#scale of 1-10 how gay is it that I’m going to this interview dressed in a button up and dress pants?
So I have an interview for a part time job this Thursday since there’s been a snag with budget over research lab.
And honestly how cliche is it that a lesbian is gonna work as a librarian assistant bc yeah…that’s what I applied for bc….I love books and free books it’s even better.
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1-65 😈
Well, this is literally every question, so everything is under the cut.
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?
Not really
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?
Mostly a 2, but girlfriend made me go see Candyman last weekend, so right now it's a 3.
3. The person you would never want to meet?
Uhhhhh, I don't know, Elon Musk? He sounds insufferable
4. What is your favorite word?
Okay, I'm gonna grab a German word for this one. Eichhörnchen. It means squirrel and it's borderline impossible to say
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?
A big ole oak tree
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?
That weird hair bump is back and I didn't even go to sleep with wet hair
7. What shirt are you wearing?
My girlfriend's tie dyed shirt with a middle finger on it
8. What do you label yourself as?
Latina, gay, nonbinary
9. Bright room or dark room?
Dark room. Whoever turns of the big lights are fucking monsters
10. What were you doing at midnight last night?
I'm pretty sure I was asleep
11. Favorite age you’ve been so far?
My age now, so 25
12. Who told you they loved you last?
My girlfriend
13. Your worst enemy?
My instructional coach. Straight up
14. What is your current desktop picture?
The bridal party for my friend's wedding I was in
15. Do you like someone?
Yes. I'm sadly dating her
16. The last song you listened to?
That's What You Get by Paramore
17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?
Goodbye, Jeff Bezos
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
Second verse, same as the first (Jeff Bezos). For people I know in real life, my instructional coach
19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?
I...do not like this question. No one. Everyone is Dobby, now a free elf
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)
My eyes. Only one in the family to inherit my grandmother's green eyes
21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?
I'd dress the same and probably just go about my day
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?
Gift giving. I always deep dive to figure out the perfect present
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?
Um, fire. I don't fuck with that shit anywhere near me
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal.
Wheat bread, a little mayo, spicy brown mustard, hummus, white cheddar cheese, tofurkey, sliced tomato, avocado
25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it?
Probably something responsible, like buy a vacuum
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?
27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be?
I think it's called Rumchata? Like alcoholic horchata?
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place? 
If any man is seen instituting patriarchal rules, he is fed to the beast
29. What is your favorite expletive?
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?
A print my girlfriend got me that's framed
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
Oh geez. Um, all of it? Start with a clean slate
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world!
Germany, my second home. I'm coming back
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?
Sydney, my German Shepard growing up
34. What was your last dream about?
Oof. It was a nightmare that I don't really remember
35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]?
I am a good writer, I think. Good enough to make my friends upset about the angst I wrote
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?
Yup! Broke my ankle
37. Have you ever built a snowman?
I'm from Indiana, so yes. It's not as easy as it looks
38. What is the color of your socks?
While I usually wear colorful, fun socks, I am currently barefoot
39. What type of music do you like?
Whatever Aly & AJ are doing
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?
Mint chocolate chip
42. What football team do you support? (I will answer in terms of American football as well as soccer)
I mean, I was just forced to watch the UGA game
43. Do you have any scars?
Two from the aforementioned broken ankle. Had to get surgery
44. What do you want to be when you graduate?
I am a teacher
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
That mental illness can just shoo
46. Are you reliable?
47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?
What the fuck is going on?
48. Do you hold grudges?
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?
Otters and sloths
50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?
My best friend taught me about oviposition once
51. Are you a good liar?
52. How long could you go without talking?
So long
53. What has been you worst haircut/style?
My mom cutting off all of my hair during first grade
54. Have you ever baked your own cake?
55. Can you do any accents other than your own?
Very many
56. What do you like on your toast?
Honey and butter
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?
A lighthouse
58. What would be you dream car?
An electric one. I'm tired of paying for gas
59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain.
I sing and conduct fake interviews about my writing
60. Do you believe in aliens?
61. Do you often read your horoscope?
62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?
64. What do you think about babies?
They look weird as newborns
65: you didn't give me an extra question here so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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angrylizardjacket · 5 years
Asher Kids Do An Interview
Choose an OC.
Answer them as that OC.
Tag 5 people to do the same.
Tagging @siriuslymooned​ @sam-writes​ @toplesstaylor​ @rogerandhishair​ and anyone else who sees this and wants to do it!!
Note: Astrid is the oldest. Cate is the middlest. Barney is the youngest.
1. What is your name?
Cate: Cate Taylor.
Barney: Barney Clarke- Taylor... Sun. 
Astrid: Astrid Taylor.
2. Do you know why are you named that?
Cate: It’s short for Catherine.
Astrid: Is that what it’s short for?
Cate: Shut up.
Barney: What are you short for?
Astrid: That’s just how I grew.
Barney: You grew?
Astrid: I didn’t come out of ma at five-foot nothin’, yeah I fuckin’ grew, ya turnip.
Cate: Barney’s short for Barnabus.
Astrid: Barney’s short for a giant.
Barney: Taller than both of you.
Astrid: Taller than everyone.
Cate: ’s not difficult to be taller than Trid.
Astrid: Shut it; Barney what’s the deal with your last name?
Barney: Clarke is my professional name, I was born a Taylor, and I married into Sun. So legally I’m Barnabus Sun-Taylor, but I’m usually credited professionally as Barney Clarke.
Astrid: Huh. Nice; I didn’t realise you and Mickey [Barney’s partner] hyphenated. I’m named Astrid ‘cos dad liked how it sounded.
3. Are you single or taken?
Barney: Taken. [Barney wiggles the fingers off his left hand, to show where a wedding ring sits neatly on his ring finger.]
Cate: Taken? Taken. Not married though, almost made that mistake before.
Astrid: Single as.
4. Have any abilities or powers?
[There’s a long silence, the three of them look at one another with confusion.]
Barney: I played a superhero once.
Astrid: Oh yeah, you were good in that, what was it-?
Barney: X-Men.
Cate: Did you really forget X-Men?
Astrid: He’s been in a lot of movies!
5. Stop being a Mary Sue.
Cate: The next time you read an alcoholic, lesbian, disaster Mary Sue, can you please send me a link? 
Astrid: Hey!
Barney: I’m pretty sure it’s ‘Gary Stu’ for me?
Cate: You’re not a Gary Stu... Actually-
Astrid: Maybe a little?
Barney: I’m successful, there’s a difference, I think.
Cate: (amused) Did you put yourself through the litmus test?
Astrid: There’s a litmus test?
6. What’s your eye color?
Astrid: Blue.
Cate: Blue.
Barney: Ma’s eyes all the way; green.
7. How about your hair color?
Barney: Ginger.
Cate: I dunno, I think I’d consider myself a strawberry blonde.
Astrid: We’re a weird sliding scale between mum and dad; I’ve got dad’s blonde hair.
8. Have any family members?
[They look at each other with amusement.]
Astrid: (sarcastically) No, I’ve never seen these people before in my life.
9. Oh? How about pets?
Cate: My daughter’s been asking about getting a dog and I’m pretty sure Joe’s gonna get her one if he gets wind of how much she wants it. 
Astrid: God, imagine her little face if Joe gets her a puppy, oh Christ.
Cate: She’d cry, she’d absolutely cry, like happy tears but... oh, God I’m gonna get a dog aren’t I?
Barney: Pets are great; I love Sir more every day.
Astrid: I hope [Cate’s] dog is nothing like Sir, that cat is an asshole-
Barney: Only to you.
Astrid: Barn, your cat is an asshole.
Barney: You’re an asshole.
10. That’s cool, I guess. Now tell me something you don’t like?
Astrid: Barney’s fucking cat.
Barney: Astrid.
Cate: Calm down you babies. I don’t like wearing high heels.
Astrid: Seconded.
Barney: Thirded.
11. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do?
Barney: I box.
Astrid: That’s your go-to, isn’t it?
Barney: Fine, I also enjoy swimming, spending time with Mickey, and mixing drinks. 
Cate: That’s cute.
Astrid: I enjoy drinking the drinks he mixes.
Cate: That’s less cute.
Barney: Drinking isn’t a hobby.
Astrid: Alright, I enjoy going to pubs to listen to music, driving fast cars, and spending time with pretty people.
Cate: Yeah, that checks out. I don’t have a lot of time for hobbies, though I play music, my bass mostly, and, ah, studying languages I guess. And spending time with Claud [her daughter], obviously.
12. Have you ever hurt anyone in any way before?
Astrid: Bar fights, mostly. Smacked a few assholes who’ve heckled Barn’s movies while I’m trying to watch them.
Barney: That’s actually kind of sweet. I’ve only been in one bar fight, and Trid finished that guy off, but other than that, and a few stunts gone wrong, a few hits in boxing, not really.
Cate: (visibly uncomfortable) Not, uh, not physically.
13. Ever… killed anyone before?
Astrid: What the fuck? No.
14. What kind of animal are you?
Cate: I think I’m a meerkat.
[Astrid immediately raises her hands up to her chest like paws, perking up and looking around, imitating a meerkat. Cate smiles, and imitates the gesture.]
Barney: Yeah, I can see it. Trid’s that terribly taxidermied- ah, [he pulls out his phone, and taps away at the screen for a moment] cheetah! 
Tumblr media
[Astrid shoves him, but both he and Cate are laughing.]
Astrid: You’re your asshole cat.
15. Name your worst habits?
Barney: Oh, Mickey actually hit the nail on the head when we did the Husband Tag on their channel the other day- follow Mickey, they’re sunteamick, all one word, on YouTube.
Cate: What did they say?
Barney: I’m too unperturbed.
Astrid: You’re too chill?
Barney: They said I’m a danger to myself because of it; got hit in the face at boxing a few months ago, broke my nose - not the first time, but still not pleasant - and went home instead of to the hospital because I didn’t think it was that bad. It wasn’t; I still should have gone to hospital but it wasn’t that bad. Much worse things could have happened, it’s just a nose.
Cate: You need to be more perturbed?
Barney: I need to be more perturbed.
Astrid: Being unperturbed isn’t exactly a habit.
Barney: I also leave the cap off the toothpaste after I use it.
Cate: That’s bad and you should feel bad.
Barney: I do, but I’ll never change. It perturbs Mickey.
Astrid: My worst habit is that - I’m a stunt driver sometimes, right, and I do mad dangerous stunts, and every time I get injured or have like, a near death experience, I don’t think like ‘oh maybe I should slow down’, I think ‘how long until I can get this fuckin’ cast off and get back behind the wheel?’.
Cate: You’re an adrenaline junkie.
Astrid: But only with dangerous car stunts.
Barney: You perturb me.
Astrid: Good.
Cate: I bite my nails.
16. Do you look up to anyone at all?
Astrid: Physically or metaphorically?
Barney: You look up to everyone physically. 
[Note; Barney Clarke is 6′4. Astrid Taylor is 5′0.]
Cate: Our parents, obviously. They’re very successful, and have been through a lot. I grew up idolising them because they’re my parents, but as I came to know more about them as people, it was just natural to idolise them as people too.
Barney: Yeah, mum and dad, also Alec Baldwin.
Cate: Alec Baldwin, really? I wouldn’t have picked that.
Barney: Did you see him in Streetcar? [he hums appreciatively] That man’s career, his talent, all the stuff of legend. Meryl Streep, too.
Cate: Yeah no, I get that.
Astrid: Meryl Streep can get it.
17. Are you gay, straight or bisexual?
Barney: Uh, I’m pan?
Cate: I’m probably on the asexual spectrum, I haven’t thought about it in a while. Not aromantic though, I guess I’d be bi or pan romantic? Queer. I’m queer.
Astrid: I’m- look at me, I’m a whole damn lesbian.
18. Do you go to school?
Astrid: I take a few classes here and there, but I actually didn’t finish high school, dropped out in Year 10 with my parent’s blessing and started working as a mechanic.
Cate: I haven’t studied in a while but I have a Masters in Public Relations.
Astrid: And she speaks like eight languages.
Cate: Five.
Astrid: Still, you’re a very impressive lady.
Cate: Thanks, Trid. 
Barney: I finished high school, but I’ve been working pretty steadily since then, don’t have a degree or anything.
19. Ever want to marry and have kids one day?
Cate: I’ve got Claud, I almost married her dad, but... but that would have been bad for everyone. I’m not in a hurry to get married, let’s say.
Barney: Mickey and I don’t really want to be parents just yet, maybe one day, but we’re happy just spoiling Claud when we can.
Astrid: Oh, absolutely seconded; that kid is terrifyingly sweet for how spoiled she is.
Barney: She’s so great.
Cate: She really is.
20. Do you have any fangirls/fanboys?
Astrid: I run a Barney stan account on Twitter.
Barney: Really?
Astrid: Fuck no, but he does actually have fans.
Cate: I guess we all have fans in our own way, but a lot of that, like minus Barney, who’s genuinely a star, is more because of mum and dad.
Astrid: Imagine if Claud grows up to be a Queen stan on tumblr.
Cate: That’s horrifying.
21. What are you most afraid of?
Cate: The concept of Claud finding smut about Joe.
Astrid: The concept that Cate’s found and read smut about Joe.
Barney: Why would she need it? Couldn’t she just-
Astrid: Maybe before they were together?
Cate: I hate you both.
Barney: Well, that’s not a ‘no I haven’t read smut about my boyfriend’. Also I’m afraid of submarines.
Astrid: Submarines?
Barney: The big hole in the front of them gives me anxiety.
22. What do you usually wear?
Barney: Astrid doesn’t get to answer this one because she doesn’t know what fashion is, and dresses like a single dad in the middle of his mid-life crisis.
[Astrid shrugs but keeps quiet; her shorts have oil stains on them.]
Barney: Good. I’m a fan of colourful button-downs and slacks.
Astrid: Gucci [pronounced Gucky, like ducky but with a G] button-downs, you mean. 
Barney: (quietly, but with a lot of feeling) I hate you.
[Cate is laughing too hard to answer. She wears a pastel sweater and well fitting jeans.]
23. What’s one food that tempts you?
Astrid: Kracken Rum.
Cate: That doesn’t count as food.
Astrid: I’m not changing my answer.
Cate: Fine. Original Glaze Krispy Cream Donuts.
Barney: Like the ones dad used to buy us when we’d visit him on tour in America?
Cate: Yeah! God they’re good.
Barney: I’m always tempted by whatever Mickey cooks, though they don’t do it a lot. I usually cook. I enjoy it a lot.
24. Am I annoying to you?
Cate: No, you’re fine.
25. Well, it’s still not over!
Astrid: How many questions left?
26. What class are you (low/middle/high)?
[All three of them seem to become uncomfortable with the question.]
Cate: We- we’re comfortable. Our parents are Roger and Ash Taylor, we’ll always be comfortable.
27. How many friends do you have?
Cate: I’d say we’ve all got good circles - very different circles, sure-
Barney: If Astrid could stop collecting my pretty-boy costars that is.
Astrid: (smugly) It’s not my fault I’m good at making friends with your pretty-boy costars.
Barney: I’m glad people don’t realise we’re related, sometimes.
Astrid: Because I embarrass you?
Barney: (grumbling under his breath) Because everyone thinks you’re cooler than me.
Astrid: Men are so easy to get; look good, drive fast, and drink hard. Once they find out I’m gay and I can help wingman them really well, and maybe fix their cars, I’ve got ‘em, hook, line, and sinker.
Barney: That’s a bit of a generalisation, don’t you think?
Astrid: Fine; pretty boys in Hollywood are easy to get. 
Barney: That much I’ll give you.
28. What are your thoughts on pie?
Cate: Actually, Barney, that apple pie you made for Easter was stunning, I was meaning to tell you.
Astrid: Easter was months ago.
Cate: I’ve been busy!
Barney: Thanks, I can send you the recipe if you like.
Cate: I’d never have the time to cook it.
Barney: I’ll make it for you again, then. 
29. Favorite drink?
Astrid: Kracken. Rum.
Barney: Peanut butter and chocolate milkshake.
Cate: (again, uncomfortable) Orange juice, I guess.
30. What’s your favorite place?
Barney: The kitchen of my LA apartment, with a roast dinner in the oven and Mickey sitting at the kitchen island talking to me about their day.
Cate: Awww!
Astrid: That’s really sweet, Barn.
Cate: Well mine’s probably being side of stage at one of dad’s concerts with Claud with me.
Astrid: (quiet) Mine’s gonna sound stupid.
Cate: No, it’s- well, maybe.
Astrid: It’s just- I don’t really have like a favourite favourite place, you know? I have like, moments with people that just stick with me. Like, I shared a cigarette with Ben [Hardy] during one of Cate’s gigs and I just remember talking and laughing and looking up at the stars, and I could hear my talented as all fuck sister playing inside, and I just- it was lovely. 
Cate: Trid...
Astrid: And you know, I do remember X-Men, you know? Because when you flew with that scream-thing you do in the movie? I fucking cried. I was so fucking proud, dude. My favourite place is in a cinema watching my little brother on the big screen, or at a bar watching my sister smash out some of the best rock and roll of our generation, or watching dad play, or seeing mum’s smile when she’s finally happy with an outfit- fuck, sorry I didn’t mean to get all sappy and shit.
Barney: No- Trid, no, don’t apologise.
31. Are you interested in anyone?
Astrid: Not in a long-term sense.
[Cate and Barney share a frown, before turning their identical ‘are you kidding me?’ looks on the interviewer.]
32. That was a stupid question…
Barney: Yeah, I’m married.
33. Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean?
Cate: Ocean, always the ocean.
Barney: Yeah, I’m with you on that one.
Astrid: But the ocean has submarines in it.
Barney: Well I can’t see them so it’s fine.
Astrid: Fair cop, I also have to say ocean.
34. What’s your type?
Astrid: (teasingly) Cate likes cute, goofy actors with dumb perms and big grins and-
Cate: Astrid likes all girls ever, especially if they buy her a drink.
Astrid: Guilty as charged.
Barney: Two opposite ends of the spectrum? Every girl ever and Joe Mazzello specifically?
Cate: ... Pretty much.
35. Any fetishes?
[Astrid opens her mouth, but Cate smacks her hand over her mouth.]
Cate: That’s information I don’t need to know about my sister, thanks.
Barney: (grinning) Bondage.
Astrid: (muffled) Nice.
Cate: Christ.
Barney: That’s the tame shit, Catie.
Cate: You are my Baby Brother, shut your mouth. Ow!
[Astrid has bitten Cate’s hand. She removes her hand from Astrid’s mouth.]
Barney: I’m a married man!
Cate: I don’t want to know what you guys are into, and I don’t want you to know what I’m into, okay? We all know too much about our own family, I’d like some modicum of privacy.
Astrid: Yeah, after you see your mum bare it all in a photoshoot from the seventies with Bowie, life does get a little weird.
Barney: Oh, I forgot about that. Okay, moving on.
36. Camping or outdoors?
Astrid: Camper van.
Barney: I like hiking, but not really camping.
Cate: Claud camps in the backyard sometimes, it’s fun to join her, sometimes we stargaze.
Astrid: That’s a grossly cute image to end on.
Barney: Does Joe stargaze with you guys?
Cate: (blushing) Once or twice. Claud fell asleep on him last time. It was pretty cute.
Astrid: Oh that’s actually really cute.
Cate: Yeah, it was.
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bohemianrhapsody86 · 5 years
200 Things About Me (originally 200 Things You Can Put In My Ask)
I got this off of @rami-malek-trash - don’t know who the original poster was, sorry if it’s you. I’m bored and cramping and no one usually sends me asks anyway, so I’m just going to answer all of these myself 
200: My crush’s name is: Drew (Now boyfriend, but he was my middle school crush) 199: I was born in: 1986 198: I am really: cool 197: My cellphone company is: T-Mobile 196: My eye color is: green 195: My shoe size is: 9.5/10 194: My ring size is: 9/10 193: My height is: 5′6″ 192: I am allergic to: Nothing 191: My 1st car was: 2001 PT Cruiser 190: My 1st job was: Server at a local pizzeria 189: Last book you read: Startalk: Everything You Ever Need to Know About Space Travel, Sci-Fi, the Human Race, the Universe, and Beyond by Neil DeGrasse Tyson 188: My bed is: Not very comfortable. I need a new mattress, but I need a job first.  187: My pet: A siamese cat named Chico. 186: My best friend: Amanda  185: My favorite shampoo is: I like using Aussie 2-in-1, I also like using Shimmer Lights occasionally so I can keep my gray hairs nice and shiny.  184: Xbox or ps3: PS3 183: Piggy banks are: Cool. I have one that counts my change lol 182: In my pockets: Nothing because they hate putting usable pockets in women’s pants.  181: On my calendar: I marked where I started my period yesterday, and my boyfriends 32nd birthday is next Tuesday.  180: Marriage is: Something I want everyone to have the option for if they want it. 179: Spongebob can: use his imagination 178: My mom: is amazing! 177: The last three songs I bought were? Cool and Sucker by The Jonas Brothers, Don’t really buy many singles, just albums if I’m interested and their cheap.  176: Last YouTube video watched: Brooke Candy - Paper or Plastic 175: How many cousins do you have? Too many to remember 174: Do you have any siblings? Yes, an older brother and older half-sister. 173: Are your parents divorced? Yes, they divorced back in 1999 172: Are you taller than your mom? Yes. We used to be the same height, but gravity has taken a hold of her and squashed her down.  171: Do you play an instrument? I used to play the trombone in middle school, but that was 20 years ago. I’m sure if I ever got my hands on one again, I might remember a scale or two.  170: What did you do yesterday? Went around town job hunting and then bought a maxi dress at a local craft store.  [ I Believe In ] 169: Love at first sight:Yes 168: Luck: Yes 167: Fate: Yes 166: Yourself: Sometimes 165: Aliens: Yes 164: Heaven: Yes and No 163: Hell: We live there now. 162: God: No 161: Horoscopes: Yes 160: Soul mates: Yes 159: Ghosts: Yes 158: Gay Marriage: Yes 157: War: No 156: Orbs: Yes/No 155: Magic: Yes [ This or That ] 154: Hugs or Kisses: Kisses 153: Drunk or High: High  152: Phone or Online: Online 151: Red heads or Black haired: Black haired 150: Blondes or Brunettes: Brunette 149: Hot or cold: Cold 148: Summer or winter: Winter 147: Autumn or Spring: Autumn 146: Chocolate or vanilla:Chocolate 145: Night or Day: Night 144: Oranges or Apples: Apples 143: Curly or Straight hair: Curly 142: McDonalds or Burger King: McDonalds 141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: Milk Chocolate 140: Mac or PC: PC 139: Flip flops or high heals: Flip Flops 138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: Sweet and Poor 137: Coke or Pepsi: Always been a Pepsi girl 136: Hillary or Obama: Obama 135: Burried or cremated: Cremated and turned into a tree or my ashes made into a vinyl 134: Singing or Dancing: Singing 133: Coach or Chanel: Neither 132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: Katherine McPhee 131: Small town or Big city: Small Town 130: Wal-Mart or Target: Target 129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Ben Stiller 128: Manicure or Pedicure: Mani 127: East Coast or West Coast: East Coast - never been to the West Coast 126: Your Birthday or Christmas: Birthday because it sometimes falls on Thanksgiving.  125: Chocolate or Flowers: Chocolate 124: Disney or Six Flags: Disney 123: Yankees or Red Sox: Neither, Cubbies til the day I die.  [ Here’s What I Think About ] 122: War: Pointless 121: George Bush: Better than the asshat in office now. 120: Gay Marriage: If I can get married to my boyfriend, the my friend Jerry should be able to get married to his boyfriend, Josh.  119: The presidential election: I hate that orange buffoon.  118: Abortion: I’m pro-choice.  117: MySpace: Always had trouble figuring out my Top 8 and what background I wanted to use.  116: Reality TV: Only thing I really watch are cooking competitions. Those are the only ones that matter. Not a fan of the Kardashians or the Bachelor/ette bullcrap.  115: Parents: My mom is amazing, my ‘dad’ was never really there.  114: Back stabbers: Asshats 113: Ebay: Hardly use it.  112: Facebook: Good to stay in touch with people you want to/some of the groups on there are awesome.  111: Work: Don’t have a job as of yet. *keeps fingers crossed I hear back from someone soon* 110: My Neighbors: Loud AF and nasty. I live in an apartment and the neighbors upstairs have so many kids and animals up there it’s ridiculous. I wish they’d leave.  109: Gas Prices: Ridiculous, but not as bad as I’ve seen it before.  108: Designer Clothes: Meh, not my style unless I find something in my size at Goodwill.  107: College: Been there, done that. Not really for me. Never graduated.  106: Sports: I like watching them, mainly baseball and basketball. The NFL can go fuck themselves.  105: My family: Love my blood relatives and my chosen family.  104: The future: It’s so bright, I gotta wear shades.  [ Last time I ] 103: Hugged someone: last night when my boyfriend came over and brought me my phone charger.  102: Last time you ate: An hour ago. 101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: At my bestie’s baby shower.  100: Cried in front of someone: Sometime last week 99: Went to a movie theater: When Endgame came out 98: Took a vacation: 2010 97: Swam in a pool: A few summers ago 96: Changed a diaper: 2007? 95: Got my nails done: 2007? 94: Went to a wedding: 1999 93: Broke a bone: Never *keeps fingers crossed* 92: Got a peircing: 2012? 91: Broke the law: I probably broke the speed limit yesterday at some point.  90: Texted: about 2am this morning.  [ MISC ] 89: Who makes you laugh the most: My bestie Amanda and boyfriend Drew 88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: my cat. 87: The last movie I saw: Ant-Man  86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: getting a job 85: The thing im not looking forward to: Interviewing for a job 84: People call me: loyal 83: The most difficult thing to do is: finding a job 82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: Yep, 77 in a 55. 81: My zodiac sign is: Sun - Sagittarius, Moon - Leo
80: The first person i talked to today was: If you count texting my boyfriend at 2am, then him.  79: First time you had a crush: Sometime in Elemetary School.  78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: my mom 77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: yesterday 76: Right now I am talking to: myself 75: What are you going to do when you grow up: I have no clue 74: I have/will get a job: soon 73: Tomorrow: Never Comes 72: Today: Is the day 71: Next Summer: Not here 70: Next Weekend: I have no clue 69: I have these pets: 12 year old 17 lb cat named Striper.  68: The worst sound in the world: My cat hacking up a hairball.  67: The person that makes me cry the most is: myself 66: People that make you happy: my mom, brother, sister-in-law, boyfriend, best friend. 65: Last time I cried: sometime last week 64: My friends are: amazing 63: My computer is: pretty cool and loaded up with Sims stuff.  62: My School: I don’t go to school anymore.  61: My Car: gets me there.  60: I lose all respect for people who: disrespect me or my loved one.  59: The movie I cried at was: Endgame 58: Your hair color is: salt & pepper 57: TV shows you watch: Legends of Tomorrow, Worst Cooks in America, Any cooking show really.  56: Favorite web site: Tumblr 55: Your dream vacation: Somewhere away from my town 54: The worst pain I was ever in was: when I had that ovarian cyst. 53: How do you like your steak cooked: medium 52: My room is: messy 51: My favorite celebrity is: too many to list  50: Where would you like to be: in bed 49: Do you want children: nope 48: Ever been in love: yes 47: Who’s your best friend: Amanda 46: More guy friends or girl friends: About the same.  45: One thing that makes you feel great is: music 44: One person that you wish you could see right now: my grandma 43: Do you have a 5 year plan: I don’t even have a 5 minute plan 42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: Kinda, not really 41: Have you pre-named your children: Nope 40: Last person I got mad at: The Dump, but that’s a daily thing.  39: I would like to move to: out of the US 38: I wish I was a professional: crocheter/crafter [ My Favorites ] 37: Candy: Butterfinger Cups 36: Vehicle: Don’t really have one 35: President: Barack Obama 34: State visited: Pennsylvania 33: Cellphone provider: Always been with T-Mobile 32: Athlete: Anthony Rizzo 31: Actor: Tom Hanks 30: Actress: Sandra Bullock 29: Singer: Freddie Mercury 28: Band: Queen 27: Clothing store: Lane Bryant 26: Grocery store: Aldi 25: TV show: Don’t really have one 24: Movie: Too many to count 23: Website: This black hole of a site 22: Animal: Cat 21: Theme park: Don’t really have one. I did enjoy Six Flags over Georgia when I went back in 2002. Dollywood is always fun but it’s been even longer than that since I’ve been there.  20: Holiday: Halloween 19: Sport to watch: Baseball 18: Sport to play: Nothing.  17: Magazine: Entertainment Weekly 16: Book: Harry Potter 15: Day of the week: Thursday 14: Beach: Virginia Beach 13: Concert attended: Jonas Brothers in VA Beach 12: Thing to cook: bacon 11: Food: bacon 10: Restaurant: Hmmm....don’t know that one.  9: Radio station: Classic Hits 102.7...hardly any commercials and they tell you the artist and song title after every song. 70s, 80s, and 90s songs.  8: Yankee candle scent: Don’t have one 7: Perfume: The scented oils from a local curiosity shop have some of my fave scents.  6: Flower: Iris 5: Color: Blue 4: Talk show host: Jimmy Fallon 3: Comedian: I’ve got several 2: Dog breed: Corgi 1: Did you answer all these truthfully? Yes.    
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dibidibidismol · 5 years
do em all, coward
on the one hand: yay! i get to do the ask game! on the other; @acutest-angle, i’m so sorry for doing this to you. i aint gonna fill nobody’s dash, so the qna is under the break. these are like really undetailed. ill be more specific for individual numbers
1: How tall or short do you wish you were? im pretty happy being 163
2: What’s your dream pet? (Real or not) i love my lil baby so much. i wouldnt trade my pupper for the world
3: Do you have a favorite clothing style? i wear a lot of black, and generally dress such that i would be good to go for any job interviews/public speaking events. this is in large part to make up for the fact that my go-to shoes are heelys. like i wear my heelys during professional presentations that count for a large part of my grade. my teachers think im “something else”
4: What was your favorite video game growing up? idk. we didnt do all that media shiz. maybe pvz.
5: What three things/people do you think of most each day: my doggo, my child(useless friend needing guidance) and my tumblr-famous friend. hmu for her url. 6: If you had a warning label, what would yours say?absolute weirdo, but like in a socially acceptable way. can and will debate you into submission.7: What is your opinion on [insert person/thing here]?i support gays.8: What is your Greek personality type? [Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric, or Melancholic] 
Tumblr media
9: Are you ticklish?a bit10: Are you allergic to anything?some cats, all homophobes11: What’s your sexuality?ace, homoromo12: Do you prefer tea, coffee, or cocoa?tea babe. like i have so much. like a cubic yard. its a problem.13: Are you a cat or dog person?im multifandom(not a furry)14: Would you rather be a vampire, elf, or merperson?elf15: Do you have a favorite Youtuber?amber liu16: How tall are you?160cm17: If you had to change your name, what would you change it to?my chinese name18: How much do you weigh? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!]102-105 i’m smol.19: Do you believe in ghosts/spirits?normally no. when im home alone….a lil.20: Do you like space or the ocean more? i have a large fear of the ocean. 21: Are you religious? no22: Pet peeves?poor work ethics/mansplaining/poor hygiene.23: Would you rather be nocturnal or diurnal [opposite of nocturnal]?diurnal24: Favorite constellation?orions belt25: Favorite star?shinee26: Do you like ball-jointed dolls?not particularly27: Any phobias or fears?germs, the dark, men, large non-pools bodies of water, spiders28: Do you think global warming is real? yea, but “climate change” is more accurate29: Do you believe in reincarnation?no30: Favorite movie?tangled, the lorax, shawshank redemp. , hairspray, legally blond, mulan, mama mia, in that order.31: Do you get scared easily? yea32: How many pets have you own in your lifetime?3 fish 3 dog33: Blog rate? [You’ll rate the blog of the one who’s asking.] im gunna rate @acutest-angle cuz she did mine. 10/10 would be 11 but she aint stannin shinee.34: What is a color that calms you? purple35: Where would you like to travel and/or live? oregon suits me fine36: Where were you born? oregon37: What is your eye color?brown38: Introvert or extrovert?idek. im really good at people, but idk abt energy gaining or wtv.39: Do you believe in horoscopes and zodiacs?no40: Hugs or kisses?hugs41: Who is someone you would like to see/visit right now?my doggo.42: Who is someone you love deeply? see above43: Any piercings you want? i already have doubles. might get belly button in the future.44: Do you like tattoos and piercings? hnngg45: Do you smoke or have you eiver done so? hell no. i take drugs/alcohol v seriously.46: Talk about your crush, if you have one! gorl. so beautiful, so smart, so utterly perfect. also taken.47: What is a sound you really hate? the whit boi in class mansplaining shit to me.48: A sound you really love? pitter pat of paws on hardwood.49: Can you do a backflip? no.50: Can you do the splits? no51: Favorite actor and/or actress?idkrn52: Favorite movie? see 3053: How are you feeling right now?tee hee54: What color would you like your hair to be right now? i really like my hair as is.55: When did you feel happiest? talking in front of many peeps.56: Something that calms you down?tea57: Have any mental disorders? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!]  none diagnosed. ask me about my brain later for more deets. 58: What does your URL mean?that i smol and i luv shinee59: What three words describe you the most? witty, caring,quick.60: Do you believe in evolution?yes61: What makes you unfollow a blog?too many posts/mediocre content/no longer aligned interests.62: What makes you follow a blog? posts63: Favorite kind of person:girl64: Favorite animal(s):dogs/cats65: Name three of your favorite blogs. @lolfunnykpop @acutest-angle @27-umbrellas66: Favorite emoticon: thumbs up67: Favorite meme: ive connected the dots68: What is your MBTI personality type?pic69: What is your star sign?my wut?70: Can your dog roll over on command, if you have a dog?yes71: What outfit out of all your clothes do you like to wear the most?its black, its formalish, its a pushup bra, dress, and heelys.72: Post a selfie or two?i like dont have any, and im in no statye to be taking them rn.
73: Do you have platform shoes?no?
74: What is one random but interesting fact about yourself?i forgot a wholeass language75: Can you do a front flip?no76: Do you like birds?y77: Do you like to swim?ew78: Is swimming or ice skating more fun to you?no79: Something you wish didn’t exist:homophobia80: Some thing you wish did exist:universal translators81: Piercings you have?double in each ear82: Something you really enjoy doing:read83: Favorite person to talk to:dog84: What was your first impression of Tumblr?no rules here.85: How many followers do you have?all together, a thousand or two?86: Can you run a mile within ten minutes? idk87: Do your socks always match?no88: Can you touch your toes and keep your legs straight completely?ill cry89: What are your birthstones? the lite blu one90: If you were an animal, which one would you be?i aint no furry.91: If a flower could aesthetically represent you, what kind would it be?a rose92: A store you hate? chick fil a93: How many cups of coffee can you drink in one day?  i got addicted, so ive been coffee free for 3 yrs now94: Would you rather be able to fly or read minds? fly95: Do you like to wear camo? no96: Winter or summer?winter97: How long can you hold your breath for?40sec98: Least favorite person?trump99: Someone you look up to:amber liu100: A store you love?office depot101: Favorite type of shoes? heelys102: Where do you live? oregon103: Are you a vegetarian or vegan? If so, why?vegetarian, environment/animal right, eggs for health.104: What is your favorite mineral or gem? sparkle105: Do you drink milk? yea, calcium.106: Do you like bugs?i respect their existence but stay tf away107: Do you like spiders? no108: Something you get paranoid about?spiders, water, germs109: Can you draw: sure110: Nosiest question you have ever been asked?do you shave ur vag?111: A question you hate being asked?whos ur boy friend?112: Ever been bitten by a spider?no113: Do you like the sound of waves at the beach?yea, from a distance114: Do you prefer cloudy or sunny days?sunny, from a distance115: Someone you’d like to kiss or cuddle right now: doggo116: Favorite cloud type:cotton candy?117: What color do you wish the sky was?this is fine118: Do you have freckles? like two.119: Favorite thing about a person:personality120: Fruits or vegetables?fruit121: Something you want to do right now:crochet122: Is the ocean or sky prettier?sky123: Sweet or sour foods?sweet124: Bright or dim lights?dim, i have oddball vision issues.125: Do you believe in a certain magical creature?love126: Something you hate about Tumblr:no dates on anything/ALL THE FREAKING PORNBOTS THAT ARE STILL FOLLOWING ME REGULARLY127: Something you love about Tumblr:shitposts128: What do you think about the least?i feel like this is a paradox129: What would you want written on your tombstone?list of my achievements in life(born:xxxx died:xxxx)130: Who would you like to punch in the face right now?ice131: What is something you love but also hate about yourself?how my brain occasionally forgets to filter132: Do you smile with your teeth showing for pictures?sometimes133: Computer or TV?computer134: Do you like roller coasters?ew, all that sweat and vomit baked into the seats.135: Do you get motion sickness or seasickness?no136: Are your ears lobed or attached?lobed137: Do you believe in karma?idk, i like to be nice but secretly with passive aggressive motives.138: On a scale of 1-10, how attractive would you say you are?7139: What nicknames do you have/have had?dictionary, lee, tumblr girl, dibi, mom, my child, heely girl (i have a reputation at school)140: Did you have any pretend or imaginary friends?yea, i dont remember them, but apparently i invented myself a butler.141: Have you ever seen a therapist/shrink?way back in the day142: Would you say you are a good or bad influence to others?good143: Do you prefer giving or receiving gifts/help?giving144: What makes you angryamerica145: How many languages do you speak fluently? 1146: Do you prefer boys, girls, and/or non-binaries? girls147: Are you androgynous? no148: Favorite physical thing about yourself: figure/hair149: Favorite thing about your personality:   i think im funny150: Name three people you would like to talk to right now in person. my friend’s mom/my coach, my rolemodel/friend, my past self.151: If you could go back into time and live in one era, which would you choose? all the eras sucked for people like myself152: Do you like BuzzFeed?love/hate153: How did you meet your spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend/partner? [If you have one.]sexy free and single154: Do you like to kiss others’ foreheads or hands for platonic reasons? o yeah155: Do you like to play with others’ hair?yessss156: What embarrasses you?my mouth157: Something that makes you nervous/anxious:the internment camps158: Biggest lie you have ever told:so many159: How many people are you following?153160: How many posts do you have on your blog(s)?10000+161: How many drafts do you have on your blog(s)?1000+162: How many likes do you have on your blog(s)?how do i find this?163: Last time you cried and why: today. latest superstore episode.164: Do you have long or short hair?long165: Longest your hair has ever been:2.5 ft166: Why do you like, dislike, or have neutral feelings about religon?like the community it provides, dislike a lot of values taught, dislike the exclusivity, dislike the way religion is treated as a default. 167: Do you really care how the universe and world was created? only in regards to what we can do to save it.168: Do you like to wear makeup?i like sparkly eyeshadow n mascara. but dont wear regularly.169: Can you stand on your hands or head for more than thirty seconds? no170: Did you answer the questions you were asked truthfully? yea sure.
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semisweet1992-blog · 6 years
The Wide Spectrum of Femininity and Gender
While most people are closely tied to a very rigid, binary outlook of viewing gender this is hardly the true reality of how humans express themselves with gender. The range it can go is not a simple thing to measure, as emotions are not a logical thing to be put on a 1-10 scale. The ways in which we act out and preform our gender is entirely of our own creation, the way in which we feel comfortable moving and living in our own skin. Though, this view of owning the agency of our own gender is by in large viewed as should be in the binary of man and woman based on biological and social dictations, we need to open the eyes and gates of our society to allow freedom in how we enact our gender.
Samaria Budd
Interviewing people that identify as non-binary and gender fluid. I will not identify the individuals by name, but rather refer to them by their pronouns they gave me.
Individual #1, identities as non-binary: they/them/their
Individual #2 identities as gender fluid: he/his/him or zhe/zir/zhim (I am choosing to refer to the individual within the blog as him because at the time this was the pronoun that him currently choose to use that day)
My first question that I asked is what them/he considered their gender to be and why they felt the need to go against the binary? The response that individual two gave me was he wanted to feel male or masculine because of the dominance that is associated with male masculinity. Even with his body being feminine, he doesn’t want to be seen as feminine and waking up to a feminine body makes him angry, even being called feminine upset him. This leading him to choose a gender-neutral name that allows him to be seen as male or gender-fluid.
The next question I was asked because the previous conversation had made it seem like femininity was seen as a negative thing. I do want to note here that this is entirely based off my assumption and not what the individuals actually stated to me. I asked why do they/he see femininity as weakness and why does masculinity relate to strength even though both individuals have feminine bodies? Individual two explained the examples of boobs, although boobs are pretty to look at it is a giant inconvenience. He continued to explain that he didn’t even want breasts further explaining by the unfairness that women or people with feminine bodies have to purchase expensive bras and waste their money on other expensive things. Individual one told me that they are seen by other people as a woman because of their body. They bind and wear loose clothing to hide their breasts or hips from people who would assume their gender. They don’t want to be seen as a woman, just as themselves, calling their gender as a “weebly, wobbly, gendered something”.
I asked both individuals if it was accurate that they/he both wanted to just be seen as a person and both responded with an enthusiastic, “yes”. I inquired where they/him believed gender-fluidity and non-binary can from? Did it come from not wanting to be sexualize, objectified or categorized that would therefore place limits on their existence? Individual one told me they are okay with showing their body when they are with the right people, like close friends that see them as a person rather than a feminine body existing within the gender binary. Individual two cuts his hair in an androgynous style and changed his name to an androgynous name in order to feel more comfortable. He explains to me that he has feminine moments, but those only last for a few seconds or minutes. Indvidual one finished the question with telling me that genitals shouldn’t decide your personality and gendered roles are wrong. I asked individual one how they feel about drag, since it is a play on the binary does it discredit gender-fluid or non-binary genders? They explained to me that drag is a play, a person doing drag can be transgender and it doesn’t take anything away from that person’s gender identity.
I also wanted to ask what are the biggest challenges of existing out the binary. Individual one responded that it is often tiring. If someone purposely doesn’t want to use the correct pronoun even after them ask given the correct pronoun to use. Gendered language is also a huge challenge, English is not such a huge deal because it isn’t as gendered as other languages, an example being German, that doesn’t allow for other pronouns to be used, because even the pronouns and nouns have to be gendered with the binary. Them also talked about the dysphoria they experience from other people that make them feel invalid in their ‘non-binary-ness’.
Colby Keller
Jade Stone-LaFontayne: identifies as a trans-woman and female-impersonator
Priscilla Divine: identifies as a cis-gender male and preforms drag
Jade Stone-LaFontayne: My first question was When did you first hear of drag and what was your first impression of it.
Jade Stone-LaFontayne:
One of my moms best friends was a gay male. Who did drag on and off for years and he dressed up for my moms birthday party  one year when I was in about 6th grade. I was in awe. Like what is this big beautiful woman!?
Colby Keller:
Did he explain drag to you at that time?
Jade Stone-LaFontayne:
Well it was kind of unspoken he didn’t have too. Mom said “that’s chris, chasity is chris” and I just got it..
Colby Keller:
So when was the first time you did drag?
Jade Stone-LaFontayne:
My freshman year of high school.
Colby Keller:
What was the circumstance?
Jade Stone-LaFontayne:
“Powderpuff” at my high school the girls would play football and the boys would dress as women, whatever boy raised the most donation money won princess(freshman/sophomore) and queen (junior/senior) I won powder puff princess then went on to win powder puff queen my senior year..
Colby Keller:
Do you cite that as your start as a budding queen?
Jade Stone-LaFontayne:
Yes. It was amazing feeling.
Colby Keller:
Explain that feeling to me, what made you want to peruse it?
Jade Stone-LaFontayne:
The fact that i was so comfortable and it was the piece to the puzzle that made me feel like I fit in instead of being left out.. I felt like myself so it was my outlet.. the only time I could be myself but have an “excuse” to be.
Colby Keller:
Why did it make you feel like you fit in?
Jade Stone-LaFontayne:
Because I later become to realize I was trans. And it wasn’t a phase. So the feeling of fitting in was just being comfortable in my own skin.
Colby Keller:
So what would you label yourself
Jade Stone-LaFontayne:
A queen, female impersonator, trans woman. I’m a trans woman. Who happens to be a drag queen.
Colby Keller:
So I wanna know about your thoughts on gender. How do you construct your womanhood? What do you think it means to be a woman?
Jade Stone-LaFontayne:
I’m not a “woman” nor can I ever be. I’m a trans woman. I don’t want people to see me and be like she’s a woman(which yes it feels good) but I wanna be the part of trans community who makes it okay to say.. “oh she’s a trans woman” we are our own gender. And there is so many more.
Colby Keller:
So you don’t want to hold to the stereotype of what women are usually seen as?
Jade Stone-LaFontayne:
Yes. Because I don’t want women to think trans women are representing them wrong. Because just as us trans women are, women have fought hard for their rights which is part of my inspiration.
Colby Keller:
So what have you based your sense of femininity upon? Do you have any idols or inspiration?
Jade Stone-LaFontayne:
Firstly taking care of yourself. The 20’s when women started to wear what they want. Makeup, hair, nails. I’m still very traditional, a woman cooks for their man, cleans, does laundry. Is pretty to go to the mailbox. That’s femininity to me speaking as a future wife and my goals sense. I look up to Michelle Obama. Lavern Cox. P!nk. And even Madea. There’s so many more. They all have a message from a different standpoint. And they are all important to biological and trans women.
Colby Keller:
What do you think are the main aspects of your look and how you present yourself as a woman?
Jade Stone-LaFontayne:
What I’m comfortable in. If you own it, your comfortable, people will feel that. And own it with you. I have so many different looks. And I don’t want to be known for a certain “look” or hair style. I just wanna be comfortable.
Colby Keller:
Does your more traditional view on gender roles conflict in The LGBTQ community in your mind?
Jade Stone-LaFontayne:
No. Because that’s my personal future goals or plans. Everyone else’s is different. I mean I’m sure there’s people who would disagree. That’s just my opinion. That’s the beauty of the lgbtq+ community we are all so diverse and live such different lives. Regardless of how others see us.
Colby Keller:
So would you agree that in just that option we have to live that life is good enough if we want it to be our life
Jade Stone-LaFontayne:
I don’t understand the question..
Colby Keller:
If you can life that traditional life and that’s what you want that’s awesome you can now live it. Being a part of the LGBTQ community that was so long excluded from it.
Jade Stone-LaFontayne:
Well now we have the luxury of living the traditional life but at the same time be able to step out of that.. like gay couples bringing their adopted kids to pride celebrations.. gay couples or “trans couple”(man and trans woman or vice versa) being able to still have a family and do drag, run for pageants, etc, we still have goals and can achieve them. Still living a traditional lifestyle
 Priscilla Divine: The first question I asked to gain her understanding about gender was when was your first exsposure to drag.
Priscilla Divine:
In jr high school I saw the movie Priscilla queen of the desert on vh1, I didn’t know exactly what is was but that was my first time seeing anything like that. At 16 I got a fake Id and started going to the stonewall in Huntington where I met and befriended lots of the queens there. I would have been 11 when I saw that movie
Colby Keller:
What did it make you feel like?
Priscilla Divine:
Like I want such a weirdo o
Colby Keller:
Why did you feel that way
Priscilla Divine:
Growing up in wv you always feel like the odd ball, I like to always be the center of attention. And I found that via drag. It helped me express myself and sure filled in voids where I wasn’t so masculine, I wasn’t into sports or cars etc
Colby Keller:
What got you to break into drag?
Priscilla Divine:
Like I said I befriended many queens I spent most of my time in the dressing room helping them get ready. And one night they were like why are you not doing this too. And I was like ohhh I can’t I wouldn’t be good, which was met with makeup brushes and wigs flying, ronica reed tami whynot Martina desarea’ and heather Monroe got me together and shoved me out on stage. My original drag name was Priscilla hunt… And I was hooked. I always had fem facial features so it wasn’t a huge jump haha’ There at the stonewall I developed my love for all things extravagant, huge hair feathers rhinestones etc, I’m glad I stated drag back then, when bars where the only place for people like us to go. Queens are like gays version of celebrities. I have been very lucky that people all over wv have grown to love me as an entertainer. And other states also.
Colby Keller:
So as a queen what are your inspirations and idols?
Priscilla Divine:
Chelsea pearl Mimi marks Taj Mahal Victoria lePaige chili pepper, Michelle st james Martina desarea, roxxxy Andrews cezanne dee ranged Carmella Marcella Garcia regine Phillips. I could go on and on
Colby Keller:
Just for yourself could you name just one?
Priscilla Divine:
Being able to bring some of the nations top queens into Sw gave me time to spend with so many of them who influenced me. Sorry I miss read that.
Colby Keller:
It’s fine I know those queens and they work it lol
Priscilla Divine:
What inspires me to do drag?
Colby Keller:
Priscilla Divine:
Honestly the crowd, My job is to make them feel something. To be a story teller as odd as that may sound. Music is how we express our emotions. I want them to feel something when they see me. Joy sadness happiness, doing a song that reminds them of good times and bad it’s all part of it. I like to make eye contact with people during me show, being them into it. Make them smile , let them know they mean something for that moment. Obviously they mean something all the time. But at that moment it’s just me and them. Life isn’t percent, I have to put on a smile and try to do the same for all of them.
Colby Keller:
So as a man impersonating a woman what are your thoughts on femininity and womanhood?
Priscilla Divine:
You are what you are.
Colby Keller:
Priscilla Divine:
Well…As a queen I have 100% ability to transition myself into a woman. I need to fit that part. Walk in heels good have good skin nails hair. It’s almost taken to the extreme, always keeping in mind that people are watching what I do. I was raised by several strong women in my life. So I have lots of respect and admiration for all women. I’m a true feminist. I don’t do drag to take Anything away from real women. More to celebrate them. My mom has huge boobs, So do I. She loves jewelry, and so do I. My aunt always wore the finest clothes and big 80’s hair and well again so do I! I’d like to think I am the best of all parts of the people who raised me. They all had something to do with who I am. Both as jerry and Priscilla.
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