#posting mainly so others can kno if they didn’t already!
luvsailor · 1 year
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so tumblr just puts ppl’s likes on blast now?? 😭
edit: you can turn this off in dashboard preferences but mmm i still don’t like that it’s on by default
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missnight0wl · 2 years
Rakepick’s character makes no sense
Disclaimer: This post will discuss the events from Y7Ch37 which are currently available only through the datamines. Other than that, it’s mostly about Y4 and Y5.
At first, I wanted to title this post: “In defence of Rakepick, once again”. But honestly, it wouldn’t be accurate. My goal today is to discuss how Jam City has no freaking idea what they’re doing with Rakepick anymore. And just like one of my Anons said the other day, we’re basically dealing with a totally different character.
Alright, so I’m gonna focus mainly on the insane route as it’s the most problematic. And firstly, I’m gonna address the most obvious thing: how the hell she’s able to cast a Patronus? Like, Rakepick’s connection to the reality in this route is barely there, and you expect me to believe she’s still capable of saving herself and MC from the Dementors? I call bullshit. In fact, I’d say it’s enough stupidity to ignore this whole part entirely, but… that’s not why we’re here. So, let’s move on for now.
The main point in this discussion is that we learn from insane!Rakepick that: 1) she killed multiple people, assumingly before killing Rowan, 2) all her family and friends are dead, 3) she’s terrified of R because “failures are punished most severely”. Now, when you look at all these points together, you realise they might be kind of connected. We know that R uses threats and blackmail to make people do what they want. It’s possible then that it was R who killed Rakepick’s family as a punishment: for not wanting to work for them, for example. It could be how they broke her, and so she killed all those people later on at R’s order. This is the idea @weasley-adoptee proposed in this post and which I discussed with @sirenwave​. I’m not saying it would excuse Rakepick’s acts; I’m just trying to establish what might’ve happened. So, let’s consider…
Scenario #1
Rakepick was interested in the Cursed Vaults as a student already, we know that from her. For some reason, R didn’t like that and was trying to stop her from searching for them. She wouldn’t listen, therefore R killed her family and friends. Rakepick realised that R is serious, and so she agreed to do whatever they want to avoid further punishment. She killed multiple people who were inconvenient for R – and those people haunted her later in the Sunken Vault.
Considering what we know about R, it does make sense, right?
Except it doesn’t.
In Y4Ch5, MC found this letter:
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However, Rakepick clearly didn’t stay away from the Cursed Vaults, so apparently, she wasn’t very concerned about R’s threats at that point. Now, to be fair, I doubt this letter was written and originally sent in our Y4. I believe it’s an old letter, probably sent in Jacob’s time – and it’s mostly because of the circumstances in which we found that note. Actually, that’s also why I truly doubt that this letter was faked to throw MC off. Let’s quickly recap those events.
At the beginning of Y4, Rakepick told us to talk with Kettleburn about the best way to get to the Forest. He told us that the best way to do that is by flying. Then, we went to Madam Hooch to borrow one of the school brooms. But then, it turned out that it’s not allowed anymore because of the Black Lake incident (someone was spotted diving to the surface of the Lake). And ONLY THEN, MC decides to break into Filch’s Office in hope of finding a broom there. They find the Black Quill instead, which turned out to be the letter to Rakepick. Finally, MC decides to borrow the broom from Andre/Merula/Ismelda.
Like… can we agree that MC finding this letter was a pretty damn lucky coincidence? If there was no Black Lake incident, MC wouldn’t find the letter – because they would borrow a school broom. If they decided to skip Filch’s Office and go straight to Andre/Merula/Ismelda, they wouldn’t find the letter – because they would have no reason to be in Filch’s Office. Seriously, why would R place the note there if it was really supposed to work in Rakepick’s favour?
And yes, I know it’s possible Filch simply found the Black Quill somewhere else and took it to his office. But again, if R was behind faking this letter, why wouldn’t they put more effort to make it easily findable for MC? Just place it in the Artefact Room! Especially that MC knows that Rakepick does visit this place as that’s where we met in Y4Ch2!
No, but honestly, I’m pretty sure that this letter to Rakepick was one of the Black Quills Filch mentions in Y4Ch12 when Rakepick was interrogating him about the Coral Key:
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If it happened years ago, it probably was around Jacob’s time. So, with that in mind, let’s consider…
Scenario #2
Rakepick started working with Jacob against R’s will. Perhaps she wanted to help him, perhaps she wanted to use him. Either way, R didn’t like it, and so they sent her the threat. She didn’t listen, though. She went with Jacob to the Portrait Vault, and he actually got trapped. But as she said in Y5Ch30, it wasn’t planned:
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And yeah, she later added that she would have left him anyway, but the point is that it wasn’t something R participated in. Therefore, Patricia was punished for acting against R. Moreover, she lost Jacob in the process. And so, that’s when R killed her family, and she started killing for R, afraid of further punishment. Makes sense, right?
Except it doesn’t.
In Y4Ch3, the Red Cloak told us:
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Meanwhile, Rakepick told us in Y4Ch2:
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Now, if Rakepick was working for R at the time, why would those “orders” be so contradicting? Sure, you can say that R was testing MC or whatever. The problem is that the only thing it could test is MC’s motivation. And MC proved many times before that point that they’re extremely motivated to find Jacob. Hell, there’s even the option to say: “Screw Dumbledore!” right after he tells everyone at the beginning of Y3 to stay away from the Cursed Vaults:
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Like, it’s not even comparable to the situation when R tested MC’s skills during the Patronus TLSQ, for example. Was it really worth all the trouble with the Red Cloak, only to confirm that MC is indeed motivated? What if someone exposed the Red Cloak during our first encounter already?
Also, I’m gonna say it already that I totally don’t buy the argument that the Red Cloak said to stay away from Rakepick to make her look less suspicious. Because what was MC’s thought process in Y4Ch4?
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I have to say, it’s not a very logical conclusion. However, I can be more understanding than with Y6 and Y7 MC, considering that here, MC is only 14 and they were just attacked, technically for the first time in their life. Still, the point is that it didn’t even occur to MC that: “Oh, that mysterious attacker said to stay away from Rakepick AND they want me to stay from the Vaults, so does it mean that Rakepick genuinely wants to help me?”.
Now, let’s move to the end of Y4 because it’s problematic as well if we want to believe that Rakepick was working for R then. I know some of the players believe that it was staged to present Rakepick as a hero. But honestly, it doesn’t really make sense. First of all, even after that, MC can still say that they don’t trust Rakepick at all:
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But more importantly, the inclusion of Ben in all of that is such an unnecessary addition. Seriously, if R wanted to present Rakepick as a (false) hero, all they had to do is to tell her to: 1) NOT teach MC Arania Exumai, 2) follow MC and the company to the Forest and save them from the Acromantula. Boom! It couldn’t be simpler.
Alright, so I’m gonna assume that at the end of Y4, R still had a beef with Rakepick, and the whole thing with Ben was truly about stopping MC. So, let’s consider…
Scenario #3
Rakepick was converted between Y4 and Y5. This is when her family was killed as a punishment for not staying away from the Cursed Vaults, and she started killing for R instead. Makes sense, right?
Well… Still not really.
I mean, Rakepick is basically a celebrity. Sure, it doesn’t have to mean that her whole family is famous as well. But wouldn’t it be odd if we didn’t even hear a mention that: “the whole family of one of the most famous Curse-Breakers died over the summer in mysterious circumstances”? Like, I’m willing to believe that we wouldn’t see any reaction from Rakepick herself as she’d process it over two months of a break. But still, no hints of any unexplainable deaths?
There’s also a possibility that she was converted between Y5Ch19 and Y5Ch20 when she was missing after she showed us the Cruciatus Curse:
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But it’s even less likely, at least if we want to assume that she converted because of her family being killed. She returns pretty quickly (at the end of Y5Ch20), and she’s seemingly unaffected by anything.
Also, can I just point out that in Y5, she really wouldn’t have time to kill multiple people for R? Or like, do anything for them? She was a teacher, she had to prepare classes, check homeworks, mentor her apprentices, separately help Bill with his N.E.W.T.s, help him get a job at Gringotts… Seriously, that’s some impressive time-management skills either way. Yet, I don’t think anyone could fit even a couple of occasional murders into that, even with a Time-Turner.
Alright, but why I insist that Rakepick did all of her murders after being converted to R? Because why would she do it before? Seriously. She was famous, probably wealthy, damn attractive. She could’ve had it all. Why kill anyone? And yes, I know that Snape told us in Y4 that she’s known for getting rid of her competition (Y4Ch12):
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But I honestly believe that he was being an overdramatic bitch, especially that it has no follow-up where we’d actually learn that Rakepick’s co-workers suddenly disappeared or something.
And I know some people would say here: “Rakepick is a sadistic psychopath! She’d kill for pleasure! She used Crucio before!”. To which I reply:
1) I still think that the Crucio thing was staged because it’d be fucking stupid to tell MC that you go to Azkaban for using the Unforgivable Curses AND THEN IMMEDIATELY USE ONE OF THEM. And we know from Snape that (also Y4Ch12):
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2) It’d really make her an even more laughable villain. You want to tell me that she was successful at hiding the fact that she’s a serial killer while being a celebrity for years, but she got busted because of MC and the company?
3) In Y7Ch37, Rakepick says: “'R', sir! I'll make you proud. I'll show you how ruthless I can be!”. But like… if she was killing for pleasure even before joining R, wouldn’t that be enough to show how ruthless she can be? I know she says this line in the insane route, so it doesn’t have to make perfect sense… but I still have to point out that it doesn’t make sense at all. It doesn’t even make much sense when you look only at that one chapter alone. She should rather say: “(…) how ruthless I can still be”.
Also, even if Rakepick joined R shortly before or during Y5… what even was R’s point of having Rakepick at Hogwarts? Like, I really have to ask: what was R’s fucking plan in the Portrait Vault? First of all, I find it hard to believe that they didn’t know that there’s nothing to take in the column of that Vault. There was no freaking treasure! There was just a Portkey back to Hogwarts and a trident, which was used for absolutely nothing. So, what were they hoping for Rakepick to get?
Alright, but for the sake of this discussion, let’s assume that R didn’t know that. They were expecting to gain something. It still doesn’t make sense, though. For example, why Rakepick took all of the kids with her? Sure, she said it’s dragon bait, but… Joke on her! Everybody spent the entire fight trapped under the debris! All she got are the witnesses of her betrayal! HMMM…
Moreover, I’m fairly certain Rakepick was fully aware that MC is capable of handling the dragon alone. I mean, she didn’t even try to help us herself. Let me remind you, she spent all that time holding the rocks:
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I still don’t get why wouldn’t she simply direct them at the dragon. But either way, she had to know that MC will get the job done. She mentored them for two years, after all. So, again… WHAT’S THE POINT OF THAT “DRAGON BAIT”?!
You know, even if R was hoping to get something out of the Portrait Vault, this is what Rakepick should’ve done:
Take MC to the Vault alone.
Help them defeat the dragon.
Let them open the Legilimency door.
Knock MC down.
Enter the inner chamber. Free Jacob, kill him. Transfigure him into a rock or something. Check if there’s anything to take.
Obliviate MC.
Tell MC that the curse was broken and that they feel weird because the door messed with their head.
The writers could have her exposed later somehow (because someone found something in her office, for example) if they still wanted to have her on the run, OR she could stay. Then, we’d know the truth, but MC wouldn’t. And honestly, if executed properly, I think it could be pretty interesting.
But of course, Jam City can’t execute properly anything! And nothing about Rakepick’s story adds up! Unless you see the option where all of the things I discussed above make sense. Then please, let me know.
Edit: Scenario #4.
The conclusion
Personally, I really don’t see how it could all work. And therefore, I have to say that Rakepick from Y7Ch37 is quite literally a different character than Y4 and Y5 Rakepick. All they have in common is the name. I’m pretty sure Jam City decided to retcon her character, and it probably happened around Y5Ch30. Then, Scenario #1 and #2 could kind of work.
And that being said… I think I might stop making HPHM theories, to be honest. At least when it comes to the new content (I still want to make that post about Rakepick and Snape being in cahoots I’ve been postponing forever, for example). To be clear, I’m NOT saying I won’t be posting about HPHM anymore. But I just don’t really see the point in making serious theories and predictions if Jam City apparently does whatever they want anyway.
Seriously, I was so excited when Merula was revealed as the mole, not only because I was right about it, but mainly because it was the first big reveal which made so many pieces fit into their places. And yes, Jam City totally screwed up the execution of this plotline, but it still gave me hope that they do follow some greater plan and that in the end, things will make sense – even if more casual players will wonder where it came from. But now? Eh…
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And you know what’s the worst? That it’s really the insane route that screws everything over. If not for that, Rakepick’s story could still be salvageable. And this is where I want to mention my mini theory I came up with the other day (even though I just said I’m done with it... I realise how it looks, okay?).
You see, as much as I hate the Father “plot twist”, it could work pretty well for one thing. Remember how all of MC’s visions were always signed as “Mysterious Voice”? Well, I’m pretty sure that the Father will turn out to be a Legilimens. I mean, the siblings are born Legilimenses, so they probably inherited it from someone, right? And I somehow feel it’s not their mum. Therefore, it’s quite possible, in my opinion, that the visions we got were in fact from the Father (at least some of them). It’d potentially even explain why the Mysterious Voice always called us per our First Name, and not “Pip”.
So, with that in mind, let’s take a look at the vision from the Vault of Ice:
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Sure, it could’ve been Jacob warning us about Rakepick. But don’t you think it’s interesting that it goes so well with R wanting Rakepick to stay away from the Cursed Vaults? Especially if we consider that Dumbledore was actually searching for Rakepick since Y1, so R might’ve known about it. Our Daddy seems to have a problem with Patty, and it’d be great to explore it. Admittedly, we have a little conflict here with the Father telling us to find the Vaults in Y2 and then to stay away from them in Y4. But I suppose it comes down to Rakepick. Before she arrived at Hogwarts, he wanted to prepare MC, just in case. But once Rakepick was there, he was like: “Well, I have Jacob anyway, so it’s better to keep MC away from all of it, especially that Rakepick might use them to her advantage”.
But of course, in the end, it doesn’t matter anyway! Because insane!Rakepick ruined it all! The only way I see how it could be fixed is if Rakepick’s insanity was an act, so she was basically lying. Why would she do that? Because MC who trapped her expected her to be insane – and so the players who chose that option. To be clear, I don’t believe that’s what happened. I’m pretty sure Jam City simply doesn’t care. Though I also have to point out that if Rakepick’s insanity is an act, it’d explain how she’s still able to conjure a freaking Patronus.
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lanamemories · 5 years
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hLO itsa me nai-io!!!!! (read shrieked in a high voice like mario if he buckled his dungarees too tight around the crotch)...... im sad i missed opening bt i had a pretty busy past 2 days so i didn’t hav any chance at all to b online bc i ws staying at a friends bt. anyway. excited to b here nw regardless of my Fashionably Late entrance. i’m 22 n live in manchester (the u freakin k Bay Bee) n cackle a little too mch like a witch fr supernatural suspicions nt to arise. thts all u rly need to kno. like this or hmu fr plots!! 
p.s. this is her pinterest for those of u tht like tht kind of thing
「 bridget satterlee. cis-female. 」have you seen lana jameson around yet? i hear SHE decided to be in ALPHA NU for their JUNIOR year as a DANCE major. the 21 year old SHEEP is known to be vivacious, alluring, childish and impulsive. ➨ the muse is written by nai. she is 22, in the gmt.
some random aesthetics: a red water pistol topped up with caribbean rum and covered in stickers of cartoon pin up girls, a vinyl record whirring silently because you got too distracted by a stranger’s hands to reach over and flip sides, giant inflatable flamingos floating in the aftermath of a pool party, smudgy lipstick kisses left like an autograph on someone else’s mirror, seventies platforms covered in bowie inspired lightening stripes, fanning the flush in your cheeks with a bright red flamenco fan in the back of a crowded lecture hall, michelangelo reminiscent statures clasping at their stone in suggestive places, bopping stranger’s on the forehead with heart shaped lollipops, a bumper sticker on the back of a convertible cadillac that says ‘SCRAPPY DOO IS A FILTHY SLUT’, lighting a paper lantern and saying “aw, how pretty,” only for the whole party to shriek as it crashes into a children’s tent in the next garden over, a ball point pen that turns a woman naked when you click up the nib, cackling so ferociously that you almost throw up and your ribs ache.
ok im a Lay Zee gorl n dnt wna waste any mre time redoin lana’s intro so im pastin in her old one so i cn hop right to interactions. the only thing i can think tht needs to b added is the stuff abt danny nielsen (an evil npc of mine bc im a sadist) who recently beat up zeke van doren (full name this is Official feel like im writin a journalist article) bc he found out him n lana slept tgether n her n danny were kind of dating if....u can call his idea of romance tht. danny is in custody nw bt its a whole Thing like.... is prob... known around lockwood bc it ws a pretty intense..... thing tht happened n danny ws quite a popular senior
grew up in a big house in albany, NY, bt also spent time all over the place n was in the city a lot
okay so her mum is an old money socialite / three time campaign model way back when n her dad is a big record label mogul. he owns a label called jameson records n they repped a few big rock bands back in the eighties, altho they’re mostly known for ‘poppy injects’ whose lead singer had a big heroin scandal tht brought down his career. lana p much grew up around musicians snorting lines instead of spooning down cereal fr breakfast n her parents were v much absent her whole life
they’re pretty well off obviously n bc of her relation to such a big music industry figure she’s hung out w a fair few relatively high rep ppl thru her teens. she amassed kind of an instagram following mainly fr her style (v penny lane-esque in some aspects aka lots of fur cuff trimmed jackets bt then also jst…. a wild combination of everything honestly. pastel faux fur coats, seventies style platforms, flame red cowboy boots, pink fishnet tights n glitter used like highlight Everywhere) n bc she’s undeniably very pretty
her parents always kind of jst… didn’t like her. it was v clear that she was an accident after her older brother caleb n that even when they just had him alone they weren’t cut out for parenthood. they always kind of jst… ignored her n hoped she’d go away. she had to mke herself microwave meals when she ws only like 12 bc they’d forget to get her anything. once she went like 6 days without her mum even looking her in the eyes once
despite this tho!!! she’s always been insanely close w her brother caleb. he’s her whole world. thts why when he decided to sign up to the army she ws understandably scared bt supported him after initially bein mad tht he ws leavin her all alone. bt then he wound up getting discharged under grounds of severe ptsd when he witnessed his best friend die in an explosion tht took place in a shock raid. caleb returned home n he was never the same n lana kind of felt like he’d died out there too. he’s in n out of hospital a lot n it’s rly hard on her bt she doesn’t tlk abt it to anyone rly
growing up lana was always a huge social butterfly. jst literally…. knew everyone n everyone definitely knew her. she ws one of those girls tht ws kind of impossible to ignore or forget. very animated, always made u feel like u were the centre of the universe whenever she spoke to u, always made it feel like u were best friends even if ud only spoken to her once. she has this magnetic way abt her tht is kind of hard to find in real life. it’s something ud only rly expect out of a movie character n she like. deliberately puts tht on sort of. kind of.... is always playing A Role of the person tht she wants to b seen as
she’s always been insatiably spontaneous n adventurous. always doing something weird n wild every weekend. she has ten thousand stories tht always earn a laugh or a gasp over how ridiculously absurd they r
anyway so after caleb got back he was rly withdrawn n depressed. he shut lana out n was kind of harsh to her a lot of the time, always telling her to leave him alone or pushing her away. it didnt help either tht lana had a rly traumatic experience w some of her dad’s colleagues at the label when she ws 16 n he was away n she cldnt even tell him abt it once he was bk bc of his own traumas. she kind of jst shut it all in n kept it to herself
this obviously?? made her spiral a lot. she was already a girl tht loved sex (she’d only rly done foreplay before tho) but since her trauma it got…. completely out of hand. it got to a point where she couldnt rly go 2 days without it, probably not even 1. her lowest point has probably been scrolling thru craiglist for anonymous encounters n meeting up w strangers on there fr a quick fuck jst for the thrill even tho it’s insanely dangerous n she cld wind up getting herself killed. it’s v clear at this point tht she has a sex addiction whether she’s ever admitted it or not
she also currently? is working as a cam girl. she found this website bc she trawls… porn stuff a lot n she wound up applying to work as one bc she thought it’d b fun n wld earn her some disposal income (even tho she frankly doesn’t need it bc she’s already well off). the guy tht manages all of the girls on the site is kind of suspect n it’s a whole plot i’m gna unravel where it’s actually like the front for a cult or something wild so. stay posted ig. kgjdkgjh
personality/some fun facts: uncontrollably flirty. boundlessly confident. cld make a joke out a paper bag n her comedy is sometimes surreal / absurd. she tends to laugh when she feels like crying n has a smile brighter than a ray of texas sunshine. always dapples her fingers thru the breeze when she’s driving in a car w the window down. her fav book as a child used to b alice in wonderland n she’d fantasise abt having her own little wonderland too where everyone knew her name n asked her things n took her on adventures. at the time it didn’t rly strike her how evident it was tht that was bc she was so lonely. she almost always has some sort of sweet on her, whether it’s strawberry laces or gummy bears or cherry lollipops. she adores david bowie n prince n madonna n anyone tht’s a vintage style icon w little care fr what ppl think. wildflowers r her favourites bc they’re the brightest and u can’t buy them. she’s had like 8472493874 ‘relationships’ n none of them hav lasted beyond a month / hav been terrible / hav seen her being treated badly / she’s cheated on them. i dnt think she’s actually been w anyone she hasn’t cheated on in some form or another
plot ideas: exes tht lana’s fucked over hideously. she’d probably cheat a lot and it’d be a whole…mess. mayb someone tht flipped the switch and cheated on her? a cousin plot cld b fun too. a friend tht lana fel out w bc she slept w their significant other. someone tht’s getting lana into drugs?? she’s kind of impressionable/down for anything so tht’s a likely scenario she’d get into tbh. an unrequited crush!! (either way is cool). someone tht is just hanging out w her/using her bc she has a lot of instagram followers or they want to b signed to her dad’s label. someone in a band!! she’d probably make like penny lane n b their groupie/sleep w them all fgjkshgkh. umm a good influence too mayb? oh and a past summer romance/fling tht cld either have meant a lot or not have meant anything at all. bonus points if both of them hav a diff viewpoint on it. honestly?? anything is fine i cld ramble for days
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lanasaved · 5 years
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cue me, clanking noisily at a nearby manhole as i attempt to scrabble my way bk out of the sewer like the stinky little rat tht i am. enchanté, ghouls! some of u might remember me (nai/from manchester so i pronounce things like a gallagher brother n i’m profusely sry abt it) bt if nt i hd to drop off the face of the Earth rp wise fr a hot minute there bt now im bk n i couldn’t resist reviving lana so???? here we r. u kno the drill more abt her under the cut!!
( cis-female ) haven’t seen LANA JAMESON around in a while. the KRISTINE FROSETH lookalike has been known to be (+) VIVACIOUS & (+) ALLURING, but SHE can also be (-) UNRELIABLE & (-) CARELESS. The 22 year old is a SOPHOMORE majoring in BALLET. I believe they’re living in AUDAX but I popped by earlier and no one answered the door. ( nai. 22. gmt. she/ha/the beast from split. )
some random aesthetics: a red water pistol topped up with caribbean rum and covered in stickers of cartoon pin up girls, a vinyl record whirring silently because you got too distracted by a stranger’s hands to reach over and flip sides, giant inflatable flamingos floating in the aftermath of a pool party, smudgy lipstick kisses left like an autograph on someone else’s mirror
SO i think in terms of explainin where she’s been fr the past month i’m gna say tht she didn’t rly.... tell a lot of ppl??? probably only a select few bt to others im guessin she was pretty vague bc she hates discussin anythin serious/personal. anyway essentially she’s been back @ home helpin her brother out n i won’t elaborate much more bc im a thot
frm this point on ive jst pasted her old intro bc im the laziest woman alive n that’s jst life Babey
she’s local to the ny area i jst havent decided where exactly she grew up tbh. probably somewhere upstate
okay so her mum is an old money socialite / three time campaign model way back when n her dad is a big record label mogul. he owns a label called jameson records n they repped a few rly big rock bands back in the eighties, altho they’re mostly known for ‘poppy injects’ whose lead singer had a big heroin scandal tht brought down his career. lana p much grew up around musicians snorting lines instead of spooning down cereal fr breakfast n her parents were v much absent her whole life
they’re pretty well off obviously n bc of her relation to such a big music industry figure she’s hung out w a fair few relatively high rep ppl thru her teens. she amassed kind of an instagram following mainly fr her style (v penny lane-esque in some aspects aka lots of fur cuff trimmed jackets bt then also jst.... a wild combination of everything honestly. pastel faux fur coats, seventies style platforms, flame red cowboy boots, pastel coloured fishnet tights n glitter used like highlight Everywhere) n bc she’s undeniably very pretty
her parents always kind of jst… didn’t like her. it was v clear that she was an accident after her older brother caleb n that even when they just had him alone they weren’t cut out for parenthood. they always kind of jst… ignored her n hoped she’d go away. she had to mke herself microwave meals when she ws only like 12 bc they’d forget to get her anything. once she went like 6 days without her mum even looking her in the eyes once
despite this tho!!! she’s always been insanely close w her brother caleb. he’s her whole world. thts why when he decided to sign up to the army she ws understandably scared bt supported him regardless. bt then he wound up getting discharged under grounds of severe ptsd when he witnessed his best friend die in an explosion tht took place in a shock raid. caleb returned home n he was never the same n lana kind of felt like he’d died out there too. he’s in n out of hospital a lot n it’s rly hard on her bt she doesn’t tlk abt it to anyone rly
growing up lana was always a huge social butterfly. jst literally…. knew everyone n everyone definitely knew her. she ws one of those girls tht ws kind of impossible to ignore or forget. very animated, always made u feel like u were the centre of the universe whenever she spoke to u, always made it feel like u were best friends even if ud only spoken to her once. she has this magnetic way abt her tht is kind of hard to find in real life. it’s something ud only rly expect out of a movie character
she’s always been insatiably spontaneous n adventurous. always doing something weird n wild every weekend. she has ten thousand stories tht always earn a laugh or a gasp over how ridiculously absurd they r
anyway so after caleb got back he was rly withdrawn n depressed. he shut lana out n was kind of harsh to her a lot of the time, always telling her to leave him alone or pushing her away. it didnt help either tht lana had a rly traumatic experience w some of her dad’s colleagues at the label when she ws 16 n he was away n she cldnt even tell him abt it once he was bk bc of his own traumas. she kind of jst shut it all in n kept it to herself
this obviously?? made her spiral a lot. she was already a girl tht loved sex (she’d only rly done foreplay before tho) but since her trauma it got…. completely out of hand. it got to a point where she couldnt rly go 2 days without it, probably not even 1. her lowest point has probably been scrolling thru craiglist for anonymous encounters n meeting up w strangers on there fr a quick fuck jst for the thrill even tho it’s insanely dangerous n she cld wind up getting herself killed. it’s v clear at this point tht she has a sex addiction whether she’s ever admitted it or not. in fact she’s so… shameless in her endeavours tht she’s actually currently having an affair w her ballet instructor tanya who’s engaged to b married
she also currently? is working as a cam girl. she found this website bc she trawls… porn stuff a lot n she wound up applying to work as one bc she thought it’d b fun n wld earn her some disposal income (even tho she frankly doesn’t need it bc she’s already well off). the guy tht manages all of the girls on the site is kind of suspect n it’s a whole plot i’m gna unravel where it’s actually like the front for a cult or something wild so. stay posted ig. kgjdkgjh
new development!!!!!!!! cue me trottin around doin jazz hands. she’s actually been cut off by her dad so she’s….. living off the money she has left n has to look to find a job which is jst. a nightmare fr someone like lana bc she’s insatiably irresponsible n destined to be fired from anything she tries to hold down bt. it’ll be interesting bc this means she genuinely has to keep on camming even tho she’s starting not to want to any more bc of other circumstances i won’t elaborate on jst yet winks
personality/some fun facts: uncontrollably flirty. boundlessly confident. cld make a joke out a paper bag n her comedy is sometimes surreal / absurd. she tends to laugh when she feels like crying n has a smile brighter than a ray of texas sunshine. always dapples her fingers thru the breeze when she’s driving in a car w the window down. her fav book as a child used to b alice in wonderland n she’d fantasise abt having her own little wonderland too where everyone knew her name n asked her things n took her on adventures. at the time it didn’t rly strike her how evident it was tht that was bc she was so lonely. she almost always has some sort of sweet on her, whether it’s strawberry laces or gummy bears or cherry lollipops. she adores david bowie n prince n madonna n anyone tht’s a vintage style icon w little care fr what ppl think. wildflowers r her favourites bc they’re the brightest and u can’t buy them. she’s had like 8472493874 ‘relationships’ n none of them hav lasted beyond a month / hav been terrible / hav seen her being treated badly / she’s cheated on them. i dnt think she’s actually been w anyone she hasn’t cheated on in some form or another
plot ideas: exes tht lana’s fucked over hideously. she’d probably cheat a lot and it’d be a whole…mess. mayb someone tht flipped the switch and cheated on her? a cousin plot cld b fun too. a friend tht lana fel out w bc she slept w their significant other. someone tht’s getting lana into drugs?? she’s kind of impressionable/down for anything so tht’s a likely scenario she’d get into tbh. an unrequited crush!! (either way is cool). someone tht is just hanging out w her/using her bc she has a lot of instagram followers or they want to b signed to her dad’s label. someone in a band!! she’d probably make like penny lane n b their groupie/sleep w them all fgjkshgkh. umm a good influence too mayb? oh and a past summer romance/fling tht cld either have meant a lot or not have meant anything at all. bonus points if both of them hav a diff viewpoint on it. honestly?? anything is fine i cld ramble for days. let’s get wildt!
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Let's spice things up a bit; ANSWER ALL OF THE QUESTIONS
oh baby, you answered m prayers lol this is gonna be long so buckle up ?
1. favourite place in your country? my hill station, because of the weather, and because i haven’t been to many places, and the ones that i have been to were extremely hot and i never want to go there again,
2. do you prefer spending your holidays in your country or travel abroad? depends on the holidays tbh. what the festivals the holidays fall near and that. i’d stay here for some, but for the ones that we don’t celebrate in my country like Halloween, i’d like to go abroad.
3. does your country have access to sea? peninsula, babey!
4. favourite dish specific for your country? chicken biryani. boy, oh boy, just thinking about it makes my mouth water. it’s that good. gosh, the flavour, the spice. the way they cook it,,,, the colours ahhhh
5. favourite song in your native language? ones made before the 60s. and the patriotic songs. there are too many to name, but two (non patriotic) ones are this and this (because they’re sad love songs and give me flyboys feels ya kno?)
6. most hated song in your native language? like, as a nation? idk. but personally, i hate, absolutely loathe any songs made after the 60s. they lack originality and creativity. all they did was rip off popular english songs, and changed the lyrics. that’s literally all they did. and they are super proud of it. i hate it. the music industry had gone to complete shit. even today they don’t know what good music is and ow to make it. they’re remixing all the old ones because they lack creativity. i hate it. 
7. three words from your native language that you like the most? i don’t like any three words, because they’re not that appealing on their own (not the ones i can think of right at this moment) but rather, phrases. when you string those words and make poetry or prose. it’s really beautiful, and really poetic. perhaps the best ones are in those two songs, and others like them.
8. do you get confused with other nationalities? if so, which ones and by whom? i haven’t been in a situation like that so i can’t say.
9. which of your neighbouring countries would you like to visit most/know best? probably Russia because the ones right next to me are exactly the same in topographical, cultural and architectural respects. there’s literally nothing new to see there, so i’d like to go to Russia.
10. most enjoyable swear word in your native language? so it’s basically three: bhenchod/madarchod/chutiya. all of them mean motherfucker in their basic essence, but are used to describe people, cuss out people, call your pal, so basically, the hindi equivalent of fuck. can be used as adjectives, prepositions, verbs, nouns, whatnot. can be used individually or all together. perhaps splash one of them in a conversation to make the group giggle a bit more while telling a funny story. 
11. favourite native writer/poet? the ones who wrote nationalistic literature during the freedom struggle. so, to say, i like Sarojni Naidu, and Tagore. they’re perhaps the most famous ones of the time, and i like their work. 
12. what do you think about English translations of your favourite native prose/poem? i don’t have any, because they’re already written in english by the authors. i read a poem or two lying around somewhere, but the thing about hindi is that the translations don’t bear the same feelings as the originals. 
13. does your country (or family) have any specific superstitions or traditions that might seem strange to outsiders?  oh there are too many. too many by far. most of them are the usual black cat and others, oh, one i heard when i was in like 4th grade was that you shouldn’t go out with open wet hair at night because a spirit can get caught in em and come home with you. so that was strange. my family doesn’t have any, we’re rather realistic.
14. do you enjoy your country’s cinema and/or TV? no not in the least. you know why? because of this. i swear to fuck, the person who uploaded this compilation didn’t edit a single thing in. how do i know? because i’ve watched these on actual television. when i was young. in my neighbour’s tv. 
15. a saying, joke, or hermetic meme that only people from your country will get? remember when some of you motherfuckers got offended by bitch lasagna because you lack basic understanding what a fucking joke is? you don’t know what satire is? you are the reason why people think indians have no sense of humour because you DON’T it was a fucking JOKE holy shit i’m so triggered by this
16. which stereotype about your country you hate the most and which one you somewhat agree with? haven’t heard of many stereotypes about us, but the laziest one i can think of is that we can do math and are good at science. we’re not. i’m shit at all of that. so are my 34 other classmates. 
17. are you interested in your country’s history?  not really, tbh. maybe the period just before independence, and some post-independence stuff, because i got dirt on those politicians and i want more of that so that i have a reasonable justification for hating politicians.
18. do you speak with a dialect of your native language? i don’t know, maybe i’m so used to it i don’t even realise lol. but i guess so.
19. do you like your country’s flag and/or emblem? what about the national anthem? YES. YES. YES. i love them. i absolutely adore them. the flag is so symbolic and so beautiful i love her (orange on top for sacrifice, white in the middle for purity, green at the bottom for prosperity, the blue circle in the middle for resolution and justice, just ahhhh). the national anthem always gives me the chills. everytime i hear it playing somewhere, or when we sing it sometimes after assembly, or during days like today (independence day) or republic day, when we finish singing the last line it just always makes me a bit emotional and proud? yeah. today i almost started crying because i love it so much.
20. which sport is The Sport in your country? Cricket. even though the national sport is hockey. no one cares about hockey :(
21. if you could send two things from your country into space, what would they be?  the memers who think they’re very funny, (which they are not in the least), and the anti nationalists and separatists. i do not want them here. get lost. fuck off. shooo.
22. what makes you proud about your country? what makes you ashamed? what makes me proud, is the freedom struggle of the revolutionaries, and the progress we’re making in every field, the hospitality of the people, and the unity in diversity. what makes me ashamed is that there’s still so much corruption in the government, can’t help it, the law’s delay, gosh the people who think they’’re better than everybody else, the entertainment industry, the music industry, some of the people, most of the politicians, etc.
23. which alcoholic beverage is the favoured one in your country? bold of you to assume we have a single favourite beverage for the entire country. i think it varies from state to state. for mine i think it may be something apple related, because we have lots of apples here. the season is also coming lol and also, it’s very confusing because some states have completely banned alcohol and in some the legal drinking age is 18. 
24. what other nation is joked about most often in your country? canada and ‘murica mostly because so many people immigrate there 
25. would you like to come from another place, be born in another country? i’d like to be British, because  i like the aesthetic and weather. 
26. does your nationality get portrayed in Hollywood/American media? what do you think about the portrayal? i don’t watch many movies, but i think it’s not much/a small amount and neither do i mind nor do i care. 
27. favourite national celebrity? no one. i hate all of them.
28. does your country have a lot of lakes, mountains, rivers? do you have favourites? yep!! she’s not called a subcontinent for nothing, babey! i live near the Himalayas, so i like that.
29. does your region/city have a beef with another place in your country? oooooh yes. ooooooooooh  boy. with Pakistan lol. mainly because of the union territory of jammu and kashmir. because pakistan wants it, we want it, and it legally also belongs to us. there’s separatists there, anti nationalists, and there’s poverty there, so it’s easy to instigate the people against the government. there were wars fought for it, most of them ended in our favour, but the other side is still making so many ceasefire violations, it is insane. it has been years, and every other day there’s a new violation. there’s lots of unrest in the valley, which is a shame, because it is a truly beautiful place. 
30. do you have people of different nationalities in your family? my uncle is British, my cousin’s husband is also a Brit. a great-grand relative of mine was also British. there are none on my mother’s side.
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weaverlings · 5 years
Personal Acoustics
Summary: Time isn't real. Perception is linear. Carlos cannot measure his experiences any more than he can stop them, but he knows where to call home. 
More post-It Devours! stuff, aaand this probably isn’t going to be the last. I have my doubts about the pacing of this one, because I wrote the second half first, and did so on my phone at like 4am. So the first half had to fit a particular detail.
Still, I think it's got some solid components. I've been working on this off and on for about a week, and I just desperately needed to finish it today, because, y’know, I listened to Old Oak Doors and got really emotional.
AO3 Link
Carlos slipped his lab coat back onto its hanger. He smoothed the crease at the edge, so that it hung straight, crisp and clean. Just right.
And then he could not stand the sight of it, even there among all the others.
He did not remember, as such. It did not feel like he was doing anything, and so it would not have been scientifically accurate to use a verb. But he had this memory. There was a memory, and it just kind of came up, whether he did anything or not.
Absent the framework provided by a distant, merciless density of gas and heat, he could not say if it had been a day. He took off his lab coat, anyway, and shook it out. It hung from his hands, crisp and clean. Just right.
He had torn the on a rock earlier. It had been covered with dust, stained; he had looked down at himself and worried about the sticky, faintly acidic barbecue sauce that had splashed on him when he got too close to Doug's freshly-caught lunch.
It was gone. So, too, was the rip. He ran the unbroken hem through his fingertips.
Standing in front of the closet, Carlos snatched up the unbroken hem of the coat, clenched his fingers in it. The fabric bunched, and, when he released his grip, it stayed wrinkled.
He stared at it, then berated himself, "Oh. Oh, darn it, of course, of course it's - That's how it works. It's science."
He tugged the coat, still on the hanger, out of the closet. Only enough to work the wrinkles over his palm, doing his best to smooth it out again.
"Bunny? What's wrong?"
Cecil was in bed already. His reading glasses perched on the edge of his nose as he looked over, which was, to use the correct scientific language, just adorable. And also, present. Cecil was present, in front of Carlos, where he could see this expression and reach out to touch his husband, if he wanted to. He did want to, actually.
But, one thing at a time. They had a routine. Carlos had to finish changing clothes. Then he could get into bed, snuggle his husband, and ultimately sleep touching each other all night. There would be so much physical contact, and he tried to use this knowledge to make himself relax.
"Um. Um, it's fine. I mean, I did think it might not be, for a minute there. But it is. Scientifically speaking - which in this case means, looking at the situation objectively - it's fine."
"Alright. Good…"
Carlos did not look at Cecil as he finished selecting his pajamas. He sorted through the drawer, through various patterns organized by subject. Cats, dogs, or pawprints. No, not tonight.
Okay, but. Carlos could feel Cecil watching him. Hold on. Task at hand. Flowers or cacti. Blocks from the periodic table or molecules.
Hmm, no. Nope.
He glanced over his shoulder, just once. Cecil was looking at his phone. Carlos was pretty sure Cecil hadn't been, a second ago, but he was now.
Carlos pulled out the bottoms that superimposed scientifically accurate images of the bone structure of flamingo legs over his own. Few humans had that many legs, so it wasn't exactly right, but the tank top had a completely accurate diagram of their whole skeletal structure. It balanced out. That would do.      
Carlos pulled the top over his head, and marched to the edge of the bed. He leaned across his side, bracing his hands on the mattress, and squinted at Cecil.
"Do not look at me like that, and pretend you're not doing it. I can tell. You're worried about something. What is it?"
"Uh. You?" Cecil pushed his glasses back up, and leaned back onto the headboard. He offered an apologetic smile, which Carlos returned.
"You're sweet. But what about me? I want to work this out now, rather than hear about it tomorrow."
"Well, you're obviously tense." Cecil stuck his fingers into his own curls, and tugged at them anxiously. "I mean, I'm glad it's fine. But. I was wondering. What did you think was wrong?"
"Hmm." Carlos climbed onto the bed, and settled back onto his heels. He folded his arms over his chest. This was mainly a gesture of consideration. It was also defensive, as in, he felt vulnerable and in need of defense, rather than like he was being attacked.
"Well, I just, um. Let's see. There's a certain scientific phenomenon. Have you ever looked at a word, and the word started with a certain letter, and ended with another one, and it was about the right length as another word that starts and ends with those same letters? So you read one word, but actually, the word that's there is a different one?"
"I know what you mean. I don't know anything about the science behind it, but it sounds very interesting."
"Mmm," Carlos said. A protest. Almost a whine, which he did not like the sound of, so he cleared his throat. "Not always. Sometimes, it is difficult. Anyway, that is not what happened, but it is something like that. I thought I experienced one thing, but I experienced another."
"Okay… You don't have to tell me. And I won't say anything about it tomorrow, I promise."
"I know. I know you won't. I'm sorry for suggesting that you would, I just… We all process these things differently."
"Right. And that's okay. I guess I just worry, when, you know. You process these things alone for so long, and it doesn't really seem to help."
For so long. Such unspecific language. But then, at least it was language. At least Cecil was trying. Carlos was not doing anything. He was not fixed to any particular point. He was not remembering.
Carlos gave Cecil a long, disturbingly fluid look. Deep. Distant. Again not really seeing what was in front of him, maybe, or seeing it through something that warped, shifted.
"You know? You said once that I was away from home for longer than I have known you. I understand how you were processing the available information to reach that conclusion."
He lined his hands up over one another in his lap, fingers slotted between each other perfectly, or, not quite. The spacing didn't really allow for that. The indices and pinkies were mismatched. He pressed them as flat as he could.
"But I have to tell you: you were wrong. You see, I have known you for over ten years. So, I have known you for much longer than you have known me, although we had a consistent number of interactions, and also, expressing this as 'years' may not be scientifically accurate. I've been thinking about it lately. And before lately. I've been thinking about it, um, a lot. If it isn't time, then it's experience. I have over ten years of experience with you."
Cecil drew back; not truly pulling away, just moving so that he could see more of his husband. He said, "I see. That… makes sense."
"No, not really. But you understand."
Cecil nodded.
Carlos nodded back, without answering. He shifted, and Cecil gave him time to adjust. The scientist twisted onto his side, and rested his head on his husband's lap, with an arm stretching around Cecil's back to place a hand on his hip.
Cecil touched Carlos' side, started stroking idly, but stopped when he registered that he was only one layer of clothing away from Carlos' skin.
"Is this alright?" Cecil asked.
"Yeah. Don't stop. Please."
So Cecil resumed the motion, and Carlos resumed talking.
"I've missed you for most of the time that I've known you. That's why I came back. One reason. I thought to myself, well, he's just one guy, I'll get over-"
Cecil huffed, and Carlos shushed him.
"But I never meant that thought. In those months - that time - that experience between calls, I never wanted that. I didn't want to miss you anymore, but I wanted that to be a process of our time and space matching."
Carlos rolled onto his back, and Cecil leaned over him, looking into his face. The hand that had been on Carlos' side rested now on his stomach. Carlos reached up to brush Cecil's hair back and when it would not stay behind his ear, Carlos caught a strand around his fingertip, instead.
His voice was low, a little hoarse, like he could only just scrape the words out. "I have missed you for longer than you have known me. That is true. That is what we call a fact, scientifically speaking. I missed you, Cecil. I missed light from the sun, and nighttime as a whole concept, and regular meals, if I'm being honest, which I am, possibly more than I should be. And you."
He let that curl unwind from his hand, and touched Cecil's cheek.
"Oh, Carlos." Cecil moved his husband's hand to his lips, and kissed his fingertips, one at a time. Index, and then: "Dear Carlos…"
Middle. Ring.
"Does it feel like…"
"You still miss these things, sometimes?"  
Tracing his lips back the way they came, shifting Carlos' hand up to kiss his thumb last. "A lot of the time, even?"
He was using his radio voice, filling the space, in the room, in between Carlos' vertebrae, even without much volume. Carlos shivered, and Cecil ran his thumb over his husband's knuckles.
"Yeah. I do.," Carlos answered. "Sorry."
Cecil squinted. "Why are you sorry?"
"They're right here. All of those things. You. So."
"I mean, yes. Just so you know. But you don't need to apologize for feeling otherwise."
"But it's so, so... unscientific." Which was not, in fact, the right word, scientifically speaking. But it was the one Carlos was most comfortable using. "I am here. I understand that our sensory experiences are fragile and often misguided, but even so, that is what we have. And all of my senses tell me, I'm here, and not there. I even know why I feel like I'm there sometimes. I know how the brain works. I'm a scientist, so I know all about thinking, and it is the brain that thinks."
"You are a scientist. A very handsome one. You use your senses all the time, and I am sure it is scary, to doubt them. All of us have been scientists at one point or another, scared, doubting our senses, but you… You are a scientist all the time. So it must be difficult for you, this doubt."
Cecil slipped a hand under Carlos' back. Carlos let Cecil help him sit up, and he was glad, then, that he had gotten distracted. Without his lab coat, there was the warmth of his husband's body, right against him. It was almost overwhelming, just a shade short of it. His skin prickled, but with a sweet, nameless thing so intense that he could not doubt his surroundings.
He would want a lab coat soon. But in that moment, when he wrapped his arms around Cecil, and they exchanged heat and skin cells and the sensation of each other's heartbeat, he did not.
He closed his eyes, and made a muffled noise into Cecil's neck. This time, Cecil shushed him, and Carlos complied.
"My dearest listener… If you cannot trust your senses, then trust my words. Trust that I can feel you in my arms, that I can see you, beautiful, imperfect, present. You are home, and I am so very grateful. I would enact significant changes to the physical form of anyone who tried to change this."
Carlos laughed, and Cecil twitched as his husband's breath tickled on his neck. The scientist murmured, "Really, now?"
"Oh, yes," Cecil answered gravely. "But I do not think anyone is going to try. So. You're here. You are safe now. That's all. All that matters."
Carlos lifted his head, and pressed a sequence of short, firm kisses to Cecil's jawline. "Ceec. You have such convincing acoustics, scientifically speaking."
Cecil's face flushed. "Well, I had better. You know."
Carlos placed both hands against Cecil's face, holding him without applying any force. "Oh, no. It's different. Hearing you like this. These are personal acoustics. But really, it's you, more than it is the acoustics. I trust you. You don't always know what to say, but it would be kind of bizarre if you did."
He kissed his husband again, once, slower. "And when you know, you really know."
"Well… I know you, don't I?" Cecil said, sounding maybe half a lungful away from breathless. "Why don't you finish getting ready for bed?"
"Mhmm. Just a minute."
"Turn the lights out while you're up?"
"Sure, babe."
It didn't take long. Carlos pulled on his sleep-lab coat, and flipped off the light. In that instant of absolute darkness, before his pupils dilated in the thin moonlight, he was disoriented. This was normal. This was human. And. And he then he could see enough to make out Cecil's expression, now anticipatory, with his glasses now left folded on the side table. Carlos could reach out to touch his husband, if he wanted to. He did want to.
They slept touching each other all night.  
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tumblunni · 5 years
For the kingdom hearts asks: choose your top 4 questions. 😆
1. Where would have been your home world?
Maybe Halloween Town? Or one of the final fatasy crossover places.
2. What would be your starting keyblade?
I like Fenrir, I think it pulls off the ‘looks like a car key’ thing better than riku’s new keyblade in 3. Like its not just straight up a regular car key with no additional decorations, like how the regular keyblade isnt a regular key with no decorations. Just having some weird patterns and bandages on the thing makes it neater! Also kinda resembles the key to the temple of the ancients from orignal ff7.
Tho if i had to choose between only ones that were already starting keyblades in other games, I’d say i like Aqua’s one the best. Its neat with that weird lazery hollow key shape effect
3. How many allies would you have with you as you travel?
4. If in a party, what would be your main role (e.g. tank, healer, synthesizer, etc.)
combination tank/damage dealer. Runs into the front lines with zero strategy except smacking stuff and Protect Friemds
5. What would be your command list if you were a D-Link? Limit to 5 commands!
Oh man I actually dont really know how D-Links work cos BBS is one the games i never finished. But uhh probably defense and counterattack stuff?
6. What would be your fighting style?
oh uhh ok better to explain it here! I’d like to be a tanky punchyness, someone who maybe isnt exactly the strongest but they can just keep attacking and annoying the fuck out of the enemy forever. In a party i’d be based around drawing aggro and protecting my friends from attacks but also maybe have some trickstery counter atatcks that give me potential to deal some damage if i get lucky.
7. What would you prioritize? Power, Magic, or Speed?
LOL i always thought it was weird that the mobile game picked those as the three elements when the main trio of the game is clearly power, magic and DEFENSE. and theres loads of enemies who are defense specialists too! i’d be that!! I wanna just be like the annoying Large Body enemy. Big cuddly person who protect they friends to the point its gamebreaking, lol!
8. What would be your ability as a support medal? BONUS, state if it's a single-target or all-target attack, and your SP cost!
Oh man im not very good at the mobile game lol XD I might say a buff defense or lower enemy attack thing cos just those are most necessary to not die in that damn hard game. or if i could have anything even stuff that isnt already possible in the game, then i’d like to be a counterattack! something like if the enemy has buffed themselves you reverse it into debuffs, or you reflect their whole attack. but itd have to have an element of chance to it so maybe it only works if you sacrifice something else, or just on a random flip a coin thing?
9. If you could be partners with one character in the series, who would it be?
or from the original characters I WANT VEXEN TO BE MY NEW DAD
10. What KHX/KHUX union would you belong to?
in the game i picked the snake one cos i like snake
ive been playing for ages and i still know nothing about what the damn difference is or what the personalites are of any of the bosses
11. What is your favorite magic spell?
its been ages since i played the original games but i recall that i used thunder a lot cos i am bad at aiming, lol
12. Doublejump or glide?
13. Cure or esuna?
cure lol! status effects dont happen often enough to make esuna a mainstay
14. What would be your dodging move?
the goofy kabuki theater dodge pose Quina does in ff9
15. What would you have forgotten in Castle Oblivion?
Probably some sort of dark shit like “your wish is granted to forget your childhood abuse but youre left not knowing who you are because that stuff shaped you from such a young age that its become an unremoveable part of your identity”
16. Would your nobody be just another creature? Or would they belong to the Organization?
seriously im still SO mad that all the sentient nobodies look like boring people instead of cool creatures
17. What would your costume look like in Halloween Town?
oh does anyone remember that time i drew myself a ghostsona? yeah like that! fancy top hat and coattails spoopy~!
18. What sea-creature would you be in Atlantica?
Maybe that ‘sea bunny’ underwater slug species?
19. If you could have one dream eater with you in  your travels, what would it be?
aaaa i havent played KHDDD yet but all of them look so cute and im excited to meet them and find out my favourites!
20. Would you want to travel with a heartless/nobody/unversed with you as a buddy?
seriously 90% of all my thoughts and posts on this series are just IMMA LOVV THE DARKNESS I WOULD GIVE MYSELF TO THE DARKNESS INSTANTLY TO HUG THESE BABS
21. What would you do if you had free time in a world and didn't have to fight?
22. In battle, do you prioritize speed or accuracy?
i have no depth perception lol, no accuracy in this house
23. What would be your command style? (2 max!)
i aint play BBS! i aint know! *le shrug*
24. What would be your keyblade transformation?
I aint play kh3 either!
25. What drive form would you use?
26. What would you mainly use flowmotion for?
I aint play KHDDD and also with my bad accuracy i would primarily use it for falling off buildings
27. Would you rely on cure magic, or items for healing?
when i played i was always more of a magicker healer. i feel like itd be the only spell that my khsona has on a mostly physical attack set
28. What would be your break time move?
*breakdancing softly* i aint play BBS dude, i dont kno dis shit
29. What are you better at? Ice cream beat, rumble racing, or fruitball?
it is amazing how much BBS i have not played
30. Would you know how to pilot a gummi ship?
NO i cant even ride a bike IRL lol
31. Would you use the darkness as a weapon?
YES but also NO i would use the darkness as a hugs i would just befriend a bunch of heartless like the dream eaters and cuddle them til they stop being evil
32. WILDCARD, ask me anything!
UHHHH go ahead guys!
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bastardnev · 6 years
That Guy Next Door
im finally fuckin posting this dad au fic im losing it, i meant to post this earlier but tumblr kept glitching so!!! here it is!!
anyways as i’ve said a few times already, this fic will be updating on a weekly basis, which means that there’s gonna be one new chapter every friday until all of them have been uploaded. i hope you all enjoy this fic as much as i enjoyed writing it!!
link to ao3
tagging: @tylerblacks @joonhobi @rivela @aliciasfox @sailor-slam-dunk @kidvoodoo @smolsammich  @simulated-heat @douglas-leon-michael (lemme kno if you wanna be added to my tag list!!)
Chapters: 1/16 Fandom: World Wrestling Entertainment, Professional Wrestling Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Mustafa Ali/Pac | Adrian Neville, Other Relationship Tags to Be Added Characters: Mustafa Ali, Pac | Adrian Neville, Wade Barrett, Original Child Character(s), Other Character Tags to Be Added Additional Tags: Rating will go up, wink wonk, Parenthood, Single Parents, Post-Divorce, Alternate Universe - Parents, god for a sec i didn't think there was a parent au tag on here and i was gonna be so confused, First Meetings, Other Additional Tags to Be Added Summary:
"yo" "do me a favor when you get home" "i can see there’s someone new moving in next door" "introduce all of us to him plz n thx"
Single parent Neville was convinced that he would never find love again following his divorce. Little did he realize just how much these four texts from Wade would change his life.
The more that time passed, the more it seemed like Neville was never going to be able to escape this stupid little office.
He was never going to get away from his desk. From his computer. From his phone that never seemed to want to stop ringing for thirty goddamn seconds. From the sounds of his co-workers typing away on their own keyboards. From his boss who almost always seemed to have some new, pointless assignment for him to complete whenever he passed by his cubicle. Such were the woes of working for such a big company…
He told himself that this job was only temporary. Every day he would remind himself that he was only going to be there until he was back on his feet following his divorce. As difficult as this was, it wasn’t going to last forever.
But then a time where he was financially secure enough to start looking for a different job arose, and Neville didn’t jump on the opportunity to leave. He had wanted to stick around for awhile longer to make sure he had completed everything, so that the poor bastard who took this secretary -- no, administrative assistant -- position after him wouldn’t be swamped with missed deadlines and unfinished projects. He didn’t mind staying for a few more days.
Those days turned to weeks. Those weeks turned to months. Those months turned to years.
It had been almost three fucking years since he had the chance to quit, and yet there Neville was, still typing out emails and arranging appointments for higher-ups who couldn’t give any less of a shit about him if they tried.
Sometimes he would stop while in the middle of working, staring intently at his mouse cursor, debating just walking out and leaving this hell behind and never looking back. No one appreciated him. It would make more sense to go elsewhere, wouldn’t it? Where he wouldn’t have to work unnecessarily long hours just to earn a decent pay? Where a boss would actually seem grateful for the work that he puts in?
It was as he would have these thoughts, however, that he would catch sight of the pictures resting next to his computer monitor -- those of two little girls, smiling at the camera and looking so full of life.
His little girls.
The older one was Jennifer, though she was only ever called that when she was in serious trouble (which wasn’t often, now that Neville thought about it) -- otherwise, she was simply known as Jen. She was definitely more like her mother, from having the same light brown hair to the same headstrong personality. Though she was only nine, she was incredibly independent -- almost too independent, however, as she was often too stubborn to ask for help when she was in tough situations.
Then there was Daisy -- ‘Daddy’s favorite,’ as she claimed whenever Neville would do something nice for her (even if he had also done the same thing for Jen). She was six, and even at such a young age she was already showing signs of being just like her father. That is to say, she was becoming a bit of a smartass. True to the little sibling stereotype, she essentially lived to spite Jen, always making sure to say whatever it was she least wanted to hear just so that she could appreciate her over-the-top reactions.
These two lovely children were depending on him. Neville couldn’t quit and risk losing out on money when he knows that they’re counting on him to take care of them.
With that thought in mind, he continued typing.
 If he was lucky, then Neville’s drive from the office back to his home was relatively short, the traffic scarce despite it technically being rush hour.
Unfortunately, that day was not his lucky day.
Despite never actually having met the driver of the minivan that he was stuck behind, Neville felt like he was deeply familiar with their personal life, considering the amount of bullshit on the back of it. There was a stick figure family decal on the back window -- a father, a mother, two little boys, and one little girl. Down on the bumper there were multiple stickers proudly announcing to the world that there were two honors students in the family. What about the third kid? Neville found himself thinking, fingers tapping impatiently on the steering wheel. Are they not good enough for a sticker?
His phone vibrated in the cup holder next to him, and he glanced down at it for a moment before focusing back on the road, pulling up a little once the traffic started to move. He heard the phone vibrate a second time. A third time. By the time the fourth vibration occurred, Neville looked back down at the device and took it in his hands, wondering just what in the hell was so urgent that it required sending that many messages.
Then again, considering that the only person who ever texted him nowadays was Wade, there was no way it was actually anything of substance.
Wade “Freeloader” Barrett: yo
Wade “Freeloader” Barrett: do me a favor when you get home
Wade “Freeloader” Barrett: i can see there’s someone new moving in next door
Wade “Freeloader” Barrett: introduce all of us to him plz n thx
Typical. Wade was once again trying to get Neville to do something for him. It seemed like all that Wade had done since moving into the downstairs apartment in Neville’s house was try to butter him up for something. That man truly has not changed since college…
Though Neville ribbed Wade for his tactics, even going as far as to jokingly refer to him as a freeloader in his phone, the truth was that he didn't have any negative feelings towards him at all. In fact, he was actually incredibly grateful for him. Wade had been employed when he moved into Neville’s home after his divorce, but he’d been laid off not too long after, and he’d had no success finding a job ever since. It seemed like every time things were looking up for him and he might have found something other than the occasional odd job, the position was always given to someone else, and as such he was never able to pay his share of that month’s rent.
He was always willing to babysit whenever Neville needed him to, however -- which was fairly often, seeing as his job sometimes required that he stay late at the office. Had it not been for him, Neville would have had to worry about paying a sitter on top of all of the bills and everything else. Difficult as things may be, he was glad to have a close friend like Wade.
Someone actually bought that house, though? Neville thought. It’s been on the market for ages. He could only vaguely remember the small family that used to live there before they abruptly moved because of the father’s job. Though the last thing that Neville wanted to do was give Wade what he wanted, he had to admit that he was just as curious as he was about this new neighbor…
 Me: And why should I do that? Can’t you go over there yourself?
Wade “Freeloader” Barrett: your texting while you’re supposed to be driving??
Wade “Freeloader” Barrett: dangerous
Wade “Freeloader” Barrett: tsk tsk
Me: *you’re
Wade “Freeloader” Barrett: SHUT UP
Me: Also I’m in traffic, asshole. Now tell me why you can’t do it yourself?
Wade “Freeloader” Barrett: because i just woke up from a nap and have a killer headache and am in no mood to actually socialize
Me: What makes you think I’M in the mood to socialize? I just had a long day at work.
Wade “Freeloader” Barrett: because you’re the cuter one between the two of us and it would be better if he saw your pretty face instead of mine
Wade “Freeloader” Barrett: you could win over anyone with those eyes of yours
 It was at that moment that Neville placed his phone back down in the cup holder -- partially because the traffic was beginning to move and he needed to start driving again, though mainly because he’d read enough. Wade always tried to compliment him whenever he was too lazy to do something for himself, and Neville was ashamed to admit that this strategy worked more often than not.
This time was going to be different, however. After a long day of typing away at his desk and going straight into bumper-to-bumper traffic, it was going to take a lot more than some sweet talking to get him to introduce himself to a total stranger.
Neville finally pulled into his driveway about fifteen minutes later, turning the car off and leaning back against the seat with a sigh. Somewhere along the way it had started raining, the droplets of rain tapping rhythmically against the windshield. He loved the rain -- that is, when he didn’t actually have to go walking through it. It was a short walk from the car to the front door. Even so, he was not looking forward to getting wet…
As he gathered his bearings, he took a quick look out of the passenger side window, and he noticed that there was a light on inside of the house next door, and there was an unfamiliar car parked in the driveway. So Wade was telling the truth when he said that there was a new neighbor. Wonder what their story is.
The neighborhood that Neville lived in wasn’t bad by any means, but he didn’t think that it was an area that anybody would want to willingly move into. Most of the residents tended to keep to themselves, the extent of their interactions with one another being a quick ‘hello’ and nothing more. Wouldn’t someone looking for a place to start their new life look for someplace more interesting? Whoever this new person was must have had no other options.
...Then again, it wasn’t like Neville really cared about what this new person thought. He had more important things to worry about then whatever was going on in their mind.
Neville resigned himself to his damp fate and exited the car, making sure to lock it before trekking through the rain and up the front stops until he reached the door. Despite it being closed, he could hear what sounded like a commotion inside -- just what he needed after the day he’d had. What are they fighting over now ? He clicked his tongue and opened the door, bracing himself for whatever the latest controversy was.
“Jen, you said yourself that you didn’t care if she ate your leftovers or not.” The first voice that Neville heard was that of Wade, who was clearly trying to mediate an argument between the two girls, standing in front of Jen while Daisy hid behind his back.
“I said I didn’t want them! I never said she could have them!” Jen had her arms crossed.
“I never ate them, though!” Daisy peeked out from behind Wade, clutching his shirt, dark brown curls falling over her face. “I swear! Why would I want something that you touched?”
“Uh… Hello?” Neville decided to speak up, prompting the three of them to look over in his direction.
“Daddy!!” Daisy let go of Wade and went charging towards him, now opting to hide behind him instead (and prompting a “What, am I not a good enough shield for you?” from Wade). “Jen’s bullying me again!”
“I am not!” Jen insisted. “She’s the one that did something wrong! She ate my food!”
Of all the ridiculous arguments that these two could have had, they had to have one over chicken tenders? Were fights over toys going out of style? “Okay, listen,” Neville started. “Jen, you did say that you didn’t mind if someone else ate them. And Daisy, you shouldn’t insinuate that anything your sister touches is dirty.”
Daisy blinked at him. Neville couldn’t imagine why she looked so confused, seeing as he made a perfectly good point.
“Nev,” Wade said. “She’s six. I don’t think she knows what ‘insinuate’ means.”
“Right… Okay, how about this -- don’t say that anything she touches is dirty. There, is that better?”
Daisy nodded this time. Neville knew her too well, though. It may appear as if she understood, but in reality she was plotting her next move. Chances are she had plenty more insults ready to unleash the moment that Neville’s back was turned.
Jen made a disgusted sound and stormed into the hallway, bounding up the stairs towards her room. Now that her enemy had disappeared, Daisy deemed it safe enough to emerge from hiding, heading towards the kitchen. Neville pushed his glasses up his nose as he watched her go. “How did that argument even start, anyway?” He asked.
“Hell if I know.” Wade shrugged. “I was minding my own business when Daisy came running in here claiming that Jen was going to kill her. Again.”
“Did she even eat the leftovers?”
“No, she didn’t.”
“Then who…” He squinted at Wade. “ You ate them, didn’t you?”
“Of course you did.” Neville sat down on the couch, rubbing at his temples.
“What, did you expect me to speak up? Angry Jen isn’t fun to deal with. The last thing I wanted was to be on the receiving end of her wrath. She clearly got that gene from you.”
“Ha ha, very funny.”
Wade took a seat next to him. “Enough about that, though. What happened with the new guy next door?”
“I didn’t talk to him.”
“What?” He looked disappointed. “Not even after I asked you so nicely?”
“Trying to get me to do something for you by buttering me up isn’t always going to work, Wade. I told you that I had a long day today and I wasn’t up for introductions. I’ll get around to it when I’m not exhausted.”
Wade huffed, propping his feet up on the coffee table (and having them shoved off by Neville a few seconds later). “All I’m trying to do is help you get back out there…”
Neville looked at him, eyes narrow. “Excuse me?”
“Oh, did I say that out loud? Oops.” Wade was acting as if that were an accident, but it didn’t take a genius to figure out that he’d clearly meant for Neville to hear him.
“What do you mean that you’re trying to help me ‘get back out there’?”
“Well, y’know…” Wade began to play with his nails, avoiding Neville’s gaze. “I thought you and the cute new guy next door might want to chat for awhile, maybe hang out sometime, that’s all.”
“You-- Wait, you actually want me to date this guy? This guy who I’ve never even met? Are you kidding me?” Neville had learned so much about Wade in the years that they’d known each other, but never once had he shown any interest in trying to play matchmaker. “Why do you want this so badly?”
“I just thought it would be nice! I know you’ve been lonely lately--”
“And just how would you know that?”
“Nev, I’ve been your friend since college. I’ve been living with you ever since you and Marina split. The last few years have been rough for you romance-wise, and it’s obvious that it’s taken a toll on you.”
Neville swallowed at the mention of his wife’s name. “How do you know ?” He repeated, growing a little impatient.
“I feel like I hardly ever see you smile anymore,” Wade continued. “It’s not that you never smile, it’s just… genuinely happy smiles are pretty rare for you these days. I thought that maybe finding you a nice guy to hang out with would help lift your spirits a bit -- and who knows, something great could come out of this. You should give him a chance.”
Neville knew that he was probably being rude, but he still rolled his eyes, shaking his head and once again pushing his glasses up his nose. He knew that Wade didn’t mean any harm. He was one of the few truly good people that Neville knew, and he would never do anything to hurt him.
This, on the other hand, while it didn’t hurt him by any means, was on a whole different level. “Wade, listen… I understand that you’re just trying to help,” Neville started. “I appreciate that you’re looking out for me. But I know I’ve told you before that I’m not interested in finding a partner at the moment. I have a family to support, and I don’t have time to be fooling around with romance right now.”
“Okay…” Wade’s shoulders drooped. “Sorry if it seemed like I was forcing you into something that you didn’t want.”
“No need to apologize.” Neville stood up from the couch, stretching. “I gotta go get changed. These clothes are so damn uncomfortable.”
“It’s times like these where I’m almost glad I don’t work,” Wade commented, watching Neville as he made to leave the room. “Otherwise I’d have to wear stuff like that .”
“I envy you, I won’t lie.”
Neville arrived at the top of the steps and started to make his way down the hallway. He briefly stopped in front of the door to the girls’ room, knowing that Jen was most likely still stewing inside. He knew that she would get over it eventually, but it still bothered him knowing that she was angry with the wrong person. Maybe once she calms down we can tell her… Though Wade will probably be scared shitless while we do it.
He continued down the hall and made it to his own room, taking off his jacket and tossing it onto the bed. He was about to start undoing the buttons on his shirt when he noticed that the window was open, and he let out a little annoyed noise. Great, now the floor is wet…
It was when he went over to close it that he once again caught sight of the house next door -- in particular, his eye was drawn to the window. He could see that there was someone moving around inside, but he was only able to see his back. There he is, the man of my dreams… or so I’ve been told.
Neville wasn’t in the mood to be accused of being a creeper, so he quickly shut the window and closed the blinds, resuming his undressing. Whoever the hell this new guy was, he wasn’t interested in watching what he assumed were his dinner preparations (nor was he willing to strip right where he could see it).
For all the complaints that Neville had about his job, there was one thing about it that he did like -- the fact that he was able to work from home on Fridays.
He was set up at the kitchen table, lazily scrolling through the emails that were gradually piling up in his inbox. Most of them didn’t even concern him -- in the beginning they were about figuring out what time would work best for everyone for the next meeting, now most of them were people debating which day of the week would be better between Monday and Tuesday. I’m stuck in that office anyway regardless of the day, so what does it even matter? Neville thought to himself, taking a sip from his coffee mug as he went to work deleting some of the messages.
“What a sight to behold.” Neville looked up from the screen and found that Wade had entered the room. “You’re still sitting here working and drinking from that ‘World’s Okayest Dad’ mug. Don’t you think you should give yourself a break?”
“I already took my break earlier,” Neville replied just as he heard another chime ring out from his laptop -- the meeting would officially be on Monday, despite numerous complaints. Incoming shitstorm.
“Take another one. What’s stopping you? It’s not like anyone can tell that you’re not working.”
“They’ll tell when I’m not responding to any of their emails.”
“So if you don’t respond immediately after they send it to you then they’ll know that you’re slacking off? Sounds rough. Glad I’m not working there.”
“You’re not working, period .”
“Exactly, and who would want to with those regulations?” Wade went to the fridge and dug around inside until he came back with a bottle of water, unscrewing the cap and taking a sip. “Hey, where are the girls? I haven’t seen them all afternoon.”
“Outside in the yard.” Neville nodded his head in the direction of the back door. “I’m surprised they’ve been playing for so long without getting into a fight.” Right as Neville finished saying that, he heard a thud and the unmistakable sound of Daisy yelling “Ow!” “Ah, I see I spoke too soon.”
A few moments later, both girls stumbled into the kitchen through the back door. “Daddy, Daisy threw the ball over the fence again,” Jen complained, elbowing her sister in the side.
“Ow-- It wasn’t my fault! She was the one who threw it.”
“You said you were ready for me to throw it!”
“No I didn’t!”
“Yes you did! Daddy, didn’t you hear her say she was ready? She’s lying again--”
“Alright, alright, that’s enough,” Neville interrupted her before she could say anything more, and he pushed back his chair. “You two head back outside and wait in the yard. I’ll go get the ball for you.”
Jen and Daisy looked at each other before they both walked back outside, the two of them getting into a brief scuffle in the doorway since they couldn’t decide which of the two of them got to go through first (Jen ultimately won by reminding Daisy of who the older sibling was). Neville pinched the bridge of his nose once they were gone, letting out a sigh. “What am I going to do with them…”
“Well, you can start by getting their ball,” Wade said.
Neville made a little frustrated noise and stood up, though it was as he was about to leave that he noticed the cocky smirk on Wade’s face. “What’s up with you?”
“Nev, how did you get the ball the last time they threw it over the fence?” he asked, leaning back against the counter.
“Uh… I went into the yard and got it?”
“You realize you can’t do that anymore, right? Since there’s now someone living there. That’s trespassing.”
“What’s your point?”
“My point is that you’re going to have to get the new neighbor’s permission to go back there and get it. You two are finally going to meet.”
“Oh God, are you still on this?” Neville huffed. “I told you that I’m not interested in being in a relationship right now. Let it go .”
“I never said you had to date him. Just that you’re gonna be meeting for the first time.”
“Maybe so, but I know you’re thinking it.” He waggled his finger at him. “And let me tell you this: I’m going to go next door, ask for the ball back, and then come right back here. No bullshit, no stopping inside for coffee or whatever, no nothing . You got that?”
“Whatever you say, mate.” Wade still didn’t look entirely convinced, but he didn’t press the issue any further and left the kitchen, leaving Neville all by himself.
What a pain in the ass… Neville shook his head as he watched Wade retreat downstairs. He waited until he was gone before exiting into the hallway and walking towards the front door.
The moment that the early-August heat hit his face, Neville immediately regretting going outside. God, how have those kids been playing out here for all this time? He despised the thought of meeting his new neighbor while drenched in sweat, so he decided to stop wasting time and briskly started the trek over to the house next door.
“It won’t take him much longer, calm down!” Neville could hear the faint sound of Jen reprimanding her sister from his own yard.
“We’ve been waiting foreverrrrr…” Naturally, the next voice he heard was that of Daisy.
Five minutes. It’s been five minutes since they asked. At most.
Neville looked up at the house that was now in front of him, and he marched up to the door with authority, determined not to let Wade’s nonsense get in the way of what he came here to do. He didn’t come here to flirt or do anything of that nature -- he was not going to let the wannabe matchmaker that lived in his basement cloud his judgement.
He rang the doorbell and took a step back, crossing his arms and waiting for some sort of response. He could still hear the sounds of Daisy and Jen bickering from the yard. He debated taking out his phone and asking Wade to keep an eye on them, but it was right as he reached for his pocket that the door opened.
“Hi, I’m—” Neville stopped himself once he got a good look at the man now standing in the doorway, his mouth hanging open slightly.
“Um… How can I help you?” The man asked, brown eyes narrowed in confusion, like he couldn’t figure out why this stranger was gaping at him on his doorstep. It was those same eyes that Neville found himself suddenly lost in, momentarily forgetting just why the hell he was there in the first place. That’s a good question -- how can you help me?
Neville cleared his throat, shaking his head and snapping himself out of his trance. “Excuse me, I’m sorry to bother you, but my kids accidentally threw their ball over your fence. I was wondering if we could get it back.”
“Oh, that’s what that was?” He smiled. “I heard yelling coming from next door and was wondering what had happened.”
“Ah, well, you know how little girls can be sometimes…”
“Trust me, I do. I work with them. I can toss the ball back over for ‘em.”
“Thank you.” Neville returned his smile. “Again, sorry to trouble you. I know you’re still busy unpacking.” Neville could see the moving boxes that were sitting in the hallway. “Don’t mean to interrupt.”
“Don’t worry about it, it’s not a problem at all. Hey, what’s your name, by the way? I’m Mustafa.”
“Mustafa…” Neville repeated. It was a nice name. “I’m Adrian.”
“It’s very nice to meet you, Adrian.” There was that infectious smile again. Neville found himself quite liking how his name sounded coming from his mouth -- and he normally hated his first name. “You’re the first person around here that I’ve actually spoken to, you know that?”
“That doesn’t shock me.” He frowned. “The people around here aren’t exactly the nicest. They don’t really do things like greeting new neighbors.”
“That’s a shame… But at least I have one nice neighbor in you . That makes up for it.” Mustafa shot him a wink. “I should probably go get the ball now -- I’ll catch you later, okay?”
“Okay! I’ll, uh… see you around.”
With that, Mustafa shut the door, and Neville let out a breath that he didn’t even realize that he was holding. Finally, it was over . He had done what needed to be done, and now he could go back home and rub it in Wade’s face.
I didn’t linger at all. Neville thought with a sense of triumph as he went down to the sidewalk. Wade was so sure that I was going to fall head over heels for him within thirty seconds of knowing him. Not even close.
…Still, Neville thought it was a bit strange how he had acted when Mustafa first opened the door. Everything about their conversation was normal with the exception of the beginning. Neville had been completely entranced by him, especially those eyes … What was that all about?
Neville’s moment of contemplation didn’t last very long, as he was interrupted by the gleeful sounds of his daughters, whose ball had just been returned to them. He was overthinking things, as usual. He only felt this way because Wade planted the seeds in his mind.
This was nothing to dwell on.
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officialqueer · 7 years
Okay I’m mostly just putting this outline I wrote that got way too long here so I have it saved somewhere, so y’all don’t gotta read it.
(It’s the outline for the two part finale o f my and @LandofOz Star Trek style hing that I got the idea for after seeing the new Thor. This will literally make no sense unless ur us and have been discussing this all week).
OKAY So Zuleika and Teslow are using a shuttle to do a survey on a wormhole but get sucked in and the shuttle is destroyed, and it seems to the Lovelace crew that they died Ofc they didn't, but the wormhole shreads their ship and dumps them on a planet that is essentially the universe's junkyard. There are many wormholes that end there, dumping the flotsam and jetsam of the universe on this planet. Because of this, the society of the planet, made up of the descendants of people who have been dumped there thru the holes, has a culture around collecting things. They all vye for the best stuff from the wormholes to have as status symbols, and keep them in personal cocllections. The de facto ruler of the planet is a woman known as The Empress (okay look I haven;t thought of a name for her yet but it's gonna get confusing to just call her "Leader Lady" thru all of this, so work with me here), whose collection is legendary and has many of the lower class citizens working for her to find more treasures in the junk. Zuleika and Teslow get spit out in different parts of the planet's junkyard. For Teslow, he ends up right where Empress' employees are searching. They haven't seen a human before, and are instantly intruged and try to grab him. Teslow at first tries to talk them down and pull rank, but they obviously have never even heard of the Planetary Alliance, so he's forced to use his polymorph abilities to defend himself, which makes them even more fanatical about getting him, as powers like that are extremely rare. Sadly for him, Teslow isn't much of a fighter, that's part of why Zu was assigned to be his first officer, and they manage to capture him. Zulieka, meanwhile, is dumped on another half of the junkyard, and fights off some lesser hoarders who see her and want her for their poersonal collections. As their numbers grow, drawn in by the commotion, she is rescued by an alien dude in his lil scrappy ship. He lives in the junkyard as an outcast, as he isn't as fanatical about collection as others on the planet, perferring simply to gatther objects he likes, rather than status symbols, which leaves him with little in the way of position or money on the world, forcing him to live out in the junkyard. He helps Zu because he feels uncomfortable with the collection of "sentient beings" taht is common in the upper ranks of their planet and in the city. In his little hideaway, Zu discovers one of his most prized items is an old tape player with a David Bowie cassett in it, and tells him that "we made that," which confuses him, and she explains a bit of who she is and what she does, and he's fascinated, as he's never actually met or even really known about the rest of the universe outside the junkyard. Zu tells him she needs to find her captain, signal their ship, and get back to their corner of space, and promises that if he'd like, he can see the rest of the universe with the Lovelace.
Alien dude tells her that's really unlikely, as the Empress isn't going to give up something like her captain that easily, plus like, signaling a ship that's probably on the otherside of the universe? HOW? Zu says she has an idea, but they're gonna need to get on a really specific frequency to do it...
Meanwhile, things aren't going great for Teslow, who is captured and taken to meet the Empress. She tells him to show her his polymorphic abilities, but he refuses b/c he's super pissed about being treated like a show animal or whatever. This, of course, is not something that makes her happy, and she uses an object from her collection (some kind of tech thing) to force him to morph, not realizing the limited nature of his abilities until he nearly snaps in half from an attempted transformation on her part. She's impressed, saying that he's unlike anything that's come to them before, and says that she may have something that can help with his ability's limits, a prospect that doesn't exactly excite Teslow...
Back with alien dude (...lets say he's called Ziggy, b/c he doesn't have a name when Zu meets him and that cassette is u kno what), Zu does her best to convince him to help build a high power communicator from whatever they can find in the junkyard, promising that there is a specific frequency that will "save our butts." They somehow manage to cobble together a makeshift communicator, and fly Ziggy's ship as close as they can get to the wormhole, where Zu records a message, "This is Commander Zuleika Jemison of the Planetary Alliance Vessel Lovelace. We are alive, but in unknown territory, and require assistance. Please respond." Ziggy asks her what they do now, and she tells him they wait...
On the otherside of the universe, the Lovelace crew has been trying to come to grips with the loss of their captain and first officer. As the next highest ranking officer, security cheif Bardot is temporarily in command of the ship, and the crew is flying it back to the nearest starbase in order for staements to be taken and Admiral Jemmison (Zuleika's mother) to decide what action to take in regards to posting new command to the ship. While everyone is taking it hard, Laurel is of course especially upset, as she has already lost her husband, and now her brother. She has been trying to be there for her crew and her daughter, but she is barely holding it together herself. However, as she sleeps, she hears Zuleika in her dream, "...is Comma... ...mison, of... ...liance Vessel Lo... ...alive, but..." She tells Bardot of the message, convinced Zuleika is trying to contact them via her technopath abilities, but they're too far from the wormhole now for her to properly hear it, and that they need to go back. Bardot tries to convince her that it's more likely a dream she's having to cope with the loss, but Laurel insists it's not, and asks Hedy (the Daft Punk robot lady commucations officer) to help her show them, and via her abilities and Hedy's link to the ship, she is able to pick up the message and play it on the bridge for the crew to hear...
Bardot instantly tells them to turn back and get as close to the wormhole as they can, and says she'll make a report to the Admiral on the way ("It's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission." "Those are the words of a person about to get court martialed for disobeying a direct order"). When they arrive, Laurel uses her abiliites to open a communication channel to Zu on the otherside. Ofc the ship is overjoyed that they survived, but are disheartened when Zu says she doesn't know where the captain is. They start to discuss a plan, but Zu and Ziggy are attacked by other hoarders, and are forced to fly back to the junkyard, ending the communication.
Ziggy doesn't get why they're being attacked, as he doesn't hve anything that they'd want, but, as they take down a ship and confront the hoarder from it, she admits they are after Zuleika, as word of her arrival got back to the city, and the Empress wants "the matching set" for her collection, tipping them off to where Teslow is...
At the Empress' tower, she has Teslow in a room, and it's all very tense and weird, where she's telling him he's nothing more than a curious specimin to be added to her collection, and he's all "You're terrible and these things are alive and sentient and when I get out of here the Planetary Alliance is going to make you pay for what you've done" and she's just "You're not in your "Alliance" or whatever anymore, this is the edge of the universe, babe, the only rules here are the ones I make," and tells him he could be her "favourite pet" as it "comes with a lot of perks, you'll get out of your cage to play more, for one..." "...yyeahhh I don't really swing that way, plus I'm kind of seeing someone back home, and he's the jealous type..." She gets angry at this, and tells him he's not going home, and that she has something to "bring you to the next level of what you can be" and basically jabs this weird opal-like crystal into him...
Back on the Lovelace, after the sudden interruption of communications, the crew realize they need a plan to rescue them, and confrence with Admiral Jemison. Laurel pitches going through the wormhole and rescuing them, but the Admiral thinks it's too risky, to which Bardot tells her that, unless they can think of a better plan, they're going to do it whether the Admiral gives approval or not. She reluctantly agrees, but Hedy brings up that the wormhole tore apart the shuttle Zuleika and Teslow were in, and that the Lovelace, as a research vessel, isn't built with much more durability. "Then we're gonna need a bigger ship," Laurel says. "And I know just who to ask..."
While Captain Rodgers was totally (and very melodramatically) sad about his boyfriend's perdicament, he's also very touchey about his ship, and it took an unnessisary ammount of convincing (mainly the promise that he can rub it in Teslow's face for all eternity and the chance to be his bombastic self as he fights hostile alien forces) to get him to let them use the Stardust as the rescue vessel, as it's equipt for both combat and research, making it much more durable than the Lovelace. Being a professionally built spaceship, it's also much more sturdy than the cobbled together ships of the planet, making it nigh invunerable to their attempted attacks. Laurel reaches out and finds Ziggy's ship, opening communications, telling them they'll open the podbay doors so they can fly his ship into it and be safe. It seems like a tough move, but they pull it off, ofc, and land (somewhat) safely in the ship, much to the joy of the Lovelace's command crew + Rodgers and the Admiral (they had cleared the ship of the regular crew, b/c a skeleton crew was less risky). They discuss, and decide it's unethical to do nothing about the state of this planet, and Laurel hacks the planet's main satelite feed so that they can deliver a message. They opt for Teslow to do it, mostly b/c he kind of wants to give a fuck you to the Empress, but ofc Rodgers insists on being in the videoprojection shot as well, and Zu is there too ofc. He tells them that the Planetary Alliance cannot tolerate the treatment of sentient beings as trophies, or the tyrannical rule of one person, and that they are going to take action and "help your planet move to become a more just society, possibly even an alliance member itself, one day," and to expect a visit from some of their diplomacy vessels shortly, before the Stardust takes off back into the wormhole, heading home...
On the ship, they confrence with the Admiral, who is trying to hide that she's incredibly happy that her daughter is safe, and discusses with them the next steps to take in helping the planet on the path to democracy, and tells Ziggy they can bring him back there when they deploy the diplomatic team, but he turns her down, stating that he'd like to see what the universe has to offer. I kind of want him to join the crew as their pilot, but, like, he's not exactly a trained Planetary Alliance officer, but maybe we can fudge it.
Teslow goes to take a nap in Rodgers' quarters, and the two end up bantering, as per usual, before Rodgers kisses him and says he's glad he's safe, and that he kind of sort of might of been trying to hide his actual fear of losing him under his bravedo exterior, to which Teslow laughs, "You don't say?"
Zu reunities w/ Dr. Carew (the fish alien empath boyfriend/crew doctor) and there's lots of kissing and stuff but they get interrupted when Teslow comes in and asks to speak to Carew, sending Zuleika off (with a promise to make it up to her bf later). He asks what's wrong, b/c he could sense the anxiety rolling off him in waves before he even came in, and Teslow pulls back the corner of his shirt, showing the object embedded in his shoulder. Telling Carew he can't say a word of this to anyone, he admits he doesn't know what it is, but feels like it's doing...something, like it's changing him, and it's not good...
0 notes
amarikwa11 · 4 years
How To Not Be Racist I #AskASoccerPro Show Ep 073by Quincy Amarikwa
11-year MLS veteran Quincy Amarikwa returns for the 73rd episode of the #AskASoccerPro Show to tackle racism, what he would say to MLS Commissioner Don Garber, why influencers should do the work of anti-racism rather than just making pretty social media posts and more.
Here’s what Quincy covers this week:
00:00 – 02:05: Welcome To The #AskASoccerPro Show
02:07 – 06:02: What Quincy Would Say To MLS Commissioner Don Garber 🤔
06:06 – 10:50: Why Continue to Fight For People Who Don’t Fight For You? 👊😤
10:58 – 13:35: Will Quincy Become A Coach? @soccer_hq_09
13:38 – 15:58: How Can Parents Help Their Kids Find The Right Organization? ⚽ @oleggrymaylo
16:04 – 22:14: Why Do Elite Players See The Game Differently From Average Players? 👁️ @yojxrdan
22:17 - 23:37: Does Working On Your Business Take Away From Focus? 🧠 @johnhollinger
23:38 - 29:16: How To Not Be Racist
29:20 - 30:51: Taylor Twellman’s Dangerous Tweet 😳
31:11 - 32:26: What Do You Think Players Like Griffin Yow And Alfonso Davies Do Differently From Other Young Players To Reach The Level They’re At? ⚽ @yojxrdan
32:31 – 36:52: How Starting At The Bottom Is An Advantage
37:17 – 45:26: How Does Quincy Mentally Challenge Himself? 👉🏽😶👈🏽 @johnhollinger
43:59 – 45:26: Why Perfect Soccer Is Free? 🤔
45:31 – 49:28: What Is Quincy’s Favorite Move To Create Space? ⚽
49:35 – 51:48: When Will Quincy And Sebastian Salazar Talk? @johnhollinger
52:00 – 56:09: How To Keep Up With A Bigger Player @sabrinaa.demarco
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Quincy Amarikwa (00:06):
LA scene, a lot of regulars joining in tuning in and dialing in with that mental strength. Ooh, just spam that hard button. If you got it, if you're feeling, if you feel a froggy I'm excited for today really just jumping into it. I am your host, coinci America, 11 year MLS pro. Current free agent would be in my 12th year but, still on like free agency or due to the whole situation that we're still in the process of getting our way back to. But fortunately the MLS has finally come to terms with the MLSPA and ratified. Kevin what's going on, brother ratified the CBA, which should have been ratified originally, but I'm sure we could get into that in other ways throughout this call as well too. But the, there has been an agreement of a coming back to play with the official Orlando tournament here at the end of the month.
Quincy Amarikwa (01:28):
So those of you who are followers of the MLS, what have your guys' thoughts been so far? Have you been following what's been going on and then more importantly, I'd say, and if you haven't let me pull up the graphic, I thought I had all the graphics already set up and ready to go, but I guess it did a duplicated it D duplicate Earl Edwards jr. Joined in what's going on, man. Everybody say hello to him as well. Oh, I'm seeing a, a keyboard is also joined in. Thanks for joining guys. I appreciate that. Like I said, everybody, if you join in every Thursday, 6:00 PM, PST 9:00 PM EST, not only do you get to ask your questions of an 11 year plus MLS pro, but you'll also see other pros in the comments section, join it in answering this question joining in on the community and sharing their, their knowledge with you.
Quincy Amarikwa (02:24):
So let's see what we got here. So what I was, there we go. So let's switch that up. There we go. So for those of you who are not aware have not read the article that I published over on perfect soccer skills.com. I, I did that a couple of days ago. I realized a lot of individuals who are casual fans of the MLS, or are wanting to become more involved in the MLS, see the MLS grow, or just more, more so see soccer in America grow, not necessarily just MLS. The article that I published over on perfectsoccerskills.com titled, What I would say to Don Garber and the MLS player pool. If I were still considered a part of the MLS consider this a, the extreme crash course in understanding the perspective of the league and Don Garber and the who is the commissioner of the MLS and the, the general perspective of the player pool and the wide degree of diversity amongst the player pool and how that relationship has unfolded over time, as well as the difficulties in finding common ground in the balance in terms of that entire negotiation process, which is the collective bargaining agreement, which is the CBA for those of you who are not aware.
Quincy Amarikwa (03:42):
I think on top of that as well too, there's there's microcosms of the player pool. And I think the overall representation of the playerr pool has been fragmented as well in its own ways. And I think with the current state of the world and what's going on, I believe people are finally becoming more aware of the systemic issues that are, that are prevalent just in the world. And in this case specifically within the soccer world itself, I think there's a lot of limitations because of the pay to play system and how that creates and breeds its own longterm problems. But as you guys know, we're over here developing that longterm winner's mindset and the MSL mentality, the mental strength league mentality is one that helps you operate, whether you are all regardless of whichever side you're on, which means it's meant to help everybody consider it, think of it like a mental, mental software update for the new world.
Quincy Amarikwa (04:49):
Everyone says we're a part of the information age. They recognize and realize we were part of the information age, but what does that mean and how do you operate it and how do you thrive and survive in it? Well, those of you who are a part and have been down with the MSL for awhile, you guys understand what we stand for, what we represent. You've watched listened to the three S's of self-awareness talk perfect soccer skills.com/sss. If you're listening, you don't know what I'm referencing or talking about. And you understand that personal responsibility is, is something that in our belief will only become exponentially more valuable as time goes on with kind of how the world is adapting to understanding the changes that have taken place. So we had to throw it back a little bit with the little in the United States of America. T-Shirt shout out Matt, Matt Watson, the originator original designer on the perfect soccer brand.
Quincy Amarikwa (05:48):
But if anybody's had a chance to read the article that I'm sharing, you'll see the graphic here on the screen. For those of you who are listening on the podcast, I've got the graphic up on the screen for the article. I'd love to see you guys drop a little bit of that below. And we'll just, we'll just really start getting into it. I think a couple of pros might be dropping in throughout the call. So if, and when they do we'll get them, we'll get them in here. But while we're waiting on that, let's let's make sure we're asking some questions.
Quincy Amarikwa (06:24):
So let's see what we got here. MLS stopped the rebel asks. Why do you put yourself through all of this and what wants you, what makes you want to continue it? That is a great question. And that is a question I ask myself all the time and I guess the simplest way I can, I can put it is when I got started playing professional soccer and the way that I was looking at it, I didn't understand why guys did not understand me. And I wanted to understand why, and if anybody has a personal relationship with me or has had any type of personal experience with me in the past I don't think it's a far stretch to say that I'm probably a pretty competitive person and I want to win. And by, by saying, I want to win. What I mean is I want to understand, and if I don't understand something, I want to do any amount of work necessary to figure out and understand why I don't understand.
Quincy Amarikwa (07:29):
And that drive that focus is what I refer back to as to why I put myself through all this because I want to figure out and understand, am I putting myself through it or someone else putting me through it for me? And not sure if those of you on the call understand that question or have gotten to that space in time and that experience, but that curiosity of wanting to know is I'd say that's gotta be a large driving factor because at the end of the day, I don't know what will result of it. And I think a lot of people believe I'm only doing it for a particular outcome that will benefit me, or because there's something I want specifically in terms of like material or monetary, I believe those things will come as a result of providing a good service, a product or, you know to, to people.
Quincy Amarikwa (08:41):
So it's not that I don't believe that those things won't happen or I'm not doing it without the idea or thought that they could. But if I'm, if I'm directly saying, what is it that I'm hoping to accomplish, have a, be the result of this. And it's really, it's really saying I've been a strong believer and advocate, I guess, for not being put into a box. I don't want someone to define for me what I am or am not capable of doing because of who they believe me to be, what they think I have or haven't done in the past or how they perceive me. And I think tying that to the greater issue, that's finally being discussed a lot more here with, with relation to a race. I think a lot of people are, are much more open to the idea of having this conversation mainly cause I think people have gotten to a point where they can no longer deny the, the unfair nature in which certain things are or have, or are taking place.
Quincy Amarikwa (09:52):
So I think that's kind of a good tie into kind of a throwback to episode 48 of the #AskASoccer Pro Show when we discussed uncovered dealing with racism, different ways in which we I know many individuals in the community have experienced that in their own way. I know others have been a part of organizations where they've seen it happen firsthand. And I, I think I'm getting a lot more questions and questions, especially from some of my my white friends and followers as to what they can do and how they can help and, and more so seeing a lot of individuals now expressing on their platforms, that they've seen a lot of these things over time and they've been complicit in their silence and dismissive of it for whatever reason. And I think you guys know, we talk a lot about it here. The truth is true, whether you believe it or not. And, and in the MSL, we remain committed to committed to doing the work we know we need to, or we believe we need to, to, to understand so good question. I, I appreciated that Joe said yes, I remember that. I remember that one
Quincy Amarikwa (11:11):
Soccer, HQ soccer underscore HQ underscore and asked, will you help the little kids reach pro by being a coach? I believe I'm helping helping kids who want to be pro or, or, you know, older individuals who are interested in being pro right now through this online coaching, online mentorship breaking down the MSL mentality, the Amarikwa process, the three S's of self awareness and sharing it with you guys here free on the platform every Thursday, 6:00 PM, PST 9:00 PM EST and answering your questions. Connor McCormick con Connor MC 42, say Quincy for president. Hey, you never know maybe one, one day, you know, I mean, if, if the people demand it, let's see. I love seeing everybody in the comment section join in a victim. Bernard is shout out victory. He joined in PG sports. Paul is down in there. I'm not sure Ryan, if I, if I had shoved you out or not riot B pro general manager, Ryan Masch in there answer you guys questions as well to you.
Quincy Amarikwa (12:22):
Heather asked Quincy, what is your favorite? Perfect soccer shirt, hats, et cetera. Ooh, that's a good question. I like, I like the, like the I'm in your head, I'm in your head pattern. We're just kind of going all the way down, but it's like Stripe. So like from far, it looks like kind of a striped shirt, but then as you get closer, you can see that I liked that one a lot. I like, obviously like this hat you guys have been noticing me rocking this hat a lot. And these last, I don't know, five or five plus episodes. The new updated ball is pretty dope. Heather also, what's your favorite perfect soccer shirt. Oh sir. That was the same question. Sorry. I scrolled up and, and saw that. Yeah, the new match ball. I had one in here. But that one's, that one's dope. I liked that one a lot. Griffin Yow joined in shout out Griffin. Thanks for joining. Your brother loves seeing you support and show love.
Speaker 3 (13:32):
Quincy Amarikwa (13:33):
Well, let's see what we got here. So we've got a fan calling in. Let's see how we do this. Yeah,
Quincy Amarikwa (13:39):
Here. I'll let you call in, get your question answered. I don't know what half the time when you guys tried to call in and then you, once you get the call, you duck out. I know I'm being kind of scared.
Quincy Amarikwa (13:57):
Let's see what we got here. O L E G G R Y M a Y L O S. My son is 12 years old, trains five times a week. Very good at center forward. How do I get him to the right? I didn't continue, but I'm going to assume you're saying get them to the right organization or the right situation. First I'd say, make sure he creates himself a perfect soccer team membership account by hand number perfect soccer skills.com/p S T M a create yourself a free account and go through the, go through and read the perfect soccer player.
Quincy Amarikwa (14:34):
Blueprint that book in the training center, then read the college soccer recruiting blueprint as well too. So I don't know how to get them to the right college, the right, whatever understanding the entire recruitment process at the collegiate level high school. And then also the professional ranks is important. That way you can understand where you have an advantage or where you have disadvantages and you can attack it the appropriate way. I think the fact that you're joining in on the live, you're sending in your questions and you're asking how to go about doing it is a great first step. And it's great to start, but understanding the process in Italian. Oh, there you go. So perfect soccer player blueprint. You can get yourself a free physical copy. We've just recently updated the book as well to the physical copy of the book. This is obviously one of the older versions and you can see.
Quincy Amarikwa (15:22):
Yeah. So as you guys can tell, as I learn and grow, as we learn and grow, we take notes, document our experiences, update, update what we're doing and how we're going about doing it, and reflect those changes in the book as time goes on. So when you create your purpose as a team membership access, you're also getting access to all the updates that we're doing in the future as well too. So for those of you who have a perfect type of team membership account drop down in the comment section, what you've gotten, gotten out of your membership, what you've enjoyed what you've liked also, what you don't like about it. Cause you guys know feedback. We need that feedback. Everyone's spamming that heart button! Love seeing that and we'll go through, we'll see in questions and we'll see if any of you are also wanting to call in while we're at it.
Quincy Amarikwa (16:22):
Let's see Jordan asks, can you talk on what you read players, see the game different from average players? Yeah. So let's set context. Let's set context. How do I break this down? Usimply, can you talk on why elite players see the game different than average players and below average players? So let's say in general, when you show up into new space to do anything new, something you've never done before
Quincy Amarikwa (17:00):
You make the mistake, because you have no real frame of reference of trying to pay attention to everything all at one time. So you get information overload, it's just everything all at once you think everything's important. And because you think everything's important, you're splitting up your mental energy and your mental capacity on everything. And I don't know if I've shared this before, directly on the show, but I've talked about it with players in the past, but expertise, in my opinion is knowing what not to do, not what to do. So let me say that again, expertise is knowing what not to do, not necessarily what to do. So let's really break it down. Let's say, when you walk into something new, let's say there's a hundred things that you could do at once. That's the information overload when you're novice, when you're a lower level player, there's a hundred things you're trying pay attention to all 100.
Quincy Amarikwa (17:50):
At one time, when you're an average player, you realize you can ignore 50% of everything. When you're above average player, you realize you can ignore 75% when you're a higher level player, you can realize you can ignore 90%. And when you're in elite level player or elite level, elite, elite level, you know, you can ignore 99%. So if you're breaking it down in that manner, the elite top level individual knows that if they focus on this one thing, everything else becomes easier as a result of it. And they can now rather than disperse the 99% of their energy on all the other things that aren't as important, they focus in on the one thing that is most important. And that's difficult for people to understand because most people are focusing on more than one thing at one particular time. So maybe ask yourself when you're walking into situations, are you looking for the one thing that you can, are you trying to break something down into the one thing that's most accurate and then committing your time, effort and energy there?
Quincy Amarikwa (19:07):
Or are you, are you spreading yourself very thin because you think multitasking and doing everything yourself and doing everything at once is the best way to go about doing it. And I'm not saying that I'm not saying that I'm an individual who likes to do a lot of things and you guys can tell and see on the account. I'm probably doing too many things at one time. You know what, I'm Tommy Thompson joined in on the live as wheel to drop it in and see what's going on. So my, my main point is the elite elite level players, individuals understand that. And they come to the decision early on in their process of committing to that one thing. Now it doesn't mean it will pan out and then it will work out for them, but you're in greatly increasing the chances that it does. The sooner you make that commitment and the longer you remain committed to it for. So a great example of why my focus is mentality mindset. I might not be as technically gifted as my teammates around me. I might not be as athletic or fast or as fit,
Quincy Amarikwa (20:25):
But I believe mentally I am on a level that most, if not all other players cannot operate on. And I believe that because of that focus for as long as I've been focused on it for all the other things though, I believe I get exponential results out of my focus on, on the mentality and the fact that I decided to focus in on that. So early on in my career I took the risk of thinking that applying my energy and focus there will yield me a greater result than applying my focus on what I believe most players spent all their time on, which is just the physical aspect of the game. So that's a great question. And if you guys are picking up what I'm putting down, drop some I'm in your head emojis in the, in the screen, let me know your thoughts on on that and let's see what else we've got in here. And something else that I wanted to bring up, Heather said interesting. And what are you guys' thoughts of feedback on that kind of that breakdown?
Quincy Amarikwa (21:37):
Good question that came in J a J M E C a Z, a L E Z, gave the thumbs up. Heather dropped in nine and he had emojis twice 11. That T T gave me the silly I'm in your head. Emojis. Tina take four. I mean, you had emojis Aquin. Akeem Ward's even in, in here dropping that here and what we're talking about cozy. Yeah, so that was a great question. And hopefully that broke that down a little bit. So let's see what we also got over here. Cause I was thinking this, so we're wanting to, I'm liking, I realized, you know what, everybody, there's a lot of stuff going on. I see a lot of things online in the comment sections and stuff. And I I'm realizing now I can share that here with you guys on the show, showing you guys the graphics and stuff, shout out to it or for making the the, the dope mean. And there's a couple of things that I wanted to point out. Okay.
Quincy Amarikwa (22:44):
So, which was interesting to me, especially something that Taylor 12 men had said on Twitter earlier this week K 23 Hampton said I got the recommendation from Quincy and his financial literacy newsletter. I'm happy to see that you're going through that. And, and upleveling your financial literacy literalist. [inaudible] Your literacy skills. I know John Hollinger is going through it as well, too. Soccer HQ. Oh nine. So the season goes on. Yes. You know it does.
Quincy Amarikwa (23:20):
So Jackson said never really heard it like that before, but makes a lot of sense. If you are able to focus on less things, you can hone in on them and master those areas.
Speaker 5 (23:29):
Quincy Amarikwa (23:29):
23 Hampton said 100% agree. It's an amazing read. John Hollinger said good stuff. So what would working? So what we're working on your own business take away of your focus. Okay. John said, okay, here you go. This is a good one. So John had said stuff. So what would working on your own business take away of your focus then? Well, if my, if my business is in alignment with my focus on mindset, when I'm working on my business, I'm working on my mindset.
Quincy Amarikwa (24:01):
So we talk a lot here about the Amarikwa process that is in the first three steps of the Amarikwa processes, the three S's of self awareness, self honesty, self initiative, self accountability,ugoal oriented. So setting goals, teamwork, community, that's you guys here, teamwork equals dream work, attention to details, which is remaining focused on,uuon what got us here and how we're going to get there.
Quincy Amarikwa (24:25):
And then the ultimate one passion or fun enjoyment loving what it is that we do. And, and at the very, at the end of the day, if we're focused on pursuing our passion, if we don't reach a super high level or are successful in the eyes of others, we enjoyed the process we learned from it. We grew from it. So there's no way that we can lose. That's why you guys see you can't stop us MSL, mental strength lead. We are in your head because we can't lose. We're focused on our passion. We're building a community, we're working together. We're collaborating, we're filling, we're setting goals. We're working together as a team, but more importantly, we're taking personal responsibility for our future, for our, our individual and collective goals. So, so that's a mindset. That's a mentality. That's a belief system. That's something you either are on board with, or you're not, you're committed to, or you're not you're doing the work or you're not, you can say you're doing the work, but that, but if you're not backing it up, but doing the work, it doesn't mean anything.
Quincy Amarikwa (25:24):
And I, I believe that that's that's something that I want to especially highlight to individuals who have come to the decision that they haven't done enough in the past, or they haven't been active or vocal, or they haven't called things out that they know to be wrong. But now they realize the error in their way and that's necessary in the process. You have to make mistakes or you have to do things to then be able to self reflect on them in the future and come to the conclusion on whether that was the right course of action or if it was a mistake. And if you're deciding that what you have been doing up to this point or what you haven't been doing up to this point has been alignment with how, who you want to be moving forward, who you see yourself as when you look in the mirror or you realize you've been lying to yourself as to who you are and what it is that you do or you're willing to do.
Quincy Amarikwa (26:12):
And you've made a commitment to being different, to doing more. Then it's not a commitment that is just said by doing a social media post, Oh, I posted I'm changed. I'm doing this. I'm doing that. No, it's, it's doing the post. And then posting what you're committed to doing here, moving forward, and then taking action to remain committed to it here, moving forward. So specifically, let me get very specific because many people say, well, what do you mean? I'm saying, if you believe that you have not been doing enough in the past, well, one, you need to make up for the work that you didn't do. So there's that work that you need to do. Then there's the work that you need to do here moving forward, which means it's more than what you've done. So you have work that you have to get done and the work you're going to do here really moving forward and you have to remain committed to that here, moving forward.
Quincy Amarikwa (27:06):
So if you've decided that for instance, you need to I've seen a lot of individuals saying that they'd been silent as to not calling out racism or discrimination when they've seen it or, or and that they're there supporting of the black lives matter movement, or just more so hearing black people's experiences and not denying their experiences any longer, then that's not something that just lasts for a week. That's not just something that comes to one social media post. If you're saying that you want to do different and you commit to doing different, then you're doing the one social media posts. And you're committing to doing an additional social media post every day for the next six months, just to make up for what you didn't do up to this point. And then after you've done that for six minutes, you'll then have enough experience having listened for the first time ever to people who might not look like you, or sound like you were having a different perspective or experience in yours to then come to a conclusion as to what you will like to do next or what you'd like to commit to next.
Quincy Amarikwa (28:10):
But I definitely want to make sure I'm calling out the individuals who are saying they're there. They're about that action. They're about change. They're about doing whatever's necessary. Especially these individuals who have these platforms have been speaking a bunch of nonsense for time, which has been the reason why the system has been created in the way that it has, which is why, which is what has not allowed individuals to have access to the opportunities that every a chance of having an opportunity for. Then if you're not committed to doing that, just say, you're not, we don't need to hear your, your fake messages anymore. People have woken up. People understand that messages with no action behind it, no commitment, no consistency over time. You don't just show up today. You show up tomorrow and the next day and two weeks from now and a month from now. And even if people still don't believe you yet, you show up three months from now and six months from now, it's commitment. It's not commitment. Only if things go my way and it's perfect for me. And it's just how I want it to be. And it looks how I want it to look. No it's commitment. You're either committed or you're not. And if you're not that's okay, but not if you say you are, and then you aren't, that's the problem, self accountability. That's what's been lacking.
Quincy Amarikwa (31:07):
For the lab. Let's see if I can flip it. Cause now it's two there, as I've said on ESPN radio and Sports Center for the last eight weeks, a global pandemic means change and compromise for everyone. But as pro athletes and owners, if you make it about future pay and play and pay, you will lose your paying customers because they don't have the time. Yeah, that's interesting. That's just a very interesting perspective for him to share at this particular time, because the only thing that people have at this moment in time is time. So
Speaker 8 (31:49):
Quincy Amarikwa (31:51):
I had responded, so I'd be happy to discuss this with him because I want to better understand where he's coming from. And yeah, you guys will be able to see around Twitter things too small. And I don't have my secondary, my secondary, well, maybe I could compete in here because yeah, I guess I know I'm seeing half this stuff that individuals are saying. And a lot of people aren't necessarily able to keep up on all the moving parts and what's happening all the time, which is why we took the time to write that first, that first article. So if you guys haven't read that article, definitely read that article, share it with friends and family, especially individuals who were interested, maybe learning more about the league or the, the soccer system in general,
Quincy Amarikwa (32:45):
But let's see what here.
Quincy Amarikwa (32:59):
Yeah. Let's see what else we've got here in terms of, okay, so Jordan, yo, yo, Y O J X, R D a N asks, what do you think of players like Griffin and Alfonso Davies do differently from other young players to reach the level they're at?
Quincy Amarikwa (33:19):
What do they do differently? Well,
Quincy Amarikwa (33:21):
I can't speak to Alfonso Davies cause I don't know him personally. I don't have any personal experience with him. But with Griffin, I think Griffin is a very talented player and he is open to, to learning. He's open to the idea that he could be wrong and doesn't know everything, which is a valuable skill to have one that allows you the opportunity and ability to,
Quincy Amarikwa (33:44):
To improve.
Quincy Amarikwa (33:46):
I think a huge advantage that Griffin has is I haven't yet met his parents personally, but I, I can tell that he has a very strong support system at home. He has a family that is very much behind him and I believe he says he has an older brother who plays as well, too.
Quincy Amarikwa (34:03):
Quincy Amarikwa (34:04):
For me, it's for me it seems like Griffin has a very strong support system that has been dedicated to helping him maximize his potential. And then on top of that, Griffin also has an open mentality and mindset and a willingness to put in the work and get better.
Quincy Amarikwa (34:19):
Quincy Amarikwa (34:21):
I believe
Quincy Amarikwa (34:22):
Not everyone might not, everyone may have access to the support system or a support system to help them get to whatever level that they're choosing to, but everyone does have the potential to have that open-minded
Quincy Amarikwa (34:36):
Mindset, a willingness and hunger and thirst to learn and get better. And the willingness on their own to improve their skills over time. And we've discussed this in previous episodes where I've discussed and said that your your disadvantage becomes your advantage in a longterm in the longterm
Quincy Amarikwa (34:55):
And the less you have starting out,
Quincy Amarikwa (35:02):
If you're able to, the less you have starting out, the greater advantage you have in the long run, the longer you learn to hang around and stick around.
Quincy Amarikwa (35:15):
Okay. So
Quincy Amarikwa (35:17):
I think a lot of people, a lot of players look at not having access to certain things or not having the support system or the advantages that other people around them may have as a reason to not try or a reason for it to yeah. Or for reasons to not try.
Quincy Amarikwa (35:36):
Quincy Amarikwa (35:38):
But the lower you start, the less you have, the greater appreciation you'll have as time goes on and the, the greater advantage it will become for you in the future. Cause you'll re you'll always remember where you started. You always remember where you start and if you started at the bottom, you know what the bottom is, you know what that looks like your Bain, right? You're you were born in the darkness molded by it. And it seems like that's the theme, these last couple of weeks, right. Embrace that. Embrace your disadvantages. See those, see those as a, as an armor, as an, as an advantage as, as something that gives you the opportunity to be stronger.
Speaker 5 (36:26):
Quincy Amarikwa (36:29):
O L E G G Y a O L E G G R Y M a Y L O S. How did you go pro? I broke, I actually broke down how I went pro if you go over to perfect soccer skills.com and you type in the search bar at the top there how I went from thinking, I never play soccer again to becoming a professional soccer player. I I've written an entire article breaking down that process of how I went pro, which is which will get you that full summary. And I like to make sure we're fully taking advantage of the time that we have in the call. So I'm not re bringing all that up. Chris had joined in the live, showed some love what's going on, brother? How are you doing thanks for stopping by seeing what's going on on this side. Let's see what we've got as well here. Chris was just recent on the most. Was it the most recent episode of the perfect soccer podcast? So make sure you guys check that out over on perfect soccer skills.com. You also can subscribe to perfect cyber skills.com/radio and listen to his path to the pro level.
Quincy Amarikwa (37:45):
Let's see. Oh man. I thought this was interesting as well to you over in the comment section I'm enjoying seeing you guys over in the comment section is participating in the comment section, sharing your thoughts, sharing your feedback and especially over on Twitter, trying to be a little bit more active on Twitter. It makes it a bit easier for me to you.
Speaker 5 (38:06):
Quincy Amarikwa (38:07):
Continue to engage with you guys, answer your questions, get information over to you. So please continue doing so, but yet, Hey Jalen, joining us. Well, you said you, the goat Quincy, a black King with the, with the crown loving that. Thank you very much, brother. I appreciate that. I'm looking forward to a lot of the things that we are working on here too, to bring, bring players together to better be heard and understood and, and more fairly represented. Let's see questions here. We got, as you guys got more questions, dropping them in there.
Quincy Amarikwa (39:12):
Let's see what we've got here. And we've got about 20 plus minutes, 20 couple of like 23 minutes here, left before. That's a wrap for the show. If any of you guys are trying to call in with some questions also leaving that open to some of you pros that are in the live as well too. If you guys want to hop in for two or three minutes, ask a question, share what's going on on your side of the world. Love to have you guys drop in, but while I'm waiting on any of those potential calls to come in, John Hollinger had asked examples of mentally challenging things you do deliberately to prepare yourself.
Quincy Amarikwa (39:48):
Ooh, so it's a good one. So I shared this a lot in the past that if you can't argue the counter narrative or a counter perspective to your opinion or how you feel about something, I don't believe you spent enough time thinking about it yet. So to be willing to be so adamant about sharing it with others. So I spent a lot of my time trying to tear down my own ideas, my own thoughts, my own systems because I want to be able to, I want to be able to have the ability to see the flaws in my own thinking, see the, see the hypocrisy of my own, my own philosophies, my own modes of operating yeah. Modes of operating so that I can come to a conclusion and decision if that's what I believe in. And I'm committed to I'm committed to for the longterm in terms of, I want to be able to look back just as I am able to now at where I started and know that I've made a lot of mistakes.
Quincy Amarikwa (41:07):
I didn't know everything when I started out, but I am, but my intention was in the right place. My intent was the right place and I remained committed to that intent. And I can now looking back at that acknowledge the ways in which I was wrong, acknowledged the ways in which I could be misunderstood and, and better refine my, my systems, my processes, my mean my mode of thinking and how I operate here moving forward. So sometimes knowingly, consciously miss I'm unconsciously, making it difficult on myself, tying it to what we talked about when we broke down new experiences in the beginning. And to be more specific. So I had to talk my way through it, so I could better describe it to you guys. So you can better understand where I'm coming from. So a specific hard example of how I make mentally challenged.
Quincy Amarikwa (42:07):
I make something more mentally challenging deliberately to prepare myself as I show up to a new environment, a new system, a new team, a new organization, and approach it as if I'm a rookie. And I take in all 100 of the information. So we just talked about this. There are things to be seen. You take in a hundred at the elite level, you find you're focused on the one thing. Every time I show up, I deliberately make it so that I'm taking in a hundred. I overwhelm myself. I try to consume all information all at one time, the same way in which you would, when you're, when you're showing up as a rookie. Now in the short term, you are the dumbest person in the room. You're an idiot. You don't know what's going on, but over time, I've refined my system and process to get me through from the hundred down to the 50 down to the 25 to the 10 to the one.
Quincy Amarikwa (43:02):
Quincy Amarikwa (43:02):
So I'm deliberately and purposely putting myself in the situation on a hundred. And I'm using the Amarikwa process. The process that I share with you guys, the three S's of self awareness and the remaining steps of the process to then quickly go from I'm can taking in all 100, I'm unbiased, as best as I possibly can be. I'm completely ignorant as to what's going on. And I'm willing to assume that I'm wrong about everything, a hundred boom through my process and system. How quickly can I crunch that data? That information compartmentalize it, categorize it, sift through it, organize it, break it down into 50. Okay, great. I'm back in again. 50, break that down, compartmentalize it. 25, break that down, compartmentalize it. 10, break that down even more one. Okay. One. That's the most important thing. So I'm going in reverse as opposed to, I believe when most people believe they know something and understand something, they've got it down to that one.
Quincy Amarikwa (44:00):
They believe they know everything. So when they go into a new environment, they immediately point to, or focus on that one thing in this brand new environment, but they may be unaware that, that one thing isn't the most important thing here. So my one thing was refining a process that gets me to the one thing as quickly as possible. And as I gained more experience with that, I can get, I can sift through everything and get to the one thing more quickly, so I can continue to go into new environments and new situations and new yeah. Experiences and take them in
Quincy Amarikwa (44:37):
With as little bias as I possibly can. Now that there's still all there is still bias in that process. The part of the process is to, to check my bias along the way, and to self reflect it, to acknowledge my bias account for them and then adjust and learn and grow. And that's my process and that's what I do. And that's how I've been doing it for years and years and years. And
Quincy Amarikwa (45:08):
Quincy Amarikwa (45:10):
Great question, John, because most, I haven't been able to talk through that part of the process, cause I'm not sure what I would name that quite yet. Hey, pretty much proprietary information. This is basically what these organizations come to in terms of their systems and processes, and then they brand them or they patent them and you know I believe great ideas should be shared and execution of ideas is the most difficult part of the process. I believe what I've learned in how I've learned it and how I've earned the lessons of learning. It is valuable. And I'm, I'm happy to share that with those of you who join in on the show.
Quincy Amarikwa (45:54):
Yeah. Yeah. And I don't,
Quincy Amarikwa (45:59):
I don't believe that it should be a requirement that you pay for it. I believe that if you see the value in something, you should pay for it. But it doesn't mean everyone has the currently has the money to pay for it. So there's the free financial literacy courses. What do you, so you can develop those skill sets on your own maybe start your own business, generate revenue or, or money, and then in the future when you can pay and you believe that what we I've been sharing and been teaching has been a value to you. You can compensate me in some capacity in the future. That's why on the perfect soccer platform. There's always a path to paying now, which may, which at the end of the day saves you time or you work for yourself to earn whatever it is you in search of her or wanting for free. So I think those of you who have already created a perfect soccer team membership accounts have already gone through that process where you can go through, you can pay obviously for access to our platform or you can for yourself to get access for free. So there's no excuse. And there is no
Quincy Amarikwa (47:08):
There is no barrier to entry other than the work you are, are, or are not willing to do for yourself. And that's what it should be. Cause ms is meritocracy, right?
Quincy Amarikwa (47:23):
Quincy Amarikwa (47:26):
That's fair. That's equality. Mmm. Let's see what we got here. So we've got 10 more. Minutes.
Quincy Amarikwa (47:38):
Okay. We've got a lot of questions that have come in. Let's see what we got here. There we go. Ryan, Ryan Ryan is a perfectsoccerskills.com/loginaccount. That will give you the opportunity to take the path that you want to choose. Now, since I've updated that system, Ryan, I had not let you know about that yet. So no worries bro. But speaking about Ryan, Ryan had asked, what is your favorite move to create space for a shot on goal Peyton? My favorite, my favorite is just is just simple. The faint. So step paint. So coming across the body so that the player has to lean with you. As soon as they lean, then you come and you come from the com from outside the ball outside shot, all you need is happy yard for a shot. Think too many players are trying to create the perfect any of the perfect shot create too much space. You you're just wanting to have a separation of time to get your shot off. I think a player who's really great at doing that is a Bradley right. Phillips. If you guys you guys have a chance to make sure you go check out some of his highlight videos and watch how simple move, how simple his movements are and how quickly he can get a shot off in tight spaces.
Quincy Amarikwa (49:19):
Many of his goals aren't even in the army, in the corner or anything. And you might wonder like how is he's not even placing it in the corner, but it's getting it's being scored is because when you create that separation and get the shot off quickly players are still like in their sequence, in their typical sequence. Cause they're used to players, you know, winding up and taking time and showcasing and highlighting what they're doing and where they're going that you can catch them off guard. So he's able and capable of slotting him in the corner if he needs to, but only if he needs to Montreal impact means said, who remembers Bradley Wright-Phillips iconic belly for his 100th goal versus a belly celly celebration against DC. Yeah. I think he scored a hundred goal against D.C. United and took off his shirt and had the 100 on the back. Let's see. But yeah. [inaudible]
Quincy Amarikwa (50:34):
Yeah, no, I'm, I'm I'm loving today and I'm loving seeing everybody who's, who's joined in and, and the questions that are coming in, everybody, the questions are starting to get high level. I'm happy to see it. A lot of the, a lot of the questions I can tell that are coming in or are coming in from community members who have created themselves a perfect soccer team, membership account have been, have read the book, read the other books, watch some of our our training videos have been going through the training center, reading the articles on the website and just improving in increasing their mental, excuse me, their mental strength in their soccer IQ. I mean, we're seeing everybody spam that hard, been down there and
Speaker 8 (51:21):
Quincy Amarikwa (51:22):
We have not hard, but everybody let me see, let me see that that energy, keep that energy up as we round into the last five minutes of the show here.
Quincy Amarikwa (51:32):
Um Oh, there we go. John Hollinger asks When are you in Sebastian Salazar going to have a talk with and Gomez as a mediator? I need that. I need the MSL army to start spamming Hercules Gomez moment. Andrew Weibe Charlie Davies. He, what else? All these soccer talking heads who have been ignoring us for time now, pretending as though they don't see our community pretending as though they don't see our comments, our questions spewing, whatever it is that they want to spew without rebuttal, without giving anybody the opportunity to defend themselves. And I think now's the time. I think now's the time where they'll they'll listen, because I think they're realizing they haven't been listening for a long time. And that is a problem. Cause you guys know they can't stop us. Oh, Oh. I mean, they're trying to ignore us. They are, but we'll get through eventually
Speaker 8 (52:51):
We'll get through.
Quincy Amarikwa (52:54):
It's just a matter of time and it will be the results of our community. Yeah. Connor Quincy for president. Oh, get Earl on the line. Cause Connor also say get Earl on the line. I think Earl's been we'll just stop back to training with D.C. United. yo shout out Earl. He's been working his buns off to doing a lot of work. During this quarantine, especially mans is fit, dialed in focused and ready to attack the the Orlando tournament and the rest of the season. So I think they just, they had training session today was their first day of training session.
Quincy Amarikwa (53:41):
Quincy Amarikwa (53:43):
He'll join in on the live here
Quincy Amarikwa (53:47):
In the future, man. Alright,
Quincy Amarikwa (54:00):
So we got two, three minutes. Oh yeah. Earl said maybe next week. Zuri Zuri said, please answer my questions. I'm not seeing your question. Oh Zuri asks will using a row machine help with explosive speed. It can. It just depends on the type of program that you're going through and like the speed at the speed at which you're, you're doing the road machine. If you're just doing the run machine, like consistency consistently at like a low, at a low pace, I think that's more for endurance, but you can turn it up where the resistance there and do explosive explosive circuits. So like super sets. But again, it just depends on the program that you've, you've designated and set up for yourself. Sabrina asks, how do you keep up with a player when they are bigger than you? Well, you just got to break them down mentally.
Quincy Amarikwa (54:54):
Then you don't have to keep up. They have to keep up with you. And the way you learn how to break down players mentally, as you tune into the ASCA soccer pro show, every Thursday, 6:00 PM, PST 9:00 PM EST. And you download that MSL knowledge. But more importantly if you don't know, or you haven't started yet head over to perfectsoccerskills.com/sss that's the three S's of self-awareness check out that that talk I did at Bill Hamid's camp last year Letsbeanes joined on one was that episode 70 last soccer pro show and shared what his personal experience has been since listening to that to that talk. So you can get a lot out of a short duration of time. And the MSL mentality and MSL mindset is a very condensed down, highly valuable mental software update that you can utilize to extract a lot of value from, but more importantly, contribute a lot of value to the system because we're here to overdo the bill over deliver value.
Quincy Amarikwa (56:02):
Everybody leave every exchange, having given more than we received. That is the that's part of the mission here at perfect soccer, 10 million self-sufficient goal oriented, focused, disciplined individuals. And I'm happy to have you guys join in with me every single week to make that happen because you guys already know teamwork equals dream dreamwork. We've got a minute and a half year left, left, left on the live. I want to thank everybody for joining me. And especially all the pros who dropped in a said what's up show their support and their love Kane 23 Hampton and giving me the mental, the mental emoji plus the flex arms Reese puppy cups dropping them in the head to emojis increased football I'm and you had emojis. Everybody's spamming that heart button. If you guys enjoyed today's episode, let me see them. I'm in your head. Emojis.
Quincy Amarikwa (56:53):
Let me know if you love today's episode, you hated it. What you liked, what you didn't. I'm loving that everyone spam that heart button John said, teamwork equals three. Mark. We got a minute left here. I make sure to share this live directly on the feed post show. We'll be doing, I'll be doing giveaways for those of you who are leaving your comments from what you learned from today's. From today's episode in the comment section, I'll pick someone at random, send them some perfect soccer merge. So right when this is done, make sure you guys head over there leave your comment, share on your feed. Let people know what you've taken away from from today's episode. Tag me in not so reshare my, my accounts. I appreciate everybody who's joined in your feedback is what I use to better plan for future episodes topics he is and all that. And I really appreciate everybody joining in the community. So we have that said, I appreciate it. John dropping I'm in your head page 23. I'm in your head, Heather. Bye everyone. See you next week. Thank you Quincy. For the live today, I learned a lot loving that everybody stay safe and I'll see you here next week.
0 notes
scottmapess · 4 years
What’s up, guys? Welcome back to another video. So in today’s video, we have some very important news. Bitcoin must break above this specific price. If we want to remain bullish, I’ll be covering that in today’s video. We’re going to be taking a look at the exact price action where Bitcoin has to reach if we need to and want to remain bullish. Right now, we’ve pretty much been going sideways for quite some time. Definitely on the four-hour charts. We’re going to be talking about that price. We need to break. We’re also going to be taking a look at a theorem and how that has actually gone ahead and crossed the 200-day moving average and how that is very, very bullish for a theorem. We’re going to be taking a look at what would happen if Jeff Bezos, the owner of Amazon, would, in fact, go ahead and buy all the bitcoin in circulation. It’s a really interesting article. And yes, he can afford to buy every single bitcoin in circulation. We’re then going to be taking a look at bitcoin to the rescue as the U.S. Fed fake economy has to burn or burst at some point. So all that good stuff will be coming up in today’s video. Guys, as always, sit back, relax and get ready for the video. All right, guys, so welcome back to another video. Thank you for joining me again today. I really appreciate it. If we can hit that one key like target, that will be absolutely excellent. And if you do enjoy my content and you haven’t already subscribed, consider subscribing and taking that notification. Bill should get notified when I post my next upload. As always, guys, drop your comments down below. If you did want to enter into a win that trades a storage device takes two seconds and you can win something. So just drop a comment down below. So let’s get into today’s video and take a look at the bitcoin price. Right now, we saw that breakout from this channel here up to around about the highs of seventy-seven sixty dollars, which is really, really nice to see. Unfortunately, though, we immediately almost got rejected and came back below this seventy-six hundred dollar line. Now this seventy-six hundred dollar line is a major, major level of resistance we see here. It was a major level of support and now is becoming a major level of resistance. I really, really, really want bitcoin to break above this seventy-six hundred dollar line if we are to continue to remain bullish. I think it’s a must if we don’t break up of this line and we keep testing it and keep rejecting it. Well, we could either come down to this sloping level of increasing support and B, the seven thousand dollar range, which we know is a strong level of resistance or even worse, we could break and for lower than that. If we go on to the daily chart right now and take a look at what’s going on there, we can see that we’ve overall of the past month or so had a very nice growth and performance on the bitcoin price. If we can manage to break this seventy-six hundred dollar range, I do think we will be going up to this area here around the eighty-five hundred dollar level. That was a previous level of support after we came down from these kinds of ten thousand four hundred dollar peaks up here. We did come down to this level and I do think that will be a rather large level of resistance or the next step up if we were in fact to break this seventy-six hundred dollar level. If we go ahead and take a look at the 50 and the 200-day moving average, once we are in fact on the daily chart, we can see again, I’ve mentioned this before, we had a nice bounce from that 50-day moving average which is in blue, and we are currently below the 200 days moving average, which is in yellow here. I do think if we can break above this seventy-six hundred dollar range, we will come into contact with his 200 days moving average, which we all know plays a major, major, major level and a major key into the price of bitcoin. If we take a look back, basically anytime we are above the 200-day moving average and we see nice, good bullish price action and anytime we are below it, we see negative and bearish price action. That’s the basis of the 200-day moving average throughout the massive market cycle here back in June and July of last year. All that time we were above the 200-day moving average. We were producing higher highs in halo’s. And just overall being bullish. Then we dropped below the 200 days moving average here, came to test it multiple, multiple times, broke above it heavily, got rejected. And then we saw the massive downturn here, which we weren’t too pleased with. Again, we dropped below this 200-day moving average when we had this massive crash back on around the early March 8th, the 10th of March. We then saw a massive price reduction. And that’s currently where we are with current currently coming back up to test this 200-day moving average. Hopefully, we can test above it and show some nice bullish signs. As we all know, the halving now is less than 20 days away, which is absolutely crazy. I really, really hope we can see some bullish things for bitcoin coming up. I do want to quickly mention, guys, there’s only 13 hours or as you’re watching this, maybe less than 10 hours left on the Bitcoin blueprint sale. This is the final day of the sale. So if you were interested in picking up the Bitcoin blueprint at $100 off and learning more about these trading tactics, it could make you a profitable trader. Check out the link down below. So let’s go ahead and take a look. The area, this is actually a really nice theory as we can see the yellow mark here. We’ve actually crossed the 200-day moving average. We crossed this on the 22nd of April. So, yes, we did cross it a few days ago. However, we have continued to close 1 two, three, four times now above the 200-day moving average. Now, this does not necessarily mean theory and is going to be absolutely shooting up to 250, 300 dollars. No, it doesn’t. We currently are testing around this $200 range, which is here. It will be exciting to see if this kind of state does, in fact, go ahead and touch this 200 day moving 200 days. Sorry, the $200 price, not 200 days too many to hundreds if we do, in fact, test this $200 price level or do we come back down and find support at this 180, $790 range and then go back up and test this $200 level? We do come down and we do get rejected on the theory in price. We do have this very strong level of support here at the 200 days, which we’ve seen here, and we’ve seen this as resistance. And what we did, in fact, break and go below it, we were fairly bearish. So again, guys, a 200-day moving average is pretty much the industry standard in what people use to determine if something is bullish or bearish, we’re currently above it. That doesn’t mean we could pump up crazy levels because as we’ve seen here in the past, we’ve been above it for quite a few days and still continue downwards. Again, we’ve been above it for quite a few days, still continued downwards. We need a real break and a good amount of time of Buffett’s to confirm a complete trend reversal for a theorem. But I do want to bring you this analysis as a theory has been doing really, really well recently. It was actually a trade call on theory this morning where some people made a lot of money due to this pump. That’s very, very nice. As always, guys, I did want to talk to you about a Phoenix. I pretty much is my number one recommended exchange right now. I’m really enjoying trading on there. You see my trades in the past. And you know what Phoenix is about. If you did want to join, if you deposit 0.2 bitcoin to your trading account using my link below, you’ll actually get a free $112 bonus. And it’s really simple to do. Simply click the link down below deposit, sign up, deposit 0.2 bitcoin to your trading account and then within 24 to 48 hours the support will actually go ahead and manually add that bonus for you if you see a 72 dollar bonus on the website. That’s if you just join the website. Normally if you join using my link, you actually get that extra bonus and if you deposit that 0.2 to your trading account, I really like it as many great features. It’s got good leverage and it has the ability to have sober counts as well as you can trade long on one trade show on the other, which some leverage exchanges don’t offer. Of course, guys, if you are a new trader, I don’t recommend leverage trading. It’s mainly for the more experienced traders. So let’s take a look at this article, which is actually really, really interesting, Jeff. If Jeff Bezos bought all the bitcoin in circulation now, I first want to point out two things. One, yes, he can afford to buy all the bitcoin left in circulation and still have a very sizable net worth left, too. Could he really buy all the bitcoins in circulation will? Probably not, because it would be very, very hard. And the second he starts buying up all the older books on the exchanges, people would not really want to be selling their bitcoin because they would see the price skyrocketing as the supply would the available supply it would be reducing. So he could potentially do. But really how you’re going to get 18 million bitcoin, OPEC, it’s just not practical. You’re never going to do it. Some people won’t want to sell. So it’s just a bit of a fun article. I thought it would bring you to I would bring you this anyway. Hoarding a network of about 140 billion dollars. Jeff Bezos could theoretically afford to buy all the bitcoin in circulation. Of course, he could only buy the liquid BTC on exchanges, massively driving up prices in the process. Bitcoin has a current circulating supply of around eighteen point four million. We know there’s a total supply of 21 million. At least some of the supply has been lost by the early adopters and miners who are not any longer able to access their original stashes. If you didn’t know the total supply, 21 million is actually probably all the available supply which we currently have. When we do in fact mine every bitcoin, there won’t be 21 million bitcoins available because yes, there’ll be existence, but a lot of them will be lost in our wallets and they’ll be stolen and lost. And just a lot of stuff like that will happen. So the total supply when everything’s mined will not be 21 million or the available supply. Sorry. Will not be 21 million as a lot of it will be lost. Additionally, the BTC, which is currently for sale on exchanges also called liquid bitcoin, is only a small fraction of the coins in circulation. It’s hard to say how many coins for sale right now and at which price level investors would stop holding them to sell their coins. I don’t think you could buy a large percentage of BTC this way because when the price starts going up, people will not want to sell their coins. Is very true. If they just float the BTC markets with buy orders, all the liquidity would rapidly disappear. With surging prices blocking out all the buying. It goes on to say oh, as well as picking up stocks from coins from miners. It would be difficult to buy. OPEC wouldn’t really be practical at the press time of them then writing this article. Bitcoin. Seventy-one hundred dollars. We’re now at about seventy-six hundred dollars. The entire market caps it’s 130 billion, which is crazy. And his current net was a net worth basis. Could theoretically afford all the BTC and still have about 10 billion spam which is crazy. Majin owning all bitcoin is still having 10 billion spent. So a bit of a silly article, but I thought I would bring it to you as it is fairly interesting. Moving on to the final article of the day now, bitcoin to the rescue. As Ron Paul says, U.S. Fed a fake Fed fake economy has burst. As you know, I’ve been telling you mostly every video. I do think the economy and specifically, the traditional markets like stocks and stuff will in fact burst at some point and will tank in price when that will be. I don’t know. I’m just simply waiting for that day. The United States Federal Reserve fake economy has. First, former presidential candidate Ron Paul has announced as a money printing takes his balance just to six point six trillion, which is crazy, according to the pro-Bitcoin retired politician. Neither coronavirus nor the brief uptick in stocks can hide the impact of the Fed’s actions. The Fed’s fake economy has burst the stock market. Even if it rises, it cannot hide the damage that has already been done. He goes on here to say that on American ideas of government micromanage and micromanagement and the Fed central planning of the economy have failed and will continue to fail as long as they clung to the time to rebuild with the American ideals of liberty and sound. Money has arrived, and of course, Bitcoin is hopefully going to be very, very popular. Paul’s common as come as the Fed’s balance sheet reached the highs of 6.6 trillion purely due to money printing and associated economic bailout measures. It goes on here to say how there’s a lot of similarity about the 1930s Great Depression and the stock’s current rise from last month’s crash merely echoes the behaviour after the 1929 Wall Street crash. Sleep well tonight. We are all lucky to be living in an era or in an age when the Fed will bail us out, which is absolutely crazy. It goes on here to say they tell us the government can spend on more spending without taxing at all, that it could continue to pile up debt without ever paying it off because we owe it to ourselves. A really interesting article here, guys. I definitely want to know your thoughts down below in the comments that will also enter you, too, in that transit storage device. So, guys, that’s pretty much it for today’s video again. I really want Bitcoin to break above this level here, above the seventy-six hundred dollar level for us to remain bullish and test this eighty-five hundred dollar level. If we don’t, we could be coming down to sloping levels of support here. First of all, coming down to around 70, 300 and then down to seven thousand dollars. The worst-case scenario, as always, guys. Don’t forget the bitcoin Leuprecht sale is literally nearly over only 13 hours left if you did want to get your hands on that hundred dollar discount. The link will be down below. And don’t forget to join fee using my link. If you did want to use leverage trading to get that extra hundred and twelve dollar bonus if you deposit 0.2 bitcoin or more. So thanks for watching today’s video guys, and I’ll catch you in the next one.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-must-break-this-price-now-to-remain/ source https://cryptosharks1.blogspot.com/2020/04/watch-out-bitcoin-must-break-this-price.html
0 notes
jeffrmayhugh · 4 years
What’s up, guys? Welcome back to another video. So in today’s video, we have some very important news. Bitcoin must break above this specific price. If we want to remain bullish, I’ll be covering that in today’s video. We’re going to be taking a look at the exact price action where Bitcoin has to reach if we need to and want to remain bullish. Right now, we’ve pretty much been going sideways for quite some time. Definitely on the four-hour charts. We’re going to be talking about that price. We need to break. We’re also going to be taking a look at a theorem and how that has actually gone ahead and crossed the 200-day moving average and how that is very, very bullish for a theorem. We’re going to be taking a look at what would happen if Jeff Bezos, the owner of Amazon, would, in fact, go ahead and buy all the bitcoin in circulation. It’s a really interesting article. And yes, he can afford to buy every single bitcoin in circulation. We’re then going to be taking a look at bitcoin to the rescue as the U.S. Fed fake economy has to burn or burst at some point. So all that good stuff will be coming up in today’s video. Guys, as always, sit back, relax and get ready for the video. All right, guys, so welcome back to another video. Thank you for joining me again today. I really appreciate it. If we can hit that one key like target, that will be absolutely excellent. And if you do enjoy my content and you haven’t already subscribed, consider subscribing and taking that notification. Bill should get notified when I post my next upload. As always, guys, drop your comments down below. If you did want to enter into a win that trades a storage device takes two seconds and you can win something. So just drop a comment down below. So let’s get into today’s video and take a look at the bitcoin price. Right now, we saw that breakout from this channel here up to around about the highs of seventy-seven sixty dollars, which is really, really nice to see. Unfortunately, though, we immediately almost got rejected and came back below this seventy-six hundred dollar line. Now this seventy-six hundred dollar line is a major, major level of resistance we see here. It was a major level of support and now is becoming a major level of resistance. I really, really, really want bitcoin to break above this seventy-six hundred dollar line if we are to continue to remain bullish. I think it’s a must if we don’t break up of this line and we keep testing it and keep rejecting it. Well, we could either come down to this sloping level of increasing support and B, the seven thousand dollar range, which we know is a strong level of resistance or even worse, we could break and for lower than that. If we go on to the daily chart right now and take a look at what’s going on there, we can see that we’ve overall of the past month or so had a very nice growth and performance on the bitcoin price. If we can manage to break this seventy-six hundred dollar range, I do think we will be going up to this area here around the eighty-five hundred dollar level. That was a previous level of support after we came down from these kinds of ten thousand four hundred dollar peaks up here. We did come down to this level and I do think that will be a rather large level of resistance or the next step up if we were in fact to break this seventy-six hundred dollar level. If we go ahead and take a look at the 50 and the 200-day moving average, once we are in fact on the daily chart, we can see again, I’ve mentioned this before, we had a nice bounce from that 50-day moving average which is in blue, and we are currently below the 200 days moving average, which is in yellow here. I do think if we can break above this seventy-six hundred dollar range, we will come into contact with his 200 days moving average, which we all know plays a major, major, major level and a major key into the price of bitcoin. If we take a look back, basically anytime we are above the 200-day moving average and we see nice, good bullish price action and anytime we are below it, we see negative and bearish price action. That’s the basis of the 200-day moving average throughout the massive market cycle here back in June and July of last year. All that time we were above the 200-day moving average. We were producing higher highs in halo’s. And just overall being bullish. Then we dropped below the 200 days moving average here, came to test it multiple, multiple times, broke above it heavily, got rejected. And then we saw the massive downturn here, which we weren’t too pleased with. Again, we dropped below this 200-day moving average when we had this massive crash back on around the early March 8th, the 10th of March. We then saw a massive price reduction. And that’s currently where we are with current currently coming back up to test this 200-day moving average. Hopefully, we can test above it and show some nice bullish signs. As we all know, the halving now is less than 20 days away, which is absolutely crazy. I really, really hope we can see some bullish things for bitcoin coming up. I do want to quickly mention, guys, there’s only 13 hours or as you’re watching this, maybe less than 10 hours left on the Bitcoin blueprint sale. This is the final day of the sale. So if you were interested in picking up the Bitcoin blueprint at $100 off and learning more about these trading tactics, it could make you a profitable trader. Check out the link down below. So let’s go ahead and take a look. The area, this is actually a really nice theory as we can see the yellow mark here. We’ve actually crossed the 200-day moving average. We crossed this on the 22nd of April. So, yes, we did cross it a few days ago. However, we have continued to close 1 two, three, four times now above the 200-day moving average. Now, this does not necessarily mean theory and is going to be absolutely shooting up to 250, 300 dollars. No, it doesn’t. We currently are testing around this $200 range, which is here. It will be exciting to see if this kind of state does, in fact, go ahead and touch this 200 day moving 200 days. Sorry, the $200 price, not 200 days too many to hundreds if we do, in fact, test this $200 price level or do we come back down and find support at this 180, $790 range and then go back up and test this $200 level? We do come down and we do get rejected on the theory in price. We do have this very strong level of support here at the 200 days, which we’ve seen here, and we’ve seen this as resistance. And what we did, in fact, break and go below it, we were fairly bearish. So again, guys, a 200-day moving average is pretty much the industry standard in what people use to determine if something is bullish or bearish, we’re currently above it. That doesn’t mean we could pump up crazy levels because as we’ve seen here in the past, we’ve been above it for quite a few days and still continue downwards. Again, we’ve been above it for quite a few days, still continued downwards. We need a real break and a good amount of time of Buffett’s to confirm a complete trend reversal for a theorem. But I do want to bring you this analysis as a theory has been doing really, really well recently. It was actually a trade call on theory this morning where some people made a lot of money due to this pump. That’s very, very nice. As always, guys, I did want to talk to you about a Phoenix. I pretty much is my number one recommended exchange right now. I’m really enjoying trading on there. You see my trades in the past. And you know what Phoenix is about. If you did want to join, if you deposit 0.2 bitcoin to your trading account using my link below, you’ll actually get a free $112 bonus. And it’s really simple to do. Simply click the link down below deposit, sign up, deposit 0.2 bitcoin to your trading account and then within 24 to 48 hours the support will actually go ahead and manually add that bonus for you if you see a 72 dollar bonus on the website. That’s if you just join the website. Normally if you join using my link, you actually get that extra bonus and if you deposit that 0.2 to your trading account, I really like it as many great features. It’s got good leverage and it has the ability to have sober counts as well as you can trade long on one trade show on the other, which some leverage exchanges don’t offer. Of course, guys, if you are a new trader, I don’t recommend leverage trading. It’s mainly for the more experienced traders. So let’s take a look at this article, which is actually really, really interesting, Jeff. If Jeff Bezos bought all the bitcoin in circulation now, I first want to point out two things. One, yes, he can afford to buy all the bitcoin left in circulation and still have a very sizable net worth left, too. Could he really buy all the bitcoins in circulation will? Probably not, because it would be very, very hard. And the second he starts buying up all the older books on the exchanges, people would not really want to be selling their bitcoin because they would see the price skyrocketing as the supply would the available supply it would be reducing. So he could potentially do. But really how you’re going to get 18 million bitcoin, OPEC, it’s just not practical. You’re never going to do it. Some people won’t want to sell. So it’s just a bit of a fun article. I thought it would bring you to I would bring you this anyway. Hoarding a network of about 140 billion dollars. Jeff Bezos could theoretically afford to buy all the bitcoin in circulation. Of course, he could only buy the liquid BTC on exchanges, massively driving up prices in the process. Bitcoin has a current circulating supply of around eighteen point four million. We know there’s a total supply of 21 million. At least some of the supply has been lost by the early adopters and miners who are not any longer able to access their original stashes. If you didn’t know the total supply, 21 million is actually probably all the available supply which we currently have. When we do in fact mine every bitcoin, there won’t be 21 million bitcoins available because yes, there’ll be existence, but a lot of them will be lost in our wallets and they’ll be stolen and lost. And just a lot of stuff like that will happen. So the total supply when everything’s mined will not be 21 million or the available supply. Sorry. Will not be 21 million as a lot of it will be lost. Additionally, the BTC, which is currently for sale on exchanges also called liquid bitcoin, is only a small fraction of the coins in circulation. It’s hard to say how many coins for sale right now and at which price level investors would stop holding them to sell their coins. I don’t think you could buy a large percentage of BTC this way because when the price starts going up, people will not want to sell their coins. Is very true. If they just float the BTC markets with buy orders, all the liquidity would rapidly disappear. With surging prices blocking out all the buying. It goes on to say oh, as well as picking up stocks from coins from miners. It would be difficult to buy. OPEC wouldn’t really be practical at the press time of them then writing this article. Bitcoin. Seventy-one hundred dollars. We’re now at about seventy-six hundred dollars. The entire market caps it’s 130 billion, which is crazy. And his current net was a net worth basis. Could theoretically afford all the BTC and still have about 10 billion spam which is crazy. Majin owning all bitcoin is still having 10 billion spent. So a bit of a silly article, but I thought I would bring it to you as it is fairly interesting. Moving on to the final article of the day now, bitcoin to the rescue. As Ron Paul says, U.S. Fed a fake Fed fake economy has burst. As you know, I’ve been telling you mostly every video. I do think the economy and specifically, the traditional markets like stocks and stuff will in fact burst at some point and will tank in price when that will be. I don’t know. I’m just simply waiting for that day. The United States Federal Reserve fake economy has. First, former presidential candidate Ron Paul has announced as a money printing takes his balance just to six point six trillion, which is crazy, according to the pro-Bitcoin retired politician. Neither coronavirus nor the brief uptick in stocks can hide the impact of the Fed’s actions. The Fed’s fake economy has burst the stock market. Even if it rises, it cannot hide the damage that has already been done. He goes on here to say that on American ideas of government micromanage and micromanagement and the Fed central planning of the economy have failed and will continue to fail as long as they clung to the time to rebuild with the American ideals of liberty and sound. Money has arrived, and of course, Bitcoin is hopefully going to be very, very popular. Paul’s common as come as the Fed’s balance sheet reached the highs of 6.6 trillion purely due to money printing and associated economic bailout measures. It goes on here to say how there’s a lot of similarity about the 1930s Great Depression and the stock’s current rise from last month’s crash merely echoes the behaviour after the 1929 Wall Street crash. Sleep well tonight. We are all lucky to be living in an era or in an age when the Fed will bail us out, which is absolutely crazy. It goes on here to say they tell us the government can spend on more spending without taxing at all, that it could continue to pile up debt without ever paying it off because we owe it to ourselves. A really interesting article here, guys. I definitely want to know your thoughts down below in the comments that will also enter you, too, in that transit storage device. So, guys, that’s pretty much it for today’s video again. I really want Bitcoin to break above this level here, above the seventy-six hundred dollar level for us to remain bullish and test this eighty-five hundred dollar level. If we don’t, we could be coming down to sloping levels of support here. First of all, coming down to around 70, 300 and then down to seven thousand dollars. The worst-case scenario, as always, guys. Don’t forget the bitcoin Leuprecht sale is literally nearly over only 13 hours left if you did want to get your hands on that hundred dollar discount. The link will be down below. And don’t forget to join fee using my link. If you did want to use leverage trading to get that extra hundred and twelve dollar bonus if you deposit 0.2 bitcoin or more. So thanks for watching today’s video guys, and I’ll catch you in the next one.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-must-break-this-price-now-to-remain/ source https://cryptosharks1.tumblr.com/post/616584609053933568
0 notes
heatherrdavis1 · 4 years
What’s up, guys? Welcome back to another video. So in today’s video, we have some very important news. Bitcoin must break above this specific price. If we want to remain bullish, I’ll be covering that in today’s video. We’re going to be taking a look at the exact price action where Bitcoin has to reach if we need to and want to remain bullish. Right now, we’ve pretty much been going sideways for quite some time. Definitely on the four-hour charts. We’re going to be talking about that price. We need to break. We’re also going to be taking a look at a theorem and how that has actually gone ahead and crossed the 200-day moving average and how that is very, very bullish for a theorem. We’re going to be taking a look at what would happen if Jeff Bezos, the owner of Amazon, would, in fact, go ahead and buy all the bitcoin in circulation. It’s a really interesting article. And yes, he can afford to buy every single bitcoin in circulation. We’re then going to be taking a look at bitcoin to the rescue as the U.S. Fed fake economy has to burn or burst at some point. So all that good stuff will be coming up in today’s video. Guys, as always, sit back, relax and get ready for the video. All right, guys, so welcome back to another video. Thank you for joining me again today. I really appreciate it. If we can hit that one key like target, that will be absolutely excellent. And if you do enjoy my content and you haven’t already subscribed, consider subscribing and taking that notification. Bill should get notified when I post my next upload. As always, guys, drop your comments down below. If you did want to enter into a win that trades a storage device takes two seconds and you can win something. So just drop a comment down below. So let’s get into today’s video and take a look at the bitcoin price. Right now, we saw that breakout from this channel here up to around about the highs of seventy-seven sixty dollars, which is really, really nice to see. Unfortunately, though, we immediately almost got rejected and came back below this seventy-six hundred dollar line. Now this seventy-six hundred dollar line is a major, major level of resistance we see here. It was a major level of support and now is becoming a major level of resistance. I really, really, really want bitcoin to break above this seventy-six hundred dollar line if we are to continue to remain bullish. I think it’s a must if we don’t break up of this line and we keep testing it and keep rejecting it. Well, we could either come down to this sloping level of increasing support and B, the seven thousand dollar range, which we know is a strong level of resistance or even worse, we could break and for lower than that. If we go on to the daily chart right now and take a look at what’s going on there, we can see that we’ve overall of the past month or so had a very nice growth and performance on the bitcoin price. If we can manage to break this seventy-six hundred dollar range, I do think we will be going up to this area here around the eighty-five hundred dollar level. That was a previous level of support after we came down from these kinds of ten thousand four hundred dollar peaks up here. We did come down to this level and I do think that will be a rather large level of resistance or the next step up if we were in fact to break this seventy-six hundred dollar level. If we go ahead and take a look at the 50 and the 200-day moving average, once we are in fact on the daily chart, we can see again, I’ve mentioned this before, we had a nice bounce from that 50-day moving average which is in blue, and we are currently below the 200 days moving average, which is in yellow here. I do think if we can break above this seventy-six hundred dollar range, we will come into contact with his 200 days moving average, which we all know plays a major, major, major level and a major key into the price of bitcoin. If we take a look back, basically anytime we are above the 200-day moving average and we see nice, good bullish price action and anytime we are below it, we see negative and bearish price action. That’s the basis of the 200-day moving average throughout the massive market cycle here back in June and July of last year. All that time we were above the 200-day moving average. We were producing higher highs in halo’s. And just overall being bullish. Then we dropped below the 200 days moving average here, came to test it multiple, multiple times, broke above it heavily, got rejected. And then we saw the massive downturn here, which we weren’t too pleased with. Again, we dropped below this 200-day moving average when we had this massive crash back on around the early March 8th, the 10th of March. We then saw a massive price reduction. And that’s currently where we are with current currently coming back up to test this 200-day moving average. Hopefully, we can test above it and show some nice bullish signs. As we all know, the halving now is less than 20 days away, which is absolutely crazy. I really, really hope we can see some bullish things for bitcoin coming up. I do want to quickly mention, guys, there’s only 13 hours or as you’re watching this, maybe less than 10 hours left on the Bitcoin blueprint sale. This is the final day of the sale. So if you were interested in picking up the Bitcoin blueprint at $100 off and learning more about these trading tactics, it could make you a profitable trader. Check out the link down below. So let’s go ahead and take a look. The area, this is actually a really nice theory as we can see the yellow mark here. We’ve actually crossed the 200-day moving average. We crossed this on the 22nd of April. So, yes, we did cross it a few days ago. However, we have continued to close 1 two, three, four times now above the 200-day moving average. Now, this does not necessarily mean theory and is going to be absolutely shooting up to 250, 300 dollars. No, it doesn’t. We currently are testing around this $200 range, which is here. It will be exciting to see if this kind of state does, in fact, go ahead and touch this 200 day moving 200 days. Sorry, the $200 price, not 200 days too many to hundreds if we do, in fact, test this $200 price level or do we come back down and find support at this 180, $790 range and then go back up and test this $200 level? We do come down and we do get rejected on the theory in price. We do have this very strong level of support here at the 200 days, which we’ve seen here, and we’ve seen this as resistance. And what we did, in fact, break and go below it, we were fairly bearish. So again, guys, a 200-day moving average is pretty much the industry standard in what people use to determine if something is bullish or bearish, we’re currently above it. That doesn’t mean we could pump up crazy levels because as we’ve seen here in the past, we’ve been above it for quite a few days and still continue downwards. Again, we’ve been above it for quite a few days, still continued downwards. We need a real break and a good amount of time of Buffett’s to confirm a complete trend reversal for a theorem. But I do want to bring you this analysis as a theory has been doing really, really well recently. It was actually a trade call on theory this morning where some people made a lot of money due to this pump. That’s very, very nice. As always, guys, I did want to talk to you about a Phoenix. I pretty much is my number one recommended exchange right now. I’m really enjoying trading on there. You see my trades in the past. And you know what Phoenix is about. If you did want to join, if you deposit 0.2 bitcoin to your trading account using my link below, you’ll actually get a free $112 bonus. And it’s really simple to do. Simply click the link down below deposit, sign up, deposit 0.2 bitcoin to your trading account and then within 24 to 48 hours the support will actually go ahead and manually add that bonus for you if you see a 72 dollar bonus on the website. That’s if you just join the website. Normally if you join using my link, you actually get that extra bonus and if you deposit that 0.2 to your trading account, I really like it as many great features. It’s got good leverage and it has the ability to have sober counts as well as you can trade long on one trade show on the other, which some leverage exchanges don’t offer. Of course, guys, if you are a new trader, I don’t recommend leverage trading. It’s mainly for the more experienced traders. So let’s take a look at this article, which is actually really, really interesting, Jeff. If Jeff Bezos bought all the bitcoin in circulation now, I first want to point out two things. One, yes, he can afford to buy all the bitcoin left in circulation and still have a very sizable net worth left, too. Could he really buy all the bitcoins in circulation will? Probably not, because it would be very, very hard. And the second he starts buying up all the older books on the exchanges, people would not really want to be selling their bitcoin because they would see the price skyrocketing as the supply would the available supply it would be reducing. So he could potentially do. But really how you’re going to get 18 million bitcoin, OPEC, it’s just not practical. You’re never going to do it. Some people won’t want to sell. So it’s just a bit of a fun article. I thought it would bring you to I would bring you this anyway. Hoarding a network of about 140 billion dollars. Jeff Bezos could theoretically afford to buy all the bitcoin in circulation. Of course, he could only buy the liquid BTC on exchanges, massively driving up prices in the process. Bitcoin has a current circulating supply of around eighteen point four million. We know there’s a total supply of 21 million. At least some of the supply has been lost by the early adopters and miners who are not any longer able to access their original stashes. If you didn’t know the total supply, 21 million is actually probably all the available supply which we currently have. When we do in fact mine every bitcoin, there won’t be 21 million bitcoins available because yes, there’ll be existence, but a lot of them will be lost in our wallets and they’ll be stolen and lost. And just a lot of stuff like that will happen. So the total supply when everything’s mined will not be 21 million or the available supply. Sorry. Will not be 21 million as a lot of it will be lost. Additionally, the BTC, which is currently for sale on exchanges also called liquid bitcoin, is only a small fraction of the coins in circulation. It’s hard to say how many coins for sale right now and at which price level investors would stop holding them to sell their coins. I don’t think you could buy a large percentage of BTC this way because when the price starts going up, people will not want to sell their coins. Is very true. If they just float the BTC markets with buy orders, all the liquidity would rapidly disappear. With surging prices blocking out all the buying. It goes on to say oh, as well as picking up stocks from coins from miners. It would be difficult to buy. OPEC wouldn’t really be practical at the press time of them then writing this article. Bitcoin. Seventy-one hundred dollars. We’re now at about seventy-six hundred dollars. The entire market caps it’s 130 billion, which is crazy. And his current net was a net worth basis. Could theoretically afford all the BTC and still have about 10 billion spam which is crazy. Majin owning all bitcoin is still having 10 billion spent. So a bit of a silly article, but I thought I would bring it to you as it is fairly interesting. Moving on to the final article of the day now, bitcoin to the rescue. As Ron Paul says, U.S. Fed a fake Fed fake economy has burst. As you know, I’ve been telling you mostly every video. I do think the economy and specifically, the traditional markets like stocks and stuff will in fact burst at some point and will tank in price when that will be. I don’t know. I’m just simply waiting for that day. The United States Federal Reserve fake economy has. First, former presidential candidate Ron Paul has announced as a money printing takes his balance just to six point six trillion, which is crazy, according to the pro-Bitcoin retired politician. Neither coronavirus nor the brief uptick in stocks can hide the impact of the Fed’s actions. The Fed’s fake economy has burst the stock market. Even if it rises, it cannot hide the damage that has already been done. He goes on here to say that on American ideas of government micromanage and micromanagement and the Fed central planning of the economy have failed and will continue to fail as long as they clung to the time to rebuild with the American ideals of liberty and sound. Money has arrived, and of course, Bitcoin is hopefully going to be very, very popular. Paul’s common as come as the Fed’s balance sheet reached the highs of 6.6 trillion purely due to money printing and associated economic bailout measures. It goes on here to say how there’s a lot of similarity about the 1930s Great Depression and the stock’s current rise from last month’s crash merely echoes the behaviour after the 1929 Wall Street crash. Sleep well tonight. We are all lucky to be living in an era or in an age when the Fed will bail us out, which is absolutely crazy. It goes on here to say they tell us the government can spend on more spending without taxing at all, that it could continue to pile up debt without ever paying it off because we owe it to ourselves. A really interesting article here, guys. I definitely want to know your thoughts down below in the comments that will also enter you, too, in that transit storage device. So, guys, that’s pretty much it for today’s video again. I really want Bitcoin to break above this level here, above the seventy-six hundred dollar level for us to remain bullish and test this eighty-five hundred dollar level. If we don’t, we could be coming down to sloping levels of support here. First of all, coming down to around 70, 300 and then down to seven thousand dollars. The worst-case scenario, as always, guys. Don’t forget the bitcoin Leuprecht sale is literally nearly over only 13 hours left if you did want to get your hands on that hundred dollar discount. The link will be down below. And don’t forget to join fee using my link. If you did want to use leverage trading to get that extra hundred and twelve dollar bonus if you deposit 0.2 bitcoin or more. So thanks for watching today’s video guys, and I’ll catch you in the next one.
Via https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-must-break-this-price-now-to-remain/
source https://cryptosharks.weebly.com/blog/watch-out-bitcoin-must-break-this-price-now-to-remain-bullish-jeff-bezos-buying-bitcoin
0 notes
cryptosharks1 · 4 years
What’s up, guys? Welcome back to another video. So in today’s video, we have some very important news. Bitcoin must break above this specific price. If we want to remain bullish, I’ll be covering that in today’s video. We’re going to be taking a look at the exact price action where Bitcoin has to reach if we need to and want to remain bullish. Right now, we’ve pretty much been going sideways for quite some time. Definitely on the four-hour charts. We’re going to be talking about that price. We need to break. We’re also going to be taking a look at a theorem and how that has actually gone ahead and crossed the 200-day moving average and how that is very, very bullish for a theorem. We’re going to be taking a look at what would happen if Jeff Bezos, the owner of Amazon, would, in fact, go ahead and buy all the bitcoin in circulation. It’s a really interesting article. And yes, he can afford to buy every single bitcoin in circulation. We’re then going to be taking a look at bitcoin to the rescue as the U.S. Fed fake economy has to burn or burst at some point. So all that good stuff will be coming up in today’s video. Guys, as always, sit back, relax and get ready for the video. All right, guys, so welcome back to another video. Thank you for joining me again today. I really appreciate it. If we can hit that one key like target, that will be absolutely excellent. And if you do enjoy my content and you haven’t already subscribed, consider subscribing and taking that notification. Bill should get notified when I post my next upload. As always, guys, drop your comments down below. If you did want to enter into a win that trades a storage device takes two seconds and you can win something. So just drop a comment down below. So let’s get into today’s video and take a look at the bitcoin price. Right now, we saw that breakout from this channel here up to around about the highs of seventy-seven sixty dollars, which is really, really nice to see. Unfortunately, though, we immediately almost got rejected and came back below this seventy-six hundred dollar line. Now this seventy-six hundred dollar line is a major, major level of resistance we see here. It was a major level of support and now is becoming a major level of resistance. I really, really, really want bitcoin to break above this seventy-six hundred dollar line if we are to continue to remain bullish. I think it’s a must if we don’t break up of this line and we keep testing it and keep rejecting it. Well, we could either come down to this sloping level of increasing support and B, the seven thousand dollar range, which we know is a strong level of resistance or even worse, we could break and for lower than that. If we go on to the daily chart right now and take a look at what’s going on there, we can see that we’ve overall of the past month or so had a very nice growth and performance on the bitcoin price. If we can manage to break this seventy-six hundred dollar range, I do think we will be going up to this area here around the eighty-five hundred dollar level. That was a previous level of support after we came down from these kinds of ten thousand four hundred dollar peaks up here. We did come down to this level and I do think that will be a rather large level of resistance or the next step up if we were in fact to break this seventy-six hundred dollar level. If we go ahead and take a look at the 50 and the 200-day moving average, once we are in fact on the daily chart, we can see again, I’ve mentioned this before, we had a nice bounce from that 50-day moving average which is in blue, and we are currently below the 200 days moving average, which is in yellow here. I do think if we can break above this seventy-six hundred dollar range, we will come into contact with his 200 days moving average, which we all know plays a major, major, major level and a major key into the price of bitcoin. If we take a look back, basically anytime we are above the 200-day moving average and we see nice, good bullish price action and anytime we are below it, we see negative and bearish price action. That’s the basis of the 200-day moving average throughout the massive market cycle here back in June and July of last year. All that time we were above the 200-day moving average. We were producing higher highs in halo’s. And just overall being bullish. Then we dropped below the 200 days moving average here, came to test it multiple, multiple times, broke above it heavily, got rejected. And then we saw the massive downturn here, which we weren’t too pleased with. Again, we dropped below this 200-day moving average when we had this massive crash back on around the early March 8th, the 10th of March. We then saw a massive price reduction. And that’s currently where we are with current currently coming back up to test this 200-day moving average. Hopefully, we can test above it and show some nice bullish signs. As we all know, the halving now is less than 20 days away, which is absolutely crazy. I really, really hope we can see some bullish things for bitcoin coming up. I do want to quickly mention, guys, there’s only 13 hours or as you’re watching this, maybe less than 10 hours left on the Bitcoin blueprint sale. This is the final day of the sale. So if you were interested in picking up the Bitcoin blueprint at $100 off and learning more about these trading tactics, it could make you a profitable trader. Check out the link down below. So let’s go ahead and take a look. The area, this is actually a really nice theory as we can see the yellow mark here. We’ve actually crossed the 200-day moving average. We crossed this on the 22nd of April. So, yes, we did cross it a few days ago. However, we have continued to close 1 two, three, four times now above the 200-day moving average. Now, this does not necessarily mean theory and is going to be absolutely shooting up to 250, 300 dollars. No, it doesn’t. We currently are testing around this $200 range, which is here. It will be exciting to see if this kind of state does, in fact, go ahead and touch this 200 day moving 200 days. Sorry, the $200 price, not 200 days too many to hundreds if we do, in fact, test this $200 price level or do we come back down and find support at this 180, $790 range and then go back up and test this $200 level? We do come down and we do get rejected on the theory in price. We do have this very strong level of support here at the 200 days, which we’ve seen here, and we’ve seen this as resistance. And what we did, in fact, break and go below it, we were fairly bearish. So again, guys, a 200-day moving average is pretty much the industry standard in what people use to determine if something is bullish or bearish, we’re currently above it. That doesn’t mean we could pump up crazy levels because as we’ve seen here in the past, we’ve been above it for quite a few days and still continue downwards. Again, we’ve been above it for quite a few days, still continued downwards. We need a real break and a good amount of time of Buffett’s to confirm a complete trend reversal for a theorem. But I do want to bring you this analysis as a theory has been doing really, really well recently. It was actually a trade call on theory this morning where some people made a lot of money due to this pump. That’s very, very nice. As always, guys, I did want to talk to you about a Phoenix. I pretty much is my number one recommended exchange right now. I’m really enjoying trading on there. You see my trades in the past. And you know what Phoenix is about. If you did want to join, if you deposit 0.2 bitcoin to your trading account using my link below, you’ll actually get a free $112 bonus. And it’s really simple to do. Simply click the link down below deposit, sign up, deposit 0.2 bitcoin to your trading account and then within 24 to 48 hours the support will actually go ahead and manually add that bonus for you if you see a 72 dollar bonus on the website. That’s if you just join the website. Normally if you join using my link, you actually get that extra bonus and if you deposit that 0.2 to your trading account, I really like it as many great features. It’s got good leverage and it has the ability to have sober counts as well as you can trade long on one trade show on the other, which some leverage exchanges don’t offer. Of course, guys, if you are a new trader, I don’t recommend leverage trading. It’s mainly for the more experienced traders. So let’s take a look at this article, which is actually really, really interesting, Jeff. If Jeff Bezos bought all the bitcoin in circulation now, I first want to point out two things. One, yes, he can afford to buy all the bitcoin left in circulation and still have a very sizable net worth left, too. Could he really buy all the bitcoins in circulation will? Probably not, because it would be very, very hard. And the second he starts buying up all the older books on the exchanges, people would not really want to be selling their bitcoin because they would see the price skyrocketing as the supply would the available supply it would be reducing. So he could potentially do. But really how you’re going to get 18 million bitcoin, OPEC, it’s just not practical. You’re never going to do it. Some people won’t want to sell. So it’s just a bit of a fun article. I thought it would bring you to I would bring you this anyway. Hoarding a network of about 140 billion dollars. Jeff Bezos could theoretically afford to buy all the bitcoin in circulation. Of course, he could only buy the liquid BTC on exchanges, massively driving up prices in the process. Bitcoin has a current circulating supply of around eighteen point four million. We know there’s a total supply of 21 million. At least some of the supply has been lost by the early adopters and miners who are not any longer able to access their original stashes. If you didn’t know the total supply, 21 million is actually probably all the available supply which we currently have. When we do in fact mine every bitcoin, there won’t be 21 million bitcoins available because yes, there’ll be existence, but a lot of them will be lost in our wallets and they’ll be stolen and lost. And just a lot of stuff like that will happen. So the total supply when everything’s mined will not be 21 million or the available supply. Sorry. Will not be 21 million as a lot of it will be lost. Additionally, the BTC, which is currently for sale on exchanges also called liquid bitcoin, is only a small fraction of the coins in circulation. It’s hard to say how many coins for sale right now and at which price level investors would stop holding them to sell their coins. I don’t think you could buy a large percentage of BTC this way because when the price starts going up, people will not want to sell their coins. Is very true. If they just float the BTC markets with buy orders, all the liquidity would rapidly disappear. With surging prices blocking out all the buying. It goes on to say oh, as well as picking up stocks from coins from miners. It would be difficult to buy. OPEC wouldn’t really be practical at the press time of them then writing this article. Bitcoin. Seventy-one hundred dollars. We’re now at about seventy-six hundred dollars. The entire market caps it’s 130 billion, which is crazy. And his current net was a net worth basis. Could theoretically afford all the BTC and still have about 10 billion spam which is crazy. Majin owning all bitcoin is still having 10 billion spent. So a bit of a silly article, but I thought I would bring it to you as it is fairly interesting. Moving on to the final article of the day now, bitcoin to the rescue. As Ron Paul says, U.S. Fed a fake Fed fake economy has burst. As you know, I’ve been telling you mostly every video. I do think the economy and specifically, the traditional markets like stocks and stuff will in fact burst at some point and will tank in price when that will be. I don’t know. I’m just simply waiting for that day. The United States Federal Reserve fake economy has. First, former presidential candidate Ron Paul has announced as a money printing takes his balance just to six point six trillion, which is crazy, according to the pro-Bitcoin retired politician. Neither coronavirus nor the brief uptick in stocks can hide the impact of the Fed’s actions. The Fed’s fake economy has burst the stock market. Even if it rises, it cannot hide the damage that has already been done. He goes on here to say that on American ideas of government micromanage and micromanagement and the Fed central planning of the economy have failed and will continue to fail as long as they clung to the time to rebuild with the American ideals of liberty and sound. Money has arrived, and of course, Bitcoin is hopefully going to be very, very popular. Paul’s common as come as the Fed’s balance sheet reached the highs of 6.6 trillion purely due to money printing and associated economic bailout measures. It goes on here to say how there’s a lot of similarity about the 1930s Great Depression and the stock’s current rise from last month’s crash merely echoes the behaviour after the 1929 Wall Street crash. Sleep well tonight. We are all lucky to be living in an era or in an age when the Fed will bail us out, which is absolutely crazy. It goes on here to say they tell us the government can spend on more spending without taxing at all, that it could continue to pile up debt without ever paying it off because we owe it to ourselves. A really interesting article here, guys. I definitely want to know your thoughts down below in the comments that will also enter you, too, in that transit storage device. So, guys, that’s pretty much it for today’s video again. I really want Bitcoin to break above this level here, above the seventy-six hundred dollar level for us to remain bullish and test this eighty-five hundred dollar level. If we don’t, we could be coming down to sloping levels of support here. First of all, coming down to around 70, 300 and then down to seven thousand dollars. The worst-case scenario, as always, guys. Don’t forget the bitcoin Leuprecht sale is literally nearly over only 13 hours left if you did want to get your hands on that hundred dollar discount. The link will be down below. And don’t forget to join fee using my link. If you did want to use leverage trading to get that extra hundred and twelve dollar bonus if you deposit 0.2 bitcoin or more. So thanks for watching today’s video guys, and I’ll catch you in the next one.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-must-break-this-price-now-to-remain/
0 notes
Girlfriend #2
This girl was someone I liked when I was dating my first girlfriend. She was a sophomore and so was I. Let's call her "AM" as well (same initial... I kno..) She was about 5'5. She was very petite. She was also Philippino. She was a tomboy.
"AM" was a girl who I actually loved. She was my first romance but also my first heartbreak. She was someone who I eventually hated but forgave.
I had her in a few of my classes and we started to talk and she also hanged out with my group of friends. So we have knew each other. She was pretty popular among guys. She was kind of a flirt. School was never boring with her and it was something to look forward to each and every day. It took me awhile for me to admit that liked it because we all have those friends that tease u and say random things such "he likes you! Go out with him." And you are just like, ummmmm no I dont... and u then u tend to start hanging out with only her every single day. Every break and lunch and after school I would be with her. Then one day, I believe after school I asked her, "Would you be my girlfriend?" She then said, "Yes!"
So I got myself another girlfriend. Let me also say, she was a dancer and so was I. We took hip hop classes together and auditioned for a team. We both made it but I couldn't meet the financial payments every month so I decided not to be on the team. That particular event lead to so many heartbreaks.
Fast forward to a year to a year and half? This was the first incident that made me mad and hurt... I thought everything was great with us to be honest. I knew she was hanging out with her team a lot but I didn't know she was mainly hanging out with a guy on that team alot. So i decide to visit her after her class and I happen to see something or someone on the stairs and it was my girlfriend. But I also say another figure.... it was a dude and I saw them kissing. And they saw me and she stopped me from starting a fight at the studio. I literally walked out of there and went to my friends and asked him if I could punch something. He told me to punch his wooden book shelf and I broke it and my hand as well. Swollen and bloody. O wouldn't have known that she was hanging out with him if it was for my friend who was also in that dance team.
So of course we talked and she said it won't happen again and what did u know. It happened again of course. This time was on valentines day. I just remember a tweet and I believe I saw something on tumblr about her making chocolate and cookies and what not for him when I didnt recieved anything and I also made her something as well. There was so many things that I did for her but nothing I can do about it now but ponder about what happened. So back to the story... i confronted her again and she admitted to cheating on me again.... this went on I believe 2 more times... and yeah I forgave her. I know I'm stupid but i also thought she would change with even chance I gave her.
I should of known after the 3rd and 4th time but the heart wants what it wants. So eventually we broke up and she went straight to him and guess what? They fucked. Yup.. they did. I found this out because of my friend. The guy actually posted his first time on tumblr with her very vividly and it was just a couple adays ago that we broke up. My friend screen shot it and showed it to me and a few moments later he deletes it off tumblr.
She of course I pissed. I was really mad yet heartbroken. Everytime she cheated on me It hurt and i cried. I never cries til I met her. It's painful. Its sucks. You are just like a ball in ur bed covered in blankets and pillows and u just dont care about anything anymore. (But let me tell you, it will always hurt)
So that happened and my first girlfriend randomly messaged me and we sort of hanged out and out of spite, I lost it to her. It's funny how the world works. Wish I could of went back and not have done it but what's done is done. I dont regret it but I wish I did it with someone I loved. Or save it for someone special.
I was already fucked up after she cheated on me the 1st time. So imagine that 4 times. Sucks huh? We were basically on and off for 2 years and a few months. Sophomore til somewhat after senior year. I asked myself if I did anything wrong to deserve this. I questioned everything but I learned that there was more to life and I was pretty young still. I believe after that break up, i was in a slump for maybe 6 months and in that 6 months I drank and partied as much as i could.
Well my next girlfriend was pretty amazing to be honest. I'll talk more about her in my next post.
0 notes
byddesigner-blog · 6 years
Entry #1:
I Just Started Selling on Etsy...
Recently I decided to take the plunge, you know... the Etsy plunge! I thought about it for a while, but never found my niche. I’m not a crafty person. My crafts... well, the ending product usually look like a first grader’s... which I guess these days could be a gold mine! Ha-ha.
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So. Since crafts were out and vintage I know nothing about, I chalked it up for a loss, ceased my pursuit of becoming an Etsy Queen and kept my day job. Fast forward a few years later to now...
Well. My day job I kept... not as long as I had hoped. 😔 Earlier this year my position was cut, so I became jobless! A month... two months... three months... time was flying by, but no job yet! 😞 As I began nearing month four, I really thought about alternative options, something that could help until a job comes along. Bills got-ta get paid 💸 and I hate all the stress being on my husband.
So I thought... babysitting, no thanks. Waitressing, last resort. Crafting... yeah... right. Or... hum... maybe...? Interesting...🤔🤔 Okay? Sure! So two weeks later, here I am!
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Yeap! I officially opened two weeks ago... 🎉👊 🎉 (holla @ https://etsy.com/shop/BYDDESIGNER 🙌 🙌 )!!!
Is it bad I already have regrets though? 😬 Okay. Not really regrets, but I do wish I would have waited to have everything ready and top notch before my grand opening (not like I’ve gotten a lot of visitors since opening). Diving right in has given me a chance to slowly immerse myself into Etsy, so it’s been a nice learning experience, but it’s like I did all this research before and I thought I was good to go, then once I started it’s like a whole different world! The research helped, but it didn’t help prepare me for getting things started and top notch before ever even opening!
Kind of sad.
Almost everything I read was like you need pictures of this quality and “SEO” aka keywords/tags of such and such and so on...😧 What?! 😳 I’m just wanting to know if it’s worth my time and what little investment I do have! Gees!
Just trying to figure out if you really want to do this is enough to make you not even want to try! 😥 And the fact that I have to point out that last sentence tells you the type of commitment this is! May I add to that sentence, just to make a single sale!!
So, if you aren’t serious, don’t waste your time even starting! Unless you’re selling a one-of-a-kind, rare, item that would have no competition. If not, you’re literally wasting your time!
For those who are serious, BYD Designer is in the game now! 🤾‍♀️🙌🙌
Part of the reason why I decided to start this blog is so that I could really help those of you who were like me - curious, wanting to try, but hesitant. When I was researching I found some great material, but nothing I could use to really get me to say “okay, I can or want to do this”! I found a lot of helpful info I could use once I knew what I was doing (which I’ll share as we go along), but nothing telling me what it’s like, what to expect for different things or how to get a serious start from the VERY beginning, even before committing to start! I wanted to know investment, startup timeline, Etsy environment aka customers, etc. while I found some information on that stuff here and there, it was general and not geared towards the ‘thinking about it’ crowd.
Fact is, there’s a whole Etsy world out there! Like for example they have “teams”? On Etsy, once you become a seller you can join teams? Okay? I had to read the seller’s manual to see what a team was, then I understood what the blogs were talking about. I thought it was like selling partners. The term “team” still doesn’t make sense, but I guess if you want to get away from 00’s “forums”, it’s better. That’s basically all it is, a forum for your area or niche of selling among other topics.
Since there’s not much research for pre-Etsy sellers, I’m hoping my journal entries can be a guide for you Etsy think-a-be’s (like a wanna be? Get it? 😏😐) I’m still right out of the starting gate, so I’ll leave the sophisticated Etsy talk for after we get a, “Yes, I want to do this!”. For now though, I’ll get you started with some information on the world of Etsy and let you kno what I did, am doing, or am changing and the process of such things.
From what I’ve read, getting starting on Etsy is a long, slow journey, but if you take it seriously, and I mean like a full or part-time job seriously (not that I really know yet, but so far that tip checks-out😊), then one day, months later you’ll be setting poolside! And yes, I wrote MONTHS later! I’ve only been in the game two weeks, so we’ll see if we can’t find a secret to weeks later? 👌
Consider me your live tester before taking the plunge! Feel free to ask questions, I’ll help out in anyway I can!
As I conclude, I suggest the best thing to do at this point, assuming you have yet to open a store or you’ve opened, but have no products yet, is really to think about how serious you are about becoming an Etsy seller. Mainly at this point, think about time investment, especially before spending a dime to post or create a project.
If you don’t have a product in mind, no biggie, just keep thinking on possible projects. It’s important to know whether you have the time or want to spend the time before you waste your time!
Questions to ask yourself when deciding to open an Etsy store:
If you know what product to sale, start with the time it takes to make one for a single sale. If it’s custom made, would you have that same time frame several months from now?
How much time are you able to invest each day for the first month?
And after the first month?
How quickly do you need a cash flow?
Can you afford to keep a fully stocked store (40+ items and yes, I’m still working on mine!) for the first six months and marketing/fees even if you don’t make a sale?
If you’re in between jobs, how much time could you invest after you get a job? Would it be at least 5 or 10-15 hours with sales, or more a week (including project assembly)?
Once you start making sales, do you have time to realistically get product made, packaged and shipped for multiple purchases quickly and on time?
If you’re doing this as a hobby, can you still enjoy it if you don’t make lots of sales or any within the 6-8 months?
Are you going to have the patience to take this seriously? Even though it could be months before you make a sale?
Do you have time to promote your shop consistently for months until business starts coming in? Time to write extensive information on various platforms?
Remember, for the majority of sellers, the less time you invest, the longer it takes to sell. So think about why you’re doing this and if it’s going to be worth your time!
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