#peranakan mansion
lagycart · 2 years
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peranakan mansion 僑生府, melaka.
this was the restaurant we couldn’t visit on the first night, hence we made a reservation and went to have dinner on the second night instead. the restaurant is newly opened this year, and the interior deco of the traditional long house is really really beautiful, very instagrammable every corner.
their menu also have quite a variety of dishes, and also some of the dishes are not in the menu but the staff may let you know about it when you make your order, so do enquire if you are interested. we ended up with six dishes because everything sounds and looks yummy. XD
for starters, there’s the signature pie tee which is shredded chinese turnip inside a crispy shell, very unique nyonya starter that you must try with the chili sauce. also ordered the roti babi, which is not listed in the menu, minced meat on top of toast, very crispy and tasty appetizer, definitely good for sharing.
then there’s babi cili garam (pork belly with salted chili), nyonya chap cai (mixed vegetables), inchi kabin (friend chicken wings) and sotong sumbat (stuffed squid) to go with rice. all the dishes are really really yummy and so flavorful and appetizing. i love the crispy wings a lot, very flavorful and addictive. the pork belly looks spicy but it’s not, goes perfectly with white rice. the squid is cooked just nice, and the curry sauce is flavorful. the mixed vegetables are crunchy and enjoyable too.
we were completely stuffed and very satisfied with the meal, didn’t expect to eat so much but just could not resist, especially seeing how other customers enjoy their food so well too. the staff here are also attentive and friendly, so we get good service and great attention during our dinner. definitely highly recommended to visit this restaurant to try out some of the delicious nyonya dishes that melaka has to offer, reservation is almost necessary to prevent any disappointment, and remember to take lots of photos.
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themindnotestory · 9 months
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southeastasianists · 8 months
The Peranakans, also known as the Baba-Nyonya in the Malay Peninsula, are descendants of the first-wave Southern Chinese settlers in Southeast Asia. Their culture, now endangered, is prevalent in the old streets of Malacca—the port city that once flourished from foreign trade.
Located on Jalan Tun Tan Cheng Lock, the Baba & Nyonya Heritage Museum is housed in a preserved two-story Peranakan mansion built in 1861 for the wealthy Chan family. Since its public opening in March 1985, it has been run by their descendants and showcases the lavish lifestyle of the Baba-Nyonya in their heyday.
Inside, the rooms are gorgeously furnished in the style of the late 19th century, highlighted throughout with gold leaf carvings of vines and auspicious birds. It adds to the place an almost palatial feel, along with the paper lanterns, porcelain dolls, and antique thingamabobs.
Tradition has it that the heart of a Peranakan house lies in its kitchen. The women of the Chan household spent much of their time here, sometimes catching up with the latest gossip in the local dialect called Baba Malay. Today, it is maintained in a state as it would have been back in the day, with blue-and-white ceramic dishes laid out on the long table in the adjoining western-style dining room.
The farthest the Chan family women could venture without the accompaniment of a man—within their own house, that is—was the so-called Dark Hall, adjacent to the grand reception hall. Diving the two halls is a wooden screen with slits, from which the women could take a peek at the visitors.
On the upper floor is the Wedding Room, where the patriarch of the Chan family and his wife once slept in. Wedding garments are displayed on mannequins and preserved in glass cases today. Other everyday objects and contemporaneous paper money are also on display, giving visitors a glimpse into Malacca’s past.
The heritage house-museum’s highlight is quite possibly its staircase, leading from the chim che (airwell) to the private residential section upstairs. The only one of its kind in the city, and perhaps even in all of Malaysia, the staircase boasts a beautifully gilt railing with reliefs depicting the weapons of the Eight Immortals of Daoist mythology.
But its real centerpiece is the lockable baby gate, a 19th-century recreation of a 9th-century Chinese invention. Not only does it prevent children from accidentally falling down the stairs, it could also shut out burglars as well as husbands who stayed out too late drinking and philandering.
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westanimesims · 29 days
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Screenshots of the Peranakan Mansion.
To download the lot: http://www.simfileshare.net/download/4562522/
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ifreakingloveroyals · 2 months
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7 November 2017 | Prince Charles, Prince of Wales and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall arrive at Pinang Peranakan Mansion to attend a reception to celebrate Malaysian art and culture in Penang, Malaysia. Prince Charles, Prince of Wales and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall are on a tour of Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei and India. (c) Chris Jackson/Getty Images
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travelingjoe · 4 days
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Melaka, Malaysia — April 2024. Walked the river front lined with cafes that surely didn’t exist 30 years ago. Met Park, a local, who told us about the changes happening in Melaka over a cooling cup of iced butterfly tea. Wandering the old town we lucked into O’Oloo for lunch. Very unassuming from the outside and magnificent inside. Massive thunder claps sent us back to our hotel for a well timed nap before the heavens opened. We’re on the top floor and can enjoy the patter. Even though we were barely hungry we went off to the Peranakan Mansion for dinner since we had made a reservation. Miraculously, we managed to eat it all. It was delicious. We had planned to go check out one of the groovy bars in town after dinner since it’s Friday but but the heat is just sapping our energy.
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tripcabinet · 1 month
Discovering the House of Tan Teng Niah: A Journey through Singapore's Cultural Heritage
Exploring the House of Tan Teng Niah
The House of Tan Teng Niah is a glittering example of the diverse cultural heritage that Singapore has, and the periodically customized Singapore tour package of Trip Cabinet in Bangalore, India highlights this mansion and its uniqueness. Come along with us into the intriguing features of this famed landmark, and let us discover how the place adds up to create a rich tour of Singapore’s history and architecture.
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History Unveiled
Encapsulating the 1900s, the Tan Teng Niah device sparked by the prominent Tan Teng Niah was believed to be an outstanding fusion of entrepreneurship and cultures within Little India, Singapore. Teng Niah the owner of Tan was a very successful Chinese businessman who deliberately and respectively lived in the Malay community, many Indian immigrants were living there. This added more dominant factors to the house’s story.
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Architectural Marvels
The House of Ying/Tan Teng Niah is a superbly crafted structure representing the fusion of Chinese, Malay, and European influences in the Peranakan style of buildings. The beauty of the exterior demonstrates itself through the grand artworks, e.g. brightly colorful tiles, wooden lattices, and intricate carvings. This specific architecture evokes imagination by its beauty and portrays architecture’s skills and creativity from whatever century it belongs.
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Cultural Immersion
Our Singapore tour package from Bangalore featuring the House of Tan Teng Niah couldn't be more ideal to provide an amazing opportunity to understand Singapore more broadly through the numerous colors that make part of the multicultural mosaic. Step into the inner world decorated with protected period furniture, articles, and photos which bring the comfortable lifestyle of a prosperous Peranakan family in the beginning of the 20th century to a fair life.
Preservation and Appreciation
The House of Tn Tn Niah preservation is one step in the nation's struggles to maintain its heritage. It becomes a correlation site of living heritage, portraying successful conservation efforts and evoking gratitude towards Chattanooga's architectural masterpieces.
Inclusion in Trip Cabinet's Singapore Tour
The dealer Trip Cabinet intends to include the background of the House of Tan Teng Niah in the package of tours from Bangalore to Singapore, making a trip not just an exciting walk on historical landmarks but a veritable story about the history and culture of Singapore. This landmark visit is a manifestation of diversity and the vibrancy of the arts, as a hallmark of the heritage of Singapore.
Additional Points:
Photographic Opportunities: The House of Tan Teng Niah offers excellent opportunities for photography enthusiasts to capture the vibrant colors and intricate details of Peranakan architecture.
Culinary Delights: Explore the nearby eateries in Little India to savor authentic Indian and Peranakan cuisines, adding a culinary dimension to your cultural exploration.
Guided Insights: Trip Cabinet's expert guides provide insightful commentary and historical context during the visit, enhancing your understanding and appreciation of the House of Tan Teng Niah.
Conclusion: A Journey of Discovery
Having Trip Cabinet at your service for your expedition to Singapore from Bangalore, won't fall short of showing you the House of Tan Teng Niah in a kaleidoscope of colors, really reflecting the cultural diversity of Singapore. Engulf yourself with its history, select its architectural accomplishments, and thank the government agencies that guarded it. This holiday break promises, that we are not just going on a retreat, it’s a journey of our heritage, culture, and warm hospitality.
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seanlin-logs · 4 months
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Penang, Malaysia, 28-Dec-2023
Courtyard decorations in a Peranakan mansion
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ddianika · 5 months
Penang #2 - Pinang Peranakan Mansion
Salah satu tempat yang recommended untuk dikunjungi kalo liburan ke Penang menurut saya adalah Pinang Peranakan Mansion. Ada nemu yang nulisnya Penang Peranakan Mansion, tapi intinya si tempat yang sama. Saya sarankan untuk join guided tour. Tiket masuknya 25MYR, sudah termasuk guided tour. Saya sarankan untuk join guided tournya karena banyak informasi yang bisa didapatkan.
Tour berjalan sekitar 1 jam. Ada 2 bahasa yang bisa dipilih, Mandarin dan Bahasa Inggris. Bangunan ini ada 2 lantai, tapi guided tour hanya di lantai 1 saja. Sedangkan di lantai dua bisa tour mandiri, masih ada orang Peranakan Mansionnya di lantai 2 jadi masih bisa ditanya-tanya atau dimintain tolong buat fotoin, hihi. Setelah tour selesai, masih boleh kok kalo mau jalan-jalan atau lihat-lihat lagi sendiri. Saya sampai disana beberapa menit sebelum jam 10, dan tidak menunggu lama tournya langsung mulai. Jadi sepertinya tour mulai di jam 10, 11 dan seterusnya.
Foto-foto tentang peranakan mansion ini pasti sudah banyak yang upload di internet. Dari pintu masuk, di tengah ada ruangan terbuka yang tembus ke lantai 2, sebelah kiri ada (I’ll say ruang tamu) dan sebelah kana nada ruang keluarga. Mari saya cerita singkat tentang ruangan di sebelah kiri.
Diceritakan dulu kalo anak Perempuan sudah berusia sekitar 10tahunan, mereka akan dijodohkan dengan seorang anak laki-laki dari pilihan keluarga. Pertemuan dilaksanakan di ruangan sebelah kiri ini, dan anak Perempuan tidak diikutsertakan di pertemuan itu. Akan tetapi, dari celah ukira di pintu si anak perempuan bisa mengintip calon suaminya. Yang menarik adalah, pintu yang menghubungkan ruang tamu dengan rumah sebagian kayu tertutup dan sekitar 1,2m dari lantai adalah kayu terukir dan berlubang. Dari celah ukiran itu anak perempuan yang usia 10tahunan yang kira-kira tingginya 1,2m berjinjit untuk mengintip calon suaminya. Karena saya bisa melihat dari celah ukiran tanpa berjiinjit, saya tidak sadar akan hal itu, dan setelah saya pikir-pikir kok sweet juga ya. Hehe..
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Lanjut ke sisi sebalah kanan dari pintu masuk ada, let’s say ruang keluarga lah ya. Disini ayah sebagai kepala keluarga banyak duduk di ujung meja. Di sebelah kiri dan kanan dari kursi si ayah ada kaca besar yang posisinya dibuat sedemikian rupa sehingga dari tempat ayah duduk bisa melihat kearah tangga dan ke arah pintu masuk. Dari cermin di sebelah kiri ayah, ayah bisa memantau orang-orang yang naik ke lantai dua dan memantau anak-anaknya apakah mereka naik ke lantai dua. Dari cermin di sebalah kanan, ayah bisa memantau orang yang keluar masuk rumah, pintu ada di sebelah kiri dari kursi ayah yaaa. Dari tempat si ayah duduk ini, juga menghadap ke arah lautan. Jadi dulu sebelum ada banyak gedung seperti sekarang, dari kursi ayah bisa lihat kapal siapa yang akan berlabuh. Lalu, dari posisi duduk ayah nih ya, di sebelah kiri ada Kumpulan alat alat untuk menhisap ganja. Bahkan ada sertifikatnya. Jaman dulu udah ada nyimeng (bener ga si ini istilahnya).
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Next, ke area yang ada meja makannya. Ceritanya, kalo anak perempuan udah mau dinikahkan, mereka itu diminta untuk memasak full set makan malam untuk keluarga calon suami. Lalu, mereka juga diminta untuk membuatkan baju untuk keluarga calon suami. Ini kaya ujian untuk menjadi istri gitu lah.
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Di bagian belakang dari mansion ini juga ada toko souvenir dan pajangan-pajangan lain. Yang menarik saya adalah perhiasan dengan warna biru. Karna saya tahu kalua warna biru itu jaman dulu susah didapat. Dan benar saja kalo hiasan warna biru itu diambil dari bulu burung Kingfisher.
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nainadigital · 9 months
5 Malaysia Tour Packages By Asian Season Travel
I can certainly provide you with a list of popular tour packages that were available in Malaysia up until my last knowledge update in 2023. However, please note that the availability and details of tour packages may have changed since then. It's recommended to verify the information with a reliable travel agency or online source before making any travel plans. Here are five Malaysia tour packages that were popular:
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Kuala Lumpur City Tour Package:
Duration: 2-3 days
Highlights: Petronas Twin Towers, Batu Caves, Merdeka Square, National Mosque, Chinatown, and more.
Activities: City sightseeing, shopping, cultural experiences.
Note: This package focuses on exploring the vibrant city of Kuala Lumpur, including its iconic landmarks and cultural sites.
Penang Heritage Tour Package:
Duration: 3-4 days
Highlights: George Town UNESCO World Heritage Site, Penang Hill, Kek Lok Si Temple, Street Art Trail, Penang Peranakan Mansion, and more.
Activities: Heritage exploration, street food tasting, visiting historical sites.
Note: This package is ideal for travelers interested in exploring the rich history, architecture, and multicultural heritage of Penang.
Langkawi Island Getaway Package:
Duration: 4-5 days
Highlights: Langkawi Cable Car, Sky Bridge, Underwater World Langkawi, Eagle Square, island hopping tours, beautiful beaches.
Activities: Beach relaxation, water sports, island hopping, nature exploration.
Note: This package is suitable for those looking for a relaxing tropical beach vacation with opportunities for adventure and nature activities.
Borneo Rainforest Adventure Package:
Duration: 7-10 days
Highlights: Kinabatangan River wildlife cruises, Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre, Mount Kinabalu, Borneo rainforest trekking, cultural encounters.
Activities: Wildlife spotting, jungle trekking, cultural immersion.
Note: This package is designed for travelers seeking an immersive experience in the lush rainforests of Borneo, with a focus on wildlife and nature.
Cameron Highlands Nature Retreat Package:
Duration: 2-3 days
Highlights: Tea plantations, strawberry farms, Mossy Forest, Butterfly Garden, Boh Tea Centre, hiking trails.
Activities: Nature walks, tea tasting, exploring plantations, cool climate.
Note: This package offers a serene escape to the Cameron Highlands, known for its cool climate, scenic landscapes, and agricultural attractions.
Remember to check for the latest updates and offerings when planning your trip to Malaysia. Asian Season Travel and online platforms can provide you with more detailed and up-to-date information on tour packages and itineraries.
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tigercranesf · 1 year
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at Pinang Peranakan Mansion https://www.instagram.com/p/Cqg7ODmPYtq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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legendapcy93 · 1 year
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🐦思念如燕它飞舞舌尖 若是真爱配尝几分苦甜 意念婆娑时间里推磨 追随到何处才结果 燕如针线在青空缝编 几幅女红将以泪缀点 誓言斑驳情雾只是经过 风雨中且让我盈步婀娜🐦 #legendapcy #lightningaleapcy (at Pinang Peranakan Mansion) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl09F9GPJu4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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westanimesims · 29 days
Peranakan Mansion: The Sims 2 Speed Build
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ifreakingloveroyals · 2 years
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7 November 2017 | Prince Charles, Prince of Wales and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall meet Malaysian actress Michelle Yeoh as they arrive at Penang’s Peranakan Mansion to attend a reception to celebrate Malaysian art and culture in Penang, Malaysia. Prince Charles, Prince of Wales and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall are on a tour of Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei and India. (c) Chris Jackson/Getty Images
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travelingjoe · 16 days
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Georgetown Penang, Malaysia — April 2024. Visited the Pinang Peranakan Mansion built in 1894. This double story residence of the Chung Family is considered early Straits eclectic style. The Peranakans, also known as the Babas and Nyonyas, was a prominent community of acculturated Chinese unique to this part of the world, especially in the Straits Settlements (Penang, Malacca and Singapore) hence its other name, the Straits Chinese. Adopting selected ways of the local Malays and later, the colonial British, the Peranakans created a unique lifestyle and customs which had not only left behind a rich legacy of antiques but its cultural influences like cuisine and language which are still evident in Penang today. Seems like everywhere you go, there are tourists behaving badly. It’s not like the signage isn’t clear. No your not supposed to sit on the furniture in a museum. No don’t handle the China.
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alvinmarktan · 2 years
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We are at the Pinang Peranakan Mansion. Glad to have met the urban sketchers from Penang. So good they are at their craft. Watch the latest episode to see how talented they are! . Travel Sketch Penang day 2: https://youtu.be/ATIDPeivmBY . . . . . . . . . . . . #stradaeasel #outdoorpainter #oilpainting #oilpainter #urbansketchers #rosemarybrushes #onmyeasel #allaprima #urbansketchers #urbansketching #urbansketchersg #urbansketch #artcollector #contemporarypainting #sketchfromlife #singapore #alvinmark #pinangperanakanmansion #peranakanhouse #travelsketch #sketchingpenang (at Pinang Peranakan Mansion) https://www.instagram.com/p/CinCq2UvcEh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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