#rockafeller street
athena-theunicorn · 8 months
i first joined tiktok in 2018 (hit or miss, tracer, rockafeller dance era) and first of all, i miss that era so much. It was so fun. second, i just saw a video of like all the sounds put together as a throwback and the nightcore rockafeller street song was on there and i remember the entire dance to the chorus to this day.
so yeah. tiktok 2018 was the prime era actually and i'll die on this hill.
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fr3akshowdusty · 6 months
I remember having swimming lessons in the 4th grade in a public pool, there weren't many people in there but I remember that the speakers (they were built into the building, not belonging to someone else) WAS PLAYING FUCKING MEGALOVANIA AND ROCKAFELLER STREET. W for the person putting those on the playlist-
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phobzz · 9 months
Actually I'm making yall witness this
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was watching nightcore vids on vrc last night and uhhhh yeah
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xignis · 6 months
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cure to burnout: draw your old sonic oc to nightcore at 12am
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orbdog · 2 years
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just inch resting to see
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micechicken · 6 months
Nightcore made songs that were too slowly the right speed lol
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heyyallitsbeth · 2 months
When I have the opportunity I need to clip that anime video where a girl nervously starts Fortnite dancing so I can use it for my streams.
(It’s specifically like- the rockafeller street meme I think- and she’s at like a fancy dinner party thing)
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jacksonroseroth · 3 months
~The Price~Chapter 9~
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Moodboard made by @badwolf-in-the-impala, none of the pictures are ours
Warnings: Mentions of scars and abuse
Sven comped their meal, just happy to see Thatcher after, what Taddie learned was, 12 years. He also sent them off with at least 3 togo boxes of ginger cookies, butter cookies, and Swedish apple pie, that Sven swore Taddie would fall in love with and would beg Thatcher to bring her back for more. After another, spirited conversation in Swedish, Thatcher and Sven embraced before Thatcher took Taddie’s hand and led her out. Taddie tossed her own goodbyes and thank you’s as Thatcher guided her out and to the car. His bodyguards followed them out, one of them taking the bag of food from Thatcher and bringing it to the car, Oscar switching places with him and coming up alongside Taddie then falling back in step with the other man.
As they passed the SUV and headed for the crosswalk, Taddie raised a brow and looked up at Thatcher, who held a secret and sly smirk, excitement bouncing all over his face. She bit her lip and giggled, softly, wrapping her arms around his as she walked a little closer to him, leaning against him. They waited at the crosswalk, facing Central Park, and that’s when Taddie saw the rink at Rockafeller Center, realizing why he was so excited. Her excitement quickly faded as he led them across the street with the rest of the New Yorkers, moving quickly, with Oscar and the other man coming back to them to stay close in the crowd.
When they reached the ice rink and got in line to get skates, Thatcher looked down at her to ask if she was surprised and excited, but stopped when he saw the unsure, almost terrified look on her face. Shifting to turn to her, he slid his fingers under her chin, lifting it so she was looking at him, and he asked, “What is it? Do you not know how to skate?”
“No, it-it’s not that. I, um, I actually haven’t skated since before--” Taddie’s words dropped off and her brows furrowed as she’d turned away from him as she spoke, then seemed to zero in on something, or someone, in the distance. Thatcher looked over his shoulder but didn’t see anything then turned back to her, taking her face between his hands and turning her head to his. She blinked a few times then tugged his hands down as she said, “Sorry. I’m-I’m sorry…Um, I, uh, I haven’t skated since I was a kid.”
Thatcher nodded, watching her closely as she slid her hands over his chest then leaned against him with a shiver as an ice cold gust blew past them. He wrapped his arms around her as they shuffled along in the line. As they got closer, Thatcher turned his nose into her curls, pushing his hand up her back and under her hair, to the back of her head as he asked, softly, “Do you want to go ice skating? We don’t have to. I didn’t know--I want you to have fun with me today, kitten. Anything you want to do, we’ll do it. Tell me.”
Taddie lifted her head from his chest, giving him a sweet smile as she shook her head and said, “I want to go ice skating. I’m fine, Thatcher. I promise. As long as you promise you won’t let me fall.”
“I’ll break my back to break your fall, Princess. Promise.” Thatcher cooed at her before stealing a quick kiss, making her giggle and slide an arm around his waist as they moved up in line.
They finally reached the front and Thatcher paid for two pairs of skates, then then stepped aside to lace up. Thatcher quickly did up his skates before kneeling in front of Taddie to help with hers. She let out a soft giggle and leaned her hands back as she watched him tighten and lace the skates, making sure they were secure but not too tight. Once she was in, Thatcher stood and took Taddie’s hands, pulling her to her feet. She let out a soft squeak as she wobbled on her feet, then shifted, gripping his arms as she giggled. He smirked down at her as he held her hips until she was stable, then took her hand, leading her to the edge of the rink and stepping on.
“Ready?” He asked, casting his gaze down to her. She gripped his arm as she chewed her lip and nodded, then looked up at him with a nervous smile. “Put one skate on…Good girl. Now-I want you to skate in a V. Does that make sense? Don’t walk on your skates, glide from side to side. Ready?...1, 2-”
Thatcher pushed off the concrete and onto the ice, pulling Taddie with him as she let out a squeal and clung to him, wobbling around at first before she regained her balance as they drifted along. Thatcher chuckled and quickly slid his arm around her waist, holding her hip and her against him. Taddie gripped his hands and looked up at him with red cheeks and a sheepish grin. He pressed a kiss to her temple before giving her hip a squeeze.
“Put your feet into a V…Good girl--Now, I kick off with my right foot, you do the same, then just glide to the next one, ja? Let’s go.” Thatcher said, lacing their hands together before pushing them off to the right then guided her back down to her left, then on in a steady rocking motion as they joined the sea of other skaters going around the rink. Taddie laughed softly and let herself drift from Thatcher a little more as her muscle memory suddenly kicked in once she got her rhythm.
Once he saw she was getting a little more comfortable on her feet, Thatcher slid his hand from her hip, across her lower back to catch her hand as he let it go. Taddie caught it and glanced up at him with an exhilarated smile, letting out a soft squeak as he spun her around in front of him, catching her other hand as she began to skate backwards. She giggled and bit her lip as she shifted from foot to foot, keeping their speed as they went around the bend. Taddie bit her lip and wrinkled her nose at him before spinning around and letting one hand drift back for him to catch, then they both took off, gaining speed as they weaved through people, laughing and giggling as they went.
As they skated, Taddie saw people breaking away toward the middle to spin around or do jumps and flips with the more open space. Chewing her lip, Taddie veered off, letting go of Thatcher’s hand, which made him shift into protective mode, following her through and grabbing her hip, tugging her back as they skidded to a stop and she turned to him. Thatcher panted softly as he blinked down at her, then released her, seeing her shoot him a fierce look, melting into one of concern as she saw the panic drain from his face.
“Don’t let go of me unless I let go of you, kitten. Please.” He said, gently, though the panic intertwined with his concern. She nodded and pressed one hand to his chest, reaching the other up to slide her fingers over his cheek. Giving him a soft smile, she reached up to press a kiss to his cheek before he gave her a light nudge, urging her on to do what she was doing. After gripping his chin in her hand, lightly, Taddie took off, making a few rounds on the outside of everyone before she took off, breaking into a sprint and jumping up, spinning around and landing on one foot, the other kicked up for balance. She let herself spin around a few more times as she giggled, then drifted back to Thatcher, shrugging off her coat.
“Hold this for me?” She asked with a sweet smile. He chuckled, helping her out of it then catching her waist, snaking his arm around it. Tugging her back, he said, “Aren’t you going to get cold? I can’t have you getting sick on me before Christmas.”
“It’s weighing me down. I’m warm enough right now. Stop worrying, sweetheart.” Taddie said, she pressed another kiss to his cheek before skating off again, doing all kinds of jumps and spins, tricks that flooded back to her after landing each one. Thatcher soon began to drift his way around the outside, watching her go from side to side as he shifted from one foot to the other, gliding along. His eyes were fixed on her, mesmerized with her and how she kept surprising him. He was now glad he didn’t dig into her past for this little surprise of his own, happy that she was slowly becoming comfortable enough with him to slowly show more and more of her to him. He never took her for one to know how to ice skate, let alone know a few tricks. He wanted to know if she did figure skating as a child, but he showed restraint, reminding himself that it was a conversation for when they were back home.
Taddie shot from one end of the rink to the other for a good hour before Thatcher stopped her to tell her the time. She was shocked, it having felt like, at the most, 15 minutes, though she was panting hard. Thatcher helped her into her coat and led her to the edge, the pair stepping off and unlacing the skates, making their way to claim their shoes, trading them back. Thatcher helped her into her boots before he stuffed his feet into his shoes and he took her hand, leading her to the hot chocolate stand. Taddie clasped his hand in both of hers until their drinks were ready, only removing one hand so they each could grab their drink, much to Thatcher’s dismay as he gave her a look, but smirked at her anyway.
Thatcher led her away from the rink and back toward the SUV, that had flipped around and was now parked on the side of the park, waiting for them. Oscar opened the door for them and the pair got in, cozying up in the middle as they sipped their cocoa. The car took off and headed for the airport, much to Taddie’s relief as she was ready to get back, change, and lounge about on her spontaneous day off. When their cups were empty, Thatcher passed both to Oscar, in the front seat, then wrapped his hand around her thigh, tugging her into his lap. She let out a squeak and giggled, sliding her arm around his neck as she looked down at him, tucking her curls behind her ear. She teased him with a kiss before his hand snaked to the back of her head and gave a light push, sealing her lips to his.
With a soft moan, Taddie kissed him back, pressing her hand to his chest before feeling up to his collar, slowly undoing the first two buttons. Once there was enough give, Taddie slipped her hand beneath his shirt, rubbing her fingers over his warm skin, then over his shoulder. Breaking the kiss with a soft gasp, Taddie’s hand ended on his neck as she pulled back, her cheeks beet red and her eyes darting to either side, looking as if she were listening to find out if with Lucas or Oscar were watching them. She shook the nonsensical feeling away then pulled her hands down, quickly doing up his buttons again with a shy smile.
“You get so shy on me, kitten…Are you tired? We’re going home, love, you can sleep on the plane.” Thatcher whispered, brushing his nose against hers and stealing another kiss before she slipped out of his lap, but stayed tucked into his side.
“Tired…But it’s more from the cold. What happens when we get back? I’m not working tonight now, so…What else do you have planned for us today?” She asked, looking up at him with a light, sweet smirk and raising a brow. He chuckled softly and shook his head at her.
“Impatient…When we get back, you’re free to do what you wish. I actually still have a few calls to return. You can go see Ash before she goes to work. Go to lunch if you want. Lucette is making shrimp fettuccine alfredo for dinner. If you go out, I’d just like you home by 7? Lucette gets upset when her food sits waiting.” Thatcher said with a soft chuckle. Taddie bit her lip and nodded, shifting to rest her head on his shoulder.
“I’ll see Ash tomorrow. Besides, she needs time to cool off and digest everything. I need to give her some space…Maybe…We can make a quick stop at the house though? You have a heated pool right? I can go swimming in the middle of winter?” Taddie asked with a soft giggle. Thatcher snickered softly and nodded, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead before he said, “Of course, kitten. Anything you want.”
Taddie indeed fell asleep on the plane, Thatcher holding her hand through the landing, surprised she’d slept through it. He contemplated carrying her off, as he didn’t want to wake her, but did it anyway, gently shaking their joined hands. She let out a soft gasp as she jolted awake and looked around. Momentarily, she’d forgotten where she was, but quickly remembered and gave Thatcher a sheepish smile as he stood. Taddie quickly unbuckled herself and stood with him, following him off the plane and to the Mustang that sat waiting for them.
It was a quicker ride back, it seemed, and they were soon in the elevator, riding all the way up to the top. Taddie shifted the bag in her hand that contained the outfit from Jaq, letting out a soft, excited giggle, barely able to wait to show Ash, who she knew would die when she saw it. Thatcher carried her leftovers and the desserts Sven had sent with them, smiling down at her, happy to see her happy. He’d seen more genuine emotion out of her in the last 8 hours than he had in the last several months of watching her. He truly didn’t want to pry into her life too much, nor would he ever cross the line so far as to hack into the bar’s security cameras to watch her in the back rooms. So the only time he ever saw her, was at the bar where she put on a number of masks throughout the night and out and about when he’d managed to catch her during her routines, though he’d seen through the polite, societal mask then as well.
When the elevator doors opened, Thatcher let Taddie step off first and go to the door, though she stopped just short and waited for Thatcher, looking back at him with a soft, content smile. He chuckled, digging into his pockets for his keys, and she slid her arm around his, lightly, as he stuck the key in the lock, turning it along with the knob to push it open. Pulling the key back, he let her walk in first, then closed the door behind them, locking it before setting down the bags in his hand and shrugging off his coat. Taddie let out a soft sigh and did the same, one arm at a time, though Thatcher quickly stepped up to help her, taking it from her and hanging them both in the closet along the wall. As he did, Taddie gathered all the bags before walking into the apartment and to the kitchen to set the food bags down.
Thatcher soon followed, putting the food away before going around the corner, leaning against the wall and watching Taddie take her new outfit from the bag and hanging it in her closet. He slipped his hands into his pockets as he smiled, Taddie breaking down the bag to fold it and tuck it in the closet as well before she grabbed a pair of sweats and a deep blue, long sleeve shirt. As she turned to lay the clothes on the bed, she looked up and stopped, giving Thatcher a light smile as she waited for him to walk off before she started changing, but he didn’t. Instead, he went to her, taking her hips and tugging her close. She tilted her head back, ready for his sudden, urgent kiss, but he only stared down at her.
With a light chuckle, Taddie said, “So, you were serious about the not kissing thing…Back to the staring thing?”
“Does the staring bother you, kitten?” He asked, lifting a hand to brush the backs of his fingers over her cheek. She shook her head as she asked, softly, “You do it because you think I’m pretty, right?”
“I think you’re beautiful, Taddie. You’re gorgeous…But, yes, that’s why. You’re my personal piece of art and I’m always going to admire you.” He purred at her, making her cheeks turn red as she shook her head at him. Slipping his fingers under her jaw, he rumbled at her, “Do you want me to kiss you?”
“I want you to kiss me when you want to kiss me and stop asking.” Taddie breathed out, her lips brushing against his as she spoke, hovering over hers as he waited for her permission. They crushed against hers in a hungry kiss and Taddie melted against him, sliding her hands over his arms as he pushed his hands over her hips, down her backside as he cupped her cheeks, lightly. She let out a soft giggle into the kiss and she swung him around to push him back onto the bed. He landed with a soft grunt and tugged her into his lap as he fell back, making her cry out a laugh as she fell forward, planting her hands on either side of his head, hovering over him.
Thatcher smiled up at her, sliding his hands up and down her back before curling his hands over the back of her shoulders, giving a light squeeze. Taddie eased herself down on his chest, angling her lips over his in a deep, slow kiss. She slid her hands down his sides, gripping his hips before she broke the kiss and bit her lip with a smirk, touching her nose to his. Thatcher nipped across her cheek and along her jaw before he said, “My calls should only take an hour or so. If you leave, tell me, love, please interrupt me. My men should be back soon, one of them will be in the hallway by the elevators, one of them in the garage on the floor that your car is. Text me where you’re going and be safe, kitten. Please.”
“You worry so much, Thatcher. Don’t let it give you a heart attack. If it’ll make you feel better, I don’t mind being driven around? I’ll take advantage of that if you’ll let me?” She cooed down at him, nuzzling her nose into his cheek and lifting a hand to thread through his hair. With a light chuckle, Thatcher nodded and said, “Oscar should be in the hall if you leave. Tell him where you want to go and he’ll take you there…Thank you, kitten. That makes me feel a lot more at ease knowing you’re with one of my men.”
“I know, sweetheart. Just…Don’t take too long with the calls. If you gave me the day off to have me to yourself, you’d better have me to yourself.” Taddie teased down at him, sealing her lips to his before he could respond. She parted her lips for him, letting his tongue slide in and wrestle with hers as she whimpered and made other soft noises. It drove Thatcher mad and he could only contain himself for so long before he flipped her, rolling her onto her back and pinning her to the mattress, gathering her wrists in his hands, pinning them above her. He descended on her again with a passionate kiss, Taddie struggling against him as she kissed him back, moaning into the kiss, softly. Finally, she tilted her head back and arched against him to break the kiss with a soft gasp, turning her head to the side as she panted softly. He kissed down her neck, slowly, then came back up and turning her head back to him, kissing her softly. “Thatcher-”
“I told you, you drive me mad…But I have some control…” He said, running his nose across her skin, nuzzling into it, lightly. She let out a soft giggle as he released her hands and they flew down to his head, tangling in his hair as she blinked open her eyes to look at him. Thatcher planted his hands on either side of her, pushing himself up as he smiled down at her. “I have to work. Wait for me?”
“Don’t take too long…We know I’m not a patient woman.” She teased at him, biting her lip with a chuckle as his lips hovered above hers, teasing her with a kiss. Her lips parted and closed, then parted again, panting lightly as she waited for him to give in. He kept up the teasing until Taddie let out a soft whine and pushed him onto his back, straddling his hips as she pressed her lips to his in a deep kiss. “Don’t tease me like that.”
“Or what?”
“I’ll start doing things to get what I want and I have no control over my actions…You’re not the only one that’s going mad.” She whispered to him, her lips curving into a sly smirk as he slid his hands over her thighs, then to her hips. He gripped them briefly, then let out a soft grunt, then a groan, before shifting her off and turning to her. He captured her lips in another kiss before he whispered to her, “I’m waiting on you, kitten. Make the first move, tell me what you want…I’ll do the rest.”
Taddie nodded and dragged her nails across his cheek, lightly before dropping her hands and waiting for him to sit up first before she did as well, pulling her legs onto the bed and curling them beneath her. Thatcher closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh, leaning his forearms on his thighs and letting his head hang down. Taddie scooted closer, sliding one hand over his back, the other over his shoulder and prompting him to look back at her. She gave him a sweet smile before placing a soft kiss to his cheek and combing her fingers through his hair.
“Thought you had to work…You’re still here with me.” Taddie teased, lightly. Thatcher chuckled and stole another kiss before he muttered against her lips, “Make it harder for me to leave…”
Thatcher chuckled and stood, gently gripping her chin in his hand before he rounded the bed and walked off to his office. Taddie bit her lip with pink cheeks and watched him, waiting until she heard him talking to someone before she slipped off the bed and started to change. She quickly tore off her sweater and her shirt underneath, trying to be as fast as possible to tug her long sleeve on. Once she got the shirt over her head and began to tug it down, she stopped with a light gasp, freezing as Lucette stared at her in shock, her eyes glued to Taddie’s side and her scar.
Taddie’s eyes filled with tears as she slowly tugged the shirt down, her whole body going hot and prickly. As Lucette dragged her gaze up to Taddie’s, the young woman shot her eyes away, ashamed and embarrassed as she gripped the hem of her shirt. Lucette slowly approached the woman, Taddie eyeing her out of the corner of her eye, chewing her lip as she shifted on her feet. Lucette turned Taddie to face her, taking her hands, gently, and giving her a soft, sympathetic smile. Tears spilled down Taddie’s cheek and she gave a sniffle as she managed to get out, “Lucette, please-”
“It is not my place to say a word…But if you care for my master at all, you’ll tell him of this. I do not know what trauma brought this to you, but he will take care of you, Madame. Ma puce is the gentlest soul you’ll ever meet. If he finds you hid this from him, he shall be hurt by it.” Lucette said, softly, lifting a hand to cup her cheek, giving it a light pat. Moving from Taddie, Lucette scooped up her sweater and shirt, taking it to the hamper and stuffing it in, beginning to tidy up Thatcher’s discarded clothes from that morning. Taddie quickly stripped her jeans and tugged on her sweats before taking her jeans to the hamper then going back to the bed and crawling on. She drew her knees to her chest, chewing her lip as she wrapped her arms around her legs. Her side had begun to pulse with the memory slowly coming back, though she shook it from her head before it could take root and grabbed her phone, content to sit and scroll while she waited for Thatcher.
Taddie’s past was one she hardly tried to revisit, if only to recall some rare piece of useful knowledge she got out of her ordeal she called her life. She had never told anyone really just what her ex had done to her and for many years, she wrapped her stomach up so not even her shirt riding up would expose her shame. For years she’d wanted to get a tattoo to cover it up, but her ex had put roadblock after roadblock in those plans, and once she left, the price for the size alone was too much for Taddie to ever afford, and she knew that. So over the last two years, she’d learned to live with it, never wore another bikini or crop top, often getting her shirts a little bigger so they’d be longer on her. She knew full well she had to reason to feel shame about something most DV survivors might call a battle scar because ‘she made it out’, but even two years out, Taddie often wondered…Did she make it out?
Her ex had made a point to consistently show up in her life, where ever she went as she moved around the country. Just seeing him across the street at work was enough for her to quit on the spot, go home to whatever hellhole she was renting and packing her things before hitchhiking out of town. Once she got to California, things seemed to even out for her, though she still moved constantly, if only out of fear and yet another nervous habit he’d made her form. She’d been in Roanoke for nearly a year now, getting close to her three year mark of when she first left, and she was still terrified that he’d show up here and not only mess with her, but that he knew who Ash was and that she’d brought Taddie here, and would go after Ash as well. If only out of pure spite.
Let me know what you think! If you'd like to be added to the taglist for future fics, send me a message! <3
Taglist: @badwolf-in-the-impala @sweetwombatpizza
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Because i need sime positivity i think tha demoman would totally be into nightcore that annihilator tc2 introduces to him (3 hours of nightcore of rockafeller street)
Someone more talented than me should put Demo and Annihilator into an anime girl nightcore thumbnail
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ritzcrackee · 6 months
Sixty eight 🫵
rockafeller street (new nightcore) - getter jaani 😔😔
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I love your admin sniper art piece. i will treat it like a DaVinci. The Mona Lisa doesn't have shit on this
wait youre the adminsniper rockafeller street creator im your biggest fan (but also !!!! aaaa thank you <3 i do think that admin and sniper could take the mona lisa in a fight yes)
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kryptic-krab · 1 year
they dont know i get weirdly emotional over rockafeller street (nightcore)
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Take A Chance On Me - Erasure
Teardrop - Massive Attack
Tearin' Up My Heart - *NSYNC
Temple Of Love - The Sisters Of Mercy
That Don't Impress Me Much - Shania Twain
That’s What Love Is For - Amy Grant
The Big L. - Roxette
The First The Last Eternity - Snap!
The Flame - Fine Young Cannibals
The Girl From Ipanema - Lio
The Key, The Secret - Urban Cookie Collective
The Power - SNAP!
The Rockafeller Skank - Fatboy Slim
The Secretary - Sailor
The Show Must Go On - Queen
The Sign - Ace Of Base
There She Goes - Sixpence Non The Richer
They Don't Care About Us - Michael Jackson
Things Can Only Get Better - D:Ream
Think About The Way - Ice MC
This Beat Is Technotronic - Technotronic
Thunder - East 17
Thunderstruck - AC/DC
Time For Letting Go - Jude Cole
To Love Somebody - Jimmy Somerville
To The Moon And Back - Savage Garden
Tom’s Diner - Suzanne Vega, DNA
Tonight - New Kids On The Block
Too Blind To See It - Kym Sims
Touch Me (All Night Long) - Cathy Dennis
Tubthumping - Chumbawamba
Turn On, Tune In, Cop Out - Freak Power
U Can’t Touch This - M.C. Hammer
United - Prince Ital Joe & Marky Mark
Vogue - Madonna
Wait - Maggie Reilly
Walking On The Milky Way - OMD
Wannabe - Spice Girls
Waterloo Sunset - Cathy Dennis
We're Going To Ibiza! - Vengaboys
Weather With You - Crowded House
What A Girl Wants - Christina Aguilera
What Do I Have To Do? - Kylie Minogue
What Is Love - Haddaway
What's A Woman - Vaya Con Dios
What’s Up? - 4 Non Blondes
Wheel Of Fortune - Ace Of Base
When Do I Get To Sing 'My Way' - Sparks
When You're Gone - Bryan Adams feat. Melanie C
Where The Streets Have No Name - Pet Shop Boys
Whiskey In The Jar - Metallica
Who Is It - Michael Jackson
Whose Law (Is It Anyway?) - Guru Josh
Why Does It Always Rain On Me? - Travis
Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad? - Moby
Why Can’t We Live Together - Timmy Thomas
Wish You Were Here - Rednex
Would You…? - Touch & Go
Yesterday, When I Was Mad - Pet Shop Boys
You - Ten Sharp
You Bring On The Sun - Londonbeat
You Don’t Fool Me - Queen
You Get What You Give - New Radicals
You Gotta Be - Des'ree
(You Drive Me) Crazy - Britney Spears
You’re Not Alone - Olive
You’re Still The One - Shania Twain
Young At Heart - The Bluebells
Your Woman - White Town
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muttsomnia · 13 days
Just got stereotyped by my brother in the worst way. He assumed I knew the rockafeller street dance and made me do it
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salamie-baby · 1 month
Oh oh nightcore angel of darkness this nightcore rockafeller street that-
Does ANYONE remember
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Y’all non-Europeans will feel the lack of Eurovision too once you run out of memes, just wait
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