qualbuonvento · 3 months
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Con uno sguardo mi ha resa più bella,
e io questa bellezza l’ho fatta mia
Felice, ho inghiottito una stella.
Ho lasciato che mi immaginasse
a somiglianza del mio riflesso
nei suoi occhi. Io ballo, io ballo
nel battito di ali improvvise.
Il tavolo è tavolo, il vino è vino
nel bicchiere che è un bicchiere
e sta lì dritto sul tavolo.
Io invece sono immaginaria,
incredibilmente immaginaria,
immaginaria fino al midollo.
Gli parlo di tutto ciò che vuole:
delle formiche morenti d’amore
sotto la costellazione del soffione.
Gli giuro che una rosa bianca,
se viene spruzzata di vino, canta.
Mi metto a ridere, inclino il capo
con prudenza, come per controllare
un’invenzione. E ballo, ballo
nella pelle stupita, nell’abbraccio
che mi crea.
Eva dalla costola, Venere dall’onda,
Minerva dalla testa di Giove
erano più reali.
Quando lui non mi guarda,
cerco la mia immagine
sul muro. E vedo solo
un chiodo, senza il quadro.
Wislava Szymborska,
Accanto a un bicchiere di vino
(Amore a prima vista, raccolta 1954 - 2001)
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peppfie · 30 days
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Cercherò di non deprimermi giuro
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cascare-neituoi-occhi · 2 months
Nessuno se ne accorge che ormai non ci sono più.
Ascolto, parlo, sorrido, ma non ci sono più.
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ve-nere · 1 year
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Mano cadaverica e unghie nuoveee
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tinxanax · 1 year
Nella pizzeria in cui lavoro, l'unico che arriva alle mensole delle scatole è il pizzaiolo, Gianni. A inizio turno mi faccio scendere una 50ina di cartoni che gli apro e metto sul bancone quando inforna. Man mano che finiscono chiedo al pizzaiolo di abbassarne qualcuno. Entra un cliente, ordina 4 pizze, ho solo 3 cartoni a portata di mano. Il cliente chiede di dove siamo, considerando che è una pizzeria del sud. Come sempre, mentre il pizzaiolo è impegnato a fare le pizze, rispondo io: «Lui è napoletano, la moglie che prepara tutta la rosticceria in vetrina e messinese» il cliente sorride e dice «e tu? Io sono di Taranto» rispondo «Vibo» il mitico, fiero, dice «Ah ecco, le terrone sono sempre belle infatti»... Io e il pizzaiolo ci guardiamo, lasciamo perdere. «Gianni mi tiri giù dei cartoni appena inforni?» chiedo al pizzaiolo. Lui scherzando risponde «Ma tua madre non poteva farti 10 cm più alta? Lo raggiungi il metro e 50 o usi ancora il seggiolino?» IL MITICO, INTERPELLATO DA NESSUNO, SI AGGIUNGE ALLA CONVERSAZIONE «Beh, dicono che nella botte piccola c'è il vino buono» il pizzaiolo ride, si gira e risponde «Lascia perdere con lei caro, è una botte di Tavernello»....MA NEMMENO A FAR COSÌ PERÒ OH.
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in tutto ciò ricordo che i jeandrea potrebbero essere fratelli
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thatoneanimehcgirl · 2 years
Vampire knight big dick energy headcanons
So like I watch this years ago and I actually kinda like it (don't judge me) and I wanted to do a headcanon on it.
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He's packing ofc.
Yk he's big (I feel like ever pureblood vampire big tho), gotta be something cause his sister inlove with him (I'm vomiting in my mouth right now).
He's taking souls too but not many cause he doesn't like to have sexual intercourse without feeling.
He's coming in with a 10 inche shlong and it's 5 inches around.
No curve on this man shlong.
He has veins on the shlong but not many, yes they are visible.
He's very old fashioned so, no he doesn't have any type of piercing on his shlong.
He knows he packing but he doesn't talk about it cause he's an gentleman, and believes that gentleman doesn't talk about that publicly.
He's 10,000 years old so he's very experienced with bedroom activities.
The person who took his virginity knows that they was his first, they gave it up didn't even care cause he's an pureblood.
If you was his s/o or an one night stand which is rare, but possible. He'll take good care of you in the bedroom, he'll asked you how you want it and give it to you exactly how you asked for it.
He's never had any type of STDs cause he's extremely careful who he sleeps with.
He doesn't have an daddy kink but the person he have feeling for can get him pumped up by offering their blood to him during intercourse.
(I low-key finds him attractive but I'm disgusted by him too)
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Yk daddy packing.
He's big there not much I can say, he gets it from both sides of the family. And plus yuki had feeling for him too.
Don't worry he's taking souls just like his bloody rose taking vampires.
He's coming in 8 inches and 5 inches around.
He have a slight curve.
He has some visible veins.
He doesn't have any type of piercing cause that's just not his thang.
He knows he's packing, he just choose not to talk about it unless he wants to grinded the gears of kaname.
He's pretty experienced in the bedroom cause he has some practice, cause when he's on them trips to kill some vampires he gets himself some pussay.
Yuki knew he was a virgin and let him explore with her, he saved himself for her.
If you're his s/o or an one night stand, he won't be too hard unless he one of them beasts pissed him off when he killed them.
He caught chlamydia one time and started wearing condoms.
He's has an daddy kink but depending on who you are, you won't really pull it out of him.
(I fucking love him and feels like the writer did him dirty asf like he got kaname leftovers)
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He's big, big, it comes from the kuran bloodline.
Ofc yk he taking souls, even if it's a quickie he still taking that soul.
He's coming in 12 inches and 5 inches around.
Oh it curved.
There visible veins too.
He's had an piercing but took it out cause it wasn't pleasing him.
Oh he knows he's packing and he's very open about it, he let it be known.
He's extremely experienced, he be getting it. He gets pussay every day from different females.
When the person who took his virginity didn't even know he was an virgin.
If you're this man s/o or one night stand I feel so bad for you. He's literally an Satanist, he gets turned on by giving pain and you willing to sleep with him so good luck on them broken bones, busted lip, bruise, etc.
He caught aids sucking blood and caught herps cause he like the feeling of raw sex and cause he can't keep it in his pants, sad he doesn't know who gave him either one. Karma if you asked me.
Yk this man got a daddy kink and all you have to do to trigger it is open your legs to him and called him daddy.
(I hate this man but he's very attractive I can't lie)
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foreverblondie23 · 2 years
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peppfie · 29 days
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rovinapost · 1 year
guardali guardali quelle merde di traditori che si erano andati a rifugiare su Twitter che tornano in branco. guardali
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ve-nere · 1 year
Il mio modo di esprimere affetto: " Ti posso picchiare? ".
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chiusadentrose · 1 year
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essere mio amico vuol dire trovarmi a fare foto a piante ogni volta che ne vedo una
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tetsunabouquet · 1 year
and how do you feel about Zero's parents who killed an innocent person?
How do you feel about Ichiru who allowed his own parents to be killed?
Well, if we talk about the character Kuran, he did not make soldiers out of children (but only out of adults for noble purposes) and would not allow his parents to be killed, unlike ichira, and did not kill an innocent person like the parents of twins)). It's just that you're a fan of one particular character.). and zero can't be a prince as a low ranked vampire 😁 he is not an aristocrat, whether he is at least a hundred times the husband of the queen.
I could not pass by because it smells of hypocrisy here))
There's nothing hypocritical about this, it's clear that you are the biased fan over here. For one, the partner of a Queen if he is of lower rank or has no title at all will be rewarded with the title of Prince upon marriage. I'm Dutch, I live in a monarchy so I know. Gender flipped examples: Just look over at the British, Catherine isn't a noble at all yet she is the Princess of Wales. Our queen is Argentinian (so definitely not a noble at all) and was awarded the Princess title upon marriage (their wedding was years before the king's mother abdicated). Learn how monarchies work and get over it. He absolutely was intending to shape them into vampire hating killing machines. This is canon. Also, can I remind you Kaname is involved with the founding of the Hunters Association and they literally trained children and would sent minors on missions. He took in Seiren as his bodyguard when she was a little girl, her literal name is one big victim-blaming for her and her sister being brainwashed by evil vampires. He ABSOLUTELY trained and taught children to fight and defend his goals with their lives. He did not solely train adults, and what noble purposes? Most of the issues in this entire series wouldn't have happened if it weren't for his decisions! As the original vampire king, he's responsible for the very roots of vampire society and he lived long enough to see his efforts for goodness turn into something bad and corrupt. But instead of taking the blame for any decision he could have made that got the world where it was by HIMSELF, he created a literal plan to shove most of his burdens onto 12 year olds. If you find that excusable, then just get out of here because I don't have this blog just to get messages that make me want to puke with their favoritism of someone so heinous. Kaname is a monster, and I loathe child abusers like him with every fiber of my being.
Did I ever defend Zero's parents killing an innocent person? No, I actually criticized it. As we see in Memories, with vampires being so strong, it's difficult to get them to face justice, and whilst I feel like the arresting system could definitely improve, that is what I believe in. I don't believe in death sentence for humans either. Perhaps I'd make an exception for a monster like Hitler or Genghis Khan, but no- in essence I am against death sentences. About Ichiru, first of all, Juri and Haruka aren't Kaname's parents. He was the original vampire king and he already wanted to protect them with his life because they were his descendants, just like Rido was and as their ancestor and senior it was his responsibility to take care of the situation. Kaname was the actual patriarch of the Kuran clan the moment he started regaining his memories and he already remembered who he was by the time Rido came to the Kuran family for Yuki. Secondly, I won't judge Ichiru. What he did was terrible, but he was a little boy in a very dark place. His parents and the hunters literally made him feel like his existence was a burden, even though his parents also loved him. His parents weren't the best out there, and it affected Ichiru in the most negative way possible. I was actually born with health issues myself aside from my autism, and I can understand some of the bitterness Ichiru displays towards his health conditions limiting his life. On top of the way it makes him essentially unwanted by everyone, it sent him into a very hateful place. When you mix that with being as immature as 12 years old, and approached by Shizuka who did take some notes out of the predator-grooming book and further isolated him from his parents, that was pretty much asking for something terrible to happen. Seriously, how can it be hypocritical of me to not judge a 12 year old when I am speaking of a character that the series implied multiple times was already mentally an adult when Rido attacked the Kuran household. Ichiru never trained children either, so... Fuck, being 17, Ichiru technically DIED as a child, and who is to blame?... Oh yeah, Kaname Kuran because if he hadn't allowed Shizuka back out of her cage to kill the Kiryus, none of that would have happened.
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sasdavvero · 1 year
droga cremazionefalchi salvando vite davvero davvero
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pepe-tom · 8 months
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