#scp 2602
Prelims round 1, poll 17
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SCP-4001 "Alexandria Eternal", SCP Foundation:
Its books contain the entire true events of all humans dead and alive, its space loops around on itself, the decoration fits the current times at all times, there are about 120 Billion books!
It's the place of all truths of this world but the lighting is shit.
SCP-2602, SCP Foundation:
Technically it used to be a library
Memory Alpha, Star Trek:
I mean.... it's THE big archive of everything the Federation knows about everything. It's all on Memory Alpha. Such that one of the biggest fan wikis for Star Trek is itself called Memory Alpha.
The Ferenginar Historic Public Library, Star Trek: Lower Decks:
"Ferengi public libraries go hard!" - Beckett Mariner
Vulcan Archives, Star Trek:
(the photo is not of the archives but of the vulcan high command - but it's the same vibes, really)
it contains Vulcan history and probably lots of federation history and if we know anything about Vulcans, it must have a really good, logical archival system <3
in aos, the physical archive is destroyed alongside the destruction of Vulcan :((( however, its digital version survives - the library of Alexandria could never
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Toaster, Bony Fish, and what used to be a Library.
Just think we have some similarities here XD
SCP-426 - I am a Toaster by Flah: https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-426
SCP-1839 - Reproductive Methods of Bony Fish by Salman Corbette: https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1839
SCP-2602 - Exbibliothetic by CWW: https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2602
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
Reading info hazards as a scp kin is fun. Surprisingly!
Especially ones that you can't talk about. Like scp-2602! Which used to be a library :Dd
[ Dr.Bright, Who has read at least 10 infohazards.]
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Perhaps I’m a little biased considering where I work but SCP 2602, which used to be a library, is hilarious
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Some Good SCPs
Strong favorites marked by (⁂)
Series I
SCP-033 - The Missing Number
SCP-055 - [unknown]
SCP-087 - The Stairwell
SCP-093 - Red Sea Object
SCP-173 - The Sculpture - The Original
SCP-186 - To End All Wars  (⁂)
SCP-270 - Secluded Telephone  (⁂)
SCP-342 - Ticket to Ride  (⁂)
SCP-387 - Living Lego
SCP-426 - I am a Toaster
SCP-592 - Inaccurate History Book
SCP-711 - Paradoxical Insurance Policy
SCP-804 - World Without Man  (⁂)
SCP-914 - The Clockworks
Series II
SCP-1171 - Humans Go Home
SCP-1193 - Buried Giant
SCP-1322 - World We Helped
SCP-1425 - Star Signals
SCP-1500 - Zachary Callahan
SCP-1539 - Semantic Dissociation Zone
SCP-1689 - Bag of Holding Potatoes  (⁂)
SCP-1733 - Season Opener  (⁂)
SCP-1802 - Skip
SCP-1983 - Doorway to Nowhere
SCP-1986 - Imaginary Library
Series III
SCP-2000 - Deus Ex Machina
SCP-2090 - Potentially XK Tim Duncan
SCP-2135 - 91st Street Station
SCP-2288 - Copy of A
SCP-2316 - The Bodies In The Water  (⁂)
SCP-2459 - When the Traffic Clears
SCP-2499 - Harmony of the Spheres
SCP-2521 - ●●|●●●●●|●●|●  (⁂)
SCP-2557, A Holding of Envelope Logistics®
Allison Eckhart - Allison Eckhart
SCP-2571 - Cragglewood Park
SCP-2602 - Former Library
SCP-2637 - A controversial chunk of rock with 196,884-dimensional stakes  (⁂)
SCP-2718 - What Happens After  (⁂)
SCP-2719 - Inside
SCP-2740 - It Wasn't There  (⁂)
SCP-2871 - Strong Interaction Amplifier
SCP-2900 - Participation Trophies
SCP-2935 - A Dead World
SCP-2951 - Too Long  (⁂)
SCP-2979 - Your High School Physics Teacher, Mr. [REDACTED]  (⁂)
SCP-2998 - Anomalous Transmission, 2485 MHz
Series IV
SCP-3001 - Red Reality
SCP-3002 - Attempts to Assassinate Thought
SCP-3005 - A Light That Died  (⁂)
SCP-3008 - A Perfectly Normal, Regular Old IKEA  (⁂)
SCP-3104 - Cops Magnet  (⁂)
SCP-3116 - It's time to stop posting
SCP-3125 - 55555 (NOTE: I recommend reading 3125 after reading everything preceding it on the Antimemetics Division Hub page)
SCP-3127 - Nineteen Year Old Jessica Lambert And A Female Pig Of Abnormal Size, Forever
SCP-3128 - Let's Play Monopoly!
SCP-3264 - Causeless Effect  (⁂)
SCP-3333 - Tower  (⁂)
SCP-3455 - 411 Days A Year
SCP-3733 - Everybody Else
SCP-3773 - 9,000 Lives
SCP-3900 - The Internet of Things That Are Wolves  (⁂)
SCP-3930 - Does Not Exist  (⁂)
Series V
Taboo  (⁂)
SCP-4022 - Great Big Nothing
SCP-4065 - Ancho(red) Reality
SCP-4121 - The Loop That Never Breaks/Never Has/Never Will Be Broken
SCP-4228 - Karma Kameleon
SCP-4330 - A Moment of Silence
SCP-4365 - Five-Story Upside-Down Hotel
SCP-4417 - The Long Way Round
SCP-4493 - Keep Pride Out Of Corps  (⁂)
SCP-4703 - Perfectly Legal
SCP-4774 - Ninth Planet, Perhaps
4807 - Minimalism
SCP-4885 - Find Him
SCP-4999 - Someone to Watch Over Us
Series VI
SCP-5005 - Lamplight
SCP-5031 - Yet another murder monster  (⁂)
SCP-5087 - When Have They Gone?
SCP-5095 - We Need to Talk about O5-3.
SCP-5320 - The People's Church Of The Fish That Just Goes On Forever
SCP-5520 - The Rabbit Hole
SCP-5522 - Pizza Delivery Speedrun (RTA) 100% Completion
SCP-5538 - Holder of Abnormalities
SCP-5552 - Our Stolen Theory
SCP-5579 - Boba Roe
SCP-5920 - Work on What Has Been Spoiled
SCP-5994 - You Can't Top Pigs with Pigs  (⁂)
Series VII
SCP-6006 - Theseus
SCP-6273 - The Empty Skin
SCP-6761 - The Sorting Machine
SCP-6803 - True Earth
Series VIII
SCP-7186 - Rock and Stone
SCP-7819 - no vacancy
SCP-001 Proposals
S. D. Locke’s Proposal - When Day Breaks  (⁂)
Kate McTiriss’ Proposal - A Record
Antimemetics Division Hub  (⁂)
I recommend reading the Antimemetics Division Hub page in order from the beginning (SCP-055) through SCP-3125:
Critical background reading
There Is No Antimemetics Division by qntm (2015) This story is complete.
We Need To Talk About Fifty-Five
Introductory Antimemetics  (⁂)
Unforgettable, That's What You Are
Your Last First Day
Five Five Five Five Five by qntm (2017–)
reading anything past SCP-3125 isn’t needed IMO, especially since the rest of the “Five Five Five Five Five” series is unfinished. (EDIT: It's been finished now, but IMO you should still just stop after 3125)
Also, in my opinion, Introductory Antimemetics is the best tale on the site by far
Other Good Tales
Your Very First SCP!
Your Very Last SCP!
This is a provisional draft, and has been assembled retroactively after reading the site for many years -- I’m definitely forgetting some I really liked, especially in Series II. This will be updated as I add things, and I’ll reblog myself when I’ve added to it significantly
This is non-exhaustive, it’s not a list of all good SCPs, just some of my favorites that I remember. (682 is both not one of my favorites and also Not Good, though)
This also isn’t an intro guide for beginners, which would be organized differently and would require a lot more thought about order, when to introduce different aspects of the Meta, when to start linking format-screws, etc.
CW for ableism, carcerality, body horror, etc. on all of these links. It’s the SCP wiki
Lastly -- you can figure out what ██████ is in SCP-3005 - A Light That Died (“An ██████'s safe on shore but it's the last thing you want to hold when you're drowning”) and figuring this out really pulls the entry together!!
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OwO What’s This? -Notices Our Blog-
Hewwo!! This blog is now open for business!!
This blog is based on the SCP Foundation, and we are focused on making stimboards for the SCPs, staff, etc.! We will take requests, however at the moment we’re only doing one board per topic, so do make sure to check if we’ve done a board for a particular SCP et al. before you request. We also won’t do super specific requests, ie. “SCP-106 featuring only soap carving and a green color sceme” - we will do more vague requests that ask for one or two particular things however, such as “SCP-106, please include a couple of soap carving gifs and please don’t include slime!”
We’re massive nerds so we’ve written a lot of the info pages and such “in-character”, as it were - so here’s a little bit about us that’s more informal!
Eyo, I’m HUNTER, he / him pronouns only. I am fool whose SpIns include Pokemon, dinosaurs, and general horror media! The Foundation is such a neato concept to me, I love the overall style of the articles as well as how, while some things are explicitly stated, other things are left more open to interpretation! My favourite SCPs are the ones that will take a “well-known” legend, cryptid, or concept and turn it into a real-world horrifying version of itself, like SCP-4000 (aka Taboo) which is heavily inspired by legends of the fae. I also like SCPs that affect the psychological well-being of those around them and influence their emotions, behaviour, thought processes, etc. - SCP-999, -895, and -012 are good examples.
Hello, I'm GHOST, and I use they/them or xe/xir pronouns (also trying out it/its)! My hyperfixations include geology, writing, and also horror media! I also love cartoons and stuffed animals. I really love the community-driven aspect of the SCP Foundation and would love to write my own article someday. In the meantime this blog is how I'm getting my SCP content-creating fix. 👻 My favorite SCPs are infohazards, particularly those that affect how the speaker talks about them (1785, 426, 2602, and 4000, for example), as well as memetic and anti-memetic skips.
You can see more info about us and the blog by following the links on the side. Please don’t interact if you fit any of the criteria on the DNI / “Unauthorised Personnel” page! 
It’s a pleasure to meet you all~
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grivessillus · 4 years
Watch "SCP-2602 Exbibliothetic | Library Class: Former | building / infohazard / mind affecting scp" on YouTube
That is terrifying. It's been used as a laboratory or something. After being abandoned or during use as a librery. Or it never was a library at all. That is most likely. And something caused a fire in 2004 that triggered the anti memetic thing. And they were restraining subjects, there was a hazardous waste pit. And things move on their own.
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herc18 · 7 years
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1 名前:1 中 SCP-426[] 投稿日:2018/01/20(土)13:10:22 ID:lVG 1 中 SCP-426 2 二 かつて図書館だったSCP-2602 3 遊 SCP-040-JP 4 左 SCP-444-JP 5 一 SCP-571 6 三 陛下のSCP-MDLXI 7 捕 SCP-2998 8 右 SCP-3002 9 投 SCP-3519 3 名前:名無しさん@おーぷん[sage] 投稿日:2018/01/20(土)13:14:23 ID:wdN 682も173もいないとか話にならんわ 5 名前:名無しさん@おーぷん[] 投稿日:2018/01/20(土)15:18:30 ID:VHj 解説して 6 名前:名無しさん@おーぷん[] 投稿日:2018/01/20(土)15:24:38 ID:nY4 SCP-1401-JPに暴露してて草 続きを読む Source:…
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contratoscolombia · 7 years
via Contratos Colombia
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