#riverdale chapter 17
thenerdygirlexp · 10 months
#Riverdale Chapter One Hundred And Thirty-Four: A Different Kind of Cat S7Ep17 Preview via @stacyamiller85 @CW_Riverdale #RiverdaleFinalSeason #RiverdaleSeason7
Riverdale returns for Season 7 on March 29, 2023 . Continue reading Untitled
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mmmichyyy · 5 months
fic writer interview
thanks for tagging me @metalheadmickey @thisdivorce @energievie @jrooc 🖤
1. How many works do you have on AO3?  16
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 223,905
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? pierced skin and tattooed hearts, stay here with me (firstprince fic), morning light, a lot like love, love at first smoke
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? it takes me a while but i try to respond to every comment
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? i like writing angst but they all have/will have at least a hopeful ending
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending? all my wips will have a happy ending (i just need to write them lol)
7. Do you write crossovers? nope
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic? i've gotten some weird comments here and there, no serious hate tho
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? i have written smut before but lately i haven't felt like writing anything explicit
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen? i don't think so
11. Have you ever had a fic translated? no
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before? not with my anxiety no
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship? gallavich of course, also firstprince lately. my first ship was veronica/logan from veronica mars
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? i want to finish all my wips! it's just going to take some time i promise
15. What are your writing strengths? i don't know lol
16. What are your writing weaknesses? describing action, creating details, a lot of things
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? do what you want
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for? this one
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to? riverdale lmao i like betty/veronica and jughead/veronica
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? a lot like love is my fave, i'm also partial to balancing on the ledge (@lingy910y i'm going to finish the last chapter soon)
i'll tag @gallawitchxx @palepinkgoat @gardenerian @callivich @spoonfulstar @crestfallercanyon @whatthebodygraspsnot
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riverdale-retread · 9 months
Riverdale S7 E 17 (Chapter 134) A Different Kind of Cat
Betty is in her room, angrily typing about how she “can’t hold back any longer,” telling her newsletter readers that she’s been reading their outpourings. She lists the sins that have been committed against her - made to be a cheerleader, put into therapy, had her diaries read, rejected by her mother, and of course, she was also slapped. As vengeance she’s going to release a book, ‘The Collected and Expanded Teenage Mystique.” She’s going to only put out the uncensored truth about being a teenager. She wants to burn the small minded town to the ground.
Alice is a most inconsistent jail keeper by the way because Betty is typing really loudly with her door wide open, and there are a pile of letters from girls on her desk, but Alice isn’t aware of any of THIS going on.
Speaking of goings on - Jeronica are about to make their school debut! They have not figured out how to do a couples look yet - Veronica is wearing a shoulderless cleavage baring ballgown type thing in purple, and Jughead is wearing an orange zigzag sweater. Jughead wants to take it easy on the rest of the Riverdale population - he’s willing to just follow in Veronica’s wake. I love this about him, immediately, because this seems like the correct attitude for a boyfriend of Veronica Lodge’s to have. Veronica will not stand for it. She takes his hand, and they step into the school together. Jughead looks more than a little worried.
The first person they see is Julian, who sees them hold hands and looks peeved. Then Cheryl and Toni pass. Toni is merely interested, but Cheryl is full of contempt. I keep forgetting that Cheryl actively dislikes Veronica in this universe for stealing her rich beautiful girl thunder because they were lowkey in need and in love with each other for so much of Seasons 1-6. The next person to clock them is Betty, who looks like it gives her indigestion. Which is no surprise because Veronica? Veronica! What was all that cosmic kissing talk from the past couple episodes? Betty comes by her discomfort very honestly here. More and more students notice the handholding.
Jughead is happy that the gauntlet is over. He says he’s not used to being stared at by so many people. That can’t possibly be true. You go to school wearing a felt crown. You burst in on the student lounge and yelled at people about milk. You just didn’t INTEND to get stared at until today. Veronica tells him that even she hadn’t ever garnered quite this much attention, not since she wore her “sexy witch costume” to school for Halloween by mistake. Jughead has no idea what she’s talking about, but he is turned on so hard so fast, that she has to ask him directly if he “has a thing for sexy teen witches.”
Jughead is so cute. He looks like he doesn’t know if he should run away to jack off or hurl from nervousness: “Well, yes! Yes I do!” But then he always covers all his reactions to things with a sort of This is About My Art kind of gloss, so he immediately segues into: “I know a boss idea when I hear one.” Veronica will have none of it.
Using her most kittenish voice, she says, “I’m glad to have inspired …[looks directly at his crotch, pauses, then looks back up to his face] .. *something.*” They share a very chaste kiss in the hallway farewell.
Archie is showing his poem to Miss Grundy. Miss Grundy says the poem demonstrates that he “grew up overnight.” She wants to know what happened. He prostituted a woman is what happened. We cut to -WHY? WHY DO WE CUT TO THIS? WE GET IT! STOP SHOWING ME THIS! - Reggie and Archie inside Twyla’s red-lit depressing prostitution room as she closes the door. Archie omits that part and tells his teacher only about the sunrise he watched with Reggie when he was somehow much more fucked out than Reggie.
I hate Archie all over again. I hope Twyla never caught an STD but with fervor I pray that she gave one to Reggie and Archie like the Virgin getting impregnated by the Word.
Grundy, who has no clue, tells him to “keep doing” whatever it is he’s doing.
Archie tells the nastiest sex pun of all time, purely for his own benefit. Can I say again? I hate Archie. They ruined sweet, earnest, stupid S7 Archie for me wholesale by doing this. He says, “I’m definitely going back.” He’s so SLEAZY.
In the other storyline that I hate that I guess they’re keeping, Cheryl and Toni are using school resources to develop raunchy photos of themselves. Fail Lesbians. Terrific.
In a class that Grundy is about to teach about the Enlightenment Period, Jughead, seated immediately behind Cheryl, is drawing a very sexy teen witch that looks just like Veronica Lodge on a broomstick. He’s actually a very competent artist.
In the student lounge, Reggie has told Julian about his recent experience as a man who prostitutes women. Julian refuses to whisper about any of it. “YOU AND ANDREWS?’ he basically hollers, as Reggie cringes. Oh Julian. I was rooting for you, because you can sing and you look cute as the ur-Archie. You ruined this. “You and Reg took a ride on the town bicycle, Twyla Twyst?” Julian basically SHOUTS this at Archie.
Reggie looks very uncomfortable in the background, taking a very large gulp of coke. Dude, why did you feel the need to share any of this with Julian, of all people? “AND YOU’RE GOING BACK FOR SECONDS?”
The first person that Archie, looking like a sleazy deer in headlights that I would gladly run over with my car, makes eye contact with is Betty Cooper, sitting on the couch. She looks more and more like Alice Cooper by the second, wearing her pink and brown check pattern dress like armor.
The things that Betty says though show her in know better light than anybody else. She is no Betty Friedan, regardless of whether she used the word “mystique” for a good book title before her or not. She is peeved that boys get celebrated “for their sexual conquests” and girls get punished for “wanting the same” but this is all manner of fucked up. Prostituting a woman doesn’t mean the same thing as getting a girl to like you enough to want to have sex with you, being a super obvious point that doesn’t need to be said, but I’m going to say it because this is my blog. She’s so disgusted by Julian slow clapping that she packs up all her stuff to exit the lounge. For some reason, she’s the only girl who can hear any of this conversation - the other students in there are entirely deaf to Julian’s shouting.
As she angrily stomps out of the lounge, Betty runs smack into Cheryl, who drops all her photos. In the ensuing scramble, Betty sees one of them. It intrigues her so much she pursues the fleeing Cheryl all the way outside, to the bench, and clearly forces her to talk about the photos. Cheryl is too tired of life to put up much of a fight: “I am going steady with Toni Topaz.” Betty’s reaction - “Oh!” followed by a frown, blinking, followed by a stuttered “Well, that…m.-makes sense…” is further support for my central thesis that Betty Cooper is very, very stupid in S7. Evelyn ALREADY OUTED Cheryl and Toni to Betty in particular in that conversation they were all having about Fangs impregnating Midge. Further, I can tell that Betty doesn’t understand at all how two girls can go together - she’s being very Queen Victoria over here, she doesn’t see how that would work, which is why she says “That makese sense” because it doesn’t make any sense to her whatsoever. She’s so incorrigibly stupid, and on top of being really, really dumb, she’s also really, really vain, because she thinks she can write a book.
Cheryl has never directly come out to anyone before, so she is very worried. For Cheryl Blossom, in every universe, a good defense is the only reliable method of existence, so she double dog dares Betty to try to use it against her.
I don’t think you need to worry, Cheryl. Betty doesn’t actually understand what you’re saying.
Betty does glom on to the fact that Cheryl and Toni being together in some incomprehensible way is a secret, so she comes out with a secret of her own. She is The Girl Next Door, the writer of The Teenage Mystique.
Cheryl makes me lose all hope in life, because she not only says that she loves The Teenage Mystique but also that the Girl Next Door’s “advice is tops.” But Betty is so, so dumb Cheryl. How can she possibly be “tops” as an advisor.
They shake hands, because Cheryl finds it an honor to know The Girl Next Door.
Now they can talk business. Betty wants to know what Cheryl was going to do with the “amazing pictures.” Cheryl was going to come out “in the most unabashed way” by publishing the photos in Femme and In magazine. Um. More like, get whoever was publishing that magazine arrested by Vice for publishing indecent material featuring children, but sure, be reckless, Cheryl.
Plus, I think it’s so cowardly for Cheryl to ‘come out’ by publishing male-gaze appeasing lingerie photos of herself as a minor rather than just tell her parents and go to the crazy girl prison like all the other wayward girls do. This is not empowerment, at all. How famous is Femme and In magazine anyway? How would this even be known in the Blossom household or the circles they run in such that it would have this “blow the lid off their world” impact?
Oh no. Oh. Oh no. Betty has infected Cheryl with the stupid.
Betty immediately sees an opportunity for herself in this desperate act of Cheryl’s. She wants to include Cheryl and Toni’s story - complete with the racy photos - in her upcoming ‘book.’ Cheryl decides immediately that this would somehow be “the perfect forum for” coming out. Okay. Sure.
Betty also wants to have lingerie photos taken of herself. Cheryl is all about this, and she’s gonna get something out of it too - she gets to make another oil painting that all these people are too foolish to commission outright.
That night, someone drives up in a very swanky car, complete with a grey haired white driver, to the Babylonium, which is showing “A Star Is Born.” A sleek someone in very high heels walks into the theater.
Upstairs, Veronica is canoodling with Jughead, who has shown her his sexy teen witch art. She loves it - “this is the bee’s knees!” Jughead has simply named this character Veronica the Teenage Witch. He says that Pep Comics is in desperate need for a new character to improve readership and to get past the new censorship rules. He’s so pleased with himself, his work, and with his new girlfriend.
An extremely elated Clay comes bursting in because someone very important and unbelievable is here.
It’s Josie McCoy!
Josie’s presence is so powerful it turns Veronica right back into the drag queen she sometimes inhabits. She starts to recite Josie’s in-universe resume at her. She’s a famous chanteuse, she founded some important sounding theater company, she’s won a Tony!
Josie McCoy is Eartha Kitt. This actress is doing an AMAZING job. She channels just enough of Kitt’s interesting vocal mannerisms and accent to be a tribute without shading over into being embarrassing or camp. She says that she’s heard good things (a person who “shakes things up”) about Veronica. She’s here because she has a secret (“hush hush”) movie project. She urges Veronica to dismiss her underlings. Veronica has no qualms treating her high school friends as servants - she shoos them away. Clay scampers away with zero dignity whatsoever, but Kevin (Kevin? but yes, Kevin does this one thing correctly) looks both annoyed at this treatment (rightfully) and appears to have things he wants to say to Josie McCoy too.
Turns out this movie that Josie made was a sort of Barbra Streisand making Yentl type thing - she wrote, directed, produced and starred in it. She wants to do a test screening at the Babylonium if it turns out to be “up to her standards.” She needs to do this in Riverdale because it’s Siberia as far as the California movie industry is concerned (Veronica is so starstruck that she doesnt even seem to register this cruel blow) so that there will no risk of some studio executives “second guessing” all the creative choices.
We cut to the screening. Clay in the projection booth is verklempt. Veronica is hypnotized. Kevin has ditched his boyfriend to do all the work in the back room while he creepily has stayed in the theater itself (Hi Hateful Kev, there you are!) to inch closer to Josie. He’s up and giving a standing over before the movie is even over, looking shiftily over at the back of Josie’s head in case she notices him. Veronica however is genuinely moved. She looks like she might cry as she stands to give her own ovation.
When it’s just the two of them in Veronica’s executive suite, Veronica (the teenage witch, natch) offers the grown adult Broadway star alcohol, who accepts it without comment. Veronica of course always manages to think of making things bigger and better. Having seen the film, she now wants to upgrade from a test screening to a full blown red carpet movie premier. (Oh! Or she didn’t not notice the blow about how Riverdale is irrelevant Siberia as far as the movie industry goes from before - she just smelled a business opportunity brewing and held her tongue.)
Josie is very gracious in her refusal of this initial suggestion (“I’m still tinkering.”) Veronica doubles down, calling the movie Perfection. Josie doesn’t disagree but then says that studio executives are skittish creatures. Veronica agrees. “They are fear driven creatures.”
Well, not if the insane stuff that’s allowed to happen on the show Riverdale is any indication but maybe this is supposed to be a wink and a nod about two things - the upcoming Hollywood writers’ strike, and maybe a not so subtle attempt at trying to pacify the Riverdale fandom that surely wasn’t expecting that we would get zero true closure on any of the things that have ever happened before on the six previous seasons, nevermind continuity. (Like, randomly, for example - Reggie and Josie are both entirely new people with old faces and names.)
Josie is being a fear driven creature herself though. After negging Veronica about the town and her theater, she now negs her about Riverdale’s citizenry. Josie, you’re the one who came HERE. Nobody asked you. So why go on about whether the people in this town are ‘hep’ or needing a lay of the land?
Veronica truly loves movies though. She thinks this one is great, so she’s willing to be accommodating to the last. She offers herself and the two minion gays to be tour guides for Josie, starting bright and early at 8 a.m. Josie hoots with laughter (this laugh was fantastically done, pitch perfect, almost sung - bravo! performance is like 10000% brilliant on the alternate universe Eartha Kitt!). She snootily informs Veronica that she wakes up no earlier than 3 p.m.
Oh I wish I could live like that too!
Veronica would never have permitted such condescension from anyone we’ve seen her meet so far, but she will allow it for Josie. And because Veronica, despite having Jughead now, is still very, very lonely, she does what she always does when she has what she thinks might be a receptive person - she invites them to live with her in her big huge apartment.
I wonder also if this is meant to be a bypass of the race issue - would Josie have been able to check into just any hotel? Would she, a black woman traveling apparently alone (or with just a driver, who can hardly be expected to guard her with his life) be safe had she checked into even the most expensive hotel she’d be permitted to stay in?? What was Josie’s plan for accommodation here? Is this another test of Veronica Lodge’s acumen, to put an acceptable, dignified social gloss over uh, American apartheid?
“I like you Ms Lodge. I think we’re going to get on just fine,” Josie says, then puts her very dark sunglasses on at night indoors.
Meanwhile, SIGHHHH, Archie Andrews has brought a bouquet to the red light district (well, hallway) of Riverdale. He tries to loosen his hip flexors. When Twyla opens the door, he wants to says he was “hoping … we could see each other again.” Twyla reject him.
Did she not get paid last time? This question of HOW IS TWYLA GETTING PAID AND BY WHOM is a consistent issue that Riverdale keeps raising from her re-introduction as the prostitute. Was Archie a violent fuck? Did the boys insist on paying her a one person rate, forcing her to accept it?
I suppose it’s clear enough that Archie wants a freebie (or a series of freebies) from Twyla, which is why she cuts him off at the pass, but that still doesn’t answer the question of why she doesn’t simply ask him for money.
They keep making this direct equivalence between the porny photos the SupreFemme Dykes take and Archie attempting to be a frequent fucker of prostitutes, but I don’t understand why. I also don’t care to be informed.
Cheryl and Toni are shown going into the Cooper house with absolute suitcases full of equipment. Wearing Veronica’s lingerie and her own glasses, Betty poses for photos in her own bedroom. This is not a good way to be a camgirl, to use your actual room you use for sleep but ok. Betty does look exceptionally pretty.
The next day at school, Veronica is minding her own business, reading her book in the student lounge (Behind her are two boys in letter jackets talking to two cheerleaders), when Toni, dragging Fangs behind her like a soggy puppy, marches in (she really marches, arms swinging) to demand her attention. They’ve heard (I assume from Kevin or Clay or both, because of that special lavender double cross relationship they have with Cheryl and Toni) that Josie McCoy is in town. The only place to take her is the Dark Room (because it’s the only place that could ever be described as “hep.” Fangs will be performing, because Toni is still in the business of pretending to give a shit about Midge, the baby on the way, or Fangs’s relationship with Midge. She wants Josie to be entreated to give Fangs a boost in his pathetic attempts at a career. Veronica is willing to accommodate.
Miss Grundy has really pretty clothes this season, by the way. I especially like her embroidered cardigans. Because Twyla told him that MiLFs in town would probably like to take a bite out of a “red delicious” like himself, the poet wannabe who doesn’t know what metaphors are brings an actual red delicious apple to his teacher.
What in the actual fuck is going on with the stuff on this board:
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She unfortunately says that Red Delicious apples are her favorite, which, again, wouldn’t be a problem necessarily except Archie is a poet wannabe who doesn’t know what metaphors are and is allergic to subtlety. He invites Mrs Grundy to the Dark Room, to listen to him perform a poem. This is extremely bold, almost egotistical, but Grundy is indulgent. She calls Archie her favorite student, promising him that of course she will attend. He gives her the sleaziest, smuggest, “I’m going to Fuck this lady for free later” smirk before heading out. The apple he leaves glows supernaturally in between them.
As Grundy returns to work, we hear Jughead start to say “She’s bewitching, she casts spells” while we’re still looking at Mrs. Grundy’s face.
We’re in the very overstuffed rooms of Pep Comics. Jughead is trying to explain the concept of Veronica the Teen Witch to his editor. His concept is that Veronica the Teen Witch is an actual witch but “nothing harmful” and anyway she spends her time being a high school student, which to Jughead means “class, homework, romantic trouble.” He wants the whole thing to be “vampy, campy fun.”
You know, like that show Riverdale, before they had Archie Andrews prostitute a woman at half price to lose his virginity!
Jughead is dressed much snazzier than he was when Jeronica was making their debut at the steps of the high school. He’s wearing a navy striped button down shirt, open in a boy cleavage which reveals a dark t shirt underneath and he’s wearing his suspenders. Jughead’s suspenders are basically his push up bra, so we know he’s feeling himself here as he makes this presentation of “boss idea.” I bet you these were clothes Veronica put together for him.
Sadly, his editor, once burned is now twice shy. He feels that even this very wholesome sounding concept is going to have to be watered down, starting with Veronica the Teen Witch losing her cleavage, and her dark hair, and half her witchdom, and her name Veronica! The editor says that the name Veronica to him means Veronica Lake - “too sexy, too dangerous, too curvy.” Except Veronica Lake was blonde, so go figure. He orders something “sweeter and magical.”
We cut to Betty in the photo development room (these are called Dark Rooms, right?) which is in very red lightning (fuckin’ a) with Cheryl. Sweeter and magical being ordered to jump cut to Betty the blonde looking sexy in photos? Very subtle.
Betty looks gorgeous in all the photos, but she’s glum about it. She tells Cheryl that she feels a fraud because she writes about sex without experiencing “anything remotely sexually satisfying myself.”
“What do you mean?” Cheryl asks.
This - THIS IS THE PRIME opportunity, Betty, to talk about how traumatized you are from the sexual abuse (I’m just going to call it how I feel it is now, politically correct lingo be damned) you endured at Kevin’s hands (LITERALLY) for two years that your highly suspect shrink would for sure call FORMATIVE. Heal from it! Talk to another girl about it! Talk to the girl who actually tried her best to put out to her unwitting straight beard for the sake of ethics about what you endured!
But no.
Betty Cooper in S7 is too stupid.
She says only, that she is “the only teenager in the world who can’t seem to find someone to go there with me.”
You’ve tried with exactly two boys, no? One was your gay sexual abuser, and the other one is a prostituter.
Cheryl does often have a very pragmatic streak. She can’t - and doesn’t want to get involved in - finding Betty someone to ‘go there’ so instead she teaches her about masturbation. Betty says she’s heard of the concept of “self pleasure” from that Kinglsey book that she didn’t read very well (she failed to learn about human reproduction from that book) but it didn’t have enough details. Cheryl gives her the manual, which she had just handy, in the form of an article in Femme-and-In magazine. (Which indicates to me this is a zine being put together by like minded dykes, which is why sending teen nudie photos to them is going to get them sent to prison and is therefore a bad idea.)
Femme and In, October 1955 issue has the headline “The only person you need to know how to please is yourself.” Cheryl, because she knows from the How Are Babies Made talk that Betty is very dumb, keeps looking meaningfully at Betty’s crotch as she gives her the precis - get in the bath, in the bathroom, lock the door, and USE YOUR OWN HANDS. Except Cheryl’s hands are tipped with extremely long terrifying talons, so I hope Betty doesn’t think the nail art is a necessity. That should only be reserved for advanced players.
Jughead is with Veronica at her apartment (Is Josie McCoy sleeping in there right now??), and he’s told her that the Veronica Teen Witch idea got axed for being too sexy. She takes it as her due. She very much likes being compared to Veronica Lake. Jughead is worried about what new name would work, so she suggests Sabrina. Jughead really likes it.
[Depressed voice]: Hi RAS
We then cut to the Dark Room, the Whyte Wyrm perversion, where Archie is reciting a poem. I’m so sorry friends but I could not bear to listen to this poem. I tried. Three times. Possibly four. And I could not get past the words “a simple apple.” I just could not. So I fast forwarded. I could see from doing the FFW that it was not well received -not by Grundy, not by any of the other patrons. Grundy just left. Veronica is furious, and Josie is so humiliated at having to be in the same room as this idiot that you can see her soul has left her body altogether. Toni is fully nasty to Archie, shoving him off the stage as she rubs his failure in his face.
Archie deserves it but also Toni has no right to be like this.
Josie says that “if that’s what passes for art in Riverdale,” she can’t besmirch her movie with association with this blighted place. Toni is fully throwing Archie (who also ate an actual apple in his Adam and Eve allegory or whatever that was) under the bus in service of trying to put Fangs in the best light.
I tried to skip this too, but I couldn’t because I think the editors knew I would want to skip this terrible karaoke performance so they interspliced it with Betty’s First Masturbation Session. I foiled them however, and turned the volume all the way down. While Betty jacks off for the first time, Cheryl is painting her, with the aid of a very dark room (??) and dozens of distant candles. I don’t paint, but I thought painters needed to see well when they were working with colors? Oh, and Betty has also lit a lot of candles for her masturbation session as well. Everyone in the Dark Room gives Fangs a standing ovation except Josie, who just sort of smirks at him while she golf claps. We’re made to know Betty has also achieved satisfaction. Okay, so that, I am willing to applaud.
Afterwards, her confidence somewhat restored, Veronica tries to get Josie to agree that Riverdale is “hep.” Josie hated it - Fangs’ music is not her genre, she says, but then she says that Fangs has “star quality.” Veronica fully understood that Josie thinks Fangs’ music (voice, presentation, performance ) are all sub, but tries to perk up at the assessment of his telegenic appeal. Then Josie says something odd: “How is he on the bongos, do you know?”
They’re talking about sex, right? Bongo player is like, ass beater?
But then no, it turns out they literally mean bongos. Fangs is playing bongos in the background as Josie writhes around performing a very Eartha Kitt number about women being kittens or something. God I miss this actress and her wonderful musical numbers. She’s the one professional performer the Dark Room has ever seen, both in universe and on this show. She’s really too good for Riverdale (in every sense).
Veronica asks if Riverdale is good enough for “Going Uptown.” She gets a yes!
Then Toni and Clay invite Josie to a Black Athena meeting. They get a yes too!
Archie is stalking his teacher now, waiting for her in the classroom. Because he’s a creep on top of being a prostituter. He was told by a prostitute a professional sounding opinion on how best to obtain free sex, which unfortunately for Grundy describes her to a T in Archie’s book (like, who the hell else is he gonna go for in this universe? Alice Cooper is a nonstarter, and we lack a Gladys Jones here, Mayor McCoy, like - where have all the MILFs gone?!?). He wants to know why his seduction technique of reciting a terrible poem awkwardly before chomping on an apple didn’t make her stay to talk (and fuck) with him afterwards. Grundy knows now exactly what he’s saying, so she reminds him that she has a husband. Who is an actual poet.
“We need to switch gears,” she says to Archie. Behind her on the blackboard is written: “Figurative Language - metaphor, idiom, symbolism, hyperbole, personification, simile. You know, just in case you don’t get it. She means she’s never going to fuck Archie Andrews. Thank god for that. And THIS figurative language, Archie does understands. He looks upset at his poetry teacher tells him to stop writing love poems at her. She wants him to write about pain. Any sort of pain. “What is my most painful experience?” and write about that. And definitely not the pain of being horny or crushing out on your teacher. She’s brought a lovely gray cardigan with jet black beads embroidered on it.
In the art room, Cheryl is unveiling her oil painting of Betty. Betty loves it. She says it’s beautiful. Cheryl is for the first time I think we’ve seen this entire season, at physical ease with a girl that isn’t her girlfriend (with whom honestly she’s not that at ease either, sadly, unless they’re having sex). She tucks her chin adorably into Betty’s shoulder to say that the painting is beautiful because Betty is. And this is actually my favorite painting ever done by Cheryl.
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Love the pink and black color scheme, love the confidence in Betty’s face. I love this warm lovely moment between them. It’s such a sigh of relief.
Meanwhile, Jughead has finally achieved success with Sabrina the Teenage Witch concept art! It’s gonna be sent off for review stat! “Congratulations, kid!” Jughead is wearing a blue S shirt with a red collar and his push up bra suspenders over it. I love the color scheme of this outfit too. This has to be Veronica dressing him. Sabrina the Teen Witch is gonna save Pep Comics from the dustbins of obscurity!!
We’re now at at Very Special Session of the Black Athena club. Josie seems to wear nothing but animal prints. The population of black students at Riverdale has either exploded overnight or all these black students thought this club was dumb OR they really disliked Toni and Clay and their obsession with the white cop’s son and the white rich people’s daughter and avoided their ventures. I dunno. It’s full of black students we’ve not seen before, is my point.
Josie is very gracious, loving and warm to the students. Which is pretty adorable, but also makes me feel so worried about her. Is she ok? Oh, and of course, of COURSE, Clay interrupts Josie in the middle of her talk by making a joke, about himself. I hate Clay.
When asked how it is the Black Athena came to be, Toni gives me more reason to hate her from the way she tells the story. That black students needs their own space in 1955 (or really, now) seems indisputable. But she’s leaving out the part where Cheryl funded it, at some risk to herself, because she wanted to do the right thing. Her girlfriend funded it, wanted to sit in once, then graciously, sensibly saw herself out. But Toni doesn’t indicate ANY of those things. It also says something nasty about Toni, again, from the show - Tabitha of 1955 is on a crusade tour to the rest of apartheid america at great risk to herself, but Toni is only going to talk about her race in her white-funded space when it’s absolutely perfectly safe.
Show? Show! Get it together, omg.
In any case, Josie’s attendance of Black Athean inures to Veronica’s benefit, because now Josie wants a full on glam-fest type of movie PREMIERe and not a mere test screening. Josie also tells the story of how she got this movie made. She put every penny of her personal assets into financing it. If the movie doesn’t become a hit, she’ll be ruined for good. She did this because she made the play a hit on Broadway, won a Tony, but then the movie version was going have her written out and replaced by Lana Turner. She started this project out of spite. I think I have to assume this will work out gangbusters then, because spite fueled projects often have a lot of momentum and energy.
Veronica reacts with empathy, and not annoyance, as I would have. Which is why she’s a good businesswoman. Josie didn’t actually mind that both Archie and Fangs sucked ass at the talent night - she needed the test screening to be “in the sticks” in a racially mixed town (which Riverdale supposedly is) so that she could reassure the “fear driven” movie executives the film deserved a profit earning wide distribution. She aggressively put Veronica through the ringer in order to make sure Riverdale was low-brow Middle America enough to be a valid testing ground for this film.
This movie is going to have to “explode like an atomic bomb” because Josie McCoy knows she’s a movie star, she’s made a great movie, and she deserves a fair shake.
This is barely 10 years after Nagasaki and Hiroshim and as a Korean person I admire the discipline of the Japanese for doing business with people like this who nuked them (and only them and because they weren’t white) and then freaked themselves out and introduced phrases like this making light of the entire thing into their own language.
Again, the performance of this monologue is FANTASTIC. This actress is top notch. Where is the Josie tv show, RAS? Can we get Sweet Pea back, RAS? And Valery? Hey? RAS?!
Veronica says that she will throw such an awesome premiere that there will be a bidding war.
Fangs is telling the now visibly pregnant Midge that he’s met the great Josie McCoy who is going to get him hooked up. Midge looks desperate, smiling through misery, and I hate everything about this. I hope she miscarries, was my original evil thought, but she’s too pregnant now and there’s no way these satanic nuns would save her if they thought the baby was gonna die.
Sadly for Jughead, the censorship panel rejected Sabrina. His push up bra suspenders should’ve been in the room to make a case for her. His editor is sadly slumped about it. “You came up with something fun and whimsical and all they saw was witches, Satanism, hocus pocus and human sacrifices.”
I assume this is RAS talking about some portion of the critical and/or hostile reaction to his Sabrina the Teen Witch show. I didn’t watch it and I will not, so I don’t know, but despite a seasoned actor delivering it well, the clunky winky-wink of this line landed like a frozen turd. Jughead is very very crushed. He runs directly to Veronica at her apartment. She offers him an alcoholic drink, which he immediately declines (!!!!). She’s wearing a dress that looks like it’s made of black plastic bags. He’s so sad about what’s going to happen to Pep Comics. He thinks it’s going to sink.
Veronica very kindly lets him off the hook for the premiere. He doesn’t have to come socialize if he’s not in the mood. “Are you kidding? This is probably the only chance I’ll ever be invited to a Hollywood premiere.” They had Cole Sprouse say this on the Riverdale show.
Anyway, Jughead says he definitely wants to go, but he’s worried he doesn’t have the right clothes. My theory that Veronica has been picking out his outfits for him I think gets boosted by her revealing that she had a tuxedo customized to his measurements (When did she have time to measure him without his knowing? Has Veronica lost her virginity to Jughead Jones while we were being tortured with Archie Fucks a Prostitute side plot??). “Nothing but the best for my flutter bum,” she says. He is so grateful, and she gives him a little cheek pinch. I love this dynamic. Why am I getting it only in the last four episodes of the show.
Archie sits down with a photo of his dad to write about his pain. I wish I cared but I don’t.
Josie is laying her hands in cement for the premiere. There’s lots of press and people there. Jughead as the date of the theater owner gets to hang out, leaning while looking snazzy in his custom black suit, while all the other boys (the prostituters Archie and Reggie, and the egomonster gays Clay and Kevin) have to be ushers. Jughead is completely unstarstruck by Josie, whatsoever. He only looks at and listens to Veronica. He’s really there for the movie. There’s a very important movie critic in the house too.
The movie starts.
And then the projection fails as the film melts on screen to a halt.
If they hadn’t bothered showing me that in fact Clay and Kevin did manage to thread the projector and make it work properly for Veronica’s private viewing of the movie I would’ve had something different to say, but this just seems like an accident.
Clay and Kevin are trying to fix it. Veronica freaks out. “You two are the worst projectionists in the world! You’re fired, WE’RE NO LONGER FRIENDS, and -and from now on you’ll be paying full price for movie tickets!”
This is the first time I think I’ve ever seen Veronica act like an actual 17 year old in the past seven years of this show. This is extremely funny. The ‘Oh good god, I forgot you were 17!’ look that Josie gives Veronica about this ‘firing the projectionists in the middle of a premier’ is even funnier. Josie takes control. People start to leave, as Clay tells her that it will take about five minutes. Josie decides to put on a show to save the er, show.
We get another fabulous Eartha Kitt (I assume this is Eartha, but also she’s the only one I know) song performance. Even Jughead looks transported. “I invented myself!” This is quite the lyric. Everything about this is so upscale. Beautifully done. (And in retrospect, what a tawdry sad little show Polly Amorous is putting on nightly. Sad.).
After everyone has gone home, Veronica reports back to Josie about what the Wall St. Journal is going to say about Josie’s very important movie. “An atomic bomb exploded in Riverdale!” is one of the sentences. They keep saying this - radioactive, atomic bomb - in this episode. Please no. Please please please no no no - don’t go there, don’t do this (But I’ve seen the gifsets from American fandom, I know they go there and do that.). The review is such a rave that Josie starts crying.
“I’m not dreaming?” she asks Veronica.
Veronica is so generous and kind. She says it’s already happened, because Josie was always a star. Her bet for her own business also worked out really well. And alpha recognizes alpha because Josie asks if Veronica isn’t just treading water in Riverdale, managing a theater, when what she should be doing (as a 17 year old high school student) is making movies. Veronica’s eyes light up, which Josie sees, and comments on. She wants to work together with Veronica again.
Archie comes home from his exciting night at the movie theater to find that Uncle Frank is reading the poem he was working on about his pain about his father. The poster on Archie’s wall says, “Fly Home Today.” Yeah, seriously, Uncle Frank, fuck off. All that Archie’s poem says is that his dad is dead. For some reason, Frank freaks the fuck out. He rips up the poem after screaming. He forbids Archie from writing about Fred being dead “like that again.” Is this a genetic problem that both Andrews guys have, this inability to comprehend?
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ourladyofmaplemurder · 10 months
So I watched The Beguiled...
As a professional Blossom Scholar, I took it upon myself to view The Beguiled. Cheryl references it in Season 2 prior to her sleepover with the inner circle Vixens and cousin Betty. (Season 2. Episode 16 - Chapter Twenty-Nine: Primary Colors)
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Mad ramblings under the cut. <3
Judging by their faces, I'm going to say that they probably have NOT seen this film. Or, if they have, they do not have the appropriate dressing gowns to evoke its image.
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Now, I debated whether or not to watch the original 1971 version starring Clint Eastwood or the 2017 version starring Nicole Kidman and directed by Sofia Coppola.
Which version, I wondered, would Cheryl be referring to? Likely the latter, I concluded. After all, I can totally see Cheryl being into Marie Antionette and probably the Virgin Suicides. (I could write a whole post on Cheryl and her possible feelings about the Virgin Suicides, but let's move on.) Not to mention there's something just a little pretentious about being into Sofia Coppola, but I digress.
The point is that Cheryl being Sofia Coppola fan seems likely.
Thus, I watched the 2017 version first.
Now, let's break down the plot of The Beguiled as quickly as possible.
Basically, it's the Civil War and Martha Farnsworth has a small school for girls in the South amidst the fighting. Amy, one of the girls, finds a union solider while hunting for mushrooms. She brings him back to the house and they decide to nurse him back to health. (Oh boy.)
And thus begins a slow and torturous unraveling of the relative peace these women have enjoyed. Each of them vie for the soldier's affections until he tries to make a pass at Alicia, one of the students at the school. Distraught because the soldier had previously declared his love for her (and also Alicia is 17), Edwina fights him off. He falls down the stairs and worsens his leg. (Oh dear.)
Martha decides to amputate because the wound is too severe for her to fix. However, when the soldier wakes up, he is convinced they took his leg in revenge and he becomes violent. Thus, the women of the house (minus Edwina who was too busy courting the soldier despite everything) decide to poison him with mushrooms. They do. He dies. (Oh boy!)
I'm not gonna pick apart this movie, but I will say that that the inconsistency in their dialect work was genuinely distracting. Anyway.
So, why are we talking about this?
Well, there are a couple of interesting details about this movie that do, indeed, apply to Cheryl's sleepover. Namely a poisoning and someone falling down the stairs. Obviously Nana Rose is not a wounded soldier making a pass at one of the girls, but one of the topics that Cheryl & Co. discuss is the matter of Uncle Claudius. Now, Cheryl is convinced that he is out to kill her, and he probably is, but he does try to break into her room a few nights prior, so, there's a creepy parallel for you. Not only that, but he is a solider who mysteriously arrives to the estate and thus, causes problems.
Additionally, when reviewing the 1971 version of the film, we get the additional detail of Martha Farnsworth having an incestuous relationship with her brother so. There's also that. (This show cannot go too long without a nod to the Blossoms and incest. It's like they have a quota.)
I find it fascinating that Cheryl references this film and then her sleepover has echoes of it within. There really is something to be said about how fiction and reference bleed into reality with Riverdale all the time. Even in the smallest throwaway lines.
Additionally, I think this may have been Cheryl attempting to relate to her peers. Per the screenshot above, she failed.
My poor gothic heroine.
Also, shout-out to Cheryl dissociating in the midst of the hair brushing train. (Is this one of the parlor games she mentioned?)
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ALSO. This scene features one of my all time favorite Cheryl lines:
"There's a stranger in this house. My Uncle Claudius. He's as mad as the sea and ever since he blew in, I feel like I'm in mortal peril."
And finally, we all know Tannis Root is not a real herb, but a reference Rosemary's baby. I will speak on that another day, but APPARENTLY Penelope is cultivating Datura in the greenhouse? Hello????
That needs its own post.
Anyway. These were my findings. Happy trails. <3
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rythmicjea · 1 month
20 Questions (plus a bonus) for Fic Authors
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What is your AO3 wordcount?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently: Riverdale (and I have an ongoing Zack & Cody fic)
Past: Doctor Who, The Magicians, and Star Wars
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Haven't broken 100 kudos on a fic yet but I'm close!
I. My Dearest Korkie with 91
II. 6-2-4-8-4-6-3 with 75
III. Plums and Mugs with 70
IV. Casualty with 69
V. Kindness in Lies with 54
5. Do you respond to comments?
Every. Single. One. I love them. Fuck me up with questions about what you've just read. If it's not spoiler-y then I'm happy to explain. Hell, even if it might be a tad spoiler-y I still will lol.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oof... that would probably be a tie between We Had Fun (the main character just straight up kills people) or We Belong Together (where it seems like the couple doesn't actually end up together, but I promise they do!).
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I love making people cry. I used to say "if you're not crying, I didn't do my job". But um... do WIPs count if I already know how they are going to end? lol
I'm going to say for finished I Only Have Eyes For You (This will make you cry) and The Magician Queen (this is a classic Holiday Hallmark Happy Ending)
For WIP (that is actually finished I'm just not posting all at once) The Suite Adult Life
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet. I welcome thoughtful critiques though!
9. Do you write smut? If so, which kind?
LMAO. By looking at my repertoire you would think the answer is "no". However, I literally wrote a collection of short stories just to write smut. It ended up more tame than expected and very romantic. BUT I do have some pretty explicit scenes in some stories.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest crossover you’ve ever written?
No. I've just not been inspired and I tend to stay away from reading crossovers.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No :(
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but I've tried to get people to write with me.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
OMG that's like asking who my favorite child is? I mean that's just so unfair- it's Jeronica. Jughead/Veronica is my heart and soul. 80 years of sexual tension just can't be beat lol.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I hate to say it but... I don't have any. I think Not Another Riverdale Love Story (nicknamed Narwals) is the closest. But I know how it's going to end and I just posted chapter 7 and am currently working on chapter 10. OO! I know, it's pure porn. Just pr0n all day long. Rockin Around The Christmas Tree. I have two out of the four chapters posted. I have the last chapter 75% of the way finished. I just have to write smut for one pairing and then it'll be finished.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Existing dialogue and minute details. I like to use and reimagine current dialogue of the shows into my stories. And I drop blink and you miss them hints throughout.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Smut. I've gotten a lot of compliments but I still think I suck at it lol.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I'm pretty good at French but I love writing dialogue in another language. I don't write whole scenes in it. But I have two characters that know passible Japanese so I dropped some in a chapter. But I make sure to translate in the ending A/N.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Sailor Moon!! All the way back when NO ONE knew what fanfiction was.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Oh goodness... I love them all for different reasons. I think if I were to do this as Word Association it would be My Dearest Korkie. It's G-rated and less than 400 words but packs a punch! I think it really proves that a G-rated short short story can be just as good as a 300k+ multi-chapter E rated fic.
Bonus Question
21. What story of yours do you think needs more love?
The Suite Adult Life - I wrote this without knowing the show existed until I was suggested clips on YouTube. I never watched the clips, I just did one google search, read one synopsis, and one relationship timeline. Then out popped 100k+ words... I'm still kind of baffled by it lol.
Tagging- anyone else who wants to participate!
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ao3feed--bughead · 2 months
Tempt me
by Ace_Fanboy0405
Betty tried to tempt her boyfriend at work and he will show her the consequences of doing so.
Words: 2173, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 17 of Jughead x Betty works
Fandoms: Riverdale (TV 2017)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Jughead Jones, Betty Cooper, Toni Topaz
Relationships: Betty Cooper/Jughead Jones, Jughead Jones & Toni Topaz
Additional Tags: Sexual Content, Explicit Sexual Content, Somehow This Happened, Top Jughead Jones, Dominant!Jughead Jones, Smut, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Southside Serpent Jughead Jones, Protective Jughead Jones, Dom Jughead Jones, Southside Serpent Betty Cooper, Betty Cooper Loves Jughead Jones, Jughead Jones Loves Betty Cooper, Praise Kink, Penis In Vagina Sex, Vaginal Fingering
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jandjsalmon · 8 months
2023 FFRC - September🍂
Hello friends! I hope you've had a wonderful September. We've started my daughter's senior year with her choosing to join the high school football team instead of the soccer team (to the shock of everyone - including her soccer coach). Therefore, we've been spending every Friday night at the field - and she scored a touchdown in her first game - so that's exciting.
My 2023 @fanfic-reading-challenge is nearly complete. The challenge has various completion levels - and if you're looking for something to help motivate you to read new things or expand your range - or even if you just want to challenge yourself, you should join us. You don't have to wait until the new year to start - and there are a bunch of us on the Discord server and it's a really nice and encouraging place to be.
September 2023
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I read 58 new stories this month - and nearly 300 chapters. I'm closing in on 17 million words, so my year-long goal of 20 million words still isn't out of the realm of possibility. I also did a few podfic recordings... and was highly critical of all of them so I didn't post them. Maybe after I get more practise. lol.
Anyway, I’ve gathered a couple recs. I hope you enjoy them. 💖
before i knew which life was mine (3 fic series) by @smc-27 (Harry/Allie - The Society)  Summary: She’s got this weird feeling that everything with him is so natural and normal that there’s no way to imagine them not eventually ending up friends. Which is a fucked up thought, because prior to all this, all they had ever shared were barbs back and forth, or her calling him out on being a jerk to her sister. Notes: Okay - so this series is three separate fics that feel like they're unconnected - but really they are completely connected. They're like different dimensions or universes where Harry and Allie were friends (and they don't stay just friends). These are the "other worlds".
The Percy/Jenna Anon Collection by Anonymous (Percy/Jenna - RPF - All E) Fic 1 - Howlin’ For You - A night of drunken UNO leads to explicit actions between two friends who have been secretly sleeping together. Fic 2 - Lonely Boy - A surprise visit between two friends, a phone call, and a splash of angst. And sex. Fic 3 - Gold on the Ceiling - When Jenna tells Percy it’s over she’s not sure what that means for either of them. And she doesn’t even begin to understand the gravity of her choice until she’s forced to put work on hold for the actor’s strike. Has she even been living? Or merely existing.. Light angst, heavy sex? But it’s introspective? Notes: Okay - so RPF isn't for everyone. It is for me though. This series was written by the same Anon author (it's very clear that it's the same author) - I don't know who it is, but they deserve a huge cookie. I cried during the third one. And then had to fan myself. It's an odd conundrum. The writing is amazing. I would read a million more stories by this author - rpf or fandom or whatever. If I can only figure out who they are. 😉
three conversations about one thing by @imreallyloveleee (Bughead - T)  Summary: He’d known there would be consequences when he made this decision. But he hadn’t realized how quickly they might steamroll right over him. (Jughead & Veronica & Cheryl & Betty & memories of the future. Set post-7x19.) Notes: An absolutely lovely post-script on the final season of Riverdale.
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adelaidedrubman · 1 year
-march 22 wildfire two year anniversary w/ celebratory content
-march 24 wildfire chapter 17 release (hopeful)
-march 26 succession season four premier
-march 29 riverdale season seven premier
huge month for media
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imreallyloveleee · 1 year
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I posted 638 times in 2022
140 posts created (22%)
498 posts reblogged (78%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 630 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#bughead - 227 posts
#fic rec - 61 posts
#anon - 43 posts
#riverdale spoilers - 38 posts
#fanart - 34 posts
#fic - 32 posts
#euphoria - 30 posts
#anti b*rchie - 20 posts
#rd negativity - 20 posts
#betty cooper - 16 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#anti-mask people in dc were like 'it's a competitive disadvantage because dc people who want to dine out will drive to va for dinner instead
My Top Posts in 2022:
I can understand that they wanted to "explore" ba this season, and I can even understand that they wrote themselves into a corner and went "fuck it, 50s high school reset it is." (It's inexcusable for a bunch of people who are doing this professionally, but it's not like this hasn't happened before.)
What I CANNOT for the life of me comprehend is why they wrote ba as a series of red flags? Like, the most consistent thread in that relationship all season was them repeatedly bumping up against the fact that they explicitly didn't want the same things in life, and then ignoring those signs that the relationship isn't going to work, instead of making any attempt to resolve the differences. Then Archie proposes after the anvil that is his mother saying "yeah we got divorced bc we didn't want the same things"? And Betty (rightly) tells him he's not in the right head space, and then turns around and changes her mind 5 minutes later because...she didn't want a promotion?
Like they could have easily just written a ba relationship that...worked. instead they chose to lobotomize Betty and repeatedly emphasize the fact that they're incompatible. To what fucking end!?
ETA: i just want to clarify a little bit that i’m not questioning why they flattened out Betty’s character to make the ship happen. i’m questioning why they made explicit - as in, made the characters themselves state out loud! - the very fundamental cracks in the relationship only to continue forcing it to progress without ever addressing how the two of them might bridge those gaps.
95 notes - Posted August 2, 2022
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come into the water, chapter 2
Betty Cooper – Betty Cooper, with blonde hair and green eyes and straight As and gold earrings and lacy collars and vanilla milkshakes and straight white teeth and lips that he now knows are warm, smooth, unbearably soft –
Betty Cooper is his soulmate.
His heart jumps at the thought, one single, uncontrolled pulse of joy. Just as quickly, it sinks into the pit of his stomach. No, he corrects himself, shivering as the water flows down his back. Betty Cooper shares his mark. Which is not the same thing.
read it on ao3. (or start from the beginning.)
102 notes - Posted June 19, 2022
it makes me sad that this version of betty doesn't get to be with someone who *likes* her as a person
107 notes - Posted June 14, 2022
17 yr old Jughead nervously squeezing Betty’s hand, stumbling over his words - “isn’t this what...people like us, who have gone through what we’ve gone through...do?” - walking backwards with a goofy grin on his face because he can’t stop looking at her = cute
25 yr old Archie telling Betty with the deadest eyes you’ve ever seen - “...I’m not seeing anyone else...” - after weeks of casual fucking and occasionally touching one another’s knee in public = the opposite of cute
133 notes - Posted April 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
i just got sad knowing i will never be a fan of anything that's as fun to viciously mock as riverdale is ever again
136 notes - Posted May 25, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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slowandsteddie · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by: @numinosmoon
1. How many fics do you have on AO3?
Currently, three. (find me at deleteurtexthistory ; also have a sideblog by the same name where I just share my own writing if y’all are interested)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I write for a lot of fandoms, but so far I’ve only posted for Stranger Things. The other stuff I have is more… dark. More for me.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Uhh… I only have three published, but
Claudia Henderson and Her Two Boys has 119
Cleaning Headstones has 91
It’s My Turn (To Be The Hero) has 74
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes I do. I know it makes me happy when someone replies to my comment.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Can we count one’s that are still a work in progress? Because I’m writing a Steddie thing based on my grandparents' love story. And I’m going to have to keep it true to source, which means that someone is gonna die. If not, I wrote a Marvel one where the main character gets saved by someone only to end up dying (again?) a few chapters later because they were returning the favor… I’m not posting that one anywhere anytime soon.
7. What’s the fic that you wrote with the happiest ending?
I try to make all of my fics have a happy ending, with only the two exceptions. But I think the happiest is the one where Steve didn’t get what he wanted because he ended up getting something (someone!) even better.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not so far, luckily.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes and no. Yes, I do write it a lot. No I haven’t actually shared it with anyone other than a RP partner. When writing a smut scene, I go with the flow and the comfort levels of the person I’m writing with. When I write for myself, I notice that I tend to go omegaverse if that helps y’all figure out what kind.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest you’ve ever written?
I do write crossovers! I think my craziest might be Supernatural and Riverdale. To be fair, it was a crack fic.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I’m aware of, but someone did use our RP (without permission) and turned it into a fic that they posted on Wattpad. Everyone’s favorite parts are the ones that I WROTE. I’m still salty about it. They could have asked or given credit.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but I would be so incredibly honored if anyone were to ever ask.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! In high school, I co-wrote a One Direction fic with my best friend at the time. I also have co-wrote on a Teen Wolf fic around the same time. I did our boy Stiles justice before I had ever actually seen the show. I wonder if I can find those fics. Hm…
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Steddie. 10000% Steddie. It is all I can think about most of the time. I have never been so obsessed with anything in my life. (And I’m autistic with Hyper Fixations being a normal occurrence.)
15. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Well. The thing is, I’m torn on it. It’s a SVU/Stranger Things crossover. I want to finish it, just to say that I have. But at the same time, it is… Probably the darkest thing I have ever attempted to write. I do know that I’ve taken some of the lighter scenes out and used them elsewhere. I say that I’ve posted a dark thing on here before, but it is so Tame compared to how dark I go most of the time. Like I will edit to make it more palatable and I have no idea why I do that.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I like to think that I’m good at dialogue. I’m good at explaining things, most of the time. At least in my opinion.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I never think anything I write is ever good enough. I always feel like I have to tame it, or lighten it, or just change everything about it in general. Even my answers have been edited and I still no happy.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fics?
It’s good as long as someone isn’t forcing it. Like don’t have someone just randomly throwing in the other language to prove that they know it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
It was either StarGate: SG1 or Charmed.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Cleaning Headstones for my published ones. There is one that I wrote in high school called The Wrong Mister Wright about werewolves and the main character falls for a guy with an older brother who ends up being his True Mate, so he has to decide between his heart and fate. And I think it’s really well paced considering I was like 14 when I wrote it. One of the few fics that I didn’t second guess every single word.
Tagging: anyone who wants to participate 💜
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thenerdygirlexp · 2 years
#Riverdale Chapter One Hundred And Twelve: American Psychos S6Ep17 Preview via @stacyamiller85 @CW_Riverdale
#Riverdale Chapter One Hundred And Twelve: American Psychos S6Ep17 Preview via @stacyamiller85 @CW_Riverdale
Riverdale returns for Season 6 on November 16, 2021 . (more…)
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comicbookclub · 10 months
Riverdale After Dark: "A Different Kind Of Cat"
Josie McCoy is back and better than ever as we recap Riverdale Season 7, Episode 17: “Chapter One Hundred Thirty-Four: A Different Kind of Cat” on our podcast. Listen in the Riverdale After Dark feeds!
Powered by RedCircle Josie McCoy is back and better than ever as we recap Riverdale Season 7, Episode 17: “Chapter One Hundred Thirty-Four: A Different Kind of Cat” on our podcast. When the OG pussycat heads back to town, it’s up to Veronica to help her sell her movie to Hollywood. Meanwhile, Betty decides to publish a book, and thanks to some boudoir photos taken by Cheryl and Toni, goes on a…
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superhell · 11 months
riverdale season seven episode 17 chapter one hundred thirty four modern jughead tears a hole in spacetime to beat the shit out of 50s jughead and get to gay archie
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funnuraba · 2 years
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When I was doing my big Archie deep dive, I came across this comic that ran in Laugh Comics and Pep between 1982 and 1985. It’s called Marvelous Maureen, and it’s very unlike anything else running in the Archie flotilla at that time. They had a number of long-running gag features like Li’l Jinx, but this is a space serial about a girl named Maureen having adventures with aliens and such. It has a few pages of reader-submitted outfits like Betty and Veronica and the other Archie girls, but it’s not like Sabrina, it’s not like Li’l Jinx, it’s not like that terrible Peanuts ripoff I can’t remember the name of. 
The few reviews I’ve managed to find have a pretty dim view of Marvelous Maureen, and it’s definitely an amateur effort. But I also found out while searching that the author and artist, Lori Walls, grew up in a very rough situation that her sister Jeannette wrote about in the book The Glass Castle. Maureen is named after their younger sister. I couldn’t find out how old Lori would’ve been when she wrote Marvelous Maureen, but according to Wikipedia, Jeannette (the younger of the two) was 17 when the sisters were in New York and Lori was soon to start working for Archie Comics. Given that Kathleen Webb, one of the first female Archie writers and artists, sold her first story to Archie Comics in 1985, it seems like Lori Walls must’ve been one of the very first women with anything at all running in their magazines, and most likely she was pretty young. (Webb was 29 in 1985, although she was being mentored before that.)
Looking at it in that light, Marvelous Maureen is absolutely astonishing! This was a fairly young woman working in the realm of middle-aged to straight up elderly men, being given a feature of her own that lasted for three years and was completely outside of Archie’s brand at the time. Early Pep had a lot of serials before Archie and his friends took over, but they weren’t really comedic; they were war and superhero stories. The humor is also very distinctive and dry, nothing like the established Archie brand of humor. It seems like, if Lori wasn’t given free rein, she at least wasn’t being forced into conformity when it came to humor and narrative structure.
But the most striking thing about Marvelous Maureen to me is that partway through, a side character’s father gets turned into a gigantic blob by science.
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According to the comic, “Msr. DuBois’ condition was suggested by” a reader. But knowing that the author grew up with an abusive alcoholic father, it’s hard not to read anything into a story about a father who transforms into a monster, after which he tries to fix the problem by ingesting more substances that only make him worse.
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 And all his attempts to communicate with the outside world are transformed into incoherence and destruction. (According to one narration box, at least; he does manage to speak in some panels.)
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Marvelous Maureen never had the tightest and most focused story, and it lasted only a few installments after Mr. Dubois actually does explode, somewhat horrifically. But said explosion actually expels “all the junk Daddy swallowed”, and at the end of Episode 16, his daughter Clarissa is about to get started on putting him back together. I couldn’t track Maureen down any further past the same stopping point in this review, but according to Wikipedia, this chapter is followed by Episode 17, with the subtitle DuBois’ New Bod (in Pep Comics #395), so it seems she does succeed. Marvelous Maureen would continue for another year, but it was never collected for rerelease and there are no online sources that record the end of the DuBois story.
Lori Walls appeared briefly in a special story for Pep’s 400th issue (May 1985), in which the Archie gang visits the actual Archie offices and meets all the writers, artists, colorists, executives and so on who make their world possible. A 2020 book (Tim Hanley’s Betty and Veronica: The Leading Ladies of Riverdale) notes that that of the women who appeared in this issue, she was the only one writing or drawing a story, and Maureen lasted only 2 more issues, ending in September of that year. It’s a very strange thing to come across in the same pages as Archie and the Riverdale gang, but there’s more depth here than might appear at first glance. I certainly respect it more than I respect Archie’s Madhouse or Shrimpy!
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alexzalben · 2 years
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mklopez · 2 years
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Riverdale 6x17 "Chapter One Hundred and Twelve: American Psychos" ★★★★★★★★★☆
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