littleredwritingcat · 10 months
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"I Ate'nt Dead"
Hey, loves. Been a minute. Have a chapter.
@everythingbutresolved @supplanther @vintageglassheart02 @purplelupins @rothko-mirror @lovepollution @jyngerpeach @choosekindly @agirlinherhead @aherdofbees @madsmilfelsen @ebiemidnightlibrarian @yepthatsacowalright @pegplunkett @honey-tree-evil-eye @proserpinic @prettyblondguys
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Wishing the whole HamFam a productive and very, very satisfying month ahead 🖤
Input by
@littleredwritingcat @agirlinherhead @plainlo-inthemorning @girlwiththenegantattoo @chronic-ghost @ebiemidnightlibrarian @choosekindly @aherdofbees @gorillaprutt @janeausten-powers @blackberries45 @rothko-mirror @waytkayt @sanzpool-world @blackeyesleatherjackets @pegplunkett @jyngerpeach @daincrediblegg @vintageglassheart02 @allthelovelyghosts
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It’s book mystery time again, people!
The white “dot” is obviously missing from the new one, although that could be a sticker that has been removed.
Also, the angle of the first photo may have distorted the size/width of it.
Could it be the one he’s recording as an audio book? (Seeing as we know he was in the recording studio for Penguin the same day as this was taken)
OR! It’s a completely different book ;) But what’s the fun in that.
UPDATE thanx to the brilliant detective mind of @pegplunkett : House of Usher audio book??
Yes, Usher is published by … Penguin!
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I was tagged by @everythingbutresolved to reveal my wip folder! Thanks for the tag 💙!!
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it.
(the ones that have a "*" probably will have their names changed)
So… This is…uh, it will get a bit long because I have no self-control…
That being said, Huh Hrm:
Cornucopia — Father Paul x OFC (MM)
One Way or Another — John Tyler x OFC (TMYS)
If I Give My Heart to You — Brice Catledge x OFC (Magic in the Moonlight)
A Place to Hide — Jim Ellis x OFC (The Stand)
Young American — Haimgruder x OFC (Gaslit)
Dear Old Friend — Leonard Kirk x OFC (Fantastic Four)
Shiver — John Tyler x OFC (TMYS)
Cherry pies, Champagne, and Ashes — John Joseph Jacobs x OFC (Pushing Daisies)
A Dangerous Thing — Jerry Dantana x OFC (The Newsroom)
Bella Notte — Evan Grant x OFC (Ugly Betty)
Somethin' Stupid — Andrew Keanelly x OFC (The Crazy Ones)
Tonight You Belong to Me — Ralph Branca x OFC (42)
Strawberries & Cigarettes — Tim x OFC (One More Time)
Alone and Forsaken — Martin Kidd x OFC (Dead for a Dollar)
Wicked Game — Noah Bearinger x OFC (Paper Year)
She Sells Sanctuary — Henry x OFC (Lola Versus)
Evil Within — Dark! Father Paul x OFC (MM AU)
The End of the World — Tom Spangler x OFC (Ithaca)
A Freudian Slip — Matthew Kimble x OFC (TNAOOC)
Male Fantasy — Dark! Andrew Keanelly x OFC (The Crazy Ones)
Cold Light, Hot Night — Miles x OFC (You Can't Say No)
In the Calm Sea of Madness — Clark Debussy x OC (Legion AU)
Out of the Woods — Lysander x OFC (A Midsummer Night's Dream)
Pictures* — Jason x OFC (The Future)
Little Things* — Porter Collins x OFC (The Big Short)
Bluebird — Andrew Keanelly x OFC (The Crazy Ones AU)
Turn Off the Light — David Turner x OFC (Groove)
Love (ain't always a good thing) — Benjamin Conway x OFC (10 Things Se Should Do Before We Break Up)
My Strange Addiction — Evan Grant x OC (Ugly Betty)
High Tension*— Ralph Branca x OFC (42)
Animal Attraction — Miles x OFC (You Can't Say No)
In the Dark — Dark! Father Paul x OFC (MM)
Space Oddity — Cal Zapata x OFC (Battleship)
The White Room* — Maynard Spencer x OFC (The Nickel Boys?)
Sanctus Sanguis — Dark! Father Paul x OFC (Part I of The Blood You Spill in My Garden - MM AU)
Exilium Carmen — Dark! Father Paul x OFC (Part II of The Blood You Spill in My Garden - MM AU)
Noli Timere — Dark! Father Paul x OFC (Part III of The Blood You Spill in My Garden - MM AU)
Night, Night, Sleepyhead — Matthew Kimble x OFC (Part I of Maybe I Could Hold You - TNAOOC)
A Carol of the Bells — Matthew Kimble x OFC (Part II of Maybe I Could Hold You - TNAOOC)
Hot is the Night* — Matthew Kimble x OFC (Part III of Maybe I Could Hold You - TNAOOC)
Sanguis Lunae — Henry Prescott (Werewolf!Haim!OC) x OFC (Original Work)
I also have 4 AU's that I wouldn't out here because I'm still struggling with them (2 ARE crossovers and it's been AGES since I wrote one, so I'm trying to see the best way to write them) but then I said "fuck It", here are my children:
Of Attics, Mysterious Strangers and Ghost Stories — Joe Keller x OFC (Monsterland AU - Rework)
Unnamed (70s Pornstar AU) — Miles x OFC
Unnamed (Midnight Mass x Fright Night (1985) AU)
Unnamed (Catholic Boarding School AU) — Midnight Mass x Fright Night (1985)
Tagging @chronic-ghost @aflockofbees @pegplunkett @catholicfacade @madsmilfelsen and if you haven't been tagged yet, consider this your tag, I'll love to see what y'all have been cooking!
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agirlinherhead · 2 years
Tag People Get To Know Better Thing!
Thank you to @pegplunkett and @lovepollution for the tag, I'm afraid my answers are terribly boring though 😂
currently reading: I’m… not 😬. Besides fic I have incredibly little time to read anything!
I have a long list of must reads that I'll get around to one day though!
last song: Nina Simone, Here Comes The Sun from my Spotify shuffle while I was in the shower.
last series: Oh god, again, I haven't actually sat down and watched anything for a while. The last series I watched all the way through was probably Stranger Things.
last movie: I watched Dirty Harry purely because it was on TV when I sat down at the end of the day and I didn't fall asleep 😂
sweet/spicy/savory: Sweet. Chocolate all the way. All day, every day. No swapsies. No take backs.
currently working on:
A JJJ fic that might be part 2 of Trains. Let's see what our horny little creep (affectionate) does next. (Hopefully out next week)
A Jeb fic. (Hopefully out the week after)
A monster (by my standards,47k) MM Father Paul fic (I doubt I'll publish it with it being MM which is completely fine)
I have also idea who to tag so my random first tags are: @because-edmund @plainlo-inthemorning @youvebeenlivingfictional @fandomology @aherdofbees @chronic-ghost @daughterofaries and anyone else who wants to share something. It's a nice little exercise in "wth am I doing" if nothing else ❤️
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aherdofbees · 2 years
get to know you better tag game thing! yeow!
Thank you @pegplunkett for the tag! The server at work is painfully slow today, and this is the distraction I needed to keep from flinging my laptop into the sun.
favorite color: It fluctuates between a variety of dark moody not-too-saturated colors.
currently reading: You mean besides the fics that have kept me alive over the past few months? I just finished 'The Only Good Indians' by Stephen Graham Jones. Next up is 'Those Across the River' by Christopher Buehlman.
last song: I've been on an Iron Maiden kick lately inspired by their upcoming tour and RTW3. I think the last one I listened to was Run to the Hills.
last series: I needed something mindless so I'm watching Ratched. It's fine?
last movie: Nope! So so so good!
sweet/spicy/savory: Savory all the way. I love spicy, too, but I'm old and get heartburn.
currently working on: A fun pattern for a member of the Hamfam and more RTW3 Spooky Season nonsense. Everything else is classified.
absolutely zero pressure tags, like negative pressure in fact: Uhhhhh. Who wasn't tagged? @supplanther and @apbajs? @girlwiththenegantattoo? @ebiemidnightlibrarian? Anyone else who wants to? Tell me about yourselves, Hamfam.
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Aesthetic tag game
@pegplunkett You didn't tag me but I saw this on your profile and wanted to do it!
Rules: Go onto Pinterest and type "(your name) core aesthetic" into the search and post the first 9 results! 🎇
Here's mine!
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crancisfrozier · 2 years
I mean… gotta be daredevil for the fandom ask game right? 😆
Okay yea that’s totally fair lmao
Before I begin my list here, I’m going to say outright that there will be duplicates because I love some of these characters in many different ways…
Blorbo (fav character, character I think about the most): OF COURSE it’s Matt Murdock. I am literally thinking about Matt Murdock every second of every day. Sometimes I’m not even thinking cohesive thoughts about him, I’m just slowly rotating him in my head like a rotisserie chicken. He is beautiful and selfless and brave and kind and he deserves the world 🥺❤️🥺❤️
Scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): this is also going to be Matt cause, yes, he regularly beats people to a bloody pulp and sometimes, you know, tortures people, but when he’s NOT doing that he is So Shaped. When he smiles or jokes around with Foggy and Karen it is literally aggressively cute and lowkey life ruining I want to grab his adorable face and plant a soft kiss on his forehead like Tom does Greg in that Succession scene.
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/under appreciated fav): Foggy Nelson. FOGGY NELSON. I truly think he is so under appreciated for everything he is and does and puts up with. Like he is truly such a kind and genuinely good person it’s disarming. The way he loves his friends and the people of Hell’s Kitchen that he tries to help. Foggy also deserves the world 🥺❤️
glup shitto: (obscure fav, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): Claire!! I ADORED her in season 1 and was so sad when she left to go be in the other marvel tv shows. Like I get why it had to happen but adfkdhdks I loved her SO MUCH like she was so brave and didn’t take shit from ANYONE and she was always there to patch up Matt. I mean, how many people would fish a broken vigilante out of their dumpster to help nurse them back to health? Especially after it’s clear being around said vigilante is typically bad news? Coincidentally I also loved her and Matt as a Thing, much more than Matt/Karen and Matt/Elektra
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fav): okay this may sound weird but….Wesley. And I KNOW he was only in like half of season 1 and he doesn’t seem all that pathetic but he is most definitely problematic and a large reason why I love him is thanks to a very very large Matt x Reader fanfic that has the reader interacting with him a lot and honestly made me love him even more than when I watched him in the actual show. RIP Wesley you made great gift baskets 😭
horse plinko: (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): Stick. FUCK Stick. Put him in that eternal portal version of horse plinko so he can never escape. Who the fuck treats a child like that. A child who literally lost everything and is just trying to reach out for connection. Jesus Christ. I’m just gonna say right now he’s also my answer for eeby deeby Super Hell. (You’d think the answer would be Wilson Fisk for either of these but I actually love Wilson Fisk as a villain and interesting character too much to send him to either of those. The Raft is fine he can just stay there.)
Thank you so much for the ask, friend! (And for listening to me ramble more about Daredevil, thanks for tolerating my insanity bestie)
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johnspruitt · 2 years
When you get this, please respond with five things that make you happy! Then, send to your last ten people in your notifs! You never know who might benefit from spreading positivity 🌈✨
hi there!! this is a very wholesome ask 💖 five things that make me happy: hamish linklater (duh), my cat milo, the 2005 film adaptation of pride and prejudice, the 1989 film when harry met sally, and gỏi cuốn (vietnamese spring rolls). thank you for the ask!!!
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Rituale Romanum*
Paul finds a way to make an exorcism less painful, but he awakens something else in the process. Posted here, but please read the tags as this gets pretty heavy... it started with one concept and turned into something else.
Inspired by the lovely @wyntremalfoy​ & @pegplunkett​
I promise I’ll post something fluffy next <3​
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I was tagged first by the fabulous @pegplunkett and *then* by the brilliant @madsmilfelsen
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it.
I also only have two, but here goes!
1.) "Makes Three," WIP chapter of the (very dark) Mother, May I series - John Tyler x reader oc
2.) "See God," WIP chapter for Thirst Trap - Monsignor John Pruitt x reader oc
Who to tag that hasn't already played or been tag?! Lemme see - obviously, no presh.
@thecorgimademedoit @waytkayt @honey-tree-evil-eye
Hooray for WIP shares! 🤩
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I was tagged by @supplanther to reveal my wip folder.
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it.
...So apparently I can doomscroll binge two series a podcast and a book but not finish a sentence in months ~ hey I don't make the rules for seasonal depression ah ah ah. Ah.
Ehm anyways:
Moonlight (Steven Grand ~ Mook Knight)
Nice Shoes (Villanelle ~ Killing Eve)
Rely (Jeb Magruder ~ Gaslight AU)
You can't say Yes (Miles ~ You Can't Say No)
The Spectacular (Andrew ~ The Crazy Ones)
Make it Personal (John Tyler ~ TMYS)
Hunger (Father Paul ~ Midnight Mass sequel to Thirst )
St. Jude (John Pruitt ~ Midnight Mass)
I'll show you mine (Matthew Kimble ~ naooc)
Black (John Tyler ~ TMYS AU)
Dream Girl Evil (John Tyler ~ TMYS)
The Company Of The Wolf (JT ~ sequel to The Session)
Hat, Cane, Cross (Mr. Kidd ~ Dead For A Dollar)
On The Rocks (Jeb Magruder ~ Gaslit AU)
In Your Hands (Jason ~ The Future)
Wicked Boy (Maynard Spencer ~ Nickel Boys)
The Thing that Mattered Most (RTW3 story inspired by @aherdofbees - Yes I swear I'll finish this)
Tagging @littleredwritingcat @agirlinherhead @pegplunkett @girlwiththenegantattoo @madsmilfelsen and @ebiemidnightlibrarian who haven't been tagged yet and are rocking the fic world 🤘
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And thank you to YOU, awesome, ever inspiring Hamfam and your combined talents.
Tagging the artists and quotes but you ALL made this happen. @aherdofbees @cmloweart-x @apbajs @i-was-ok-then-i-saw-hamish @pegplunkett @everythingbutresolved @myhaimistrue
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hamishlinklaters · 2 years
Okay I got it
Father Paul is Blorbo (or rather Father Blorbo per @pegplunkett)
Clark is Scrimblo
and JT is Skrunkly
I will not hear counter arguments at this time
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chronic-ghost · 2 years
Tag Nine People You Want To Get To Know Better
Thank you for the tag @lovepollution - and going through it, we are basically the same person. Father John Misty is my BOOOYYY and i’ve had Hollywood Forever Cemetery Sings stuck in my head for daaayz. I wanna play Real Love Baby at my wedding! 😭
favorite color: blueish-purple
currently reading: River of Teeth by Sarah Gailey. I’m 90% sure this is what I said on the last one of these and it’s a short ass book and I have no good excuse as to why I haven’t finished it 🤷‍♀️
last song: Cool Again by Shoffy. It’s my background music when I daydream about Rob Thomas Weir and the divorce between him and ofc when they were young and dumb, but she’s come back to her hometown after many years and they fall in love again because they’ve both grown as people since she left. So much plaid, so much snuggling. 
last series: I’m watching She-Hulk too @lovepollution ! But I’m also watching the new A League of Their Own (i can feel the chemicals changing my brain) and going through Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries AGAIN
last movie: . . . Alien vs. Predator: Requiem 👀 i don’t know what i watched but it certainly was A Movie.
sweet/spicy/savory: Savory because I’m nauseous and exhausted
currently working on: 
my brice catledge/reader fic: a brief, fragmentary, and most imperfect record of specters few have seen - THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to all that have left comments and reblogged. Given that like 5 whole people in the world have seen the og movie, i was real worried about posting. 
The Twilight Shrike: thank you to the SWEETEST anon ever who periodically pops by and tells me how much they enjoy it ❤️
aaand 👀 👀 a Matthew Kimble musician AU that is entirely inspired by smoke on the water - it’s a oneshot i promise
Tagging (and of course no pressure to do this!): @thegardenarcher @dandydevildog @the-crowe-and-the-magpie. @pegplunkett @thatfaerieprincess @muchmorethanaprincess @piplup @wyvernrider98 @mutt-thingy @tuntematonkorppi @fortysevenswrites @myletternevercame @astarkey
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agirlinherhead · 2 years
Unfamiliar Curtains
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18+ 600W Slash. M/M.
Working through a series of old drafts and this happened.
A small drabble gift for @gorillaprutt
Featuring Val the communal shapeshifting OC as inspired by @pegplunkett.
Val is all shapes, all genders, all races and ethnicities.
We are Val. We are Legion.
The harsh and offensive morning sun leaks through a gap in unfamiliar curtains lighting the room in a golden glow which Val, in this moment, is far too tired to appreciate. He runs his hand through his hair and lazily down his face pondering what god forsaken time it must be and pushes himself further into the pillow. Memories from the night before slowly begin to take shape in his mind and his brows furrow as he tries to make sense of them.
Continue reading on AO3
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