skywerse · 2 months
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the eepening
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nickgoesinsane · 8 months
Olrox definitely drops things on purpose so he can bend down in front of you. He’ll be wearing the most form-fitting trousers he owns, the ones that hug the curve of his ass and accentuate the thickness of his thighs. He’ll pretend to be surprised when you give in and grab him from behind, calling you a degenerate even though he’s literally pressing his ass against your crotch and guiding your hand to his hard cock. Doesn’t complain when you kiss that smug smirk off his face.
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icemavs · 3 days
thinking about hangman having a praise kink so when rooster tells him good job repeatedly in debrief after a sortie he gets so turned on he nearly has to excuse himself from the room
and rooster knows exactly what he did and when they finish their debrief he pulls hangman into a closet before they get to the locker room
and he tells hangman how good he was during the sortie and how good he’s been for him lately all from down on his knees
and when rooster works hangman’s flight suit open and fits his mouth over his cock the last words on his lips are “good boy, jake”
and hangman comes so hard he almost has to sit down but rooster drags him to the locker room and eventually home so he can fuck him into the mattress
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blazingstar29 · 1 month
so the top gun fandom is kind of...dying. i mean i haven't posted anything on ao3 in two weeks which feels like an eternity but i promise i'm still here. i post a lot of shit on tumblr which is why i use my side blog more these days (@ethantalkstoomuch if you're interested if the complete rubbish i say sometimes)
but if theres anyone thinking of leaving the fandom as it's not as active, i promise you the people that are still here are exceptional and content is (to my understanding) still being made
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chippuyon · 6 months
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sketchboi33 · 3 months
But in like a I CANNOT stop thinking about Stolas and Blitzø and Fizz and Ozzie and Angel and Husk type of way
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impdog · 1 year
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love me a corrupted woman
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morgana-ren · 11 months
Morgana if Bailey and Leighton DID become love intrests, how do you think it would look like?
Also, wpuld they use pet names? If so, what pet names would they use?
I think it would be pretty interesting, actually!
They'd present the opportunity to do something entirely different than the rest of the love interests!
Not talking shit on them, but a lot of the love interests are pretty... stereotypical. You've got the stalker, the bully, the sugar daddy old enough to be your daddy, the sweet religious boy, the best friend, etc.
And they're great, actually. I love them.
But can you imagine doing something a little... different with it?
I think Bailey's is the most unique. It wouldn't be a stereotypical Love Interest ordeal. It would very clearly be a love/hate thing, which would probably take some insanely high checks with a secret trigger, same with seducing him in his office. Kind of like a secret path you can take after the right amount of choices.
Maybe trying to seduce him multiple times results in a strange encounter. He hates it, and he has a serious problem trying to resist. So, he does what Bailey does and thinks about how he can turn a problem into an opportunity.
He can fuck one of his orphans. If it benefits him. Free stress relief and the like. He's already done it once, so what's done is done.
He'd have a love meter, but it doesn't quite... work in the same way it does with everyone else. He never gets gooey or mushy. He doesn't take you on dates or have nice dinners with you. The higher it goes, the more he just seeks you out-- maybe without even meaning to. There'd be more 'encounters' available.
Maybe something akin to a dominance meter, that if you pay your bills on time, stay out of trouble with the police and other threats, making his life easier, do what he wants in bed without whining and basically just not being a problem for him, it goes higher. You can be his little pet or helper, if it's high. He'll trust you on errands and ask you to drop off sealed paperwork or attend small meetings for him. Kind of like an assistant. He won't pay you, but he'll be a bit more lenient in the future— for a price.
Maybe some encounters similar to Whitney, where he puts you under his desk to uh.... entertain him while he works. Just walks in when you're in the bath. You'd occasionally run into him in town, where he'd save you from an assault.
"No touching my orphans-- for free."
He'd never say he loves you or anything like that. Nothing so touching. But you'd catch him staring sometimes, and he'd immediately look away. Maybe he'd stroke your hair offhandedly when he's finished with you rather than just throwing you out. You become someone he reluctantly cares for, but you'd never see it. He's still an antagonist. You're just bedding him, as far as you know. Lots of trauma. Stockholm syndrome type shit.
Maybe during an assault, you'll get out of it for free (similar to the one in school with Whitney) and they'd say something like "Isn't that Bailey's special orphan? Shit!"
He'd have some rotten encounters with the other love interests. You run into him on date night with Avery and they have the most awkward, tense conversation of all time, and Avery says something along the lines of "Is he your guardian? I don't like the way he looks at you. That's not the way a caretaker should look at their wards" or the like.
He'll actively throw Whitney out of the orphanage if he catches him, and tells him to quit sniffing around you. He couldn't afford you.
Same with Kylar, except maybe he sees Kylar as an active threat and pulls the gun out to threaten him. Tells him that if he harms a single hair on your head, he'll pay in more than just cash.
He'll come and get you if you're gone for too long. Send goons after you if Morgan has you trapped in the sewers. Show up at Eden's place for you. Same with the farm. He'll drag you back home to the orphanage and ask you exactly who the fuck it is you think you belong to. Have you hard against the desk (consensual if you're into it, nonconsensual if you ask him to stop) and warn you to stop disappearing. it wastes his time to go and look for you, so you had better stay close.
When his meter falls too low (dominance, that is) he quite literally chains you to the desk. Tells the school that you've fallen ill and won't be there for a while, and just... keeps you there until he's comfortable enough to release you. It's sort of like a soft bad end until you regain his trust.
He cannot be dismissed. This is permanent. Once you've got his attention, you have his attention. You wanted it so badly, and now you'll deal with the consequences.
Something along that vein is what I picture for Bailey without getting too OOC.
Leighton is a little bit more straight forward. Triggered by consensually sleeping with him at the brothel enough times and making him cum in detention and picking flirty options rather than bitchy ones. Basically, you catch his attention, and he decides he wants to keep you around. He notices your 'little crush' on him and decides to take advantage.
So he makes some sort of excuse to keep you around more often. Maybe gives you an optional afterschool job in the office until it closes when he goes home so that you can be close. You can go to his office to trigger some events. Sorting files for him, sitting on his lap as he works, consensual photoshoots for him, letting him eat you out as you try to focus on his extra paperwork.
Detention is still detention, but there's a more sexual spin on it. Er— more of one than there already is. Instead of "I will obey the rules" over and over on the blackboard, he has you strip and write "I will obey my headmaster" over and over. Your spanking punishments turn into raw dogging. He 'helps' you wash his car, awfully hands-on. Puts it in your ass raw if you've been particularly naughty.
He's super into the power dynamic, and the headmaster/school girl thing gets him off, so a lot of your encounters are education themed. He's 'teaching' you. Showing you how to please a man. Health education lessons. Will spoon his seed into your mouth while rattling off the benefits of swallowing cum.
At the brothel, he'll still occasionally invite another student to join you, but he'll also just do single encounters with you, and he'll pay you more— or not at all, depending.
You basically become a literal teacher's pet.
He can't really take you out in public for obvious reasons, but sometimes he'll take you to a restaurant outside of town and call you his daughter or his niece to anyone who asks. He might try to sneak you off to a hotel on the weekends, making some excuse about a student conference or special project. Sometimes he'll let you stay after school and drink with him in his office. Once his love is high enough, he'll unlock the school during the weekend and you can find him there during the day and do some... 'Roleplay' with him.
(does it count as roleplay if he's actually your teacher and you're actually his student?)
He'll start coming to your around town performances, whether it's at the sex shop or the museum. Always takes photos. He will 'reward' high grades and 'discipline' delinquency.
Does not get on with your other love interests. He's arguably the creepiest. Will deliberately separate you and Robin, and make crude remarks to Whitney about you. Won't spank Sydney anymore, and will just send them out as he uhh disciplines you, making a lewd comment as he does.
If he meets Avery, he calls you his 'best little student' in a way that has his skin crawling, and winks at you as he leaves. Calls you into his office if you've been missing at another place too long— and calls Bailey regarding you, which can lead to some interesting conversation if you're romancing them both. Gives Kylar detention for circling you, telling them to stop 'harassing his top student.'
He's still a pervert, but the higher his love is, the more he fixates on you to the point it can be suffocating and extremely unsettling.
I think if I really put more thought into it, I could come up with something more comprehensive and in character. It could be a really cool little offshoot from the typical love interests and leaves some room to experiment.
As for pet names, I think Bailey tries to avoid them, but in the heat of the moment, will let something along the lines of 'daddy' slip. He's your caretaker, after all. Can't resist it. Talks a lot about how he 'owns' you and how you 'belong' to him. Says you will always belong to him as he marks up your neck. Maybe you should get it tattooed.
Basically giving you a pet name is admitting he thinks of you in a special manner, so he really tries not to. Something something 'dirty little orphan bitch' and 'my little orphan whore.' They'll be slightly kinder if he has high love, but never outright cute or kind. His best orphan, his top earner, his naive little brat. Often claims ownership of you shortly after saying it just to reassert dominance. It's just how he is.
Leighton strikes me as a complete creep. He genuinely likes when you call him headmaster or professor, but will start to slip into 'uncle' territory once he trusts you. Possibly even daddy. He gets off on the age difference and the power imbalance. Really gets off.
You're little girl, his darling student, his precious pet. His loving niece, so attentive to uncle's needs. He gets really eerie with it is what I'm saying. During sex, he's still demeaning. Filthy little whore, headmaster's personal dirty slut. Makes up scenarios about you fucking him to get your grades up, even if that's not the case. Like gets real weird with it.
Like "Do you like when Uncle Leighton's cock makes you to feel good, little girl?" And "you're headmaster's dirty little secret." Territory.
A real winner, he is.
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frickin shite that was the worst small group I've ever been to in my life
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pastelaspirations · 3 months
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Inktobertale Day 19: Tears or rain? Y e s, another late inktobertale entry, I just thought it fit, okay-
Also, it's over my own au, I k n o w. I JUST HAD A SPECIFIC SCENE THAT FIT THAT PROMPT PERFECTLY, YOU'VE GOT TO UNDERSTAND- I don't always succumb to the urge of drawing my own au for inktobertale, but sometimes I do, man, I'm sorry ;_;
I had looked on tumblr for a long time trying to find other people's entries for this day in particular because rain is hard. But finding other people's entries to this specific day turned out to be really hard too, but don't worry, I managed to do it I think-
Here are two versions without the filter and captions lmao. Now, watch me dip for another 3 weeks-
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wywrds · 3 months
hey hey what was episode 7, hey hey what was all those references to MAG s5, hey hey what if there was another reference in the hill top house where the man in black who carried Dianne is this universe’s version of the Cult of the Post Change World. Hey hey what if they’re trying to stop the apocalypse or the Fears gaining power.
Celia seems to know a suspicious amount of information on the apocalypse and the Fears. And was a part of the cult in the other universe. And this account addressed the Buried (being buried under bodies) after Celia asked about finding cases like this.
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if you like and dont rb this i will block you
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this man fucking killed bobby sugarbones you hear me
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tiredassmage · 6 months
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motherfucker out here lookin' like he's shoppin' at home depot and not in the goddamn narrative again.
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Something something Nona’s life was only ever going to be a few months but it still mattered that it happened. It was important that it happened and you can’t take away that it did something something
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bitchking-of-angmar · 2 months
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Happy TDOV!
Life update under cut
Time was moving very strangely for me since the last TDOV. I traveled a lot last summer and saw all sorts of cool stuff, experimenting more with make up and gender fuckery in public while at the same time feeling more and more pressure to present fully masc in my day to day life. I barely wear my hair open anymore, not even in my own home. Considered cutting it a couple of times to save me the panic of the bun loosening while I'm outside. While at the same time thinking it's my most attractive feature? I love my hair a lot. Stuff's complicated.
I did color it pastel pink earlier this year and loved it, might run with that a bit more in the future
My body dysmorphia is kicking me in the ass again because I lost all my muscle mass and regained a lot of my weight now with being pretty much fully physically disabled with post covid fatigue and having to rot in my bed for three full months at time of writing. Things are slowly getting better, but I still can't even get my own groceries. It fucking sucks. But things are ever so slowly improving. I really hope I can pick my weightlifting up again at some point in the future, that would mean a lot to me. Only time will tell with how things are going rn. I'm trying to be positive but after everything I fought for, this feels like a major set back that I may never fully recover from.
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