#omori vhs au
shell-raising · 5 months
An AU I thought of because I have OMORI brain rot from buying the game and forcing my friends to play.
Okay. TMNTxOMORI AU. Hear me out, this will be devastating :D
So basically, Leo and Raph are constantly arguing, and although they got better, they still have some resentment towards each other (mostly Raph). One day, when Mikey and Donnie were out at the scrapyard, Leo and Raph get into an argument about leadership, patrol and how stuck up Raph thinks Leo is. The fight gets pretty heated and Raph calls Casey to help him calm down.
Leo intercepts Raph as he’s trying to leave to meet Casey at the entrance to the lair. Raph gets pissed and pushes Leo, which causes him to fall into the put and onto the boxes with their VHS tapes, causing his death. Casey had just arrived and was at the entrance when it happened, witnessing the whole thing.
The rest of the story plays out basically the same except the framing of Leo’s death. Raph and Casey panic, and make it look like Leo committed sepuku and hit his head on the floor when he died. I’m not quite sure about everything in this AU because it’s just a thing I’ve been thinking about and not an actual AU or story as far as I’m aware. I’m not sure where April would fit into the story, and to be honest I don’t know her characterization very well so I wouldn’t know what to do with her character.
Wow you made to the end?Thanks for reading my rant! Let me know if this is something I should pursue or if it already exists.
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project-doomsday · 1 year
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Q: Can we dub your comic?
A: YES. YES GOD YES. Make sure you credit me, I’d love to see it!!
Q: Can we draw art or make animations of your AU?
A: YEYEYEYEYEE. Please do!!! Please tag me in it, I’d love to see them!!
Q: What are the ages of the characters?
A: Dib and Gaz are teenagers in this AU. Z just reached adulthood, so he’s like 20 or 19 in human years.
Q: What is the age group for this comic?
A: I would say 16 and up. This comic deals with a lot of heavy stuff and will be disturbing/triggering for some viewers. I’m not the type of person that warns the viewer when something scary/unsettling is about to happen since I believe it spoils the surprise and atmosphere. So, tread carefully in case you do come across something triggering.
Q: What inspired you to make this AU?
A: The history behind Invader Zim! It’s very sad that Jhonen Vasquez had to deal with Nickelodeon taking away ideas for his show. So, I made this AU to sort of bring his original story to life plus with a twist of my own. I was also inspired by movies such as Alien, Under the Skin, The Thing and other media like Summertime Rendering, Omori, and Spectre’s FNAF/VHS.
Q: Can I take inspiration from your story to make my own?
A: Of course! Make sure you credit me and all that jazz! I suggest you take research by more experienced folk than me. This is my first time making something that’s horror so I’m pretty inexperienced myself!
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marshmurmurs · 1 year
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come closer omori fans the vault hunters propaganda wont hurt you 
So! omori vh au! They are hunters!! I’m mixing stuff from both the 1.16 and 1.18 versions of the modpack for this. Bonus marsh typical creechrification as if they were one of my mcyt blorbos. I was originally gonna wait on this post until I drew the rest of the squad but that’d take ages so
Aubreys got a high damage build! She uses taunt:fear regularly. I like to imagine her flavor for it would be like a larger dragon shadow behind her that’ll fly and crash into the floor bursting into pink particles covering the area of effect for this. Impact deals a bit of knockback and stops any mobs from moving toward her in the aoe. She would love raid vaults and the new gladiator arenas. She is adored by idona, their specialest hunter
Basil I think would enjoy playing around with modded bits, specifically botania. My guy is living his best life with his magical flowers. Carrying the team in the modded department and giving out nice little gifts of things hes made. Took water breathing ability. I think velara would like him, tenos too. Something about personal sacrifice and Knowing things. I think he’d prefer coop vaults over solo vaults
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Je vais faire une liste des choses que j'aime, le but est personnel mais si ça peut intéresser quelqu'un ça me va et je trouverais ça cool :
- Le dessin
- la sculpture
- aller dans des musées (peut importe le sujet c'est vraiment très intéressant)
- la photographie
- la musique
- les films en cd et en vhs, j'aime beaucoup cette ambiance que ça donne
- jouer à des jeux vidéos, mes préférés auquel j'ai joué sont, fnaf, doki doki litterature club, among the sleep, plug & play (il est vraiment fun), sally face, Mario kart wii, smash bros brawl, hollow knight.
Ceux que j'ai pas pu jouer (ou pas finis/commencé) mais que j'ai beaucoup aimé : detroit become human, cry of fear, silent hill, omori, et the Last of us (il y en a sûrement d'autre mais ça me vient pas en tête maintenant)
- la philosophie, j'aime beaucoup en apprendre, comprendre aussi la façon de pensée qui évolue selon les époques
- l'histoire, les profs m'en ont dégoûté mais dès le premier cours d'histoire que j'ai pu avoir j'ai adoré, si ont pouvaient me raconter de nouveau ce qu'il c'est passé de l'époque de Vercingetorix jusqu'à maintenant je serais passionné d'écouter.
- m'assoir dans des champs et juste regarder ce qu'il se passent autour, juste avec le bruit des feuilles et des oiseaux, c'est vraiment reposant
- m'allonger et profiter des moments que je passe avec mon chat jusqu'à ce que l'un de nous deux s'endorme
- les vinyles, des albums cd, les cassettes, le matériel rétro/vintage j'adore, les chaîne hi-fi, les magnétoscope, les platines, les anciens appareils photo ça me rappelle tellement de souvenir
- les ballades nocturne, parfois ça me fait peur mais c'est si agréable de voir le soleil se coucher et de marcher la nuit, ce silence la est unique
- Le levée du soleil, j'aime faire des nuits blanches puis attendre sur ma fenêtre de 5h du matin jusqu'à 8h en lisant un livre pour voir le soleil se levé avec une légère chaleur et une vu magnifique
- l'odeur de la lavande et du pain grillées le matin quand j'était petit
- les dessins animés (comme aventures times, gumball, gravity falls, ou tout simplement ceux qui ont bercé mon enfance comme la panthère roses)
- regarder les nuages
- sortir avec des amis et faire tout et n'importe quoi qui nous viennent par la tête comme ce faire un barbecue à 2h du matin en hiver et faire cuir 4 patates par l'opération de 2 petit bâton tout sec et de la bière en allume feu (on est devenu des hommes de cromanion)
- la psychologie, on pourrait m'en parler pendant des heures et c'est exactement le genre de bouquin que j'arriverais à lire sans m'arrêter et sans me déconcentrés pendant plusieurs heure et même prendre pleins de notes. J'aime beaucoup en savoir plus.
- prendre le temps de lire n'importe quel livres que ce soit des mangas, bandes-dessinée, des livres de kafka, camus, George Orwell etc.. comme des livres pour enfant comme cornebidouille ou princesse coquette.
- imaginer mon univers safe, l'endroit où je me sentirais vraiment le mieux et pouvoir rester, je le décrirais si j'y repense dans un autre post
- faire des puzzles
- jouer au memories et apprendre par cœur des poésie/réplique d'une pièce de théâtre (comme celles d'antigone de Jean Anouilh)
- écouter les passions et ce qu'aime mes amis sur absolument n'importe quel sujets, j'écouterais tout le temps même si je n'y connais pas grand choses je trouve ça vraiment captivant et agréable de pouvoir écouter apprendre et posé mes questions sans réponses compliqués
- j'aime bien regarder les gens danser et les écouter chanter
- la mode en général, quand j'étais petite je regardais à la télé des mannequin défilés et j'ai beaucoup aimé, dès que j'ai l'occasion de voir les différentes tenues des gens autour de moi j'aime
- j'aime entendre et voir des gens jouer de la musique, j'ai beau avoir un égo démesuré et qui est blessé facilement si quelqu'un est meilleur que moi sur l'instrument que je joue je dois quand même admettre que c'est impressionnant, même sur n'importe quel instrument je trouve ça passionnant, débutant, médium, amateurs, pro, c'est vraiment incroyable de voir des gens jouer et de voir leurs technique et leurs plaisirs de jouer même si ils ont une expressions facial neutre je ressens les émotions de la musique.
- j'aime bien aller dans des festivals
- les robes du 19ème siècles et l'histoire de la mode qui évolue sur les années et les siècles comme l'utilisation du corset, le maquillages et autres
- Le thé, goûter un maximum de boissons de n'importe quel pays, j'aime découvrir ces saveurs.
Je pense déjà avoir fais une liste suffisamment longue mais si jamais j'y relis plus tard je pense que ça me ferais au moins sourire de me rappeler de cette liste
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writeranon69 · 2 years
Dumb Ideas with the Writer Anon
Whether these ideas be Game Concepts, AU's, Mods, etc., I'm going to infodump about them. These are unscripted, infodumps essentially. I hope you enjoy.
We continue the series of...
The third episode focuses on Hero, believe it or not.
No game footage this time. Just Sunny standing in the void again. It looks as though he's staring into space before the camera pans to Hero after a few moments.
"Help me."
(Hero smiles at Sunny, not saying a word and continues to stare at Sunny.)
"Please help me."
"I hate you."
(Silence from both parties.)
"You killed me and took me away from my family.
You took me away from Aaron."
"I didn't do anyth-"
(Hero, or well, Jack runs to Sunny and grabs him, throwing him across the void. He falls to the ground, in pain.)
"You killed innocent children. You tore people away from their families."
"Please, Hero, I didn't do anything-"
(Jack lifts Sunny up and begins to punch him repeatedly. Sunny breaks his text dialogue and grunts and weeps in pain. Blood begins to leak from Sunny's face. Jack eventually stops, walking away, leaving Sunny on his own, in pain, crying.)
"I-I didn't do anything...I didn't kill anyone.
Why did Hero hurt me?
I didn't hurt anyone..."
as he sits, the tall black socks of a certain someone walks into view, the camera still only looking at Sunny. The text returns.
"You're lying."
"You killed them. You're a murderer. First your sister...
And now, others.
"You're a monster."
Sunny breaks into tears, his pained sobs are quiet yet audible. He's still sitting there, his eyes know bloodshot.
The scene cuts to Hero, staring off again.
"Jack, what did you do.
What did you do to Sunny."
"My hands hurt. They're covered in blood. What did you do."
(It's rather obvious that Hero is getting agitated as he continues talking. In fact, the next time he speaks, the text is replaced by voice acting.)
(The screen glitches as Hero begins saying Do, a distorted version of Hero being shown as the Tape begins to glitch out, ending the tape there.)
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Fun Fact: In the OMORI AU, a distorted version of you and Crystu beat up and kill Shai!
(/not neg /lh)
...why does everything bad happen to Shai—- pLEASE—- VH IN THE ALEX STICKMIN AU IS ENOUGH—-/nm
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writeranon69 · 2 years
"Why am I here?"
"I...I should be dead."
"I feel...so weak. So frail."
"My neck hurts..."
(The sob of...a baby is heard.)
"There there little girl...I'll get you out of here.
I promise."
@phrogs-blog @piplupmakesstuff
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writeranon69 · 2 years
Time to suffer, time to scream, time to get hit in the heart and the spleen with
Dumb Ideas with the Writer Anon
Whether these ideas be Game Concepts, AU's, Mods, etc., I'm going to infodump about them. These are unscripted, infodumps essentially. I hope you enjoy.
Episode 5 is...oh.
This...this is Sunny's tape.
Oooh, looks like we're about to get some lore reveal. Lemme throw it in the VHS Player...
There we go!
Episode 5 begins with Sunny in the void yet again. He's still sitting there, body bleeding, eyes crying blood, bloodshot eyes, and a forced smile (you know, like the ones we see in Needlemouse) on his face. His text appears on the screen again.
"Everyone hates me."
"They all hurt me."
"I didn't kill anyone."
"I miss Hero."
"I miss Kel."
"I miss Aubrey."
(The text is replaced with voice acting as a very hurt sounding Sunny speaks up.)
"I miss Basil."
"I miss my best friend."
"It's not my fault."
"It's hers."
"Do you hear that, Lorraine? This is your fault."
"You're the reason I'm like this."
"You're the reason my friends hate me."
"I hate you."
"I hate you!"
"You're a murderer, not me. You're the one who killed."
(Sunny tries his best to move. He hurts a bunch, but through pure adrenaline and pure will for his friends, he gets up and stands on his legs again, a determined look on his face.)
"I'm going to save my friends, Lorraine."
(Omori spawns into the room, staring at Sunny, knife in hand.)
"Get back down."
"Get. Back. Down."
(Sunny rushes at Omori, only for the monochrome boy to teleport behind him and stab him in the back, the knife poking out of his stomach.)
"I said, sit. Back. Down, Murderer."
(Sunny's had enough. He tugs behind his back for the knife, eventually grabbing it out of Omori's hands and stabbing the boy in the head.)
Omori shrieks, his screams sounding like an older woman's. Blood doesn't leak from the stab, but it's clear that the action did a lot of damage to Omori. Omori leans down in pain.)
"You don't have control over me anymore, Lorraine."
"I'm going to help my friends and there is nothing you can do about it."
The bloodied but triumphant Sunny runs off to who knows where.
After a few moments, the camera pans to Omori, or, better yet, Lorraine who looks up with Omori's furious expression.
"This isn't over, Sunny."
Lorraine teleports away.
(The scene cuts to Sunny limping across the void. He's holding his hand to his stomach as he limps. He looks up to see one of his friends, who also notice him.)
(Aubrey sees how bruised Sunny is and immediately runs to hug him. She does so, tightly.)
"Oh my God...what happened to you?
"Wait, this is Sunny? Is he okay?"
(Sunny knows who that is. He looks to Aubrey and nods.)
"...He's okay, Aubrey."
The tape ends there.
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writeranon69 · 2 years
hmmmmm...how would basil react to being the host of a dead person?
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writeranon69 · 2 years
Hello folks, and welcome back to yet another episode of
Dumb Ideas with the Writer Anon.
Whether these ideas be Game Concepts, AU's, Mods, etc., I'm going to infodump about them. These are unscripted, infodumps essentially. I hope you enjoy.
We continue our strange adventure through the world of...
Our second episode of OMORI VHS begins with Sunny and Kel. This takes place when Sunny and Kel finish getting all the stuff for Hero's return.
"Before we go in...I should probably mention that my Mom is going to be a little mad about me taking so long with the groceries. I was supposed to bring everything back around noon, but I got carried away doing other stuff and...Well, you know how it goes.
But, anyway, I thought of a solution for this!
So...I think...You should walk in first. That way, she'll see you first and get all excited, and most importantly...
She'll forget to yell at m--"
The screen cuts to a black screen once again before Kel gets the chance to finish speaking. We then see Kel, smiling at the camera.
"Your mom yells at you for miniscule stuff too, huh?"
"Yeah. I'm used to it though."
"I'm sorry you have to deal with that."
"It's okay."
"My mom always yelled at me. I don't know why."
"She always locked me in my room."
(this is when Kel says NOTHING. He is stunned.)
"I always did everything right. I guess she just liked my brother more. I miss my brother. His name was Jack."
"was he older?"
"Yeah. He was in college. I miss him and Aubrey."
"Maybe you'll see them soon."
"...What's your name, anyways?"
Kel's smile looks forced now, tears streaming down his eyes. Or well...Aaron's, eyes. You hear the sad pained sobs of the boy. The camera pans to Sunny, who is standing behind Kel. He looks Afraid. A loud scream is heard as a woman fades into view behind Sunny.
The tape ends there.
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writeranon69 · 2 years
(Omori fades into view.)
Oh, Sunny. Sunny, you poor, sweet, child.
Who do you think you are? You're not a hero.
You're just a cold. Blooded. Murderer. Stop lying to yourself.
First your sister...and now Aubrey, Aaron, Jack, Mia...you even killed my own little Emma. She was just a baby...how could you, Sunny? How could you?
But don't you worry Sunny.
(Omori brandishes his knife and smiles widely.)
I'll make you pay for what you did.
(Sunny's sitting, bloodied body fades into view again. His screams can be heard as his body fades into view. The screen cuts to black before a music box version of My Time plays. Words pop on screen.)
The Return of Omori VHS
Coming Soon
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writeranon69 · 2 years
Dumb Ideas with the Writer Anon
Whether these ideas be Game Concepts, AU's, Mods, etc., I'm going to infodump about them. These are unscripted, infodumps essentially. I hope you enjoy.
We're continuing our scary and solemn adventure through the world of
The fourth episode opens up with Basil. He's...in the void. You can hear the sobs of someone. It sounds like a young girl who is crying. Basil continues staring off as the girl continues to cry.
"Don't cry..."
The girl continues to cry. Basil's eyes can now be seen leaking tears.
"Please, don't cry.
Everything will be okay."
"No it won't."
(Basil doesn't know what to say.)
"All of this is my fault."
"No it isn't."
"Why didn't I do anything earlier."
"I let Aubrey die."
"I let Aaron die."
"I let Jack die."
"Why didn't I notice anything sooner."
"I even let her kill Emma...that poor kid."
"How do you let someone kill their own child..."
(Basil is stunned and appalled. He doesn't know how to react to all of this. He still tries to comfort the girl though.)
"It wasn't your fault--"
(Basil's text only flashes on screen for a second before being replaced by a resounding...)
"Shut up."
"I promise it wasn't--"
(Basil doesn't know how to respond.)
"I Hate You. I wish I didn't have to share this body with you."
(Basil is...hurt by this statement. He was just trying to be accommodating.
The conversation is suddenly cut short by the sounds of a certain boys sobs. Basil recognizes the voice.)
Basil turns and sees the bloodied and brusied up Sunny. He's still crying.
"Good Ridance."
(Basil feels angry.)
"What did he do to you?"
"She killed me."
"She got rid of all of the evidence."
"She's a monster."
(Basil can't believe what he was hearing. We then see Sunny reach his hand out to his best friend. The voice acting kicks back in again.)
Basil please. I don't want to die.
Please, help me."
(Basil reaches his hand out before letting go.)
"I don't help murderers."
(He walks away, against his will.)
(Sunny can't believe his eyes. His sitting corpse begins to cry blood, all whilst saying...)
"I didn't do anything."
"I didn't do anything!"
(Sunny's audio is cut off...literally. Omori shows up, stabbing Sunny's arm to shut him up. Omori only smiles at Sunny. The same woman from Kel's tape faded in behind Omori in full view, a twisted laugh releasing from Omo's mouth.)
A black screen fills the screen.
"No one can help you now, murderer."
the tape ends there.
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writeranon69 · 2 years
Gather round children, gather round, time to listen, no more sound. Please, I ask you, pause your songs, for it's time for
Dumb Ideas with the Writer Anon
Whether these ideas be Game Concepts, AU's, Mods, etc., I'm going to infodump about them. These are unscripted, infodumps essentially. I hope you enjoy.
We're still going through the interesting series known as
Episode 6 takes place...right where 5 left off. Sunny and the Aubreys are sitting next to each other, their backs faced to the screen.
"What happened to you, Sunny? You look so hurt..."
"SHE happened. I'm okay though."
"No, you aren't! Sunny, I'm so sorry I let that happen to you...I mean, look at you! I haven't seen you in four years, and you're pale, you look malnourished...and now look at you. Your eyes...your arms...blood is everywhere."
(The trio is quiet, knowing this information. Sunny breaks the silence.)
"At least I'm still here...that's what matters, right?"
"Yeah, Aubrey! At least Sunny's here for us."
(Aubrey's text is replaced with voice acting for a moment. She chuckles at the two. She goes back to text after she chuckles.)
"That's true, huh?"
(The Aubreys hug Sunny again. Sunny hugs back.)
(Sunny and the Aubreys look behind them to see a very angry Omori/Lorraine.)
(Sunny and the Aubrey look angrily at Lorraine until Aubrey's expression changes. Aubrey Miller looks at her killer, terrified. Lorraine look at the scared Aubrey, a devious and creepy smile on her face.)
"If it isn't the little brat. Looks like nothing’s changed about you."
(Aubrey Miller is crying now. This was the same woman who had killed her. The same person who killed her and trapped her in this virtual world. Aubrey is...also scared, just by seeing Omori's bloody knife. She knew that was the same knife Sunny had been stabbed with. The same knife that nearly killed her once best friend.
The Aubreys were terrified. Sunny noticed.)
"Don't touch them."
"Oh, I don't plan on doing that, Sunny.
(A certain corpse faded behind Lorraine. The corpse had extremely messy hair, she wore a white gown, and stood on her two bare feet, however there isn't much balance. Sunny and the Aubreys look on in horror. They recognize the corpse.)
"You know who this is, don't you Sunny? So pure, had such a great future. Until your little accident happened with her. You pushed her down the stairs, and you and your friend staged it as a suicide...oh, how sad.
But don't you worry Sunny. I brought her back. I brought her and my cute little girl back into this world, and you wouldn't hurt your dear Big Sister, would you?"
(The audible whimpers of Sunny can be heard as Mari opened her dead, soulless eyes.)
The tape ends there.
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writeranon69 · 2 years
and lemme go ahead and, uh, prepare this time
this is, optional by the way. You don't have to do it!
with that being said...I'll be back in a few.
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writeranon69 · 2 years
God I need to update so many things
I need to write the next page in the Omoblog Thing,
I have to update Omori VHS,
So many fics to complete...
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writeranon69 · 2 years
"I miss Hero."
"I miss Kel."
"I miss Aubrey."
(The text is replaced with voice acting as a very hurt sounding Sunny speaks up.)
"I miss Basil."
"I miss my best friend."
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