hokeytheelf · 1 year
Hi! I dont have a youtube account but I saw your tumblr linked under your youtube vid of Marlene & Sirius and came here to say say I absolutely adore you edits you've made! I personally love Samara as the fancast and your edits are so well done! They are really amazing, the music, the way you chose and edited scenes, I can feel the chemistry from the edits and I think you are a really talented!!❤️️❤️️
I know a took a while to answer (really sorry!), but messages like these are so special to me. To know that people still love Blackinnon is amazing. Thank you for liking the video (that was the best fanvid I made honestly), I had a blast making it. I wanted to make more of course, but I'm so busy nowadays that I don't know when I'll find the time. Don't worry, I'm still crazy in love with Blackinnon, and I actually have a few things on the work right now. I'm so sorry for not being more active, especially when there's only a few of us left here, and only a few to begin with: So to make it up to all the Blackinnon shippers out there, and to the lovely person who left me that bit of message, I will dig up some of my early fanvid of Blackinnon. This is back when I was still figuring out how to edit and matching up actors together to test the vibes. After making this vid, I decided that Samara and Ben are perfect for Blackinnon.
But for now enjoy this poorly made fanvid of Blackinnon from years ago!
For those of you who are unfamiliar of my other video (the better one, which I'm more proud of), click this link
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blackinnonism · 1 year
can u write a blackinnon fanfic where she and sirius are matchmaking jily but realise their feelings towards each other x
Look, i know this took me awhile, but i'm back on the marauders era trend and I will be here to stay for awhile! Send me prompts or send me whatever you want and please let's keep this ship sailing<3
i'm not sure how much i like this one but I hope you do like it as much as i did writing it. I might need to practice more but here it is, my fic after awhile.
He was rolling his eyes as Marlene went over the top once again convincing Lily about James’ qualities as they sat at the Gryffindor table for dinner. Sirius swears the blonde doesn’t know this thing called subtlety, the red-haired girl looks at her bestfriend amusedly though. “How much did Potter even pay you to say all of these, Marls?” The head girl chuckled with a shake of her head. Marlene pouted. “What? I just think it will be nice for you to actually give James a chance, it has been seven years after all, Lils!” The other beater of the Gryffindor team argued. “McKinnon, honestly, I think Evans could have said yes all those years ago, quit it.” Both the witches looked at the raven-haired wizard with a look of surprise, even Remus and Peter whipped their heads at Sirius.
The blonde’s expression changed from surprised to annoyance. “Aren’t you supposed to back up your best mate on this?” She challenged but all Sirius did was shrug. “They’re both old enough to make decisions for themselves.” Soon, James Potter himself took a seat next to Sirius, fresh from shower. The Gryffindor Quidditch captain always takes his time during days that they have practice and comes in late. “What are we talking about?” The headboy asked. “Nothing…” Lily answered off handedly and focused on her plate, avoiding James’ eyes. Sirius immediately changed the subject to other things and the evening went on as usual. The rest of the students all filed out the Great Hall going in different directions as the dinner comes to a close. “Are you coming?” Lily asked Marlene as Mary and Dorcas were already standing up. The blonde remained seated as if taking her sweet time finishing her treacle tart. “Nah, I’ll see you all up in the tower.” The redhead looked at the blonde with suspicion but didn’t say anything else. “Okay…See you later then.” 
The marauders are usually the last ones to leave the Gryffindor table as well and Marlene has been giving Sirius dirty looks the whole evening. “Stop glaring at me.” The animagus told her as he finally took a seat next to her, now that her friends are no longer around, his back leaning back on the table. “I think it’s time for us to be going too…” Remus said standing up and looking around the almost empty Great Hall. “You guys go on ahead. Blondie here needs some one on one.” Sirius said with a mischievous grin which earned him another glare from the lioness. “You two had been spending way too much time together lately.” James mused but stood up as well ready to go with Remus and Peter. “Catch you later, Pads.” Sirius just nodded at his friends and focused his attention on Marlene again. 
“What the fuck was that, Black?” the witch snarled as soon as their friends are all gone. “What?” he asked innocently. “We agreed we will speed things up for those two already.” She huffed. “Your tactic is clearly not working, I suggest we do the opposite and let Lily realize what she has been missing by acting nonchalant about it.” Sirius stated. The suggestion made sense but Marlene had doubts about it, afterall, she was very much into this little project they started a few weeks ago. Sure, it started with just some drunken conversation about how better it will be if James and Lily will just get on with it and snog already, that way they won’t have to watch them throwing each other those looks of longing. They also agreed that if the two actually started dating maybe it will help James relax on the pitch too which will be beneficial for both of them. Being both beaters of the team, they’re the most extensively worked during practice.
However, during those weeks that they have conspired to bring the two closer, Marlene had sensed something changing in her too. Sirius Black had always been gorgeous, everyone with two working eyes can see that but she never really paid that much attention, he was afterall never settled down and flirts as much as he can especially if it works on his favor. He was just a friend, a housemate, and her partner at the pitch. But the more she looks at his stormy eyes and the way he leans in to whisper another sneaky plan to get their bestfriends together, Marlene finds herself having butterflies fluttering in the pit of her stomach. She didn’t even want to acknowledge it. He is Sirius bloody Black for merlin’s sake. But then, no one has control on how they’d feel right? “So, are you saying we should stop then with this?” Marlene asked. 
“That’s not what I said, what i said is we should change our plan of attack.” Sirius said with mirth in those grey orbs as he meet her blue ones. As much as she hated to admit it, there was relief she felt deep inside. This means she still has an excuse to spend time with him and that alone made her smile. “Okay, fine…let’s do it your way, but if this fails, we’ll do it my way again, yeah?” She told him, her usual bossy tone apparent. Sirius chuckled and nodded. “Yeah, yeah, whatever, McKinnon. We already know your plans don’t work.” He teased and she hit his arm playfully which made the wizard laugh. What she didn’t know was Sirius had already let go of this notion that they can even get those two together. Lily can be very stubborn even though everyone can already see her softening up to James. The once Black heir was just continuing the pretense so that he can actually spend more time with Marlene. The girl never gave him the time of the day in the past. Always treating him as just another bloke she conversed with, to say that she had friendzoned him was an understatement and he had been wondering for years why. When they came up with this plan, Sirius saw the chance to actually get close and somehow learn why she never seem to even look at him with interest. Not that it’s the only reason why she caught his eye too. Marlene has always been a looker, but she also has the wit and that athleticism that she puts to good use in quidditch that just renders anyone spellbound including him. 
“Ready to go up?” He asked, looking at her plate with food she probably won’t be eating anymore. “Yeah…” She nodded with a smile. “Alright.” Sirius got up, offering his hand to help her to her feet. It was not something he usually does and Marlene also looked at the hand that was offered with a pleasant surprise on her face. “Developing manners, Black?” The blonde teased with a quirk of her brow but took his hand nevertheless. “Don’t get used to it.” He bantered back, liking how her hands felt soft on his. Now on her feet, she expected for him to let her hand go but he didn’t. Instead, he continued holding her hand, gently intertwining their fingers together and Marlene’s ears felt hot as she felt herself blush. It’s really happening, Sirius Black was holding her hand. “You mind?” He asked, looking at her with an expression that was so foreign on his face. She had never seen him like this, almost unsure and afraid she will say that she does mind. “No…it’s fine.” She assured him, giving his hand a soft squeeze. They exchanged shy smiles, which both are never known for and headed for the door. Maybe this could be the start of something new for the two lions. 
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nofuckingbody · 2 months
you 🤝 sirlene
testing my patience
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whos sirlene?? i need to get worse im better than her
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Hoje, dia 28 de setembro, a equipe da Unidade Básica de Saúde (UBS) Jardim Jovaia realizou uma tarde com a  importante ação voltada para a saúde mental no Jardim Testae.
O evento ocorreu na Igreja de Deus em Cristo Unindo Nossas Forças, localizada no Jardim Testae. A equipe envolvida na iniciativa contou com os servidores Miguel da Silva, enfermeira Kelly Cristina Sellan, auxiliar de enfermagem Sirlene Portilho e a Dra. Adriana Amâncio ACS's. Além disso, estiveram presentes os Agentes Comunitários de Saúde  Solange Paiva de Morais, Thielle Galdino dos Santos, Débora Priscila de Moraes e Sérgio Ramos de Morais Junior. Como anfitriões, o Pastor José Ferreira da Silva e sua esposa, a Missionária Maria José, que apoiaram a ação.
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ocombatente · 2 days
JI-PARANÁ: Primeiros secretários são nomeados pelo prefeito Joaquim Teixeira
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O prefeito Joaquim Teixeira nomeou os primeiros secretários municipais de Ji-Paraná, após tomar posse nesta terça-feira (26), com o afastamento de Isau Fonseca no âmbito da operação “Arcana Revelada”, conduzida pela DRACO, da Polícia Civil. Os nomes dos secretários e suas respectivas secretarias são: - Adirço Pedro da Silva – Secretário Municipal de Agricultura e Pecuária; - Sergio Adriano Camargo – Secretário Municipal de Obras e Serviços Públicos; - Jorcileide Cavalcante de Souza dos Santos – Secretária Municipal de Assistência Social e da Família; - Fábio Gonçalves – Secretário Municipal de Meio Ambiente; - Dalmo Teixeira dos Santos – Secretário Municipal de Governo; - Alessandro Barroso Duarte – Secretário Municipal de Esportes; Até o momento, as secretarias de Saúde e Educação não foram definidas pelo prefeito, apesar das especulações. Espera-se que até a noite de hoje (27) os nomes já sejam definidos. Outro cargos importantes também já foram decididos pelo prefeito: - Keila Barbosa da Silva – Presidente da Fundação Cultural; - Abrahim Merino Chamma – Diretor Técnico da Unidade de Pronto Atendimento (UPA); - Sirlene Muniz Ferreira Cândido – Presidente do Instituto de Previdência dos Servidores de Ji-Paraná – IPREJI. - Diogo de Souza Oliveira – Diretor-Geral do Hospital Municipal; - Armando Reigota Ferreira Filho – Corregedor-Geral do Município; Read the full article
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atletasudando · 6 months
Vanderlei, Adriana y la tradición de Brasil en el maratón panamericano
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Fuente: CBAT El maratón se practica desde 1951, para hombres, y desde 1987, para mujeres, en la historia de poco más de siete décadas de los Juegos Deportivos Panamericanos. Brasil, durante este período, ganó 14 medallas, ocho de oro, dos de plata y cuatro de bronce. Los maratones masculinos y femeninos de los Juegos Panamericanos de Santiago de Chile, que tienen ceremonia oficial de inauguración este viernes (20/10), se realizarán el domingo (22/10) en la Explanada do Campo de Marte. Brasil tendrá cuatro representantes: Paulo Roberto de Almeida Paula, Johnatas Oliveira Cruz, Valdilene dos Santos Silva y Andreia Aparecida Hessel. Los mayores ganadores de la especialidad en el concurso son los brasileños. Vanderlei Cordeiro de Lima ganó en Winnipeg-1999 y Santo Domingo-2003. Adriana Aparecida da Silva ganó en Guadalajara-2011 y Toronto-2015. Son los únicos bicampeones en la historia de este deporte. “El primer título fue muy importante, como logro, y principalmente, como reconocimiento del Comité Olímpico Brasileño (COB) y de la Confederación Brasileña de Atletismo (CBAt). El reconocimiento de los medios también fue especial”, recuerda Vanderlei, medallista de bronce en los Juegos Olímpicos de Atenas 2004. “Fue muy importante y tuvo un impacto muy positivo. Fue un punto de inflexión en mi carrera”. Vanderlei habla de las dificultades que tuvo para defender su título en Santo Domingo. “Fue el maratón más duro de mi vida. Y sólo gané gracias a todo el esfuerzo y dedicación en los entrenamientos. La combinación de los dos títulos fue algo que tuvo un gran impacto en mi vida”, comenta. “Que los nuevos deportistas reflexionen sobre la importancia de un título panamericano, principalmente como reconocimiento y visibilidad. Y, al igual que para mí, los seleccionados pueden hacer un avance muy importante en su carrera ahora en Santiago”, concluye Vanderlei, quien corrió el maratón por debajo de 2:10 cinco veces y tiene como récord personal 2:08:31. Las dos victorias de Adriana también se consideran fundamentales. “Los Juegos Panamericanos fueron muy especiales. Uno de los logros más importantes que he logrado”, afirma Adriana. “La medalla de oro en Guadalajara fue relevante porque rompió el récord de la competencia”. “La carrera tuvo un impacto sorprendente con una transmisión en vivo por el canal Terra, con más de 32 mil espectadores. En ese momento las redes sociales aún no eran tan fuertes”, recuerda. “En Brasil era una fiesta. Mucha emoción y sorpresa para todos los que no esperaban el resultado. Hasta el día de hoy, todos me recuerdan por ser bicampeón”, añade la exmaratonista, plusmarquista brasileño con 2:29:17 desde 2012, marca conseguida en Tokio. Medallas brasileñas en Panamericanos en MaratónOroIvo Machado Rodrigues – Indianápolis-1987 (USA)Vanderlei Cordeiro de Lima – Winnipeg-1999 (CAN)Vanderlei Cordeiro de Lima – Santo Domingo-2003 (DOM)Márcia Narloch – Santo Domingo-2003 (DOM)Franck Caldeira de Almeida – Rio-2007 (BRA)Adriana Aparecida da Silva – Guadalajara-2011 (MEX)Solonei Rocha da Silva – Guadalajara-2011 (MEX)Adriana Aparecida da Silva – Toronto-2015 (CAN) PlataJosé Santana da Silva – Mar Del Plata-1995 (ARG)Márcia Narloch – Rio-2007 (BRA) BronceLuiz Carlos da Silva – Mar Del Plata-1995 (ARG)Eder Moreno Fialho – Winnipeg-1999 (CAN)Viviany Anderson de Oliveira – Winnipeg-1999 (CAN)Sirlene de Souza Pinho – Rio-2007 (BRA)   Read the full article
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pirapopnoticias · 8 months
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escritorasms · 10 months
Silerne Jacquie de Paula Silva
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É escritora do livro Flor do Quilombo, que retrata a saga histórica dos remanescentes do quilombo de Furnas do Dionísio.
Além disso, é proprietária da pousada Flor do Quilombo, situada na comunidade Furnas do Dionísio; também é professora da Educação Especial e influencer digital.
Onde encontrar a obra Flor do Quilombo:
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Na oportunidade, estivemos com a Prefeita Tânia Ribeiro, o secretário de Meio Ambiente Carlinho e as lideranças das associações do município. Na próxima terça-feira 20/12, realizaremos a nossa primeira atividade de Reunião de Articulação com Parceiros no município de caatiba. Edital Biomas. Na foto: Maicon Silva - Coordenador Geral Cooperast Jonan - Coordenador de Campo Cooperast Carlinho - Secretário de Meio Ambiente Caatiba Sirlene - Presidenta da associação da Serra Pelada Caatiba Parceria Cooperast com o Governo do Estado da Bahia, a partir de ações de Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural, por meio da Bahiater #GovernoDaBahia #Bahiater #Cooperast #DesenvolvimentoRural #AgriculturaFamiliar (em Caatiba-Ba) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmQ_xsqu9ix/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Es la única escala que mide independencia en todos los aspectos de las actividades de vida diaria relevantes para los pacientes con lesiones medulares. (Solera et al., 2016)
Fue propuesta en 1997 por los médicos Catz, Itzkovich, Agranoz del Departamento de Lesiones Medulares del Hospital de Rehabilitación Loewnstein, Israel, como escala de discapacidad innovadora, diseñada específicamente para personas con lesiones medulares. (Félix et al., n.d.)
Esta medida de resultado es muy fácil de usar. Su sistema de puntuación se explica por sí mismo; por lo tanto, no existe un manual para instruir al clínico en el proceso de puntuación. Las puntuaciones van de 0 a 100, donde una puntuación de 0 define una dependencia total y una puntuación de 100 indica una independencia total. La puntuación de cada subescala se evalúa dentro de una escala de 100 puntos (cuidado personal: 0-20; respiración y manejo de esfínteres: 0-40; movilidad: 0-40).
El SCIM tarda aproximadamente 30-45 minutos en administrarse y puntuarse. (Spinal Cord Independence Measure (SCIM), 2022)
Spinal Cord Independence Measure (SCIM). (2022). Physiopedia. https://www.physio-pedia.com/Spinal_Cord_Independence_Measure_(SCIM)
Félix, M., Solera, S., Gallardo, M., & González, S. (n.d.). https://www.medigraphic.com/pdfs/revcliescmed/ucr-2016/ucr164f.pdf
Solera, S., Mar�a Jos� Gallardo, & Sirlene Gonz�lez. (2016). Artículo Original: Validación de la medida de independencia para la médula espinal versión III en español (escim III), en pacientes hospitalizados en la Unidad de Lesiones Medulares del Centro Nacional de Rehabilitación en los meses de enero, febrero y abril del 2015.Revista Cl�Nica de La Escuela de Medicina de La Universidad de Costa Rica,6(4), 1–5. https://www.medigraphic.com/cgi-bin/new/resumen.cgi?IDARTICULO=70271#:~:text=La%20SCIM%20es%20la%20%C3%BAnica,los%20pacientes%20con%20lesiones%20medulares.
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blackinnonism · 1 year
Marlene and Sirius are caught by her parents. Her mother tells them that Marlene is engaged to be married to a death eater.
Another ask, I didn’t get to do right away! I’m sorry but here it is! I hope you like it. I’m kinda unsure of the ending but I think it was kinda sweet.
There was a thick layer of tension in the air around them. Emotions all muddled in her chest, if only her bloody git of a boyfriend didn’t insist on visiting while her parents were away and if only she was strong enough to resist him then they wouldn’t be in this situation. However, knowing Sirius Black, he’s probably already thinking on how to make jokes about this later on. Trust the marauder to always think that him being caught in some kind of compromising position is funny, whether it’s during a prank or doing something less than innocent with her. The thing is, she’s never really been one to break the rules, well at least not one to go with plans that aren’t fool proof, but Sirius had always inspired that rebellious streak in Marlene that had always been there to begin with. After making it official, much to them resisting it for years, her seventh year at Hogwarts had been eventful. Always finding herself in an adventure with Sirius, breaking curfews, pulling pranks, and sometimes just simply being reckless. 
The couple looked at them, now that they’re fully clothed and sitting at the McKinnon’s couch at their large living room. Marlene went home to Scotland for winter break and Sirius sent an owl that he will come visit. It was all good and well, Marlene even told her parents about it, but before the date even came, there was some business her parents had to attend to. The blonde sent an owl to the Potters but Sirius still apparated on the original day that they agreed upon. She looked at his mischievous grin as he appeared, hands on her hips. “You can’t be here!” She told him. But the marauder just chuckled. 
“I’ve been told that countless of times, blondie.” 
“I’m serious! My parents will curse you to oblivion if they found out you’re here without them.” 
“No, I am Sirius!” The raven-haired wizard had the nerve to joke about it.
But soon, he was able to charm his way so Marlene will let him stay, she had miss him afterall and it’s not like they haven’t been alone in the past. But they got too comfortable, too sure of themselves and soon they woke up with her mother calling out her name and waking both of them up in their naked stupor. She was running curses in her head as they both got dressed as her mother told them they will wait for them at living room as soon as they were decent. Both now in their best behaviours, Marlene sat a foot apart from the once Black heir. Her dad looked at them with disappointment in his eyes and she wanted to melt in a puddle. Sirius was sitting there looking perfectly fine, his demeanor not at all fazed. She actually envied him sometimes on how he can look so regal, so confident, and so beautiful at the same time. 
“We didn’t want to say anything yet because we figured you both can have this year as it’s your last year in Hogwarts.” Her father started. “But clearly, you two are risking a lot already by being together.” The implication was apparent in the older man’s voice. How her parents think that their daughter is still the innocent wide-eyed girl they dropped off at Platform 9 ¾ all those years ago, she can never understand. Maybe that’s just how parents are, always avoiding the reality that their children do grow up and become their own person and do things that are not necessarily holy and innocent at all times. “Sirius…” Mr. McKinnon called her boyfriend’s voice sternly. “We actually met with your parents and since you were…” Marlene’s dad trailed on, unsure of how to say it. 
“Burnt off of the family tree, sir. I don’t see how that has something to do with me and Marlene though.” Sirius finished for the older man. “Well, we have to marry Marlene off to someone who is actually going to give her a favorable name and future.” The blonde couldn’t even believe her ears. Their family is one of the oldest pureblood families in Scotland but they never really dealt much with all the British wizarding world’s mania about the sacred 28 and all that shite. “Father!” It was Marlene’s turn to speak up. “Sirius can give me a fantastic future. It might be a long time from now but he is capable and the Potters basically has adopted him by now.” The Gryffindor lass argued. 
Her mother was the one to speak up this time. “Marlene, it’s not that we’re saying Sirius isn’t capable. Forgive your father. But we did try to actually match the two of you up. However, since the Black family did say they have nothing to do with him, they offered a distant relative. You are to marry Evan Rosier after your graduation next year.” Marlene didn’t know if this is some sick joke. Maybe this is just one of those bizarre nightmares that you woke up in and it felt too real. If she was embarrassed about being caught earlier, she’s now horrified that it turned into this conversation. How can sleeping with Sirius suddenly gave way to her parents admitting that they made a deal with the devil and has agreed to marry her off to the Black sisters’ cousin.
They all knew of him. He was a couple of year older, a Slytherin who had been all too snobbish and arrogant to anyone outside of his house. He was a prick and rumors has it that he is one of them…a death eater. She felt a hand covered hers. She looked at Sirius, his hand becoming a source of strength and focus as the words continue to ring in her ears. “I don’t think she will marry anyone she didn’t want to. You should know your daughter better, Mr. and Mrs. McKinnon. She doesn’t need any man, not even me, to have a great future, she can do that all by herself. If you wanted to marry her off, that’s your choice, but if she wanted to defy you then that’s her choice too. You raised her well and I’ll be damned if she will just take all of that bullshit about arranged marriage without a fight.” Her boyfriend addressed her parents confidently and still respectfully and Marlene had never been more proud nor in love with him. “Wanna get out of here?” Sirius turned to her. Marlene nodded. She doesn’t really know what this means, are they running away together? Because it feels like it. But she will go to the ends of the world with this wizard if he asks after he stood up for her the way he did. 
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balburder · 2 years
[Videoshow] Diário de viagem a Lima (Parte 1)
[Videoshow] Diário de viagem a Lima (Parte 1)
Em nossa primeira viagem (Lielson e muá) para o exterior depois que o mundo acabou, fomos para Lima, a convite do Instituto Guimarães Rosa no Peru (anteriormente chamado Centro Cultural do Brasil-Peru), da Embaixada do Brasil no Peru e da Bienal de Quadrinhos de Curitiba, para essa Semana de la Historieta Brasil-Perú. (more…)
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gsvoleibol · 2 years
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✨HALL DA FAMA 🏵️PREMIER VOLLEYBALL LEAGUE 2022 🏐FEMININO ADULTO 🏆DREAM TEAM JOGADORA MAIS VALIOSA (MVP) - MARISA (ALICES DO VÔLEI) MELHOR CENTRAL - SIRLENE (ALICES DO VÔLEI) MELHOR LEVANTADORA - DENISE (NOSSO VÔLEI) MELHOR LÍBERO - PRISCILA (NOSSO VÔLEI) MELHOR OPOSTA - AMANDA (ALICES DO VÔLEI) MELHOR PONTEIRA - RAFAELA (NOSSO VÔLEI) SEGUNDA MELHOR CENTRAL - AMANDA (NOSSO VÔLEI) SEGUNDA MELHOR PONTEIRA - SUELEN (UNIDAS VÔLEI) MELHOR TÉCNICO - THALLES (ALICES DO VÔLEI) #PVL2022 #JogueComoUmLeão #JogueComoUmaLeoa #VidaLongaAoRei #LongLiveToTheKing #GALA #GoGalatasaray #Galatasaray #NósSomosVoleibol #NósSomosGalatasaray #WeAreVolleyball #WeAreGalatasaray #WeAreTheBest #türkiye #voleybol #voleibol #GSvoleybol #GSV #EachLionCounts #EachLionMatters #VemSerGalatasaray #BeGalatasaray #LosLeonesDelBronce #LasLeonasDelOro #TheLionKing #RedeDoBem #GalaTAÇAray #BeBetterBeALion (em Rede De Esportes Pinhais) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkQRmQvuMR0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aloneinstitute · 2 years
"Olhai como crescem os lírios do campo: eles não trabalham nem fiam. Porém, eu vos digo: nem o rei Salomão, em toda a sua glória, jamais se vestiu como um deles. Ora, se Deus veste assim a erva do campo, que hoje existe e amanhã é queimada no forno, não fará ele muito mais por vós, gente de pouca fé?" (Mateus 6,28-30)
Estamos todos com saudades de Sirlene Silva, que borda lindamente, cercada de meus amores...
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ocombatente · 2 days
JI-PARANÁ: Primeiros secretários são nomeados pelo prefeito Joaquim Teixeira
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O prefeito Joaquim Teixeira nomeou os primeiros secretários municipais de Ji-Paraná, após tomar posse nesta terça-feira (26), com o afastamento de Isau Fonseca no âmbito da operação “Arcana Revelada”, conduzida pela DRACO, da Polícia Civil. Os nomes dos secretários e suas respectivas secretarias são: - Adirço Pedro da Silva – Secretário Municipal de Agricultura e Pecuária; - Sergio Adriano Camargo – Secretário Municipal de Obras e Serviços Públicos; - Jorcileide Cavalcante de Souza dos Santos – Secretária Municipal de Assistência Social e da Família; - Fábio Gonçalves – Secretário Municipal de Meio Ambiente; - Dalmo Teixeira dos Santos – Secretário Municipal de Governo; - Alessandro Barroso Duarte – Secretário Municipal de Esportes; Até o momento, as secretarias de Saúde e Educação não foram definidas pelo prefeito, apesar das especulações. Espera-se que até a noite de hoje (27) os nomes já sejam definidos. Outro cargos importantes também já foram decididos pelo prefeito: - Keila Barbosa da Silva – Presidente da Fundação Cultural; - Abrahim Merino Chamma – Diretor Técnico da Unidade de Pronto Atendimento (UPA); - Sirlene Muniz Ferreira Cândido – Presidente do Instituto de Previdência dos Servidores de Ji-Paraná – IPREJI. - Diogo de Souza Oliveira – Diretor-Geral do Hospital Municipal; - Armando Reigota Ferreira Filho – Corregedor-Geral do Município; Read the full article
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atletasudando · 1 year
Orjuela y Toaquiza, vencedores del Sudamericano de Maratón en Kourou
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El colombiano Yesid Alexander Orjuela y la ecuatoriana Carmen Amelia Toaquiza ganaron el Campeonato Sudamericano de Maratón, realizado este domingo 19 de marzo bajo duras condiciones climáticas (calor y casi 100% de humedad) en Kourou, en la Guayana Francesa. Fue en el marco de la 31ª. edición del denominado “Maratón del Espacio”, una prueba tradicional en esa ciudad, instituida a principios de la década del 90 con motivo del lanzamiento del cohete Arianne. Se largó en Pointe-des-Roches, con llegada en el Centro Espacial de Guayana. “Sabía que iba a ser una carrera muy dura por el factor climático; así que salí buscando un ritmo constante hasta donde mi cuerpo más me lo permitiera; tratando de llevar un ritmo promedio entre 3'32"-3'30"/km; y así fue hasta prácticamente el kilómetro 35", aseguró en sus redes sociales el hijo de Ana Matilde, al final de la competencia de 42K”, escribió Yesid en sus redes sociales.                         Terminó con un tiempo de 2 horas y 34 minutos, 3 m. por delante del argentino José Félix Sánchez (no puntuable para el Sudamericano). El tercer puesto en 2:40, y con medalla de plata para el Sudamericano, fue para el también argentino Luis Ariel Molina, ex campeón de maratón de su país y representante olímpico en Rio 2016. En damas, Toaquiza empleó 3:08:02, mientras que la argentina Chiara Mainetti abandonó hacia el km. 15. Orjuela, de 35 años, tiene un antecedente de 2:18:44 en Houston 2016, aunque posteriormente, por problemas físicos, estuvo un tiempo alejado de la actividad. Es también guía técnico de su destacada hermana y maratonista olímpica Angie Rocío Orjuela. Toaquiza cuenta con una marca personal en maratón de 2:40:08 (Lima 2017), que la clasificó para el Mundial de ese año en Londres, donde quedó 61ª. con 2:48:45. Tiene marcas personales en pista de 16:13.49 en 5.000 y 34:43.53 en 10.000, ambas en esa misma temporada, en la que fue medalla de plata de 5.000 en los Juegos Bolivarianos. En los Odesur del 2018, en Cochabamba, consiguió la medalla de bronce de la misma distnacia y el cuarto puesto en 10.000. Historial del Campeonato Sudamericano de Maratón 11.10.2009 Buenos Aires Varones: 1 Marco Antonio Pereira BRA 2:17:56, 2 Herman Oscar Cortinez ARG 2:20:06, 3 José Ramón Romero ARG 2:23:23 Mujeres: 1 Sirlene Souza de Pinho BRA 2:38:08, 2 Natalia Romero CIH 2:44:31, 3 Andrea Graciano ARG 2:46:00   8.8.2010 Asunción Varones: 1 Elias Rodrigues Bastos BRA 2:27:51, 2 Paulo da Silva BRA 2:28:04, 3 Gustavo López PAR 2:33:18 Mujeres: 1 María Gabriela Almada ARG 2:55:02, 2 Janette Gomes Barbosa BRA 2:56:48, 3 Leone Justino da Silva BRA 3:09.51 15.5.2011 Lima Varones: 1 Miguel Mallqui PER 2:17:10, 2 Marco Antonio Pereira BRA 2:19:40, 3 José David Cardona COL 2:25:17 Mujeres: 1 Jimena Helen Misayauri PER 2:42:40, 2 Sandra Mercedes Ruales ECU 2:48:01, 3 Mary Emanuelle da Costa Oliveira BRA 2:54:29 26.6.2012 Caracas Varones: 1 José David Cardona COL 2:19:18, 2 José Everaldo da Silva Mota BRA 2:24:22, 3 Eduardo Aruquipa BOL 2:26:06 Mujeres: 1 Conceicao Maria de Carvalho Oliveira BRA 2:53:15, 2 Ruby Milena Riativa COL 2:53:22, 3 Ana Joaquina Rondón COL 2:55:04 13.10.2013 Buenos Aires Varones: 1 Eliezer de Jesús Santos BRA 2:18:09, 2 Darío Edgardo Ríos ARG 2:20:01, 3 Osvaldo Ezequiel Barreto ARG 2:31:31 Mujeres: 1 Rosa Alva Chacha ECU 2:42:03, 2 Karina Elizabeth Neipán ARG 2:45:52, 3 Maria Laura Bazallo URU 2:48:58 6.4.2014 Santiago de Chile Varones: 1 Roberto Carlos Echeverría CHI 2:16:58, 2 Marcos Alexandre Elias BRA 2:20:29, 3 Eugenio Galaz CHI 2:20:35 Mujeres: 1 Erika Alejandra Olivera CHI 2:36:08, 2 Carmen Patricia Martínez PAR 2:38:05, 3 Hortensia Arzapalo PER 2:42:12 9.8.2015 Asunción Varones: 1 Juan Huamán PER 2:28:23, 2 Marcos Alexandre Elias BRA 2:30:46, 3 Renildo Batista BRA 2:32:05 Mujeres: 1 Wilma Arizapana PER 2:50:39, 2 Gladys Machacuay PER 2:51:13, 3 Antonia Bernadete Lins BRA 2:58:37 10.4.2016 Montevideo Varones: 1 Aguelmis Rojas URU 2:17:32, 2 Matías Silva CHI 2:22:40, 3 Lucas Emanuel Villanueva URU 2:28:17 Mujeres: 1 Gladys Celia Machacuay PER 2:42:18, 2 Hortensia Arzapalo PER 2:46.28, 3 Rosangela Raimunda Pereira Faria BRA 2:48:31 19.3.2017 Temuco Varones: 1 Enzo Diego Yáñez CHI 2:18:39, 2 Darlys Ramón Ayala PAR 2:19:03, 3 Manuel de Jesús Cabrera CHI 2:20:19 Mujeres: 1 Mirella Saturnino de Andrade BRA 2:44:52, 2 Rosa Angélica Romero PER 2:50:01, 3 Olga Adela Barrios ARG 2:50:58 23.9.2018 Buenos Aires Varones: 1 Cristhian Pacheco PER 2:11:19, 2 Derlys Ramón Ayala PAR 2:13:41, 3 Nelson Ito PER 2:16:29 Mujeres: 1 Rosa Alva Chacha ECU 2:35:29, 2 Clara Canchanya PER 2:39:27, 3 Gladys Celia Machacuay PER 2:40:58 22.9.2019 Buenos Aires Varones: 1 Derlys Ramón Ayala PAR 2:10:27, 2 Joaquín Emanuel Arbe ARG 2:11:02, 3 Eulalio Muñoz ARG 2:12:21 Mujeres: 1 Daiana Alejandra Ocampo ARG 2:34:12, 2 Marcela Cristina Gómez ARG 2:34:52, 3 Simone Ponte Ferraz BRA 2:38:10 2.5.2021 Asunción Varones: 1 Andrés Ruiz COL 2:21:07, 2 Héctor Garibay BOL 2:22:25, 3 Derlys Ramón Ayala PAR 2:25:39 Mujeres: 1 Silvia Patricia Ortiz ECU 2:48:08, 2 Ruby Milena Riativa COL 2:54:02, 3 Fátima Viviana Romero PAR 2:56:06 22.5.2022 Asunción Varones: 1 Derlys Ramón Ayala PAR 2:13:58, 2 Martín Ezequiel Méndez ARG 2:23:08, 3 Carlos Alejandro González PAR 2:26:37 Mujeres: 1 Mirella Saturnino de Andrade BRA 2:39:57, 2 Fátima Romero PAR 2:50:29, 3 Karina Fuentealba ARG 2:52:58         Read the full article
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