#rie brainstorms
riewritten · 8 months
soft erwin enjoyers do u see what im seeing
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chimielie · 2 years
liaaaa pretty girl !! first time in your inbox but hi ♡ ♡ !! ok but how was your day :0
HELLO WELCOME NICE TO HAVE YOU would u like some baklava
hmm my day was pretty good!! i got my car radio fixed so i can finally live my #offline cd player haver dreams again (one of my friends broke it last year and it was tragic) and i saw my very favorite cousin and we got ube ice cream which is obviously the best kind. and i had dinner with my grandparents which was nice too so altogether :) what about you?
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sunbriize · 7 months
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hello y’all! welcome to my riize blog! • ֊ •
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⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ introduction ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇
➾ rieyanna so rie, yannie or yanna will do :)
➾ '00 liner and asian (sea/ea) from 🇨🇦 (the 6ix)
➾ she/her, april aries, enfp-t, hufflepuff
➾ senior uni student (all sorts of sciences)
➾ hobbies are singing, dancing, reading, etc.
➾ i’ve only used tumblr for kpop since late 2017 (reading), 2019 (writing) & 2020 (posting)
➾ biases are wonbin, anton and seunghan!
➾ been with them since predebut!
⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ psa ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇
➾ aside from collab/events, i write here based on inspo or if the member fits the concept i have in mind so i can’t do any requests at all!
➾ english is my third language so please keep that in mind when you leave any feedback!
➾ don't copy my works or take any of my ideas when i brainstorm here. i got plagiarized before so i will for sure come after you 🔪
➾ this blog's on queue but i'm around so feel free to interact anytime!
⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ others ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇
➾ spotify | tiktok | ao3 | twt | wattpad
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— will add more stuff in here when i get asked!
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kiloplot · 2 years
Onlyoneof time leap download
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It represents the start of what we do and how this can evolve into our future works. It brings us back to emotional melody lines that we missed from 1 st generation K-pop tracks.Īs mentioned before, we feel that our debut EP is a very honest work as an initiation of our career. 'time-leap' is also one of our favourite tracks from dot point jump Vol. We thought those chill tracks of the 1 st generation K-pop groups were worth revisiting, but with a touch of modern sound from recent K-pop and other pop tracks. 'savanna' reminds us of the mid to late '90s when H.O.T and Deux other 1 st generation K-pop Idols gave this sense of chill vibes and trendy atmosphere through some of their tracks. 1 is our very first work with Jaden so we tried to focus more on what our impression of K-pop that we adored and grew up with. Tell us about your debut EP dot point jump Vol. Our most recent collaboration with the producer GRAY from AOMG was an eye-opening experience for us in that sense, and hopefully, this can be a gateway to more collaboration opportunities with non-idol musicians and producers in Korea. Thus, we aspire to interact with them through our albums and singles that we release. We sincerely hope this global support from K-pop fans can also be a great opportunity to shed light on many great non-idol musicians in Korea who deserves global recognition. We think the insane competition in the K-pop scene is a very good opportunity for us. In light of the competition in the K-pop scene with new groups debuting fairly often, how different is OnlyOneOf from other rookie groups? We do this very casually and of course, we are seeing some progress on what we have achieved from this process and hopefully, we can release some of these tracks in the near future. Yoojung orchestrates and puts everything together by collecting choreography inputs from Junji and Mill. After finding a common ground in their ideas, they share their sketches with Love and Rie, who will brainstorm top lines and potential melodies to add to the tracks. For example, Nine and KB are ones who produce tracks and beats for our tracks. All seven of us have different characters and we have learned how we can maximize the synergies amongst us. We have a long history behind us since our trainee period. We always go back to our name by reflecting our original intention to all our works and try to differentiate ourselves step by step as we move forward.ĭescribe the dynamic between the members. We want to provide a unique value proposition to our fans, through our music and interactions with them that can never be otherwise satisfied. OnlyOneOf represent our aspiration to be a one of a kind artist within the K-pop Idol spectrum. With their artistic voices shining through as one through their self-produced and choreographed songs, it is no surprise that the rookie group earned their title as one of Billboard's Top 5 New K-pop acts to watch in 2020.īandwagon caught up with OnlyOneOf, who shared with us their journey from their days as trainees, idol inspirations, member chemistry, and music. The group consists of Nine (vocalist, beatmaker, maknae), Mill (rapper), Rie (vocalist, dancer), JunJi (vocalist, dancer), Love (leader, main vocalist), YooJung (dancer) and KB (rapper, producer). 1 last May.īoasting a dynamic mix of talents, OnlyOneOf desire to be different. The band made their debut with their first EP dot point jump Vol.1, dropped their latest release, Produced by, Pt. OnlyOneOf's debut in 2019, with their R&B inspired tracks 'time leap' and 'savanna', put a refreshing spin on K-pop and defined the band as a new force to be reckoned with. Upon closer listening, one would then realise that their music makes them truly only one of their kind.īacked by creative director Jaden Jeong, the mastermind behind the LOONA universe, OnlyOneOf is the first boyband created by 8D Creative (RSVP). From afar, OnlyOneOf resemble the perfect equation of a seven-member K-pop group. Between the night sky and the soft glow of street lights, seven lanky silhouettes stand shoulder to shoulder on an abandoned bridge.
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captainderyn · 6 years
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(October 9, 2017 v August 20, 2018)
*Click for better quality*
"Have you not been staring wistfully at Leliana when you think no one else is watching?”  ‘I..what? No. I don’t stare--okay..maybe.”
I realized it’s been almost a year since @delavairesslegacy and I made Ru and Laurel (Which means we’ve known each other for like a year and a half HOLY SHIT) and I felt like redrawing my first piece of art with them in it. Thanks for the best pair of Warden Sisters around <3
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cwritesfiction · 3 years
@radley-writes decided to tag me in a last line tag game RIGHT as I was in the middle of projecting onto my character, rude, how dare you. Anyway.
Maybe I am just looking for attention.
I’m supposed to tag 6 people, one for every word in that sentence, so uhhhhhh @akindofmagictoo @stories-by-rie @ratracechronicler  interested? @incandescent-creativity care to share a FLOAT thing, even if it’s a worldbuilding/brainstorming line? @gingerly-writing You don’t have to do this, I just want to know if you see this tag amidst all of your pope spam. @if-only-we-could-read-it how’s NaNo going? 
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paoloneib805 · 3 years
30+ Perguntas e respostas sobre agência de comunicação e assessoria de imprensa
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No formato impresso ou digital – enviado por meio do e-mail corporativo – o jornal pode apresentar informações sobre os regulamentos da empresa, novas regras e lista de aniversário dos colaboradores. Por isso, a criação de um canal de comunicação interna é uma estratégia simples que faz muita diferença no dia a dia. Existem inúmeras formas de promover a comunicação interna nas organizações, algumas delas são as seguintes. Cada empresa cria uma cultura organizacional única, sendo assim, o ato de trocar informações pode ter uma conotação diferente para cada uma. Bem, sendo assim, você já entende a importância de uma comunicação interna, ela é a fonte primária de organização e hierarquia, sem ela não é possível estabelecer regras ou informar o novo fluxo de trabalho. Agora que você entende melhor o que estabelece uma boa comunicação, vamos discutir um pouco mais o porquê de ela ser tão importante para qualquer empresa. Investir em comunicação interna é a opção mais acertada para manter a transparência e engajar a equipe.
A alta cúpula da empresa deve estar engajada com a busca por um diálogo franco e aberto com a equipe de trabalho. A endocomunicação também traz melhorias para o clima organizacional, aprimorando as relações interpessoais e impactando de modo positivo a produtividade da empresa, tornando todo o negócio mais rentável.
Perdendo competitividade e participação do mercado e, além de tudo, aumentando o número de problemas e conflitos internos. Ela deve promover a abertura do diálogo de modo horizontal e vertical, com o intuito de um melhor clima organização e melhores resultados para o empreendimento. O esforço de se comunicar de modo eficiente deve se iniciar primeiramente nos executivos da organização, pois sem eles pouco importa o esforço de consultores e especialistas na área.
Ela pode ser colocada em prática através de palestras, reuniões e confraternizações, por exemplo. Com a tecnologia disponível atualmente, existem diversas maneiras de executar os tipos de comunicação interna nas organizações. Para que uma empresa tenha sucesso é imprescindível que seja investido em comunicação dentro das empresas. Aplicativos de chat internos podem ser uma ótima forma de concentrar toda a comunicação oficial da empresa e fazer com que encontrar determinadas informações. Hoje em dia, é possível fazer um planejamento de comunicação interna, especialmente com tantas ferramentas disponíveis no mercado.
Com colaboradores alinhados e valorizados é comum que fiquem mais engajados na busca pelos objetivos da empresa e, com isso, ela torna-se mais competitiva em relação aos seus concorrentes. Para o sucesso na comunicação é necessário que a alta cúpula da organização também esteja disposta a ouvir seus colaboradores.
Há diversos aplicativos no mercado com diferentes funcionalidades e personalizações que podem facilitar a comunicação dentro das empresas. Eles podem ser o canal ideal para empresas que contam com muitos profissionais que viajam ou trabalham fora de seus escritórios. Ela tem uma aceitação incrível entre os funcionários, pois se parecem com as famosas redes sociais utilizadas pela sociedade, como o Facebook. Incentive seus colaboradores a escreverem suas opiniões ou a darem depoimentos em jornais internos e newsletters disparadas para o e-mail corporativo de todos. Isso irá permitir que os funcionários saibam das experiências uns dos outros e possam aprender um pouco mais sobre a empresa a partir da visão de seus colegas.
Diferente do que muitos acreditam, a melhor forma de criar uma diferenciação não é investindo exclusivamente em marketing digital. Um das melhores estratégias é apostar em uma equipe alinhada e engajada na busca pelos objetivos organizacionais. Clientes mais exigentes, concorrência mais acirrada, meios de comunicação mais fragmentados e produtos com ciclo de vida mais curto. Hoje, a comunicação não é mais direcionada apenas ao público externo , mas também aos seus próprios colaboradores — e aqui começamos a falar em comunicação interna. Os meios de comunicação tradicionais já não são mais atrativos para os colaboradores, que agora estão acostumados com informações instantâneas, em real time, em formatos diferentes, principalmente em vídeos. Um está ligado ao outro, os novos meios de comunicação possibilitam a divulgação e a troca de informações, pois é o que o cenário está exigindo. As empresas estão dando cada vez mais voz aos colaboradores e permitindo que eles ocupem o espaço de agentes comunicadores, pois esse movimento já acontece, você querendo ou não.
Isso irá garantir que todos os colaboradores, de todos os setores, tenham acesso à informação completa referente aos processos da organização, o que irá contribuir para melhores tomadas de decisões e produtividade das equipes. A comunicação empresarial interna bem realizada pode ser uma ferramenta eficiente para evitar situações de crise por falta de comunicação, como em casos de negociações que envolvem colaboradores de diferentes setores, por exemplo. É por meio dela que as empresas divulgam as informações e o conhecimento dentro de seus ambientes de trabalho. Ela pode acontecer tanto verticalmente, quando a direção precisa passar um comunicado para os níveis subordinados; quanto horizontalmente, em casos que os empregados de mesmo níveis de cargo precisam compartilhar alguma informação entre si. A comunicação horizontal, em contrapartida à comunicação vertical, se estabelece no ambiente dos colaboradores da empresa e diz respeito à comunicação entre pares do mesmo nível hierárquico. favorece os líderes em um ambiente de contato com todos os profissionais da empresa, pois fortalece as ações de engajamento com as equipes através de feedbacks e debates. Assim, ela está diretamente relacionada com a conquista dos objetivos da empresa.
Mais do que um transmissor de informações, os canais de sua empresa devem ser verdadeiras ferramentas de compartilhamento de conhecimento. A escolha irá depender do perfil de seus colaboradores, da estrutura física e hierárquica de sua empresa, o orçamento disponível, entre outros critérios. Portanto, é necessário se preparar para avaliar as opções e escolher aquele que melhor se enquadre à sua estratégia. A comunicação empresarial interna auxilia na melhora do clima organizacional, pois traz maior clareza às atividades da empresa, aprimorando as relações interpessoais entre todos.
Uma equipe sem consciência do que ocorre no negócio fica pouco habilitada para o enfrentamento de desafios e para a proposição de soluções. Esse processo deve ser desenvolvido de forma estratégica e com conteúdos relevantes para as atividades, a fim de contribuir com o desenvolvimento do negócio e com a manutenção do bom desempenho nas atividades da companhia. Os ruídos e gargalos na comunicação provocam uma série de problemas, afetando o cumprimento de metas e o alcance de resultados positivos. Compartilhando sua experiência e suas dúvidas com a gente, através dos comentários! Entretanto, algumas empresas ainda fecham seus olhos para essa realidade e deixam de investir no diálogo aberto e claro com seus colaboradores.
Hoje existem inúmeras formas de comunicação que podem ser utilizadas por grandes, médias e pequenas empresas. E, inclusive, indicamos que você procure utilizar mais de um exemplo para tornar a comunicação ainda mais eficaz e perene. Afinal, sabemos o quanto um brainstorm com bons profissionais pode levantar soluções e estratégicas, que talvez um ótimo gestor não conseguiria desenvolver sozinho.
estratégia em que todo um conjunto de ações busca facilitar a transmissão de informações relevantes dentro de uma empresa. Estabelecer a cultura de feedbacks é essencial para melhorar a comunicação dentro da empresa. Desse modo, é viável analisar o desempenho dos colaboradores e dar a eles a oportunidade de saberem exatamente em que aspecto podem melhorar. Se o gestor notar que houve algum tipo de ruído e que informações imprecisas estão começando a circular, deve reunir os colaboradores para resolver mal-entendidos e criar um bom clima organizacional.
Procure baixar o nível das fofocas de escritório esclarecendo os rumores que puder. Assim, há o aumento da sensação de pertencimento dos colaboradores, proporcionando diversos benefícios. Ela funciona como uma grande ferramenta estratégica para o avanço da empresa, além de ser uma das táticas para reagir positivamente em momentos de crise nos negócios. Vale ficar atento, entretanto, à linguagem utilizada neste exemplo de comunicação interna. É fundamental compreender que apesar de ser um diálogo é uma comunicação profissional. Que ganhou uma faceta moderna com mídias sociais e sistemas de conversas instantâneas.
Isso mantém um diálogo aberto, possibilitando o feedback constante entre todas as partes interessadas. Isso prova como ela é indispensável para a sobrevivência e evolução da humanidade. É, inclusive, fator de conquista para qualquer empresa — independentemente de seu tamanho, segmento e faturamento.
É preciso promover uma estratégia de Comunicação Interna que permita às pessoas estarem a par do que acontece no negócio. Isso é importante para que os profissionais sejam mais participativos, engajados e envolvidos com o empreendimento.
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writingonesdreams · 4 years
Creative Life Update Event r.3
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Callout post for round 3!
Making a reminder post for this event each Wednesday/Thursday as promised. :D
These are stressful times, but wherever you are, the writeblr community is something to take comfort from. Write, relax or contemplate, I hope you are all doing well. Would love to know what you have been up to!
Anything and everything you do creatively counts.
From daydreaming, brainstorming, new ideas, outlining, re-outlining, editing, AUing, moodboards, playlists, drabbles, short stories, poems,… - and ofc writing your wip and updating your stories literally as well.😉
Inspiration from the latest movie, totally unrelated idea that has been hunting you, new realization from an intersting writing article - doubts, difficulties and victories - we want to know it all!
The point of this little event is:
To get to know what fellow writeblrs are working on
For writers themselves to realize how much they are doing - whether they are writing or being creatively active in other ways
To support each other on the wiritng journey
Getting new discussion opportunities about our projects
To share and exchange ideas with others
Asking for opinions or advice on things you are currently working on
Talking about your writing without feeling like you are annoying anyone or screaming into the void - there are people interested after all!
How it works:
Make a post called Creative life update + date
Use the tag #creativelifeupdate
Tag me, @writingonesdreams - I will share your post around so it reaches more people. Plus I love seeing these updates of ours ;)
Make a list of things you have been thinking/working on lately
Ask for opinions on things you are undecided about
Say anything else you want to share about real life or whatever comes to mind!
Tag peeps you would like to know what they have been up to lately and spread the event
Scroll through the tag to see and support fellow writers on their creative path
Talk, reblog and brag 😎
There is no specific day to do this, but it would be best to try to give an update every week (you can do more or less as you wish)
Tagging people from last week: @mischiefiswritten​ @sybil-writes​  @clypso​  @stories-by-rie@emmydavidson @mjmnorwood @thewalkingnerdx
and anyone who wants to ofc :)
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riewritten · 8 months
lmao something reader's bestfriend would fucking tweet
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specthrom · 5 years
My Favorite Anime Songs
Just a list of Openings, Endings and general songs. Will update every once in a while, probably at the end of seasons.
Angel Beats: Lia - My Soul, Your Beats!
Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo: CHiCO with HoneyWorks - Otome-domo yo
Baccano: Paradise Lunch -  Gun's & Roses
OP 1: Chiwa Saito - staple stable OP 2: Emiri Katou - "Kaerimichi (帰り道)" OP 3: Miyuki Sawashiro - "ambivalent world" OP 4: Kana Hanazawa - "Ren'ai Circulation (恋愛サーキュレーション)" OP 5: Yui Horie - "Sugar Sweet Nightmare"
Beck: Beat Crusaders - Hit in the USA
BEM: Maaya Sakamoto - Uchuu no Kioku
OP 1: Orange Range - *~Asterisk~ OP 2: UVERworld - D-tecnoLife OP 3: High and Mighty Color - Ichirin no Hana OP 4: Beat Crusaders - Tonight, Tonight, Tonight OP 5: YUI - Rolling Star OP 6: Aqua Timez - Alones OP 7: Asian Kung-Fu Generation - After Dark OP 8: Kelun - Chu-Bura OP 9: Aqua Timez - Velonica OP 10: SCANDAL - Shōjo S OP 11: Porno Graffitti - Anima Rossa OP 12: Miwa - chAngE OP 13: SID - Ranbu no Melody OP 14: ViViD - BLUE OP 15: SCANDAL - Harukaze
Boku no Hero Academia 2nd Season:
OP 2:  amazarashi - Sora ni Utaeba
Boogiepop wa Warawanai OP 1: MYTH & ROID - shadowgraph
OP 1: eufonius - Megumeru OP 2: Lia - Toki wo Kizamu Uta
Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch:
OP 1: FLOW - COLORS OP 2: Jinn - Kaidoku Funou
Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch R2:
Comic Girls OP 1: Comic Girls - Memories
Cowboy Bebop OP 1: The Seatbelts - Tank!
Dr Stone:
OP 1: BURNOUT SYNDROMES - Good Morning World! OP 2: PELICAN FANCLUB - Sangenshoku (三原色)
Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru?:
OP 1: Hibiki Sakura, & Naruzou Machio - Onegai Muscle
Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu OP 1: Hitoribocchi no Monologue
Midara na Ao-chan wa Benkyou ga Dekinai OP 1
Death Note:
OP 1: Nightmare - the WORLD OP 2: Maximum the Hormone - What's up, people?!
Devil May Cry OP 1: Rungran - D.M.C.
OP 1: Ziyoou-vachi - Kaen OP 2: ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION - Dororo
Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru?: Onegai Muscle - Hibiki Sakura, Naruzou Machio
Endro~! OP 1: Yuusha Party - Endoro~ru!
Fruits Basket (2019):
OP 1: Beverly - Again OP 2: Ai Otsuka - Chime
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood:
OP 1: YUI - Again OP 2: NICO Touches the Walls - Hologram OP 3: Sukima Switch - Golden Time Lover OP 4: Chemistry - Period
Harukana Receive OP 1: Haruka Oozora - FLY two BLUE
Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu OP 1: Hitoribocchi no Monologue
Irozuku Sekai no Ashita kara OP 1: Haruka to Miyuki - 17 Sai
Island OP 1: Yukari Tamura - Eien no Hitotsu
Joshikousei no Mudazukai: Nozomu Tanaka, Akane Kikuchi, Shiori Saginomiya - Wa! Moon! dass! cry!
Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen OP 1: Masayuki Suzuki - Love Dramatic
Mirai Nikki:
OP 1: Yousei Teikoku - Kuusou Mesorogiwi OP 2: Faylan - Dead END
OP 1: Hound Dog - R★O★C★K★S OP 2: Asian Kung-fu Generation - Haruka Kanata OP 3: little by little - Kanashimi wo Yasashisa ni OP 4: FLOW - GO!!! OP 5: Sambomaster - Seishun Kyosokyoku OP 6: Stance Punks - No Boy, No Cry OP 7: Snowkel - Namikaze Satellite OP 8: FLOW - Re:member OP 9: Hearts Grow - YURA YURA
Naruto: Shippuuden:
OP 1: Nobodyknows+ - Hero's Come Back OP 2: LONG SHOT PARTY - distance OP 3: Ikimonogakari - Blue Bird OP 4: Inoue Joe - CLOSER OP 5: Ikimonogakari - Hotaru no Hikari OP 6: FLOW - Sign OP 7: Motohiro Hata - Toumei Datta Sekai OP 8: NICO Touches the Walls - Diver OP 9: 7!! - Lovers OP 10: tacica - newsong OP 11: THE CRO-MAGNONS - Totsugeki Rock OP 12: Daisuke - Moshimo OP 13: NICO Touches the Walls - Niwaka Ame Nimo Makezu OP 14: Nogizaka46 - Tsuki no Ookisa OP 15: DOES - Guren OP 16: KANA-BOON - Silhouette OP 17: Yamazaru - Kaze OP 18: Sukima Switch - LINE OP 19: Asian Kung-Fu Generation - Blood Circulator OP 20: Anly - Kara no Kokoro
Neon Genesis Evangelion OP 1:  A Cruel Angel's Thesis - Yoko Takahashi
OP 1: Drop Stars - Twinkling star OP 2: Sumire Uesaka - POP TEAM EPIC
Release the Spyce OP 1: Tsukikage - Spatto! Spy & Spyce
Satsuriku no Tenshi OP 1: Masaaki Endoh - Vital
Sora yori mo Tooi Basho OP 1:  saya - The Girls Are Alright!
Sword Art Online:
OP 1: LiSA - crossing field OP 2: Aoi Eir - INNOCENCE
Sword Art Online II:
OP 1: Eir Aoi - IGNITE OP 2: Haruka Tomatsu - courage
Sword Art Online: Alicization:
Sword Art Online: Alicization - War of Underworld:
OP 1:  Haruka Tomatsu - Resolution
Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online OP 1: Eir Aoi - Ryuusei
Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari:
Tsurune: Kazemai Koukou Kyuudoubu OP 1: Luck Life - Naru
Vinland Saga:
OP 1: Survive Said The Prophet - MUKANJYO OP 2: MAN WITH A MISSION - Dark Crow
Watashi ni Tenshi ga Maiorita! OP 1: Wataten☆Five - Kimama na Tenshitachi
Yagate Kimi ni Naru OP 1: Riko Azuna - Kimi ni Furete
Yakusoku no Neverland OP 1: UVERworld - Touch Off
Zombieland Saga OP 1: Fran Chou Chou - Adabana Necromancy
Angel Beats:
ED 1:  Aoi Tada -  Brave Song ED 2: Yui - Ichiban no Takaramono
Bakemonogatari: supercell  - "Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari (君の知らない物語)"
ED 1: The Dying Breed - My World Down ED 2: The Dying Breed feat. Yukio Tanaka - Moon on the Water
ED 1: Rie Fu - Life is Like a Boat ED  2: Home Made Kazoku - Thank You!! ED  3: Younha - Hōkiboshi ED  4: Skoop On Somebody - Happypeople ED  5: YUI - Life ED  6: SunSet Swish - My Pace ED  7: Ikimono-Gakari - Hanabi ED  8: Takacha - Movin!! ED  9: JUNE - Baby It's You ED  10: Mai Hoshimura - Sakura Biyori ED  11: OreSkaBand - Tsumesaki ED  12: Chatmonchy - Daidai ED  13: Kōsuke Atari - Tane wo Maku Hibi ED  14: RSP - Kansha ED  15: Lil'B - Orange ED  16: Pe'zmoku - Gallop ED  17: Stereopony - Hitohira no Hanabira ED  18: Shion Tsuji - Sky Chord ~Otona ni Naru Kimi e~ ED  19: Sambomaster - Kimi wo Mamotte, Kimi wo Aishite ED  20: Kenichi Asai - Mad Surfer ED  21: SunSet Swish - Sakurabito ED  22: RSP - Tabidatsu Kimi e ED  23: DIGGY-MO' - Stay Beautiful ED  24: universe - echoes ED  26: ROOKiEZ is PUNK'D - Song For... ED  28: UNLIMITS - Haruka Kanata ED  30: Aqua Timez - MASK
Boku no Hero Academia 2nd Season:
ED 2:  LiSA - Datte Atashi no Hero
Boogiepop wa Warawanai:
ED 1: Riko Azuna - Whiteout ED 3: Kensuke Ushio and Hajime Hyakkoku  - See You, HeartBreakers
Clannad: ED 1: Chata - Dango Daikazoku ED 2: Lia - TORCH
Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch:
ED 1: Ali Project - Yuukyou Seishunka ED 2: SunSet Swish - Mosaic Kakera
Comic Girls ED 1: Comic Girls - Namida wa Misenai
Cowboy Bebop ED 1: The Seatbelts feat. Mai Yamane - The Real Folk Blues
Death Note:
ED 1: Nightmare - Alumina ED 2: Maximum the Hormone - Zetsubō Billy ED 3: Yoshihisa Hirano - Coda
Dororo ED 1: amazarashi - Sayonara Gokko
Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru?: Naruzou Machio - Macho a Name?
Endro~! ED 1: Inori Minase - Wonder Caravan!
Fruits Basket (2019):
ED 1: Vickeblanka - Lucky Ending ED 1: INTERSECTION - One Step Closer
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood:
ED 1: SID - Uso ED 2: Miho Fukuhara - LET IT OUT ED 3: Lil'B - Tsunaida Te ED 4: SCANDAL - Shunkan Sentimental ED 5: Nakagawa Shouko - RAY OF LIGHT
Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu:
Irozuku Sekai no Ashita kara ED 1: Nagi Yanagi - Mimei no Kimi to Hakumei no Mahou
Joshikousei no Mudazukai: Nozomu Tanaka, Akane Kikuchi, Shiori Saginomiya - Seishun no Reverb
Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen:
ED 1: halca - Sentimental Crisis ED 2: Chika Fujiwara - Chikatto Chika Chika
Mirai Nikki:
ED 1: Faylan - Blood Teller ED 2: Yousei Teikoku - filament
ED 1: Akeboshi - Wind ED 2: Rythem - Harmonia ED 3: Orange Range - Viva Rock ED 4: Raiko - ALIVE ED 5: Mass Missile - Ima made Nando mo ED 6: Tia - Ryusei ED 7: Captain Straydum - Mountain A Go Go Too ED 8: GagagaSP - Hajimete Kimi to Shabetta ED 10: Analogfish - Speed ED 11: Amadori - Soba ni Iru Kara
Naruto: Shippuuden:
OP 1: HOME MADE Kazoku - Nagare Boshi OP 2: aluto - Michi ~to you all OP 3: little by little - KIMI MONOGATARI OP 4: MATCHY with QUESTION? - Mezamero! Yasei OP 6: Nico Touches the Walls - BROKEN YOUTH OP 7: HALCALI - Long Kiss Goodbye OP 9: SUPER BEAVER - Shinkokyuu OP 10: SEAMO - My ANSWER OP 11: Kishidan - Omae Dattanda OP 13: OreSkaBand - Jitensha OP 14: supercell - Utakata Hanabi OP 16: Aqua Timez - Mayonaka no Orchestra OP 17: HOME MADE Kazoku - FREEDOM OP 18: OKAMOTO'S - Yokubou o Sakebe!!!! OP 20: Hemenway - By My Side OP 22: AISHA feat. CHEHON - Kono Koe Karashite OP 24: 7!! - Sayonara Memory OP 26: Rake - Yume wo Daite ~Hajimari no Crissroad~ OP 30: SHUN - Never Change OP 31: Shiori Tomita - Dame Dame da OP 34: FLOW - Niji no Sora OP 37: Kuroneko Chelsea - Ao no Lullaby OP 38: Huwie Ishizaki - Pino to Amélie OP 39: Ayumikurikamaki - Tabidachi no Uta OP 40: Swimy - Zetsu Zetsu
Neon Genesis Evangelion ED: Fly Me to the Moon
Release the Spyce ED 1: Tsukikage - Hide & Seek
Sword Art Online:
ED 1: Haruka Tomatsu - Yume Sekai ED 2: Luna Haruna - Overfly
Sword Art Online II:
ED 1: Luna Haruna - Startear ED 2: LiSA - No More Time Machine ED 3: LiSA - Shirushi
Sword Art Online: Alicization:
ED 1: Eir Aoi - Iris ED 2: ReoNa - forget-me-not
Sword Art Online: Alicization - War of Underworld:
ED 1:  LiSA - unlasting
Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online ED 1: Karen Kohiruimaki - To see the future
Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari:
ED 1: Chiai Fujikawa - Kimi no Namae ED 2: Chiai Fujikawa - Atashi ga Tonari ni Iru Uchi ni
Tsurune: Kazemai Koukou Kyuudoubu ED 1: ChouCho - Orange Iro
Vinland Saga:
ED 1: Aimer - Torches
Yagate Kimi ni Naru ED 1: Yuuki Takada & Minako Kotobuki - hectopascal
Yakusoku no Neverland ED 1: Cö shu Nie - Zettai Zetsumei
Zombieland Saga ED 1: Fran Chou Chou - Hikari e
Angel Beats:
Girls Dead Monster - Crow Song Girls Dead Monster - My Song Girls Dead Monster - Thousand Enemies Girls Dead Monster - Alchemy Girls Dead Monster - Hot Meal
BECK - Brainstorm BECK - Spice of Life Maho Minami - Sly BECK - Face Belle Ame - Lost Melody Chiemi Kuniyoshi - Genki wo Dashite Beck - Like a Foolin Ciel Bleu - Youkai Ningen Bem Hyoudou Band - Gymnasium Tsunemi Chiba - Reloaded Musicmans feat. Manabu Miyazawa - Journey Saitou San Band feat. Koyuki Tanaka & Maho Minami - Follow Me Hyoudou Band 2 - Love Dischord Beck - By Her Beck - I've Got a Feeling (The Beatles cover) Beck - Slip Out
Kimi no Na wa:
RADWIMPS - Yumetourou RADWIMPS - Mitsuha No Tsugaku RADWIMPS - Itomori Koukou RADWIMPS - Akogare Cafe RADWIMPS - Okudera Senpai No Theme RADWIMPS - Futari No Ihen RADWIMPS - Zenzenzense RADWIMPS - Date RADWIMPS - Kioku Wo Yobiokosu RADWIMPS - Goshintaie Futatabi RADWIMPS - Sakusen Kaigi RADWIMPS - Kataware Doki RADWIMPS - Sparkle RADWIMPS - Nandemonaiya
Susumu Hirasawa - Parade Susumu Hirasawa - Mediational Field Susumu Hirasawa - Welcome to the Circus Susumu Hirasawa - A Drop Filled With Memories Susumu Hirasawa - The Girl In Byakkoya
Sword Art Online Movie: Ordinal Scale: LiSA  - Catch the Moment
Zombieland Saga: Fran Chou Chou - Mezame RETURNER Fran Chou Chou - FANTASTIC LOVERS
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sadisweetomi · 2 years
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Executive ImpactDigital DNA: Rie Kawano thinks her way to success
Rie Kawano is very open about why Cognitee Inc., the company she founded in 2013 and where she is chief executive officer, struggled in the early days.
Cognitee develops software powered by artificial intelligence (AI) to analyze the logical structure of communications, from text messages to emails to voice recordings. Negotiations, pitches, articles, and reports can also be examined.
Using the company’s metacognition software, which examines the content and form of ideas, clients can optimize workflow, employee training, and decision-making.
“We alleviate cognitive biases using technology, and thereby unleash creativity,” she told The ACCJ Journal.
Today, Cognitee’s corporate user base is expanding in Japan, while its network of data workers who help train the AI in Asia, North America, and Europe is growing.
However, that was not always the case. While Cognitee’s soft­ware initially gained traction abroad—in China and the United States, for instance—it struggled to make headway in Japan.
“Maybe I didn’t have very good marketing skills then, and we didn’t hear the consumer’s voice,” Kawano said. “So, I was very worried about how to sell our technology.”
But recent successes in seed funding and series-round funding, as well as domestic growth, tell a different story. The company, it seems, is hitting its stride. Cognitee’s software is being adopted by original equipment manufacturers as well as companies in telecommunications, finance, and human resources.
Cognitee has one main product and engine, and the technology is called CogStructure. By identifying biases in a presentation, meeting, or brainstorming session, UpSighter Sales generates actio­nable information, allowing users to optimize operations. The software can be used in training programs for sales teams and call-center workers, for example.
“We can detect a ‘high performer model’ and compare each employee’s presentation or communications against that. And we can do that paragraph by paragraph,” Kawano explained.
Via CogStructure, companies can visualize the structure of their communications, whether written or spoken. Because both technologies can be deployed in situations where transforming qualitative data into quantitative insight is in demand, the software has wide applicability.
UpSighter Sales and CogStructure use AI as well as human trainers, many of whom are stay-at-home moms, to optimize development.
The latter support the software’s development by annotating and classifying data, which is then fed into the core AI and deep learning technologies.
Cognitee’s roots can be traced back to Kawano’s experiences early in her life, and the successes and biases she faced as a teenage entrepreneur.
Born in the countryside of the Japanese island of Shikoku, Kawano was 14 years old when she discovered the power of technology to transform lives. Enjoying a largely sedentary life, the last thing on her mind was being active, let alone enjoying sports. And yet, there was an inexplicable drive to excel.
When one day she walked into her local bookshop and found a book on sports science, she was struck by an idea. “I didn’t like sports or to move. But I thought, ‘Wow. This is very good.’” Kawano was particularly attracted to the scientific aspect of sports science.
Inspired, yet noticing there was a dearth of information about the subject online, she wondered whether a platform could be created to solve that problem. It could.
A self-taught web developer, Kawano worked after school for three months to create a website through which to share information on sports science. Athletes, trainers, and doctors could also connect via the platform.
“The website was a matching portal site sharing information about sports science,” said Kawano, who was 16 years old when she developed the site.
Kawano’s website received a modicum of success—professionals in the sports industry were able to connect via the platform. Her own stock, especially for someone so young, fared even better. She was invited to speak at an academic conference on sports science, for instance.
She even consulted for a professional soccer team, helping to connect their players to trainers and doctors. And by the time she entered college, the platform was a registered company.
Is that to say she did all that without a struggle? Far from it. Kawano recalls times when she was dismissed because of her youth—or because she is a woman. In some cases, the fact that she hailed from the countryside was an issue.
But she also remembers being treated without bias and having supporters. It was in part due to her early success as an entrepreneur that she was accepted into Keio University, where she studied business management.
Kawano managed the platform throughout her college years. However, as a recent graduate, she felt that she needed more experience in the corporate world.
“When I was 22 years old, I realized that I was still an amateur when it comes to organizing a business,” she said.
Giving up the reigns of the platform, Kawano worked as an analyst in Sony Corporation’s camera business for seven years. At the electronics giant, she explored new software business opportunities globally.
But then the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami struck in March 2011, and the subsequent nuclear disaster affected some of Sony’s manufacturing bases in the Tohoku region.
This seemed to coincide with a shrink­ing domestic and global camera business, leading Kawano to won­der about the future prospects of that industry. “The camera business was shrinking around the world, but I wanted to contribute to businesses that were growing.”
Not long after the triple disaster, Kawano joined the fast-growing social gaming developer DeNA Co., Ltd. As the company had plans to expand globally, she took the opportunity to enter their overseas business division.
But when the chance came to re-engage with her own entre­preneurial path, she did so, establishing Cognitee.
Looking back at her time in the corporate world, Kawano is sanguine: she learned a lot about herself, she says, and the values she wished to realize in her own company.
She says it is important that a business has social impact as a core value, and that a laser-like focus on revenue is not the only prerequisite for success.
Kawano was Cognitee’s sole employee for the first three years. In that period, the company was without a single client. Was there a reason for the lack of traction?
As noted earlier, Kawano’s lack of marketing skills at the time played a role, as did not paying close attention to the consumer’s voice. But then she turned things around. How?
The company pivoted over and over, she said. Cognitee’s first product was a premium-model, iPad-based app for brain­storming. Users could upload their ideas, and the platform would identify blind spots in their thinking.
Interestingly, more than 90 percent of users were non-Japanese, Kawano recalls. They hailed from China, the United Kingdom, and the United States. “Maybe it was because they want to use logical thinking and frameworks, which are suitable for Western companies or people.”
Despite most of her initial clients coming from outside Japan, Kawano struggled to find the right staff to market and grow her products abroad.
To help rectify this, she joined a three-month incubator program at Women’s Startup Lab (WSL), a Silicon Valley-based organization that empowers female founders.
After her experience at WSL, Kawano refocused on devel­oping the Japanese market. But today, with non-Japanese members now joining, the company is once again looking to create global products and services for the HR market.
Where does Kawano’s entrepreneurial zeal come from? Family may account for some of it—after all, her father is a business founder himself.
But Kawano looks further inside of herself to find a reason: “I think it’s because I’m a competitive person. Because I was bad at sports, perhaps this is my way of overcoming that.”
Kawano positively bursts with enthusiasm when speaking about her company, now in its seventh year. This leads one to ask: What keeps her motivated?
“Two things,” she says. “The first is that I believe a lot in technology, because I was helped a lot by it. So, I hope to make technologies that increase everyone’s success in the future.
“Secondly, I don’t feel the need to give up because, in busi­ness, it’s really easy to see what you do. If you have a plan laid out, regardless of the circumstances you’re in, you can follow through with the plan.”
And if the plan goes wrong?
“You can adjust it and reach the end. And when you get there, you can see the results. That’s why I don’t feel the need to give up. If you have your mind set on something, you can get there. And if there is no harm to society, there is no reason to stop.”
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japantrip2019 · 4 years
Group work day 5
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Brainstorming key themes and target areas based on our observations and research
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brainstorming possible outputs for these
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this diagram summarises key interactions, mindsets and dynamics of the Japanese society. We aim to create a co-existance between these areas
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What are our outputs:
Brand- mascot, name,font
Vending machine- conversion, aesthetics
App- stats, community, character interaction
What is our mission: shifting mindset
To create awareness
To create mindfulness
To create connection
What is the Japanese mentality in regards to the value of nature? We discussed whether they sustain nature as an appreciation of what it is or if they want to cultivate and manipulate nature for human gain. There is also a mentality that nature is respected and feared due to Japan being susceptible to natural disasters. As a result there are traditional holidays held to pay respect to the earth and environment.
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Fascination with robots and automation
Want for personalisation and control to serve the individual and thus the community
Convenience- ordering at restaurants, motion sensing machines, toilets with extra features
Technology is also a source of entertainment- video games, robot cafes and toys
Though some find that technology limits genuine human interaction, we strive to use it as a platform to unite people and connect to others. An example of this that is still popular in japan is the mobile game Pokémon Go, which allows real time gameplay with people in your area. Certain items in the game can be used to help others progress, so your choices can directly impact those around you.
Positive examples of how we can use technology can also be found in Em Rie’s work where artificial intelligence aids in compiling imagery then to be interpreted by human design thinking.
roles at this point:
Jordan: research materials and environmental outputs
Angela: characters and mascots
Daniel: gamification
Lily: voice and identity
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Suggested a typeface similar to the one above be used for our brand
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rieceesupersiren · 5 years
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homepictures · 5 years
Five Things You Didn’t Know About Interior Design Suggestions | interior design suggestions
English-born Vanessa Gilbreath launched her best ceramics rental aggregation afterwards hosting a examination affair at her Marietta home for Prince William’s wedding. She was inundated with guests, who went agrarian over her tea sets and ancestors china. Since then, she’s accumulated added than 1,000 mix-and-match abode settings from country abode auctions and British manufacturers, which can be busy for weddings, banquet parties, and added contest beyond the Southeast.
Interior design suggestions, small bedroom paint color … – interior design suggestions | interior design suggestions
What’s appropriate about English china?When I was growing up, we would appointment august homes and distill over the banquet sets on display. I formed as a assistant at some rather appropriate country homes and castles and was able to absolutely analyze the butler’s abdomen and advance an acknowledgment for the quality. Also, visiting the sites area ceramics and ceramics accept been fabricated for hundreds of years gives me an acknowledgment of ability and adroitness that I adulation to share.
Do you accept a favorite?I admire chintz, which comes in a countless of styles, colors, and patterns. Best accepted is the Summertime pattern, which appearance added pinks and burgundies, but the chicken backgrounds with sprinkles of wildflowers are adamantine to beat. Again there’s paisley chintz—extraordinary!
Any admonition for bond patterns?Relish it! I like to aces out one blush on a plate, generally from abounding colors, and again acquisition addition allotment that appearance that color, too. Nothing’s amiss if you like it.
You’re from the acreage of manners. What tabletop “rules” do you break?Just because a boullion basin is fabricated for boullions and soup doesn’t beggarly it can’t authority shrimp and grits or ice cream. Use teapots for florals—it’s whimsical. And plates are fun: Hang them on the walls! A aphorism I follow: Consistently lay flatware correctly—do not abash your guests.
Credits: Linen and placemat, BBJ Linen Rental, 700 Miami Circle. Bentick by Royal Cauldon banquet plate, Minton bloom plate, Minton aliment plate, Charnwood by Wedgwood boullion bowl, Westland by Wedgwood demitasse and saucer; all accessible to hire from Best English Teacup and her Etsy armpit (minimum adjustment $400).
Photography by Jason Lagi
UK – Oxford – University of Oxford – Natural History Museum interior 01_DSC7088 – interior design suggestions | interior design suggestions
Lifestyle designer, clear artist, and columnist Khristian Howell creates ablaze patterns and poppy motifs she licenses out for aggregate from iPhone cases to wrapping paper, cards, and pillows. Formerly a bolt artisan for Nordstrom, Howell boasts absolute blush eyes (that’s a thing) and makes use of it as a trend and architecture agent for AmericasMart. She has additionally served as an able antecedent for the brand of HLN and Real Simple, area she gives tips for creating blessed spaces and hosting absolute parties.
What new tabletop trends are you loving?Mixed metallics are the new normal, but don’t beddy-bye on silver. It is advancing aback able to mix up the balmy metals we’ve accepted for years now. Colored bottle is advancing bottomward the pike, and I’m additionally admiring matte black—in flatware, glass, and alike stainless accessories and accouterments in the kitchen.
Do you accomplish your own placecards?These were fabricated by bounded artisan Niki Malek of Hey Lux. I adulation them because they are a abundant analogy of how a accurate artisan can accomplish what is so elegant, expert, and well-crafted attending absolutely effortless.
What’s your ambush for avant-garde florals?This is a preserved plumosum from South Africa (thank you, Anthropologie!). I am so color-driven that I am usually fatigued to authoritative one able blush account with florals. I like them to feel absolutely amenable and accept that I-woke-up-like-this sensibility.
What abroad makes a table feel special?Candlelight—even in the daytime.
Credits: Glenna banquet plates ($88), Waterfall glassware ($16), preserved floral ($28 for eight flowers); Anthropologie. Banquet plates, aliment plates, flatware; Peachtree Tents & Contest rentals. Stones, Blue Ocean Traders, AmericasMart.
Série sobre Amsterdam, Holanda – Museu Rijks, Museu Nacional da Holanda – Series about Amsterdam, Netherlands – Rijks Museum – National Museum of Netherlands – DSC00705 – interior design suggestions | interior design suggestions
Photography by Jason Lagi
Lance Jackson and David Ecton, the consistently preppy brace abaft autogenous architecture close Parker Kennedy, are accepted for their awakening Palm Beach appearance and a ability for entertaining. Over the years, they’ve accumulated a barn abounding of best and aged furniture, china, and chinoiserie, which they advertise via Chairish and Instagram. Their accepted above architecture activity is their own—a century-old Mediterranean Revival in Commerce that already belonged to Georgia governor L.G. Hardman. The dining allowance will bench 14. @parkerkennedyliving, @pklthecellar
What is your best admired ceramics pattern?Antique Rose Medallion (on egg cup) and Aged Famille Rose (bread plate). We adulation them because of the mix of colors—pinks, blues, green, and touches of orange. They can brace with about anything.
Where are the best places to collect?Auctions are a abundant abode to acquisition the best of the best after a abundant price. We adulation the coursing and get so aflame if we’re in a baby boondocks on a backroad in the average of boilerplate and acquisition an 1800s allotment of Rose Medallion. I consistently try to brainstorm how it got there—who endemic such a accomplished allotment of ceramics and what all it has apparent in its lifetime. We accept about eight sets of ceramics appropriate now.
What tips do you accept for accumulation florals?Arrange fresh-cut flowers in assorted vases and heights. First, consistently cut your stems at an bend and blight the ends with hot, hot water. Add a tiny bit of achromatize to the boutonniere to accumulate flowers fresh.
Credits: Custom emerald blooming and white Schumacher chinoiserie tablecloth. Best white Fitz and Floyd pagoda-style alkali and pepper shakers.
Interior Design Suggestions – House Beautiful – House … – interior design suggestions | interior design suggestions
Photography by Jason Lagi
Emily Hertz, the appearance and affairs blogger abaft Born on Fifth, celebrates about any break and doesn’t authority aback (she brought in an Atlanta Ballet ballerina for her daughter’s Swan Lake–themed additional altogether party). The above administrator of business for Spanx is now a affair stylist accepted for tabletop spreads that are classic, decadent, and overflowing with blooms. You can boutique her appearance (including ceramics and flatware) on her dreamy-hued Instagram and website. @bornonfifth
What floral trends are you seeing?I am consistently addicted of big-faced flowers like garden roses and peonies, but carnations are absolutely accepting a moment—who would accept thought? With carnations, blush is key. Go for nudes or dimensional tones. Red carnations are still evocative of Valentine’s Days gone by. For tips, I’d advertence Cathy Graham’s book Additional Bloom. She’s a huge antecedent of inspiration.
What ceramics patterns do you adulation to mix?I like to alpha with a acceptable charger or banquet basin and again add a pop of blush and delicacy with the bloom plate. Herend’s Rothschild Garden arrangement is on my list. I additionally adulation Sasha Nicholas plates if you’re activity to monogram.
Who does your tabletop calligraphy?Kathryn Christenbury of Fleur de Letters is the best calligraphist in the city! Brent Fraim of Dear Elouise cardboard appurtenances angry me on to Kathryn. Brent does cardboard for some of the best acclaimed weddings in the South, so she’s in the know.
Credits: Juliska Madeleine banquet basin ($40), Madeleine bloom basin ($38), Belle Botanica ancillary plates (set of four, $98), Arabella pink-footed beaker ($39), Arabella ample blush aerialist ($32), Sferra hemstitch banquet napkins (set of four, $49), Kim Seybert Natural Capiz placemat ($81), Flare napkin arena ($39), herringbone napkin ($30); Neiman Marcus, Lenox Square. Chantilly silver, eight-piece ambience from $2,500, Beverly Bremer Argent Shop, 3164 Peachtree Road. Hibiscus Linens cocktail napkin ($22.50). Il Papiro Firenze floral placecard (set of 12 for $24). Flowers, Cut Flower Wholesale.
Elegant Interior Design For Luxury Office Nurani Interior … – interior design suggestions | interior design suggestions
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riewritten · 10 months
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