#odyssey vibes tbh
oasis-j · 10 months
I think putting things in the tags is the social media equivalent of whispering to your friend during class like "hey I don't wanna interupt but here's my paragraph of thoughts" and screen capping the tags is like your friend turning and raising their hand
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wishfulsketching · 1 year
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Oh, forgot I had these almost done, s2 dndads dads and moms. Designs that might change along the way as always.
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stuckasmain · 5 months
I keep mentioning Floyd’s short shorts like I haven’t been neglecting the OG
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mini-uzzy · 1 year
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Long haired Brasidas? Yes?
Happy Brasideia 2023! Thanks to the folks over at #Brasideia23 for inviting me! Brasidas had many cool designs in the game, so yeah here's a combination of it all! :D
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myblacknightworld · 3 months
Antinous: Tell everybody that before the day is out, we shall have a wedding... or a hanging! Either way we shall have a lot of fun!
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kashuan · 3 months
hi! I just wanted to pop in and say that I recently read the Iliad + some adjacent plays and your art is feeding me nourishing me watering my plants clearing my skin 🙏🙏 I seriously love it so much,,
your house of Atreus stuff especially is sooo so good…. top tier Mene and Aga content
I also wanted to ask if there are any good Iliad adaptations or other classical texts that you'd recommend? I've read Iphigenia in Aulis & The Oresteia and I'm hoping to get to Electra soon but there's a lot and I can't really decide where to go next ;0;
Awww thanks so much! 😊 I've answered a somewhat similar question like that here (the names include links!) in terms of written adaptions of iliad/iliad adjacent stuff I like. Also, I didn't mention it there, but Euripides' Helen is one of my favorite plays, the romcom angle of it is great, peak Helen/Menelaus content and I'm sad it's never gotten a proper adaption. If you're interested in movies/miniseries at all, I always recommend this movie adaption of IoA, amazing adaption, nothing else comes close in terms of characterization or just vibes in general. This Electra movie is also very good, in particular the casting for Orestes is canon to me tbh (I love Aegisthus' too :`)). This movie about Helen's backstory but also the Iliad is good fun if goofy in parts, the Helen+Theseus relationship and Agamemnon parts are high points (I also liked how they handled the conclusion of the Menelaus+Paris conflict altho afair the Helen/Mene relationship was weak). Annnd somewhat related, this is my favorite Odyssey adaption (youtube has english captions for it if you enable them :>). Hope this helps :D
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winesharksea · 19 days
book recommendationssss
thank u @veeples and @narrativefoiltrope beloveds!!
idk who's done this already sooo @tuomniia @solarisrenbeth and @sysba :)))
the last book i read: the essex serpent!! fairly dense reading but extremely compelling and gorgeous; it's about superstition, science, religion, social progress, fear, love, and most importantly the terrifying spectre of a big snake monster <3
a book i recommend: northanger abbey by jane austen my beloved <3 it is so fun and silly and henry tilney is the man of all time while catherine is The vibe
a book that i couldn't put down: due to me being a wretched goblin this is most of the books i read because i Need to Know what happens, but most recently the sunshine court :((( the meow meows got to me... seriously though very devastating portrayal of tentative healing
a book i've read twice (or more): watership down by richard adams!!!!!! SUCH a good book, it is the odyssey with rabbits and it's so. BARK BARK BARK. it has such mythic energy and is such a fun read every time
a book on my TBR: mother night by kurt vonnegut!! i have really loved everything i've read by him, but haven't been able to find this book yet!! someday i will complete all of his works though
a book i've put down: rivers of london by ben aaronovitch... it's my own fault for reading a cop murder mystery novel... but this one is modern fantasy which i thought would make it better... reader it did not in fact make it better
a book on my wishlist: ... the wicked powers... by cassandra clare... nobody talk to me about this i just need it for reasons and it's not coming out until 2026 :(((((((
a favorite book from my childhood: THE TALE OF DESPEREAUX. KATE DICAMILLO I LOVE YOU. this is still one of my fave books ever tbh it's so gorgeous and dreamy, please read this book
a book you would give to a friend: highkey depends on the friend... maybe the golden compass by philip pullman because i can't imagine anybody not adoring that book so it would be a safe bet and also another person converted to the his dark materials agenda
a book of poetry or lyrics you own: 100 love sonnets by pablo neruda <3 poetry is super hit or miss for me but these are so gorgeous and beautiful, can't recommend enough
a nonfiction book you own: gods of the upper air by charles king! incredibly fascinating- it's about franz boas and his team of anthropologists who fought against the concept of race as it was defined and used to justify atrocities during the 20th century
what are you currently reading: sister outsider by audre lorde! i literally just started this so don't have much to say about it yet but so far it is incredibly incisive!
what are you planning on reading next: major pettigrew's last stand! tbh this has been in my TBR for a really long time at the recommendation of a friend but i don't actually know what it's about so i guess we shall see
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menelaiad · 1 year
This is a dumb question, but why is the hoa called the hoa? Like Atreus is not the oldest in it, and he is not the most famous(at least in modern times, idk about ancient). So like why is it named after him?
my best ........ answer ig.
is because atreus 'started' the generational curse. tantalus was only cursed as an individual, his whole lineage was not cursed (pelops did p. well for himself when he was brought back to life tbh). tantalus' curse was not a generational one.
the 'curse inflicted on you and then your whole family/descendants' starts with atreus. (people think thyestes was cursed, but he wasn't. yes some awful shit happened to him - but in the long run? he literally got left to die of old age. he did okay by HOA standards, tbh).
[the annoying thing with this family is that only sOME of them are cursed but MOST of them do some terrible shit so you think they are cursed or should be ... but they're not SDFGHJK]
atreus and his descendants were cursed, hence why you can see remnants of it in aga and menelaus and orestes etc. etc.
also. atreus moved away (was exiled) so he kinda like .... started a fresh in mycenea, if that makes sense? he didn't carry on from where pelops left off. he moved and started something new NOT FROM FAMILY. so this new lineage (this myceneas lineage/house) comes from him. not pelops or tantalus. and ancient greeks didn't really care who was the 'most famous', it was about blood. like. who's house do you come from? where are your origins? hence why 'son of _________' is such a common epithet in the iliad.
'where do you come from?' 'the house of atreus.' it's a house HE started. he is the first in it.b this famous mycenean kingdom comes from him. not tantalus. not pelops and not agamemnon.
yeah, we know agamemnon and menelaus and elektra and all those MORE, but where do they come from? yknow? ALSO. there's a lot of plays regarding atreus, thyestes and even aerope that are lost to us. for all we know there was FAR more written/sung about them that we just don't have access to and that's how the 'atreus-centric-vibe' has been passed down. because everything did used to be atreus centric. it's just lost now.
kinda like how the first mention we ever get of tantalus (that survives) is in the odyssey and it gives nO BACKGROUND to his crime or why he's in the underworld, because the audience at the time were just expected to know who he was and why he was there. there was something that predated the odyssey that people would have known about to get the 'tantalus reference' if you will. we just don't have that now.
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Another Polyphemus update, mutuals~
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He’s officially been moved into his permanent tank and is doing well!
The tank is 3 gallons and at one point I did consider putting him in a 5 gallon as that’s usually my personal minimum tank size for bettas, but then I worried about him getting stressed with so much open space and not being able to like… see where he was going lol.
So I opted for a 3 gallon instead and I think it’s just the right amount of space for him :).
(Ignore the plants stuck on the other plant lol, the filter pushed them down and they’ve since been moved)
Now you must be thinking “OP must have been so stressed rehabbing this fish, they probably won’t be doing it again anytime soon”
And you’d be right. And wrong.
Yes it was very stressful, but also meet Nemo another fish I rescued from work 💃🏾
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He has some pretty serious fin rot/melt happening, but he’s honestly vibing and happy surprisingly enough. I think he’s one of the most personable bettas I’ve had tbh lol.
I remember putting him in our quarantine room when he had just a small piece of his fins gone, and then it just kept getting worse and worse and I finally caved and asked to take him home.
He’s currently in the same 2.5 hospital tank Polyphemus was in (with clean water ofc) and he’s been in it for about a week now just so I can monitor him. I named him Nemo because I noticed today that one of his fins looks smaller than the other (but doesn’t seem to effect his swimming at all) and I thought the name was fitting.
(The green spot on the glass is algae)
Jdhfkfkfkfk omg as I’m typing this I just remembered in the Odyssey one of the names Odysseus used was fricking Nemo oh my god I’m a creative genius ✋🏾😭
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ifellinlovewithpersona · 10 months
Since Teddie, Aigis, and Demifiend have all been in the same game (Etrian Odyssey. Although it was just portraits, it's funny to think they know each other.), and we can assume that, the whole portal world event in nocturne aside, that P3, P4, and Nocturne take place in a similar year range, how would interactions with Demifiend and the Investigation Team go? I can imagine seeing how strong and intimidating Demifiend is, and Teddie just pops in saying he knows this guy.
And for...I haven't played through nocturne so I don't know how many times he's smiled, but demfiend smiles when he sees Teddie and hugs him since he's friend shaped, and everyone is wondering how Teddie knows him.
Thanks for the ask!
Ooh I kinda love this headcanon? Like YES, let Naoki be soft!!! 😭😭
Sorry if that's a little off-topic but my unpopular SMT opinion is that I don't see Demi Fiend as violent guy, quite an opposite actually (if you won't provoke him or make clear that your intentions aren't to fight I think he would most likely leave you alone and tbh I'm not sure if I could say that about Nahobino for example). Like yes, he had to fight and be strong to survive in Vortex World but only because no one ever gave him an other choice. Like... he never wished to have that bug being showed down his throat tbh. I think deep inside Demi Fiend is still that awkward (and probably autistic af from how he is portrayed in the game) Naoki boy he was before. I made a post about it actually once but I never published it cause I was kinda scared to tell my hot take haha, so if I won't get slaughtered for this ask, maybe I will post my draft and then you'll get an elaboration haha
But yeah, about the question... Kinda difficult to tell imo cause I never imagined his possible interaction with Investigation Team before, tbh the only interaction I ever imagined with him was betwen him and S.E.E.S
But yeah, I think he might have been quite surprised at first because he never witnessed any similar demon nor Shadow to Teddie before but I like the headcanon he would eventually become soft to him 😭
Also I think if we are talking about post-Conception Demi-Fiend, not pre-Conception Naoki Kashima, he would have trust issues at first because how Isamu and Chiaki betrayed him in canon, like I think he would need a more time to actually trust anyone from that team. But after some time, I think he would be a good friends with Kanji and Naoto possibly (autism to autism communication haha). I think Yosuke would remind him of Isamu a little (at least Isamu before the Conception) and Rise would kinda give him Chiaki vibes (minus the love for denim of course 😭). I think perhaps he would bond with Chie over sports as well cause I headcanon Naoki as a sport kind of a person I guess? I can't think of any possible headcanons between him and Yukiko though? And I think he would like Yu as well since both of them are silent protags? But also I don't have many hcs about them both
[also Naoki was never allowed to smile in his game, at least not in TDE which was ending I've personally got 😭😭😭 which is heartbreaking, I know 😭 I heard he looks quite happy in Freedom ending though? But I never had this ending before but I plan to replay this game to get that ending tho]
So yeah, I hope that answers your question! Thank you for the ask once again, have a good day (or night!) :)
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ritzcrackee · 9 months
fuck it every dimension 20 season ranked
1. a starstruck odyssey
... we all saw this coming. i don't even have anything to say that i haven't already sleep deprivedly rambled about to my friends. glittery space bitches go brrrrrr
2. the ravening war
AUOERGHHHHH the drama the violence the edge the politics the tragedy THE SHIPS!!!! truly just my favorite people (and matthew mercer i guess) playing my favorite character tropes. it's like they scanned my brain and generated a season based solely on what i would be the most autistic about.
3. misfits and magic
yippeeeee best friends and they like each other and are friends yayyyy
4. the seven
women <333 (but fr tho i just like watching teenage girls be messy and multifaceted)
5. a court of fey and flowers
look i just really like fae shit. fairy rainbow magic boys RISE UP 💪💪💪💪
6. a crown of candy
the little candy people are sad??? what the hell.... (no but this season started off SO STRONG!! would easily be my #1, but i feel like the latter half of the season dragged on and also felt rushed? idk still one of the top tier seasons)
7. fantasy high
i mean what can i say. a solid classic, bad kids live in my head RENT free, fig is my irl girlfriend, uhhhhh kissing them all forever.
8. mice and murder
love a good murder mystery <33. lars vandenchomp my BELOVED!!!
9. fantasy high sophomore year
sophomore year!!!! i feel like this season had some of the highest highs, but also a lot of the lowest lows. which is why it's in the middle of the list lol. the live format made it hard to follow a lot of the time, however, consider, i'm the crab king.
10. the unsleeping city: season 2
CODYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!! between him, iga, and the spooky capitalism moment, i really liked this season. i just,,, haven't really thought about it much. did not stay in my head.
11. neverafter
love the characters, love the vibe, less spooky than i had hoped? but still, as always, a slay
12. the unsleeping city
you may be saying "why is s1 lower than s2" CODY! it's literally just him i just really like cody.
14. coffin run
VAMPIRES!!! AND IZZY AT THE TABLE!!! v good season, a little bit loud for me? but otherwise good job guys 11111/10
13. mentopolis
not much to say abt this season tbh
15. escape from the bloodkeep
i have never read [insert fantasy book here] so i didn't really get a lot of the inside jokes? idk i think i was not the target audience.
16. pirates of levithan
look the zoom format just absolutely kills this season :( i love literally everything else about it but all of the players are so BIG in a way that the format struggles to capture. honestly it was a hard watch for me but i'd love to see it revisited in the dome.
17. shriek week
look i'm all for a vibes only no plot session but a vibes only no plot season? i truly could not tell you a single thing that happened in this show. also not enough hot monsters and too many hot people who are vaguely monster adjacent. absolutely HILARIOUS tho, watch it for sure but just turn your brain off. ally fermentation jokes my beloved.
18. dungeons and drag queens
i'm homophobic ❤ (this is a joke i'm gay i just didn't find it very compelling bdjfk. i don't think i was the target audience)
19. tiny heist
i'm sorry the mcelroy brothers just don't do it for me. certainly one of the dimension 20 seasons 👍
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ginnyrules27 · 4 months
Have you heard of Epic the Musical? It’s a retelling of the Odyssey, and the Poseidon song, Ruthlessness, really gives Warf Rat vibes (cuz ruthless yet loyal). Tbh, the other Poseidon song, Get in the Water, is also totally an Uma song too, or even a Choosing!Mal song. I could see them singing it as they make someone walk the plank or something.
Oh yeah I've heard of Epic the Musical! I love 'Warrior of the Mind' and 'My Goodbye' and I only just started listening to the other songs. 'Get in the Water' is totally an Uma or Choosing!Mal song!
And now I have 'Ruthlessness' stuck in my head lol
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hero-in-waiting · 1 month
💖 Which of your fics is your pride and joy?
🥘What wip are you most excited about?
🛌 What's a trope you haven't written, but want to?
💖 Which of your fics is your pride and joy?
All of them?? A bit tbh. But I'm still forever really proud of Impetus bc like, I made the Odyssey work with SGA??? Fucking proud of that forever and always.
🥘What wip are you most excited about?
DIVORCES GEORG!!! like, the sheer excitement i have when I finish this fick and get to start posting it? ahhhhhhh. i am also just super in love with the summary. the whole fic is good and I love our oc's but goddamn the summary. it just hits so well. I've never been so happy with a summary except for now.
🛌 What's a trope you haven't written, but want to?
hmmm, ive written a lot of tropes but never posted them but ummmm. maybe a regency au. i love the whole can't touch but want to touch slow burn vibe.
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teecupangel · 1 year
here im once again, tbh i feel the comic is startying to feel like te AC movie. Also interested on the "Who is the fhater?" thing going on. And yeah we have another one on the bingo "family problems"
My thoughts on Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
Official English translation (the free chapters anyway) here
Kenway Daddy Issues plays a major part in this one, that's for sure.
My main takeaway is…
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Ah. I’ve been unnecessarily torturing Desmond because I've desynced soooo many times due to fall damage… Sorry, Desmond.
But see, that’s my problem with this setup though.
This seems… too dramatic?
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Because let’s remember that at this point, we already have the Animus that is being used by Abstergo Entertainment AND it's a mainly a headset. (Let's remember this is the Animus that they used to check Edward's memories back in Black Flag as well so it works with Edward's memories so this isn't a case of "oh those Animus can't watch memories like the big ones" because these headset Animi were the main Animus that Black Flag, Rogue, Unity and Syndicate used)
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But Noa’s Animus as seen above looks more like Abstergo’s Animus from AC1 with its overhead transparent screen-like thing and the fact that it keeps the subject flat.
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It's even look more similar to the one Desmond was forced to use than the Animus Layla stole in Origin:
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(We're not comparing it to the Odyssey and Valhalla Animus because those have been modified by Layla and her team.)
So this mean, in terms of looks, Noa's Animus is most similar to an older Animus version.
This is weird because why is the Templars or Abstergo using a variation (and deadlier version) of an old model?
My theory is that they’re a rogue team and this entire thing has not been approved by Abstergo at all because there is one important plot point that they have yet to tackle:
“Why do they need Noa Kim’s genetic memories in the first place?”
The memory they’re looking for is from 1725
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AND Noa’s DNA states specifically that he has Iroquois DNA
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Then that means he came from the Edward-Haytham-Ratonhnhaké:ton line because that’s more believable than “Oh, Edward had a one-night stand/affair with someone before/while he’s married to Tessa AND just so happened to have an Iroquois ancestor LIKE Ratonhnhaké:ton”
This means that Haytham was probably born prematurely for this entire thing to work since we do know Edward was still in Macau on February 1725 and Haytham was born in December 1725.
Aaaannndd we’re back to the Desmond is Noa’s biological dad theory OR the William Miles is Noa’s biological dad theory BUT here’s the thing though.
If he is Ratonhnhaké:ton’s descendant then that means any and all genetic memory that Noa might have of Edward Kenway is in Desmond’s genetic memories EVEN IF they are not ‘closely’ related (I call bullshit if they’re not AND I don’t even like the theory that Desmond is Noa’s biological father, ELIJAH IS SEVERELY HORRIBLY NEGLECTED BY UBISOFT ALREADY!!!) because if Ratonhnhaké:ton is both Noa and Desmond’s ancestors, even if they had different ancestors after Ratonhnhaké:ton, their genetic memories of Edward stops at the same place: the conception of Haytham Kenway.
This means that there’s no need for Abstergo to take Noa because they still have Sample 17.
The same thing they used to watch Edward’s memories in Black Flag in the first place.
Abstergo would have a better time getting some poor intern(s) checking Edward Kenway’s later memories (Noob style) than
Kidnapping Noa Kim
Hiding him somewhere
Making sure no one would look for him
Forcing him into the Animus
And doing all this manipulation and threatening bullshit
In conclusion, I propose the following theory:
The people who kidnapped Noa are a rogue team affiliated with the Templars and/or Abstergo and are doing this on their own without the Inner Sanctum’s approval.
(Oh, and ‘Shimazu’ is acting like a bitch version of Sofia Rikkin and this does have AC Movie vibes to it and, I’m saying this as someone who rewatches the AC movie whenever I’m stressed to relax, that is not a comparison this webtoon would probably want to have right now)
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circle-bircle · 2 months
any obscure games I can feel like a hipster playing? don't care if they're technically mediocre sometimes they vibe more that way.
sure here's a list of niche games (perhaps not obscure) i enjoy:
final fantasy 2 - obligatory rec; technically mediocre for sure and i guess you'll either feel like a hipster or a nerd and i think both are acceptable. please please please please please please etc etc
lufia 2 - as someone who has only played loz link's awakening this feels like that with jrpg fights. it is really good and the og is on my to-play list eventually but this game is just so fucking cool. plot is a little wack but whatever. music is really good too
suikoden - i personally like the first more than the second but both ps1 titles are really good - standard jrpg affair but i would consider them niche enough to put on a list here. i am sloooowly playing through the third game but i have enjoyed my time with it through the first few bits
legend of the dark witch - anime babe platformer. decent mix of easy and hard entries but i had a fun time with the series
terranigma - truthfully I haven't gotten very far into it but it is niche so could be worth your time nona
vagrant story - tbh I don't care for the plot but the gameplay is straight fire and sydney losstarot is very cool
legend of dragoon - BURNING RUSH... SPINNING CANE... MORE AND MORE.... COOOOOL BOOGIE... SUMMON FOUR GODS... etc etc. plot gets kind of wack in the later discs but holy FUCK is the gameplay so good.
etrian odyssey just in general - i had a fun time playing the fafnir knight; prolly best to google this series bc youtube can explain it better than i can
final fantasy tactics advance - not obscure but my favorite tactics game. it's a tactics game. not much more to say
ace combat - probably obscure to you if you're looking at my blog; but i really liked ace combat 2. if you enjoy plane shootey games it is good
if you like schlocky fanservice games lord of magna: maiden heaven is a fun romp with hot anime babes. twas little circle's awakening to the vast world of video games (outside pokémon and project diva) so it holds a special place in my heart. grant george voices the antag. so.... yeah
if you like mystery dungeon games i really enjoyed chocobo dungeon 2; the ffx-2 dungeon game I didn't really get into but it is niche
once i finally escape from Scholarly Hell for summer the next game i plan on playing is legend of legaia. truthfully it seems like xenogears with the combat system but i cannot tell whether it is better or worse but i will probably make a post about it in a few months
oh. you know what? play xenogears. play xenogears, nona. you should play xenogears.
or final fantasy 2. because it is good. at least if you squint really hard and tilt your head and squint a little more
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beevean · 2 months
And onto Rush Adventure now:
-Tbh at first i wasnt sold on the materials grinding for ships but later liked how it gives you a reason to improve your scores on the levels so you can get more. Idk i usually dont care abt scores but w the external motivation? Yea
-Same w the misions, good way to have lil extra stuff to do (that said why did they block the sound mode songs behind misions. Game pls my internet makes opening youtube an odyssey and now this too? Cruelty 😔)
-Oh and also the ship minigames! Its fun to have a map you can explore, and the races w Jhonny for the chaos emeralds are way better than the Surely Existing special levels (also srry if i got his name wrong lmao)
-Onto the soundtrack; its more broad compared to rush, and each song does matches well the enviroment. I like the tropical coastal vibes of the main town n training level, and oh man. Sky babylon and deep core my beloveds who literally got engraved in my neurons so hard i was struggling reading hours later bc the darn tunes kept playing in the background of my skull. Well scratch that all the tunes keep playing on the bg of my skull rn, what kind of eldritch curse is this). So yes good ost 👍
-Overall the aesthetic n vibes are also more broad with that tropical relax overtone, its quite nice. The difficulty is also way more forgiving (i mean i played on easy but that's the mode the game came in) and the tutorials with the controls are helpful (yes i struggled with the jump dash in the previous game how can you tell)
- The story is also more calm and silly goofy but in a good way (can def see what ppl mean by the diff eras in sonic writing there). I also liked Whisker being the main but kinda dumb villain for funnies vs the eggmans being a bigger threat)
-I liked the scene in the coral cave where Blaze appears bc my mind was half "haha i knew we were in Blaze's world, neat" and " weeee hi Blaze, game of the year :D"
-Marine was also neat, liked her silly dynamic of cheerful kid who is a bit too full of herself and is kind of a brat abt it, and how she later learns to admit her own limits :) And the koala villagers were neat too i like their designs :)
Overall thank you for letting me ramble into your ask box abt these games, its been fun :D
lmao yeah it's a nice incentive! I think the only other game that gives you a reward with higher ranks is Unwiished (another Dimps game), where the higher the rank the more medals you get.
also sonic 🤝 hector:having to earn their crafting materials
The missions are a good way to extend the gameplay, but IIRC some of the Sol Emerald missions were brutal... I have flashes of the Blizzard Peak mission.
The waterbike was genuinely really fun and I hated that it was considered the "worst" vehicle for travel :( I don't like the submarine, let me travel the world on my tiny waterbike while the best music plays :( also yeah the Special Stages with Johnny are original! Certainly more than Half Pipe 50.0
SRA'S OST was composed by veterans Tomoya Ohtani and Mariko Nanba while trying to recreate Naganuma's style. Definitely unique and underrated. Sky Babylon used to be my favorite too! But there are so many tracks that IMO deserve more love, like Haunted Ship, Blizzard Peaks, the boss theme and Whiskers & Johnny <3
Funny to think SRA came out one year after '06, widely criticized at the time for being too melodramatic :P Whiskers is also a nice case of Eggman being the twist villain for once! Although the credits of the "bad" ending spoil him and Nega, lol. Not that Whiskers looks mysterious himself... eh you get it.
Marine seems to have been reevaluated recently, like many things from the 2000s. I remember that back then no one could stand her and her Aussie accent lmao, precisely because she was an annoying brat. She is still mildly underrated, but I think the modern fandom generally "forgave" her because they understood that she was meant to be a foil for Tails, who is more insecure.
(two fun facts: in some countries, SRA initially got a 12+ rating because Marine says "bugger", which is pretty mild for Aussie slang but is much stronger for American standards. Also, Marine is Australian because in original she speaks in Kansai-ben, and I guess that was a way to recreate the cultural connotations! That and koalas :P)
You're welcome, you're free to rant at any time <3
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