blackinnonism · 1 year
can u write a blackinnon fanfic where she and sirius are matchmaking jily but realise their feelings towards each other x
Look, i know this took me awhile, but i'm back on the marauders era trend and I will be here to stay for awhile! Send me prompts or send me whatever you want and please let's keep this ship sailing<3
i'm not sure how much i like this one but I hope you do like it as much as i did writing it. I might need to practice more but here it is, my fic after awhile.
He was rolling his eyes as Marlene went over the top once again convincing Lily about James’ qualities as they sat at the Gryffindor table for dinner. Sirius swears the blonde doesn’t know this thing called subtlety, the red-haired girl looks at her bestfriend amusedly though. “How much did Potter even pay you to say all of these, Marls?” The head girl chuckled with a shake of her head. Marlene pouted. “What? I just think it will be nice for you to actually give James a chance, it has been seven years after all, Lils!” The other beater of the Gryffindor team argued. “McKinnon, honestly, I think Evans could have said yes all those years ago, quit it.” Both the witches looked at the raven-haired wizard with a look of surprise, even Remus and Peter whipped their heads at Sirius.
The blonde’s expression changed from surprised to annoyance. “Aren’t you supposed to back up your best mate on this?” She challenged but all Sirius did was shrug. “They’re both old enough to make decisions for themselves.” Soon, James Potter himself took a seat next to Sirius, fresh from shower. The Gryffindor Quidditch captain always takes his time during days that they have practice and comes in late. “What are we talking about?” The headboy asked. “Nothing…” Lily answered off handedly and focused on her plate, avoiding James’ eyes. Sirius immediately changed the subject to other things and the evening went on as usual. The rest of the students all filed out the Great Hall going in different directions as the dinner comes to a close. “Are you coming?” Lily asked Marlene as Mary and Dorcas were already standing up. The blonde remained seated as if taking her sweet time finishing her treacle tart. “Nah, I’ll see you all up in the tower.” The redhead looked at the blonde with suspicion but didn’t say anything else. “Okay…See you later then.” 
The marauders are usually the last ones to leave the Gryffindor table as well and Marlene has been giving Sirius dirty looks the whole evening. “Stop glaring at me.” The animagus told her as he finally took a seat next to her, now that her friends are no longer around, his back leaning back on the table. “I think it’s time for us to be going too…” Remus said standing up and looking around the almost empty Great Hall. “You guys go on ahead. Blondie here needs some one on one.” Sirius said with a mischievous grin which earned him another glare from the lioness. “You two had been spending way too much time together lately.” James mused but stood up as well ready to go with Remus and Peter. “Catch you later, Pads.” Sirius just nodded at his friends and focused his attention on Marlene again. 
“What the fuck was that, Black?” the witch snarled as soon as their friends are all gone. “What?” he asked innocently. “We agreed we will speed things up for those two already.” She huffed. “Your tactic is clearly not working, I suggest we do the opposite and let Lily realize what she has been missing by acting nonchalant about it.” Sirius stated. The suggestion made sense but Marlene had doubts about it, afterall, she was very much into this little project they started a few weeks ago. Sure, it started with just some drunken conversation about how better it will be if James and Lily will just get on with it and snog already, that way they won’t have to watch them throwing each other those looks of longing. They also agreed that if the two actually started dating maybe it will help James relax on the pitch too which will be beneficial for both of them. Being both beaters of the team, they’re the most extensively worked during practice.
However, during those weeks that they have conspired to bring the two closer, Marlene had sensed something changing in her too. Sirius Black had always been gorgeous, everyone with two working eyes can see that but she never really paid that much attention, he was afterall never settled down and flirts as much as he can especially if it works on his favor. He was just a friend, a housemate, and her partner at the pitch. But the more she looks at his stormy eyes and the way he leans in to whisper another sneaky plan to get their bestfriends together, Marlene finds herself having butterflies fluttering in the pit of her stomach. She didn’t even want to acknowledge it. He is Sirius bloody Black for merlin’s sake. But then, no one has control on how they’d feel right? “So, are you saying we should stop then with this?” Marlene asked. 
“That’s not what I said, what i said is we should change our plan of attack.” Sirius said with mirth in those grey orbs as he meet her blue ones. As much as she hated to admit it, there was relief she felt deep inside. This means she still has an excuse to spend time with him and that alone made her smile. “Okay, fine…let’s do it your way, but if this fails, we’ll do it my way again, yeah?” She told him, her usual bossy tone apparent. Sirius chuckled and nodded. “Yeah, yeah, whatever, McKinnon. We already know your plans don’t work.” He teased and she hit his arm playfully which made the wizard laugh. What she didn’t know was Sirius had already let go of this notion that they can even get those two together. Lily can be very stubborn even though everyone can already see her softening up to James. The once Black heir was just continuing the pretense so that he can actually spend more time with Marlene. The girl never gave him the time of the day in the past. Always treating him as just another bloke she conversed with, to say that she had friendzoned him was an understatement and he had been wondering for years why. When they came up with this plan, Sirius saw the chance to actually get close and somehow learn why she never seem to even look at him with interest. Not that it’s the only reason why she caught his eye too. Marlene has always been a looker, but she also has the wit and that athleticism that she puts to good use in quidditch that just renders anyone spellbound including him. 
“Ready to go up?” He asked, looking at her plate with food she probably won’t be eating anymore. “Yeah…” She nodded with a smile. “Alright.” Sirius got up, offering his hand to help her to her feet. It was not something he usually does and Marlene also looked at the hand that was offered with a pleasant surprise on her face. “Developing manners, Black?” The blonde teased with a quirk of her brow but took his hand nevertheless. “Don’t get used to it.” He bantered back, liking how her hands felt soft on his. Now on her feet, she expected for him to let her hand go but he didn’t. Instead, he continued holding her hand, gently intertwining their fingers together and Marlene’s ears felt hot as she felt herself blush. It’s really happening, Sirius Black was holding her hand. “You mind?” He asked, looking at her with an expression that was so foreign on his face. She had never seen him like this, almost unsure and afraid she will say that she does mind. “No…it’s fine.” She assured him, giving his hand a soft squeeze. They exchanged shy smiles, which both are never known for and headed for the door. Maybe this could be the start of something new for the two lions. 
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sitinasyukha · 1 year
"Jadi apa rencana syukha kedepannya?". Mendapatkan pertanyaan itu di beberapa bulan pertama aku bekerja sebagai staff beliau di Sat Polairud, di saat aku sudah menyerah atas rencana rencana hidupku, tentu saja membuatku kelabakan dan kaget. Orang baru dikenal, menunjukkan kepedulian di saat aku sendiri sudah tidak mempedulikan diriku sendiri. Lalu ku ceritakan lah bahwa aku tidak tau apa yang ingin aku jalani dalam hidup saat ini. Sejak memilih pulang ke selatpanjang, semua mimpi dalam hidup terasa jauh sekali untuk diraih saat itu. Setengah hati ingin mengusahakan sekolah lagi, setengah hati yang lain merasa tidak sepantasnya aku mengejar sekolah dengan segala situasi kehidupanku saat itu. Aku ingat persis respon beliau saat itu "Jangan pusing ke depannya bakal begini begitu. Sekarang kesempatan apa yang ada di depan mata, itu yg dikerjakan. Syukha harus tetap punya rencana ke depannya mau seperti apa. Jangan kita hidup begini begini aja. Cari kesempatan supaya berkembang". Pertanyaan dan penyataan ini juga berkali kali ku dengar beliau berikan ke kakak dan abang-abang yang lain di kantor. Sosok pemimpin yang peduli dengan masa depan anggotanya. Mendukung untuk terus bertumbuh. Jika salah satu dari kami memiliki masalah, beliau yg maju paling depan untuk membantu.
Jika dirunut kembali, hal-hal yg akhirnya memecut kepercayaan diriku untuk mengupayakan kembali mimpiku, beliau adalah salah satunya. Saat beliau melanjutkan pendidikan magister hukumnya, beliau selalu bilang "Siti tu bisa. Jangan pusingkan yg lain lain yang belum tentu ti. Apa yg di depan mata dulu kerjakan. Kalau ada kesempatan S2, S2 ti". Barangkali beliau melihat keinginanku untuk sekolah semakin besar saat beliau sharing tentang perkuliahannyaa namun ku tahan tahan karena kekhawatiranku akan banyak hal.
Hari ini, Bapak Yosi Marlius dan Ibu officially meninggalkan Selatpanjang. Diiringi hujan deras di pelabuhan tadi pagi, masing-masing menahan kesedihan. Bagaimanapun, di sela-sela obrolan kami tentang perasaan kehilangan yang dirasakan, terselip doa dan harapan baik untuk Bapak dan Ibu dari kami semua. Semoga Bapak dan Ibu sehat selalu, bahagia, dan Allah jaga selalu dalam kebaikan🌻
14 April 2023
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marlmckitten · 2 years
Marlene was barely breathing. Each tiny breath sent rippling pain down her entire body. Everything hurt, every time the wind caught her hair, she could feel the coolness pierce her, the wind pull her hair. She was sure nothing could make this moment worse. She was dying, she was alone, she was cold and in pain.
If it were possible she would have shrieked in pain when she felt her body move. It was only slightly but when she forced her eyes open she saw that was adjusted so that her head was resting on Sirius' lap. He was stroking her cheeks so lightly that she didn't even feel it. Marlene didn't know what to say, or how. She shook, "It- it's so c- cold."
It was a midsummer afternoon. The sun was shining, it was bright but she felt like she was sitting in a snowstorm. Sirius' voice was not his own. It was unsteady and she could tell that he wanted it to sound as normal as possible but it wasn't. He removed his jacket, the slight movement sent shivers down Marlene's neck. But when he wrapped it around her she realized that he only meant to help. "Is that better McKitten."
She nodded, then winced. Still shaking she felt his hand find hers and she clamped her fingers around it. Marlene wasn't ready to admit that she knew she was dying. And Sirius wasn't either.
"I can see Lily, she's great at healing spells, you're going to be just fine, Marls I promise."
It broke her heart to know that he could not promise that. Sure enough though she did hear Lily's voice. It sounded so distant. The only thing she could focus on was Sirius. Everything else seemed dark. "I love you," she managed to choke out.
It was for the best that she couldn't see Lily, she would have seen her shake her head to Sirius, mouth the words 'I'm sorry'. Lily tried to cover her own tears, she knew it wouldn't do either of them good. Leaning into Sirius' ear she told him to say goodbye to his girlfriend.
All three of them knew that this was the end. Lily kissed Marlene's forehead and left them be. She was always so good at knowing what to do and what not to do. As much as she loved Marlene, she her presence wouldn't help. Sirius was already holding her, all he could do was comfort her in her last moments.
"Shh, I heard you, I love you too, Marlene. More than anything. And you're gonna be just fine."
"My brothers-" She wanted to make sure that they knew she loved them too. Her whole family.
This was another thing it relieved Sirius to know that she could not see. Her families bodies were scattered around them. She was the only one still breathing, and just barely.
"Yeah, they know you love them, dummy. You're gonna be fine though. Just take a few breaths. Lily is just getting a potion ready."
He wanted to comfort her. His voice shook and she could feel it but, he didn't need to know. He would feel best knowing that he eased her into peace. She forced a smile and squeezed his hand again.
"Does anything hurt right now?"
Another lie, lie after lie but they were to protect him right? Just like his were to protect her. "Just a little c- cold." She coughed. And felt liquid coming out from her mouth. Marlene knew it was blood and tried to wipe it away. She was too weak, and Sirius gently patted her lips for her, before leaning down to kiss them lovingly.
"You'll warm up soon Marls. Promise."
Another promise.
"Once Lily gets this potions, I'll take you home. We'll cuddle and you can have a million blankets, you'll never be cold again."
His voice broke three times in the one sentence. She could hear the tears come through, and feel the warmth of them as they dropped onto her cheeks.
"That sounds nice," her voice was soft, she was growing tired. Sirius went back to stroking her cheek.
"Yeah, it will be. And I'll never let you go again."
A tiny smile, probably just a twitch of her lips, it was the most she could do.
Sirius inhaled deeply before speaking, "Close your eyes Marls, take a deep breath, you need to rest."
"Yeah, tired," she managed, everything was going foggy, she couldn't see his face anymore so she did close her eyes. It was pitch black to her, her skin felt like ice, surely Sirius could feel the warmth leaving her body.
"That's right babe, close your eyes. Get some sleep. I'll be right here. You're not gonna be alone."
"Never again," that one he could have promised, she only had about a minute left, and they both knew it. "I love you Marlene McKinnon. I'll love you until we meet again."
Marlene began to mouth the words back, no noise came out and she got to 'I lo-' but then her mouth hung slightly ajar. Her head went limp on his lap and her heart stopped beating. She died in his arms. He held her so tightly, promising over and over again that he would never stop loving her. She would forever be the one love of his life.
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hokeytheelf · 3 years
The Ultimate Blackinnon Masterlist
click here for my writing's masterlist.
After digging endlessly through thousands of Blackinnon fics, I'm giving you a big fat list of Blackinnon recommendations that are posted throughout FF.net and AO3.
ʷⁱˡˡ ᵖʳᵒᵇᵃᵇˡʸ ᵏᵉᵉᵖ ᵃᵈᵈⁱⁿᵍ ˢᵗᵘᶠᶠ⁻ I still have many more saved up. Perhaps I'll make another one in the future.
🔸 for multi-chapter 😢 for "i cried"
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Thank you for the recommendations, I haven't read all but I'll include your picks at the bottom
Sirius Black and the eleven times he fell in love with Marlene McKinnon by VellaNikola 🔸🥈😢 | AO3
Summary: By the time he realized what he was feeling, he already knew of eleven distinctive events that led him to feel the way he did.
“Why do you hate me, McKinnon?” he whined.
She laughed at him with that familiar tone he hadn’t heard in far too long and she smiled in that way that so few had ever seen. “Someone’s got to keep you in check.”
6 Years by HopeRomance | FF
Summary: In 1975 it starts with sideways glances and tiny smiles... A chronicle of the six years (and then some) of Sirius Black and Marlene Mckinnon's relationship.
She's new to the Quidditch team and he thinks it's going to be a disaster. She's all blonde curls and sparkling eyes and wide smiles-not at all fit for such a physical sport. But he's never seen her fly.
Stray Thought 😢 by lyin | FF
When he looked out of the corner of his eye, sometimes he still saw her waiting for him... Marlene McKinnon & Sirius Black, who never had a girlfriend- he had a motorcycle instead.
But once in a blue-grey moon, when he was not so alone, before Azkaban, and then on nights when his heart wasn't drumming out that James and Lily were dead, dead, dead to the tune of his latest mistake, when he felt like going out for a drink and kissing a girl he didn't love until they were both dizzy and breathless, he would have an old stray thought of Marlene McKinnon.
Free by Waterlily23 | AO3
This one is short but I fell in love with it the first time I read it.
Marlene McKinnon and Sirius Black were many things but most of all they were free.
An Outsiders Perspective by Waterlily23 | AO3
You see them, Marlene McKinnon and Sirius Black. A view of the two trouble makers from an outsider's perspective.
You see her bring out a pack of cigarettes put one between her lips, light it before passing the packet to him who does the same thing.
The Last of Us by PadnProng 🔸 🥇 | AO3
This is one of my favourites of all time, and that's saying a lot. Slow. Sirius's character is spot on. Not completed but 100 percent worth the read. Not centered around blackinnon relationship, more on the war but it's still there and it's very very strong.
“Alright,” said Marlene, after only a moment of consideration. “How about you kiss me?” she suggested.
Sirius’ eyes grew wide, suddenly choking on his own saliva. He didn’t quite expect her to handle it like that.“Wh-what?...” he stammered, at a loss for words possibly for the first time in his life.
“Huh,” Marlene remarked, tossing her head to the side. “I thought you would have been a lot smoother than that.”
Sirius's 10 Rules (or Pillow Talk) by haeliestorm | AO3
Summary: Lily has always liked to reprimand Sirius when he broke school rules. When she finds out he has his own rules (and has broken many of those too) she just finds it funny.
He really couldn't work out why he kept letting this happen. He was sleeping with one of his good friends, and this wasn't even the only time. It was the third. Why? Perhaps because you really enjoy it, and really like that it's with her, said a small voice in his head.
Falling Apart by Gwaeros | FF
Because Sirius Black understands.
Because they aren’t just Sirius and Marlene, the unbreakable, they are people too, but nobody realises the truth, nobody realises that they’ve been broken all along.
What Are You Doing? by aejaycee | AO3
There are times where Sirius could just lean in...
"Do I make you nervous?" Marlene teased, noticing the way he stiffened uncomfortably now that they were so close. They'd been careful not to let this happen. They knew, even then, that something was changing.
Ephemeral Tallies, Sempiternal Scars by (orphanacc) | AO3
Soulmate AU: AU in which every time a person falls in love, a red line like a tally mark shows up on their wrist. When their love becomes requited, the tally will become black, and when their loved one dies, the tally becomes a scar.
Sirius had no tallies. It wasn’t particularly shocking—he didn’t let himself love easily. But, he must admit, compared to the rest of his friends, his bare wrist looked lonely next to Remus’ one, James’ two, and Peter’s three.
thunderstorms by honeyspeaches | AO3
Summary: and he thinks, this girl is a thunderstorm, wild and deadly and far too easy to love
Sirius Black is not to be trusted, she tells herself in the month that follows. Marlene McKinnon is positively mental, he tells himself in turn.
Grass is weirdly itchy by livy_bear | AO3
This is a simple and short one-shot. All fluff :).
There are few things that are absolutely certain in the world: the sun is warm; grass is weirdly itchy; winter is the best season for cuddling; and Sirius loved waking up and seeing Marlene asleep next to him.
Guilty Pleasure by rachhudson | FF
I like how subtle Sirius is in this fic.
Every night, without fail, she was there, with her friends, by the fire. And every night, without fail, Sirius watched her from the Marauders' favorite table across the room in the corner.
Those are the days he lives for 😢 by kingslayers | FF
No dialogue. One-shot. Amazing.
Some days, she lets herself love him. (she doesn't know it, but those are the days he lives for)
Acrophobia by Budapest_All_Over_Again | AO3
Marlene loves his motorcycle. Or maybe she just loves him
She gave his middle a squeeze, determined to not fall off. He laughed, a rough bark.
Happy Memory by mckinnon-m | FF
They took her, the only thing that was worth fighting for.
And Sirius Black knew that, when Marlene McKinnon left, she took his heart with her.
Haunted by polverine 😢 (@sisforsammi) | AO3
This is heartbreaking I teared up. Also, she has a lot of Marauders content that includes blackinnon. So, check her out!
Summary: In the days before his death, Sirius can see Marlene.
It was the kitchen this time. He’d been just about to pour himself a drink, when there she was, standing at the other end of the long table.
Not Really, and that’s important by Paige_Marie | AO3
Blackinnon is minor in this one but I like how complex Sirius feels and how vulnerable he sounds.
Sirius never had a home, not really. Sirius had a house but not a home and that's important.
Favourite things by Siriusly_McKinnon | AO3
Sirius and Marlene enjoy the sunshine
‘Are you going to keep staring at me or are you going to lie down and enjoy the sun’ she stage whispered, startling him out of his own thoughts.
‘Can’t help it when I’ve got something so lovely to look at McKinnon’ he replied grinning.
of war and unintended sacrifices by kingslayers | FF
Sirius and Marlene talking about the war. Less romance, more serious.
"James thinks it'll be worth it," he mutters.
"James is in love," she says sadly. "He has to think that because he's bringing a child into this. You couldn't live with yourself if you didn't believe that."
Chill my bones by percychased | FF
Another short one
Usually he'd say "Good luck with that," with a flirtatious wink and walk away, but he found himself distracted with his newfound knowledge - James was right. Maybe he did fancy Marlene, just a little bit.
The Storm and Water by marauders.padfootsb | FF
Summary: Marlene was always scared of storms, while Sirius was always scared of water.
Whenever someone asked Sirius where his favorite place to swim was, he always said, "The ocean." But really, he'd love to say, "Marlene McKinnon's eyes.
Firewhisky Façade by Megsy42 | FF
Short. No dialogue. Beautiful.
Marlene McKinnon liked to think she was brave, but when it came to Sirius Black, perhaps she feared everything.
Not Forever by accioremote7 | FF
This is the stereotype of Blackinnon but I kinda like it
He pretended not to care, not to give a shit, because that was who he was. And though he would deny it to everyone, he found himself wanting, longing, wishing to feel her touch again.
Caution by silversailorganymede | FF
Beautiful One-shot.
No, Sirius Black was not the type to think before he acted – except where it came to Marlene McKinnon, though some people wouldn't have called that thinking at all.
Marlene's Last Day 🥉 😢 by My Little Big Blue Box | FF
Attention! This is the first fic I read about Blackinnon and look at me now. This is how I get here. This is good. just read it. Please.
Summary: Sirius gets drunk and finally admits that Marlene was never just a fling but so much more. Unfortunately, he can't see into the future and doesn't know of the tragedy just hours away.
Just before locking it shut, she heard Sirius 'whoop!' loudly and a crack sounded after, signaling he was gone, leaving Marlene to smile like a teenager all by herself.
the stars that fill polluted skies by iliads | FF
Marlene and Sirius having a conversation.
You're fucked up, Marlene."
"I know," she says, "but you are too, so it's okay. Right?"
Dysfunctional Beauty by Waterlily23 | AO3
So here we are we made something so beautiful and so dysfunctional
Marlene McKinnon and Sirius Black were heartbreakingly gorgeous, with his aristocratic face and deep grey eyes, and her long blonde hair that fell oh so perfectly. They were devastatingly gorgeous, too beautiful. It just couldn’t last.
Starry-Eyed by smallpaperstars | FF
Told from a unique point of view, this tale explores the ill-starred romance of Sirius Black and Marlene McKinnon.
After a while, he laughed. "If only Marlene could see me now," he said. "She always swore I'd end up in prison." Then he went to sleep. I could have used his swearwords myself. I needed to hear this story about whoever Marlene was. It felt important.
The dead girl's smile by she'sasiriusriot | FF
and while they describe this unknown stranger he is simply jealous of the dead.
He swallows and starts, "Marlene Mckinnon was definitely not perfect," he can almost see her, shaking her head beside Emmeline, berating him for insulting her at 'her party'. He shakes his head ruefully, "but i think i might have loved her."
Knight in Distress, Damsel in Shining Armour by Ralinde |FF
In which Marlene saved Sirius.
"Fine," she gave in. "Next time, you get to be the knight in shining armour and you can come rescue me and sweep me off on your horse."
He knew she was making fun of him and he didn't want to disturb the light atmosphere between them, so he joined in on her joke. "Nah, I think I'm more of a knight on a shiny motorcycle."
Like the Storybooks by @matrixaffiliate & EnthusiasticSloth 🔸 | AO3
Royalty AU. I loved this one so much. Authors have other blackinnon stories you should deffo check out.
“But,” he stood and her arms returned around his neck, “honor… virtue…other concepts such as those?” This was like the pull that Sir Lancelot felt to Guinevere. In some stories, he maintained her honor, but in all of them, it was his ruination.
@matrixaffiliate has A LOT of blackinnon AU and fics. Although Like the Storybooks is my fav, I encourage you to check out all of her works in her masterlist here. The popular ones are Saudade, A twist of Fate, and my other personal fav, Glimpsing Happiness.
That Night by Potterheademx | FF
Sirius is being questioned about that night, but he can't seem to speak the truth.
That night, he had been with her. By her grave. Clearing out the growing debris and laying fresh, new poppies, her favourite, at her resting place.
We all fall down by livesonacloudinthesky | FF
Sirius and Marlene fought after a mission.
"Oi, McKinnon, nice of you to return after all. A really fucking, amazing idea of yours, to just bloody leave me alone in the warehouse, leaving me to explain the mess you created."
Memories by bookworm42x | FF
In his cold, dank prison cell, Sirius remembers the only girl he ever loved. Oneshot.
She yells out: "Long live Gideon and Fabian!", and whispers softly in Sirius's ear, "And long live Sirius Black and Marlene McKinnon."
Blasphemy by Anon | AO3
A little out of character in Sirius's part but cute!
Summary: During Saturday’s Quidditch match against Ravenclaw, three things happen in rapid succession: Sirius almost gets killed by a Bludger, Marlene McKinnon pulls off a spectacular Hairpin Turn and saves his life, and Sirius realizes that okay, holy shit, he’s actually in love with her.
Except that ‘a couple more days’ turns into a week, which turns into two weeks, which slips into three weeks, and he still hasn’t talked to Marlene. And he’s still pretty sure he’s legitimately in love with her.
Parents’ worst nightmare by Sophieofwinterfell | AO3
Summary: James and Marlene liked to go on and on about how they went way back, being childhood friends and all, and they did; but Sirius had a history with Marlene McKinnon too.
“Great. Wanna dance and show these old dinosaurs what it’s like to have a good time, Black?”
“Always, McKinnon. Always.”
5 Signs You’re In Love by sophieofwinterfell | AO3
Sirius should have never listened to Mary read them that stupid article from Witch Weekly Magazine... Or, 5 signs Sirius Black and Marlene McKinnon are in love with each other.
Number one. You can’t stop staring at them.
So what if Sirius looked at McKinnon a lot? It wasn’t as if he couldn’t stop whenever he wanted to, or as though he was being creepy about it. Besides, it wasn’t his fault McKinnon was always around… who was he going to stare at? Peter?
The Flowers Do Fade by not my daughter | FF
At Marlene McKinnon's funeral, Sirius reflects on glory, war, and the woman he might have loved.
When I think of you, I think of your Gryffindor scarf in those vibrant colors and that loud cheer you would have at Quidditch games, the way you snaked your arms around my neck to kiss me. I can't reconcile that, not really, with the whole serenity of this place. You were always active, always moving. I don't understand how you can be resting, even now.
The Beginning by He called Me Baby | FF
Just a little blackinnon and quidditch, normal settings, usual blackinnon stereotype. cute.
Summary: How the infamous Sirius Black met his match in Marlene McKinnon.
They stayed like this until finally, Marlene spoke, "You know what I don't get Black; why you think that only one can play that game?"
Broken by xTimorousBeastie | FF
It was only a matter of time before one of them broke, but they made sure to pack a lifetime in before then. Too bad happiness was never for them. Misery was.
They have escaped the world together more often than either of them could count but the one time she needed him as much as he needed her he was off falling back into his old routine and he cried over the casket where she lay all in white as pain akin to that he's never felt racked through his body.
Magic of Rain by loveislouder94 | FF
Very sappy/corny but we needed that sometimes, right?
Summary: Marlene caught Sirius's eye when he saw her dance in the rain, so carefree.
"You are some sort of angel," he tells her, and then he turns around and walks away before he adds something stupid like "and I think I might be falling in love with you." (It'd be a lie, though. He'd fallen in love with her long ago, now he's waiting for her to catch him.)
Move by Rainbow Dust | FF
Sirius's thoughts during Marlene's funeral
Lily says it's fitting. I don't think it fits at all. It doesn't fit you. Nothing about this day is fitting.
In Love and Death, We Don’t Decide by stonecoldhedwig 🔸| AO3
A very cute multi-chapter. Completed, which is very rare for a blackinnon fic.
“Black and I were very drunk,” she said cooly, avoiding Sirius’ gaze entirely. “It’s never going to happen again.”
“Must you wound me so when I’m so fragile, McKinnon?” Sirius feigned, clutching a hand to his chest. The group laughed, and Marlene finally met his dark eyes with her blue ones. She gave him a smile, more relaxed now, and tutted.
“You’ll live, I’m sure,” she said drolly.
What’s owed to them? By @bisexualsirius | AO3
With the war picking up around them, Marlene writes a letter to Sirius to read after her death. Sirius find it.
Marlene hoped that when he found the letter, he could walk down the hall and ask her about it. That she would be there to explain why she wrote it, and that would be the end of the matter. They would go to meet the others for lunch, and the war would be a thing of memory.
The universe owed them that much.
Rain by Rainbow Dust | FF
Tonks shows Sirius how her "morphing" works, but when she transforms into someone from Sirius' past that he just wants to forget, questions are awoken.
"Do you like it?" The girl in front of him smiled.
"Marlene?" Sirius managed up.
The girl raised her eyebrows. "It's me? Tonks?" she laughed.
Sight of the Sun by SiriusUntiltheVeryEnd | FF
Simple blackinnon fluff.
He handed her a cup of coffee, she looked down at it and beamed. "You know what I put in my coffee?"
"I sat next to you at breakfast for two years." He shrugged.
The light in the storm by jesatria7 🔸 | FF
Marlene and Sirius living their life. very simple multichapter. discontinued but worth a read.
He turned his attention back to Marlene's tattoo. The deep red and vibrant green stood out against her pale, cream-colored skin. She really did have beautiful skin. It contrasted nicely with her deep burgundy sheets.
"Are you watching me sleep?" she asked, startling him out of his thoughts.
Night Clubs and Neon Lights by cyriathestrange 🔸 | AO3
Disaster attracts disaster. Both notorious flirts and school letharios, Sirius Black and Marlene McKinnon have always steered clear of each other... because of subconscious warning bells that become all too clear when magnetism strikes -- the summer before their Seventh Year.
He remembered now, why he'd never seriously pursued her before. She— or perhaps they— had a particular magnetism that he realized now, he must have instinctively perceived and had thus steered clear. She was free and fun and independent in a way that was very ... frightening.
Why? He tried to inspect this fear and concluded that ... she felt out of his control.
Steam Engine by MischievousMessrs 🔸 | FF
This one is smutty so if you like that, give this one a go. The story is about how Marlene wants to make Sirius nicer towards Lily by bribing him with a snog.
That was how it continued for the rest of September. Sirius would be polite and get on with Evans, then at the end of the week, in a different location every time; he and Marlene would snog each other senseless. However, it was always her that initiated and it was always her that finished it. Every time Sirius left unsatisfied, getting more and more wound up and sexually frustrated and he couldn't tell whether he liked it or not. It was a new kind of thrill.
* Will be updated every time I find new good ones*
People also recommend: (A lot of gems down there, folks)
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Acrobat by managingmischief
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Life Changing by WalkingTheTightrope
Pucker up, love by jadedlights07
Wild Card by Queen Nightingale
A Lovestory by Nimelloth
Easy by fanta-faerie
Blow The Wind Westerly
Just Tonight by Clarasteacup
Difference by Rainbow Dust
Burning through my darkest night by halcyon_epochs
Dandelion by TheMockTurtle
Firewhiskey & Denial by always-a-hp-girl
Vanilla and citrus by xnomii
Marlene and Sirius one shot by Norillix3
Hear You Me, My Friends by rideswithprongs
And Maybe by the lola
One More Night by JustAnotherHufflepuff
Mystery Flower by Chloe is a Unicorn
Steamy Showers by elfing14
I cant by itsahaiilstorm
Boredom by Ninja in Chucks
Just tonight by livesonacloudinthesky
This list is long overdue and even though I have many more fav fanfics up my sleeve, I guess this would be enough for now. Please inform me if a link or info is incorrect.
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Marlene: of course I’m taking your name after we get married, I’m nothing if not old fashioned.
Sirius: Marlene Black? I’m not seeing it.
Marlene: I think the Black is radioactive, I was gonna take your first name.
Sirius: Marlene Sirius.
Marlene: Or you know what we could do?
Sirius: I could change my last name to McKinnon!
Marlene: Is it unconventional? Yes! Is it crazy? Who’s to say! Sirius McKinnon, that sounds like a guy who plays by his own rules.
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ginnyweasleywannabe · 3 years
Blackinnon Week: Tuesday "Soulmates
Tuesday: “Soulmate” The moment they knew , they realize that the other is their soulmate; when they get together.
Word Count: 2159. Can also be found on AO3 @inthemiddle2
Sirius thought he would feel something different today but ultimately he still felt hollow. He looked around the platform, today was supposed to be thing big thing and he thought it would be exciting or maybe sad but nothing. His parents didn’t have anything good to say about Hogwarts but they never had anything good to say about anything. He was looking forward to going to Hogwarts just to get away from his parents. When they first crossed the magically boarder he realized that his leaving wasn’t going to rid him of his problems but just bring on new ones.
The eleven year old boy was currently trying to drown out his mothers complaints. She was speaking to his Aunt Druella. He knew he was going to be in Slytherin, his whole family had been. He wasn’t looking forward to it. Truthfully he hoped he would magically get sorted elsewhere. That would just bring more trouble as his family would practically disown his for breaking family traditions and beliefs. He wasn’t sure what would be worse, getting into Slytherin or not.
Regulus was trying to hold back tears. Sirius hated when he cried, he was such a baby sometimes. He would cry and Sirius would have to stand there and watch his parents beat the little boy. He turned away from Reg not wanting to see the sadness in his eyes that he was leaving him and it would just be him and his parents from now on.
The platform was a buzz with kids full of excitement and parents feeling a mix of happy and sad to see their child off.
“I just don’t understand why we can’t sit together?” Sirius turned to the voice to see a bi-speckled boy groaning. He flopped his arms down dramatically.
Across from the boy was a blonde, almost silver haired girl. She was standing tall, not even looking at the boy as she rolled her eyes and said “Because Jamie, I’m eleven now and I need to start making friends with girls.” She continued to look around the platform in awe.
“But why girls are girly and weird. I hate girls.” He was mumbling now.
“James I am a girl!” The little blonde stomped her foot and rounded on the boy. She stuck he head high but she only came up to his chin.
“Please Marlene, you’re as much of girl as mom!”
“Hey!” The women who Sirius assumed was James’ mom shouted and gave his hair a rumple.
He looked sheepishly as his mother, “Sorry mom!” He turned back to ‘Marlene’, “You know what I meant. You’re a cool girl and you play quidditch, and you’re my best friend which is why we should sit together on the train.”
The girl had been glaring at the boy but her face softened, “Jamie, cool girls can be girly too! My cousin Alice invited me to sit with her and I want to try and make other friends besides you and my brothers. You’re my best friend and you’ll be my best friend no matter what houses were in.”
The two hugged, before James eventually shoved her away saying it wasn’t cool to be the guy crying and hugging the girl on the platform.
Sirius watched the two in envy. He wondered what it would be like to have somebody who loved you know matter what house you were in. He could tell the pair had to be purebloods as they neither looked shocked about the magic around them. That was plus, maybe he could be friends with them. The girl was a spit fire. She seemed like the type who took up the whole of any room. The boy looked nice enough, like he wasn’t so uptight like everyone he had to hang out with now.
Sirius boarded the train with his cousins but they were soon to ditch him, not that he minded. As he peered into the cars he saw boys he recognized from all the pureblood parties his parents made him go to. He wasn’t really sure how he felt about all that pureblood stuff. He had never met a muggle born so he couldn’t tell if they were any worse at magic than him. He did know he hated it just on principle of hating anything his parents loved. If he was honest with himself he figure muggle-borns and half-bloods were bad at magic, it made sense in his eleven year old brain. He saw the kids on the platform who looked confused. But that didn’t mean they couldn’t be taught? Oh well it wouldn’t matter anyway. He would be in Slytherin and life would go on as it always had under his cousins careful watch.
He decided to move on from the cabin of boys from the parties, take moment away while he had it. He looked into the next few cabins and saw the boy and girl from the platform. He cracked open the door.
“Do you mind if I join you?
The pair looked up from their bickering, they were seated on opposite benches.
The boy spoke first, he had a bright smile on his face. Sirius knew he wasn’t new to the magical world from the platform but eagerness he had could have fooled some. “Of course! Hiya I’m James Potter!
Sirius recognized the name Potter, he was sure his parents had complained about them at some point. “I’m Sirius” He figured no harm in leaving off his last name for now. He turned to face the girl across from him.
“I’m Marlene. Marlene McKinnon” She had a thick Scottish accent and she pointedly raised her eyebrow at the last name. It seems she had picked up on his purposeful leave off.
She was giving him a smile but also pointed look. He squirmed under her eyes, how was she doing that?
Sirius cleared his throat, “Uh right. Um did you know Marlene means ‘star of the sea’?” He awkwardly coughed again, “So um, I’m named after the star Sirius. The dog star.”
She was just looking at him, “….Right.” Sirius was sure he had just blown it, he was never going to make new friends. But then the little blonde girl smiled at him, “remind me to be your partner in astronomy.”
James looked between the two, it was like they had their own private joke. Marlene was already making new friends, and a boy?!?
“Well Marley shouldn’t you be on your way? I’m sure Alice is looking for you…”
Marlene just rolled her eyes and went to stand up but the door slid open.
A redheaded girl smiled at the group and a boy with long black hair stood behind her.
The girl spoke first, “Hi! I’m Lily! This is my friend, Severus! Can we sit with you?”
Lily didn’t wait for a response before sitting down. “I’m a muggle-born! This all very exciting don’t you think!”
“You shouldn’t tell people that.” Sirius said it in a neutral tone but Marlene and James looked at him.
“Oh.” Lily looked a little hurt by what he had said, “Um Well Sev, isn’t so he’s told me a lot about the school and magic.”
Marlene was quick to jump in and try and mediate the situation, That’s great! It can be overwhelming at first! I’m Marlene! I have four older brothers but they explained a lot to me as well before.”
James also joined the conversation, “So do you know what houses you lot want to be in? Both my parents, and Marley’s whole family are Gryffindor’s! I reckon I’ll make it but I’m not so sure about Mars. She’s slimy like the Slytherins.”
Sirius’ body tensed with the Slytherin jab. He was going to end up there, if he didn’t at first his parents would make sure of it.
“What’s wrong with Slytherin?” It was the first time the long haired boy had spoken. He was aggressive and defensive.
James responded, “Well they’re all gits! All stuck up with their pureblood mania. Slimy I tell ya!” His tone was light and joking but Severus didn’t seem to take it that way.
“My mom was a Slytherin!”
Sirius wanting so desperately to be like by James, “Yeah well that explains it! You’ll fit right in with that slimy greasy hair!” Both the boys were laughing, “I think will call you ‘Snivellus Slytherus’”
James burst out at that, Lily stood red to the face. “Come on, Severus. Let leave these, these bullies!” She stormed out of the cart with Severus in toe.
James hollered after them, “See you Snivellus!”
The door slid closed with a slam. Marlene looked from the door to the two laughing boys. She stood as she began to yell.
“James Fleamont Potter! You should know better than to treat somebody like that! And you know that being a Slytherin is just fine! Marc’s girlfriend Kate was a Slytherin!”
Sirius’ eyes were wide, he had very quietly and still. James gave a sheepish grimace, “Yeah well Kate’s the exception.”
Sirius was holding in laugh at the boy getting put in his place by the short little blonde. The small noise that escaped his mouth reminded Marlene that he was there. She rounded on his, “And you! I know who you are. I have older brother who have gone toe to toe with your cousins. You better stay away from us with all that pureblood bull!”
Sirius shrunk into the bench, “I, I, I just meant she should be careful who she says that to. You’re right my cousins are barmy. It’s not safe to say that to just anyone.”
Marlene relaxed a little bit at his justification, still unsure if she fully believed him. “You both should be kinder people. I expect more from you from now on. I’m going to find Alice.”
Marlene turned on her heal and exited the compartment. The boys both sat there in silence.
“…Your middle name is Fleamont?” Sirius was laughing
“Oh shut it” James gave him shove but was also laughing.
John Bertram had just been sorted into Hufflepuff. Sirius knew his name was coming. He was standing with James and other boys he had met on the train.
“Sirius Black”
Okay this was it. He walked to the stool. Sitting down he wiped his sweating hand on his trousers. It felt like the moment was slow motion. He looked out to the crowd. He saw James and the other boys giving thumbs up. He saw his cousins sitting at the Syltherin table glaring daggers into his eyes. He was quick to turn away from them. His eyes land on Marlene’s. She was smiling up at him. He felt his heart rate start to calm. Then she winked at him and suddenly it sped back up.
The hat had barely touched his head before it shouted, “GRYFFINDOR”
He sat in shock for minute, the women behind him gave him a nudge. He was a zombie as he moved to the Gryffindor table. He sat down off by himself. He knew this wouldn’t last. Why bother making friends. Not that anyone tried to sit with him anyway. Remus from the train sat across from him with a shrug. He was just staring down at the table until he heard the name Marlene McKinnon called. He looked up at the girl. She was smiling but Sirius could see behind her confident smile there was also a slight nervousness to it.
The hat sat on her head for a few minutes. Eventually it shouted Gryffindor as well. Marlene beamed. All around the table boys of different ages stood and cheered. Sirius assumed they were her brothers. Sirius felt himself smile. Marlene made her way down to the table. She stopped next Lily. Sirius had expected her to sit with the red head but she never sat down. After a moment she kept walk and eventually landed right next to Sirius.
“Welcome to the lions den.” Sirius gave her a half smirk, half grimaced.
Marlene reached down and grabbed his hand under the table, “Back at ya, Black.”
Marlene didn’t realize was she was still holding his hand until he dropped it like fire when James sat down.
“So Marley admit it, the hat sat on your head for so long because it wanted to put you in Slytherin”
“God James you’re so obnoxious” She was smiling when she said it though. “I’ll have you know it was between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor.” She stood, “Alright I’m gonna leave you boys to do boy things.” She gave Sirius a squeeze on the shoulder smiled and then walked away.
Sirius didn’t know it then but now as he thinks back on sitting in Azkaban, that little blonde girl was going to change his life. He didn’t know it then but he knows now he loved her then. That first day with his person. She was a force. She was his soulmate.
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fluffysmiddlehead · 4 years
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Sirius: that is not how I imagined 'fun in the bathtub'.
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blacklilyqueen · 4 years
Marlene: So we should still study a little more astronomy later. Maybe over some Milky Ways or some Mars bars.
Sirius : Or pancakes
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mxxnyy · 4 years
Marlene McKinnon headcanons 'cause quarantine gave me way too much time to think about her
She was born in Scotland but moved to England when she was only 7 months old
still, she has a lot of Scottish accent because all her older brother and her mother had it
when they moved to England, they lived next to the potter. the two families already knew each other and were pretty close so she and James were raised as siblings
Pureblood but her family never give a damn about it.
her grandmother educated her and her brothers before Hogwarts. she didnt agree with voldemort but believed that some of the old pureblood tradition were important
as a consequence of that, Marlene learn from a young age a lot of things that wouldn't be useful in her future, but proved that she was a respectable woman, according to her grandmother. She learned all kinds of classical dances, French, Latin, piano and more bullshit like that.
She was the only girl in the family so everyone had a lot of expectations on her, like getting married, having kids, but she hated all that shit.
completely in love with the muggle culture. number one fan of Pink Floyd, the Beatles, etc.
She knew how to sing and did it pretty well.
wanted to be an auror like her father and older brother.
She was very intelligent, and could have been first in her class if she puted more effort, but never cared much about studying, she found it boring
she dated a lot of people but only Benjy Fenwick and Fabian Prewett were formal boyfriends
the most sincere person ever
a fucking feminist
people talked a lot about her: girls who where jealous, boys who couldn't reach her. she never cared about this people, she just laughed when someone called her a slut
got into a lot of fights, mostly fist fights with slytherins and other people who bullied muggle-borns.
fucking bad ass
best DADA student
played as a chaser in the Gryffindor quidditch team and was one of the best
when she was training for becoming an auror, she was Moody's favorite
Sirius was her first real love, it took her a long time to realize it but she was deeply in love with him
did I mention that she was a feminist?
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blackinnonism · 1 year
Marlene and Sirius are caught by her parents. Her mother tells them that Marlene is engaged to be married to a death eater.
Another ask, I didn’t get to do right away! I’m sorry but here it is! I hope you like it. I’m kinda unsure of the ending but I think it was kinda sweet.
There was a thick layer of tension in the air around them. Emotions all muddled in her chest, if only her bloody git of a boyfriend didn’t insist on visiting while her parents were away and if only she was strong enough to resist him then they wouldn’t be in this situation. However, knowing Sirius Black, he’s probably already thinking on how to make jokes about this later on. Trust the marauder to always think that him being caught in some kind of compromising position is funny, whether it’s during a prank or doing something less than innocent with her. The thing is, she’s never really been one to break the rules, well at least not one to go with plans that aren’t fool proof, but Sirius had always inspired that rebellious streak in Marlene that had always been there to begin with. After making it official, much to them resisting it for years, her seventh year at Hogwarts had been eventful. Always finding herself in an adventure with Sirius, breaking curfews, pulling pranks, and sometimes just simply being reckless. 
The couple looked at them, now that they’re fully clothed and sitting at the McKinnon’s couch at their large living room. Marlene went home to Scotland for winter break and Sirius sent an owl that he will come visit. It was all good and well, Marlene even told her parents about it, but before the date even came, there was some business her parents had to attend to. The blonde sent an owl to the Potters but Sirius still apparated on the original day that they agreed upon. She looked at his mischievous grin as he appeared, hands on her hips. “You can’t be here!” She told him. But the marauder just chuckled. 
“I’ve been told that countless of times, blondie.” 
“I’m serious! My parents will curse you to oblivion if they found out you’re here without them.” 
“No, I am Sirius!” The raven-haired wizard had the nerve to joke about it.
But soon, he was able to charm his way so Marlene will let him stay, she had miss him afterall and it’s not like they haven’t been alone in the past. But they got too comfortable, too sure of themselves and soon they woke up with her mother calling out her name and waking both of them up in their naked stupor. She was running curses in her head as they both got dressed as her mother told them they will wait for them at living room as soon as they were decent. Both now in their best behaviours, Marlene sat a foot apart from the once Black heir. Her dad looked at them with disappointment in his eyes and she wanted to melt in a puddle. Sirius was sitting there looking perfectly fine, his demeanor not at all fazed. She actually envied him sometimes on how he can look so regal, so confident, and so beautiful at the same time. 
“We didn’t want to say anything yet because we figured you both can have this year as it’s your last year in Hogwarts.” Her father started. “But clearly, you two are risking a lot already by being together.” The implication was apparent in the older man’s voice. How her parents think that their daughter is still the innocent wide-eyed girl they dropped off at Platform 9 ¾ all those years ago, she can never understand. Maybe that’s just how parents are, always avoiding the reality that their children do grow up and become their own person and do things that are not necessarily holy and innocent at all times. “Sirius…” Mr. McKinnon called her boyfriend’s voice sternly. “We actually met with your parents and since you were…” Marlene’s dad trailed on, unsure of how to say it. 
“Burnt off of the family tree, sir. I don’t see how that has something to do with me and Marlene though.” Sirius finished for the older man. “Well, we have to marry Marlene off to someone who is actually going to give her a favorable name and future.” The blonde couldn’t even believe her ears. Their family is one of the oldest pureblood families in Scotland but they never really dealt much with all the British wizarding world’s mania about the sacred 28 and all that shite. “Father!” It was Marlene’s turn to speak up. “Sirius can give me a fantastic future. It might be a long time from now but he is capable and the Potters basically has adopted him by now.” The Gryffindor lass argued. 
Her mother was the one to speak up this time. “Marlene, it’s not that we’re saying Sirius isn’t capable. Forgive your father. But we did try to actually match the two of you up. However, since the Black family did say they have nothing to do with him, they offered a distant relative. You are to marry Evan Rosier after your graduation next year.” Marlene didn’t know if this is some sick joke. Maybe this is just one of those bizarre nightmares that you woke up in and it felt too real. If she was embarrassed about being caught earlier, she’s now horrified that it turned into this conversation. How can sleeping with Sirius suddenly gave way to her parents admitting that they made a deal with the devil and has agreed to marry her off to the Black sisters’ cousin.
They all knew of him. He was a couple of year older, a Slytherin who had been all too snobbish and arrogant to anyone outside of his house. He was a prick and rumors has it that he is one of them…a death eater. She felt a hand covered hers. She looked at Sirius, his hand becoming a source of strength and focus as the words continue to ring in her ears. “I don’t think she will marry anyone she didn’t want to. You should know your daughter better, Mr. and Mrs. McKinnon. She doesn’t need any man, not even me, to have a great future, she can do that all by herself. If you wanted to marry her off, that’s your choice, but if she wanted to defy you then that’s her choice too. You raised her well and I’ll be damned if she will just take all of that bullshit about arranged marriage without a fight.” Her boyfriend addressed her parents confidently and still respectfully and Marlene had never been more proud nor in love with him. “Wanna get out of here?” Sirius turned to her. Marlene nodded. She doesn’t really know what this means, are they running away together? Because it feels like it. But she will go to the ends of the world with this wizard if he asks after he stood up for her the way he did. 
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marleneminervablack · 4 years
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Marlene 'How do I look Black?' McKinnon in Sirius' leather jacket
Circa 1979
Taken by Sirius 'Utterly Shaggable McKitten' Black
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marlmckitten · 2 years
sleepy marlene falling asleep on sirius
sirius grinning like an idiot cause he thinks he's the luckiest man alive
sirius also pointing out to anyone who walks by that she's asleep
james pointing out that when she wakes up he's first in line to get her 'why was i woken up rage'
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hokeytheelf · 3 years
By mentioning her name, there are a lot of questions that usually followed. Who was she? Was she your age? Was she nice? Were you friends? Those were the questions Sirius expected.
 “Do you love her?”
What a strange question, he thought.  He didn’t like that question, because how can he answer? The truth is there are no right answer. Marlene is not here anymore, so the question itself isn’t right.
“You’ll make him wish he never mentioned the girl.”
Sirius didn’t like mentioning names unless it’s necessary, because then he would remember and he would overthink. Maybe if she had lived, he would answer differently. More surely. He wished he could answer that question.
I finally finished it! Here is the blackinnon fan video I’ve been secretly working on with Samara Weaving and Ben Barnes as Marlene and Sirius. I hope you enjoy! Don’t be too harsh on me :) subtitles are available.
The short above is inspired from the quote in that video so check it out!
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black-kinnon · 5 years
[marlene and sirius texting]
marlene: what’s up, baby?
sirius: eating, you?
marlene: wishing that text didn’t have punctuation marks in it
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fluffysmiddlehead · 4 years
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Sirius: that is not how I imagined 'fun in the bathtub'.
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