#oooooo so excited
wr3nns · 1 year
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^^ This is the mural we saw on King's island. You can see the big creature is a Titan, and the little one is a Titan trapper. The Titan is protecting their egg. THE TITAN HAS WINGS! (Can King breath fire, or is that a representation of the "sonic shout" power? The same power which matches the Collector's colors?)
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^^ You can see the wings even more clearly here! And the Titan has a tail! But the others don't have wings, maybe this one was a leader or more matured somehow.
Now let's look at this guy here:
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Wings, horns, fluff. Waving to Luz.
Definitely-probably a Titan.
And over here, we have what seem to be Titan trappers giving Titan skulls to Collectors.
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Note that the Titan trapper has yellow eyes, while the Titans have red/pink eyes (like King!). Note also that the Collectors are shown with yellow eyes, and we know that our little Collector has yellow sclera with the same red/pink irises. Just like King, hmm??
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Meanwhile over here, we have fun lore tablets:
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And do you think the Collectors tried to Collect the Titans?? "To preserve, to observe, we must amass what flies, what swims, be it predator or prey, seal them up so they may never fade"
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"But should they meddle in our affairs, we'll clean the planet and scorch the air"
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Now one thing I don't understand is the order of these murals. Maybe there's some missing information. But these three:
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Spell apocalypse to me. The stars are falling, everything is burning (and scorch the air? like with stars? stars = fire?), then there are 4 Collectors seemingly with little baby Collector, and then four little baby Titans. Are those little baby Titans those four Collectors? Where did they come from? Was King a Collector once? Were they all that was left behind after the apocalypse? Is that water in the upper left corner of the third frame? Is this a new beginning? What's going on?? I am INTRIGUED.
(Why do you think they live on a carcass? What could possibly kill a Titan?)
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rascal-rose · 1 year
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Can you believe it? Antonblast monday tomorrow!
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daily-qpr-miraloop · 2 months
Oh my gods my friend just gave me a prompt that has spiraled into a whole ass AU
Yall are in for it tomorrow I am making another mini comic omg
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avvail-whumps · 10 months
the facility: everything you need to know
the facility is seen as a myth. no one really believes that it’s real. rumours spread that prisoners of war are subjected to horrors you can’t even imagine; body modifying experiments, agony that will make you want think death is a mercy.
captured enemies would soon find out it was all but a myth. and none of them would leave to tell the tale.
the facility is built nine levels deep into the ground. each level has a different purpose and holds prisoners of war based off their importance and danger.
level nine is the deepest level in the facility. this is where the most dangerous prisoners are kept, one being due to the information that they might have, and/or their threat level. they are constantly monitored by the highest amount of apoids. they require the biggest level of security with no leniency to keep them from breaking free and wrecking havoc.
the higher the level goes from level nine, the tamer the prisoners are. they don’t require as much attention, and usually break easily or don’t simply have lots of information. these lower level prisoners from levels 5-1 are generally treated as guinea pigs and often left in a lobotomised state until they die and are disposed of.
each level has:
a refectory.
sleeping facilities for each type of staff member. these sleeping facilities come with their own bathrooms. in level nine, sleeping facilities are individual.
various torture rooms.
small office for personnel staff.
high security cells to store prisoners of war.
an infirmary.
a laboratory for scientists.
these are highly trained soliders that guard the facility. they are required to have a weapon on their person at all times, which will usually consist of an assault rifle that’s loaded to use. apoids are required to follow a strict set of rules.
talking is strictly prohibited. apoids are used for intimidation and control purposes. they cannot interact with patients, scientists or personnel. this can only be broken during emergency circumstances or if the situation absolutely requires it.
they must hide their identity. this means that apoids cannot be seen without their masks. they are also not allowed to give out their real name, or anything regarding their life above the facility. if this protocol is breached, it’s highly shameful and the apoid is swiftly terminated and replaced.
apoids are on a strict rotation. jobs may include guarding cells, torture rooms, escorting scientists or any kind of staff, as well as containing and treating prisoners with a beating if they misbehave. in order to keep apoids from repeating the same jobs and becoming sloppy, they will be on a strict rotation that allows them to do all of them, as well as have time to rest.
no personal relationships. if apoids are following protocol, then it’s obvious that they cannot fraternise with other staff.
some apoids are given a personal scientist they are are assigned to. this requires them to shadow them wherever they go, and protect them to the best of their ability. their priority is keeping their scientist safe from harm and making sure they are eating and resting regularly to maintain high-level work.
apoids must be ready and prepared to kill prisoners. in the event of a breakout, apoids are required to kill the escaped prisoner under any means necessary. recapture isn’t an option. other than that, apoids must keep their actions as non-lethal as possible when they need prisoners alive for information.
personnel are small in number but they work “behind the scenes” of the facility. they are in charge of monitoring documents regarding prisoners, identity of apoids and scientists. they complete heavy sums of paperwork that are filed in the event a prisoner dies, and have to use scientists notes to log it into the system based off a number of factors (name, date of death, cause of death etc.)
they help when scientists and apoids are transferred to a new level, giving them a run down of what is expected or which prisoner(s)/personal scientist they’re assigned to, and collect the data after each torture room and experiments committed.
they’re very diligent and keep the facility running as smoothly as possible.
scientists are the ones who are ordered to concoct new experiments for either themselves (for example, if it’s drug based torture, the scientist will implement the drug themselves into the system via needle, gas, etc.) or for when apoids torture the prisoners, which is more common on level 6-7. lower level prisoners usually don’t require torture, and so the scientists will use them as guinea pigs and testing subjects. trained and ruthless interrogators work on levels 8-9 in order to get the most important information.
scientists also follow a few similar rules to apoids:
talking to the prisoner for any other reason other than what’s needed is strictly prohibited. scientists do not engage their patient in conversation. the only time they talk to the prisoner is when they are asking questions for well-being checkups or if it’s for medical reasons.
they cannot have personal relationships. they cannot fraternise with apoids, personnel or any other staff. although their identity isn’t hidden, it’s not an invitation to talk about personal things.
multiple patients. a scientist on the lower levels may take on more than one prisoner. however, level nine requires a scientist to only have one patient for safety reasons. in the event that a scientist dies, they must be replaced quickly to maintain order and scheduling.
scientists are constantly working on creating things to help with interrogations. whether that be cognitive experiments or enhancing certain things, they’re working in laboratories to help with this. some scientists are more cruel than others.
closest source to the government. they feed information from the facility to members in power. they aren’t seen as much, but the often come to check up on the quality of work and assess if something needs changing or have to take control of a certain situation. they have the most authorisation than any other staff member that sets foot in the facility, but they never necessarily get their hands on dirty work.
staff are given facilities in order to eat and sleep down in the facility. they live in the facility and do not leave. they are under contract for ten years, and when that runs out, they either expand their contract for another ten years, or leave the facility. once they leave, they cannot return to the facility. they are under a legal bind not to speak to anybody about the facility. if they do, they are immediately found and killed.
due to living underground, staff are required to eat healthily, sleep regularly, and exercise consistently in order to keep themselves as healthy as possible. they are given supplements and vitamins they cannot get from being underground. most apoids are required to have a military background and be healthy when recruited, so it isn’t difficult for a lot of people to commit to these rules.
internal brawling and fighting is not permitted.
relationships are not permitted.
recreational drug use and alcohol consumption is not permitted.
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link to the masterlist
main tag list – @suspicious-whumping-egg @sunshiline-writes @rabidrabidme @whumpatize-me-captain @thegirlwholived1213 @reverie1234 @unforgiven235 @morning-star-whump @seaweed-is-cool
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rainymoodlet · 11 months
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alsace dieudonné is the name on my grave, boy. that does not make it mine. 🦇
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randygrim · 7 months
Sketch of my next drawing!
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This ones super rough cuz its past midnight, but!! Im super excited to render the wings :D
(Also this was done in ibispaint rather than my usual clipstudio, cuz yeah its like 2am)
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ttimecode · 3 months
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forgot to post this but. reynold art from @beeholyshit im soooo ill LOOK AT HIM HE LOOKS SO GORGEOUS
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milkymooshi · 2 months
Ed taking control of the Narrows got me giggling and kicking bro I’m hella obsessed with this breaking Lee out of jail plot line
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solarisgod · 4 months
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keeps-ache · 5 months
oc in my brain. oo what might they be doin
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chiimeraangel · 10 months
it's coming up on that time of year where I rewatch Samurai Jack in its entirety...
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dogcollarpunk · 2 years
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ladyseidr · 1 year
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@ahogechef asked: ❝ ❝ i know this might sound weird but, do you wanna stay over? i guess ‘sleepover’ sounds kind of childish but. i think it’d be nice. ❞ ( Kaede Maki sleepover!!!! ) ❞ ( staying the night prompts )
Maki had found herself spending more and more time with Kaede—something unexpected and, even more unexpectedly, not unwelcome. Sure, they were very different from one another, but Maki found herself mentally including Kaede in the category of "Friend" more often than not. Still, sitting in Kaede's room, the sun slowly beginning to sink beneath the horizon outside, she would never have expected Kaede's question. "Stay over?" she repeated. Childish or not, Maki had never had a genuine sleepover. "You're not just asking that because you feel obligated to, right? I can get home safely." Her words were prickly, but her expression was anything but. Her eyebrows were drawn together, gaze lowered and mouth pressed into a thin line. "If you're serious. . ."
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"I wouldn't mind." She paused, reconsidering her words. She didn't want to sound like she considered it a burden. In fact, she felt a fluttering in her chest—not discomfort, but something lighter. No one had ever asked her to stay over before. She had expected nobody ever would. Finally, she amended her words: "I want to. If you want me to." And then she pulled together her composure just enough, meeting Kaede's eyes again and admitting, "But I'm a light sleeper, so you'd better not keep me up."
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i-am-beckyu · 1 year
Someone is going to betray Charlie...
By pushing him off a cliff...
When his wings are damaged...
Causing him to fall down to earth and meet a certain human...
Next chapter...
We will also meet a whole lot of people!
Once the chapter is out, tell me who you think it is!
(I might stop going by ✨anon✨, but for now just except sparkles in your askbox)
Does this mean Charlie is like Theseus from the Greek stories? Because lol get betrayed.
But I do hope he’ll be okay!! Their wings must be in pretty terrible shape. Can’t wait to meet more characters tho!!! Very excited!
And you can stay anon as long as you like!!! No pressure to reveal yourself and such. Completely up to you! (And I like the sparkles lol)
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lamentablesbian · 1 year
offered under asking price on a rug on offerup, turned out it’s being sold by family friends, they’re giving it to me for free?! HUGE win for me
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inga-don-studio · 2 years
Hey y’all, I’m probably going to be mostly AWOL until Sunday (and hopefully not dying in the Sacramento heat), so I’ll try to catch up with everyone as best I can once I’m back.
Gonna be an interesting weekend. [Can ya hear my anxiety leveling up? Because I sure can.]
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