#paul hoppe
eohoppeofficial · 4 months
Tumblr media
Paul Robeson, 1926.
©E.O. Hoppe Estate Collection
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vigilantkatholixx · 10 days
A Brief Introduction
A Handbook of Traditional Living
II. First Steps
Julius Evola – Men Among the Ruins Rene Guenon – The Reign of Quantity and The Sign of the Times Hans Herman Hoppe – Democracy: The God That Failed Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn – The Menace of the Herd Anthony Ludovici – A Defence of Aristocracy Plinio Correa de Oliveira – Revolution and Counter-Revolution Thomas Carlyle – Heroes and Hero Worship
III. Beyond the Pale
Oswald Spengler – The Decline of the West Francis Parker Yockey – Imperium: The Philosophy of History and Politics Julius Evola – Revolt Against the Modern World Rene Guenon – The Crisis of the Modern World Carl Schmitt – Political Theology Ricardo Duchesne – The Uniqueness of Western Civilization Eric Voegelin – From Enlightenment to Revolution Eric Voegelin – Modernity Without Restraint José Ortega y Gasset – The Revolt of the Masses
IV. Further Explorations
Julius Evola – Ride the Tiger Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn – Liberty or Equality Satoshi Kanazawa – The Intelligence Paradox H.L. Mencken – Notes on Democracy Arthur Moeller van den Bruck – Germany’s Third Empire David Stove – On Enlightenment Christopher Lasch – The Culture of Narcissism Paul Johnson – Intellectuals Theodore Dalrymple – Our Culture, What’s Left of It Theodore Dalrymple – Life at the Bottom Thomas Sowell – Affirmative Action Around the World Wyndham Lewis – Time and Western Man Kevin Macdonald – The Culture of Critique
V. High Culture
Roger Scruton – Beauty Roger Scruton – The Aesthetics of Architecture Roger Scruton – Understanding Music Matthew Arnold – Culture and Anarchy Harold Bloom – The Western Canon
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𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄: 𝐇𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐬
1838: the name “protein” (from the Greek proteios, “primary”) was suggested by Berzelius for the complex nitrogen-rich substance found in the cells of all animals and plants.
1819–1904: Most of the 20 common amino acids found in proteins were discovered.
1864: Hoppe-Seyler crystallized, and named the protein hemoglobin.
1894: Fischer proposed a lock-and-key analogy for enzyme-substrate interactions.
1897: Buchner and Buchner showed that cell-free extracts of yeast can ferment sucrose to form carbon dioxide and ethanol, thereby laying the foundations of enzymology.
1926: Sumner crystallized urease in pure form, demonstrating that proteins could possess the catalytic activity of enzymes; Svedberg developed the first analytical ultracentrifuge and used it to estimate the correct molecular weight of hemoglobin.
1933: Tiselius introduced electrophoresis for separating proteins in solution.
1934: Bernal and Crowfoot presented the first detailed X-ray diffraction patterns of a protein, obtained from crystals of the enzyme pepsin.
1942: Martin and Synge developed chromatography, a technique now widely used to separate proteins.
1951: Pauling and Corey proposed the structure of a helical conformation of a chain of amino acids—the α-helix—and the structure of the β-sheet, both of which were later found in many proteins.
1955: Sanger obtained the amino acid sequence of insulin, the first protein whose amino acid sequence was determined.
1956: Ingram produced the first protein fingerprints, showing that the difference between sickle-cell hemoglobin and normal hemoglobin is due to a change in single amino acid.
1960: Kendrew described the first detailed three-dimensional structure of a protein (sperm whale myoglobin) to a resolution of 0.2 nm, and perutz proposed a lower-resolution structure for hemoglobin.
1963: Monod, Jacob, and Changeux recognized that many enzymes are regulated through allosteric changes in their conformation.
For more read: Essential Cell Biology
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infectedpaul · 7 months
yeah paul its not a hard question is judy hopps fuckable
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hornykissinger · 9 months
Debate me like its 2009
I'm finding myself extremely nostalgic for the tumblr/reddit discourse culture that was so common in the late 2000s and early 2010s.
It's possible, maybe even likely, that were better off as a whole having left it behind. Social media is worse than its ever been, and the left doesn't feel nearly as intellectual, but it does seem a lot more grounded and focused on pragmatic action. (unionization, spontaneous protest)
That being said, it was just so damn fun, and it gave me the drive to read a lot more political theory than I've been reading lately. So if you like making long effort posts about Rosa Luxembourg, Hans-Hermann Hoppe, György Lukács, Paul Bremer, or some other activist-intellectual/repugnant demon and you want more engagement, follow me and I'll follow you back!
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gwydionmisha · 2 years
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bunkerblogwebradio · 2 years
Somente as democracias permitem que autores as critiquem
Reflexão a respeito de alguns dos mais famosos autores sobre política do mundo ocidental nos últimos dois séculos. Todos são oriundos da liberdade de expressão concebida pelas mais diversas democracias liberais pelo mundo. Pode pesquisar: o que têm em comum os autores Zygmunt Bauman, Domenico Losurdo, Alain Badiou, Slavoj Zizek, Ayn Rand, Hannah Arendt, Simone de Beauvoir, Theodor Adorno, Herbert Marcuse, Michel Foucault, Félix Guattari, Gilles Deleuze, Jean-Paul Sartre, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Jacques Le Goff, Georges Duby, Ludwig Von Mises, Murray Rothbard, Hans Hermann-Hoppe, Karl Marx e vários outros para evitar gastar mais e mais linhas com nomes? Todos eles são oriundos de uma democracia liberal ou encontraram refúgio nas mesmas para escrever sobre suas ideias.
Independentemente de suas ideias, propostas e concepções sobre uma democracia, é claro notar que todos estes encontraram o refúgio ideal para sua fama e legado nas diversas democracias liberais. O ponto de seu pensamento crítico pode ser ampliado aos limites que só são permitidos pela liberdade de expressão garantida por democracias liberais.
Selecionamos como exemplo os mais diversos autores marxistas que eu mencionei acima: começando com o pai de todos, Karl Marx, que, nascido na Prússia, fora perseguido na juventude pelo Kaiser por suas críticas ao sistema judicial alemão em um sistema plutocrático, porém encontrou refúgio próspero para produzir sua ideologia e sua ideia de ditadura do proletariado nas livres França e Inglaterra Vitoriana.
Sartre foi o maior defensor do stalinismo e do maoísmo do ocidente durante o século XX, porém fez isso não de Moscou ou de Pequim, mas sim de sua sala confortável na Sorbonne, em Paris, onde a liberdade de cátedra da universidade dava níveis de liberdade maiores do que em qualquer lugar do mundo na época.
Maurice Merleau-Ponty, assim como Sartre, fora defensor do stalinismo; porém, quando Nikita Kruschev expôs ao mundo os horrores do stalinismo, o filósofo existencialista francês abandonou a doutrina e se tornou um crítico da mesma. Entretanto, tal qual seu contemporâneo Sartre, se opôs dentro de sua sala na Sorbonne, uma vez que em Moscou seria um convite ao Gulag.
Theodor Adorno e Herbert Marcuse, expoentes neomarxistas da Escola de Frankfurt, encontraram terreno próspero para suas ideias na Universidade da mesma cidade que leva o nome de sua escola, na Alemanha Ocidental, país construído nas bases democráticas ordoliberais de Konrad Adenauer em contraparte à sua metade soviética, responsável pela perseguição massiva de intelectuais pela Stasi. O antigo professor de ambos, Walter Benjamin, criador da escola, por outro lado, foi levado ao exílio, após a ascensão de Hitler, na livre França com a ascensão de Hitler, e posteriormente levado ao suicídio pela invasão do mesmo a Paris em 1940.
Tudo isso apenas mencionando seguidores marxistas.
Quando se trata dos libertários críticos da democracia, o padrão aumenta exponencialmente. Murray Rothbard foi professor universitário nos EUA, expoente da democracia liberal do século XX, enquanto criticava a existência da mesma nos moldes do país que lhe permitia essa liberdade.
Já Hans Hermann-Hoppe, libertário contemporâneo, dissertou em um livro sobre como a democracia liberal é ruim enquanto é professor universitário na mesma Alemanha que permitiu a Adorno e Marcuse serem livres para defender seu neomarxismo. Hoppe vai além e defende uma preferência por uma monarquia absoluta sobre uma democracia liberal. Enquanto filósofos políticos do século XVIII, como Voltaire, principal defensor da liberdade de pensamento, foi um dos elementos mais perseguidos por criticar o exercício de poder absurdo do monarca em seu tempo, precisando diversas vezes ser exilado de sua terra natal por tais críticas.
Estes autores podem criticar e até mesmo desmerecer o papel da democracia liberal em duas coisas: na ascensão da liberdade geral e na permissão de suas ideias contra a mesma prosperarem sem oposição coercitiva; mas todos sabemos que os benefícios gerais da democracia liberal permitem que possamos fazer estas colocações e observações sobre a mesma, coisa que qualquer outro regime impede de realizar.
Diante dessa breve reflexão e exposição, contatamos que o Brasil não se enquadra em uma democracia plena, mas uma democracia parcial e repleta de remendos favorecendo e mantendo pulhas políticos no poder.
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brookston · 4 months
Holidays 1.15
Alpha Kappa Alpha Day
Arbor Day (Egypt, Florida, Jordan, Lousiana)
Armed Forces Remembrance Day (Nigeria)
Army Day (India)
Basketball Rules Day
British Museum Day (UK)
Commemoration Day of the Genocide Against Albanians (Kosovo)
Composer Day (Mexico)
Democratic Donkey Day
Esquipulas (Guatemala)
4-H Day
George Price Day (Belize)
Guster Day (Boston, Massachusetts)
Halfway Point of Meteorological Winter
Happy Days Day
International Free Agent Signing Day (Baseball)
International Vote from Abroad Day
John Chilembwe Day (Malawi)
Korean Alphabet Day (a.k.a. Chosen-gul)
Massage Parlor Day
Miracle on the Hudson Day
Moliere Day (France)
Museum Day (UK)
National Eskimo Dog Day
National Go and Do Good Day
National Hat Day
National Humanitarian Day
National Kayla Day
National Twitter Day
National Zombies Day
Ocean Duty Day (Indonesia)
Procrastinator’s New Year
Sagichō at Tsurugaoka Hachimangū (Kamakura, Japan)
South Wind’s Prayer (Elder Scrolls)
Space Mountain Day
Super Bowl Anniversary Day
Teacher’s Day (Venezuela)
Thank Your Mentor Day
Tin Day (French Republic)
Tree Planting Day (Egypt)
Tulpanens Dag (a.k.a. Tulip Day; Sweden)
Wikipedia Day
Willie Hoppe Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Craft-Brew Day (Berkeley, California)
National Bagel Day (a.k.a. Bagels and Lox Day)
National Booth Day
National Fresh Squeezed Juice Day
Strawberry Ice Cream Day
Wassailing the Apple Trees
3rd Monday in January
Auld Hansel Monday (Scotland) [Monday after 12th]
Brew Monday (UK) [3rd Monday]
Earl Grey Day [3rd Monday]
Elementary School Teacher Day [3rd Monday]
Humanitarian Day [3rd Monday]
Human Relations Day [3rd Monday]
Human Rights Day (Idaho) [3rd Monday]
John Chilembwe Day observed (Malawi) [Monday closest to 1.15]
Junk-Food News Stories Day [3rd Monday]
Martin Luther King Jr. Day (a.k.a. MLK Day, King Day) [3rd Monday]
National Crowd Feed Day [3rd Monday]
National Day of Service [3rd Monday]
National Pothole Day (UK) [Closest Weekday to 15th]
Robert E. Lee Day (Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi) [3rd Monday]
Independence & Related Days
Commonwealth of Abrus (Declared; 2016) [unrecognized]
International Recognition Day (Croatia)
Festivals Beginning January 15, 2024
Camel Festival (Birkaner, India) [thru 1.16]
Primetime Emmy Awards (Los Angeles, California)
Restaurant Week (San Antonio, Texas) [thru 1.27]
Southern California Slack Key Festival (Redondo Beach, California)
Feast Days
Abeluzius (Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church)
Arnold Janssen (Christian; Saint)
Ask the Minotaur Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Black Christ of Esquipulas Day (Guatemala)
Bonitus (Christian; Saint)
Calybite (Christian; Saint)
Carmentalia (Old Roman Festival to Porrima and Postverta)
Feast of the Abbot of Unreason
Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller (Artology; Saint)
Fo-Hi (Positivist; Saint)
The Fragglettes (Muppetism)
Frances Benjamin Johnston (Artology)
Francis Ferdinand de Capillas (A Martyred Saint of China)
Isidore (Christian; Saint)
Ita (Christian; Saint)
Macarius of Egypt (Western Christianity)
Maurus and Placidus (Order of Saint Benedict)
Muspellheim Day: Surt’s Blot (Pagan)
Niccolo Machiavelli Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Nozawa Onsen Fire Festival (a.k.a. Tondo Matsuri, Sai No Kami, Sagicho, Dondo Yaki, and Dōsojin Matsuri; Japan)
Our Lady of the Poor (Christian; Saint)
Paul the Hermit (a.k.a. Paul of Thebes; Christian; Saint)
Thiruvalluvar Day (India)
Unicorn Hunting Day (Pastafarian)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [3 of 53]
Perilous Day (13th Century England) [7 of 32]
Very Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [6 of 60]
Alice the Toreador (Disney Cartoon; 1925)
Alice’s Balloon Race & Alice’s Orphan (Disney Cartoon; 1926)
Be Mice to Cats (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1960)
The Benny Hill Show (BBC TV Series; 1955)
The Book of Eli (Film; 2010)
Bullwinkle Bites Back or Nothing But the Tooth (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 90; 1961)
Bullwinkle Makes His Bid or Going! Going! Gun! (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 195; 1963)
Call the Midwife (BBC TV Series; 2012)
The Candy House (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1934)
Catch the Saint, by Christopher Short (Short Stories; 1975) [Saint #45]
The Dig (Film; 2021)
Donald’s Weekend (Disney Cartoon TV Special; 1958)
Education for Death (Disney Cartoon; 1943)
Equal Rites, by Terry Pratchet (Novel; 1987) [Discworld #3]
The Eye of the World, by Robert Jordan (Novel; 1990) [Wheel of Time #1]
The Fastest Guitar Alive (Film; 1967)
Feather Dusted (WB MM Cartoon; 1955)
Get It On, recorded by Chase (Song; 1971)
Goggle Fishing Bear, featuring Barney Bear (MGM Cartoon; 1949)
Happy Days (TV Series; 1974)
Hill Street Blues (TV Series; 1981)
I Can’t Explain, by The Who (Song; 1965)
It’s the Talk of the Town, by The Glen Gray Orchestra (Song; 1942)
The Last of Us (TV Series; 2023)
Man Bites Dog (Film; 1993)
The Man in the High Castle (TV Series; 2015)
Metal-Munching Mice, Part 1 (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 89; 1961)
Moonstruck (Film; 1987)
Moonwalkers (Film; 2016)
My Sweet Lord, by George Harrison (Song; 1971)
Norm of the North (Animated Film; 2016)
The Philosophy Of The Revolution, by Gamal Abdel Nasser (Political Theory; 1956)
The Pied Piper of Basin Street (Swing Symphony Cartoon; 1945)
The Pigman, by Paul Zindel (Novel; 1968)
Porky’s Poppa (WB LT Cartoon; 1938)
Reign of the Supermen (WB Animated Film; 2019)
Rock the Boat, by Aaliyah (Song; 2002)
The Sea Beast (Film; 1926)
A Separate Reality, by Carlos Castaneda (Philosophy Book; 1971)
Space Mountain (Disneyland Attraction; 1975)
Utopia (UK TV Series; 2013)
The Vanishing American or No Moose is Good Moose (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 196; 1963)
Varsity Blues (Film; 1999)
WandaVision (TV Series; 2021)
Weathering With You (Anime Film; 2020)
Yayati: A Classic Tale of Lust, by Vishnu Sakharam Khandekar (Novel; 1963)
Today’s Name Days
Dietwald, Marcel, Tilman (Austria)
Marcel, Mislav, Oton (Croatia)
Ctirad (Czech Republic)
Marcellus (Denmark)
Illimar, Ilmar, Ilmo (Estonia)
Rachel, Rémi (France)
Arno, Arnold, Mauro, Romedius (Germany)
Loránd, Lóránt (Hungary)
Ida, Mauro (Italy)
Felicita, Fēlikss (Latvia)
Meda, Paulius, Skirgaila, Snieguolė (Lithuania)
Laura, Laurits (Norway)
Aleksander, Dąbrówka, Dobrawa, Domasław, Domosław, Izydor, Makary, Maur, Paweł (Poland)
Pavel (Romania)
Dobroslav (Slovakia)
Mauro (Spain)
Laura, Lorentz (Sweden)
Deidre, Deirdre, Deja, Marten, Martin, Marty (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 15 of 2024; 351 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 3 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Beth (Birch) [Day 21 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Yi-Chou), Day 5 (Wu-Yin)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 5 Shevat 5784
Islamic: 4 Rajab 1445
J Cal: 15 White; Oneday [15 of 30]
Julian: 2 January 2024
Moon: 25%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 15 Moses (1st Month) [Fo-Hi]
Runic Half Month: Peorth (Womb, Dice Cup) [Day 6 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 26 of 89)
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 25 of 31)
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 4 months
Holidays 1.15
Alpha Kappa Alpha Day
Arbor Day (Egypt, Florida, Jordan, Lousiana)
Armed Forces Remembrance Day (Nigeria)
Army Day (India)
Basketball Rules Day
British Museum Day (UK)
Commemoration Day of the Genocide Against Albanians (Kosovo)
Composer Day (Mexico)
Democratic Donkey Day
Esquipulas (Guatemala)
4-H Day
George Price Day (Belize)
Guster Day (Boston, Massachusetts)
Halfway Point of Meteorological Winter
Happy Days Day
International Free Agent Signing Day (Baseball)
International Vote from Abroad Day
John Chilembwe Day (Malawi)
Korean Alphabet Day (a.k.a. Chosen-gul)
Massage Parlor Day
Miracle on the Hudson Day
Moliere Day (France)
Museum Day (UK)
National Eskimo Dog Day
National Go and Do Good Day
National Hat Day
National Humanitarian Day
National Kayla Day
National Twitter Day
National Zombies Day
Ocean Duty Day (Indonesia)
Procrastinator’s New Year
Sagichō at Tsurugaoka Hachimangū (Kamakura, Japan)
South Wind’s Prayer (Elder Scrolls)
Space Mountain Day
Super Bowl Anniversary Day
Teacher’s Day (Venezuela)
Thank Your Mentor Day
Tin Day (French Republic)
Tree Planting Day (Egypt)
Tulpanens Dag (a.k.a. Tulip Day; Sweden)
Wikipedia Day
Willie Hoppe Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Craft-Brew Day (Berkeley, California)
National Bagel Day (a.k.a. Bagels and Lox Day)
National Booth Day
National Fresh Squeezed Juice Day
Strawberry Ice Cream Day
Wassailing the Apple Trees
3rd Monday in January
Auld Hansel Monday (Scotland) [Monday after 12th]
Brew Monday (UK) [3rd Monday]
Earl Grey Day [3rd Monday]
Elementary School Teacher Day [3rd Monday]
Humanitarian Day [3rd Monday]
Human Relations Day [3rd Monday]
Human Rights Day (Idaho) [3rd Monday]
John Chilembwe Day observed (Malawi) [Monday closest to 1.15]
Junk-Food News Stories Day [3rd Monday]
Martin Luther King Jr. Day (a.k.a. MLK Day, King Day) [3rd Monday]
National Crowd Feed Day [3rd Monday]
National Day of Service [3rd Monday]
National Pothole Day (UK) [Closest Weekday to 15th]
Robert E. Lee Day (Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi) [3rd Monday]
Independence & Related Days
Commonwealth of Abrus (Declared; 2016) [unrecognized]
International Recognition Day (Croatia)
Festivals Beginning January 15, 2024
Camel Festival (Birkaner, India) [thru 1.16]
Primetime Emmy Awards (Los Angeles, California)
Restaurant Week (San Antonio, Texas) [thru 1.27]
Southern California Slack Key Festival (Redondo Beach, California)
Feast Days
Abeluzius (Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church)
Arnold Janssen (Christian; Saint)
Ask the Minotaur Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Black Christ of Esquipulas Day (Guatemala)
Bonitus (Christian; Saint)
Calybite (Christian; Saint)
Carmentalia (Old Roman Festival to Porrima and Postverta)
Feast of the Abbot of Unreason
Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller (Artology; Saint)
Fo-Hi (Positivist; Saint)
The Fragglettes (Muppetism)
Frances Benjamin Johnston (Artology)
Francis Ferdinand de Capillas (A Martyred Saint of China)
Isidore (Christian; Saint)
Ita (Christian; Saint)
Macarius of Egypt (Western Christianity)
Maurus and Placidus (Order of Saint Benedict)
Muspellheim Day: Surt’s Blot (Pagan)
Niccolo Machiavelli Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Nozawa Onsen Fire Festival (a.k.a. Tondo Matsuri, Sai No Kami, Sagicho, Dondo Yaki, and Dōsojin Matsuri; Japan)
Our Lady of the Poor (Christian; Saint)
Paul the Hermit (a.k.a. Paul of Thebes; Christian; Saint)
Thiruvalluvar Day (India)
Unicorn Hunting Day (Pastafarian)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [3 of 53]
Perilous Day (13th Century England) [7 of 32]
Very Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [6 of 60]
Alice the Toreador (Disney Cartoon; 1925)
Alice’s Balloon Race & Alice’s Orphan (Disney Cartoon; 1926)
Be Mice to Cats (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1960)
The Benny Hill Show (BBC TV Series; 1955)
The Book of Eli (Film; 2010)
Bullwinkle Bites Back or Nothing But the Tooth (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 90; 1961)
Bullwinkle Makes His Bid or Going! Going! Gun! (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 195; 1963)
Call the Midwife (BBC TV Series; 2012)
The Candy House (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1934)
Catch the Saint, by Christopher Short (Short Stories; 1975) [Saint #45]
The Dig (Film; 2021)
Donald’s Weekend (Disney Cartoon TV Special; 1958)
Education for Death (Disney Cartoon; 1943)
Equal Rites, by Terry Pratchet (Novel; 1987) [Discworld #3]
The Eye of the World, by Robert Jordan (Novel; 1990) [Wheel of Time #1]
The Fastest Guitar Alive (Film; 1967)
Feather Dusted (WB MM Cartoon; 1955)
Get It On, recorded by Chase (Song; 1971)
Goggle Fishing Bear, featuring Barney Bear (MGM Cartoon; 1949)
Happy Days (TV Series; 1974)
Hill Street Blues (TV Series; 1981)
I Can’t Explain, by The Who (Song; 1965)
It’s the Talk of the Town, by The Glen Gray Orchestra (Song; 1942)
The Last of Us (TV Series; 2023)
Man Bites Dog (Film; 1993)
The Man in the High Castle (TV Series; 2015)
Metal-Munching Mice, Part 1 (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 89; 1961)
Moonstruck (Film; 1987)
Moonwalkers (Film; 2016)
My Sweet Lord, by George Harrison (Song; 1971)
Norm of the North (Animated Film; 2016)
The Philosophy Of The Revolution, by Gamal Abdel Nasser (Political Theory; 1956)
The Pied Piper of Basin Street (Swing Symphony Cartoon; 1945)
The Pigman, by Paul Zindel (Novel; 1968)
Porky’s Poppa (WB LT Cartoon; 1938)
Reign of the Supermen (WB Animated Film; 2019)
Rock the Boat, by Aaliyah (Song; 2002)
The Sea Beast (Film; 1926)
A Separate Reality, by Carlos Castaneda (Philosophy Book; 1971)
Space Mountain (Disneyland Attraction; 1975)
Utopia (UK TV Series; 2013)
The Vanishing American or No Moose is Good Moose (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 196; 1963)
Varsity Blues (Film; 1999)
WandaVision (TV Series; 2021)
Weathering With You (Anime Film; 2020)
Yayati: A Classic Tale of Lust, by Vishnu Sakharam Khandekar (Novel; 1963)
Today’s Name Days
Dietwald, Marcel, Tilman (Austria)
Marcel, Mislav, Oton (Croatia)
Ctirad (Czech Republic)
Marcellus (Denmark)
Illimar, Ilmar, Ilmo (Estonia)
Rachel, Rémi (France)
Arno, Arnold, Mauro, Romedius (Germany)
Loránd, Lóránt (Hungary)
Ida, Mauro (Italy)
Felicita, Fēlikss (Latvia)
Meda, Paulius, Skirgaila, Snieguolė (Lithuania)
Laura, Laurits (Norway)
Aleksander, Dąbrówka, Dobrawa, Domasław, Domosław, Izydor, Makary, Maur, Paweł (Poland)
Pavel (Romania)
Dobroslav (Slovakia)
Mauro (Spain)
Laura, Lorentz (Sweden)
Deidre, Deirdre, Deja, Marten, Martin, Marty (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 15 of 2024; 351 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 3 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Beth (Birch) [Day 21 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Yi-Chou), Day 5 (Wu-Yin)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 5 Shevat 5784
Islamic: 4 Rajab 1445
J Cal: 15 White; Oneday [15 of 30]
Julian: 2 January 2024
Moon: 25%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 15 Moses (1st Month) [Fo-Hi]
Runic Half Month: Peorth (Womb, Dice Cup) [Day 6 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 26 of 89)
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 25 of 31)
0 notes
alexlacquemanne · 5 months
Décembre MMXXIII
Chef (2014) de Jon Favreau avec Scarlett Johansson, Jon Favreau, Sofía Vergara, Emjay Anthony, John Leguizamo, Robert Downey Jr. et Dustin Hoffman
Y a-t-il un flic pour sauver Hollywood ? (The Naked gun 33⅓: The Final Insult) (1994) de Peter Segal avec Leslie Nielsen, Priscilla Presley, George Kennedy, Fred Ward, O. J. Simpson, Anna Nicole Smith, Kathleen Freeman, Ellen Greene et Ed Williams
Quai des Orfèvres (1947) de Henri-Georges Clouzot avec Louis Jouvet, Simone Renant, Bernard Blier, Suzy Delair, Pierre Larquey, Claudine Dupuis, Henri Arius, Charles Blavette, René Blancard et Robert Dalban
Maintenant, on l'appelle Plata (…più forte ragazzi!) (1972) de Giuseppe Colizzi avec Terence Hill, Bud Spencer, Cyril Cusack, Reinhard Kolldehoff, Riccardo Pizzuti, Ferdinando Murolo et Marcello Verziera
Moi, Michel G., milliardaire, maître du monde (2011) de Stéphane Kazandjian avec François-Xavier Demaison, Laurent Lafitte, Laurence Arné, Xavier de Guillebon, Guy Bedos, Patrick Bouchitey e Alain Doutey
Noël blanc (White Christmas) (1954) de Michael Curtiz avec Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye, Rosemary Clooney, Vera Ellen, Dean Jagger, Mary Wickes et John Bascia
Rendez-vous avec la mort (Appointment with Death) (1988) de Michael Winner avec Peter Ustinov, Lauren Bacall, Carrie Fisher, John Gielgud, Piper Laurie, Hayley Mills, Jenny Seagrove et David Soul
Bridget Jones : L’Âge de raison (Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason) (2004) de Beeban Kidron avec Renée Zellweger, Colin Firth, Hugh Grant, Gemma Jones, Jim Broadbent, Jacinda Barrett, Shirley Henderson et Sally Phillips
Les Trois Mousquetaires : Milady (2023) de Martin Bourboulon avec François Civil, Vincent Cassel, Romain Duris, Pio Marmaï, Eva Green, Lyna Khoudri et Louis Garrel
Y a-t-il un flic pour sauver le président ? (1991) (The Naked Gun 2½: The Smell of Fear) de David Zucker avec Leslie Nielsen, Priscilla Presley, George Kennedy, O. J. Simpson, Robert Goulet, Richard Griffiths, Anthony James et Jacqueline Brookes
Wallace et Gromit : Le Mystère du lapin-garou (Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit) (2005) de Nick Park et Steve Box avec Jean-Loup Horwitz, Jeanne Savary, Philippe Catoire, Frédérique Cantrel, Patrick Messe et Mireille Delcroix
Rivière sans retour (River of No Return) (1954) de Otto Preminger avec Robert Mitchum, Marilyn Monroe, Rory Calhoun, Tommy Rettig, Murvyn Vye et Douglas Spencer
L'Ange de Noël (Christmas Magic) (2011) de John Bradshaw avec Lindy Booth, Paul McGillion, Derek McGrath, Kiara Glasco, Teresa Pavlinek et Tricia Braun
Joyeux Noël (2005) de Christian Carion avec Benno Fürmann, Guillaume Canet, Diane Kruger, Gary Lewis, Daniel Brühl, Dany Boon, Lucas Belvaux, Bernard Le Coq et Alex Ferns
L'Assassinat du père Noël (1941) de Christian-Jaque avec Harry Baur, Raymond Rouleau, Renée Faure, Marie-Hélène Dasté, Robert Le Vigan, Fernand Ledoux et Jean Brochard
Danse avec les loups (Dances with Wolves) (1990) de et avec Kevin Costner ainsi que Mary McDonnell, Graham Greene, Rodney A. Grant, Floyd Westerman, Jimmy Herman, Nathan Lee, Tantoo Cardinal et Wes Studi
Noël en trois actes (Christmas Encore) (2017) de Bradley Walsh avec Maggie Lawson, Brennan Elliott, Art Hindle, Tracey Hoyt, Mercedes de la Zerda, Mika Amonsen, Sherry Miller, Sabryn Rock, David Tompa et Erin Agostino
La Souffleuse de verre (Die Glasbläserin) (2016) de Christiane Balthasar avec Luise Heyer, Maria Ehrich, Franz Dinda, Dirk Borchardt, Robert Gwisdek, Max Hopp et Ute Willing
Le père Noël est une ordure (1982) de Jean-Marie Poiré avec Anémone, Thierry Lhermitte, Gérard Jugnot, Marie-Anne Chazel, Christian Clavier, Josiane Balasko et Bruno Moynot
Le Lion en hiver (The Lion in Winter) (1968) de Anthony Harvey avec Peter O'Toole, Katharine Hepburn, Anthony Hopkins, John Castle, Nigel Terry, Timothy Dalton, Jane Merrow et Nigel Stock
Les Mystères de Paris (1962) d'André Hunebelle avec Jean Marais, Raymond Pellegrin, Jill Haworth, Dany Robin, Pierre Mondy, Georges Chamarat, Noël Roquevert et Jean Le Poulain
Derrick contre Superman (1992) de Michel Hazanavicius et Dominique Mézerette avec Patrick Burgel et Évelyne Grandjean
La Classe américaine : Le Grand Détournement (1993) de Michel Hazanavicius et Dominique Mézerette avec Christine Delaroche, Evelyne Grandjean, Marc Cassot, Patrick Guillemin, Raymond Loyer, Joël Martineau, Jean-Claude Montalban, Roger Rudel et Gérard Rouzier
La Grande Course autour du monde (The Great Race) (1965) de Blake Edwards avec Tony Curtis, Natalie Wood, Jack Lemmon, Peter Falk, Keenan Wynn, Arthur O'Connell, Vivian Vance et Dorothy Provine
Life on Mars Saison 1, 2
Bienvenue en 73 - La Loi selon mon boss - Le Pari - Corruption - Rouge un jour, rouge toujours - Compte à rebours - Cas de conscience - Mon père - Meurtrier en puissance - La Chasse aux ripoux - Peur sur la ville - Pièges pour jeunes femmes - Kidnapping - Héroïne - Recherche du coupable - La Promesse
Doctor Who
La Créature Stellaire - Wild Blue Yonder - Aux confins de l'univers - Le Fabricant de Jouets - The Snowmen - A Christmas Carol - The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe - The Return of Doctor Mysterio - The Church on Ruby Road - Eve of the Daleks
Les Enquêtes de Vera Saison 12
À contre-courant - Un homme d'honneur - Au nom de la loi - Une soirée funeste - Marée montante
Coffre à Catch
#144 : La Draft 2009 : Les bonnes affaires du mercato ! - #145 : La ECW débarque à Londres et l'Undertaker à Strasbourg! (avec Carole) - #146 : Christian enfin champion de la ECW ! - #147 : Un coffret à Noël, ça c'est une idée !
Kaamelott Livre III
Le Jour d’Alexandre - La Cassette II - La Ronde II - Mission - La Baliste - La Baraka - La Veillée - Le Tourment III - La Potion de fécondité II - L’Attaque nocturne - La Restriction II - Les Défis de Merlin II - Saponides et Détergents - Le Justicier - La Crypte maléfique - Arthur in Love II - La Grande Bataille - La Fête de l’hiver II - Sous les verrous II - Le Vulgarisateur - Witness - Le Tribut - Le Culte secret - Le Mangonneau - La Chevalerie - Le Mauvais Augure - Raison d’argent II - Les Auditeurs libres - Le Baiser romain - L’Espion - Alone in the Dark - Le Législateur - L’Insomniaque - L’Étudiant - Le Médiateur - Le Trophée - Hollow Man - La Dispute première partie - La Dispute deuxième partie
Affaires sensibles
Gérald Thomassin : l'étrange disparition d'un coupable idéal
Top Gear
Spécial Nativité
La Voie Jackson
Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3
Meurtres au paradis
L'étrange Noël de Debbie
Le Muguet de Noël (2021) de Sébastien Blanc et Nicolas Poiret avec Lionnel Astier, Frédéric Bouraly, Jean-Luc Porraz et Alexie Ribes
Sinatra (1969) avec Frank Sinatra, Don Costa & son Orchestre
Le Professeur Rollin a encore quelque chose à dire (2003) de François Rollin
Alain Souchon : J'veux du live au Casino de Paris (2002)
La Bonne Planque (1964) de Michel André avec Bourvil, Pierrette Bruno, Robert Rollis, Roland Bailly, Alix Mahieux, Albert Michel et Max Desrau
André Rieu : White Christmas (2023)
Michael Bublé: Home for Christmas (2011) avec Michael Bublé, Gary Barlow, Gino D'Acampo, Dawn French et Kelly Rowland
Michael Buble's Christmas in the City (2021) avec Michael Bublé, Leon Bridges, Camila Cabello, Jimmy Fallon, Kermit the Frog, Hannah Waddingham, Dallas Grant, Jarrett Johnson, Julianna Layne et Loren Smith
Michael Bublé's 3rd Annual Christmas Special (2013) avec Michael Bublé, Mary J. Blige, Mariah Carey, Red Robinson, Jumaane Smith, Patrick Gilmore et Cookie Monster
Un fil à la patte (2005) de Georges Feydeau avec Thierry Beccaro, Marie-Ange Nardi, Valérie Maurice, Églantine Éméyé, Ève Ruggiéri, Tex, David Martin et Patrice Laffont
Vintage Getz (1983) The Stan Getz Quartet live at the Robert Mondavi Winery, Napa Valley, California avec Stan Getz, Victor Lewis, Marc Johnson et Jim McNeely
James Brown : Live at Montreux (1981)
Le seigneur des anneaux, Tome 3 : Le retour du roi de J.R.R. Tolkien
Détective Conan, Tome 18 de Gôshô Aoyama
Lucky Luke, Tome 27 : L'Alibi de Morris et Claude Guylouïs
Détective Conan, Tome 19 de Gôshô Aoyama
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korrektheiten · 10 months
Die Kontrollgruppe
Manova: »Wer ist gesünder: Geimpfte oder Ungeimpfte? Ein Team aus Wissenschaftlern und Bürgern machte sich 2021 an eine Arbeit, welche eigentlich Impfstoffhersteller und das Paul-Ehrlich-Institut hätten erledigen müssen. Nach zwei Jahren Datenerhebung liegen Ergebnisse vor. Interview mit dem Mathematiker und Datenanalysten Dr. Andreas Hoppe. http://dlvr.it/SsW2mc «
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antonlaub · 11 months
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Punctum - Exhibition of the nominees for the Art Prize of Haus am Kleistpark
September 1 – October 1, 2023
With works by nominees: Claudia Angelmaier, Matthew Cowan and Jana Müller, Marta Djourina, Léo Faulhaber, Daniela Friebel, Ingo Gerken, Lukas Hoffmann, Anton Roland Laub, Noah Lübbe, Julian Netzer, Fiene Scharp, Aaron Scheer, Laura Suryani Thedja, Ivana de Vivanco, Manuela Warstat, Paul Wesenberg. 
The jury, consisting of Julia Rosenbaum (jury chair), Frank Jimin Hopp, Bob Jones, Christoph Tannert and Barbara Esch Marowski selected from a total of 472 applications.
Photo: Amelie Losier; exhibition view: N.T., from the series LAST CHRISTMAS (of Ceausescu), 2015-2020; 2 Archival Pigment Prints on Photo Rag Baryta Paper, each 119×84 cm
The eponymous photo book was published in 2020 as a bilingual edition (De/En) at Kehrer Verlag, Heidelberg, edited by Frizzi Krella, with texts by Frizzi Krella and Lotte Laub. The monograph came in 2020 on the shortlist at the Athens Photo Festival, on the longlist of the German Photo Book Prize in 2021, and on the shortlist for the Photo-Book Award at the Belfast Photo Festival in 2022.
Every year in the 1980s around Christmastime, my father had to register his typewriter and the imprints of each key to submit them to the police (miliția). He hammered every single letter into his Olympia. In this way, the state archived the characteristic wear of all typefaces in the country and thus kept control over the written word. Any critique of the regime could be easily tracked and identified. But at Christmas 1989, the typewriter remained silent.  In his last speech on December 21, 1989, from the balcony of the Central Committee in Bucharest, Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu shouted "Alo" (Hello) into the microphone fifteen times. Again and again he restarted, but the crowd no longer responded to the "Conducator," to whom tribute poems had until recently been recited. The mood had changed. While the overthrow of the other East European dictatorships in 1989 was mostly peaceful, Romania’s Revolution ended in a bloodbath. Leaders called upon civilians to fight against nameless “terrorists”, leading to a great deal of friendly fire. 30 years after the system change, in December 2019, an EU resolution was passed, calling on the Romanian state to officially process the past events, an appeal that remains unfulfilled in Romania to this day. The events of those violent days remain shrouded in mystery and intrigue, leaving the question: was it a people’s uprising or a staged coup d’état? LAST CHRISTMAS (of Ceaușescu) focuses on questions of representation of history and institutional memory, three decades after the fall of the dictatorship.
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liberty1776 · 1 year
We students of Austrian Economics are also research students of history, which is our lab work. Let’s for a minute conduct a “thought experiment” where, 100 years from now in 2123, virtually no one has ever heard of Ludwig von Mises or what we call Austrian Economics. Instead, the world is dominated (as it is today) only by the so-called economics of John Maynard Keynes and his disciples – but in this frightening future there’s no opposition. No Hayek. No Rothbard. No Hoppe. No Ron Paul. No Mises Institute. Would the Wikipedia of that time answer searches for “Austrian Economics” … Continue reading →
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logonda · 2 years
The imaginary photo museum
Autor: Renate Gruber, L. Fritz Gruber, Helmut Gernsheim, Beaumont Newhall, Jeane von Oppenheim, Michael Rollof Titel: The imaginary photo museum - With 457 Photographs from 1836 to the Present Verlag: Penguin Books Erschienen: 1991 Sprache: Englisch ISBN: 0140065229 ISBN-13: 9780140065220 - Berenice Abbott - Alfred Eisenstaedt - Man Ray - Ansel Adams - Walker Evans - Jacob August Riis - Diane Arbus - Luigi Ghirri - Erich Salomon - Eugene Atget - Philippe Halsman - Christian Schad - Richard Avedon - Lewis Hine - Ben Shahn - Lewis Baltz - Emil Otto Hoppe - Arthur Siegel - Hippolyte Bayard - Gertrude Käsebier - Aaron Siskind - Sir Cecil Beaton - Andre Kertesz - Emmanuel Sougez - E. J. Bellocq - Dorothea Lange - Edward Steichen - Werner Bischof - Jacques Henri Lartigue - Alfred Stieglitz - Margarete Bourke-White - Joel Meyerowitz - William Henry Fox Talbot - Mathew Brady - Duane Michals - Felix Teynard - Brassai - Martin Muncacsi - Josef Sudek - Robert Capa - Nadar - Roman Vishniac - Paul Caponigro - Paul Outerbridge Jr. - Weegee - Etienne Carjat - Gordon Parks - Edward Weston - Lewis Carroll - Irving Penn - Clarence White - Imogen Cunningham - Eliot Porter - Garry Winogrand - The imaginary photo museum Antiquarische Bücher über Fotografie bei LachundSachbuecher.de Read the full article
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taunuswolf · 2 years
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Die Toleranz stirbt durch jene, die Toleranz einseitig verordnen und durch Doppelmoral ersetzen
Ich habe noch das brüllende Gelächter der Belegschaft im Ohr, als ein schwuler Mitarbeiter des Louvre 1983 laut in der Kantine des ehrwürdigen Pariser Museums rief: „Ja, da staunt ihr, wir schlafen alle zusammen!“ Auch der Technische Leiter einer kleinen Tageszeitung machte aus seiner sexuellen Orientierung keinen Hehl und sparte gegenüber jungen Volontären nicht mit derben Anspielungen, ohne dass er damit eine #MeToo-Debatte auslöste. Unvergesslich der filmreife Auftritt eines Wiesbadener Originals in den 70zigern, der in Frauen-outfit und Perücke regelmäßig Opernarien in Szenekneipen zum Besten gab und einer Handvoll Rockern, die sich bedrohlich vor seiner Stammkneipe versammelt hatten, nassforsch zurief: „Ach ihr starken Jungs, wie wäre es denn mal mit einer Spritztour hoppe Reiter ins Feld.“ Da mussten selbst die bösen Jungs lachen und sind ohne Klopperei wieder abgezogen. Über Toleranz wurde in den 80ziger und 90ziger Jahren wenig geredet, noch weniger wurde sie verordnet. Sie wurde praktiziert.  
All diese heiteren Anekdoten, die ich als zweifacher Apo-Opa hier zum Besten gebe, kommen mir heute angesichts vergifteter Genderdebatten wie ein Märchen vor. Ein Märchen von einer tatsächlich toleranten vielfältigen bunten Gesellschaft in der jeder, wie der Alte Fritz sagen würde, nach seiner Fasson selig werden konnte. Ein anderes Wiesbadener Original verkündete lautstark in einer ultralinken Szenekneipe alle Kommunisten an Laternenpfählen aufzuhängen, ein dritter hielt sich für den Gotenkönig Theoderich, wieder ein anderer suchte als Bettelmönch für Freibier und „Reinkarnation Krischnas“ nach Jüngern.  Jeder hatte seine Nische, konnte sagen, was er wollte – erst recht im Suff – musste allerdings auch Widerworte, Diskussionen Hohn, Häme und Spott ertragen. Ende der Märchenstunde. Zurück in die Meinungsdiktatur der Post-Merkel-Ära.
Heute landet ein bislang unbescholtener schon vor dem Kadi, wenn er jemand öffentlich als „krank“ bezeichnet, wie ein Demonstrant 2019 nach einer Mahnwache für die ermordete Susanna in Wiesbaden schmerzvoll erfahren hat. Sogar eine Beleidigung oder Verächtlichmachung, die nur zwischen den Zeilen angedeutet wird, kann von spitzfindigen sophistisch ausgerichteten Staatsanwälten über den Umweg von „Musterurteilen“ einem Beschuldigten zur Last gelegt werden. Rechtsstaat wie ein Kafka-Roman. Selbst dem Focus-Herausgeber Helmut Markwort wird es langsam unwohl zu mute, wenn die grüne Familienministerin von NRW Josefine Paul die Bürger dazu auffordert auf einer Denunziationsplattform Leute zu melden, die sich öffentlich oder privat „rassistisch und querfeindlich“ äußern oder verhalten.     
Wer nun glaubt, dass durch diese neue Form Inquisitorischer Verfolgung unliebsamer Meinungsäußerungen zu allen möglichen Themen – unter anderem sexuelle Ausrichtung und Orientierung – die Gesellschaft toleranter, offener oder gar geschlossener agiert, wird eines besseren belehrt. Die gewaltsamen Übergriffe auf die quere Szene mit der abenteuerlichen Abkürzung LSBTIQ hat in erschreckendem Maße zugenommen. Auch in Frankfurt wurde eine stadtbekannte Transsexuelle mitten in der Fußgängerzone zwei Mal Opfer eines prügelnden homophoben Mobs. Die Taten ereignete sich im November 2020 während eines Youtuber-Treffens und gingen sogar viral.    Wie man den Zeitungsberichten entnehmen kann, kam es bei dem Vorfall zu einem auffälligen „Verdächtigen-Schwund“. Ähnlich wie in der berüchtigten Silvesternacht von Köln. Zunächst wurde die Transperson von einer Gruppe von 150 Personen heraus beleidigt, schließlich von zehn attackiert; am Ende wurde jedoch nur gegen drei Personen Anklage erhoben. 
Noch mehr Fragen werfen die Presseberichte auf. Die FR schreibt von „Querfeindlichen Schlägern“ beschwert sich darüber, dass die Polizei sich zunächst über die Hintergründe ausschweigt, hält sich aber selbst bei der Beschreibung der Täter auffallend bedeckt. Natürlich gibt es heute aus „Datenschutzgründen“ keine Videoaufnahmen von den Attacken in den sozialen Netzwerken mehr, aber jeder der vor Ort war, oder in einem kleinen Zeitfenster Videoaufzeichnungen sah, konnten genau erkennen aus welchem Umfeld die Täter kamen. 147 Personen des mutmaßlich gezielt organsierten Menschenauflaufs – der z.B. im Fall einer unangemeldeten Coronademo zu sofortiger Strafverfolgung ALLER BETEILIGTEN geführt hätte – wurden juristisch nicht belangt. Nicht einmal für eine Teilnahme an einer nicht angemeldeten „Demonstration“, die genau genommen eine Menschenjagt war.  
Was die beinah gleichlautenden, sprich gleichgeschalteten Frankfurter Medien verschweigen, nennt das Onlinemagazin „maenner.media“ beim Namen und stellt fest, dass in der migrantischen Bevölkerung seit Jahren eine zunehmende Homophobie beobachtet werden kann. Dazu gehört nach umfangreichen Recherchen Beleidigungen und Beschimpfungen ebenso dazu wie „die Anwendung von Gewalt bis hin zu regelrechten Hetzjagden auf queere Menschen.“ Pikant, dass ausgerechnet die „Antidiskriminierungsstelle des Bundes“ 2017 festgestellt hat, dass der Anteil der homophoben Einstellung bei Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund doppelt so hoch ist, wie bei der übrigen Bevölkerung.
Fazit: In der gesamten Queren Debatte herrscht eine unerträgliche Doppelmoral. Einerseits fordern Linksgrüne zum Schutz vor Querfeindlichkeit Denunziationsplattformen und drakonische Strafen, andererseits werden jene Gruppen in einen Schonraum gepackt, die zu einem erddrückenden Maß an homophoben Attacken bis hin zum Mord beteiligt sind. Der Frankfurter Fall steht exemplarisch für viele. Da nützt es nichts, wenn ein querer Autor auf der Buchmesse sich als“ Zeichen gegen „Hass“ die Haare abschneidet. Es deutet eher auf eine Bildungslücke und einen begrenzten Geschichtshorizont hin. In der Antike und im Orient, leider auch im westlichen Mittelalter wurden Sklaven und rechtlosen Knechten, so genannte „Unfreie“ die Haare geschoren. Das Scheren der Haare ist ein Zeichen der Erniedrigung und UNTERWERFUNG. Genau so wird jene Geste von denen, die den Hass praktizieren und weltanschaulich verankern, auch verstanden.   
 Klaus Lelek
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signorwardh · 2 years
"Nagyszerű dolog a film. Az ember színésznőket lát, akik különböző ruhákat viselnek. A vásznon aztán teszik magukat, és hopp, látjuk a seggüket." - Paul (A megvetés)
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