#otherkin undertones
snowyvoid · 6 months
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hostile creatures
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scarsmood · 9 months
Otherkinity and misogyny
Read time 10-15 min
I have taken some time to sit and think about this topic for quite some time. Let's look at some sterotypes i'm sure you've seen this meme:
Meme can be found here
Credit @pupvi
I think it posses a good question about why this is so prevalent. Why are there so many either edgy or very cutesy otherkin blogs with seemingly no inbetween? How come there seems to be a prevalence for popular blogs to be darker in canine circles? Is this true for other spheres?
This is a result I see most in canine circles and less in others like paleotherians or dragons. Which i think is fascinating. I think it's because dogs and all canines have very strong roles in several different cultures which in turn makes them have a sociological pressure to fill these roles. I think this is a result of being a human bodied animal where we interact with human based concepts all the time and in turn intertwine them with our own beliefs even if they aren't 'technically' how an animal may act.
Interestingly in a paper i was reading, it suggested that the post modernity life style humans live currently is pretty divorced from animals. Humans dont see animals as in the same group as them. With otherkinity being an exception. This wasn't always the case either. In far earlier civilizations animals could be tried for crimes and considered in law. I think the current view humans have of animals is a result of this divorce from them. We have romanticized them and see them as a mythical or archetypical figure rather than one of us.
For example dogs in western culture we have a few concepts: The dog is a protector, the dog is friend and loyal companion, the dog is a mother or caregiver. This results in a pressure for those ideals to be intertwined with who we are. It's difficult to be a dog and grow up with these ideas all around you and not latch onto them. I don't think it's a surprise. Ironically i think this makes a sort of weird mimicry for otherkin experiences we want to be animals as closely as possible but a lot of people in the community are not in a place where they can access wilderness freely. Let alone understand it free from human allegories or symbology.
I don't think were failing as animals either for playing into these human made roles. They are unique to the human bodied experience and I think that should be cherished. I think otherkin may be some of the few human bodied individuals still looking for true connection with nature. I think interestingly we can be advocates and be a gateway for other humans to understand nature more.
We circle back to misogyny which is a result of human made roles. Misogyny plays a role into how we identify based on what humans consider to be masculine and feminine. This is dependent on culture. Some cultures share similar ideals about animals while others may differ. Which means animals can be assigned masculine or feminine based on innate traits about them. This in turn effects how we perceive each other due to our background and culture.
Misogyny is silent at times and the oppression of femininty is present still. As an undertone to otherkinity masculine kintypes may be taken more seriously. Wolves, dragons, predators, ect while feminine animals may be suppressed or seen less often. Cats, bunnies, prey animals. This isn't always true in every case just as a general trend.
I dont think this is on purpose. Rather an unconscious leaning towards masucline things to be more "real" and "realness" used to be very important within otherkin and (mainly) therian communities. Which is ironically also a trait of toxic masculinity. I think some aspects of how we perceive and want to be perceived makes impacts on our blogs.
Tumblr specifically relies a lot on aesthetic typically blogs that have a strong aesthetic may be seen as more appealing compared to something that's more barebones. With masculine leaning blogs about darker tones, gore, trauma, they tend to do very well in receiving attention. Both from a strong aesthetic and that subliminal leaning. I think there is an audience for softcore and plushcore blogs but mixing it with otherkinity seems to be uncommon unlike darker blogs.
I think it comes down to we see those gritty blogs as what aligns with masculinity and what is more credible and real. With a previous and slowly dying down culture of what is considered "real" otherkinity and what isn't this leaves a leaning on gritty darker blogs seeming to have a better reach. I think this lean is a ghost of what was almost a decade ago in the otherkin community.
This leads into my experience. I've had my blog for about 3 years now and started it by writing dark, gritty poems. Sometimes almost everyday. I know of other blogs that started roughly the same time as me but didn't result in the same amount of reach. I partly wonder if the daily activity and the combinations of cryptid/ dark aesthetic being more popular back then contributed to the attention I got in the beginning. All i did was write poems (for the most part) and still received a decent amount of attention / followers.
What I was expecting less was seeing my identity shift from my original 'design' or appearance into the red woods threatening wolf. The first thing I noticed in that transition was that I couldn't heavily identify with wolves anymore. After learning about my species more and actually fully accepting that it was matriarchal over patriarchal it left me feeling more lost compared to the typical otherkin experience. (Wolf dominated in most spaces i was in) My experience didn't feel as validating and I was left looking for something more from the community.
I was not aware at the time this would be a more major shift in how I would be treated to. Threatening wolves have ranks and learning I am cogmol which is the smallest, meekest and most disposable. I was sitting in a place that was equated with feminity suddenly. I wasn't sure how to process it so I just didn't. I accepted that was my role and moved on.
Over the year or two since I shifted my identity I do feel as though i'm not quite on the same level as others at times. I read about some experiences about other interactions in the community and feel at times I get different reactions just cause I either can't relate to the power exchange socially or because people see me differently after they learn about me.
This gets more emphasized when deer alters front who will (were planning at least) for them to front more frequently. Which means more deer content and deer identity. However that also means giving up being a threatening wolf as the main identity. The shift may take awhile but already they comment a bit that it's going to take some effort to find a community.
There isn't a very big deer community in otherkin tumblr circles. It was a bit of a struggle finding the paleokin community but it does exist at least. Deer feel like they fell off the face of the earth. It might be more beneficial to look at furry communities for deer fursonas first and then find people through that instead.
When my deer alters front they note a sense of being seen as weak or easily killable, prey, ect. Lots of predator prey interactions that do not favor the prey. While there are some blogs like poppy whose a bison. They don't feel like they quite fit in the same category as most of our alters are deer esc with typical attributes related to beauty and femininity. Thin, skinny, and 'dainty' seeming.
While most are male some are female and do not even want to exist around the community in fear of having to deal with some less tasteful people. It's no surprise deer are associated with meekness and gentle attributes which leads to some rough experiences. In the beginning of my therian journey I identified as both a wolf and a female deer. I was quickly tossed around verbally for being a deer so bad that within a day or two at best i completely dropped that aspect of myself.
I wonder if this is still an issue today. I'd love to hear other peoples experiences on it since i'm just starting to explore the deerkin community and only on and off make posts about it. I'm hoping eventually i'll learn more but for now i'm far and away from other deerkin I think.
The best way I think to curb this behavior is to participate in other communities and create more diverse cultures. Lots of otherkin are punk, anarchists, goth, pagan and the list goes on. Making more diverse aesthetics may give people the space to feel more comfortable showing more vulnerable aspects of themselves.
Sometimes newbies are driven off from intimidation from the community I think keeping on track and being more chill with what's acceptable and how to express yourself helps a lot.
Overall, I think this is something that's kinda there. It has just enough impact to kind of make other more feminine identities skirt away. It's annoying but I think if people (me included) do a some tonal shifting if they feel inclinded to do so will help make the community feel more diverse and safe.
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angels-playspace · 2 months
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hey! i'm angel dust (i'm a fictive, this isn' an rp blog, tho i do have an agere rp blog!)
he/she/love/spider prns, fem terms preferred when lil but masc oki!!
decided ta make a new blog ta separate my agere blog from m' others, which can be a bit more nsfw-y... also it's nice ta have a sep db for when i'm little and don' wanna see all tat icky big stuff!
this is a general agere blog, i might try an' do requests maybe sumday?
we're a traumaendo pDID sys, so it's gonna be mosty me. we have a few disorders tat make us sensitive to perceived undertones and overreact to 'em.
valentino is a comfor char fur me peese don talk bout hatin him aroun me!
Otherkin/therian wih manee identitees. while angel and da abov ponowns always okay, u can also use aneetin under a kin mawked as cuwen!
fandoms hazbin/helluva danganrompa mha pokemon genshin voltron wings of fire
links headcanons 100 Agere Questions kins + names n pronouns (i hav pronons related 2 sum adul tings so be caweful peese!)
other blogs
@little-angie - little rp blog
@papa-kitty - husk cg blog
tags: ×angies thoughts× -- talking ⇡ ×angie files× -- original art/writing ⇡ ×angie steals× -- reblogs ⇡ ×angie stims× -- my stimboards
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
am i just really out of the loop??? what are “irl”s??????
In this situation, there are two specific definitions it would refer to. The alterhuman context, and the psychosis / delusions context.
Circa 2012/2013 ? otherkinity and fictionkinity started get widely known and popular so to speak. People started saying 'I'm literally [fictotype]' or '[fictotype] irl' to distinguish that their legitimacy of their identity as their fictotype. This was for a variety of reasons. From simply reaffirming their own identity due to mental health concerns to the asshole move of calling other people with the same fictotype fake. This has carried on over the years with varying degrees of popularity in the community. For the most part, it can have negative undertones.
Circa 2020 / 2021, someone coined the term 'delusional attachments'. People attribute this term to twitter user(s) 'swaggotfan' or 'lgbtdni', but I have no hard proof of that.
Delusional attachment definition
"A delusional attachment (DA) is a term that psychotics have coined as an alternative to the term 'Identity Delusion', in which someone believes that they are another 'being' than they actually are, whether that be a real person, a fictional character, a nonhuman creature, an object, etc. The term and experience of having a DA is exclusive to those who experience Psychosis! The term 'Delusional Attachment' itself was coined by the psychotic community and is not a medical term. It seems to be an alternative term for an Identity Delusion, likely made as there is little information online about Identity Delusions and Grandiose Delusions in general, despite Grandiose Delusions being relatively common amongst psychotics." [cite https://das.crd.co/ ]
Colloquially, delusional attachment is used interchangeably with the acronym 'irl', in addition to other terms. As far as I know, 'irl' in the context doesn't have any potential negative connotations or implications of calling others fake.
Naturally, the acronym 'irl' can have different meanings depending on the context. You'll have to use your best judgement in the respective situations.
Connie / mod party cat!
ps if anyone has more references for delusional attachment infos, preferably written by people who are actually psychotic, or experience delusions, I'd really appreciate a link. The one I linked above is decent, but suffered a hack which makes the stability of linking it in the future a bit worrisome.
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clinically-kitty · 9 months
Hey! So I'm on a mission to make sure the alterhuman/non-human/otherkin/and so many others/ communities are properly represented. I'm a snow leopard kin and voidkin myself and know that there are a lot of misconceptions about us, a long with just not much information on some certain topics about our communities. With all of that being said, if you were to see more writing about our communities, what do you think needs to be mentioned more often?
Ig that the community is very diverse in how we experience our alterhuman-ness. And its all valid. I wish those of us that genuinely do feel we are physically nonhuman were represented and spoken about with as much understanding as otherkin without sanist undertones.
I dont like the kind of ig “sanitized” version of alterhumanity by some otherkin, trying to separate themselves from alterhumans that act animalistic or otherwise seem “strange” in a way you cant make palatable to the general public.
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who-is-page · 2 years
Some scattered thoughts on Wolf (2021)
So some pals and I did a watch party of the legendary (affectionately derogatory) movie, Wolf. Here are some of my thoughts on it, and on things I've heard about it/said myself in the past.
To start things off, I went into Wolf expecting it to be how I saw most people in the WolfGetsReal Alt+H campaign described it as-- a movie that explicitly supported the psychopathologizing of nonhuman identities and species dysphoria, and which portrayed nonhumanity and adjacent experiences as something to be "cured." Something that got species dysphoria so wrong as to be downright offensive, and which insulted people who experience it every step of the way.
What I got was...not that. What I got was actually, in some ways, the opposite of that.
Wolf (2021) has a main character who sees himself as a wolf, but a cast of other nonhuman characters too-- a panda, a jumping spider, a German shepherd, a grizzly bear, a duck, and a squirrel, among others. These characters are all hospitalized in what's clearly meant to be an inpatient treatment facility, where none of them are allowed to leave (and supposedly the last guy who did escape DIED oooo, much spooky, very believable).
The "treatments" we see these characters go through at the hands of the two staff members working at the facility are downright inhumane and almost identical to a lot of the anti-otherkin rhetoric we saw in the mid-2010's, especially the ones that got into the territory of anti-kin theoretically abusing their own children were they ever to identify as otherkin. But these "treatments" are never glorified or portrayed as anything other than horrific and deeply unethical. The staff of the facility are clear-cut villains, no questions about it. There's absolutely zero sympathetic emphasis on them. (Even the mother-daughter relationship the female psychologist has with one of the patients is pretty blatantly abusive, if you ask me.)
And the portrayal of species dysphoria by the actors was, when not cringy from the director clearly over-exaggerating certain things (like the duck kid constantly quacking), genuinely relatable and heartfelt. Hearing the main character talk about how his body felt wrong was like looking in a mirror. He was easily echoing not only things I've verbatim heard others say about their mind-body mismatch, but that I myself have thought. Watching characters slink around on all fours, indulge in wearing gear, and engage in even stereotypical behaviors of their animals--such as the over-excitable dog character asking for headpats and immediately running up to the wolf MC with "we're family! Let's be friends!" type conversation upon their first informal meeting--was relatable and even sometimes familiar in a surprising amount of scenes they occurred in. Honestly, it was kind of nice to see those experiences showcased at all.
(Spoiler alert ahead in this paragraph, but also, getting to watch the main character escape from that place successfully with a finishing line to his wildcat pseudo-girlfriend, who was begging him to stay and asking how would he survive out there in the Real Wild World and etc, with "it's not about surviving, it's about surviving as me," also absolutely struck a chord in me, as both a nonhuman and a survivor of abuse myself--and I think that really showcased how, at least for the main character, his nonhumanity was never something to be "cured" but was just an undeniable part of who he was all along.)
The movie was definitely only 2.5 out of 5 star material, don't get me wrong. The pacing was janky, it's filled with plotholes that require a suspension of disbelief long enough to cross the Atlantic with, several of my friends pointed out that it's rife with ableist undertones (including the idea that animality is connected to trauma), and both the villain's one-dimensional-ness and the open ending were things that I know eyebrows have been raised over. And these are only the problems I caught with it on a half-drunken first-watch while shouting at the screen with friends, mind you.
It's not a great movie-- hell, I don't even think most people would call it a good movie. But it's not the earth-shatteringly awful film I originally assumed from online backlash, either. The idea that any of us thought this was going to have a larger effect on therian and otherkin communities is, honestly, laughable. It's a nobody of a movie and I can't help but groan at myself for ever thinking it was possibly anything more than that. I regret taking people's assertions about this film at face value without watching it myself first, in all honesty. There's no way this film could find any sort of even theoretical cult following outside of niche movie buff alterhuman circles, and even then. The movie takes itself decently seriously but anyone who watches it probably won't.
So take this ramble as you will, but that's pretty solidly my perspective on Wolf (2021): overall a "meh" film with plenty to criticize, but I enjoyed watching it and it did have its moments. I think a lot of the claims made about it were over-exaggerated, but I also recognize that people are allowed to have their opinions. I'd honestly say check it out and judge it for yourselves.
One last thing: If you're easily disturbed by what's clearly psychological and physical abuse and conversion therapy, then absolutely don't watch this movie. But if that doesn't squick you out too much, I'd highly recommend watching it with a bunch of other nonhumans and alterhumans; get a bit of a virtual Howl going on and throw some popcorn at it while laughing with friends.
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misswingless · 7 years
Terrible Harry Potter fanfics Misswingless has written between the age of 10 and 14
-My own version of Beauxbatons, basically a copy of Hogwarts with houses named with google translate. Also no sign that the story takes place in France. Main charater is English.
-A buch of Rebellious (TM) Beauxbatons get expelled and are transferred to Hogwarts. Marauders era but totally modern. Marauders fall in love with the leading girls who are basically their genderswapped versions. Character names stolen from another similar fic
-Why It Is Nice To Be A Hufflepuff 101 with terrible translations of English HP memes
-Sirius Black's lost daughter returns to England to find her parents dead. Finds Bellatrix Lestrange's diary and becomes obsessed with her. Nearly gets together with Draco. Also she has white fluffy hair and a terrible Frech accent. Highkey drama
-Tonks angst. I'm pretty sure I had a repressed childhood crush on the Nym tbh. I loved to write about her suffering because of Remus. I have at least thirty oneshots about her crying. I used to be really cruel.
-Second gen AU where everybody is happy and alive and they go shopping on Diagon Alley together and it's realllly long and detailed and cheesy
-Snily angst AKA Snape falls alseep in front of the Mirror of Erised and dreams of Lily being alive and you will actually cry from reading it
-Essie Mooncrow the Queen of Tragedic Mary Sues falls in love with Draco Malfoy but she is a mudblood and there is so much angst and drama, it's a really good foreshadowing of my later life. Also how I expressed my love of Draco.
-Pre-Cursed Child second gen fanfics about Albus Potter being anxious about going to Hogwarts, Lucy Weasly suffering because of her sister's suffering and Harry and Ginny having a fourth child named Ariana Hedwig
-Pre-Fantastic Beasts fic about a girl having flashbacks of Tina Goldstein with slight otherkin and gay undertones and very bad grammar
-A Hufflepuff girl being selected for the Triwizard Tournament but she is very selfish and stupid and she gets together with an abusive Slytherin and nearly becomes a death eater. And it's all a lot like Phoenix's relationship with J was but with the main character getting saved from the trouble by their friend who secretly had a crush on her for 6 years. Lots of "accidental kiss" scenes.
My writings are actually good. But my fanfics? God save you all from reading any of them. 😂
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