#poder omnipotent
synicalart · 2 years
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A finished commission for a friend for his Poder Omnipotent sequel in development! Sadly, dragon doesn't show up until the second book, but if you're interested in the first, you can find it here on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Poder-Omnipotent-Shayl-McHugh/dp/1637284047/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2HHU78VJ2Q263&keywords=poder+omnipotent&qid=1654390534&sprefix=poder+omnipotent%2Caps%2C79&sr=8-1
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maisoverflow · 2 years
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“onipotente, com graça abundante e perfeição, tão sábio e justo governará, vestido de amor e poder” - onipotente / omnipotent - @revere_live, @laurahackettpark, @gabisampaio, @lucygrimble
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maisoverflow/
pinterest: https://br.pinterest.com/maisoverflow/
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thearoaceshark · 10 months
(Advertencia: Giorno se llamará Haruno y por los pronombres Él/Eso porque está narrado desde el punto de vista de Dio)
Dio Brando, hijo adoptivo de George Joestar, padre de Jonathan. Con ellos vivía desde los 12 años y su hermanito Diego 9. Siempre odió mucho a Jonathan, se llevaban muy mal y lo consideraba un rival, una vez lo encerró en un laboratorio lleno de arañas.
Dio se interesó en Spider-Sun cuando hizo una aparición de él e invirtió mucho dinero para crear una empresa para investigar el origen de sus poderes, la llamó D.I.O (Determinado. Inteligente. Omnipotente). Logró su objetivo después de muchos años y con sus poderes de araña se convirtió en un supervillano llamado Superior Spider, no conforme con eso también mandó a crear una criatura con su ADN y el de Spider-Sun para poder usarlo como arma, lo llamó Haruno y lo estaba entrenando para ser un guerrero inteligente, poderoso e inquebrantable, pero un tipo llamado Deathguy lo delató y Spider-Sun y Spider-Purple vinieron y se llevaron a Haruno. Arruinaron sus planes pero siguió siendo un villano despiadado.
A la edad de 21 años, su padre adoptivo murió y Dio tomó la decisión de distanciarse de la familia Joestar y nunca volver a contactarlos. Tiene tres hijos llamados Donatello, Rikiel y Ungalo, el experimento Haruno llegó a conocer a Donatello y envidiar el amor con el que lo trataba Dio, Dio no maltrataba a Haruno, pero tampoco lo trataba con amor.
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(Warning: Giorno will be called Haruno and by the pronouns He/Him because it is narrated from Dio's point of view)
Dio Brando, adopted son of George Joestar, Jonathan's father. He lived with them since he was 12 years old and his little brother Diego was 9. He always hated Jonathan a lot, they got along very badly and he considered him a rival, once he locked him up in a laboratory full of spiders.
Dio became interested in Spider-Sun when he made an appearance of him and invested a lot of money to create a company to investigate the origin of his powers, he named it D.I.O (Determined. Intelligent. Omnipotent). He achieved his goal after many years and with his spider powers he became a supervillain called Superior Spider, not satisfied with that he also commanded to create a creature with his DNA and that of Spider-Sun to be able to use it as a weapon, he named it Haruno and he was training him to be a smart, powerful and unbreakable warrior, but a guy named Deathguy gave him away and Spider-Sun and Spider-Purple came and took Haruno away. They ruined his plans but he remained a ruthless villain.
At the age of 21, his adoptive father died, and Dio made the decision to distance himself from the Joestar family and never contacted them again. He has three sons named Donatello, Rikiel and Ungalo, the experiment Haruno got to know Donatello and envy the love with which Dio treated him, Dio did not mistreat Haruno, but he did not treat him with love either
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esuemmanuel · 4 years
Quiero darte el amor que sólo tú mereces... Quiero llenarte de ofrendas que cultiven en tu pecho la belleza del amor, que le den una razón a tu corazón para seguir latiendo con ese fervor que sólo los niños, en su inocencia, pueden tener... Quiero que sientas que el mundo se arrodilla a tus pies mientras, con el alma, besas cada secreto que te musita al oído en santa confesión... Quiero que creas en Dios y en Su poder bendito, el mismo que te ha dado para iluminar el camino de los que se han perdido... Quiero que tus ojos sólo sean capaces de mirar la belleza de la justicia, la nobleza de la razón, la pureza del destino y la omnipotencia de la entrega... Quiero, mi amada, que duermas en mi lecho con la confianza que te otorgan los sueños más bellos al descansar... Quiero, simplemente, que no te canses de soñar.
— Esu Emmanuel©️, I want to give you the love that only you deserve... I want to fill you with offerings that cultivate in your chest the beauty of love, that give your heart a reason to continue beating with that fervor that only children, in their innocence, can have... I want you to feel that the world kneels at your feet while, with your soul, you kiss every secret that whispers in your ear in holy confession... I want you to believe in God and in His blessed power, the same one that has given to light the way of those who have been lost... I want your eyes to only be able to look at the beauty of justice, the nobility of reason, the purity of destiny and the omnipotence of surrender... I want, my beloved, that you sleep in my bed with the confidence that the most beautiful dreams give you when resting... I simply want you not to get tired of dreaming.
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planetarycity · 5 years
Yo os hablo a todos con sencillez y con el poder de la Palabra...
En la viña de mi padre, las vides de las galaxias están madurando con la plenitud de la misericordia y la bondad. Muchas enredaderas están descuidadas ... crecen altas y salvajes ... el crecimiento de sus hojas aparentemente está fuera de control y sus ramas parecen estar en el caos.
Sin embargo, las hojas de la comprensión son amplias y profundas ... las ramas de la vida y el perdón amoroso se extienden fácilmente hacia todos. Sus uvas son agrias y también dulces; porque una mezcla está ocurriendo.
Y su podador viene ... con la agudeza de la verdad y la compasión, el corta cada rama y cada hoja que ha cumplido su propósito ... cada rama y cada hoja no queda sobre la gran vid de Mi Padre Infinito. Solo quedan la raíz y el tallo después de que el podador de la vida llega para purificar ... para desenredar ... para volver a tejer y a poner orden en el caos de cada hoja y rama. Él mantiene su vid a través de toda la existencia.
Muchos venís ... miráis la apariencia de la vid recién cortada para nada. Aparece la esterilidad ... el viñedo parece estar despojado y privado de toda belleza. Todos los que miráis desde el punto de vista de lo efímero ... los ojos efímeros que perciben sólo en la superficie de la vida ... ellos ven la falta y el caos y la fealdad de las cosas estériles y desoladas ... maldicen al podador, diciendo "¿por qué no te importa? ... ¿por qué no salvas a todas esas hojas y ramas? ... ¿por qué permites que el podador venga y corte toda nuestra belleza? ... salva a los niños del mundo y a las víctimas que están siendo amamantados por la vid de la vida. Derribas todas las cosas hechas por nosotros, y separas nuestra vid ... su creación es una cosa de nuestra belleza mortal ".
El podador luego dice: "contentaos vosotros con lo que pensáis y con vuestras interpretaciones que abundan en la visión limitada que proviene de vuestros instintos menores ... y volved a la hora de la cosecha y mirad".
Luego, en el momento de la cosecha, la aridez desnuda de cada rama y cada porción solitaria de la vid rebosaba de hojas luminosas ... los tallos de la vid brillaban con la aparición de una nueva vida ... racimos pesados ​​de uvas deliciosas pesaban en cada rama en la tierra.
Los recolectores se regocijaron, y cada día ellos llevaban la riqueza de este abundante fruto a la prensa en la que fluían jugos frescos, ricos y encantadores.
He aquí ... vosotros despojaréis de la vid de vuestra mortalidad todas las cosas que succionan sin ceremonias sobre la Vida que viene de las raíces del Celestial Uno. Entonces, crearéis esa fertilidad de receptividad que obtiene un vasto y abundante crecimiento para vosotros mismos.
Todas las maravillosas doctrinas y rituales mortales e ídolos e imágenes y formas de hombres y mujeres son ramas que pronto deben ser cortadas, sus palabras y efusiones de cortesía y los espejismos de sus bromas sociales son hojas que deben ser desarmadas y eliminadas; porque estos pertrechos mortales son inútiles para el avance del individuo y la raza ... estos falsos ídolos mortales de vanidad intelectual y narcisismo emocional han crecido tanto que la luz del sol ya no llega al corazón ... las aguas de la Palabra celestial no pueden fluir por las venas de vuestra inteligencia. Cada individuo y la totalidad de la raza os habéis secado de la limpieza moral y la decisión ética. El podador de la vida prepara un camino para que todos los nutrientes puedan fluir a cada porción de la vid y su follaje pueda traer los frutos de la Vida del Espíritu.
La viña del Señor vuestra Paternidad de la Vida hace que eliminéis todas las imperfecciones mortales innecesarias ... y la tierra se extenderá por todos lados con seres humanos capaces de tener receptividad y reciprocidad con la Fuente Paterna.
He aquí, Yo soy el podador de todas las personas. La Trinidad que Yo represento viene a preparar vuestro abundante crecimiento, y con el Amor de su omnipotencia, nuestra fraternidad corta todas las ramas y hojas innecesarias. Yo podo a vuestra personalidad hasta que no quede nada, sino los tallos desnudos de la vida humana hechos santos y respetuosos.
Mis apóstoles confían en la poda de sus vidas. Conocen la belleza de los tallos desnudos ... son más felices cuando se disuelve la pomposidad de la vegetación espesamente cubierta ... de modo que los tallos de sus vidas son puros y sin asfixia ... Yo y mis apóstoles sacamos en sí la abundancia de la divinidad y prosperidad espiritual a medida que se acerca el tiempo de cosecha.
Ellos dan su aprecio y cooperación al podador que Yo soy ... han venido a colaborar conmigo para acortar su personalidad de cada hoja crecida de más por la indigestión e interpretación mortales.
Ellos experimentan la cosecha como un tiempo de celebración y certeza; porque ellos se regocijan en mi venida y ellos son traídos a la prensa divina donde toda la dureza y la rigidez se exprime para crear el fruto vivo ... la esencia de la Vida.
Michael Of Nebadon
The City Of Christ Michael http://thecityofchristmichael.salvington.org/2019/07/thine-fruitage-of-spirit-glory.html?fbclid=IwAR34hbYQBCv2Sgs-eT56z1_SSAJOh1JMnhD9y2eeB6aKB241e2_dapMnRE4
I speak to all with simplicity and the power of the Word ..
In My Father's vineyard, the vines of the galaxies are ripening with the fullness of mercy and kindness. Many vines are unkept .. they grow high and wild .. the growth of their leaves are seemingly out of control and their branches are appearing to be in chaos.
Yet, the leaves of understanding are broad and deep .. the branches of life and loving forgiveness reach easily outwards to all. Its grapes are sour and also sweet; for there is a mixture occurring.
And his pruner cometh .. with the sharpness of truth and compassion, he cuts off every branch and leaf that hath served his purpose .. every branch and each leaf remains not upon the great vine of My Father Infinite. Only root and stalk remains after the Pruner of Life comes to purify .. to untangle .. to reweave and bring order to the chaos of every leaf and branch. He maintains his vine throughout existence.
Many cometh .. they glance at the appearance of the vine freshly cut down to not a thing. Barrenness appears .. the vineyard appears to be despoiled and stripped of every beauty. All who look from the viewing point of ephemerality .. the ephemeral eyes which perceive only upon the surface of life .. they see the lack and the chaos and the ugliness of things barren and desolate .. they curse the pruner, saying "why dont you care .. why don't you save all those leaves and branches .. why do you allow the pruner to come and cut away all our beauty .. save the children of the world, and the victims who art suckling upon the vine of life. You tear down all things made by us, and you separate apart our vine .. its creation a thing of our mortal beauty."
The pruner then says, "content thyselves with what you think and thine interpretations which abound with limited seeing coming from your lesser instincts .. and come again at harvest time and see."
Then, at harvest time the naked barrenness of every branch and each solitary portion of the vine was overflowing with luminous leaves .. the stalks of the vine were bright with new life appearing .. heavy clusters of delicious grapes weighed every branch to earth.
The gatherers rejoiced, and each day they carried the richness of this bountiful fruitage to the press wherein fresh, rich, lovely juices flowed.
Behold .. ye shall strip away from the vine of your mortality all things which suckle unceremoniously upon the Life coming from the roots of the heavenly One. Then, shall you create that fertility of receptivity which garners a vast bountiful growth for thyselves.
All gorgeous mortal doctrines and rituals and idols and images and forms of men and women are branches which soon must be cut away, their words and gushings of politeness and the mirages of their social banterings are leaves which must become stripped apart and removed; for these mortal accoutrements are useless to the advancing progression of the individual and race .. these false mortal idols of intellectual vanity and emotional narcissism have grown so great that sunlight no longer reaches the heart .. waters from the heavenly Word cannot flow throughout the veins of their intelligence. Every individual and the entirety of the race hath become dried up of moral cleanliness and ethical decisiveness. A way is prepared by the pruner of life so that all nutrients may flow to every portion of the vine and its foliage may bring the fruits of the Spirit Life.
The vineyard of the Lord thy Parenthood of Life cause you to remove all unnecessary mortal imperfections .. and the earth shall becometh spread throughout with human beings capable of receptivity and reciprocity with the Parenthood Source.
Behold, I am the pruner of all individuals .. the Trinity that I represent cometh to prepare thine bountiful growth, and with the Love of his omnipotence, our fellowship cuts away all unneeded branches and leaves .. I prune thine personhood until all is naught but unclothed stalks of human life made holy and respectful.
My apostles trust in the pruning of their life. They knoweth the beauty of the naked stalks .. they are happiest as the pomposity of thickly overgrown vegetation is dissolved .. so that the stalks of their lives are pure and without suffocation .. I and My apostles bring forth in themselves the divinity abundance and spirit prosperity as the harvest time approaches.
They give their appreciation and cooperation to the pruner that I am .. they have come to collaborate with Me in shortening their personality of every overgrown leaf made by mortal indigestion and interpretation.
They experience the harvesting as a time of celebration and certainty; for they rejoice in My coming and they are brought forth unto the divine press where all hardness and rigidity is pressed out to create the living fruitage .. the essence of Life.
Michael Of Nebadon
The City Of Christ Michael h
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I will try to answer your questions in parts:
✔️Is this the same grandmaster from Ragnarok?
🔸Yes he is the same, although in Thor Ragnarok they did not reveal his real poders, except when they say that he is one of the "Originals"
✔️Do you have any theories about the grandmaster?
🔸Yes, I have some theories and in other post I will talk about them
✔️You said Nemisis would be a villain if she was resurrected, right? Why is that?
🔸The Ego Gem is the seventh Infinity Stone, hidden in an unknown realm known as the Ultraverse in the Marvel Comics Universe. Infinity War explains the Infinity Stones were created by the Big Bang that gave birth to the universe. In the comics, the seven Infinity Stones were actually held within a single omnipotent being called  Nemesis who grew tired of her existence and willed herself to shatter into the six Infinity Stones, with the seventh stone holding her consciousness
The comics do not explain the Ego Stone’s power in great detail, saying only that it’s very powerful and that there was a time it took possession of a former Avenger named Sersi. When the Ego Stone comes into contact with the other Infinity Stones, Nemesis will be reborn
Loki and the Grandmaster had entered the Ultraverse in pursuit of the missing Infinity Stones. Loki secured the Mind Stone. Grandmaster, though, found Sersi with the other Infinity Stones along with the shocking revelation that there was a seventhInfinity Stone
He and Loki then entered into one of those classic deals on behalf of Loki (the Ultraforce) and Grandmaster (the Avengers)..
After they fought and Loki won.
This was another trick Loki, (I'll tell you this in another post if you want) he said that if the Grandmaster had not won he had not lost so this forced the Grandmaster to deliver the seventh stone
Loki was "given" Sersi, but it turned out that Sersi was actually possessed by the mystery seventh Infinity Stone!
After she wiped the floor with the other heroes, she then gave up her possession of Sersi and revealed itself as a now sentient combination of the seven Infinity Stones as a being known as Nemesis! Nemesis then seemingly destroyed the Ultraverse!
The heroes eventually unmerged and then the two groups teamed up in a massive attack on Nemesis to try to get her to put right what she had put wrong. She was a bit of a heady new god, though, and her instinct was to just destroy this plane of existence period, but Black Knight essentially sacrificed himself to break up the new combined Nemesis into her composite Infinity Stones..
In another post I will tell the story of Sersi, but from what I understand in this story, Nemesis was not on the side of the good guys.
✔️And about Adam Warlok...
🔸It is a very interesting story because he was one of the bearers of the Soul Stone and took many souls into it, even he fought with the Avengers against Thanos when the Titan tried to put out the stars. Finally he entered the Soul Stone and discovered the World- Gem and became the leader of the souls that lived there ... I like this for a new theory
(I do not think Marvel plans to includeso new characters in Endgame and we already know that MCU does not follow the line of the Comics but is inspired by many of their stories so everything could happen)
I hope I have answered your questions
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Yo os hablo a todos con sencillez y con el poder de la Palabra...
En la viña de mi padre, las vides de las galaxias están madurando con la plenitud de la misericordia y la bondad. Muchas enredaderas están descuidadas ... crecen altas y salvajes ... el crecimiento de sus hojas aparentemente está fuera de control y sus ramas parecen estar en el caos.
Sin embargo, las hojas de la comprensión son amplias y profundas ... las ramas de la vida y el perdón amoroso se extienden fácilmente hacia todos. Sus uvas son agrias y también dulces; porque una mezcla está ocurriendo.
Y su podador viene ... con la agudeza de la verdad y la compasión, el corta cada rama y cada hoja que ha cumplido su propósito ... cada rama y cada hoja no queda sobre la gran vid de Mi Padre Infinito. Solo quedan la raíz y el tallo después de que el podador de la vida llega para purificar ... para desenredar ... para volver a tejer y a poner orden en el caos de cada hoja y rama. Él mantiene su vid a través de toda la existencia.
Muchos venís ... miráis la apariencia de la vid recién cortada para nada. Aparece la esterilidad ... el viñedo parece estar despojado y privado de toda belleza. Todos los que miráis desde el punto de vista de lo efímero ... los ojos efímeros que perciben sólo en la superficie de la vida ... ellos ven la falta y el caos y la fealdad de las cosas estériles y desoladas ... maldicen al podador, diciendo "¿por qué no te importa? ... ¿por qué no salvas a todas esas hojas y ramas? ... ¿por qué permites que el podador venga y corte toda nuestra belleza? ... salva a los niños del mundo y a las víctimas que están siendo amamantados por la vid de la vida. Derribas todas las cosas hechas por nosotros, y separas nuestra vid ... su creación es una cosa de nuestra belleza mortal ".
El podador luego dice: "contentaos vosotros con lo que pensáis y con vuestras interpretaciones que abundan en la visión limitada que proviene de vuestros instintos menores ... y volved a la hora de la cosecha y mirad".
Luego, en el momento de la cosecha, la aridez desnuda de cada rama y cada porción solitaria de la vid rebosaba de hojas luminosas ... los tallos de la vid brillaban con la aparición de una nueva vida ... racimos pesados ​​de uvas deliciosas pesaban en cada rama en la tierra.
Los recolectores se regocijaron, y cada día ellos llevaban la riqueza de este abundante fruto a la prensa en la que fluían jugos frescos, ricos y encantadores.
He aquí ... vosotros despojaréis de la vid de vuestra mortalidad todas las cosas que succionan sin ceremonias sobre la Vida que viene de las raíces del Celestial Uno. Entonces, crearéis esa fertilidad de receptividad que obtiene un vasto y abundante crecimiento para vosotros mismos.
Todas las maravillosas doctrinas y rituales mortales e ídolos e imágenes y formas de hombres y mujeres son ramas que pronto deben ser cortadas, sus palabras y efusiones de cortesía y los espejismos de sus bromas sociales son hojas que deben ser desarmadas y eliminadas; porque estos pertrechos mortales son inútiles para el avance del individuo y la raza ... estos falsos ídolos mortales de vanidad intelectual y narcisismo emocional han crecido tanto que la luz del sol ya no llega al corazón ... las aguas de la Palabra celestial no pueden fluir por las venas de vuestra inteligencia. Cada individuo y la totalidad de la raza os habéis secado de la limpieza moral y la decisión ética. El podador de la vida prepara un camino para que todos los nutrientes puedan fluir a cada porción de la vid y su follaje pueda traer los frutos de la Vida del Espíritu.
La viña del Señor vuestra Paternidad de la Vida hace que eliminéis todas las imperfecciones mortales innecesarias ... y la tierra se extenderá por todos lados con seres humanos capaces de tener receptividad y reciprocidad con la Fuente Paterna.
He aquí, Yo soy el podador de todas las personas. La Trinidad que Yo represento viene a preparar vuestro abundante crecimiento, y con el Amor de su omnipotencia, nuestra fraternidad corta todas las ramas y hojas innecesarias. Yo podo a vuestra personalidad hasta que no quede nada, sino los tallos desnudos de la vida humana hechos santos y respetuosos.
Mis apóstoles confían en la poda de sus vidas. Conocen la belleza de los tallos desnudos ... son más felices cuando se disuelve la pomposidad de la vegetación espesamente cubierta ... de modo que los tallos de sus vidas son puros y sin asfixia ... Yo y mis apóstoles sacamos en sí la abundancia de la divinidad y prosperidad espiritual a medida que se acerca el tiempo de cosecha.
Ellos dan su aprecio y cooperación al podador que Yo soy ... han venido a colaborar conmigo para acortar su personalidad de cada hoja crecida de más por la indigestión e interpretación mortales.
Ellos experimentan la cosecha como un tiempo de celebración y certeza; porque ellos se regocijan en mi venida y ellos son traídos a la prensa divina donde toda la dureza y la rigidez se exprime para crear el fruto vivo ... la esencia de la Vida.
Michael Of Nebadon
The City Of Christ Michael http://thecityofchristmichael.salvington.org/2019/07/thine-fruitage-of-spirit-glory.html?fbclid=IwAR34hbYQBCv2Sgs-eT56z1_SSAJOh1JMnhD9y2eeB6aKB241e2_dapMnRE4
I speak to all with simplicity and the power of the Word ..
In My Father's vineyard, the vines of the galaxies are ripening with the fullness of mercy and kindness. Many vines are unkept .. they grow high and wild .. the growth of their leaves are seemingly out of control and their branches are appearing to be in chaos.
Yet, the leaves of understanding are broad and deep .. the branches of life and loving forgiveness reach easily outwards to all. Its grapes are sour and also sweet; for there is a mixture occurring.
And his pruner cometh .. with the sharpness of truth and compassion, he cuts off every branch and leaf that hath served his purpose .. every branch and each leaf remains not upon the great vine of My Father Infinite. Only root and stalk remains after the Pruner of Life comes to purify .. to untangle .. to reweave and bring order to the chaos of every leaf and branch. He maintains his vine throughout existence.
Many cometh .. they glance at the appearance of the vine freshly cut down to not a thing. Barrenness appears .. the vineyard appears to be despoiled and stripped of every beauty. All who look from the viewing point of ephemerality .. the ephemeral eyes which perceive only upon the surface of life .. they see the lack and the chaos and the ugliness of things barren and desolate .. they curse the pruner, saying "why dont you care .. why don't you save all those leaves and branches .. why do you allow the pruner to come and cut away all our beauty .. save the children of the world, and the victims who art suckling upon the vine of life. You tear down all things made by us, and you separate apart our vine .. its creation a thing of our mortal beauty."
The pruner then says, "content thyselves with what you think and thine interpretations which abound with limited seeing coming from your lesser instincts .. and come again at harvest time and see."
Then, at harvest time the naked barrenness of every branch and each solitary portion of the vine was overflowing with luminous leaves .. the stalks of the vine were bright with new life appearing .. heavy clusters of delicious grapes weighed every branch to earth.
The gatherers rejoiced, and each day they carried the richness of this bountiful fruitage to the press wherein fresh, rich, lovely juices flowed.
Behold .. ye shall strip away from the vine of your mortality all things which suckle unceremoniously upon the Life coming from the roots of the heavenly One. Then, shall you create that fertility of receptivity which garners a vast bountiful growth for thyselves.
All gorgeous mortal doctrines and rituals and idols and images and forms of men and women are branches which soon must be cut away, their words and gushings of politeness and the mirages of their social banterings are leaves which must become stripped apart and removed; for these mortal accoutrements are useless to the advancing progression of the individual and race .. these false mortal idols of intellectual vanity and emotional narcissism have grown so great that sunlight no longer reaches the heart .. waters from the heavenly Word cannot flow throughout the veins of their intelligence. Every individual and the entirety of the race hath become dried up of moral cleanliness and ethical decisiveness. A way is prepared by the pruner of life so that all nutrients may flow to every portion of the vine and its foliage may bring the fruits of the Spirit Life.
The vineyard of the Lord thy Parenthood of Life cause you to remove all unnecessary mortal imperfections .. and the earth shall becometh spread throughout with human beings capable of receptivity and reciprocity with the Parenthood Source.
Behold, I am the pruner of all individuals .. the Trinity that I represent cometh to prepare thine bountiful growth, and with the Love of his omnipotence, our fellowship cuts away all unneeded branches and leaves .. I prune thine personhood until all is naught but unclothed stalks of human life made holy and respectful.
My apostles trust in the pruning of their life. They knoweth the beauty of the naked stalks .. they are happiest as the pomposity of thickly overgrown vegetation is dissolved .. so that the stalks of their lives are pure and without suffocation .. I and My apostles bring forth in themselves the divinity abundance and spirit prosperity as the harvest time approaches.
They give their appreciation and cooperation to the pruner that I am .. they have come to collaborate with Me in shortening their personality of every overgrown leaf made by mortal indigestion and interpretation.
They experience the harvesting as a time of celebration and certainty; for they rejoice in My coming and they are brought forth unto the divine press where all hardness and rigidity is pressed out to create the living fruitage .. the essence of Life.
Michael Of Nebadon
The City Of Christ Michael h
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planetarycommunion · 5 years
Orad Conmigo
Orad conmigo, Amados de la Tierra Nuestro Padre Infinito ... que tiene su Cuerpo como la creación y cada vez más grande ... que abarca todo el cielo de los cielos ... el universo de los universos. Tu nombre es santo Tu benevolencia está siempre presente ... Soberana ... y Absoluta para que todos puedan entrar en ella. Lo más sagrado es tu Presencia ... la Una y solo Única Vida Eterna de la que somos parte y formamos parte con y de. Tu Reino ha venido incluso ahora ... y tu voluntad es la plenitud de la armonía ... el orden ... y la regocijante alegría para todos los que estéis dispuestos a participar de tu Presencia y Poder a través de tu Pureza y Perdón Eterno ... Tu Propósito y Plan para la Salvación de todos los reinos de esta tierra. Pedimos que tu Orden y Armonía se establezcan en la tierra como lo es en todo el cielo de los cielos, que es tu Santo Cuerpo y Vida Eterna. Danos hoy nuestro pan diario de Conocimiento Comprensivo ... Consejo y Coraje ... Adoración de ti y Sabiduría de nuestra existencia en ti. Entendemos que nos perdonas nuestras deudas y todos los escombros mortales solo a medida que nos elevamos hacia el cumplimiento de nuestra naturaleza creativa ... nuestra identidad correcta ... nuestro uso de la Vida en que se encuentra ... nuestras deudas mortales que hemos cubierto con su Inmaculada Radiancia será limpiada y elevada a tu omnipotencia de la luz y eterna integridad de la vida. Oh, Dios nuestro Padre ... nosotros somos elevados solo a medida que nos elevas a través de nuestra obediencia contigo. Somos vivificados eternamente en tu Prenda de tu Inmaculada Concepción. Michael Of Nebadon Original Pray with Me Beloveds of the  Earth Our Infinite Father .. who hath his Body as the creation and ever greater .. encompassing all the heaven of heavens .. the universe of universes. Thine Name is Holy. Thine Benevolence is Everpresent .. Sovereign .. and Absolute for all to enter therein. Holiest is thine Presence .. the One and Only Life Everlasting which we are part and parcel with and of. Thine Kingdom is come even now .. and thine will is the fullness of harmony .. order .. and rejoicing happiness for all who art willing to partake of thy Presence and Power through thine Purity and Everlasting Forgiveness .. thine Purpose and Plan for the salvation of all the kingdoms of this earth. We ask for thine Order and Harmony to become established upon the earth as it is already throughout the heaven of heavens which is thine Holy Body and Everlasting Life. Give us this day our daily bread of Understanding Knowledge .. Counsel and Courage .. Worship of thee and Wisdom of our existence in You. We understand that you forgive us our debts and all mortal debris only as we arise into the fulfillment of our creative nature .. our right identity .. our use of the Life thou art .. our mortal debts which we have clothed upon thine Immaculate Radiance shall be cleansed and raised into thine Omnipotence of Light and Everlasting Wholeness of Life. Oh God our Father .. we are raised only as you raise us through our obedience with thee. We are quickened everlastingly into thine Garment of the Immaculate Conception of You. Michael Of Nebadon
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revistandodireito · 4 years
Um ensaio sobre "Two treatises of Government", de John Locke
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Um ensaio sobre "Two treatises of Government", de John Locke
filosofia liberal
Relativo às ideias fundamentais da obra do filósofo e “pai do liberalismo” como Lei Natural, propriedade, consenso e algumas coisas mais.
1. O estado de Natureza
Os seres humanos nascem livres, iguais e independentes. No estado de Natureza, estão sujeitos à Lei Natural, qual seja a razão, que pode ser consultada por todos os seres racionais. Todo ser humano em uma certa idade conquista tamanha racionalidade para escolher por si mesmo, prescindindo dos cuidados de seus pais.
Cada ser possui em si sua própria pessoa. Disto decorre que o próprio pai, ou mãe, mantenedores de suas crianças, não detêm a vida daqueles que colocou no mundo, mas apenas têm o dever de nutrir-lhes até que possam subsistir de seu próprio trabalho.
No entanto, quando uma pessoa é ameaçada em sua propriedade, porque não há juízo exterior e superior a ninguém, cabe a cada um a jurisdição para enforçar sobre o ofensor a Lei Natural. Aquele que ofende a propriedade de outro ofende diretamente a Lei da Natureza e, por ignorar a razão, está vivendo em um estado que permite que o ameaçado tire-lhe a vida, se preciso for.
Com efeito, uma lei deve ser capaz de coagir aqueles a quem a ela estão sujeitos. Uma lei que não é capaz de ser executada não tem qualquer razão de existir. Por essa mesma qualidade, de ser intrínseca a todo ser racional, é que a Lei Natural deve ser exercitada por todos, e quando um homem atentar contra a propriedade de seu vizinho, toda a comunidade tem o direito de puni-lo.
2. Propriedade no estado de Natureza
A maior propriedade que os homens possuem é a sua liberdade. De acordo com Locke, a humanidade não pode fazer de escrava a própria espécie, tampouco pode um homem voluntariamente escravizar-se. A liberdade é um bem tão intrínseco ao homem que ele não tem poder para aliená-la de si mesmo.
…man (by being master of himself, and proprietor of his own person, and the actions or labour of it) had still in himself the great foundation of property. [p.123]
O homem, proprietário de si mesmo, tem em suas mãos o fruto de seu trabalho, que é também sua propriedade. Tudo aquilo que a natureza fornece e que o homem transforma ou faz uso em suas obras passa a ser seu. Nenhuma pessoa pode tomar parte naquilo que é obra de outro homem, portanto, esse direito de propriedade afirma também o direito de vinculação que garante a posse de um bem ao seu legítimo proprietário. A Lei da Natureza, que prevê a liberdade do homem, o direito de propriedade e de sua vinculação, estabelece que só é possível ter algo enquanto todos os outros possam fazer uso do mesmo recurso. Segundo a Lei Natural, não é certo que alguém possua mais do que pode usufruir, de maneira que isso é o mesmo que privar os outros de seu direito comum, que é fazer uso das coisas que da natureza provém.
A Lei da Natureza, que prevê a liberdade do homem, o direito de propriedade e de sua vinculação, estabelece que só é possível ter algo enquanto todos os outros possam fazer uso do mesmo recurso. Segundo a Lei Natural, não é certo que alguém possua mais do que pode usufruir, de maneira que isso é o mesmo que privar os outros de seu direito comum, que é fazer uso das coisas que da natureza provém.
As much as any one can make use of to any advantage of life before it spoils, so much he may by his labour fix a property in. Whatever is beyond this is more than his share, and belongs to others. [p.117] [Lei da propriedade:] …that every man should have as much as he could make use of, would hold still in the world, without straitening anybody, since there is land enough in the world to suffice double the inhabitants [p.120]
Uma das questões mais contraditórias da teoria de Locke reside na propriedade da vida. O autor afirma que o homem não tem o direito de matar a si mesmo, ainda que possa matar outro homem quando ele atenta contra a razão (portanto, no estado de guerra), por essa mesma lei da razão lhe é vedado o suicídio. Em verdade, toda a humanidade pertence ao Criador, e a ele pertence a propriedade da vida.
But though this be a state of liberty, yet it is not a state of licence; though man in that state have an uncontrollable liberty to dispose of his person or possessions, yet he has not liberty to destroy himself, or so much as any creature in his possession, but where some nobler use than its bare preservation calls for it. The state of Nature has a law of Nature to govern it, which obliges every one, and reason, which is that law, teaches all mankind who will but consult it, that being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty or possessions; for men being all the workmanship of one omnipotent and infinitely wise Maker; all the servants of one sovereign Master, sent into the world by His order and about His business; they are His property, whose workmanship they are made to last during His, not one another’s pleasure. [p. 107]
3. A igualdade no estado de Natureza
Todos os homens são iguais por natureza, o que não corresponde a afirmar que inexistem diferenças entre os homens, que podem decorrer de nascimento, que subjuga alguns, as alianças, que beneficiam outros ou, até mesmo, de mérito, idade e virtudes. Nada disso invalida a igualdade que diz respeito à liberdade e domínio de cada homem unicamente sobre si mesmo.
…equality which all men are in respect of jurisdiction or dominion one over another, which was the equality I there spoke of as proper to the business in hand, being that equal right that every man hath to his natural freedom, without being subjected to the will or authority of any other man. [p. 127]
4. Liberdade
A liberdade, ao contrário do que muitos acreditam, não é a faculdade de fazer tudo aquilo que quiser. O autor questiona: como pode haver liberdade enquanto qualquer outro homem pode exercer o domínio, conforme bem entender, sobre aquilo que não lhe pertence?
Liberdade é poder dispor de sua propriedade, suas ações e sua pessoa segundo o que prescrevem as leis as quais se está sujeito. A lei é o que impede o arbítrio, é o que preserva e prolonga a liberdade.
5. Sociedade política
A sociedade tem ínicio na união entre um homem, sua esposa e seus filhos. A familía é uma espécie de “pequena” sociedade, mas ainda não pode constituir nada parecido como uma sociedade política. A sociedade política é caracterizada pela união de pessoas em um corpo social destinado a um interesse em comum: estabelecer uma única jurisdição (em contraposição às várias jurisdições que cada um possui e pode exercer por si no estado de Natureza) e leis que prescrevam a autoridade para decidir as controvérsias que nascem entre os seres humanos, além de punir aqueles que violam a propriedade de outros.
A sociedade política faz surgir o estado civil, momento em que as pessoas saem do estado de Natureza consensualmente e, portanto, abdicam de sua jurisdição particular. Há alguns motivos para que os seres humanos deixem o estado de Natureza: as desigualdades de força impõem a lei do mais forte em detrimento da lei da razão; a vítima de uma injusta agressão normalmente não age com justiça, mas com vingança; e as inconveniências do estado de Natureza tornam-se maiores que os benefícios, como na constante das invasões externas.
Tal sociedade política se compõe do consenso de cada um dos indivíduos, e é governada dentro das leis feitas pelo Legislativo, escolhido por essa mesma sociedade, que se guia de acordo com a vontade da maioria (o autor não necessariamente se refere a uma democracia).
And thus, that which begins and actually constitutes any political society is nothing but the consent of any number of freemen capable of majority, to unite and incorporate into such a society. [p.147]
6. Consenso
O consenso, se não o mais relevante aspecto da teoria de Locke, um dos mais problematizados, é em verdade um ponto bastante claro em sua obra. Se referindo ao consenso, por vezes “tácito”, próprio” ou “da maioria”, poderia até mesmo encobrir seu real significado no ponto de vista do autor.
For that which acts any community, being only the consent of the individuals of it, and it being one body, must move one way, it is necessary the body should move that way whither the greater force carries it, which is the consent of the majority, or else it is impossible it should act or continue one body, one community, which the consent of every individual that united into it agreed that it should; and so every one is bound by that consent to be concluded by the majority. [p. 146]
Thirdly, the supreme power cannot take from any man any part of his property without his own consent. [p. 165]
No parágrafo 140, Locke explicita o que entende por consenso: não é o mesmo que pedir permissão a cada cidadão, porque quando se trata de um governo representativo, o consenso de cada cidadão repousa em seus representantes e, em última instância, na maioria.
But still it must be with his own consent — i.e., the consent of the majority, giving it either by themselves or their representatives chosen by them; for if any one shall claim a power to lay and levy taxes on the people by his own authority, and without such consent of the people, he thereby invades the fundamental law of property, and subverts the end of government.[p. 166]
7. Estado de guerra
Quando um agressor atenta contra a razão e viola a propriedade de outro, ele se coloca em um estado de guerra. O estado de guerra é aquele em que um homem se rende à destruição, coloca tudo que possui em perigo e, portanto, a si. Aqui, o homem não conhece leis que não os próprios interesses. Não se equipara, todavia, à situação de um soldado no campo de batalha. O soldado atua dentro das leis ou ordens determinadas por generais que o comandam.
8. Governo
O autor refere-se ao governo em geral geral descrevendo as características mais intrínsecas de seu exercício, sem se referir imediatamente a uma forma peculiar. Portanto, a ideia é que o poder político reveste os governantes para que o exerçam a fim de assegurar a propriedade dos cidadãos, unicamente para beneficiá-los. O uso do poder político para razões privadas é tratado sob o signo de um exercício despótico ou transgressivo, que já não é mais um governo.
O governo situa-se dentro dos limites legais estabelecidos pelo corpo político através do Legislativo. Ao transpassar esses limites, a sociedade política tem o direito de resistir aos atos ilegais e arbitrários. O autor critica fortemente a arbitrariedade, e sustenta que o governo só pode existir enquanto permanecer dentro da lei.
Who shall be judge whether the prince or legislative act contrary to their trust? This, perhaps, ill-affected and factious men may spread amongst the people, when the prince only makes use of his due prerogative. To this I reply, The people shall be judge; [p.212]
Ainda que os indivíduos, uma vez entrando consensualmente na sociedade política, tenham abdicado de sua jurisdição privada, a comunidade permanece com o poder de julgar seus governantes. O poder de governo é somente um poder delegado, e esse poder é sempre diretamente exercido pela sociedade política. O poder de resistência é, aparentemente, deixado em aberto pelo autor, visto que ele afirma não poder explicar de que maneira é possível resistir a um governo ilegal — afirma, no entanto, que é uma situação evidente para o povo, e portanto fácil de evitar.
But if either these illegal acts have extended to the majority of the people, or if the mischief and oppression has light only on some few, but in such cases as the precedent and consequences seem to threaten all, and they are persuaded in their consciences that their laws, and with them, their estates, liberties, and lives are in danger, and perhaps their religion too, how they will be hindered from resisting illegal force used against them I cannot tell. This is an inconvenience, I confess, that attends all governments whatsoever, when the governors have brought it to this pass, to be generally suspected of their people, the most dangerous state they can possibly put themselves in; wherein they are the less to be pitied, because it is so easy to be avoided. It being as impossible for a governor, if he really means the good of his people, and the preservation of them and their laws together, not to make them see and feel it, as it is for the father of a family not to let his children see he loves and takes care of them. [p. 196–197]
Um adendo nesse sentido é que o autor explica que onde termina a lei começa a tirania. O tirano não possui autoridade e comanda com a força. A força, por sua vez, é instrumento de legítima defesa da comunidade no estado de guerra (que é o estado em que encontra-se o tirano), e deve ser usada contra a força ilegítima.
That force is to be opposed to nothing but to unjust and unlawful force. [p. 194]
9. Arbitrariedade
A arbitrariedade não pode ser confundida com o poder absoluto. É possível existir um poder absoluto que não se utiliza do uso arbitrário do poder. Para elucidar tal diferença, Locke utiliza o exemplo de um general e seu soldado: o general pode ordenar ao soldado que se coloque em frente a um canhão, mas não pode roubar-lhe um tostão.
…yet can never have a power to take to themselves the whole, or any part of the subjects’ property, without their own consent; for this would be in effect to leave them no property at all… Because such a blind obedience is necessary to that end for which the commander has his power — viz., the preservation of the rest, but the disposing of his goods has nothing to do with it. [p. 166]
Disto se pode resumir que o autor contrapõe a lei e o arbítrio.
10. Últimas considerações
Ainda que muitos dos conceitos de John Locke façam sentido dentro de sua teoria, é possível questionar o seu núcleo. Indo além, é interessante contemplar o alcance substancial dessas questões que, por mais perenes que possam parecer, são as grandes dúvidas da filosofia.
Edição consultada: https://www.yorku.ca/comninel/courses/3025pdf/Locke.pdf
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Santa Biblia Del Nuevo Testamento Hechos 1,10,11 (Devocional) Holy Bible New Testament Acts 1,10,11
Y mientras sus ojos estaban fijos en el cielo mientras ascendía, he aquí, dos hombres vestidos de blanco se pararon junto a ellos, y les dijeron: Hombres galileos, ¿por qué están mirando al cielo? Este Jesús, que fue recibido de ti al cielo, vendrá como lo viste ir al cielo. Hechos 1,10,11
Pensamiento, comentario, reflexión: Por supuesto, "cielo", como se usa aquí, significa solo que estaban mirando hacia arriba, no que realmente vieron a Jesús entrando al cielo desde el cielo, que es el asiento del trono de Dios.
No debemos alarmarnos por las sugerencias de que la historia de la ascensión está vinculada a una concepción precopernicana del universo, y que la primera es, por lo tanto, tan obsoleta como la segunda. Cualquiera que parezca estar saliendo de la superficie de la Tierra debe aparecer ante los espectadores como ascendente. [16] Dos hombres de blanco Éstos eran ángeles, tan identificados por su deslumbrante vestimenta, como a menudo se mencionan en las Escrituras (Mateo 28: 3; Juan 20:12).
Mirando al cielo, no a la cima de una montaña, a la que una fantasía desenfrenada, influenciada por la infidelidad, mostraría que había escalado, y no al cielo.
Ese mismo Jesús, vestido de naturaleza humana, vendrá de la misma manera, con el mismo cuerpo, bajando del cielo por su poder soberano y omnipotente, como lo viste entrar al cielo. Entonces él regresará para juzgar a los vivos y a los muertos. Era una opinión muy antigua entre los cristianos que cuando Cristo viniera a juzgar al mundo nuevamente, aparecería en el Monte de los Olivos. Algunos piensan que su regreso para destruir a la nación judía es a lo que se refieren los ángeles. Vea un relato conectado de las diferentes apariencias de Cristo al final de este capítulo.
Confesión de fe
Confieso mi pecado y le pido perdón, y libérame de toda condenación. Reconozco a Jesucristo como mi único y suficiente Salvador y Señor de mi vida. Escribe mi nombre en el libro de la vida.
Holy Bible New Testament Acts 1,10,11 - Devotional
And while his eyes were fixed on the sky as he ascended, behold, two men dressed in white stood next to them, and said to them: Galilean men, why are you looking to heaven? This Jesus, who was received from you to heaven, will come as you saw him go to heaven. Acts 1,10,11
Thought, comment, reflection: Of course, "heaven" as used here means only that they were looking up, not that they actually saw Jesus entering heaven from heaven, which is the seat of God's throne.
We should not be alarmed by the suggestions that the history of the ascension is linked to a pre-Copernican conception of the universe, and that the former is therefore as obsolete as the latter. Anyone who appears to be emerging from the Earth's surface must appear to viewers as ascendant. [16] Two Men in White These were angels, as identified by their stunning clothing as often mentioned in Scripture (Matthew 28: 3; John 20:12).
Looking at the sky, not at the top of a mountain, to which an unbridled fantasy, influenced by infidelity, would show that he had climbed, and not to heaven.
That same Jesus, dressed in human nature, will come in the same way, with the same body, coming down from heaven by his sovereign and omnipotent power, as you saw him enter heaven. Then he will return to judge the living and the dead. It was a very old opinion among Christians that when Christ came to judge the world again, He would appear on the Mount of Olives. Some think that his return to destroy the Jewish nation is what angels mean. See a connected account of the different appearances of Christ at the end of this chapter.
Confession of faith
I confess my sin and ask for forgiveness, and free me from all condemnation. I recognize Jesus Christ as my only and sufficient Savior and Lord of my life. Write my name in the Book of Life.
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Santa Biblia Del Nuevo Testamento Hechos 1,10,11 (Devocional) Holy Bible New Testament Acts 1,10,11
Y mientras sus ojos estaban fijos en el cielo mientras ascendía, he aquí, dos hombres vestidos de blanco se pararon junto a ellos, y les dijeron: Hombres galileos, ¿por qué están mirando al cielo? Este Jesús, que fue recibido de ti al cielo, vendrá como lo viste ir al cielo. Hechos 1,10,11
Pensamiento, comentario, reflexión: Por supuesto, "cielo", como se usa aquí, significa solo que estaban mirando hacia arriba, no que realmente vieron a Jesús entrando al cielo desde el cielo, que es el asiento del trono de Dios.
No debemos alarmarnos por las sugerencias de que la historia de la ascensión está vinculada a una concepción precopernicana del universo, y que la primera es, por lo tanto, tan obsoleta como la segunda. Cualquiera que parezca estar saliendo de la superficie de la Tierra debe aparecer ante los espectadores como ascendente. [16] Dos hombres de blanco Éstos eran ángeles, tan identificados por su deslumbrante vestimenta, como a menudo se mencionan en las Escrituras (Mateo 28: 3; Juan 20:12).
Mirando al cielo, no a la cima de una montaña, a la que una fantasía desenfrenada, influenciada por la infidelidad, mostraría que había escalado, y no al cielo.
Ese mismo Jesús, vestido de naturaleza humana, vendrá de la misma manera, con el mismo cuerpo, bajando del cielo por su poder soberano y omnipotente, como lo viste entrar al cielo. Entonces él regresará para juzgar a los vivos y a los muertos. Era una opinión muy antigua entre los cristianos que cuando Cristo viniera a juzgar al mundo nuevamente, aparecería en el Monte de los Olivos. Algunos piensan que su regreso para destruir a la nación judía es a lo que se refieren los ángeles. Vea un relato conectado de las diferentes apariencias de Cristo al final de este capítulo.
Confesión de fe
Confieso mi pecado y le pido perdón, y libérame de toda condenación. Reconozco a Jesucristo como mi único y suficiente Salvador y Señor de mi vida. Escribe mi nombre en el libro de la vida.
Holy Bible New Testament Acts 1,10,11 - Devotional
And while his eyes were fixed on the sky as he ascended, behold, two men dressed in white stood next to them, and said to them: Galilean men, why are you looking to heaven? This Jesus, who was received from you to heaven, will come as you saw him go to heaven. Acts 1,10,11
Thought, comment, reflection: Of course, "heaven" as used here means only that they were looking up, not that they actually saw Jesus entering heaven from heaven, which is the seat of God's throne.
We should not be alarmed by the suggestions that the history of the ascension is linked to a pre-Copernican conception of the universe, and that the former is therefore as obsolete as the latter. Anyone who appears to be emerging from the Earth's surface must appear to viewers as ascendant. [16] Two Men in White These were angels, as identified by their stunning clothing as often mentioned in Scripture (Matthew 28: 3; John 20:12).
Looking at the sky, not at the top of a mountain, to which an unbridled fantasy, influenced by infidelity, would show that he had climbed, and not to heaven.
That same Jesus, dressed in human nature, will come in the same way, with the same body, coming down from heaven by his sovereign and omnipotent power, as you saw him enter heaven. Then he will return to judge the living and the dead. It was a very old opinion among Christians that when Christ came to judge the world again, He would appear on the Mount of Olives. Some think that his return to destroy the Jewish nation is what angels mean. See a connected account of the different appearances of Christ at the end of this chapter.
Confession of faith
I confess my sin and ask for forgiveness, and free me from all condemnation. I recognize Jesus Christ as my only and sufficient Savior and Lord of my life. Write my name in the Book of Life.
0 notes
planetarycampus · 6 years
Em verdade, eu vos instruo agora no modo de viver ...
 Todo poder é nada. Não tem a vida criativa de Deus a menos que seja o poder do amor.
 O poder das atividades mundanas é efeito ... é um manifesto da Causa do que é.
 Poder .. que muitos procuram e se esforçam depois ... é o resultado da força; não é nada em si mesmo. Não tem inteligência nem traz satisfação.
 O poder é nulo porque é ilusório e vazio ... e enquanto a Causa é a Força Única da Vida que contém todas as possibilidades. O poder é ilusório e ilegítimo. Está sujeito a mudanças contínuas ... e mudança.
 Mais uma vez eu vos mostro na Minha Palavra ... e suas palavras .. o poder é nada e é mutável de acordo com as mudanças nos éteres do pensamento.
 A Força Única da Própria Vida é Causa e muda não .. é estável e segura .. certa e segura .. simples e significativa .. enquanto toda a ilusão está sujeita a mudanças contínuas que são então não confiáveis e indignas de serem aprendidas por vós.
 A Força Una do Pai Vida é a vontade de Deus mesmo .. é sua onipotência e onipresença manifestada e visível por misericórdia e amor.
 Força é a vontade do Pai Celestial. Sua onipotência tem domínio e controle sobre todas as manifestações. Tudo o que é efeito é derivado vindo da Causa da Força ... e desta Força Única, se a própria Vida.
 Poder dos elementos .. e poder de estatura no mundo com suas influências .. tem sua dependência da Força Vital.
 O poder dos elementos e da posição do mundo não tem domínio, a menos que vós deis a vossa glória. No entanto, todo poder é manifestamente da vontade. Ele é dirigido e sustentado pelo Sopro da Vida.
 O poder dos elementos está no ar .. a água .. a terra .. o fogo. Está nos ventos e o poder está nas ondas ... até no golpe do relâmpago está o poder. No entanto, é dirigido pela Força da Vida.
 O movimento dos braços e pernas humanos e respiração .. e .. até o poder da pálpebra e seus olhos .. estes são manifestos do absoluto  .. a Força Única da Vida que tem domínio e onipotência sobre todas as coisas manifestas.
 Mais uma vez acaricio as vossas escolhas com a compreensão da compaixão. Escolhei com retidão e retidão onde quer que vais depositar as vossas lealdades e lealdade.
 A substância dos éteres vibra através do pensamento. Os éteres fazem com que esses poderes sejam muito manifestados.
 O pensamento de anjo e elohim e a humanidade e todas as outras ordens de criação .. direcionam a Força Unica a fazer o seu lance na criação de tempo e espaço ... e no mundo das manifestações.
 No entanto, quando o pensamento e o éter cumpriram suas ordens, todas as manifestações devem, mais cedo ou mais tarde, retornar ao que é Causa e Vida.
 Como as bolhas no oceano que surgem ao lado de suas ondas do corpo das águas ... assim o manifesto surgirá e mostrará a si mesmo por sua momentânea glória e expressão, ainda assim retornará à sua Causa no tempo.
 Levante-se à Verdade Absoluta e descubra a sua estabilização na boa causa do Pai ... assegure-se de sua segurança em permanência e piedade. Em pureza e propósito absolutamente.
 O Reino dos Céus é esta grande estabilidade de significância em que vós encontrarais e descobríreis e tratáreis Vossa identidade e Integridade legítimas com a Força da Vida Única ... na consciência e constância do Eterno, que tem benevolência incontável e glória Inefável.
  Michael Of Nebadon
  Verily do I instruct thee now in the way of living...
 All power is naught. It hath not the creative Life of God unless it is the power of love.
 Power of the worldly minded activities is effect .. it is a manifest of the Cause of the aught.
 Power .. which many do seek and strive after .. is the result of force; it is but naught in itself. It hath no Intelligence nor does it bring forth satisfaction.
 Power is naught in that it is illusory and empty .. and while Cause is the One Force of Life which holds all possibilities in It .. power is illusory and illegitimate. It is subject to continuous change .. and changeover.
 Again do I show thee in My Word .. and its words .. power is naught and is changeable according to changes in the thought ethers.
 The One Force of Life Itself is Cause and changes not .. is stable and secure .. certain and safe .. simple and significant .. while all illusion is subject to continuous changes which are then unreliable and unworthy to be learned upon by you.
 The One Force of Father Life is the will of God himself .. it is his omnipotence and omnipresence made manifest and visible by mercy and love.
 Force is the will of the Heavenly Father. Its omnipotence hath dominion and control over all manifestations. All that is effect is derivative coming from Cause of Force .. and this One Force if Life Itself.
 Power of the elements .. and power of stature in the world with its influences .. hath its dependency upon the One Life Force.
 Power of elements and world position hath not dominion unless ye give it your glory. Yet all power is that manifestly of will .. it is directed and sustained by Breath of Life.
 Power of the elements is in the air .. the water .. the earth .. the fire. It is in the winds and power is in the waves .. even in the stroke of the lightning is power. Yet, it is directed by Force of Life.
 The movement of human arms and legs and breathing .. ay.. even power of the eyelid and its eye .. these are manifests of the aught .. the One Force of Life which hath dominion and omnipotence over all things manifest.
 Once again do I caress thine choices with understanding compassion .. choose ye with righteousness and rectitude wheresoever ye shall place thine loyalties and allegiance.
 The substance of the ethers do vibrate through thine thought .. the ethers cause these very manifest powers to be.
 The thought of angel and elohim and humankind and all other orders of creation .. direct the One Life Force to do its bidding in time and space creation .. and in the world of manifestations.
 Yet .. when thought and ether hath done its bidding .. all manifestations must sooner or later return to the aught of Cause and Life.
 Like unto bubbles in the ocean spray arising alongside their waves from the body of the waters .. so shall the manifest arise and showeth itself for its momentary glory and expression, yet it shall fall back into its Cause in time.
 Arise unto Truth Absolute and discover thine stabilization in the Goodly cause of Father .. secure for thyselves his security in permanence and piousness .. in purity and purpose absolutely.
 The Kingdom of Heaven is this great stability of significance wherein ye shall find and discover and bringeth forth thine rightful Identity and Integrity with the Force of the One Life .. in the consciousness and constancy of the Everlasting One who hath benevolence untold and glory Ineffable.
 Michael Of Nebadon
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esuemmanuel · 4 years
¿Me lastimaste? No, no has sido tú, sino yo y mi nacimiento... yo y mi necedad por venir a este mundo... yo y mis ganas de explorar la existencia humana en esta maldita densidad que odio... yo y mi grosera vanidad, mi soberbia egolatría... ¡yo y mi omnipotencia!... ¡yo y mi vastedad!... ¡yo y mi naturaleza por crecer, por aprender, por expandirme! Oh, pero es que soy tan libre como creador de mí mismo que hasta me di el lujo de crearme una voz, una sombra, un ente que nunca se va, que siempre está presente, diciéndome al oído que no sirvo, que no funciono, que no tengo poder sobre mí, que ni para nacer pude decidir. ¡Carajo! Se me olvidó crear una manera de eliminarlo, de borrarlo, de aniquilarlo, ¿acaso no soy todo omnipotente? ¡Ja! Me he disparado al pie.
— Esu Emmanuel©️, You hurt me? No, it wasn't you, but me and my birth... me and my foolishness to come into this world... me and my desire to explore human existence in this damn density that I hate... me and my rude vanity , my arrogant egotism... me and my omnipotence!... me and my vastness!... me and my nature to grow, to learn, to expand! Oh, but I am so free as a creator of myself that I even had the luxury of creating a voice, a shadow, an entity that never goes away, that is always present, saying to my ear that I don't serve, that I don't work, that I have no power over myself, that even I couldn't decide to be born. Damn! I forgot to create a way to eliminate it, to erase it, to annihilate it, am I not all omnipotent? Ha! I shot myself in the foot.
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Anfiteatro de Salvington
Enseñando en el Anfiteatro de Salvington ...
Yo estoy con cada uno de vosotros... Yo he establecido Mi Espíritu de Vida en vuestro campo de consciencia. Y estoy físicamente en medio de vosotros; expresándome ahora a través de una forma física humana.
Yo vengo hacia adelante a la vista para repetir Mis enseñanzas originales en este siglo XXI. Él y ella con su ojo de fe, confianza abierta y activa, serán guiados a Mí.
Los humildes dejarán de lado su auto importancia, su impulso de enseñar a otros, sus intentos de usurpar inadvertidamente Mi Soberanía en este Universo.
Yo os digo una vez más ...
El reino del cielo de los cielos es accesible, alcanzable, realizable y está directamente al alcance de la mano.
Por vuestra simple fe como la de un niño en la Paternidad de Dios vosotros encontraréis vuestra entrada personal para entrar al reino de la Vida de nuestro Padre; y a medida que entráis con un carácter y una personalidad inmaculadamente concebidos, también os convertireis en las hijas e hijos de Dios recién inmortalizados.
El amor es la Omnipotencia de Dios el Padre ... ésta es la Regla Inmutable que os da entrada. Debéis llenar vuestro campo con el Amor y la Misericordia de Dios.
Para vivir en el Reino de la Vida se requiere que cada uno pase a través de los portales de vuestras puertas por el Poder del Amor.
Vuestra inquebrantable y suprema devoción a Dios es esencial, mientras cada vez más aprenderéis a amar a vuestros semejantes como a vosotros mismos; para la comprensión del Dios de la Supremacía que tiene consciencia y reconocimiento de la Totalidad del “I AM - YO SOY”.
Nuestro Compromiso de Eternidad requiere vuestra disciplina, vuestra obediencia, vuestra humildad y reverencia a la Voluntad del Padre; y este compromiso comenzará a producir los frutos del espíritu en vuestra vida personal.
Es la ley del reino que entréis por la puerta principal de la relación directa y el respeto y la responsabilidad y la reverencia y la reciprocidad y la revelación y la receptividad.
Estos son aún algunos de los valores trinitarios que debéis llenaros a vosotros mismos con ... elevar vuestra integridad y honrar a vuestra vida de Dios.
Verdaderamente, verdaderamente vosotros llevaréis las noticias de Mi Evangelio a los rincones más lejanos de la tierra ... a las partes más extremas de todos los Imperios ... y esta reafirmación de Mi Evangelio es el comienzo de la difusión del evangelio del reino al mundo exterior.
Sed sinceros y veraces en el reconocimiento del Ideal Existencial y Su Perfección ... La Plena Expresión de la Palabra y la Visión de la Alineación y Perfección de la Personalidad ... y el Acto Experiencial de entregaros al Circuito del Dios Uno Infinito.
Michael Of Nebadon
The City of Christ Michael
Teaching in the Amphitheatrum of Salvington...
I am with you each .. I have established My Spirit Life in your field of consciousness. And, I am in thine midst physically; expressing through a human physical form now.
I come forth into view to restate My original teachings in this 21st century. He and she with their eye of faith trust open and active shall be led to Me.
The humble ones shall put behind them their self-importance, their impulse to teach others, their attempts to inadvertently usurp My Sovereignty in this Universe.
I sayeth unto you once more...
The kingdom of the heaven of heavens is accessible, attainable, achieveable, and is directly at hand.
By thine simple childlike faith in the Parenthood of God shall you find your personal entrance to enter the kingdom of our Father's Life; and as ye enter with an immaculately conceived character and personhood, so will you become the newly immortalized daughters and sons of God.
Love is the Omnipotence of God the Father .. it is the Unchangeable Rule which gives to you entrance. You must fill your field with God's Love and Mercy.
To live in the Kingdom of Life requires you each to pass through the portals of its gates by the Power of Love.
Thine unflinching supreme devotion to God is essential while ever further shall you learn to love your fellows as thyself; for the realization of God the Supremacy hath an awareness and acknowledgment of the Wholeness I AM.
Our Eternity Engagement requires your discipline, obedience, humility, and reverence to the Will of the Father; and this Engagement shall begin yielding the fruits of the spirit in thine personal life.
It is the law of the kingdom that you enter through the front door of direct relationship and respect and responsibility and reverence and reciprocation and revelation and receptivity.
These are yet a few of the Trinitarian values which you must fill thyselves with .. raising thine Integrity and honoring thine God Life.
Verily verily shall you carry My gospel news to the far corners of the earth .. to the uttermost parts of all Empires .. and this restatement of My gospel is the beginning of the spreading outward of the gospel of the kingdom to the outside world.
Be thou forthright and of truthfulness in acknowledgment of the Existential Ideal and His Perfection .. the Expressionful Word and Vision of Personality Alignment and Perfection .. and the Experiential Act of giving thyselves to the Circuitry of God the One Infinity.
Michael Of Nebadon
The City of Christ Michael
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Prioridades Eternas
La Eternidad es como la roca estabilizadora y armonizadora de la Vida de Dios y, a medida que se filtra y penetra con vuestra voluntad ... Sus potencias se vierten abiertamente sobre los éteres del individuo.
Como vuestro arte está sinceramente dispuesto a desgarrar los velos de la oscuridad en cada uno... para abrir y destrozar vuestra densidad con fuerza ... ay, arrancarla con los poderes de vuestra dedicación y devoción ... así romperá la Gran roca del Infinito para recibir su gloria y poder y gracia y perdón.
Extrañas aguas vivas brotan de esta fuerza viviente ... esta roca ... esta fuerza espiritual que es omnipresencia y omnisciencia y omnipotencia en sí misma. Él que es Fuente para todos, y su pensamiento emanante se extiende infinitamente sobre las tierras, y éste se entrega a aquellas personalidades que se aventuran en esta pulsación penetrante de convertiros en la Voluntad de Dios.
Yo os digo ... la pureza de su oro es su Vida Eterna ... y un Compromiso con la Eternidad prospera a cada uno que bebe de esta fuente siempre potente de Vida eterna.
Su Reino está presente en todas partes en esta fundación invisible de su gloria y honor ...
Allí, en las profundidades del ser, vosotros hallaréis gran tesoro. Sin embargo, son finos los hilos por los cuales se os instruye para que entréis en las aguas profundas necesarias para hacer vuestro contacto.
Marcad Mis palabras, y sed sabios como la serpiente y, sin embargo, gentiles como la paloma de la paz, mientras os preparáis ingeniosamente para la vida aquí y en adelante.
De nuevo Yo os digo, lo que viene, viene sin importar vuestra ilusoria esperanza y vuestras imágenes fantasiosas. La realidad se filtra sin esfuerzo hacia la manifestación tangible ... llega a cualquiera y a todos los que allanan el camino con la rectitud y el respeto y la reverencia y la reciprocidad de la relación.
Vosotros tenéis un pequeño concepto del poder que acecha a las voliciones de consideración hacia los demás; porque Yo os hablo de una o dos de las Voliciones de Victoria del Séptimo Espíritu Rector.
En vuestra hermandad fraterna... no es meramente el respeto mutuo y la cortesía y la consideración en vuestros comportamientos lo que entrega el perdón misericordioso de Dios, y no es solo lo placentero en vuestras relaciones hacia las condiciones de los propósitos estratégicos, ni tampoco es ese sentimiento y afirmación de generosidad y calidez.
Yo os digo a los que os estáis abriendo para escuchar Mi Palabra de Eternidad ...
La consideración por los demás hará que se evaporen todas vuestras mortalmente entronizadas auto-importancia y egoísmos. Considerar a los demás es una fuerza potente que tiene el encanto de la personalidad unida al buen sentido y al impulso más grandioso … a la intención más sublime.
Sin embargo, el amor por los esfuerzos mortales es de una frecuencia diferente cuando es aplicado a la consideración hacia los demás de estas maneras que estoy proclamando a vuestro oído interno y las sensibilidades más elevadas.
El amor opera para construir, para crear, para erigir, mientras que la consideración suaviza y simpatiza y facilita el paso de la inteligencia viva de uno a otro. Y este pasaje es un intercambio sobre las poderosas estaturas del servicio y el dar.
Yo os pondría a vosotros de sobre aviso... liberando vuestro egoísmo y egocentrismo y vuestras auto-intoxicaciones y autoengaños.
No seáis ignorantes con respecto a este poder volitivo de consideración y cooperación y verdadera colaboración en vuestra acción expresiva.
Estos son los fundamentos de la cohesión espiritual... el poder de cohesión es la fuerza de coagulación que Yo os digo. Esta es la fuerza divina que trae la Unificación, la Integración y la Expiación a los mundos.
Cuando las mujeres y los hombres tienen un propósito que lograr juntos, trabajan arduamente, sin mirar ni a la derecha ni a la izquierda; cuando las mujeres tienen un hijo que soportar, se apoyan en esta cohesión dentro de sí mismas para obtener una fuerza de reserva que se otorga a cada madre emergente. Y es esta reserva de poder divino dentro de vosotros la que es necesaria para graduaros y avanzar en vuestro viaje hacia los mundos superiores de luz, amor y vida.
Yo vengo a iniciar el Advenimiento de la Ascendencia para todas las criaturas grandes y pequeñas; porque todas y cada una son absolutamente preciosas a Mi vista, y Mi Corazón Universal abraza incondicionalmente a todas las criaturas como al mismo florecimiento de la Vida sobre los horizontes del espacio y en la creación del tiempo.
 Michael Of Nebadon
  The Eternity is as the stabilizing and harmonizing rock of God's Life, and as it is riven and penetrated with thine will .. It’s potencies are poured outward openly upon the ethers of the individual.
As ye art wholeheartedly willing and decided to break apart the veils of darkness in thee .. to wrench open and tear apart thine density with force .. ay, tearing it apart with the powers of your dedication and devotion .. so will you break the great rock of Infinity to receive its glory and power and grace and forgiveness.
Strange living waters gush out of this living force .. this rock .. this spirit force which is  omnipresence and omniscience and omnipotence itself. He who is Source to all, and his emanating thought is spread out endlessly upon the lands, and it is given to those personalities who venture in this penetrating pulsation of becoming God's Will.
I do tell thee .. the purity of his gold is his Life Everlasting .. and an Engagement with Eternity prospers each one who drinks of this ever potent spring of eternal Life.
His Kingdom is everywhere present in this unseen foundation of his glory and honor...
There in the depths of being shall ye findeth much treasure. Yet, thin are the threads whereby ye are instructed to entereth the deep waters necessary to maketh thine contact.
Mark My words, and be ye wise like the serpent and yet, gentle as the dove of peace, as you artfully prepare thyselves for life here and hereafter.
Again I say unto thee, that which cometh, cometh regardless of thine delusional hope and fantasies in imagery. The reality seeps effortlessly into the tangible manifestation .. it cometh to any and to all who pave the way with righteousness and respect and reverence and reciprocation of relationship.
Ye do have small concept of the power that lurketh in the volitions of consideration for others; for I speaketh to thee on one or two of  the Seventh Master Spirit Volitions of Victory.
In thine brotherhood and sisterhood fellowship .. it is not merely comity and courtesy and considerateness in thy behaviors which delivereth God's merciful forgiveness, and it is not alone pleasantness in your relations for the conditions of strategic purposes, nor yet is it sentiment and assertion of generosity and warmth.  
I sayeth to they who are opening to listen to My Word of Eternity...
Consideration for others shall cause to evaporateth all thine mortally enthroned self-importance and egotism. Considering others is a potent force having in it the charm of personality wedded to good sense and the grander impulse .. the loftier intent.
Yet, the love of mortal strivings is of a different frequency when it applieth to consideration for others in these ways I am proclaiming to thine inner ear and higher sensitivities.  
Love operateth to construct, to create, to build while consideration smootheth and sympathizeth and maketh easy the passage of the living intelligence one to the other. And this passage is a sharing upon the mighty statures of service and giving.
I would place thee upon notice .. extricating thine selfishness and self-centeredness and self-intoxications and self-delusions.
Be not of ignorance concerning this volitional power of consideration and cooperation and true collaboration in thy expressive action.
These are the foundations of spirit cohesion .. the power of cohesion is the force of coagulation I do tell thee. It is divine force which bringeth Unification and Integration and Atonement to the worlds.
When women and men have a purpose to accomplish together, they work industriously, looking neither to the right nor to the left; when women have child to bear they do lean upon this cohesiveness within themselves to gaineth a reserve strength that is given to every emergent mother. And it is this reserve of divine power within you that is necessary to graduate and advance thine journey unto the higher worlds of light, love, and life.
I come to initiate the Advent of Ascendancy for all creatures great and small; for each and all are absolutely precious in My sight, and Mine Heart Universal does embrace all creatures unconditionally as the very blossoming of Life upon the horizons of space and time creation.
  Michael Of Nebadon
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El Reino del Absoluto
Buenos días Fraternos de The City of Christ Michael ...
Hoy, Yo os hablo de algunos de los Once Poderes del Reino de la Intimidad de Oración Plena.
La Fe, la Caridad y la Esperanza ... estas son la certeza de Dios ... estas son la garantía de que todo está bien en todos los universos ... son la absoluta seguridad de la omnipresencia, la omnisciencia, la omnipotencia del Buen Padre.
A medida que verdaderamente tenéis fe en la Soberanía de Dios y su generosidad y bondad, entonces buscaréis la alineación con él.
No juzguéis para que no seáis juzgados "se refiere a la idea de que lo que juzgáis está realmente en vosotros. Y "Al juzgaros a vosotros mismos, así juzgaréis a los demás", se refiere a la idea de que hasta que vosotros lleguéis a un acuerdo y os aceptéis y comprendáis a vosotros mismos, entonces juzgaréis a los demás ... de acuerdo con vuestra evitación de la oscuridad y vuestra incomprensión de vosotros mismos, y vuestra negación para aceptar vuestras imperfecciones.
Juzgar a otro es restringir vuestra propia percepción adecuada ... vuestras capacidades para conocer y ver vuestra vida con claridad ... correctamente.
Vuestra mente está diseñada para crecer con tendencias de fe y para madurar y desarrollarse con inclinaciones confiables.
La mente está diseñada para penetrar lo falso,  para descubrir la verdad.
A medida que vosotros juzgáis las palabras y los actos de otra persona, anunciáis a vuestra Divinidad que anheláis la comprensión, anunciáis que carecéis de los conocimientos correctos, que vosotros estáis deseando conocer y comprender mejor lo que observáis en vosotros y en los demás.
Cuando vosotros juzgáis a otro ... dad un paso atrás dentro de vosotros mismos para reflexionar y ver lo mismo hacia lo cual vosotros os sentís críticos ... y mirad dónde eso está también en vosotros.
Este es el comienzo de la comprensión del trigo y la cáscara y la paja de la existencia. De colocar todas estas cosas en su orden correcto y relación correcta;  vosotros aprenderéis a vivir como Causa en lugar de como esclavos de vuestros efectos ... dentro de las emanaciones vibratorias de vuestra Vida del Ajustador del Pensamiento.
La elección de juzgar en lugar de saber y entender es la causa de la pérdida de la paz y la prosperidad.
En vuestros juicios ... es vuestra mente intelectual subjetiva la que eventualmente se volverá clarificada hacia una mayor objetividad y plenitud.
El juicio es el proceso en el que se basa la percepción individual. Sin embargo, vosotros estáis yendo más allá para encontrar el verdadero conocimiento y la correcta comprensión, y la verdad absoluta más allá de los juicios de las percepciones intelectuales de vuestra mente.
De allí que, a medida que vosotros evaluéis vuestras percepciones correctas en la comprensión correcta ... el conocimiento correcto ... solo entonces la consciencia crecerá y se desarrollará.
La certeza descansa en una mente que desea la percepción comprensiva.
La estabilidad prospera en una mente que nutre la claridad y la verdad.
La seguridad se está estableciendo en vosotros a medida que buscáis comprender lo real y lo verdadero ... y cuando aprendéis de los dones de vuestra mente de personalidad, vuestra naturaleza creativa y vuestra alma emergente, y la Vida de la Soberanía del Padre viviendo en cada uno.
 Michael Of Nebadon
  Good Day Fellows of The City of Christ Michael...
Today, I speak to you of a few of the Eleven Kingdom Powers of Prayerful Intimacy.
Faith and Charity and Hope .. these are the certainty of God .. these are the surety that all is well throughout the universes .. these are the absoluteness of assurance of the omnipresence, omniscience, omnipotence of the Good Father.
As you truly hold faith in God's Sovereignty and his Generosity and Goodness, then shall you seek alignment with him.
Judge not that ye be not judged” refers to the idea that what you judge is really in you. And "As you judge thyself, so shall you judge others" refers to the notion that until you come to terms and accept and understand yourself so will you judge others .. in accordance with your avoidance of the darkness and your misunderstanding of yourself and your refusal to accept your imperfections.
To judge another is to curtail your own proper perceiving .. thine capacities to know and view your life with clarity .. correctly.
Your mind is designed to grow with faith tendencies and to ripen and mature with trustworthy inclinations.
Mind is designed for penetrating the false to discover the truth.
As you judge the words and acts of another .. you announce to your Godhood that you crave understanding .. you announce that you are lacking in the right knowledge .. that you are desirous to know and understand better what you are observing in you and in the others.
As you judge another .. step back within thyself to reflect upon and see the very thing you are feeling judgemental towards .. and see where it is also in you.
This is the very beginning of understanding the wheat and the husk and chaff of existence. Of placing all these things in their right order and right relationship; for you shall learn to live as Cause rather than as a slave to your effects .. within the vibratory emanations of thine Thought Adjuster Life.
The choice to judge rather than to know and understand is the cause of the loss of peace and prosperity.
In your judgments .. is your subjective intellectual mind which shall eventually become cleared upwards into greater Objectivity and Absoluteness.
Judgement is the process on which individual perception rests .. yet .. you are to go further to find true knowledge and right understanding and absolute truth beyond the judgements of your mind's intellectual perceptions.
Therein, as you evaluate your right perceptions into right understanding .. right knowledge .. only then shall consciousness grow and develop.
Certainty rests therewith a mind which desires understanding insight.
Stability prospers in a mind which nurtures clarity and truth.
Security is establishing in you as you seek to understand the real and the true .. and as you learn of the gifts of thine personality mind .. thine creative nature .. and thine soul emergence .. and the Life of the Father's Sovereignty living in thee.
  Michael Of Nebadon
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