mlarayoukai · 3 months
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As it would turn out you can draw demon boy in a bikini whenever you want
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palettepainter · 9 months
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Behold: Zoot's cousins!! (in order from oldest to youngest minus Liv, who is the same age as Scooter and is the youngest overall)
Thank you everybody for your patience! I've spent a long time thinking about these characters and their personalities and my goodness does it feel good to have their refs finished!
Sum extra facts: -Zee had relatives down in New Orleans, where she'd often spend her summers with them. She has always been a big fan of music and her family in particular have always strived in the disco genre. Zee liked to explore different musics so became a frequent at Jerrys' Tunes - the shop in which Floyd worked in when he was younger. Zee and Floyd became close friends over the summer when Zee would visit, and it was through that very same shop that Zee would meet Teeth.
-Raph's parents where big sport enthusiasts and Raph never felt like he clicked with any of the sports they did, but he took up boxing to try to fit in, hoping that he'd grow to like it overtime. The boxing did help him get fitter, but it also sucked, and eventually he quit, left home, and went to Uni as an act of rebellion. After graduating he spent a few years homeless with no where to go before he stumbled upon a younger Janice and her travelling band of hipsters that had become her family. Raph spends his time with Janice and the peaceful community of hippies learning about himself and the positivity a little mediating and music can bring. After settling and finding a home Raph begins to work at a chiropractors and becomes much happier (he and Janice spoke over the spiritual plane while meditating. They have in depth talks about crystals, auras and trees)
-Penny has OCD and likes things to be organised in a certain way and for events to be planned, if they're not this can lead to her become stressed and heavily irritated. When she was younger and when Raph had started working as an official chiropractor Raph suggested she try meditating to ease stress, which didn't work (Penny: Sitting and being at one with nature isn't enough Raph. I need to punch thing-). Though hesitant, Raph suggested boxing, and shockingly it works. Penny finds her relief in boxing and other physical exercises. While Raph isn't as fond of sports as Penny is he is more or less her coach who advices her to stay hydrated and to not push herself. Penny trusts Raph a lot thanks to their close bond
-Lazer's ADHD shows in him having bouts of energy at random and impulsiveness. In his early years of his career when he started to become famous this led to a lot of people, especially fans and people wanting to do business, taking advantage of him. Lazer is a friendly person at heart, he had a habit of sometimes overlooking red flags in favour if believing everybody was chill like him. This led to a lot of heartbreaks which Penny often had to deal with the aftermath of, and while at times it was tiring seeing her brother get himself into similar situations over and over again it did led to her becoming very protective of him. Lazer, in turn, views Penny as his best friend. He trusts her whole heartedly and she's the first family member he'll tell good news to (he probably cried more then Penny did when she got her top surgery)
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arcadebroke · 12 hours
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emvisual · 3 months
Bailando con lasers.
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mrmillipede · 19 days
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challenged by my gc to draw us like this
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carnivorous-parasite · 3 months
what do you think the meanest fruit would be
Controversial opinion but pineapple, those fuckers look like they'd beat me up
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youngiggypop · 2 months
LAZER DIM 700 - steal phones (ingwa jerk flip)
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giffypudding · 5 months
Time to cool down!
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aquirs · 6 months
Caminhando em Capão da Canoa Parte 2 - RS - Walking Tour
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mlarayoukai · 6 months
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juneaupaws-art · 22 days
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🟄🟆Dance Dance Dance🟆🟄
A commission for Asperek !
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palettepainter · 9 months
Can we get some more funky facts about Lazer? I just think he's so adorable and cool!!!
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(Give him a sec he's buffering-)
-It's easy to get him flustered if you know the right things to say. His fans often compliment him so he's fairly good at keeping his cool when he's on the clock, but he finds terms/petnames like cute/cutie/adorable/beautiful/handsome very intimate so he's more likely to stammer a little if you call him that (this is especially so if it's coming from someone he likes or looks up too)
-He and his sister Penny are the most aware of their problems. Lazer's faults are that he can be blinded by impulsiveness sometimes thanks to his ADHD, which can lead to him saying/doing stuff without properly thinking them through before hand. He also has a habit of running on energy drinks and highly caffeinated foods and drinks which then leads him to crash so many hours later. Lazer tries to combat this by switching his coffee/energy drinks out for tea to help relieve stress and anxiety and taking power naps when he can
-Him and Penny both have awful sleep schedules that they're trying to fix. Lazer plays more at DJ gigs late in the evening that can sometimes last until the early hours of the morning, and Penny often pulls all nighters thanks to her completion attitude with work. They're what you could call the night owls of the family
-Lazer's had his heart broken a lot thanks to past relationships. When his career was first taking off a lot of people got with him just for his reputation and money, most of her partners assumed he was dumb as he was still new in the big world that makes up the music industry. In general Lazer is also very trusting and easy going, so tended to overlook things that concerned him back in the day because he thought he was overthinking. Penny has had to deal with the teary aftermath of his breakups, which often means escorting a drunk Lazer away from a confused bartender and letting him sleep on her sofa for the night
-Him and Penny are actually super close despite them often having those typical sibling disputes
-Drinks his I Respect All Genders juice religiously
-Has some WILD drunk stories (Lazer: So I'm sitting there, barbaque sauce on my titties-
Rand: What the actual fuck-)
-While he stims through tapping his fingers, humming and rocking back and fourth (in general when he's sitting still he'll be moving in some way: like tapping his fingers, bouncing his leg or rocking) he has a habit to chew his fingers when he's especially upset or nervous. It was the worst when he hit puberty, Penny brought plasters for his fingers
-Cockatoo's are his favourite animal
-Him and Penny love Mama Mia they binge it together when they're both feeling burnt out and unmotivated
-He's sort of protective of all of his other girl cousins, it's a older cousin/big bro sort of protectiveness which sparked even since Penny asked to be referred to by female pronouns. Penny experienced some hate through her transitioning and that sparked Lazer's protectiveness over the other girls in his family
-Speaking of which he probably cried more than Penny did when she officially transitioned. He's such a worry wort and Penny had to remind him a lot that she was perfectly fine (and that maybe he should go take a shower he was starting to smell-)
-Penny is also very protective of her brother and is not shy of showing it. Penny knows Gavin is a sweetheart at best and a bit oblivious at worst, so if Gavin ever introduces her to his new boyfriend or girlfriend she is instantly suspicious - she's seen Lazer's heart be broken too many times and she swears she won't let it happen again
-He carries Zoot under his arm like a sack of potatoes
-He can work well in very noisy environments. Since he plays at gigs, which are always loud, he can witstand being in loud and crowded environments for a long time. He knows his limits though and will take a break when it gets too much for him
-Sometimes he ends up yelling without meaning too, again thanks to his job. Since gigs are always loud he often has to raise his voice in order for any of his team to hear him, and the habit carriers over to when he isn't working. He gets a bit embarrassed when this happens since he knows it can be annoying to other people, so just kindly ask him if he can lower his voice and he will
-He ugly cries when he's upset. He feels emotions hard so when he gets upset he really gets upset
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strawberriepoptart · 10 months
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David Stenbeck (various works)
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englishcarssince1946 · 2 months
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1974 Panther Lazer
My tumblr-blogs:
www.tumblr.com/germancarssince1946 & www.tumblr.com/frenchcarssince1946 & www.tumblr.com/englishcarssince1946 & www.tumblr.com/italiancarssince1946 & www.tumblr.com/japanesecarssince1947 & www.tumblr.com/uscarssince1935
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sid89607821 · 2 months
Entretenimento, comédia, música e informação você encontara aqui e é claro conheça os Super Debochados
No nosso canal você encontrará : Entretenimento, comédia, música e informação .
O principal objetivo do nosso canal é fazer do seu dia , tarde e noite muito mais felizes e leves.
Sabemos o quão difícil é o dia a dia e por isso a proposta do nosso trabalho é mostrar o quanto a vida é maravilhosa.
Aqui você tem vídeos engraçados, músicas ao vivo , videos para seu descanso, receitas e receitas daquela comida que você tanto gosta, aquele vídeo da natureza que te faz relaxar e muito mais.
Muitas vezes pensamos em desistir diante das adversidades , mas quando nos propomos a fazer esse artigo, pensamos em você que gosta de lazer e culturas variadas e cá estamos desde novembro de 2015 , quase 10 anos de luta , mas seguimos firmes e fortes.
Venha e junte-se a nós e fique por dentro das novidades e se já é inscrito fica nosso muito obrigado, se ainda não é, junte-se a nós e fique por dentro de tudo que tá rolando na música , esportes, filmes, comédia e entretenimento geral para agregar valor a sua vida.
Tem sugestões ? Manda pra gente que serão sempre bem vidas.
Forte abraço e um ano cheio de realizações e muita paz a todos que leram este artigo acima de tudo sincero com o que penso e faço com muito amor.
E conheçam a turma dos Super Debochados nesse video super divertido.
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