constancezin · 19 days
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Marlene McKinnon and Sirius Black
For the @blackinnonfest and @siriuslychessi
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ihatebikes · 2 years
Blackinnon drabble
Hello! This is my first ever fic or drabble that i have posted so please be kind!I thought this tag has been feeling a bit empty lately so I gathered some courage to post this. I think it was written for Blackinnonweek but never posted. Hope you like it <3
He didn’t know what to do. Anger and hurt filled his body from the soles of his feet to the tips of his fingers. Why was he even feeling like this? What was so special about her, about this one girl? Maybe it was just the booze? It was only midnight but the Gryffindor party had been going for hours. In those hours Sirius had downed many beers, almost a whole bottle of firewhiskey and he regretted all of it. 
He was just supposed to go to the party, drink a beer or two, dance and maybe make out with some tall Hufflepuff girl if he was lucky. That plan had changed the second he saw her sitting on the sofa, tightly pressed up against some guy, clearly flirting with him. 
 Marlene McKinnon is the most annoying girl he ever met. Ever since they were children in their first year she had been a clingy, know-it-all that would never leave him and James alone for two seconds. Nowadays she had learned to take a hint and had made other friends but she still hung around sometimes just to be difficult. Sirius knew how bitchy, vain and big-headed she was but the worst thing about her was that she was the one girl in the entire school that he was not allowed to fall for. She was James childhood friend, they had grown up together and were almost as close as siblings. In their fourth year at Hogwarts when James had noticed all the looks and glances, all the little smiles and the jokes so often exchanged between Sirius and Marlene he had put a stop to it very quickly. James made Sirius promise to never go after her. As far as he knew Sirius was even allowed to flirt with Lily, James self proclaimed soulmate if he really wanted to. Just not Marlene. 
 Now, two years later Sirius thought he had let his feelings for Marlene go. He had even had a few girlfriends. Or maybe you shouldn’t call them girlfriends, they were more like hookups but he had been sure that he was over Marlene. Her blond curls, soft blue eyes and world shaking smile stopped haunting his mind and dreams up until a couple of weeks ago when he saw her kissing a seventh year Slytherin bloke after quidditch practice. That's when this burning fire of jealousy had lit in the pit of his stomach. 
A fire that was roaring up and filling him with thick dark smoke. He was unable to think or to feel anything other than the rage and sadness of not being with her. 
 Standing in the corner of the common room looking out over the crowd of drunk, dancing people he could barely support himself on his shaky, drunken legs. All he could do was watch her. Marlene swayed to the soft music in a tight embrace with the same guy she was flirting with on the couch. She was smiling and looking genuinely happy. That's when he could feel the burning of eyes on him. Looking around he could see James, pushing people out the way with a sour look on his face. He seems to be heading for Sirius corner.
Sirius just wanted to melt into the wall. James must have noticed the way he looked at Marlene and was drunk enough to start scolding him for it. Sirius looked back over the dance floor, pretending he didn’t notice James tackling his way over. But this time something was missing. Or rather someone, he could no longer see Marlene. He quickly looked around and spotted her slipping out of the common room closely followed by the guy. The fire in Sirius sparked up even more and he didn’t know what else to do than to follow them. Pressing himself against the wall he managed to slide out, stumbling and tripping on his own feet. When the portrait of The Fat Lady closed behind him he felt like throwing up. Why was he following them? Where did they go? What was he even planning to say if he found them? That he loved her? No, definitely not that. 
 ”Where did they go?” he sputtered out at the large painting covering the door to Gryffindor tower. 
”Where did who go, darling?” 
”The hot blond and…” he hiccuped ” and the guy with the small prick” The door opened and narrowly avoided hitting Sirius in the face. It was James' red face that poked out from the opening.
”What you doin’ out here mate?” He asked.
”Nottin” Was all Sirius thought to answer. 
”Well can’t you come back in again then?” James did not seem patient in his drunken state. 
”No… I have to run an errand” 
”An errand” He questioned ”What errand?”
”I don’t know what you’re talking about” Sirius turned away from his friend and started staggering down the stairs towards the rest of the school.
”Hey where are you going now?” James gave his friend a quizzing look.
”He's looking for his love” The shrill voice of The Fat Lady shrieked from the wall. 
”Love? What is she talking about?” James was tired, drunk and did not understand what was going on.
”Who cares what she is talking about she’s a bitch” Sirius almost tripped down the stairs, only staying up right with help from the rail. His long black hair was covering his face partly because it always did that and partly so that James couldn’t see his face. Sirius assumes he had ”In love with Marlene McKinnon'' written all over it. 
”Boys these days, so rude” The painting snuffed.
”Come on Sirius, you’re drunk lets go back to the party”
”Noo i can’t” Sirius whined.
”Why are you being like this? Let’s just go to bed then” 
”Yes! You do that, I’ll stay here” Sirius planted himself on the bottom of the staircase and crossed his arms in defiance. 
”You’re behaving like a child” James started walking down the stairs towards Sirius. He had now buried his face in his hands, not being able to even look at his friend. ”This can’t only be drunk you acting out, come on what is this really about?” He sat down next to the sorry shadow of Sirius Black. ”This isn’t like you” 
”I can’t tell you”
”Why? What happened?” James was getting worried, he rarely saw his friend like this. ”Is it about your parents? Did they write to you?”
”No it’s not that” Sirius sighed ”I almost wish it was that…”
”That bad huh?” Sirius nodded. There was a moment of silence, then another. Sirius took a second to contemplate what to do before the impulsive, drunken part of his brain took over.
”I'm in love with her” He looked up at James with a pained expression. 
”In love with who?” James spit out before the information settled in his mind and he finally understood. ”Oooh no, please no”
”Come on, I'm a wreck! I don’t know what to do” 
”Nothing, you do nothing” James had not expected this. Now it was his turn to put his face in his hand. Almost trying to rub the information from his brain. 
”How can I do nothing? Im in pain, my soul is burning” Why was he saying this? Of course James was his friend, his best friend. And they could talk about anything, or maybe James could talk about anything. Sometimes it seemed like he never stopped talking. About what he thought about the teachers, the results of the last quidditch match or about his feelings about Lily. Sirius however, was not as liberal with his feelings.
”Well I’ll tell her. I’ll tell Marlene to back off”
”Back off what, she’s not doing anything wrong. I just… I have to tell her. It will be so much easier to get over her after she rejects me, I just can't hold it in anymore. Every time I see her with other guys I just get so angry and I can barely control myself” 
”But why? Why her? I mean I love her, she’s like a sister to me but you can get almost any girl, in any house, I just ask you to stay away from one and you just have to fall for her?” James was starting to get angry. It wasn’t much to ask of Sirius. It’s just one girl, one very plain girl for that. Marlene was pretty and funny but it’s not like she was a Lily type. At least James didn’t think she was. 
”I don’t know man, it’s all in the small things. Like the way her smile reaches her eyes or how she chews on her lip when she thinks the way she walks like she doesn't have a care in the world. Look it’s not like it's my choice” Sirius looked at his feet, not wanting to meet James' eye.
”Don’t you think you’re being a bit selfish?” 
”Selfish? Why?” He didn't understand.
”Yes, I ask one thing of you. One thing! To not fall for Marlene McKinnon and you just have to go and do just that”
”I told you it wasn’t I didn’t choose to fall for her alright and if anyones selfish it’s you” How could James call him selfish? Sirius had been trying to follow James' wishes for so long. Couldn’t James see what it was doing to him?
”Me? How am I selfish!?” 
”You are limiting my chances at happiness for you own stupid reasons! What if Marlene is my Lily? What if we are just meant to be together but nothing ever happens because you, James Potter didn’t want it to. Why don’t you want your best friend to have a shot at finding love?!” Sirius was yelling now. The sound of his voice echoed down the stairway. 
”If anything I’m the opposite of selfish, I’m just worried about what might happen if it doesn't turn out to be true love. Trust me, I know both of you better than anyone and it won’t end well” James answered even louder.
”I promise you don’t have to spend so much fucking time worrying about me. I'm a grown man, I can take care of myself!”
”It's not you I worry about! It’s her”
”Well you don’t really have the best track record when it comes to ending it in a great way. How many times have you been hexed by girls you dumped? Five? Six maybe? It’s not like you can move on and remain friends!” James stood up. He was too upset to sit. Why couldn’t Sirius just understand that he didn’t mean any harm by this. 
”Well why can’t she decide that, she can take responsibility for herself just as I can. You just have to let me try. If she turned me down that will be completely fine but that’s her choice not yours!” Sirius also stood up. Almost as tall as James but missing just an inch or two.
”That’s right” A voice from the top of the stairs reached the boys in the middle of the screaming match. They both turned to see who had spoken and of course it was no one other than Marlene McKinnon standing there with her arms crossed and a sour expression. 
”How long have you been standing there?” Sirius asked, now starting to panic at the thought of what she might have heard. 
”Longer than you’d like.” She met his eyes with her blue gaze. He thought she might be angry but all he found in that gaze was a sea of calm. She looked over at James instead ” And what the fuck is it am hearing? What have you done?
”I was just trying to…” James looked more sad than anything now. His plan had backfired and was just about to blow up in his face.
”Oh shove off, I’ve heard enough of your bullshit! You knew I liked him and you fucking told him to stay away?! What kind of friend are you?” She liked him? Did she really say that? Sirius felt the flutter of wings in his stomach. Gone was the fire, the burning hole of forbidden love. Now all he could feel was the happiness and excitement of the possibility that his feelings might be reciprocated. 
”Come on, I was just…” James looked hopelessly between his two friends.
”You don’t dictate our lives James, what if I forced you to stop pursuing Lily? Even though she clearly don’t like you we still let you embarrass yourself time after time by hitting on her. Now bugger off, we’ll talk about this later” James didn’t know what else to do. He was starting to see how misguided he had been in trying to help. He slowly sauntered up the stairs, moving past Marlene.
”Sorry” Was the last thing he said before the portrait closed behind him, leaving Sirius and Marlene alone. 
”I haven’t had a show like this in years!” The Fat Lady sounded from the wall with a small laugh. But they didn’t mind. They simply looked at each other, not knowing who was going to speak first. Marlene's face split into a beaming smile. Seeing that, Sirius couldn’t help but smile back. A fluttering laughter started to sound from the both of them. Like morons they stod, laughing at everything and nothing. Both now knowing and accepting that from this point on anything was possible. The uncertainty of this future is just as exciting and intriguing for them both.
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hey-there-juliet · 3 years
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☆ Blackinnon Week 2021 • Day Two: Soulmates
▪︎The last words your soulmate ever says to you are tattooed on your wrist.
Do not repost.
I don't draw much, mostly because I suck at it. But I'm slowly figuring out how to do digital paintings, and I'd like to say I'm getting the hang of it cause I don't hate it. So don't judge me too harshly. It's not perfect, but I'm still learning, lmao.
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ginnyweasleywannabe · 3 years
Blackinnon Week 2021
Monday 13th “Rumor has it I make you nervous”
Word Count 1070, Can also be read on AO3 @ inthemiddle2
Marlene was standing alone in the old transfiguration classroom. It was one of her favorite classroom, even in the dark of night the big windows allowed the moon to shine in, lighting most of the room. She was standing by the window looking out enjoying her alone time. She had been in her own head too much these past few days, she wanted to be alone.
“Nice night.”
Marlene jumped at the voice that came from right behind her ear. She whirled around to smack Sirius in the chest, “Merlin you scared me!”
Sirius grabbed the hand as it went to strike again, “Odd I hadn’t heard scared but rumor has it I make you nervous.”
Marlene quirked her eyebrow at him, “What are you talking about?” She had meant for it to come out as more of an accusation but their proximity was making her flush. It was more whisper.
“James pulled me aside after dinner and asked if knew why you were acting so weird. He seemed to be under the impression that I did something wrong. He pointed out how jumpy you’ve been around me, he’s say you seem nervous.”
Marlene tried to step away from him, she need to create space but Sirius just gripped her hand, holding her flush to his chest. Looking her dead in the eyes, “I’m inclined to agree with him. You’ve been avoiding me.”
“That’s ridiculous” Still not sounding as confident as she would have liked.
“See I don’t think it is. We always run together during practice and for some reason you were hauling ass like a hippogriff was chasing you. And then at dinner I sat down and suddenly you were stuffed but you had only taken two bites and I know Sheppard’s pie is your favourite. So.. what gives McKinnon?” He finally released her hand.
Marlene shoved him, not that he moved but more it pushed her back and she was happy for the space. “God you are so full of yourself.” It was nothing she hadn’t said to him before but this time there wasn’t a teasing tone. She words were sharp. “Have you ever thought that maybe it has nothing to do with you! Or maybe I’ve just grown up. We’re in 5th year Sirius. Maybe I don’t want to deal with your immature shit. Maybe I’ve just out grown you.”
Marlene didn’t know why she was being so harsh with him. It just seemed like the safe option. For a moment she say a flash of hurt cross his face. She knew she had sounded whiny and she was regretting responding in that way. Marlene looked to the ground with shame.
A slow smirk came across Sirius’ face “Bullshit.”
Marlene’s head snapped up, “What do you mean Bullshit??”
Sirius was still just smiling at her shocked face, “You heard me, McKinnon. I’m calling bull. shit.” Marlene just glared at the unfairly content boy. “Now, come on and tell me what’s really bugging you because I happen to know you were a big fan of my immaturity last week when I charmed Knott’s hair red and his food to run away from him.”
Sirius closed the gap between them, “You were such a fan, you had pumpkin juice squirting from that cute little nose of yours.” He gave said nose a little boop.
Marlene knew he was right, she really did have pumpkin juice coming from her nose. She looked up at him and blushed but she knew she needed to tell him the truth. She looked to the ground, unable to look at him while she said it.
“ihadasexdreamaboutyou” It was a mumble but it was the best she could give.
Sirius didn’t understand a word she had said, he raised one eyebrow, “what was that McKinnon?”
Marlene groaned, running her hands across her face, “I said, I had a.. a sex dream about you.” She peaked through her fingers.
Sirius let out a bark of a laugh, “Oh that is rich McKinnon” He swung an arm around her shoulder, “I knew even you couldn’t resist all this raw sexual energy.”
He was never going to let her live this down. She didn’t have to look at him to know he was smiling, his teasing voice was enough. “Tell me what was it that did it for you? Was it at practice, running with no shirt? Or was it when me and James took a dive in the lake last week. Or” He was having trouble getting his words out, he was cracking himself up, “or was it when I punched Roiser last week. Took him down with one hit ya know”
Marlene rolled her eyes at his antics but she honestly felt better that it was out there. Him teasing her was nothing out of the ordinary and she was ready for things to go back to normal between them. She shoved his side, “You’re such a prat you know that? …but if you must know it was last Tuesday.”
Sirius thought back to Tuesday. He didn’t remember anything significant happen that day.
“Oh Merlin… you dolt. I can’t believe you’re making me explain this.” Marlene ran a hand across her face. She was still tucked under his arm. “I had over slept and missed breakfast so I was running to potions. And you being you, were just late for potions. Anyway I…” She was going to have to rush out this last part, “I came across you helping that little first year Slytherin boy who had no idea where the McGonagall’s class was. It was really sweet and that night I had the dream so there now you know and we can move on.”
Marlene pulled away from him but Sirius grabbed her wrist, “Wait, McKinnon. It’s fine, really it happens to us all. Although a little weird that’s what got you going but hey to each their own I guess.” Her face was beat red, she turned away from him again. He was still holding her wrist when he said with a shrug, “besides it’s not like I’ve never had one about you.”
“What?!” Marlene turned around at that.
“Yeah, loads of them honestly.”
“Although mine were definitely not as G rated.” Sirius gave her a wink and walked out the room, leaving a red faced Marlene McKinnon standing with her mouth agape.
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matrixaffiliate · 3 years
Saudade - Germane
Story Update! FFN and AO3
2nd story for Blackinnon Week!
Sirius slid onto the bench in the Great Hall and laughed as James immediately called for the pumpkin juice and filled Sirius' goblet and Remus and Peter started filling his plate with all his favorites. This one day, his mates did everything to make him feel appreciated, this one day, a day he had dreaded for the first eleven years of his life, had taken a turn when he found himself in the friendship of these three young men.
They knew him well too. They didn't broadcast it to the school, didn't cheer him out at the table the way they did with James, didn't change all the Gryffindor banners to read out his name as they did with Peter, or charm chocolate bars to follow him to every class as they did every year for Remus. No, for Sirius they simply did little things to make sure he knew they remembered, that at least they were pleased he'd made his way to this planet, had survived to this day, that he was wanted here, with them.
"Happy birthday, Black," Marlene sat down next to him and slipped a small package into his hand.
Sirius gawked at her. "You know it's my birthday?"
"Of course I know it's your birthday." She tossed her hair over her shoulder and began filling up her own plate.
"Who told you?" He looked accusingly at James who held up his hands in surrender and shook his head.
"I've known your birthday since first year, Sirius," Marlene poured pumpkin juice in her goblet. "It wasn't hard to figure out, the lads here are pretty good at not making a big deal of it, but I guessed it had to be your birthday with how they behaved and you lot have spent six years proving me right."
Sirius turned back to her, trying to decide how he felt about Marlene not only knowing his birthday but how she made a point of saying it aloud at the breakfast table for all their friends and housemates to hear.
"Aren't you going to open your gift?" She smirked, her blue eyes challenging him.
Sirius held her gaze for a moment before deciding that he'd let his curiosity win out. He'd always told the lads not to get him gifts, that he didn't want anything. It would take him years to realize it was the feeling of family, belonging, that he wanted more than any gift. But Marlene had got him a gift, a gift he hadn't expected.
The twine and simple brown paper fell away quickly, revealing a compass.
"It's for your bike," her voice quavered ever so slightly. "And it's charmed, so you can set destinations and the compass will point you to anywhere you've set."
Sirius turned to her, his mouth suddenly dry and his throat feeling thick and heavy. "Thanks, McKinnon."
Marlene's smile went soft, the way it did when they would read her motorcycle magazines together.
Sirius smiled down at the compass and passed it around when Remus asked to see it and Lily and Dorcas fussed that they needed to do something for his birthday and Peter kept trying to keep bacon on Sirius' plate and James joked about doing something ridiculous and overdone. And somewhere in the comfortable noise, Sirius had reached out and discreetly wrapped his fingers around Marlene's hand, feeling like his eighteenth birthday was the best birthday he'd ever had.
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sisforsammi · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sirius Black/Marlene McKinnon Characters: Sirius Black, Marlene McKinnon Additional Tags: Blackinnon Week 2021, Domestic Fluff Summary:
Blackinnon Week 2021 - Day Two - Soulmate
Sirius and Marlene enjoy a quiet morning together.
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hokeytheelf · 3 years
Sirius Knew What War Meant
Blackinnon Week 2021 Day  #7 - Last Meeting
The last time Sirius saw Marlene was a regrettable memory. Not because he hated it, or because they had a fight. They haven’t fought since so long ago. If Sirius tried to remember the last memory of Marlene alive, with her soul still intact, he would drown himself with firewhiskey.
It had been an order meeting and everyone was there. She was supposed to visit her family. He was supposed to write her a letter in about three days. Sirius and Marlene never made a big deal out of parting, that day was no exception. They just said goodbye as if it were any other day that’s what’s so regrettable about it.
Sirius wished he had one last goodbye, one last peck on the lips. Sirius was sure he’ll find closure if he could just have one more taste of Marlene. He would savor it and would respect it. Or better yet, accept it. But the wind seemed eager to blow Marlene’s light when Sirius had his guard down.
When news of Marlene’s death reached his ears, Sirius’s life was blurry for a while. He didn’t know how many firewhiskey and muggle alcohol he bought, he lost count. Even the Order seemed down, like they lost hope.
Sirius didn’t pay attention to the funeral, the guests, nor to the speech. He was looking at the casket, trying to figure out which one was Marlene out of the casket at the front. Sirius knew what he had signed up for, Marlene does too. They had that discussion before. He knew what war meant, and he had long years in his life to accept that. But it didn’t stop him from cursing this bloody war and the Death Eaters and fucking Voldemort. The Order members were looking at him expectantly, but Sirius didn’t notice. He just noticed that James and Lily weren’t there.
After a very long time trying not to bother James in his new house with his new wife, Sirius broke down his restraint and went to his doorstep in a drunken state. He banged on the door only three times before James opened it, like he knew Sirius was going to come.
“I’ve heard, Padfoot.” said James as he hugged him. “I’ve heard. Are you okay?”
“Not really,” said Sirius simply. Trying to process his surroundings. “I love her, still. She’s a great friend.”
Then James hugged him and Sirius realized he was lonely. Sirius was always the rational one, the optimist one. If an order member would die, Sirius was the one who knew what to say, that the ones that love us never truly leave us. But really, when it just happened, it’s harder to say it, let alone feel it.
Sirius was familiar with grief. Yet, that night, he couldn’t think straight and desperately needed company. He knew he just lost something valuable and the built up anger just breaks as his tears filled with wrath and defeat. The fire of Marlene McKinnon was burning up inside him as he counted every memory they had. The fire burned up his insides, too much to bear alone but died down slowly as he let it out at the hands of a friend. Sirius Black knew what war meant.
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seethesuncoming · 3 years
Blackinnon Week 2021 - Day 4
You can also read this story on FFN
Last picture
Two figures materialize at the southern end of Diagon Alley, in front of a trinket shop that neither of them has ever bothered to enter. They do not attract anyone's attention, it is usual for wizards in a hurry who want to avoid going through Muggle London to appear in that place, one of the less crowded in the area.
The shorter figure walks to the large window of the shop. She looks at herself in the glass, the tousled brown fringe and wrinkled nose in disapproving expression. She tries to comb her hair as she turns to her companion.
"Are you serious? Did you drag me from the door of Caradoc's house to come to Diagon Alley?"
The boy, a head taller than her, stands next to her and runs his hand through his hair looking at his reflection in the same glass.
“Of course I am” He smiles cheekily. "It was a routine meeting, Marlene. Reports of the last missions, in which we participated. Nothing we don't already know”
He turns to look at her and winks.
“Besides, there is something more important that I have to do today”
She doesn't remember, but few days ago, she gave him the perfect idea for Harry's birthday present. He had been searching for an ideal gift for three months, until she told him about the launch of a new line of children's brooms.
A toy flying broom fits the profile of what Sirius was looking for: something fun and rebellious that allows him to get on Lily's nerves. That is the reason that has led them to Quality Quidditch Supplies. That day is the launch of the new Shooting Star 3000 toy broom and Sirius is willing to get one before they are sold out, he will spare no expense.
Sirius offers his arm, in a formal gesture he only does when he's in good mood and flirty. He smiles seductive. Marlene rolls her eyes, but accepts the gesture and puts her arm around him. The corners of her lips betray her and curl upward. They start their way to the store. As they get closer, the number of people in the alley multiplies to become a large crowd at the doors of the premises.
"It will take hours for the queue to advance," the girl complains as she receives shoves and tries to find a clerk in the crowd, "that if the brooms don't run out first.
Sirius finds a shortcut.
"Hey boy!"
A boy his own age in a blue robe with red edges approaches obediently.
“Yes sir?”
"How long is the waiting list for the Shooting Star 3000?"
"Well ... they'll probably be sold out before half the people here can be served."
Then Sirius does something that surprises Marlene and the store clerk: he puts one arm around the girl's shoulders and places his other hand on her belly. She fixes her expression immediately, understanding Sirius's plan.
"The child will be born in five months." He reads the name written in the pin of the boy's tunic. "I'm sure you could do an excited couple of future parents a great favor, Marius."
Marius stares at Marlene's flat stomach in disbelief, then moves on to her hair, Stevie Nicks styled, which gives her a bohemian look. She smiles at him sweetly. The boy then notices Sirius's shirt that says "The Who", with an arrow sticking out of the 'o'. They definitely don't fall into the stereotype of responsible future parents. It was probably an oversight by the young couple, but neither seems displeased with the idea.
To finish convincing him, Sirius takes out a generous amount of money and shows it to him. That ends up dispelling his doubts.
Moments later, Sirius Black walks out of the store with an elongated package and a childish smile. Marlene comes out laughing next to him. They have gotten away with it.
"Do you know what else you should do?"
When he turns his head toward her with interest, she continues.
"Instead of giving him the broom wrapped in that bland brown paper, you could wrap it like Muggles do, with what they call wrapping paper."
Sirius takes the advice, leaves the toy broom at The Leaky Cauldron and they head out the front door onto Charing Cross Street. Sirius has visited the Muggle world several times, but to attend concerts or visit music stores and bars. He has rarely been to large shopping malls or gift shops. He definitely has no idea where he can get the paper that Marlene mentioned. He is guided by her to a large building through which people enter and leave all the time.
"I once came with Lily and Mary to find a gift for James." She explains as they walk through the large doors of the mall.
They don't take long to get to the place they are looking for; but they do take a long time to wait for Sirius to choose the layout of the paper. Marlene, tired and bored, goes out window shopping while Sirius finishes making up his mind. As she turns to retrace her steps, she spots a photo booth out of the corner of her eye. A beaming smile spreads across her face as she quickens her pace to return to Black.
"You just stepped on me!"
"If you would just stop moving around so much, I might be able to accommodate myself fine."
Finally, they stop being a jumble of legs and arms, and manage to sit in front of the camera.
"When the count hits zero, they'll take four pictures of us, okay?"
Sirius nods inattentive, he's more interested in understanding how the machine will take four photos of them and deliver them to him as soon as they come out without using magic.
"The muggles’ ingenuity never ceases to amaze me." he says, his brow still furrowed when the first flash blinds him.
Marlene laughs with amusement.
"Relax your expression and smile for the next one. Remember that these photos have no movement."
Then, he shows that smile with which he used to melt hearts at Hogwarts. The flash illuminates them again. She turns to look at him and adjusts a rebellious lock that fell over his left eye. Sirius looks her square in the eye and smiles at her, mischievous and genuine. Both are lost in the gaze of the other and everything else disappears. The cabin lights up with the last flash.
The session is over.
When they go out, Sirius expects the photos to appear in his hands, as they would if it were a magical photo booth. Marlene scoffs at his ignorance once more and sticks her hand in the groove. She hands the boy two strips with four photos each.
He examines them, detailing box by box. He smiles at his own confused expression on the first and Marlene teasing on the next. His face turns serious with the last one, a photo that portrays the complicity and intimacy between them both. A photo that could turn against them if it falls into the wrong hands.
"Take them yourself."
Marlene looks at him confused. He explains, all trace of joy has disappeared from his face.
"There is… I think there is a traitor in the Order. If someone sees me with these photos... no one can know about us.”
She nods and receives them. She caresses his cheek lovingly, understanding how worried he is.
"They'll be under the loose tile on the ceiling of my room, okay?"
He nods. He knows which tile she means; they've kept things there before.
Thirteen years later, a large black dog enters the McKinnons' abandoned house. Inside, safe from prying eyes, he transforms into a slim man with a dirty and unkempt appearance.
Sirius has returned to London as soon as he learned that Harry's scar had hurt again. He takes advantage of his return to recover memories buried under the tile of the last room to the right of the second floor, Marlene McKinnon's room.
He holds his breath as he searches for the tile. Contrary to what he expects, the tile is still there. Still after more than a decade.
Its precious content has also survived time.
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marlmckitten · 4 years
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Marlene and Sirius had been ‘just friends’ for a while. ‘Just friends’ who like to spend a lot of nights together. ‘Just friends’ who sneak into each others beds and ‘just friends’ who even sneak away from the rest of the group to snog while everyone else is sleeping. Sometimes their friends would catch them cuddled up and they would always say they were ‘just friends.’ They were not sure if their friends believed them, but they had no reason not to. No one had ever seen them kissing, they never spoke about it, and occasionally they even went out with others. Because even when it was just the two of them they told one another that they were ‘just friends.’
It was Marlene who would see others mostly. If she got asked out, she would say yes, sometimes going on a few dates with one person before breaking it off and claiming they just were not interesting. How could they be compared to the one and only Sirius Black? Sirius did not date much since things evolved between him and Marlene. He had one date with a girl that he didn’t even finish. But he was busy between his friends, the full moons, living with James and his night time shenanigans with Marlene. It didn’t bother him when Marlene went out with others, they never claimed to be exclusive. But even more importantly, he was pretty sure that she would always come back to him.
However, the last two weeks of summer vacation, he did not hear from her. When he saw her at Platform 9 3/4, he strutted confidently over and reached around her shoulder to say hi. To his shock, she took a step away from him and another boy beside her narrowed his eyes, “What’re you doing mate?” He asked Sirius.
“I was just trying to say hi to my friend. Who are you?”
“You can do that without your hands,” he said, his own arm wrapping around Marlene protectively. “It’s Sanderson.” His hand extended forward to Sirius.
“You’re in Slytherin aren’t you?” He asked recognizing the student. He was in his seventh year while Sirius and Marlene were still in sixth. “I didn’t realize you and McKinnon here...?”
“Ran into her a month ago and seen her every day since, lucky guy, aren’t I?” He grinned and Marlene smiled back to Sanderson before looking guiltily at Sirius.
“Huh, interesting. I didn’t hear anything when I saw you two weeks ago but... I guess we aren’t as good friends as I thought,” Sirius said bitterly to Marlene. He wasn’t sure why he was so angry about it, they were ‘just friends’ after all, but he felt the rage build inside of him.
“Well you know now,” Sanderson answered, before pushing past Sirius and leading Marlene onto the train.
James came up behind Sirius, “She’s dating a Slytherin?”
“Can you believe it?!” Sirius exploded.
“Well, I suppose she’s worked her way through the decent Hufflepuff’s and Ravenclaw’s already,” James joked harmlessly, but Sirius punched his arm.
“She’s our mate, don’t talk about her like that.”
“Alright, so she’s dating a Slytherin? As long as she doesn’t go easy on him in Quidditch I don’t see the harm. Let’s get a compartment before they fill up!”
Sirius followed James onto the train but was still flabbergasted about the whole thing. Marlene and that Sanderson kid. What was she thinking? And why didn’t she say anything two weeks ago when she climbed through his bedroom window and spent the night naked in his arms. He slammed the compartment door shut when they found an empty one and sat down, immediately crossing his arms and letting out an angry huff.
“This still about McKinnon? Did I miss something?” James asked, looking out the window to see if Remus or Peter were anywhere around.
“Yeah, she’s just. Why wouldn’t she have said anything? She disappears for two weeks and comes back on the arm of a Slytherin. What’s she thinking! Whoring herself out to the enemy like that!”
“She can whore herself out to whoever she wants, I don’t see the big deal.”
“Don’t call her that!” Sirius snapped, leaving James very confused of what he could or could not say. “I just don’t get it. Why didn’t she tell us, we’re her friends aren’t we?”
“Wait- two weeks?” James asked, catching on to what Sirius said earlier. You’re loosing it mate, summer break was two months, not two weeks.”
“Yeah, but when she came over two weeks ago she could have said something,” Sirius said frustrated that James wasn’t keeping up.
“She never came over,” James said quietly, very lost in what was going on, “Oh there they are!” He stood up and opened up the door calling Remus and Peter over. They joined their friends inside and the three of them instantly started catching up.
Sirius didn’t even notice the conversation though, suddenly he piped up again, unaware that he was even interrupting them, “Since when can I note give a friend a hug in greeting?!”
“Oh, sorry,” Peter said shamefully and went to hug Sirius.
“Get off me!” Sirius shoved him aside, “Not you, moron.”
“Pads, what has gotten into you?!” James asked a little more firmly, then looked to Peter and Remus, “Sorry guys, he’s all worked up about McKinnon dating a Slytherin.”
Remus chuckled, “Of course he is.”
“I hate Slytherin too, but I don’t see the issue, she’s always dated around a lot.” James said.
“Stop insulting her, it’s her body she can do what she wants,” Sirius hissed.
Dropping his head into his hands, James shook it, “What the hell, I didn’t even insult her.”
“You were implying that she’s a slut again.” Sirius bit back.
“After you said she’s whoring yourself around,” James tried to defend himself.
Sirius wasn’t having it, “My point it, she can do what she want I just don’t get what’s so special about that Sanderson kid that she couldn’t have at least told me that they were dating. Or us. Any of us. We are all friends.
“Just friends right?” Remus said with a small smirk.
Peter laughed too, “This is what you were telling me about Moony. He does have a crush!”
“I do not!” Sirius snapped loudly, standing up and glaring at all three of his friends. “Why do none of you care that this guy is controlling her. It’s not right, it’s not feminist, we should all care more.”
“You a feminist now, Padfoot?” James asked and nearly joined in on the laugh, but then caught Sirius’ eye. “Seriously, what’s going on?”
“I just don’t get it,” Sirius repeated. “They’ve been dating for a month? Then what the hell was she doing in my bed two weeks ago acting as if everything was the same. Sure we were just friends but she could have said something. Is she sleeping with him?!” Remus, James and Peter starred. "What the hell are you all looking at me like that for?!”
“She was in your bed?” James asked.
Sirius realized what he had said, “I- no. We’re just friends.” Just then she saw Marlene’s figure outside their compartment and his shoulders dropped, he slid the door open much more aggressively than he meant to. “What do you want McKinnon?”
“Can we talk?” Marlene asked him.
Exhaling loudly, Sirius looked at his friends, then at Marlene, then down the train, “Where’s your boyfriend?”
“Please?” Marlene said again, “Can we talk, alone.”
“Is this about the fact that you’re sleeping together?” James interjected.
Sirius glared and Marlene looked shocked. “You told them?”
"I didn’t mean to. Plus we’re just friends anyway.”
“I wanted to tell Mary last year when this all started and I kept my mouth shut because you wanted to be ‘just friends’ and then you go ahead blabbing as soon as I get an actual boyfriend?”
“Last year?!” James repeated shocked.
Sirius ignored James, “He’s a Slytherin.”
“So?” Marlene questioned.
“So... You shouldn’t date him.”
“Why?!” Marlene was shouting now.
Sirius chewed the inside of his cheek. He didn’t know why. They were friends, she could date whoever she wanted so why was this bothering him so much. There was only one real reason. It was because he didn’t want to be ‘just friends’ anymore. He wanted her to himself. He missed her every day of those two weeks that she didn’t come by to see him. He was so excited when he saw her, he couldn’t keep his hands off of her. He wanted her in his arms right now, he wanted to kiss her in front of all his friends, and her friends. He was tired of the pretence of being ‘just friends’ when that’s not what they were. Sirius Black was falling in love with Marlene McKinnon and he wanted the world to know it. All these thoughts raced through his mind in a matter of seconds, and he acted on impulse more than anything else. His arms wrapped tightly around her and he drew her close to him, his lips collided with hers. It was comfortable and familiar but something all new at the same time. There had never been so much passion and feeling between their kisses. But he wanted her to know exactly how he felt without having to explain it. His hands stayed around her waist, keeping her body right up against his, his tongue parted her lips and slipped into her mouth, exploring meaningfully, conveying his deepest thoughts while their kiss heated up and he ended up pushing her against the compartment behind them. James watched in shock while Remus looked away and Peter looked everywhere at once. Marlene relaxed into his arms and her fingers played with the back of his hair. Their kiss felt as if it was never going to end. Finally Lily Evans walked by and cleared her throat loudly. They were forced to pull apart.
“Can I get through here?” She asked them both, brows raised high. Marlene flushed pink and Sirius wore a triumphant smile. “This certainly explains where Marlene goes every night.” She then looked at James, “Don’t get any ideas, if you kiss me without permission, I’ll castrate you.”
“I love it when you talk dirty,” James joked, but he crossed his legs as he said so. “Can I kiss you with permission?”
“Only if you take me out first.” Lily answered before looking to Remus, “I was looking for you, we’re suppose to be in some sort of meeting, come on.”
James starred after Lily in disbelief as Remus stood up to follow her to the prefects compartment, “Wait, Lily wait. Evans!” She turned and he asked, “Can I- Can I take you out then?”
“I’m busy right now, maybe over the weekend,” she shouted back to him and James cheered loudly, since that was the closest to a yes he had ever gotten. He turned to make sure Sirius heard but when he wasn’t there he looked at Peter.
“Marlene and Sirius went that way,” he pointed down the train and sure enough James heard giggling from both of them as they looked for an empty compartment.
Shaking his head, James took his seat once again. Sirius and Marlene were an item now. And he was going to get Lily to go out with him this weekend, she had practically promised. “This is going to be a lonely year for you, Wormtail.”
I didn’t feel like editing and also am in such a Jily mood low-key.
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marleymckitten · 4 years
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Adhara Mckinnon-Black Aesthetic
“I might be a Black, but deep down I am still my mother’s daughter” - Adhara
Aliases: Addie, Mini McKinnon
Hogwarts house: Gryffindor
Faceclaim: Josephine Langford
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constancezin · 1 year
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For the @blackinnonfest
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startanewdream · 3 years
the visit
Written for @blackinnonweek though I totally forgot to post it in time.
Here's a little angst Marlene Lives AU, just in case:
The sound of the children’s laughter greets her as soon as she disapparates in an empty alley two blocks from her house.
Marlene turns automatically, standing in the shadows a few seconds longer than she should, just watching the children in the nearby playground. They are playing, enjoying the end of the afternoon; today their attention is directed to three or four dogs that are playing chase with them.
As she looks, the biggest dog there, a black thin mutt dog turns to look at her, crooking its head to the side as if it can see there in the shadow of the alley, despite the fact that it’s protected by magic.
Dogs can sense magic, an old voice whispers into her head, and she remembers being eighteen and hopeful and in love, laying on the grass on a Muggle park—he always favoured Muggle places—, watching people walking with their dogs. He was smirking, guarding a secret he had never shared. Dogs are special.
She shakes her head, turning around and leaving the alley towards the backstreet. It’s a short walk to her house, less than two minutes, but still Marlene counts at least two sets of eyes over her. She is tempted to joke that she wouldn’t have survived the war if she couldn’t tell when she is being followed, but she stays quiet. They are just doing their job, pointless as it is.
It’s not like he will come to her, not when… not when he has ignored her for twelve years.
She wonders vaguely if this surveillance is why Remus accepted the job at Hogwarts. If he is tired of being followed as well.
But Marlene can’t know because they haven’t talked for years.
She hasn’t talked with most of the Order for years.
The darkness of the house greets her. She turns on the lights, moves to the kitchen to prepare her welcome-home tea, and sorts through the correspondence that arrived while she was out. Nothing important, and a part of her wonders if her mail is being watched as well; she doubts that prisoners on the run would send an owl, but still the idea of aurors searching through her Witch Weekly magazine is kind of fun...
The water has boiled. She pours the water over the leaves, looking outside; there is the sound of barks coming from the street, but she can’t see the dogs there. Maybe they are chasing after the hidden aurors…
A sound of footsteps alert her. It’s very soft, enough that someone else might not have listened but, again, Marlene survived a war. She realizes belatedly that she left her wand in the table behind her, so she does the next best thing. She grabs a knife from the sink, turning and throwing it in the direction of the kitchen door before she can even blink.
The knife vanishes in the living room, hitting nothing.
When she turns back, Sirius Black is sitting by the table.
And he looks… terrible, just like the photos in the Daily Prophet that she tried to avoid despite the fact they were everywhere. There is nothing of the man she once loved in the ghost that currently haunts her kitchen, except—
His grey eyes—pale and with dark circles under, gaunt and so scared—shine as he looks at her. A longing that shouldn’t be familiar and yet it is, as true as it was years ago, flourishes on her chest and she wants to hold on to him, to make this right somehow, to wake up from that strange dream…
But she is awake. And Sirius is dangerous, that’s the only truth she has ever received.
Marlene eyes her wand on the table. It’s closer to him, but he looks so thin that maybe she is faster? But then again, he was sharp enough to break out…
“Tea?” he asks, voice raspy and unused. “You always hated it.”
Marlene blinks. “Things change.”
“Oh, I know,” he whispers, his eyes moving over her face, taking in every detail. “I see.”
What does he see, Marlene wonders. Sometimes she looks in the mirror and she doesn’t think she aged a day. Other times she asks who is the woman staring back at her.
“You look beautiful,” Sirius adds and somehow this makes her laugh. It’s probably the insane kind of laugh that she learned from him ages ago, but Sirius only looks confused. “What’s wrong?”
“The most wanted criminal in the country just broke into my house to compliment me,” she says, drying the tears from her eyes. The mirth is gone. “You shouldn’t be here.”
He pauses. “Why?”
“There are two or three aurors watching me every step. They will probably be here anytime—”
“They don’t know I’m here,” he answers confidently. “And they won’t.”
“I could tell them,” Marlene says, narrowing her eyes.
“You could have warned them minutes ago.”
She could and they both know it. “I should,” she whispers, and suddenly she is twenty-one again, confused and lost after her family is gone and life as she knew broken, her best friend killed and Sirius…
“I missed you,” he says, standing up now, his fingers trembling even as he doesn’t move closer.
Fury and bitterness flood her. “No, you didn’t.”
“I went to visit you. Twice, because I wasn’t stupid enough in the first time. And you refused to see me. You refused me.”
“I… What was there for you to see? I couldn’t have another good memory for them to suck—”
“It wasn’t about you,” she hisses, hating herself for keeping her voice down so it doesn’t attract any attention. “I just wanted answers!”
“I am innocent,” he says, sounding only broken. “I would have sworn it and… you wouldn’t believe it.”
“Then why—”
“I’d never betray James. You know that.”
It’s all Marlene has ever thought in the past twelve years. “All I know is that James is dead and so is Lily and Peter and—”
“No, it’s not like this, Peter…” He closes his fist, enraged and suddenly menacing. “He is alive and I’ll find him.”
“So you can kill him for real this time?”
“Yes,” he admits, not ashamed, and Marlene remembers it took a lot for Sirius to feel bashful about anything. “We changed the secret keeper. He betrayed them, Lene, not me.”
Lene. No one has called that like that in twelve years.
“Azkaban did make you crazy,” she whispers, shaking her head. “Crazier, actually. Pretending you—”
“Look at me and say you never questioned it. Say that you believe I really did all those things.”
Marlene remembers waking up the first day of November and looking at the newspaper and not understanding anything. She remembers facing the dreadful journey to Azkaban only to be turned away.
The prisoner didn’t authorize any visit.
Did you tell him who it was? (Did you tell him it was Lene?)
Yes. He doesn’t want to see you.
“You’d have told me,” she says. One of those mornings or nights, when we laid in bed, catching our breaths, body still sore after we made love, you’d have told me. I held no secrets for you.
He looks sorrowful. “There is so much I never told you,” he admits, a note of guilt in his voice. “I am sorry, Lene.”
She closes her eyes, pinching the bridge of her nose, and she hears soft footsteps. Her heart pumps in her chest but the touch she waits never comes; when she opens her eyes, the backdoor is open and there is no one with her.
She runs to her backyard, but other than a few dogs running in the street, Marlene doesn’t see anyone else.
Her wand waits for her on the table; he could have picked it, he could have done something, but all Sirius did was… look for her. I missed you.
She breathes slowly, remembering their meeting even as she tries to forget it, lock it away somewhere no one can take it from her. Then she grabs her coat and leaves the house, running quickly.
It’s no surprise that one of the aurors catches up with her; it’s the young woman with pink hair that came before to question her, and she looks almost apologetic to interrupt Marlene.
“Wotcher,” she says, winking. “Where are you going?”
“Back to the Ministry,” Marlene says, not stopping to answer; she is close to the alley now and those dogs seemed to be following them as well. “I want to check some old archives.”
“Oh.” The woman presses her lips for a moment. “You know I’ll need to report this later. Which files?”
“The one about Peter Pettigrew’s death,” Marlene replies, turning in the spot. The last thing she hears before she vanishes is a dog howling though there is no moon.
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hey-there-juliet · 4 years
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Sirius Black and Marlene McKinnon for Blackinnon Week (insp.)
I wanna waste all my love on you (by Dove Cameron)
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ginnyweasleywannabe · 3 years
Blackinnon Week: Tuesday "Soulmates
Tuesday: “Soulmate” The moment they knew , they realize that the other is their soulmate; when they get together.
Word Count: 2159. Can also be found on AO3 @inthemiddle2
Sirius thought he would feel something different today but ultimately he still felt hollow. He looked around the platform, today was supposed to be thing big thing and he thought it would be exciting or maybe sad but nothing. His parents didn’t have anything good to say about Hogwarts but they never had anything good to say about anything. He was looking forward to going to Hogwarts just to get away from his parents. When they first crossed the magically boarder he realized that his leaving wasn’t going to rid him of his problems but just bring on new ones.
The eleven year old boy was currently trying to drown out his mothers complaints. She was speaking to his Aunt Druella. He knew he was going to be in Slytherin, his whole family had been. He wasn’t looking forward to it. Truthfully he hoped he would magically get sorted elsewhere. That would just bring more trouble as his family would practically disown his for breaking family traditions and beliefs. He wasn’t sure what would be worse, getting into Slytherin or not.
Regulus was trying to hold back tears. Sirius hated when he cried, he was such a baby sometimes. He would cry and Sirius would have to stand there and watch his parents beat the little boy. He turned away from Reg not wanting to see the sadness in his eyes that he was leaving him and it would just be him and his parents from now on.
The platform was a buzz with kids full of excitement and parents feeling a mix of happy and sad to see their child off.
“I just don’t understand why we can’t sit together?” Sirius turned to the voice to see a bi-speckled boy groaning. He flopped his arms down dramatically.
Across from the boy was a blonde, almost silver haired girl. She was standing tall, not even looking at the boy as she rolled her eyes and said “Because Jamie, I’m eleven now and I need to start making friends with girls.” She continued to look around the platform in awe.
“But why girls are girly and weird. I hate girls.” He was mumbling now.
“James I am a girl!” The little blonde stomped her foot and rounded on the boy. She stuck he head high but she only came up to his chin.
“Please Marlene, you’re as much of girl as mom!”
“Hey!” The women who Sirius assumed was James’ mom shouted and gave his hair a rumple.
He looked sheepishly as his mother, “Sorry mom!” He turned back to ‘Marlene’, “You know what I meant. You’re a cool girl and you play quidditch, and you’re my best friend which is why we should sit together on the train.”
The girl had been glaring at the boy but her face softened, “Jamie, cool girls can be girly too! My cousin Alice invited me to sit with her and I want to try and make other friends besides you and my brothers. You’re my best friend and you’ll be my best friend no matter what houses were in.”
The two hugged, before James eventually shoved her away saying it wasn’t cool to be the guy crying and hugging the girl on the platform.
Sirius watched the two in envy. He wondered what it would be like to have somebody who loved you know matter what house you were in. He could tell the pair had to be purebloods as they neither looked shocked about the magic around them. That was plus, maybe he could be friends with them. The girl was a spit fire. She seemed like the type who took up the whole of any room. The boy looked nice enough, like he wasn’t so uptight like everyone he had to hang out with now.
Sirius boarded the train with his cousins but they were soon to ditch him, not that he minded. As he peered into the cars he saw boys he recognized from all the pureblood parties his parents made him go to. He wasn’t really sure how he felt about all that pureblood stuff. He had never met a muggle born so he couldn’t tell if they were any worse at magic than him. He did know he hated it just on principle of hating anything his parents loved. If he was honest with himself he figure muggle-borns and half-bloods were bad at magic, it made sense in his eleven year old brain. He saw the kids on the platform who looked confused. But that didn’t mean they couldn’t be taught? Oh well it wouldn’t matter anyway. He would be in Slytherin and life would go on as it always had under his cousins careful watch.
He decided to move on from the cabin of boys from the parties, take moment away while he had it. He looked into the next few cabins and saw the boy and girl from the platform. He cracked open the door.
“Do you mind if I join you?
The pair looked up from their bickering, they were seated on opposite benches.
The boy spoke first, he had a bright smile on his face. Sirius knew he wasn’t new to the magical world from the platform but eagerness he had could have fooled some. “Of course! Hiya I’m James Potter!
Sirius recognized the name Potter, he was sure his parents had complained about them at some point. “I’m Sirius” He figured no harm in leaving off his last name for now. He turned to face the girl across from him.
“I’m Marlene. Marlene McKinnon” She had a thick Scottish accent and she pointedly raised her eyebrow at the last name. It seems she had picked up on his purposeful leave off.
She was giving him a smile but also pointed look. He squirmed under her eyes, how was she doing that?
Sirius cleared his throat, “Uh right. Um did you know Marlene means ‘star of the sea’?” He awkwardly coughed again, “So um, I’m named after the star Sirius. The dog star.”
She was just looking at him, “….Right.” Sirius was sure he had just blown it, he was never going to make new friends. But then the little blonde girl smiled at him, “remind me to be your partner in astronomy.”
James looked between the two, it was like they had their own private joke. Marlene was already making new friends, and a boy?!?
“Well Marley shouldn’t you be on your way? I’m sure Alice is looking for you…”
Marlene just rolled her eyes and went to stand up but the door slid open.
A redheaded girl smiled at the group and a boy with long black hair stood behind her.
The girl spoke first, “Hi! I’m Lily! This is my friend, Severus! Can we sit with you?”
Lily didn’t wait for a response before sitting down. “I’m a muggle-born! This all very exciting don’t you think!”
“You shouldn’t tell people that.” Sirius said it in a neutral tone but Marlene and James looked at him.
“Oh.” Lily looked a little hurt by what he had said, “Um Well Sev, isn’t so he’s told me a lot about the school and magic.”
Marlene was quick to jump in and try and mediate the situation, That’s great! It can be overwhelming at first! I’m Marlene! I have four older brothers but they explained a lot to me as well before.”
James also joined the conversation, “So do you know what houses you lot want to be in? Both my parents, and Marley’s whole family are Gryffindor’s! I reckon I’ll make it but I’m not so sure about Mars. She’s slimy like the Slytherins.”
Sirius’ body tensed with the Slytherin jab. He was going to end up there, if he didn’t at first his parents would make sure of it.
“What’s wrong with Slytherin?” It was the first time the long haired boy had spoken. He was aggressive and defensive.
James responded, “Well they’re all gits! All stuck up with their pureblood mania. Slimy I tell ya!” His tone was light and joking but Severus didn’t seem to take it that way.
“My mom was a Slytherin!”
Sirius wanting so desperately to be like by James, “Yeah well that explains it! You’ll fit right in with that slimy greasy hair!” Both the boys were laughing, “I think will call you ‘Snivellus Slytherus’”
James burst out at that, Lily stood red to the face. “Come on, Severus. Let leave these, these bullies!” She stormed out of the cart with Severus in toe.
James hollered after them, “See you Snivellus!”
The door slid closed with a slam. Marlene looked from the door to the two laughing boys. She stood as she began to yell.
“James Fleamont Potter! You should know better than to treat somebody like that! And you know that being a Slytherin is just fine! Marc’s girlfriend Kate was a Slytherin!”
Sirius’ eyes were wide, he had very quietly and still. James gave a sheepish grimace, “Yeah well Kate’s the exception.”
Sirius was holding in laugh at the boy getting put in his place by the short little blonde. The small noise that escaped his mouth reminded Marlene that he was there. She rounded on his, “And you! I know who you are. I have older brother who have gone toe to toe with your cousins. You better stay away from us with all that pureblood bull!”
Sirius shrunk into the bench, “I, I, I just meant she should be careful who she says that to. You’re right my cousins are barmy. It’s not safe to say that to just anyone.”
Marlene relaxed a little bit at his justification, still unsure if she fully believed him. “You both should be kinder people. I expect more from you from now on. I’m going to find Alice.”
Marlene turned on her heal and exited the compartment. The boys both sat there in silence.
“…Your middle name is Fleamont?” Sirius was laughing
“Oh shut it” James gave him shove but was also laughing.
John Bertram had just been sorted into Hufflepuff. Sirius knew his name was coming. He was standing with James and other boys he had met on the train.
“Sirius Black”
Okay this was it. He walked to the stool. Sitting down he wiped his sweating hand on his trousers. It felt like the moment was slow motion. He looked out to the crowd. He saw James and the other boys giving thumbs up. He saw his cousins sitting at the Syltherin table glaring daggers into his eyes. He was quick to turn away from them. His eyes land on Marlene’s. She was smiling up at him. He felt his heart rate start to calm. Then she winked at him and suddenly it sped back up.
The hat had barely touched his head before it shouted, “GRYFFINDOR”
He sat in shock for minute, the women behind him gave him a nudge. He was a zombie as he moved to the Gryffindor table. He sat down off by himself. He knew this wouldn’t last. Why bother making friends. Not that anyone tried to sit with him anyway. Remus from the train sat across from him with a shrug. He was just staring down at the table until he heard the name Marlene McKinnon called. He looked up at the girl. She was smiling but Sirius could see behind her confident smile there was also a slight nervousness to it.
The hat sat on her head for a few minutes. Eventually it shouted Gryffindor as well. Marlene beamed. All around the table boys of different ages stood and cheered. Sirius assumed they were her brothers. Sirius felt himself smile. Marlene made her way down to the table. She stopped next Lily. Sirius had expected her to sit with the red head but she never sat down. After a moment she kept walk and eventually landed right next to Sirius.
“Welcome to the lions den.” Sirius gave her a half smirk, half grimaced.
Marlene reached down and grabbed his hand under the table, “Back at ya, Black.”
Marlene didn’t realize was she was still holding his hand until he dropped it like fire when James sat down.
“So Marley admit it, the hat sat on your head for so long because it wanted to put you in Slytherin”
“God James you’re so obnoxious” She was smiling when she said it though. “I’ll have you know it was between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor.” She stood, “Alright I’m gonna leave you boys to do boy things.” She gave Sirius a squeeze on the shoulder smiled and then walked away.
Sirius didn’t know it then but now as he thinks back on sitting in Azkaban, that little blonde girl was going to change his life. He didn’t know it then but he knows now he loved her then. That first day with his person. She was a force. She was his soulmate.
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matrixaffiliate · 3 years
Saudade - Freedom
New Story! FFN and AO3
It's Blackinnon Week! I'm so excited! I've got a drabble to post every day for March 8th through the 13th and then I have a big story that I'll be posting outside of Saudade on the 13th as well! (It's 19K words!) Enjoy!
"Merlin, Sirius, I didn't think you were the type to lose your sanity for a girl." James walked into Sirius' room at the Potters. His trunk now in his room till seventh year.
"Strange, I didn't either, oh right, because I'm not." Sirius didn't look at James, instead, he looked out the window to the shed his motorbike was parked in. "I'm going for a ride."
"To her?" James sat on Sirius' bed.
"No." Sirius shot him a glare. "You ride a broom; I ride a bike. Difference is I can't bring my much cooler ride to Hogwarts and yours is what makes all the girls wish they were Lily."
"Tell her hi," James called as Sirius stalked out of his room. Stupid James and his stupid assumptions.
Sirius rolled the bike out of the shed and turned the key, the sound of the engine revving moved through his entire body and it felt like the first breath he'd taken since he said he'd see her after summer hols.
He let the smell permeate him for a moment, flood his senses, and then he mounted his bike, cast an invisibility charm, and sped off into the air.
Sirius headed North, but he told himself it wasn't for her. He just fancied going North was all. Besides, he was too flooded with the air rushing him and the sound of the engine and finally feeling free to think on it.
The fact that he found himself at the McKinnon's home when he brought his bike back to the ground meant nothing.
He revved the engine, a game to see if she'd come out, because there was no way in hell he'd go up and knock on the door.
She appeared in the window, a smirk across her damned perfect lips and ice eyes sparkling like the light reflecting off of his bike, blinding.
"I get to see the bike?" Her black leather jacket already zipped up; boots laced up to her calves.
"Get on," he smirked, the desire to free himself from whatever hold she had over him gone; it's always gone once she's there, with him.
Her hands slipped around his waist and Sirius felt grounded as her body came to rest against his.
"Don't let go."
She scoffed at him, but her grip tightened; that's all he wanted.
Freedom. He'd been looking for it for more than a decade and he wasn't yet seventeen. But Sirius thought he might have finally found it as he took the bike up high enough to make his lungs burn and Marlene tighten her grip around his middle.
Who would have thought that freedom was found when someone held on to you for dear life, like they couldn't live without you?
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sisforsammi · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sirius Black/Marlene McKinnon Characters: Sirius Black, Marlene McKinnon Additional Tags: Marauders Era (Harry Potter), Blackinnon Week 2021 Summary:
Blackinnon Week 2021 - Day One: ‘Rumour has it, I make you nervous’
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