#not required but would be cool
mytranssnakes · 3 months
does anybody have an fic(/edit/art) recs for young gavin reed? like teen gavin, preferably angsty but doesnt have to be.
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sonknuxadow · 21 days
its funny that people always talk about shadow having a gun and shadow is known as The Guy With The Gun when tails uses guns way more often and also the idea of tails using guns is objectively funnier than the idea of shadow using guns
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storytellering · 3 months
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Pastel Nero 🍬
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horse-head-farms · 4 months
okay since this is now on my mind
curious what other people think. pick based on whatever metric you want - most logical sense, most fun, one you’d want to see. we must decide as a community
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pianokantzart · 17 days
OK, but imagine Luigi gets hurt, like, BAD in front of Polterpup.
Consider this:
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eirichele · 3 months
not to be mean but i wish Those astarion fans would just admit they are attracted to him as an evil ao3-bait booktok top instead of trying to subject us to a million thinkpieces on why perpetuating the cycle of abuse is Empowering, actually 💀
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densitywell · 9 months
It is so fun watching Orym awkwardly go through the song and dance of formal military presentation - the speeches in front of cheering crowds, the rewarding of titles and honors far too overwrought for the bloody work they represent (Orym could kill someone in half the time it would take him to say, I am Orym, Savior Blade of the Tempest) - because it's possible there's nothing this guy gives less of a shit about than his own accolades or legacy. Orym just wants to be good, even as he becomes less and less certain what that means, even as he thinks that it would be so much easier to give up on that. He wants to feel like he's done something right, for maybe the first time since Will and Derrig died.
And so he fumbles through the rituals, and holds up his shield for the people of Zephrah to bear witness to, and extracts what really matters from Keyleth (who understands the frivolity of this all better than anybody) referring to him as a Savior Blade of the Tempest; not a fancy name for people to call him, but affirmation that he can save people, someone, anyone, at least this time. At least with the Hells at his side.
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fourteenfifteen · 9 months
when i see people going around complaining about the media they consume 9 times out of 10 i’m thinking “please please get into more independently produced work” esp when it’s things like mass media trends or corporate interests or things that seem like they’re made for sanitized mainstream interests like yes those are all annoying but yk what has less of those… yk what has the marginalized focus and the earnestness and the experimentation that you say you want… that’s right. it’s art made by random nobodies
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pillowparamedic · 3 months
ppl who hate black doom/black arms and shadow 2005 in general r so lame. shadow having guns and cussing r so cool and i hope he dual wields 2 pump action automatics and says more cuss words such as "crap" and "piss" in sonadow generations ❤
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egg04 · 1 year
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**I meant to write: only TMNT cartoon series without an Usagi Yojimbo crossover
I love Usagi Yojimbo and TMNT, I am so desperate for a Rise Crossover please please!! I do not care if it's Yuichi Usagi or an old man ghost Miyamoto Usagi— I just want my obligatory TMNT/Usagi Yojimbo crossover
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starflungwaddledee · 3 months
Is there a way to read all the comics in order? I have read a few out of order and love the characters but feel like I’m missing out
hellooo!! thank you so much for liking the characters and my stories!!! at the moment there's no set 'order' for any of my comics, whether they are for my various AUs or for starstruck's story
i've been meaning for months now to make a master post for my AUs, and as i've been working so much on starstruck's story lately (sorryyyyyyyyyyyyyy) i should probably also make one for her too. but as of right now, it's all just loose bits floating about my blog
that said, i think that the best "order" of the comics would likely always be in the order i released them. there is a clear chronological series of events in all my stories, but i definitely tend to release comics outside of that order
however, when i release a new piece- whether it's a comic, art piece, or even just text answer- i am keenly aware of exactly what i have revealed before, and what i'm revealing in each update. so while updates may not be in 'chronological order' of the story, they are in the order i hope will be satisfying for you as the reader, and an order that is satisfying for me to draw 😂
someone once pointed out that they felt most everything in my work (art, captions, tags) is incredibly intentional, and i was chuffed to see that, because i actually work quite hard to make sure it is 😂 i feel like this is a community that appreciates that sort of thing, so i've been endeavouring to make it an immersive experience for the folks who really wanna Go In on it? but if it ever gets pretentious or people genuinely hate it i'll obviously quit it omg;;
if you feel like something is not yet obvious or clear, there is quite a good chance it's not you missing out on something, but that it's intentionally being left vague to preserve some suspense! however if you ever want to check something like this and make sure i haven't revealed/answered something clearly somewhere, feel free to shoot me an ask and i can link you to any answers (if they exist)
until then, the current best way to find stuff 'in order' on my blog is by going through tags in chronological order. for starstruck in particular this is a little bit messy as there's also a lot of fanart or silly doodles that aren't Lore Related in her tag... maybe i should address that. it was all a bit sudden 😂
for now, the best i can really offer is a few of my tags with the chronological sorting feature added. let me know if this helps you find what you're looking for. otherwise like i said, always feel free to ask!
awtdy au chrono || starstruck dee chrono || my comics chrono
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goldensunset · 1 year
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🎶where am i now, trapped in this city of illusion?🎶
my twewy experience began two years ago today, and i wanted to draw something really quickly to pay tribute! it feels like it’s been part of my life for so much longer than that. it’s like an old friend to me already. here’s to keeping the twewy fandom alive and well for many more years to come!
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elkian · 2 months
The narrative thrust of Dungeon Meshi is basically FMA and it's cruel and unusual to keep Ed Elric and Laios separated by dint of minor problems like "existing in different universes" when they were born to be besties.
Also Falin and Al should form the "Seems like moral leashes but are actually just as unhinged as their older siblings, just quieter about it" club.
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chipjrwibignaturals · 4 months
god i wish trans healthcare was just like. a fuckin casual thing. i wish i could go to my doc and be like ‘hey this is the result i want: what hormones & methods would be best to achieve it’ or even just like. ‘hey i wanna try this’. i wish that level of comfort on the topic and respect for bodily autonomy was just a thing instead of having to go so far in depth into diagnosis and full social transition and all that just to get Proper Medical Advice And Treatment
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tamyonmyonmyon · 10 days
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in this house we love all the eternals equally
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wizardnuke · 24 days
see here's the thing. when you have ehlers danlos. a lot of people with ehlers danlos like to sit in certain flexible ways just cause the option is there and it's comfier. now. here's the thing. the flexibility is there because my connective tissues dont like doing their job. this means that sometimes i sit down or stand up in a certain way and something horrific happens to my leg bone knee area
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