#protective! ramayana raid
askfacultystaff · 9 months
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18-Years old Protective! Ramayana (With hair down)
18-Years old Protective! Ramayana: As you wish, my "Captain". I'll make sure to take good care of my baby sister. By the way, what do I look with my hair? 🙂
Tagging: @neko-sufis-world. @mimiocto. @lunamagic-pink1977. @shadycosplayinbaldiaskblog. @in0ts0phia. @/Everyone.
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makapatag · 1 year
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Forgive me a moment of kahilas, but let me tell you why you'd want to play Gubat Banwa for your next Tabletop RPG Fantasy campaign (or kandu, as we call it!) instead of the other prospects out there! Long post ahead~
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1: You want a fantasy setting that doesn't have a foundation in modern and western paradigms. This one is the easiest one to pitch. This is not just for those that are tired of European Medieval Fantasy: this is for those that want to look at the fantasy genre through new lens
It's one that doesn't have "adventurers" as an inherent fact of the setting. It doesn't accept "defaults". It doesn't romanticize monarchism. It is built from the ground up for tactical fights and the complicated contexts that surrounds those fights. "Combat as storytelling"
It centers us, in the Southeast Asia. So there are some things that might not be as common as in the West:
- oversea and river travel is much more common (and let's be honest, easier) than pure overland travel.
- Honor and Debt are huge parts of the game's social systems (and if you do some reading on medieval societies, aren't even unique to Southeast Asia at all!)
- There's no single dominating culture or empire: it's very diverse, and we don't use any one culture as the default
- You can adapt any Fantasy style campaign you have really, though it is a paradigmatic shift! You'll have to let go of fantasy defaults and imagine a wilder and more vibrant world
- There are no elves or orcs or whatnot--for us those are chaining things, binding things. Gubat Banwa is the wind. In fact, the closest thing we have to "humans" are strange bamboo people - Anything in normal fantasy has a fresh take: Knights wear moonstone armor and ride upon omen bird steeds, "berserkers" are holy martyrs ready to die for Goddess, sorcerers are mantra and mudra masters and utterers who have an enlightened will sharpened into a blade, archers are zen-daoists who have suffused into their surroundings and achieved minor enlightenment
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2: You want a game that's specifically built around war drama and martial arts combat and the kinds of stories that entails. There's a section in the book that covers "What kinds of stories you can tell" with the GB System
These genres are the kinds of stories i love to partake in and consume: stories of wandering martial heroes, or of complicated political warring, or of grand gods and sorceries a la Ramayana, or of small stories of warriors protecting their community
dungeon delving is not even inherently against the feel of this game, though of course sacking a grave is looked down upon by most religions in the isles. they are functionally replaced by "Raids" which is much more widely applicable! You can even Raid Heaven and Hell!
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3: You like complex buildcrafting, tactical combat, and martial art fiction. Instead of the classic "Hey we're a bunch of scrappy mercenaries that wield a sword out of necessity", you play as Kadungganan who inflict violence by choice, philosophy and will
"Martial Arts" here is every kind of way of inflicting violence, or of perfecting one's self. Elementalist sorcery? Combat healing? Pugilism? Mantra utterances? All martial arts in Gubat Banwa's purview.
This feeds into the buildcrafting: you start with a "Discipline" (a martial art), and each Discipline has a number of Techniques within it. Whenever your Legend Grows (level up) you gain 2 Techniques from ANY DISCIPLINE, keeping in mind prerequisites
This has led to some genuinely flavorful builds: like a priest from beyond the dead crocodile rider, a sniper that launches stolen demon seeds, a folk healer who practices flower necromancy and swordmancy, and even a Knight-Monk that is constantly dancing between stances
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All of this is built upon a tactical combat system that (similarly to PF2e!) has three actions as a base, and you can do anything with those three "Beats", lending to the martial arts fiction being invoked
And you start off with pretty limited options, so most of your build is pretty emergent: creating a Kadungganan is easy, since you can't choose from a huge pool of options, but advancement is exponential
It's all on a tactical grid too that has important considerations such as Elevation, Terrain, and even Weather! All to create slick wuxia-esque scenes!
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4: You want an endlessly iterative setting. Gubat Banwa is a trichiliocosm, which means it has three-billion worlds. Each one might have your table's version of the Sword Isles. The Sword Isles is a gigantic archipelago, too many islands too count, too many kingdoms to track.
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Everything you can think of will fit into the islands of the Sword Isles, just know that it centers Southeast Asian paradigms. A wandering adventurer from a far off land will be the exception, the norm. But endlessly interesting cultures and campaigns can arise from the Isles
And so much more. If you're already interested, take a gander at our itch page:
Also we have a discord where i run games back to back like a goblin: https://discord.gg/8h7ZrU6353
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jaskaler-blog · 5 years
15/04/19 - Further research into miniature portraiture
Equestrian portraiture was another way to express royal standing, as seen in an image of Maharana Sangram Singh of Mewar (2004.403). He sits on a rearing horse flanked by attendants holding fly whisks, following a long-standing convention of dynastic portraiture. A radiant halo further aggrandizes the king and references his dynastic descent from the sun god.
& lots of beautiful information about Indian miniatures! - At this time on the plains of Rajasthan, it was primarily Krishna, in all his varied roles, that fueled the pious devotional imagination of patron and artist alike. The stories associated with Krishna’s life formed the basis for a major pilgrimage tradition that especially focused on the region of Braj. In one image, Krishna appears as the auspicious seven-year old Shri Nathji in the act of lifting up Mount Govardhan to protect his devotees from a violent storm invoked by the god Indra (2005.342). He is dressed to mark a specific festival, and his physical form is based on one of the self-manifest stone sculptural images (svyambhu) that stood at the center of this devotional tradition.
Behrendt, Kurt. “Poetic Allusions in the Rajput and Pahari Painting of India.” In Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2000–. http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/rajp/hd_rajp.htm (October 2016)
Sardar, Marika. “The Art of the Mughals after 1600.” In Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2000–. http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/mugh_2/hd_mugh_2.htm (October 2003)
Shah Jahan’s rule was forcibly terminated by his son in 1658. Aurangzeb (r. 1658–1707) held increasingly orthodox Sunni beliefs, and his reign saw the decline of Mughal patronage of the arts. Early portraits of him do exist, and he commissioned some notable architectural projects such as the Pearl Mosque (in the Red Fort at Delhi), but in 1680 he banned music and painting from his court. The emperors who followed him were too weak and the state too poor to support the production of sumptuous paintings and books as before; under Bahadur Shah (r. 1707–12) and Muhammad Shah (r. 1719–48), there was a slight resurgence in the arts, but the 1739 raid of Delhi by Nadir Shah caused much of the city’s population to flee and the artistic community to be permanently dispersed. By the 1800s, the Mughals were nominally still emperors of India, but under the protection of the British.
The reduction of artists in the Mughal painting workshops by Jahangir, Shah Jahan, and Aurangzeb meant that a number of artists had to find new work, and many regional courts benefited greatly from the influx of former imperial employees. Painting at the Hindu Rajasthani courts such as Bikaner, Bundi, and Kota, and at the provincial Muslim courts of Lucknow, Murshidabad, Faizabad, and Farrukhabad, were all transformed as Mughal artists provided fresh inspiration. Among the important subimperial patrons of the early period was ‘Abd al-Rahim Muhammad Khan-i Khanan (1561–1626/27), commander-in-chief of the Mughal armies under both Akbar and Jahangir. A copy of the epic Ramayana (1597–1605)—with 130 illustrations (2008.359.23)—and six other manuscripts can be attributed to his atelier.
 ‘Mughal court painting during the reign of Jahangir’s son, Shah Jahan (reigned 1628-58), concentrated on portraiture’
‘Real portraiture was a novelty in India. Earlier Indian portraits did not attempt to capture a persons’ likeness, but concentrated instead on presenting recognizable symbols of their subejct’s rank in society. Starting with Akbar and gaining in number during their reigns of his successors, the new Mughal innovation of portraits with actual like-nesses became immensely popular’
‘in this peerless equestrian portrait, “every jewel, sash end, and whisker are as perfect as [Sha Jahan’s] smile”’
‘Note the emperor’s gold halo, a symbol of imperial power borrowed from European art.’
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Divine Pleasures: Painting from India’s Rajput Courts – The Kronos Collections’ bt Terence McInerney 
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vikrantrajliwal1985 · 5 years
🕯️ अभी खबरों के द्वारा ज्ञात हुआ कि कुछ चन्द देशद्रोहियों ने एक बार पुनः हिन्दू धर्म पर लांछन लगाते हुए समाज में एक भय का वातावरण उतपन करने का एक अत्यंत ही घिनोना प्रयास किया है। सत्य है राजनीति जब धर्म की आड़ में अपनी स्वार्थी रोटियां सेंकने पर विवश हो जाती है ना, सच मानिए उसी पल इस संसार स�� धर्म की हानि हुई प्रारम्भ हो जाती है एव उन दुराचारियों के विनाश के लिए एक बार पुनः किसी ना किसी महामानव को धर्म युद्ध का शंखनाद करना पड़ जाता है।
आज जो यह कहते है कि हिन्दू धर्म मैं हिंसा हुई है। रमायण और महाभारत के धर्म युद्ध का हवाला देकर वह क्या सिद्ध करने का प्रयास कर रहे है कि आर्याचारी कौरव और पापी रावण जैसे अत्याचारि सही थे। इतिहास साक्षी रहा है जब जब महान भरत के वंशजो के देश भारत पर किसी अत्याचारी ने अपनी कुदृष्टि डाली है तब तब रमायण एव महाभारत का धर्म युद्ध होना नैतिकता एव धर्म की रक्षा हेतु अनिवार्य हो जाता है।
आज जो सत्य एव न्याय की रक्षा हेतु लड़े गए रमायण और महाभारत के धर्म युद्ध को यदि वह हिंसा मानते है तो शायद उन्हें यह ज्ञात नही है कि यह वही हिन्दू धर्म है जिसने इस विश्व को गीता का ज्ञान एव कबीर की वाणी से सहज ही अवगत करवाते हुए उनको एक वरदान स्वरूप, एक वास्तविक आत्मशांति से एक निकटतम परिचय उपलब्ध करवाया है। और आज ऐसे ही चन्द जयचंदो के कारण ही महान भरत के वँशज हम भारतीयों को एक बार पुनः धर्मयुद्ध लड़ने के कगार पर पुनः पहुचा दिया गया है।
अंत मे एक बार पुनः मैं विक्रांत राजलीवाल उन समस्त राजनीति स्वार्थ से ग्रस्त व्यक्तियों की कड़े शब्दों में भर्त्सना करता हु जो अपने राजनीतिक स्वार्थ की सिद्धि के लिए धर्म को भी नही छोड़ते।
जय भरत, जय भारत।
जय हिंद।
एक भारतीय विक्रांत राजलीवाल द्वारा लिखित।
05/05/2019 at 08:12 am
Tanslated,(This is an English translation of my article. If there has been any error in translation and if someone’s feelings have been hurt even a bit, then I am apologetic.)
It was now known by the news that some of traitors have once again tried a very nasty attempt to create an atmosphere of fear in the society by scolding Hindu religion. Truth is politics; When the people are forced to take their selfish loafs under the guise of religion, do not believe that at the very moment, the world begins to suffer from the loss of religion and once again to any great person, the religion is destroyed for the destruction of those miscreants. The battle has to be tossed.
Today, it is said that Hinduism has been a violence. By referring to Ramayana and Mahabharata’s religion war, what is he trying to prove that atrocities like Tyrannical Kaushav and sinners Ravana were correct? History is witnessing when a raid on the country of the great people of Bharat is insulted by a tyrannical person. Then the war of Ramayana and Mahabharata becomes mandatory to protect morality and religion.
If the Ramayana and Mahabharata’s war of war fought for protection of justice today, they may not know that it is the same Hindu religion, which is aware of this world’s knowledge of the Geeta and the speech of Kabir easily. By doing them, they have provided a close proximity to a boon, a real introduction to a real peace. And today, due to this some of Traitors, the Indians of the great Bharata, we have been given once again to the brink of fighting the crusade again.
In the end, once again, Vikrant Rajliwal condemns all the political interests of those who are selfish, who do not leave religion for the accomplishment of their political selfishness.
Jai Bharat, Jai India
Jai Hind.
Written by an Indian Vikrant Rajliwal
05/05/2019 at 08:12 am
Tanslated, (If there is any error in translation and if someone’s feelings are hurt even a bit, then I am apologetic.)
💥 आज ही फॉलो कीजिए मेरी रचनात्मक लेखनी ब्लॉग वेबसाइट vikrantrajliwal.com Don't forget to share and follow my blog site vikrantrajliwal.com 🕯️ अभी खबरों के द्वारा ज्ञात हुआ कि कुछ चन्द देशद्रोहियों ने एक बार पुनः हिन्दू धर्म पर लांछन लगाते हुए समाज में एक भय का वातावरण उतपन करने का एक अत्यंत ही घिनोना प्रयास किया है। सत्य है राजनीति जब धर्म की आड़ में अपनी स्वार्थी रोटियां सेंकने पर विवश हो जाती है ना, सच मानिए उसी पल इस संसार से धर्म की हानि हुई प्रारम्भ हो जाती है एव उन दुराचारियों के विनाश के लिए एक बार पुनः किसी ना किसी महामानव को धर्म युद्ध का शंखनाद करना पड़ जाता है। …
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askfacultystaff · 11 months
Picrew Pictures.
Dark World AU
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Chibi! Uncanny! Rama Raid
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Rama: Oh my, that's embarrassing, (your name)! You know it was great day at Great Lakes City! You don't have to worry me! 😅
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Emma and Emmett's sadness
Emma and Emmett: But why..... Why won't they befriend me.... 😢😢
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Girl Jordan and Boy Jordan's desire
Girl Jordan and Boy Jordan: I just want to.... Look at you.... Tell me that you like me... 😍😍
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Chloe and Cole's disagreement
Chloe and Cole: Do you hate me?? Huh!? You're betraying me!!! 😠😠
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Mollie and Marley's wish
Mollie and Marley: Future will be like if we together, forever and ever.... 😏😏
For @neko-sufis-world.
Stellar Galaxy AU
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Protective! Ramayana Raid writing letter for Neko
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askfacultystaff · 1 year
Picrew Pictures.
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Protective! Ramayana Raid during visit
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Boy Jordan Rosato
Boy Jordan Rosato: Me? Crying? *Giggling* What are you talking about, (your name)? I'm really happy to tears!
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askfacultystaff · 1 year
Picrew Pictures.
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Rama Raid and Sid Chang
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Protective! Rama Raid
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Protective! Ramayana Raid
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askfacultystaff · 1 year
Picrew Pictures.
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Rama Raid
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Ramayana Raid
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Girl Jordan and Alistair (JordaListair)
Girl Jordan is falling in love with Alistair and she's having dream of getting married with him.
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Teenager! Charley Jones
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Fem. Filename2
Fem. Filename2: Hiya, (your name)! 👋😀
(Like sister, like brother)
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Lily and Protective! Rama.
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askfacultystaff · 1 year
Picrew Pictures.
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Uncanny! Ramayana Raid on rain
Uncanny! Ramayana: You're idiot, McNosebleeder.... 😒💢
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Rama Raid and Conner Pingrey
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Magician! Rama Raid
Rama: Who's next? 😌
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Girl Funky Funko
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Ramabrine: Don't worry, i go find my enemies to deal with, trust me 😌
Dark World AU
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Cursed! Cricket Van Doren: Why-why...... Why-why did-did you-you forget-forget about-about me?-me?.... 😢
If you encounter Cricket Van Doren, you'll think more than just an ghost, she sounds more like a ghost. She was cursed because she died from cancer, she had very bad memories that she won't talk about it.
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Lana and Lola before birth
Lynn can't wait for her mother to have twin girls, because she wants her brother to feel really happy.
For @neko-sufis-world.
Stellar Galaxy AU
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Lily Loud and Protective! Rama Raid
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After wedding of Neko and Princi is unfortunately cancelled due to fact that both of them embarrassed as hell of "K-I-S-S-I-N-G", Principal stayed at guest's room and he won't forget about that incident from earlier.
Principal never talked, nor listened during his deep depression, no one knows who made them sing an embarrassing song infront of him and Neko. But it was actually Cricket Van Doren who told them about their relationship.
Rama and Amato had an chance to apologize to Principal while Lori and her remaining sisters had an chance to apologize to Neko for what happened.
(I know that's kinda sad and emotional, but 1% of other universes doesn't happen a wedding than original and some other universes, hope you understand -_-')
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Rama Raid
Rama: There you are, do you remember me, McNosebleeder! 😏💢
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Fem. Principal
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askfacultystaff · 1 year
Picrew Pictures.
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Ramayana Raid after she adopted her cat Snowball.
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Glor Whitehair and Boy Jordan Rosato as teenagers
For @neko-sufis-world.
(Teenager! Protective! Ramayana Raid AU)
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Teenager! Protective! Boy Sid Chang
Teenager! Protective! Boy Sid: Back off from Sufian, you motherfighters 😑💢
Teenager! Protective! Boy Sid is more protective than Teenager! Protective! Ramayana, it's because whenever bullies, especially Ramayana's enemies try to hurt Neko-Sufian's feelings, he'll give a death glare to them while protecting him. He's less emotionless than her, meaning he can sometimes smirk for some reason. Be nice to him, so he'll help you -v-'
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Teenager! Protective! Funky Funko and Teenager! Protective! Rama Raid.
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askfacultystaff · 2 years
Rama Raid and his alternate selves Pt.2.
For @neko-sufis-world.
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Funko: You're really great at protecting your sister, my bestie. Plus, friendship never ends!
Original Universe
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Normal! Funko: Hmm??? You sure about that? 😕
Normal Universe
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Survivor! Funko: Listen, Natasha, we have to survive from getting bitten by zombies. Plus, we'll find other survivors to save our world, or else we'll be next! 😑
Zombie Apocalypse Universe
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Evil! Funko: The hell did you just said about me, losers??? 😠💢
Friends Of Friendship Universe
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Funeral! Funko: I'm very sorry for your loss, my ex-friend.... 😔
Funeral! Universe
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Teenager! Protective! Funko: I'll never leave you alone, Usagi... Nobody is going to harm you ever again.
Teenager! Protective! Universe
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Waiter! Funko: Welcome to our cafe, guys! Can we take a order? ^vO
Waiter! Rama: *Nodding* Mmm-hmm, choose wisely -_-
Cafe Universe
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Funky Funko and Rama Raid (Before)
Funko: Well you know.... I have 7 years left, cause i was born with disease... Lens of blackness you know? 🙂
Backstories Universe
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Uncanny! Funko and Uncanny! Rama.
Uncanny! Funko: Hey hey, there's no need to cry... All you have to do is stay strong... Never give up, always stay strong... -v-
Uncanny! Rama: Want some honey, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson? I'm sure you two are hungry -_-
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Canny! Funko and Canny! Rama.
Canny! Funko: Need some help? Follow me! You'll be more grateful than before to deal with enemies! Ov^
Canny! Rama: Deal with enemies? I'll help you! But you gotta stay strong and smile! Be brave person what you are! ^v^
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Ramayana Raid: You're not a girl, my bestie. Plus, Jordan is not a girl as well. I'm here with you no matter what! OvO
Genderbend Universe
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Waitress! Ramayana: Can i take you order, sir? 🙂
Cafe Universe
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Snow Queen! Ramayana: This is where i'm living on now, my bestie. A frozen forest! As a queen of frozen forest, i'll make great ice statues, slides and other cities for my snow friends! -v-
Snow Queen and Fire Queen Universe
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Dead! Ramayana: We met again, my bestie!!! ^v^
Dead Neko-Sufi and Dead Ramayana Universe
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Lincoln From Deviantart
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Lincoln From Deviantart (Without his eyepatch)
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askfacultystaff · 2 years
Picrew Pictures.
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Ramayana Raid as Snow Queen.
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Ponified Rama Raid.
For @neko-sufis-world.
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Myself in real life (My deep depression).
Me (irl): Anis.... Can i have a talk for a second?... I felt nothing...
The reasons why i'm deeply depressed is because, my mom and 15 yo sister are being mean and strict to me. And my family is supporting angers, quarrels and beatings non-stop. When i get deeply depressed, my eyes can't stop tearing up, and i barely talk.
Whenever someone or my foster sister hear me sounding gloomy and emotionless, they'll comfort me. I can't stop having depressing thoughts instead of suicidal thoughts. If my family died from high pressures and angers, i'll be depressed much deeper.
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Neko-Sufi and Teenage! Protective! Rama Raid.
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askfacultystaff · 3 months
This kid shouldn't enter our hotel, we knew it. She's against us, my friends 😑💧
- Fem. Rush to her friends, noticing picture of Protective! Ramayana Raid.
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askfacultystaff · 24 days
I would be extremely impressed if you marry Sid when you grow up. Don't worry about it 😌
- Shermon (Punguardo) to Protective! Ramayana Raid.
(Shermon (Punguardo) is genderbend name of Shara (Punguari) -v-)
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askfacultystaff · 5 months
You heard us? Don't touch my bestie! You're trying to make him cry! 😠
- Ramayana Raid to Latasha while her staff, Boy Sid Chang and Anthony Chang still protecting Neko-Sufian from her.
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askfacultystaff · 5 months
You're yandere! You could have protected me from my enemies! I don't care if you're so shy and timid, but you, and your friends are needed me for help in need! I'll do everything what you saying! ÓnÒ
- Ramayana Raid to Yukito while begging him to protect her from her enemies, but he's still too unsure and nervous to respond her suggestion.
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