#red flag 🚩
snoopylovessoup · 5 months
When they’re not a fan of snoopy:
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midnightsun-if · 2 months
Who is the most red flag character you’ve ever created? Not necessarily to do with Midnight Sun since I think you’ve mentioned you have a lot of different characters you’ve made that aren’t connected to it.
The most red flag? Hmmm….
I did help create The Kidnapper from @absentia-if… if that counts. 😂
As for one of my own characters? That’s solely mine? Quinn’s father is definitely up there (with their mother not being far behind in some aspects)…. Isadora Valerius is also a big one (she’s a professor at Aurelian).
One that’s not connected to Midnight Sun? The Ex-Spouse from my unpublished game Relativity (used to be known as Untitled IF) is up there— mainly because they’d murder thousands of people to get you back (ala Scarlet Witch). Another is Ilyran/Ilyria from another Untitled IF (that I actually don’t have a name for yet)… As they used to be the High Priest/Priestess for the Divine and something happened that made them become warped/twisted (causing an uprising that killed thousands upon thousands). The MC in that story also happens to be the descendant of the king that defeated Ilyran/Ilyria in the first place… fun times.
Hopefully my answer interested you! 😅
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milaisreading · 3 months
"I don't like hot chocolate" 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩
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alphashley14 · 5 months
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“My Sweet Ricky.”🚩
“Don’t ever call me that! You lost that the night you betrayed me.” 💔
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penguinchick07 · 7 days
People saying they hate mike wheeler and/or find him annoying is an immediate red flag btw.
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accidentalslayer · 4 months
You're not "a catch" my dude. You're an air raid siren.
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wideminded-dreamer · 8 months
see what we’re NOT gonna do is this
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(X - video mentioned)
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lilsleepybear · 9 months
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PSA - know who get in dynamics with. Vet them. A Real Dom won’t push
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resalioo · 1 month
è traumatico per una persona molto affettuosa, affezionarsi a qualcuno e vedere che piano piano l'altra persona se ne sta andando.. così a caso..
come se fosse entrato nella concessionaria, si guarda i fatti suoi, perde tempo, fa perdere tempo e poi se ne esce.
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godnectar · 5 months
Forgot I had a long distance girlfriend, lmao I haven't texted or called her in a while and I hadn't gotten a text from her in a while either. But I realized it was because I blocked her as a joke 💀.
Forgot to put my sign off lmao
🚩 anon
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alyjojo · 5 months
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Twin Flame 🔥 Journey - November 2023 - Cancer
Your Energy:
5 Swords - 10 Wands - 3 Cups
Main Energy: Justice
It’s always Cancer that takes me to that *next* level of depth, that I try to avoid getting into - we all do - but the deeper shit needs discussing too. From the initial energy out here, with the karma cards, this is/was intense. This person is delulu 😵‍💫 and controlling af and I’m not sure how long you put up with this before you realized. North Node is your destined path. Pisces is the sign of spirituality, dreams, drugs, suffering, martyrdom, the victim. Even that’s too black/white, and they are neither. Or both. People like to call it “victim mentality”, and sometimes that’s true, but I don’t like to disregard the intense victimized experiences that can come along with Pisces lessons, being naive & idealistic is a double edged sword, there’s always a deeper reason there and it’s usually some level of suffering. 8th House is death, spirituality, transformative experiences 💯 and joint resources. I don’t want to say you were “meant” to be a victim cuz that’s fucked up, but…yeah, when it comes to this person. Rather, you are meant to get tf away from this person 🙏
I don’t want to point too many fingers, I do see extremely controlling and potential financial abuse on their side. You have Justice 🗡️ The only thing I got for you in the preshuffle was wishing “you had held back”. 5 Swords is on your side, there could’ve been some nasty conflicts that you wish you’d have cut off a long time ago, 10 Wands is heavily burdened by this shit, you could’ve carried this with you a long time. You’re finally in a King of Swords mentality, your emotions have been whacked around like a dang tennis ball and no longer get a say in how this goes, you’re using your head, the facts, what you’ve seen & experienced, and what you know is right 💯
You judge yourself harshly for ever allowing it. There were many conflicts between you and this person, nasty words and actions, hateful shit, but you kept coming back. That’s what burdens you so deeply now, you would reconcile over giving up on this person. You went along with the delusion, and it may have gone back and forth from rage-like situations, or just unleashing EVERYTHING on some grand scale, to complete silence. Stonewall. And you were the tennis ball 🎾 bouncing back and forth through all of it.
Just to reconnect later, you felt like your hands were tied, you had no choice. You could’ve been financially unstable, you both show up as King & Queen of Pentacles - in reverse. You couldn’t do it on your own, at the time, that could be due to a job, finances in general, a family dynamic & you can’t afford to be a single parent. Or they can’t, both. There were more reasons for your healing a connection (multiple times) than just “love”, though I’m sure that played a role too. You see it clearly now though.
Their Energy:
Knight of Cups rev - King of Pentacles rev - Ace of Swords & 7 Wands
Main Energy: The Sun
This person is waiting, expecting, you to message them. They just know you’re going to. Maybe before, you did. They see the disconnect between you as impulsive, spontaneous, and unreliable…meaning you’ll be back. You always come back 👀 Knight of Cups rev confirms they’re delulu & my own red flags are flyingggg 🚩🚩🚩The arrogance 💯
They’re definitely going through some level of awakening, I don’t get it’s spiritual or even substantial, it’s more an accountability thing. Because it’s being forced on them? They’re gaining clarity to lovebombing, overidealistic behavior, fantasies vs. reality, projections, romanticizing things or refusing to see the truth in situations. Could be victim mentality, I hate that phrase but it may actually apply here. It could apply to you, or that’s how they see you. That could be because you’re a literal victim too tf. You’ll just come running back. Extremely controlling, 8th House is joint finances, you could be married and this person controls the bank account. King of Pentacles rev shows up for them twice, this is someone conditional, there are a list of expectations you have to meet to “earn” their love. They could be emotionally closed off entirely, if water is emotions, their plumbing is all fkd up, there’s no water to be found. Instead they place value on money, status, material things, reputation, and may be someone who prioritizes career over everything. No success = no real worth as a human being. Even being so, their own stability is severely lacking, entitled with no explanation, they act like they have it all together and they’re in control, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. They see you as Knight of Wands rev in their life. Spontaneous endings, in and out behavior, non committal, non reliable, they get angry or fired up about something and “it’s over!”, *door slam probably*. So this person isn’t totally lost, you’re both waking up to the toxicity that exists between you, or did exist.
I’m not sure how self aware they are exactly though. They see it, kinda, but I don’t think they “own it”, or think it’s wrong. They think they’re right, and they’ll die on that hill. Like whatever they’ve given you was deserved. Ace of Cups rev after this King rev again, shows they’re emotionally empty. They can’t give you the love you deserve, period, they don’t have any. And it’s like they don’t want you for the right reasons, it’s not for love, it’s because fk anyone else trying to have you. You are a prop in their lives, a trophy they keep winning, they *own* you 💯 They expect you to come running back to them, knowing full well they’re perfectly fine with or without you. This person man…just yikes all over. I waited till this point to throw out the word, and I honestly didn’t believe narcissists could have Twin Flames - there’s no depth there. This one definitely won’t be for everyone, but someone needs it. For those where you’re like no that’s kinda harsh, addictions could be playing a role as well, or just Devil energy keeping them trapped in toxic behaviors. The most intense of this story may identify with covert narcissism.
With Ace of Swords here, and swords on your side, you could still be arguing with this person, they could still be very much be a part of your life, and Spirit could be pushing you to run, that’s what this Knight of Wands does, in this type of reading it’s the runner, and it shows up for you. You’re already seeing sense, using your intellect, and waking up to the toxicity of this connection, realizing it needs to be severed - Justice. And Cut Down as the Oracle, Spirit is confirming and then reconfirming if you didn’t hear the first time. They’re already pissed, it’s like you spontaneously ended this and so far have held your ground, which is blowing their mind 🤯 They’re scrambling for justification of their side of things, defending themselves and their position to you, you should be “working together”, now it’s all about a spirit of teamwork ok. In reality, no, it’s about them, they’re failing to control you, or feeling like they’re losing control of you, and they’re losing their fkn mind over it 💯 They’ll fight this. You belong to them, who tf do you think you are being independent from them and setting boundaries or cutting them off, get back here! Wheel of Fortune at the bottom, things are changing for the better. Not for them, for you.
Mutual Energy/What is Mirrored:
Ace of Cups - King of Cups - King of Wands rev
Main Energy: 5 Wands rev
There may have been apologies for bad behavior, at the same time this person was being cut off - Justice again. You have genuine love for them, a whole cup, and you expected one in return, 2 Cups. Naturally. At this point I don’t see you even pointing fingers, you don’t want to fight. You don’t want to be with anyone else, you’ve made that clear, you just want to put more love into yourself. 2 Cups (in your mind) to One cup, your cup. You need a break, need to heal, need time away from this person. They’re going to try to fight you and you’re going to avoid them because you just can’t. Can’t do this anymore 💯 This is shared because they heard you, and you see them fighting it. You’re taking control of the situation and this person’s ego is plummeting because you don’t care anymore. Nevermind all the times you did care. They could try to tempt you with some deep “hidden” emotions, maybe sex, and I just see you like “meh”. Don’t care. The worrisome part on your side is I don’t see you talking about this at all. Not with friends, family, anyone, because you’re afraid of what other people will say or do, you don’t want conflict or chaos, that’s exactly what you’re trying to get away from. BOSS with The Emperor is like “I got this”. You do, you’re very intelligent where you are now, but you could use some support from literally any avenue. Support groups with strangers maybe? Something, anything 🩷 You just battled The Devil.
Karmic Cards:
- There will be spirituality to ultimately experience personal power.
- Success from trusting your psychic knowledge of the mysteries of life.
- Benefit resulting from the indecision of or about a major change.
- What other people say matters too much to me.
- BOSS 😎
- Blaming You 💯
- Greedy 🤑
- NOT talking to you is killing ME
Love Oracle:
- Cutting Out
- Separation
- Stop the Pattern
- Silent Treatment
- Codependent
- Obsession & Restraint
- Possession & Control
- Emotional Block
Possible Signs:
Any/every sign. Heavy Libra & Leo, Scorpio, Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn - all the earth 🌍
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hammy-fan · 6 months
its because he’s from boston and likes the red sox
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chloeworships · 2 years
In scripture it says “bad company corrupts good character”. The Lord has revealed to me that when we have low and no standards and accept any and everyone into our lives, we are opening doors and inviting people and events that can take us off course.
Samson and King Solomon, though both were wise men, they didn’t apply their God given wisdom and succumbed to the ill behaviours of those around them. They became spiritually weak.
The Lord is saying choose to be around those who have a high moral compass, these people are often discerning and are not easily seduced or manipulated by pretty faces or handsome men.
People who are spiritually and emotionally “weak” are the ones most likely to be victims of witchcraft and wizardry, lust and temptation. These kind of people I don’t want around me. These are the people that will get you into trouble and killed.
I’m very careful who I associate with because being around bad company almost got me kidnapped and raped. On that very day I knew something supernatural was protecting me and I learned a major lesson about being around bad company and will never make that mistake again.
I will only put myself in situations and with people who are just as strong and discerning as I am. People who help to make me feel safe. People I can trust.
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Be around people that love PEACE ☮️
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spaceboipluto · 2 years
my red flag is that sometimes i think im the funniest mfer in the whole world and i can't help but get the giggles every time i think that
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fillviez · 3 months
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I doodled some my post game, The Vampire Ascendant and Bhaal’s Chosen Epilogue🚩🚩
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disneydatass · 11 months
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