the-nysh · 2 years
Hello! I am also shocked by this chapter. But I remember that Garu liked to win in battle. He did not want everyone around him to simply die from the sight of him, as if he were the Medusa Gorgon. Garou wanted to become fear or terror. But who will be afraid of him if everyone is unconscious? Therefore, I think that GOD controls everything, and Garu restrains him as much as possible so that everyone does not die for real. The radiation in their world can be cured by transferring the power of Blast or Saitama to other people. How Fubuki healed the Master. As for Genos, I'm afraid he's not what we think he is. But this is my opinion. It may be wrong, but Genos won't die because he doesn't and never had a human brain. This was suggested to him by Dr. Kuseno. For the cyborg to stop being cruel. It's anonymous, but I need a witness to confirm my hunch if it turns out to be correct.
Ooh, you have lots of thoughts in there, so let's see if I can address them.
Garou did want to win as the symbol of fear/terror, to scare everyone into uniting against him and solve the world's problems of injustice. (Trying to achieve it with the faster/preemptive/roundabout 'two birds with one stone' approach.) So yes that requires humanity to be ALIVE for them to 'be scared' of him and evolve into the better. So eliminating all life/humanity by literally killing everyone is precisely god's hostile agenda, not Garou's.
"Garou restrains (god) as much as possible so that everyone does not die for real." Which is a nice thought. :') Unfortunately the hostile god isn't as merciful or humane as the real Garou, who's always managed to hold back vs humans on purpose. (As in: he can't hold back or simply fake 'scare' the radiation damage now though.) Garou's 'resistance' was shown when he refused the offer, but endured an incomplete (forced) transfer anyway, enough to retain some of his lingering consciousness. However, as Blast said, his mind is still a warped fusion under the influence. The most we can still see of 'Garou' in there, is during those moments where he stops and visibly pauses when people ask him things or personally call out to him. Before processing a mental beat and then denying/twisting his words around into something else. Whether that's god's control/corruption at work actively blocking or spiraling Garou's last remaining awareness/humanity away into the void is one thing, or whether that's a sign of Garou still mentally struggling against him - or desperately trying to adhere to his usual script while blinded from reality, is another. Either way there's definitely two opposing forces at work (god's influence vs Garou's mind) struggling for control/balance, making his current mental state highly unstable. I think the really cruel thing is when the 'Garou' in there still thinks he's playing along 'scary' and in control as usual, without knowing how much the angry/hostile god in there is fully intent on (using him as an avatar) to enact divine wrath for real. Whether the real Garou in there can still hold back at all or make his actions seem much worse/brutal than they are, remains to be seen.
"The radiation can be cured by transferring the power of Blast or Saitama to other people. Like how Fubuki healed Tank Top Master." Now there's a thought! It's not the first time I've seen people bring up the idea that Saitama might sacrifice his power in exchange to save Genos + everyone. (It sounds like a very Murata-esque idea.) But I also feel like....to actually heal, instead of just transferred power/energy, it would need....actual cell reconstruction or something like some of Zombieman's power maybe too. (That is, if we're not doing a whole timeloop undo with Blast's warp powers.) But also when you mention sacrificing power.....what about from Garou himself once he fully realizes? :O If he can truly copy/absorb powers around into his own, what's stopping him from reversing god's powers against him too, from destruction into a different miracle. (He could even learn it from watching Fubuki too.) Esp if he truly feels the crushing weight/guilt/remorse and finally realizes how he can directly save the world at will. To me, narratively he'd be the most fit for this role in his arc's climax.
"Genos won't die because he doesn't and never had a human brain." Ah wait wait waitwaittttt, no - Genos is a cyborg precisely because he has a human brain. Otherwise he'd be fully robotic, which he's not. But beyond his power core, his body could have other life support functions we don't know of. Whether he's actually dead (meaning, his brain getting destroyed) or whether it was a huge scare made to look like he's dead (to piss off or break Saitama - which is what god wants) well....we still need those answers. How Genos can recover too - his body can be fixed, but his brain.....that's a different problem. He could end up with permanent damage/amnesia if things aren't simply just 'undone' the easy way thru timefuckery or something. So...yeah. :')
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drawnaghht · 4 months
Yuichi Usagi + SRTUC reflist + overview
ok, so, REPOST, because the og post won't let me edit it..... (deleting the other post later) I've noticed some common ideas online abt Usagi and his show/world and thought I'd make a list of references for folks who haven't seen the show, but would maybe like to know more. Mostly this is like a small rundown of what happens in the series, but maybe this'll help also with writing/drawing the characters. lol this accidentally became too long again with over 3K words >___>;;
(you can visit my srtuc posts masterlist for other references and fun tidbits, observations, interview links etc)
More under the cut!
Yuichi Usagi is obsessed with becoming a samurai. He is shown reading a comic about his own ancestor, Miyamoto Usagi (the protagonist of the Usagi Yojimbo comic irl, which is what the show is loosely based on). We can assume there are more comics about his ancestor and other family lore.
He is a bit reckless and prone to accidents and distraction. He also fantasizes a lot about fighting and being a cool samurai.
Like his ancestor, he has a pet lizard, Spot! Spot looks a bit like a weird cross between a tiny dinosaur and a regular green lizard (like in the comics), but is basically Usagi's only friend to confide in at the farm. Spot acts a lot like a pet or dog would. Tokage (lit. lizards) are very common in this world.
Before his 16th birthday, Usagi lives with his auntie on their family farm, but after messing up a farmbotto and getting into an argument with her, he decides it's better to leave to Neo Edo, to become a real samurai.
He plans to do this by riding on his Ki-cycle, an energy-powered tri-wheeled motorbike (it has a battery-pack)
His auntie agrees, because even tho she has trained him in sword-fighting and combat, that's all she had and Usagi needs a real swordmaster, a true sensei who will teach him when to not use a sword. (boy is a little bit sword-happy)
Usagi's auntie has a missing left ear-half and left leg (from some unknown wars only mentioned in passing)
His auntie gives him her own sword, Edgewing, which she made with her own grandfather. It has a red scabbard and a purple pommel - a crystal with a butterfly inside it. She calls this the Omurasaki, a "family heirloom" from Miyamoto Usagi himself (this will become important later), citing that it has brough her good luck despite the missing ear and leg.
Arriving in the city, Usagi is completely awe-struck and foregoes all caution, showing us how distracted he gets and has to be saved by Spot from on-coming traffic. This is his first time seeing Ki-stone powered cars, trolleys or streets.
Usagi decides to visit the Ki-Stone temple, a place where he fantasizes the Ki-Stone will give him some sort sort of power (he is 16). This is a show-only element, but seems to be based on elements in Senso, a stand-alone book in UY, which predates the WhereWhen crossover with the IDW turtles, but happens after WhereWhen. No spoilers but the show lifts a few crucial ideas from this stand-alone comic.
Usagi is not a yokai, but he is obsessed with yokai, who in his world have been a myth and children's tales for 1000 years. Usagi is well-versed in many yokai myths because of his obsession with his "yokai hunter samurai ancestor" and can tell at a glance who or what a type of yokai is.
in truth, yokai were locked away by his ancestor from the Edo era, Miyamoto Usagi, who is a well-known traitor because of this incident, which involved. Usagi does not know this at first and the 1st season deals with him uncovering the reasons why his ancestor was branded a traitor.
Because of this, Usagi is immediately looked at with disdain or avoided, because he is the only white rabbit to appear in Neo Edo in a long time and that makes him stick out.
On his way to the Ki-Stone temple, he accidentally bothers and angers 3 people: Gen, Kitsune and Chizu. They all wanna beat him up for his transgressions but over the first 4 episodes, they bond over hi-jinks and become close friends after Usagi is arrested when exiting the Ki-Stone temple.
Him, Gen and Kitsune also anger the Mogura gang, styles to look sorta like 1970s yakuza, but also like 1950s greasers (they will show up in the series for a few more key moments). This is when Usagi shows his quick thinking by jamming Edgewing's end-cap into a crumbling ceiling and saving the group from the gang.
After this tunnel fight, Kitsune discovers a shiny green egg with metal scales and decides to keep it in hopes of earning some money with it (her puppet has been destroyed in the tunnel-slide caused by Usagi) This egg will come up again later.
Dropping the last name Usagi introduces himself as Usagi to Kitsune, but Gen is still mad at him and they give chase.
Somehow the three of them arrive at the Ki-Stone temple thru the tunnel network, angering Chizu, and the three newer characters gang up on Usagi until they're stopped by Tetsujin, guardian of the Ki-Stone, a Kaikishi warrior. (This will become an oft-used term in the show - we can assume, it's basically meant for all who become a guardian warrior of the Ki-Stone)
Usagi gets distracted and even while Tetsujin is warning him, touches the Ki-Stone, showing us some foreshadowing for the next 19 episodes.
Because of his relation to Miyamoto Usagi, Usagi releases the yokai who have been trapped for 10 decades.
Unlike Tetsujin, Usagi does not become a ghost-like person, but he does sputter out for a moment while he sees his own ancestor and a bunch of other images ghost over his mind.
Usagi basically starts to have visions of Miyamoto Usagi each time he touches the Ki-Stone. Each time he comes in contact becomes gradually more painful.
Tetsujin "is transmuted into another state of being" - so he's basically a ghost, but science-reasons that he's just on another plane of existence now (which... is sorta what ghosts are lol)
The last to be released is Kagehito (lit. "shadow person"), who immediately clocks Usagi as his ancestor Miyamoto Usagi (this will become a common occurence in his life now) and proceeds to threaten him for the 1000-year imprisonment.
Realizing this is in-fact, some random rabbit and not the guy who trapped him, he throws Usagi from 3 stories or so and flies away through the hole on top of the Ki-Stone temple. Usagi survives this drop and calls the incident awesome.
Basically, this guy is really excited to fight yokai.
Over the next 3+ episodes, he learns that actually, yokai are not all bad and most of them are sorta benign, if not outwardly friendly. Over the show you will see the friend-crew and other citizens get used to these friendlier yokai.
The Ki-Stone gives Usagi a change at having a mystical weapon, only given to Kaikishi warriors like Tetsujin was.
Because he is distracted again, he picks a yoyo as it sticks out to him on the big shelf. No take-backsies from the Ki-Stone, she seals the shelf and he is left with this yoyo. Quickly recovering from this shock of not getting a sword, Usagi gets used to having a different weapon.
The yoyo is magnetic, and also glows and hovers a bit when near yokai. It can be used to capture or lead yokai.
Exiting to outside commotion, this group of 5 find that the shogun of Neo Edo, Lord Kogane, has come to arrest the trouble-maker (remember how the citizens looked all disappointed when he arrived in Neo Edo?)
Lord Kogane arrests him after Usagi proudly names himself the descendant of Miyamoto Usagi. Here Usagi also finds out his ancestor is a historically well-known traitor, even a 1000 years later.
These 3 strangers who wanted to clobber him, take pity and go to covertly save him from the jailhouse. Both Gen and Chizu surprised that the other 2 are also there. there's a lot of fun banter between them.
Meanwhile, Usagi gets told the tale about how his ancestor is not the hero he thought he was and killed the shogun from 1000 years ago. Usagi gets depressed and thinks he's gonna live in that jail in-definitely. Until he notices, the yoyo is magnetic, decides he's gonna clear his ancestors name (biggest Miyamoto Usagi defender alive lol) and escapes the jail through hi-jinks and beating up the cop.
Gen and Kitsune have located his cell, Gen breaks the wall as Usagi's just made his cell-escape and he immediately offers friendship and hugs.
Usagi finds more uses for the kaikishi yoyo, when fighting Karasu-Tengu (based on real myth yokai, the crow-headed demi-gods who sometimes trained samurai...) who also at first thinks he's Miyamoto Usagi. He survives the fight due to his auntie's teachings, some skill and sheer dumb luck, capturing her sword and releasing his new friends. She backs off because she has no beef with this new random rabbit.
The Shogun still wants to arrest them after saving his life from Karasu-Tengu, but they somehow extort him to become his Yokai fighters instead (he needed clean-up in his personal museum)
Chizu has an interesting backstory which is already apparent from her first appearance and is slowly uncovered and dissected over episodes 2-6. It's further expanded upon in season 2 as she becomes the leader of the Neko Ninja gang.
Lady Fuwa is the leader of the Neko Ninja crew, and also the person who kidnapped Chizu from an orphanage (although, it's only implied, so she could have also been kidnapped from a real home)
From episode 3 onwards, we get glimpses of Gen's backstory as well. We also meet Gen's twin little sister, Toshiko, who left to join the circus after their family home was taken by the shogun to be city property, turned into a "museum". A subplot of this is Toshiko buying the mansion back from Lord Kogane, and the Murakami estate becomes home for their group.
In the process of fighting yokai at the museum, Gen's horn gets cut off.
In episode 4, Usagi and Kitsune leave the mansion to find a replacement horn for Gen. Outside they discover a bounty has been put on Usagi's head and Usagi and Kitsune get knocked out by the Mogura gang thanks to Usagi's recklessness.
Chizu also arrives there, to scare off the Mogura.
However, another gang, The Bat Squadron, has also come to collect the bounty and the leader of the Mogura, Chikabuma, leaves his knife with Usagi, who fights the admiral of the bat squadron. (Chikabuma will feature again later on...)
Overwhelmed by the fight (there's only him and Kitsune, with Chizu flying around in a stolen hovercraft), they're saved by Gen busting the fight with some common sense (the bat squadron would also get arrested by the city police...)
Re-arrested by Lord Kogane, Usagi uncovers that the Shogun's hat was posessed, posessing the Lord in return, and makes a deal with the hat-yokai and the shogun and earns enough trust for people to believe that there are yokai out again.
Obsessed with not being a third-rate crew next to the other two, Chikabuma makes a deal with Kagehito, to help him uncover some lost craft or ship. Over the season, because they were chased away by the Bat Squadron the Mogura crew helps Kagehito.
Kitsune does not really have a backstory-proper like Gen and Chizu, so you can sort of give her your own version or headcanons. What we do know:
She's highly adept at puppeteering (she's introduced as a scammer-puppet-actor, with a dancing O-dokuro puppet)
She is very good at stealing (but still gets caught by Usagi twice)
She mostly uses her fans for self-defense
her S2 fans can disappear and re-appear at will.
Assuming it's more than a reference to comics-Kitsune, she probably can actually dance herself too
Before meeting the other three, she slept on the streets and is used to making traps to help her avoid capture.
Her and Chizu are both orphans. Gen and Usagi had parents, but lost them at some point before the series began.
She hates being alone, which can be seen how much she wants to be friends with Usagi, Chizu and Gen, but also has trust issues, with how she reacts to Chizu's betrayal.
She has some sort of queer undertones going on with Chizu, and seeing how there's an openly gay writer on the show team, it's not out of the question that these undertones and subtext are intentional. Go wild with this info!
In episode 5, Usagi has located Karasu-Tengu and challenged her to a spar because he wants the best sensei. Karasu-Tengu agrees to teach him if he captures 3 urban yokai. This has a really cool plot-line over the next 3-4 episodes which leads to Chizu and Usagi basically adopting a little sister, Hana ("flower").
Over the next 2-3 episodes, Usagi succeeds in capturing 2 of the urban yokai, Destruction and Distraction (also overcoming some of his own bad tendencies haha)
Gen and Kitsune take Usagi to the game arcade for the first time
Somehow they encounter Hakai, the desctruction yokai, posessing a construction-botto. Usagi has been trying to discourage the others from helping so far, so sure he could capture them on his own, but after getting battered and captured, agrees to their help.
Chizu tries to keep the crew away from the Ki-Stone temple to no avail (with an addition of, I'm sorry, but frankly hilarious haunting of Lady Fuwa as the full moon)
Usagi receives another vision, confirming that Miyamoto Usagi did kill the shogun then.
Chizu is revelead as a Neko Ninja spy, but betrays her ninja crew
Chizu has become really attached to Kitsune, Usagi and Gen, so she sees them as her true family now
She has a lot to make up for, especially to Kitsune, but they basically make up while Gen and Usagi are capturing Sakuran, the deception yokai.
He does not succeed capturing the 3rd urban yokai "Deception", but instead find one of the Neko Ninja dojo trainees, Hana. Hana tells them that her friend Kana pretends to be her so she can avoid doing all the assassination and fighting training.
The 3rd yokai has befriended Hana and after hearing Hana's please, Usagi decides it is wrong to capture this one. They visit the Ki-Stone temple instead to show the kids the Ki-Stone and so that Usagi can say his goodbyes to Tetsujin.
The Murakami siblings discover that one of the yokai who has stayed behind, has posessed their old Ashi-basha, a fancier kind of car, which they associate with the better times with their family.
Chikabuma and his gang have helped Kagehito uncover his space-ship and he reveals his plan to wipe out all life
Usagi takes Hana to live with his Auntie and having given up his samurai dream, asks to live there too. But wait!
Hana's friend Kana was actually Karasu-Tengu in disguise, tesing Usagi on his earnestness to learn, because the skills she teaches can become more than lethal (basically, Usagi would eventually have supernatural abilities in the sword, if he continues)
Because of the promise of everything being destroyed, Chikabuma goes to warn Usagi and his friends, who go looking for Usagi at his farm with the Ashi-basha.
Usagi receives his training and spends 2 seasons on a magical mountain where time passes weirdly and not at all. When he arrives back in Neo Edo, it's night-time, instead of evening.
His family and friends are fighting O-Dokuro, who's been spying for Usagi to leave (his mystic yoyo being the only thing able to stop O-Dokuro), and came to the farm looking for a fight because of his pride as a yokai warrior.
Because of this training Usagi now defeats the Bat Squadron with ease, with help from Chikabuma.
The rest of the orphan crew + auntie have arrived at the Ki-Stone temple, they fight the Neko Ninja, with Lady Fuwa gaining the upper hand with numbers.
Usagi arrives and defeats the Neko Ninja forces (ngl, I personally thought this fight scene could have been better, but, it also gets the point across pretty clearly that Usagi has become a cut above the rest now)
all the while, Kagehito and Tetsujin (juiced up by the Ki-Stone), have been having an all-out battle at the temple
Usagi and crew chase after Kagehito at the bottom of the temple stairs, letting Usagi take the reigns in capturing him, but Kagehito breaks Usagi's yoyo. Usagi gets sad about this and so...
Kagehito succeeds in his plan to attach the "Clavis" device onto the Ki-Stone and she opens up a big portal in the sky.
Kagehito is freed and reveals that he was under the control of the Makkine, which the sky butterfly is a harbinger of. When the portal opens, a big monster will first arrive, with hundrends of warbotto.
Usagi leaps at the Clavis, trying to remove it from the Ki-Stone and has another vision, of what really happened 1000 years ago.
Everyone else sees this vision too this time! Miyamoto Usagi's name is cleared.
Usagi notes that she must have shown this for a reason and needs a missing piece, which has been lost for a thousand years.
Usagi realizes that Omurasaki is actually the missing piece of the Ki-Stone, attached to Edgewing, which he gave to his auntie earlier after the Neko Ninja fight.
At Gen's mansion, Lady Fuwa has been stalking after Hana and auntie as well and when Usagi arrives, threatens Hana's life, but the yokai save her.
They stop the Clavis from further infecting the Ki-Stone and the big hole in the sky closes up, replaced by a bright energy-butterfly.
Usagi's yoyo is repaired by the Ki-Stone as thanks for saving her and he puts the dying Kagehito back in her in the hopes of saving him.
In the 2nd season, Gen, Chizu and Kitsune also get their own personal Kaikishi weapons!
A big butterfly looms over the temple for the rest of the 2nd season and everyone mostly hand-waves it as "solved problem"
The Ki-Stone is silent in S2 and doesn't speak to Tetsujin anymore.
The 2nd season it's mentioned a few times that the Ki-Stone always being "on" makes it really really bright in both day and night in N-E.
Usagi being as self-important as he sees himself after the season 1 finale, feels jealous of his friends getting cooler kaikishi weapons and decides, "he'll be their sensei". Hilarity ensues.
The Bat Squadron kidnaps the shogun, because they want him to shut down the Ki-Stone Usagi trusts his friends to fight properly with their new weapons.
After going to eat, Kitsune discovers that the small green egg she discovered in the mogura tunnels after meeting Usagi, is actually alive. she names it Kiyoko.
this egg becomes like an adopted sister and will feature a lot in this season (by namesake, she's basically a reference to comics-Kitsune's adopted sister, a young girl also trained as a thief by UY Kitsune)
It's revealed in ep 2 that Usagi's ears are at least partially prehensile??? (he can lift and move them separately to grasp and throw Kiyoko) I just thought this was a funny detail, but must have been fun to board for the pre-production crew.
The orphan crew take some time off playing at the arcade again, but are attacked again by O-dokuro, who wants to get rid of yokai fighters once and for all (lot of fun fights in this ep, Usagi's yoyo gets stuck in a gacha machine because of O-Dokuro)
After the fight and collecting all of O-Dokuro's bones besides his head, Usagi allows him to live with them
They basically domesticate him in skull-form 😂 he befriends the kids visiting at the Murakami residence and Kitsune starts to feel like it's a real family.
Chizu and Kitsune save the other Neko Ninja kids. (ep 3)
Chizu challenges Lady Fuwa to a duel, defeating her fair and square and becoming the next Lady of the dojo.
As a result of this, she shares her time between the dojo and Kaikishi warrior duties, so the team's attention is sorta split between no yokai to fight and some looming danger they don't know yet.
The makkine warbotto are back. They keep 3D-printing themselves at the Sakura part where Usagi and Karasu-Tengu sparred in S1.
The crew retrieve the orb where Kagehito's people are trapped in some form of forced stasis.
They find out the Clavis (the creepy red thing) is so attached to the Ki-Stone, they might as well be one
cutting the Clavis would cut the connection to the other dimension
The only thing that can cut the Ki-Stone is Miyamoto Usagi's own sword, which cut the piece (Omurasaki) 1000 years prior.
They retrieve Miyamoto Usagi's sword, Willow Branch (with no sign of Young Willow, his wakizashi). We're given a backstory about the sword being lost with a family servant, who went on to search for it his whole life after losing it in the midst of some battle.
The whole episode about retrieving the sowrd is fun, I rec it.
Kitsune gets to pilot a big mecha built by Tetsujin (a defensebotto)
Cutting the Clavis off would also mean losing the connection to Kagehito's people, so Usagi bides his time.
He meditates on the sword and meets his ancestor face-to-face, getting to actually speak to Miyamoto Usagi and learn from him (it's funny, plz watch it)
The Neko Ninja crew betrays Chizu, save for one (Fumiko), the rest joining back with Lady Fuwa
Fumiko also escapes the situation, and Chizu is left alone to fight Fuwa, but Fumiko returns with Kitsune and her giant botto, scaring away Fuwa and her ninja
Kiyoko is revealed to be a makkine warmachine, but as she puts it, she's a "learning machine" and learned so much from Kitsune and the others, she doesn't want to forma a super mega biomech with the other biomechs around Neo Edo.
roll out-on-town sibling sequence as Kitsune and Kiyoko go around town doing fun stuff and scaring the city folk (lol)
the makkine warbotto find the other warmachine eggs and we're shown that they can reset them (one of them had learned from Chikabuma's personality), Kiyoko gets upset at after accidentally hurting Kitsune and escapes the mansion crying, seeing how the others are afraid of her
She's caught by the warbotto and after a big fight, she is connected with the other biomechs, over-riding her personality
More makkine warbotto and wawrmachines start coming through because the bat-squadron decided to sap the Ki-Stone from energy…… the last 2 eps deal with Usagi and the orphan crew + the Bat Squadron and Mogura crew dealing with this outfall!
Kiyoko is revealed to have over-ridden the big bio-mechs personality herself, bc Kitsune's personality is basically too big to be over-ridden and she learned from her.
Dividing the teams into three, they defeat the aliens, save Kagehito's people and Usagi finally cuts the Clavis off the Ki-Stone for good. Fuwa and the Neko Ninja help a little too.
(Gen with Nochi and Kagehito going after the supreme commander through the dimension portal, Kitsune, Kiyoko, O-Dokuro and Karasu-Tengu defending the city from the warbotto and mega-biomechs and Usagi and Tetsujin + later Fuwa and Chizu at the temple)
they seemingly destroy the makkine for good (as evidenced by Kiyoko also dropping dead with the rest of the warmachines and warbotto + the big explosion in the sky)
they get to keep Kiyoko alive via Ki-Stone battery.
Although the Bats take the credit, the shogun agrees to shut down the city's lights for the night, revealing the night sky for the first time since the Ki-Stone was almost shut down by the Clavis in S1. Usagi spies on this ceremony, reacting to Admiral Nochi being awarded.
Despite this, he sits happily with his friends at the end of the episode, saying they've earned this and that this sky and his friends are all he needs. (leaving the series at a nice open but conclusive ending)
Hope this helps! Happy writing and drawing!
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maomao9jinshi · 2 months
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Empress Omurasaki
YATAGARASU: The Raven Does Not Choose Its Master ep1
烏は主を選ばない #yatagarasu
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frudence · 1 year
51st Day: Parallel Paths Prologue
Below is the Cosmology Reconciliation portion that kicks off my Samurai Rabbit / Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles story, "51st Day". My goal was to import the Samurai Rabbit storyline as unchanged as possible by treating Neo Edo like a Japanese equivalent of the Hidden City.
If you're interested in this story - which will include Leo x Yuichi Usagi, Chizu x Kitsune, and more - then please consider checking out 51st Day on AO3!
Approximately two thousand years ago, as human beings became increasingly hostile to the mystical elements of their world, the yōkai of Japan split into two factions - those who could wield supernatural powers and those who could not. The ones who could not were largely comprised of anthropomorphic bipeds; they desired to live much as the humans did, but separate from them. The "true yōkai" rejected their brethren, some even subjugating them as viciously as the humans fought all supernatural creatures. Even within the non-supernatural creatures, more factions emerged; the warm-blooded creatures could largely co-exist in similar fashion, leaving out those who had non-mammalian traits: amphibians, reptiles, birds, insects, fish, and the like. This faction fled Japan entirely, leaving behind a society that successfully shrouded itself from humans yet unsuccessfully hid from the "true yōkai". The faction with non-mammalian traits that fled Japan embedded itself across the globe, but a substantial contingent made the shores of Northeastern America home, and eventually founded the Hidden City beneath what was then simply an island called Manhattoes by the Algonquin Munsee people.
Paralleling the advancement in human technology for a thousand years, this mammal-only anthropomorph society was the one Miyamoto Usagi grew up in, with its own internal strife to be sure, but one that remained prey to the Yōkai as well. This society developed Kaikishi warriors - the only ones among them who could still harness mystical energy - to fight against the Yōkai. The most powerful weapon in this fight was the Ki-Stone, a sentient crystal that served as the Tutelary deity of Neo Edo and its surrounds where the anthropomorphs lived. It empowered ordinary items with the ability to affect damage on and trap Yōkai. It also powered a vast Shimmer border wall that kept the islands of Miyamoto Usagi’s society separate from humanity.
Beyond the Milky Way galaxy, two species vied for control of vast swatches of the universe: the Krang and the Makkine. While the Krang were deadlocked in war with the Triceratons, the Makkine took the opportunity to aim for Earth after successfully conquering the Unu people. Thanks to taking control of the Unu leader, Kagehito, they were able to send him to Earth to prepare their way; he was a pawn whose life did not matter to them if he failed or was slain in the process. His job was to attach their device known as the Clavis to a power source great enough to open a portal big enough to fit the whole Makkine force through. Kagehito found his power-source in the Ki-Stone among Miyamoto Usagi’s people. Kagehito then took the place of their tiger-faced Shogun in order to get close enough to the Ki-Stone to attach the Clavis. The Neko Ninja crew realized that the Shogun was no longer himself, and reached out to Miyamoto Usagi, who accepted a mission to strike down the false Shogun. Just before Kagehito was able to accomplish his task, the samurai rabbit snuck into the palace at night and struck the disguised Unu clean through. As he did so, he pierced the Ki-Stone.
The piercing of the Ki-Stone unleashed a wave of energy that sucked in all Yōkai for miles around, as well as Kagehito. It left behind a smaller chunk of the Ki-Stone, eventually called the Omurasaki by Miyamoto Usagi. While the samurai had succeeded in his quest, and unknowingly halted the Makkine invasion by extension, he would be branded a traitor for the rest of his life. This lead his descendants to take on a quiet, rural life as farmers for the next thousand years.
Meanwhile, a few hundred years after Kagehito and Miyamoto Usagi clashed, the Krang finally broke their stalemate with the Triceratons. They set their sights next on the world that the Makkine had tried and failed to conquer: Earth. In a classic pincer move, they sent down two advance fighters on either sides of the globe - much as the Makkine had with Kagehito - to asses the situation, one near Neo Edo among the human population of Japan and one in the Hidden City of Northeast America. In Japan, this advance force took over many clans of fighters and their livestock, splitting his controlling Krang hivemind ever thinner. At the same time, the one in the Hidden City tried to amalgamate the Yōkai and humans he encountered into his Exosuit, growing to an enormous size, seemingly unconquerable.
The force in Japan finally met its match in four human Mystic warriors, analogs of the Kaikishi warriors, who forged their own weapon: the Key to the Twilight Realm. In unleashing the Key’s power to seal away the Krang, these warriors managed to reach the Krang Titan of the Hidden City, although the magic was far weaker there. While it did suck away the Krang symbiotic flesh of the amalgamated Titan, it left behind bony remnants of his Exosuit and Krang body, as well as his Yōkai-enfused blood, which would come to be known as Empyrean.
As more mundane strife plagued Japan in coming years, one clan sought a supernatural force to ally with in order to achieve victory. The Foot Clan was not powerful enough to breach the Twilight Realm where the Krang were imprisoned, but they were able to communicate through it. Their leader, Oroku Saki, offered to ally with them in exchange for power. The Krang were able to fit a myriad of fragments of an Exosuit through the Foot Clan’s channel, but that was all. The Foot Clan went to work destroying their foes, with every intention of releasing their Krang masters when they subjugated more mystic warriors and thereby found where the Key was hidden. When his daughter realized the "demon" that her father had allied with was not their salvation, but rather a wholly corrupting force, she defected to form her own clan: the Hamato.
The matriarch Karai and her new Hamato clan struggled against the Foot Clan with their powerful mystic arts of Ninpo. When Karai realized it was not enough, she transformed herself into a sword that pierced the veil with the Twilight Realm and locked her father there alongside her in a prison dimension of his own, separate from his Krang masters so that they could not awaken him. Her sacrifice lasted for 500 years.
Seeing how the Hamato released their master Shredder from his imprisonment, the Foot Clan worked to find the ancient Key that would release the Krang. They located the Key, but did not yet possess it, at the same time that Miyamoto Usagi’s descendent, Yuichi Usagi, made his way to Neo Edo on the eve of his 16th birthday. After Yuichi clashed with Kagehito and the Clavis was finally attached to the Ki-Stone, a wave of dimension-weakening energy hit Earth. The Foot Clan knew that now was the time to go after the Key and open the portal for the Krang. They succeeded on the same day that Yuichi Usagi clashed with the Makkine for the second time.
Two pillars of magenta light reached up to the sky, as it had over 500 years ago, paving the way for an invasion of ruthless symbiotes. Two portals were forcibly shut by wrenching their conduits away: the Key and the Clavis both. Two spaceships were destroyed, cleaved through the middle, as the portals closed at the same time. Two malicious forces were stopped in their tracks... by Mutant Teenagers.
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teruriphoto · 3 years
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Title: Hydrangeas and Ohmurasaki
O hydrangeas But not just hydrangeas Flowers all bloom In the rainy season
O winged flowers Flowers flying in the sky Compete its beauty Brilliantly in town
Ohmurasaki The butterfly of the nation Finally emerges With joys after rains
Oi Sora Se Se Hydrangeas The Pure flowers in town Tell us all when The rainy season comes.
Oi Sora Korasho Ohmurasaki The Beautiful winged flower in town Tells you all when Early summer comes.
Playing with hydrangeas We the flower of flying beauty Paint the rainy season Vivid and awe
梅雨の季節に  咲く花は 紫陽花だけじゃないだろに。
空飛ぶ花の蝶たちも 華麗にその美を 競い合う。
国蝶オオムラサキもまた いまかいまかと 待ち侘びて 雨と雨との 合間をぬいて ウキウキしながら 生まれくぬ。
おいそら せっせー 紫陽花は 梅雨を告げるよ 清し花。
おいそら こらしょ 僕らはみんな 麗し花。 初夏を告げるよ 空飛んで。
紫陽花たちと戯れて 梅雨を彩る 美し花。
今年もまた オオムラサキ蝶と花との 共演が実現する。 相変わらずの わんぱくぶりで 悪戦苦闘しながらも 羽化した虎の子の雄一匹と 楽しいひと時を過ごす。 羽一片も傷つけることなく 撮影後、 執着することなく解放。 彼は本当に嬉しそうに 大空へと舞っていった。 感動をありがとう。 Long live the Emperor ! Summer has come!
Go to →  https://teruriphoto.tumblr.com https://www.instagram.com/teruriphoto
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the-nysh · 2 years
@omurasaki​ said: “Now he looks even more like Hiruma)))”
Murata, excitedly getting the chance to return to even more of his character design roots: OH YEAHH ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Especially when Garou’s evolved to have Hiruma’s fangs now~
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the-nysh · 3 years
Sorry my bad english. I have a theory. Bomb and Bang are brothers, but they practice different fighting styles. Some people believe that Bang inherited his style from his ancestors, and Bomb himself developed the iron-shattering vortex fist. But it seems to me that these two styles could be the legacy of the ancestors of Bomb and Bang, because they can interact and strengthen the blow from a joint attack. But to learn both styles you need to be very gifted. Therefore, Bang, as a younger and hot-tempered one, taught the fist of the mountain stream - to balance his character with harmonious flowing movements of a more calm style. And Bomb, as an older and sensible brother, began to learn a more aggressive whirlwind breaking iron, so that his soft nature did not interfere with being effective in battle. And I think Garu is one of the few who can master both of these styles at the same time. Maybe I don’t remember everything, or I don’t understand everything, but it seems that the Master hinted that Bang used to be unrestrained and named him Demon Silver Fang (when he was in the hospital).
!!! :O A theory about the brothers' two different specialized styles balancing their temperaments and why Garou's able to wield both? (Because he's not only a gifted fighting genius, but also because he's both inherently soft and hot-tempered that learning/mastering their two techniques comes most naturally to him? Like he's the perfectly balanced combination of traits for it to work?) Hang on, I like that thought! Just give me a moment to get some supporting panels... (Also, I checked what Tank Top Master said in the hospital about 'Silver Fang's Demon,' and he was referring to Garou! Describing how Bang ended up raising a 'demon'. :O)
Although we don't know where the two techs originated from, Bang and Bomb seemed to have developed/created/mastered them individually (and then created schools to pass them down, but there's no info on who their previous masters were). Perhaps they developed the two techs to augment their own weaknesses, or to complement the traits the other brother lacks (offensive vs defensive), but even when brought together, we've seen how cooperative they still are (compared to say, the esper sisters), even balancing each other further in a combined joint attack, the Cross Fang Dragon Slayer Fist. Which yee, has been noted a single person normally cannot perform alone, yet here Garou is breaking the impossible, literally dual wielding both brothers' techniques with his two hands to perform their combined special joint attack all by himself:
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Through all his harsh experiences on top of his natural gifts, he's able to take everything he's learned so far even further and evolve them all into his own style later (Godslayer Fist), aha what a beast. :'D
From the two brothers' sides though, we get some history and explanations for their techniques here (wc ch111) when King visited their dojos for guidance.
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Bang's words are cautionary, and he explains he originally developed the defensive Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist (specializing in counterattacks and redirecting an opponent's blows back at them) to empower the weak. We get a tease of young Bang, who likely had similar hot-driven goals as Garou, and whom was also in pursuit of power. It's unknown how 'weak' young Bang (thought) he was, but it's apparent Bang is actually very strong (no.3 Hero with enough notoriety to his name that young Garou sought him out for strength too). So it seems there was an unfortunate (unbalanced?) disconnect with Bang imparting the wisdom & principles of his technique down to his students. Because at his old age, you'd think he'd have plenty of loyal successors (beyond just Charanko), but here Garou was the only one to successfully learn it. :O Whether that was because Bang was a poor teacher or Garou naturally picked it up on his own, it's debatable, but Bomb's notably had hundreds of students in comparison, so interestingly he didn't have Bang's same successor problem...
And speaking of Bomb, his offensive Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist is a specialized attack technique that's most powerful when unleashed as a preemptive strike. We don't know as much about him as Bang, but as the older brother between them, perhaps Bomb is more chilled and down to earth. We know Bang also called upon Bomb's help in confronting Garou so that Bang wouldn't accidentally lose control in anger, so Bomb was essentially Bang's failsafe to ensure the job responsibly gets done. So even just from that, we can see how the brothers support and balance each other, covering for their weaknesses together in both temperament/attitude and fighting techniques.
Makes it even more amazing what Garou's able to naturally pick up all on his own, that even just experiencing/observing their fighting styles on himself, he's able to refine what he already knows (mastering Bang's defensive tech even more after fighting him himself) and adapt additional techniques upon that, like Bomb's offensive one, further into his arsenal. Whether it's because Garou's simply a fighting prodigy, or also because his character combines softer/fluid traits along with sharper/aggressive ones, making him most receptive (and naturally/uniquely qualified?!) to wielding both their techniques at once is certainly a nice thought!
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