#papika's rules
animebw · 9 months
The Anime Binge-Watcher's Queer Anime Ship Tournament!
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The second round approaches the end! Does one of the least-voted-on winners from the first round stand any chance against the #1 most-voted-on winner? I guess we'll see; cast your votes now!
All Round 2 Match-Ups
Rules and Full Bracket
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joshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh · 4 years
Why do you think Mimi was so hostile towards Papika? Seems cold given how good of a friend Papika was. Plus Papika has been protecting her daughter.
To be honest with you? I think it’s a case of bad writing. 
To explain myself a bit, Mimi is antagonistic towards Papika because of the little “switch” mechanic of Pure Illusion introduced in episode 6. Mimi felt Cocona was in danger, and the side of herself that operates on pure motherly instinct “switched” to be the main conscious, and that conscious wanted Cocona to be purely her own - everything else is a threat to Cocona, even Papika.
The reason I think this is dumb is because it completely goes against the established mechanics of that switch thing. It’s introduced in the Iroha episode as a way of contrasting her home life with the life she lives with her aunt - but Iroha-Papika and Iroha-Cocona are still the same Iroha - it’s not two separate consciences but rather one person split into two copies of themselves for the sake of a fun and weird little artsy story.
Switching with Mimi becomes like, this sort of multi-personality disorder that gets forced in the narrative out of basically nowhere and really poorly at that - it wants to suggest that it operates on established logic but it doesn’t, and I don’t think “oh but Pure Illusion has no rules” is even a good defence either - we just needed a contrived way to have Mimi be the villain but also a good guy at the same time. And it’s lame.
Sorry I went off a bit, but yeah the TL;DR is just “Mimi’s antagonistic because she switched to soccer mom mode”
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takerfoxx · 5 years
Flip-Flappers episode 7, first impressions!
Just when I think I have a handle on where this show is going, it completely flips the script, no pun intended.
All right, so what I figured was going to happen was that that whole business of digging around in Iroha’s subconscious and helping her with her childhood trauma would be a one-off, and future episodes would have them similarly digging through the minds of other characters or something like that. Instead, the show hits the breaks and decides to not only dig in deeper to the ramifications of having taken that excursion in the first place in how Iroha was ultimately affected, but also how that change affects our protags, as well as digging even deeper into their own psyches. 
I love it.
Now, full disclosure: I am good at a great many things when it comes to examining stories, but one aspect that I fall short in is picking up on and interpreting metaphors. My brain just works too literally, and things fly over my head (insert Drax joke here). So basically, if you present us with a vampire story, a lot of people might look into the meaning of the vampires and what they represent. Do they represent the fear of the unknown, some kind of plague, feeling like an outsider, sycophants that leech off of society, being afraid of confronting one’s true identity, etc.? 
But me? I skip over all that stuff and go straight to, “Okay, here’s the species. Here’s the rules, the benefits and drawbacks of being part of said species, and how they are commonly perceived by everyone else. How are these characters likely to react to vampires, and how is being a vampire likely to inform this character’s development, and what kind of drama can we stir up?” Basically, if you present me with a flying, talking bookshelf, I’m going to completely ignore what that bookshelf is likely to represent on a metaphorical level and go right to wondering what being a flying, talking bookshelf means to said flying, talking bookshelf. 
Normally this works okay, but with a show like Flip-Flappers, which is loaded with metaphorical subtext, this can be a problem when it comes to figuring out theme and subtext. 
So...I’ve been cheating a little. I’ve been reading up on the original reaction threads to the episodes on reddit and getting their help with interpretations and seeing which theory I like the best.
Hey, we work with what we got.
So, here’s our scenario: Cocona is having second thoughts about having changed Iroha. On the one hand, her senpai is now happier and better adjusted, having finally come to terms with her guilt (thanks to Cocona and Papika essentially acting as her id and ego), but on the other hand, artistic expression was her way of coping with her guilt, and with her guilt now gone, she has lost interest in painting.
And Cocona hates this.
See, Cocona was someone who was frustrated with her own lack of passion and ambition, so she really looked up to the incredibly creative and driven Iroha. But now that she’s accidentally destroyed what she loved most about Iroha, she wants to go back and set things back to the way they were. 
This leads to an interesting conundrum: on the one hand, Cocona’s motivations are entirely selfish, and it can’t be argued that Iroha might be better off now. She’s free from her guilt, she’s outside talking to people and socializing, and might be happier and healthier than she had been, even if it costs her her precious art. But on the other hand, Cocona may have a point. Iroha didn’t work through her trauma on her own, Cocona and Papika did it for her, essentially robbing her of her agency. And traumas and mistakes are just as important to building someone’s character as good experiences, and forcibly taking them away might not be for the best.
Unfortunately for Cocona, she isn’t given the opportunity to do anything about it, as she’s instead forced to confront her own issues. Namely, how does she view Papika? This is something I really like about the show. Every time I have a complaint or quibble, the show itself addresses the problem and makes it part of the plot. It seems weird that Cocona is just passively going along with everything? Yayaka agrees, and calls her out on it. Cocona and Papika’s relationship seems a little too yuribait-y? Here’s an episode deconstructing that very trope, and now Cocona needs to think really hard about what Papika means to her, namely by being stuck in a Pure Illusion mock-up of her home town inhabited by only her and several alternate versions of Papika that come and go, each one representing a different kind of relationship.
We have the adoring little sister Papika, the prettyboy classmate Papika, the hikikomori Papika, the bad boy rebel Papika, the enthusiastic best friend Papika, and...oh my God...the seductive lesbian devil Papika, who cuts straight through the bullshit and asks Cocona if she wants to fuck. That was...interesting, to say the least.
But in the end, Cocona ends up rejecting all of them. Because she’s not looking for these alternate Papika and what they can offer her, she wants the real one. Who finally comes to her when a weirdass hole opens beneath Cocona and Papika shows up to save the day in her Yellow Submarine-esque abandoned pipe thing. Which begs the question: does Papika live in that pipe or something? Is that why it was already decked out during their camping trip?
Anyway, that Cocona and Papika are two halves of the same whole is already well established, and the whole Id and Ego parallels are pretty blatant. But I’m starting to wonder if there is more to it than that. Like, is Papika a real person at all? I mean, she is, we’ve had enough solo outings with her to establish that. But might she be a being from Pure Illusion, like maybe the embodiment of Cocona’s suppressed Id?
This theory seems to be unraveled when Papika has a flashback to her own buried memories about someone named “Mimi,” the identity of which is still unknown. Though I suppose Mimi could very well be the girl in the boat from Cocona’s dreams, and she was split into two beings, that being Cocona and Papika. I suppose that will be explored later. Though what was up with that guy behind the tree?
Also on the Yayaka front, it seems that despite acting like team leader, she isn’t really respected much in her own organization, whereas the twins, who might be artificial beings themselves, very much are. Curious.
Also, I laughed my ass off when Cocona suddenly puts two and two together and is like, “Oh shit. This is Pure Illusion, isn’t it?” And prettyboy Papika is all like, “No shit, Sherlock.”
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infiniteraptor · 6 years
20 questions tag!
20 Questions Tag!
I was tagged by @jembsimblr Thank you!
Rules: answer 20 questions and tag 20 people you wanna know better! ( i will not tag 20 people)
Name: JenTob 
Zodiac Sign: Cancer, my birthday is 8th july
Height: 5'10 or 178 cm
Language Spoken: Swedish and English
Nationality: Swedish
Favorite Fruit: None
Favorite Scent: My partner but also chocolate
Favorite Color: Purple
Favorite Animal: Do dinosaurs count?
Dogs or cats: Caaaaaats
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: ALL OF THEM DON’T MAKE ME CHOOSE
Favorite Fictional Character: I actually really like Papika from Flip Flappers (odd anime) but also most of steven universe’s characters!
Dream Trip: I’m not much of a traveler. But it would be fun to go to a country where my online friends live and meet them!
When was your blog created: 20th may 2017
Last Movie Watched: No idea
Song I’ve had on repeat: Grace Kelly by MIKA
Favorite Candy: OLW cheeseballs
Favorite Holiday: Halloween! Even though it’s not really celebrated that much here
I’m tagging all these lovely people, so go check them out! 
@ametrinesims @berrysweetplumbob @turtlewpbt @yuuletidesimming @jess-s-plumbob @auralixx @littlenoobooplumbobs @prism-pop
Love you all! ❤
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recentanimenews · 7 years
Seciton23 Announces February Anime And Tokusatsu Releases
Home video distributor Section23 Films today announced its February slate of releases which includes Sentai Filmworks’ otherworldly adventure series, FLIP FLAPPERS! The Complete Collection will be available on Blu-ray and a Limited Edition Premium Box Set - there's also some tokusatsu with another entry in the Garo franchsise.  
    Title:                 FOOD WARS! ~ THE SECOND PLATE
Published by:    Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         325 min.
Street Date:      2/13/2018
Format:             BD, DVD, COMBO
Language:         English & Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $99.98, $79.98, $199.98
  SYNOPSIS:  At the Tohtsuki Culinary Academy, the first rule is survival of the fittest, and if you don't have what it takes to become a master chef, you need to get out of the kitchen before you get burned. With the wheat of first-year students separated from the chaff, cocky former diner cook Yukihira Soma is one of the handful of kitchen whizzes still standing. As the next round of the Autumn Elections gets underway, can he survive a brutal bento boxing match with the chemistry-obsessed granddaughter of the Academy's director? And which of the other contenders; Megumi, Ryo, Akira, Hisako, Takumi or sinister dark-horse Subaru; will advance to fight for the gold medal? Get ready for another cut-throat season of eat, beat, and defeat in FOOD WARS! THE SECOND PLATE!
      Title:                 GARO: KIBA - THE DARK KNIGHT! BLU-RAY
Published by:    Kraken Releasing
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         50 min.
Street Date:      2/20/2018
Format:             BD
Language:         Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $19.98
  SYNOPSIS:  He was born the child of a Makai Knight and a Makai Priestess. He trained to become a Makai Knight and fight the nightmarish creatures known as Horrors. Everything changed when the forces of evil intervened and stole everything he loved, the man who was once named Barago turned to a darker path. Learning to hate everything he once cherished, and twisting his oaths and armor to a new, sinister purpose, he makes a monstrous bargain with the ultimate Horror and betrays the Makai Knights! Now, in a spectacular stand-alone side adventure, the dark Genesis of one of GARO's most formidable villains is revealed in GARO: KIBA - THE DARK KNIGHT!
      Title:                 NON NON BIYORI COMPLETE BLU-RAY
Published by:    Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         600 min.
Street Date:      2/20/2018
Format:             BD
Language:         Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $79.98
  SYNOPSIS:  When Hotaru moves from Tokyo to a tiny town in the rural countryside, she's in for some serious culture shock: the nearest place that sells comics is 20 minutes away, the nearest video store is ten train stations down the line, and there are only three other girls and one boy in her entire school! Even though everything's so different, there's something about the laid-back atmosphere that makes her feel strangely comfortable. While she'll certainly miss parts of her old life, there's a whole lifetime of experiences waiting to be enjoyed with her new friends Renge, Komari, Natsumi, and Suguru! In the end, it's who you're with, not where you are, that makes a place your home in NON NON BIYORI and NON NON BIYORI REPEAT!
      Title:                 FLIP FLAPPERS! COMPLETE COLLECTION
Published by:    Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         325 min.
Street Date:      2/27/2018
Format:             BD, PBS
Language:         English & Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $69.98, $149.98
  SYNOPSIS:  As a middle school student, Cocona has been trying to decide what to do with her life. Magical Girl, however, wasn't a career path that she'd ever considered. When suddenly a strange girl named Papika thrusts her into a secret organization called Flip Flap, Cocona's outlook does a radical flip-flop. Her views start to change when she is dragged into an alternate dimension called Pure Illusion where she's charged with gathering crystal shards and fighting strange creatures. Now, between running missions and facing off against a rival organization, Cocona doesn't have much time to consider alternate career choices. What are these shards, and why is gathering them so important? There's a mystery to be solved and multiple worlds to be saved in FLIP FLAPPERS!
      ------ Follow on Twitter at @aicnanime
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whiteclericmaris · 7 years
Tagged by @seruspica (Thanks!)
Rules: Answer the following questions and tag 9 people
Name:  Maris or Watcher
Star sign: Virgo
Average hours of sleep: Between 7-9 hours lately I slept less than that.
Lucky number:  4
Last thing I googled: ‘pokemon sun and moon special read online’ I found a link that had all of the special manga chapters and read Sun and Moon before reading X&Y
Favourite Fiction Character:  Yuya, Shun Kurosaki, Papika, Cocona, Midoriya Izuku, Uraraka Ochacko, Yugi Mutou (Not Yami Yugi), Joey Wheeler the Man, Gon, Clemont/Citron and some others.
What are you wearing right now: A grey shirt and some sweatpants with black socks
When did you start this blog: April 6, 2016 (For the Arc-V 30 Day Challenge)
Amount of followers: 286 (Woah... did not expect that many)
What do I post: Personal texts with feelings at the moment of how I feel about a particular subject. As for reblogs usually Arc-V stuff but lately a lot of animals and especially pink tones. I usually reblog anime that I have watched.
Do I run any more blogs: Nope, it’s always been this one blog
Do I get a lot of asks: Not in particular. I do get some ask from ask memes but that’s about it. I do respond as soon as possible though.
Why did I choose this URL: All the tumblr example names given seemed descriptive/noun when making my account. (actualgenius for example) so I took that formatting and decided on colorfulwatcher since I usually watch colorful stuff in anime or any medium.
I don’t think I am going to tag anyone but you are welcome to do this if you like.
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psychoelectric-erio · 7 years
About post thing
I don’t usually do posts like this, but since I been tagged I figured “what the hey”
Tagged by @rockyisidore Rules: tag 9 people you’d like to know more about Relationship status: Single Favorite color: Lime Green and Purple Chapstick or lipstick: neither Last song I listened to: The Night Begins to Shine by B.E.R. Last movie seen: Spider-Man: Homecoming Top 3 Fictional Characters: Erio Touwa (Ground Control to Psychoelectric Girl), Yoshino (Date A Live), Kosaki Onodera (Nisekoi) Three ships: Homura x Madoka, Aki x Kato, Cocona x Papika Tagging: @theoneshotwonder @nightmarenear @askshslentomologist-blog @psiwind @thesavviedrew @powertopsenpai @reuniclus @kitsunemido @wholesome-australian
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09nerorelatable · 7 years
so I was tagged by @nanbahcs thanks! The rules are you have to name 10 different OTPs from 10 different fandoms and then tag 10 people 1. Musashi x Kenshirou (nanbaka)
2. Blackmore x Funny Valentine (jjba)
3. Pitou x Kite (hxh)
4. Ryouta x Nageki (hatoful boyfriend)
5. Ike x Soren (Fire emblem)
6. Celica x Mae (Fire emblem) (two did games it counts >:0)
7. Mitsuhide x Nobunaga (Sengoku basara)
8. Jia Xu x Guo Jia (Dynasty warriors)
9. Hanzo x Nene (Samurai warriors)
10. Papika x Cocona (Flip flappers) Tagging @p1mc that's it lol
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sparkling-shizuku · 7 years
Tagged by @koali-kajipo!! Thank you!! Rule: List your 10 fave character! 1. Izumi Kohei (World Trigger) 2. Mikumo Osamu (World Trigger) 3. Miki Sayaka (Puella Magi Madoka Magica) 4. Yuki Yuuna (Yuki Yuna is a Hero) 5. Papika (Flip Flappers) 6. N Harmonia (Pokemon) 7. Diamond (Houseki No Kuni) 8. Ichinose Hajime (Gatchaman Crowds) 9. Konami Kirie (World Trigger) 10. Kaname Madoka (Puella Magi Madoka Magica) I tag: @la-muerte-roja @lesbianrosso @thecloudheaded @foreverowl-forevernight @kingprochan!!
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spectrumsound-blog · 7 years
rules: tell us some of your favorite characters from ten fictional works.
haise sasaki / kaneki ken - tokyo ghoul :re.
mao - hamatora
velnar - chain chronicle
jaehee kang - mystic messenger
noctis lucis caelum - final fantasy xv
hinoka hoshido - fire emblem fates
shizuo heiwajima - durarara!!
papika - flip flappers
mika kagehira - ensemble stars
sarutobi sasuke - sengoku basara
tagged by: @unoxidize (thank you, jianyu ♥) tagging: @akebara, @omindlessdepravity, @ghoulpatch, @falsequerade, uh,, @queensoath, whomever else may want to do this!
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saotome-michi · 7 years
I'm someone who agrees with your opinion on yoi completely! A lot of my friends are big fans so I don't really have anyone to discuss my issues of representation with seriously, so I'm happy to have found your blog!!! Also, what are your opinions on Flip Flappers and their LGBT representation?
Hello! Sorry for the late reply, wanted to finish watching Flip Flappers before I answered your ask ;) also I’m glad you’re enjoying my blog and yoi criticism posts!
I’m not 100% sure what you mean by your question though. Are you asking whether I think Flip Flappers is LGBT rep? Or are you asking about how I think Flip Flappers depicts Papika/Cocona’s relationship?
If its the former, I’ve talked about how anime is a gray area when it comes to lgbt representation. Particularly shinya anime. It’s just not on the same scale as tv dramas or mainstream movies or books (that are not marketed as BL or GL). So while there are probably Japanese wlws who love Cocona and Papika’s story to most Japanese ppl it just doesn’t really “register” as LGBT representation, y'know? Especially since Yuri at this point is a well-established genre.
You can kind of see that in this interview with the Flip Flappers Director, Oshiyama Kiyotaka (https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/5m1p17/an_interview_with_flip_flappers_director_kiyotaka/) Note the way he talks about yuri, as something “viewers nowadays find easy to hook into” with its own rules and conventions that one shouldn’t break.
If it’s the latter that you’re asking about however, I can talk about Papika/Cocona and yuri references. I recommend that you first read a post I made on yuri media recently, including the article that I link to in that post.
Post: ( http://saotome-michi.tumblr.com/post/157599879119/i-got-these-two-similar-asks-so-i-thought-id)
Finished reading? Cool, let’s move on to Flip Flappers.
Flip Flappers is a moe anime with really obvious yuri themes and references for yuri fans. The setting has no boys who are Cocona’s age and few important male characters,and the Papika/Cocona relationship is sprinkled with romantic undertones.
The main theme in the anime is Cocona’s fear of making her own decisions and failing. For example, Episode 3 with the desert land has Cocona running into a goddess(?) who just oozes the ero sadomasochist yuri archetype. Her interactions with Cocona warn us of Cocona’s desire to submit. Not sexually, but just submit in every way possible by letting someone else take the reins and make the decisions for her, which foreshadows what Mimi does towards the end of the series. Similarly, Episode 5, which is chock full of Class S Yuri references, from the all girls school to the constant lily imagery, has Cocona and Papika fall into a loop where they become passive participants in the dimension.
Ep 7 is the fan-favorite episode for Papika/Cocona. I’ve seen meta posts here on tumblr saying that its about Cocona struggling to leave the closet which was ?? to me tbh. I can understand why people interpret it that way, but to me this episode was strictly about Cocona’s lack of confidence in herself and her relationship with Papika, placed in the format of a dating sim/otome game. At the beginning of the episode, Cocona is scared that her actions in PI have caused Iroha senpai to change. This causes her to lack faith in herself and Cocona, which is why the PI in this episode is a world that doesn’t change, where Cocona and the different Papikas can do whatever without fearing the consequences of their actions. However, after spending time with the different Papikas, Cocona realizes that such a world is not worth it. She’d rather stride forward, knowing Papika will always catch her, and live with the consequences.
Sidenote: You know that nail clippers scene in ep 7 that ppl on reddit/tumblr were saying was a sign of lesbianism? I actually thought of the Japanese horror legend thing that goes “Don’t cut your nails at night otherwise your parents will die and you’ll never see them again” especially with the creepy Papika in the scene (btw this legend freaked me out as a kid I never clipped my nails at night) Thought it was a hint that Salt was Cocona’s dad. But as it turns out, they literally just put the nail clippers there for fun lmao. No deep meaning to it at all, they just brainstormed what could be in the desk and someone suggested nail clippers and that was apparently the most interesting idea they had. Source: https://mobile.twitter.com/315ByFFK/status/819949388134957060
I’m not denying that a part of Cocona’s journey is acknowledging her ~sexuality~ but I disagree with those who focus solely on that. On a more basic level it’s about Cocona finding the courage to make her own decisions and Papika helping her do that, by assuring her she’s not alone and by pointing out the ways their world is fun. Hence why the PI at the very end of ep 13 is a dull, drab world- because Cocona thinks that its a world without Papika.
But now that I’ve finally finished Flip Flappers I’m wondering if there’s PapiCoco fic that actually acknowledges that Papika is mentally around 18 years older than Cocona and is besties with her parents. Where is that fic, I would like to read it.
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animebw · 9 months
The Anime Binge-Watcher's Queer Anime Ship Tournament!
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The first round approaches its end! Two queer coming of age stories face off in this poll, one a psychadelic acid trip and the other a grounded, naturalistic slice of life. Which will come out on top? Cast your votes now!
All Round 1 Match-Ups
Rules and Full Bracket
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joshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh · 4 years
Do you think Cocona, Papika, and Yayaka can be considered a Freudian Trio?
So I was familiar with the ideas of id, ego and superego before receiving this ask, but read this page to brush up on my knowledge a little bit, just because they’re fairly difficult concepts to grasp. I’d also never heard the term “Freudian Trio” so read this page to give myself an idea.
And I think my answer to your question is a nice “yeah, kinda”.
Papika’s super obviously the id here, acting almost entirely on instant gratification and raw instinct for most of the show. I don’t think there’s even really any debating that part. Though in reading this Reddit post which I also consulted uh, a lot for this answer, a critique of this idea is that the id is a static entity, but Papika does kind of change throughout the show and, through hanging with Cocona, does sort of realise the consequences her impulsiveness can have. That’s part of why my answer is only a “kinda”.
Next is Yayaka, who fits closest to superego. She works for Asclepius whose goal is to control Pure Illusion, which she does because she things it’ll benefit the world at large, and she even tries to convince Cocona and Papika for help in I believe episode 4? Maybe 5? I can’t remember. Anyway what that suggests is that Yayaka’s mindset is one that works towards a sense of moral good, not necessarily confined by the realism always present in the way more grounded mentality of Cocona. Also she clashes with Papika for most of the show, which apparently id and superego are prone to doing. This kind of falls apart in the same place as Papika being id does though, in that superego is a static entity which Yayaka most definitely isn’t, she also grows and changes and beyond that, actually can’t follow through with her moralistic goals of working with Asclepius since doing so would harm Cocona. Once again, answer’s a “kinda”.
And Cocona is of course thus ego. Ego apparently also wants to be able to seek pleasure, but is way more concerned with rules and societal norms, which I think is extremely obviously applicable to Cocona. Ego also acts as something of a mediator between id and superego which befits Cocona’s relationship with Yayaka and Papika, seeing as how she can get along with both but neither can get along with the other. Plus, the ego isn’t static, so Cocona is actually allowed to develop as a character under this assumption, and does. Instead where this one kinda loses traction is in the article I linked to earlier stating that ego has no concept of right or wrong and acts purely hedonistically. This is quite obviously bullshit, also I think weirdly contradictory? Cocona’s super concerned with morals like, all the time, and the article also states that the ego will continuously think up plans of action if a plan does fail, until a solution is reached, but Cocona, especially early on in the series, seems to kind of give up and just feel confused and isolated whenever something like that happens. Eh, Freud’s a fraud anyway. So still just “kinda”.
So in conclusion I think Cocona, Papika and Yayaka do indeed have core elements of ego, id and superego respectively, and since the series has such a deliberate connection to psychosexuality and therapy and stuff like that, I have no doubt that this was intentional. But the characters all grow and change to become more than just that, so it’s probably best to say that they started out as a Freudian trio but are deliberately developed so to no longer remain one.
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takerfoxx · 5 years
Episode 1 of Flip-Flappers, first impressions!
Fun, weird, gay, and can and probably will get brutal. I like.
Papika is totally a Manic Pixie Dream Girl. Like, the eccentric free spirited lady with little regard for the rules who pretty much hijacks the dead-end protagonist out of their boring life and introduces them to a life of adventure and wonder. Normally this would be eye-rolling, but the fact that it’s a girl she’s pretty much forcing into her adventure and not a guy...kind of changes the dynamic? I mean, it does side-step the kindy icky implications by doing so, and she is a lot of fun, so...
Ah, I’m gonna stop trying to reason this out. It’s fun, she’s fun, so I’m here for it.
Why is she randomly stripping though? I mean, I’m not complaining, but...
Cocona is weirdly okay with being essentially kidnapped by the crazy surfboard lady. I mean, she’s a little bewildered, but never really raises a fuss. Huh.
And apparently she’s also a Sailor Scout when she gets upset, and becomes such from the power of her...glowing vagina?
Come with me, and you’ll be, in a world of Pure Illusion. 
I’m a little confused as to what Papika’s deal is? I mean, she sought out Cocona for a reason, and apparently Cocona has some sort of connection to Mr. Scary Glasses, but after finding her she just decides to drag her along to go play in the snow instead of doing...whatever the fuck her mission was supposed to be. It does seem that Papika has a connection to those Mission Control guys, who in turn also have a connection to Mr. Scary Glasses, so there’s a little who’s the good guy, who’s the bad guy thing going on. Whatever, more will probably be revealed in time.
That robot is giving me Kyubey vibes. I mean, I’m sure he’s fine, but PMMM has conditioned me to regard cute mascots with suspicion. Also, tf is up with that brain?
What’s with that post-apocalyptic thing that the snow land had going on? Was that important? 
Also, after passing through LSD land, Papika happily remarks that she’s glad that Cocona survived the trip. Um...was that somehow...in doubt?
Was it really a good idea to include plot relevant stuff after the ending credits? I mean, I only stayed on out of curiosity, and if I had bounced I would have missed it.
TBH, I know this show will get darker and more serious with that whole mystery angle, but if it did just decide to go the route of twelve episodes of those two just hopping down warp pipes and having wacky adventures, I’d still be down for it.
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mimiteyy · 7 years
was tagged by @anqel-cakes !! (ty ilyy)
♡ rules: answer the questions and tag 20 blogs you’d like to know better
♡ sign: leo 
♡ height: 5′4
♡ last thing googled: cat tree plans
♡ favorite music artist: do vocaloids,, count as music artists,,,,,,,,,gumi
♡ last TV show watched: it’s a web show but RWBY??
♡ when did I create my blog: June 2014!
♡ what kind of stuff do I post about: garbage and sometimes art
♡ do I have any other blogs: a pink/pastel blog, a blog for a comic i gave up on, n 2 fandom blogs i never use
♡ do I get asks regularly: i’ve been getting more asks lately but usually nope!
♡ why did I choose my url: i wanted a Cool Variation of my nickname that was not my first url
♡ gender: girl
♡ pokemon team: if this is for GO then instinct!!!
♡ favorite colors: lavender, teal, pastel pink, navy blue, like tht mustard/kinda earthy yellow?? hell yeah
♡ average hours of sleep: 10 hours i need 2 hibernate
♡ favorite characters: sailor moon, sailor mercury, nepeta leijon, rapunzel, papika, penny polendina, stargirl caraway, etc etc,,
♡ dream job: an animator!!
I tag, @leijon @pokekmon @mccreefucker @cecil-the-tea-man @aapotskinaisahkomaapi @mysteriousacorn @plushest-of-bums @strangeauthor @scarftown @pharah @batterlass @traumatizedofficial @lesbianpkmn thaaaats not 20 but it’s close
(U don’t gotta do it tho, n if u wanted to but weren’t tagged just say i tagged u s’cool!!!)
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sugoi-mydude · 7 years
Rules: Answer the questions and tag 20 blogs you’d like to get to know better! Tagged by @ghostlyboop thanks friend! Nicknames: Don't really have one, my parents call me Kate and occasionally my best friend refers to me as Katie Cat but I think she just really likes cats Star sign: Aquarius! I'm a mermaid Height: 5'2" Time right now: 10:41am last thing I googled: TREAT YO SELF Fav music artist: Probably AFI or My Chen but I can't really choose Song stuck in my head: https://youtu.be/cQFpx8Xrk3Q I'm garbage I know lmao Last Movie I watched: John Wick 2 Last TV show I watched: Ajin: Demi human What I’m wearing right now: pj pants and a ratty old t shirt, I'm a true fashion inspiration When I created this blog: I don't remember Do I have any other blogs: we don't talk about those Do I get asks regularly: noooooope :] dunno if I've gotten any on this blog Why did I choose my URL: because I'm a trash can Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff Pokemon Team: not sure what kind of teams it's referring to but my pokemon go team is mystic, my favorite team is skull cause they're so goofy, and as for a team of pokemon, I'd choose Lurantis, Drifblim, Gourgeist, Sylveon, Cincinno and Flaafy Fav Color: I love every color except orange Average hours of sleep: probably around 9 so pretty average Lucky Number: 7! Fav Characters: LAVI BOOKMAN. My forever boy. Also Best girl Rem, Papika from flip flappers, and Umaru Numbers of blankets I sleep with: depends, I'm super finicky about my body temperature it's obnoxious Dream Job: Hmmmm I used to want to be a tattoo artist but now I have no idea what I want to dooo Following: 950 Tagging! @adorkfromnewyork @gypsysaint777 @dream-x-harder
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