#popeyes fries be tasting so good :60:
tikkitoonart · 1 year
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Ok I'll start sharing my old-ish Ace Attorney art here.... maybe.....
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etes-secrecy-post · 1 year
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Hi, before I explain my post, I want to say something important.
• What you see my blog has become a major overhaul. And despite the changes, I decided that my 2nd account will be now my artwork blog with a secret twist.
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Okay? Capiche? Make sense? Good, now back to the post…↓
Take a Taste: with Mcdonald's McCrispy Hamonado Sandwich (with my Paperdolls) [Dec 31, 2022]
Hello! It’s time for another “Take a Taste”! The series is about delicious food with my two paper dolls. And today, I’m reviewing another Mcdo item menu! The "McCrispy Hamonado Sandwich" 🍔... Huh, that's something, but, is it worth my appetite? 🤔 Let's find out.
If you haven't seen my previous Mickey D's review, then please [CLICK ME!].
So, without further ado, let's get started:
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• My paper dolls were curious about what the so-called "McCrispy Hamonado Sandwich" looked like. Let's not waste our time, I'm so hungry, and let the unwrapping begin! 🙂
By the way, shout out to my big bro for ordering us at Mickey D's via delivery.
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3rd & 4th Image(s): ↑
• Mmmmm... Interesting. Also, please ignore the look because of the delivery. What do you think? Their response, it looks like a regular sandwich. But, they want to deep down, what's in it between the buns? 🤔 Let's find out...
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5th to 7th Image(s): ↑
• Removing the top bun, you can see their weak veggie toppings & dressing. 👎 However, the chicken patty nails it (sort of). 👌And finally, I could see... A slice of ham with maple glazed syrup? Huh, that explains it, right you two? What do you think? They say, "let's give it a try!" You're right, one bite won't hurt...🙂
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8th to 12th Image(s): ↑
• Here's my first bite of the "McCrispy Hamonado Sandwich", and the result was... Ruined. 😕 It's like a female crispy chicken patty married to an unexpected male fiesta ham. And a month later, they're starting to argue with each other. Or putting a pineapple chunk on our cheesy melt fiesta ham pizza, and ruining it. But, I digress. That sums up my experience as another Mickey D's meal, and not the good kind. Hey, you two. Want a bite? Panini's response was "No thanks", whereas Chowder's response was "Would I?". Go ahead, please. He took a bite, and he unexpectedly tasted it. 😕
• A chicken sandwich with a slice of fiesta ham & maple glazed syrup is nothing more than a concept stage. Honestly, this is worst than a slice of pineapple slapped onto cheeseburger (that's actually pretty good though), or maybe the "Hula Burger" in the 60s.🤢 Does anyone out there trying to get bites on the "McCrispy Hamonado Sandwich"? Not. 😒👎 The ala carte price of ₱ 122 ($2) is more like ₱ 62 ($1). Thank goodness, I didn't include drink & their world-famous fries. But, if I choose the main burger along with two aforementioned add-ons, then the McSpicy sandwich (or any of their best-selling premium McBurgers at Mcdo PH) is worth my buck than the utterly failed ham & crispy chicken sandwich (that nobody asked for). Should I recommend the McCrispy Hamonado Sandwich? Nah, only curiosity... 🤷😐
Well, that’s all for now, If you haven’t seen my previous episodes, then I’ll provide some links down below.↓😉
Take a Taste: • Popeyes U.S. Spicy Chicken Sandwich [Dec 6, 2021]
• Jollibee Chick'nwich & Crisscut Fries [Dec 21, 2021]: Part 1 [CLICK ME! #1], Part 2 [CLICK ME! #2]
• Mini Stop Chicken Fillet XL Sandwich [Feb 7, 2022]
• Minute Burger Cheese Burger(s) [Mar 1, 2022]
• Pepper Lunch Teriyaki Beef Pepper Rice w/ Egg (& Honey Brown Sauce) [Mar 5, 2022]
• Bacsilog’s Sulit Combo Bacon-Tocino & Samgyup Day’s Pork Herbs [Mar 12, 2022]
• Burger King Whopper w/ Sides & Drink [May 6, 2022]
• Marshmello’s Limited Edition Coca-Cola Zero [Aug 26, 2022]
• Cheesy Burger McDo with Lettuce & Tomatoes Meal [Recorded: Sept 16, 2022]
• Mcdonald’s PH McSpicy & Apple Pie (featuring their World Famous Fries) [Nov 14, 2022]
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meathookcinema · 4 years
I often think about my love of cinema, where it began and the influences on it, both film-based and what was going on around me.
I was born in February 1975. My arrival into the world coincides with the day on which Stephen Murphy the BBFC’s secretary first saw a new independent film called The Texas Chain Saw Massacre with a view to providing a certificate for it. It feels apt that my birth coincided with an event connected to such a sordid masterpiece which remains one of my favourite films to this day.
On hearing of a new arrival into the world most people want to hear information that I’ve always thought was a bit random and really boring. Who gives a flying fuck about a baby’s weight? I want to know what was showing at the local cinema.
Thankfully the information I was looking for regarding my own arrival onto this planet was awaiting me in the Central Library in York amongst the archived local newspapers on microfilm.
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Film listings for a new future cineaste/exploitation film fan
I’m thrilled to report that when I was born the films being shown were veryyy me! And before you ask, one of them wasn’t The Omen.
There was either the Safari suited, high camp antics of eye-brow raising Roger Moore as 1970’s James Bond in The Man With The Golden Gun or a sex comedy double-bill consisting of Line Up and Lay Down (!) and Nurses on the Job (!!) Both choices I’m more than happy with.
Safari-suit Bond- the pinnacle of camp
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A sex comedy double-bill. Another pinnacle of camp. Perfect cinematic choices for my birth.
The cinema these masterpieces were being shown was the Odeon Cinema in Blossom Street in York which remains my favourite cinema of all of the movie houses I’ve been to.
The Odeon was opened on 1st February, 1937. You can see how much of an exquisite building it was by it’s very architecture. A gorgeous building by any standards with it’s distinctive Art Deco form and shape, this was seen on it’s construction as an outstanding addition to the Odeon family.
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The Odeon in the late 80’s
The Odeon is situated on one of the main streets in and out of the city and more importantly, it’s on the route that my father would use when driving us home after going to the city centre. I remember driving past this cinema even before I was old enough to start frequenting the place with my family. Driving by I’d see the garish, alluring and beguiling posters outside. Just the posters alone had the power to scare the fuck out of me as a child with the colourful and nightmarish artwork for horror films leaving the deepest imprints in my young and very furtile psyche. It was just one glance of the poster for the double bill of The Incredible Melting Man and U.S. TV movie The Savage Bees that prevented me from sleeping for several nights in a row.
I also distinctly remember seeing the poster for The Fog in 1980 (I must have been five years old) and that really freaking me out. Again, sleepless nights followed.
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One of the other things I loved about cinemas in those days was that they didn’t just have amazing posters for the films they were showing but also lobby cards which showed key scenes of the films being shown within. Lobby cards seem to have died a death these days but I always loved them especially when they were for the horror fare of the day. If a poster could invoke fear in me then going up close and peering at some of the horrific and disturbing scenes that took place within these cinematic shockers was also an amazing experience for an over imaginative small child.
One of my earliest memories is of my 5 year old self running to where the posters and lobby cards were outside The Odeon to gaze for the longest time at the artwork for a new film that had just started to play there. That film was called Friday the 13th and it was again, 1980. The lobby cards prompted many questions. Who was the kindly old woman enveloped in the misty woodland? Was the killer a dab hand at archery? Hadn’t the girl in the canoe seen Joe Dante’s Piranha?! I’d never dip my hand so casually in a lake like that…So many thoughts ran through my fevered little brain.
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Friday the 13th Lobby Cards. I pored over these for the longest time trying to figure out what they portrayed in the actual film
There was actually a Kentucky Fried Chicken opposite The Odeon and so because of this proximity a unique urban legend came into being. Even though it’s a slight variation on an already well known yarn, the people of York insist that this actually happened. Some say they even know the people involved. It goes like this-
A young couple decide to go to collect KFC and then dash into The Odeon opposite with their greasy meal. The film they are going to see has already started and so they order their food, pay and rush into the cinema to buy their tickets and find their seats. They do this and find that the house lights have already gone down and the place is packed. They somehow manage to find two seats together in the rammed auditorium and start to chow down on their KFC. Because the film has already started the couple can’t see what they are eating and just tuck in regardless. The young woman notices that what she thinks should be a piece of chicken tastes funny. It also doesn’t feel like a leg or breast. Sure, it’s coated in the Colonel’s secret coating but chicken it must definitely aint. With her eyes now started to get used to the darkness of the cinema she sees that in fact what shes been tucking into looks very strange indeed. She decides to take some of the coating off with her fingers and is horrified to see what is concealed underneath- and of which she still has a piece of in her mouth. She has been eating a deep fried rat! She screams, her male companion screams, the audience screams.
The ‘deep friend rat’ is an urban legend that is well-told the world over and can be applied to any fast-food joint but seems to be specific to KFC (much to their chigrin). There was even a case recently whereby someone posted the same story as fact, even with pictures as evidence. But when asked by KFC’s management for further evidence or closer investigation, the story’s perpetrator seemed backwards in coming forward with further details. Social media, the internet and emails are perfect for the further advancement of urban legends in the cyber age.
But I digress. Most of my trips to the cinema during my childhood and teen years were to The Odeon. I loved seeing films in such a venue that was steeped in history and gorgeous to boot. I could almost feel the history of the place as people who had been lucky enough to see some of my favourite films (and that I would have been too young to see at the time of their release) would have delighted in the magic of seeing such cinematic masterpieces as Taxi Driver, Jaws and The Exorcist (fast forward and this would change with The Exorcist as there was a one-off screening and on my 18th birthday (of all days!) It was almost like it was scheduled especially for me! And so in February 1993, even though it had snowed, my friends and I went out on the town and then went to see the film with a packed house (the film was still banned on video in the UK at that time). Whilst the print was in appalling condition and most probably one of the same prints used on the film’s original release in 1974, it had lost none of it’s power. I’ll never forget leaving the cinema, bidding my friends farewell and precariously going to find a taxi whilst wading through snow and trying not to break my neck whilst walking like Bambi over the ice underfoot. Oh, and I remember being really fucking scared because of the film!
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In these innocent days of my early childhood a couple of Odeon visits really stick out in my mind for some reason. I think it’s because these films were perfect for kids- even kids who would have no chance of getting into screenings of the horror and exploitation films he’d preferred to have been watching even at a very early age.
One screening I went to when I was 5 years old was for Robert Altman’s Popeye and I absolutely loved it! The perfect casting, the set designs, the songs- the cartoon series I loved so much was effortlessly and almost eerily brought to life.
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Another cinematic excursion to the Odeon that I look back on with real fondness was a double bill of a pre-Terminator Arnie and Kirk Douglas in the zany Cactus Jack and the live action kitsch fest Spiderman and the Dragon’s Challenge. This was originally a two-part television special made for American T.V. but was spliced together to make a feature film to be shown theatrically outside the U.S. Hence, how I had the good fortune to be watching it. Spidey was played by Nicholas Hammond, one of the Von Trapp brats from The Sound of Music. The film was so bright and colourful that it was akin to a Pop-Art Warhol print come to life. I seem to remember that Spidey’s webs looked like white rope. Myself and all lovers of cinematic cult fare need this film and the films that preceded it (Spiderman and Spiderman Strikes Back) to be released on Blu ray tout suite.
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It was at The Odeon that not only did I fall in love with film as a medium but also the sense of occasion involved in going to see a film. There was the excitement of the snacks on offer, the stench of popcorn meaning only one thing. It was also the trailers for the upcoming films and then the Pearl and Dean advertising for products such as Fry’s Turkish Delight, Westlers hotdogs and Red Mountain coffee. Then it was the wonderfully kitsch and camp ads for local businesses in York such as Indian restaurants and local pubs/nightclubs. The glittering world of York’s nightlife! It seemed so sophisticated. Theres a great sample of similar cinema advertising here. And here is a cinema advert shown locally in the 60’s in Plymouth advertising the local nightspots. It has to be seen to be believed! It’s all about the camp bleach blonde bartender. Something tells me he might be a Friend of Dorothy.
But there was also another cinema in York in those days that I also went to. The ABC cinema was right in the city centre on a street called Piccadilly and whilst it didn’t have the history, grandeur or sense of occasion that The Odeon had, I also went there and thoroughly enjoyed myself.
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One of my earliest cinema going experiences here involved my father taking me and my two older brothers to go and see the newly released Superman 2 (which I didn’t like as to my 6 year old eyes the film was too violent- how things would change when it came to my tastes in cinema!) and way too loud. But other than those reservations, I had a great time. My Dad then took us to see executed highwayman Dick Turpin’s grave which is nearby. All in all, a great day.
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For more on the curious case of the burial of Dick Turpin, click here. It’s just one more story from the blood-soaked history of York.
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Another major source for my burgeoning passion in film was, of course, the television. Whilst I couldn’t get in to see the X certificate films at my local cinemas, there were no restrictions to me seeing any of the films shown on TV, whether they were intended for children or not. Hooray for lax parenting!
I remember vividly the first ever screening of Jaws on UK TV. According to the internet this took place on 8th of October 1981 which means that I was 6 years old when I saw it (it was actually certificated A when it was originally released in 1975 meaning that it wasn’t suitable for children under 11. This was changed to a PG years later, but recently was controversially upgraded to 12A as it was felt that PG was too lenient. Which, I suppose, is a testament to the brilliance of the film). This was a HUGE event and garnered mammoth ratings with 23.25 million viewers tuning in, one of the biggest ratings ever for a film shown on TV.
I also remember similarly huge ratings for the first time Superman: The Movie was shown on UK TV. This was also a pivotal event for not just myself but for most of the population.
Thankfully when I was growing up my father didn’t believe the theory that children watching late night movies that might be violent or disturbing in some way could negatively affect a child and so I was allowed to stay up late and watch the likes of Carrie, The Omen and Dirty Harry when they were shown. I realised that most of my school friends didn’t have parents who were this liberal or maybe just didn’t give a shit as I’d say to them ‘Did you see (insert name of some film usually with an X certificate) last night?!’ to be met with blank stares or a slow, jealous shake of the head.
Not everything that influenced me in those days was film based but still fed into my love of cult cinema and all things fucked up. I was and still am an avid reader. Sometimes I sped through books so fast that my father used to take me to the library more than once a day (really!). It was here that I came across a book that was perfect for a young freak with a taste for the macabre.
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Usborne’s Guide to the Supernatural World was a compendium made up of three earlier titles (Vampires, Werewolves and Demons, Haunted Houses, Ghosts and Spectres and Mysterious Powers and Strange Forces) and was pretty much a bible for me from that moment on. It’s one of my favourite books and I still dip into it for pleasure and for life-affirmation purposes.
My knowledge of everything supernatural was expanded immeasurably with this tome as my eyes pored over the gaudy illustrations whilst taking in every detail of the text.
Usborne have just reissued another of their titles, The World of the Unknown: Ghosts which was just as influential in the late 70’s (see- there were other young weirdos just like me!). Let’s hope they see fit to reissue Supernatural World too. Copies are selling for a fortune on the internet. We need a reprint and pronto. It would sell just as well as Ghosts.
But there was something a lot closer to home and all too real that provided a macabre backdrop to my earliest years. The county that I grew up in had it’s own serial killer that was at large with his earliest noted murder (but it’s rumoured that he killed earlier and more than has been publicly recorded) being in the year of my birth and not ending until his capture in 1981. Peter William Sutcliffe aka The Yorkshire Ripper murdered women who were out alone at night. One of my earliest memories was of watching the local news programme Calendar which was presented by Richard Whiteley (later the presenter of student and old person favourite Countdown) who was normally a jolly and happy kind of fellow. I knew something was wrong as on this occasion he wasn’t smiling or jolly but had a grave expression on his face as he stood in front of a board that had numerous women’s faces on it. He explained that yet another women had been added to the list of those poor women who found themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time. This victim was Jacqueline Hill, a Leeds student who was walking from where her bus had dropped her to her student lodgings (a matter of a few yards) but instead met her ghoulish fate.
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Because of the Ripper life had to be changed massively. There was an unofficial curfew for women and a feeling of omnipresent dread in the air until his capture. When I grew older and started going out as a teenager I’d always accompany female friends home and make sure they were inside and safe until I left. I never thought why I did this until much later- it had been because I has grown up in the era of the Ripper. It’s strange how life comes full circle. I’m now writing this in Chapeltown in my flat. This area of Leeds was a major hunting ground for Sutcliffe. The murder scenes for at least 4 of his victims are within walking distance of here.
This sense of dread was also all around us in other ways in the late 70’s/early 80’s. This was in the form of Public Information Films which were short adverts made by the government which warned the general population of the dangers of any number of potentially lethal activities as varied as mixing different types of tyre on your car, letting your child talk to strangers, putting down a rug on a freshly polished wooden floor…you name it. My favourite was The Spirit of Dark and Lonely Water which was voiced by Donald Pleasance and warned of the dangers of children playing near rivers and lakes and what could happen.
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This PIF scared the shit out of me and reminded me of another childhood source of sleepless nights, a paperback of The Lord of the Rings that was knocking around our house resplendent with becloaked soldiers riding nightmarish horses each with glowing red eyes.
I loved the Public Information Films that were specific to Bonfire Night with the dangers of playing with fireworks being another source of trauma for children up and down the country.
Missives from on high of how to prevent catastrophe in your life weren’t just made for the TV screen either. There were plenty of leaflets, posters and literature around at this time that could educate the populace of how to avoid potential disaster.
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There was plenty of imagery that I found so attractive as it would appeal to any fan of cult cinema and particularly the horror/slasher genre. The threat of some crime being committed to either you or your property was very real with an unspecified shadowy figure (the best example being depicted in the ‘Watch out! There’s a thief about’ campaign) seen approaching (a great example of this was the two black boots walking on breaking ice in the excellent ‘Neighbourly Nell’ Public Information Film) or running away.
One poster that I used to see on the wall in doctor’s surgeries, chemists and libraries was the design classic of The Pregnant Man.
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Another moral panic that I remember vividly from my early childhood concerned the dangers of rabies entering the UK. Cue distressing images of rabid animals attacking children and humans frothing at the mouth due to the disease. And this wasn’t just in print.
And then there was Protect and Survive. This was a campaign regarding what to do if there was a nuclear holocaust. This booklet would be sent to every household if the button had been pushed and certain psychopathic world leaders wanted the ultimate in narcissistic supply. Details on how we were all to hole up in our self-made bomb shelters with only our loved ones and tinned food for company were outlined. There were even details on what to do if someone in your enclosure had passed away and how their body could be disposed of.
And here, for your perverse pleasure, is the full booklet. I’m sure in these times of lockdowns and Coronavirus we can pick up some worthwhile and strangely relevant tips.
The threat of nuclear war was everywhere in the late 70’s and 80’s. To quote those purveyors of style and hair dye Duran Duran from their number 1 single Is There Something I Should Know, ‘You’re about as easy as a nuclear war.’ Just one push of a button and we would be pushed into a dystopic netherworld.
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There was even a drama, Threads made about what that post-nuclear holocaust would look like. It wasn’t pretty and remains a powerful, brilliant and extremely difficult to watch masterpiece. I recommend you to find it but proceed with caution.
But back to film. Another rich source of cult film goodness was to be found in our local newspaper, of all places. Film adverts were placed in here by the local cinemas that showed artwork (sometimes different from the posters) that was, in the case of horror and cult films, lurid in nature and again, utterly alluring to me.
As it would happen, other cult movie fans were indulging in the same pleasures with the excellent book Ad Nauseam being released not so long ago- a compendium of newspaper ads advertising the kind of movies I relished seeking out the ads for.
Just as there were newspaper print ads, there were also TV adverts for upcoming and films that were currently playing. Some of these were just as disturbing as the films themselves. I remember seeing a TV spot for The Shining that was possibly the scariest thing I had ever experienced up until that point. On seeing it again, I still feel the same. It’s a terrifying experience.
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Whilst all of this quenched my growing passion for cinema and particularly cult cinema, there was an upcoming innovation that would change everything! That was, of course, VIDEO! And such a momentous event deserves a blog entry all of it’s own…
Pamela Voorhees, The Pregnant Man and The Deep Fried Rat: The Pre-Video Years of a Cult Movie Loving Crackpot I often think about my love of cinema, where it began and the influences on it, both film-based and what was going on around me.
0 notes
depaulcorpcomms · 5 years
Chick-fil-A vs Popeyes: A beef between two chicken sandwiches. By: Lauren Scott
Summary of Chick-fil-A vs Popeyes: “Eat Mor Chikin”
Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen, better known as Popeyes, is America’s 19th largest fast-food chain (Vermillion, 2019). In the fast-food industry and to marketing experts, Popeyes is infamous for its viral sandwich, unprecedented sales and huge marketing win that took place in August of 2019.
On Aug. 12, Popeyes announced a new menu item – the chicken sandwich – which promised to satisfy chicken sandwich-lovers everywhere. The fast-food chain tweeted a photo of the sandwich along with a playful caption: “Chicken. Brioche. Pickles. New. Sandwich. Popeyes. Nationwide. So. Good. Forgot. How. Speak. In. Complete. Sandwiches. I mean, sentences” (Yaffe-Bellany, 2019).  
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On Aug. 19, Chick-fil-A joined the conversation by tweeting: “Bun + Chicken + Pickles = all the ❤️ for the original” (Vermillion, 2019). On the same day, Popeyes responded to Chick-fil-A’s tweet with, “…y’all good?”
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Chick-fil-A, a competitor nearly triple Popeyes size, started a Twitter “beef” that would unintentionally cause an increase in Popeyes’ sales and social media followers. Popeyes trended No. 1 on Twitter globally for nearly a week (Vermillion, 2019). Consumers of all kinds (celebrities, influencers, news outlets, customers, etc.) were debating and conducting taste-tests to figure out which fast-food chain had a better sandwich. Several other fast-food chains like Wendy’s – known to also have an incredible Twitter presence –tried to join the conversation but was unsuccessful. Local Popeyes’ restaurants were experiencing a high demand for the sandwich, causing waiting lines to become extremely lengthy. On social media, customers claimed they waited in lines that lasted at least 20-minutes before being able to order their food. Customers started tweeting and creating memes to show their support of their favorite chicken sandwich. Consumers' excitement lead to a premature sell-out two weeks after the sandwich went on sale (Maynard, 2019).
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On Aug. 27, on Twitter Popeyes announced that they had sold out of chicken sandwich inventory (Lucas, 2019). The post included photos and a video of long lines across the U.S. with another playful caption: “Y'all. We know you love The Sandwich. Unfortunately, we're sold out (for now)."  
Popeyes issued a statement stating that the company was working with its suppliers to bring back the sandwich. The demand for the sandwich exceeded very optimistic expectations. The fast-food chain had sold out of its inventory, which was expected to last through the end of September. It is rumored that that sandwich will make a return later this month (Thompson, 2019). Popeyes tried to keep consumer energy high by reassuring customers that they could receive push notifications on its app when the sandwich becomes available again. This was the end of the "Great Fried Chicken Sandwich Wars."
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Reaction to Chick-fil-A vs Popeyes: “Love that Chicken from Popeyes”
This case study provides an assortment of key learnings for strategic communicators working on a product or campaign launch. Google Trends shows that Google searches for “Popeyes chicken sandwich” spiked by almost 1,000 percent, following the Aug. 19 tweets. Social media – in addition to other digital tactics – continues to evolve as an important component for Public Relations and Marketing professionals. Social media provides brands an opportunity to humanize themselves and to be creative. This case study tackled a very important debate between sales and communications professionals. By showing a positive correlation between social media metrics, raising reputation and awareness, but most importantly sales.
Apex Marketing group published a report shortly after the Twitter frenzy and discovered the following:1) Popeyes' response to Chick-fil-A’s tweet garnered more than $85,000 retweets and 300,000 likes. This includes a significant increase in engagement and boost in organic conversations. 2) Popeyes reaped an estimated $65 million in equivalent media value.
Although some journalists and critics might contribute Popeyes’ success to luck, I believe that it shows a high-level understanding of its consumer base and platforms being utilized. Popeyes and its agency took advantage of an opportunity that worked in its favor. Chick-fil-A took a risk to insert its self into the conversation and it simply backfired. In order to achieve high-levels of success on most social media platforms, brands must be willing to take calculated risks.
Page Principles
Popeyes and GSD&M handled this situation extremely well. The goal of this campaign was to launch Popeyes’ fried-chicken sandwich. Undoubtedly, with the assistance of Chick-fil-A, this campaign was extremely successful. Nevertheless, in my opinion, the business portion was the downfall of this operation (supply and demand). Although, according to the president of Apex Marketing, "Running out of supply is ideal economics." The page principles that apply to this case study are the following:
Remain Calm, patient, and good-humored: When analyzing the execution, Popeyes and GSD&M prepared an effective framework to manage for public relations success. All communication was promptly communicated on multiple platforms to reach an assortment of stakeholders (social media and Popeyes’ Newsroom). The team remained composed once locations started selling out of chicken sandwiches by issues a tweet that included visuals, a consistent tone and an application that provides updates once the product has been restocked. This case study is a great example of the importance of staying good-humored. Chick-fil-A’s tweet on Aug. 19 was created in good humor - something that is highly regarded on this platform. I highly doubt that Chick-fil-A intended to significantly improve Popeyes’ sells. Another example of good-humored PR practices was the decision to engage on social media in a way that captured a strong voice and showed a strong understanding of the brand's loyal fan base.
Prove it with action: After Popeyes issued a tweet informing consumers that the locations are expected to sell out of the sandwich, the company published another tweet informing customers that they could receive push notifications once the sandwich is available again. Studies repeatedly show that consumers appreciate when a company shows a level of accountability. By creating push notifications within the app, the company demonstrated follow-through. Proving that the new menu items will be returning.
Listen to stakeholders: The driving force behind the new menu item was stakeholder pressure. Consumers wanted a chicken sandwich and stakeholders wanted to compete with other fast-food chains. Unfortunately, employees working in these franchises were overlooked. Reports indicate that some Popeyes employees worked “more than 60-hour weeks” to keep up with overwhelming demand; everyone wanted to quit so bad because it was that bad” (Sugar, 2019).
Griner, D. (2019, August 23). Why Popeyes Is Positioned to Be the Next Great Brand Marketer. Retrieved October 20, 2019, from https://www.adweek.com/brand-marketing/why-popeyes-is-positioned-to-be-the-next-great-brand-marketer/.
Lucas, A. (2019, August 22). Chicken sandwich wars: Popeyes and Chick-fil-A feud on Twitter in bid to boost sales. Retrieved October 20, 2019, from https://www.cnbc.com/2019/08/22/chicken-sandwich-wars-popeyes-and-chick-fil-a-feud-on-twitter-in-bid-to-boost-sales.html.
Maynard, M. (2019, August 28). Popeyes Chicken Sandwich, Now A Sell-Out, Is A $65 Million Marketing Win. Retrieved October 20, 2019, from https://www.forbes.com/sites/michelinemaynard/2019/08/28/the-popeyes-chicken-sandwich-now-sold-out-is-a-65-million-marketing-win/#52f699e279d6.
Maynard, M. (2019, August 27). Popeyes, Which Created A Fried Chicken Sandwich Frenzy, Is Now Sold Out. Retrieved October 20, 2019, from https://www.forbes.com/sites/michelinemaynard/2019/08/27/popeyes-which-created-a-fried-chicken-sandwich-frenzy-is-now-sold-out/#1279ec994463.
Maynard, M. (2019, October 3). Who Bought The Popeyes Chicken Sandwich - And Will They Be Back When It Returns? Retrieved October 20, 2019, from https://www.forbes.com/sites/michelinemaynard/2019/10/03/who-bought-the-popeyes-chicken-sandwich--and-will-they-be-back-when-it-returns/#1d7d142c1eca.
McLymore, A. (2019, August 23). Popeyes spicy chicken sandwich launch heats up social media. Retrieved October 20, 2019, from https://www.reuters.com/article/us-restaurant-brands-popeyes-sandwich/popeyes-spicy-chicken-sandwich-launch-heats-up-social-media-idUSKCN1VD2EO.
Sugar, R. (2019, August 28). The long, fraught, delicious history of fried chicken sandwiches. Retrieved October 20, 2019, from https://www.vox.com/the-goods/2019/8/28/20836936/popeyes-chick-fil-a-fried-chicken-sandwich-twitter.
Thompson, K. (2019, October 21). When Is Popeyes' Chicken Sandwich Coming Back? Clues Point to Soon. Retrieved October 21, 2019, from https://www.thrillist.com/news/nation/when-is-popeyes-chicken-sandwich-back-still-sold-out.
Vermillion, S. (2019, August 27). By Sparking A Sandwich War With Popeyes, Did Chick-Fil-A Royally Screw Up? Retrieved October 20, 2019, from https://www.huffpost.com/entry/popeyes-chick-fil-a-chicken-sandwich_l_5d652d8ee4b0641b25537080?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAM0DvxwJ6G0pQ5uDRCbz6bMV8-Dw-ozvvrrt6W5BSdMIWOpxjuDCw-A2iVlwK76e8G2DEql8HdRQnQAQYAVtj2lN29a5tzLKWyYAc_Zj27ezZy5aZmE_cTIZm3k9k5qGTdQjBlYu4Qb5vfEmyKagJoP8B-MRIIkszmY_CZUvVzLw.
Yaffe-bellany, D. (2019, August 21). A Popeyes Chicken Sandwich and a Tactic to Set Off a Twitter Roar. Retrieved October 20, 2019, from https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/21/business/popeyes-chicken-sandwich-twitter.html.
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markclutch2-blog · 5 years
Spicy Vegan Fried “Chicken” Soy Curls
A few days ago, I set out to replicate a love of my distant past and created a vegan version of Popeye’s fried chicken. Along the way, I learned that soy curls really are a wonder food and that vegan “chicken” fingers taste great on salad. And I saved my house from burning down!
So this is the short (for those of you who hate bloggers’ stories) and sweet (for those of you who love them) story of how this recipe came about and how it helped me discover a threat to my house’s safety:
First, spicy vegan fried “chicken” came about thanks to my FatFree Vegan group on Facebook. Someone asked what to do with soy curls, and as the ideas flowed in, I realized that I wasn’t using soy curls to their full potential. (Most frequently I throw them into “chicken” noodle soup or add barbecue sauce to them for sandwiches; occasionally I go all out and add them to Pasta with White Sauce.)
Someone mentioned Kathy Hester’s Southern Fried Soy Curls recipe, which made me really want to experiment with a Popeye’s-style version. So I got to work, made them in the Breville Smart Oven Air, and served them to my delighted husband on the salad you see above. It was a hit!
But I didn’t take any process photos or video, and I wanted to get the time and temp right for cooking them in the oven, so the next day, I made them again with the video camera running. When I got to the time to bake them, I decided to move my Breville Smart Oven to a brighter spot in the kitchen. I went to unplug it–and couldn’t. The plug was melted into the wall adapter I had been using for years.
I finally got the Breville’s plug out and found that it looked damaged, so it’ll have to be replaced before I can safely use it. 
PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: Do not plug your air fryer into any kind of adapter! I did it without thinking, and the results could have been tragic.
Back to the “short” story: Well, the video was now not possible. I put the battered soy curls in the fridge and tried to figure out what to do. My kitchen wall oven is not reliable, so I never use it for calculating recipe times and temperature and totally rely on the Breville. We ate hummus that night.
The next day, I realized that I had kept my old Breville Smart Oven (non-Air). I had my husband get it down from the attic, and I was able to use it to make spicy vegan fried chicken in a baking pan.
I think the air-fried version (shown above) was a little crispier, but the oven-fried was just as tasty. And sitting overnight before cooking didn’t seem to hurt it at all.
About Soy Curls
Butler’s Soy Curls have been around for years. I was lucky to discover them in our local health food store’s bulk bins, but unfortunately that store closed last year. So I’ve been buying them in bulk online, mostly through Amazon but sometimes directly from Butler Foods. I usually come out ahead on Amazon when I buy in bulk with Prime shipping (and I use Amazon Smile to send a portion of the cost to my favorite Pomeranian rescue.)
If you’re not familiar with soy curls, they are eerily similar to the texture of chicken. They’re made from entire non-GMO soybeans and they’re dehydrated, so to use them you have to add water to them or put them into a soup or stew, like my Javanese-Inspired Chicken Soup. They have no flavor of their own, so I always rehydrate them in broth or water with added seasonings.
Vegan Spicy Fried Chicken on a Salad
Y’all know I’ve been hanging out too much on Instagram, where life is beautiful all of the time, and vegan foods must have fresh vegetables! So I served my husband fried soy curls on a bed of baby greens with tomatoes, sugar snap peas, multicolored carrots, and Hidden Cashew Ranch Dressing. And HE LOVED IT. 
Other Ways to Serve Spicy Vegan Fried “Chicken”
The second time I made it, I went more traditional and served my oven-fried chicken with barbecue sauce and baked potato and broccoli as side dishes. I really love dipping the spicy soy curls into sauce for added spiciness.
Another great way to serve them would be to make Buffalo Soy Curls by tossing the “fried” soy curls with hot sauce and then baking or air frying them again for a few minutes. The same goes for Barbecued Soy Curls: Make the recipe as written, toss with barbecue sauce, and then air fry or bake until heated through. I’ll be trying both of these variations soon!
Vegan Spicy Fried "Chicken" Soy Curls
Use your air fryer or oven to make these crispy vegan "chicken" fingers.
Course Main Course, Snack
Keyword vegan fried chicken, vegan popeyes fried chicken
60 grams soy curls (about 1 1/2 cups)
2 cups hot water
1 1/2 teaspoons no-chicken bouillon
1/4 teaspoon chipotle chili powder (or to taste)
freshly ground black pepper generously, to taste
Coating Ingredients
2 tablespoons cornmeal
2 tablespoons whole wheat flour
1 tablespoon nutritional yeast
1-2 teaspoons creole seasoning (use more or less to taste)
1/4 teaspoon poultry seasoning
1/4 teaspoon chipotle powder (use smoked paprika to reduce spiciness)
1 tablespoon plain non-dairy yogurt
1 tablespoon hot sauce
Put the soy curls in a saucepan over medium-high heat. Stir in the hot or boiling water, bouillon, 1/4 teaspoon chipotle pepper, and black pepper. Bring to a boil and cook for a few minutes, until the soy curls have softened. Remove from the heat and set aside while you mix the coating ingredients.
Combine the dry coating ingredients in a small bowl. Whisk the yogurt and hot sauce together in a large bowl (large enough to hold the soy curls.)
Place the air fryer basket in the air fryer. If you’re using an oven, put a baking sheet into the oven. Preheat your air fryer/oven. For the Breville Air, use the air frying setting and set the temperature to 425F. For a regular air fryer or oven, set the temperature to 400F.
Using a colander, drain the soy curls (you can keep the liquid and use it to add salt and flavor to soups and gravies if you want.) Use the back of a large spoon to press as much liquid as you can out of the soy curls.
Pour the soy curls into the bowl with the yogurt mixture and toss well to coat. Sprinkle the dry mix onto the curls a little at a time as you stir to make sure they’re all evenly coated.
Place perforated parchment paper in your air fryer basket or regular parchment paper on your baking sheet. Pour the soy curls onto the paper and spread them out so that they aren’t touching.
In the Breville or air fryer, cook for 6 minutes and then shake the basket or stir to shift them around. (At this point in the Breville, I was able to remove the parchment paper without them sticking.) Cook for 5-7 more minutes, until the soy curls are crispy on the outside.
In the oven, cook for 10 minutes and then turn the soy curls over as best you can, breaking up any that have stuck together. Cook for 10-15 more minutes, until the soy curls are crispy on the outside.
Serve with your choice of dipping sauces or on a salad with ranch dressing.
You can reduce the sodium by replacing the Creole seasoning with a salt-free seasoning blend, such as Mrs. Dash spicy seasoning. Better than Bouillon No-Chicken Base is high in sodium, but most of it is not absorbed into the soy curls. If salt is a no-no, you can replace it with water. Each serving is 5 points on Weight Watchers Freestyle program.  
Nutrition Facts
Vegan Spicy Fried "Chicken" Soy Curls
Amount Per Serving (1 serving)
Calories 172 Calories from Fat 45
% Daily Value*
Total Fat 5g 8%
Saturated Fat 0g 0%
Cholesterol 0mg 0%
Sodium 745mg 31%
Total Carbohydrates 19g 6%
Dietary Fiber 5g 20%
Sugars 1g
Protein 13g 26%
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.
Tried this recipe?Post a photo and mention or tag @susanffvk!
I hope you enjoy the recipe. Let me know what you think in the comments below. And be sure to check out my other air-fryer recipes here.
This post contains Amazon affiliate links to products that I like. I may receive a small commission on anything you buy through them, but I promise to put it to good use.
Source: https://blog.fatfreevegan.com/2019/06/spicy-vegan-fried-chicken-soy-curls.html
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healthbolt-blog · 5 years
New Post has been published on Health bolt
New Post has been published on http://www.healthbolt.net/cooking/cooking-with-coconut-oil-healthy-or-not/
Cooking With Coconut Oil Healthy Or Not
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Cooking baby spinach. sauteed
Delicious recipes. red cabbage
Swiss egg muffins taste great
Excellent safety record
Lchf recipes [birgitta
Offers. slow food
Any food that would be enhanced with a hint of coconut is a good candidate for the addition of coconut oil. Coconut oil can be found at most grocery stores. However, if virgin coconut oil is desired, …
This report caught like wildfire, sparking headlines like "Coconut oil isn’t healthy. It’s never been … a highly heat-resistant option to cook with so that it doesn’t break down into harmful chemica…
Cooking with Coconut Oil: Not a Healthy Option, Says the American Heart Association A new advisory from the AHA sheds light on cardiovascular health risks associated with the practice of cooking with coconut oil.
Is Cooking With Olive Oil Healthy Healthy Thickening Agents For Cooking Q: A friend sent me an email recommending that I avoid all processed food. What’s so wrong with processed food … new products without the artificial flavors, colors, and thickening agents. Consider … Is Cooking Chicken With Olive Oil Healthy One of her favorite heart-healthy meals, oven fried chicken, uses skinless chicken soaked … In a large skillet, heat 2 tabl… Ways To Cook Spinach Healthy Healthy Ways to Cook Baby Spinach Steamed. Steaming is a gentle, efficient and fat-free method for cooking baby spinach. sauteed. baby spinach sauteed in olive oil is a more substantial – but equally healthy – dish. Boiled. Boiled spinach may sound more utilitarian than the delicately steamed … Ways To Cook Cabbage Healthy A head of seasonal cabbage goes a long way. Learn how to prepare and cook red cabbage with one of our delicious recipes. red cabbage is healthy, thrifty and robust, so why it remains such an underrated ingredient is beyond us. Part of the problem may be that the tightly-packed sphere yields so many … What if I told you there was a way to cook two dinners at … Eventually she settled on a stir-fry. She adds a healthy amount … Cook It Up the Healthy Way Bake … sweet potato fries by cutting up into slices and seasoning with olive oil, cayenne pepper and a dash of sal This chart graphically details the %DV that a serving of Cabbage provides for each of the nutrients of which it is a good, very good, or excellent source according to our Food Rating System. How To Cook Bacon healthy keto egg muffins solve the breakfast dilemma—especially when you need easy and on-the-run meals for stressful weekday mornings. Fluffy Chix Cook exceptionally low carb and diabetic friendly bacon swiss egg muffins taste great, can be made ahead and are portable. This post was made possible by the generosity of another writer. Bacon has held a bad reputation for health for several years and many people wonder if bacon is healthy. The claims that bacon is high in fat, causes high cholesterol and ultimately leads to serious health conditions are not entirely … A five. How could great bacon be anything else? Pro Tips: How to Cook Bacon in the Oven What oven temperature to use to bake bacon? 400 degrees convection or 425 conventional oven is a good starting point, but you may use as low as 375 conventional to 425 convection if doing other cooking. Most Healthy Way To Cook Vegetables Are microwaves bad for your health? Almost every American home has a microwave oven. The convenience they offer is undeniable. But despite the widespread use of microwave ovens and their excellent safety record, some people have lingering doubts that cooking food with microwaves somehow makes food less healthy by zapping the nutrients out of food. . Does cooking with microwaves do t Turns out, Popeye was right! Many dietitians tout spinach as one of the Low Carb High Fat Cooking For Healthy Aging Low carb high fat and Paleo Slow Cooking: 60 Healthy and Delicious lchf recipes [birgitta Höglund] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. slow food, in the form of slow cooking and old-fashioned home cooking, has become really hot. Rich stews, roasts Is Cooking Chicken With Olive Oil Healthy One of her favorite heart-healthy meals, oven fried chicken, uses skinless chicken soaked … In a large skillet, heat 2 tabl… Ways To Cook Spinach Healthy Healthy Ways to Cook Baby Spinach Steamed. Steaming is a gentle, efficient and fat-free method for cooking baby spinach. sauteed. baby spinach sauteed in olive oil is a more substantial – but equally healthy – dish. boiled. boiled spinach may sound more utilitarian than the delicately steamed … Ways To Cook Cabbage Healthy A head of seasonal cabbage goes a long way. Learn how to prepare and cook red cabbage with one of our delicious recipes. Red cabbage is healthy, thrifty and robust, so why it remains such an underrated ingredient is beyond us. Part of the problem may be that the tightly-packed sphere yields so many … What if I told you there was a way to cook two dinners at … Eventually she settled on a stir-fry. She adds a healthy amount … Cook It Up the Healthy Way Bake … Sweet potato fries by cutting up into slices and seasoning with olive oil, cayenne pepper and a dash of sal This chart graphically details the %DV that a serving of Cabbage provides for each of the nutrients of which it is a good, very good, or excellent source according to our Food Rating System. How To Cook Bacon Healthy keto egg muffins solve the breakfast dilemma—especially when you need easy and on-the-run meals for stressful weekday mornings. Fluffy Chix Cook exceptionally low carb and diabetic friendly bacon swiss egg muffins taste great, can be made ahead and are portable. This post was made possible by the generosity of another writer. Bacon has held a bad reputation for health for several years and many people wonder if bacon is healthy. The claims that bacon is high in fat, causes high cholesterol and ultimately leads to serious health conditions are not entirely … A five. How could great bacon be anything else? Pro Tips: How to Cook Bacon in the Oven What oven temperature to use to bake bacon? 400 degrees convection or 425 conventional oven is a good starting point, but you may use as low as 375 conventional to 425 convection if doing other cooking. Most Healthy Way To Cook Vegetables Are microwaves bad for your health? Almost every American home has a microwave oven. The convenience they offer is undeniable. But despite the widespread use of microwave ovens and their excellent safety record, some people have lingering doubts that cooking food with microwaves somehow makes food less healthy by zapping the nutrients out of food. . Does cooking with microwaves do t Turns out, Popeye was right! Many dietitians tout spinach Healthy Home Cooking For The Yorkie Pdf Healthy Thickening Agents For Cooking Q: A friend sent me an email recommending that I avoid all processed food. What’s so wrong with processed food … new products without the artificial flavors, colors, and thickening agents. Consider … Is Cooking Chicken With Olive Oil Healthy One of her favorite heart-healthy meals, oven fried chicken, uses skinless chicken soaked … In a large skillet, heat 2 tabl… Ways To Cook Spinach Healthy Healthy Ways to Cook baby spinach steamed. Steaming is a gentle, efficient and fat-free method for cooking baby spinach. sauteed. baby spinach sauteed in olive oil is a more substantial – but equally healthy – dish. Boiled. Boiled spinach may sound more utilitarian than the delicately steamed … Ways To Cook Cabbage Healthy A head of seasonal cabbage goes a long way. Learn how to prepare and cook red cabbage with one of our delicious recipes. Red cabbage is healthy, thrifty and robust, so why it remains such an underrated ingredient is beyond us. Part of the problem may be that the tightly-packed sphere yields so many … What if I told you there was a way to cook two dinners at … Eventually she settled on a stir-fry. She adds a healthy amount … Cook It Up the Healthy Way Bake … Sweet potato fries by cutting up into slices and seasoning with olive oil, cayenne pepper and a dash of sal This chart graphically details the %DV that a serving of Cabbage provides for each of the nutrients of which it is a good, very good, or excellent source according to our Food Rating System. How To Cook Bacon Healthy Keto egg muffins solve the breakfast dilemma—especially when you need easy and on-the-run meals for stressful weekday mornings. Fluffy Chix Cook exceptionally low carb and diabetic friendly bacon swiss egg muffins taste great, can be made ahead and are portable. This post was made possible by the generosity of another writer. Bacon has held a bad reputation for health for several years and many people wonder if bacon is healthy. The claims that bacon is high in fat, causes high cholesterol and ultimately leads to serious health conditions are not entirely … A five. How could great bacon be anything else? Pro Tips: How to Cook Bacon in the Oven What oven temperature to use to bake bacon? 400 degrees convection or 425 conventional oven is a good starting point, but you may use as low as 375 conventional to 425 convection if doing other cooking. Most Healthy Way To Cook Vegetables Are microwaves bad for your health? Almost every American home has a microwave oven. The convenience they offer is undeniable. But despite the widespread use of microwave ovens and their excellent safety record, some people have lingering doubts that cooking food with microwaves somehow makes food less healthy by zapping the nutrients out of food. . Does cooking with microwaves do t Turns out, Popeye was right! Many dietitians tout spinach as one of the
Jun 16, 2017  · Coconut oil isn’t healthy. It’s never been healthy. “We advise against the use of coconut oil," the American Heart Association says in a new report.
Nov 27, 2018  · Polyunsaturated fats are the most fragile and are not recommended for cooking. Coconut oil, being mainly a saturated fat, is able to withstand higher temperatures than other oils, making it one of the best oils for cooking. It also gives a delicious taste and superb texture to foods. Use organic extra-virgin coconut oil for the best quality.
Healthy Thickening Agents For Cooking Q: A friend sent me an email recommending that I avoid all processed food. What’s so wrong with processed food … new products without the artificial flavors, colors, and thickening agents. Consider … Is Cooking Chicken With Olive Oil Healthy One of her favorite heart-healthy meals, oven fried chicken, uses skinless chicken soaked … In a large skillet, heat 2 tabl… Ways To Cook Spinach Healthy Healthy Ways to Cook Baby Spinach Steamed. Steaming is a gentle, efficient and fat-free method for cooking baby spinach. sauteed. baby spinach sauteed in olive oil is a more substantial – but equally healthy – dish. Boiled. Boiled spinach may sound more utilitarian than the delicately steamed … Ways To Cook Cabbage Healthy A head of seasonal cabbage goes a long way. Learn how to prepare and cook red cabbage with one of our delicious recipes. Red cabbage is healthy, thrifty and robust, so why it remains such an underrated ingredient is beyond us. Part of the problem may be that the tightly-packed sphere yields so many … What if I told you there was a way to cook two dinners at … Eventually she settled on a stir-fry. She adds a healthy amount … Cook It Up the Healthy Way Bake … Sweet potato fries by cutting up into slices and seasoning with olive oil, cayenne pepper and a dash of sal This chart graphically details the %DV that a serving of Cabbage provides for each of the nutrients of which it is a good, very good, or excellent source according to our Food Rating System. How To Cook Bacon Healthy Keto egg muffins solve the breakfast dilemma—especially when you need easy and on-the-run meals for stressful weekday mornings. Fluffy Chix Cook exceptionally low carb and diabetic friendly bacon swiss egg muffins taste great, can be made ahead and are portable. This post was made possible by the generosity of another writer. Bacon has held a bad reputation for health for several years and many people wonder if bacon is healthy. The claims that bacon is high in fat, causes high cholesterol and ultimately leads to serious health conditions are not entirely … A five. How could great bacon be anything else? Pro Tips: How to Cook Bacon in the Oven What oven temperature to use to bake bacon? 400 degrees convection or 425 conventional oven is a good starting point, but you may use as low as 375 conventional to 425 convection if doing other cooking. Most Healthy Way To Cook Vegetables Are microwaves bad for your health? Almost every American home has a microwave oven. The convenience they offer is undeniable. But despite the widespread use of microwave ovens and their excellent safety record, some people have lingering doubts that cooking food with microwaves somehow makes food less healthy by zapping the nutrients out of food. . Does cooking with microwaves do t Turns out, Popeye was right! Many dietitians tout spinach as one of the most nutrient-rich foods on the
Coconut oil was demonized in the past because it is high in saturated fat. But new studies actually suggest that it has several health benefits, and is a very good oil for cooking at high heat.
But it is edible coconut oil that has grabbed centre stage recently for its supposed health benefits. Products containing coconut oil and recipes using it are becoming … for this incredible sounding …
Many people believe coconut oil is good for you, saying that it can boost good cholesterol and help with weight loss, plus it has a relatively high smoke point, making it safer for cooking at high temperatures.But in a recent survey, nutritionists did not agree that the fragrant emollient is healthy or magical. Why is that? Here’s what you should know about cooking with coconut oil versus …
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The purported health benefits of coconut oil have sparked debate … Polyunsaturated fats are the most fragile and are not recommended for cooking. Coconut oil, being mainly a saturated fat, is able t…
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babbletop · 6 years
Do you know the Top 10 Untold Truths of Buffalo Wild Wings? This American casual dining experience is an invention of Jim Disbrow and Scott Lowery. Also known by an alternative nickname B-Dubs or BW3, the chain has found home in all 50 US states. Of course that doesn’t cover other countries like Canada, Mexico, India and the United Arab Emirates, to name a few. Yes the tagline “Wings. Beer. Sports” is concise and doesn’t reveal much about the famous restaurant franchise, so prepare your taste buds as we are here to give you the top 10 untold truths about Buffalo Wild Wings. Buffalo Wild Wings, formerly known as Buffalo Wild Wings & Weck, was founded in 1982 and the first location was setup near Ohio State University in Columbus. The company started to franchise in 1992 and now has over 1,200 locations. Comment #BuffaloWildWings #BW3 #BDubs if you're ready to grab a pint and dip your chicken wings in Buffalo Wild Wings saucy goodness. Timestamps: 0:44 Buffalo Wild Wings and the traditional wings dethronement 2:03 For the love of beer at Buffalo Wild Wings 3:40 Buffalo Wild Wings’ vegetarian conundrum 5:12 The Buffalo Wild Wings connection to Tonya Harding and Nancy Kerrigan 7:32 The gambling prospects at Buffalo Wild Wings 6:25 Buffalo Wild Wings, a victim of hacking 8:35 The mysterious ‘W’ in BW3 9:56 Blazing, flaming and a whole lot sweating at Buffalo Wild Wings 11:45 Sauces galore at Buffalo Wild Wings 12:57 Controversy stricken Buffalo Wild Wings SUMMARY: - As of 2016, the boneless wings have replaced the traditional ones in terms of sales for the restaurant franchise. - With 1,200 restaurants strewn across America, BW3 has sold more draft beer than any other place existing in The States. - Vegetarians and vegans have to know that most of the fried food items present are prepared in beef shortening. - One of the founders of BW3, Jim Disbrow, was renowned in the 1960s for figure skating. He later on became the chairman of the US Figure Skating Association International Committee. - One spokesperson from B-Dubs mentioned that “Buffalo Wild Wings is uniquely positioned to leverage sports gaming to enhance the restaurant experience for the guests.” - The Twitter account of Buffalo Wild Wings was hacked and there was an outbreak of objectionable tweets on their account feed. As a result, a BW3 spokesperson had to come out and clarify that the account had been compromised. - But why isn’t it BW2? Well, that's because initially it was called Buffalo Wild Wings & Weck. - Buffalo Wild Wings has a thing called “Blazin' Wing Challenge”. The wings come drenched in the blazin' sauce which is notorious for its heat levels. The sauce is 60 times hotter than the jalapeno pepper and is about 300,000 Scoville units. - B-Dub’s has an array of sauces up its sleeve, 21 to be precise. It includes sauces like the dreaded Blazin’ to the Honey BBQ to name a few. - A story floating around on the internet claimed that it was policy of Buffalo Wild Wings to switch off or mute the national anthem because it was controversial. Make Sure To SUBSCRIBE To Our Channel! ►► https://goo.gl/Grh1Wg Top 10 Untold Truths of Waffle House!!! https://youtu.be/23bvcIIQBTw Top 10 Untold Truths of Denny's!!! https://youtu.be/KdlxQYf94nk Top 10 Untold Truths of Sonic Drive-In!!! https://youtu.be/hHEk2x38--k Top 10 Untold Truths of Chick-fil-A!!! https://youtu.be/7_CRzaQlFSY TOP 10 UNTOLD TRUTHS OF FIVE GUYS!!! https://youtu.be/cc2suGCOERU TOP 10 UNTOLD TRUTHS OF HARD ROCK CAFE!!! https://youtu.be/ns9MPEU6Nys Top 10 Untold Truths of Popeyes Chicken!!! https://youtu.be/ZCInxJjeG2s Top 10 Untold Truths About TGI FRIDAYS!!! https://youtu.be/jSgVKnJsZHA Top 10 Untold Truths Of Chili’s!!! https://youtu.be/Up8k-Sehp58 Want to see our Most Popular Videos? Check them out here: https://goo.gl/tz6DA4 All clips used for fair use commentary, criticism, and educational purposes. See Hosseinzadeh v. Klein, 276 F.Supp.3d 34 (S.D.N.Y. 2017); Equals Three, LLC v. Jukin Media, Inc., 139 F. Supp. 3d 1094 (C.D. Cal. 2015).
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healthbolt-blog · 5 years
New Post has been published on Health bolt
New Post has been published on http://www.healthbolt.net/cooking/low-carb-high-fat-cooking-for-healthy-aging/
Low Carb High Fat Cooking For Healthy Aging
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Carb high fat
Healthy – dish. boiled. boiled
Keto egg muffins solve
Diabetic friendly bacon swiss egg
Bake bacon? 400 degrees convection
Centre (407) 683-4092
Low carb high fat and Paleo Slow Cooking: 60 Healthy and Delicious LCHF Recipes [Birgitta Höglund] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Slow food, in the form of slow cooking and old-fashioned home cooking, has become really hot. Rich stews, roasts
Is Cooking Chicken With Olive Oil Healthy One of her favorite heart-healthy meals, oven fried chicken, uses skinless chicken soaked … In a large skillet, heat 2 tabl… Ways To Cook Spinach Healthy Healthy Ways to Cook Baby Spinach Steamed. Steaming is a gentle, efficient and fat-free method for cooking baby spinach. sauteed. baby spinach sauteed in olive oil is a more substantial – but equally healthy – dish. boiled. boiled spinach may sound more utilitarian than the delicately steamed … Ways To Cook Cabbage Healthy A head of seasonal cabbage goes a long way. Learn how to prepare and cook red cabbage with one of our delicious recipes. Red cabbage is healthy, thrifty and robust, so why it remains such an underrated ingredient is beyond us. Part of the problem may be that the tightly-packed sphere yields so many … What if I told you there was a way to cook two dinners at … Eventually she settled on a stir-fry. She adds a healthy amount … Cook It Up the Healthy Way Bake … Sweet potato fries by cutting up into slices and seasoning with olive oil, cayenne pepper and a dash of sal This chart graphically details the %DV that a serving of Cabbage provides for each of the nutrients of which it is a good, very good, or excellent source according to our Food Rating System. How To Cook Bacon Healthy keto egg muffins solve the breakfast dilemma—especially when you need easy and on-the-run meals for stressful weekday mornings. Fluffy Chix Cook exceptionally low carb and diabetic friendly bacon swiss egg muffins taste great, can be made ahead and are portable. This post was made possible by the generosity of another writer. Bacon has held a bad reputation for health for several years and many people wonder if bacon is healthy. The claims that bacon is high in fat, causes high cholesterol and ultimately leads to serious health conditions are not entirely … A five. How could great bacon be anything else? Pro Tips: How to Cook Bacon in the Oven What oven temperature to use to bake bacon? 400 degrees convection or 425 conventional oven is a good starting point, but you may use as low as 375 conventional to 425 convection if doing other cooking. Most Healthy Way To Cook Vegetables Are microwaves bad for your health? Almost every American home has a microwave oven. The convenience they offer is undeniable. But despite the widespread use of microwave ovens and their excellent safety record, some people have lingering doubts that cooking food with microwaves somehow makes food less healthy by zapping the nutrients out of food. . Does cooking with microwaves do t Turns out, Popeye was right! Many dietitians tout spinach as one of the most nutrient-rich foods on the planet. “Spinach is loaded with vitamin C, a potent antioxidant, and it’s an excellent source of folate, a B vitamin that helps maintain healthy dna and may keep cancer-promoting genes ‘turned off,’” says Karen Collins, R.D., Nutrition Advisor to the
Keto—the high-fat, low-carb eating plan that no one could stop talking about … And fiber just so happens to be the favored …
Find healthy, delicious low-carb recipes including low-carb main dishes, salads, side dishes and desserts from the food and nutrition experts at EatingWell.
John DePass has been a bodybuilder for the majority of his life — competing at the international level and even taking part i…
Find healthy, delicious low-fat, high protein recipes, from the food and nutrition experts at EatingWell.
One of the more mysterious conditions afflicting low-carb Paleo dieters has been high serum cholesterol. Two of our most popular posts were about this problem: Low Carb Paleo, and LDL is Soaring – Help! (Mar 2, 2011) enumerated some cases and asked readers to suggest answers; Answer Day: What Causes High LDL on Low-Carb Paleo? (Mar 4, 2011) suggested one possible remedy.
Healthy Cooking Class Gainesville Fl Metaphysical Store Soul centre (407) 683-4092 – Kari Ghanem – 119 north orlando avenue, Suite #101 – Winter Park, FL 32789 Profile: Soul Centre is here to help you … Healthy Cooking Tools In most cases, you’ll only have to wash the slow cooker and maybe a few prep utensils. —Slow cookers use less energy than a s… Ways To Cook Cabbage Healthy A head of seasonal cabbage goes a long way. Learn how to prepare and cook red cabbage with one of our delicious recipes. Red cabbage is healthy, thrifty and robust, so why it remains such an underrated ingredient is beyond us. Part of the problem may be that the tightly-packed sphere yields so many … What if I told you there was a way to cook two dinners at … Eventually she settled on a stir-fry. She adds a healthy amount … Cook It Up the Healthy Way Bake … Sweet potato fries by cutting up into slices and seasoning with olive oil, cayenne pepper and a dash of sal This chart graphically details the %DV that a serving of Cabbage provides for each of the nutrients of which it is a good, very good, or excellent source according to our Food Rating System. How To Cook Bacon Healthy Keto egg muffins solve the breakfast dilemma—especially when you need easy and on-the-run meals for stressful weekday mornings. Fluffy Chix Cook exceptionally low carb and diabetic friendly bacon swiss egg muffins taste great, can be made ahead and are portable. This post was made possible by the generosity of another writer. Bacon has held a bad reputation for health for several years and many people wonder if bacon is healthy. The claims that bacon is high in fat, causes high cholesterol and ultimately leads to serious health conditions are not entirely … A five. How could great bacon be anything else? Pro Tips: How to Cook Bacon in the Oven What oven temperature to use to bake bacon? 400 degrees convection or 425 conventional oven is a good starting point, but you may use as low as 375 conventional to 425 convection if doing other cooking. Most Healthy Way To Cook Vegetables Are microwaves bad for your health? Almost every American home has a microwave oven. The convenience they offer is undeniable. But despite the widespread use of microwave ovens and their excellent safety record, some people have lingering doubts that cooking food with microwaves somehow makes food less healthy by zapping the nutrients out of food. . Does cooking with microwaves do t Turns out, Popeye was right! Many dietitians tout spinach as one of the most nutrient-rich foods on the planet. “Spinach is loaded with vitamin C, a potent antioxidant, and it’s an excellent source of folate, a B vitamin that helps maintain healthy dna and may keep cancer-promoting genes ‘turned off,’” says Karen Collins, R.D., Nutrition Advisor to the American Institute for Cancer Research. most of the time, I try to incorporate recipes they get
Effortlessly slim down with these high-protein, low-carb dinner recipes. These meals are packed with filling meats, veggies, and healthy fats, making them great options for anyone on a low-carb diet.
From low-carb/high-fat diets to more restrictive ketogenic regimes, it seems the growing consensus has simply become "carbs are bad." However, a new study from the University of Sydney suggests a low- …
Healthy Thickening Agents For Cooking Q: A friend sent me an email recommending that I avoid all processed food. What’s so wrong with processed food … new products without the artificial flavors, colors, and thickening agents. Consider … Is Cooking Chicken With Olive Oil Healthy One of her favorite heart-healthy meals, oven fried chicken, uses skinless chicken soaked … In a large skillet, heat 2 tabl… Ways To Cook Spinach Healthy Healthy Ways to Cook Baby Spinach Steamed. Steaming is a gentle, efficient and fat-free method for cooking baby spinach. sauteed. baby spinach sauteed in olive oil is a more substantial – but equally healthy – dish. Boiled. Boiled spinach may sound more utilitarian than the delicately steamed … Ways To Cook Cabbage Healthy A head of seasonal cabbage goes a long way. Learn how to prepare and cook red cabbage with one of our delicious recipes. Red cabbage is healthy, thrifty and robust, so why it remains such an underrated ingredient is beyond us. Part of the problem may be that the tightly-packed sphere yields so many … What if I told you there was a way to cook two dinners at … Eventually she settled on a stir-fry. She adds a healthy amount … Cook It Up the Healthy Way Bake … Sweet potato fries by cutting up into slices and seasoning with olive oil, cayenne pepper and a dash of sal This chart graphically details the %DV that a serving of Cabbage provides for each of the nutrients of which it is a good, very good, or excellent source according to our Food Rating System. How To Cook Bacon Healthy Keto egg muffins solve the breakfast dilemma—especially when you need easy and on-the-run meals for stressful weekday mornings. Fluffy Chix Cook exceptionally low carb and diabetic friendly bacon swiss egg muffins taste great, can be made ahead and are portable. This post was made possible by the generosity of another writer. Bacon has held a bad reputation for health for several years and many people wonder if bacon is healthy. The claims that bacon is high in fat, causes high cholesterol and ultimately leads to serious health conditions are not entirely … A five. How could great bacon be anything else? Pro Tips: How to Cook Bacon in the Oven What oven temperature to use to bake bacon? 400 degrees convection or 425 conventional oven is a good starting point, but you may use as low as 375 conventional to 425 convection if doing other cooking. Most Healthy Way To Cook Vegetables Are microwaves bad for your health? Almost every American home has a microwave oven. The convenience they offer is undeniable. But despite the widespread use of microwave ovens and their excellent safety record, some people have lingering doubts that cooking food with microwaves somehow makes food less healthy by zapping the nutrients out of food. . Does cooking with microwaves do t Turns out, Popeye was right! Many dietitians tout spinach as one of the most nutrient-rich foods on the
If you’ve tried a low-carb diet like paleo or keto (or just got hangry on a road trip), you’ve likely munched on beef jerky. …
Is Cooking With Olive Oil Healthy Healthy Thickening Agents For Cooking Q: A friend sent me an email recommending that I avoid all processed food. What’s so wrong with processed food … new products without the artificial flavors, colors, and thickening agents. Consider … Is Cooking Chicken With Olive Oil Healthy One of her favorite heart-healthy meals, oven fried chicken, uses skinless chicken soaked … In a large skillet, heat 2 tabl… Ways To Cook Spinach Healthy Healthy Ways to Cook Baby Spinach Steamed. Steaming is a gentle, efficient and fat-free method for cooking baby spinach. sauteed. baby spinach sauteed in olive oil is a more substantial – but equally healthy – dish. Boiled. Boiled spinach may sound more utilitarian than the delicately steamed … Ways To Cook Cabbage Healthy A head of seasonal cabbage goes a long way. Learn how to prepare and cook red cabbage with one of our delicious recipes. Red cabbage is healthy, thrifty and robust, so why it remains such an underrated ingredient is beyond us. Part of the problem may be that the tightly-packed sphere yields so many … What if I told you there was a way to cook two dinners at … Eventually she settled on a stir-fry. She adds a healthy amount … Cook It Up the Healthy Way Bake … sweet potato fries by cutting up into slices and seasoning with olive oil, cayenne pepper and a dash of sal This chart graphically details the %DV that a serving of Cabbage provides for each of the nutrients of which it is a good, very good, or excellent source according to our Food Rating System. How To Cook Bacon healthy keto egg muffins solve the breakfast dilemma—especially when you need easy and on-the-run meals for stressful weekday mornings. Fluffy Chix Cook exceptionally low carb and diabetic friendly bacon swiss egg muffins taste great, can be made ahead and are portable. This post was made possible by the generosity of another writer. Bacon has held a bad reputation for health for several years and many people wonder if bacon is healthy. The claims that bacon is high in fat, causes high cholesterol and ultimately leads to serious health conditions are not entirely … A five. How could great bacon be anything else? Pro Tips: How to Cook Bacon in the Oven What oven temperature to use to bake bacon? 400 degrees convection or 425 conventional oven is a good starting point, but you may use as low as 375 conventional to 425 convection if doing other cooking. Most Healthy Way To Cook Vegetables Are microwaves bad for your health? Almost every American home has a microwave oven. The convenience they offer is undeniable. But despite the widespread use of microwave ovens and their excellent safety record, some people have lingering doubts that cooking food with microwaves somehow makes food less healthy by zapping the nutrients out of food. . Does cooking with microwaves do t Turns out, Popeye was right! Many dietitians tout spinach as one of the
The problem with cooking is … making healthy meals at home is essential, especially when you’re trying to stick to a strict …
Among 164 participants, it found those on low-carb diets burned more total calories than those on high-carb … to be healthy …
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The Alzheimer’s Antidote: Using a Low-Carb, High-Fat Diet to Fight Alzheimer’s Disease, Memory Loss, and Cognitive Decline Kindle Edition
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