#northumbria uni
L’effroyable destin de l’arbre de Robin des bois - 28 Minutes (23/10/2023) - Regarder l’émission complète | ARTE
L'arbre Sycamore Gap, isolé au pied de deux collines dans un paysage spectaculaire, se trouvait tout près du mur d'Hadrien, érigé à l'époque romaine pour empêcher l'invasion des barbares, un site classé au patrimoine mondial de l'Unesco. En 2016, il avait été élu «arbre de l'année».
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Dans le film Robin des Bois, sorti en 1991, on voyait Kevin Costner et Morgan Freeman marcher devant cet arbre impressionnant, qui faisait le bonheur des randonneurs dans le nord-est de l'Angleterre.
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C'était l'un des arbres les plus photographiés du Royaume-Uni. Mais jeudi 28 septembre 2023, des promeneurs ont découvert sa souche à nu. Et le reste de l'arbre couché sur le mur. Le gestionnaire du parc national a rapidement déclaré qu'il avait été «délibérément abattu». La police de Northumbria, qui a ouvert une enquête, a annoncé jeudi après-midi l'arrestation d'un adolescent de 16 ans. «Les dommages causés à l'arbre sont le résultat d'un acte de vandalisme délibéré», a-t-elle affirmé dans un communiqué. L'adolescent est en garde à vue. Les évènements d'aujourd'hui ont provoqué le choc, la tristesse et la colère», a souligné le directeur de la police Kevin Waring. Plusieurs habitants de la région se sont rendus sur les lieux, comme pour rendre hommage au Sycamore Gap. Des fleurs ont même été déposées près de la souche, devant le cordon de sécurité mis en place par la police. «J'éprouve un réel sentiment de perte», a dit Tony Gates, le directeur de la Northumberland National Park Authority, le gestionnaire du parc national. «Nous avons eu des gens en larmes aujourd'hui», a-t-il ajouté. «Nous avons été submergés par les messages sur les réseaux sociaux, sur notre site, de personnes sincèrement touchées par cette perte». L'organisation pour la protection du patrimoine National Trust s'est dite, sur X (ex-Twitter), «choquée et désespérément triste». «Nous savons combien cet arbre est aimé par les locaux, au niveau national, et par tous ceux qui l'ont vu». Cet arbre est «un élément important et emblématique du paysage depuis près de 200 ans», a ajouté le directeur du National Trust, Andrew Poad. De nombreuses personnes, notamment des membres de groupes de randonnée, ont partagé leur consternation et leurs souvenirs heureux près de l'arbre, sur place et sur les réseaux sociaux. «C'est une honte que quelqu'un soit venu pour vandaliser ce beau coin de la nature», a dit Ryan Knotman, un technicien de 40 ans. Au début de l'année, j'étais assise en train de faire du crochet au sommet de la colline pendant que mon mari et mon fils grimpaient sur la paroi à côté de l'arbre, un homme a expliqué avoir demandé sa femme en mariage au pied du Sycamore Gap. Selon Tony Gates, certains ont même dispersé ici les cendres de leur proche décédé. La députée locale Mary Foy a dénoncé un «acte de vandalisme bête» et «déchirant» d'un lieu iconique du Nord-Est de l'Angleterre
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timehascomeagain · 14 days
About to start bawling about the state of my life bc of lost boys by the 1975. I JUST WANT TO CRY I keep looking up cafes around the unis I've applied to and they're all fucking shut all the good small places have all closed and been priced out and replaced by the same wide palette tables and exposed lightbulbs and streamlined furniture and industrial warehouse instagram DISEASE and I can't stand it I don't know how any kind of habitable life can be expected to go on like this and I know that what I'm looking for still exists but the life is being squeezed out of it I just don't get it like maybe I shouldve applied to northumbria and just shut up about it but I just can't like deal with it. there is no support for people just doing their own shit all the corners have been cut and there's no way to grip onto the hulking abrasive boulder that remains and it just sucks ass but you still have people INCLUDING ME desperate to move to these places where The Culture TM is Happening TM and it is exhausting because you look closer and what is the culture? a half-remembered libertines music video? tour dates consisting of london manchester birmingham and glasgow if youre lucky? Like i love my city because there's still some sense that people dont want to be here and as a result you still have these places that are making it work bc there isn't the same level of competition but i can't fucking stay here it's sucking the life out of me
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one-way-to-do-it · 2 years
hey.... matt bishop.... how about u send seb to do a talk at northumbria uni instead of Cambridge ;)
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mi4019mariaperera · 21 days
Interview Questions - Answered in my P.O.V.
Hey everyone. Before showing the draft script and audio 'Team A' created, I would like to share my answers for the questions we asked while interviewing students from AOD.
These are the interview questions I'm referring to.
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Please take some time to check out my answers down below!
Answer 1
In school we didn't get any projects as such. It was just studying the textbook, teacher's guide and heavy reliance on tuition classes. We never got any projects/ assessments as such.
In uni I would say things are very different. The work we do is assessment based. We learn from our lecturers, get the briefs on the assessments and we have to put in all the effort to complete assessments by fulfilling the brief and before the deadline.
If I were to choose which study method I prefer, I would definitely select the uni assessment. The important fact being that 'MGA' is a field of study I'm passionate about and I want to learn more about. Regardless of how many assessments I get, I would still feel motivated to get the job done.
Answer 2
School did not teach us anything related to the adult life in term of handling uni projects or how to get things done in the corporate world.
In school the teachers just pressurized us to memorize the textbooks word for word and to pass the exam. That was basically it.
Rather than blaming the teachers, I think the main blame should go the Education ministry because they are so stubborn to make a change in the education system for the better. It's their responsibility to organize various work life or uni life programs to give the students an idea of what the world outside school is like.
Uni on the other hand focuses on us working on our portfolios during our first year itself. We are also given opportunities to be exposed to the animation industry in Sri Lanka (e.g. Mogo Studios) and internships during our 2nd year.
3. Answer 3
For this question, I wouldn't answer it based on the level of difficulty, but on my personal preference.
I have been studying the local school syllabus for more than 10 years of my life. The Northumbria syllabus is what I've just started learning. Regardless, my preference would be the Northumbria syllabus 100%.
Throughout my school life I felt like a bird in a cage filled with heavy books I was uninterested in studying. There was no freedom to write down my own opinions or show my creativity in answering questions. All the answers had to be written down word for word.
The sudden jump from a syllabus that shoves so many books into your brain to study and memorize, to a syllabus that expects you to dive deep into your own style of research and gives you full on creativity to answer questions and express your own opinions can bit quite overwhelming.
To put it in simple terms, studying the local syllabus felt like a toxic relationship. But getting started with the Northumbria syllabus felt like I put an end to a toxic relationship and I'm currently single. The freedom given may take some time adjusting to, but it is definitely what I need.
Answer 4
I can guarantee you 100% that I did not enjoy any bit of my schoolwork. I had to stay up till late studying through textbooks I wasn't interested in reading just for the sake of passing my exams. It was absolute torture.
The uni assignments on the other hand don't feel that stressful to complete since this is a field of study I'm invested in. The assessments contribute to the learning process I look forward to.
Answer 5
There was absolutely no freedom towards studying in school. If you want to survive the system, you have to stick to the books.
I wouldn't say that 100% freedom exists for uni studies, but it is definitely much better compared to school. You get to learn new things for your lecturers and at the same time, it's important that you made the effort to learn more on the topics of discussion for your advantage.
There are many things to talk about in terms of freedom, but uni definitely wins this round.
That's all for my answers. I will be posting the draft script on my next post. Thank you for reading my blog ;D
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mi4019shizashaiyan · 22 days
I interviewed my peer, hemansha, and had her give her point of view on the transition from school to uni.
How would you compare the projects/assignments that you had to do in school vs uni?
So it’s like completely different right?
Assignments in school, were homework, that we had to do everyday, and they didn’t really count at the end for our overall exam grades.
But in uni there’s obviously assignments which they grade, that do count towards the final grades which is also a contribution towards passing the modules.
Did school do a good job at preparing you for the adult life? (higher education/work life)
Oh no, definitely not! I had no idea what olevels were until i actually did olevels, until the final few grades, I had no idea what I was doing. School also put of much of pressure on you since middle school to do better, but none of that matters now. Like even currently, our grades dont really matter right? so yeah.
In terms of adult life in different aspects that’s a no either, the teachers kind of like teach you life skills while teaching but other than that no.
How would you compare the school syllabus to the Northumbria (AOD) syllabus?
School syllabus is a lil more studying and memorizing all that, it’s different for the London syllabus right?
Yes actually, I did the London syllabus for both olevels and alevels and I think I would’ve kind of preferred the more textbook based examinations actually but yes. For the london syllabus, we basically had questions that would test analytical and critical thinking skills, without just textbook knowledge but in a way it helped and kind of does come in handy right now too and i think that’s exactly what design uni is about.
Did you enjoy or feel to do your school assignments? how do you feel about doing your uni assignment?
There’s a huge difference there because you would think that if there’s a subject you like you would’ve enjoyed doing your homework right? so i generally did all my homework whether i liked it or not.
But in uni, I really like the assignments and i want to get them done because its basically my hobbies but in a more educational setting, so that was basically the difference for me.
How would you explain the freedom you had to learn in school vs uni?
Yeah I think uni has a lot more self studying and exploration while in school you get everything handed to you and you could just read the book and get the ideas.
Plus, the teachers would teach you exactly what to know and that packed with the fact that we don’t need anymore knowledge, you wouldn’t go exploring on your own, but for this if you cant do this then you’re expected to find a way and figure it out in your own, so yes.
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Interview questions
If I want to understand more about the animation industry, I need to get in contact with someone who works with the animation industry, a freelancer or someone who works in a studio, there has been a lot of these people coming into my university for talks and I managed to get one of their Instagram profiles, so I need to ask him these questions.
Hey there, my names Harvie Jackson and I’m studying animation at Northumbria University and I’m conducting some research on 2D and 3D animation, I’m wondering if its ok if I can ask a few questions to help with my research.
What do you think 3D animation does better than 2D animation in the industry?
think they both have their own pros and cons and they each have their own techniques and skillsets. With that in mind, a 2d animation can usually be done with a smaller team in general. Most of the work will be done by a 2d artist with some help from others, whereas 3d animation needs a 3d artist (which can then be separated into modelling, texturing, lighting, etc) and the 3d animator (which can be separated into rigging and animating). In most situations, a complete 3d process will have 2 or 3 people whereas 2d can just have 1.
I’ve looked at your profile on Instagram and you’ve done some amazing 3D animation, what inspired you to choose 3D animation?
I was more interested in 2d when I first started as I grew up always drawing and doodling. It was my main focus until I did the intro to 3d animation module at uni and really enjoyed it. I found that I preferred working in a 3d space and moving models instead of drawing the frames themselves.
In a industry, what do you think is the ups and downs to a animation studio moving from 2d to 3d animation?
If the studio is entirely 2d focused and decide to shift to 3d, they would be losing a large portion of what they have built. Their team will most likely not have the skillset needed for 3d work and their workflow will be completely changed which will cause a lot of complications. They will also have to almost start fresh in terms of contacts. Some of their old contacts might have 3d influences, but with the relationship being mostly 2d, they won't have any use for most of them. Unless the studio had a team which was more generalist and could handle the shift more successfully, it would be a difficult transition for the company and its team. There isn't a specific upside to doing this, it would very much a case by case basis and what pushed them to switch in the first place.
After conducting the interview and it seems 2d is always the starting point in an animation career Iveson_animation started off with 2d animation and then progressed to 3d animation in university. 2d takes less time than 3d animation does and 3d animation needs a bigger team, one for the model of the animation and one for the rigging and animating. Iveson also stated that if a team were to shift from 2d to 3d animation it would flop as the team isn’t prepared to take on such a task since they are used to animating in 2d unless you get new people on the team to help with the 3d animation.
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techstartro · 1 year
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mi4016liamcoughlin · 1 year
Ouseburn Research
I decided to focus my project on Ouseburn’s graffiti, street art and murals as well as some of the artist behind them.
I kept all of my notes in a notepad document along with website links in case I need to refer back to them.
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According to newcastlegateshead.com Ouseburn was ‘Once a cradle of the industrial revolution’ but has now become a ‘Cultural Quarter and one of the most vibrant creative communities in the Northeast Art and culture.’ This can be seen in The Biscuit Factory (which holds regular exhibitions and events), Northern Print (an art gallery), or the many hidden art studios dotted around the valley. It can also be seen in the massive amount of graffiti and street art seen around the area
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Some of these artists include well known street artist such as Mysterious Al who, according to his website mysteriousal.com ‘rose to fame in the early 2000s through the explosion of street art, developing a notoriety for his wall paintings, paste-ups, and street installations alongside his contemporaries D*face, Banksy, and PMH.' 
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Another popular street artist who's work can bee seen is Gaia, an American artist who graduated from Maryland Institute College of art with a Bachelor in Fine Arts and who painted this mural of a sheep on one side of The Ship Inn. The other side being painted by an art collective known as THE LONDON POLICE created in 1998 by Chaz Barrisson and Bob Gibson.
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There are local artists work found all over Ouseburn as well. One prominent one being Alex Mulholland or Mul. He is actually based in Newcastle upon Tyne and went to Northumbria Uni for Graphic Design. His work witch contains a strong heart motif is felt across all of Ouesburn. 
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The artwork here doesn’t need to be painted either as ‘Wired Horses’ by Daniel Reed and Lewis Robinson ‘The Waymarkers’ are more like sculptures and show the diversity in street art.
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There are collaborative works as well such as author David Almond’s ‘An Ancient Place’ made in collaboration with Faunographic, who make many animal murals, and lettering by Ciaran Globel which can be found on one of the legs of Byker Bridge.
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There are many other works of art seen all over the place and with each visit you could spot new and interesting pieces that went their before such as the art now found below the ‘Wired Horses’ which cand be found on pictures on the internet but I saw when I visited Ouseburn myself. Since I cant find much about it online I cant find the people who made it and the rest of the scattered art around the Valley but that's the inherent intrigue about street art, that and its temporary existence as another artist could come along and paint over it, adding to the inherent beauty of it all. Ouseburn seems like a breading ground for this type of art. It doesn't seem to treat It as if its dirt that needs to be removed. The vibrant colour found all around the city seems to show that it embraces street art and the like, witch in my opinion is what makes it such a beautiful place to look at and visit.
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peaceisadirtyword · 3 years
Heathen III (Ivar/Edlynn)
A/N: Hello!♥️ Sorry for being inactive this week :( I posted an explanation yesterday but for some reason Tumblr flagged my post (?) but anyway: I got an scholarship to do a summer course on European Geopolitics at uni (not my uni tho) and I had to move to another town for some days. It’s an intensive so I have like three lectures every day and I get home very late😭 
This chapter is a bit long... Too long maybe (?) I hope y’all like it though🥺 I hope I'm not rushing things too much or ruining everything... Thank you for reading and enjoy it🥰
Btw if you have seen The Last Kingdom maybe you’ll recognize one of the scenes in this chapter👀
Warnings: mentions of nudity, violence, Ivar, they’re vikings, my writing :(
Words: 4748 (I'm so sorry)
Heathen Masterlist 
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gif belongs to @therealcalicali​
Ivar the Boneless wasn't as bad as Edlynn had thought. The only thing she knew about him was that he was a ruthless pagan, who killed people for pleasure, with no respect for God or for any christian. They said he killed children, some fearful people talked about how he ate the flesh of the ones he killed. The massacre he did in York was still too recent in the memory of her countrymen. But even if she had been living in his camp for days, Edlynn hadn't seen him do any terrible things everyone accused him of. 
Instead, she had seen a normal man, one that sat to drink, eat and laugh with his men, who studied maps and parchments he had stolen from the churches of the villages they had raided. She had seen him frowning at those parchments, staring at them in confusion and sometimes getting angry with them, so Edlynn realized he couldn't read latin. She wondered if the northmen could read or write at all, she had seen them carving those strange symbols, but never saw them writing or painting on parchments like the monks of the monasteries did. 
But she didn't dare ask either. 
During her long days being captive, and even if both Ivar and the blonde viking that was always with him -Edlynn thought they could be brothers-  could understand and speak her language, she refused to talk, and usually would just turn her back to them whenever they entered the tent. 
Edlynn only talked to the slave that came to bring her food and water and tend to the wounds she had. She had said she came from a land north of Northumbria, and her name was Brianna. It was comforting to have someone around who wasn't a viking.
Ivar came to see her every day, and sometimes Hvitserk would accompany him. Both seemed to find amusing how she'd look away and turn her back at them whenever they entered the tent. Then they'd snicker and laugh when she ignored their questions. 
It made Edlynn mad. Ivar seemed interested on Alfred, on how many men he had at the camp, his plans, his weaknesses... But she wasn't going to say a thing. 
Sometimes he'd let her take a walk around the camp, followed by at least five guards and with her wrists tied together. She'd look around then, trying to remember the possible ways out of the camp, and every time her heart would sink when she realized there were too many guards, and a saxon girl with a ripped dress trying to sneak out would catch everyone's attention. 
Her only hope now was that king Alfred agreed to negotiate. 
That day Edlynn was feeling particularly restless. The guards were busy and she wasn't allowed to go on a walk. She had spent the entire morning pacing around the tent, trying to find something to entertain herself before her own mind started imagining what would happen if the king decided to reject Ivar's demands. Those heathens didn't look as scary as the stories portrayed them, but they were still intimidating. 
When Ivar entered the tent, after Brianna brought Edlynn's food, she looked surprised. Usually, Ivar wouldn't visit her until the sunset, when he had finished his meetings with King Harald and his obligations around the camp as the strategist, just before he'd go to eat some dinner and retire to his tent, rest his legs. 
That morning, though, King Harald had gone hunting with some of his men, and as Hvitserk was busy training, Ivar found himself all alone, bored and not wanting to keep trying to understand those stupid rolls he had stolen from a church. So he went to do what he liked the most; to torment the christian girl who shrank involuntarily whenever he was close. 
Edlynn widened her eyes when she saw him entering. He was early, and she wasn't sure if that was a good or a bad thing, but suddenly she wasn't feeling that hungry anymore. She pushed the plate away, tensing up. 
Ivar smirked, bowing his head mockingly and making her frown. 
"Good morning, princess" he seemed satisfied with her reaction "I hope you slept well" 
Edlynn turned her head to look away. She didn't have enough courage to stand up to him, so tried to ignore every single comment of his, even that dark chuckle that made her shudder. 
"I'm going to send a messenger today" Ivar leant against the table, looking at her with his head tilted "To your king and your family"
His words made Edlynn raise her head. Ivar hummed. 
"I have two options" he shrugged "I can either tell them you're fine, unharmed, warm in your own tent and eating twice a day, which is the truth" his heavy accent made it harder for Edlynn to understand him clearly "Or I can tell them you're in my own tent, warming my bed and only eating my leftovers... It's your choice"
Edlynn blinked, confused. Her choice? She didn't even understand why he would lie like that.
It was the first time in days she spoke. Ivar smirked again, it was like he knew exactly what to do and say to startle her. 
"How's your... Personal relationship with the king?" he raised an eyebrow, his piercing blue eyes seemed to read her thoughts. 
"I beg your pardon?" Edlynn blinked a couple of times. Was he... Was he implying what she thought he was implying?
"You said you're close to the king" a smirk danced on Ivar's lips, as Edlynn blushed furiously but tried to calm down "How close, exactly? You'd be of much greater help if you were the king's... Concubine" he hesitated a bit, trying to find the correct word. 
"I..." she was lost at words. Never in her life had anyone insulted her in that way "I'm not" she took a deep breath "King Alfred and I grew up together, and my father is close to him as he was close to his grandfather, but nothing else" she glared at him "I never had... Inappropriate contact with the king" 
Ivar sighed, nodding his head with a mocking pout on his lips.
"A pity"
Edlynn glared at him. Does this heathen not have any manners? It was obvious he enjoyed taunting her, he seemed to be having the time of his life, amused by how she looked horrified at what he was implying. The saxons were funny to deal with, Ivar still remembered how Heahmund reacted whenever he talked about his religion or his God, almost like Ivar had just murdered his entire family in front of him. Edlynn was even better, as he was sure she hadn't had that much contact with a man that wasn't from her family in her life. 
"Well, then" Ivar stood up, startling her "I will tell you when my messenger comes back, princess" he bowed his head "I hope they treat him well and that we can reach an... Agreement over you, because if we don't..." he raised an eyebrow and Edlynn felt her blood run cold when his lips curved on a devious smile "If I were you, I'd pray to your God"
Ivar had no interest on killing her, because he was almost sure that she'd be enough to negotiate, he knew Alfred and that was his weakness. 
As soon as he turned around, ready to leave the tent, Edlynn stood up from her seat, her fingers fiddling with her ripped dress nervously as she cleared her throat. Ivar stopped then, and with an annoyed roll of his pretty eyes, turned around again to face her. 
"Can I ask for something?" Edlynn tried to sound as brave as she could. Ivar had to admit he didn't expect that, and he tilted his head with curiosity as his eyes fixed on hers. She had pretty eyes, warm and soft... Too soft, in his opinion, but different from what he was used to see, from the blue and green shades that were more common in Kattegat "I would like to have a bath"
Ivar was confused. He knew for a fact that she had asked to bathe a couple of times, and he remembered Hvitserk and Harald laughed at that, saying that maybe she had asked because she wanted him to join her in a bathtub. He nearly rolled his eyes at the memory. 
"Fine, I'll tell the slaves to prepare you..."
"No" Edlynn interrupted him "I would prefer to bathe in the river" she bit her lip, her eyes almost pleading "If I'm not mistaken, it's near the camp, down the..."
"I know where the river is" Ivar interrupted her again, clenching his jaw "Do you take me for a fool, princess?" his mocking stare had turned into an annoyed glare that Edlynn didn't like at all "Do you think I'd send you all alone with a slave all the way down to the river so you can escape, huh?" 
"I... Didn't think you'd let me go all alone" she frowned "I'm fine with you sending some guards to... Make sure I won't escape" 
Ivar opened his mouth to tell her to stop whining and bothering him when she interrupted him again. She had widened her eyes a bit and her pouty lips were nearly trembling. 
"Please, I... I've been inside this tent for days, I only went out to walk around the camp and I would just like to bathe in the river once and change these clothes" Edlynn looked at her destroyed dress, sighing "I promise I won't try to escape, I will not ask for anything else ever again, I promise" 
Ivar looked away when he felt his expression soften. At first, he was determined to say no, she was a prisoner, his prisoner, and he wouldn't prescind of men in the middle of a war to make her feel more comfortable. But then again, she hadn't really asked for anything since they caught her, and had been calm and obedient, even if she refused to answer his questions. 
"Fine" he said with a shrug "Tomorrow morning, I'll go with you, and also another five men, if you try anything stupid, princess, you know what will happen, don't you?" Ivar raised an eyebrow, his free hand touched the dagger he carried on his belt, the one Edlynn remembered very well, as she could still feel the cold, sharp edge against the skin of her neck. 
She nodded quickly, the relief softening her expression. Ivar looked at her up and down again before turning around and leaving the tent, trying to ignore the quiet 'thank you' she muttered and the urge to smile he felt when he heard it. 
Hvitserk knew his brother too well. He could say, with pride, that he was probably the person who understood him the most. It had taken him years, but finally he managed to learn how to understand Ivar. Sometimes, he would have loved to sink a knife into his chest, but then, when he had had the opportunity to end his life, avenge Sigurd, Thora, Margrethe... Everyone who had suffered under Ivar's tyranny, he couldn't do it. He was his little brother, the same kid he played with on the streets of Kattegat, the one that laughed sitting on that small cart Floki made for him as Ubbe and Hvitserk pulled it, screaming 'faster, faster!'. Until they'd reach the Great Hall, where their mother would scold them for pulling Ivar's cart too fast, and they'd promise they would go slower the next day, even if they never did. 
The same child that some days couldn't even get out of bed, the one he sat next to the entire day whenever Ubbe said, with a worried face, that Ivar had very blue eyes that day. Ivar would stay quiet then, with tears rolling down his face, sometimes crying out loud when the medicines stopped working, only calmed down by the sound of music Sigurd played on the Hall or by the stories about the Gods Floki told them out loud. Hvitserk would sometimes stay the entire night with him too, letting his brother squeeze his hand whenever he was in too much pain. 
'Not today, Ivar' he used to say, with a frown, whenever the healer left the room. He didn't like to see the pain and the fear on his eyes, how his lower lip trembled. Sometimes he got angry at the Gods, not understanding why they put his little brother through that. 
So that day in Kiev, when he had had the chance to end Ivar's life after so much pain and suffering, he saw his little brother in pain, he remembered how he had welcomed him back after his betrayal, when even Ubbe, the brother he had always loved the most, had turned his back to him. He had forgiven Ivar, knowing he had also lost everything, and even if they never talked about it, the both of them made peace with each other. Since then, they were inseparable, Hvitserk noticed how much Ivar had changed, he could barely recognize his own brother sometimes, but he was more mature now, he had learnt to use his own strengths in his favor, now it was easier to be with him. But still, he was the same Ivar that played with him. 
He had seen Ivar staring at the saxon girl they had caught, he had seen his expression the first time he saw her, and noticed how he changed the topic whenever someone commented on her looks. He lost focus anytime she wandered around the camp, followed by a few men and with her wrists tied, and he went to see her everyday. Hvitserk didn't say anything, but recognized that look in his brother's eyes. 
Now he waited next to the entrance to her tent. Ivar had arranged for her to bathe in the river, and Hvitserk agreed to go with him and some other men to make sure she didn't escape. Besides, he had made sure to bring clean clothes for her, some dresses they had found between the things they stole from one of the saxon villages. Would Ivar have done the same for any other prisoner? Hvitserk wouldn't say it out loud, but he doubted it. 
When Edlynn stepped out of the tent, she blushed deeply. She was excited to get away from that horrible camp for a while, maybe when she felt the cold water around her she would be able to forget that nightmare even if it was just a few moments. She could pretend she was just going to the river with Mildrith. 
But the idea of being naked in front of all those men didn't sound as appealing. 
"Are you ready, princess?" Ivar sounded annoyed, but Hvitserk had seen him raise his head quickly when he heard her stepping out of the tent. Edlynn didn't even have time to nod when Ivar started walking. 
She followed him shyly, the slave going after her with the clean dresses on her arms. Hvitserk winked at them and walked by their side, holding back a laugh when he felt Edlynn tense and look at him a bit wary. 
Ivar must admit, the river looked quite nice. The weak sunlight managed to get through the tall trees and reach the riverside. He watched Edlynn as she approached the water with the slave next to her, her face had lightened up when she realized she could leave the men's side. Then she hesitated, looking at Brianna next to her and then to the group of men watching her movements quietly. Getting naked in front of men she didn't even know? She gulped, and asked God to forgive her. He'd understand, right?
Brianna stepped between her and the men, with a small smile on her lips, almost like she had read her mind. Edlynn smiled back at her, thankful, even if her thin body did little to hide her. But tried to ignore it and looked down to start unbuttoning the shredded dress. 
Ivar tried to look away, he tried as hard as he could, even turned around... Just to see five pairs of eyes focusing hungrily on the woman undressing next to the river. He could nearly hear their thoughts, and it disgusted him. 
"What are you looking at?" his voice sounded more annoyed than he intended. He cleared his throat when they turned to look at him "Haven't you seen a naked woman in your life?" he scowled "Turn around, she's a noble woman, show some respect" 
He knew it didn't make sense. Ivar himself had looked at women as they washed in Kattegat, when he was younger, most viking women didn't have a problem with being seen naked, and most men had done it. But for some reason it angered him to see them so focused on her, especially knowing she didn't feel comfortable with it. 
The men had obviously agreed to accompany them in hopes of looking at a naked woman. Even his brother Hvitserk didn't hide his interest, until Ivar barked the order to them. A few moments later, they had turned around, muttering something Ivar didn't hear nor cared about. 
Why do you even care?, he thought to himself, bothered by both the stares of the men and his own reaction. 
Edlynn only raised her head when the dress was completely unclasped. It fell down her body, and she gulped before turning to look at the group she had left behind, parting her lips in surprise when she saw they had turned around. Her eyes lingered on Ivar's strong back for a few moments before Brianna moved to help her into the water. 
Ivar turned his head slowly, convincing himself that he was only making sure she didn't try to do anything stupid, but licking his lips nervously when he saw the clothes on the ground. His eyes saw her legs then, and travelled up her body slowly, almost studying her. Her body didn't look as sculpted and muscular as the ones he was used to see, which usually belonged to shieldmaidens. It was softer, with more curves, but Ivar liked it. He liked the curve of her ass, her thighs, her waist... He knew Edlynn was beautiful, he wasn't blind, but now he realized she was even more beautiful than he thought. His heart started beating faster, and he barely blinked as she walked into the river slowly, enjoying the cold water around her. 
"Close that mouth, little brother" Hvitserk chuckled next to him, nudging him softly. Startled, Ivar cleared his throat and teared his eyes off of her, feeling his face burn as he looked away "What happened to the innocent, whiny christian?" 
Ivar glared at him, but his blushed cheeks made Hvitserk laugh even more. 
Edlynn could feel those intense eyes on her as she washed quickly. They felt warm and nearly burnt her back. Was Ivar looking at her? She had never had men looking at her in that way, and it felt... Not as shameful as she thought. After a quick glance over her shoulder, during which she saw his face turned to her, with his lips parted, Edlynn surprised herself arching her back softly, enjoying that strange feeling that warmed her body from the inside. Suddenly, she didn't feel nervous and ashamed... And would give anything to know what was going through Ivar's mind. 
The memory of her body haunted Ivar. That night he had woken up in the middle of the night, panting, sweating and with a different kind of pain between his legs than the one he was used to. He had been staring at it for a while, frowning. Even if he had discovered that he could definitely have sex, back in Kiev, he hadn't tried to do it since then. In fact, he hadn't had the need of doing it, he had more important things on his mind. 
The second night he couldn't even sleep. Every time he closed his eyes, that damned christian appeared, so he had to drink a few horns of ale to pass out when the sun was already rising. 
Of course, he hadn't gone to see her since then. Instead, he sent Hvitserk to check on her. And then he stopped doing it when he saw Edlynn smiling softly at his brother once. 
That night he was too tired, finishing a plate of food after a long day studying maps and trying to think about an strategy while he waited for Alfred's reply. He had to consider every possible scenario; in case his plan didn't work or Alfred decided to attack them anyway. He watched the flames of the fire in front of him, ignoring the laughs and the conversations of the men that ate next to him. King Harald was with them, and sometimes Ivar could feel him looking his way. He had offered him more drink, but Ivar needed to have a clear mind in order to think about an strategy. 
When he felt full, he left the plate aside, wiping his mouth with his sleeve. Next to him, Hvitserk eyed the rest of the food as he talked to another soldier, with whom he had raided the south of Hispania years ago. 
"Hvitserk" Ivar whispered, turning his head to look at him "I'm going to take a look around the camp, do you want to come?" 
Years earlier, he wouldn't have even thought about asking Hvitserk to help him build an strategy, he was sure his brother was a very good warrior, and sometimes he could be useful, but he wasn't smart. Now, he realized he had been wrong, and tried to always include Hvitserk in his plans. 
His brother nodded, and stood up before helping him patting his shoulder before they walked away from the bonfire. 
Edlynn knew she should have planned it much better. She trembled as she crawled behind the tent.
She didn't choose a good time, either, because that night the full moon illuminated the entire camp, and even if it allowed her to see where she was going, it also made it easier to see her. 
Ivar hadn't stepped into her tent for days. Instead, his brother Hvitserk had been going to see her. At first, she ignored him, but he wasn't that bad. There was something about that northman that reminded her to Mildrith, and even if it made her miss her friend even more, it also felt good. Those vikings weren't as bad as she thought. 
In any case, she was escaping. 
Edlynn had hesitated, when she kneeled next to the bed and tried to sink the small knife she had stolen from one of the guards when they had untied her wrists in the thick fabric. She saw the opportunity, when the knife had touched her hand, and took it. Ivar treated her well, but she was still captive, and wanted to go back to her family, even if their silence troubled her. 
They still hadn't replied to Ivar's message, had they decided she was not worth saving? Did they think Ivar asked too much for her? Had they given up? And most importantly... What would happen to her if they didn't accept Ivar's terms? He had said terrible things, but the playfulness in his eyes convinced her he was joking. In some way, she knew Ivar wouldn't harm her. Edlynn still remembered the warmth of his eyes on her, the light blush that adorned his face when they walked back to the camp... He wasn't the monster everyone believed him to be, not to her at least. But, at the same time, he was a ruthless man that liked to get what he wanted. 
After ripping a hole on the side of the tent, when everyone was eating and drinking next to the fires and no one paid attention, when the noises of the men drowned the sound of the fabric being shred, she had sneaked out of it. 
Now she could see the end of the camp. She didn't even know where she was and how far was the King's camp, but once she was away from the enemy camp, she would be able to move faster. 
But just when Edlynn reached the last tents, she heard voices. She froze, covering her mouth to muffle the sound of her breathing and closing her eyes tightly. She knew that voice. 
Ivar's voice sounded deeper and more like a whisper when he spoke his language. Even if Edlynn couldn't understand a thing, she actually liked the sound of it, more deep and sharp than her own language. 
She closed her eyes tightly, feeling stupid for not making sure everyone was still eating and drinking by the fire before trying to escape. He was with his brother, Hvitserk, so even if she could run fast enough to leave Ivar behind, he could reach her easily. Her only chance was to try and sneak out without being seen but... How?
Ivar clenched his jaw and gripped his leg. Lately, his legs had been hurting too much the past days, but he couldn't waste an entire day resting in bed. 
"What are you planning, Ivar?" 
Hvitserk had been surprisingly quiet during their short walk. Ivar thought it was maybe because he was tired, but as soon as he asked the question out loud, he understood. 
"Me?" he feigned an innocent tone, widening his eyes at his brother "Nothing, just how to invade Wessex" he shrugged, but Hvitserk rolled his eyes and kept staring at him. 
"What are your plans for Harald?"
Ivar tried to hide the smile that curved his lips. 
"I think we need him, for now" he raised an eyebrow "But he might die in battle" 
Both brothers smiled at each other. 
"Maybe" Hvitserk shrugged "And what about the saxon girl?"
Ivar's smile faded. 
"I plan on exchanging her as soon as I can"
"Harald mentioned we should kill her if they refuse the terms" 
Ivar raised an eyebrow. It had been his plan and she was his prisoner, not Harald's. 
"Well, I think she's more useful alive" Ivar scoffed "We still don't know if they will accept or not, so I say we should wait"
Hvitserk smirked at his little brother, but Ivar was too busy trying not to trip with the roots and rocks he found on his path. 
"It would be a shame if we had to kill her" said Hvitserk softly, chuckling "She's pretty" 
Ivar sighed.
"You've said that five times" 
"It's the truth" his brother shrugged "I know you noticed, Ivar"
"I suppose she is" he rolled his eyes again. Of course he had noticed, but she was just another pretty girl, nothing special, right? "But she could be the reincarnation of Freya, I wouldn't care"
"Sure" Hvitserk seemed to be having the time of his life "That's why you send one of your Ivar glares whenever the men look at her"
"I just don't want her harmed, I need her, she is important"
"Alright, I believe you" he laughed, elbowing him "But if she agrees, will you let me have some fun?"
Ivar tried his best to avoid rolling his eyes and clenching his jaw.
"She's a christian, a saxon woman, she won't agree"
And just when his brother was about to reply, a noise startled the both of them. It came from one of the bushes next to them, and Hvitserk immediately grabbed the handle of his sword, and would have attacked if Ivar hadn't grabbed his arm before leaving his crutch on the ground and crawling to the bush. 
Edlynn didn't dare to even breath. They were closer to her than she had realized, but it had been too late and they obviously had heard her, because they had stopped talking. She stayed there, trembling and as quiet as she could, until she heard something behind her, and suddenly someone grabbed her neck, and she felt the already familiar coldness of the dagger against her skin. Ivar was nearly trembling in rage, and he panted furiously next to her ear.
"Hello, princess" he growled "Where do you think you're going?"
Tags: @mblaqgi @alicedopey @lol-haha-joke @hallowed-heathen @naaladareia @tephi101 @captstefanbrandt @love-hate-love @titty-teetee @readsalot73 @moondustmemories @therealcalicali @blushingskywalker @gruffle1 @justacripple @heartbeats-wildly @letsrunawaytotomorrow @inforapound @sallydelys @hellogabysblog @winchesterwife27 @hecohansen31 @youbloodymadgenius @xinyourdreamsx @funmadnessandbadassvikings @tgrrose @lovessce @tootie-fruity @didiintheblog​ @alexhandersenx​ @belovedcherry​ @fantasydevil2002​ @xceafh​ @astrape-the-weatherwitch​ @destynelseclipsa​ @momowhoo​ @mcrmarvelloki​ @nanahachikyuu​ @valopz​ @mrsalwayswrite​ @poisonous00​ @whenimaunicorn​ @heavenly1927​ @seeking-a-great--perhaps​
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psychwannabe · 7 years
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October 4th 2017 I think i've done more work in the past two weeks than I ever did for my a-levels. I am determined to get myself into university, do the course i've always wanted to do. Evaluation and methodological & ethical issues of topic 4: Psychology and the Courtroom
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random-jot · 7 years
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Got the rough cut for my 90-second-film exported today. Avid didn't start playing up (amazingly). And in about half an hour I've got my first Film Society meeting as Treasurer of the Committee, which should be fun 😊
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Life Of Agony, 19th September 2017,  Northumbria University
It’s safe to say a lot of the Newcastle alt-rock rock/hardcore scene missed out on one of the best gigs they could have seen tonight!! However for those that bothered their arses and came it was an intense, intimate show that will be remembered for a long time!
LIFE OF AGONY – September 2017 – Northumbria University
It’s the first time LOA have played in Newcastle, which is odd considering how long they’ve been going but hey they got here. They come out and blast straight into ‘River Runs Red’ then ‘This Time’ showing the songs still stand today.
In fact that debut album features heavily in the set with six songs from it and the rest of the back catalogue spread out around them (‘Weeds’, ‘Love to Let You Down’, ‘Lost at 22’and more).
Once the band came to terms with the small attendance they seemed to kick it up a gear and just have a blast. Mina Caputo sang the majority of the set from the security barrier right into the faces of the first couple of rows. Her voice was as powerful and emotive as it ever has been and the Joey Alan and Sal just absolutely tore up the stage behind her. I could go on at length about how great this was but it would make too many people sad that missed out and it’s kinda nice to keep this one “our little secret ” for those that made the effort.
By Gordon Armstrong (G’s Gig Shots)
PHOTO GALLERY Click a thumbnail to view full screen.
  LIFE OF AGONY – September 2017 – Northumbria University
LIFE OF AGONY – September 2017 – Northumbria University
LIFE OF AGONY – September 2017 – Northumbria University
LIFE OF AGONY – September 2017 – Northumbria University
LIFE OF AGONY – September 2017 – Northumbria University
LIFE OF AGONY – September 2017 – Northumbria University
LIFE OF AGONY – September 2017 – Northumbria University
LIFE OF AGONY – September 2017 – Northumbria University
LIFE OF AGONY – September 2017 – Northumbria University
LIFE OF AGONY – September 2017 – Northumbria University
LIFE OF AGONY – October 2017 – Northumbria University
LIFE OF AGONY – September 2017 – Northumbria University
LIFE OF AGONY – September 2017 – Northumbria University
LIFE OF AGONY – September 2017 – Northumbria University
LIFE OF AGONY – September 2017 – Northumbria University
LIFE OF AGONY – September 2017 – Northumbria University
LIFE OF AGONY – September 2017 – Northumbria University
LIFE OF AGONY – September 2017 – Northumbria University
LIFE OF AGONY – September 2017 – Northumbria University
LIFE OF AGONY – September 2017 – Northumbria University
LIFE OF AGONY – September 2017 – Northumbria University
LIFE OF AGONY – October 2017 – Northumbria University
Images Copyright Gordon Armstrong. For permission to use these images please contact us
View more photo galleries via our Music Photography Library
LIFE OF AGONY – September 2017 – Northumbria University – REVIEW and GALLERY Life Of Agony, 19th September 2017,  Northumbria University It's safe to say a lot of the Newcastle alt-rock rock/hardcore scene missed out on one of the best gigs they could have seen tonight!!
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officialtwister · 7 years
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We absolutely can’t wait to show you all what we have in store for this show, it’s easily the biggest gig we’ve ever done, and we’re going to make sure its a gig to remember. we’ve got video screens, confetti, pyro, and a huuuge setlist, and we’re going to absolutely take the roof off the O2 Academy. This is definitely not a gig to miss. 
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this is northumbria uni’s campus cat
i would DIE for this sweet, sweet boy
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