aschenblumen · 2 years
Gustavo Becerra-Schmidt, «Américas» (1978), obra para el disco Umbral (1979) de Quilapayún. Arreglo de Fernando Carrasco y textos de Pablo Neruda. 
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nataniellullabypup · 1 year
Miren cómo nos hablan de libertad, cuando de ella nos privan en realidad. Miren cómo pregonan tranquilidad, cuando nos atormenta la autoridad.
Look how they tell us about freedom, while in reality they deprive us of it. Look how they trumpet about tranquility, while the authority is tormenting us.
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warningsine · 2 years
"Barpakhiz, az ja kan, banaye kakh-e doshman" ("Arise, Demolish the Foundations of the Enemy's Palace!")
Iranian leftists sang "Barpakhiz" ("Arise") during the revolution against the monarchy in 1979.
This protest song was created using the melody of the Chilean anthem "¡El pueblo unido jamás será vencido!" ("People united will never be defeated!")
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proustianlesbian · 8 months
je viens de me rappeler que quilapayún avaient été en concert à paris il y a quelques jours et que je l'ai appris qu'après (j'aurais même pas pu y aller de toute façon)...... crier, pleurer etc
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spaghett-onaplate · 4 months
songs on repeat 🔁🎧
thanks for the tag milo @cozy-fish-crow :D
directions: look up your on repeat playlist on spotify and include ten songs from it. or just include ten songs you really like!
Ahora Me Llama by KAROL G, Bad Bunny
Y Volvere by Los Angeles Negros
La Batea by Quilapayún
Dirladada by José Alfredo Fuentes
Coco Chanel by Eladio Carrion, Bad Bunny
Si No Le Contesto by Plan B
¿Cual Es Tu Plan? by Bad Bunny, Ñejo, Pj Sin Suela, DJ Nelson
My Love Mine All Mine by Mitski
Minimum Wage by Blake Shelton
tagging: @iworshipsappho @stygianirondiangelo @daylightsimon @altruistic-meme @sizzlingcandyjellyfish + open tag for anyone who wants to join in!
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sea-of-machines · 1 month
Please please, recommend me Chilean leftist folk music!!!
Right! First and obvious start is Victor Jara, and while you listen to his songs, read about him and how he was murdered.
Other big names are Violeta Parra, whose kids Angel and Isabel Parra do also music, Quilapayún, Patricio Manns...
My personal favourite groups are Illapu and Inti-illimani. Both of the bands are named after Gods, Illapu being the Inca God of thunder, and Inti-illimani comes from Inca sun God and volcano called Intimani in the Andes.
I don't understand spanish, although I'd love to learn it, but google usually offers translations for songs and information about their background, especially with Victor Jara's songs. Most of the themes are quite tough.
Here's some songs you could check out:
Victor Jara - Preguntas por Puerto Montt
Victor Jara - Manifiesto
Inti-illimani - Señora Chicera
Quilapayún - La Muralla
Quilapayún - El pueblo unido jamás será vencido
Patricio Manns - Allende
Violeta Parra - Gracias a la Vida
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eirinstiva · 22 days
"C’est l’éruption de la fin"
New letter from my friend Bertie Wooster and after reading again I can comment about this. This story needs a soundtrack and I chose the version I'm most familiar with of L'Internationale.
I really like to read about how was political activism before the internet era. In general I love history and political propaganda and humour are important part of history.
See this illustration?
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It looks familiar:
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This letter shows clearly how Bertie is the "mom friend" of his group, and that's why chaps like Richard Bingo Little always ask him for help. Wooster has the intention but lacks of creativity to make plans. That's why Jeeves is so important in this dynamic.
Before we start, give me your honest opinion. Isn’t she the most wonderful girl you ever saw in your puff?” He had produced a photograph from somewhere, like a conjurer taking a rabbit out of a hat, and was waving it in front of me. It appeared to be a female of sorts, all eyes and teeth.
Another very ace moment of Bertie and another woman in Bingo's history. How can he fall in love so easily? IIRC this is the fourth woman after Mabel, Honoria and Honoria's friend. Love makes Bingo blind and he can't see the red flags likes this one:
You must meet old Rowbotham, Bertie. A delightful chap. Wants to massacre the bourgeoisie, sack Park Lane, and disembowel the hereditary aristocracy. Well, nothing could be fairer than that, what?
I'm all "eat the rich" but not a big fan of a massacre myself [*sips mate tea*].
When I was in college/university/whatever I met some guys who used political meetings as a chance to meet girls. Communist girls were very famous during the Revolución Pingüina (Penguin revolution) in 2011 like (now minister) Camila Vallejo. None of them used fake beards, tho.
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Dear Bingo Little, you don't think that maybe it's a bit too early to start with expropriations? How can you invite a group of people to the house of a friend and demand food?
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There's a Comrade Butt, a horse, too much food and tea but I don't know how Jeeves can use it to help Bingo and Bertie. And yes, I'm more than sure that Jeeves will be the one solving this. He's the brain of this duo.
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reggiecristal · 2 years
The People United Will Never Be Defeated! - played by its composer, Frederic Rzewski, Live from Cincinnati in 1986.
The work is a set of 36 variations on the Chilean song "¡El pueblo unido jamás será vencido!" by Sergio Ortega and Quilapayún, which Rzewski composed as a tribute to the struggle of the Chilean people against the Pinochet regime.
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lafcadiosadventures · 21 days
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ninetimesbluedemo · 1 year
don't mind me, i'm just listening to this and feeling completely devastated
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muzapesni · 1 year
Y ahora el pueblo que se alza en la lucha / con voz de gigante gritando; ¡adelante! / ¡El pueblo unido jamás será vencido!
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nataniellullabypup · 1 year
Escuchar a Quilapayún me pone de buenas, aunque algunas canciones son más bien melancólicas
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spaghett-onaplate · 4 months
Thanks for the tag Milo @cozy-fish-crow !! :D
current fav songs:
Dirladada by José Alfredo Fuentes
La Batea by Quilapayún
Tití Me Preguntó by Bad Bunny
Nadie Sabe by Bad Bunny
Criminal by Brittney Spears
Friday I'm In Love by The Cure
Y Volvere by Los Angeles Negros
Si No Le Contesto by Plan B
Ahora Me Llama by KAROL G and Bad Bunny
Antes de Morime by C. Tangana and ROSALÍA
rcolor the sentence that's true about you
i’m over 5'5 / i wear glasses or contacts / i have blonde hair / i often wear sweatshirts / i prefer loose clothing over tight clothes / i have one or two piercings / i have at least one tattoo / i have blue eyes / i have dyed or highlighted my hair / i have or have had braces / i have freckles / i paint my nails / i typically wear makeup / i don’t often smile / resting bitch face / i play sports / i play an instrument / i know more than one language / i can cook or bake / i like writing / i like to read / i can multitask / i’ve never dated anyone / i have a best friend i’ve known for over five years / i am an only child
tagging: (no pressure!) @iworshipsappho @altruistic-meme @stygianirondiangelo @daylightsimon @heartbreakprincewille @foxtriestobiteandmaimandkilland + open tag for anyone that would like to join in <3
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leftistfeminista · 9 months
The history of the female political prisoners was different from that of the men because it heavily emphasised sexual violence and sexual torture. Up until now, this has been denied and looked upon with indolence, from institutions to human rights organisations. We women never achieved justice and never will. Testimony by: Beatriz Bataszew Contreras Experience in: Calle Irán Nº 3037 / Venda Sexy / La Discotheque, 12 - 18 December 1974
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zsofiarosebud · 1 year
Veña, vai, o de poñer a lista aleatoria que me nominou @zorrxchicle​. Foime complicado porque non uso spotify nin nada unificado para escoitar música (unha mistura entre listas de reprodución en youtube, a miña biblioteca persoal virtual e mais o pendrive de música do coche haha) pero anotei as 10 últimas cancións que escoitei e saíu isto. Vou anotar tamén en que contexto a escoitei, porque me parece interesante hehe
1. The Ballad of Robert Moore and Betty Coltrane - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds (busqueina a propósito en youtube porque me acordei de que existía e me gustaba hai anos. temaso) 
2. Black Eye Blues - Ma Rainey (radio do coche)
3. Lamprey - Rogue Legacy OST -  Judson Cowan (Un boss theme dun videoxogo, que escoito de cando en cando porque me da un boost de produtividade que flipas. Téñoa nunha lista de reprodución pública que fixen: 𝕊𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕕𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕕𝕚𝕤𝕖 en youtube)
4. Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis - Ralph Vaughan Williams (nunha lista de reprodución que se chama Tres Grolos de Ron e que uso para ambientar o relato que estou a escribir, maioritariamente música clásica e folk europeo)
5. Abatina - Calypso Rose (pedínllo á Alexa dunha familiar nunha comida, porque o aparatiño non saía dos clásicos españois dos 80 *glups*)
6. Floral Fury - Cuphead OST -  Kristofer Maddigan (escoiteina unhas cantas veces esta semana porque a estou a aprendela nun arranxo para piano)
7. All the Pretty Little Horses -  Odetta (en youtube, un descubrimento recente clicando un link aquí en tumblr)
8. El pueblo unido - Quilapayún (versión de Inti Illimani) (outra que estou sacando no piano)
9. Bass Catch - Carol Kaye (busquei a propósito sobre esta baixista da ostia nos últimos días, este é o primeiro tema do seu disco Picking up on the E string)
10. Fire Coming out of the Monkey's Head - Gorillaz (púxena no móbil mentres cociñaba, logo, da biblioteca persoal)
Non vou nominar a ninguén porque son tímida... <3 pero paseino ben recopilando isto haha
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julio-viernes · 1 year
Desde Chile, Perú, Bolivia, Argentina, puntales de la música andina más o menos politizada de los años setenta: Quilapayún, Inti Illimani, Los Kjarkas, Los Calchakis, Savia Andina... pero en lo tocante a su fusión con el rock, sobre todo los chilenos Jaivas ("Alturas de Macchu Picchu", "Las Obras de Violeta Parra"). "Mira Niñita" es una de las mejores de su segundo álbum homónimo de 1971 con la colaboración de Patricio Castillo de Quilapayún tocando el charango. La canta Eduardo “Gato” Alquinta, motor de la revolución musical en los Jaivas. Como unos Módulos andinos. Ese LP, también conocido como "La Ventana", fue el de su gran éxito "Todos Juntos".
"Eventualmente, Los JAIVAS desarrollaron un sonido único que es difícil de comparar con cualquier banda conocida de rock progresivo. ¿Quizás podrías decir "Los Incas conocen a Mike OLDFIELD"?". Progarchives.
La persistente vida de Los Jaivas.
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