#radnóti miklós
ez-most-fajt · 1 year
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tartsdmegazaprot · 4 months
Későn kel a nap, teli van még csordúltig az ég sűrü sötéttel. Oly feketén teli még, szinte lecseppen. Roppan a jégen a hajnal lépte a szürke hidegben.
Radnóti Miklós - Január
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szif · 2 months
We were so far at night, I was laughing in my rage, as a swarm of bees buzzed the hunters above me, the defense was strong, how they fired, friend, until in the end our new hive appeared on the horizon it was just by a thread, and they pick me off and down there sweep me up, but I came back you see! and tomorrow again fears and hides in basements from me the cowardly Europe! oh, leave it, enough! did you write since yesterday?
I wrote, what could I do? the poet writes, the cat meows and the hound howls and the little fish lays eggs boldly. I'll write everything, even to you, so even above you'll know that I live, when between the exploding and collapsing houserows blood-veined moon's light wanders and rises up all, in fear all the places, and the breath stops, even the sky's staggering and the machine's just keep on coming, disappear, and much like a gurgling madness strike down all once again! I write, what could I do? and a poem's so dangerous, if you knew, one line's so fastidious and capricious, because this, also, is bravery, see, the poet writes, the cat meows and the hound howls and the little fish - Et cetera… and what can you do? nothing! You just listen to the machine, and your ear's buzzing, how you cannot hear it now, Do not deny your friend! and it grew together with you. what do you think about, while you fly above our heads?
Laugh at me. I am scared up there. And I ache for my love, and closing both my eyes, laying down on a bed or just hum about it, gritting between teeth, quietly, in the canteen-deep beast and steamy chaos. If I'm up, I'd rather come down! and down flying again's my desire, there's no place for me left in this kneaded world, and the machine too, I know well, love too much, it's true, but we both hurt to one beat up there… but you do know! and you write it! and it won't be a secret anymore, I also lived as a human, who now just destroys, between sky and land, without a home, but oh, who understands.. Will you write about me?
If I live. And if there's anyone left to.
(from Radnóti Miklós, [Last Name, First Name] titled "Second Eclogue", second part of his planned-to-be ten part poem series (which became 7, secretly 8 parts in the end), published in 1941)
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Pirul a naptól már az őszi bogyó
Szőke, pogány lány a szeretőm, engem
hisz egyedül és ha papot lát
rettenve suttog: csak fű van és fa;
nap, hold, csillagok s állatok vannak
a tarka mezőkön. És elszalad. Por
boldogan porzik a lábanyomán.
Pedig fönn a kertek felé
feszület is látja a csókját és
örömmel hull elé a búzavirág,
mert mindig hiába megcsudálja őt
egy szerelmetes, szakállas férfiszentség.
Tizennyolc éves és ha nélkülem van
hallgatva jár, mint erdős partok
közt délidőn jár a nyári víz s
csillogó gondot ringat magában arról,
hogy sohasem telünk el a csókkal és
szomorú. Pirul a naptól már az őszi bogyó.
— Radnóti Miklós
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wildiesong · 6 months
"A fákra felfutott a szürkület, lengett a lomb között, majd este lett."
(Radnóti Miklós)
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Már esik is kint
Vesd le az inged,
mossa az eső
össze szivünket.
Radnóti Miklós
Bájoló 1942 részlet
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eltesbolcseszlany · 2 years
Fanni ❤️
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skipp3r · 1 year
Dante+Radnóti present <Vergilius fanclub3
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tartsdmegazaprot · 5 months
Fázol? várj, betakarlak az éggel,
hajadra épül a hímzett csillagok
csokra és holdat lehellek a
szemed fölé.
Már nem húz madarak búbos szerelme,
csak házak tárják lámpás ölüket
a szélnek és hangtalan fákon
ring a szerelem.
Valamikor az asszonyom leszel
és átkozott költők rettentő téli
danákkal valahol a hegyeknek
alján hiába énekelnek.
Szép bánat feszül a homlokom
alatt és fekete tájak tükröznek
sötéten összecsörrenő fogaimon,
ne félj.
Csak a februári egyszerűség
érett most bennem szerelemmé
és teljes vagyok már, mint nyáron
egy zengő égszakadás!
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szif · 2 months
/ In the memory of Bálint György / FRAGMENT
Dear friend, how I shivered from this poem's coldness, how I dreaded the word, today I once again escaped from it I wrote half-lines. About something else, else I tried to write about, but no avail! This night, terrible, cloaked night, commanded me: Talk about him. And I get alarmed, but the voice has gone quiet, like the dead on Ukraine's fields outside. You've gone missing. And this autumn hasn't brought news about you either. On the forest again flies the wild winter's prophecy, pull the heavy clouds, and filled with snow once again stop on the sky. Who knows if you're alive? Today not even I know, I'm also not raging, when they swat their hands and painfully covers their faces. and don't know anything. But do you live? are you only injured? You walk in the leaf pile between the forest mud's thick scent or are you scent yourself too? Snow's already flying on the fields. Missing, - knocks the news. And drums, freezes the heart inside. Between my two ribs already tensing bad pain awakens shivers at times like these, and in my memories live so vividly your long-said words and I feel your bodily being like the dead's - I can't write about you today either!
(from Radnóti Miklós, [Last Name, First Name] titled "Fifth Eclogue", fifth part of his planned-to-be ten part poem series (which became 7, secretly 8 parts in the end), published in 1944. Bálint György [Last Name, First Name] is a friend of his who went missing after being enlisted into forced manual labour.)
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ezmiez · 1 year
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nincsjobbotletem · 1 year
Radnóti Miklós, Írás közben...
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vanesszanagy · 1 year
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“Két karoddal átölelsz te,
ha félek.
Két karommal átölellek
s nem félek.,,
-Radnóti Miklós
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