#serpent!jughead fic
yourjughead · 4 months
Attack Dog pt 5
Sweet Pea X Reader enemies to lovers
Warnings: Fluff and smut
A/N: Final part.
3rd person
“So YN, tell us who did that to you already!”
“Not a chance Kevin” you laughed, pulling your jumper closer into your neck, trying to cover what Sweet Pea left you with three nights earlier. Archie wrapped an arm around your shoulder as he pulled you through the corridor Monday morning.
“Kiss and tell YN, we'll keep your secret safe” you could only roll your eyes at him, knowing that would never happen. You didn't want to tell them what happened between Sweet Pea and you, you didn't really even understand it enough to explain. The only thing you understood was it made Jughead insanely uncomfortable and that alone made you insanely happy.
Sweet Pea POV
Jones and I didn't really speak after he stormed out of my trailer on Saturday morning. Man I wish I got a picture of his face at the sight of YN. Priceless.
We all sauntered up the school hallway, Jughead keeping his distance from me. I met her eyes midway through laughing at whatever her friends said as I passed. I didn't look for long, afraid if I did I'd have no choice but to pin her to the locker and finish what we started. I don't like seeing Archie hang off her, that should be my arm. I shook my head. I'm being crazy, it was a moment, these things happen. Won't happen again.
I swear it was like she was avoiding me after that. I didn't see her in the halls, I didn't see her class or after school for the rest of the week. I sat on my sofa thinking about what happened in this trailer a week earlier. What gives? A knock to the trailer door snapped me out of it.
“Are you alone?”
“Yeah wh-” she then pressed her hands into my chest, pushing me deeper into the trailer, catching and closing the front door with her foot. She pulled her shirt from over her head and stood in front of me in her bra and jeans. What is happening? What is happening?
“What is happening?”
“Fancy some stress relief Sweet Pea?” Oh hell yeah.
3rd person
Sweet Peas hands went straight to your hips, the feeling of small calluses meeting your soft sides sent pulses down you both. He met your neck, the same place he had a week ago as his hands moved to cup your backside, lifting you from the floor to wrap your legs around his waist.
“Why can't I keep away from you?” You breathed, the hairs on Sweet Peas neck standing on their end.
“Why does that make me so happy?” Was all he could manage before reconnecting to your neck.
Sweet Pea carried you into his room before throwing you onto the bed. You knotted your fingers through his hair and forced down the moan trying to escape at the pleasure of having him nip you. You tugged his hair until he pulled from you to face you.
“Sweet Pea if we kiss…this might become more than what either of us want”
“I want all of you”
Sweet Pea almost cautiously lowered his mouth to yours until they met again. Much like the first time electricity coursed through both of you but unlike the last time, neither pulled away, only growing hungrier.
You could feel him hardening against your thigh, no longer able to fight the little victory you were going to give him, you moaned gently. He smirked hard into the kiss before it became more feverish. Your hand ran across him beneath the fabric of his jeans, his turn to groan.
You both began to rip the clothes from one another until you wrapped your legs around him to pulling him in closer. You both wanted every inch of skin to touch. His hand went from your chest, slowly sliding down to your inner thigh, teasingly.
Your fingers began dragging up and down his bare back before digging into his shoulders at the feeling of him entering you. You both let out a breathless moan at the sensation. You wrapped your legs around his torso at this while he placed his hands on your hips to steady himself. He slowly began dragging in and out before the sensation was too much and he increased his speed, spurred on by your hitching breath. The sensations growing and growing and growing until the band snapped sending you into overdrive as every nerve in your body stood to attention and then exploded. You practically screamed his name making him go over the edge, returning the sentiment by moaning your name. Sweet Pea collapsed on top of you before rolling over and hauling your shaking body to his.
“I had no idea how much I needed to hear you say my name like that YN” Sweet Pea finally found some composure to rasp out. You tried not to cringe in embarrassment as you buried a laugh into his chest.
“Don't get shy on me now YN” he returned the laugh and you smiled, pulling the covers up around the both of you, tangling in your legs.
“YN…I'm never gonna not be in the Serpents”
“I know”
“But I also really like kissing you”
“I know”
“Can both be true at the same time?” You reached up towards him to meet his lips again.
“Are you still a Serpent now Snake brain?”
“Well I guess both can be true at the same time”
Sweet Pea POV
I loved being with her, even if we were keeping it on the quiet side. I felt like she was starting to understand the Serpents and maybe even appreciate them, even if it was still from afar. She would come and go from my home without notice and I loved every moment she was with me. The only thing I found hard was not screaming to the world she was mine and I was hers even though we decided to just be casual. If spending every moment we could together be called casual that is. Continuing on like we still hated each other in public became a bit of a game and a bit of a turn on. Watching other guys fawn over her though was definitely not.
I filled my locker with books I pretended to read as Jones stood next to me watching the world go by. We had kind of decided silently to forget what he thinks he saw between me and YN three months ago. If only he knew what happened that night had far and beyond escalated passed that.
“Fuck it” was all I heard from Jones before he sprung off the locker and towards YN. In one smooth moment he caught her by the arms as she walked past with Archie and pulled her into kiss him. Kiss him. YN is kissing him. Kissing him. It really felt like every single emotion possible coursed through me. I had no idea what my body was going to do. Was I going to vomit? Was I going to faint? No. I was having an out of body experience as I stood, walked over, caught Jones by the shoulders and flung him backwards with what strength my shocked state had and flew him into the locker I had just left. It felt like slow motion and then, it felt like motion sickness.
“Sweet Pea!” Was she shouting at me? I really felt like the earth wasn't under me and then it wasn't. Jones jumped from the ground and straight into me. If I wasn't in a daze he wouldn't have taken me off the ground but it felt like I was out at sea. We rolled around the floor, I dodge his hands and tried to push him off me. I didn't fight back, not even when he clipped my jaw, I probably deserve what's happening. YN was shouting at the two of us until Archie and Fangs hauled Jones from me, cursing out loud. Fangs might kill him for me. I sat up from the ground, the whole hallway's eyes on me and my bleeding lip. I found my sea legs take me running from the scene and out into the car park, YN hot on my heels.
“What the hell Sweet Pea?! That wasn't very casual!” I heard her shout from behind me, her voice echoing off the empty car park.
“What if I don't want to be casual anymore YN?! What if I never wanted to be?!” I could see this caught her off guard. I was finally thinking out loud.
“Finally, you were getting hard to read” was all she said with laugh before rushing to me, wrapping her arms around me and kissing me. Electricity returned. The ground beneath my feet returned to a solid state. We parted smiling, over her shoulder I saw our friends at the school entrance. Not a single face without shock or surprise. I couldn't care less.
“I guess I'm not the only attack dog in the relationship” she smiled, wiping the blood from my lip. Relationship, this was a relationship
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edsheeranong · 2 days
Sweet Pea x Fem OC
Pt. 2
archie andrews twin sister, delilah, is fed up with him being overprotective. so when a cute serpent offers her an opportunity, she can't turn it down
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Delilah hung onto him for dear life, terrified as they raced through the streets of riverdale. when they finally arrived at pops, delilah didn't think she had it in her to step off the bike. he pried her hands off him and helped her off. with her whole body trembling in fear she couldn't get the helmet strap undone. he once again helped her and took it off her head.
"i'm never doing that again," she said, flattening out her hair. he fixed a piece of her hair and gestured for her to follow him.
they walked through the doors and delilah surveyed the room for archie. he wasn't there.
"i'm gonna go wash my hands," she said excused herself. when she came back out, she came face to face with archie, veronica, jughead, and betty.
"hey girl," veronica said. "we were just about to sit down, do you wanna join us?"
"oh, no thanks V. i'm here with someone," delilah explained. "thank you for the offer though."
"o la la, does delilah andrews finally have a boy?" veronica asked.
"no," archie shot in. "no she does not."
"just between us girls," she whispered to veronica and betty. "kinda."
the girls all squealed at her admission.
"i don't wanna move to fast, and put labels on it, but i really like him," she lied through her teeth.
"well we won't keep you any longer," betty winked at her and started walking toward a booth.
"who?" archie demanded.
"none of your business," she walked away from him and towards sweet pea who was seated at the counter. when she took the seat next to him, archie sprinted across the room to them.
he ripped sweet pea out of his seat and they started yelling.
"what the fuck are you doing?" archie said.
"i'm here on a date," sweet pea responded.
"get away from my sister," archie shoved him and sweet pea shoved him back.
"you're being ridiculous," delilah said, stepping in front of sweet pea right as archie tried to push him again. she lost her balance and fell back into sweet pea hard. he caught her and rested his hand on her hip.
"don't touch her," archie said.
"i think i'll do what i want."
archie lunged at sweet pea but jughead held him back.
"sit down," veronica demanded. "leave her alone, archie."
"this isn't over," archie threatened before walking back to a booth.
sweet pea turned her around and leaned her back against the counter.
"not so bad, right?" he whispered. she shrugged lightly and he pulled her in for a hug. "is he watching?"
"mhm," delilah hummed into his chest. after a few seconds he pulled away slightly, their hips still pressed together. he looked at her carefully before raising his hand to her chin and gently kissing her.
"why him?" archie sat at his booth, fuming as he watched his sister.
"he's not without charm, archiekins," veronica said. "why are you so opposed to her dating anyway?"
"every boy in this town is an asshole," archie said.
"you live in this town," betty pointed out.
"i know."
"you're mainly upset because he's a serpent," jughead scoffed.
"yeah, jug. and he tried to hurt me. he showed up at my house and tried to fight me," archie complained. "why does he like her anyway? he hates northsiders."
"well, for starters, delilah is drop dead gorgeous. like even i've had thoughts about her," veronica admitted, resulting in a disgusted look from archie. "but, also, she's kind. she doesn't judge the southsiders, at least not outwardly."
"i think it's sweet," betty said.
"how? how is that sweet?" archie asked, slamming his fork down.
"he's willing to fight for her. he must know she doesn't date because you don't let her. just be happy for her, arch," betty explained.
"it just doesn't feel right," archie shook his head. "i can't shake the feeling he's using her to get back at me."
"not all serpents are the horrible people you make them out to be," jughead chimed in.
"can you blame me for thinking that?" archie practically yelled.
"i guess not. i'll talk to him," jughead told him.
"thanks jug."
archie watched as they left the diner and the only thing stopping him from following them was veronica sitting on the outside. but when he saw sweet pea hand the helmet to her he practically shoved her out and raced outside, his friends not far behind.
"absolutely not," he yelled. "she is not getting on that."
"calm down," veronica said.
"no, ronnie. a date is one thing but she can't get on that. she'll get hurt," he said. "i bet that's what you want though."
"excuse me," sweet pea stepped close to him.
"you heard me. i bet you're just itching to hurt her to get back at me."
"there's something wrong with you," sweet pea bit back.
"come on," she pulled sweet pea back. "he's not worth it."
"let's go," he mounted his bike and delilah followed him.
archie watched in anger as they rode away. he stormed back into pops, slammed money down on the table, and started running back home. when he got home, he went straight to delilah's room, but she wasn't there. he ran back down the stairs and found his dad in the kitchen.
"has 'lilah come back home?"
"no, i don't remember seeing her come in," fred responded. archie went back upstairs and called delilah. she didn't respond.
"god, he's annoying," delilah whined, putting her phone back in her pocket.
"i know," sweet pea said. they were sat on the edge of sweet water river, completely alone. "why doesn't he let you date?"
"i'm not really sure," delilah admitted. "something about all the boys being awful, i think. but i don't believe that."
"that's weird."
"i think he's trying to protect me, i mean he wouldn't ever leave my side growing up. but ever since he started dating veronica, he's been leaving me alone more, thank god."
"it still doesn't make sense though. you'd think he'd want you to have a boyfriend so he could protect you," sweet pea pointed out.
"i gave up on trying to understand my brothers mind a long time ago," she put a hand on his shoulder and sighed.
they sat there in silence, watching the river flow, for what felt like eternity before delilah spoke.
"it's getting late," she whispered. "it's dark and i'm cold."
"take my jacket," he took off his serpent jacket and handed it to her. "i'm sure your brother would love that."
"take me home," she said, snatching the jacket from him and pulling it over herself. she was practically drowning in it.
hé drove her back home and walked her up to her door. it wasn't that late but delilah didn't want to risk waking anyone up. she slowly crept up the stairs and entered her room. she found archie sitting on her bed.
"why him?"
"he asked me out," delilah said, crossing her arms.
"and you thought i would be okay with this?"
"archie, i have had enough with you thinking you can control my life. he likes me, and i like him. i'm not gonna let you ruin yet another relationship for me, i just won't," she was trying to be stern with him, but not be too loud. "now get out of my room," she pointed to the door.
"im not done with this," he said, heading for the door.
"yes, you are, archie. seriously leave me alone, you've done enough to hurt this family, dont add this to the list of things you'll be apologizing for for the rest of your life."
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scorpionwins · 2 years
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[ Jughead's fiance, Brett, is delicate with money, - his money. Never Jughead's. Jughead's money was a vice meant to be consumed like chmpagne. His fiance was particular about his objects. His husband was smart.
His husband loses him in a game of poker.
Sweet Pea is a young flame; A romance Jughead should've left in that alley he fished the man from, drenched in blood and harmed and holed through with a bullet.
A pretty fantasy that made sense framed in fairy tale books. If Prince Charming smelled of blood and violence and gun powder cologne. But not anywhere else. At least, that's what Jughead tells himself.
" I love my husband."
And Sweet Pea hums, serene as anything, glowing golden as sunrays showered their beloved nest of domesticity in peachy orange.
Ankles folded and perched on Jughead's thigh, bare and smooth and decorated with bite dents and scratches and huge handprints. There's a tremor of delicious something, - shame, desire, love, affection, - rippling through him.
one of Jughead's draft papers in hand, a pen pinched In his fingers, doodling away with a simple smirk, he takes pleasure in this. Jughead can taste it on his lips. " I know you love me, baby. But I appreciate the reassurance."
" You'll have to return me eventually!"
" You can leave me. That's what you like doing, anyway," that hurt in the man's voice breaks him. There's no sting there but it hurts all the same. " But you're pretty young to be a widow."
"... You wouldn't dare."
Sweet Pea's eyes are gorgeous; Even stern and chillingly cold and serious. " There's no sin I wouldn't do for you. If you want me gone, if you want nothing to do with me, if you're rejecting me, let me know. But don't ask me not to protect you. Don't ask me not to love you. " ]
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blueandgoldoffice · 2 years
Hi! Do you know what happened to the oneshot about Jughead sending his tattoo to Betty and then they start to chat as legs and abs? Wasnt it from lazydaizy? i cant find it anymore :(
It's here, @berryrhee - enjoy!!
Wrong Number by @cheryllclayton and @lazydaizies (E - 1/1)
Summary: Sometimes the wrong number turns out to be the right one.
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bireggiemantle · 6 months
Merry Christmas everybody :) I wrote a small gift fic for @greatkateweathermachine about Season 2 Jughead exploring his relationship with his gender expression/identity and his relationship with his friends as a result, particularly his relationship with Archie. Implied Jarchie. Mentioned Bighead and Jopaz.
Title: To Keep Warm in the Cold Winter Months
Preview: “I really miss you, Jughead. I miss how things were, before Jason died and the Blackhood came and you joined the Serpents.” Archie says.
“Yeah, well things change. It’s just part of growing up.”
“I don't want us to change.” “Us” carries a lot of implications. “Girl” carries a lot of implications.
“We already did.”
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manyfandomocs · 9 months
Riverdale OC Masterlist
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Name: Annalise Ryan
Fic: Bubblegum Bitch
Love Interest: Toni Topaz
FC: Mimi Keene
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Name: Atticus Bardot
Fic: Aftershocks
Love Interest: Jughead Jones (Santiago Lodge in the best verse)
FC: Nicholas Galitzine
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Name: Belladonna Callow
Fic: Daughter of Silent
Love Interest: Cheryl Blossom & Toni Topaz
FC: Dove Cameron
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Name: Delilah Curdle
Fic: These Violent Delights
Love Interest: Poly Teen Serpents
FC: Kat Dennings
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Name: Derek Wallis
Fic: Price We Pay (To Feel)
Love Interest: Reggie Mantle
FC: Gregg Sulkin
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Name: Francesca Jones
Fic: Apathy
Love Interest: Sweet Pea, Reggie Mantle, Veronica Lodge endgame (maybe also Archie Andrews)
FC: Sofia Black-D'Elia
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Name: Genevieve Sterling
Fic: Sterling Silver
Love Interest: Hiram Lodge, eventual FP Jones
FC: Elizabeth Gillies
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Name: Katherine Keller
Fic: Kids In America
Love Interest: FP Jones
FC: Neve Campbell (older) Kaia Gerber (younger)
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Name: Lila Hampton
Fic: Drama in the Futile
Love Interest: Archie Andrews, Sweet Pea & Fangs Fogarty
FC: Peyton List
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Name: Lorelai Cooper
Fic: All The Lonely People
Love Interest: Sweet Pea
FC: Taylor Momsen
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bluevelvetvideo · 1 year
Bughead Appreciation Week: Day Two - Soulmates
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You Can't Blame Gravity (for Falling in Love) & Testify
Crowned Snakes & Triple Cherry Milkshakes series (more codas to come).
“So, Betty. I didn’t know you were a Serpent. I definitely would remember seeing you around.”
“Oh, I’m not. What would make you say that I am?”
“With that giant snake on your thigh, I just figured that must be the case," Joaquin said, taking a bite of his pizza.
“Oh. Right. Nope. Not a Serpent. I woke up on my eighteenth birthday with this giant green monstrosity and I’ve been trying to figure it out ever since.”
Jughead Jones has been staring at his soulmark for twelve years, trying to figure out what it meant and who it belonged to.
Betty Cooper knew what her soulmark meant, but it didn't make any sense to her.
a professor/student fic with a soulmate twist.
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wolfofansbach · 2 years
I remember in 2017 I was browsing the Riverdale tag on ao3 and encountered a fic summary that included the line “Jughead joins the SS” and I did several double takes before I realized that this was a very unfortunate abbreviation of “Southside Serpents”
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lazydaizies · 2 years
You reblogged your post about a roommate story being in your head and said the story is completely different than what you’d originally been thinking about. Can you give more details?
Oh goodness lol
Someone liked my post on it and I was so confused when I read it because it didn’t seem to fit what I was writing and suddenly what had been in my head came rushing back in and it’s nothing at all like what I’m writing I’m Reluctant Roommate. Like, it went in a completely different direction on page one 😂😂
It was going to be much more Serpent based…was gonna be sweet shy Betty moving in with Jughead above the bar…..like, not even on the same page and it makes me laugh so much that it didn’t compute to the pages like that at all!
Even the edit I made for it 😂 Betty in the library and Jughead sitting under the bridge is the story I didn’t write.. I have completely gone off the rails!
I guess I have another fic to write. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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mothmanchronicler · 1 year
excited for your answers!
💖 What is your primary writing goal for this year?
my PRIMARY writing goal is to have fun and write whatever the fuck i want !!!!!! and to be more self indulgent <3 and to stop worrying abt making my characters so canon-compliant to the point of cutting myself off at the knees
💥Is there a chapter, scene, or WIP you're most excited to write? Share a snippet or tell us about it!
ok so i'll answer with another one bc i got this question already and i think maybe i told you abt it already but i've been lowkey toying with a jugpea fic that's entirely centered on the former gargoyle den house that the serpents renovate and it's just a "oh no there's only one bed" trope fic but also a oh yay jughead feels good abt himself fic and i was gonna make it just kissing and stuff but i've decided i'm gonna make them fuck nasty because i can do whatever i want >:-) the serpents rounded up some old mattresses so they'd have somewhere to crash if need be, and sweet pea is like hey jones do you mind sharing? all the other beds are claimed and id share with fangs but he's a mattress hog (but really he's just sweet on jughead obviously) and anyway he worms his way into jughead's pants by being like "this is really cool you did a great job" and jughead is like wow i can't believe i have a praise kink that's so cool anyway do you wanna make out?
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cherryliqueurkinks · 2 years
So I have a fic idea, I kind of want to see after Betty’s dance/Jughead breaks up with her, Betty goes back inside and her first time happens with a serpent. I’m really hoping for FP or Toni actually but you can also make another choice! ;)
It's Sweet Pea rather than FP, but my smut sister @southsidestyle actually wrote a fic called Rebound & Recovery that has a very similar premise!
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yourjughead · 4 months
Begin Again
Sweet Pea X Reader Oneshot
Synopsis: Sweet Pea is longing to have you be his again after a drunken mistake he made a few years ago.
A/N: Short-ish, fluffy.
“Pea, do we have to do this every day?”
“Only until you say yes YNN” the tall Serpent practically towered over you as he leaned across the Whyte Wyrm bar top where you polished glasses.
“SP, give it a break, you're sounding desperate” Fangs smirked at his best friends daily ritual, sliding onto a barstool next to him.
“I'm just looking for another chance is all”
“Pea one of these days I'm gonna roll my eyes so hard at you I'm gonna go blind” you gently patted his shoulder smilingly before moving down the bar to take another Serpents drink order. Jugheads birthday party getting into the full swing of things.
“You've worked so hard to get back to this place SP, are you sure you want to risk losing it all again”
“Fangs, I just know we're supposed to be more but maybe it's time to just call it” Sweet Pea watched your outline drift into the sea of Serpents as you moved from behind the bar with a tray of drinks. You had known one another for over two decades, raised in the shadow of this very bar. Partners in crime with a healthy dose of one-sided outwards pining but mutual feelings. The two of you had dated before, it crashing and burning almost two years ago.
Sweet Pea scanned the room, his gaze landing on Veronica Lodge, laughing with her Riverdale counterparts.
“Ugh I know that look” Fangs followed his glance before taking a swig from his drink.
“That's the, let me jump on the next thing that moves and pretend it's yn because that's who I really want but can't have, look”
“Sounds like it needs a rebrand” Sweet Pea chuckled in return before pushing off the bar and strolling over to reacquaint himself with the raven haired girl boss. He squished into the booth alongside the Northsiders and began to work his magic on Veronica as you rejoined Fangs at the bar, apron and drink in hand.
“Finished for the night YNN?”
“Yeah, right on time to watch that trainwreck” you plastered a smile across your face that didn't quite reach your eyes as you took a deep drink from your glass and threw the apron around the other side of the bar.
“I know you want him back and you're scared what happened…will happen again”
“Woah Dr. Fogarty when's the daytime advice show airing?” you laughed as Fangs joined you. Fangs passed his drink from his hand to yours, taking your empty glass. You tore your eyes from the booth and landed them on Archie Andrews, back fresh from active duty. He moved through the crowd heading back to his friends from the bathroom.
“Oh god, not that look”
“That's the, let me jump on the next thing that moves and distract myself from the deep unresolved feelings I have towards Sweet Pea, look”
“A rebrand should be considered” he laughed at you and your similarities to Sweet Pea. He considered a career in behavioural psychology as you sprung from your chair with a fresh drink and swanned over to Archie.
The night took a very drunk turn from there, for all parties involved. Dancing and drinking and shameless flirting were heavy themes of the night. You felt Archie's hands trace your hips as you both swayed to the music growing in volume. Throwing your head back laughing at whatever Archie said, his mouth quickly attached to your neck. Your surprise turned to rising pleasure and then very quickly to shock as the red head was suddenly pulled back from you.
“Hey yourself Andrews!” Sweet Pea stepped between the both of you, pushing Archie backwards by the chest.
“Sweet Pea leave it” you tried to pull him by the shoulder back only to have him shrug you off and whip around back to you.
“You're being stupid YN” you scoffed at him as Archie began to give out again. Sweet Pea whirled around, his bare fist meeting the side of Archie's jaw. Fangs launched himself from the bar, Jughead following suit, attempting to separate the two of them as they began to brawl. Your head started to swirl from the alcohol, fed up with the boys in front of you, you separated from them, and out the door.
You made it a little way along the road up from the bar as Sweet Peas drunken gait met you.
“YN, where are you going!?”
“Away from you!” You shouted back, matching his tone. He reached you quickly, catching your wrist and turning you to face him.
“Let go of me!”
“YN when are we going to stop pretending you don't still have feelings for me!” His wild eyes searched yours for answers, wishing to not hear what you said next.
“When are you going to stop pretending you didn't hurt me!” You snatched back your wrist and stomped in the direction of home again.
“YN, that was a mistake, a stupid, drunken mistake, she didn't mean anything to me-”
“-then why'd you do it?” You suddenly turned again, bumping into his chest. The street lights cut through the night as you bite back alcohol induced tears.
“I… I don't have any excuses. I've said I'm sorry but I'll say it again, I'll never stop saying it. I made out with that girl. I did and I have never not regretted it, I'm sorry” you looked into his genuine eyes as they dampened with tears. He caught hold of your shoulders and stepped in closer.
“YN, I am sorry. I'm so sorry. I know I said I'd be happy to have you in my life even just as a friend, that I'd make peace with whatever scraps you'd give me but….I need you. I need you to be mine again and I need you to need me” he gulped at the end of his confession and then leaned in to meet your lips. A flush of memories enveloped both of you, warm and comforting, familiar and pure. You separated again, dismay painting your face but not as much as Sweet Pea’s when the palm of your hand sailed across his face.
“That…That was for drunkenly kissing that girl the first night we went long distance” you then shoved him backwards, tears now streaming down your face as you gritted out “That…that was for once again getting behind the walls I built to keep you away” you grabbed the collar of his shirt then, hauling him back to you again. He went willingly, too dumbfounded to put up a fight. You pulled him down to meet your lips again prior to pushing him back, still holding his collar.
“And that…that was for making me want to try again” he gently lowered down your hands, keeping them in his. You rested your head off his chest, he dropped your hands and draped his arms over you, pulling you in. You both stood there for a long time in the glow of the street lights above you.
“Fangs owes me 100$”
“Why?” you laughed into him, reaching for his hand and pulling him into a walk again, not really sure what direction you were heading in.
“He said I'd never wear you down again, bet 100$ two years ago when we started being friends again”
“You owe me half of that” you smiled.
“I owe you everything
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fanfics4all · 1 year
So my new years goal this year is to write more! I want to be able to put out at least 4 fics a week (that includes series I'm working on) and I also want to be able to finish Not One Of You Anymore this year! I've neglected that series enough and I really want to finish it. As for my riverdale series I have I honestly don't think I'll finish Northside Serpent (I should have ended it a little bit ago tbh but I didnt think season three was gonna be so bad) if people want I will finish Never Be A Lodge (Sweet Pea) I'll Protect You (Jughead) Serpents By Blood (Sweet Pea) or A Lodge Between Us (Archie) I will be trying to update Pure-Blood Potter more regularly! And now regarding requests, I will be trying to do more requests! I'm thinking I'll update a series once or twice a week and then use the rest of the week to post requests. The schedule for posting will change depending on my work schedule because I do not have a set schedule at work, my off days change depending on what they need. And I think that's everything! Please comment what you guys want with the riverdale series I mentioned so that way I can see which one people want the most to continue and I'll update then in that order
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hunnybunnypr1ncess · 3 years
Loves me not | FP Jones x Reader
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Songfic to the song "Loves me not" by t.a.t.u.
Summary: Y/N runs away from her crazy mother and lives now with FP and Jughead. Jughead is like her brother, but she sees more in FP than a father figure.
Warnings: age gap (Reader is over 18!), angst, mention of alcohol- and drugsábuse (underage), some smut elements
I never thought that it would come like this. I never imagined that my life goes down like that. I always was a strange kid, maybe that's why I was best friends with Jughead. He was something like my big brother, even if I was older than him. I always hung around his trailer, maybe I shouldn't have done that so often.
I remember that day like it was yesterday. It was really late at night and I had another fight with my crazy mother. I had enough of this stupid woman, so I decided to run away. I pushed some clothes in a large backpack and rushed outside. My mother screamed something but I didn't turned around. She was drunk like every night, so I knew I should better go, before something happened.
As I stood there, knocking on the door in this freezing cold night I started to regret that I went there. What if the will send me back home? But before I could think about it too much, the door opened. "Y/N? What happened? Is everything-" Jughead saw my big backpack, stuffed with my most important stuff and he didn't need to finish his question. He knew what happened. He stepped aside, letting me step inside the trailer. His dad was sitting on the table, a beer bottle into his hand. I always had a sweet spot for FP. Maybe I also had a little crush on him, but it never was something serious, at least I thought that. He looked at me with his dark brown eyes. I think he knew that I was holding back my tears. He walked over to the fridge and handed me a beer. He didn't say a word, he just pulled he chair next to him aside and I let myself drop onto the chair.
My mother didn't called the next day. I wasn't surprised, if I was honest. Maybe she was sleeping because of her hangover. I was kind of glad that she didn't cared about me. She didn't cared when I was 13 and drunk. She didn't cared when I was 14 and stoned. She will never care and maybe it was the best for both of us.
You have to know that my mum was a northsider, with much money. She always had lived a great life. She never had to work for anything. If you saw her you would think "What a nice and beautiful lady" but she isn't. Behind closed doors she was the devil. Her newest man, I don't even know his name, buys her everything that she wants. She never said a word about me, most men don't even know she has a daughter. I was a mistake and she always reminded me of that. And as a good northsider that she was, she hated the southsiders. I never understood what her problem was. She especially hated the Jones family. She hated it that I found a friend in Jughead. As we two grew older and kept getting closer and closer friends, the relationship between me and my mom got even worse. She got me another room in the basement, so she didn't has to see me. It was okay for me. I never knew something different. My mother never showed me love. So I tried to fill this hole in my heart with different people.
FP and Jughead let me stay with them. After some time, I was there for many weeks now, we grew more and more together. We had a great time until...
I complicated our lives by falling in love with him
I complicated our lives, now I'm losing my only friend
I don't know why, I had to try, living my life on the other side
Now I'm so confused
I don't know what to do
I was standing in the kitchen, only wearing some of FP's flannels. It was early in the morning so I tried my best not to wake them up. FP was sleeping on the couch, being the gentleman that he is, he let me and Jughead sleep in his bed. It was nice to have something like a real family. I opened the fridge and took the milk out. I reached out for a bowl to get myself some cereals, but I couldn't reached it. I tried climbing on the kitchen corner, but the clumsy girl I am, I fell off - Nearly.
"Y/N!" FP jumped up and before I reached the hard ground he catched me midway. I was laying in his arms. We never were that close to each other. My heart was racing and I felt the blood boil under my skin. What was happening here? Is this real?
FP looked into my eyes, licking over his lips. The sexual tension was as sharp as a knife. FP and I always shared some crackling fire that burned when we met each other. It just felt right, but both of us never did anything, too scared of the reactions of the other people.
My head was cloudy, not one thought could stay in my mind. Without any more thoughts I pulled him down to me by his collar and kissed him. FP didn't pulled away. First he was surprised, but he leaned in, returning the kiss. His hands get lost into my hair, pulling me closer onto his lap.
His tongue glided over my lips and I opened my mouth for him. He tasted like beer and peppermint gums. His kiss was exactly how I imagined it - heated, posessive, hard and passionate. He knew what he was doing. My legs started to shake. FP's hands reached under the flannel that I was wearing, inching forward to my breasts.
"We can't do that here! When Jughead sees us like that..." I complained between hot kisses. FP looked up and sighed: "You are right Y/N. But...I can't stop thinking about you." He leaned in for another kiss.
With this incident our realationship started. It wasn't really difficult to keep our affair a secret. I lived with him, so no one would expect that something is between us. We wanted to tell at least Jughead about us, but there never was a good moment to do that. He was my best friend and I was in love with his father. How should we tell him that?
"This is a joke right?!" As FP and me heared the familiar voice behind us, we let go of each other. I was sitting on his lap, heavily kissing him and my hands in his pants as Jughead came into the bedroom. Jughead stood there his face red out of anger. "My best friend and my dad? You know that you could be her father right?!"
Jughead was shaking, he couldn't say anymore words. He was furious. I stood up from FP's lap. FP looked at me, trying to close his zipper. He stood up, hands still fumbeling with his pants. "Jug. We wanted to tell you, but we never knew how we should say it."
"Since when is this thing going on between you two?" "Since 3 months." Jughead laughed out, but it wasn't a happy laugh. He was pissed!
"And you didn't managed to tell me in 3 months? And I thought we were friends.." With this words he left. I wanted to follow him, but FP hold onto my hand. "It's better to let him calm down first.." I just nodded. FP was right.
This night Jughead didn't come back home. I sat on the couch next to FP, but we didn't said a word. We both knew that this was wrong. FP was much older then me and I was Jughead's best friend since god knows when. And I was stupid enough to fall in love with my best friend's dad.
I started blurring the lines because I didn't care
I started crossing the line, cause you were never there
No where to turn,
No one to help,
It's almost like I don't even know myself
Now I have to choose
I don't know what to do
It was the next morning. I felt asleep on the couch. FP wasn't there anymore. The sun was shining through the window directly in my face and burning in my eyes. My eyes stung from the tears I tried to hold back. I sat up, trying to get my thoughts together. As I tried to calm myself down I started rocking back and forth. I couldn't hold my tears back anymore. The tears started to fall and I couldn't stop myself anymore. I cried so much and cupped my face in my hands, trying to let the sniveling out as quiet as possible.
What should I do?
He loves me, he loves me not
She loves me, she loves me not
Okay, I can't believe it. After more than 3 years I finished this fanfiction. Do you guys even remember me haha? If you want another part, let me know. I just wanted to write a angsty story (I guess - I mean I started this story 3 years ago lol). xoxo Belle
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blueandgoldoffice · 2 years
Hi! Looking for a fic where Betty gets pregnant. Her and Jellybean get kidnapped by the ghoulies and the serpents go save them. I remember Betty and Jughead both going to NYU and them living in an old van. I think their kid was named Elizabeth. Sorry this is so little to go on.
Hrm. There are a few fics that sound a little like your ask - but then the van threw me off. I'm going to turn this one over to the group. I'm sure someone knows which fic you've lost. Anyone?
Thank you @dayenurose @buggheadie @flomago and @lilireinhart-bughead who found this story for you and let me know! Enjoy!! 
Tapes of Us by @crazymisscarly (24/25 - T)
Summary: Betty and Jughead are hiding a secret, but the rest of Riverdale is talking about them for a very different reason...
Jughead is accused of creating child pornography after his sex tape with Betty is released. Meanwhile, Betty is trying to cover up her teen pregnancy, and the Jones-Cooper-Smith family are trying to hold themselves together.
And still the Voyeur of Riverdale is lurking in the shadows... waiting to make their next move...
But while the fallout of news of their upcoming parenthood may be a lot to process, Betty and Jughead are fast discovering that dealing with it is going to have to wait.
Because, it seems, someone is watching them around every corner... and the whole town of Riverdale is about to be challenged in ways that may leave it in ruins.
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heytherejulietx · 3 years
zombie - sweet pea
↳ a/n - okay this is a super duper self indulgent fic because i’m ill and really don’t handle being ill well :)
↳ content warnings - mentions of being ill, medication mention, swearing. that’s it this is mostly a comfort fic
↳ 2k word count
↳ masterlists
@bucky-j-barnes @adorably-sweet-hufflepuff @kpopgirlbtssvt @booksmusicteaandanimals @cheryllclayton @jesso80 @dietbreadloaf @thebluetint @lilireinhartsimp @camiczzzz @bitchy-broken @crazyninjalight @literarygetaway21 @justanotherkpopstanlol @firewhiskey-kisses @amberritonicole @freezing82 @remembered-license @teenloves @audreyantic @80strashbag @ilikefruitgummies join my tag list
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okay so, she had turned into a zombie over the weekend. sweet pea was almost convinced of the fact, to be honest, when he saw y/n trudge into the student’s lounge on monday morning like she were the walking dead. she was so out of it she almost stumbled into jughead as she walked in, and with a mumbled apology she proceeded to do the same thing to fangs before he lead her to sit down on the sofa, clearly concerned.
sweet pea had sat up at that point, a crease forming in between his eyebrows with worry. he was the last person to ever say something bad about his girlfriend, but she looked horrible. her movements were clumsy and wobbly, more so than usual, and it was more like she had swayed into the room when she almost stumbled into jughead. as she sat down on the sofa beside him, sweet pea could see dark circles under her eyes and red across her nose, though the rest of her skin was almost a sickly pale. her hair had been pulled back into a simple braid and she wore a jumper dress that went to her knees, though for someone who usually put more effort into her appearance it was pretty obvious that she had just dressed for comfort over anything else.
the last time sweet pea had seen her on the previous friday, she had been fine. sure, she complained about a sore throat a few times and sneezed a bit, but other than that she was perfectly fine. though the girl sat next to him on the couch was absolutely not fine.
y/n let out a deep sigh as she basically fell into sweet pea’s side, and her eyes closed as she hugged his waist. to anyone looking in it must’ve looked like she passed out against him.
“morning pea.” she mumbled, and sweet pea frowned more. even just her voice sounded horrible; all scratchy and thick, clear that she had a blocked nose.
“hey angel,” sweet pea shared a look with fangs that essentially just said ‘what the fuck is she doing in school?‘, and when he looked up and caught jughead’s gaze across the room he had the same expression on his face. all of their friends did, really. “why are you in school?”
“because we can’t skip.” she mumbled into his jacket, and sweet pea blinked. she was kidding, right?
“yeah but, not to be a dick y/n, but you look like you’ve got the plague.” fangs chimed in, equally as worried as sweet pea was.
“i feel like it, but i’ve got a math test today that i need to get done. and veronica needed me for a thing.”
across the room veronica called over “it’s fine don’t worry about it!“ though y/n either was ignoring her, or she genuinely didn’t hear it. sweet pea was willing to bet it was the latter of the two options.
“baby, i think your health is a little more important than a math test,” sweet pea frowned as he started rubbing her arm with his palm. she shifted slightly so her forehead was pressed to his neck, and he grew more concerned at how warm she felt. “i think i should take you home.”
“no, no no, i’m fine,” she shook her head stubbornly and sat up, though she winced as she did so and if anything just further proved why she wasn’t fine. “i’ll be okay. i just need to nap when i get home.”
sweet pea was about to open his mouth to protest, because she needed much more than a nap, though he was interrupted by the bell which caused him to frown more. he shared barely any of her classes all day, which meant he wouldn’t be able to keep an eye on her in class and make sure she didn’t get any worse. though as if she had read his mind, betty walked over and smiled as she held her hand out to y/n.
“i’ll walk with you to class? we have english, and i’ve got some claritin in my bag you can have.” betty said kindly, and sweet pea mouthed a ‘thank you’ to her that she returned with another kind smile.
sweet pea placed a hand on her back as y/n stood up (or rather was pulled up by betty), and watched as the girls linked arms before betty guided his stumbling girlfriend out of the student lounge. he frowned again, especially when she almost colided with the doorframe on the way out, and decided that if she were any worse by lunch time then he’d take her back to his place to rest, whether she wanted to stay or not.
the next four classes passed almost excruciatingly slowly. sweet pea didn’t share any of her morning classes, so he spent the next couple of hours just ignoring his work and worrying about if y/n was okay. he messaged her through the morning just to make sure, and she reassured him countless times that she was fine; though sweet pea knew his girlfriend well enough that she would insist she was fine even if she had been shot or something.
he left his fourth class a few minutes early to meet her from history, and leaned against the wall beside the classroom door until the bell for lunch went and students started flooding out of the room. sweet pea scanned each person who came out for y/n, though he wasn’t surprised (worried, yes, though not surprised) when y/n came stumbling out a few minutes after everyone else, looking like she hadn’t slept in decades.
“hey.” she smiled somewhat when she saw him. her voice sounded even worse than earlier, and his concern was only increased when a series of coughs followed her greeting.
“hey,” sweet pea nodded. “what do you say we head on home?”
y/n pouted and shook her head as they started walking in the direction of the cafeteria. “no, my math text is sixth period.” she complained and sweet pea groaned.
“can’t you do it tomorrow? i’m worried about you.”
“i appreciate it, pea, but i’ll be fine i promise.” y/n insisted, though not even a moment after her statement she stumbled over her own feet and sweet pea had to grip her forearm to keep her from falling.
“right.” sweet pea said sarcastically, unconvinced.
he didn’t let go of her arm until they were in the cafeteria in case she were to trip again, and even helped her into her seat - sandwiched between toni and him - before he sat down himself. everyone at the table seemed to give her a worried look, though she didn’t seem to notice as she leaned her chin in her palms.
sweet pea didn’t really focus on the conversation flowing through the table, fangs seeemd to be doing enough talking for everyone anyways. instead he shrugged his bag off of his shoulders and dug through it until he had found what he wanted. sweet pea had skipped the start of first period to raid the vending machines in the student lounge, getting y/n her favourite fruit drink and snack. even if she didn���t eat much - and he guessed she wouldn’t because of how she was feeling - he wanted her to have something.
sweet pea placed the items on the table in front of her and y/n smiled gratefully. she unscrewed the cap on her drink and took a long sip, before she settled herself into his side with a sigh.
sweet pea allowed fangs to suck him into the conversation after that. well, for the most part. he still shot y/n a concerned look whenever she started coughing, or repeated “bless you” a thousand times when she had a sneezing fit, and he was still very much aware of how too warm she felt. he gently rubbed her side with his palm the whole time to try and comfort her. even if she wanted to stick through the day, he knew how shitty she must’ve actually been feeling.
after another few minutes he felt her head lull against his shoulder, though continued his gentle movements of his palm against her waist. it wasn’t unusual for her to lean against him like that, so he didn’t think anything of it. though he did look up in concern when he heard veronica say something about y/n falling asleep, and when he glanced at his girlfriends face he could see her eyes were half closed and watery. christ, she looked a mess. he doubted that she’d had much sleep the night before.
“okay, come on, we’re going.” sweet pea kissed the top of her head and stood up, and ignored her protests about the math test as he helped her out of her seat too. her foot caught on the bench and if he hadn’t gripped his arms around her waist she would’ve fallen face-first onto the floor. he grabbed her bag along with his, and after everyone at the table had mumbled things along the lines of ‘see you later’ and ‘get well soon’, sweet pea kept his arm around her waist to lead her out of the cafeteria and towards the exit of the school, not bothering to sign either of them out. it was just more unnecessary time wasted that could be used to get y/n to his place and in bed.
y/n had stopped complaining by the time they got outside, and he assumed that she realised how much she actually needed to go home. she almost coughed up a lung as they walked to his bike, and by the time he’d mounted it and started it up he was determined to get her in bed within the hour. her head lulled against his shoulder the whole way to sunnyside trailer park, and sweet pea practically had to carry her inside with how unsteady she was on her feet.
by the time he had gotten her in bed, after giving her more medicine and making sure she drank a good amount of water, she was pretty much falling asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.
“next time you feel this shitty,” sweet pea started as he perched on the edge of his bed and tucked the duvet in around her waist - not wanting to make her too hot. he had checked her temperature and his earlier worries had been right, she did have a fever. “stay at home. or call me and i can let you stay here for the day.”
“aye aye captain.” she mumbled, and he watched as she smiled when his hand placed against her cheek.
“i’m serious, y/n. you could’ve made yourself much more ill.” he frowned, and after a moment she nodded into his palm.
“okay, i promise pea.” she whispered, and - satisfied with her answer - sweet pea leaned down to press a kiss to her forehead. he smiled when he saw her fond expression from the kiss.
“now get some sleep. you’ll feel better if you do.” he said softly, although she didn’t look like she needed to be told that. she’d already been falling asleep for around five minutes.
“‘kay. thank you for taking care of me.” she whispered with another smile, and her hand gave his a gentle squeeze when he found hers atop of the duvet.
“no problem, angel. i just hate seeing you so unwell.”
sweet pea pressed another kiss to her head, this one lingering and softer, though by the time he had pulled away her eyes were fully shut and she was already drifting into sleep. sweet pea carefully detached his hand from hers and stood up to allow her to sleep in peace, comforted by the fact that he could take care of her now and make sure that she was okay.
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