#niflheim prince verse
a-world-in-grey · 20 days
You know, I always headcanoned that once Niflheim got their hands on some photos of the prince and his civilian friend, they absolutely knew that Prompto was an escaped clone. The resemblance to Besithia was obvious, after all. They just didn't bother to do anything with it, since it's not like they need that particular clone and it's not even like Prompto has a sleeper programming.
But in the Spark verse, well. Prompto is a child of an Oracle. And if Glauca is a thing, they might even know about her magic.
Either way, they really want to have her back.
I have been sitting on this ask for awhile, because I love it, but unfortunately the muses are not cooperating with me on it.
In most of my fics, Niflheim doesn’t really bother paying too much attention to Prompto - yeah, he’s the prince’s friend, but he’s civilian, and furthermore, not a member of his Retinue, so ergo, he can’t be that important to the prince. Not enough to be worth investing any resources into whatever aim they might want with Prompto anyway.
But in Spark au, Prompto is claimed as Noctis’ Heart far earlier than normal in an effort to protect her secret, and that makes Niflheim take a closer look at this civilian girl who’s gotten so close to the prince. And you’re right, the resemblance is uncanny if you know what to look for.
I feel like Titus wouldn’t know about Prompto’s magic. Noctis and the others are so very careful to keep her magic under wraps, and the cover of Prompto having Noctis’ magic so compelling, that Titus never realizes the truth.
Now, if they ever managed to get their hands on the Prince’s Heart long enough to somehow learn that carefully hidden truth… well.
That would change things, wouldn’t it?
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altrxisme · 1 year
{ alternate ffxv verses }
alt: ffxv ; post tenebras spero lucem
The last of the Valkyrie family, General Johanne Skadi Valkyrie is one of the most revered warriors of Eos who serves the Empire. A woman with a hardened upbringing, she's infamous for her prowess on the battlefield and for leading one of the few human-only units in the Niflheim Army. Her unit is known as the Einherjar, conscripted prisoners of the Empire that she deemed worthy, offering them freedom from their captors in exchange for fighting alongside her. Their unwavering loyalty to her, and only her, is a trait that confuses many. It's quite clear that her morals and goals don't align with the Empire's, but there's something preventing her from outright defecting. +++ After Jackson Renard Mercure's family failed to flee after the attack on Tenebrae directed into capturing the Prince of Lucis, the Mercures were spared by the Empire when Eva Victoria Mercure revealed her findings on the Starscourge. Finding this useful to further his ambitions, the Emperor decided to fund her research to focus on other ways of weaponizing the disease. In exchange for her service, he guaranteed her mother and son's safety, going as far as to assign the boy as Lunafreya Nox Fleuret's retainer despite his status as a bastard. The Emperor believed the boy would fail the duties he was never meant to have, but he had sorely underestimated him. +++
alt: ffxv ; vestis virum facit
It all happened on accident really. Jackson Renard Mercure simply stumbled upon an 'incident' on his way home, recognizing a few people from his Nana's job in trouble with some rather suspicious looking individuals cornering them. He may not have known them well, but the goodness in his heart had him march up right into the thick of it. Next thing he knew, he become the mediator of a deal he unknowingly got a great deal on for the mafia business the Lucis Caelum family had covered by their fashion agency. Having caught wind of this, he was offered a place in the fashion agency's PR department and to be one of the family's negotiators and informants. He agreed, under the condition that he finish his Master's degree in university first before joining. Credentials were important in the game after all. +++ A known dancer for her appearances in various music videos and an occasional band member of a local band, Vizual Bandit, Johanne Nivis lives as normally as she possibly could. There's little more she could ask for in the life her late father has secured for her. She's content with what she has. Though, she does wish that her younger brother would keep out of trouble with his secondary job at the fashion agency. There's only so many skulls she could crack throughout the week on top everything else she does; part-time model for Lucis Caelum included. It doesn't help that said secondary job involves some business her father had wanted to put far behind him. Business that involved the Aldercapt family. +++
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swordofthreekings · 1 year
About Prompto
I headcanon that Cor is who took Prompto out of the Niflheim labs as a baby. After he was turned over when he reached Insomnia, he didn't keep tabs of him. He wanted Prompto to have a normal life. He likely doesn't even realize at first that the kid who's the prince's friend is the same baby, until their friendship becomes serious and Cor runs a background check on him.
In all verses, Cor is fond of Prompto, and will encourage him and help him.
I am not against ships with Prompto in this verse or aus.
I also love the idea of Cor keeping Prompto and raising him. Dad Cor is adorable. Obviously, there's no shipping in this au. This verse is kept very separate.
If you see threads with either of these ideas, or if I reblog both Dad Cor art and shippy art, please keep in mind that separation. If this bothers you, I apologize.
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chosenbythecrystal · 2 years
I'd love to do a verse where Noctis grows up not knowing he's the Prince.
He could have been kidnapped when he was very young, found and taken in by a well-wisher who finds him after the Marilith attack or maybe Regis sent him away to protect him.
I'm leaning on several fairytale tropes here but I just want teen/adult noct coming to terms with who he is and bonding with everyone. Or interacting with Niflheim peeps while he doesn't know who he is.
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crackshotsnapshot · 1 year
Final Fantasy XV
Main Verse:            Prompto Argentum is the best friend of Prince Noctis Lucis Caelum, and one of his Crownsguard, charged with helping him get to Altissia safely for his wedding. He's also made himself the self-appointed photographer for the journey, documenting it all. (Tag: none) World of Darkness:           With his King in the Crystal, and the sun failing to rise, everyone is doing what they can just to survive. While Prompto has faith that Noctis will return, he also knows how much the darkness wears on people. He works to help travelers moving through the dark, fighting daemons and working on bettering himself. So that he'll be ready when his best friend returns. (Tag: ;in the dark) Prince of Niflheim:           Following the death of his wife and young son, the Emperor of Niflheim fell into a deep depression - one that his scientists sought to alleviate by presenting him with a new heir. A clone, created from the Head Researcher's genetics. He was raised as Emperor Aldercapt's son, as the Crown Prince of Niflheim. (Tag: ;prince in white)
Final Fantasy VII             A lab experiment raised in Shinra, Prompto doesn't have a lot of knowledge of the outside world. He was created as a clone by a researcher using his own genes, and then, when he was older he began to get mako infusions. While not officially a part of the SOLDIER program, he's gone through much of the same sort of enhancements as them as part of the experiments he's been subjected to. More than anything else, he wants to get a chance to see the outside world.
Modern          Prompto is a college student studying photography, at university on a scholarship, and without much support from his adopted parents. 
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heartonmytrigger · 6 years
@painedprince liked for a Niflheim Prince verse starter!
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It was late at night and a few weeks since he and Aranea had joined the Lucian Prince and his retinue on their journey to Altissia. The only two who seemed to be awake at the moment were him and Noctis. He wasn’t sure what had the other up, but for him, it was a bubbling anxiety, paranoia over what would happen after this was all over.
“Hey, Noctis...?” he whispered to the other prince, “Do... D-do you ever wonder... If you’re good enough to take up the throne...?”
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sparklecryptid · 4 years
luca probably gets given a map and vague instructions by ardyn on how to get into the royal tombs.
which is to say, luca winds up in insomnia after a stint as a hunter to cover for the fact he’s been entering royal tombs to complete his armiger
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gxnwrought · 6 years
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It is said Iedolas Aldercapt wanted a son. An ‘heir’ to the throne of the Niflheim Empire. But with reclining age, the possibility of him pursuing that goal became impossible, a distant dream if you will. Thus, looking upon the Head Researcher of his army Verstael Besithia during his research was he bestowed a clone, Prompto, from his own genetics, to mould into the Emperor's very image as he saw fit. And after 20 years of isolated life, and preparation for his inheritance through study and combat was Prompto granted freedom from his home.
Only to travel to Insomnia upon the agreement of a treaty, with the condition of meeting Noctis Lucis Caelum, and assassinating him after Regis has been dealt with.
Prompto is a lot more reserved personality wise and can be hesitant in making his own decisions, or approaching new people. He’s extremely obedient to the Emporer, but loyalty is an entirely different matter as he struggles to sympathize with his Father’s methods of rule. 
He didn’t grow up with much humour around Zegnautus, so most attempts to garver a reaction fly over his head. Though he does try the occasional poke/pun, a skill acquired from certain allies.
His preferred pistol of choice is the Quicksilver, gifted to him by Iedolas on his 18th birthday. That, along with his trusty (and extremely well-hidden) camera, are his closest possessions and he’s quite protective of them.
Prompto’s well aware of Verstael Besithia’s work, and that he’s the product of cloning genetics, though he hasn’t seen a facility harbouring them yet... and would like to keep it that way.
Prior to the departure for the armistice in Lucis, Prompto also knows of the Empire’s schemes to snatch the sacred crystal away and put an end the Lucis Caelum bloodline. Which is why his Father assigns him the task of taking out Noctis, not to mention their closeness in age. 
He’s incredibly neutral, and the terms on either side can eventually sway him.
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chocoboyo · 5 years
Prince of Niflheim verse ;;
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“The Prince of Niflheim, Prompto Aldercapt, who wishes so badly to meet the Lucian Prince he’s heard so much about” -- or so the Empire claims when the time for Insomnia’s surrender and the Treaty arrives. Strange, because no one in Lucis has ever heard of this Prince even existing before then. One of the clones created for use as a Magitek suit, on a stroke of whimsy, he was set aside from the rest as an alternate backup plan and raised among the Niflheim Nobility as a Prince. Rumors claim that perhaps he’s a bastard child kept under wraps so as not to bring shame to the royal family. In actuality, he’s more like a raised assassin under the guise of the title “Prince”, aware of his clone “heritage“ and intended role on taking down the Lucian royalty, easily expendable if he fails or never gets put to use as intended, and even more so if he refuses to follow the plan.
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powerofkings · 7 years
Prince Noctis of Niflheim
Send me a verse you’d like to see me create
The Aldercapts had served their purpose, of course. Iedolas died the night of the attack on Tenebrae. And Noctis was taken by Ardyn, the new High Chancellor of Niflheim, and raised as his own.
There was some serious brainwashing involved there, but Ardyn knows well how to break a member of the line of Lucis. He’s done it here and there before. Regis had to remarry of course, without an heir. And there are two younger siblings to Noctis in this verse. 
Noctis shows a severe affinity for both fire and ice magic, rarely using warping and instead relies on very complex interactions of the two elemental magics for many things. 
He’s cold, reserved, and cruel and still often tired though he drinks some strange potion from his ‘father’ that wakens him up and heightens his senses, sometimes so intensely that the light hurts his eyes. When he drinks his special potion, he doesn’t feel sleepy or exhausted for nearly 24 hours, but his eyes turn red.
He has weapons in his armiger, but they are different ones, from less lustrous members of the family, and a few that he’s gathered with Ardyn’s help over the years, and he can exert magical control of MT troopers. He’s a scary assassin-style fighter, often creating banks of steam from which he warps maybe once through the gloom. He was trained by Izunia himself and therefore devotes little to self defense but has grown very adept at dealing lethal blows.
Noctis is slavishly loyal to Ardyn, and hates Regis with a passion, he’s grown to genuinely love Niflheim over the years and works tirelessly to be a good prince. He’s steadfastly determined to stay away from the astrals however and he knows something of his adoptive father’s plans.
He’s slowly preparing the outskirts of Niflheim to survive and rule in the Long Night that shall follow. He’s aware Graelea will need to be sacrificed.
Ardyn has told him he’s grown fond of him, and that his new plan is to simply drive the Astrals from the world, found a new dynasty with Noctis as his son ruling the Night. Whether this is actually true or Noct is going to be the sacrificial lamb again is up in the air.
Bonus: 11 year old Ignis smuggles himself to Niflheim, and still gets raised as Noctis’ advisor. He’s unwilling to leave the young man alone.Bonus: Gladio does the same, or does so instead? Though he may have been kept by Clarus,  to keep safe the next child in the Line.
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secret-engima · 3 years
Here's something that might come outta left field, what fics do you recommend in the FFXV fandom?
Oooooo okay hmmm. Lemme see what I have. I warn you now that most of these are either short, time-travel, or Prompto angst, but I’ll try to add a little summary to each so you can pick what interests you:
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27588704 “Toward Daylight We Run” by SparkleMoose (here on Tumblr as @sparklecryptid) is a time-travel fixit involving Titus, who wakes up post being killed by Nyx with a case of confusion, anger, and le self-doubt, and a Glaive OC who died during the betrayal and who is very understandably angry at them. It’s gonna be a former-enemies-to-lovers thing eventually I think, and tho there’s only two chaps so far I recommend it (I recommend several of Moose’s actually, just watch the tags if you’re not into M-rated or have trigger warnings to look out for) This one does have trigger warning tags for suicidal thoughts and PTSD, so watch out for that.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27912505/chapters/68351254 “From Neath Dark Waters”, another one by SparkleMoose! This one is an FFXIV Warrior of Light reborn as a street rat in Insomnia and adopted by Clarus, again, just getting started, but very feelsy and I love it. Moose also has cool Galahdian worldbuilding stuff which is always fun.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/23888788 “the Wound (A Place Where Light Enters)” Third one by SparkleMoose, featuring time-traveling Noctis and also a sort of time-traveling Warrior of Light named Azura who looks around, spots Noctis fighting someone and goes “welp time to go break someone’s face on behalf of a friend I guess” which is a great first impulse for a White Mage imho. These two are gonna be a ship and I love it. 
(honestly just go poke through SparkleMoose’s stuff on Ao3 and here on Tumblr, there’s quite a few FFXV fics and there’s bound to be at least a few you like. :D Just remember to read the tags first)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/26644129 “The Great Livestream Debacle” by Choke-a-bro. This is just humor/crack oneshot but it makes me laugh on days that need a pick me up. Basically, Noctis runs a tiny twitch channel playing really old RPGs without telling Ignis or Regis and ONE DAY a stray new viewer happens to realize, “huh, this guy looks like the prince” and it spiral wonderfully from there.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27468421 “A Present for a Father” by illusorygardens. This is actually a little gift oneshot thing inspired by one of my AUs here on Tumblr (Clouds and Moonlit Skies) where a bunch of FFVII characters are reborn as various OCs and canon characters in FFXV. Zack is Noctis, Cloud is Prompto, Aerith is Luna, Titus is Sephiroth, and Rufus and Yuffie are reborn as Imperial Royal Twins with the world’s most terrible dad aka Emperor Aldercapt. So naturally Noctis has to prank the Emperor of Niflheim on their behalf.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/26667253/chapters/65038747 “Light in the Night Sky” by mokulule. If you’ve read my Deleantur and liked it, then absolutely 1000% give this a try. It’s inspired by Deleantur verse in the sense of “Noctis goes back to the time of Somnus and Ardyn” but it’s cheerfully wandering off in a very different direction and there is WORLDBUILDING and BACKSTORY and Ardyn and Aera being ADORABLE. Seriously it’s great. Again, it’s only got a few chaps on it, but I love it already and highly recommend.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27611195/chapters/67550303 “Holding Secrets Like a Crystal” by LadyHallen. An AU where Monica Elshett is a telepath and proceeds to unknowingly wreck canon in all the best ways. It’s a 5 chap short story and I love it.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/18114572/chapters/42823973 “First Lightning, Then Thunder” by Nervous Otaku. This is a RAVUS time-travel fixit, 87 chaps long (tho the chaps are short) and fully completed. Basically Ravus dies, the Astrals think “Free Real Estate” and proceed to dump him into the past in the body of a Coeurl. It’s angst and shenanigans and Ravus stubbornly refusing to admit that he is growing attached to these tiny child versions of people all while going through hell and high water to protect them from destiny. It’s a happy ending too!
https://archiveofourown.org/works/21681499/chapters/51709084 “Victorious” by Kyirah. This one hasn’t updated in a while? But it’s got 14 stellar chapters of Noctis being gently plopped back into his child self with only vague memories of the future while the Lucii and the Astrals set about fixiting the world on his behalf. It also features adorable, slightly daemon-but-don’t-worry-he’s-fine Prompto and Dadcor. Also ghost Ardyn.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/18116312/chapters/42828299 “cyan boys” by dreamtowns. 6 chap, slightly cracky time-travel, only instead of straight time-travel, Noctis and Prompto wake up in a parallel dimension where some stuff is ... different. Such as them being kids while Gladio and Ignis of that world are already adults. It’s just a nice, quirky, kinda angsty-in-places read and I really enjoyed it (despite the undertones of slash that crop up in some places but hey maybe that’s your cup of tea) but as always read the tags and decide for thineself.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15073931/chapters/34948019 “Nocturne” by nirejseki. The Taur AU that inspired Nox Taur, 11/10 do recommend (even though there are slash and femslash ships in there later on but HEY just because I skipped over those parts doesn’t mean this fic isn’t great). Features baby Noctis being adorable, some cool world-building, Regis being a Good Dad, DadCor, and just- a great fixit all around with some amazing AU take on the Astrals and the prophecy and all that stuff.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/11648547/chapters/26204799 “Introductions” by doodly_squat. This is ... essentially a canon compliant look at Prompto first introducing himself to and getting to be friends with Noctis. Picks up that moment in the Brotherhood episode where he says hi on the first day of high school. It’s short, but it’s finished and it’s great, there’s some Prompto angst, and it has a sequel with even more Prompto angst! That is also finished!
https://archiveofourown.org/works/10869282/chapters/24144864 “Running Behind” by Asidian. An MT!Prompto AU where Prompto is raised as an MT (which are cyborgs here rather than canon’s ... whole thing) and then runs away when he learns he’s going to be decommissioned. He’s found a year-ish later by the other Chocobros on their roadtrip and they, unaware he’s a runaway MT, take him along because he clearly needs help. There’s feels and bonding and brotherly feels and also angst and drama because MT!Prompto is terrified of many things. There’s also descriptions of the aftermath of torture, which I didn’t find too bad but as always check the tags and the rating against your own comfort level. It has a happy ending tho.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/11725950/chapters/26417871 “Poor Wayfaring Stranger” by lithos_saeculum. The last fic I’m gonna rec for now and just- I CANNOT rec this one enough. I love it so much. 59 chap, ongoing MT!Prompto AU where Cor finds this teenage MT unit and takes him home. There’s DadCor and Prompto learning how to People and the Chocobros getting attached and major angst at various stages because of how Prompto is treated (he has MT modifications and some people looking at you Clarus need to take a chill pill about it). It’s told entirely from Prompto’s POV which is FASCINATING and the author does a stellar job of picking out stuff that Prompto just- wouldn’t know about or understand because he’s been raised in a lab all his life.
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clairefiredragon · 3 years
My FFXV Rare Pair Fics for August 2021
So on Twitter for the FFXV Rare Pairs week, I wrote a fic for every day! Here are all the fics in one central location. 
Day 1 Title: This Night Enchanted  Theme: Fairies  Pair: Ignis/Ravus Tags: Alternate Universe, Fae & Fairies, Fairies, First Meetings, Fairy Ravus, Summary: Ignis has been asked by King Regis to go out on a diplomatic journey to the fairy realm, to the fairy kingdom itself. The two kingdoms wish to make ties and peace between them, and so Ignis is sent to be the main representor for the humans. While there he meets the royal fairy family, including prince Ravus who seems to have a lot of distain for humans. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33436774
Day 2 Title: Ice and Fire Theme: Demi-Gods Pair: Prompto/Ravus Tags: Alternate Universe, Demigods, Demi-God Ravus, Demi-God Prompto, Fluff, First Meetings Summary: Ravus was a demi-god, a child of an Astral. He was a child of Shiva and throughout his years he had a bit of a reputation for not being the friendliest. Whether this was a trait of Shiva or just something that was his own, but he was always rather distant and cold towards others. He had the hardest time trying to befriend someone else, whether they were demi-god or not. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33462118
Day 3 Title: The Mysterious Behemoth Theme: Spell gone wrong, Familiar, Witch Pair: Gladio/Luna Tags: Alternate Universe, Witches, Witch Luna, Magic, Spells & Enchantments, Fluff, Cute Summary: Luna is a young witch out to find herself a little familiar. She comes across a mimi Behemoth and she thinks she feels a magical connection. Taking it home she finds that her new behemoth isn't actually what she thought it was. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33466999
Day 4 Title: When in Limbo Theme: Ghosts, Limbo Pair: Noctis/Ravus Tags: Alternate Universe, Assassination Attempt(s), Coma, Limbo, The Nox Fleurts don't exist in this universe, Ravus is a overseer in the Limbo realm, Angst, Eventual Happy Ending, Eventual Romance, minor mentioning of blood and injuries Summary: After an assassination attempt, Noctis is left in a coma. But during that time, he finds himself in a realm that is limbo. Between life and death he waits to see what will happen, but he isn't alone. He finds that he will have someone to keep him company. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33488782/chapters/83199118
Day 5 Title: Miqo'te Shenanigans Theme: Animal Transformation  Pair: Prompto/Y’jhimei  Tags: Alternate Universe, Post-Canon, Fluff, Cute, Animal Transformation, Miqo'te Prompto, Dimension Travel, Post-Episode Ignis Verse 2 Summary: Prompto and Y'jhimei have finally decided to test the teleporter to take them to her world. They figured it would still work both ways, so they decided to give this a try and take a little vacation together. The only thing they didn't expect was how Prompto looked when they arrived in Hydaelyn. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33517108
Day 6 Title: The Hunt for the Adagium Theme: Monster Hunter Pair: Ardyn/Verstael  Tags: Alternate Universe, Monsters, Monster Hunters, First Meetings Summary: There has been legends of a monster known as the Adagium. Verstael believed he could be the one to finally find the creature and defeat it. He didn't expect the encounter to go quiet like this. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33611932
Day 7 Title: Betrayal at Paradise  Theme: Secret Relationship Pair: Loqi/Noctis Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - No Prophecy (Final Fantasy XV), There is peace between Niflheim and Insomnia, Angst, Fluff, Kidnapping, Assassin Creed Festival, Secret Relationship, Happy Ending Summary: Noctis is at the Assassins festival, enjoying his time there. But the day takes a bit of a turn when Nifheim soldiers show up to try and capture him. Part of him worries that word had gotten out about him being here, but the only one who could let the Niffs know would be none other that his secret boyfriend; Loqi. But is it true? Is Loqi even here? That's what Noctis has to find out. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33629779
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chosenbythecrystal · 2 years
Reviving an old verse here but...
Noctis as an assassin for Niflheim, having being captured during the raid on Tenebrae. Trained by either the Chancellor or Drautos, the empire have turned the Prince of Lucis into a powerful weapon, intending to one day, send the boy home to kill his father.
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heartonmytrigger · 6 years
@gauntletrising liked for a Niflheim Prince verse starter!
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Prompto was exhausted to hell and back and it didn’t help it was getting dark. He needed to find a place to stay, but being the genius he was, he didn’t think to take money with him when he fled Niflheim. It was fine. Everything was fine. He’d find somewhere to stay and then haul ass to Insomnia.
His eyes spied a caravan and decided to approach it, knocking on the door. “Hello? I... I-I need some help.” he called.
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ravusnightblossom · 3 years
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What was to be a typical day amongst the Niflheim Imperial Army was quickly upsot by the news that a handful of Magitek Units had malfunctions. In their awry state, the Units found their way to Hydaelyn and began to cause destruction. 
Rather than wait for the Imperial Army to begin the protocol of deactivating and removing the defective Units, Ravus has learned that Prince Noctis has seemed to see fit to cross to Hydaelyn and remedy the situation, himself. Further detail on that is unknownst to him, of course. 
Not willing to sacrifice the loss of their Magitek technology or allow it to fall into enemy hands, High Commander Ravus Nox Fleuret is dispatched to Hydaelyn to tend to the situation, himself. He also intends to use this opportunity to learn more regarding Prince Noctis’ motives. 
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Upon arrival, Ravus quickly finds himself at a loss, as Hydaelyn is completely a foreign land to him. The only information he has to begin from are the last reports transferred over before one of the specific Magitek Units went offline.
That the Prince is traveling with one other and is doing so within his own personal vehicle, the Regalia.
That the last known whereabouts of the Unit in question were from an area named Thanalan.
A very brief report of some individual that went only by the name of Cid. 
Notes: Starting location of this verse can depend entirely upon the partner involved.  This verse is based on the 2019 crossover event between FFXIV and FFXV (beginning quest names:  A Nocturne For Heroes & The Man In Black)  (As someone who has admittedly never played FFXIV, much thanks to @zenos-zos-galvus​ for helping me sort the details of this out. ♥)
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goddessofroyalty · 4 years
But Prompto being Cloud's biological kid, who Hojo or someone disappeared early on? And Noctis going missing as a baby, and Cloud and Zack find him not knowing who he is and adopt him. Prompto a nd Noctis manage to meet when they're older and fall for each other, and Noctis brings Prompto to meet his parents. He's confused on why Cloud is crying. (Maybe Gladio and Ignis go on a road trip trying to find Noctis/what happened to him around this time, and are surprised to find him perfectly fine...)
Yeah having Hojo (or someone else) basically vanish Prompto would absolutely have Cloud walking away from Niflheim. And honesty even if Zack wasn’t in a relationship with Cloud at that point with everything else happening around the same time it would be the last push Zack needs to leave too.
Of course with the loss of Prompto still so fresh in their minds when they do find baby!Noctis there is no way they’re leaving him. They have no idea how important he is and just assume he’s another orphan of the escalating tension happening around Niflheim’s borders. When they don’t find baby!Noctis’ parents easily they decide to just take him with them. And raise him wherever they end up settling down.
Flash forward some years and honestly Zack and Cloud are probably somewhat worried about meeting Noctis’ boyfriend. They want to make a good impression but also want to be good parents and get a good read on this person he is dating.
They are not prepared for when Prompto walks through the door and the immediate recognition that goes through Cloud that this is his child. And Zack who knows how to read Cloud immediately realises as well and probably sucks up his own emotions to be the one to actually explain what is happening when the usually fairly stoic Cloud just breaks down into tears.
Of course they want to know what happened to Prompto after he was taken and probably all end up in the living room as Prompto also starts babbling because wait - this is his dad (I’m assuming he ends up with his canon kind of shitty foster parents).
Poor Noctis feels a bit awkward and like maybe he shouldn’t be there but also wants to know about what happened as well. And funnily enough both Noctis and Prompto probably end up feeling unsure about whether they belong with Zack and Cloud and whether they’re just a placeholder for the other in this verse. 
(That just adds another layer to it tall. And everyone feeling even more uncertain. Should Cloud and Zack have put more effort into finding out who Noctis really wast to get him home? How is Noctis supposed to just become the prince when he has never experienced a life anything like that? Can they all stay together or does Noctis have to leave them (including Prompto) to return to his birthright? Just a lot of questions with no clear answers).
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