itsmarjudgelove · 5 months
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ultimateaclrecovery · 4 months
Japan day 3
We out to Arashiyama on the west side of kyoto where we saw the bamboo grove, the temple gardens at Tenryu-ji, which were my favorite gardens. They were so pretty and so tranquil (we were there really early)
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After we hiked out to the monkey park where there where so so many monkeys
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We then took a bus to the saihoji temple or the moss temple. We got there before our reservation time so did a quick hike into another bamboo forest (and some city views after a very steep climb) and also saw this pretty bridge.
When we went in we started by copying sutras in the temple and then got to explore the beautiful gardens
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We grab lunch and then head over to the golden temple
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After the golden temple we get dinner at a place that does kyoto home cooking.
All the food of the day
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Lunch was my favorite of pork cutlets rice and sauce but so so so good.
Dinner we got a sampler platter sake and purple French fries! The beer came in this hilarious glass.
And then for dessert we got taiyakis which are fish shaped custards and I was very excited.
Overly long travel diary
Anthony paid 500 each for temple garden
Anthony paid 500 each for temple garden
I paid 1000 Anthony 200 for monkey park
Bamboo forest. Supposedly over hyped but still very cool. Fun how it got dark in the forest.
Ryaku Temple gardens, lots of pretty leaves and a pond with koi fish
We are there so early that we see a lot of people working hard to maintain the gardens. It’s pretty empty of most people and very serene
We pause for breakfast in a little playground with a picnic bench. After I finish eating I go down the concrete slide. It’s funish but I tell anthony it was the most fun.
Hike up to the monkey park. There were so so many monkeys just hanging about. I loved seeing all of the babies and the younger ones playing. They would knock each other out of trees and chase each other around and hang off the fence ropes. You could feed them through an inside grate but we decided not to do this. Because it was up high we also got a great view of the city and surrounding mountains.
Then we head off by bus to the moss gardens. We were early so we headed off to a little hike where we saw more bamboo forest and went up straight vertical stairs and tree root stairs to more fun views. It was nice to basically have it all to ourselves and it was pretty. The leaves are just starting to change and some of them are such vibrant reds.
Then we went into the moss temple. You start by coping sutra at little tables. They give the calligraphy pen and a paper to trace and instructions that also give you the translation. I really enjoy it although my foot falls asleep. Then we walk around the gardens. They tell you not talk and it’s very tranquil. The ground is full of moss and there’s a pond in the center and a scattering of trees. There’s also adorable little bridges going across the pond to an island in the center. We take lots of pictures and enjoy the scenery.
I’m glad we got more snacks today.
Lunch 2970 for both
3000 yen to ic card
200 yen from Anthony to ring the bell. And then I get a postcard too. I like ringing the bell although I didn’t do very hard, I had been wanting to ring the bell after seeing so many so it’s nice to get to do in what is clearly an allowed way.
Golden temple
Anthony paid 500 yen entry each for both of us.
The temple is so gold and shiny. TKe terrible selfie pictures.
I get a golden temple keychain that I’ll use as a Christmas ornament for 400 yen
We then grab the bus back. We don’t make it on the first bus too full, but then we get seats on the next bus five minutes later which is way better anyway.
We try to find a bar from our saved list but are unsuccessful. We then wander for awhile trying to find a place that is both good looking and doesn’t have a long wait. We settle at a place that supposedly does Kyoto home cooking. We get a little sampler plate, vegetable tempura and French fries that turn out to be purple and are my favorite. The sampler has salad, tofu, chicken, some kind of fish and a potato salad that is sweet. We also get sake wine to go with it. We’re still hungry so we order more chicken and some rice balls.
After we get desert that is a fish shaped pastry filled with custard called taiyaki. It is so cute and I love it. My bf found a place that sold them just for me. We also walk around nishi market. It’s really cool but towards the end I definitely get overwhelmed by all the colors and sheer number of stores.
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barbieyaga · 6 months
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Saihoji moss garden 🍁
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oniwastagram · 1 year
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📸西芳寺庭園“苔寺” / Saiho-ji Temple Garden (Moss Temple), Kyoto ——聖徳太子からスティーブ・ジョブズまで。室町時代/南北朝時代を代表する禅僧 #夢窓疎石 が作庭し現代には100種類以上の苔に覆われた完全予約制の世界遺産&“庭の国宝”庭園。 2021年からオンライン予約も開始!空き枠がある場合に限り前日まで予約可能です。 京都・西芳寺庭園(苔寺)の紹介は☟ https://oniwa.garden/saihoji-temple-%e8%8b%94%e5%af%ba/ ...... “苔寺”として有名な「洪隠山 西芳寺」。世界文化遺産“古都京都の文化財”にも構成される臨済宗の禅寺で、その庭園は“庭の国宝”国の特別名勝に指定。写真は2週間程前の姿。 . 長年『往復はがきによる事前申込制の拝観』📮を採用されている“苔寺”ですが、2021年6月からオンライン予約がスタート!💻 . 拝観希望日の2ヶ月前から予約可能な往復はがきでの申込に対し、オンライン申込は《人数に空きがある日に限り、2週間前から前日まで予約受付》という形。 . 「久しぶりに行きたいな、往復はがき買いに行かなきゃ」なんて思いながらついつい先送りにしてしまう自分のような方にピッタリのオンライン申込…!(なおオンラインの方が拝観料は高く設定されているので、ちゃんと計画を立てたい人は変わらず往復はがきがオススメです) . 京都の西部・松尾山⛰の麓に位置する西芳寺。古くは飛鳥時代に聖徳太子がこの地に別荘をかまえたとも言われる京都屈指の歴史スポットでもあり、創建も奈良時代の天平年間(729~749年)と平安遷都以前。 . 以来何度も荒廃と再興を繰り返した西芳寺。現在まで残る庭園の原型を作庭・整備したのは、南北朝時代の1339年に近隣の『松尾大社』の宮司・藤原親秀に請われ西芳寺の中興開山となった夢窓疎石。 . 庭園の中心“黄金池”は平安時代に入寺した弘法大師空海も儀式に用いていたそうなので既にあったんだろうけど、石組や地割などは夢窓疎石が手掛けたもの。 続く�� ------ #庭園 #日本庭園 #京都庭園 #建築デザイン #ランドスケープ #京都観光 #京都旅行 #japanesegarden #japanesegardens #kyotogarden #zengarden #beautifulkyoto #beautifuljapan #japanesearchitecture #japanarchitecture #japandesign #jardinjaponais #jardinjapones #japanischergarten #jardimjapones #landscapedesign #kyototrip #kyototemple #mossgarden #kyoto #庭院 #庭园 #世界遺産 #おにわさん (Saihō-ji) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClBjfoZPP9D/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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francinebill · 6 months
Saihoji Temple Moss Garden
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oomkcam · 1 year
Director/Cinematographer : Kotaro Haba
Lighting Director: Ricky
Sound Engineer : Tomoaki Fukuda
Camera Assistant : Hideya Nakayama: Oki Mikoto
Producer : Rintaro Furui
Production Assistant : Rizumi
Colorist : Takatoki Kumabe
-Special Thanks -
Tatsuya Nakamura / KOUFUUDOU SAIHOJI /
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emirpinho · 1 year
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Em 9 de Março de 1926, enquanto se dirigia para mais uma aula, o Mestre Usui faleceu vitimado por um AVC. O Mestre Usui ficou conhecido como um “homem de grande virtude“, pelos seus alunos no memorial que lhe ergueram em 1927, no cemitério de Saihoji. Era reconhecido como um homem sábio, de grandes e diversos conhecimentos e, ao longo da sua vida, quis procurar uma “vida pacífica e feliz”. Certamente por isso, definiu o Reiki como "a arte secreta de convidar a felicidade"! Mesmo após o seu retiro no Templo Hiei, em Quioto, o Mestre não conseguiu encontrar essa vida pacífica e feliz, mas tampouco sabia que todos as dificuldades de sua vida iriam levar ao caminho que lhe traria tudo aquilo que tanto procurou. Em Março de 1922 retirou-se para o Monte Kurama onde meditou ao longo de 21 dias e aí teve a percepção de que tudo no universo é composto por Reiki: “Eu estou no Universo e o Universo está em mim”. Neste momento de clareza e iluminação, o Mestre Usui redescobriu o método que vinha estudando há anos e que o levaria a uma “vida pacífica e feliz”, assim como seria o guia para milhares e milhares de praticantes em todo o mundo, nos tempos que sucederam. Assim surgiu o Usui Reiki Ryoho, o método fundamentado em cinco princípios que direcionam que: Só por hoje • Sou calmo • Confio • Sou grato a tudo e a todos • Faço meu trabalho com Amor e Dedicação • Sou gentil com todas as criaturas vivas e nessa prática terapêutica cuja missão é “a guiança para uma vida pacífica e feliz, curando os outros, melhorar as suas felicidades e a nossa própria felicidade”. Assim como o Mestre Usui não desistiu do seu caminho de vida e passou por muitas provações. Diante disso tudo, pense sobre as tuas dificuldades e continua… Só por hoje… @EmirPinho #reikiusui #mikaousui #trilhadoreiki #emirpinho #reiki #vemprátrilhadoreiki (em Emir Pinho - Terapeuta Holístico) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpkPKQ5OFqV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hi-technique · 2 years
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The Grounds of Saihō-ji / 西芳寺 by Patrick Vierthaler (using albums)
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crazyfox-archives · 3 years
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A monochrome painting of the wrathful Five Great Myōō Deities (or “Wisdom Kings”) dating to the Muromachi period (1336-1573) at Saihōji Temple (西方寺) in Kinokawa, Wakayama Prefecture: in the center Fudō Myōō (不動明王), in the upper left Kongō Yasha Myōō (金剛夜叉明王), in the upper right Gosanze Myōō (降三世明王), in the lower left Daiitoku Myōō (大威德明王), and in the lower right Gundari Myōō (軍荼利明王)
Image from a 2020 exhibit of temple treasures belonging to Kokawadera and nearby temples at the Wakayama Prefectural Museum (see source)
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fujitrip365 · 3 years
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Saihoji . Kyoto (2020)
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naootee · 2 years
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彼岸の頃に咲くから、中日桜...( ̄∀ ̄)チェリ #桜 #中日桜 #サクラサク #早咲きの桜 #横浜 #西方寺 #みなとみらい線フォト散歩 #東京カメラ部_横浜分室 #横浜カメラ倶楽部 #春の花 #春の景色 #春の風景 #彼岸 #彼岸の中日 #om写真投稿 #omds_om_photo #kanagawaphotoclub #myyokohama #cherryblossom #saihoji #temple #springphotography #ig_japan #igersjp #instagramjapan #写真好きな人と繋がりたい (西方寺) https://www.instagram.com/p/CbWZLVfv5Sh/?utm_medium=tumblr
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itsmarjudgelove · 5 months
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Saihoji Temple is a temple of the Rinzai sect of Zen Buddhism. The temple, being covered in moss, is also known as a Koke-Dera or Moss Temple
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The Grounds of Saihō-ji / 西芳寺 by Patrick Vierthaler
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a-drop-a-week · 5 years
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Kyoto - Some Arashiyama temples
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oniwastagram · 1 year
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📸西芳寺庭園“苔寺” / Saiho-ji Temple Garden (Moss Temple), Kyoto ② ——聖徳太子からスティーブ・ジョブズまで。室町時代/南北朝時代を代表する禅僧 #夢窓疎石 が作庭し現代には100種類以上の苔に覆われた完全予約制の世界遺産&“庭の国宝”庭園。 2021年からオンライン予約も開始!空き枠がある場合に限り前日まで予約可能。 ...... 続き。その当時の庭園には楼閣“瑠璃殿”🏛が建ち、将軍・足利義満や足利義政も訪れ後の『金閣寺庭園』、『銀閣寺庭園』にも影響を与えたと言われる明るく華やかな庭園だったそう。 . しかし応仁の乱の兵火🔥で当時の建造物は失われ、“苔寺”と呼ばれるような苔むした姿になったのは江戸時代後期からのここ200年程。 . 現在池のほとりに建つ国指定重要文化財の茶室“湘南亭”は桃山時代に千利休の次男・千少庵により建立されたもので、黄金池を見下ろすような開放的な“月見台”が特徴的。幕末には御所を追われた岩倉具視も隠れ家として幽居しました。 . . そもそもなぜ、“往復ハガキでの事前予約”という手続きが採られていたのか。 . その意図は公式サイトを読んでいただければと思うのですが、高度成長期に“庭園ブーム”というのがあり、それによる観光公害(近隣への迷惑)の結果だったと。 . 今で言う“オーバーツーリズム”は何も現代はじめて迎えているわけでもなく、観光客が騒がしかったのも今“インバウンドで”始まったことでもなく。 . 昭和にそんなブームがあった上で、この現代に古い日本庭園が次々消失していっているのはとても寂しい話だけれど…(文化にならずブームで終わり、人気が定着しなかったのはなぜなのかなぁ)。 でも苔寺のこの姿も“荒廃”から生まれた姿。その幽玄な空間は大声よりは静寂が似合う! . 京都・西芳寺庭園(苔寺)の紹介は☟ https://oniwa.garden/saihoji-temple-%e8%8b%94%e5%af%ba/ ------ #庭園 #日本庭園 #京都庭園 #建築デザイン #ランドスケープ #京都観光 #京都旅行 #japanesegarden #japanesegardens #kyotogarden #zengarden #beautifulkyoto #beautifuljapan #japanarchitect #japandesign #jardinjaponais #jardinjapones #japanischergarten #jardimjapones #landscapedesign #kyototrip #kyototravel #kyototemple #kyoto #mossgarden #庭院 #庭园 #世界遺産 #おにわさん (京都 西芳寺(苔寺)) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClC7N7tvDI2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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uroko · 3 years
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Saihō-ji Temple 西芳寺 💚✨
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