contradictions, dual by nature. Often it makes him look like an inconsistent boy. He can be spiteful and hateful, hold a deadly grudge and sting as painfully like a poisonous serpent in wait, at the right moment. Or forget trespassing against his person with a chuckle, even if he’s planned to take a blade to your heart a moment ago. Death holds an unspeakable terror to him ( knowing that he has the malichor he shattered into hysterics ) and yet he wouldn’t think twice to lend a hand to nauts with a mysterious, clearly dangerous beast. In spite of it all, his mind is not a feeble one, even if he is brave mostly because he doesn’t allow himself any time to think and to get afraid. He is curious and enthusiastic, passionate and rash, but choosing between having revenge and having fun he is more likely to choose the later. In the company of friends, the young prince criticizes the ways of the court, and yet he believes in power, right and responsibility that comes with a noble name. Being named a governor has calmed his erratic behavior. Constantin is eager to do good, takes both pleasure and interest in his new role, coquettish complaints of boredom aside. Being away from his parents, whom he hates - a rare dark feeling, if not the only one he carries inside his heart - did him good. A race for dangerous pleasures, a bitter mutiny against rules, a desire to shock - all these caprices of an energetic mind, caged into passivity, have transformed into their virtuous counterparts. Even if the root of it has not changed. Constantin d’Orsay desires to prove himself fervently. This desire controls the majority of his decisions, both good and bad ones.
Felixious You can hold no love for Constantin and his caprices, but you can not deny he can charm the moon right from the sky. The secret of it is that his charisma is not a product of need or an artful deception. The young prince, behind a mask of naivety he puts on sometimes, is familiar with dark thoughts and dark ways of the world, yet chooses not to dwell on them. He knows the true face of the human race, in both its ugliness and grace, yet prefers to trust that at the end of the story a kind, sly and good hero always wins. This hope is his greatest allure; Constantin’s smiles rarely remain unanswered. His enthusiasm and sincerity are inspiring. He is sly, with a child-like mischievous slyness, and sincere with the same child-like purity. His cruelty is also that of a heartless child and often is born out of carelessness. Not being the most careful mind reader, he is sympathetic and prefers to act kindly. He doesn't forget a favour not matter how slight, and is generous to his friends ( and strangers ), despite a slight veil of vanity. He knows how to have a good time and often indulges in mischief for a laugh. Yet it seems even fate is charmed by Constantin d’Orsay; no matter what dangerous folly he has been engaged in, he was not scorched by it’s fires.
Unpoised Despite not being a coward or weak of will, Constantin lacks self-assurance to the level that he prefers to choke his intelligence and instead of applying his agile mind to the matter he hops from one action to another. Thanks to the father - who mourned the death of his elder son and in the act seemed to develop hatred towards the one who remained alive - there is a persistent voice in Constantin’s mind that he is but a gray shadow, not good enough to live or to make wise or strong decisions. Therefore, the young prince may act recklessly just to prove that he can do this or that, or to lash at those who question his authority or righteousness of his decisions with an unusual wrath. He might prove capriciously stubborn in his opinion or listen to wise advice, with Constantin it’s a constant gamble. Two things he is truly greedy of are: pleasure and acknowledgment.
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killian-whump · 4 years
Colin the Shots!
Hello friends and fellow O’Dononauts! It’s your pal KW, here with another lightning round of Colin the Shots - the fun game where we guess what Colin’s going to do, no one keeps track, and Colin O’Donoghue trolls us all.
You might remember this game from previous rounds, such as...
the one where Colin trolled us all
the one where Colin trolled us all again
and my personal favorite...
the one where Colin stuffed himself into a tiny corner of his house just to troll us all YET AGAIN
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So in a matter of hours, our pal Colin is going to have tea with Karen David through the glory of the internet, and probably find some new way to troll us in the process. But we shall not be deterred by his shenanigans!!! We shall persevere and place our bets nonetheless!!! And so, my friends and fellow ‘nauts... WHAT SAY YOU?!?!
As always, what’s Colin going to wear? BONUS BET!! Socks? No socks? Will it come up either way?
Where will he be filming? Balcony? Gym? Sofa? Squishy Corner? Somewhere he hasn’t filmed before? An addition to his house that he literally had added just so we couldn’t guess it?
Will we get a thumbs up?
IS HE GOING TO TROLL US? (yes, probably)
Okay! Reply or reblog this post with your guesses, and sometime tomorrow or never, I’ll tally the results and let you all know who’s winning! (Spoiler Alert: The winner is Colin, hoarding all the points we’ve lost due to his antics.)
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sabrutus · 4 years
Tag 8 people you wanna know better game! ✨
Thank you for tagging me! I’m incredibly flattered :) @castudies
I took the liberty of changing some questions, teehee.
Favorite colour: blue, though I’ve really been into neutrals and orange lately. I think orange is an obnoxious color which is why I like it so much lol 
Last song I listened to: Night 1 by Ta-Ku (from 25 Nights to Nujabes)
Favorite musicians: Hyukoh and Snoh Aalegra
Favorite songs: Say So (Doja Cat), Better (GEO), Trip to the Moon (Alex)
Last film I watched: Violet Evergarden
Favorite place you’ve been: Budapest will always hold a special place in my heart, standing by the river and riding the tram was like being in a Ghibli film. What’s happening there right now is very concerning.
Last book you finished (opinions): The Master and Margarita (Bulgakov), I really liked it! It took me a hot minute to finish though, like nine months (which is a loooong time). It’s kind of what got me into Russian literature and was my first magi-realist novel.
Sweet, savoury or spicy: All of the above, though I probably lean towards savoury and spicy.
Sparkling water, tea or coffee: TEA FOR THE WIN
The first thing you’ll do when you’re released from quarantine: I want to see my friends again and give them a big hug (I had to leave without saying goodbye). I will probably cry like a baby.
Tagging @studyblrrenaissance, @scandireader, @clabujo  @bright-goals, @istsgrad, @effer-vescent, @ceriniity, @astron-nautes
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visceralcoma · 5 years
Aria Loiza De Sardet
Finally filled out my own questionnaire for my first De Sardet
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What is De Sardet’s given name?
Aria Loiza De Sardet
What is the name Arelwin would have given De Sardet (assuming Petrus told them and its different than their given name)?
Arelwin never got to see her, much less name her. The Nauts named her instead. But in another life, Seren.
What was their relationship with Constantin like when they were teens?
Antagonistic. When they were kids they got along, but something changed in their teens when Loiza did exceptionally better than Constantin at everything. From academics to martial to politics and even social. Constantin withdrew from her, growing resentful that she was better than him at everything. Constantin’s resentment grew when he eavesdropped on his father and Sir De Courcillion and learned Loiza wasn’t even related to him and that his father was intending on wedding them together.
Did your De Sardet and Constantin ever have a fight? If so, about what?
When Constantin’s resentment of Loiza exploded, he shouted that she wasn’t even his real cousin. He said it to hurt her specifically. Unbeknownst to Constantin, she’d always suspected that she wasn’t really related to him given how much different she looked. And so she fled while crying and that’s when Constantin knew he’d went too far.
What is a special heartwarming memory of your De Sardet and Constantin?
Sir De Coucillion set Constantin to apologize to Loiza as she had locked herself away. It took much time but eventually when Loiza went a few days without eating or leaving the De Sardet apartments, he finally went to apologize for his words – now worried she was wasting away. He told her how he felt with her doing so much better than him, and his father preferring her over him. Stated how he was just another shadow he lived under. Only this one was a living one, as his brother was long dead. Loiza then revealed her own doubts about her place in the family. That even though she was the General De Sardet’s daughter, it was like she had no resemblance to her mother Princess Livie. And she suspected she was a bastard. With the air clear, Loiza promised to help Constantin with his studies and Constantin would stop resenting her.
What was the relationship like with Princess Livie (their adoptive mother)?
Very close. Even though Loiza felt like she might not actually be Livie’s daughter, she treasured her mother deeply and mourned with her when the diagnosis came back that she had the Malichor. Princess Livie view Loiza as the culmination of all the children she almost had but ultimately miscarried. A gift from her brother from the Island he had tried to colonize all those years ago.
Did De Sardet ever have a pet growing up? What happened to it?
There was a bird she inherited from General De Sardet. A Grey Al Saadian parrot. It was already forty years old when she took over care for it at the age of 8. Sadly it dies in her care but it lived a very long life and was her early exposure to losing a loved one. So when Livie was diagnosed, she was mentally prepared if anguished.
What was De Sardet’s relationship with their uncle (Constantin’s father)?
Close. Closer than Constantin and his father. Her uncle saw her like a pawn in his future plans and as a balm to Constantin’s rashness. He sought to marry her to Constantin, to temper him and reign him in. and also to be the driving force for the colonization of Tir Fradi. He had high expectations and so gave Sir Courcillion instruction to push her academically to reach her full potential. Loiza met each one head on. He often bought her gifts, commissioned swords and daggers for her use, and even had a custom gunsword made when she mastered both. He never pressured her to be like the other young ladies of court and indeed had her accompany him on many of his diplomatic and mercantile meetings when she grew older.
Did De Sardet ever get into trouble with their mother and uncle? Were they a frequent troublemaker?
She got into trouble once, when she broke under the pressures set before. It was revealed to her she would wed Constantin once colonization of the Island was underway. Though she didn’t hate her cousin – in fact she loved him. Loved him in the way they wished, but to be told she had to marry him as part of their plans, she revolted. Her sole act of rebellion and troublemaking was running away and finding the first brothel to deflower herself. But once there, she had no idea what she was doing and was nearly taken advantage of when mistaken for one of the working ladies.
For the first time since they were children, Constantin was the one to save her, revealing he was a frequent and high paying customer that he had a private room. There he sequestered her away. They spent the night and at her request he recommended one of the working gentlemen to her, someone he trusted.
Did De Sardet have many other friends?
Loiza had little friends given her schedule was packed most of the time. She had Constantin and a few acquaintances in court, no one else besides Constantin she would consider her friend.
How did they handle growing up with their mark? Did people mention it? Talk about? Treat them differently? How did De Sardet respond to them?
Poorly. As a kid, children called her mark a symptom of the Malichor and so they kept their distance from her. They neither wanted to be near her or play with her. As such she had a lonely childhood outside of her time with Constantin. Not that she had much time to play, for as soon as she was old enough her days were spend in study.
What are De Sardet’s favorite: food, color, music (genre/instrument), weather, season, and animal?
Food: A particular stone fruit from Al Saad, called a mango.
Color: Seagreen,
Music: Opera for the singing. She dreamed once of becoming a performer, but alas her uncle had other plans.
Weather: Rainy weather. It left the air cleaner back on the Continent, almost renewed and refreshed. On Tir Fradi, it was the same, but after each rain it was like she – herself – was rejuvenated. Like she’d taken a large drink of water.
Season: The end of winter. It feels like a fresh new beginning.
Animal: Birds. She has a liking to all the different sorts and has a collection of feathers from her uncle’s ‘friends’ who would try to win her favor, and thus her uncle’s ear, by giving her wild and exotic feathers from various birds.
What was their first thought of Vasco, Siora, Aphra, and Petrus when they met them?
Vasco: Capable, competent, if a little reserved. But beautiful.
Siora: She has a mark! Like me! Did father have an affair with someone from this island? Was father the first people to come to this island from the continent? Is this where I’m from?
Aphra: I could take the gun right out of her hands, but something in her gaze said not to. Determined, calculating, but not a killer unless pushed.  
Petrus: Just like one of uncle’s acquaintances in court. He wants something I can tell but what. He could prove useful though.
If they had one, who was De Sardet’s first kiss and/or love?
Constantin was her first kiss. It was a few months after Constantin had apologized for their big fight when Loiza was re-teaching him what Sir De Courcillion had covered in their dance lessons.  He was following her instructions perfectly when he started doing poorly. His hands were sweaty, and he stumbled over his feet. She didn’t understand why until when he nearly crashed them into a wall during a spin. She was getting up when the next moment he had pressed her against the wall, lips to hers and then he was stumbling back apologizing. She didn’t know what to make of it, as she was only thirteen and he fourteen, she carried on with the lesson.
Did De Sardet have any childhood/teen crushes on anyone? Describe how they realized it and how they behaved.
De Sardet didn’t have any crushes. Though she admired Kurt’s skill and ability it was more akin to hero worship, and though her first kiss was stolen by Constantin. It wasn’t until they were older did she love Constantin and he knew it, but neither acted on it in a silent act of rebellion against their parents. They both denied themselves because this was the one area they wanted to be free from their intrigue.
What subjects were their favorite to learn while being taught by Sir De Courcillion?
Music lessons. Being taught to sing was a passion she rarely got to express and so for as long as De Courcillion taught her it, she enjoyed it, but she quickly surpassed the level they would teach her. And though she continued to practice, it went nowhere. Instead she was encouraged to take an interest in other singers, and thus her love of the Opera was born.
What was their relationship with Kurt initially like when he became their bodyguard and/or when he became their Master of Arms?
When he became their Master of Arms, there was a bit of hero worship on Loiza’s end. He could fight and fight well. Though when he became their bodyguard as well, she tried to engage with him in discussion and had to excuse himself. Later he found her describing him as boorish. A word she regretted using as he would hold it over her head from that moment on for talking behind his back. She still feels guilty for calling him that, but Kurt won’t let her forget it. Especially when she playfully flirts with him.
What was Kurt’s initial assessment of De Sardet when he began teaching them to fight?
Graceful, crafty, and potentially deadly if given the chance. She’d be good for close combat and quick fights, but dreadful for cover and protecting herself. I’d give her a shield, but that would only slow her down. She can move faster than those wielding heavier weapons. Still, she needs to learn to parry. A heavier longer blade but not a long sword would do her well, but nothing too cumbersome. She’s got an aim not to be trifled with but shies away from guns due to the loud noise. A pistol on hand if she needs it but nothing more.
What did De Sardet specialize into first and why?
De Sardet specialized into the more technical aspects of combat. Swords, daggers, traps, explosives, and grenades and the art of subterfuge and misdirection. It was useful for her Uncle as when he entertained, she’d slip out and find what her Uncle needed in court in other cities. Eventually it became her preference.
What did they feel when they learned they were adopted and the circumstances behind it?
She knew it was something like this but she had imagined at least her father was actually her father, but instead it was all a lie. She was heartbroken and yet resolute. It was almost a relief to know, until it really sunk in what her “uncle” had done. Stolen a child and raised away all to be a piece, a way to get the Natives to concede to the Congregation. And her mother…Princess Livie an unwilling participant to his schemes but no less responsible – yet Loiza couldn’t fault her. She did the best she could. Instead all her anger directed at her “Uncle”.
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caeciitas · 4 years
42, 52, 61, 79, 83!
42. How long can you just kiss until your hands start to wander?
A fairly l9ng time! I try naut t9 let my hands wander until I kn9w my partner is 9kay with it. Usually I await ver6al c9nchfirmati9n 9r perhaps them t9 guide my hand. If I get a little anxi9us, then I have t9 ask.
52. Is there anyone you’ve given up on? Why?
My Latula fr9m my time. She was the heiress, s9 I attempted t9 win her fav9r and get her t9 n9tice me as much as p9ssi6le and m9re than a friend. That didn't w9rk as she kept using me f9r my tech, and s9, after a while, I gave up. It wasn't g99d f9r me.
61. What is the first thing you notice in someone?
F9r me, it w9uld 6e attitude? Strange as it is, I d9n't really meet t99 many pe9ple, s9 I judge them 9n the way they carry themselves and the like.
79. When was the last time you felt jealous? Why?
I d9n't generally feel jeal9usy. It's an ugly feeling and I kn9w pe9ple need 9thers. Perhaps when I was y9unger, I was jeal9us that my friends w9uld always hang 9ut with 9thers instead, 6ut I was y9ung and silly.
83. Who was your first kiss with?
An 9ld mate, wh9 was a jade6l99d. It was sweeps ag9.
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warlock-enthusiast · 5 years
28. Enough! I heard enough.
Fandom: Greedfall
Characters: De Sardet x Kurt on their voyage to a new land
Rating: M (sexy times)
fictober entries // fictober information
“Enough! I heard enough.” Constantin chuckled and slapped the sailor on the back. “You’ve convinced me. I will try your parlor tricks and win this hand of cards.” Her cousin looked drunk. Livina rolled her eyes and crossed her arms behind her back. Sure, he deserved some amusement on this ship, but someone needed to make sure that he would stay away from the wine for a while. 
At least, Vasco’s crew acted pretty friendly and weren’t too shy to play with Constantin. Livina thought that it maybe had something to do with her getting their cabin boy back, who smiled at her every time they crossed paths. 
She noticed a hand slightly touching her hip. 
Livina recognized the smell of leather and musk and a faint scent of apples. 
It had happened once. Maybe twice, if you wanted to be precise. Both times had been born out of boredom and too much alcohol and her questioning how many scars he owned. Her skin prickled beneath his gloved hands and she found herself leaning closer against him. 
He whispered into his ear. “Your Excellency, there is a certain matter that needs your attention.”
“Of course.” 
Livinia took a bottle from her cousin. “Constantin? You’re going to be okay?”
“Yes, yes. Do whatever you like, cousin.”
She nodded at the passing Nauts and followed Kurt. He held his back as straight as always and nothing could have prepared her for him slamming her against the nearest wall, hands already beneath her clothing, hot lips on her neck.
Kurt’s back scratched her skin and Livina bit her lip to suppress a moan. Rough fingers closed around her breasts and pinched her sensitive nipples. Heat rose in her stomach and cheeks and Livina tried to grab his shirt. 
“Some privacy, Kurt. We don’t need to cause a scene.”
“Yes, green blood.”
They stumbled into her chambers. A mess of clothing and papers and trinkets. Grunting, Kurt navigated Livina straight to her bed, getting rid of her clothing. She opened her legs to grant him more space and he kissed her chin, her cheeks, never her mouth. How would his scars taste beneath her mouth? She wanted every thick inch of him.
Kurt undressed himself and she watched his muscled, hairy chest. Even more scars. 
A lifetime of his profession etched onto skin.  
Livina felt her own wetness between her legs, as he touched her thighs, gently teasing her and smiling about every moan. 
It would end. 
Both of them had to play their roles in Teer Fradee. This seemed nothing more than a distraction on this endless voyage. Spending so many months on a ship made Livina question her sanity in especially lonely nights. Kurt helped with that. 
Protecting her, as he was used to do.
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itsbenedict · 5 years
Kingdoms and Koopas: Ep. 7
K&K is a Fate Accelerated campaign set in the Mario universe, which I’m running for three players:
Bee @thebeeskneesocks​, playing Kandace Koopa
Jovian @jovian12​, playing Cozmo Naut
Malky @sleepdepravity​, playing Dr. Chevy Chain
Last time | Archive | Next time
Previously on Kingdoms and Koopas, the party journeyed to the Magic Kingdom in search of... well, a client, on Dr. Chain’s part, and the next Music Key on Kandace and Cozmo’s part. They arrived, got shot out of cannons, met the princess of the kingdom, and, oops, got entered in a kart-racing competition on Rainbow Road.
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...Okay, some of them are on infirmary duty.
Dr. Chevy Chain arrives at the infirmary for the racers, where she learns a behind-the-scenes secret about how these things operate: since kart racing involves so much spectacular violence, they need a way to get racers who’ve been severely injured back onto the track to finish the race. The league’s solution, at least here in the Magic Kingdom, at the very deadliest course in the sport, is to hire a team of time magicians who can stop time and evacuate injured racers to the infirmary, where the doctors can keep an eye on them.
Unfortunately, while the time-stoppers are fine, it seems most of the usual pit crew doctors have, uh, quit. Over intolerable working conditions, apparently. Too many injuries too quickly, they said! Couldn’t handle that much carnage at once, they said! This probably bodes well.
The only remaining doctor- besides the recently-hired Chevy- is one Doctor Moneybags, a well-dressed koopa who sings the praises of what he calls his revolutionary technique of Monetary Medicine. You see, people like to get richer, so when you give them coins, they recover health! It’s very simple, a well-documented phenomenon, he claims. Even the famous Super Mario swears by it!
Chevy is suspicious.
Meanwhile, Kandace and Cozmo take their karts down to the starting line, and meet the other racers. There’s a few nobodies in the running, but there’s also some other racers who are not nobodies.
Bowser Jr. is here- the prince of the place they live, whoops. Probably not great to get on his bad side. The weird hooded figure with the pink beak and white gloves that apparently works for Kammy is here- apparently meaning to get his hands on that magical music orb that they’re offering as the prize. A masked vigilante is here- a mustachioed man calling himself “Mr. L”, racing “for the sake of freedom”. There’s also, just, a Yoshi, who doesn’t have a kart, and seems to intend to just run it as a footrace. 
Kandace and the hooded figure get in a little argument over who’s going to win- it’s going to be the hooded figure! No, it’s going to be Kandace! NO, says one of the other racers, it’s gonna be HIM! He’s the CHAMP!
That’s right- the RAWK is here! Well-versed in being the champion of things, there’s no doubt he’s going to be the winner! Look at his championship belt- proof he’s the favorite to win! His hordes of adoring fans in the audience ain’t gonna be disappointed! 
So, before the race starts: here’s how we handled things mechanically.
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The race is two laps around the course. Each turn, everyone picks an action, and then moves a default number of spaces, representing basic driving competency. Various opportunities to pick up speed, impede foes, and careen wildly out of control and fall off the map exist. Each colored section of track represents a new set of obstacles, and the blue lines represent rows of item boxes. Whenever you enter a new zone on your turn, you take on the associated challenge- steering around sharp turns, tricking off ramps, using boost pads without falling off, etc. 
By default, the players’ karts and the named characters move 3 spaces per turn, with the last-place fodder moving two per turn. If your kart has high top speed, like Cozmo’s magical muscle car, you move +1 space as long as you didn’t crash or get hit the previous turn. If it has high acceleration, like Kandace’s broom, you move +1 space when you do get hit or crash or fall off, since you recover faster from setbacks. (There’s also +handling, which helps on sharp turns and hazard rolls, but neither of them sprung for that one.)
With that in mind... let’s start the race!
Kandace shoots out ahead to an early lead on the straightaway with a high Quick roll- but she’s trailed by Rawk Hawk, whose kart seems to break regulations- it’s equipped with a huge engine from another speed class. Where the heck’s the ref, huh? This guy’s cheating!
Unfortunately, right after the straightaway, there’s some sharp turns. And... well, Kandace and Cozmo both have Careful as their dump stat, and that’s the stat you need to roll to be good at not falling off the course. So, naturally, they both roll terribly and fall right off. (Kandace tries a cool stunt she learned from watching Cozmo, but watching isn’t the same as doing, and she totally wipes out.) One of the trackside safety assistants, a lakitu with a ponytail named Lakilulu, rescues Kandace and berates her for trying something so stupid, which doesn’t go over well. How come she’s gotta be so rude about saving her life?
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Rawk Hawk’s pulled into the lead. Up next is a series of narrow boost pads on a narrow section of the course- it’s risky to go for them, since it ups your chances of falling off, but if you can manage it, that’s a ton of extra distance. They both go for it, and... also fail, again. Rawk Hawk’s lead would be crazy at this point, but thankfully Mr. L manages to snipe him with a green shell. 
(Bringing up the rear is Yoshi, who moves one space per turn and is just here to have a good time.)
Bowser Jr. is coming up behind them, and Kandace wants to shake him- so she convinces her stuffy shadow, Carbonado, that winning this race is an important school assignment, since the prize is the headmistress’s magic orb. He assists by shifting into the appearance of Bowser, and scolding Bowser Jr. for playing hooky to race go-karts.
As people start to catch up, Rawk Hawk pulls out a bob-omb! Except... he’s been in first place this whole time, so how’d he even get that? Cheating again! He tosses it and knocks down a track marker, causing an iron beam to fall into the track and obstruct the racers. 
Thankfully, Kandace picked up an item of her own- she lucked into grabbing the lightning, and deploys it now- everyone shrinks except her. She actually pulls off Cozmo’s stunt this time, and jumps the beam on her broom-bike- while Cozmo, shrunken, manages to drive right underneath. They’re hot on the birdman’s heels now!
The next section is Cozmo’s time to shine: it’s a wide-open area with loads of ramps to trick off of, and he’s been training for this his entire life. He gets some sick air- and Kandace does pretty well, too! With the extra speed from the jumps, they manage to catch up to Rawk Hawk.
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Cozmo, too, grabbed an item- he manages to hit Rawk Hawk with a green shell, and the hooded figure tosses a red shell at same. The Rawk is stopped dead, and Cozmo and Kandace shoot out into the lead! (Even Yoshi manages to make up some ground, using a bullet bill ride item.)
Here’s the problem with being in first place, though: this is Mario Kart.
So as soon as Kandace makes it up through the star slingshot, what’s waiting for her is a big blue surprise.
Time stops, and Kandace- plus Mr. L and Bowser Jr., who both took some pretty nasty hits- are rushed to the infirmary by Lakitu. Oh, also one of the last-placers, a boo, is there. 
Chevy and Dr. Moneybags have to divide up the work. Chevy opts to treat Bowser Jr. and the boo- the boo because it’s an interesting medical challenge, and Bowser Jr. because it’s always good to have the prince in your debt. Bowser Jr. is thankful both for the treatment and the apparent respect she gives him, and he says he’ll put in a good word with his dad. The boo... well, she tries her best. Apparently too much light exposure from a particularly bright fireball- she treats him by stuffing him under a bed, where it’s dark. Sure.
Meanwhile, Doctor Moneybags is mumbling something to himself as he gets out some coins to treat Kandace’s explosion burns. Chevy tries to listen in, but can’t make it out. Dang it!
Once everyone’s back on the racetrack, time resumes- there’s more sharp turns, which slows them down, but Cozmo takes the lead, clearing the last section of obstacles. It’s an incredibly steep slope dotted with pits and bumps. There’s a lot of ways to handle it, but Cozmo does so by being quick enough to take a shortcut around most of the hazards early on. As he blasts ahead on the straightaway, Kandace is neck-and-neck with Rawk Hawk and the hooded figure, fighting for second.
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The hooded figure wipes out on the downhill jam to the finish, and Kandace and Rawk Hawk keep moving. Kandace grabs a fake item box right before the sharp turns, and... she thinks she might use her magic to try and do them right, this time. She’s not sure if it’d be against the rules to use magic, though- she eventually decides to play it safe, and tries the turns on her own. Her move pays off- she clears them and pulls ahead of Rawk Hawk as he wipes out on the turns. Kandace deploys the fake item box, which gets him again when he recovers, slowing him down even more. Our heroes have developed a comfortable lead- so you know what that means.
Cozmo eats blue shell, and gets sent to the infirmary. There’s also a random toad there, and... well. Chevy has a plan, this time. First, she volunteers to treat Cozmo- and then, she tells him the plan.
Chevy asks Doctor Moneybags to swap patients- and he acquiesces, taking Cozmo to his table. Cozmo’s task is to listen very closely to what exactly Moneybags is muttering as he treats him- and since X-Nauts are genetically-engineered to be loyal soldiers who listen closely to orders, his excellent hearing lets him hear it exactly. And a lucky roll on remembering things... means he knows what the magic spell he hears Moneybags casting is.
He heard about it while waiting outside one of Kandace’s classrooms for her to come out and do some more of the magical experiments she likes to do on him- apparently, this is a healing spell that responsible mages recommend you not use. The incantation imparts healing energy to an object- but the side-effect is that the patient develops a powerful addiction to that object for some time. When used on coins, this manifests as uncontrollable greed.
Cozmo tells Chevy about this, and Chevy reports this to one of the timestop Wizzerds, who agrees to keep an eye out for some way this could unfairly affect the race.
...I wonder how, though? Not a lot of money on the track... and why’s Moneybags doing this, anyway?
Aaaaanyway, the race continues! 
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Cozmo’s still got a bit of a lead, but the sharp turns are coming up, and he’s no good at those. Still- he manages it, just barely, and keeps out in front! 
Meanwhile, Kandace is fighting to maintain second place. As she does so, she hits an item box- and gets a special item! Specifically, her special item, Double Dash style. Her special item is... a permission slip?
The permission slip permits her to use her own magic, once, to interfere with the match. So... good thing she decided not to use it earlier, without the permission slip! She uses her magic, in this case, to transmogrify the wheels on Rawk Hawk’s cart- into squares, with a turn-round-things-square spell. RH screeches to a halt, his wheels no longer cooperating.
Cozmo, meanwhile, is headed into the final downhill jam on his way to the finish line! But... what’s this?
Rawk Hawk’s many adoring fans are in the stands by the finish line, and they’re... dumping something onto the track! It’s money- loads and loads of money! An embarrassment of coins!
And Cozmo and Kandace, who Chevy let Moneybags treat, feel an overpowering urge to stop their karts, get out, and start scooping up as much money as they possibly can.
Cozmo, by a feat of willpower, and possibly by a feat of going way too fast to slow down in time, manages to resist bailing and going for the coins- and that’s all it takes for him to cross the finish line, and come in first place! 
And after that, thanks to Chevy warning the Wizzerd, time stops and the racetrack staff clean the coins off the track, clearing the hazard. Rawk Hawk’s plan- bribe the doctors to leave, replace them with his own doctor, have that doctor enchant everyone to crave coins, have his fans dump money on the track, watch as his competition abandons the race to gather pennies- has been summarily foiled!
Kandace- attempting again to pull off Cozmo’s sick stunts- flies into the air, over the pits, and with an incredible burst of speed manages to follow Cozmo across the finish line to steal second! The hooded figure, muttering something about cheaters, takes third- and Rawk Hawk is overtaken by the Yoshi and takes dead last, as his square wheels refuse to move.
Shortly thereafter, Kandace, Cozmo, and the hooded figure are escorted to the victory ceremony! Cozmo accepts the first-place trophy from Opal- who then gives Kandace the silver trophy and tells her that she knew she could do it!
The third-place winner, the tall hooded figure whose pink beak sticks out of the magical darkness of the hood... mutters something. He says “Waaaa... everybody cheated but me!”
Actually, maybe that’s a nose, not a beak...?
Kandace doesn’t care, though, because the prize is being brought out- and, uh. Well. It’s, um... it’s a large hovering sphere of intricate brasswork, housing a complicated magical mechanism that plays music on its own. It’s clearly very fancy and expensive-looking, and the crowd gasps when they see it. To Cozmo Naut goes the Orb of Orchestration!
Which, if you recall, is not even slightly the magical music orb they came up here to find.
Kandace turns on her magic-sensing, and notes that the Music Key is still hovering somewhere over Rainbow Road, invisible. She takes off from the victory podium and just... sorta flies in its direction for a bit, until she CLANGs into something large and invisible, well before reaching it.
Opal, concerned, follows her- and casts a spell to dispel the invisibility effect on whatever it is that’s hovering over the course.
From down in the crowds, one Oneiro Naut, who was definitely just here studying dreams with Princess Opal and not anything more nefarious than that, screams “OUR COVER IS BLOWN!”, and various toads in the audience- who reveal themselves to be X-Nauts and alien bunnies wearing papier-mache toad disguises- begin pointing ray guns and taking hostages.
(Y’all, remember that prophecy about how “a dream is a nightmare waiting to happen?)
From the giant UFO roughly the size of the entire racetrack, hovering over everything, comes a booming voice that is horrifyingly familiar to our newly-crowned Rainbow Road champion: the voice of one Sir Grodus, ordering his troops to commence the invasion of the Magic Kingdom.
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boobachu · 5 years
The T.C. rambles while watching a force awakes
Re-watching star wars 7 to see if out of the 3D headache IMAX theatre, if it’s any better.
I still hate parody Han Solo guy, like he reminds me of post-Black Knight Sonic the Hedgehog. Just really unfunny and trying way too hard to be hip and internet savvy or something.
I don’t think anything will change my opinion that he shoulda been a bit character.
I’ve decided to commentate the whole fucking movie so read on if you dare.
Rey’s making space bread. It’s very gross.
I doubt anything will change my opinion that she’s the best star wars character.
Oh God BB-8
HBomberguy ruined BB-8 for me. Whenever I see him all I hear is
L I T T L E   W H I T E   C U C K - B A L L L L L L
I guess Rey doesn’t like him either, I forgot this part.
I wish they got rid of the Dorito Destroyer.
Oh boy Darth Helmet is interrogating Lone Star.
Kylo Ren has the stupidest helmet.
There’s subtitles on this so I learned the guy’s name is Poe
Like Kylo Ren is really badass in the first half I remember this, like he stops a God damn laser blast.
Would you sell BB-8 for 60 meals?
Oh hey
Ugh what’s his name... the storm trooper’s gonna take Poe outta here.
You need a pilot. LOL
I guess Poe is alright, just his first impression was very dumb.
Oh snap it’s hooked down. What kinda name is Hux that’s stupid.
Ha hah shootin’ em down just like Annie in ep 1.
Get fucked command center.
Why do they still have Twin Ion Engine fighters?
I guess we still drive cars so eh...
Ah his name is Finn now, I guess he is a clone? or something?
Maybe they have multiple types of clones. I wonder if they still use Jango Fett...
Fucking proton torpedos!!!
Ah yeah I forgot Finn just wants to GTFO
Trailer shot. Nice.
Oh wait I can turn off subtitles. Good that was disorienting me.
And Poe dies... a great fake-out you thought parody han solo was a protag, but no this is the story of Finn, the storm trooper defecting from nazi hell-space to find his own life on Jakku or wherever.
He keeps Poe’s jacket for cover, very poetic. HAH
POE-ETIC God why did I hate this movie again?
If there’s a Kylo Ren, where is Kylo Stimpy?
Oh God Finn no don’t ugh drank the slop water ugh no why ugh
Finn goes to save Rey cuz white knight trope. Rey can handle herself like a ‘90s chick. Hey she’s a pit chick she’s got a staff.
Rey fuck taser what
Finn’s having a lousy life.
Poor basketball’s friend died. I feel like the story is rushing.
Like I expected more of a build-up not “SPIT OUT THE EXPOSITION FUCKIN”
Ah, storm troopers...
Rey doesn’t want your cooties, Finn.
Fucking TIE fighters fuck
Is Finn dead? No he just nappin’
Everything exploding!
God damn Millenium cheeseburger.
I can do this I can do this
Fucking karma’s a cheeseburger, that’s what you get for callin’ the SS you loser
The action scenes are choice
Ah Dorito ruins.
Oh I remember this part just
oh no Finn down
here it comes
G E T  R E A D Y
fucking engine exhaust TIOGHT
Takin’ the shot yeah
Kylo is Mado
Kylo is such a 12 year old in 2003.
GIRL?! THERE WAS A WOM?!?!?!?!? XDDD fucking loser
pweese BB-8 help I dunno what I do
fucking lighter thumbs up
Damn Finn what a nerd. “Got a boyfriends? a boyfriend?”
oh no they got garbage dayed
come on Rey gas them gas them all
oh great it’s Han Solo and Chewie
oh wait he used to be Han Solo
What is he now Han Oriana? Whatever Leia’s last name was I never could spell it.
Damn buncha everything happens
Oh great it’s big eyed billy joe armstrong and his O-nauts
oh boy more losers.
It’s all over for Solo.
Ah shit just unleashed things.
There goes the neighborhood just fucking angry meatballs of death AND HE FEEDS THAT DUDE TO IT
oh shit it quiet
Rey is allalone...
Fucking Finn I turn my head a sexond and the meatball caught him.
Get to da cheeseborger
“I never ask that question until after I’ve done it”
Just lightspeed dashed I swear he looks like british billie joe armstrong.
Damn giant fish thing on planet deadly pokeball.
Who is supreme leader he is stupid ugly stupid.
Oh his dad’s Han Solo wow way to blow it spoiler alert fucking why didn’t they save that for the end who wrote this crap oh he was a hologram.
Damn babuy chewie
Ah the new hope plot.
I dunno they twist it enough to make it feel fresh so eh.
Ah a planet of islands... the scenery reminds me of ep 2
“Did you just call me ‘Solo’?”
Women always figure out the truth, always.
There needs to be a han solo inspirational poster that says that.
A job? The fabled... job? You offer job?
Rey has a home? I thought she was just a wayfarer.
Don’t stare “At what?” any of it XDDDDD
Yeah this story feels like it’s going too fast like what’s going on.
Wait she’s hot for Chewbakka?
Man this band sucks.
Oh great fucking droid nark NARK
Weird lady narks NARKS EVERYTHWIER
Oh boy Darth Helmet is brooding.
Fucking Darth Vader. Kylo Ren is such a fanfiction.
Like, the idea of a warrior of light choosing darkness is something you seldom see done, but... eh... I guess? IRL kids no like most nazis are privilidged and a decade ago would be seen as nerds.
what’s this
what are you doing
The eyes of a man who wants to run
Finn need go bye-bye
Oh wait storm troopers are stolen, not bred. That’s worse like
Finn is really shiny there who does his makeup?
Rey sure didn’t care he was a storm trooper LOL
The screams... they becon me...
Finally a fresh feeling scene.
fucking lightsaber
Is she clairvoyant? I dond’t remember this part.
Is this special edition?
I like specs. She cool.
Oh boy nazis
Fucking screamy bitch XDDD
FIST UP why are the nazis doing the fist up this is upsetting.
How does the laser split up into shit and what is this planet?
Like this is supposed to be dramatic but... you literally don’t know any of those people or any of those planets. This should have been episode 8 or 9 after establishing those planets.
 W H A T    A    W A S T E
oH BOY  Finn got da lightsabah
There goes that dump, way to go Rey it’s your fault I guess BLANKS
Way to kill that soldier
Oh boy Kylo Ren, what a hoot that guy.
wait is this the part?
Han Solo so has the force like if his force3 ghost isn’t in the movie
Han Solo what a goof
M E L E E   B A T T L E
Fucking just like in Empire except it’s not Yoda hallucination probably.
The x-wing is still the coolest thing like Sonic knew that.
Damn Finn calm down it’s just a pilot.
Rey is in weird jungle o no
She just got godlike and Ren is gonna break that killstreak
Fucking using cheater force
Kylo you sound like such a dork
That cross saber is still stupid where’s the minorah saber
Nooo Rey!!!
C’mon Finn melee them
fucking lightsaber the whole first order you can do it
throw it at the ship
and the bad guys win
C-3P0 you mother fucker
Changed your hair
Same Jacket
I can’t believe Carrie Fisher is dead.
The resisties are kinda boring looking.
Oh look it’s Poe, he’s alive somehow.
Maybe the second time I’ll get the good explanation.
Oh no, there’s no good explanation he just wasn’t there.
L A A A A A A A A A A M M M E.
Okay we’re past a new hope kinda in empire strikes back territory and the ending is the last jedi. Like I totally get people being upset that this is basically the original trilogy in a nutshell.
Damn dead R2-D2
Wait C-3P0 has a red arm why
I wonder how many parents relate to Han and Leia because their son turned into a nazi.
Fucking Snoke. What kinda name is that. Solid Snoke.
Was Kylo Ren just staring at Rey’s unconscious body for the past hour?
I’m sorry he’s just not intimidating he looks like a cheap halloween darth vader
Then the dramatic reveal like remember when Darth Vader was so disfigured from burning alive?
Kylo’s just ugly. Like that’s it that’s the reveal. Kylo is ugly.
Rey/Kylo is like whenever a 4chan boy tries to hit on a hot youtube girl like your face just melds into the chair to escape his grasp like a cat that doesn’t want to be pet.
I dunno this scene is just so stupid cuz they both look dorky like this is happening at otakon
You. You’re afraid... that you will never be as strong as Darth Vader
Kylo has a huge nose. Like he’s Lois Griffin triangle sandwitch nose
I like how Rey tries to Luke Skywalker the storm trooper and he’s like “Serious?”
LOL fucking just left
T A N T R U M   T I M E
and the storm troopers just turn around LOL
Okay I love this weapon like, it’s a combination of the star crusher and a vaccum cleaner from Luigi’s mansion. It destroys the star, but in the way that it uses it to destroy things.
“So it’s big”
Disable the shields... there better be Ewoks on that planet.
Seriously, what does Poe add to the story after the escape?
Damn leila and han... dum
Hey a woman stormtrooper, like just a white gal. I didn’t notice that.
Damn lightspeed their way in.
Hooooh what a landing.
...Han Solo...
That‘s not how the force works!!!
Finn just wants Rey. I can see why people would think he’s horny for her since that boyfriend line, but that was the last horny thing he said.
Fucking mad with Power, calm down Finn then again we all wanna tell off our boss.
Rey is gonna escappeeeee damn hang on the side of the wall is that a switch what
Rey just climbing that wall like a monkey.
S H I E L D S   D O W N
Fucking Han... is there a trash compactor? You dirty bastard
And here comes the interesting part of Jedi Returns SHOOTY TIME
A T T A C K   T H E   S C P H I N C T E R (that’s how you spell it right)
Oh I love the sun thing like, it’s a great way of showing the timer without a clock.
Oh look it’s Rey, go on and almost get shot to death
Escape now, hug later.
The cinematography is good I like the dog fights.
I dunno this just really isn’t dramatic at all
Placing bombs, just like in Jedi.
Here comes Kylo
At least he keeps the mask on, like too many movies rely on faces.
oh light’s almost gone.
M A H   B O Y
Ah the stupid part
Wait is his name Finn too?
Like this woulda been way more dramatic if you didn’t know Kylo was Han’s boy.
There’s no music making this awkward and gut-wrenching which you don’t see modern mvoies do.
I’m being torn apart ;w;
What a bitch
Knowing what happens these lines are hilarious
Will you help me
L I G H T S   O U T
I dunno like, you’d think Han Solo being stabbed to death with his son would feel more heavy but that was just... nothing.
Fucking Kylo TEEF
Night time, being chased by a crazy dork in the woods.
oh here it comes
C’mon Finn
Fucking melee battle
Just fueled by the rage of his fallen friend, the desparation of the sun dissolving he fights for his life against a wounded lunatic.
Okay so maybe that cross saber has a use.
grabby time
oh no
This is unbearably xcool
Time to shoot the hole... like in new hope.
This ending is just all three original endinds with new stuff
30 seconds
only cooler
fuckin’ A
this battle is just like in empire strikes back
fucking planet’s falling apart so it’s better
A tempting offer
Who wants kylo ren to be a teacher like he’d be like a nun
W 0 0 T
it’s the comeback
don’t give the hero a dramatic pause to focus
B E A T   D O W N
the struggle is real
Take that loser
there seems to be something between us, Ren
Welp the planet is collapsing woo
Finn don’t you die, Poe is a loser you’re cool Finn
Ah it’s Chewie in the Churger
oh yeah han died like I thought it was han but no he died XDDDDD
Here comes the sun doot de doo doot~
Now for the final scene of congrats.
“Sorry General, your boyfriend was stabbed by his son and then the planet exploded”
Poor Chewie.
Fucking Artoo what are you doing here.
Like, this shoulda been episode 8 here, it feels like it shoulda ended with han’s funeral and the map was the start of the next movie aunno.
And Finn’s tale of a freedom slave blowing up the nazi death planet comes to a close.
Wait is she leaving?
I thought there was a funeral.
Not even an F?
Yeah then se see’s Luke’s hairy ass and it ends so awkwardly like this movie felt like two movies and THIS SHOULDA BEEN IN THE SEQUEL WHAT
Whoever wrote this is an idiot, whoever directed is even worse.
ANyways my conclusion is that the movie isn’t horrible, but... I dunno it’s about as bad as ep2 tho that movie’s crime was being boring, this one was too much story crammed into a short period and ruined opportunities.
I might watch ep 8 but I just am not invested like
Like fucking handing him a lightsaber what kinda ending is that
R O G U E   O N E   W A S   B E T T E R.
The end.
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cullenmckinney · 3 years
Premises Liability and Visitor Status
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Highly respected, award-winning Michigan attorney Cullen McKinney’s vast experience in civil defense litigation includes work on numerous high-profile cases. Currently, he is a founding partner of Tanoury, Nauts, McKinney and Garbarino (TNMG), PLLC, where he conducts presentations on matters related to business liability. Cullen McKinney’s areas of specialty include premises liability. A premises liability lawsuit holds a property owner accountable for damages caused as a result of someone getting injured while on that individual’s property. Under this law, property owners or non-owner residents have an obligation to maintain a relatively safe environment to ensure people visiting don’t suffer an injury. To avoid liability for accidents and injuries, all states require property owners to provide basic safety on their properties for the sake of visitors. Premises liability applies to public and private properties, including private residences, office blocks, shopping malls, restaurants, sports arenas, hotels, entertainment venues, hospitals, and grocery stores. Incidences that can result in premises liability include slip-and-fall accidents, swimming pool injuries, animal bites, and injuries due to inadequate maintenance or security negligence. During a lawsuit, some states focus on the status of a person visiting the property to determine whether liability should be considered. Some categorize the status of an individual as an invitee, licensee, social guest, or trespasser. Under premises liability, an invitee is an individual invited by the property owner for a business purpose. A licensee enters a property for their own reasons, or as a guest, but always with the owner’s consent. A social guest is a welcomed visitor to the property, while a trespasser enters a property without any right or invitation whatsoever.
0 notes
//just a thought and I would need to update but if anyone wants to adc with a Naut support on NA could ask me. *WARNING: Naut main notorious for no salt. None. Will not get pissed but at same time will not worry to much about game. Will die a lot. Will complete Zzrot first. Only take Naut main if you dont care if you win or loose or die a lot. No ranked. Hook may be used to save you or poke, not always an inish.
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Madness is Contagious: Chapter 10- Reign Ended
Summary: After the Mad King is put back in jail, one of two his nieces is appointed CEO of Monarch Labs. The niece seems disinterested in the company, but in keen on figuring out how to cure her uncle’s madness. His other niece wants to keep the madness alive. After an attempt at a cure goes aerie, the madness is transferred to Vav. X-Ray ends up getting captured along with the new CEO niece. Will Hilda, Rusty, and the sane King be able to make things go back to normal? 
Chapter: 10/10
Word Count: 2,004
First / Previous / AO3
The group made their way to the CEO’s office. While they had hoped for a surprise attack, Mad Princess and Pyro had completely expected them. Hilda still was awestruck by the kiss, but Rusty and Ryan called her over to join them. Meanwhile, X-Ray and ‘Monster Truck’ had headed over to fight Pyro.
“Ah, yes. I see you’ve decided to attempt to have a final stand,” Mad Princess taunted.
“Rose,” Ryan started. “This is all a bunch of nonsense. You followed ‘Mad King’, but you never knew how to lead villainous tirades on your own. This isn’t going to work for you, so please just stop before this gets more out of hand.”
“You’re not the king anymore. NOW ITS TIME FOR MY CORONATION AS QUEEN!” she yelled at the end.
“I don’t like where this is going,” Hilda commented, warily.
Mad Princess’s eyes started glowing dark green. “You are a peasant of the Mad Princess. You shall bow down,” she commanded.
Ryan’s eyes whited out. “I am a peasant of the Mad Princess,” Ryan repeated in a monotone voice as he bowed down.
“Crap,” Rusty panicked as he quickly put a tinfoil hat on.
“Don’t just make one for yourself! Make one for Ryan!” Hilda yelled. Then he turned to face Mad Princess. “I’ll take care of her.”
“You’re not going to fight me because you are going to bow to me as well,” Mad Princess commanded Hilda. Hilda ignored the command and began to shot lasers out of her palms at the princess. “Why isn’t that working on you? You can’t be a very good scientist if you don’t have a mind.”
“ORF_Suit.EXE was fitted with tinfoil layer to prevent mind control,” ORF announced.
“We’ve been through something like this before, so ‘proper precautions were made’,” Hilda taunted to explain.
“GGGGGGRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!” Mad Princess growled in response.
Rusty quickly made a new tinfoil hat and put it on Ryan’s head. “Uggh, what the hell?” Ryan asked as he came back to it and got up off of the floor. “Did I do something idiotic?”
“Mind control does make people do idiotic things,” Rusty explained.
“Oh, goddammit.”
Back where Mad Princess and Hilda were fighting, the princess pulled out her own laser-ray gun. “Did you really think that you were the only one with laser projectiles?” Mad Princess asked as she shot at Hilda.
Hilda quickly dodged out of the way and the laser ended up being aimed at Ryan. He didn’t notice on time and was shot. “SSSSSSHHHHHIIIIIITTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!” he screamed as he flew into the wall.
“Crap,” Hilda panicked as she ran to go check if he was okay.
“Do you have no empathy for your family?” Rusty asked in response to what he just witnessed.
“He’s a weakling now. I have no use for him, so why dos it even matter?” Mad Princess answered.
“I’m not quite dead yet!” Ryan yelled. Hilda nodded and ran back over to continue her fight.
On the other side of the room, X-Ray and Monster Truck had begun their fight with Pyro. “You’re not even strong enough to confront me on your own. How pathetic of you.” Pyro taunted further.
X-Ray paused to consider that. “He’s not a weakling, I’m just here so I can help fix things,” Monster Truck argued.
“What, did the last-ditch effort of save the ‘girlfriend character’ make you want to show him how to not be a pathetic asshole?”
X-Ray snapped out of his train of thought. “Monster Truck, I’ll distract him. You do… something with your powers.”
Monster Truck nodded and shrunk down. “Aww, what this? X-Ray making a plan? What, is he actually trying to be responsible for himself for once?” Pyro mocked.
X-Ray got into his battle position. “ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS!” he yelled as began to shoot lasers.
Pyro dodged out of the way and sent a large stream of fire towards X-Ray to get him to stop firing lasers. “Your laser eyes are no match for my flames. MUHAHAHAHHAHA,” Pyro stopped his maniacal laugh and began squirming. “What the bloody hell?” he asked as he began to try and reach for something on his back. Then, he slammed his back onto the floor and picked something off of the floor. He kicked it very hard and Monster Truck grew back to his normal size as he flew through the air.
“MONSTER TRUCK, NO!” X-Ray yelled.
Pyro walked over to X-Ray. “Well, that had a zero percent success rate, just as your plans normally do.”
“I thought you would at least believe in me.”
“You’re not worth believing in.”
Meanwhile, Hilda and Mad Princess had backed their fight into a corner. “It’s a shame that all your efforts on this fight will be for naut. You can’t win and nobody can help you.” Mad Princess mocked as she shot her ray-gun.
Hilda dodged out of the way. “I can have help if I need it. It would be much appreciated.”
Rusty nodded as soon as he realized she was referring to him. He grabbed and box full of tools and ran over to the fight. “They wouldn’t even know how to,” Mad Princess was cut off by Rusty hitting her over the side of the head, knocking her out.
Hilda gave him a look. “What? I wanted to actually be useful in a physical fight this time.” Rusty argued.
Ryan had joined Poppy on the floor, recovering from his laser shot. “While I’m not happy you hit my niece,” then Ryan sighed, “I AM happy you knocked out Mad Princess.”
Back in the other fight, Pyro had grabbed X-Ray by the neck. “I will save my princess, but I need to burn something first,” Pyro announced.
“I… thought that stupid reporter chick way your princess.” X-Ray choked out.
“Ash is not my princess anymore and you’ll never get the princess you desire.”
“You don’t know that. Maybe when I… defeat you… she’ll realize that I’m awesome… and hot.”
Poppy sat up more on the other side of the room and groaned. “I CAN’T TAKE IT ANYMORE!” she yelled.
“Poppy,” Ryan started in an attempt to calm her down.
X-Ray’s eyes widened. “…What?”
Pyro smirked. “And you were too stupid and blind to see it.”
X-Ray looked down, sadly. Then he thought about something and looked back up, narrowing his eyes. “You know… a friend would be there for his friend when he got devastating news... and believe in his planning attempts,” he said as he began to raise his fists.
“Good thing I’m not your friend.”
“MAYBE, I WANT MY FRIEND BACK!” he yelled as he swung his fist and punched Pyro in the nose.
Pyro released him and grabbed his nose, “OW” he yelped in pain.
“Your nose always has been a pretty big target, Vav.”
“I’m not Vav!”
X-Ray used his lasers to melt Pyro’s shoes to the floor. “Well, I want Vav back!” X-Ray yelled one more time as he punched Pyro again, knocking him out.
Ryan and Poppy got up off of the floor. Monster Tuck got up from where he landed as well. he made his hands grow very large and he took hold of Mad Princess. “I’m proud of you, X-Ray. You learned some self -confidence. I’m glad you learned how to be stronger on your own,” Poppy congratulated.
X-Ray looked at Poppy. “And, you’re gay.”
Poppy sighed. “Yeah, I’m gay.”
Ryan had gone over Pyro and took his shoes off and pulled him off of the floor. “Jeremy, tie up Mad Princess. Poppy go get your sanity ray,” he instructed. Monster Truck nodded and began to tie Mad Princess up
Poppy looked up at him, confused. “Uncle Ryan, what are you doing?”
Ryan grabbed Pyro and held him close. “I want you to make Vav sane again.”
“But, but,” a tear rolled down her face. “You’ll be the ‘Mad King’ again.”
“It’s okay. It’s been nice being a good guy again, these past few days. But the city needs its heroes more than it needs Dr. Haywood, right now.” Poppy sniffled in response. “You’ll get that sanity ray right, eventually. I believe in you.”
Poppy nodded in response and grabbed her sanity and aimed it at Ryan and Pyro. “Goodbye, Uncle Ryan.”
“See you, sweetheart.”
Poppy gulped and shot her sanity ray. The ray enveloped Ryan and Pyro. After a minute, Ryan dropped Pyro to the floor and laughed manically. “Mad King’s back!” Monster Truck finished tying Mad Princess up and grew, quickly to grab Mad King. He growled in response.
Poppy walked over to Mad King and touched his face. “Don’t worry, I’ll get it right, one day,” she said, fondly. Mad King began to yell angrily.
“Poppy?” Hilda called out to get her attention. Poppy turned to see her and went to walk up to her. Hilda gave her an up and down look. “You kissed me.”
Poppy sighed. “Yeah…”
“Then you admitted you are a lesbian.”
“Yeah… I have been my whole life. And… I’ve kinda had a big crush on you ever since I met you.”
“Look, I’m sorry but I’m not into you like that.”
Poppy sighed again “I… kinda figured. And that’s okay, you don’t have to. I was very wrong of me to kiss you without your consent. I hope you’ll forgive me.”
“As long as you’re not going to force me into anything.” Hilda paused for a minute, then thought of something else. “Actually, I just thought of the best way you can earn my forgiveness.”
“You let me help you with thee sanity ray this time.”
“I’d love that… PLATONICALLY!”
Hilda smiled, she knew everything was going to be alright.
Vav woke up on the floor. “Wot the bloody toss happened?” he asked.
X-Ray smiled. “Good to have you back Vav. Can you stand?”
Vav tried to stand up, but he wobbled a bit. X-Ray and Monster Truck ran over to help him up. They walked him over to Mad Princess, who was waking up.
“What the fuck!!? WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!?!?” Mad Princess screamed.
“You’re going to jail, Rose,” Monster Truck answered. Mad Princess screamed more, in response.
Vav looked at Monster Truck with curiosity. “And, who ae you?” he asked.
“Here, I go by Monster Truck.”
“He’s the guy who helped me fight evil you.”
“Oh,” Vav said sadly. “But maybe we have another good superhero this time,” he suggested, hopefully.
“Actually,” Monster Truck started. “I’m not really cut out for the whole superhero business anymore. I think I’d rather stay at my dead-end retail job as a civilian. And since I am a civilian, you guys can just call me, Jeremy.”
“Well, thanks for not trying to show us up,” X-Ray thanked.
“Hey, out of curiosity, could you actually get the love interest you wanted?” Vav asked, ignoring Mad Princess’s screams.
“Turns out I’m not her type. And I’m kinda okay with that, since I don’t want to BE what her type is,” X-Ray answered, honestly.
“You’ll get a love interest eventually,” Jeremy encouraged.
“Eh, I think I’ll just focus on saving the city for now.”
“Now, that’s what I like to here,” Vav cheered.
“You ready to get back out there?”
“You know it!”
“X-RAY AND VAV!” the two of them yelled as they bumped their junk together. Then they ran out of the office to go back to fighting crime in the city.
“This has got to be what a proud parent feels like,” Rusty commented.
Hilda sighed and smiled. “I guess it’s time to clean everything up again.” Poppy snorted a little bit more pollen to use the plants to tie up Mad King and drag him away. Jeremy pulled out his cell and dragged Mad Princess out of the office. Everything was going to be right in the city again. Just like it was all supposed to be in the end.
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williamsjoan · 5 years
Fortnite Stream Sniper Gets Just Desserts After Failing to Off Ninja, Banned From Twitch
Without a doubt Ninja’s New Years Eve stream was a wild ride, but things only get better when stream snipers are mixed into the lot. And his Fortnite based New Years Eve stream hit a high point when he dispatched a sniper in action. Even better: it’s all caught on tape.
If you have never heard of a stream sniper (or have thought they were just a salty Twitch-player’s urban legend), it is a relatively new phenomenon like swatting. On any streaming service, there is a community of fans and critics that will watch a content creator’s server, track them down in-game, and make a scene or kill them. Much like screen cheating in the days of yore, it’s a distinct unfair advantage to the “stream sniper” and one that streaming software and providers look to mitigate with delays.
On New Years Eve, the target was the increasingly popular Twitch streamer Ninja, who was throwing his own version of a holiday bash. Twitch user boxdy and a group of unseen friends realized they were in the server and tracked down Ninja, full of excitement that they could end him impact his now-famous win record. However, as you can see in the video below (captured by Reddit user Alukarulz), the hype was for naut–he gets shut down:
When you try to stream snipe Ninja during NYE Stream but you fail. from r/FortNiteBR
On the opposite end of that hype, you can see Ninja barely even flinch as he dabs his way past boxdy and another Twitch user going for his head:
Even worse for boxdy, stream sniping is a pretty flagrant abuse of Twitch’s terms of service. While there is virtually no way to stop viewers from taking part in the action, recording and publishing yourself stream sniping is tantamount to breaking a window at a police station. Twitch took immediate action by banning the account.
However, just because he was banned by Twitch doesn’t mean he stopped playing Fortnite. A quick look at Fortnite tracker site shows that he is still active, winning 11 matches within the last day.
Obviously Ninja is a controversial personality — on one hand he was the top-viewed streamer on Twitch this year, however critics bring in a bevy of controversies and awkwardness. But it is always fun to root for an underdog–even if he happens to be one of the best players in the world.
Fortnite is available as a free-to-play game on Android, iOS, Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, and Xbox One.
The post Fortnite Stream Sniper Gets Just Desserts After Failing to Off Ninja, Banned From Twitch by Lou Contaldi appeared first on DualShockers.
Fortnite Stream Sniper Gets Just Desserts After Failing to Off Ninja, Banned From Twitch published first on https://timloewe.tumblr.com/
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