#oimo and kashii
danwhobrowses · 5 days
One Piece Chapter 1113 - Initial Thoughts
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It is time
One Piece is back again and the big announcement is almost underway. The Gorosei are circling though, much of the Straw Hats are cornered, will the revelation turn the tide?
Let's find out
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release too!
A chess-themed colour spread this time; Robin playing chess with the crew as chess pieces
Contrary to the message the King should not be the attacking piece but other than that I did find it funny that Usopp is a Bishop with a bow and arrow, this cleric does harm!
Also lil Chopper pawns!
Picking up where we left off, Markus Mars has been stopped in awe of a sight in Punk Records
The remains of Vegapunk's humungous brain, as big or maybe even bigger than a giant, kept in a pod and still working even after his death
Mars does wonder if this is more Vegapunk's true self, which I guess if it has his brain it's probably the main part that's biologically living
People around the world brace themselves though
Syrup Village! Kaya, Merry and the old Usopp Pirates get a cameo
Despite her wealth being enough for Kuro to plan a murder/retirement spree, they do not have a Video Den Den Mushi
Though it seems like it's more size than price, and Kaya is already keen to hear what Vegapunk is saying, given his role in the medical field
Also lil' Merry details on the Den Den Mushi
The Marines are monitoring it too
Laboon and Crocus cameo!
And we even get to go to Baldimore, birthplace of Vegapunk
Some dialogue from the group that found Franky during the separation too
'I heard he's turned himself into a ship now' XD because of the bounty poster, and the bad timeline SBS image maybe, though I still think we could in the future get a Sunny mecha
Also got Chopper's bird and medic island listening in
The tribespeople even know about Vegapunk, they call him a 'king of modern science'
Even despite the Garp and SWORD attack, some pirates from Fullalead are listening in - some still wanna fight each other though
Mars tries to stamp out the Den Den Mushi, but it's of course a fake! It shatters to reveal just another regular Den Den Mushi
Fooled again motherfucker!
Vegapunk does introductions once more but now everyone wants him to get on with it XD
For the most part the more obscure world shots seem somewhat familiar, I couldn't tell what the rainy place was but it could be Water 7, the other one looked a bit familiar, the Longarm place looks like to have Brook's old talent agents too
But this campfire one, a child is hushed back to sleep by their likely mother, they're in tipi tents, what's interesting is the other person there, almost like Oda's pulling something sneaky
Through their collective telepathy, Mars announces his failure, it was a decoy so they have no leads
They wonder what Vegapunk intends to say, fearing that he'll carry on what Clover started before he was silenced
Back to Sanji and he hears a woman's scream
Bonney is being targeted by V. Nusjuro, Franky standing between them but Sanji demands to be the white knight
He jumps off the sword to kick him in the jaw
By comparison V. Nusjuro is pretty damn huge
His body sets on fire - fitting to his Yokai lore - but then the horse's head comes out to bite Sanji
Lots of crackling of bones, I wonder if his Healing Factor is still a thing
As Oimo and Kashii tackle V. Nusjuro (about the same size as them), Vegapunk's broadcast begins, admitting to committing two grave sins
Bonney turns into a giant with her fruit to attack V. Nusjuro, who has returned to his hybrid form
Vegapunk's broadcast admits that he is likely to be executed, and that this broadcast would start when his heart has stopped
Sabaody reacts first, realising that this means Vegapunk is dead
Duval has trouble processing this, since the news said that he was a hostage for the Straw Hats
Caesar's also mad, he and Judge went through that whole cover story alliance for nothing, so now they can promptly fuck off
And Morgans is angry because Vegapunk is giving BIG NEWS without him like it's not in his name
Interestingly, Vegapunk is quick to state that his killers should not be portrayed as 'evil' - because they're looking pretty damn evil to me
It seems maybe this is because he expects Luffy to have been pinned as to blame for his death, though it could be scanlations saying 'him'
Saturn faces off with the Labophase group, demanding they move away
Saturn and Robin however recognize one another, Robin from his voice back in Ohara and Saturn by her image
Seems Saturn blames Akainu directly for Robin's escape, I mean he did blow up the hostage ship but still, there were more marines out there
He goes to attack Robin, so all the other Straw Hats go into protection mode
Brook cuts a few limbs, but worryingly Chopper blocked some with his Guard Point - those limbs are poisonous remember? Though it's impressive that he could suppress a claw that could go straight through Kuma
Nami also remembers that she can use Zeus to block attacks
Mars is still on recon, but his senses can't pick up any 'telepathic waves' - wonder if that's a Haki feat or something relative to the Gorosei's shared thoughts?
York is also having trouble figuring out where the Stella would've put it, since her position as a Celestial Dragon is on the line
Vegapunk's about to deliver his mission statement, which is putting the Gorosei into a panic
Mars considers blowing up the entire place, but Saturn and Warcury are weighing it against the possible losses; men, equipment, and any chance of recreating the Mother Flame
Wait. What?
"Our World...is going to sink into the ocean!"
Well you can't deny it: Global Warming is Real.
It's not just Water Seven and Aqua Laguna then, it's all going to sink, there's a lot of thematic consequences to that when you think about it.
Did the World Government ostracize the Fish-Men because of this? Knowing that they would inherit the world? Does this have any connection to Devil Fruits and why the Ocean really saps their strength? Did the ancient kingdom like Old Wano sink to the bottom of the sea?
It begets a lot of questions, in true Oda fashion.
The rest of the chapter was a lot more jam-packed than the last, even without Luffy. The carried tension of the announcement is followed by Saturn and V. Nusjuro's confrontations with the crew, giants and Bonney. As expected, Sanji took on V. Nusjuro, the hit didn't seem to do much in the long term as expected, though I kinda wish Franky also got a hit in but the extent of his own injuries is worth wondering.
I'm glad the Labophase crew are stepping up against Saturn, at least until the expected arrival of Zoro and Jinbe, but it does show their furthered growth versus Enies Lobby if they can successfully repel Saturn from Robin - her injury being validated by this scene, though I still wish we saw a flashback of the Straw Hats vs Seraphim and them uncovering York as the traitor.
Still it's bad PR from the Straw Hats either way, they're likely to be accused of killing Vegapunk, who was last deemed their hostage by the fake news machine (is Morgans still going to Egghead? I mean with Vivi with him we continue to tease a reunion), and while Punk Records still has a chance to live on this is definitely going to be something each crewmate will have to re-evaluate given the bigger picture. Still, that can come after getting off the island; Edison and the Sleeping Giant are still at play after all, Stussy still needs to release the barrier, it's looking more likely that we might finish up around 1120.
Still there has to be more to the announcement, if Vegapunk was waiting for a video display it means that there are visuals to corroborate his revelation - I wonder if the Gorosei are more open to this reveal coming out than what they expected with the Ancient Kingdom reveal they destroyed Ohara for? Like did Vegapunk dupe the WG into Buster Calling Egghead over a reveal they didn't care much for? He mentioned two grave sins too so there seems to be much more to his announcement than just the opening statement.
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firefistacesfreckles · 3 months
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bottlepiecemuses · 4 days
Thanks Oimo And Kashii
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Again always nice to have giant allies.
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ao3screenshotss · 4 months
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onepiecexd · 2 months
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One Piece - Capítulo 1107
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redhatmeg · 7 months
I see that Big Mom's backstory on Elbaf decided to go all out with referencing giants Straw Hats bonded with. They even have baby Hajrudin!
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shellstown · 6 months
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Sabaody Archipelago - Chapter 490
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optreasurecruise · 1 year
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mugiwhora · 7 months
let's talk about giants in one piece
reposting my thoughts from a previous reblog. Also spoilers from manga chapter 1095 :)
Disclaimer: this is absolutely just a theory and probably a stupid one, so don't believe my words lol :D but i think it can be an interesting point of view ^^
I believe giants are gonna be a big deal soon, not only because of the incoming Elbaf arc, but i believe their story will somehow be particularly relevant to the main one, in ways only Oda currently knows. Yes, they could be just another race, but.. why are they everywhere?
Let's list some mention or roles of giants i can think of:
Let's start with the fact that Luffy absolutely loves giants. Yeah it's dumb, but since he's the main character and knows things even himself doesn't know he knows (?!?) this could be relevant, or maybe he knows something he still hasn't said to us viewers 🤷🏻‍♀️ but let's end speculations and continue with facts.
there's a mythical giant (Oars) in Thriller Bark. Speaking of Thriller Bark, like Ryuma for Wano, Oars could mean something important for Elbaf, we may even see more about him in the upcoming arc. Consider Oars lived 500 years prior to the main story and was the Leader of "clan of evil giants" (lol, I definitely want to know more about this)
Big Mom in Elbaf.
Giants in the marine + Oimo and Kashii in Enies Lobby
There is even a filler where Luffy met a small giantess and became a giant himself with her inside of him.
The Iron Giant on Egghead island.
Shanks was in Elbaf.. Why ??
AND now Kuma has giant's blood in him?! This is the third link to giants in a single arc.
And now the one I think is the most important and that could contain the biggest foreshadow: LITTLE GARDEN.
I'm starting to think that we overlooked it because of its placement in the story but the more i think about it the more it seems like a strategic arc. Yes, it could be a grandiose introduction to the one piece world, but why was it so emotional?! Every time I think about the Little Island arc it becomes more suspicious.
Thanks to this island we knew giants were a thing in OP since (almost) day 1. Dorry and Brogy made Luffy and Usopp (and the viewers) fall in love with giants, and even helped Usopp understanding what his dreams and goals were.
In my opinions, giants will be a huge thing (lol) in the OP's lore we don't know yet, maybe embodying secrets we are unaware of. Were there other races as relevant or as mentioned as giants that you can think of?
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opbackgrounds · 2 years
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Oimo and Kashii already have a lot of visual similarities to the Little Garden giants, but this is another little hint of their identity as Elbaf warriors
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sillygum · 7 months
starter for: @stcries
There was no way he could sit still, he and Usopp had been singing the giant's anthem on and off for days when they spotted each other from across the deck. It was really happening; all these years and every road led to Elbaf! Surely their friends had made it home after so long, it'd been nearly three years. Have they changed any? Did they find their crew? Has Dorry healed up ok? 
Usopp happily regaled the story of Oimo and Kashii, two giants tricked by the Navy to stand guard as Enies Lobby for fifty years to save their captains. Luffy doesn't recall any giants there but he had gone ahead at the first chance he'd gotten,the life of his archeologist in danger. Two more friends they had to find on the legendary island. Robin even chimes in with her story of Saul, a lonely childhood waiting for her mother, a burning library and a friend she'd recently made carrying her to safety. Robin didn't fight the tears, only fingering them off her full cheeks, voice cracking when she declares: He's alive, which promptly left most of the crew in further scrambles.
It's another day and a half before the enormous island begins to bud on the horizon. From afar—what they slowly gather is– a tree cuts clear through the clouds, vanishing out of sight even as Luffy lay on his back atop Sunny's figure head. Usopp and Franky muse that it might go on higher than Skypiea, even joking saying it could reach straight through the atmosphere which leads to Luffy proclaiming they should climb it. Looking out over the whole Grand Line, the whole world! What would they see? Did anything live at the top? Did the tree make any fruit and what did they taste like?
Luffy's so giddy he barely sleeps a wink, eyes growing bigger and bigger the closer the wind takes them. Did the island surround the tree? Maybe its roots reached right down to the ocean floor, how old could something like this be? His face hurts from smiling, excitement nearly unbearable when Robin and Vegapunk laugh that even they doesn't know the answers to all his questions. If she and the old egg didn't know the whole island had to be bursting with adventure and things never seen. 
The rubberman bounds upright, not sure when sleep finally won but Sanji's cooking lures him away, Luffy opting to sit on the blue leather couch across from the table. Face pulling away from the porthole to bite into the char grilled sea beast kabob his chief has prepared. The meats smokey and so tender he hardly needs to chew, the vegetables skin blistered but soft with enough crunch to leave him moaning his praises, all of it muffled by the porthole glass. He's still eating when he plops back down on the lion head. What kind of food did Elbaf have?  Their portions had to be huge if Big Mom lived there. Maybe everything was super sized? Sanji hadn't cooked dinosaur in years. They'd definitely need a feast, a week long party! The delicious daydream of grilled meats and cakes bigger than he's ever dreamed of is pushed aside … Luffy squints as excitement blown eyes drift down from the colossal tree trunk then back to his crew. They had to see it too if their souring expressions were any indicator. Brown eyes flick back to the shore and the red big top that sat like a target against the mountains; the smaller collection of tents cropping up like polka dots, bright and colorful. Luffy huffs grabbing the back of his hat, Nami's old stitches from knife wounds worn but prominent against his palm. "Why's Buggy here?"  First time the news coo said Buggy somehow leveled up to yonko the rubberman swore it was a misprint.
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Buggy was an idiot and there was a zero chance the old crocodile and hawk were really taking orders from him. But that's what the paper said; Buggy had two of the strongest pirates on the Grand Line taking orders and he was doling out bounties for Marines.
From Dressosa to Zou to Wano, so much has changed in just a few months.
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danwhobrowses · 3 months
One Piece Chapter 1107 - Initial Thoughts
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And we're back from another break
A break of a lot of implications; Gear Fifth is back, Bonney controls all Pacifista, and Giants! Things are feeling like they're hitting a threshold, but still not enough to call an incident, so there must be more to unfold
let's unwrap it then!
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release too!
A Law and Bepo cover page now, Law's sleeping on another animal so Bepo's already got the bat out
The giants are on the move, and not just our Little Garden duo but our Enies Lobby duo of Oimo and Kashii
Gonna be kinda awkward when the Giant Warrior Pirates meet Grand Fleet members the New Giant Warrior Pirates, unless they merge into a super Giant Warrior Pirates crew
Usopp catches sight of the giants and is elated to see them again
Also a panel to recap Little Garden for those faint of memory
Edison makes a point that their arrival is likely from Media Coverage, and that the crew is likely being painted in a bad light
Usopp though knows the giants aren't here to fight, they are here to help, and is thus compelled to make it go smoothly
Every time Lilith hits Brook's head I feel like it makes a bobblehead noise
Lilith though is still concerned about stopping the ship, before it burns up on the barrier
Jinbe also laments that they can't afford to dilly dally
Disappointingly, Zoro is still fighting Lucci
It's not just a Zoro-fan thing, you can't go from beating King - a Lunarian and a Yonko commander - to still fighting Lucci, a government assassin Luffy's beaten twice
Also 'I'm in a hurry' is not a good excuse, both men feel like they're in control of the fight
Lucci thinking Zoro is anything like dead weight is folly anyway, the man has met the grim reaper
Back on the coast, 30 ships have been sunk by Pacifista
Vice Admiral Nine-Chins (TCB called him Red King) takes helm on strategy and leads with battleships, lamenting having to attack their own weapons
Back to Luffy though and he wants to know why Bonney is crying
Bonney asks him why he didn't tell her he's Nika, which Luffy doesn't know the name
Also reminder that Bonney still hasn't told Luffy about her time with Sabo at the Reverie
He also roasts Bonney about her Nika punch, so Bonney asks him to show her how it's done
Social Media went mad about Luffy laughing while Vegapunk got stabbed but he literally just didn't notice, now he has he's shocked
Yeah the holier than thou shtick doesn't work on Luffy
And apparently so doesn't the Eye-Shot thing
A Dawn Gatling rocks Saturn and it doesn't get old seeing him get smacked
The Bonney Retrieval Squad use this as a chance to get out of dodge
Vegapunk however believes his number's up, and asks them to leave him
Kizaru, dude, like, let it go
Sanji this time blocks a direct blast, only took like half a year for Sanji fans to get to this fight
Though I daren't go on twitter right now given how Sanji fans will compare this to Zoro still fighting Lucci (even though Raid Suit Sanji could barely fight King)
We could've done more with Franky too, rather than make him a reaction guy
'Light doesn't hold a candle to love' - dude she's 12, simmer
Kizaru laments the expectation that they'll have to bring more heads now, but Sanji's lighting his cigarette so you know he's down for action
Well there's our Blackbeard answer; Devon and Van Augur only
She taps Saturn on the leg after some mockery and that's 'mission accomplished', all that build up just to touch a leg
Jokes aside though this can be big, Teach wanted an in with the WG and now his Kitsune crewmember can transform into one at will, that's some carte blanche there
Saturn notes how Devon wasn't one to be a subordinate, but when Devon notes that Teach is special, Saturn makes a note about his lineage
Possibly another Buccaneer? Or something more? Something Devon is at least privy to as well
Classic evil plan though, they want the whole damn world
Before Saturn can spike them though they warp out, but not off the island, Augur still has limits
Caribou No!
The guy goes full sycophant on the duo, claiming hero worship and a desire to be on Blackbeard's crew, man just wants off the island
I would laugh like hell if Blackbeard also shoved him in a barrel though XD
Well a lot more is happening, including some more battle lines being drawn.
It was a good day for Sanji stans, they are finally gonna get Sanji vs Kizaru while Zoro still deals with Lucci. I'm still disappointed that there's no real reason for his delay, but Oda's never about power scaling, Zoro's delayed because the plot demands he be delayed, much like how the plot demands that Brook doesn't just make an ice pillar, the plot demands that Nami could just use Zeus to carry the crew and the Sunny out of Egghead or the plot demands that Atlas doesn't give Franky the light punching tech foreshadowed at the start of the arc.
In a way it is annoying and a tad lazy (much like off-screening the Seraphim whose value dips every chapter and York's capture - who has been ominously missing) but we do have to remember that Oda is still somehow human. I like Sanji and it'll be a good fight, but I do prefer there to be parity and logic, like just give them both a strong opponent? Let Usopp fight Lucci like he challenged in Enies Lobby to will Luffy to fight.
The Blackbeard stuff does feel underwhelming in the moment, but it's definitely a long term thing, disappointed in Caribou too because he showed slight semblance of a heart but now he's gonna spill all about the Ancient Weapons to Blackbeard and endanger more of our allies, should've left him in Wano and brought Carrot instead... Still notable absences for Stussy and Kaku though, Robin is healing up but still wanna see her well. We're still a question mark over Law, Bepo, Perona, Moria, Drake and most of SWORD & Tashigi too. And the sleeping giant is slowly continuing its awakening.
Things continue to happen at a rumble, but something big has to burst forth as a result.
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mallleus · 8 months
Since Merry stayed dead in syrup village; I’m terrified for Iceburg, galley la, franky family, and Oimo and Kashii when we get to water 7/Enies lobby.
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bottlepiecemuses · 1 year
They Did Meet Up With Each Other
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It’s so great they did. And Dorry and Broggy made up. 
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cptn-m · 2 days
One Piece chapter 1113 review
Hooray, it's really happening! This is very much a build-up/anticipation chapter most of the way through, but Oda makes a smart choice to drop the first bomb at the end instead of leaving us waiting, so it won't feel like a total copout even if the broadcast is shut down before it's complete. And now that the ball's rolling, the momentum for post-Golden Week is going to be unstoppable.
We start with a gorgeous colour spread full of fun details, perfectly synced to the title of the chapter. I love having Robin as a chessmaster, Jinbe as a rook recalls his time in Big Mom's crew (remember her using that as a rank?) and the designs of the Chopper pawns are all adorable. Weirdly, they're numbered up to 16 (despite there only being seven in the image), which is the total number of pawns on a chessboard, but across both sides. Are there some enemy pawns on the Strawhats' side of the board already? The process video for this one is a treat too. I love that it's not just building up from rough sketches, they show the moment Oda pauses, goes to a new page to just line up the pieces and develop who is going to be what, then even maps out a chessboard and plans out the moves so that no one's in an impossible position for the finished artwork. I love that kind of attention to detail for things absolutely no one would have thought to check otherwise.
"Well, it's been such a short time…" Vegapunk you fricking tease, no it has not. But hey, if the Vegacoffee really stays warm for two months maybe there's something to it.
I expected a brain in a jar for Punk Records, but I was picturing a Mother Brain kind of situation, having it just be Vegapunk's giant misshapen forehead is hilarious. And I love all the tubes and cables in the reveal panel. I keep looking at it and assuming the detached portion of head is the same size as it was in the flashbacks to post-Ohara earlier in the arc, then I look down to Mars and realise its true size. Can you imagine if Vegapunk still had this thing attached to his dome?
Seeing so many locations connected to the Strawhats as the broadcast builds up really makes it feel like the world is drawing a breath for the big news. Oda wants this moment to breathe, as frustrating as it can be as a weekly reader. And hey, is that a Thousand Sunny beast in the Baldimore segment? Franky was busy while he was there.
And man, speaking of the scale issue with Vegapunk's brain, I'm also taken aback by Nusjuro towering over Franky's group. I know the reveal spread for the Elders' yokai forms showed them being enormous, but in my mind, Nusjuro's centaur form somehow ended up proportioned to the human half, not the horse half. The fact that until now he was mostly shown next to the towering Pacifistas definitely didn't help matters. Sanji's blow to his jaw is an extremely cool moment somewhat undercut by Sanji's fixation on Bonney. He doesn't know. I just have to tell myself he doesn't know. But it's still offputting. The depiction of the transformation back to horse mode is unique, with the human parts seeming to burn away, lingering in the background as the hose head snaps at Sanji. His transformation to the centaur mode was depicted as a much more fluid morphing. He also leaves trails of flames as he goes back to human in Oimo and Kashii's grip a page later.
I'm still not a huge fan of these distorted futures. They really stretch the limits of where it feels like the fruit's rules should be. The callback to Luffy's descent through the clouds during the Kaido fight is fun though, I guess.
The true highlight this week is Saturn's attack on the crew's weakling squad. We get the 'bringing things full circle' reveal that he was the one who spoke to Clover and ordered his death, followed by a truly heart-warming moment of the whole squad forming up around Robin. As someone whose favourite One Piece moment is probably "I want to live" I love these moments where either the crew stands up for her or she affirms her faith in them. And it's a great page besides, with a ton of moments compressed into a single panel, the flurry of attacks and counterattacks developing as your eye moves over the page.
Oda's building up that we're still going to be given a solution to the transponder snail dilemma through Mars and York's continued search. This probably means that we won't hear the full backstory to the reveal on the next page. I'll maintain that even with a decoy in place, I don't trust Vegapunk to have made his deception too extreme. The man has been characterised through this whole arc as naive and perfectionist. He does not have the social skills for a chessmaster manipulation of career politicians and their whole military, and he'd go all in on his first idea come to fruition rather than having numerous redundancies and backups. It would be out of character for him to suddenly be able to bamboozle the whole world, so I do think they'll find the right snail on the island eventually.
And almost to prove this point, Vegapunk refuses to call the World Government and its leaders outright evil, thinking that because he can't understand their final intent there is no call to be made about their actions. That is a lot of benefit of the doubt in my opinion. While I don't disagree that extreme circumstances can justify extreme actions, I've yet to see the circumstances that justify the World Government's multiple genocides. Vegapunk believes that whatever other mystery he hasn't solved yet, it must make the cruelty of these people slot into place and finally make sense. It's a nice thought from a very understanding heart, and it's exactly the kind of thinking that's made it so easy for them to fool him time and time again.
And then the bomb drops. "The world as we know it will to sink into the sea!!" A fitting apocalypse for an ocean-covered world, and just the kind of lategame reveal I'd expect from Oda. Just at a glance, it makes a lot of worldbuilding pull together, from the desirability of the Redline to the strange sinking issues of Long Ring Long Land and Water Seven, the impact of the Mother Flame test on the level of the ocean, and even possibly the height of Wano's walls and the choice to build Zou on Zunesha's back. We know there's a lot that Oda can change on the fly, but I'm ready to fully believe this was one of those things that was planned from the start.
Interesting too is the panel of merfolk at the very end of the chapter. They don't appear to be listening to the broadcast or otherwise connected to the scene at all, but of course they have a symbolic relevance to a flooded world, especially if it turns out a cleansing flood has come and gone already in the past. And let's not forget the plainly significant to this scenario Noah and Poseidon back at Fishman Island.
So we've got one big reveal that sets the course for the remainder of the series already. Anything else Vegapunk manages to get out before being shut down is just gravy. Plus we've got a lot of strawhats in rough situations with some escaping to do. The Egghead climax is so far proving to be worth the wait.
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procedurebybyte · 4 months
i didn’t mention it earlier but i like oimo and kashii. even just a little bit of relevant continuity makes one piece feel more like. a world in which people live as opposed to a series of entirely isolated setpieces. it’s nice!
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