#ruth lago
bgcambrosiasims · 2 years
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@tiallussims​ @aniraklova​ @lazysunjade​ @bauhauzzz​ @bunsbille​ @eslanes​ @geeky-simz​ @lre333​ @ambrosiaicecreem​ @quiddity-jones​ 
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CC USED: @sentate​ @regina-raven​ @madlensims​ @enriques4​ @leahlillith​
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itsmariejanel · 3 months
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75. bye, san my!
previous [.beginning.] next > transcript under the cut
Ruth - How's Serena?  Mia - She's good Ruru, just busy with the photoshootings and recordings for the album!  Ruth - AWW, I'm so excited for her! That album’s about to be the best EVER, y punto- Mia - Cheers to a successful makeover day for us all-  Benjamin - Cheers girls, thanks for taking this old man out on a stroll! Kiara - [ giggles ] Cheers to looking hot- Ruth - You guys need to come here more often, it was so fun! Mia - Oooooooor you could come to Strangerville again!  Ruth - Tell me that was joke girly- Benjamin - Strangerville has a special place in my heart, but I wouldn’t exchange the city for it ever- Ruth - SEE!!!!! THANK YOU! Kiara - You guys are being so dramatic- OH MIKO!!! Oh my god, long time no see! Sit with us- Miko - Thanks K! But I can’t right now, I’m going out with my roommate and a friend, do you have time some other day? How long are you staying? Kiara - A couple of days, but how about tomorrow? Just come by, let’s catch up-
Kiara - How’s Darling?  Miko - Oh my god, amazing! They were accepted in Foxbury, so that’s where they’ll be headed for the next few years… [ sigh ] I’m already sad about it!  Mia - Hmmm, tell us about the sexy roomate next!  Kiara - You always gotta know about the sexy people huh- Mia - Si, who am I hurting? Kiara - [ laughs ] People’s boundaries?   Miko - [ blushes ] He’s pretty hot tough, isn’t he?   Mia - Girl… no comments.  Kiara - [ chuckles ]
Lucas - Ugh, how’s already time for you to leave? Please come back soon, baby.  Kiara - I will dad, promise…  Benjamin - Pinky promises only! 
Kiara - Heeeeyyy! I can't pick up right now, leave a message, mwah!  Mia - Hi babe. Sorry I couldn't say goodbye properly, I had to go to the office super early today… listen… c-could you give me a call when you're in Glimmerbrook? I really need your advice. Yeah... anyways, love you, drive safe you lunatic! Mwah
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las-microfisuras · 7 months
Entre el bien y el mal hubo una guerra.
Decidimos que el cuerpo fuese el bien.
Eso hizo que el mal fuese la muerte,
que el alma se volviera
completamente en contra de la muerte.
Como un soldado que desea
servir a un gran señor, el alma
desea cerrar filas con el cuerpo.
Se puso en contra de la oscuridad,
en contra de las formas de la muerte
que reconocía.
De dónde viene la voz
que dice: y si la guerra
fuese el mal, que dice
y si fue el cuerpo el que nos hizo esto
nos hizo tener miedo del amor.
Louise Glück, de “Averno”
Traducción de Abraham Gragera López y Ruth Miguel Franco
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the1920sinpictures · 1 year
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March 13, 1927 Marjorie and Ed Hutton hosted a soiree at Mar-A-Lago featuring avant-garde dancers Ruth St. Denis and Ted Shawn performing “A Ballet in Time”. From My Vintage Dreams, FB.
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lapizparpadeante · 7 months
"¿Por qué me odias, mamá?"
Esta vez, traigo una reseña sobre otra obra cinematográfica, evitando profundizar en la narración de las escenas. Prometo enfocarme en las ideas que la película Pearl (2022) me ha traído después de verla apenas una vez y el texto, difícilmente, seguirá una línea de tiempo coherente para que ustedes puedan formar su propia opinión.
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La obra está ambientada en algún lugar rural de los Estados Unidos de América durante 1918, en el último año de la I Guerra Mundial. Al igual que en el cartel de la película, las primeras escenas ocurren bajo un régimen de estricto secreto. Pearl, la protagonista, aprovecha la soledad y la falta de supervisión para explorar sus fantasías actorales que comienzan a parecer cada vez más perversas.
Ruth, su madre, guarda ciertas semejanzas con el personaje bíblico. Ambas son migrantes, ambas deciden asumir otra identidad, y particularmente, el personaje permanece junto a su familia a pesar de la miseria que sobrevino con la vejez y la enfermedad de su marido. Ella se convierte entonces en metáfora de compañía femenina y soporte. Su relación con Pearl recuerda al autoritarismo del nazismo a través de los diálogos en alemán, sin embargo, es una actitud contradictoria debido al ocultamiento del origen germánico. Son tiempos peligrosos y los americanos no verían con buenos ojos a una familia alemana entre ellos, lo que nos recuerda como las expresiones del fascismo europeo encuentran una forma de pasar desapercibidas en naciones democráticas.
El contexto histórico también coincide con la gripe española, que pasa a ser aprovechada por Ruth como dispositivo de control de la perversidad de su hija. Los fines de su manipulación parecen algo pragmático al principio - evitar contagios en un hogar donde vive una persona debilitada - pero a medida que la película avanza, nos damos cuenta de que hay motivaciones morales que buscan la perpetuación de lo que se asume como una vida normal, homogénea, tradicional, sin sucesos sensacionales ni impresionantes. Claro, Pearl lucha contra esta imposición hasta el fin del rodaje.
El padre de Pearl sufre una condición que lo mantiene en una silla de ruedas con parálisis total. Sus deseos y valores son expresados, defendidos por su esposa. En varias escenas, Pearl es obligada a atenderlo: lo alimenta mediocremente, lo limpia después que ella aprovecha el agua de la bañera. Ella se pregunta si hay alguien dentro de ese cuerpo enfermo en una escena sinuosa, y en cierta forma, él corporeiza la obligación moral del patriarcado. Podemos pensar que Ruth lo utiliza como dispositivo para mostrarle a la protagonista cuál es el lugar de la mujer en una sociedad, cómo su papel de sumisión y obediencia les ayudará a mantener la harmonía de la granja. El operador de cine aparece como un antídoto para alimentar los deseos de Pearl de salir de aquel pueblo y comenzar una vida moderna como estrella actoral y musical. Él promete llevarla al estrellato mientras le muestra pornografía y la seduce con su tono de voz atractivo, con la esperanza de hacer sonrojar a una joven que alimenta caimanes en el lago.
Pearl envidia a su cuñada Mitsy. Sin embargo, no la envidia porque sea más linda, culta, interesante. La envidia porque ella es normal. Todo lo que su madre impone como padrón de normalidad se expresa naturalmente en el modo de actuar y sentir de Mitsy. Ellas compiten secretamente en un concurso de talentos que la protagonista usa como bote salvavidas en medio de una serie de actos desesperados, pero cuando Pearl descubre que el jurado busca a alguien como Mitsy - rubia: genuinamente americana -, la tensión la lleva a confesar su verdadera naturaleza sin eufemismos ni disimulos. Su cuñada la escucha atemorizada, sin sospechar que ese desahogo oculta una rabia descontrolada que la protagonista acaba vomitando hacia una realidad que no puede ser moldeada.
La sonrisa de Pearl es atemorizante. Recuerda al gesto forzado en certámenes de belleza, evoca como la iconografía de mujeres en la historia del cine está asociada a una perfección que solo existe en la pantalla. Ella, si realmente desea triunfar, debe estar dispuesta a cambiar el color de su cabello, someterse a modificaciones corporales, asumir formas de vestir y andar que son propias de otras estrellas. Después de varios minutos, la dentadura expuesta nos recuerda a un animal asustado que intenta intimidar a algún depredador. Se trata entonces de un relato auténtico sobre la opresión de las verdaderas pasiones y la imposibilidad de pertenecer al entorno tradicional mientras el mundo fuera de la granja está en un cambio constante. Las lágrimas comienzan a correr por el rostro de la protagonista, recordándonos que ella no solo fue victimaria sino víctima, que su ruta de escape de la tradición falló, dejándola ante un futuro incierto en una granja llena de animales, cadáveres y ropas manchadas de sangre.
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drzito · 1 year
Las 211 peliculas que he visto en 2022 (parte 1)
En negrita las que os recomiendo:
1. El sexto sentido (Nemesio Manuel Sobrevila, 1929)
2. El pan nuestro de cada día (King Vidor, 1934)
3. Luna Nueva (Howard Hawks, 1940)
4. Un sueño americano (King Vidor, 1944).
5. Breve encuentro (David Lean, 1945)
6. El capitán Kidd (Rowland V. Lee, 1945)
7. Lazos humanos (Elia Kazan, 1945)
8. La bella y la bestia (Jean Cocteau, 1946)
9. Domador de sirenas (Irving Pichel, 1948)
10. La fuerza del destino (Abraham Polonsky, 1948)
11. Nunca la olvidare (George Stevens, 1948)
12. Vida en sombras (Lorenzo Llobet Gracia, 1949)
13. Milagro en Milan (Vittorio de Sica, 1951)
14. Umberto D (Vittorio de Sica, 1952)
15. Valkoinen peura [El reno blanco] (Erik Blomberg, 1952)
16. El salario del miedo (H G Clouzot, 1953)
17. La loba (Alberto Lattuada, 1953)
18. Los apuros de un pequeño tren (Charles Crichton, 1953)
19. Tarantula (Jack Arnold, 1955)
20. El ferroviario (Pietro Germi, 1956).
21. La mala semilla (Mervyn LeRoy, 1956).
22. De dode tjern [El lago de los muertos] (Kåre Bergstrøm, 1958)
23. Cover Girl Killer (Terry Bishop, 1959)
24. Horror en el Museo Negro (Arthur Crabtree, 1959).
25. Beat Girl (Edmond T. Gréville, 1960)
26. El hotel de los horrores (John Moxley, 1960)
27. La sangre seca (Yoshishige Yoshida, 1960)
28. Macario (Robert Gavaldon, 1960)
29. Marea nocturna (Curtis Harrington, 1961)
30. El poder de la mafia (Alberto Lattuada, 1962)
31. Historias de terror (Roger Corman, 1962)
32. Vida para Ruth (Basil Dearden, 1962)
33. El demonio (Brunello Rondi, 1963).
34. El especulador (Vittorio de Sica, 1963)
35. Las tres caras del miedo (Mario Bava, 1963)
36. The small world of Sammy Lee (Ken Hughes, 1963)
37. El extraño viaje (Fernando Fernan-Gomez, 1964)
38. La mujer de la arena (Hiroshi Teshigahara, 1964)
39. Los corceles de fuego (Sergei Parajanov, 1964)
40. España insólita (Javier Aguirre, 1965)
41. El ojo del diablo (J Lee Thompson, 1966)  
42. Kriminal (Umberto Lenzi, 1966)
43. Las Brujas (Cyril Frankel, 1966)
44. El desconocido de Shandigor (Jean-Louis Roy, 1967)
45. Corrupción (Robert Hartford-Davis, 1968)
46. La maldicion del altar rojo (Vernon Sewell, 1968)
47. Mr Freedom (William Klein, 1968)
48. Satanik (Piero Vivarelli, 1968)
49. Un día tranquilo en el campo (Elio Petri, 1968)
50. Queimada! (Gillo Pontecorvo, 1969)
51. Ya soy una mujer (David Greene, 1969)
52. 4 moscas sobre terciopelo gris (Dario Argento, 1970)
53. El martillo de las brujas (Otakar Vavra, 1970)
54. Lokis. Rekopis profesora Wittembacha [Lokis. El manuscrito del Profesor Wittembach] (Janusz Majewski, 1970)
55. Valerie y su semana de las maravillas (Jaromil Jireš, 1970)
56. Bahía de sangre (Mario Bava, 1971).
57. La maldición de los Bishop (John D Hancock, 1971)
58. Angustia de silencio (Lucio Fulci, 1972)
59. Lejos de los arboles (Jacinto Esteva, 1972).
60. San Francisco, ciudad desnuda (Stuart Rosenberg, 1973)
61. Torso: Violencia Carnal (Sergio Martino, 1973)
62. Sintomas (Jose Ramon Larraz, 1974)
63. Trastornado (Alan Ormsby y Jeff Gillen, 1974)
64. Blue Moon (Louis Malle, 1975)
65. El quimérico inquilino (Roman Polanski, 1976)
66. God told me to (Larry Cohen, 1976)
67. Foes (John Coats, 1977)
68. La centinela (Michael Winner, 1977)
69. La ultima ola (Peter Weir, 1977)
70. El dinero de los demás (Christian de Chalonge, 1978)
71. Cristo se paro en Eboli (Francesco Rosi, 1979)
72. La hipótesis de un cuadro robado (Raul Ruiz, 1979)
73. Profecía maldita (John Frankenheimer, 1979)
74. Impacto (Brian de Palma, 1981)
75. Vida/Perra (Javier Aguirre, 1982)
76. Los jueces de la ley (Peter Hyams, 1983)
77. Ojos de fuego (Avery Crounse, 1983)
78. 1,2,3... Splash (Ron Howard, 1984)
79. Los santos inocentes (Mario Camus, 1984).
80. Repo Man (Alex Cox, 1984)
81. Re-Animator (Stuart Gordon, 1985)
82. 007: Alta tensión (John Glen, 1987)
83. El príncipe de las tinieblas (John Carpenter, 1987)
84. Walker (Alex Cox, 1987)
85. La tumba de las luciérnagas (Isao Takahata, 1988)
86. The Dreaming (Mario Andreacchio, 1988)
87. Un lugar llamado Milagro (Robert Redford, 1988)
88. Celia (Ann Turner, 1989)
89. Cuando fuimos brujas (Nietzchka Keene, 1990)
90. Temblores (Ron Underwood, 1990)
91. Clearcut (Ryszard Bugajski, 1991)
92. Mississippi Masala (Mira Nair, 1991)
93. Un lugar en el mundo (Adolfo Aristarain, 1992)
94. Anchoress (Chris Newby, 1993)
95. Dark Waters (Mariano Baino, 1993)
96. Lo que queda del día (James Ivory, 1993)
97. Lazos Ardientes (The Wachowskis, 1996)
98. Nubes pasajeras (Aki Kaurismaki, 1996)
99. Una gran noche (Stanley Tucci, Campbell Scott, 1996)
100. Salvar al soldado Ryan, (Steven Spielberg, 1998).
101. CQ (Roman Coppola, 2001)
102. Funny ha ha (Andrew Bujalski, 2002)
103. Hotel (Jessica Hausner, 2004)
104. Noroi (Kôji Shiraishi, 2005)
105. The Dark (John Fawcett, 2005)
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 10 months
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[The Daily Don]
More good news today for Bidenomics, as the gross domestic product report for the second quarter showed annualized growth of 2.4%, higher than projected, and inflation rose at a slower pace of 2.6%, down from last quarter and well below projections. Economic analyst Steven Rattner noted that as of the second quarter, “the US economy is over 6% larger than it was before COVID (after adjusting for inflation). At this point in the recovery from the Great Recession, 2011, the economy was just 0.7% larger than it had been in 2007.”
Both consumer spending and business investment, which is up 7.7% in real annualized terms, drove this growth. Business spending makes up a much smaller share of gross domestic product, but it drives future jobs and growth, and much of this growth is in manufacturing facilities. In keeping with that trend, the nation’s largest solar panel manufacturer, First Solar, announced today that it will build a fifth factory in the U.S. as alternative energy technology takes off. This commitment brings to more than $2.8 billion the amount First Solar has invested in the U.S. to ramp up production. 
While so-called Bidenomics is designed to rebuild the middle class, the administration is also trying to reestablish fair ground rules for corporate behavior. Yesterday, the Departments of Justice, Commerce, and Treasury invited American businesses to come forward voluntarily if they think they might have violated U.S. sanctions, export controls, or other national security laws by sharing sensitive technology or helping sanctioned individuals launder money. Coming forward “can provide significant mitigation of civil or criminal liability,” the note says. 
It highlighted the anti–money laundering and sanctions whistleblower program in the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, or FinCEN. 
While many of us were watching the federal courthouse in Washington, D.C., to see if an indictment was forthcoming against former president Trump for his attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 election, a different set of charges appeared tonight. Special counsel Jack Smith brought additional charges against Trump in connection with his retention of classified documents.
The new indictment alleges that Trump plotted to delete video from security cameras near the storage room where he had stored boxes containing classified documents, and did so after the Department of Justice subpoenaed that footage. That effort to delete the video involved a third co-conspirator, Carlos De Oliveira, who has been added to the case. 
De Oliveira is a former valet at the Trump Organization’s Mar-a-Lago property who became property manager there in January 2022. Allegedly, he told another Trump employee that “the boss” wanted the server deleted and that the conversation should stay between the two of them. 
In the Washington Post, legal columnist Ruth Marcus wrote, “The alleged conduct—yes, even after all these years of watching Trump flagrantly flout norms—is nothing short of jaw-dropping: Trump allegedly conspired with others to destroy evidence.” If the allegations hold up, “the former president is a common criminal—and an uncommonly stupid one.”
This superseding indictment reiterates the material from the original indictment, and as I reread it, it still blows my mind that Trump allegedly compromised national security documents from the Central Intelligence Agency, the Department of Defense, the National Security Agency, the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (surveillance imagery), the National Reconnaissance Office (surveillance and maps), the Department of Energy (nuclear weapons), and the Department of State and Bureau of Intelligence and Research (diplomatic intelligence). 
It sounds like he was a one-man wrecking ball, aimed at our national security. 
The Justice Department has asked again for a protective order to protect the classified information at the heart of this case. In their request, they explained that, among other things, Trump wanted to be able to discuss that classified information with his lawyers outside a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility, or SCIF, a room protected against electronic surveillance and data leakage. 
Former deputy assistant director of the FBI’s counterintelligence division Peter Strzok noted that there is “[n]o better demonstration of Trump’s abject lack of understanding of—and disregard for—classified info and national security. He is *asking the Court* to waive the requirements for classified info that EVERY OTHER SINGLE CLEARANCE HOLDER IN THE UNITED STATES must follow.”  
The Senate today passed the $886 billion annual defense bill by a strong bipartisan margin of 86 to 11 after refusing to load it up with all the partisan measures Republican extremists added to the House bill. Now negotiators from the House and the Senate will try to hash out a compromise measure, but the bills are so far apart it is not clear they will be able to create a bipartisan compromise. The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) has passed on a bipartisan basis for more than 60 years.
The extremists in the House Republican conference continue to revolt against House speaker Kevin McCarthy’s (R-CA) deal with the administration to raise the debt ceiling. They insist the future cuts to which McCarthy agreed are not steep enough, and demand more. This has sparked fighting among House Republicans; Emine Yücel of Talking Points Memo suggests that McCarthy’s new willingness to consider impeaching President Biden might be an attempt to cut a deal with the extremists.  
As the Senate is controlled by Democrats, the fight among the House Republicans threatens a much larger fight between the chambers because Democratic senators will not accept the demands of the extremist Republican representatives.
The House left for its August recess today without passing 11 of the 12 appropriations bills necessary to fund the government after September, setting up the conditions for a government shutdown this fall if they cannot pass the bills and negotiate with the Senate in the short time frame they’ve left. Far-right Republicans don’t much care, apparently. Representative Bob Good (R-VA) told reporters this week, “We should not fear a government shutdown… Most of what we do up here is bad anyway.”   
Representative Katherine Clark (D-MA), the second ranking Democrat in the House, disagreed. “The Republican conference is saying they are sending us home for six weeks without funding the government? That we have one bill…out of 12 completed because extremists are holding your conference hostage, and that’s not the full story: the extremists are holding the American people hostage. We will have twelve days…when we return to fund the government, to live up to the job the American people sent us here to do. This is a reckless march to a MAGA shutdown, and for what? In pursuit of a national abortion ban? Is that what we are doing here? 
“The American people see through this. They know who is fighting for them, fighting for solutions…. Your time is coming. The American people are watching. They are going to demand accountability. We should be staying here, completing these appropriations bills, stripping out the toxic, divisive, bigoted riders that have been put on these bills and get[ting] back to work for freedom and for our economy and the American family.”
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tamaradoubraomonibeke · 3 months
MP - Form (Nigeria) (LO2)
I asked my mate Ruth about any curiosities she has about Nigeria.
Biggest celebration in someone's life - Wedding
How's the school system split - Kindergarten, Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, University
Nigeria was founded in - 1960 (Received it's independence in 1960 but named 1897 by Flora Shaw, a British journalist.
The hub city - Lagos.
Three major tribes - Igbo, Yoruba, Hausa.
How did Nigeria gain it's independence - In December 1959, members were elected to an enlarged House of Representatives. Sir Abubakar was confirmed in office and one of the first acts of the new government was formally to petition the United Kingdom for independence in October 1960, in accordance with the promise made in London two years earlier.
What's the job market - It's terrible for the youth but NYSC (compulsory palamilitary service for a year) helps people to get their feet into industry as they need to work.
Are there many foreigners - No, there aren't many foreigners in Nigeria, it's mostly populated with Africans. However, I will say they are treated well compared to other countries.
Where is Nigeria situated - South of UK in the world map.
What do Nigerians wear to church (She asked me this because I usually wear formal clothes)
Nothing really inspired me much because it was trivia-like questions but this shows and attempt to engage with the target audience.
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jatuskicommunications · 3 months
Mamman Lagos Inaugurates Project Monitoring Committee For Southern Kaduna 
By; KATO P. LADAN, Kaduna As a follow-up to Governor Uba Sani’s flagging off of infrastructures development for Southern Kaduna, State Commissioner for Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs Hon. Sadiq Mamman Lagos has inaugurated Project Monitoring Committee for Zone Three. The committee chaired by Ruth Ango from Zangon Kataf and Kassai Hussaini as secretary from Jema’a Local Government…
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bgcambrosiasims · 2 years
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what a woman in total control of herself.
@tiallussims @lre333 @eslanes @ambrosiaicecreem @lazysunjade @quiddity-jones @bauhauzzz @bunsbille @geeky-simz @aniraklova
cc used: @sentate @regina-raven @madlensims @enriques4 @leahlillith
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crimechannels · 9 months
By • Olalekan Fagbade No going back on rejection of Sanwo-Olu's17 Commissioner nominees, Lagos lawmakers insist   The Lagos State House of Assembly has said that there is no going back on its rejection of no fewer than 17 cabinet nominees sent by Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu for screening and approval. Recall that the House had last Wednesday, confirmed 22 out of the 39 cabinet nominees sent by Governor Sanwo-Olu, rejecting 17 nominees. Those not confirmed by the House include: Mrs. Folashade Adefisayo Prof. Akin Abayomi, Mr. Yomi Oluyomi Mrs. Folashade Ambrose, Ms. Barakat Bakare, Mr. Gbenga Omotosho, Engr. Olalere Odusote; Dr. Rotimi Fashola, Mrs. Bolaji Cecilia Dada, Mr. Sam Egube; Mr. Olalekan Fatodu, Mrs. Solape Hammond, Mr. Mosopefolu George, Engr. Aramide Adeyoye, Mr. Seun Osiyemi, Mr Rotimi Ogunwuyi, Dr. Olumide Oluyinka. Those confirmed include: Layode Ibrahim, Mr. Mobolaji Ogunlende, Dr. Dolapo Fasawe, Bola Olumegbon, Mr. Idris Aregbe, Ms. Abisola Ruth Olusanya, Mr. Moruf Akinderu Fatai, Mr. Kayode Bolaji-Roberts, Engr. Abiola Olowu, Mrs. Toke Benson-Awoyinka, Dr. Oreoluwa Finnih- Awokoya, Mr. Yakub Adedayo Alebiosu, Mr. Lawal Pedro SAN, Mr. Tunbosun Alake, Mr. Gbenga Oyerinde, Dr. Adekunle Olayinka, Dr. Jide Babatunde, Mr. Afolabi Ayantayo Mr. Tokunbo Wahab, Mr. Olakunle Rotimi-Akodu, Mr. Jamiu Alli-Balogun Mr. Abdulkabir Ogungbo. “We will continue to do our job, we will continue to do our oversight function,” Obasa had maintained. Speaker of the House, Mudashiru Obasa, who presided over the resumption of sitting on Monday, announced the decision of the House, despite pressures from different quarters to have the decision rescinded. Obasa had said the confirmation followed rigorous and detailed screening of the nominees by a ad-hoc committee led by the Chief Whip of the House, Hon. Fatai Mojeed. The speaker commended the committee for its effectiveness and urged the confirmed nominees to always remember that they are in office to serve the people of the State and not individuals. #Lagos #reject17Commissionerslawmakers #rejection #SanwoOlu
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jamesmaddamsblog · 15 years
These Massachusetts fathers don’t know best
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One is believed to be a globe-trotting doctor who plays polo. Another is a former correction officer turned carpet layer.
Both are wanted by the commonwealth of Massachusetts for failing to pay child support and made the latest Top 10 deadbeat dads list, released yesterday by the Department of Revenue.
Ruth Cram, a Marblehead horseback-riding instructor, said her fiance Fenton Gregory LeBon abandoned them when their daughter Isabella, now 13, was just an infant. The couple lived together while LeBon finished medical school and began his medical residency, but the DOR believes he now spends his days traveling the world and staying active in the polo community. The state says he owes $54,573 in child support.
“My daughter used to cry herself to sleep when she was little because daddy didn’t call, or daddy didn’t send a birthday card. It was very hard for her to understand how someone could do this to her,” Cram said.
Nean Dutton of Lunenburg received some payments from Terry Lee Azevedo after he pleaded guilty to criminal nonsupport of his 10-year-old daughter in 2004, the DOR said. He paid $10,000 and began making weekly payments, but he dropped off the radar soon after. The state says he now owes $69,122.
“I do believe that something will come out of this,” said Dutton, 40, who works as a hairdresser.
Mary Likins, 40, of Northampton, at yesterday’s unveiling of the 15th annual Top 10 roundup, said she is pleased to see her son Dominik’s father, Gilbert Allen Smith, listed.
“He’s had to go without a lot of stuff for way too long,” she said of her son. DOR says the listed men owe a total of $733,481 and are all believed to have fled the state. Other accused deadbeats include:
Christopher John Lagos, formerly of Plymouth, a mason/construction worker, $196,434;
Eric Alphe Grenier, formerly of Methuen, a construction worker, $188,733;
Asgaral “Lee” Hassanali, formerly of Brockton, food prep/cook, $54,519;
Joel Edward Cornish, formerly of Foxboro, a carpenter, $42,003;
Gilbert Allen Smith, formerly of Sandwich, a security guard, $41,800;
Gerard R. Colucci, formerly of Braintree, a restaurant manager, $32,074;
Bunroeun Min, formerly of Gloucester, a car salesman, $31,014; and
Hanan Hen Abitbul, formerly of Richmond, a hairstylist, $26,209.
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pirapopnoticias · 9 months
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rodadecuia · 1 year
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gazeta24br · 1 year
O Festival do Conselho Brasileiro de Dança (CBDD) e do Grand Prix Internacional de Dança (GPID) de Fortaleza está com inscrições abertas até o dia 31 de março, no site do evento. Esta será a sétima edição do CBDD e a terceira do GPID. As apresentações acontecem em dois momentos, nos dias 19 e 20, no Teatro Brasil Tropical, e do dia 21 a 23 de abril, no Teatro Rio Mar Fortaleza, e conta com o apoio da Rede CUCA de Fortaleza, através da Secretaria da Juventude.   Os bailarinos que desejam participar do CBDD podem se inscrever nas modalidades de ballet clássico livre, dança contemporânea, jazz, flamenco, estilo livre, danças populares, danças internacionais, repertório clássico, pas de deux, grand pas de deux, sapateado, dança do ventre, dança de salão e danças urbanas. Os níveis vão do Baby, de 4 a 7 anos, até o Master, acima de 35 anos. Já para o GPID, os inscritos irão competir individualmente em ballet clássico de repertório, dança contemporânea, além das aulas destas modalidades. Poderão participar bailarinos e bailarinas de 11 a 29 anos, divididos em três categorias, apresentando uma variação de repertório e uma coreografia de dança contemporânea de até três minutos.   A ação traz ainda a oportunidade dos participantes e não participantes do Festival se inscreverem nos cursos presenciais, além de aulas para o GPID e para a audição e seletiva do DanceXperience – USA, que é um Curso de Verão no Pofahl Studios, na sede do Dance Alive National Ballet, na cidade de Gainesville, Flórida - USA.   Janne Ruth, coordenadora do evento e Delegada do Conselho Brasileiro de Dança no Ceará, com grande influência em todo o Norte e Nordeste brasileiro, fala da importância e objetivo do Festival. “O CBDD já vem com uma bagagem de edições anteriores em sucesso de organização e opinião pública, levando o Ceará para ser reconhecido nacionalmente e internacionalmente como um estado que produz festivais de alta qualidade. Nosso objetivo é oportunizar o desenvolvimento de novos talentos, promover a troca de experiência entre os bailarinos e as mais diversas companhias de dança, fortalecendo-nos no celeiro mundial de dança”.   O evento terá premiações convencionais e especiais, desde medalhas, troféus, prêmios em dinheiro, bolsas de estudos e isenções em taxas para festivais.   A sétima edição internacional de Fortaleza já conta com a presença de jurados, mestres e professores nacionais e internacionais de dança, como Carla Amâncio e José Alvarez (Cubano), são bailarinos principais do Dance Alive National Ballet, na Flórida; Ana Loureiro, gestora artística e coordenadora do Núcleo de Dança Leonora Lima, em Minas Gerais; Cícero Gomes, primeiro Bailarino do Theatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro; Cristina Helena, mestre em dança e premiada como melhor coreógrafa pelo Mercosul; Erick Gueterrez, autor e criador da Metodologia +QueTap!, voltada ao ensino do sapateado Norte-Americano no Brasil; Gisela Vaz, fundadora e diretora do Festival Internacional de Dança de Goiás e Presidente do CBDD; Rodrigo Vernek, professor e coreógrafo premiado no Festival Mercosul da Argentina e no New York City Dance Alliance nos Estados Unidos; e Victor Ciattei, mestre e bailarino, que participou do Lago dos Cisnes de Yelena Pankova e O Quebra Nozes de Dalal Achcar.   Festival do CBDD e GPID Fortaleza   Quando: de 19 a 23 de abril   Onde: Teatro Brasil Tropical (Avenida da Abolição, 2323 – Meireles) e no Teatro RioMar (Rua Desembargador Lauro Nogueira, 1500 - Papicu - Shopping RioMar Fortaleza)   Regulamento e inscrições: até o dia 31 de março, no site https://festivalcbddfortaleza.com.br/   Diretoras do CBDD Fortaleza   Janne Ruth é delegada do Conselho Brasileiro da Dança no Ceará – CBDD (Órgão maior da Dança no Brasil e América Latina). É também Coordenadora do Fórum e dos grupos de dança do Ceará, diretora e fundadora da Escola de Ballet Janne Ruth, da
ONG – Grupo Bailarinos de Cristo Amor e Doações – BCAD e do Festival Internacional de Dança de Fortaleza e Itinerante do Ceará. Professora e coreógrafa, formada em Ballet Clássico e Metodologia do Ensino da Dança pela Escola de Ballet Hugo Bianchi. Janne é ainda idealizadora e diretora do FENDAFOR – Festival Internacional de Dança de Fortaleza e Itinerante do Ceará, o Festival acontece desde 2000 em Fortaleza e mais 16 municípios.   Nos últimos 29 anos, são 18.500 mil crianças e jovens atendidos, mais de 2200 alunos formados em Ballet Clássico, 61 Tournées realizadas; 08 internacionais e 53 nacionais, protagonista ainda de cerca de 650 prêmios no Brasil e no exterior. Em 2011 fundou o Curso Vila Cultural, qualificação e intercâmbio em dança e teatro para agentes culturais do interior do estado do Ceará. Com esse curso já atendeu 64 municípios do Ceará e alguns da Paraíba, são mais de 320 artistas beneficiados e capacitados através dessa ação.   Atenita Kaiara é diretora artística da Escola de Dança Janne Ruth e diretora artística do Festival Internacional de Dança de Fortaleza FENDAFOR e CBDD. Iniciou sua trajetória no Ballet Clássico aos dois anos de idade. Como bailarina tem cursos e participações em festivais de diversas cidades do Brasil e do Exterior. Estudou e cursou com diversos profissionais como Janne Ruth, Déborah Colker, Kátia Pedrosa, Thochie Kobaiache, Marcelo Pereira, Mário Nascimento, Fernando Nunes, Marika Gidale, Décio Otelo, e outros. Participou de 25 Espetáculos de dança, 5 Tournées internacionais e 41 Nacionais pela Companhia de Dança Janne Ruth e Escola de Ballet Janne Ruth, onde obteve diversas premiações como bailarina e coreógrafa.
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samadesblog · 1 year
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30DAYS IN HIS PRESENCE Tagged: BORN FOR A PURPOSE Charge Focus: CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT • Character is defined as strength of moral fiber. • Character is “the excellence of moral beings.” As the excellence of gold is its purity and the excellence of art is its beauty, so the excellence of man is his character. • Persons of character are noted for their honesty, ethics, and charity. Descriptions such as “man of principle” and “woman of integrity” are assertions of character. A lack of character is moral deficiency, and persons lacking character tend to behave dishonestly, unethically, and uncharitably. A person’s character is the sum of his or her disposition, thoughts, intentions, desires, and actions. It is good to remember that character is gauged by general tendencies, not on the basis of a few isolated actions. We must look at the whole life. For example, King David was a man of good character 1 Samuel 13:14, although he sinned on occasion 2 Samuel 11. And although King Ahab may have acted nobly once 1 Kings 22:35, he was still a man of overall bad character 1 Kings 16:33. Several people in the Bible are described as having noble character: Ruth Ruth 3:11, Hanani Nehemiah 7:2, David Psalm 78:72, and Job Job 2:3. These individuals’ lives were distinguished by persistent moral virtue. Character is influenced and developed by our choices. Daniel “resolved not to defile himself” in Babylon Daniel 1:8, and that godly choice was an important step in formulating an unassailable integrity in the young man’s life. Character, in turn, influences our choices. “The integrity of the upright guides them” Proverbs 11:3a. Character will help us weather the storms of life and keep us from sin Proverbs 10:9a. It is the Lord’s purpose to develop character within us. “The crucible for silver and the furnace for gold, but the LORD tests the heart.” Proverbs 17:3. Godly character is the result of the Holy Spirit’s work of sanctification. Character in the believer is a consistent manifestation of Jesus in his life. It is the purity of heart that God gives becoming purity in action. God sometimes uses trials to strengthen character: “we also rejoice in our sufferings (at Lagos, Nigeria) https://www.instagram.com/p/CngryM5tiB9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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