schizoaffectively · 19 days
I got too silly, now I’m on the max dose of Plaquenil 😔
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s-hutthefuckup-ara · 1 year
hello if you have autoimmune issues or are on plaquenil please hit me up i’m very nervous about new medicines lol
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novustrad · 2 years
The info sheet is useless so I'm just gonna stop taking the hydroxy until this passes
The sis and the nephews really shouldn't be coming down if we're all sick but mum wants her eyebrows done 🙄
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ivermectin24-store · 1 year
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the-evil-pizza · 1 month
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That sounds like fibro to me, i would know lol
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antique-symbolism · 2 years
I've been playing FNV for hours a day the last two or three days and my joints... are fine?? Mildly achey, especially after holding the controller for a long time, but I'm not in significantly more pain than usual
This is incredible. I really thought when I got diagnosed that I might never get to experience long-form gameplay again. But!! Here I am!!!
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aaronsmith94 · 2 years
Today is not the day smh.
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appalachiananarchist · 8 months
This is a bit of a random little post but I am just so happy with how well I am doing these past few weeks! It turns out getting the correct medication leads to miraculous improvements in overall well-being. I have so much more energy and feel better than I have in months. My blood counts are solid, too. Hematology has been monitoring certain subsets of my white cells to determine how long I can safely stay on the rituximab. They've been low consistently for 15 years, but it is stable-low right now, so I am good to keep going. This is great because absolutely nothing has worked as well as this medication. It is a night and day difference and I will forever kick myself for not investigating this option years sooner. I suffered needlessly for years trying to survive on that god-awful mycophenolate/methotrexate/plaquenil/prednisone cocktail.
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kon-igi · 10 months
Ciao doc, come stai?
Stavo leggendo di un incidente e del fatto che si richiede sangue (vorrei donare ma credo di non poterlo fare)
Chi assume plaquenil non può donare?
Non è tanto per il fatto che assumi idrossiclorochina ma, piuttosto, per la patologia che ti impone di assumerla.
Per una questione di probabilità, è molto più facile che tu la debba prendere per una malattia autoimmune (artrite reumatoide?) che per la malaria (che oggi giova di ben altre molecole) in ogni caso sia le malattie autoimmuni che le infezioni sistemiche sono una controindicazione assoluta alla donazione.
In ogni caso, il tuo è un desiderio di condivisione che ti fa onore.
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taylortruther · 24 days
Hi sorry if this is invasive at all but I know you said you have lupus are the symptoms manageable? How do you feel on a day to day basis? My sister got diagnosed with it recently and she’s really scared because it’s obviously not been fun and she’s only 15 so she’s scared that shes always gonna feel like shit forever. I wanna comfort her and say that she won’t but i don’t actually know so maybe asking someone who does would be a better course of action 😅
i don't mind! i was really scared when i was diagnosed, too (i was like 21) and my symptoms are very manageable now, knock on wood. i was diagnosed when i want to my gp because i had really painful stiff joints (esp my fingers and knees.) i got referred to a rheumatologist, who put on 200mg of hydroxychloroquine (aka plaquenil) and that's what i've stayed at ever since. i don't need infusions or further meds so far. i see my rheum 1-2x a year to run bloodwork and discuss my symptoms and the medication is managing it pretty perfectly.
i live a normal life, except on occasion i'll get a flare, and be in a lot of pain. for example, i had a bad flare last summer, where i couldn't use my fingers or knees normally: i could barely walk, and i couldn't, for example, use a pencil or clasp a necklace with my fingers. i have a prednisone prescription that i can fill when i need to manage bad flares, which i believe are triggered by sun and stress. i don't have any other physical symptoms, no rashes. i was losing hair last year and that might have been related, but my bloodwork came back fine at that time, so it's unclear.
my rheum told me i was in remission 2 years ago, and i stopped taking my meds against his advice. it came back and worse. so my main piece of advice is listen to your rheumatologist!
sending your sister love and luck!
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largesunglasses · 6 months
My blood pressure was better at my primary care appointment. She brought up the plaquenil and asked how I felt about it. I told her I wasn't sure and when I asked if it would interfere with any of the medicine she has me taking she asked if the rheumatologist went over anything about it with me she did not just that she wanted me to take it and come back in 4 months. I'm in a weird headspace about it but next week can be for that.
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schizoaffectively · 1 year
Kinda frustrated.
My rheumatologist got back to me about going on Hydroxychloroquine/Plaquenil (which my orthopedic dr recommended and sent to her for approval)… after 2 weeks. I was approved!!! So all should be good right? Nope.
According to my pharmacy, they send an ICD-10 code that didn’t match the prescription, so my pharmacy faxed the rheum for clarification this morning. It’s now 4:14 PM and still nothing back from the dr… Ik that they’re busy! I just wish it wasn’t consistently so slow :(( Especially because I’m in a lot of pain all the time, and this medication can take 1-2 ish months to take effect. I would appreciate it being correctly prescribed sooner than later.
Anyways, I AM grateful and lucky to have the privilege to get access to specialists and medication. I just am a cranky old 23 y/o. /lh
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kenni-woodard · 1 year
I just did some digging into how my autoimmune issues interact with nitrous oxide and antibiotics due to the complications encountered with the plans I had for getting my first wisdom tooth extraction. It was helpful and I wish the dentist had time to explain this to me.
Stuff I learned about Sjögren's and autoimmune stuff + dental care and antibiotics below.
Apparently teary eyes can also be a symptom of dry eye which isn't obvious since you would think tear production means your eyes are moisturized 😂. I have that more frequently than the typical dry, scratchy eye but I assumed it was allergies or something. Which it still could be but who knows? My eyes are teary right now but is that normal when you're tired from waking up at 2AM?
I didn't realize that having and being treated for autoimmune issues would complicate other treatments like this. Apparently folks with autoimmune conditions should avoid nitrous oxide due to its ability to suppress breathing.
I learned today that Sjögren's can cause lung and liver issues - the doctors only mention the most common symptoms like dry eyes and dry mouth. But even with that, they don't really tell the symptoms of those things other than the obvious - literal discomfort commonly associated with dryness like scratchiness / itchiness.
Anyways, nitrous can also cause dry eye. A lot of articles went on about how -nitric- oxide can cause muscle deterioration but they also made a point of saying it's not to be confused with -nitrous- oxide so I assume nitrous doesn't cause the same. Would be nice to confirm with the doctor.
And apparently certain antibiotics can cause heart issues when taken with plaquenil / hydroxychloroquine. Given my penicillin allergy, that limits the number of antibiotics I can actually take 🙃.
It's just really interesting that the reason I even went to the dentist was on the suggestion of my rheumatologist and she didn't mention to avoid nitrous. It makes sense because she's in a different field and probably wouldn't necessarily think about that kind of thing. Just makes me wish all of my doctors would chat about my care together.
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novustrad · 2 years
Bloods remain a mystery. As does who I need to call to find them. Yer woman says rheumatology but she's referring to a different clinic to the one that wanted me to get bloods done. Sure if there's an emergency I'll either be told or find out after it kills me 🤷🏻
And I gotta call first thing tomorrow if I'm to talk to a Dr about side effects
Had to dose up on cocodamol cause this hydroxychloroquine's for fuck all
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kazooie · 1 year
I had to go off my rheumatoid arthritis meds again cuz I was vomitting and just debilitated by nausea, waiting to be put on Plaquenil which can take a few months to work, it fucking sucks cuz the leflunomide was working! I'm in so much pain since going off it but I couldn't handle the side effects, I just want to get better and live my damn life.
I don't know if I can ever shake the fear of people moving on without me, I always feel like if I don't get better (whatever that even MEANS at this point) soon everyone will grow out of me and I'll be the only one who's still stuck in a place where I felt I was atleast stuck with friends. I know, logically, that my friends would never leave me behind just because I'm sick or struggling, they know I wouldn't do that to them either, it's just trauma that I don't have the tools to deal with.
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awheckery · 2 years
cut for discussion of chronic illness treatment and weird medication effects; as has been previously established, my body is a horror show, but this is odd even for me
two months ago I crawled into the office to see my wonderful new rheumatologist because I was having An Bad Time, and it turned out I’m one of the unfortunate folks for whom Plaquenil is not a feasible treatment option - it was doing an all right job of mostly keeping my immune system in check buuuuuuuut it was tearing up my insides so much it was tanking my quality of life
(I was also coming off a brutal six weeks of asthma flareup chased by maybe-covid chased by respiratory infection. this year has been non-optimal for me, healthwise)
at that time, my doc sent me home with a steroid prescription I’ve been taking since then, and three weeks ago we added an immunosuppressant named leflunomide to the cocktail
things have been Okay? I’m making it to work more often than not, and I’ve had the energy and gumption to throw myself into a crafty project for the first time in a good long while
and then last week I noticed something was wrong with my feet.
namely, that they had fucking shrunk.
that. is not a usual turn of events.
steroids like prednisone are known to cause fluid retention and swelling, so if anything one would expect one’s feet to puff up, but suddenly I was pulling the buckles on my shoes a full centimeter and a half tighter to keep them secure on my feet, and they just fit differently, the edge of the toe box started hitting a different part of my foot, I am thirty-six years old this is not normal
never let it be said I was not methodical in double-checking that I wasn’t just losing my fucking mind again. I collect Hot Chocolate Design shoes, which are remarkable in the consistency of their sizing, and I double-checked the fit in all nineteen pairs I own, just to be sure I hadn’t somehow stretched out a few from wearing socks and/or insoles, but it was pretty damn clear that somehow, I had lost half a shoe size in a v. v. short amount of time
theory: I am on steroids and a serious immunosuppressant, maybe they’ve taken down some long-standing inflammation I wasn’t aware of?
counterpoint: I have worn the same shoe size for well over a decade, and it has stayed the same through multiple major weight and activity changes
counter counterpoint: yeah but my feet have hurt that whole time like?
counter counter counterpoint: yeah true but I was working retail that whole time and that is really hard on the body
counter counter counter counterpoint: I am not a doctor, there may be some concerning reason why my feet have suddenly gotten smaller, I should consult a medical professional just in case this continues and I suddenly can’t wear my nineteen pairs of fantastic statement shoes
so I emailed my rheumatologist.
in the interim, I tried google, and even with all my fantastical powers I wasn’t able to summon a halfway satisfactory answer, unless I somehow have a spontaneous mutation for something like extremely atypical extremely late-onset Charcot-Marie-Tooth, which is just. no. I am already a weird outlier with two seronegative autoimmune diseases and a mess of hereditary neuroses, I am experiencing something strange here but not statistically impossible.
my rheumatologist got back to me this afternoon, and I apparently continue to be the rarest, most beautiful unicorn ever, because despite his decades of medical practice and research in four different countries he has never seen nor heard of a patient’s feet suddenly shrinking. that said, his best guess is my best guess, he can’t think of any other possible explanation besides better living through massive immunosuppression, but he would like me to inform him immediately if anything else remotely odd crops up.
love that weird outlier life.
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