#she loved Lehran
randomnameless · 6 months
Do you think that it's out-of-character/a retcon for Edelgard to know from the start that Alear's a dragon but not take any issue with that because she sees them as a benelovent and kind person?
It seems like a pretty blatant attempt on IS' part to whitewash Edelgard's speciesism away by rewriting it so that she doesn't have any issues with dragons and only hated Rhea because she thought she was a bad leader imo; it's at least consistent with her Hopes characterization, where that aspect of her personality also got scrubbed away, but i still really dislike just how hard IS has been working to remove her biggest character flaws in every game she's been in post-3H.
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You are a child of the goddess. You must not be allowed power over the people!
Benevolent or not (I mean, she says this to Flayn, a cleric!), children of the goddess should not rule over the people because they are children of the goddess ; aka, regardless of their actions, pointy ears cannot have power over round ears, period.
And bear in mind, this quote isn't from CF, but from either SS or VW, aka routes not centered on her (and supposed to be more neutral than AM where she is the final boss).
Supreme Leader doesn't like pointy ears, period. In CF, she develops a bit more (especially in the non Pat'd version), but she thinks they have no human understanding/feelings, and refuses to even consider the idea of "coexistence", the "masquerading as humans" part comes to mind, and ultimately her question being roughly should humans be led by inhumans or not? And if you exclude inhumans because they are, non humans, rather than excluding them based on their actions, well, the issue is not their actions (or lack of), but their nature.
So yes, our Supreme Leader would have had qualms about Alear and the existence of a Divine Dragon, while she knows how to not spout her racist/specist theory at the wrong time, it generally makes no sense for her to be chummy with Alear.
(bear in mind Supreme Leader is the only Lord who has no support with a Nabatean!)
FWIW, Heroes doubled down on her specism while mumbling something about "Gods" (but then, F!Edel talks to Mila the lizard lady, and not to Ashera or Yune!) but yes, if Supreme Leader has to be an emblem and exist alongside Corn, Miccy, Ike, Leif, Celica, - well, any of the FE Lords, she had to be heavily retconned because her views can't match at all with theirs.
The Fodlan Emblem though was pretty much decried everywhere for this, and also the fake "uwu we're all fwends" when Supreme Leader tried to ice the two others in FE16, and shits on their countries or their characters at any given occasion.
Nopes scrubbed off the specism, but only because Nopes doesn't fully explore her reasoning like Tru Piss does, there's no occasion to rant about evil pointy ears and explain why they suck to a party who... follows her because they want to be paid (Barney).
However, given how in Golden Shower, she outed Nabateans as "not being what they seem" to convince Clout - I'd say it still exists and is still one of her reasons to want to get rid of the CoS and Rhea : her ears are pointy.
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Sometimes I really wish I saw what other people could see in the Tellius games.
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theia-eos · 1 month
small question about "shadows of the crimean liberation"
in chapter 11 how come Janaff and Ulki didn't recognize Soren as a black dragon branded? I understand for story reasons but you mention specifically that they don't know even after meeting Deghinsea and Kurthnaga in Goldoa so I was wondering if there was another reason too?
Ah, thank you for asking! I do plan to go into it more in other stories, but since it would be from the point of view of characters who don't have the whole picture, I'm happy to provide a top down view.
There a few components to consider.
The first being that Micaiah and Soren recognize that there is something powerful and ancient within each other respectively during Radiant Dawn.
Soren: The Maiden of Dawn… What are you? One of the Branded, that’s for sure. But there is something else about you… Power. Yes, I can feel it in you. You possess great power. Micaiah: Yes, and you would know. There’s something very different about you, too. Your energy feels so…ancient. You and I seem to have so much in common. Radiant Dawn, "Blood Contract," Chapter 3-13
So there is some ancient energy within Soren, this is clear foreshadowing to Soren being descended from the Ancient Black Dragon King himself. Micaiah having some unique great power is a likely reference to her being the apostle and having inherited Lehran's ability to hear the Voice of the Goddess and awaken the goddesses.
The other, and most important, component is that Tibarn, Naesala, Reyson, and Caineghis all go to the meeting with Deghinsea and Kurthnaga, and presumably Ranulf, Janaff, Ulki, and Nealuchi all accompany their kings. Many of them speak to, with, and are around Soren, and none of them notice in the game. This despite Tibarn saying later on in Radiant Dawn that:
Tibarn: That Almedha is a formidable woman. At first I doubted her claim that she was the daughter of that useless old lizard. But even I had trouble holding her down. Me! She’s no ordinary beorc woman, that’s for sure. Elincia: I agree. Lady Almedha and Prince Kurthnaga share a striking resemblance, as well. Not just their faces, but their mannerisms, too. Tibarn: Is that how beorc spot blood relations? We laguz use scent, mainly. Speaking of which, something has been bothering me about Almedha. She has no distinct scent. It’s as if she is neither beorc nor laguz. Elincia: She actually told me something that I wanted to ask you about. She said that she lost her power when she became pregnant with King Pelleas. Radiant Dawn, "Unforgivable Sin," Chapter 4-5
The Extended Scripts expand on it a bit more
[ティバーン] そうか…ベオクは そうやって判断するのか。▼ [エリンシア] ラグズは、どうなさるんですか?▼ [ティバーン] 主に匂いだな。▼ ラグズとベオクは大きく違うし、 ラグズの中でも種に応じて違う。 …俺たちはそうやって個体を見分ける。▼ が、あのアムリタという女は…… ど��かおかしい。▼ Radiant Dawn, "Unforgivable Sin," Chapter 4-5
The basic gist being that each type of laguz has its own unique type of scent in addition to the major difference in scent between laguz and beorc. You can read a fan translation by the always lovely amielleon here.
Tibarn also remarks a few sentences later (fan translation, again, provided by amielleon) that "Parentless" have a scent closer to a beorc.
[ティバーン] 黒竜王がベオクと交わったとでも? それは、天地がひっくりかえっても ありえねえ話だろうぜ。▼ ”親無し”は、むしろ ベオクに近い匂いがするって話だ。 それでもないから…分からん。▼ Radiant Dawn, "Unforgivable Sin," Chapter 4-5
But that clearly means they have elements of both laguz and beorc in their scent, just more beorc than laguz. (This makes it clear why laguz who aren't in the know, like Skrimir or Vika, could mistake a Branded for a beorc, but Tibarn is clearly in the know and can pick up on however small that differentiation is).
And yet no one, not even he-who-spoils-the-Black-Knight-reveal-almost-certainly-based-on-scent-alone Ranulf, notices that Soren is dragon branded, let alone related to Dheginsea or Kurthnaga. Or if they do, they are weirdly and uncharacteristically quiet about it. Which some of them would be quiet (Ranulf is more of a quiet investigator, but even he has moments of cheek "I know what your secret is" [though maybe he's just trying not to upset Soren by keeping quiet]), and others (especially Tibarn) would never be quiet about that tidbit of information ("You'd let your own grandson die by sending us back to the Kauku Caves?" [I love Tibarn, but if he knew, he'd say something for certain when they're in Goldoa in Radiant Dawn, despite the fact that the revelation would kill Soren on the spot]).
So, why does Pelleas have to figure it out? Kurthnaga travels with the Greil Mercenaries in Part 4 and can fight alongside Soren in the Tower, and yet, nothing??? His own nephew is right there, and nothing???
I have nothing, no really good info from the games, so I have to come up with my own answers based on what little we do get.
So back to why can't anyone recognize what Soren's scent is. If the games don't give me the info I want, then I'll make it up.
Well. as Tibarn says, Almedha has no scent that is distinctive of either beorc or laguz. Beorc and laguz have different scents, and the different tribes have their own unique notes as well.
I've decided that the "beorc scent" is of different varities of metals (copper, gold, silver, tin, etc.) and the "laguz scent" is more earthy. Beast tribes being herbal (I reference lions having a basil note later on in that story), bird tribes being more air/water (herons smelling of petrichor, ravens like a storm, etc.), and dragons being stony (black dragons having a subtle clay scent, etc.). Soren mostly gains the metallic scent of beorc, as Tibarn describes, and since laguz have difficulty smelling anything beyond metal scents, the more subtle earthen smell is lost, they just know it's not all beorc if they're more aware than the average laguz.
In addition to that, he has an ancient power from his maternal grandfather within him that Micaiah can sense., and Reyson can also sense to a smaller degree. Maybe it alters Soren's scent a little, maybe not. I'm undecided as of right now.
So Soren just sits there, being a little enigma, because you would have to get up close and personal and smell him to get the obscured notes of his dragon scent, and no laguz is doing that. (Would be funny if the dragon laguz scent notes were stronger in his breath since he's a dragon. Like he just sighs very heavily because of someone annoying him and all the laguz in the room are like "!!!").
And that's why no one can tell he's black dragon for the moment.
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allegreta · 1 year
birds of a feather
starter for @thelightofcreation
It's not every day a new clergyperson is welcomed to the Church of Seiros, especially not one from Tellius, as Leanne has heard whispers about. So, if she is poking her head about the area she's heard they would be introduced in, well, that is simply a coincidence that she has made a little more likely.
His presence makes itself known before she even catches sight of him. She's not seen him much, in passing during political conversations and during the fateful encounter at the Tower of Guidance, but the weight he carries with him is unmistakable, even with thousands of years under his belt to mask it.
It is in fact Sephiran, Lehran, the man whose consuming sorrow and despair at the cruelty of the world had set into motion events that had changed Tellius forever.
It is hard for her to blame him. She cannot imagine living for so long, seeing the same mistakes made over and over again. He'd been offered solace in Serenes by her father, but turned it down to take on some sort of pilgrimage, some sort of travels. Perhaps he'd wanted to see the world beyond Tellius; no matter how comforting the presence of fellow herons and restored Serenes may be, the continent itself must hold such traumas for him.
"Lord Sephiran--erm, Lehran? It is lovely to see you!" Leanne waves, hurrying herself toward him. She has wished dearly for him to return to Serenes, to help him ease the wounds he has incurred over his many long years of life. "Have your travels been well?"
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Where should you be kissed?
you give and give. you are a gentle heart, broken but still standing... always lending a hand for those who need it, expecting nothing in return. you deserve someone taking your hand and kissing your open palm, the hands which have selflessly helped so many others.
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Martel always loved his hands. Callused, and sometimes rough, but always gentle with her. This is...more accurate than he would like to to be. Though it was usually his fingertips or his knuckles that she would kiss.
Tagged By: stole it from @generalzelgius​ because I was going to do it for Lehran, and then...got sidetracked XD
Tagging: Anyone who wants it!
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legendspun · 1 year
all this, and heaven too
for @holytides
"Altina," Lehran calls, eyes drawn to her silhouette before even the brilliance of their solitary camp flame; though they have started to settle for the night he can tell she is restless still and so repeats, "love, have you sat down a moment today?"
Soan was still patrolling the perimeter of the camp but it was different for both him and Dheginsea, Lehran knew; for while certainly they tired it was not the same as the stress that seemed to settle in the black heron's very bones, and while Altina did not share that laguz heart sense of his he knew full well that fighting day in and day out was as hard on her heart as it was his own.
Sometimes he thinks the goddess meant for the two of them to meet so that Lehran might remind Altina that as radiant as she was she was still one woman.
"Talk with me for a moment," he asks, leaning up against a log brought over to the fire. "We still have the means for stew. You know I prefer vegetable stock myself but we should at least use up the last of the squirrel. Would you like that I put some on?"
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enbyleighlines · 42 minutes
I have decided to revisit my idea for an omegaverse Tellius AU…
My thoughts will be listed under the cut. Beware that it will get spicy. I am still undecided whether I want to flesh this out into an actual fic, but it has currently made a home in my brain, so feel free to let me know your ideas.
How a/b/o dynamics work:
Alpha men and beta men are indistinguishable from birth and through childhood. Some men will simply “present” as an alpha at some point in their late teens or early adulthood by going into a rut.
Same goes for omega women and beta women, who will “present” by going into heat.
Omega men and alpha women are rare, and have a mix of male and female sex characteristics. Omega men possess a penis, a vagina, and a uterus, and develop a more masculine figure during puberty. Alpha women possess a penis, testes, and a vagina, and develop a more feminine figure during puberty.
Rut is a state of hyper-aggression, where alphas will be consumed by the desire to scare off any perceived competitors of their chosen love interest, claim an omega with a bonding bite, and stockpile as much food and water as they can. It happens once a year, in the spring, and lasts about a week. However, a shorter rut can be triggered by an omega in heat.
Heat is a period in which an omega is fertile, and is consumed by the desire to reproduce. Before heat comes pre-heat. Pre-heat is also known as the nesting stage, wherein an omega will find and decorate a safe space for them to hide away during their heat. This lasts a day. The heat itself lasts 2-3 days. Omegas in heat lose all interest in anything but sex, which is why alphas are driven to stockpile food and water, so that they can force their omega to hydrate and feed themselves. Heats happen once a season (every 3 months), and their first one is generally triggered by proximity to a compatible alpha.
Certain dynamics show up more often in certain laguz tribes. Most herons are omegas and betas, with few alphas, whereas hawks and crows are dominated by alphas.
In beorc, omegas are the most likely to give birth to alphas and omegas, though they also give birth to betas. Betas generally only give birth to other betas, but occasionally they also give birth to omegas and, more rarely, alphas.
Alpha/omega and beta/beta are the most common relationships. Alpha/beta and beta/omega couplings rarely result in children, so they are considered ill-suited for one another.
In beorc society, only alphas are considered suitable leaders. The one exception is the Apostle, a position only ever taken by omega females. And even then, they have to share power with the alpha senators.
About the story/plot/characters:
There’s no Lehran’s Medallion, Ashera and Yune are worshipped as the twin goddesses of the dawn and dusk.
Misaha is never assassinated.
Sephiran is the reincarnation of Lehran, Misaha’s Branded nephew, and a close adviser to the Apostle.
Soren and Pelleas are the twin heirs of Ashnard and Almedha. Soren is an omega and Pelleas a beta.
Despite being the elder sibling, Soren looks like Pelleas’s younger brother.
Ashnard believes in alpha supremacy and doesn’t want a beta inheriting the Daein throne, so he is hoping that Pelleas is just late to present as an alpha.
Ashnard and Almedha had a passionate love affair at first, but then Ashnard lost all interest in Almedha when she presented as an omega. However, he continues to keep her around hoping that she might produce an alpha heir for him. However, it’s exceedingly rare for dragon laguz to get pregnant, and thus far, it looks like Soren and Pelleas will never have any more siblings.
If Pelleas doesn’t present as an alpha, Ashnard’s Plan B is to find Soren a strong alpha bride to knock him up and hopefully provide the alpha heir he desires.
For now, though, Soren is mostly ignored by his father and left to his own devices.
Soren is still Branded, but Pelleas is not. In this AU, the Branded can transform into an altered state (which for Soren looks like some sort of weredragon creature), but it is far more difficult to control those transformations. For this reason, Soren spent his childhood kept out of the public eye.
Soren was sickly as a child, and Almedha entrusted the help of Elena, who is a heron Branded, to be Soren’s personal nurse. This meant that Soren was sent to live with Elena and Gawain whenever he fell ill. His most treasured memories are the times he spent with Ike and Mist.
Once grown up, Soren starts trying to undermine his father by aiding a secret rebellion faction within the Daein army, led by none other than Gawain. Their current objective is to investigate the recent influx of feral laguz within Daein’s borders. Other members of this underground group include Ike, Mist, Titania, Oscar, Boyd, Rolf, Mia, Ilyana, Zelgius, Zihark, Rhys, Sothe, Ranulf, Lethe, Mordecai, and, eventually, Jill.
They take part in laguz hunts, aiding the escape of ordinary laguz and capturing the feral ones for observation.
Crimean princess Elincia and Begnion Apostle Micaiah are both omega, and invited to Daein to attend some political function, because Ashnard hopes that one of them will trigger Pelleas’s rut. Neither does, but Micaiah becomes an ally to Soren’s cause, putting him in touch with the Serenes royal family, whose healing galdrar might restore feral laguz to their normal state.
The focus would be on Ike/Soren. Ike thought himself to be a beta, but after a harrowing battle wherein Soren is forced to shapeshift to save both of their lives, Ike finds himself hiding in close quarters with Soren, whose scent suppressants have worn off, and it triggers his first rut.
Ranulf (a beta) starts as Soren’s love rival (Soren thinks Ike and Ranulf are secretly dating) and eventually they all become poly, with Soren and Ranulf becoming close platonic partners and Ike as their very confused but grateful boyfriend.
Sothe presents as an alpha upon meeting Micaiah. Pelleas also wants to win Micaiah’s heart. Their rivalry over her eventually spirals into a love/hate relationship with a bunch of unresolved sexual tension. Micaiah marries them both.
Boyd (an alpha) and Mist (an omega) are an established couple.
Jill (an alpha) begins as a possible bride for Soren, but neither of them are interested in the other (because they’re both gay). However, Jill eventually joins Soren as an ally, and meets Lethe (an alpha) and the two develop an unconventional alpha/alpha enemies to lovers relationship.
Geoffrey (a beta) is Elincia’s secret lover. Because he’s not an alpha, he isn’t considered a suitable option for her, but Elincia doesn’t care.
Zelgius (an alpha) meets Micaiah’s uncle Sephiran, an older omega, and becomes determined to woo him, to Sephiran’s great amusement. Gawain awkwardly attempts to wingman.
Omega siblings Reyson and Leanne both have their respective alpha husbands (Tibarn and Naesala) there to support them.
Aaaand that’s everything I have for now. Please do let me know if this is something you would like to read.
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violasgamingpalace · 1 year
Just beat radiant dawn for the 5th time, and for the first time I was able to do hard mode and the second playthrough stuff! Below are my thoughts on the changes for a game that's over a decade old
With Pelleas, I really like all the new boss conversations and context you get from Pelleas being alive, but his survival does really weaken both his narrative arc and also everyone else he hangs out with. Poor alhmedea goes from a tragic character to just a kinda nagging mom. It's a fun bonus, though I personally view his survival as just a bonus - not part of how these characters arcs should go. Also wow he's so weak and bad.
In the case of Sephrian, his survival is great and everything around it is fantastic- it should be viewed as the true ending. The memory scene gives us another glance at his relationship with Zelgius (wow radiant dawn loves it's gay men) the extra few lines in rebirth 4 help to flesh him out more, and most importantly him surviving is a much better end to his arc. A man so tortured by life he concocts the most destructive suicide plot possible, and in the end he chooses life? Fantastic.
Also I loved the final scene of him signing with ashunera. We get to see Ashunera! She gets a sprite and lines! We see the world and how it's changed! Lehran is still happy! Fantastic.
Hard mode itself was fun, though it really doesn't make many changes at all in part 4. The hardest chapters in the game (1-1 and 3-13) become harder. 3-13 in particular is REALLY fun! Love that chapter in normal but hard mode with worse exp gain and the laguz gaining ~5-7 attack and a few points of speed? I really felt the crunch and actually used my tier 1 units a lot to help hold the line.
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fayesdiary · 2 years
What on your thoughts on Ashera
Ok for starters she's immediately off to a great start since she's the only female final boss save for Idunn, but unlike her she has actually agency in the story.
But about Ashera herself, she's great and a breath of fresh air for the series:
She's a female final boss, not a dragon and not even really evil per se, more like a robot who concluded that mortalkind was only a flaw on the world that she had to correct.
Also I love the subversion that the Goddess of Order is the antagonist rather than the force of good, but also that it makes sense: what's more in order than a stale, dead world filled with nothing but statues?
When taken to the extreme, it makes sense that Chaos would champion life in its unpredictability while Order would be antithetical to it.
But also Ashera's existence is sad. She was afraid of her own emotions and power, and so she casted all her emotions aside and basically became a barely alive husk of her former self in an effort to be as impartial as possible. (huh, both of FE's female final bosses are soulless emotionless beings)
And despite her desire to destroy her quite literally chaotic half, she deep down longs to be whole again, she listens to Lehran's pleas multiple times and if he attacks her she won't fight back, showing that she's not completely emotionless.
(also some characters not fighting each other even if attacked is one of Radiant Dawn's best features for storytelling IMO)
And, again like Idunn, if you go out of your way and plan your whole playthrough to get the best ending (even if you have to play the game twice to even get a shot at it), she and Yune become Ashunera once more, and it feels so satisfying.
oh and her magic looks cool af especially in Heroes
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randomnameless · 2 years
I figured whoever was supposed to kill Micaiah did not have the heart to and spirited her away to Daein, forcing their parents to have another child. Possibly the parent themselves couldn't step up because maybe it was a male born to the line last but a dude can't be Empress/Apostle (thus it skipped that generation)?
It still doesn't explain Sephiran lol
Was he just, not around when Miccy was born? And yet he met Misaha, witnessed the herons being bbq but never thought about telling Misaha's child that, uh, it's maybe not a good thing to tell the world you are a half-breed or something like that?
Like who was even supposed to kill Miccy, but missed Sanaki? What happened then? Was Miccy just spirited away because at birth "people" knew she wasn't full beorc thus was at risk of being rekt'd...
so they sent her to racist land?
I love Miccy, but damn if her history is convoluted, especially everything regarding her and her grand grand grand (etc etc) heron grandpa.
I will forever loathe the game for not giving us more Sephiran and Miccy interactions (I understand they focus on Sanaki and Sephiran since he "betrayed" her and had a long relationship with her) - maybe because the devs realised that it was impossible to build something between the two without adressing the giant plot hole that is "Sephiran thought she died for some reason, let her lead Daien's Liberation Army thus get the nice Begnion target on her head while Zelgius was reporting on her and apparently protecting her on his orders, but his orders never were "uh can you bring her to me and maybe we could talk between parent and great great great (etc) granddaughter?"
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frauleindermorgen · 2 years
💞 = Does your muse believe in soulmates? & 💛 = In what ways does your muse express their love to their partner? 
flowers for a ghost | open
Does your muse believe in soulmates?  (other question also asked by elf so ill get to that in that ask!)
“I am descended from Lehran and Altina; and Misaha - the former apostle, was my grandmother.”
I think she really wants to. I think even knowing the ugliness that emotions can bring and their changing nature part of Micaiah loves the idea of you know, the air shifting, and suddenly she can feel it. There's the one.
But she also knows that's not really how relationships work, how the strength of her platonic bond with Sothe scared her enough she wanted to break everything off and thinks. If soulmate exist maybe not for her.
If soulmates exist they'd be someone like Lehran and Altina right? She's wistful when she's says their names but well. Look how that turned out.
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springtidesnowfall · 4 years
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Okay FINE i guess i will or whatever featuring bad quality pictures and my poor card book thats. so old
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hehe henry go brrr he has CROWS and is drawn by TOBI  whats not to love. AND THE LIGHTING AND THE RED. i kin him
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from magvel we have my beautiful wife maris posed stunningly with her sword and looking like the badass swordmaster she is, and then baby ewan! little son ewan, who looks super cute, and agh i love one flame mage 
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then we have marianne and hilda, do not se[perate them, also hildas axe. wow. its so. wow. also hhghgnggn i love her!!!! hehe hilda. im gay 
okay hopping over to tellius rq
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we got haar napping with his wyvern wih fucking CHEESE i love him. hes done nothing wrong. and the little flowers :)
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i love lesbians!! also i guess geoffrey is there. aksfajn fr though lucia is so lovely. and elincia looks so precious!!! and theyre dating.
and now. my favourite cards. 
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ike. does this one even need an explanation? ill make the shrine soon
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the only shiny card i decided to buy, the medallion bc OH MY GOD i love this one,,, yune sleeping on the medallion bc shes sealed there, lehran and micaiah facing away from each other, and then ashera!!! ah!!!!!
and this is. technically three cards but its a set and oh my GOD 
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Okay we’ll just take this as another New Game+ Thread:
Sephiran/Lehran joins the battle against Ashera, and a couple characters can talk with him.
Sanaki’s conversation is very short but very cute. I love their family dynamic. I wish they could be happy, and that Sephiran wasn’t a fucking dumbass.
Oh, Kurthnaga had apparently met him a long long time ago in Goldoa. Kurth refers to “black wings” which is very interesting, because we know that Sephiran does not have wings but was apparently a...heron? Who knows, man.
Micaiah has a brief conversation where she implies their familial relation, that we find out at the end with Micaiah and Sanaki being sisters.
Okay we’re jumping now to Pelleas at the end of the game. Where....ghkfdgh, he is actually a Spirit Charmer, he’s not part laguz at all. Honestly part of me figured that “Spirit Charmer” was not an actual thing in Tellius and it was just a lie made up by Branded to explain their magical prowess in a different way. But no, apparently it does exist. Ah, Pelleas, you clown boy.
And then apparently there’s a lot of weird finagling you have to do to get this but it involves Soren and Pelleas and Almedha which...oh no. oh no.
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gascon-en-exil · 4 years
I love your Fire Emblem observations and really love your takes on Three Houses and the other games in the series. I haven’t seen many posts of yours talking about the Tellius games (although Tumblr makes it impossible to find stuff that you really want to), but I saw you say once that the Branded were a sort of proof of divine retribution of sorts against Laguz and Beorc interbreeding, which is the impression I get too. So how come neither Yune nor Ashera ever say anything other than “huh”?
I haven’t played the Tellius games in a long time so I haven’t had much occasion to write about them. 
Per the base conversation between Stefan and Yune the goddess(es) didn’t even know that the Branded existed, much less that producing them physically cripples their laguz parents. This leads me to believe that we’re meant to take this as some sort of inexplicable natural phenomenon that maybe kind of makes sense if the laguz is the mother (so you wouldn’t end up with the strange and possibly fatal instance of a dragon or giant bird having to give live birth to a human infant) but also applies if the father is the laguz, ex. Lehran, so it’s still pretty silly.
Of course, this has the side effect of shooting these games’ anti-racism narratives in the foot at the last minute, because the apparent conclusion is that racial mixing is bad. That does seem to track with typical Japanese attitudes on the subject (see also: Devdan/Danved from these games, a caricature of an African man played totally straight that the localizations had a hell of a time trying to soften), but in my opinion it just goes to show that the writers of these games were not attempting to tackle race and racial tensions as serious themes. 
Rather, they were more interested in expanding the concept of shapeshifting demihumans that had been established in earlier games with the manakete as well as playing around with the idea of “holy” blood as it appeared in the Jugdral games. The Branded aren’t venerated as superhumans and allowed to rule over their feudal society because their ancestors were magically imbued with dragon blood manifesting in brands (or as you might also call them...crests) on their bodies, but the despised products of interracial sex hated and feared for the special qualities bestowed upon them by their blood. You can see later games in the series doing some of this as well. Awakening and Fates introduce more new types of non-draconic shapeshifters, while Three Houses purports to be all about Crests which are mostly back in the hands of the landed nobility but are also shown to have all sorts of negative effects on individuals and on society at large. Here the message flops not necessarily because of the game’s writing but because of marketing and fandom reaction. Edelgard’s crusade against Crests is deeply hypocritical and doesn’t actually do anything to combat their abuse in any significant way because she’s too busy scapegoating the person and organization that she knows are not truly responsible for creating and privileging Crests and Relics, while Dimitri’s character and the resolution to AM are more genuinely concerned with reducing the overall value of Crests in society although it’s hardly a central element of his arc.
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se-housman · 3 years
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Chapter 94 ‘Lehran’ is available to read now! The puppet master who has been pulling the strings behind the Senate and Daein since the beginning finally reveals himself.
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Also, Tibarn says gay rights ヽ(^。^)ノ
Eventually it was Reyson who surprised everyone by speaking up: “I wish he had come back to Serenes,” he said softly. “None of us knew that Lehran was still alive, but we were raised to think of him as a hero… My people could be strict, but I’m sure they would have forgiven his relationship with Altina. He didn’t have to be so alone… None of this had to happen.”
Tibarn sighed bitterly. “Right, because your father is always so forgiving of us?” he asked pointedly. “I know you don’t want to dishonor your people’s memory, but ‘strict’ is putting it mildly.” He kicked up one knee and, leaning against it, stared at Reyson. “If Serenes back then was anything like it was when we were growing up, I have no doubt Lehran was raised to hate himself for loving anyone except an appropriately vetted heron girl.”
Reyson shook his head. “Times were changing…”
“Nothing was changing!” argued Tibarn. “It’s stupid tradition and closemindedness that led to the situation we’re in now. I’m not saying Lehran isn’t to blame—the guy did some awful things. But it’s not his fault alone.”
“Are you saying my people deserved to be slaughtered just because they were ‘closeminded’?” Reyson hissed, getting to his feet.
“No, of course not!” Tibarn stood too and raised both his palms. “And I don’t think Lehran thought that either—seeing as their deaths sent him off the deep end.” He lowered his hands and passed his gaze over everyone watching their spat. “Look, all I’m saying is: if we don’t learn anything from what caused this situation then nothing’s going to get better.” He pointed a finger at Skrimir, saying, “Gallia.” He next pointed at Elincia, saying, “Crimea.” Then he pointed at Sanaki, Micaiah, and Kurthnaga: “Begnion. Daein. Goldoa. I need you all to give your word, right now, that you will live through this and make your nations better.” He jerked a thumb at himself, “I’ll do it for the bird tribes.”
“Very well,” Sanaki was the first to agree. “I will do what my grandmother sought to do. I will reveal the truth. What else would you have me vow?”
Tibarn grinned to the side and nodded. “People are people,” he declared, “Love is love. Family is who you choose and who chooses you back. Got it?”
Skrimir, Sanaki, Elincia, and Kurthnaga all raised their hands solemnly and gave overlapping vows of agreement. Then Yune ran forward, hugged Tibarn, and squealed: “You meatlings say the nicest things!” When she released him, her face was split in a giddy grin. “Micaiah says Daein’s in too!” With that, she skipped back toward the door. “Shall we?”
Ike stood up, and everyone else followed his lead. “Get ready!”
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