#personal trainer notting hill
sgiandubh · 3 months
Good morning! I don't remember exactly when, but a short time ago Marple had an anon 'good friend of Valbonesi' come over - I believe someone on our side of the fence commented on the unlikelihood.
Well then… I found myself thinking about the subject after I saw Valbos participating more actively in the weekend's events. A few days ago he announced that coaches and members of his gym would participate in Hyrox and, during the event, he gave us that naughty confirmation about the backpack with a video with details about it.
Do you know if he's ever been involved like this before? https://www.instagram.com/p/C35yV6NMyeF/?igsh=MWlvajZmdmdxYjdtag== https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4B4QxtsqiE/?igsh=MWNjcm5ocm1jNTNqNw==
Dear Valbo Anon,
This guy has been onboard the MPC project probably since Day 1 and now everybody is scratching their head and looking for conspiracy, when it's just about normal (even expected!) promo?
It is absolutely logical to see Coach Valbo showing off one of the main (and rather expensive!) MPC merchandise pieces currently on offer, in order to boost sales. We should not be paranoid and look for anything else. This is all that is, nothing more.
I have to confess I have no idea about the reason why you might even ask 'if he's been involved like this before', other than trying to link this to Scottish Xena, the newest side player on the block.
Connecting the two backpacks looks completely unnecessary to me. Prior to launching her online business (probably currently not based in the UK, her two UK registered companies, based in Falkirk, are dissolved since March 7, 2023 and their 1 £ capital each are automatically deemed as bona vacantia of the Crown - 😎), she has worked as a Personal Trainer for about seven years in gyms and fitness clubs all around Scotland (according to her own statements). I bet she knows all of the girls and guys in that world and that includes Valbo, Alex Viada, you name it.
Also (and sorry for the long answer), expect luxurious fanfic about her, too. There are several podcasts she's done over the last five or six years, where she abundantly hints at her life, her son, her struggles. And let me tell you something, Anon: this woman is a good mother, who proudly wears her son's initial as a necklace. She is a single mom who tries her best and there is absolutely nothing hinting to her looking for romance, let alone a hidden one, Notting Hill style. I am sure real shippers will never harass her (as they never harassed anybody, FFS!) and if I can do something about it, I will. I was raised by a single/divorced mom, too and I know one when I see one. She doesn't need to be Virginia Woolf, or something, to have my respect - and the best way to respect her is to leave her be and stop this shitty connection game immediately.
I am sure you understand. With this, that topic is closed. If you need more minute detail, you know where to look for it (Marple, who?).
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wrapped-up · 2 years
do you have any fics planned after the notting hill au and we never went to church? just curious! And honestly if you do, kudos to you because SO MUCH WRITING I could never
Hi there!
Right, the official WIP list is as follows:
Hurling Crowbirds at Mockingbars - Wolfstar - mediumish
An exes to lovers angstfest from Sirius's PoV with an eventual happy ending.
Nameless fic - Drarry - long
A modern day AU. Harry is a war hero who ends up running for political office. His campaign takes an unexpected turn thanks to a snarky aide with a sharp tongue.
The Highest Pub - Wolfstar - short
Cute get together fic centring around the cute, surly barman in the highest pub in the UK, and the annoying posh bloke who gets stuck there in a blizzard.
What if one of us had the guts tonight? - Wolfstar - short
Remus is in a long term relationship, but when he and his partner meet an enigmatic stranger in a bar, nothing is quite the same again.
This one's super cute, honestly.
Let's get physical - Wolfstar - short
Campy personal trainer Sirius fic set in the nineties. Like, I think that's all you need.
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oftatteredwings · 11 months
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⸻  PHIL DUNSTER. HE/HIM / have you ever heard of A MAKER OF MY TIME by the paper kites, well, it describes OWEN MARR to a tee! the thirty year old, and PERSONAL TRAINER/FITNESS GURU was spotted browsing through the stalls at portobello road market last sunday, do you know them? would you say HE is more cocky or more CARING instead? anyway, they remind me of trainers even with a suit, an abrasive attitude covering up a heart of gold, crumpled sheets, late night runs and a constant need to be the best, maybe you’ll bump into them soon! 
time in notting hill ; all his life.
tw: eating disorder mention
Name: Owen Marr Age: Thirty Date of Birth: 17th August 1993 Birthplace: London, UK Occupation: Personal Trainer/Fitness GuruRomantic/sexual orientation: Heteroromantic/heterosexual
The oldest of the Marr children, Owen always felt a slight disassociation from his siblings. He's the one who was a trial in a way for his parents, he had the boring name and he had three years where it was just him, growing and learning, toddling around in a house the family couldn't really afford.
That became more and more apparent as the family grew over the coming years and when he finally hit a point where he wanted to do more than just hang around at home and keep his younger siblings company, he realised he couldn't really do that. So it didn't take long for him to take in the usual Marr shenanigans. if he wanted on the football team he'd have to steal the kit he needed —- and he did, repeatedly, from other students, from the lost and found, from the local sports shop where he'd sneak it under his coat.
As he grew older, he'd spend day after day in the local coffee shop uploading videos he'd filmed out on the football field and in the park. Fitness was really the only thing he was interested in and he started gaining a following through that. It wasn't hard for that to become his only focus.
He was the first to leave the family home, getting his own place out on the Isle of Dogs and starting a whole other life for himself.
His career blossomed and it wasn't long before he was starting a family all of his own... even if it wasn't intentional and it certainly wouldn't last. His daughter, Daisy, means the absolute world to him, though. Always has and always will.
It wasn't until recently that he made the move back to Notting Hill to be closer to the rest of the Marrs. No matter how often he might try and pretend he's a different person now, there's no getting away from that. He's always been a little rough around the edges, swears a tiny bit too much ( when he's not on camera anyway ), drinks more than he should, and then proceeds to try and run the calories off in a pretty unhealthy way the same night.
siblings. ( 3/3. ) ( sparrow, jagger & wilde marr. )
best friend. ( kash bronson. )
mother of his daughter.
good friends.
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nottinghillhq · 1 year
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welcome to notting hill heather, we’re super excited to have you here, you’ve got twenty-four hours to send in your account!
PHIL DUNSTER. HE/HIM / have you ever heard of A MAKER OF MY TIME by the paper kites, well, it describes OWEN MARR to a tee! the twenty-nine year old, and PERSONAL TRAINER/FITNESS GURU was spotted browsing through the stalls at portobello road market last sunday, do you know them? would you say HE is more cocky or more CARING instead? anyway, they remind me of trainers even with a suit, an abrasive attitude covering up a heart of gold, crumpled sheets, late night runs and a constant need to be the best, maybe you’ll bump into them soon! [ HEATHER ] ( + taking on sparrow marr’s sibling connection & kash bronson’s best friend connection )
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quotes121sworld · 1 year
Jack Whitehall tricks girlfriend Roxy Horner as she poses with naked male statue in hilarious clip
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Jack Whitehall pulls a VERY X-rated prank on unsuspecting girlfriend Roxy Horner as she poses next to a naked male statue in a hilarious clip
By Bethan Edwards For Mailonline Published: 21:47 EDT, Apr 11, 2023 | Updated: 21:51 EDT, Apr 11, 2023 --> --> --> Jack Whitehall took to Instagram on Tuesday to share a hilarious video of his girlfriend Roxy Horner teaching her how to pose in front of a naked male statue. The 34-year-old comedian appeared to be enjoying a lavish getaway with the 31-year-old model as they enjoyed some sightseeing and snapped some snaps. Jack couldn't help but tell Roxy to stretch out her arm while leaning against the statue to force her to accidentally touch the large artwork's genitals. Roxy was unimpressed and quite red in the face as she quickly turned and walked away. The prankster wrote: "She falls for the oldest trick in the world. @roxyhorner
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Red face: Jack Whitehall shared a hilarious video of girlfriend Roxy Horner on Instagram on Tuesday as he taught her how to pose in front of a nude male statue
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Funny: The comedian, 34, seemed to be enjoying a lavish getaway with the 31-year-old model as he poked fun at her for "falling for the oldest tricks in the world". She looked effortlessly chic for the sun-drenched outing in a pretty blue mini dress, which she paired with a pair of crisp white leggings and trainers. The beauty completed her ensemble by adding a pair of gold hoop earrings and styling her long blonde tresses in loose waves. It comes after Jack revealed it He once deleted jokes about his girlfriend Roxy from his script while performing in front of her parents.The comedian admitted he hadn't done stand-up in a while and was getting "too nervous" to talk about the model on stage.Speaking on The Jonathan Ross Show, Jack said, "To be honest, I hadn't done stand-up for a while, I'd done a lot of movies and I was stuck on set."I love doing stand-up so much. I felt like I had something to talk about again. Before I knew it, I had been writing for an hour and was on tour.”Speaking about his girlfriend's family in the audience, he explained, "I had some routines with my girlfriend, but then I remembered her family was in the audience. "I got a few out When I got too nervous... I saw her family and gave up on the joke halfway through.
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Embarrassed: Roxy was unimpressed and quite red in the face as she quickly turned and walked away
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Couple: Jack has been with Roxy for more than two years and they live with their pooch Coco (pictured in 2022) in a £17.5million five-bedroom house in Notting Hill.Speaking of continuing his work in the film, "Hopefully they'll do Clifford the Big Red Dog 2, which I'll get asked back about. Jung Cruise 2 too.”It comes after Jack admitted his girlfriend is the only person in control of his stand-up content.He's bared everything about her sex life as well as Roxy's type 1 diabetes in his routines - all with the model's permission.He told The Sun: "Roxy definitely gets a veto. She can be a tough audience for my brand of humor but, touch wood, so far she's been very accepting of me making routines about her personal life on stage."It's a blessing she hasn't said no to anything yet. Dating a comedian can be stressful because he gets on stage and tells a bunch of strangers all about your personal life for the sake of comedy.“She was very patient with everything. Roxy has the patience of a saint.'Jack has been with Roxy for more than two years and they live with their pooch Coco in a £17.5million five-bedroom house in Notting Hill. Share or comment on this article: Read the full article
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soliloquivm · 1 year
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⸻ MIN YOONGI. HE + HIM / have you ever heard of BARTHOLOMEW by THE SILENT COMEDY, well, it describes BAE SUYEONG to a tee! the twenty nine year old, and SECURITY AT HAMMOND’S PUB was spotted browsing through the stalls at portobello road market last sunday, do you know them? would you say HE is more ABRASIVE or more COURAGEOUS instead? anyway, they remind me of ash as the fire begins to go out , bloodied knuckles at the end of the day , and echoing footsteps down an empty hallway , maybe you’ll bump into them soon!
time in notting hill : 20 years birthplace : busan , south korea sexuality : bisexual relationship status : single
a quiet life is one of the many things that suyeong thought that he would have , growing up . it was the type of world he’d dreamed of . while it wasn’t the chaotic mess his parents had made him feel , there’s no denying that their divorce had hit him harder than he realized . swept away from busan to london by his father , suyeong was virtually raised by a single father that had a penchant for sleeping with his secretaries of the affluent law firm he’d become partner of . he’d learned to never remember their faces , ask their names or so much as get to know them more than the bare bones of details as the women would come and go .
london was a strange place for him , it was different and at times he felt like an outcast , ousted by the children at school , his private tutors not knowing what to do with the rebellious child , his trainers would lose patience with him , and most importantly , his absentee father . his relationship with his mother had been cut off during the divorce , the photos of them as a family left behind – and to this day he has no idea why that would be , in fact , her face has become nothing more than a clouded memory .
these questions , they led to a bitter teen , the kind that would be caught outside smoking pot and getting into fist fights in the parking lot . the more trouble he’d get in , the more times his father would have to come and talk his delinquent son out of it . often reminded how he would amount to nothing in his life if he kept the behavior up , suyeong would only bite back , fighting the urge to yell , scream , break things and instead bottled it all inside until the moment something would make him explode . this anger only settled as a more internal part of him as he grew older , moved out from his father’s home and found himself a place of his own . finally , he was able to have a semblance of peace . instead of taking out his frustrations on the unsuspecting , however , suyeong turned his focus into the ring . training day and night from kickboxing to other mixed martial arts , he found a level of inner peace he never would have anticipated . it was then that he decided to forgo college and keep his focus on the ring and his job at the pub as security .
suyeong grew up in london , having left korea with his father when he was only nine years old and went to school locally .
when in the ring , suyeong is not the type to hold back , everything about him is focused on the fight at hand and he will stop at nothing to win . however , once out of the ring , he comes off as a quiet , yet personable type though many could consider him unapproachable due to the resting face .
he’s a people watcher by nature , rarely ( if ever ) wanting to be the center of attention . as much as he is capable of telling a good story , he attempts to make it so in the simplest way possible , keeping to the point and being direct — which is exactly how he prefers to communicate . on top of that , he finds small talk dull , and would rather talk about anything besides the weather , especially if it goes beyond ‘ is it cold out ? ‘
when it comes to his relationship with his father , it’s definitely strained . they don’t speak often , and they rarely make attempts at reaching out . as far as suyeong considers it , they both live entirely separate lives and he’s alright with that – he doesn’t want anything to do with him no matter what the cost .
when it comes to his mother , suyeong was never told why he would have to go with his father amidst the divorce . the mother he remembers was kind , nurturing and understanding , where his father was the complete opposite , and whenever the subject would be brought up while he was a child , it would be swiftly shot down . just like his father , suyeong has never reached out , or sought out his mother , having been under the impression that she didn’t want anything to do with him , when in reality , during the custody battle , suyeong’s father used his influence to obtain it , and left his ex wife in the dust back in korea .
nowadays , suyeong is often seen walking around the streets when not at work or in the ring , or he is at home curled up on the couch with his cat , saya .
best friend since chidlhood : these two are thick as thieves . having grown up together they've been inseparable . skinny love ( any gender ) - aka these two have mutual feelings for one another , however neither has the gall to say so . lots of pining , some angst , the great combo . FWB ( any gender ) - exactly what it says , how it started is up to interpretation , but one thing is for sure , they're close friends , that also mess around every now and again .
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nw3pt · 2 years
Personal Trainer Notting Hill
Are you looking for personal trainer in Notting Hill? Or maybe you want to reach those personal goals. Whatever the reason we will work with you to help support and motivate, while keeping exercise fun and challenging. Get in touch to discuss options.
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Did You Know You Can Benefit From Using An Online Personal Trainer?
At present, many individuals in the United Kingdom have started using online personal trainers to maintain a healthy lifestyle during the lockdown period.  In the past, people complained that they don’t have enough time to workout at the gym. However, with so much time on your hands, there is simply no excuses anymore to get yourself into shape.  You can start working out right away if you get yourself matched up with a personal trainer. This article will show you how you can benefit from online personal training services in the comfort of your own home.
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Online personal training has become a popular solution for many people to keep their bodies in shape for the last couple of months.  Since it is not possible to do your regular workout at the gym or visit the park, individuals are now opting for online personal training services.  
Since your exercise sessions are not done in person, you can do your exercise at a time that suits you.
One of the greatest benefits of using an online personal training service is the fact that you don’t have to rush from and to work to get to the gym on time.  An additional bonus is that the majority of online exercise programs contain plenty of bodyweight workouts, which can be executed comfortably at your home.
Before the nationwide lockdown in the United Kingdom, people were already finding it difficult to afford one-on-one gym sessions.  Particularly if training occurs more than once each week.  It is worth noting that personal trainers are expensive, however, the majority of online personal trainers will bill you less for their online training services than in-person workouts.
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Appointing the services of an online personal trainer will present you with more personal attention. Your training will most likely follow your routine regularly and contact communicate with you via Skype, text messages, or even call you. Then again, being online indicates that the lines of communication are always open and that he/she is available to assist you with your workout routine, questions you might have, and even be able to give you some pointers.
One of the perks of working via an online training service is that your personal trainer doesn’t even have to reside in the same location as you.  You can appoint the ideal personal trainer that suits your needs and can help you achieve your fitness goals, whether it be training for a marathon in the future, preparing for a fitness competition, or just helping you to stay fit. Needless to say, using an online training service, your personal trainer doesn’t even have to reside in the UK.
Even though online training may require more self-motivation from your side, you don’t have to worried about being alone.  Your personal trainer is just a phone call, message or a click away.  Then again, if you have a good trainer, you can rest assured that he/she will be checking in on you to motivate you and find out how you are progressing with your workout schedule. Don’t think for a minute that you will not be held accountable if you are not achieving your goals.
Sceptics consider that the one setback to online training is safety.  If truth to be told, individuals that need some guidance to get in shape and need that extra motivation can rest assured that safety is not an obstacle.
Professional trainers that render personal services online offer clear instructions along with custom exercises to show you how to do a specific workout routine – making it perfect for any person who wishes to live a healthy lifestyle.
With all of the above advantages, you should also consider working out with the help of online personal training services.
Based in Fulham, South West London Elite PT London provides professional, certified fitness programs that are designed to help you reach and maintain your fitness and health goals.  No matter what age you are, what your exercise history is or your fitness level, one of our professional personal trainer’s will help you to identify your fitness goals, design an exercise program that fits your needs, guide you throughout every exercise and workout. Our services include the following programs such as Push Your Limits, Body Transformation, Bulk Up/Hypertrophy Training, Fat Loss/Tone Up, Buddy Training and Wedding/Event Training. Our personal trainers at Elite PT London have programs and advice to suit every need. Our clients are founded in Wimbledon, Fulham, Chelsea, Marylebone, Paddington and Notting Hill.
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katefiction · 4 years
Cora, Chapter 2: Invitations
I have to tell someone.
I can’t.
I can’t tell anyone.
Annie, she’d know what to do.
No, she’d just congratulate me and pat me on the back.
Jenny? She’d freak me out even more.
Mum…let’s not go there.
Dad? I quiver at the thought.
The door swings open as I stand contemplating my options, one hand in my mouth, my nail being torn to shreds, the other clutching a bottle of brandy.
‘Cora!’, he says as if I’m a wonderful surprise he wasn’t expecting. 
‘Evening Nicholas’, I smile, placing my hand at my side quickly.
He looks fantastic, his hair perfectly in place, and wearing a blue shirt and chinos. I have opted for a little black dress.
‘You look lovely’, he kisses me on both cheeks and I hand him the brandy.
‘For you’.
 ‘Brandy and fish? I think I’ll have to teach you a thing or two about flavours!’, he chuckles.
He lets me in to his plush Notting Hill apartment. Unlike my apartment at Clarence House, Nicholas is surrounded by shiny new furniture and contemporary art. It’s the kind of place that when you step bare foot, your feet sink into the lush, soft strands of the carpet.
He puts the brandy to one side and pours me a glass of wine.
‘So what’s for dinner?’, I ask.
‘Salt-crusted grilled fish with lemongrass’, he says proudly. 
‘You are full of surprises! Who knew you were a cook?’
‘I have many talents’, he says, looking over his glass at me.
I blush lightly. I have no idea what to say in response.
We settle down to dinner, Nicholas entertaining me with stories from his childhood, and the rivalry he and his older brother, Jonathan, had as boys.
‘I used to scribble out his grades on his school work and replace them with E’s and F’s’, he laughs, ‘he used to get so angry when Mum and Dad made him do more homework to make up for it’.
‘I wish I had siblings’
‘They’re not all they’re made out to be’
‘No, you’re so lucky to have that one person who understands…’, I trail off. ‘…I remember being seven and finally realising that Mum and Dad divorcing meant I wouldn’t get a little brother or sister to play with.’
I don’t have to tell Nicholas the story, we’d never talked about it, but of course he knew, the whole world knew. My parents divorced when I was five. They continued to live in Clarence House, albeit in very separate apartments, for my sake. When I left home for university, Mum wasted no time in moving to a secluded country home in Surrey. I’d resented her for it ever since. For leaving me. For leaving Dad.
I snap myself out of it as Nicholas says, ‘yes well, silver linings and all that.’ I can see I’ve made him uncomfortable. He changes the subject and my family aren’t mentioned for the rest of the meal.
After a chocolate soufflé, we head over to the living area. I’m a little woozy from the wine and would love to put my feet up and sink into the couch, but it’s hard on the back and sides, and I sit awkwardly upright as Nicholas sits next to me, looking all the more glamorous, his arm draped over his arm rest.
‘Get comfortable’, he insists.
I shuffle backwards into the couch, holding my wine in one hand, doing my best to look casual.
Nicholas swirls the wine in his glass. ‘So I know it’s a bit short notice for someone like you, but my father’s hosting our annual Highland Fling next month, and I wondered if you’d like to accompany me?’
‘Will you be dancing?’, I giggle.
‘Yes, of course, and I’ll be in a kilt’
I almost ask him if he’ll wear the kilt in the traditional way, with nothing underneath, but I stop myself. He raises an eyebrow as if he’s expecting me to ask that very question.
‘I’ll check my diary’, I say instead.
Nicholas’ face drops slightly, giving him a look of an abandoned puppy on the roadside.
‘I’m sure it’ll be fine though Nick! Best not double book myself’, I say cheerily, placing a hand on his knee to reassure him. 
‘Good’. He reaches to my hair, tucking a strand behind my ear before resting it on my shoulder. Tilting his body toward mine, my heart starts to beat uncontrollably. He’s taken that small gesture as a green light. Shit.
Nicholas is inches away from my face when I panic, ‘I can’t!’, I say, my voice going to liquid.
He stops, but doesn’t pull away, his face still ludicrously close to mine given what I’d just said.
‘You can’t?’
‘I mean I won’t…I mean…just not on the first date’, I manage a smile.
I’m lying; I did mean ‘I can’t’. A Freudian slip. How could I kiss this man after kissing another yesterday? How could he compare? I shake the thought of Ben out of my mind.
Nicholas pats my knee, ‘of course’.
‘Could I use the bathroom?’, I say, hoping to change the subject.
‘Through the passage, second on the right’. I think I hear a hint of annoyance in his voice.
I amble back from the bathroom a few minutes later, looking at the art work in the passage as I go. Next to the doorway that leads back to the living area is a small, wooden telephone table, with a telephone and a pile of documents sitting on top. The one messy thing in Nicholas’ home, I think to myself.
My father has always said I have an inquisitive mind; anyone else would call it nosy. I reassure myself that I’m just getting to know him better as I flick nonchalantly through Nicholas’ papers. A single sheet at the bottom of the pile catches my eye.
Elliot Mason Private Catering
2 course meal x2    £250.00
I push the papers back into place, smarting from my discovery. Part of me is endeared that he would go to such lengths for our date. The other part, the niggling part in my chest, is annoyed that he lied to me. It’s the cynical princess that wins. I have to test him.
‘So’ I say as I re-enter the room, where Nicholas is clearing away the glasses, ‘what are you going to cook for me next time?’ 
‘Ha! Well next time, we’ll be at the Highland Fling, so I won’t need to’, he gives me a small wink.
Forcing myself to come to my senses, I thank him for the evening, and promise to get in touch. So what if he paid a chef and lied about it? Surely that proves he likes me?
Maybe that niggling feeling I’ve felt all night isn’t my doubt, maybe it’s guilt.
I have to tell someone.
I drum my fingers across the desk in an erratic beat as Maggie reals off my commitments for the coming month. Our monthly diary meetings were her idea; a way to keep me organised and for us to merge my work diary with my personal one.
‘The weekend beginning Saturday, August twenty-eighth, you have free…’
‘I’m in Scotland that weekend’, I say, distracted by a fly buzzing near the window, trying to escape. 
‘Ok, for the whole weekend?’ Maggie never asked for specifics, where I was going and who with were my business. Nevertheless, I usually told her anyway.
I get up and open the window, releasing the fly to the world, ‘I’m not sure yet, it’s the Dunrobin Highland Fling, I might come home the next day’.
She scribbles something in her diary, as we discuss the last few days of August for a couple of minutes. I’m eager to leave, I hate meetings. I’m always the fly trying to escape from the window.
‘Just one last thing Ma’am’, Maggie picks up a large, thick envelope. ‘This came for you at the office, I presume you were expecting it?’
She hands it to me and I pull out the contents; a navy blue information pack, with the words ‘Marion and James Evans Trust’ in white writing on the cover. My heart skips a beat.
Opening the folder, I find a compliments note written in scrawling, spiky handwriting,
‘In case you couldn’t find the email address,
Ben Evans’
I’m convinced Maggie can hear my heart humming.
‘It’s from Ben Evans, about the Trust’, I say, my mouth dry.
‘Is he wanting you to get involved?’ Maggie asks, more interested in her paperwork.
‘Um…I don’t know’, I stay glued to the spot, staring at his disjointed penmanship, wondering what it says about him.
‘Are you ok Ma’am?’
When I look up, Maggie is looking at me, a slightly concerned expression on her face. It’s not like me to be so quiet.
‘I kissed him’. The words are out before my brain can stop them.
‘Mr Egerton, Ma’am?’
‘What?’, she thinks I’m talking about Nicholas, I had told her about the date in a fit of nerves on the way back from the awards. ‘No, not Nicholas…Ben, that night, I don’t know what happened, one minute we were talking, the next…’
Maggie’s eyes widen for a milli-second, then settle. She is truly the calmest person I know.
‘Are you planning to see each other again?’
‘I don’t know, I mean of course not! I’m seeing Nicholas, it was just a moment of madness’, I blurt out.
‘Are you worried?’, she says, trying to find the source of my angst.
‘About what?’
‘That he may speak to someone?’
Her innocent question hits me in the chest like a freezing snowball on a winter’s day. I hadn’t even considered he might talk to someone, and by ‘someone’, Maggie meant the press.
‘He wouldn’t, would he? I mean, why would he?’, the panic in my voice is rising by the second.
‘For publicity, press attention…any number of reasons Ma’am’
‘Oh shit’. How could I be so stupid?
Maggie tries to placate me, ‘I can get in contact with his team, make sure he knows any such action would be deplorable’
‘No! No, it’s fine, I’ll speak to him myself’, I scan the room, my mind buzzing.
‘I’m not sure that would be advisable’, she says calmly.
I ignore her against my better judgement, ‘I should see him in person, yes, that’s what I need to do, I need to see him.’
Queen’s Club, London
Maggie knew it was an excuse, I knew it was an excuse. But that wasn’t enough to stop me.
I’m well known around here, visiting every month or so to play a quick game of tennis. Ben and I had spoken about it that night, he had told me he comes here often, and after a few discreet phone calls from Maggie, I had discovered he’d be here training today.
Walking towards the lawns in my tennis whites and neon pink trainers, I scan the area for any sight of him and it doesn’t take long before I do. Swinging his racket forcefully against his training partner’s forehand, he bounces around the court, sweating head to toe in the August heat.  
I stand and watch for a few minutes, admiring the shapes his body can make under such speed, until his partner relents and goes to find some shade. Ben heads over to a bench on the side of the court, sits down and leans back his head, pouring water from his bottle all over his face, before gulping the rest down. 
I stride towards him purposefully. I am here for a reason.
I see him squinting like he’s seen a mirage. A grin passes over his face as I approach.
‘Morning, how are you?’, he says simply.
‘Good thanks, and you?’, I say. Casual. Be casual.
‘Good, good’
I stand in front of him, an expectant silence between us. Say something clever, Cora, or funny. Say anything. Speak for God’s sake!
‘I got your information pack, thank you!’, I say with a squeak.
‘Well, I noticed there hadn’t been any emails from you’, he shrugged. ‘I thought you might have been avoiding me.’
I laugh like a deranged idiot, ‘why would I avoid you?’
‘Because you kissed me’
I’m startled by his bluntness and stumble over my words before I realise what he’s just said.
‘Wait a second, you kissed me’, I say indignantly.
‘That’s not how I remember it’, he leans down to re-tie his shoelaces.
I open my mouth to bite back, then realise what he’s doing. ‘Nice try’.
‘Aha, she’s discovered a sense of humour at last’, he says, looking to the sky playfully.
I sit down next to him; I need to bite the bullet. ‘I have to ask you something…’, I say tentatively.
‘Go on’
‘Have you…told anyone about what happened?’
‘Nope, why?’
‘I just had to check’
‘For?…’ He places his elbows on his thighs and studies me.
‘If it got out, well, it would be a nightmare; I would really appreciate it if you didn’t say anything’
‘Thanks for the vote of confidence’, he rolls his eyes. ‘Is there someone in particular you don’t want to find out? A boyfriend, perhaps’
My heart jumps into my throat. ‘No!’ I say it a little too quickly. ‘But, I’ve been on a date, since…it happened’
Why did I just tell him that?
A flicker of disappointment passes over his face.
‘So you‘re just worried I’ll use you for publicity?’, a darkness clouds his voice.
‘No, I-’
‘Cora, I’ve been in the public eye long enough to know how it works, I’m not interested in making the Sunday papers, I just want to play tennis’
‘I’m sorry, it would be stupid of me not to check’, I say.
He nods in agreement, ‘I appreciate you coming to me yourself’
‘See, I told Maggie that would be best!’, I can’t wait for the chance to rub that one in her face.
‘So Maggie knows does she?’, he raises both eyebrows. ‘And yet I’m getting the lecture about keeping my mouth shut!’
Crap. ‘She’s the only person I told, I swear’, I say, panicking.
Ben laughs, that glorious, big laugh, ‘I couldn’t give a shit who you tell’. There’s that bluntness again.
I want to hit him with my racket; this man knows how to break me into a sweat.
‘As you’re here, do you fancy a game?’, he motions towards the court.
‘With you?’
‘No with the Pope, yes with me. I heard Bejar offered you lessons, I think you can do better than him’, his deep brown eyes dart across mine.
I force Nicholas back into my mind like a shoehorn. Don’t flirt, don’t flirt.
‘Well you do need help on that forehand’, I tease.
We head over to the court where we hit a few balls around, Ben giving me some pointers along the way. As we finally get into a game, unsurprisingly, he wins every point. All but one, when he hits the net.
Later as I walk him to the changing rooms, I can’t help but gloat. ‘A point against a tennis champion, that’s pretty good going.’
‘One measly point! And it was only because I was distracted by those ridiculous trainers!’, he looks down at my neon pink feet.
It usually takes an age for a new friend to feel like they can tease me. I smile to myself, grateful that he just didn’t ‘give a shit’.
‘I’m sure you’re better at other things’, he pats me on the shoulder unaware of the glow it ignites inside me.
‘I am’, I try and sound mysterious.
I say the first think that pops into my mind, ‘like the Highland Fling’
Ben finds this hilarious, of course he does.
‘I bet you couldn’t do it, I bet you’re too “manly” to even try’, I hold his gaze.
‘Try me’, he says, his voice deep.
‘There’s a party on the twenty-eighth, my friend…the guy I’m going with, it’s at his home, a big do, I’ll send you the details…if you’re not too much of a wuss, that is’
What am I doing?
‘Great’, if he’s registered that I’m going there with a date, he doesn’t show it.
‘Great, see you then’, I flounce off , my face on fire, my heart thumping.
‘Uh Cora!’, he calls after me.
I turn around.
‘You’ll probably need my number, to send me the details?’
‘Oh yes’, I blush.
I walk away with my hand gripped around my racket, Ben’s number in my phone, and his eyes on my back.
This has suddenly become very real.
What have I done?
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I Knew I Loved You ~ Chapter 8
So... I misnumbered my chapters and so I thought I had done more than I actually did when really I just fucked up... *shrug*
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Chapter 8: Arsinoe
~Camden, Australia~
Jules was in freakout mode by mid-October. Despite still having another month before her wedding, she had insisted that Arsinoe come home to help her. Which led to Arsinoe sitting on Jules and Emilia’s couch as the two rapidly debated what type of card they wanted for the table placements. Arsinoe couldn’t help but roll her eyes when she looked at the clock on the wall, only to see that it was lunch time and that the two had been debating for a full hour. She pulled out her phone and checked through Instagram.
She mindlessly looked through until she saw a photo of Jules and Emilia’s wedding invitation posted by Michael Percy. She liked the photo and spoke to Jules.
“So, Michael Percy is coming to your wedding?” Jules thought for a second before frowning.
“I thought you two were friends?” Arsinoe shrugged.
“I’m friends with Tommy. Michael and I had a breakup so bad that we went down in our yearbook as the worst fight of the year. I’m just curious as to why you invited him?” Jules cringed, baring her teeth slightly.
“Emilia invited him. I’m still friends with him. I’m sorry. Will it be awkward?” Jules explained. Arsinoe took a breath and reminded herself not to be so selfish.
“I’m pretty sure he came out a few years back and I have my own man, so no, it should be fine,” she paused  and checked the time again, “I’m going to get food. You want anything?” Both shook their heads and Arsinoe grabbed the keys to the truck she had given Jules when she moved away. Arsinoe clicked her tongue at the dog that had been sitting at her feet. Braddock bounded to his feet and to the door, excited to go out with her again. She pets his head and opens the door.
“Oh, and Arsinoe?” Jules calls after her. “When you get back, I want to call this soulmate of yours so I can grill the shit out of him,” Arsinoe laughs and nods at her best friend.
The cemetery was quiet at this time of a Monday afternoon. Even after so long, the little old lady who ran the florist on the grounds recognised her and nearly cried when Arsinoe pulled the money she owed out of her pocket. Mrs. Patrick had seen her there a lot as a teenager without a job and drowned in grief and it was time to pay her back.
She sat down at the grass in front of the two headstones. Arsinoe had organised it so that there was a plot between them so that eventually she could join them and she sat there now, laying the flowers on her sister’s grave. Forget-me-nots for Mirabella and roses for Katharine. She took a moment to trace the words on the headstones. They were not the same as each other, as her sisters had been different.
Mirabella’s read a quote from one of her favourite books and Kat’s read a quote from a poem. Arsinoe smiled at them and began speaking. She could never forget how they sounded in her head which made their conversation easier, if you could call it that.
“It’s been a while, hasn’t it? I got a new tattoo. I miss you both,  more than you could even fathom. Jules and Em are getting married which is wild. I know you guys probably know all of this because you see all now but sometimes I like to pretend I’m your only source of gossip. Maybe that’s stupid, but it works.”
Only silence responded. Arsinoe smiled softly.
“You can’t tell anyone but I got another job. A local art gallery wants my paintings to display,” she squealed softly, trying not to disturb anyone else who might be around. “I haven’t told anyone that yet but I was so excited and I wanted you guys to be the first to know. I’m moving up in art and life and it’s exciting,” her smile droops a little, “I just wish you both were here to see it all... It’s never gonna get easier to live without you guys, is it?”
Silence again. She sighed and stood, touching her fingers to the headstones one last time.
“There is one more person I have to visit. Until I see you again, ladies,” she took the final bouquet she had bought and climbed the hill of the cemetery until she saw a small stone headstone.
“Hi, Joseph,” she lays the flowers down, crouching on the grass. “How have you been? Good I guess. You and the girls are probably all up there happy. At least, that’s what I think. Jules is getting married. And I know you two didn’t end things great but I just thought you should know. Emilia’s really great for Jules too. I know you asked me to look after her but… I don’t think she needs me as much as she used to. But just know that I’ve got her back, always,” on this headstone, she kisses her hand and presses it to the stone. “Bye, Joseph.”
When she leaves the cemetery, she tries to leave the sadness too. Unfortunately, she has always been particularly bad at that.
It was tradition for Emilia and Arsinoe to have one round in a boxing ring together every time Arsinoe came back home. This time was no different except that they were pulling their punches. Bruises don’t look good with fancy dresses, after all. Emilia was quick and strong but Arsinoe was fast and smart. They had punched it out on 6 occasions and it was a tie every time. As it was this time.
The two were sitting silently against the ropes in the empty boxing gym when Emilia spoke.
“I’m quitting the army,” Arsinoe turned to look at her and she returned the look. “I haven’t told Jules yet and I don’t want you to but… ever since I got back home I keep thinking how much I don’t want to leave her again.”
“I get it. By the time I got back home I couldn’t go again either. And if you’re not sure about going back then it’s not worth it. Can I ask if getting married has something to do with it?” Arsinoe's voice was gentle and serious.
“Jules and I were thinking of starting a family. Adopting, y’know? I can’t leave a kid to go do what I do. I don’t need any more blood on my hands.” Arsinoe smiled.
“That’s really great Em. What will you do once you’re out?” Emilia shrugged.
“Probably personal security, maybe I’ll become a personal trainer. Or I’ll just quit work and be a stay-at-home mother,” Arsinoe laughed near hysterically.
“If there is one thing I don’t think you could do it’s be a stay-at-home anything. But I’m proud of you,” she nudged Emilia’s shoulder with her own.
“What’s it like? Getting out?” Arsinoe shrugged.
“It depends what you see when you’re out there and what you internalise. I’m fine sleeping but jolt out of bed at 5 am on the dot even if I don’t set an alarm. Sometimes I pull a fork from my kitchen drawer and it sounds exactly like the grenade right before it blew us all up. It takes time. But it gets better and besides, you’ll have Braddock and he’s great in civilian crowds,” Emilia smiled and stood, pulling Arsinoe to her feet and hugging her. Arsinoe coughed in surprise.
“Thank you,” Emilia whispers.
“For telling you what it’s like to be out of the army?” Arsinoe says, confusion evident.
“For being Jules’ person. There have been times when I couldn’t for the life of me understand why Jules and you were so close but I’m glad that she has you in her life. So thank you for looking after her,” Arsinoe pats Emilia’s shoulder.
“Thanks, but I think she looked after me more than I looked after her.”
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hicsqueakfest · 5 years
Hicsqueak Fest Prompt List!
Hi all! Here’s the prompt list for Hicsqueak Fest! You can request up to 3 prompts at a time. Once you finish your fics/arts, you can come back for more! 
To claim your prompt, simply send an ask to @hicsqueakfest and copy/paste the prompt you want (you must have a tumblr username to do this). I will cross it off the list and put your name by it so it’s all yours. First come, first serve. Make sure you tell me if you’re claiming a FIC or ART prompt, because some of them are duplicates! 
Prompts are divided by FIC (sub categories: AU, AR, Gen, Smut, Lyrics/Quotes) and ART. 
- Domestic Hicsqueak
- Hecate and Pippa are in an established relationship and see each other again after months apart. Could be smutty or domestic and cute.
- Hicsqueak first time. doesn't have to be sex (but it can be). It could be first time they do anything. Ie: ice skating together, first date, etc.
- Young Hicsqueak building staff/wand for Hecate to have more control over her magic and learning how to use it 
- Pippa and Hecate dancing
- Pippa already knows about the confinement in S1, how she deals with all the little ways Hecate makes excuses to not do things; and how she eventually reacts to Hecate telling her about the confinement.
- Pregnancy fic - Hecate pregnant. Pippa being the best. Mildred minding her own business.
- Single parent Pippa meets her child’s teacher Hecate @ohlookitstomorrowff
- Hicsqueak flying together on a broom
- Domestic Hicsqueak (I need a lot of that)
- A series of firsts with Pippa, after Hecate is set free
- Hecate is clueless about how attractive she is, and Pippa tries her best not to be jealous (but she so is)
- Hicsqueak as parents (interpret "parents" however you want)
- Going hunting
- Going fishing
- Visiting a planetarium together
- Hurt/Comfort. Mistress Broomhead remarks in front of Pippa that Hecate "continues to have poor taste in companions." Pippa asks Hecate what Broomhead meant by it, and Hecate has to make a choice whether or not to reveal the whole Indigo incident.
- Miss Bat catches Hecate and Pippa out of bed past curfew, but instead of punishing them, she just mercilessly teases them about it for the rest of term.
- Gardening together
- Comparing stories of the weirdest stuff they confiscated from students
- Playing poker
- “Have you done this before?" @hovercraft79
- Forehead kisses
- Adventuring to find rare ingredients for Hecate's experiments that the school can't afford @cliotheproclaimer
- Visiting Pentangle's Academy for the first time
- Candlelight supper
- Hecate introducing Star to Pippa
- Playing Mario Kart
- Pippa shows Hecate all the video games she's confiscated from her students, one of which is Skyrim. (I bet Hecate would be a closet GTA5 player after)
- Ethel saw their first kiss and is about to cause havoc
- Playing billiards
- They have a fight at Cackle's and Pippa leaves but Hecate chases her and slams into the barrier and falls off her broom and that's how Pippa finds out about the confinement @allthosegaywitches    
- What if Hecate encounters [a siren] and it takes the form of the person she desires most and Pippa is there to save her or vice versa
- There was a post not too long ago where it was discussed that its possible many girls had crushes on Hecate. So my prompt is: Pippa keeps them unknowingly all away from her Hiccup and years later at a reunion Hecate realized how many girls liked her while Pippa realizes how she really feels about Hecate.
- "I was afraid of what you'd think of me." @maybegarbo
- A fic about/involving musical harmony as a chant method - how did Pippa come to decide this was a better way of doing it, for example? (either gen or shippy)
- Hicsqueak picnic
- Pregnancy fic because there’s not enough of those... Bonus if Hecate is the pregnant one
- Fake dating
- Hicsqueak discovering their favorite ways to snuggle
- Pentangle's academy is under attack Pippa is struggling against the enemy but Hecate comes to protect and save her wife (and the academy)
- Pippa is injured/sick and Hecate takes care of her @cliotheproclaimer
- Hicsqueak wedding
- End of year, the graduating girls play pranks on the teachers and this year someone magicked a mariachi band to follow Hecate around ALL DAY and every time she vanishes them they just reappear with one more band mate
- Staff party at the end of the year Pippa is invited too; Hecate doesn't like those parties and so never shows up but since this year Pippa is going she might go as well too
- Mildred yelling, "Ethel, if you don't stop being a homophobe, DuRIng PRide mONth, then I will yeet you out the window!!!" @firesofthestars
- Fist fight
- Hecate visits Pentangle's
- Going to festivals together
- The first time Hecate sleeps outside of Cackle's, in Pippa's bed. She knows this is where she belongs.
- Hecate gets sick, Pippa takes care of her
- Accidental magic. Something silly preferable to angsty, but if angst calls to you then by all means. For example: the reason Hecate is nicknamed Hiccup is because accidental magic gave her a case of uncontrollable hiccups. that sort of thing.
- Going to conferences together
- Hicsqueak. Pippa asks Hecate why she didn't lift the confinement spell when she (Hecate) was the acting headmistress (mid season 2)
- Hicsqueak in the aftermath of s3, emphasis on Hecate dealing with her trauma and figuring out how to have a healthy relationship
- Hecate as Pippa's "knight in shining armour" (can be non-magical or magical and from gen to smutty, whatever you make of it). Basically the classic damsel-in-distress-scenario with a badass Hecate coming to the rescue. If swordfighting could be included, that would be awesome!  @well-met-and-good-day-to-you-sir
- Broomstick racing
- Fake Married trope! 
- Smoking weed together
- Touring witch colleges together/touring the country together
- Camping in the forest (the one surrounding Cackle's or any other)
- Getting drunk together for the first time
- Cuddles
- Pippa-centric, missing Hecate through the years @emiline-northeto
- Hecate-centric, missing Pippa through the years
- After Hecate and Pippa reconcile, their familiars aren’t quite sure how they feel about it.
- Hicsqueak conference fic
- Hicsqueak day at the beach
- Young!Hicsqueak - Hecate lied to Pippa about what happened to Indigo 
- "I don't think I ever stopped waiting for you."
- Pippa has always known about Hecate’s confinement and the hurt over the broomstick display came from her belief that Hecate didn’t have enough faith in them.
- Pippa finds out about Hecate’s confinement - and not from her.
- Fic where Hecate reconnects with her parents after the confinement is over - with Pippa’s support, of course.
- Hecate's favourite colour is pink 
- "You're an idiot" 
- Wedding fic 
- Baby fic 
- After the s3 finale, Hecate discovers the world with Pippa by her side 
- 5 trips Hecate and Pippa take together 
- 5 things Hecate wore that weren't her standard black dress @maybegarbo
- 5 times Pippa tapped Hecate's nose after Spelling Bee (bonus, but not obligatory: and one time Hecate tapped Pippa's) @shafeferi 
- 5 times Hecate and Pippa almost kissed (and one time they did) 
- Pippa gets abducted and Hecate loses it and tries to find her 
- Heat-of-the-moment kissing 
- Either of them gets implicated in a crime and there's ample evidence against them, so they go on the run, but the other is fiercely on their side and helps them any way they can / goes on the run with them 
- Coming out 
- Ace!Hecate @amillionmillionvoices
- Pippa is on the brink of getting married, and Hecate is heartbroken but doesn't think it's her place to say anything 
- One year, seven months, three weeks and two days  @ephemeral-winter
- 5 sunsets they saw together 
- "Ask me to marry you again" 
- Emotional scars 
- Morning routine 
- One day in the life 
- Hecate is bored in a meeting and decides to text Pippa on her maglet, Pippa texts back immediately 
- Pippa is ill, Hecate takes care of her and/or vice versa 
- Doctor Who AU
- Persuasion (Jane Austen Novel) AU
- AU where they're Sirens and they have to deal with Odysseus. Or even about when Demeter gave the Sirens wings to search for Persephone
- Pirates
- AU in the Harlots universe @concreteangel1221
- Space commanders (Star Trek/Star Wars)
- Crime syndicate
- Street racers
- An AU where they go to Woodstock '69
- Middle earth
- Hecate lives above a bar, and is always angry about the noise. Pippa, the proprietor, has something to say about that. 
- Westeros
- Titanic AU, except there was enough room on the door! 
- Notting Hill AU
- Skyrim
- Witch in the Woods AU: Hecate does Pippa a favor, in exchange for her first-born child. But when Pippa shows up, distraught, 15 years later with a baby, Hecate wants no part of it.  @merricatsgarden
- Georgian Era
- Bus drivers (bus driver... what bus driver?)
- Stealing a car together (au)
- Dragon trainer. Pippa is gifted a dragon and needs someone to help her train and handle it. Enter Hecate Hardbroom, the Dragon Whisperer.
- Detective AU (potentially a bit humorous, a la Tommy & Tuppence or Psych, for example)
- Hecate is a college professor and Pippa is an older student returning to get her degree and the two fall in love
- Fluffy Harry Potter au where Hecate frequents nocturne ally for potions ingredients.
- Hicsqueak Victorian au
- Flirting / UST
- Heatwave
- Business woman/bakery or tea show owner AU
- Library AU @hovercraft79
- Medical AU
- Teacher/parent au @thegeneralisalive 
- Potions shop / magical pharmacy / similar au
- Soulmate au
- Spies / secret agents au
- Space au
- Princesses AU
AR (Alternate Reality) 
- AU: the thirty years of separation didn't happen, what are their life like now? (Living together, happily married, children?) @captaintangledmess
- Hecate's ~25 years old, she is given one day out of Cackles, what does she do? (Run to Pippa + drama ensues? Go somewhere else? Try to get Pippas help and they live happily ever after?)
- A canon-divergance AU where Pippa does end up with Ada's job in s2 and they have to work as a team. Lots of angst material there
- Pre-Spelling Bee and ignoring the whole stupid s3 confinement plot. Hecate and Pippa run into each other over the years at events, conferences, etc. @pellucidthings
- Hecate gives up her magic to restore the founding stone at the end of s2 @amillionmillionvoices
- AU where Hecate DOES show up to the broomstick waterskiing display, but someone sabotages her broom, and she crashes. Lots of #feelings and Hicsqueak hurt/comfort
- Tattooed!Hecate AU where Pippa has no idea that almost every inch of her is inked until she undresses her for the first time... @maybemoira / MauraMae
- AU where Hecate’s ‘confinement’ is because she’s a werewolf. @maybemoira
- Gen-Hecate, she discovers she has a sister 
- Hecate tutoring Mildred without being prompted or ordered to do so.
- Hecate supporting Maud during a difficult time @marvelousmadmadammim
- How Pippa came to found her school 
- Dimity being a friend to Hecate after the events of s3
- Dimity and Pippa becoming friends at a staff party or conference 
- A student comes out to Hecate, and she has to figure out how to handle it/how much to reveal about her own life
- 5 people Pippa came out to over the years (bonus + 1 she didn’t) @shafeferi 
- Bastille's song JOY. Either take a line or just the song in general
- ‘But I'm on my way back home / It's been hard to be away’ (Dying Day- Brandi Carlile.)
- Interpret the poem "One-Act Play In Which Not All Problems Can Be Solved, & Not All Problems Are Problems, But Even So, Some Are" by Dalton Day, for Hicsqueak in light of S3, especially the bit that goes "ME: I have hands. You said you are scared of things like hands. Are you scared of my hands? YOU: Yes. ME: You have hands, too. Are you scared of your hands? YOU: Yes. ME: What if we traded hands?"
- Take the poem "One-Act Play In Which We Float Facedown In the Center Of A Lake, A Position Known As The Dead Man's Float" by Dalton Day as your starting point. Make me cry.
- Baby take me outside / kiss me in the moonlight / i just want you to touch me / i don't wanna waste no time (léon - surround me)
- I am no good at goodbyes / i never was and i don't know why / tell me, tell me that it was love / that it was real, remember all / that you have me if you still want me / baby, i'm no good at goodbyes / i never was and i don't know why (léon - no goodbyes)
- Want You Back by HAIM
- Supercut by Lorde
- ‘Will you lie here for me?’ (Lizzie)
- ‘She’s seen the pain that comes with your displeasure’ (Lizzie)
- ‘Maybe some day I’ll walk in the open’ (Lizzie)
- ‘They tried to keep me down, but I said no’ (Lizzie)
- ‘Let me tell you losing is not a game I play’ (Lizzie)
- ‘I sit here in the darkness, waiting for the light’ (Lizzie)
- ‘I know I got ‘em beat’ (Lizzie)
- ‘Watch me fly away’ (Lizzie)
- ‘Maybe some day I’ll walk in the open’ (Lizzie)
- ‘Maybe some day we’ll tell the world’ (Lizzie)
- ‘Into your wildest dreams I’ll fly’ (Lizzie)
- ‘You’ll see my face in every night sky’ (Lizzie)
- ‘Lock away your secrets, lock away my life’ (Lizzie)
- ‘I was a trembling child’ (Lizzie)
- ‘But now I see my troubled soul reflected’ (Lizzie)
- ‘What I don’t see can never hurt me’ (Lizzie)
- ‘But I’m more afraid to stay’ (Lizzie)
- ‘Settle cozy dark as sleep’ (Lizzie)
- ‘I want to sleep with my eyes half open’ (Lizzie)
- ‘You didn’t choose what side you’re on’ (Lizzie)
- ‘I’m standing looking forward in the dark’ (Lizzie)
- ‘It’s just us girls’ (Lizzie)
- ‘Don’t let them see how the fire burns’ (Lizzie)
- ‘Who told you that?!’ (Lizzie)
- ‘Will you bite through the skin to the sweet truth within?’ (Lizzie)
- ‘Will you stay?’ (Lizzie)
- ‘In every room a prisoner of a long silent war’ (Lizzie)
- ‘Sometimes you say the words, but this is not love’ (Lizzie)
- ‘I know if I stay here longer it’s gonna turn out bad’ (Lizzie)
- ‘Would you let me comfort you, if you knew?’ (Lizzie)
- ‘I can barely breath tonight’ (Lizzie)
- ‘A secrets just a lie’ (Lizzie)
- ‘Every night I dream of you’ (Lizzie)
- ‘The violence of freedom’ (Lizzie)
- ‘My silver wings are pinioned with green gold’ (Lizzie)
- ‘I feel myself disintegrating’ (Lizzie)
- ‘Oh that I had wings like a dove’ (Lizzie)
- Pippa persuading and watching Hecate touch herself
- Hecate’s first visit to an “adult” toy store with Pippa as an equally wide-eyed guide.
- Pippa telling Hecate all the dirty things she wants to do to her
- Hicsqueak smut, not first time, they're both happy and confident in their sexuality and relationship
- Dom!Hecate has Pippa in "detention" 
- Cuddle sex
- Angry sex
- Kisses/hugging/sexy times
- Pippa buying lingerie for Hecate and telling her how much she'd love for her to wear it // she does
- Hecate’s first time
- Hecate stripping for Pippa, feat. a nervous Hecate and a reassuring Pippa who has Hecate on her lap as soon as she can.
- Pippa calling Hecate "Good girl", Hecate calling Pippa "Miss Pentangle" during sex.
- 5 times hecate went down on Pippa
- "I hate this dress." / "then take it off me."
- Dom!Pippa telling Hecate when she can/can't cum - up to you if Hecate does or doesn't do as shes told.
- Kisses! Sweet, passionate, you name it, any kiss. but Hicsqueak art of kisses would be really nice.
- Doctor Who AU
- Pirates @kayryn
- Space commanders (Star Trek/Star Wars)
- Crime syndicate
- Hecate stripping for Pippa, feat. a nervous Hecate and a reassuring Pippa who has Hecate on her lap as soon as she can.
- Street racers
- Middle earth
- Westeros @kayryn
- Pippa and Hecate dancing.
- Skyrim
- Georgian Era @kayryn
- Bus drivers (bus driver... what bus driver?)
- Cooking a full English breakfast together
- Afternoon tea @merricatsgarden
- Hecate's first trip to the beach, with Pippa
- Sunbathing
- "I don't think I ever stopped waiting for you."
- Swimming
- Swimming in a moonlit pond/pool. @merricatsgarden
- Stargazing
-  Adult Hecate standing between Pippa and some idiot man/Headbroom trying to hurt her
- Want You Back by HAIM
- Supercut by Lorde
- Forehead kisses
- Hicsqueak kissing under the mistletoe (I know it's not really that time of the year sorry)
- Hicsqueak wedding
- Hicsqueak flying together on a broom
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mamazano · 6 years
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The Making of Dark Side Of The Moon
Carol Clerk, Uncut, June 2003
RICHARD WRIGHT opens the front door in person. There are no managers, no minions leaping into view as he ushers Uncut into his house in a leafy and exclusive area of London's Notting Hill and immediately rushes off to make coffee. The large, comfortable sitting-room seems to suit his personality: it's not at all ostentatious, certainly not self-satisfied. The laminated wooden floor is made cosy with rugs, a couple of paintings are stacked against the wall, and a modest collection of CDs is tucked into a shelving unit.
This is clearly a family home, lived-in, like his jeans. In the entrance hall, a room in itself, the chandelier, gleaming above a shoe-cupboard stuffed with pairs of trainers and a display of children's artwork on the mantlepiece, offers an incongruous flash of glamour.
A cat pads into the sitting-room to pour itself round the ankles of the unfamiliar company before Wright returns with a cafetiere, cups and saucers on a tray, and sits on the sofa.
"Friendly cat you have here."
"They're not that friendly," he retorts. "Which one was it?" and goes on to explain that that cat is overweight.
Richard – not Rick – is a stickler for detail: it is, of course, "a prism" rather than "a triangle" on the famous artwork. He is also patient, and given to comprehensive explanation in the interests of getting things right. Not wishing to offend anyone, he is equally determined to defend his own stand in the history of Dark Side Of The Moon. He is likeably anxious, almost jittery, confessing that he hasn't done an interview in years.
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UNCUT: Roger believes that the music captures all of the emotional content of his lyrics. Where did all this emotion and magic come from?
WRIGHT: I would say they happened spontaneously. When we did Dark Side, we were at the height of our creativity. It has the best songs the Floyd have ever written. Even though I wasn't great friends with Roger, there was a great working relationship. We had respect for each other.
With Dark Side, Roger had a clear idea of what he wanted to say. He wanted to keep it in very simple language and make a "concept" album (winces), and it was the first one we'd really done.
It expressed emotions that I think we all felt at the time. He was affected by us being on the road all the time, losing touch with families, and having memories of childhood. I think the music and lyrics just came together.
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Was there also a musical vision for the album, existing alongside the concept, before the writing began?
I would say there wasn't. We started off like we always started off – in the studio or the rehearsal room, with everyone just playing things. Once you've got a starting point, and the band are excited and flowing, it grows by itself. It grows, it grows, it grows. I suspect that's how Dark Side started.
I don't remember a great deal about the writing or the rehearsals or the whole process of how it was put together. We were performing most of it live before we started recording it.
It was a very exciting and creative time in Abbey Road, a very happy time, very harmonious. We weren't the best of friends, but we were very together. We were all into this project, and we worked extremely hard and quite fast. It was, quite honestly, the last time, the end of that era of the band working very closely and creatively together. Wish You Were Here was great, but the tensions were beginning to come between us. But, I remember, not on Dark Side.
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Were there no disagreements during the recordings?
I think we had a few disagreements on the publishing when we were close to finishing it – "Well, who gets what?" Nick gets credited on 'Any Colour [You Like]' and 'Speak To Me', when, in fact, that was just us giving him some publishing because Dark Side is essentially Roger on lyrics and Dave and me on the music. It was a great working partnership. To this day, I think it's sad we lost it, but it does happen.
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chiefhiccstrid · 6 years
Question Tag 
I was tagged by @majothemexican Thank you so much! 
drink: beer (it was a good beer too and im feelin goood)
phone call: my mom lol 
text message: my babe @hello-em75
song you listened to: “Butterflies” by Kacey Musgraves
time you cried: like 2 hours ago 
dated someone twice: haha no
kissed someone and regretted it: nope
been cheated on: that is a negative
lost someone special: oh yes
been depressed: oh wow yes 
gotten drunk and thrown up: uhhhh yes (don’t judge me)
fave color: blue
in the last year have you
made new friends: Sure have!
fallen out of love: No?
laughed until you cried: Oh yes I have
found out someone was talking about you: hahahaha yes
met someone who changed you: Well, in the last two years. yes. <3 
found out who your friends are: Oh yes.  
kissed someone on your facebook friends list: LOL no way
how many of your facebook friends do you know irl: Most of them for sure (probably all but like 50?) 
do you have any pets: YES! 2 cats. Ruff & Tuff. They are actually insane. 
do you want to change your name: Nope! I like my name.
what did you do for your last birthday: Saw infinity war and cried
what time did you wake up today: 8:30 am
what were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping
what is something you can’t wait for: How to Train Your Dragon 3 (duh)
what are you listening to right now: Music! 
have you ever talked to a person named tom: Not that I can remember, no.
something that gets on your nerves: people that don’t know how to drive
most visited website: Tumblr for sure
hair color: strawberry blonde
long or short hair: I guess it’s short
what do you like about yourself: my eyes 
want any piercings: I have my ears pierced and that’s all I want
blood type: O+
nicknames: Stef
relationship status: Single as a Pringle 
zodiac: Taurus
pronouns: She/her
fave tv shows: the walking dead, vikings, race to the edge, this is us
tattoos: I have one on my wrist (3 viking runes meaning protection, strength, and travel.)
right or left handed: right-handed
ever had surgery: I have, yes
piercings: Ears only
sport: I used to be a competitive swimmer and now I do archery
I have practiced: swimming and archery and writing and that’s it I guess?
vacation: i really want to visit norway
trainers: huh?
more general
eating: nothing
drinking: beer still hehe
about to watch: i have no idea
waiting for: a job
want: a job
want to get married:  yeah one day!
career: nothing at the moment #unemployed
which is better
hugs or kisses: hugs
lips or eyes: eyes
shorter or taller: taller
older or younger: for relationships, older. friendships, don’t care. 
nice arms or stomach: arms
hookup or relationship: relationship. 
troublemaker or hesitant: both
have you ever
kissed a stranger: nope
drunk hard liquor: hahahaha yes
lost glasses: no thank goodness cause that would be bad
turned someone down: yep
sex on first date: nope
broken someone’s heart: yes, i have
had your heart broken: oh yeah
been arrested: that’s a negative
cried when someone died: oh yes
fallen for a friend: LOL yes
do you believe in
yourself: not a lot
miracles: I do!
love at first sight: no I don't
santa claus: nope
kiss on a first date: guess it just depends
angels: yeah!
best friend’s name: Emily 
eye color: blue
fave movie: httyd/httyd2, notting hill, hunger games, room, spiderman homecoming
fave actors: josh hutcherson, tom holland, america ferrera, lily james
I tag: @hello-em75 @drchee5e @hotccup @astridthefearless @winxrus
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The Benefits of Having a Personal Trainer
A Personal Trainer is a specialist in your overall health and well being. Our personal trainers in Notting Hill in will work with you to set personal fitness goals and how to achieve them or devise a fitness plan to exercise safely if you have a chronic condition.
Here are 10 reasons to bring a personal trainer into your fitness life.
1. Motivation
Your personal trainer will provide encouragement, motivation and energy that will help you kickstart and maintain your regime. We work harder in the presence of others and are more willing to push ourselves. Your trainer will create a fitness plan with goals to accomplish and critical performance indicators to track your progress.  
2. Consistency
It can be challenging to stick to a fitness program, but this is when your personal trainer steps up. Your trainer will help you overcome the excuses and objections you might use to negate your commitment to exercise. When your trainer is waiting for you, it is harder to skip a gym day and let them down.
3. Clarity
Your Personal Trainer will also understand nutrition as well as the physical side of your journey. Your personal trainer will use their knowledge to filter out misinformation, and your fitness plan will be tailored exclusively for you using reliable and credible information. You can focus on meeting all your targets knowing your trainer has your back.
4. Confidence
Gyms are intimidating, especially for new users. Working alongside a trainer, you will quickly grow in confidence. Your trainer will teach you to use the equipment properly, perform exercises without injury and help you enjoy all the facilities.
After only a few sessions, you will be comfortable working out independently. This can often boost confidence in other parts of your life as a bonus. This newfound confidence will grow and help you stick to the exercise program.
5. Avoid injury
With your new, personalised workout routine, you will feel some pain and discomfort. Your trainer will be able to assess if this is normal for the exercise routine you have. A personal trainer will ensure your exercise technique provides the correct results without any injuries.
6. Individual Attention
Everyone is different. An exercise plan has to be specific to you and take into account body mechanics, experience, goals, fitness level, likes and dislikes. A fitness program that “fits” is more likely to reinforce the habit and see better results. Our personal trainers also provide you with a tailored nutrition plan to keep you on track.
7. Sport-specific Training
No matter what level you play sport at, a personal fitness trainer can improve your performance. Whether your goal is to run a marathon, improve your golf driving length or walk 5k a day, a program tailored to the goals will provide quicker and better results than a generic training program and result in fewer injuries.
8. Training with Medical Conditions
Many common chronic conditions can be managed better using exercise. With exercise, conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension can show significant health improvements. A knowledgeable trainer that has experience training clients with chronic conditions will design a personalised training program. Your personal program will ensure your safety and provide a positive exercise experience.
9. Aging Gracefully
Ageing changes our bodies. A trainer can help adjust your program for those alterations to your body that ageing brings. Maybe you need more strength or flexibility training. Your trainer will assess your needs and adopt a suitable methodology to bring the best results.
10. Personal Training is FUN
Your exercise program must be fun. Maybe you could arrange a group of like-minded friends to train together, giving support to each other, and probably plenty of laughs. Alternatively, find a training partner; either method will increase the fun factor and shared expenses mean the cost of your trainer reduces.
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nottinghillhq · 11 months
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welcome to notting hill manes, we’re super excited to have you here, you’ve got twenty-four hours to send in your account!
⸻  LEWIS TAN. HE/HIM / have you ever heard of SUCKERPUNCH by you me at six, well, it describes FLETCHER LIU to a tee! the 31 year old, and PERSONAL TRAINER was spotted browsing through the stalls at portobello road market last sunday, do you know them? would you say HE is more hot-headed or more AMBITIOUS instead? anyway, they remind me of bandaged knuckles, polished red sports cars, pressed shirts, pinot noir and old black and white movies, maybe you’ll bump into them soon! [ MANES / THEY/SHE / 25 / GMT ] 
0 notes
fenweak · 6 years
hockey? what hockey? a 1988 fic rec
Where Jonny and/or Pat are ordinary guys with ordinary jobs and they still fall in love. Because self-help is reading AUs. ★ are personal faves
short: ~2k words
medium: 2k-20k words
long: 20k-60k
novel length : 60k~
Actors & Performers
It'll Take You Up or Down (chatfic) by puckling - former child actor!Pat
like a heartbeat drives you mad ★- teen | medium | actor!Pat, agent Jonny | pretend relationship
When the Stars Align by liveinfury - teen | medium | rival actors Pat and Jon
88 Dates - medium | actor Pat, accountant Jonny | The Bachelor AU
warm hands series by Caivallon  ★ - explicit | long | ballet dancer Pat | 
you got a look in your eyes by elenamichaels - explicit | medium | ballet dancer Pat
mime out by hazel - explicit | medium | mime!Jonny, office guy Pat
Pavlov? It Rings a Bell by conformityissuicide - mature | medium | Pat is a dog-trainer
The Bee's Knees by dragons_and_angels - gen | medium | beekeeper Pat
Shell Out by jezziejay - short | Pat works at a pet store, office guy Jonny
good things come to those who bait by thundersquall ★ - teen | medium | fishermen Jon and Pat | hilarity | ft. sid/geno
perfect match by thundersquall - explicit | long | architect Pat, lawyer Jon | online dating
private passions secret storms series by CoffeeKristin, Frosting50 - explicit | novel length | architect Jon, stay at home dad Pat | mpreg, infidelity
This Is What A Love Song Sounds Like by fourfreedoms ★  - explicit | medium | architect Pat, startup guy Jon | highschool reunion AU
the kazer dick cake fic of shame and glory series by Celly1995 - explicit | long |  baker!Pat | awkward post-hookup encounter
No Assembly Required ★ - mature | medium | baker Pat, flower shop owner Jon | mail order bride AU
a real grind by thisissirius - teen | medium | Starbucks barista Pat
coffee's for closers - explicit | medium | coffeeshop owner Pat, Jon is the customer he's crushing on
Cool Beans, Bro - explicit | long | Pat owns a coffee shop named "Stanley (cup)", office guy Jon | ft. barista Segs
like a caffeine rush by hawkeytime (jayyloo) - teen | medium | cafe owner stat genius Pat | soul bond
Looking for a rhythm like you by tictactoews - explicit | medium | cafe owner Jon, teacher Pat
Morning Commute by CoffeeKristin - gen | short | barista at a deli Pat, office guy Jon
sounds like hallelujah by fadeastride - mature | medium | Starbucks barista Pat, lawyer Jon | the one where he always gets Jon's name wrong
Today's Special by jonnyhustle - teen | short | Starbucks barista Pat
(when the moon hits your eye) Like a Big Pizza Lie by jezziejay  ★ - teen | medium | barista Jon, student architect /restorator Pat | in Rome!
Bartender/ Clubs
Body Shots - explicit | medium | bartender Pat
Beer League MVP (among other things) - teen | medium | bartender Pat | misunderstandings
Just What I Ordered by phuckphace - mature | medium | bartender Jonny
ShimmerGlisten by Frosting50 - explicit | short | bar owner Pat, office guy Jonny
The Barrister and the Bartender by AnthemGlass - explicit | medium | bartender Pat, lawyer Jon
The Places You Will Be From by eberbae, hatrickane   ★ - explicit | novel length | bartenders Pat and Jon | enemies to lovers
too dark in this bar tonight by midnightrambles - mature | medium | bottle server Pat
more under the cut
If You Were Real by toewsyourheart - explicit | medium | caddy!Pat, Prince Jonny
off green mulligan by Pinkmanite - explicit | medium | caddy!Pat
all we can eat - mature | medium | chef/restaurateur Jonny, food critic!pat
so i let my walls come down, down by thundersquall ★ - explicit | medium | chef/restaurateur Jonny
Entrepreneur/Shop Owner
53rd Street Shinny by taliahale - teen | medium | rival hockey store owners jonny and pat | You've Got Mail AU
Baby, It's Hot Outside by toewsyourheart ★ - gen | medium | popsicle vendor!pat, editor!jonny
Hot Diggity Dog by creampuffer - teen | medium | hotdog stand owner!Pat | office guy Jonny
Home Grown or Five Times Jonny Read Patrick’s Sign (and One Time Patrick Read Jonny’s) by CoffeeKristin - teen | medium | plant nursery owner!Pat
Locally Sourced or Five Times Jonny Didn't Want Kaner's Sausage (and One Time He Did) by CoffeeKristin ★ - teen | medium | rival farmer's market concessionaires AU | pat sells gourmet sausages, jon sells the healthy stuff 
The face he can't forget by CoffeeKristin - explicit | long | fishing shop owner Jonny | Notting Hill AU
Whole Hearted by CoffeeKristin - gen | Pat runs his dad's pretzel shop, Jon owns a hippie chiropractic center
"Will It Blend?" series by Celly1995 ★ - explicit | long | smoothie shop owner Jon
Every Little Thing He Does (is magic) by jezziejay (WIP) - teen | long | hippie shop owner Jon, local police chief Kaner | 
farmer au series by toewsyourheart ★ - medium | farmer Jonny, police Pat | Jonny's organic corn is missing
the road less traveled by thundersquall - medium | farm owner Jonny
Hide Your Face So The World Will Never Find You (Paper Faces On Parade) by huntersandangels - mature | long | farm owner Jonny, rich guy in disguise Pat
how the heat series by allthebros - explicit | medium | farmhands Jon and Pat | a/b/o
state of grace - explicit | long | farm owner Jon, horse trainer Pat | estranged childhood sweethearts
Wild Stallions: A Love Story - explicit | medium | ranch workers Pat and Jon
(You) Turn The Temperature Higher by hawkeytime ★ - teen | medium | volunteer firefighter Jon
firefighter!Jonny AU ficlet - short | firefighter Jon
Flight Attendant
Sky High or Five Times Jonny Didn't Join the Mile High Club (And One Time He Did) by CoffeeKristin - explicit | medium | flight attendant!Pat, business
Home Improvement (?)
Between the Pipes - explicit | medium | home renovator Jonny, teacher Pat | reality TV
how does your garden grow? - teen | medium | landscaper!Jonny, app developer!Pat
Cozy Windmill Inn series ★ by ukiyo91 - mature | long | Jonny runs a b&b, Pat is a theater actor
[Buzz]Feed My Flame by toewsyourheart - mature | medium | buzzfeed writer!Pat, book editor! Jonny
nobody quite like you by rightnow - explicit | medium | reporter Pat
say something by hawkeytime (jayyloo) - mature | medium | war journalist Pat, Prince Jon in the military
Strung Out on Heaven's High (hitting an all-time low) by jezziejay ★ - mature | long | beat reporter! Kaner
You Give Love A Bad Name - explicit | medium | sex columnist Jon, sex shop worker Pat
anorgasmic girl!Kaner tag by fourfreedoms  - explicit | medium | follow up here | writers Pat and Jon | rule!63
bona fides series by demotu - explicit | medium | lawyer!Jonny | one night stand
Carve His Name With Pride - long | paralegal!Jonny| mpreg | the one where they have a son who becomes an NHL goalie
Halifax Privateers series by electrumqueen  - mature | novel length | lawyer Jonny, media guy Pat | they came out as teens and never got drafted AU
safe to shore by empathapathique ★ - explicit | medium | lawyer Jonny, writer Pat | or, the estranged husbands AU | angst
this will be our year (took a long time to come) by hazel - mature | medium | lawyers jon and pat
kiss and ride in the cta, podfic by exmanhater  - explicit | medium |  librarian Jon, law student Pat | meet cute at the CTA
This Love Is Be and End All, podfic by exmanhater - teen | medium | librarian Pat | the one with the Blackhawks Book Club
We Could Turn the Pages - gen | medium | librarian Jon who gives Pat a hard time
Patrick Kane does not date models - short | photographer Pat, model Jon
That's Fashion, Baby by anilad - mature | medium | male models Jon and Pat
Model!Jonny series by CitrusVanille - teen | medium | male model Jon
You Make It Look Good  ★ - explicit | long | model Jon, photographer Pat
Medical Professionals
baby, be with me (so happily) - medium | midwife!Pat, not a hockey player Jon  | Pat assists on the birth of Jon's nephew
we were in flames ★ - long | mature | MD Jon, musician Pat | college sweethearts
Bad Case of Loving You by ukiyo91, yukonecho  ★- mature | medium | team doctor!Jonny 
I was told love is blind (but he can see fine, when he's looking at me) by  Aria_Masterson1153 - sports physician Pat | massage porn
Muscle Stim by sahiya ★- explicit | medium | physical therapist Jon
Taut by hatrickane - explicit | medium | physical therapist Jon
The Fifth Time’s the Charm - mature | medium | athletic trainer Pat
Theoretical Maximum Tolerated Dose by fourfreedoms  ★ - explicit | medium | MDs Jon and Pat in a research hospital
untold stories of the er series by toewsyourheart - teen | medium | RN Pat, MD Jonny
Won't You Swim With Me? by midnightrambles - gen | medium | MD Pat
Got Your Back by Prialee  (WIP) - teen | long | RN Pat, law student Jonny who has cancer | 50/50 AU
and live honorably - teen | medium | army!Pat | coming home
Scratch Lottery Ticket Life by dedougal - teen | medium | peace-keeping force Pat and Jon
So Lift Those Heavy Eyelids by SimoneClouseau ★ - explicit | medium | fighter pilots Jon and Pat | alien invasion | open ending
all my edges are exposed - mature | medium | army Pat and Jon | generation kill AU
Your Faded Arrangements by ukiyo91 - mature | medium | war vet Jon
trace your path between the stars by thundersquall  ★ - explicit | medium | space military a/b/o!!!!
About Today by ukiyo91, yukonecho  - explicit | medium | rock star pat, manager Jonny
concentrating on falling apart ★ - mature | medium | rival rock band stars Jonny and Pat | angst
Cup Champs by my99centdreams - explicit | long | jon and pat are in a rock band
Notes in a Minor Cord by Bellaphant - teen | medium | popstar Pat, bodyguard Jonny
throw caution to the wind (and start over again) - teen | medium | street musician Jon
In My Blood and In My Bones + Nothing Sweet or Gentle by fourfreedoms - explicit | medium | nanny Jon, band guitarist Pat
(Generic) Office Guys
the show goes on by hazel  ★ - explicit | medium | officemates Jon and Pat, they’re in data entry | podfic
Waiting Room by heartstrings - teen | medium |  officemates Jon and Pat, web designer Pat, graphic designer Jon | post-anesthesia shenanigans
Same Time, Same Place by brutti_ma_buoni- explicit | medium | office guy Jonny, in the plastics business
Police & Agents
a bad case of loving you series (unfinished WIP) - long | CIA agents Jonny and Pat
A Real Actual Live Cop by jonnyhustle - teen | medium | police!jonny, Kaner thinks he's a stripper
Go, Johnny, Go - explicit | medium | police!Jonny | speeding ticket shenanigans
i'm bound to walk away these blues by leah k (blinkiesays) ★ - mature | medium | police!Pat, mountie!Jonny | inter-country buddy cop fic, ft. TJ Oshie
It Always Feels Like Somebody's Watching Me by Mullsandmutts - mature | long | police!Pat | whodunit
Make His Brown Eyes Blue ★ by jezziejay - teen | medium | FBI agent Jonny, thief Patrick | can't recommend this fic highly enough
maybe all you need is someone to trust by alwaysbuddy - mature | medium | secret agents AU | kingsman AU
Perfect Pull by MajaLi - mature | medium | police Jon and Pat | coffee-related romance
tell me something I need to know - mature | medium | police Jon, prostitute (?) Kaner
first gentleman of canada tag by kanerboo  ★ - Prime Minister of Canada Jon, First Gentleman Kaner | established relationship
The Minister and Foreign Affairs by jezziejay - teen | medium | Canadian Minister for Sport Jon, tea guy Patrick | Love Actually AU
Be Thou My Ally by ingenius ★- explicit | medium | priest of Aphrodite!Pat | +podfic
Double Bind by blue_spruce ★ - mature | long | priest Pat | angst
Secretaries & Assitants
his executive assistant! by hazel - mature | medium | exec. assistant! Jon, genius millionaire engineer Pat
deep in my bones, I can feel you (take me back to a time only we knew) by gasmsinc - explicit | long | secretary to the mob!Patrick, mob boss Jonny
we're looking for something dumb to do by hatrickane - mature | medium | assistant Pat, publisher Jonny | The Proposal AU
Ice-cream Castles in the Air by jezziejay ★ - mature | long | personal assistant to a  football player Pat, entrepreneur Jon | sweet home alabama AU | bah gawd have your tissues ready for this one
Strip Clubs, Sex Work & Porn
baby, you could have whatever you like by jessus - teen | medium | street hooker Pat, high-class escort Jon
i don't play hard to get (i play to get you hard) by hawkeytime (jayyloo) - explicit | medium | pornstars Jon and Pat
I'm So Glad You Called by bergamotandbone (corpsereviver2) ★ - mature | short | phone sex worker Pat, roomie Jonny
Julia Roberts Sits in a Throne of Lies (abandoned WIP) - nc-17 | long | rentboy Jonny | still very funny
never ever learned to read or write so well - explicit | medium | rentboy Jonny
The Past We Left Behind by PensToTheEnd - explicit | long | runaway rentboy Pat
Oh, Pool Boy! by RRsummers - explicit | medium | porn stars Jon and Pat
amateur porn
pictures of lily by gasmsinc - medium | porn stars Jon and Pat
Talk Dirty to Me by liveinfury (lotionbottle) - explicit | medium | phone sex operator Pat
The Way You Drink Your Coffee by sabrina_il (marina) - explicit | long | professional dom Pat
we were made to win by heartstrings ★ - explicit | long | attempt at amateur porn | best friends to lovers
Make You Crazy Over My Touch by liveinfury - explicit | long | porn star Jon, fluffer Pat
Candy Kane, podfic by rscreighton - businessman Jon, stripper Pat
Just Another Love Story - explicit | medium | pole boy Pat
Romance Can Blossom Any Old Time by Celly1995 - mature | long | retail elves Jon and Pat
Sale Agreed by jezziejay - medium | salesman Pat | Jon is in love with his vacuum cleaner
I have Died Everyday by jezziejay - medium | part-time cashiers Jon and Pat | pretend relationship
what i did on my summer vacation by hazel - explicit | medium | summertime emporium cashiers Jon and Pat
the kids are alright - explicit | long | Pat works at a sporting goods store, peewee coach Jonny
Other Services
Baby, You Can Wash My Car or Five Times Jonny Doesn't Get His Car Washed (and One Time He Does) by CoffeeKristin - teen | medium | car wash guy Pat, reg office guy Jon
move the pieces until we fit - explicit | long | supermarket cashier/waiter Pat | angst
Try to Know the Unavoidable Thing - explicit | long | small town waiter Pat
Salon Personnel
Chicago MoHawks ★ - gen | medium | barber!Jonny
Provenance by fourfreedoms ★ - mature | medium | vampire tailor Jonny
Expected Result by hatrickane ★ - mature | medium | software/app guy Pat, client Jonny
had to start somewhere - explicit | medium | video game developer!Pat, millionaire philantropist Jonny | hookups
Elementary by Mythisea - explicit | medium | elementary school teacher Jon, community volunteer Pat
22 by aohatsu - teen | medium | teacher Jon | bodyswitching, soulmates
keep buying the stars by medusacascade22 - explicit | medium | high school teacher Jon, student Pat
Like Dropped Puffapod Beans by allthebros - teen | short | (Hogwarts) professors Jon and Pat
Banned by Vitula - teen | medium | explicit | teacher Jonny | they meet in an online forum
so show me family series by livingoutofcases, rightnow - mature | long | kindergarten teacher Pat
the one with the baby yentas series by forochel  - explicit | long | kindergarten teacher Pat
The Reeducation of Misters Kane and Toews by jezziejay ★  - teen | medium | teacher Jon | ft. guest star Derek Jeter |  + bonus timestamp
A Story With Intrigue by Frosting50 - 5 imagined times Patrick and Jonny meet (cute) in alternate universes, and one time it happens for real.
For fic inquiries. Rec me fic? Happy reading!
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